Kingston News (1868), 20 Nov 1873, p. 2

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n-Inccuo|r,-no conyrenauou between them. '11 Glngov to Edinburgh direct in only Qnilu, sud train: go slmmt. ovcry hour of tho J5 , You pan out of (jl.-sfgow by going Ihgv atuul 1,100 yard: m lengtlu,_aud linlithgov, one of the_ oldest of I Iowan, remarkable fur its Roynl of which Scott uug--- no lnir, royal dwelling hr beymul compare gov '3 excelling ; at: park in geuul June 04% the Inctry l.uueI'n tune, Nilht IO lahcklainfl lay ! iild duct : bill: from thorny brake, out diva merry on the lake, midst. heart. might. pleasure take 1 was no guy." _ innowin min: ; 5 littlolakoia `uilli I look illtluIni4llln 01 it, and 1.53" gatinn that |n_tunoLc Lima 1 black dog -Z chuucl, plxlnougln than war. A `no iuiha _ W Ium there. 4 _II _ the modern Adam, 1 hlx (at ll. of ovurvun. I... n... ___ --.v- y |Vrgc of 111- imprin on ..-s-.--nut. her cargo .n_ Silk tn I [rum hu ,,, ,__....,, ...... .. mu nl vnelli poution in the cou . The hon. oandicfnte is quite welcome to all 0 ha gained b his Iuoetipgin Nspaneo --I few more such vi mute the election llll'I ---:.gsinqt him. -Napauee Standard. _-..--... gnu men, I too, as the hon. gentleman thought_of the hu. miiistion of defest, when had said that the opposition was is conternptuhle one, he ectnglly lost his temper, and raved, and stamped, and said if Lennox refused to return him the `peo- ple would have reason to regret it--he was independent of this county so for as [goat was concerned, as he could eesil nd another constituency that would be 5 to return him. 'l`his very liberal min ed gentlemen then divided those now opposed to him into two cleeses-ret, those w om he hed bought et previous elections sud refused to buy now ; second, 3 lot of low demtgngues end Icum, who were elwnys ready to get up en oppogi. tion to serve their own ends. Heppy voters, ye who heve decided to go with the nebob ; if you ever had an doubts as to the nude you would take, tlun whet s narrow escape you have haul: from beingnclessed with low deme- goguee and scum! ' lose who were not prg. sent may xmegme the state of 1:l.Q lI!.Ln | tam- per when he could so sslyi on go mgny of the leading men of t a county ; among the rest,,,the n 1en_ whom the people h:n_re honoured hK plncmgplum In the position 111 lhe oendx to II quite :.;:lflew.l|`l|Ja`l'a`s.||i:I:&1-ll, I `P`" IN Fun,` no TnnunL1xo.-No better evidence required to establish the fact that Mr Cartwright looks upon_the fyresent contest as well nigh hopaleu for hxmee I then the fact that at his meeting here on Tuesday he scknowledged that the result was to him doubtful,-e.n edmiseion he nevel; was known to make In a. prevnoue contest. And then, gentleman thought of miiiat_io_n he said time. 91.. ., ..... .. can u u al.858- iuent in New Bnxnswidk, where Mr De Vebe is well known as A 'l`u;n-y. He will no doubt support the Mnckenzieuulministntion. not be- cause he is 3 ltefou-mer,--he would resent any such imputation as an insult--but because he hates Hon. Messrs. Tilley and Mitchell for their oppositiun to the old Tor party of N ew Brunswick. His case is anal: or illustration of how extremes can meet.-C'itizen. \ uni, and 3 at Mimi- `Ru-;d_v u e um: fur . lly ht-antul aqvun Chi hotels cluster-In 1 oaty : Squn. In thu I _3 $ 5|! \\~3lI(I Bea: J:-u Wan, sir Kubcn Tho alto-In! is {ac mun: nh... -...A .'L...x _ n. uenant, seconded by (`hater Stevonl; That the compromise entere-I into between ,thc Conervativcs and Refonners of this Riding. be carried out by thailleformen, and that under the existing circumstances we de- cline nominating ncandidata in the Reform- intest to contest this Riding." The Ottawa correspondent of the G!ub'rc- tn the Itnle untruth that M; De Vebor is a eformer. No one, not even a Globe corros- pondeut, would attemp to make such a. state- ment Veber 'l_` ` `. _l{'e wiil Sorrn Ll-Zl:D$.