Kingston News (1868), 29 Sep 1873, p. 2

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__,__.. vvnv ucuunug H011 lasts a. week from" Englal 3 year of jubilee has come. _ -Vice Chancellor J rlin.-. on |~=~ "` ' .m, 2,608 bush wheat ; prop Sover- nukye, 4,900 bush wheat ; Prussia , 4,005 bush wheat. ; Scotia, do,` wlxuut ; schr British Queen, St. 8.000 lulu]: w}.ib.. -..I--L " um m:u.L-er states x \Vood \Vorks and pfnrw ...,. ..L.,.,L - -_.--v.. un a in session on Thursula L]. Over 200 Clerical uul; umcesc (-1 y. Bish up nal I on- uuuv. I H :- barges, and [rush wheat ; L ruit, 21,000 hu 1,,` ..,... AVIIII snug anal`, Dolllla, 114 :c:unl>.'1rge Saxon, Solus, coal. , Edsull coaled. Sc ( Stew.-u-r.'s wharf--Schr Admi- `_ ,G0-3 (nn .1 (him I... -| ` * ` __ D--`..., uuulef ml. Kingston, ingstun, stave: ; \V. U. Graht nburg ; stexnn-barge Kincanline `onto, coal; barge David An rs \Vhitc Oak, do, tonc; D coal ; Norway, Toledo, King rrops Alma. Munroe, Clnicngo cargo; Buckeye, Cleveland ll C.`|l'-2'0 coal ; Feuton, . "t. & Uu.'u whzu-f-']`he st.czum.-rs iavariau and prop St. Lawrence` , Spa:-tall and Bristol up. `Steam .1, from the Rideau Canal, with schr Morning Star, Sodus, H4 .-:unl>.'1rue Smmn Ron... .,..I ~ ever ; because, the very address from which ` he inte_x_:dod to pursue in proroguing Par- ` _--__...-..... -uv uuur IIDCIISODI. The fur_ce of the W lu'g's argument seems to lie in the fact that Lord Duerin speaks in the first person, the word my" being in italics. Now this proves nothing what- the rgoing extnct is taken is s justica~ tion y the Governor-General of the course Iiammt by the advice of his ministers. H ' `IE indanend-mil. --A ---- -3 ` ` run I. been c ;|, .. , emu unnlull Que bush white wheat ; ml 1'71". L-- -' ` ,..-_. v.. Anuunmy. Dmhup ()ve1f2O0 Clerical and Lay xcut. Among the latter was or Bishop of Pittsburgh was Lrge Bishop Putter suggest: tu dn honour to the memo- ; of \\'iuclu.-stcr, of \Vl1usu ulitl career he spoke at great , ,-, .. nu no the summer, rcturt 1 excellent health. s in the basement of gat 7 o elock. The il- ibimd rm M~-~-4 - ' new ste:un-barge \Ve] in in H... L- I. ,. ,,. . . uauun. 1118 ll." xited by Marcy : aci- friends of Sabbath ngton Stret Church and evening. Mr linister at Bath, Eng- Ln cloq'uent preacher. examination of the in Hm k.........-.AA - cellar Blake, who is ,,-_, .....u no (W0 7 on the Cricket L may be expected, enly matched. ` - _._. .-,.-,.._., `.._`__.__._._ The H /ig; of Satlnrdny last endorses the etaletuont of the Hnmiltnn Times. that no ` credit in due to Sir John and his colleague: !ur the mulling of l :u-linment together at an. early 3 late as the 23?-(1 roctobcr, because it A is the work uf'Lor-.1 Dntferin alone." The ' Whig`: arglnueut in justicntionlof its posi~ ,7 (inn is contained in the followfffiwf ' fnnn the Governor-General`: reply to the depuution which`wa`ited upon him for the jnlrpolei-of inducing him not to"p1-oruguo Parliungnt guhat time ; ` .j;-_.i base ball a two best nn.l..-_ - - , `........, -av. vhite wineat; Morn- tuus phosphate for . ....i_, uumuuuu: 1Il`l'lV- ml left with McCar- Lorne, l5,000lvush hush \vhea.t ; l'urt- I uj stated that the I and 41.- D-J | --Sell!` J. S. Ricllulil lmuh wheat. The ml ...:n. In 4-nn u . of the Diocese uf I`|......-.l--- "' ` -The celebrated .u....\ .. `nun . -..v J ulllllf next at two tlmn rw_.--1, . -- was ll` . Chas. Chap- -_h .\/Inns--.-I unznenrto announce to the memb`ers of both Houses my intention of their assem~ *' hling innnodintely the Commission in ques- tion shall have concluded their labors. Ample opportunities willbegiven to the members of the more distant Provinces to make their preparation: in view of on autumnal session, and within two months or ten weeks from this date, 3 full Parlia- ment of Canada will take supreme and full cognizance of the case now pending between my Ministers And their aocusers." Ting fun... I\` AL- II): - ..,.u.-un ull manur- learu she will ,__-, `II gonna. lid. and Hard Cunningham Wm. H .... .:_ ,- uulllo cue the Rubber match junior at L_ ....... u. 1. us | 10,600 [mall I e \Vclsh-I on Satur- AA-...'..-:.._ nz Tuesday Evening, September 1 Evan. 4...- L - St. George's V .0! tronlvlu, if `ha hail made himself an con~ Jidlolltill _with lIcMIlllcn . Iorthien have lone. clutodlsn of their cunhdence. Nothing 5 would have been easier than 1' _ or the Premier I to have fallen in with Sir Hugh Allan's ideas I and have accepted the (Hob--'3 aid in thu- matter, and have tloatod us 06 on the atreuu of bonds um} greenback: now so painfully ' Agitatodmt no grunt diatanw all. It would have saved Sir1Jolm considerable amount as the Oppuuiticvlil If Gen. Cass. aided I _by Jny Cuokg & 00., had been Glllbd in to I the _aid of Canada. as tlmv hm! m-.