MA unit. -The .-.. I.-- A ' -rv-I-- vuupnuua Iur lill uruupe 3 Many a lady of fashion, even in Court nir- qlee, may welleuvy the Mr: Tom Thumb ind her wee sister, Miss Minnie Warren, for the great variety sud magnicent richnue oftheir dresses, to say nothing of the more than princely display of diamonds of the first water, which on outlay of ten thousand pounds sterling has Iecured these charming little in- dleefrom the Greet Republic. But `rnndeonae iehe who handsome does," in the true old pro- verh, end All who witness the performance: of these most oaptiveti mininture ladies. sided by the heroic Gene Tom Thumb and the gallant and inimitable Commodore N utt, will unite in saying tint their entertainment in as surprising and delightful an it: bewitching and extraordinary. ` I qnd bio little troupe will give perfurlgulou i the City Hall on Wednesday next,iu the after. noon andbveuing. The omp.-my ha just re- turned from as tour round the world; sud con- sists of Tom Thumb and big beautiful little wife. Cum. Nutt, the fsmonk 830,01!) Nintt, ma the innitesimal mu `Minnie Wu-um. The following notice {rain the Lonilou Times Ipeakn volumes for the troupe . Mnnv A lmlu nf ..|.:,.-. 4...... :._ n_.., - 063101 : rs uuuuou ` umy oi Total for quarter . c Tit Cngmiuna. -11: St. rattan-aw OJ-n 5i------- ` "-------- ` Bncnt-I-s.-The following `in g ~ : statement of am .m...... . ......:.._ , guvurnuu urlntfy are due an hereby tendered to the lilo Itlq a letter out of ' Po.c'.'moe, written by tho ' ' ; John A. Mnedousld and Ioh'leo-coinpirstox-J. H. Pope, `.elI'n(_}nbino; totho honour Inemhen of the Bonn of f ' otnokoouuul together and `L 1.4` J n kg at Li- __'__a_ DAILY ;NEWSb+MON1};;yj;w_}EMNG. OCTOBER} 6. 3 T1o,635.97 ` the ......u. ,u ` lwhcn-aol::`1lIIIIyIdlIII'ul.' ~~v--- 4--U-av C I] Accounts nearthe post 4 Inornimr. 'n- s-I-- No GL8. - Church-goon ind to plough through the mud night. I'heI'o w_u some between the moon And the 9.-hinge ppgc, outlw Gnnd Trunk Railway. 11: : com of time table, Ind inval- ` will dowell to consult our ldV0l'liI_1g _ column: forthoecrrgct ne. , we1..'rn au: the ohangtof page wan oomplotodan the Grand v'i`I-unk Railway on Satuzdsy evening. and that tninn were rug} ning over it yutohy. On 42! mile: thgro were 1,474 in the change. On on Joction of 15 miles the dung: wu eoetod in three hour: and a. half. We mail: on Saturday, the boot from_ ` the having been detained by the storm ,on the Inks, onlynrriving hate o'clock. ` ..... navuulrvw; l.D,'UIl'l8B0ll and Russell ; 19, Grenville, Dundee and Sformont; 20. Glen- gu-ry and Prescott. - A_t the Examine:-I meet- ing held in Montreal the folhwing stan- dards of our were selected and approved, viz. : Superior Extra, E}tra Spring, Extra Superne, Fine, Fine Middlingu, Pollard: and Strong Bakers : It was decided topwchue ve barrel: of each brand, and fo rooommend to-the Government that half a harrelof each be forwarded for the use of theexalninen and _inepecwre of each Board of "Trade mentioned in the A`, _ Fmmz Insrwox. -Tiha following g`:-onpa pf counties In been designated by order in Council an inypoctiou undo: the pro- viaiom of the Act `, Vic. SQ: 1,` Essex, ` Kent nd Ialnbtoi; 2, ind Elgin; 3, oxtqd and Irrolk ; 4, Perth and Huron; 5, Lincoln and ; 6, Brant and Eddi- ln:.nd'; 7, ; uni Wstorlob; 8, B.