It is an old saying, and one which con. Mine 3 greet-`iamount of truth that Ireland is England's` di1culty," and certainly no Prime hliuieter has had greater caueeto feel ita force than Mr Gladstone. Dnicul- tise of no ordinary character connected with laeqislating on Irish affairs have beaethim ever since he went into oce. The Education and./Lend questions, Fenian- ieuu, Church Disestublishrnent, and now the demands of Home Rulers, have all given him no ordinary amount of trouble. We are not admirer: of Mr Gladetenifs policy, but we cannot go to extremes which some Conservative enthusiaste, especially in the north of Ireland, have gonoin their de- aounciations by calling him as Jeeuit, be- he succeeded in diseetablishing the `. Ryan ..',J an .....;.. uuv uovernment must ' in I safer method of any heretofore adogted by suices to show 1: at the g can be cllltivgluad I... ---A -- nu: propneta are hard at work again, some- what in this fashton : If all the members of the Dominion Parliament vote against the Government, then, beyond any doubt, the Government must succumb. And if the ninety- six members, who signed the protest, are join. ed by others, so thnt 3 clear majority of the House vnll be arrayed against the Government then _the Government resign, of course. 15 pro h ' than eretofore adopted shepp:-:;1'.'._ ma , _--.. .. nvvu ...a appeared under ihe comfebent editorship of John P. Pannier- gut an O.` W. Russell. The notable fact is that the Master of the Rolls Oice has ap- pointed two eminent scholars-one Protestant, the other Catholic}-- to edit this impartial The prophets hard war]; in Dominion D....|.'-_.-,,L - yvnluu u-um 1003 to 1606 has appcan the com bent John ancfeC.` W . notabl Pn Catholic_. tn mm. .._:_ - -._.-unsnumnuu. At last the British publication h the Calendar of State l a.pen is p the historical documents and briefs 4 rehtingto Ireland. The volume cow period from 1603 to 1606 appeal o_John an-t an rv-nr n__-,,I- uusu em. The Chicago I nIcr- Ocean ; dian Goverment. a. high comp] efforts rhey are makmg to see cultural laborers, represented A:-ch, who ore about to emigre It thinks it highly probable t will secure the lion share, if r immigration." LL I....L LLK """" "V -__- .....u ur. .uemI;on, of France, party valued at 7,000,000 francs. Port Colborne, Oct. 8. sunk in the harbour, on. Monday a she has now two steam pumps from J board. The cargo of wheat is all 4 with the cxccptiun of about fteen bush els. 'I"ln;. f`iL:-- -- "' ' ` ~-'1`he prop mg week the Rev. W. R. the congregation, delivered . dress on the history of psuln music. We understand that byte?-inn Churches in Manch _steps to secure instrumenta woljship. The late Dr. Nelaton, of frn D...+ (1.1! V gn, jr., who ha onmuteto Fort` A E? the new North for Col- u. uue wommp or God. ing week W. del`ive ,...........wu uy competent judges 1 superior one, combining great sweetness. At both diets of ` large audience joinegl In the scrvi led by the choir, with much ` heartiness, showing that they :- organ not as a. substitute, but sim] in the womhip 0? On Wedn ing Rev T D "' occasion were preach- ed, in the morning by the Rev. VVilIiam Mc- Kerrow, D.D., and in the evening by the Rev. W. Rigby Murray, The instruIi1eut.h>a.s been pronounced by competent to be a very superior combmmg great unam- u. great manufscltzory of Interesting matter for the -newspapers ; but it fails to tell us why the public should be debarred from the intelligence about great trial when as in Eng- land and America, all courts are theoretically open. Tn: ORGAN MOVEMENT.--A new organ was opened last Sabbath in the United Presbyter- ian Church, Brunswick street, Manchester. Sennons suitable to the occasion In lnnrmnn 1-. cl... n_,, ..... -. ;.uauuuruU case me Saturday I againlt descriptive reporting." the new View of courts of 1:; .. zreat lnannfm--6n--.. .: :-L-r r--vvn II-IJ LUV`. Apropos of the London 1 Tichborne case the Saturd armin-I-. HA.......:...:.._ ,, -- n. uuxzot declines to stand for a vacant, x seat in the French Uhzunber, on the ground t but he intends, for the future, to keep aloof fr om active politics. He wishes to devote hi mself entirely to the completion oi is history of France, on which he is engagcd_ The oldest Protestant church in the Presbyterian Church or; `Gab undergoing repairs, On the taken out, it was found that places, crumbled with age, work is as solid as ever. is one of Montneal s old landmarks csted in 1792 by Schenectady, New pastor till 1802 `_______ p .u - - ,, _.. , .... ....; ....m;_y :0 learn, aucceec ed in makmg a. motif satiafacbnry agrecmel with them, ind has returned to Fort Garry.- Ottawa Citizen. M. Guizut declines s taml vacam in Uhaml _ nr. grown lntends, fpr nlor _r_om politics. He ...:..1... A -~ ........ vu uuc norm-east angle of the the Woods to negotiate a treaty I Indiana, has, we are happy :0 learn, ag ( ,.-..-.....uuu Aur. Licutensnt Go;rernm- Morris, who recently went to te north-east angle Lake of with the Inrnnn L- --- -~~ ' _. V... -auvvvticll la DU Invfrenoe and Maple` Clubs for a medal. Al both clubs are pretty well matclncd, and.