-..........: I __ 9. uuu.|.\D `0Ill New will give one of their CONCERTS in HE `celebrated s;NGER.s : PLANTKTION J rom N U1I_LEE JJUBII, NCE Sunday, 21st inst., a. SMALL RED L_ AND VVHITE COW, with a. cut in I rxght ear. Apply at the DAILY NEWS oice. 29th Sept, 1873. v vnuun. September 29. REMINDERS. City Council meeting to-night. Sunday School anniversary in Sydenbam Street \VesIeya.n Methodist Church this evening at 7. , Jlnkil;-A --'---- ` "" A .......u-.5 an 1., J ubileo singers at St. Ge. row evening at 8. D:H-.I......1_ -_.u . this. Hi: faithful services to the chm-ch truly merit it. PRESENTATION. -- After the launch of the N orth Star at Mill Point, last week Mr `Vin. Jamieson, the builder, was presented by his employers and workmen with a silver watch worth $50, and also 9. complimentary address ti) which a suitable reply was made. j .... .u-. v . nogers and Mrs. Rogers returned from their European trip on Saturday in excel- lent health and spirits. * _- ,...........e uu uanu, and, to no live in time, that they may be tted to live in eternity. The singing of-tho children was very good The annual meeting of the Sunday Schools will be held this evening in Sydenlmm Street Church, wlienadtlresses will be delivered by several gentlemen, and hymns sung by a number of children selected for the purpose. - AN N IVERSARY SERMONS. --Yesterda.y ser- mons were preached in the Wesleyan Metho- dist Churches on the occasion of the Sumlay School anniversaries, by the llcvs. G. R. San- derson and R. Eason. Earnest and practical . sermons on Sunday School work were preached by both gentlemen to large congregations. In the afteriiooii there was a mass ineeting of the children in Sydcnham Street Church, which was attended by the children belonging to the various schools. After devotional ser- vices, Mr Sanderson gave a. very interesting hermon on the word "Hate," dividing it into four heads--lIeaven and Hell, Angela, Time, and Eternity. To each of these heads he gave a practical -application, and urged his young hearers to try to get to heaven and shun hell, to be as like the angels of heaven as possible on earth, and to live fitted etemitv. uw GVULILH `OW. g at 6. Pittsburgh cattle shovfand free fair t Prentice Boy"s Aaaenyly to -EIOITOVV I nu uxummu, on the 25th ins` Lev. G. R. Sanderson, of King av. \V. W. Carson, of Hamilton, L, daughter of J_. 0. Woods, Esq. ._.__...._-_._.-> `THE AssEMBLY.--The Boys bly comes off to-marrow night. This gather`; ing is always a successful affair, and we an glad to learn that this will be in all respectaigr equal to former ones. First in the field we have no doubt it will be the first in quality. - -. -......uu nruuory, was presented with n hauxdsome sword by the members of the Bat- tery. The presentation was made by Sergt. Abrams by reading a complimentary address, to which Captain Hooper made a suitable reply. The N-npanee Battery enjoys the dis- .til-lctiou of being one of the best in the Domin- iou, owing its eieiency to a. considerable ex- tent to Captain l{ooper s exertions. y Captain Hooopor, of the] of Garrison Artillery, p hauxdaoum nivnnl I... 4|... ...-* _._.. ......u n .nn.w nuuNukv.-15u1lding operations are being pushed on with great vigour by Mr Oven-em], the contractor, who has sixteen men employed at the work. One building will be ready for occiipation this fall. In use mm, were not :1.-blo to pcnot`rat.e the guile which laylm-king close at hand, mulwc-ru ready tulet iuthc unemy unconditionally. It is nnwseoti how much better it.` has been thanho construction of tho natimiql road uhuuld have been delayed for a few months than that we should have sh.-Lrml in the cut.-sstropho that has uvcrtakon the Nn|'~ ' ` ' And it gz.-Ln be also seen that the true interests of the country are in capable hanclg, which is the real alfnir of Government, after all.-Mail. __._..........._, wuuuuuu no no tne largest and most imposing structure consecrated to Ma- sonry in the world. Mr Daniel Hickey, or more properly speak- ing Doctor llicky, has `been in town for the last few days. His numerous friends were pleased to see him again. RIFLE M1n:'r1No;-'-'.l`he cavalrjbeat the 16th Battalion: of Infantry at a. rie contest` in Pictuu on Satux-day. GRAND TI{UNK.-ll|tcl'eSt has been paid in full oh the lag and End pre-fercuce stocks in cash. (July paper (U\'i(lc)|(1s have been paid on these stocks for :1. number of years. The list preference gets 5 per cent, and the 2nd preference 35 percent. The latter are en- titled tu the b:\la.nce l 145 per cent per ml- num fur the half year to make up 5 per cent, provided the prots of the year are equal to paying it.