-no. and Grey ; 9, Wentworth and Jmou; 10, York and Peel; ll, Simcoe Ind Algalna; 12, `Outs;-io and Durham; 13, Northumber land and Hunting: ; 14, Pete:-bom and7.Vic- to!-is; 15, I_Al.IIIOX and Prince Edwnid; 16, Frontanac, Doedannd Addington ; l7, Iansrk and Benfrew; l8,'Cu-lebon and Bnucll; Grenville. Dnndn nml 95------* " "` _. _. ....,.....e.. Alli! _unuu. acuaument in Inch oases fellows; god in the a"nl.:Julinn~ Grey mnrzjiee Mercy Merrick, end they resolved to proceed to the The nctingof Ming Wallace an Mercy Merrick was very line, and showed her great v_er-utility ; while Mr Villa : conception of the eccentric clergyman was 8150 good. An occasions] break nearly showed his burlesque `poweryahot `on the whole the char- acter woe well euetaihed. `. Al the jedous lover, Mr H. Wilnon'ehowf_d good Acting ;md Mina Dauhon made the most of Grace Rese- berry, dividingtho honour with Mine Wellnoe. Miss Harcourt : Lady Janet was as good as could he nnnn .-...e .: .. =:--- _.......-w-u-a uluy June: ugood could ,be nude out of an inferior cho_ncher,a.nd the minpnpurh wane won sustained. Alto- gether, it gavegt-at utiafaction. _ __T.J r--wuss` uuuullall L'l`Dl.I(:B 011` HUI W. nln, is evertskon by s stonn, sud seeking shelter in the cnttsge which is in the possession of the `French, and while there ileerns the story of Mercy Merrick. As the story is being told the Germans. roach, and shell comes into the cottage,` on striking Grsee, she ml: insensi- ble. A very tine scene then occurs, in which Mercy Merrick determines to assume tli name of Grace Boseberry, -mid proceeds to England to take up her reeidsnoe.vrit|1 Lady Jsnet Roy (Mi... Ads Hsrconrt). `At this juncture -Horace Holmcx-oft, a wet correspon- dent, sud Dr. Wetzel, A German surgeon, en- ter, end Mr Holmcroft proonres s pose for the J English hdj. which she accepts, end in doing so conrms her Jreeolution to he nu-.3. 11......` __..5.u-u gpuy. Illlllll IIIB 8008yll, and in doing resolution to be G:-Ibo Rose- berry. After she retires ue Doctor restores Gm.-e to life. The room then change: to England, where Me:-oy Merrick hu establish-` ed heralf in Lady Janet : house an Grace. Horace Hohncroft (Mr Harry Wilson) is her nianoed hu_sbm1_d, and Mr Julisn Gn.y_(Sam B. Villa), 3 modern clergyman, full of love for a1l,`in introduced. Julim has brought 3 letter with him, rhih he reads. mgr Miss Grace has left the which uhonisheu_ Horace And Lady Jmbt vnth the new: that the real Grade in at fund, and that the one in the house plvee We were informed by :- pteminopt grain-dealer on Setnuhy lost. that meet .oLt|Iegrain.J)rougbt. into Kinpton iein .0 am, . condition out it :.....'u`.. rank