P1,: nv nus, *sTR I ff] : u.\:ul.'t_- bill 10 f ....|;,. ,. ;'._`..'T,`;-`i .-...a In n1:r;.\'.~`. ( ul); :II)A|. \\~'l.'EA' IS 4 _\ . ,1`- 7 `V0 L18 .\\r'nHi....4. , L `\\r'eHing Ila ` .ruIu.4\`|1Iu' Goons, LlQU5R! x save money by "W|`00m I11 't:lirs. I I I Q - - 1 U or llnrce girls w ply at this uice. (h`t.ulor lst. V'() lhr nlu -.0 n uuou u.U1 b' VV ELIIEGU 'l{.\`. JENNIE A. SMITH has room for ` Good board furnished - V Street, near 0'ord'l mncc. tstnbor I.-It. , _._.- ....m.: nuaramg House, I` Strt-niz. opposite St. George s ner at 6 o'clock. Bath Room at- -.u.urnI.s`|NG srmrrn FEATHERS (all Thomas MCAHIOY & 00' P r'rm::~` MWNETS and SPm"' 23- 1~ `\`()Y GOODS, &c., &c. ______ H GJIUUJ. l}I ERA I. SERVANT. plcc. ' tluce ; VI SMAIYI` BUY ti`. :1 to Slmw & Minnc: `tuber hit. .dl uiun, __.__ gentlemen c at Mrs eel's I str(`l3t, """A`:" res AND FRAMES, i (.`l.,\sm\ .\n.n... couhcrsrxc _. \ [K I:'rs AN 1 SETTS, L1-:.<, 4_---oVIa-I, and Commission Mer- chan I, \.rp',.vlVtI\ -v -~- FIMMINGS, &c., -..-av I llI1I'I=-: Yil4ASSES, MOULDINGS, kc., &c., &c:. ` UNDERCLOTIIING and l.lNI2`1` ARRIVED _ mn. rrc-miums lower Xitcd Uompany. , ) '1`Uli()NTU FIRE INSURANCE COM- owest posible rates. I -I to order on short notice J. E. HUTCHESON. fock of Assorted Pat- us, BA LL ])l:ESSES, and VEILS. ` Special Agent Kingston. WanteJ kl. HIM.` 1' a \'n1 the Best . Tom Gin, tl:l.l~ ytting them at . u uu.I.uUU., 3 wmntcd, for a hut :4 ullico. ' WaInd, -. girls want.-.l I`. Premiums `Jom nan v, 1 can be accommo- Buardmg House, ibe Georm- a l ESTON, ct Square lately Mcbouell ns 3 Evuns, M on- .uwIil_|.\', Kingston. ...,,...u` may 11.. be gxveu on . Adair, Bar- l,'.-ulxier. Apply Apply at this unu AN , 2 sold very A.J; September 30. nnmst JOSEP%DONNELLY, \Vhich we are now offering 1: prices. Call and examinel elsewhere. English Breakfast Baon ;:nutLAI$. 172 Princess Street. September 30. mul. Ap- ' Sept. 30. -LEAVE YOUR u uuv 1:37.331`. 0YTERs: BY THE`. QATl n\v Received 1 Stmwlperry A pple; VRRV `lu`n.11:- WA ----*-> T ROH. `_ -_.....u \n.1L . YOU VVANT ACCOUNT BOOKS, 3 'OU \VANT LETTER BOOKS, 1 I` YOU WANT FIRST CLASS VVRITINU PAPER, YOU WANT ENVEIDPES, YOU WANT BILL HEADS, ' YOU VVANT OFFICE STATION ERY, M...-vv Au. Vory superior quality Imitation Sealskin ; also other skim {or '1` ' ' Josephine ! Bent Quahty One.a.nd Two But- ton French Kid Gloves. A stock of 500 dozen and 40 distinct shades of ' chose from Ladies Silk Scarf:-1, with a profusion of Ele- gmt Novelties. . All nf the --|------ -- ` ` French Pd Shawls. V..- -..-- II` II tons II! oods. T0 BUSINESS MEN. Vnrr 1:-v.--._ . A Sutinl, Corded Silks, Black Yak sud other Laces, Fringeg, nu nml lI.-......---&- A- I amass:-:s Ann cosrumas H L35 Eleganf hades in Real Irish Poplins. U --1Il-II`. VERY FINE FOR TABLE, At the Bar Real Black Gros Grain Silks, Ha.n(:11e Shades in Coloured A I .9 I A supply just received ` CITY BOOK STORE. large, tasteful and varied gssortmenl: of] Newest Mnterialu produced the pre- sent aeaaon suited for .