-Mum'tu'y 1'imes. CITY HAL1..-,lt is with pleasure we an- nounce the r_eturu of the little sunbeam Agnes \Vn.llnee,`37suxppurtecl by the prince of comedians, Sam B. Villa, am! .1 company of first-class artistes. The lmud comprises ten tint-class musicians, anal their full (_lrex4a uniform creates .1 furom wherever they appear. We need only say it is the largest and best: company travelling. \Ve would advise these wlu} wish to avoid a crowd at night to secure their tickets in xulvauco at the bookstores. K\\ \ I MEET] No."-'.l`he c ,,,_.-.., .....u u_yunua sung by her Sf selected r R. V: Rogers and-Mrs. returne European trin m. .a.o.--.l--- -'7 ' _____._.__ Vocal Music. ,.,..- --.........,, was presented wltll no [`he 11 beina nnn nf {Inn l\....A. :.. `L , n - _uy any Uook-_`_.\' (.70.. had calld the aidof Canada, they had arranged. I the hmb would lmvo been at the mercy uf the wolf ill-lctl. The indifferent shep- hsnll who claim to be tho only (log camful of the fold, xblo penetrate laylnrliimvclnso at. In.-u..I .....I -----m -ARRIED. .....L V A the inst, by :rs_m_.V Kingston. G eorge a -.4.. 7 the residence of the n Rev. J. D, Hall M- v urleana, Louisiana, highly interesting . , ._. --gnu, rlren ; will I... .I..|:..-.,, ` .. unuuence ot the av. J. D. Bell, Mr , to Miss Almira. u cards. No cake. FoUNmw.--Bui]ding umber] nn min. ........ 1!0.VlIA )'~ 1'.` |'l.'.\ I.\'(l. SEPT. .. .uu5uIJu, B116 nilton, to Nellie ls, Esq. h the Kingston, the ilton. tn Nnm- _.._Y J. Johnston, of honorary Canon ne Metropolitan 1y friends of the nu-nl:L=J A ` e N npanoe Battery ` presented .3-ul.-.... ..t `L, n - Hall to-mor- r 30th. vv a.uLuylU largest and rat...) 0.` ll ,- r to-mor- LEAVE YOUR _ ,,.- _ nu-no :1 lllln nouuhieeo of the Minintry, and Mt win put inco his month by his This snnomfcement shown what '.ion of :1... 1:...-.----n -- ' CITY BO0K sromj By William Johnston, of Ballykillbeg. September 28. "N|GHTSHADE) ,,,_,, _ .. 4-uvlIvv|IUl, ourzI.BI0l`(l. Tenders on {he Printed Form will be re~ ceived up to SA'lURDAY, 18th OCTOBER, 1873, addressed to _ :IAMES BROTHERHOOD, Assistant ; gineer, Stratford. 1'. Villa. -Qpcications a.nd`Fm-ms of '. obtained on application to Y A Tlllivrn Elie ail}; glqws. _ 4....-nul U10 Pun; for being guilty of I breech of ly decorum" in Publilhing a condential lam: eddreeeed to E my It John Young in eonnecti ` n ` I`;-uhip." Although it ed- .i_. "ll. Yonn`_pV9 @031 `O thO 3` _ n ngperte however thet the never hnvo eeked or acted ""3; xotyithlhlldi-C -11 WI I6 3 . st9r;. HIS Company , Tenders for '] Detr-nit R..m.1n .. ucuruw, Dnmuo and (ind: waga and Province Line. n..- . , ... Ll) uuulpully 12; prepared to receive J_ TIES between Montreal and Detroit, Bn'a.lo and (iodericll, and Cauglma.- nu nun nu l l\'l.) _ To conclude with a popular Farce, the Great Comedian HARRY VVILS appear. . . Friday En-.uing, NEVV MAGDA} Doors open at 7:15 ; commence al;8 Admission 25 cents. Reserved : cents, secrecl six days in advance at I & Co's Book Stare !\':1f.IIrJ,-nu A H run an .. . or. on s nook Stare. Saturday Afterhobn, GRAND at 2 o'clock. In A . r. A..- Llnnagi W Montreal, 2531 Sept., 1873. ___*_____________._ Agnes 'alla.ce as Prin Sam B. Villa as U10 ' he has no r'ival.) cont-Jnrha. \vH-.'h 9| I\nv-n OR v : ' ' RETURN OF THE FAVOURITES. . MAGl\'Il*`ICEN'1` UNIFORM BAND. SUPERB Ol`uCHEb'TlL\. At 10 o'clock 3.111., for the purpose of _ i-ng Accounts a.1_u1 Dunn.-Lnds prefencd a said Cpugty. it. .\...1,.._ |c1TY HA1}1}, %KViI`1st;)n'.l Three Nights 0nly, connm-.ncing Thursday Evcnimg, 0ct. 2nd. AGNES 'w*ALLA,oE Sensation Comedy Troupe. _ `Rli"'Frrnx7 nu rI'IT`I'r.\ n.--,.--..-._.- .3 hereby gwen, that :1 ME 1 BOARD OF AUDIT for 1 Frontenac will be held at the in the City of Kingston, on` _1_ on \'v1hUL\lLbl).A! next, Uctulver lst, "When an Address will be delivered in the Uonvm-ntium Hall by Professor \Vatnon, M.A., on lduczition and Life. The public are in- vited. D .\.._`l ..._ BASE BALL MA'l'(}'H between the A " Maple Loaf and Star Clubs WI be played on ` Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 1, 11. AI , 1.: I " -) On the Ul{IUKE l` (HUJUNIJ, at `.3 o'clock, sham. . .,-.._ -u yauuuuy 3 i_r1Jolm ho con-_ n ppuaitimr] 3 am... It 12.... rm. ALL persons are strictly. furlnidalen tn crmlit ` my wife Ann Eliza. liuih-_y frum tlnin date witlmut my written .'iut.hurity. .I()SE| II H.-\lI.Iv`.V Septnnber 29. Friday. the; 3fd of October, ? . `Cu. 1 Kingston, Sept. 29th, 1873. ___---..--.