of No. fgrainunnd the` prieee are oonseguently lower. If Vfsil-men would only take some pnine with their produce, ind elem it I livttle-heir ter, we ' have no doubt that their csuee of omplnint would be I-emoved,a.nd better prices obtained. `Aiiuu 11. Gun; ofian i omgjbh from fnrm`oi'I that {the prion lower lore than it in ugywhere doe. ' no dcbt thatjgighor an-o"_~gut M. hntih fnrliin Man! nah: Elihm- Hour! gnd Charla: smit-.h,_ `Roan-V Pmfpluor Dnpnia gf Queen : Co!- : urived in `town from the old _+-- H-ngeuenl casting up of It oco early on Sunday noon were not an hanvy scavenger 1 ' -v-_s non an uuno code 01 morality, will infutun be:-eguvd- nnfo guided _ *9 war oetween who I ha ppened over dig: Paper. of Towxamr Luau the ratepnyiu -and; Enllztorh -1' '7 ...-- `vs V: uuuurlvu. _ lgwm Point, oe.,5_..-.1'h. srnvodstn l.lII.; dilklmhnnhg with 884$` arrivodst tin p.n_:,; which Va ubdinto 380 nteongo passengers. 1 nan Istoacun in: murder of Goodrich. 11-.-- h_:,,. (\ . sugar. MV .; c n roll. , 45 00 . aba- II (in DJ.I'M.1r.M `k, change,` in men, '12: co..19,7s2. b`:;cwhat.- ~. 1).. 0.1." 0IucAgo' , M tr-oil_'1`.co., `9,327b.. .`i.?.:...L %. A Do., Peuokee, Milwgnkda, Ooull|Ihrtt&*Ilc-- D.Ph1:aEli[600 T 00, 7' .. *hC.W . .? ` .00.. E. mxnm 'V 19.25 mun wheat. ' V" Do. E. 31, Change, noJn.;_1*.~ co, 2l,69lbuIhwhed`. A - Shown-t,.2i;Il ` G. '1'. 1; Monk-en}, ll a; > 2 cases B. o'od.I;; _ *;7.a"..':.*...;....'"*8. - "`"t" '5S`",*'*= Sohr 'r.__ J. Mott, Chiengo. 1[onh;an.l_-'1`. cm 2o,s1_bnsh _wheal,,_ V M ` _ V 21088-. Mfntunl T. 00., Do..' M. F. M ' f Co., 19,782. b33: hae.Ch' i'- "-`"9" T % D. L` ma1_'1'. 0..., 22,327b3.3han % M - "wry gglnwoauu taut .8118: l.lBIIICBII|I_".VOfIl0l'. would issue his proclamation; nppoiqting that day .. general nditny; G :02 thmlaith would be done, arringemenh have math Jgy the dierent churches for carrying eat the observance of the 16th of October,-and nevi we we told that a general bu been_expreseed that the pl'uQed.::_Nutio|l` Thanksgiving` nhould he held 4 3,1`;;`.; -t of thdleuon. Thin`i:"nimnI. `;..........' ml Schr Morning sen; soda, J. % uo., 180 ton. cod. .- , Schr Two Friamln 1`----A~` mus. ` Schr Msry Murray, 2177 V pm. Do., Maggie $cRae,`BnyGihy, Oockburn & Murray, 25! pl pnk. Du., Alhstruu. `gags, ,_ l8,l8 Hush wheat. r uu.. Alngtrul. Ghic bush Str Panza, Chiqago, I ! mun I..._I. --r evening tingle newspaper in iheProVillee. Thetime toobject to the 161:]! of October would hsve. been 1 ofmdl} . `:,. 1,-. -: ` when the was an-mged bythit author- -ities of the religiong Abo_liea" tp, ugd not not`! when the u-rangteurenta foi` ;; thist by are oolnnlete. St:-A Maud, cape Vipent. E. oysters ; B; .l`own, tbx oyuto! 1 kg . I I-T--..l_u 1- l'|~ ' ___...___.`. v-up uuuuanvlln HUI!- V who hue dofopdod me. Ch 17.200 Wielt. U0., ll} I In sum 1;. Inrl }.-..... ..u: uvrv IVIIUI-I (QC Irfn (by complete. riiilli ZUUCIIIAICVIJ-\.'U(`Eo . We are} at P 19- to-.|rns>v:i.Irm..the above!` mean? 