-Ls ` the prize in a valuable one, we think that the guns will be I stood nmi nunnua an urge part of the English ; the course of the work, we are told history of the whole aristocracy is I reconstructed, and very many th families are_ shown to be N orman \ never before -been accounted for. Governor Morris 1 , W tHe nnr---=--` - "' ' " There is in press in The Norman People a sceud.-mts in the Briti: United States of Ame: lieves that the Nurm: posed to have becmn forms a large part t1 work, I.:..a....__ -1 4| - w mama all Urangemuu vs t.he'allcged murderers is 1 men who ahriekenl for van in` 1871 have `control of th` enforce justice if they cho< .___} nuauulllg In the estima.te.// were then in Manitoba, and for $5,004 detective would have ventured much ; Reform friends had done with (:1 Scott, And the living Scott was teachix to insult all Orangemun whatsuever. now in aaol. ..-.-- ---l - ' ` ` ` 1u'e1'am mw, insclgatecl the arrest and assisted in pro- curing the warrant. In the interest of his Party, he fancied that the apprehension of Le- pine would excite the half-breeds against the Local Government, and could be used to excite the Orange vote of Ontario against the Federal Government. But we believe that the two irons thus cuuniugly put into the tire will ne- ver grow hot. 0dl}J`Reform fr nds handled the death of poor Scott to tlieiggvn admirable advantage in l87l, but the inise ble t.ri( k can- not he successfully re-played. If the Grits are anxious to see Lepine brought to trial, let the Ontario Government take $5,000 out of the Unforseen and Unpro- vided Account and repeat the sham offer which Mr Blake advertised in 1872. Had Mr Mownt and his coliumziies tm.-14...: +1.- ....._.-.7 nsnu .~ummi' U1" LEPINE. Are the bones of Thomas Scott never to be nllowetl to rest? Thu Globe is again shaking them before the people or Ontario and calling upon the Dominion authorities to do an impos- aihility by arresting criminals for committing an offence in the North-we t Territory, at a time when it had no more c nnection with tho Dominion than .with Mexico. On the other hand our contempnrnr_y s friends in Manitoba are endeawourin v to prejudice the Dominion ' Government in the eyes of the French by dc- claring that Sir John Macdonald-was at the bottom of Lepinc- n-1 iurcvst. Here, the Premier -is being abused for not doing what he canno do; there, for having done what he did no ` do. We learn from the Manitoba papers that that good Reforiner, Mr Frank Cornish, one of the In-`my Grits whom Mr Curling has laid low, instigated the pro- Cl.|l'ill2 w:1rr:Inul- n H... 4-4---r-A ' ' ` um unurcncs in Manchester 5:; instrumental aids up. yours, _, , ..---.... um um postponement. The proclam.'I.l:ion of His Excellency the Lieutenant-(-`overnor will, therefore, announce Thursday, the 6l.h of Novemher next, as the day of general '.l`hn.nksgiving for the bountiful harvest with which the Province has been blessed; and I have to request your inform- ing your several congregations of the change. I remain dear Brethren, very faithfully I10 pu 'l`h1'1raday, the 6L]: of Na been suggested as one that ' convenience, I have felt it In tn the postponement. uroclam.-Ltinn ..r II:- o a proclamation : Thnrlday, the sixth of Nuvemloer, as general Thanksgiving. The {ollowin letter referred to 2-- Rev. and` Dear Brethren.`--Upon tion with members of the cal Gov I hav discovered that the appoinl Tlmrsdny, the 16th October, instant, of general 'l`lmuksgi\'ing for the blessi harvest, would not. for various and tory reasons, be a con\'cuieut day for mlonh. .....- ...u..-41 uuucn between the Union a.nd,St.|r Club: was played this afternoon. A good guns was the result. To~morrow after noon 1 match is to be played between te St. Lunenoe Maple Leaf both nlnhl arm n----``'-- -'~" ' ' ` V Toronto; Oct. 8, ed by be combinin ,: power with s, regarded the ; simply as a. help mhip Wednesday even- Murray pastor of regation, an interesting ad- :he psulmody and Church Ve that other, two Pres- Jhurchcs haw-_ lab-.- cago pays the Cans. went compliment for the V secure the Agri- mrern. rebresenfml rm M- D '1 , ,- -..u -yyunuuuleui OI nrsdny, as 2 day ;eneral blessing of the vest, satisfac- I con 'cuieut them to 2- _;--._;-_-.-_.-..-_. THE: ARRES1` OF I.l1PlNE. lvnnnn nf 'I`l.......... U rA~L , _-.....5 W uccur me Agri- 'ers, by Mr Joseph 3 emigrsteto Amerxca. lighly that nnnnJo - ... cu m uonaon a. book called man and Their Existin De- British Dominions am the ates America. The author be- t Norman race, generally sup- ave become extinct, exists, and .rge English neonh-. I-- -._..- _'1`HA KSIDIVING DAY.- hnhou nf 'I`........;_. u, - .__,. L London book; nVPeoplea.m1 Their Tcfviarin he daily Press and the Saturday Review preaches P`iY reporting. It obia:-A-. ... Z3-I FOOT B.u.L.--We laarn that game between the Art: an will ha ..I....-1 --- -' .... uavt: ventured much but. our ends the dead : teaching them `rangemuu One of urderers gaol, and the akenl veiigennce at the polls :outrol the 1`rea.sur_v, and can e choose.-Muil. ma that other, have I rumental aid. ;- - -. -..