ls m:.n`s _-.. m. :,.vu Ior western. Uats dull and uoavy; receipts 33.000 bush; salon 19,000 `bush st 561:0 57: for old mind -...o-.... :.. FUEMCAPS I m min. App!) ` Emily Street. Uct. 6th. ury uoo< t.$E".'. w ullll mm Oct. 13. August 25, 1873. L L gul` Out. 7. uuwxutug "al.l|:UU [N A PRIVATE FAMILY. Two bedrooms. with mm of .....1...... uvu or mnpc girls '4 ply at this oico. October lat. MAS KELLY, pun-in 1&3 : which will be sold Cheap for c;.;,h_ Ilnu-1.--.I...- `AI... Q.!.._. _- .- .l.u J.JC 1\\'t) S'l`l|Nl*} h\\'Iti situated on l'riuct .4. an... 1-..g..._...;n.... I V wuwu, l1\V0 thvpc girls wanted, fm nlv at this ..n:.... PRINCESS STREET. October 1, 1873. `" .LU UG JJGU, `W013 six or eight months. the House (par- ` tially furnished) on Emily Street, at. cscnt occupied by Hrs Paton. Annlv fn Piano for Sale "or to Rent. &I.`r\t\\v1'\ [I A \YY\ nv .`v,. . u 111 an/1 b l`JAh JAU1u!."l`S, Double- lareasted, trimmed with Plncked Otter, Uplucked Other and Plain. u...`-..-.--.. -..-....._... .__ . ,7 04 MR. |.'...:|.. IV LULIUUU RESPECTABLE TENAN'1` to occupy, during the winter months. the Drnnertv IVIIILLUIILC COHK and 3 Housemnid. Apply to Mrs Chas. F. tillleralcevc. 3 :t. 7. 15 LIl'4I" U Fl Square. 4.u .LIIULlU, HUSH, pzgrtially furnished, in Hue am urbsuf the city. Apply at the Dun is ofco. Furs For Ladies, ;f`*- dull And lower; " enloe 6,000 ha. ; eupertine etete end '. for common to choice '90 for common to claui `e lo 8.5010: round 11 p ull. Wheat dull, lto2 .-ipta 396.000 bueh; lulu .35 for No. 2 Chicago; 1,43 2 Milwaukee. Rye uiet; for wcsturn. Corn dul end Apt: 147,000 bushel: ; Islet 59.000 60 to tile for etenlner woatorn Glc to 62a for nail de; 6'2 to 625:: ,u mixed and yellow western. Barley .~ and rm ; receipts 30,000 ; sales 5,000 at l,.'v0 for western. Oats dull and v`: receinhs 33,000 hm}. - ...1.. mnnn casts}, Thibets," Ru`s, Mitts, \\'l U'['E & B: 'holesale~I)ruggist.s, 43 Fri --'--:-' western ; my to 55 for new black do. dull; buyers favour at 16.75 to 17,00 Ir mess. Lard`n'uiat .2 R 3.1:: +,.. m .+...... . Rady-Made or made to order.- Boa.rdeI` Want}: PlH\.`A'l`I.` vgunv m Boa.rdersW'\" a.'I1ted.`" JF`.\`\TI`E` ,\ uxnmu I,, _ Buffalo iio1;e:s, I\ll , 1373. RIC HARD T. \\'A LKEM, Solicitor. Of all dcscriptvus, T niahf. lIl[\n}|a flu Iva large assortnlexxtof I I UII-I.|U\J\L, Apply to Mrs Kirkpatrick, tract. `L gnted I g I [3 vuunv a 1T0 Let, I on tho Mn-In n :uIulll (CEU. Qrh In EBBSE-3: c-o`r;.'r' of William Streets. Apply to Alex. eet. DEPOT, nnnra VVH ITE BETTS, Dru ngintu .131 b--nm...;. ,. |!I\,` ml-l of Ilctulver. BI. WILKINSON. >--u nu, IV V, .Y.l`.\"G HU.g].;g' < Her...r \\`;I|:. .ilLY. single of parlour. Apply Eantlets, for a hotel. Ap- munl .nrn -:uL*\%. uuar O I'or(l s Kingst'on. HI H7-31%", \\'illiams- I I.O.\|.u.- NIB NIH)- l),u1.v gds. ' e Railway. I EH8 Bal Lyons Silk Mantle Vel- g vets, Black & Coloured Velveteens. By.Wi11iam Johnston, of Ballykillbeg. [CITY BO0K sTo1u1.l Thomas McAu1ey & 00. September 28. Real Black Gros Grain Silks,` Handsome Shades in _Co1ou1'ed CL`I`I__ .