- -.vun-mug; CINDEJRELLA, R THE L1 l"1`LI amss SI.Im>m: .1. n. xuuvv I`, Registrar. Quet-.u s College, 29th Sept, 1873. epteml:er 29. [S hereby given, OF A A supply just 1 Admissibn 10 cents. , vv / . C. JAMES, Assistant Engineer, :. ~ KILBURN, Tie ] wwu vvxumun my wrmlun .'|llLlII|l`lLy. JUSE| H 15.-\I|.|'}Y. Kingston, Sept. 27, I873. M. ROY, Junn, Tie Inspector, Belle- 1HE TH1J:Ty'-s1:c5i~ID SESSION begins on VVEDN ESDAY next, Uctulver men Address will he dnliu..m.I ;.. um Queen s University. `TH E LIT 1`LE I CITY PUBLIC NOTICE *------ v- xanuug It the earliest pg- Vi'|! th Fnllunv-Iv .. AI... a-\vu.:u_y . @ order. :,g\1.1:x. . By order. B;I.s-;_]3Vz;l1V-`ii/Ia.1k:c.i1. Lgy order. \ . :__4\L1:x. s. KII:KPA'r1uck, Z-_. (fl:-n-I: nf H... 'D....,. A CHEAP EDITION, 'l`hurs1lay I-lveniug, >- nj :1}- BOOK STORE. D1 uh HE ' OFFICE : ENVELOPES, B1 LL HEADS `OFFICE srmir AT THE , .._, V.-nu. uni lin- sdge would haveffbeen )f qom-no we cannot as between Lord Duf- whoa in consultation any is prepared or between .....1 ' ANY KIND, gtf. ,_, nun mnuun|.lu1\`. ', al;S o'clock. Seats 50 r davs aclvnnce at M.. Ann... 0. J. BHRYDGES, Managing Director. haul-. l.Q'7`2 . received at 3 Inspector, Stratford. a. popular r`arc_e, m which |HAl{RY VVIISUN will that MEE'I`IN(} of the IUDIT for tho l`...m.h. .. ISAAC CURTIS, General A gent. eoluulmion yo regard it as .59.. :..L - n 1ul\11\Ili.lU|\, Clerk of the Peace, `C0. of l*`rontena.c` M1. I872! ' JAM ES POLLIE, Sccret:1I'y. cu-11JD', STATIONERY, ORDERS SS SLIPPEH, 2 P ppctti. " . (:1. part in which I; uuunl ILVU ol the `for the County of ;the Court House, If ` Tender can be the vcu means DU 3 Mo-Anluy r... r report of the MAT] N ICE =I', King- " `Audit- against E. A . MEREDI Deputy of the Minister of the WILLIAM F. COFFIN , ` g . \ ommissioner Qrdmmce sud 01-dnnnce lands All parties 1-_quirin` to Ordnance Lands ge in its Vvicinity, will apj Lecal Ordnanpe V at Klngston. a '-I (Residence Rideau Street, and oide Street,) has been appointed ` Departrilent of the Interior, : [ - --z `_ 5'-9 GROCERS LANTD LIQUOR DEALERs, 4.; Corner Brock kind ontario treets. Sept. 26. V- SCOBELIQ BRiOS.. nnnrum... ` . -_, the If you I;::1.t_ the Best Family Prbof, , Old Rye, .; Holland and Old Tom;; Gin, Brandies, ? 1 Port and Sherry Wins, Or Champagnes, ' Now is Jthe time to Cash. ' ` [S HEREBY GIVEN, VVILL SELL `FOR .Q'l`{\l"` D I OTICE is hereby given, that the Deparrt-\ ment of Public Works will cease to forward P:\.ssenge|V-a and Freight; over this Route from and after the 10th Ucfober neit. By order. uu vv JV W A R1) at 6 o'clock a..m. all ports, and LE. M()N l`In`.Ar. ..; ,{ _- ,._-_ CAPT. w. H. MORDEN, Leaves Montreal fox-_Bay of Quint: every TUESDAY at noon, leaving I1 for same Ports at 7 o'clock a..|_n. THURSDA Y. ...u;w 1 5342. riving in J mg. I`L!.. (`L- ...b. This Steamer has plendid P Freight nccommothtion. ' A. GUNN & C0,, DOWNWARD TRIPS.-Leaves Trenton `at every FRIDAY, calling at LEAVING KINGSTON BUR. MONTREAL at 9 o clock same -evning, ar- _riving Montreal early on Saturday even- { The Perth Courier remarks :-"It is said that the work on the Kin ston and Pembroke ' vny is at I stnnd sti I, and there are ru- mour: that the project will have to be aban- nod u impncticabl. _ The above in from the Ottawa Citizen, And fioeenot contain 3 particle of truth. The road Ilbung punhed forward vxgoroualy, 35 miles `[0 gfldgd, nun! ----- ` ran 1'5 splendid Upper-Cabin TEAMEA ALEXANDRA, CAPT, W Ir unnnnu mr same Horns o c`loc THURSDAY. TRIPS.-L a._m. Pvt-u F911` L ---V.-. Now so-llig 19 cents perpou`nd less than any other huuse in Kingston. l{El .l`lNGSVa.nd CUDFISH just arrived. Call and get samples of our Teas befnre purclm.sing. - J. Halligan & 00., `gr-Inf. 9R ]R'7`I Monfrei [1/3_.a.y `of Quinte Lme.` V HE ONTARIO AND QUEBEC COM- P 1 _ANY S splendid U1mer.(`!ahin Green, Black, SUI]. '|'icketH 50 cents. To l)c`hml 10f the follow-` ing memloers of the Colnmittee :-J. Hardy, -H. l-Punter`, J. lla.rkness,U. L_ennox, S. Mc- Uullaugh, and J Annlersun. \l7 II`l.\l)II17 ....-.... -.-"' vv. l lLlil`LY, 19 i Director of beremonies. Septgcnnlber 28, 1873. J-0 j VIIL SELL `FOR 0TN;_MONTH ms H8m*n-.SP*- 23- 1313*-A . J A ___,.___.,..a. STOCK OF no_cmv At 0031. Tnomsiri A6 I hue ball match It Seaforth on Saturday Afternoon the Star: defeated the Maple Leaf Club, of Guelph, by seven runs _..- .,-...n.. nu not qnly fullled hi: pro; . It'll, burtho Government have honoursbly KG!` 8004 llith with Parliament and the HUGH Qillgil. The Uummittee will spare no mains to make this the most cnjo'y:LbIu Asaelnbly of the sed- son. ' R__il,I',`.,"il,ilI:; Still Colitilllll L DGDII llltllllg Yll(3ll' l\l'|l`IllllI I the V lU'1`()IUA MUSIC HAl.L Dancing to commence at 8 o cidck p.m. Prof. Montgomery's Quad:-ille Band been engaged, ` The Utnlnnlxniltnnz will an--n I|1\}I\u;nn 6.. .. \/ulnnull, aunu W. PERRY, 1):-44.4.... ..l' 1 ` VIIHE KINGSTON PICEN'PlbE BOYS fu- hnnnl hnhlina Gill:-r Annual Amunnhlu in On i1i*sij,'36tiiT%`ptember.