-...-, uuruc sun, Black and Coloured Fringes, Gimps, But- . apply 9` b 5 {'09 y 1 `W1 :,._.v\/ Manufacturing Ul" THEIR. OWN ` nnitn 9-- HADDIES A CHEAP EDITION; nus . I I at ably reduced l examine be.:1.:e purchasing elt Novelties in Lace Illusion and iiugn, New Shades and Styles in \ _bcarfs, of nea. ARE NOW SHOWl1\'G b&W' um M-lfe, utt, and CONSIS'l`lNG 01-` JR. I suited 0 MPORTIN G, for th 4.;-;.-_II7\/ Confectioners. oansas DAILY NEWS--SATURDAY EVENING. 0 OTOBER 4. _ GARMNER lfargains Still Continue Tm, Mm 00MING4! ;unmrn=-- - -~ `A -- K W at the L and German - ww m pnce, to commend iudnmont I, Gilnns. Hut- WEAIL F in price, commend REMEMBER the County mo Frontenac Agri- cultural Show at the CRYSTAL - E grounds on WEDNESDAY, Oct, 8th. It ' t be ...... P:;:::::: ':n...=-;,-`" .,.....:'..1:=:::*.. the gee:-etary. I. SIMPSON, K; ,sept.22nd` Sec.&1&ulnnr. spate moments. or tmng else. 'Parti STINSOH 8: CO., 500 cases for sale cheap, 1 ment, in lots to Send for sample case. 1 do pints, 2 doz., $7. 41 ND }9?I713a%ne Ki"8'909ph22nd. J Wood! Wood! Wood! i Wood-f3}(:a.le. : Gauntlets, .. vanaca o uuau-UURED : othc` W0` .u wuAI:D 25 boxes cheap. 25 boxes SILVER BAR. SOAP, very cheap. s'rANmDn W" M `* Sept. 17. Soap: Soap: September 30. ALSO 3 calses SUGAR-`CURED HAMS. 2 cases SUGAR.(`.TTn1i`n D H`-"*' fotmcy ,.l. __ V Y,., wnnued. All class- working people, of either sex, yo or make more money 3.]; work for us in t eir umoments, all the time, than it an . , `Particulars free. Address - {SON CO_. Pm-th....I u-:-- Back Combs, . New Goronets,. New `Pearl Necklet , ____._-u I1 Now is the time to Cash. A. J. REES VVILL SELL FOR ONE MONTH HIS STOCK OF County Show. Sept. 26. Leaves Montred for Bay of Quinta Ports every TUESDAY at noon, leaving Kingston fur same Po:-ta at 7 o clook a.m. every THURSDAY. DOWN WARD TRIPS. -Leaves T;-`enton nt 6 o'clock n.m. every F IDAY, call mg at 1 all ports, and LEAVING INGSTON FOR ' MONTREAL at 9 o'clock same eveninu. ar- riving in M'...._-I ' SPEGIAL FUR LADIES. UUA U clguclgeliir Af COME AND SEE Montfal and B ay HERRINGS and CODFI-SH Call And purchasing. junt urived. get, samples of our Teas before -ma`! MEI U- FRESH `ARRIVALS Green, Black, Sept. 23, 1873. JUST ARRIVED AT BAR STANDARD BAR SOAP, very HAL__LIGA nnu .- G. GORDON & C0. MontreaL ,._ _ -vIn\L|J Ornaments, &c. &c. L_LIr:AN a CO'S NEW near the Market Square. :a.p, to close a consign : suit customer: . doz. quart case, :6 , run ONE OF .1110- EZCON, which nd Japan Teas. `on n --- J . REES, 157 Princess-St. buy. Selling for! THEM Soap 3 GUST. N EW STOR E, 1'; `re receiving W - BLACK rm: very fresh and of f Where do you Buy your Coifee ? HE GOLDEN LION has it fresh ever Y morning, roasted and ground on the premises. 6 ton The inn J one dollar. 3 Pounds-JAPAN TEA 1 GOLDEN LION ni- Pinnan Haddies ! v. 1:. meme & 00., First in the Field and Last Out. POUNDS YOUNG HYSON `K /one . J ust received ( -- ---IIII-I-Ill-I-n 1,000 NEVV PICTURES, Plain agd Colour ed, consistiqg of Religious, 5, `&c., &c. For Heads, Groups, Landsca I red or dozen. sale very low by the hun GOLDEN LION. Henderson sv Bc;c :-kstore -.