--.vunnvI.uvlA.I.\J KILIUIILUD 111 UULUUJUU Silks, Elegant Shades in Real Irish D-_I:_- A lno, tasteful and varied assortment of] sweat Materials produced the pre- ' sent season suited for Satins, Corded Silks, Black and co1ou}ed Y and other Laces, Fringes, Gimps, But- k to and Uruauucnts to match all our Dress 1 Goo ls. F rvnch Paisley, Ulan Tartan and German Shawls. . ., Very superior quality Imitation Sealakin ; also oth-or Skins for Trimmings. Josephine`: Best Qualitv Une mu] 'I`wn Rug. . xpnnzs 2; IF YOU WANT . IF YOU WANT 1 IF YOU WANT J PAPER, IF YOU WANT I 1]!` YOU VVANT I IF YOU WANT I LEAVE voua cam-:Rs lREESR0%THE%Rsl Sta_:_ndard American Bevel Tables , Bevel, 5x10, tables, cqxuplete with balls, cucs, &c., and having the ce1e- g brated P1-n:I..\_\' & CoLLE.\'m-3R C07-.x1:1.\'A'rIo.\' ' {`.nuuln\~u" nl-' uvhinh 1 ..... ...d.. .. EARLY l<`A LL WEAR, DRESSES AND GUSTUMESI auso oumr skins tur '1':-inxxniugs. [ Jolephiucfa Quality 0110 and Two BuI;- ` ton French Kid Gloves. A stock of 500 ' llolc and 40 distinct zsliadcs uf uolmu-ings in those from. ' The Newest` Nov:-lties in Lace Illusiuu and Muslin Yhililngu, New Hlnruios and Styles in a Lmlix-s Silk Su:i.rf.~a, wii.ln n pmIn~`inn of Hit" ' ..L \' ...|: Princess Street, l\'ing.-tm Aug. 16, I873. ;"`NIG.H'rsHAm=_} u also 0! V 95851 n -Enubliohnat urzwcu "1nr.I..\.\ N. \_;0LhE.\'l1ER L'0?',X1`l1\`ATI().\' ' CIvsuIoN.~;," of which I am sole owner and? patentee. These Cushions are not` sold to` manufacturers in New York or Canmla; being i reserved for my own trade. Price per table, ; packed and delivered on board cars, $300, 5 gold. H. V . (JOLLENDER, ` I . Successor to Phelzm & Cnllouder, ' Bruauh\"a_v. New Ynrk 6 P0 Rn}! 73$? l?..~m..Iw`,-m 1 and Commission Mex--M chant, ` I_31{OCK STREET, KINGSTON, E n. & J. cunnlwlml NEW GOODS ! I WICTURES AND FRAMES,' 1 .nnk'1N(`. I`1l'.A.Q1i`.Q 1ln1Yl"l'|l\`. tvQ | 53' Pictures Framed to onlcr on short notice r l\l I ur\r_o r\IVIJ l'l"\r'||VlE?. LOOKING GLASSES, MOULDINGS, &c.. &c.. &c. Sept. 30. .t5!oad l`.O. Box 738, llrnadviay. June 25, IS73. VERY FINE FOR TABLE, At the Bazaar. OYSTERS! D17 mun n A'I'1(\\v Field 0ut_. nun nnv` All` of 1 ml the .~" :5:-If tn 1 A..~ Strawberry Apples, OF THEIR OWN IMl OR.'l`lN(}, nlu-AA fnu Ghn J. E; HU*1`c;iizEs<$Eif T0 BUSINESS MEN. A supply juai . received :1: Dill-I U $l.lul\. Poplins. Pears ! Pears ! crrv BOOK STORE. ARE NOW SHOW 1 N0 I0 mmnsto to the 'NI'2RSul VESEIS .I-1.uI.Ia.|.._.-o V Iakul-:13 vnuu 1s:::. Large Assortment at the BAZAAR. A CHEAP EDITION, - BY?HE-GALLON. Iuulgll, 1V('.W C`-llilll CONSIST1 NG OF J GA;=3.DiN}L7t` 5IlU\U KFG 0HI3Y'(`I1 30 _!0V\' H of snczln a. -:l.m.~a an to w set-sou of tzzstu .'\.1u1ju-I.-_:~1u imx respectfully solicm,-.1 _.- W ._ 4.4....-4-.