% `Mun-inn fn nnlntnnnnn at R n'nln'nIp .. ... J olm Shaw, Esq., ` Sept. 28, 1873. _ ...-or-won we can defeat: Guelph, by seven 1 FRESH ARRIVALS NOTIC L can save money by getting `.hen} at HALLIGAN 3; cos `NEW STORE, near the Market Square.` uu UJ.V1'1\1ilU AND ANY splendid Upper-Cabin n- ---- " `_.-.-; Red River Route.` nu nnnunluu rnlun Hun DUXD ll]- tcml Imlding their Annual Axaemhly in VlU'l`()lUA MUSIC g:i%;3.i.ii"AsI:ii.i_1fy} BEAVER, I Indy u-rived. We ( courier will correct their 1 5 rquiring information in uelziliion Lan_ds geqerally, at Kingtton, or y, app y accordingly. ORDNANCE LANDS Bnmxcn, \ Ottawa, 24th Sept, 1873. 5u.REEs "l.Vr\1\ N, THAT lay Quinta Ports on, Kingston a.r_n. every 1{(:)B'[`. BA1RD',~\ es. Secrets .. REE$, 157 Priqcess-St. buy. $el1tng for L ). , Agent, Kingston. ._. ...5...u ucw uuuenlza this year, to be good. Graduates in acadeu are requested to meet with the 1 the Senate Chamber at 2:45. King rAutu,-~ Secrets}??- f`;,;,3. Real Estate, Tafefm :1: PRIZE HOT Hausa our must mcreue 11: value III --Three Vacant Lot: on , in Frontenac Ward. ` -` Th ho mpcrfiuh inaegatutevgoali, Terms easy. Tit|0l'lI3|'P `P91 M ` j Jul: nrsn-Mass 1'a.nnera' HotoL ' ` ` This property is sitnsted where real estate in '1 owin to its cont` ' r a-' V the giingston mlggb '- IV harbour, and the Market }`hnl,n , II.--The northeast corner oh Queen Streets, `~ ' PROPERTY, apd. . tenements, two"*d'wlIihlIIl'G' ~ rental of 3% but must increase vnluc . ` Tl"! mu :7, _._L I_;._._ oureets, and known up the " and containing square feet, wxth 3 good 3 lent Stabling, and every not first-vlaas Farmers Hotel. ` Th`: nnnnarltw *:n n;bnnh I --THAT Valuable` *P1t6!fI . ed on the corner of Kill Streets and known the 41nd nzinmininn . .16-`F . % 50 CENTS TPE`R A V September 25. _ . * I ~ ;_ QUll:\"s Uxuvxnsi-nr.-'l`he 32nd session will befin on Wednesday at 3 o clock. Profes- sor \Vatson will give 3 public address on Edu, cntion and Life. `Va hope them will be is large uttendu;g;.__The matriculation examinatiuna will comliiiaco on Thursday. The prospects, an regards new ltudenta tliis are thought academic costume And all the I SCARFS, &.c.;:&c.e. . _ u::41A_`LlI.`l-AI:lM._ FANCY AND-I>,1iAI~Noo_A@ _ randy A 1 11 th NOVEL ` scA"1(:Fs'f am;...`}...; = HE STOCK, which i. of 1. tion, is nw complete`,_ 7, ` SCOTCH, ENGLISH md . CANADJAII nAunu .--.. .._=.-- THOMAS ~ :51 Merchant Taor`and_; , 'I1h_ns giving :yon I itfor your m ` While the Just; received 1,000 Plain and Coloured,` co ' ' 1 Heads, Groups, Inndaca sale very low by the lmn uni MYRTLE Sept. 24, 1873. - gran DIV Henderson's URDINATION -N9'r1cE.--The Lord Bi Ontario purposes (D.\{.) holding a I Ordination in Belleville, on Sunday; 9th. Candidates are I-eiquestcd to themselves for examination an \Ved: Nov. 5th, at 10 a.m.; and also to ucmli ai quiz and testimoni:Lls_ to tlieliliclcrsi or before Nov. lat.--HY. P.-vrrox, i Archdeacon of Ontario. Pgcrumzs AT wu pmvz tinn in uln- 111uU\1Uli . U arrived at ' September - 20. -- -.-. Jvua EACH GENUINE P36? ON LY VVEIGH ........5 any uuug to (19 with the Pacific Railway Scheme ; thgt he was aware that Sir George Cartier-s personal friends contri- buted aid towards his election and tluit his opponents spent large sums of money ; that he` knew of no understanding between Sir Hugh Allan and the Governtinentvor any members of the Government in relation to the charter ; and that several of the state- ments of McMnllen were false. There was no business transacted before tl)c- Royal Commission on Saturday, excepting tho conrmation of Mr Abbotts deposition. Tl1'<$`1V1'1as Mo WEIGHS `~01! 1 1% fE'ACH PLUG or 1 Tm: Comuss1oN.-The twentieth d.'iy's proceedings hefore the-Royal Commissioners consisted of a continuation of the evidence cf the Hon. Dir L:mgei'i)i and that of Mr Thomas White, of the Montreal (:'(l:.cHc. The latter`a testimony was to the effect that he know Sir George C:I.rtier was opposed to the Americana represented by McMullcx. having anything to (19 with Railway Scheme: 1h.-n I... ....... .....-. -- - _ Btuk of Montre_:_1l ' ` erclmnlss L -; , at 1071. mk .of Qannue 3 .0nta'1-in Bank4 10: - nk of 'l'omnm--- ifoutreal/'I`ol` oered; sqld at 39 Steam rs "5 -30 to 35 r '_ Uheoaa at nu m- no .60 to 356' - Uheou at 12} 9 51} rened I6}. t _n l8ic for ` ta 25,000 bbll 1 50 to b,70,for I , 3 5,10 to 7.00 for ; 6,40to 7,35 for 3; New York, Selit in .1izmcial cinclea ,___. .. ...v unua HIE result of the cqing session of Parlizmment will be the defeat of the governmgm. _It is not the tint time, however, that they have had to mourn over fond a.nticipat.ions_ blasted, and we are very much niistaken if they do not hiweio pass through the sum: trying ordeal once more. 1.