\. yrupellef Asia. afternoon, :1 Buffalo on damaged, hundred ..y---.r_y 5 incnus In Manitoba g the J, duimr what has I-----M` known a.nern in n..m;.1.:. [ publishing brief: of letters 9 covering the )6 appeared under nu mu imuncoua that ner, one u nt. , Ontario naiitnt tho W...'l......I ....`_u v uvu UA! , T""I50 has issued the 1 the nlnv-any 1.6` 4.1.- .1: , mugrste to America. table that Canada -e, not the whole nu uv puyeu 011 urday gfteruoon. 1331 ..........- mus uxueu me Im- : clergy of the diocese. by men that th. l.....+..... .; France, left pro- -nucs. ._ ..-.., VAIDIIB, and 3 people. In we told, the earl y tocracy revised mud 7 thousands of 2 Norman which have used mm uuvurmg me 3 a cared under '()h)1pP_ Panrlnr_ _- ...-u uunacau. u n that the Lieutenant- duclnnng fNuveml.m- .. .. .-I-.. I I propeller Asia. |daV aftm-um-... -.uvvunn:r, as 8 any 0! following in the I A. N. TORONTO. `en.--Upon consults ' a Local Government, true appointment of bar. instant. an 2: Jam 1.-uni ounno ltINK.-We hope there will be I largo meeting this evening at the Council Chamber, and that the promoters of the Skat- ing Rink may succeed in their laudable pur- pose. We have no. doubt but that A good rink could be got up during the winter. } November, Having at would meet their nuvulnuer, navmg at their my duty to accede www preaches object: Lo 7 as 8 Hart 0` .uuL and hepme $5,000 a. good but With the Han-l uwu rres- save taken in public uuu uaxe ut y the `n, succeed- ; agreement rt Harm: , 935ad.Iy0 Illnn :- 4|... . : called inn ha /< ---___: the opening and ,Medical Students will be plnyed on the Cricket Ground on Sat- urday l`dl'IIO0I1. consults;-7 I III-urn nu nub I103 ' ml: u bctobor 9. uuuutulln non-Bonn. Shroeder s Sausages eve -At 15 Cents pet-1b.. rydayl _--1 II jZT`II | Famous Chocolate Bon-Bo Pistaches, IJD 113. EIG HT BOARDERS can be accommodated with first-class Board and Lod 'ng at Mr: Beel s Boaniiug House, Weington Streefcgppogjte st, George`: Hall. Dinner at: 6 o'cl Bath Room attached. October 7 On Thursday, the 9th inst. dence of the bride s father, Bogart, M.A., Rector of Lefroy Geddess, Esq., of Na lotto A'nnie, daughter of B. Barrister, Kingston. , at the `resi- by the Rev. J. J. Nnpane, Henry panes, to Char- C. Davy. Esq., * On the 8th bride s father, R. Sanderson, . trend, to Helen, Ir... an zuexander. Tl arally commended. . uuavu Til-alrtil. Captain McCleneghan has ed postmaster of Woodstock, Mr Alexander. The selectic 4______.___ The oyster supper to Mr A. P. Vanluven at the Town Hell, Cataraqui, next Tuesday, pro- mises to be I very eujoysble affair. A large number of the firmer: of the towfuahip intend being present to do honour to the Reeve. ` ,---__v--u VAVEUL-I-I U Vith an endless waist of other Chocolate lim-Bonn. IL..- - 3 - AA "' -... ..-,;muusnea.,Uh11rch in Scotl anxious to unite t :5. whole Presby elument iu the city of Rome in on; ; church, to be under the supervision 4 Presby e`rian churches of Scotland an United tates. 1-` 1- ~- r o'clock. Ii October 7. QButter st 29 to 340 ....-u , ` ....u. u,uuu mm: at 53 to 54: fotfvovld mix- ed western in store ; 55:: for now do. seat; 53 to 600 for white western ; 54; to 55c for new black do. Polk dull and :1: 16,75 to 17,00 for new mess. Lard dull It 8 7~l6 to 8} steam ; 830 for kettle rendered. . Uheese st 122 to l3c. Petroleum, crude, 52 to 6; rened 16 Chicego. Oct. 9 --P----'~`- ` :1: 5 746 uteam; 8361 ; 34. Uheot I Chicsgo, Oct. 9 .--Recei l8|,800; nhipmenta, 12,000. .... um uu; 0-: to 6'1 go for high mixed and yellow western. Bag-lay scarceand rm; re- ceipts 1,000; sales 5,000 bguh ab 1,50 for wester. Oats steady; receipts 38,000 bush; ulu 24,000 bush 54: for old waster-n_ |t_:o_ro now an -H--h KB 5.. QA, our to 95a for western. Co-rn rlllll ; 1 . itod export and home trade demand ; 681000 bushels; sales 51,000 bush 1 640 for steamer western mixed; 64- for sail do; 64 to 67):: for "I "(saints Inm. -..1.._ .m... . . fol- `.,,......m ueqmbal to uauy News.) New York, Oct. 9, 2 p.m.--GoId 109}. Cotton 18c. F'lour very quiet and un- changed; receipts 17,000 bbll ; sales 16,000 boll ; at 5.15 to 5,85 for superne gtoto and western ; 6,35 to 7,25 for common to choice extra state` ; ,30 to 7,25 for common to choice oxtro western ; 6,30 to 8,50 for round hoop Ohio. Rye our unchanged. Wheat without decided change ; very moderote inquiry ; re- ceipts 487,000 bush ; uleo 110,000 bush at l,4l} for No. 2 Chicago; 1,46 for No. 2 Mil- woukee. Rye quiet; receipts 7,000 bash at 89 to 95a for Corn dull _; very hm- .itod exuort and hm..- I-.....l.. 1-- U n Thursda_y, the lence b`rIA n faf M: the requett of the medical stuff of the hos- pital, which is no little compliment. } V V, , -,.- , mu. 5. uuulluzilllli 5,60; tine 5,20. \ Vheat--U. U. sold at 1.38, and spring 1,30 to 1,3! ; No. 2 Chicago placed at 1,27. Corn in store brought 60. Pork quiet at 18,25 for mess. Lard steady at we to I05. Butter nominal at 17c. Cheese 11 to ll. Ashe: quiet. MONTREAL MARKETS. (Special Telegram to the Daily Newer. ) Oct. '9.--Flour--1-eceipts 1,360 bbla ; market dull and heavy, sales being made with diicul- ty t somewhat lower rates; afew hundred ext taken at 6,60; fan 6,40 to 6,50, anal super ranging down to 6,10 No. 2 nominal at 5,60; ' placcfi in am. -. 