-.un\J Manufacturing Confectioners. I11`: U VV 1` 1 [V1 [1 suited for the ' ACCOUN '1` BOOKS, ' LETTER BOOKS, ' FIRST CLASS \VRITIN G 1`1u`su, L ` ENVELOPES, ' BILI. HEADS, ` ' OFFICE b'TA I`IONERY, DAILY NEWS--MONDAY C)QTQB,113R.13._ J. E. HUTCHESON . l ofltho Lluced me- ylcs ll` I-II:-V: &c0i It 1(nu~x`I`nn .':~1.f': ` , __- wwwnu Now is the time to buy. Selling for Cash.` A. J. REES, 157 Print-,sI_nn-l'. Soap ! Soap ! S0311 DI,I`\l`) rmru` ISLiU\VN FAMIL S().~\l , warrzmtcd free from an shrinking; umticr whatever, only 5 cents bar, or 5 l,:u's for 25 cents. , - `)5 })')}'.(:S S1 LVER BAR SOAP, ve'ry cheap 1 25 boxes .\"l`.~\`.\ rm rm M In :2 ,Qn.\D I 210 ll clump, `ATJ'E:,IA9EY 54 CLASSICS, VVHATELEY, SNOWBA Lr..~', NOTEBOOKS, all sizes, CHEAP. BOOKSTORE." October 3. V HE Treasurer of the County of Frontenac 1` will receive Tenders up to the 15th 0U l`()BER proximo, from parties willing to purchase -- ` COUN l`Y BEBENTURES maturing ten years after date, bearing interest at 6 per cent, payable half-yearly. 'I`__.`l..__ L- _L_L, LI, \'\ lLL SELL FOR ONE STUCK OF 1 Lunuio UULLV I Day Express Night Express Mixed Train for 4| 0oLI.mTBooKs,{ _ , ` _, W . __._.l......,. Tenders to state the amount and at what rate they will be taken. Arrangements nah be made so that the pur- cha..ser need not necessarily pay the money until 121; November, if preferred. ' JOHN IRVINE, Treasurer, County of Frqntenac. l rinnnhy 'I`m........... .. nm..- 1 .. 1 urban: or, uu County Treaaurcr s Office, Frontenac, Sept. 15, 1! {JUST ARRIVED} ` --_ .. v writ!-too ..n. vvvuu `Now selling 19 [cents per pound less than any other house " Kingston. ~ HI`}Rl .IN(:'rS and (JODFISH just arrived. . Call and get samples of our Teas before purchasing. J. Halligan & Co., Sent 9.: met: - P1ARKHlL'?L SI I LNIILLVD U171 lt Day Express . . . . . . . . : . . . . - Night Express . . .'. . . . Mixed Train for Montreal .` Mxxed Train for Brockvllle. 'I`D A1x?o l`I1\`I\Y11 < A J_`_ _$ J_`ACEY S F1.o\v1:P.s, OSTRICH 1i`EA'l`HEl{S {aui ! s11ades),' PATTERN BONNETS and HATS, mxcy GOODS, &c., &c_ . I u..,. i Green, Black: R. McRAE & (X). Ina:-gains Still continue, .-. VA uuwxu, ` `V0 hrst-c]:L3.s.CUT S'1`()_NE H(_)USES on x M, ISA A 1`. 1101319, .1... . I EALSKIN JA1'?1{E l`h _v \,\.'[) SE1" - ULUTH M AN'J.`Ll`IS, rb LADIES L'.\'Dl-IPULOT . BAJ:Y .r.1_\': 1 \ HING and! Sept. 26; Oct. 6, 1873. Sept. 23, 1373. gnnnxariv MlLLli\ ERY G00l)S, Kingston, Supt. JEIVED Sept. 25. -.. ......w .4... v uu, J)..1n."oUr`L[', very cueap boxes S/l'Al\" DARD=BAl1 SOAP, `van; .021. FRESH FTEJ`. '0<;:'rm::-:l-: om, Tmins'1e.--. L KINGSTON agz fol-lows ;_ PRAINS coma EAST. .- 17- ____ __ HALLJHAN Ilnn .. a L- _ j- 1 - - -3 j I STAT1'ONE';{`S HALL, King-St. J: REES BEAVER, BOXES BE-vT BH()\VN FA1\III. SOAP. wm-r:u1f.m1 Fran 6'.-Am nu- STATIONERY of every descrription, OPERA GLASSES, WORK BOXES, ' VVRITING DESKS, Parlour Tablg _QROQUE'1`, NEW MUSYC, nu nun Jjluulkvlllv.` TRAINS GOING ` LAIJJIIALV 4 near the JUST ARRIVED AT "$Il:j6`6. \\:: `V & C0 S NEVV STORE, 9 Market Sunnrn and Japan Teas. UU'5 NEVV Market Square. ARRIVALS . 