Ioannruw play uneorgnn; he [adjust nine one, nnd hul nnnl it put up at 1. H9 Ind hoard vno highly lpnkeu has planned with my playing at church, daiud no to `give his daughter leuons. KAI! III only our mild away, he would hi to take no there and, back, would my term: he thought we cattle matter at once. I meanwhile Illing ' vu-vdly, nnd perbnpu out. if this unholy gentleman VII '1 (other, and the darn hter he ' was the y lad Lane I 2 My at the thou t. could scarcely ny-elf in tin: to answer the gentle- nnd the can I asked {or my netvices In It shall that It Vemqn laughed heart- ily. nnclnnkod In: if I thought I VII going to ark-house olliciall. Ho Inuit hnve noticed by didlrbed Iuinner, and I nuppooe he laid it to the charge of bubfnhez; In hi. |.;...u.. o HI {I ltl\ I fall. Un tho `IOU: inutxmt, at the residence of Mr H. E. Hunnllpahm, Willilm Itroot, Yurkvillr, by tho Rov. P`. ll. Mnrliug, Benny J. I'rn- uuutiouul, l'Iu;., of '/'/at Mm`! nawunnu-r, hm uy uul nuv. r. n. nlnrlmg, Henry J. I-Znq., nowupnpcr, to Helen Mar. . fourth daughter of the late I{i~ chard Claus, l'2q., of (Junucon, Out. no w.u.........` u.... -A -V -- - -.._... .....w, .4-u.l., on uunlwcon, um. At \Vg|kurlmi, Nov. 20. by the v. J. P. Curran, Mr I5:-6-nan], J. Hicke , of Kingston, tn Min Florence E. yuulngut c sughtcr of the late June: Bun;-llc, Plug, Toronto. `I. St `link-Al'.l'..pI....I.._l .__ In 1 c A cool unortment of reading matter will be {ouu on the tables 0! the reading nun. of which all young men are cordially invited to " nuke free use. 1:|.`nnnr.~ nu A nu.-nuv v ll 1 nnuu, On Wed'z'z':`.'4,':'1y, Noyember 26. | ---l- Monday Evening. _g 1'ox.u._.'n.. can. of an Kingston and Portland Road wan sold u`l4ugwm:'o tnnn yum-day :- N.. I n.A- ...-- --I.I A. 11...; ,_ tn, .7 -I VUUIIIII I-' , No. I Onto mu sold to lloubcn Young, u prlunt lanes for $400. No. 2. (Into wu sold to John Cnrruthon for 0415. No. 3. (Into wu sold to Mr: Vnnnlltino {or IO. TM: in C371 :-u chm fat you. Mr D. J. Walker, lnvoury, In! the Auctioneer. HI I` I I. -........ .v-uu. um rnnlcr $0 lldlf UIIPOIIOC Itrut. Thorn mu Again I Iago quantity of Inc! in the umrlwt. which Ihowccl thst {arm on an druid of UM ucurcity ul lo-Idor during the winter. It an Alla thin nil event Agnes Vernon and It tifnl vhico Ixenr-.-ame only I temlcr W u grief for my last I-rather let: no I01 -' -y mind {at any light or unreal We have a letter from "l"u" in reply to Dr ' Mn;-lean : letter, which we hope to liml room for rm Mumlny. - HER()OMS of this Aasocintion 4 open to the public from 8 3.1 n In ulnilu J pen 1. p.In. daily. \Ve4.-klv n uannu [r00 IIIG. GEORGE CHAFFEY. JR, .ecrvury- li` Rooms over Mr (ll.