1.-.----Ln 4"` " v -------<----_ The E1sta.b1ished.,Chm-ch ` I nxioua th -I...I.. n MAlLLARD S |`ITII\`|`In f`!'lnn-..'l-A._ _ ,' ___. uuunvu. Dcnk of Commerce - 1225 Iied, 122 oerod ; sold at 12*. . Ontario Bauk-- 108} naked, 107 offered. Bank of Toronw--l90 naked, 186 offered. Royal Ua.uadi:m Bauk--98 asked ; 98 of- fere_d Montreal Telegraph Uo|npa.ny--203-3 asked, 203 oered; sold at 203}, 203;, 204. ,. uni: om man, at the residence of the de Queen stfeet, by the luv. G. Edward Holton, Esq., of Mon- 11, Helen, fth daughter of Wu. Ford, 1. Montro Bank of Montr:-,al-l84} asked, ` Merchants 12$ asked, I Bcnk of Commerce `ap--A . m.1.l ..4- In-" NEW YOR K MARKETS. (special Deapatd; to Daily News.) New York. 9. 2 n-n_n..u In ' .. .. uuvu received [mm the Government printing department, at Ottawn, in blue-book form, a. return on the second general election for the Home of Common: of Canals, by E. J. Iangevin,` Esq. This in I very neeful book for reference. It furnishes 1 complete list of the nemee of candidates and number of votes polled for them in each eubdiirision, with the total number of votes polled in each division, number of votee on the voters list in each division, and the populstlon in each constitu- ency as shown by the Int census. 1---m __.. _- ,..-.... nun: vvvsy snort. In ID0111- - tenet of the Party. The Standard taken a very hopeful view of the situation, and predict: Itill greater triuaxphn in the future. The late victories of the party it represents are attributable by the Standard to the blunder: of the Gladstone administration. It says: It cannot be denied that the policy of Ir Gladntone and the discredit- able career of his Government have given an enormous stimulus to the growth of : Conservative principles, and have ' brought 1 . outliderl to recognize in the practical ap- plication of them the surest lafeguardn against the inroadn of democracy. Mis- chievous legislation and administrative in- eompetenaa have been important factor: in turning whilom Liberal eonntituenciel from the error of their ways. ,_ .7 11 - - ,, ._._.___. vonnucrclal. MONTREAL S'l`0CK P.` ....V saw 1 |ll VI UIIIIIEIIIIPXI, Of common conversation, The mental aberration, And dire infatuation, With-every sad gradation, '.l`o maniac (lesperation ;_ Ye who, with consternation, Behold this devastation, And utter condemnation, Of all inebriation, Why sanction its duration, Or show disapprohation Of any combination For its extermination ? We deem a declaration, That offers no temptation, - By any palliation Of this abomination. The only sure foundation. And under this persuasion, Hold no communication ' With noxious enianation Uf brewers fermentation, Nor any vain libation Producing stimulation, 'l`o this determination VVe call consideration, And without hcsitation Invite cooperation, Not doubting imitation , Will raise your estimation, And by continuation Alford you consolation, For in participation With this association, You may, by meditation, Insure the preservation Of a future generation From all contamination, And may each indication Of such regeneration ` Be the theme of cxultation Till its linal consummation. ------------.. A Card: Ye friends of moderation, \Vh_o think It reformation, Ur mural renovation, Would benefit our nation ; \V|io deem intoxication, With all its dissipation. In every rank and station, The cause of degradation, Of which your observation Gives dai y demonstration ; VVho see he rnination. Distress d desolation, The open iolntion Of moral obligation, The wretched habitation, Without accomm tion, Or any regulation For common sustentation ; A scene of deprivation, Wnequalled in creation - The frequent desecratioix Of Sabbath ordination, The crime and depredntion, Defying legislation ; The awful profan.-Ltion, ctillversatinn A TE M PElRAN CE 0 DE. MARRIED. ,-.-.... ..... uuen appont- E in the room of selection will be pn- Ed . ,_ -p,vvv uusl } I313! 10, Iupertina ,30 8,50 muna hnmn ..u v, I'e|u10Ll 15. -Rcitshos,to-dy Fun Snnxo Rum.-VI nn g Inna. -_..LZ_.._ -1 - 4 * other Cream and an-Bonn. , .__ ...... , van lull- receipts at 62 to ;m mixed : 64; in 1:5 I-3 aupervlslun of the x and the eoelpu 7,000 bash -ado : mam -sh 1 been appoint- tack. the room A5 no we tor old ern 55 111 um-Im.....,: _bvtheI:.u I1- --. -..., vvv. av. 5 ked, 1842 oered. E ll2o'e1-ed. - 1225 ukad I00 5CK REPORT. Montreal, Oct. 9. l n.b...:I Ion: - __- Scotland is Presbyterian strong rvision of ltlanrl 9...! 4!..- in Greenwich, South Stabrdshire, Renfrew, Bath, and other place: are premonition: of still further disasters to Mr Gladstone and his Party. A change before long is inevitable end for our part we will not regret the ar- rival of the hour when the great constitu- tional party of England will once again as- sume the responsibilities of office. In I5 02 to 64} to 65 nd rm - -n us; ouerod. naked, for advertising. Your advertising petronngeis earneiatly eo- licfted, as the success of the Kreaent edition, and the continuation of the pu Ii (A copy of the ' be included with each advertisement. V The printimr will i... .