-TlJe Rcform" Convention met at Delta at ton o'clock on Tuesdny, Mr R. Field: presiding. The Hon. A. N. Richards spoke in favour of the compromise, and after an exciting discussion the following resolution was carried unanimous] :--Moved by \V. H. Densnt, seconded y Stevens, conmmniise enharml Sun. I......-.-__ The gentleman who ha been for year: known n the "Ottawa Correaponvlent of the Montreal |l'itumv," but who some weeks ago resigned that position, has been go much `abused [or misstatements that have hitely ap peared in tho Uttawa tehgrums to that jour- unl, that in order to aavo his chnracur, be than stat.-cl his intention _of publishing a no- tice that he_ has nothing to do with the corres- pondnnco in question. , nunuo was ren, iailwny Scan all we: ll household VA'onll.' _ -_.- -vuu aunt-bill Hon. Mr Laird attempts to deny that he pledged himu-If to support Sir John Madon- AM`: Government. 'lhe Charluttetowu Ern- miurr ulaertsmuut positively that he did "in coluiderllion of ucuring half the Dominion patronage to his party," nnd that when this Dmmi`. W (,.i`.`,,, nun... ,a_._:I- ,I -- - ~- A public meeting was held at 'eatpol't, on Saturday evening. for the purpose of organiz- ing 1 (funurvuive Au-ociuiun for North (';'s.t by. The following officer! worn appointed :- Charlcs 15. Austin. President; E. 0. Adam, Secretary ; Joel Chrkc. Treasurer. Twenty- four delegllcl I-em then appointed to repre- sent the Township at the (.'onur\'ali\'e Asso- cibliun at lulu, on the 20th instant. I ... II- I ` ` Thc Hrmtnn Tmmi-rip! Iuxigestl that 3 fed intelligent Indian m' M du Uuslongood service an the School nuniflec. There urc tno many "uld wunu-n" nun on the liuanl. The mum might be said of school nnnn nnit in... n. .,o|. -- ..--...--. auc lulno nu; c-nnmiccu in ether lJub." Arthur J. \\'hitesiJc. second the Cunard alcrtllllllip Siberia. in ed by tho H--stun pr--as fur pm Pfrurln On I'13..*1-11.1 .. --2| - ~ ' ` 1-uurln uh rescue a I as-urlmzu-J, from A u (how a-tfuru were, couful. java Ibo lures: nun ed g i In the jn`rna-or nhl -...I .`........- [wctcll to hear him thn_nk In-r fur saving him all the trouble of nmkin change. Lut he didn't any nuythingnf tho {inc}, and didn't even look much an though he meant to. or course anybody would think when she hzul bought her ticket, this femmlo might have got |.IM.`|( in the pnrtmunnaie, nml put that in her hnvermck. aml wriggle that back where it bclongcd, an-l when she got in the narrow jm-sage way leading ; to the boat the hill to i I utnpnncl gn timing the whole pqrforumnce again before aha could tear all the coupon to give tn the taker. Just then the saw a woman hchiml her wlium she knew. and she cnn|iln't wait another minute tn -0 over that rrihla nair about poor ulrl rs Smith. .le:uitimu the fte-~n or twenty men l-chiml here were talking Ibout her. .\lost at what they said in in the Prayer Book, hut nut in qui o the game or-lcr. By and hy, lmwever, the remember:-l lslm wantml to gn to Newark, and the lmat was just ntartin-,-, u she haul tn run, and au lid the men, and then they all came near mining the host, anl all hu-aune that woman couldn't atlnud to buiinus in A hunineu-like any. _..V .. uu, on large mils and rnllul ncm up hello-r. qunul than n-In-s Iuukml at mine um-A and twns, but cmu-Jmlceal she wuul:ln't luwu a bill cluuugucl, n ulna rumngcd arouml hull found a Int. uf pontal vurruucy, but it wuultllft. pay to lnwc the clerk nuke ('h:.uIgc ` for hcr, no she hunted until`-the found a lit - tt-en-ccut uuunp, then ulm got out n [WU-C1 nt p|eco,|lul -then clnuu-d a three c--nt. pi('CO all round that nu.-L..r,l.....|. ...x - and twos, but havu Illll that pm:kut..lmok. suul when t-ho cup- turccl it, ll!!! laiul dawn the twenty 1.-cuts, and lpokecl M. the ticket.-mun ms thuugh nlu: ex pt-ctcd to hear him all nmkinu chum.-a. hm. ho "1 not at. I).-In .9 9-.. ..v..I.. wu HI lwr rcllrulr, wlm-h wnu lurneu-zcvl to hrr waist, mo the gut In-M of that, and mig- gl--cl anal twist:-4| until she got it in front. uf her and Ilnzmugccl to Iiml the packet lumk. Of mun it hnvl money in on-rv .-nuip.-urt`Ina.