'I`he`Mutropoliten, the _ qjhr of the Presbyterian Church, emit lretitiewnt oi the Methodist Conference, media arrangements for observing the 16th of October to I dey_ of N etienel ThL'nh;ving._ ;T!_1pg'e`_s _w`9-3 up} 1. wprd of oppoaitlon to it by enyqne; the contrary, it was generally eenourretffn, mid A bone exnrenarl the`; tin: than-.--in A--3---~-l- vv-u---J, u: was auurztdlly usuuurreu In, `nu have ezpmaorl that tho. Iienunaauoooruom would issue his nrnnlnnngtinn .........:..n.:_.. ..,,. {nu cunt?` win be up ` _ anus mod, n for `two or -tin pressure to burr up business-f of navigation wi be kaenlv felt -._.---. -_-. -uvvvllal. wvwvllvg. 119$: . lower temperature. 1'0: F Lake onmio, rim; b.mnearjuoi -chi ` " winch, cloud and rain ~clau-iugsvny 'Monday` night. He-*I.r'e'.I'..:rs"...: :.:.;.;.'.f`a..- '*"iL%c1...." nsvxgatlon In be keenly felt ; And we feu- the mm of the_ [13; wouldhuva bean nut: poorly attended.---G W. -_..' -1. - I-.. 1.. |__-_, AnA, . .. ,- ,. V` . `-_:l W `Tr nqfuvuo ' .1 3.1.3.--Pmbnbilitiu Maw" Ln. was :93 Eaton: Slater, Vfly `Wild; weather {for lower naruw region, ` ~ mtivumxy winds, filing ` barometer, falling-temperature, and cloudy or clawing weather. T-.|.:.._L..- n-_;. n in .4 n u n ._` .'n-- ----o- vv--.-c- up-`stun: nuu I i>$ldJ.H.Po oofhilpl'iVtta M contra!-ytoactof Parlia- ' ~- Antigua. {Innis ....A...:. __ W-hi-ston. Sept. 0, ....._, + _lih'eI :--For Middle Atlantic sum,'I-ly wands gearing to northwest i-We-ins to brink. wcompsgied by cloud-and rain followod Monday night by ppm], I-ght barometer and clearing Welthl",:withAq1;uqa`|V_` Inwnr inlnnns-glam-an `D..- \'l -- `B..'ul_;..I."_ .1 ---- - 1114 Aug Lyvul V 1.11 U. A very general desire Eivfug beene_qn'eeeed thlt I: poeed,N T _{ the bgltntgfrzl huu%t?iN|i" e' - been favoured should be held at I later period of the anion thgu` tin; an 16:]: gt October--wo are 3131140 on this `-cnt'ult`Ir tion has been hid with _the authorities of the ' . ralizioue bodies on the Iuhieah uni. unk ....... 1 non nu been nan with _the authorities of religious subject, sad that some early day In November ialjkoly tobqldocted; Thin Imus will be n6ota`decennl.'.n .u-|..;.. '.:;.':' ""1? "" 1:: '-I.- .`:.:." "*:.:'::; """ y ny oven 1- II to acted; '1_'hil,o`willbon;ot" y 2 > men, fox-`fwo vth' Drennnrn tn hnrru nn hu-inn... ' Kate Stoddut Wu-to-day mu-der ' _ n., An: ueaora. Uhi: 19.244 bush what. )0. '1}, mg}: {YI-'-. u I v unpul ; Hendry & Go.-, ` &Co., 1 pkg {R Z; S."Thornton. I III." nun 5. 1.`. `martin, 1 ba. oysters 3 E. Stacey, it 93: black- `J. Gardiner, 1 8'. e... .88 icnr 1"`, 18,819 5 {tr Raun-L ? law : vnajxaxuyu -U :1 autu- hov'uonlyeoncpu:n' `on: by hi: ab- bll Ina ), should luvs been pro- party only din- jinlolutioau I piece of ur- nillrk Twain would any. Now, his friend Hcllnllen, - NATIONAL 'ruN1sG1vt174a. ---- ...._._.`I '.I.__'._. Y: ~ CUSTOMS IM-POIRTS. l\..|.A Weatlzr lejvdrt rhnn, R, I n. wn......'Pn Ill wnoan. Holcomb & Stevgvu-t, '.h..9_rit. ~ I Cohlthlflt Q MoP_hie,_ forflnn in. tin __ twin : Anal luv uuiln bllllll U! T did gnu;-ion.