----~~A ~ - vvwn eacn advertisement. printing will be Lovell, Montreal. T\ A TTIT\ The executed by John ' ` ` DAVID MCALPINE, Publlaher of the Muitilnofrovinces Directories, 122 Granville Street, Halifax N.S. August 8. -. - uuuscu. The publisber hu conclu 'rectory at the low gure c in o_:_-qer to secure as larva .....- -{nun :11. 151115 DAILYNEWS OFFICE.` N E N h branch 1 an-an am] AT the sdlicitntion of an chants and others, the decid_ed to publish as Business ] Dominion of Canada. we: `the names `and 5.1.1..-- -I ,- ---vn" 0019751 uvuva ABOUT r - - v vs McALPINE Sf Dominion Oassied Business irectory, U()17'1 rxnxrn -- n%qnn M. wmumws. a . ....uuu1uD,' sovgr .s.EA _smL JA -% , 5 V trumned with Plucked V Upluokeh om: ma Phin. : In HALF` KEGS, at IMPORTED JACKETS of nA1.'r1o F A1~nAcAn. Eumsrmrs run no r ...u-u Ill ONTARIO, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA, N EW BRUNSWICK, PRINCE EDWARD IS NE NFOUNDLAND; ' Ecah brunch nf.}m..:..-.... L --.--v.g, Discharges of Mort Quit Qlaim Deeds gage dnn n;--- :_ _ uuarluel. " Admission 25 Cents. Tickets to 1: the City Bookstore and at the door. Kingston, Oct. 6th. 1873. K T i_.,,::` Sunday next. 12th 0ct., Ruhuikao . I "I" , ..___.-; -vplag l Sdict :--Tho < Chnnt1es._ A.-Im. ....-_ m- n- FATiiiiii LANCAKE __11q .__ ST. MARYS CATHEDRAL, __ox__ October 4. LECTURE in aid of 1 A ORPHANS GF THE W! be delivered by ` u-unuu or uannua. WI names `and address ;of tin 5 F NEW mvs, NEW nous, _ unw FANGY nouns. Kingston Post Office, D Oct. 7, 137;, I c;RIGoR s. mans n-om the West will be due for de- livery at V 2:30 .m. V Mails from the East will be due for de- I very at 4:35 p.m. * ' Night Mails for the East and West will close at 9 p. m . Bgitish Mails by Canatlian steamemyilz close on Fridays at 12:30 p.m. ` D ht` A fVl'\\`I October 7. far ss the Conservatives are concerned, Mr Disraelihss expressed himself more than once in total opposition to their de_mands as well as those of the Roman Catholic Hier- archy. Whatever Mr Gladstone may be dis- posedtodo in orderto concilinte the inter- minable demands of these dissatised agita- tors, it is certain that they cannot hope for sympathy smongConservz1tivcs. Mr L,;l:ul- stone course has beeuso changefu land erratic, however, that we would not be the least surprised to nd him treating with them. Whateversuccess Home Rulers may achieve in other parts of Ireland, Ulster---its most I prosperous province cannot be induced to join the movement. Instead of any , Home Rule candidate heing elected there, we expect: to nd iConserva.tivcs taking seats which the Liberals nowv . hold-snd Conservatism in Ireland is utterly opposed to theprcsent agitation. ` Whatever course-the Home Rulers may } take it is evident that Mr Glsdstone s prc- u sent prospects are not very bright. Even S if he should receive the usual support of 15` Irish Radicals and Home Rulers, from -pre- 8 sent sppesrsnces he is not likely to have :\ 8 lnfge working maiin-it.v._:r I... ..n-,,_. . . -i _,__ rv ,----- x, MAILS FOR THE VVEST will close 2:50 - * Mails from the West due I livm-v 1+. 9.921) .. .4 xvuurxuul uh uue Ulllliy Pill`, 1) neaday last, a Large Dark Pocket Book, containing 8 small mm of and a. number of Promissory Notes, pa of which Inns been stopped. If the nder Jr return the same to the DAILY N laws oice or to the owner, he will recaive a reward of 35. G; DENIRON norulngton 1'.U., Toywnuhip of Portland, Oct. 1 I M lulu I 111 U 01 ! A the fnnnntion, th I Free Staying Rink will cil Chamber on THUR. 9th Oct., at 8 o'clock. Kingstqy, 1873. .__ _,- __. __ -. ,_._.. coma AND sin; (LECTURE. j Lost, )ROBABLY at the Cunty Fm-, neadav last. Ia:-are Dn-k Post om}: ivotice. 5 We have received from the rrintinn dang:-hn-..L -5 nu [AIL8 FOR THE EAST will close. we plxp. \ '~ . lnirru .~..-. _.____ ___A,, IN DLAN D ; 1 ohbusinesa I M EETING of: fomntion. th Hal-tinAgton P. 0., whip 0 . wu Price L_ ALL KINDS. % nunalo Robes, 37% on a number of mcr-' them subscriber has All of which will be told Cheap for (hob, n. Busmeas Directory of the Remember the Sign of the Red. 21. '1;m's work will coI_1tain wnm: and Blue. - . V ddresa {of every bufamess `TTTT T-r . . - _.~ _ ll/A, ' _ RD ISLAND and WD; nesa being `alphabetically n concluded to place the of 83.00 `nor mi-v 2tln at 7.30 p.mF Catholic Church Llld hu- am sc tcmber, Hublis ed, .on. -_-..- .....uua nyulpliolnl of the the Pall Mall Gazette must formed thauto include the among the: lrigh members ref surely duos nut mean to intiu Irish Ccxnlsefvative n-mm hers :1 Rulers lnold-zlmy views in co` more probable that it intent the idea. that the Home Rule tho market for purchase, and I tholic Montteil, 25th Sept, be had It ` - ' door. `E ch SICK l'l`3)[E I?IO'l'1BE-.'lII1)' 1,000 ' pngxs. vs "reward or 5 G-. DEN ISON . ) THEM HE tn de d beg: to / ~ T man; c:.:i?:en that ho` u c. hand, ofhisown msnufnohn, in` ` uv `Kn dVIntIg$ I;;:`=)ividend Plan. teed by State of New York. l_uf-Iapply to B. C, hAVV PECUUAR advantage! oerod A negro Dividend Polid t _, `___;, A) \v - ~ ---..., uolu ulan the increasing disposition of Irish members ti) orguize.