-I_:t, and Um mnnvy w:u all wad-incl mid Lwiuto-1| up no the hook wuu rcmly tn lnurst. "int. the unrullrtl :1 lot of large bulls and rIII:(I (hem twns, Luo .-......v...n__1 -L., ... .-- ~- ruf `reply tho clerk pointed In tho clock, which ',M't'll|Iit-H n N-nnpn-uum pmcitinn. "1 Mn, you. I [uI').(>t." And then uho tmak out her wntvh nml {nun-I nlw wan junt 'nloaut 4 minute and lhroo-qtlnrtem alum. Ul nourm the a|iJn't alter the watch, uho never intumlt-ul to, but it two It knllufm-tinI|.,tn Iumw jmlt how it vrnn. My thin timnrtlmru were twn ur three more \\'uIm'-n, ulul hull n lnzen mun Iwhinrl he-r waiting fur n -h:uu~a-. tn buy tm-ir tickets, but. M I yun ! that wmnuu puiul my more at- to-ntinuf In tho prmwsnniuu M the 1.-qlmluxcu. Finally he N-Im-mhc-re-cl uhu want:-I n lit-lcct, In uhv i-It fur hrr packet-Iumk mul (-nuhIu't [in-I` It, Iullll I-hu lmpp--m-4| to think that it in in lwr relirulr, \|`|H('h waist. -ha um I...l.I . r .1.-. .., I I ' nvvv vs WUMAN DUI! IT. 3 "` Funny lprn enumerated a lot of I? which -he Inicl `a woman could do; I 0 forgot nun! items, and among othar things Iho fnrgot Io mention thnt Qhu woman but It- vor loom founrl yet. who can [my a rlilrond `shot and get. lwru-If Infoly on board A lnin without rllnin A general commntiun and both- ering ararylnou y elm nruuml tho nlucp. rm than ulna All/l\ylI Impkn nu though an no though uh: might to hm-u :1 present of In new silk Iran for getting ma the our at 1". l`huro was one of thin kiml of wnnum nu... -...... 5.. u-...__I. n V ca intelligent Indian lniulnl naii-nan...-.u.u._ ll WA WOMAN DOES IT. nnu Inn. ..........-__A_| u . ....... y--ulufely nut he did his given, "the detailqof the Pacic were A: familiar to his mind ronln." -hi--ullul each in :u own spexulay. In di& to the in-n mu...-.n'u:'.;n-. buuuand I508. `Clark : towing tlurad. utwg Ina- ehi-- -._I- __..:._._n _ 1 .- - - u.-niuu. Iecond onicer of ship in commend- : prniuavmrthy l mil:-r, who hml fallen watery gnu, nltlmngh u, unforcuxmtely, unsuc- nu |unI_ul nrr nu` uvmg him Ignf x though #01111` when nhu I.-.l ., ---...-an scc. J urn: 1 ` ncr place: beside: the IUll`ll IIE IIIOIIIU 50. ()f ll-I when [I might no `stun ! quitorcanly yet. the ticket and putit. nnnie, nut that in `. nu mu: I.'IlIIIl|-rxul. uhu ticket, I-Iumk ('nIIH|lI-'l. ml h lot` I! got uf ;ed to him inh. uug resomuou ovod aster . men M n..'. oicer of nunnn--..I _;_ mAs'1`ERS `and OWN! am, having leased the abo for a. term of `you-I, he in 3 OUT AN ll|DAIn A I "--1 --Hung IeIlO(l|IO`lD0: CLASSES OF V_ESSEI.iS on tho most tel-InI`and~ THOMAS KELLY, King-ton, 09:. 6th, 187:. T ' ' uuvtul. ualgoi` II I We toying unl-oundgd -a;:n an alnliy Lu 0 n. Manchmzx bingo" I an upuuuu fur Each Lu n..m: Portsmouth Marine Railway: THE subscriber to intina% MAs'rERS\nd wnnnsot hst, having lennl nu. gnu Inhibi- The service to In and suitable vehicle, 1 Postmaster-General. vuu p-uposeu contract, audl-lank form: of Ta}; ler, may bu obtained at the 0150: of the nu- detsigned: ' suns Ullld Pout Oice Inspoctor'l- Doo, Kingston, 11th Nov., 1873. _.___ _ ._..-f_____________.__ 't\<| ,.... --- wawnlvl cu. Forthcr information in to the condition! of the proposed contract, audl-lank Ton-_ :}er,_may tho ooe un- Letter. Boxes in this city. on sndfroln the Int J nuuary next. - ' ' ix EALED TENDERS. uldreaood to the S Postmaatet-Genenl, will be ncoivod at Ottawa until twelve o'clock, noon, on Friday. the 5th necgnber. 1373. Street Lette1;]/30x Service. ox-A I x e tin-r is. cnowm AND soysgl junlcnws mwv smns. New Jwclry. New lllgh Back Callus. New Jet and Gold Bracelets. !.\'ev:.Jct-. Gold and Silver Io: vfll *\\'.-uuhotandnr Box F. Subscriber will all on Tuoudny next: Nov. 25th, st Public Auction, at lh` Custmu House, 3 large lot of Household Fm-_ niturc and Effects belonging to W. B. Simpson l'2sq., consisting of Driving, Dili room Furuiturc, Brussels and Snfu, Couches, \ViIuiow Sidehmu-d, 'anlrobeo, Tsblol. Bed. nteuln, I French and Cook Stout. Cmc . (unaware, Knives, Forks, Kitclun Utcnli ` anal a variety of other "articles. ' ' ' Sale at l0 o'clock. full AG |l-\1II'1 nu Metallic Spring |htnu-' Nov. 20. HOUSEHDLDLFURNITUBE Tuesday, Novezber, l | we xnuplcu ol the Alan Mlhtsocilty, in St. Amlr~w u Hull. Prinocn Street. CL .