-.-1utom" Party of jluiully govu-nod country are due `j .1 `.n..I.._...I A- Al- ' artin, Ill: E.St|nnv, Ill, WIIICII -`dufa-`F .s;i...| ._.. ................ . QVVU E Q0 Boyd miniqn at any rate. ` L. .4. .._|. .._...:-:....- L- L:- -1. Elli o clue c 0 AH nuunm HE INAGUIIA-E ?-`-*9`: J t Auociation will President, R514}. . ".`i"i.`.s...5`;. `".i;`*` %n;",`.* IN . _ .{{1.,:g_ s.|::e :r nIn|'mnn a' 0'cl06 Admiuiogfreo. _ Remove`-4 ch; ` ' M j ' 3 HQKT1 and in qt neglootor penalty as the luv Allow! will .110 ii _the person or_po:-you mg. ` ' smrisx oh? .l.o;novew= ftlnrg ` . Hour-. _JAl['EBiBRO'I'lIlm` jg nnoer hkuimlj lni nxprul nlgns ' ...;..L..... I Mixed Train for 'l`oronr1ao.1 nlgnu naxpr-an ......... . ' " ~` L Mixed Train for neutral" j Mixed Train for B1ockv}lle.....'. -4% W; % TRAINS amna Night ...'....'....... ... Mixed Trin fnl-' Tnumbn o - . ,, . ' the Citv Bookstore "and Lt` the door._ `"11" ? --vv--v --vv-- vv-u -- 1'.-9:7-u3` `W Su!>j_eot :--"'.l`ho Catholic Church ' "as. 25 Kingiton, Oct. 6th. 1873. I Portsmouth g:_a.__rine A HE has `her --eo ' " T M.ASnTElr;8u:ie8`WN that, `having losludi-the fratenneall, A OOUT AINI? EPAIR A . ' GEOBEE M WILK % +` | ` `!"> 3 Q ME- Fi L ANCAK lsr. MARY'S o{ATH:.4I1,_ .5015 grounds on WIQDN Itprominet tozbo vol`? II [any entries .hnvo--ulna!` 1 --IuI-- ` 3 W W ; _ Sundpy ngxt. lll Gist. at ; r ; ,u_..iL' x 4 1 F r ",.-0H.FlN:E %HEr-1mNV 5 1:. 1373. EMEMBER' j cultnnl Shownt-the _)GB, Aux grounds wnnxmniag, Itpromiuet to-be' waver. 1: Grit: would 11.3. L-II.nn.6I.-L -1` __llu-_n ,- - Byordoi-bl 111"`; .2- L KINGSTON-u fol-lam :-_ ; PRAINS GOING EAST. w 1?'..-....... ` i k ` A` - cm or msmi% ulmiuion 25 (NIH. `7'vVl'IBI&'~'IIIIO;r'IK"`3` ; City Boolutoroindgnt ` Iinguton, 1873. . I JUST Rnomggp 11.11115 .15 HERE! an -.-_ - 1- 3 an % QILPHANBM heAtlaIivm-ad bl: Is % .1a...E% G" \P`jQj`ll.V III` ID. 3 an noun 2.; 1..*`nALn xms. sg " gcing-i ONE it `mi-ialn 4-`-`a. :u .g,. | ` V ' `I ` I .`1 F! ' MAGNIFI- ` by then `Pl8lTiViLYu 1 ` m _x____... Gm P1(n;1cs.-AI ATIONEIPS. F" :u.....,7 " :1: h;'C.';u.';L1": ` Wichita did notdo, we beg ofolloiingtxibouulimitted to ` .|....:__.. `an--or/and` J9 viu i_nto the eon-nptian no . l7oy the Government In ` I IhO Pysic Rnilwuy con-' ~" vnn, -out, did Mr Hunting- `H allergy Illd feu-louneu in t 112. w~:~w :9 nah of % uu?u `IIIIIIJII mo Inn itnununujnrytoprove n NEWW .4 4! lifllxs Q01`. ,6. their mnoonnoo, sad 0! thoPuy actually had nclutlyto nqunttho 0on- `-_.- .. _..-..-v tutu Z spent to inuence the [ion of cool einhry we ,_-.u-we-uugnzllsrnlo Irdnadarinotbonglxdodby Hoi,bIt_uu bumfnotorofhin ST -T `V -.- 153.555.5535. '95 ylldhuluanun in pnuouting ulhn-18..-. _A.. AL- ._._....A2..... .. . `K l(rJnn-an 0"Ii!ly, Q.C., I(.P., mind :6 ,0Iuvoun1'hudqnihttoaaudun uuimodi-y thc*?;ci:!nn6, 13:. G. 3. kitties, n>Dnagu-u`u_dA Duin._ The _ ( V Roux. Gonna: or St: nahona.