-3 themselves in aseparato party and tn m'ak terms with either Iido.-indi'erontly Iva: one of the most cerium symptom of the times." N ow Gazette mu.:- 1... Iuu ` Sweet `Potatoes, G1`a1&)es, % _ _-- _....r.V~u-u, :3 - Tendei-I on the Printed Forlll will L ceivod u to _SA'J`URDAY, 18th OCTOB 9 1873, dressed to & WILLIXM GRO] 'IJl)I'un1:\nn Sign of the and Blue. .: A1_;E.,IAQE? st, Oct. .3, 1873. JAMES BROTHERHOOD; Auintu gineer, St:-atford. = ` ~R. M. ROY, Jun:-., Tie Inapelet ville. ' `W ___- -.vvn.u\av Luu. Specications and Forms of Te obtained on application to T A`! ` ` 1' A urnnn H5"! HIS Company is prepared Tender: for TIES between M 1 Detroit, Buffalo and Godericlr, wag: "and P vin Line. .3, an .. - emu munx` RAl1.WA` ;T|ES,! 1).[ KILBURN, 1'5. Inmm. Tnndnu .. AL. 11,- . . -u-4 October 3 W--- v_ -r-`gnu-uluu 00 J. C. JAMES, Assistant I [to . MP1} :_.- '1,1a.ve_1i Oysters . ` ; Lemons, Peaches, an \ Mineral Waters, , - ..vwnv IIIIIIII ` of auccega. The Pull ` nuenting on the disrupt` pg-6L. __: n .1.- .._.. ...vvu-n -uuuuuuy nenew , It _ the Liberal leaders are wearied, fatigued md dispirited. They went repose. They need tune to effeee the Inegnory of their blunders. They want fresh qries, new hopes And motives; but, above all, they went lei- snrefortheseeclsofpeeeesndgeod willto spring up among themselves." 'l'hismels.n- choly statement proves how little flit]: the Libernl Psrtythemselves have in their fu- ture'prespects of sueoese. On the qtherhsnd, the Conservntives, bnoped up by recent sne- oessss in Libernl constituencies, ere hopeful nud are putting forth every e'ort. in the in- torrent nf thn Pu-on 'l`|-- Gin-1---- ` ` I 1 SNOWBALLS, . 1" NOTE BOOKS, all sizes, j STATIONERY of every OPERA amssns, , won}: `noxss, % . W_RITING DESK8, Parlour Table N EW MUSIC, I . Ten per cent cash`, And within thereafter Hie balance of _on-third ` purchase Iiuoy; the remainder in " nua.l paymlnta, with interest at tlio seven per cent. ` For fun-ter articular: u totitlc`,-N plan, &u., appy to Kirkpatrick Vendors Solliciton-3, on-to 9 ucnuuy pic :6 ` , mi at the hour of eleven o in .- _._..-.\/.-4 J. I CHEAP_ BOOK STORE . ctober 3. AND OYSTER ~DEPOT, Street, Market Squn-e. And as large assortment of -STATI`QNER'S HALL, : _.__.__ or all description,` ,,_.__-... ...... cow noun prospect of a. turn in the tide of Conservative reaction which has 3.: aulplcinlllly commenced. A third Party is attracting attention, ' namely, the Irish Nationalists or Home Rulers. Throughout the length and breadth of Ireland they are butily engaged organizing their forces in order to secure as many seat! as possible. The all powerful inuence of the Ronnui Catholic Hiemrcbi and priesthood is `being utilized. and recent intelligence inform ng that meetings in the in- wlieu. of the Party are being held, not in lmhad slope but also in England. Scut- hnd, The Home Rulers are ~determin'ed w place their hobby liefore the country ; but we have little fsit h in their _prospect`s' 1 Sharon: rm... n,.. .- .- 9:5? 8 C. J. BRYDGES, H . 5, and,; .'x:,.s.._$g ; WI gain lcrilllidurable number of ad-1iti:m- asl seats at the expense of the Liberals the ` ; present state of public opiniun and the gen- ) ursl dissatisfaction "with the Government ' which seems to be prevalent, wsrrnnts us in E believing. The spirits of the Conservatives 1 sre hopeful in the extreme, and it is evi- dent that they are making most systematic preparations for the coming struggle`: On the other bend, the Liberals, disappointed lay a. series of linpmcedelited defeat arr cle- peudent and see little prospect of turn V_A.` an - uv opera which 5?; Oh- I- `- T"'!` y adv `Mural! v5.1 = the that 11' (`.1 . match btween the In hlxvnt` {chic -FL..------~ - IIEV 4%- an the :3 Ala III W-W2 81 .411. ;::;;| ---- - .... auul uuzen 1: com- disruption of parties re- "that the increasing nbers orszaniza the----'---~ ` E52: und errol 53541, K Q II: V U Fi nemi ` Itored `II. The K] 4- ........u "111 06 H1 rpurchue, that the high- lreceivo their support. As LIel'V&I`.iVa-n anon ~~~~~ ~ ` " Tie- af ,_ --.v vnnuwu. L` Ga_.:ette be better in- Cnnaenmtlves 11 referred to. It t moa_u intimate that the `tivn m.; ~ ` " ..,.......;uc.ucu uc.-man le- 3 Iurvativa .-......o:.\.. ._L.' . . -We nninn -5 H... 11-.., ,_..--.v-, an ull ; 8 painful death . I...n I. -- ' , , `r -unuu LIIU nbcrs and the Hume common. It is intends to convey .0 Rulers will be. in g .....1 LL.L.I - ginning to'wiah for a change. Even in his _.........., ununulu lprlng, at winch time Mr Disraeli refused to take oiee, in con. sequence of the conviction that he did not poeaeee the condenceiof the majority. It will be remembered that Mr Gladstone : defeat waauut brought about by an over_ wholmning Conservative vote, ` but on ac- count of the Irish Roman Catholic mem- bers, whom the Premier was most desirous of eonciliating, having gone into the Op- position lobby. when the~divieiona took place. Dise:itisf:ictiou with the present administration has for some time past been steadily on the increage. The Cabinet is regarded as w , and the manner in which it has been pat had up of late ie looked up'on an a sure sign of its inevitable down- fall. The Premier himself in feet losing that popularity, even among hie own political friends, -which he once enjoyed. The People : William of other day: in a name which cannot now be applied to Mr Gladetone. The people have lost much of their conticleuce in him and are be- nwn conelitiiency, Greenwich, very recent- ly, a Conservative was elected by a large majority over the Liberal candidate ; so that we nd the very place which accepted Mr Gladltone as one of its representatives after hin defeat elsewhere, now returning e Cen- eervative to Parliament as his colleqzne. The Liberal Saturday Review _ at in. 131...: I.....:..._ -_- - - - -- - \ Dr. Reeve, wh ... .. q..