\H)N'Il.\ Y |'2Vl'INL\'G, Novcmlncr 24th. TIIO nubjev-L to be uliucunueal in---\Vhicl'I bu ex- orciw.-I nu Iuunkind the greajar inuence for gum]. poetry or oratory Y" ' A cordial invitntiun in extended to all. Dclmle to couuneucc st 7:30. ` Admission free. nun an. .3... 1 wt modern Athens, ,0! everyone who has I . I I . . "Flu; funeral will take place Iron hcr late re-niulnnco, 7th cuuceuion. at 2 .In., on Fri- lny (to-marrow) to Sand ill Church. l"ru-ml: nnd uxgunintanou no rupoctlnlly im-itcvl tn attend. At St. Cntlmrineu, on Monday, the I80) imt.. Margaret Tlit, the bclovld wile of Mr John Nusznitla, fnrmcrlx 0! 'l'n|-onto. ....~.. ` year`. The llllllu On en. mi. int; .c the Presbyterian Church, Nnpsnee, by the Ru. John Scott, at the rehidonco of the bride : lntlner, Jamal Shannon, 1" near Ento rise, Mr Janus unrpfimn to`-Elfin: Magnet bmnon. both of the iownqhip of Camden. cu-o... ' In l'|;ur b. Nov. l'9'.h, Mu-`y Woioh. mac: or an. ate my Noble Scott, spud 54 >'::.'.'- - M .\'ovember 20. van-nu. nl ulu IONIC. Wuhington, Nov. N, 10:30 l.I.--PI'o|I0- hilitien : A-For -the Middlo sum, northtvufr early and nnrthorly winds, cold uul gainfully weather. For the Lower Lakes, nortbwuh erly wimla, voeringgo southwutqly mid and part] y cloudy rather. - _ -weaclw uiou ~~:!-+- Wuhinglon, New 90, 1 n.n.`--Puhbin- tin :--I"or the Loan: Lukas, urthwuinly vindn, occasional now, cold cloudy weather, clearing in tho lorcnou. \M-.I.:.._n..__ xv . .. .... - A nu-1: any IV 0 CIOGK. CHAS. ncu1LLAN; - Auctioneer. Kingston, 201.!) Not, 1873. - Nov. 24. CONTRACT r aonu um statues at ybert Peel an-i _othen. 2 cclcbrltoul ol the ihil-her to went at the me: In i..i i....'..-.... JUST RECEIVED, I'L BLl(,' m:n,vnc will 1.. given .....s;.. the xnupicu of the Alma Mahtsocilty, St. AIul_I.'-..-J\::I!l_"_u]_[, SIPOGL Cl nut. -Cllel Drnalncnuu ' Fancy Goods and Novelties AUCTION SALE When you buy,` PRINCES STREET. jjj: , _-_.___.__.._-. Debate. pertained with 3 hon-no ekicle. to be Anmmmd 415 In H- ruun Ind nuvnnugeg pup nxchutcr, Ln`;-r nl 18-1 at: ` common III- MARRIED. panormoa with ho:-no `tobesppmudoibytho ":5Ti':'1>. am. cmnizs. Sccmhn r. aunlu. 1'1 n-inn} Sign of the Noun 7. HEATH $ Gfzmsf. Drug`: urn-on-' 8% I luv Iunuoil If! I glut work in the e (`huh-h_vard an I nsnitanlan n n... I100` I world, mzw nucx sux ransom.` NEW wmcxvs, ' 19:. ha: - _ 48 ddle ptodnchaud Lyon: pl! RichBlAckGI-no.8:-n'n8ilkn. V \Alll.hoNv8|udasinColoInd8ilh. l_AuperiornuortnoI|tolRulII'uh.P. mu. '5": IIIII nguhhed ncunnu in - am we molern Athena j (I. ca 1:, of avgryuuo by '3, in Hanoi ndnintioo * - ` 4,, It mun be; B. In J. 9 mu: ,:__....|,;., -vwu-nu IIIHC lily 3. Ta; J. aAnnIN;u.`f Kingston, Oct. ltll, I873. wonn [Q13 sun `LACK a oowunzn SILKS Buck`: oowunpn srLx"S Bucx a oowuun sn.I_r_ And now this polluted thing, thi. purchuod chngtel of Blake, Mnckenzie & Co., bought with 3 price of his own xing, has the insolunce to` offer his land, racking from the clap of corruptiun to the honeut Conservative olucton of Lonnox. Thin double deoeivor has the usnnnee to uk `Just Annnrzngr L) `max 1; oommum snug : 8 cowunzn smug -...,-.., ..... III 56:11`: nu; nu-Jucra, llplel, and esvea-droppon, and coneocton of false ac- cuntionl. A life long Conservat.ive-tory, if you will, he herd: with nmga, anti- IInioi1iItl,snnex1.tioniat.I, and independence, managers, and consort: with those who have been, and still are, the deadly enemies of the principles in which he was born and educated, and which he has held up to the moment of his luddan onuuv.-....;.... ___,__-_., ...._ vvnnovlu nnv uni uulu ll moment of hi: sudden conversion. IIVIICIII mu uucenueu Irom his man! eminence to become an associate of Post Oioo thieves, bribe:-3 of con- rdential clerk: and private secretaries, employers of telegram lchcra, spies, and elwal-dronnm-I. and mm~u.o.... ..t :_|.. , , ,__, -_- coveted position of Finance Minister, which Sir John, who knew his man better than the; man knew hi-self, once before denied him. Hiuc illa laflryma . Henfe this high-minded cannot in: descended from his man] ominnnon 0.. l..........