1y to PESAAC HOPE, Colbotne Street. I-ID IIAMS. u . . . . . . . . D.UU a..m J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. I :wI-zs.-4 :4 -{._m..,. ., ` 9 l\Ingstun_ .1. 1s.n.'r.'b', 157 Princess-St. Tiiiir. MONTH HIS GUST. A n 1 J. 111141.15 U N UTE PAPER and Enve- lopes in neat boxes, price 30 cents, at JOHN HENDERSON S, Princess Street. _;___...}_._ IEVVS OF KINGSTON. -CompIte as- ; - sortment of Card, Cabinet, Stereoscopic and Large Sized Plxotographs of the City and surroundings, at IiENDERSON S BOOK- STORE. [1 at the lowest prices, a. DERSON `S, Princess Strgct. 1!1v_1u tgulltrj SMALL NOTE PAPER 111 fancy p:s.cketa, only 25 cent: at HENDE ` ` ~"x = . 4.-tr OUNG LA D\"S J OURNA L for Octgber at HENDERSONS. Uu1'x 1Nu LlL"l"I`ER BOOKS, Quarto and , Foli 0 Sizes, 200 tn 1,000 pages, at JOHN I-IVI)EI'SON S, Princess Street. ' mamnsorrs BOOKSTORE] [NITIALLED NOTE PAPER bnxbspnril-.n an ,.....+.. .+ FIVE QUIRES SMALL L in fancy packets. onlv Q5 mun-,. -4 -`((:)PYVIN(} LETTER BOBKS, j, FOHO Sizes. tn I (ma not-r FFICE J()L'RNALS FOR 1874 AT HEl\_'DERSUN S. ' . ? CCOUNT BOOKS, all sizes and style L at the lowest prices, at JOHN HE] lRS()N S, Street, [ENDERSONB LEN DING. LIBRARY, onlv $3 nnr unnuvn m. m N... ........a.h.. f'RAPI lNG PAPER, PAPER BAGS, and TWINE, cheap, at Henderuon i. uuuI:41'LDUL\| rs LEJJN ULNU LIBRARY, only $3 per zmuum or $1 per quarter. `OH, at J0}-I1\T Worsted Coatings, Beave and Pilot Cloths in all Colours ,- Splendid Assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods ; the 1; Value in Under-Shirts and Drawers in the city. Call and see our BLACK SILKS "and SILK VELVETS, which we are selling at Cost. The Best. Asortment of READY-MADE `CLOTHING in Fine Sxts, Pea Jackets. and Overcome. C and see our CHAMPION J A_CKE'[` fur $4.50, and Full Size OVERCOATS at $6. CLOTHING MADE TOORDFIR in mm mm Fashionable Style and on the shortest notice. EATS AND CAPS in real: variulzy. Call and see our Assortment of Goods before purchas- mg), :3 gve do not oonsi er it -any trouble to show them; ~ c . . - . . ' BROADCIDTHS, DOESKIIJBS; vENE'mXivs, ENGLISH and sc0'rcH~ TWEEDS `ma .1 r McNAUGHTON 6: co. _ _ ;__- Ltr uuuus, MERINOS, LUSTRES, s'rn11>nn=AN1>rPL J) and Coloured sun, Mdptle velvet. and Velveteens, seen Black, Blue and Brown Beavers, English and TW Blankets, White, Scarlet end Fancy Funnels. FRENCH KID GLC Wool Scarfl, Ladies Belts, &o` to. axe e T on . Inspection of this Stock invited, .3 the Goods will be sold at very |l'lf_\ HH_\', NEW DRY ;FALL.lMP ONS - g..- . rywvn 11 .> sgrnmnr, sole Agemm Kingami` -`__1 :un:y nmnpen alue in Black . cm: of Fan 174-.v..a. A - ;=ALL sum or MILUNERY, HE present rates for Fire Insurance throughout the Hun among the various Insurance Companies) are, it is bells ecessary ; and however severe the losses to those Com anie: itons res in Chicago, Boston and other cities in "the nite us of Insurance throughout the Dominion, does not warm tely` taken place in the rams. ' .. ........ n. ggmcpol `of Fame ashe, 'i`iel; Ribbn i7:wc3.