`. ~-:. .I.`n1a youp Propuluity in King P0" ciated in .` =uuuug-Dankers II `Memphis, Sap Var interments weather is very u `slant of the dis E Nam `rnll-It Q----l ` green (0 suspen Havana, Sept. Java. on the 20th `Spaniards killed `-toners. The pa ---vnnutll III '3`! morning. Th `led in All Saints ' --,vvv Dllln It mixed; 66 to "for high mixed F01 ' quiet and wit] wt 13,000 buoh. uwu. ` New York, St) ' better feeling t - " Harrigburg P 5 ntives of all tl; E Ititutions in H1: j agreed to Havana. Sent ~B-D. 4,;;.;;..;; my nl0rning an 'T`|n'- -....._ A ..... .v.v ward the acts of which, it is alleged, Sir John is guilty. aucliconcludes in these words ; With these facts, _Lu.u.lisputcd and unchallenged, before it,-. the Grand Jilry of the Country h:n e no alterimt-iv;-.u but tend aTrue Bill against Ministers and urge their prompt and speedy trial and punishment? by the High Court. of Parlia- ment. Notwithatmiding this positive statement we take the liberty of saying ilmt the so called facts are both disputed and challenged, imd that the Higl1`Coux-I: of Parliament" have another alternative than that mentioned by our c0l1turiipur;1i'y; and that is, to tliruwthe Bill uul'.--l.1_> tlcclztru by a majority of the House of Cuniuiuns that Mr Huntington's charges ire nu- founded. We know that "R.cf0rln- ers" generally are very sanguine ~ that the co` ing _:n 1 . . - vxclwu. - A Chicago I :1 bank is repel` on change. _ Arrived, flu: n "New York, S are Vary quiet t outside of gold excited. A l'Il.:....__ __ 7 mew ma] , tors pogted out" 7 for Amepcn ..., -...` .v. ...v At 12:15 p.m expected -hauge not ma(le,Fvhich `(Of 1 4:3, ~ mverpool 54 2-Uplands sgd. "London, Sept to, 92} for mo AL `l`,.Il`! _ _. un umsu 9. Arrived, the 5` men` I snip v uguua, Liverpool, 1:` qhip Caspian; I A Reform contemporary in an article entitled The Queen v. Mm.-douald--a True Bill" presents.-1 case against the P1-exnier personally and says : The grand jury of the country have little diiculty in bringing in a true bill against Sir John Macdmmld on the indictment preferred against him by Mr Huntington. It then puts `for- acts of u'ln:-In :4 :_ n - Advi: .- uuu W158 D Plymouth, `ship Westph ship Virginia ` Glasgow, Se : T.I'vnrnnnl to-morrow. mt -tue an 1 pm [hip Douau, > mucn uryn The failur quence of th way shares J ` change. Tw thousand- `nhipped from 3 on Saturday ica whih on the same - Fm nnn Ii`... On (MU BIGIIIU 16,000. En for the sliipm in ])nIm.n, -u.--,B I8 3 from some I It!-luau A- 1` .1-"I NEW Yol p.o4'..l ll " ' I/'I_)III MONTR,E(AL and Uuu) 1 London, ton of the B in` ii at the Bank much aurpri l`hn fai I nn 1; xleuyuucu ` ~ Queenstol ateamshiuC and Ohio ' l'.nnrlnn_ . peruu, 0 celebrated ( - ' nuahnrlnfn `Q `ms nu Logdon , which aaile vto-da.y took London. I...rlnI-shin 0 FJNANCIAI II U04-ltu. There w ' railways y . reported In _ sons were Muley emperor of his su ' `I .-mdnn_ Lpndon, ...Juv n W . . _ . -:vn\rI`glI .. uuu'4[)ll':|Cy nn tho part of the Prelnicr-Ilunl tho Hun. Mr Gibbs to force Mr Young uiit uf his sit.u:r.tion as Flour lu- spoctor, `Rm , his Sdzlt as ruprcsuntativo --f Muntreal \Vcst. lt was then go.-ner:Lll)' un- kmnvn tlmt over 3 fortlnght Mr Young hml boon soliciting his political opp0nents-thc Govcnilnont, for the appointment, stating that if necessary he was resign his seat. Annoyed and irritatcil by tl__io almost. ummimous storm of indiguutiun which had been clicitiy the thctt ziml pnhlic:Ltinn of the M:u::lon:|.lil-l i-pa: ll)ll('l'~, :unl conceiving that smno palliation -1- lo funcu should l)O_.>_llllt forw:utd, Mr Young published a statimwlit, mldrcssuul tn tlm `olcctoxs of ltfuntreal West. in which he sup- -pressed two of his own letters, nml garlnlcil thusc he tal publish. It was only after ,t.h"Lspublic:1tiun that the Premier availud hiiglf of the permission allinnlcd by Mr Young: and permitted thu puhliczitimi of the balance 0.tll0 letters, .-unl for this he is taken to task by the Whig. Grits and Ranges may steal and publish private let- ters, bul. it is an unpardonablc sin in :1 Tory to defend himself by publishing :l let- ter for which he had obtained the neces- sary permission from the writer. lt is scarcely necessary to add that the pub. ljcatlon of the entire currespoiulem.-e shows how totally uxijlistitiable wore the parties in publishing the Premiers letter, and the base duplicity and abfseiicu of gentlemauly insthTi?ts" in Mr Young. The Whig would do well not to stir up this dirty piigglulr-in*1rl1icl1 its friends Ii`-guru so badlv. E; s.