__, - --..- "mu, not so lgrs Before \ 5 Mdl Guzett Iljnn `J - " -...: unuuo I: beinduccd qstead being I I Conservatives ... L I - . none 01 a. munan being. At riolity that is worth A remarkable luau: at No. 1 Duke of a. calf, with of I human being. the animal are situate to be, and the snout nose of a. human bein street, a. head shaped The eyes -naturte is o n exhibition Halifax. It is the body not unlike thnt; in the head of -1 where the ears oug resembles somewhat the g. _ Atogethor it is an en- seeing. i head .h.....: . Many of our conbemp of politics, take a. good 1 cise the articles of ml... I u u-alllughllll, Sept. 9, 10:30 l.lJl.-- lities :-For Middle Atlantic States ishiug northerly winds and clear The high barunwter in (L`a.nada wi soutlwastwnrd, and the low pressure ix will move ca.-stward. ___,______,=_.__.._...._._, 1 . Weather Report. 'Wa:hingbon, Oct. 9, l a.m.--Proba.bilities For Thursday :---l"or New England, `northerly winds backing to southwest ; for lower lakes. soutlnvcsterly winds, weather. partly cloudy and clear ' uanuro pox cum.-u ui-P_" l"""" ` 0' V, _ long nuration. The opuiiou 1-. gm-"mg ,`.ngth, too, that 6 general e;cti,.,,, ..m`ch must take place at no yer, d.',.2`ant day, would prove very din- utroustothe`Liher:Lla. When that time arrives the Conservatives will be in I safer podtinn to nuumo the responsible duties of oice than they were when the present gav- emment werolcfeatetl upon their Irish Univonity Bill lut spring, at which time Pofu-AA on 6-I-- ~n3A- 5 ..-.. .-. Ad.` I Meeting in favour of Council Chamber this cv Open meeting of VVils4 imr at '7-510 _--_, ...... uuuc. 1 Lu: ueneral himself gave some living statues of Napoleon Bonaparte, in good style. Miss \Varren did not sing, but she sold a. good many books of trsvel,and took part in a small farce. The performances con- cluded by the little` party dancing at polka, after which the immense crowd passed round by the front of the platform to obtain a. n_earer View of them. _ ,, _._-.. Auwu sun! Loin Illllmb sung Thy voice is N ear very sweetly. Commodore Nutt is an intensely comic genius, and he sang the song Mother says I M ust nt, with much effect. He has great facial power, and the audience were enthusiastic in their reception. He sang several other wmic songs, and also gave :1 drum solo, which was remark- ably well done. The General . . .. .~ llnnn Inn"... ..;-i.. , , Wnshingtuu, Sept 9, ities :--Fm- MiA.nL. An. -.-.. -. we uuue party, and thqir ing down a long platform extending ` the length of the 11:51]. Then Mrs Tom '1 Near" I Commnzln... R!--I-L =~ ' ` ` -..`. .....;.. umarcaiuments at the City Hall yesterday afternoon and evening. The after- noon performzsncc was well attended, and the entertainment gave every satisfaction. In the evening there was a. perfect jam, every part of the hall being lled by a moat respectable an- dience and hundreds having had to go away without getting into the hall. The performance commenced by the introduc- tion nf the little party, and their walk- GENERAL Ton 'l`nuMn.-'l'hia u ixnlividunl, au:companie_d by his vn doro Nutt, and Miss Minnie \\ two of their enltertaiuments t. u... .L 1 ' , ..-. -_ vane 01 EIUI wages case were settled. .-__, _.... ....,., ...5.u., auu) was lined $2 and costs, Hm VVon-ship gave judgment in the case of Uornmck vs. Maguirc. James Ma- guire was 1n1$2 and costs ; Anthony Ma- gnire $3 and costs ; and Thomas Maguire 85 .-unl costs. A case of abusive language and as settled. T0 coanmroxnsxrs. 2 . Anonymous cumnnmicationa can receive no atteution.. 1-Everything forwar-led for inser- `; tionmust he zu-compmnied by the name And 1 I Iddruu of the writer; not necessarily for | g blimtinn. but as oviclenco of authenticity. - t is :|lIqIrv`1|lIc2t(`11 that curreopondentl will only write on one side of the sheet of Paper. I 1 I We cannot undertake to return rqocted ; . c0|nlI\Ilniu'.'|Ci1\IlS. ._ . .. ...u. uuucl IQ , 3. outside the city hall V Uqmmck __{__........_._...,._,..__. AI..~1.x l\I.u1m Soc.I~;'r\'.--'l'he Iirsc of the Aimn Mater Society was lie Uhusical cL'Ls<-ruoln of Queen's U \VenIucsd.1y evening, Mr Mclntyrc, I of thq'SOI.:iuty, in the chair. A commi appnifntecl fur the purpose of arram preliminaries with reganl to the pu of 3 collvgc jeurnal. As the mac snmll, no other buxiness to badon adjourned till next Sznturd.