- All `ml.-4 of DRY GOODS mnrztgutting the fnll_,benet.h.k;,2`=1 '1 . 1.,` ass or uuunnee throughout the W2 tely` place the rota. Such being the caae,`thin Colnpapy repreecxnberl by the 11 obtained 1. clutter dun`-ing last session of Parliament, modernize rates. The romotcra can with full candgx vino thin (`.nIh`nnnw1 `I. ...l - ..... 1...`. AL. I! )EAUTIFUL s'r`3iLEs IN DRESS ) Poplin: and Cmhme:v,.Gheap}31abk Silks and ancy Fln.m_1ela and Wllitoliunnneh, Canadian Bla Black Almuun V-J ..1...:... ..A- um nrr-A-' Kingston. Sept. 1612. I873. HYSOX TEA Scpbexnber 15th, 1873. Isept. 13th, 1873. t" e f my Company. - ` 1:75-8: 13 if Stock holder: up to gigte, Isa cusun: wm no named 11: the most lil IIELINDN 7% mvls, PHOTO ARTISTS, --.... Lgu... n.-..._ A114.-. -:4 _ ORTRAITS of all kinds and Er1`;:1rged to any aige, niahed in Oil, ; ;.'it.r _Cu1:)u!'.5, 01` Imlja. Ink. ~ . Views of Residences, Plnns, Machinery, ., carefully executed. September 1st, 1873. vin this Company: 11 ml support, the ii as c ' I will be settled in the most liberal | muuupuu nun:-. .u.w rumouera wxth I1 Lsnective of luv Commnv. *` Plastering Board tovelty Clotheswringerl ____x N'.__ ;ROADCLOTHS, DOESKI `s, VENETIANS, _ _V!orated Coatings, Pilot (".' Caille Segi;-$u;ore, INT} STREET, Rain A ........`. t... 17:. _.. Ban-I THE ROYAL `GANAD%l ` pembc 6th. mothe5LConsignment_ cLuIHmc. 2 J. 1". SINCE ANDREW ROBERTSON, J. B. THIBAUDEAU, 1 L. A. BOY.E.B, M.P., A ounwu & sun s.; T0337:-ive 2 doz. Bailey : BRITISH FRESH IMIKRFATIONS * JUST nPw.Nx.*.n nn"r EAED. nuxnn, m.r., ANDREW Iwnson. SEORIPARY-TREASURER . . . Muumm A . . , , , , ` ' "" AT "R. WA`LDRON S. . ` ..1.. ..c n ALEX1}__l_\IDER Ross JOHN v. NOEL, Aggnt, Kingston... ce over Pm-ken'D1-ug Qt: TYLES mNci?"DREss GOODS, WOOL _ s1:1>.Es, v{rooL * Iaehmez-es, Cheap ]3la'ck Silk Mantle Velvet s Scarl t Flnnil . Wiite Ingmeu, Blankets and Wool ` 3"` mu. . Yg choice of 400 WOOL SHAWLS, all styles. Large assort- shes, Tieli, Ribbons, Best Josephine Rouillion I GOODS` beipg much CHEAPER this s,~:`=.-. '1` ` eason, you, can depend Comforters, splendid.` - gxnkl` Two Button Kid` Authorized Capital $5,000,000. __.v_.-.. .-..L.v.J._l. \/J.U.1.4.`..1. LU JUST OPEN OUT At McNai1ghtq`;n & Co s, y____ :ES ! Novr;sHow|~c;AT THE uyuuya ndm up g. me, see '.l'; ronto am and uaszmh qua sen Sept; DIBBCTGIS. HON. JOEN YOUNG, M.P., pnxsinin. J . F. SINCENNE8, Vlcn-Pmistnmrr 0m:R'rsoN. I rnnu t\cIII`;1Iv v An inspection invited. NOW COMPLETE gs-u -unuuu. (H rarnamem, and are BOW totem candence rely on t lsu rt, director: led a themul he hnlu Innnhnn I:-u3g-'--`-- -44" "R. TWAMLDROBPS, >Wi1s (`Jn s jB1}n'1dings; FANCY Arab _STAPLE nnv nouns; Is NOW SHOWING ms 160 St. James` Street, Montreal. KINGS,` .--.=...,.... ....c uuuxuuull (me resgu: of combination as) believed, not only excessive, but un- > aniea may have been in the lots calo- ties nited States, the loose: in the bu:i~ I, not warmnt the, greotincreai irhich_:,l|u> uxnbcd weaithieot` memhnntu of the Do_1.n- _ and prepared to do budueia 1 the cytizem of Kinglton, ' nledma zhnm..I..... 5:... :u AL - ....a.;wu pmage memulvel than in the ent 0" l manner, and risk: will be taken on their merit SHAW & MINNES . ' *`"'-.