-Lecture- eonncnoodto-dny, And we 31% ghdtohear that the sthnrlnnoe of neudanhheonuidenhly inonnud. ..u-sung ul u|u_ptylunl' for th lawn in to be hdd|ic_cvoaung in yden- inst Chuvash, via sddrau Tvm _..- w-ApI'I`,BI' nyino luv. Hula: Precket, oltaly. He was followed by the Dean o (hnttbnry. The entire than ouuuo bf the tension, the Denial Canterbury road I letter from the Amhbkhop of Cantor- btry, pnying.God I blaming on the Alliance. lullydglnlnodied delpgatau-uexpootedvto Aattondio wntuvneoofthollanco. ...___ ""'- |'- 5'3 Qvolqyu), ol London, Egg. l""- "'4 ` 1390! After which -0 V-`pr-yer bythe Rev. nae. oI_Ital_y. followed In: u.. n..- _ -... .....u-.-cu. au.uuwI.-'I'ho Alliance pundit: ptooudingu on Fridny afternoon in Madison Square Ghnch, "Now Yank, the` Hon._ W. E. Dodgu, Pldng in the ollnir. The Rev. Dr. Hodgu (Pro-bytu-in), of Princeton - hesdduesdhbmfdroign sources in osderjoshow what odm-s think of Grit -uusjality. Such oousdonntiouu, com- in; d they do from sonnees. uussteenvineensthotthegsglse oftlse Op- is thoroughly understood outside of ourown country--that pane being to use any means, however disreputs.ble,`1'n order so cute psujudioe against the Government tobounedusu.m.s....~.a....`... a- --an - ---uu I-Iain! WI $0 GOVGTDD tobo uoodnnautippingitoinoto ooo. Whit` 'o|nbodonofo:-pols" `*1 lnayalso-:5 pa-potntofforoommeroinlpurpoaen * * * Party:-ago, pa-n: bittu-pan, not even m `nntlnnin-n nlnnn-:..5:.._!`.._ -,- .---, -- ---------x In or promoting the robbery of Post Oce eorrelpqndonce are now, under my cimnniaauneanfunworthy to hold positioning Cabinet aanaum. . This diqnooful tumoouu must alarm .11 eh-an bf bluineu man ; they wiil feel that vlulunbodonoforpoliul. mayalso be n*n.h...~1 5,... ,.,..........:.n ____..w an x - --_._.._. ......v -up an strung I061 "" against the Dominion Government, but nowthgt the Opposition hm been driven iucomiait I crime sgiinct the state and tn @ ...i...o -....:...._ u_,_ . .. . . ngunnt society--by publishing iolnu odngnpondonoo--it proves to those who Irouliiiged Illd unprojndioed, that 959 198481! tlloflqf do not hold thst over- --___- _.._-.-nu uuv Unix nuu Ill I'h0llmns_ evidence; the Govern-. _-...- ... ..........w.u-m wlqagsri w 00 actuated nouby amorbid deiifrfor oioe, than pat- riotio ambition to guard either the ex- clnqner, or those whose ne: dontribute thaoto. This conclusion in forced upon `even the unbued mind by rocntly : received nowlregnrdi thopurloining of"! letter fronthoHom'ulvPoetoceend its pub- pnlilicotion in-thv'Hera1d*****'A age... J._..... (A ., ......_ uv-uvl- us ssw urn puny In mon- - tresl, end endorsed generally throughout Ontario, does not ssy much for the line sense` of honour which the private letter pnblishere possess. ' Their outrageous con- duct has been universally condemned by all who despise the use oft. men: not in order to dsnnge s political opponent. The course pin-sged by oertsiu Montreal hon- ourebles,"snd the newspapers whiohjuetied it hss brought everlasting dings-soo upon the psrty with which they sner