- -;A [UST ARRIVED, FRESH, and 4,ounce Pots. 1]!` `Is -- --r J. UUAVJJD `. pnnnn` IAI 1 IVAEGE. STOCK AT Henderson sv Boo]: -~---_-_-._.._.. VELVET BELTS, at Henderson : I fQUIREb SMALL NOTE PAPER ~ 111 an cy packet HENDERSON S. Didyou Try It ? vunuB`JAt A_N TEA for one dollar. LION_ hallengea compari- ]W. R. McRAE & 00. ______j____:__, . -Complete as- sortment of Card, Cabinet, Ste ' P and Large Sized Photographs of the City and surrollimdings, at HEN DERSON `S BOOK- STO E. LlEBEG S MEATS nnyu...._ HENDERSON S Booxsmmzl job; A ` WHITE AND At My... Y ' GoLI>1N LION.` September 30. __>;%_____. ENDERSON S LENDING `iii: [ only $3 per nnnnm or $1 per . ._.._____________._ Freela.nd s Soaps, LTE Ann vW"" ` vs 4.11:. VV. R. MORAE & C0., ('1-nlllnn T P`: ham J W. R. MRAE & C0. ".l.' "J I` 4 YELLOW STANDARD, At the Italian Warehouse. Finnan Haddies ! 1 Henderson, -. mm 01 very superior , this season : growth, cc. New Seasoifs, at the AN OTHER LOT OF masses &c., 3 do: a_.._.__..__ `S, quite new` a '0 Fancy Store. ..&_____,_-_ . dollar 1 gage: nnrnnn LE CO.,` Golden Lion. ____________. R, PAPER BAGS, eap, at Henderson's. iNG "f;1BRARv, .- quarter. " cheap, for King Street, over City Bookltofc. 0R,'I'B.AITs of all kinds Copied Ind P . ed 90 ' . 5 ' had ' ' Wnw , or I:ln(gl-Illzli. M. `m 0.1 Views of Residences, Plans, Mnchinory, J \&c., carefully executed. September 1st, 1873. __._______._._______, PS.` s. cuowu &R %soufs.i Toiarrive 2.doz. Bailey : I Novelty Clotpes Wringer Prepared Plastering For a list of Stock Company. holden up to Another Consigninent -..- navlllllll nwely taken place in the rates. Such being the case, this Company rep:- ion obtained a charter during last sessinn at moderate rates. The is h romoters can wi givin this Company: ml an rt, th {ass cixims will be settled in 1-]... -2- September 6th. -----~-.--_.-.._ -A _ O _ DS, WOOL _ SERGES. WOOL Po line and Caehmetee, Cheap Black gsnlke and Silk Mantle Velvet,` Scarlet Fhnne Fancy Fgmnels and White Flsnnels, Qnntdian Blankets and Wool Comforters, eplen_d' value in Black Alpacas; Your choice of 460 WOOL SHAWI-S, . ment of Fnnoy Sashes, Ties, Ribbons, Beat Josephine Ronilli Gloves. All kinds of DIEY GOODS being much CHEAPER Sept. 13:11, 1873. FALL September 15:11, 1873. .._.____. -.._____->' ' am On] nr_ Kingston, Sept. 16h, 1873. , J. '13i'si17IL7 ANDREW ROBERTSON, J, R. THIBAUDEAU, L. A. BOYER, M.P., ' A RECEIVED AT cumuuu. oxcRm`A.B.Y- Mmuazn . _._-..-y n JOHN V. N DEL BRITISH FRESH T `Head Oioe, 160 St. James : Authorized Capital $5,000,000. nu . HON. JOHN YOUNG, M P. J. F. SINCEN DBERTSON. ,....;..u_y rc-.prc~unI;e:l hy ubu wualhllieib ml of l arli:I.men _ lz, anal arenow totem with full 4.-antic encc rely on I support, the directons pleclgo themulvc he most liberal ma........ -- - - - may Aribi sum: onvuoans; inspection in-r-'+--' inspection invited. .l.IJ\J IS NOW sixowxne ms s 3,. WALDROITS, I 1' NEW BLACK `smxs, I 3 NEW BLACK ANDgWHITE{sILi:s, _ NEW JAPANEE snurzs, NEW DRESS GOODS, ` NEW OTTAMAN & 'p;.Atn sruwL,; NEW.mNcY sxmm, ` NEW amr TBJMMING8, ' Nwmnnavcx SILK FBINGEB, NE/v;v; W1NcEYs_, ' :L, Agent, King ioe over Parke WILSON. ll)?!` 3, Wilson sBuildJ'ngs. IT. JOHN OSTEL _VY. }7'."KAY. L x. ROSS, PRINCESS srnnm. THE GLQTHING. 'ofl Edldlijlgs , .. u.-J urn-`MI am "I desire tu lease the territory `lmynlt fee, subdivided to . A Ili{lwri in who can I H! I . .'-5 709111 nuke 3 suitable p and will 1` 1 `t rotit: -. .3 .-1..., .,...i...':: * P iv Ie-a, `ma 751 final 1 ' uh. E-u.'I`.h.'3 '.":'.' mu no It! `Cable : [~`K_.ll'.'l`, I25 I 2;. bmwouia. LAUGHABLI ' E aI:d..K;`-rife-`.a>nn K __,. 2-; I|:np(Ill'\'. I The Ru-. .\ idea 05 l`lIl1 as then: is bmunl by 91 1'1.-. I I .~~ guyv. J. I` laid the It at this can hmf bu-cm thin mun the word: lll llUlI' USSUII chnrity." T] A the - lliancv it - ----- di_'Iim' II... II lllll_llll` I IN` 1 the Allianf: ch II.\In ....- l|.'l.`Il`ll This < ux Inc l'.'r.-mgclic Davin, L\'ecrctar) furnish:-ml .1 lung progress uf the .-I ml A Ala...-; ML!- New Yurk. (let. 3.` ' of the Ev.-mgelicsxl Al I)`:-Sn '\'-----~` -~ * London. Oct. 4. Advicr " of (30011 Hopu report 2!... broken -u,u_`s\nu-ng thv {run} Out uf one dulgchnu-ht uf Are in the hospital: ...u-m-u a mug report I rogren .-\"i:Illc\`. a ah--rt :|-Mn-sa. rm,-cm nod lw tin.-nlli-.'...... :.. . S1-;-;ar . Stem I`, So-1'6 Ag:-xu_-_yfu1' Ki: Si;,'.i'; n an--rt rulclrr ml by 11u.~:Llli.' n confcn-nco i: uf any man. into tho gospel .-\"l'I|l(`n Inv- ____ obtained `Letters Pa m our Miclllim...s'-- nventcd. Hum J the States in t pf 1-nnuimv -H-1 _nI-. '- PABROTT, J 0 every where. -`- an outlet Mid; ne in the most ` rnted_ I~ln...l_ .\'0p:II'aIl (bI..5 uuul. priest. or pope of Christ. Thu me has In --sselntinl sl-nt.i:|l lib;-rt_\'- v in all The power for g ... um. .r.--At the_o\' mgelicsxl .-\lh:1Iwa Ihc mt.-try of the British 5 lug... r.u.....a ..r .1, ncu Letters Patent ' M iclcllingx-1-\s'epar:u Is Janus` Litldliuun uurrsu. I` :Llli;incu t\1.;.. -- J i:-.vIn dd-'.'n}a+.. T13 `-uun, IJl'll.'|, OI table party to plolitsblo be- . Stow`, uuuurv.-as oi I ten the past Lug and giving ' Ie most popu- H nndru.-ds of tea in H... --.-4 T, Diytua I g (spurn- Midclgings nost lmlm - ... ..uv_uu-,|unf.( us- lumoo Rev. Mr hv Alli.-mco. |.of' tlm origin mu! A-, and then ch-livur mmting the gum! cf I ulitll-rant cunnlriu-F. `..I.I 1' - *' ' -- At thu_o\`enin-` Ii.-mp. n... l 5 .410 :_;uUu VI ll-rent cunntru-F. for the c\:1|l.1- pr nun-2 kn; A1 IX F)`, nL.~a-. _} ;~:tun, >1-pt. L K`'Eifi3N 8.500} Ln, 1s73.A , ..u on uu-as 1I.'| ups nu the cmut f NH Iuarinua `J( u uu uIIIl.ll| I olltinl uuitv {unit y, be u. Elf you waning I V` Family P1'oof,{ " ` Old Rye, ! Holland and 01 a 1 Brandies, V Port and She Wines, GROCERS AND LIQU DEALERS Corner Brook and on Sept. 26. sCoBELi:ER0s., o SI;ree;.s- You can: ') , EIIILL might) V. The m.'.... .. (VIII `