-. .4. '1-`;Jc!.. lA.D-. T EMBER Royal College: of Surge .. M England, 'OFFlCE over White ' Be ' , _ t. RESIDENCE . d of and 0 co Streets. * Klngnton,-8.op`t. 17, 1878. - ' W V NEW BLACK SILKS, NEW BLACK AND WHITE SILKB, NEW JAPANE_SE STRIPES, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW OTTAMAN at PLAID BH`1W_L-3,. NEW5FANOY_ sxurrs, ' 4 ` Npw GIMP TBIMMING8, NEW 3140: SILK riunans, N EWWINCEYS, NEW FANCY PRINTS, maence rely czens K I pledge themselvel :'g:nt o r, risk: will an tlmir nun-in H3 LDENT. ` JOHN as "ELL, W. F. KL M. c. MULIZARKY; son. ..AR'1`HU R GAGNON. .ALFB.ED PERRY. JAMES Moonn. ~A. , ROSS, 'I\'I'!1`-11 n..i..-,... JUST ARRIVED AT hIUli11i0ll('5h0 resglb of "combination ` aliuved,` only excessive. hm. ..... V Pnmrcss STREL1`. aa..I..u. QUUII. - Parkman `Drug 0L0.THiNl}. ns;_1srea to do buliueu I cgtizens 3| event 0 3|;-RAE I (`O (`0., ' Owing to domestic troubles `Louis Koch, - aged 44, cut his throat with_n. razor in L-allen street, yesterday. L` Letters of Dr Sozer, lute missionary Bishop of Zanzibar, addressed to Blllltlp | Potter of this diocese and Dean of - Canterbury are published this morn- ing, nding fault with the latter vrfor participating in the Communion zsotvioe at the Presbyterian Church in this city on Sunday last. Dr. S0261- uys this conduct at the Dean will be ac- apted in this country and England as a Illeient reason end jnsticatiovn for Episcopalian; attending attractive services of the Catholic Church, and may becitod to pfonounce the representation that th Church is a haven of rest for those tossed by multiplicity of doctrine 8 delusion and snare. _ New York, Oct. ]3.--Arrived, the steam` or Nevsds from Liverpool. The steamer Geo. W. Clyde, at Key west, Oct. 8th Galveston, for New York,, reports on the 6th, during a. severe hurricane, Captain r.,Oole, second oiiicer, `chief engineer, and - one seamen were washed overboard and \ , s drowned. ysters, / Peaches, and ral Waters V... .,.....V.--., n.-ua anon lull. Southaunptuu, Oct. 13.---Arrived, the steamship Hxuua, from New York. 3 __.._, , ~-- s-u---rv Av: s-nu l\'I (.1511 IIUIIEIIIIIIIUIII. QIlecnstu'.\`n, ' Oct. 13.+Arrive'uI, thu 'I|te:unship.~s Hccla, fr-nu Bustun, Caahn, and City uf Cllustur, from New York. Piyuioum, Ogt. l3.-A1-rived, t.he'ah:'1u;- ship Caulbrist, fr('uu Not York. hl....AL .__... ` , 043%. 11; - The funeral the lstc in Landseur tunk place t-04 ayat St. Cnthx-`ital. The n:m:\i}\s were escort- Od from Btu-linghm House by :\ procession of the lnclnbcrs of the Royal At::Mlen)y, The Queen and the Prince of Wale: were represented. "l`l.,. ___-,....A ._I I..Jl._.-. ...:LL 1......... 3...... . 3 .......-,.., .m..- m.