s.ssoci'e_ted, and ding:-noes the count:-yin the eyes of foIign- us. If the Grits culild only be got to see themselves ss others see them, they might benet by the sight. -But this they ere un- willing to do, just an sll hypocrites ere. For thenr benet we mske a few quotations from the Chiesgo Joanie! of Oawmprcg of I few dsys ego, reecting on the Msodonsld-Pbpe letter sttsling csse : ` "We can sympethise st ,Lll;t_imee with an opposition isrPsI-lisment stontly endeavour- dvomting economy and speaking in the esnse of justice and truth; but ue Cana- dian an-an-'!.'.... 4.. 41- _-,mn - - - ~- I ~ > guilty oflhom- TIN] V:_,`\voll`nw.nre of the ttntlt klynp; yhfow that ay spent throughout the entire country, ind, t, they have the bruon-fnoed to uk for evidence he. inuuuy p:..d'a,o the chgrge. It a. some- cjua the putpt rsinmer who gunmen th lIt pih` nppuu-unoo--one who nal: lhn Iu..-..'1..l LI... -,..~- 0 I `nu tar, I35 I10 CID hvoit,"vnthokind udvico magnum. 6- I... .-.E I` -un: u---u lnulq lppUIl'IllX--0llB "Wh Ihulnln uuqfos the `oourtof heaven t.. serve the davjl in."-, The virtuous Grits " their'I`liJI `anti eye: to heaven`: and -elf-rightoomuaas return I lnnn GLAQ H'..-'.-. ....s -------- ..._. -..__- '-cu-rlsllluulllll return tlluihv that tlloy no not corrupt as the Nickel Tories am. But alLheir nuumed innuoalao onhnut Iltiald them from the ponohttiqg pm of the people. The veil they wear I4) bids theilf ourmption in tau thin toprevol-It their political dnfonnitiea `run: La;-no LL41!` l'I1I.-.. A-- .__-- v- r-v-v-- -awn yvutulil UUIUFIHIIIGI from being soon. They nr themselves guilty of `pll they charge their opponents with, and are therefore not the persons to ing the Item of accusation. `FL- .4.--.I-..I .n_ .__u., - .- - - i-`ne standard 0! morality tlveoutly evacted by noverhl leader: of the Grit party in Mon- ;-regl. And nndnrnnrl annnrnllu AIy._.. ....... ..-. {_.;.._- - Tm` In-rnu-noxux. B.An.wuv Gum: ran 0crou:n.--Montx-ealz C. R. Chisholm and Bros. We luveto thank the Mann. Chil- holm for a. "copy of and Steam` Navigation Guide. _A good nixed of noleuthan 224pgeueanhining informa- SIuxs.-> I`he Gorpongn givu one month : notice to ru.nov_e oya-hanging and urn- _ ,...,`:.npur Ellll!IBI3Tl'lI8&m' puny, with power-_ to carry in bmiuen at the village of Nnpnnee Milk, in.,f the county of Iannox and Addingfon, with the nominal esp- itnl of 8li0,M0. - The last Ontario can}: `ennui... among other ocinl umounoomonh the following: 95- Tho 1* -P-noehper Minutacuu-iag co... Pull Dover can-v inn I-.n.i...- .5 41.- M.u:nm.-The Po:-t:_mouth Maine Rail- way Ina changed hands, Mr Thomas Kelly having become the proprietor. Ind solicit: 9:3- dera for overhauling and repairing =rchf_dIl: of vase]-. A 5 ` ` , ,, ,--,.-an-v , IUIII, 100,236.16. The DC` ihcreaoe hi the three qnarberl of this year as eolnpnrod with the corresponding period of last year is 816.57 3.3]. -.,...,... .....w uawmenn or the custom : noeiptn at Kingston, `from Janna-y last to Septelpbor so, in thg years 1372 and 1873-Jnhmryi 1.. to March 3], 1872, $26,272.32; $73,831,793.