- -._ --. - ` And this incarnation of pure undeled pa- triotism, this apostle of political morality, this modern Aristides, this Canadian An- drew Marvel, had his price like other men. Even while he proclaimed his impeccability the Tempter whispered in his esr, and he fell--u-Id hivneelf, bodf and soul, for the Sir .la.l.n -1... 1...--. I.:_ . H - -- - __-,...... -. ...... .-uucu. pretensions to p-Hi. ty. such so might bet the lips of an al1cc- I tionate parent towards A beloved but crriug i Ion, be poured out his hypocritical l:um~nt ; over the alleged delinquencies of him whom | he pretended up to that time to have loved and honoured, but the magnitude of whose ocnco hie imnnculate luul was perforce obliged to condemn. Out upon such phar- iuical hypocrisy! there ha been no more striking enmple of trencherouu ingratitnde recorded since the memonylc day when the nrdn-traitor aid, Hail! muter ; and kissed Him " ` . N- .7.-r---_v uouu null. Ill I.1'll3CC3;- . tive cuunccziun, the sentences nicely b.1l sliced. and the periods tun-mthly rouudul. tint speech had evidently been 1 lab:-ur. --f _ love for I'1kS, or perhaps xu--ntha, ha.-fur: ; tho tituehti-e I13"??? dchu-r_v. Frazning I his nration with comnmtuntc art, he put --xi an itnidir-nsuhevr of canduur, an-1 afrn:h:d to defend the Premier from [he charge V (which no living mi whu has r.-;..1 j the evidence believes tn_ be true) of lint-mg I sold the "charter of the cruutrztct of the A Pacic R.iilw.iy,`.`nnl in th.x.-/sa no I-rv.-.:.:h condemned him for taking uiulwy from in ' contractor. which in just as if a warrinr in battle should huld n Ihieh] before h:s chief with one hand, and deal him 3 de:u.Hy st_.-t|- ' with the other. .\'ut coma,-ut with thin, he pruned the acktowledgod virtues and cmi. neat services of the Ministers into the iter- vicn: of his hstred, anal furged from them the deadliest weipTni of hi; quiver, and in language of the luftieat pretensions tn p-ni- t , bl in rm 1.! -.. -1! - ,,,_, ~ .- - .............. -nu`: I351 nuns nluzu > :1: cool eoummnxul n.-mun`, \-nulnctxru and 3 ddxbenu: malice; and involn.-Itate porn--Iul ! spite. to 1.1.1: made 1-) Ihc Cmxu-train-9| member fur.L-.-nnux; nor Ina there :m_\- ` speech delivered by the enumiea :4 H20. Government more dunagm1_iu in nu c!x.1r- ` ncler than his. Carefully pn-pared, the; propositions I-.--imlly laid nut In c--nsec:;- rip- .. .......,..., .. -1 .\!n L`;ntw|m.In' Ash nu`. I'M nu SLAM-|:x.~Ux' all the attacks lhal M-re made upon Sac John A. (.,\"Ian-innzhl luring 9 the debate up-\n"lhe ad-l\l u:.u in lhq hum sexton of l'uh.uncnt. llu-r`e I_L'oI10lIc\'--`ual n. ......| ..... _....__. I , Inn In-uou-me. A Flt Glugoi it is the thing to visit the T1 the Clyde and `an orthodox ducri . 53 In. I tmuint. would be that these [:1 m aquhitrly beautiful. But at the risk I ilaniagtm ire of my Scou-h fricndu, I VQOIIU to lay there are -luzenn of want Ialll iICand.I. that are uzbre beautiful. - Tliouvungeneut of the organ in the Me- Qht Church in Gluguw in peculin. The -n B sandwiched between his organist Illu.-boir,-no con}-enatiou between In: Ghnmw ta F41inhum'n mm... ;. ....|.. __.-.._. -. . lllacplncrson & co. have the larg- cn and bcstgssortmenc of Gents wool underclothlmz. Ties, Gloves, &c.. llrstclau value. ...., ...... in-u nu-uo ucr Deli I111! I701 ill; to Port Dalhounio. sh. left Kingston .2 34111., nniving 1: Port Dnlhonnic st 12:50 on Tucaolay morniqg, making the run in Ii bomb and ten uinutel. --._ The propeller Scotin, owned by Capt. Nor- ris, h.-ul juut mule her beat run frog: Kiugnt left Kin:-am .4, mm Tm: Mu.rmn\' Scuoo1.. -- The Mili School will be reopened on the lirul. of December Parties intending to join the school should Ip- pl y to the Brigule Major. ,, -,.- ..-. ........-ca nu: xu0rIlllI,IlII no pruspcct of guy. The winter bu set in to early to bibulnle. _ __ -.