- " lin mmuuuces Hut. :5 curred in that city. Lord Linn Ma-n W Hun Hslmund H.:uu1 of State for the fur:-i Maw vonx j1sPATcHEs. ._..... nun: an usuztx. New Yurk, Oct 13.-.-\ Shrevesport dis- pctclx says the sudden clnsnga of the wstliar l on Saturday added an increase to the num- bor of yellow fever degiths. Among the nut cases are Dr. Allen, uue of the promi- nent physicians and William Walker mer- chsnt. olfered; sold at. 204;, 205. _---- V. n . Montreal, Oct. 13. Isak of Montn-a.l--13-I asked, 133 og'e,.ed' . Merchants B:Lnk--I121 asked, 111 o[f.,.d_ Bank of (hgnimorco -- 122; aha, 121% olorud. . - Ontario lianku I09 asked ', 107 offered, Bank of _'l`ur-mtu -390 naked, 185 o'ered_ Royal Uuuauliau Bauk-`J8 Asked ; 973 of. (end. Cf!-y Bauk--93f, asked, 9? oored. Montreal 'l`de;zra1-h |,'ompany-205} Inked, 3 ` 4 J 4 -_v .a. IVA-an nu. -us; . A Inge number of Carlists who were de- fettod ML: Juuquern have taken rufugu] In Frauen. Thuy first made .1 large funeral ' pyro and hnrnpd all the bodies of their dead. 0 _ hf-Wu!` h.-ul :sn'i\'w1 at L`- u~k:v;;ou:I., ' far- A deopatch from L1 P:Lll1u\; uent" Cu-Lay gens zlated Saxtunlzty :\ftel'nuoll. reports that the C0IlllIlJ!!l13!r of tho Insurgent frig:s:c.=' }If0lIlis-Jul Yu .-xfcr l):?H::V Yhflt day `.0 the Fun oqn.-uh-on all that port. Camuvn ring _ln;;1 been heard f-r two lmnrs, and it was he- licvesl that a naval light was in progress. British. Frcno:h. Gm-rm.-m. zuul Italian in 2n~ eigners whu nan-aim..1 w.~1-clnuriodly Inn-, nnrinu in unit H... -5." " r1xAi1AL A1WiT,'(K1EEAL. Lindon, Oct. 13, I p.m.-The unounl: of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of Eug and on balance on Saturday was 49_000ins1ead 01 41.. All of which in: fur nlui... .... ..> 9.. I .`i"7 d?+J' ll _-vw u.--um unuc ucuu 11:! deaths from all causes. `Nf..- V..-I. 4x... 10 - terms, on net. I3. -l`} ~~ur rm-cipts 4,533 bbls; market dull and lower; extra uffere:1in quantity at 6,50, but not tnkcri ; small sales tor local use It 6,45 to 6,70 ; {aux-ypl.u-ml at 6.25 ;supcrs_ range down to 6,05 ; snlx-:= made on plivate ppospd in the vicinity of 6,00 ; No. 2 brought 5,50. \Vheat nominal at 1533 to 1,35 fut white iu storm: 5 .-ipriug worth 1,30 to 1,3]. l rovi.|iona`(_,ui-at at late rates. Ashes dull and lower ;potI 6.05 to 6.10. and man]. '1 In 4... .-,,..,....--... The unmlnt of bullion withdrawn from ` the Bank uf England on bzxlance to-day is ~|-3,000. u... :11: ":1-aJd.rid. (t. 1".---A dubtful runiour is In cin;ul:uiou that :\ conspiracy hm: been discovered to assasinatc Castclar. The Alphonaiat[Clnb has issued a. m:mi~ feoto declarhg that t}Io time had come tn prepare for the accession nf _\lph.nso-tn the throne of Spain. Senor Qutolar ycstenlaty paid oicial Vinita to Minister Sick: and Mr Layard. the British minister. _._...__ Memphis, Oct. 12.---'l'.`here is a slight abatement of yellow-fever to-duy, but few not case: have been reported and but 57 Anna. rm... .1: ....._.... ..-._.,. ..