--The I .... .7 14 badly. -j-j--v--: 1 `..,.....1:....... n.-:--, -- -- E gont1on1:mly'EuHtnr 1'Im.lx-n Sir M thoroughly mom: and :\V.'l.llHI manly instincts as `-jlne In in tho .lnm|." This V is \' cry i _ ......... . ula I3 rt-.I'y all" guago and particularly w is umlerutuml what an excel thnrity on guntlclnmily instin I writer may claim tn Inc. Sir Jn oortainly have a euro in future ho funds the ausccptibilitiv: of this gent.Icnm.n. The facts rather up statements uf the Grit oditur, but that matters little in his oatiungitiun be remembered th.-u. the ]ll|i|ii(`.i|lil Mau:lnu:slcl~l`upv letter W.`l..`& .-iltuin 1 jnstia.Llu; Grit wriu-rs on the gum it disclu.?d :1 cmnpiracy iho pa pn.mi...-3....l cl... 1:... It - cMnflen ` I depositiux. . , ,-.--..., ...... nut. uu: no )8 n /mg. ay :fund irh Inn L-"I ..LA-:.. I -- Bishop of was General Bellevillez Sunday; Nov. tea renllontml on ..-.~--- - .7... nu-U nuvlee, nu hi: the Throne he announced his Ippuintingt Boyd Connniuil into Mr Huntington's `ch acting upon that_ advice pounced lain intention ` ` `Parliunent_ together - Iiblo moment to receive the 1 Comlpiniouors. In calling for the 23rd, October, th . . . V ` . . ..r.u-I 1.11 nu rit ground that of t as hia u....5 -.. .....-A - thatgtnding ,6 s ;hat 2 hv nur nnnA.....-- ~ ` .. .... 3;.-7 |u\\'\`Sl - is very strung when uxccllun : app 3 u u ostilngttiull. luu. pulrlicnlinn I.\M.......... :- rill u\'|lIl n `w.-mting in ; :1: `~41... I .-L stcd present \Vednesday, o send in their 2 [1Ij1crsiancI,on D . -um. ....u uvu u u me, e professors in 4 John in J ,,_. . B nun - -ly when it n excellent :uI- ins(.inctx-I" the Jnhu must The Whig thinks it would be 3 diicult ink to about that Lord Duerin was ad- xvieed by his Minister: in regard to his ten- sue: to the deputation. We think sotou ; advice he prorogueal Parlinment; acting upon that ulviee, iu hi: speech from intention of appointing I Connniuion to inquire `charges; and advice, he an- `Tof calling the mu-Ia..+ '\l\l- ,0 ... owvst fvllu n stlpurtilw ummsx-. Hm .s .r ~-= Every true lover of ~ Mr R. M. -VVn1sh, of Prescott these excellent ` singer ' ' e Mounted Police of black people. and We" Manitoba. The Tribune says that I. better Admission 25 cents. person for the positi 11 could not have been Doom open 51; 7:31 procured, he having large experience in o clock. like work. Q..._L--, I ` BASE BALL MATCH.--A will take place between the clubs of the city on Wednesday I o'clock. They will play 1: Ground, and a good match b as both clubs are pretty evenly ma lun- wil| -_. U0.\`uREGATIONAL CHURCH. -- It w nounced yesterday that the Rev. Chas man, M.A., of Zion Street Church, M( would preach in Wellington next Sunday, morning evening Chapman was formerly minister Best land, and ranks high as an pr: There will be a public Sunday School scholars ba.sein< the church this evening at ,,..-..-.~ --m as uxuun opticun. Parents and Schools are invited. uh: -...K.r..u nu Ola. I`nlll'B bu-th services. Mr Carru almcnti in Europe for a S.1tur afternoon in exc His Excellency, that in two months or ten weoh'r'> f1-om the time of pforogstion, the Comnniuiouex-I` report would probable be ready for presentation ; hence Lord Dull .- erin`n promise. `_...,,.......--. nuu unnnceuor Blake, in town attending to his oicial duties, wor- shipped nt St. Paul's Church yesterday at Carruthors, who has been returned on excellent 1.....uL umrruw evening. They have been gaining golden opinions in the East for their singing, and come her-.r.1ded by the praises of alllthe journals. They were originally slaves, and are engaged in collecting money for education- al and religious purposes. . `Ye hope they will be well patronized to-marrow evening. l`he admission is 25 cents. It is reported that the Jubilee Singers are sending home a. thou- sand dollars from England. They l think the U (_.-J use-v UVCU 4 8 slaw eilu purposes. hopt to In -IDOTTOW 0` Tn: l LAN'm'r1oN SINuERS.--The cel singers will appear in St. (`reorge s I morruw evening. : and ,-nun l.n_..1,`l. 3 ` " `CUNNINHIIAMVS Bans AGAIN AT THE Fuoxr, --()wing to a dispute, the race for second.- ulass boats was sailed over again on Saturday The boats entered were Lady Ka.te,`of Belle: ville, the Phantom, Island Maid Hard WV. ,,,,.-.. .,..w.uu were Lady Kate, .- Tack. The Pbgnutom, built by Cu for Mr Uuxall, of \Volfe Island, was ner. 'I`I.:. :. WA - " -.-.. . Inn 1: one more testimony niuglmm s skill as a boat builder. ._--._.____- ........ um.