-....,..... -uu \.u was mun ' throughout the boat, but he wan nowhere to he fuuml. Tlia Captain `think! tlllt he llllllt either have jumped or fallen overboard. He had been acting in a very strange manner dur- ing the_oarly part of the day, telling tome of the crew that he was going to die, nnd saying to others thgt it would be `very cold to o q\'erl;oarl,&c. He was a native o( Edin- burgh, Scutlaml. -.-..-; .._, ,.._. A.\!lsI.\'I:. --1 'apt_. Thomson, of the prop. R. \\'. .\'tan<|l_v, reports tlnt while coming down the lake almut 5 p.m. on \Vccluesdy, the men room boy, named James Hopi-urn. was mim-ing. A tlufrough search was made I... l......,I 'l`| , 1: . - ~. ` . -.. ~ an n: uulc mnemu otlenng at public allcliuu on Saturday next two and I I gquartcr acres of land. anal \Vard'n Tavern, I \\`iHi:mm-nlle. This is 1 valuable property, ' anal an the terms are euy, should communal 3 hriak cmnpotition. 4`(.'.LUiI-IXC fun-ml-1 should make an eurt. Mr I l'~~4:\V, at whll he remembered, on resigning ; his positiun as n !'rutcsuut;_clcrgyman joined g the Ii:-man l'utl:olic Chutcli, but he did not ~e`ntcr the priesthood. By I" mean: let Ill ` hear him, no matter who brings him. j _, ,,,... . . --uuc I lI1ll`.| _i-Lu.-r o-f xhe l`:nlal:IishI:d (`lunch in London, Hnghu-L he stood foremost in the nah of 3 pulpit ulocutiunnists. If none of our Literary 1 .`m'l("iL'.I mil take the mzuter up, our Roman &(.'.\tla--In: effort. be on 1 Dosiihm 1: A |'r..h..o...o ..|-_----- ' ' ` in: ocean. ' Iingenof all ages almuml there. In GU15` Ind during the twilight the Itrectl I cl music, both vocal and iuntminenul. of 9, with his sister about 7, both in the deepest mourning, the wooden leg, were the largest popular fax our. The boy play~, , the little girl a tamhounne, and needy. some ntont-hearted by- ` they were not orplizun, but dusted and nut out by nleuguing ho lived in luxury by the henc- A too sympathetic puhlic. Per- t every stranger in that great city 3 boy or girl at home, w--uld rather nisuke bygivring than withholding, y _co?pen but ailier in put into l`2l.-.-o._`. :6 :- 41... AI.:_.. 5.. .,:_:. .1 33 `He ` ; I1;-:ur-la of 370_iI'l), whidi I , . mcut In {ha-_u:y and I cr __-,, } m.u:z CoL'!n'.-.\'o cases this morningmnd my pruspcc: nuv. The winter In. no ;. 4... .\ln Br' n ..u- H-A ~I: or IV:-I an: \.A-.\ meeting of the Hnrlur-I of Um Hunt: of lndunry Ins held : Hm new llnuve _\-at--r.l:_v aftcrutnn for u..- I;q-m.- of making an inn;-w-{mu of the new ;n`l-lung and tho inmatcc. Uwing (0 {ho hour 1 which the meeting in called but 1 small ;- \\'r.-lo-_\':n )_h-lhr-int: of Utah`: have :1:n:c~-l : Icunc for the building of I xoual - lnurh" at the 17:1]-Ital it soon! of d4 of 3TII,I I0. is to bean orna- ta rulit to the body. - vu in smug ahead in church building. e--,-----:-?--I---- tp uvnd nyin s very I, &c. rutland. ,- ...-_---. \/wins at uni uoul - prcscnt. After I thorough exv ' the hui!.lin,.g and its l|'|poi`nt- I'hi(`h thry expn-ucul themu-Iva `, the party n-turned to the city, nlcrtuniug the party to oyltcn u':. T A: - We notice in our exchsngu tinguiahcd L-Xocntionist in delight v: nu-li--neon in dill :-rent puru u! L What success bu stteml hrhuv `|`lI| In... 0 \\'L:I_ , - 1:- Mr Mualie inbemla offering ull nf `:u\t` .....1 \v-_,n-A vr H ._._- u-u.cuu llll Illtlhllll 33 [um ht-re ? \\'hile 3 min :|l:Ii-J.a..I l'I.--L 5- ' * ` nu. 2 `I50 j Imnkahle thing in the history ol 03% `u an temarkzblo start about twelve _ Igo. And in rapid Itndes tine: then gt ad population. It) increaein ten (to. ISL was 86,611). That will hbp at anything upon the Innrt shin .... IIVEUIUII uunl nlll Kingiton 9:40 u-I: l)nlhmu:.. .4 |n.r.n _ H -c n:.xhou.i};.z mm. , fifteen ,. ,` _.`.Wr=.,,,. DAILY . NEW'S-THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 20. |.. u I from La.-nnux continua I-`mun I" I ! can learn the: \.|I.-n .... l, ccly upruu-I that Mt are ho hope of his unc- ul, ".\'u quarter to tenc- .-rkr=lxLu 1 charm. were is grant enthusiasm, I I I Jul! muuxen In pgltnl oontru_:tI or railway char- _tarI of Bepubhom cox.