- 45. April I to June 30, I872, Q40.2.75; 31873, $441,808.34. July 1 to 8opt'oubor30 x_872. $48,700.13; 1873, $55,292.73. The net increase bf thl-an nnnrlmpa ..t a.L:_ _--- ,- _-_ .. .._.._.. u3.--Alla Iouowlng il comparative the custom Janusrv In to !4nn%n-l--- r(--~ W Con:Icmo1t.---':l`he nun H51-Ln, who was sent to gwl for 60 days on Fdday, I'll not captured in the house, but in the yu-d. Be In: trying to get into the home at tlpe time. 1 * ,.,. _ ._-_..,. uvyuruunliy OI o The 1:". K. M. rqwick in lcturing on H istorical Theology before the ntndntl of tho Cngregational College 6! Britinh North America. M nntmgl vv.-5: -asnvlollnl D0! Auction, Montteal. u___._.__.. _...........u q ula wxln ulI3`Hlll'ty-IIl'8t verse of . the fortieth chnptel` of II5iAh-- But they that nmit upon the Lord shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up_ with wing; an eagle: ; they shall rlui and not be weary ;' and they shall walk sud nothiut. In thenfteruotm My Chapmsn gave I brief nil` dress to the Sunday scholnn. The qinoonn. in th OVGIIHIR III the mnrn QIAIIII--It '-3 `L m---1 nere nun no temptation teken you, but suchu ineommonto men; bntGoul is` faithful, whowill not infer you to tempte (1 above tint ye are _able; but will with th, teluptstion the make 3 way of escape that ye may be eble to bear it. The close attention yhioh tho eongregption paid to Mr Chapman , delivery at both services was the belt teeti. many to h1`e ibilitx as I preacher, and it in to be hoped that are long` the people of Kingston will hive Inothefbppcgrtunity of him. Fenvinl: in h.--=-- -- ........ w -nu uuuuny ucnourl. The cgiloonrlg in the evening In: the more elgqnent of the two, and was founded upon I. Corinthians 2. 13-There hath temptation but Inch Al in llllinlnnn L- _..-._ , L.,L n u - ` nan:-nllv uunpnunn, .m.A., 0! ZIOII Church, Montreal, who delivered two eldquent dil- oouraes to lugs eong :-options. The rev. gentlemah selected 5; his text the `thirty-x-at .the fortieth chum: .5 1-4-1- ; Exrox-rs.-- The following in, the amount oi exports, as reported at the United States Coin. 3111 : oice for the three Ihoutha ending 3011!: September, 1873 :- In July 8 . 15 918.73 In August . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._\ 2|;468.45 In Sepfomber 43,238.79 Polcu Comrr, Mozuuv.--' Judgment was given in the one of William Spdnkie, telling liquor without license. The mngiztrato found him guilty, and inflicted 3 ne `of % md costs, or fteen day: in goal with hardlsbour There were no prizonen before the court. -_ - CONGRRGATIONAL Cmmcn.-YesteI-day pulpit of this church we occupied by the Rev, Ohxu-lea Chapnnn, M.A., of Zion Church, Mantras]. whn .I..l:..-...a 5... 41..., - `Roma, Su-n a`c{>.~-'u: J: Ralph, Dnughtamsu, Engraver, Die Sinker and Em~_ boner Toronto, has admitted into partnership Mr David Smith uufvhis brother Frank Ralph and thg rm will be known by the above name. L