-m us not a sutcieutm wlyrlg .ye}1r round. For the I n1onthsthe have comp nights, bwhn the other mills I Another reason given being 1 nu-.I.:_.... -,A' llE51ovAL.-'l`hu [fencer- Nztpauee Dye and Truss Factory are about Gnnnnnque. The reason ft. that tlfre is not sufficient ..I...1.. ..- .._ . no -~.1uscup:u Uonvention 1;] New York was Thur Putter presided. Uvelf Uler: Dulegates were pro.-sent. t Secretary Fish. The Pi` prseut. In his charge Pm ed sumo muvemcn_t \ ry of she Bishop \\'iuclu.-at character and splcmlixl 8 length. T?) The Whig lays greet street on the coincidence, that it so happens that Parliament in to meet in exactly ten weeks` [mm the time the Governor-General delivered the address to the deputation, end it concludes, that because `ten weeke was mentioned by him an the probable length of .time that would elapse before Parliament would be called together, therefore in keeping hie pledge. This coincidence proves nothing at all in fnvour of the Whig`: position. The Governor-General did not mention ten weeh poeitively. He said: Within two month: or ten vweclu." So that if Parlia- ment Ind been called for any other day with- in these dates his pledge have {been e_gIn.lly fullled. Of cannot know what took place ,--_......, `Au nun; norw: st;m_1, timber ; props Montreal, gen cargo ; Bu Ugdcnsburg, gen cargo. \\'ind, southwest, fresh. llow11--Stuzm1-barge B. P. C O_glcnsburg. lumber ; barges Albany, lo, do ; S. F. Lakcr, do, do ; L. B. Urocker, do, do ; sclmi Uudinc, Cleveland, Toronto, coal Morning Light, Detroit, Oswggo, ivheat ;13us- aie Jiarwick, Bay :City, Kingston, timber China, CL,`Vel:ll1\1, coal; Fentmi ross, Bay City, xi ] ERs0.\'AL.-- _` `_/V _. -. ,,- _........,.., nay wwy, Juugston coal; l ortlI11roh, Kingston, W . Detroit, Odgeusburg ; atemn-bar geK Cleveland, Toronto, I draws. do ; schrs do, ,, . ......w uu urah u'1p no-day. Port. Colborno, Sept. 27. - Up--Schrs } Mahill, Gamlmldi, Maryshurg, , :5`, J, Collier 3 Eureka, Jas. Nmrris, Yankee Blade, H. :\ V Hung, pmp'St. Allums, acln-3 M City (-`racer, Hmutlnztm. clruse. Duncznil Whitney, J. C. \Voudru"_ ,,___b,. `....,..u.-.u, nrum nne 1\'.14 gm-ner-.11 cargo ; tons coal ; stcmn barge Sam The bug S. S. Holcomb `& wlm ml. Clmtbzxm, who Qigu, Milwaukye, 4,900 ' l\lilw`:L1}lAcc, whc 5,000 hush f'_..L, ' - A-* Bri -,....u uulau wuouc schr Czsth.-nrines, 8,000 wl viau, liidcnu Canal, I75 ` Qm-bee. 11, rV'I1 - -Wu-. uuu. M r Gildersln:cvc s man made a trial trip in the harbour 41 day. \\ ith good results. make her first trip to-day. ("nllmn-nn \""*` " " \`Vc IL-urn I _ .._, \.l . ...,. Hr.1ut|1:I.nI . ._ ,. thy, 14,:'n4 1... wln'.'\t ; Dctrui lcunl, l0.000|rI1 ., .r\v:u|u, .-.n,uuU |0.000 hush wheat. .l:uuuH -\.'wift. VI l';L~x.~xp0|t and l5:wariau an . l .'_L . I\l`nIItrc:I.l T_|3L`I|:`L[mrt.'Ltinl1 Uumpany s wharf --l rnp En"L:-1-prise, Part. Dalholgsie, 21,0134 bush wheat ; prup Africa, Toledo, lightened 3,808 bush wheat ; schra Enterprise, Port l).'\lhousie, 9,232 hush wheat ; Netta Wood- wnnl, lo, H.948 bush corn ; Flora E1nma.,du, 8,595 hush wlncant. The tug Clmrlottc arriv- ml with four aI._, Marine News. Jones & Milk.-r's wluu-f~-Sclnr sun, Milwaukee, 18,000 w lmrgc (.`:s.tu left fur Muntrc.`l with l whu.-Lt. if (:'I"ru mt. ('m'lr_1/. -Thi:4 bill was filed by the plnintill tn obtain the opinnn of the court on the will of Ealwarnl Green, of the Township of la-enls. The question was as to whetlwrhia widow was to A certain part of his property nl-sulutely or for lifu. The defen- dants who were executors of the WI of .\lrs (lreuu, 1.lis[l0:h3Il of tho property t- by her us if it. was her own absolutely, mu the will was lilcd ngaiziut them as suc'l:`exeuu- tors to have the terms of the will construed, and to l1.-we an accuum. of the property posml of Ivy them. R. '1'. \\':\lkcIu for plain- till; 15. M. llrittcm fur ilufclidmit. The E11 ..._.u. Ln: nu: ull` of the court. _ , 7., ........ uy punmugham \Volfe the win. This is one testimony to Mr Cun- .m skill boat lnn lm- THE DAILY NEWS-MO.\ DAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER29. , , , .., ...,`-. J H:Ltim~:ul, I 4 , E liscu nl Convention 4 I nrlz -um .. _..._.... ., ....u -uuue 01 ms ministers. Ha}d"* acted independently, and exercised his Executive authority by refusing to set upon their `advice, the case would hm been quite different. Then an ``I" end: ``my" would would have indicated his individual inten- tion. But when we nd Lord Duiferin ac- ting throughout this whole diculty in con- eert with the advice of his advisers, we must of neeeelity, conclude that in calling Parlia- ment tegether fur the 23rd October, he was cu-rying out his part of the Ministerial pro~

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