-. Five huudrml (hm wen! shiplunl from I to-day. `[_.l-..l I 1.6 I -I rrovm ; 7,15. ox x.u,uUu, an or wl Aporica. Eric 40'}. on nuance anturday was 49,000 instead _ 4l,(I)0, :11 of which was for shipment to 40;. |LKlNSON S. * NEW 1rouk-{um{ETs. (necial Deapalcls to Daily News.) How York, Oct. 13, 2 p.m.-Go1d 108;. MON'l`l{ EA I. MA 1`. KRTS. {Spatial 1'c_(c_;rn m .'o .'Izc Daily .2 f\..b I'.I I'Y,.._._ _. 3, . .-....u . . MONTREAL STOCK : mutgum: It lam rates. Ashes dull ;potl6,05 to 6,10, and pearls 7,l0to mnpanied with I _._ I\,L 1n A &-~ m--- ~ unnmercml. ._,.____,_,., - ....-. -.,-.u.ym.._, fun-igu depnrtlnent. 13.4Arri\'e d, In :1, p `Y c v u mnsaml donors in spcciu `. Liverponl for New Ymjlj I \ WI" .. .v.--........;. rm ,Nru-1;, ) rt-cu-inf: 1. 5%`! I-;I.'l.. .......l. .~.. .-......, --. nap. uipts l| nfrm-n.1in nncntih. ..L _ _.-..r--v-. oral failure: `-u I\. 1\.l`;l'| .1 -.I.-.I Inn ii. I`|:o 1 A much :13: despatch i .__.l .ZI.__.. . REPORT.` r.G_--I In .-.w uler-Secrct;u-_y `... _.., u proccecliv lisnrder. 'c$JI;L\ -.* Righl. 5 LU .l_|U|h I-` FFICES TO LET.-Two large and plea.- uut Rooms looking on Princess Street, over the store of I\'I! Y'I"l .` L nrnrrvnn _--:- --- nyvu-A`! \lL III} LVULIUO `\ SECOND-HAND PIANO; in very good 4 order. Also a PARLUUR UQ.{GAN, with two setta of reeds. \Vill be |old"very cheap. Apply st this oice. Sept. 30. ` -.4` "`-` - --- uoavy; receipts 33.000 bush; bush 56 to 57 for old mixed western in Itoro ; 55c for new do. noat ; 64 to 550 for white western 545 55 for [Polk dull -. buvers fn.vn1n-at In '15 on 1'] nn ; wmw western 545 55 for Polk -, for new Larcrquiet at 8 3-16 to 8} Iteam; 830 for kettle rendered. Butter at 31 to 34. Cheese at 12 to l3ic. Petroleum, crudo,5; rened I7. u A rn.1vA1`IS l"A1\l bedrooms, with use I at this ullicv. (3:-It I`! - %. House` to Let. YPHE STONE_ HOUSE, corner 4 and Bnrrin 99.... And- ;aw- L1iii1ber f_o}-S_a.1? FEET of: Pine and Hemlock Boards, Plank and Sca.nt- ling, Dressed Flooring, Sheeting and Clapboards. Also Shingles and Lsth. `Md and Oice. between Kinrrstnn Fnnn- um uoarus. Also smngles and Lsth. \ prd Oice, between Kingston Foun- dry bud Water Wprku, Ontario Street. ` A. F. MACPHERSON. SOUTH SEA SEAL JACKETS, Double- trimmed with Plm-Inn! nu-.. lMI'() -RTED JACKETS of BALTIC SE.-U1, ASTRACAN. GENTLEMEN S run cnnsl to Eating: 'NI-ms: xinunrn All kinds of Mu's,' nnorLl.'1'AlShl'3 1`19.\`AN'1` dur' g months, roperty known as the "Jackson l r?mrty, in the village of Portsmouth. REN FREE. Ap- ply to uuuge 4 ply uauy lurmshed) Emily Street: 1 present by Apply to KIl{KPATR.IL`.K IL ROGERS. Oct. 3, 1873. - - ign of the Red,White and Blue. HE undersigned, begs to announce to his T mnny customers that he has now on hgnd, of his own manufacture, in 7 [no -31u1Vn_ nUL 1 Barrie Str Adair, Barrie Street. Aug. 6. vi] ln. V..v..L.: LU! nu-su. White and BI W1LI:+:M GROH, Remember `the Sign. of the Red. 1 lie. , uuuuuuxo I I wuwu. | RS. JENNIE A. sM1'1`H mm ~ 1 , more lma.r1L-us. Herod board .` For 333 week. Brock Stroct, Boot and Shn-3 F'a.ct`-ry. A =--------'-- _. _,'---