-Ly evening, is expected there wi!1 be an extcmpon -2*} ,-.r Pnnlmc COURT, 'l'nU1 J and Henry Livingston, drunks, each p.1i Ealward Doher nun 7 la`l; was disurt , Y B outsid.-. t.lm..:.. :..n 1, A - - - - ........c. u. unucou. Mr and Mrs Holt this morning for New York, via Ca; cent. \Ve tender them our hearty co: Izrtinns, and wish them in th stances all possible happiness. , =_____________ new 1 ,, -. b.........a were present to witness the `ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. George R. Samlcrsnin. The biidesmaida were Miss Annie Ford, Mm Woods, Montreal, and Miss Nellie Ross, Kingston ; and the grooms- men, Mr Ilagar, Montreal, Mr Fred Ford and Master E. Britten. Mr and Holton left morning New Vm-1: ..;.. u_... v- V. .v-.u 110. L1. `uurnhur of guests v arhvnnn u Invl _,>, FAsm~ m'.-\ n LE \VI;n 0| Nu. -'l`he res. one of our most highly esteemed citiz \Villiu.n| Fun], was, on Welx1:sdziy the sauna of an cxucc-liugly iuterestiu Un that occasion bliss Hclcu Ford dsmghter, was united in In;sbrimum3 Edwax-ml Jlulton, Advocate, of Mont of the lion. L. H. Holton. A ve ......I ._ I The thn.-c young I:/owlx who have for a few nights past, -ur early in the morning, been prowling :\round the streets, and removing things from the prculises of quiet citizens, taking thenufrum Ono street to another, and putting ubstru::t.iuns in the doorways of others, l)M.l better go peaceably to their beds in proper time. Their muue-J an: uovm, and on it repctiaicm of their pranks, W" I be handetl in to the police. nu auuuu Inn: aureur. taken of shzule trees. Mr ML-Cabs, the caretaker 1'.-wk, luu pruned the trees on which adds great] y to their app will replace the tllreu or four tl the cattle. but so` lung as cows mam about the streets, proper c of xluuln tram. Vtmlicu `U iuolgluauuu, uvuuu vn u-vvoruauvv --f oiee) so belunged tn the Liberal: and 41 to the Cunservntivcs. The result of the ' e1ecuom*n.e1.1 in om: to an up these vacancies has been, that the Conservative- ]: vo gained 28 seats formcy hell by Liberals, anal the Liberals 10 fol-w6l`1 in possession of Cunsurrstiveu, Ivlu'olSi'0l the latter I gain uf I8 seats. Thiodonlfvntive . ronctiun (hrs;-ughout the IN Kiqgiiomn leads to the conclusion 0*` MI'n tenure `of oice does 110$ promine to be I _-__, 1.....- .urati:m 'l`I... - - - T? Fog Ru: RI\1:n.-`~'l'|:e,deuclunont, con- uistixguf seven men of A Battery, and four utl-ers fur the infu.ntry, left last night, per steamer Bavarian), for Toronto, thence to Go]- liugwuod, en route for Red River. They were escorted to the lmat by the [mid of A Bat- tery, playing The girl 1 left behind me." , ___. _.` _,. _ __j____`____,;_.__.---i_ --- PxEsnv1'nm' rn-' KI.\'(;.~s1'uN. -Tl'3 Md) WI-I ! be have met in the Bruck Sn-'~'t U"`""3h On Tuesday, but as there WI "0 `l`"'`" W ' meeting was not lwlcl. '3" 7'~""'U-"MY UVeIl- ing the Rev. Henry (tn-dun prem:hcd:m ex- cellent bcrnmn, tn.kiIs- "5 NM of the Rev. VV:Lltcr Cuultllnrtl of Uauanoquo, who was to have pmzwlncd r conbempo ]'ea' 0 Hood Jan] A` 5- . um unmnguxs , wife, Con t, Warren, E eir .' evmdnu rm... -1 .. - .....uu say, In all it in but very rarely the Eug- Iw anything like an accurate of the state of things in the 5, unfortunately, too true that mf ten, the writers are wretch- 1 such subjects. They never , it is very obvious to any one, `.08 of Ca.n:I.di.-in papers, and in l the knowledge uecesamrv *4` ,, _ .......,.m x.--mu:un.e1 Jcyau v paid $2. ohery, young disurderly a hall last night, and 11 ncd ts, VVm-shin mu... .'.. ' REMIN DEBS. 1- . Ch he meeting Held in the Uullcge on y Prusiclent .uty, committee was arranging the ies publication gs meeting was other be done, it was S.-Ltnnl,-ny ........:.... H I ' I.a'n:u Soc. I-I'M . --'1' mm M atur THE DAILY .w i:Ws-f rour Skating Rink at the r evening at 8. of VVilsou Temple this even- Mn '6 i..uvsrn.\`r:`s Picosr1:c'n.--Turning uido for 1' time from the important ques- tion which is at present agitating political circle: in Canada, it may nrit prove unin- tereatiiig to take a supercial glance at how mattan stand with the Prime} Minister of England. It anpiwqra that since the last general election in 1868 more than one-sixth of the seats in thdonse of Common: have been vacated. One hundred and twenty. one elections have been held, Of the neat: vacated (by resignation, death or acceptance .1 -n:-,.\ on l...I,..._.,.A 5.. u... `r_.`h.p.l. ...A , .,_ .......`..m.._y -evening, interesting event. : Furd,,l1ialift.h, mabriunumy to Mr , Montreal. sou very large .-1 were present to I was nurfm-......I 1... LL` n 0:30 9. m. --ProbaLi- xtic States, dimin. ud weather. will move ' nruuuu-- .'.. I \ , I 1e caretaker of the City me Park Avenue, appearance. He '04: trees bfoken by uug are allowed to mm m......... ......- /44> V - - .-'l`he residence of I-Mung.` .. ... nuuVB e in Dakota ighgir _ _._ru a distinguished uyifn {V........._ ._..., .. nun nu ;I.-mpore debate` 1:}! `(IRS D.-I Y E VE.\'I.\'G. OCT. -9. uvu r care can not be , ...-..v-4 l citizens, Mr .1..`.. ....-r. Lug, when it -\n-.\ J_L , ; K the ...b..u.uncu , Commo- _ _ V. - wvna AVI U Cape 'in- 7 congratu - a......;.......__ nearly 'r|.......:. evening, inn nv....L gavq w Lfnll 5". `[1