-rupuon; The Opposition In non} unxtouu to rave that their puhhc man are his than of t southern Ra- publicl."--Xodtreql Gazette. uwvv AJUUIU The Duke of Mencheeter, on his return to England, write: to the Titan on the eubject of the Pacic Railwuy Scandal. After intima- txng_ that from hie etey in Canal, it appeared friend for election purposes, Hie Grace pro- oeede to remark : An Opposition of eighteen years etending ie anxious for olee in other countriee beeidee Uuuds, so we cannot be our- prioed that An effort should be made to turn thaee Imttere to nnt egeinet the Govern- ment. But then it in not everywhere consider- ed necessary to eeonee pereone who heve undo nxfltekee in poete! contract: mum. ..|...._ Mr Chet-lee Taylor, Centrnctor on the King- etou end Pembroke Railroad, has abandoned the section under his cherge and removed men and material to Perth. ..' Col. Buell hae been asked to o'er himself for re-election to the Mayoralty of Brockville. He has eigniried hie eeeent, end it is probable he will be returned without opposition. A: e reeult of the recent elections, in New- Toundlend, it in thought that Mr Bennete Government will have s majority of four in the new House. ` FIVL- I\,,I, , u up - 0! .`- John Knox. utihnguw, I-at ' atknlioa 1 Gllnour H.lI 1 amongst them most cuusyacunus in There in much to de- wc Anus: hurry on, to the beautiful new To run tho-vs nu...- `The South Leeds election 0} the in the Local Le ialsture, wil on the 3rd of Dcoenger. u- nL-_|__ m. -4 V 4- nnuul L\ Un_l. Prcsenution to ex-Mayor Dreunan at the Cbnncil Chnmbor this evening. ' -__ PUBLIC DlBA'l'I:.--The members of the AL ms Mater Society advertise a public debate on the relative merits oi poetry and oratory, which in to take place in St. Andrew`: Hall on Monday evening next. The ldlllilio is free, and we.liope there will be a large attendance. -_:.{. \\'1.~xIz.-The new Premier, conscious of the speedy duth of his Ministry, has, with char- actarintic foresight, provided A Coin fur it. The Ontario, a thorough Grit organ, any: I grant nnny lau(|nIory'thiugs Euncerniug the now Government. A truer thing he has not often uinl than the following in Monday : iine : The world in more than one respect in like u {owning glass of nlc;-the froth on the . mp. 77 L'1--Z---- . . n.`-I./U118. -* 1 ue asp.-mce Stauulurzl says that "1 large proportion of the populutiun of Amhent lolunl one from the Korth of In-lnnd, and if there in my one kind of 1 political man they sbominnto worse than another, than one in the turn-coat." These Ardour sentiment: exactly. ....- .u-u-u.-- I no mun hehoe. tried 1 Judge Burrowes ycutcrdny on I chtrgc cow) , was sentenced to me mouth : imp IIIQIIC `ll `LA " `f ` , ,., , .._. .......~u-..:. so unc men: in the coullnuu gm]. .,...,.___:___ . muurne, sun. I`). -- DuI`_1I--Schl'. Suntan, Toledo, Ourego, wheat. ; bsrque Gib- rnltu, Toledo, Kiuiguton, umber ; uchr Sky Lurk, Toledo. Ogdunburg, corn ; props City cl L:ouc9rJ. Chicago, Ogdcmburg, gen cargo ; d, JO. ,._, ., .. ...-cu, uu, uo. _ l7p-'Prupt:llur Gcorgisn,` cnuneh. ' nxwnuun w the uelnulul 030; on Gllnour ll.lI. To go there. emu t nth: through Kt-lvine`(r r`n-e, uzd asyuu " "Will you gang to 'el:-inc Grove, h U . " For refrtshlnentl gu to lg`: a Queen street, and then help your- i. - ..... ..-..., um I nuumn.-r `oi prupellon pun-I down. Till Ihvuxus.-- The vrurlx of dismantling the commcncwd thin lnnrnillg. '0 behave An attempt will he mm!-2 Lu get her to Montxcgljlaut we doulai i! it will be mecca- lul. _ ' -nnuv. Juno scan I ('.L'n vrlnrf. I-`caries: strives! from L'I-velsu-I 1 ol grab coal, And I number ' - ._...,........uu v. ompauy I what! Um with HAND bunlaels of what {mm Ki It is doubtful if also will discharge I here. aulrlllt.` news. ! 'ithih we last few days the harbour has ` begun ta Luuma its winter Aspect, and result lure arriving daily to lay up fur the season. The clevllon have all been lai-I up, neu in neuly all aoulral. Several propolh-rs are still ityiug to go: clown however, but we fear that they will not be able to 1-3:: I the way tn Montreal. vrl__ __ A In an-I buui nus UV nlIlllIlIc3`u . Tho pr-up. But. arrival at 'l' ('onIpauy'n what! with 14 mn l.....|...\. ..c .....,_. ., `I he ocllouuor Active, {mm I-'ort Rina, Km]. for llalifax, cargo of dry linh, vru driven uhoru at I-`urchu on Satunlnyuight. She be- cunea total loss. The crew were saved with loan of clothing. -uu-wcu. . a ""'J' The Itcmuer ('lmlo mu tlelxlilletl in port on account -of Nu` uturn She nailed fur Portland this mowing. The steamer New- foumllan-I. which nailed for l'i--ton yuan-n!.1y, In obliged to return tn port on nu-uum. of bony wentlner ouui-lo. Thu uh.-unor Album ' bra gut. thmugh the gala nfvly. nml nrrivo-I At. 0 Port Hnwkeolnury It nu-mn1ycau-nluy. (`nplain Rollie, of Um nchmm.-r \'nu;:c:mrn. whivh urriroql _\'uat-ralny Aftcrnunntrum liar.- lnourllraco, l\'lld.,wu nariously injured on the puamagc during the heavy gal.-, and had to be landed at St. Jnlmn. -n._-.--._-- v - - - .. uuuuxna in nu. JIIUIIS. Tho nu-nmcr Xcstorim, from Quebec, not arrived. us. (I ` .. uuv unu Ill uoulsilf. Contnctor I ton Railrnml, I... .|......x , WV .. .--u uuuurunll l.Il llll I glnn bottle dritln puvrdcr at tho Norway mine: a few dnyu ngn. llu-mg a pipe in hiu muuth at the lame tinw. nu 4-xplu.-niun full:-weal, aunl he was acri-mrly injurcal. A lost. containing {our mam. wan run Iuwn by tho lhrlmuutln {any nlugum-r thin murning, null wurc only rem-m-cl with iflivlully. 'l`hnnkugi\-ing it gm `nlly uhuru-od,.t. 2 clay` Service} are huh! in nll the rhurvhel. 'l`lr-I Evangelical A.|Ii:uu`u Iucv.-ting will be held in St. Matthew": (`hurch thin 1,-vuuiug. The Liuutuluut (:m'cru_ur pg-muiulc.-n. Dr. (lrnluun, of Bonn, Heruuny,_mm` of the lulcgatetu thu- Ncvw Yuri: Conference, mlnlruuu.-n tho nu-oting. Twu (Ia.-serh-rs from l[..\I. ulnip Swallow were upturn-`I yoatertlzuy. An -..........A I .- ` 31:1`: . In inc tnurchyanl vary 3 and curious 0;-ltayhs. (Put in y Ihgnune. and n.-ml bu `bland ' ho: squat;-. A mum mud one by u alerpnung non irho Iucc-. -Ito business, which his father at t In ohupd to leave. The grave 11:; 159511], uh:-1. The !a.l.l.r't nine, :55.- lli oichath Vere `theft . Ana! the lunar i jh ol the place of lauulu.-so oi the 1 hvucd. quite an nznrnlly u in the attic: olce. The oldest wmbownc I Or that was 1383. litthiulhulrnl, erasing the "Bridge you come so the ".\'ecr-1,-011:." and ~ g. jjgg of nyunnuf all:-4t1n:vni.h..l A nuul Iuumnl Muanulnl unulurlun1 Now I fail` nlnvu um. ll-----Va V - ' ' ' Sx.VrIx'ID.--The J... l.).._.- - ' Tl'R.\`-COA`l's.-The Nnpance Shunlurzl hat large proportion of um nm...I.o;.... ..c 'l`wo`Il|lm In _Iun-cu. 8|. Jun, [*1-t`Jol|o, Quc., Nov. 20.--M. Dupnis vrri _` from St. Roch, yeutuuhsy Nov: Wm. in uhipa are in Huron op~ puniho St. Rocha. (mo in in tho For do glwvnl, and tho utlwr in in the hnluro xuul `dlunutod. Bulk urn lxgrgu ships. Nu hunt: I 7 rr mum: :.:..p..; 77 were won. A n,tunnu.u -'puned thin morning and did nut. ply Any lltuntiuu to tho nhipu. Another chip in ropnrtod to have sunk in tho truverw." Ilo umly can no the mu.-ma nml lnu'l. know what has hvcmmv nf Hm wmuuu. Purl (fdlborne, Nov. l_o... 'r._|..I- IL. mml, north, Ia-,- m. 'Sl'ECl L '|j[c1_.|:_an;Ms, I-".. In ............ uurrupu0II.' Lno Upposition lulu union: Sallthul-n n._ '14:E:.1"1i'x5i5_l:. A- ._ 1: - awn-.14-I claim I. _on come the ".\'ecn-palm." n-unmut ah.-_ n.._o ...... guis Marine News. - |_..o 11,... J.- -' ......u pa-was wno nave undo |l : corruption.- prove thnt thigh- :c{ion-;f -; ipreu/ntr iahture, will take place er. .. --. -. .uv .unuI|.r8l any`: wharf thin mowing I Kimanhuc. ..;n .|:-..u.___- -I stcam- barge Te- u I. deli-gateniu Thr Iclxooner I with 360 ton: `of prupc:"ol'I the M only-cg] .1` Al,:. . ~ 1- antenna as ttlcbrllc-1 of &ULa Chen. and ihllhcr _ lat Int nu-ung ocrV'l~:1:. ll. in immense u7-. nut inpoung an-carame, and in Kit H the I2th century. The um-ions ` OucIthoIins: tuned gla. 11: `Hi Kin:-uh-:- In In. I`!.--'--L----l ---

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