-srk \\'right'| Fur and Hal store, Wellington Street. Nov. 22. ` l 0PlIL.lll concmrr And wzweinment In Aid of ST. ,Ql`l.lnn .A.dmiuion I5 cents. November 22. HIS Club will meet on Tueulny next in- T steal of Wednuda}, at the Victoria Music Hell. :Dancing to commence at 8 p.m. Tun Muurr.-'l`ho market today In: I voty largo oua--the aluiglu extending up Brook` round the c-nrncr to near Clnronoo gt... 'n.-... ...-- __.z.. _ -4-, guy. -hgvruy am my brother : death, is sung III the sunshine ouuida my ld|cl_"u_door, feeling the udnuo in 1|. shun t. Anal listening In 0.. ...oI.:.... -4- REFERENCE :- Geo:-go lint; George 'S.v Hobu-t, Fin , ., 8lrnri' Fa-guon n_on,Iuq no. IIILII. November 19. N ovenber 22. Nov. 22, I873. . -rvnI. ulI uxmuzy. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. ' Doors open at 7 ; to commence It 8 o'clock n.m. PIEOGI III. . Trio-"\'e Shepherds .lImo"-Mn Grylh and Maura Grylln an I \\'dkom. . Sung--She wandered down the Moutnin Si'do"-ll is: Hcnderlnn, oung--"one wmaered down the Monntnin Si'u.Io"-lliu Hcndergon. . Song-"The Yeoman : \Vedding"-Mr Thomas 8. Tandy. . Song (selected)--Mrn I'.=O'Reill;y. PART 11. " .Piuo Dut-Miu Dycknun and Min Yates. ~' . son(u1.ccea)-niu Mg;-had. . Reading--LIr Cumberland! . Duet--Oh ! how sweet the Hunter : Song" (Kucken)--The Misses Davin. . Soog--Mr J. B. Wdkem. . Song-LIdy of the [Aa"-Mra Grylls. . Song--Mr Keeley. ('}(} Q_1\.'l.` Till: I\IYl3l)\Y Victoria Q_1EI.(_1_I'iHe Club. f. ANDREWS FESTIVAL CITY HALL, --Ar Venoon seemed plcugd with both -y ying and the orgau,,sud laid he -j uni hing Iain daughlter. land I it t p ngnin. tocl F |il ::n ldno0.;w:`l, lompooed it an: Flnt lvoulddothe beutlconld. I. room and in; fey _-ainutal |r4~|\\!I,lnl-V 0! ll"! ABIOCIAIIOH III DOW 3.11:. to I0 daily. P.-\UL'S'CHURCH SUNDAY S(.`HU()L BUILDING FUND, iu the CITY HALL, [If__]_____..l_._ IT I 5"` Heifer Found. "NOTICE. auuu MILIS. - S. Fouwick, Hobu-t. E-an Inaug- \V. PERRY, Manager and Director. JOHN" MILLS. mm 8 `Ia`.....:..I Dec. 1st, u_ Simp- \lhtOlL [50 us. All! $1.00 sroncl We defy n _with In in Your choice for 50 81.1. 9 Give in en early ,celf'end` be eoevineed. The like you never law before. Nnv 9| ., ` _fDra1nug.' W .|3`3`d $3 :n|:E3l';,oBf@* an . 00"?! Spin. couch... winurcu Inn-I ARE SURPRISEi),v VD ASTONISRED. and mum, --13 can youull no cheap 1"` ` 1 `up; subscriber will loll Nov. 25th, It Phhli Custom House, 3 nitnrc and Eoch ` E|q., connintingpf I_-oo_In I>r-vi-=~...m-.,-*.,.... Furnitu rs. Brunch ~ `H: o ouuholdli `ioW.B.8iu I Inge lot, W-n an "`x s'3'. ;'.'.a"`6o"1': . 1"`"" G1-u.' xn.., Fol-kl. Kittncllmz I and 3 vuioty of oilul utidu. Sula gt '10 o'clock. l H L9 II"n'IlYI`l . Alf }he Students` Atlu. contniiling so map. showing latest Bounds:-int; duo 3 comuxung Index. The Stud nu Atlu of clmacd aeo y with Leu..r;reu, by 1. Sclunitx. - ' The Intema.t.ion.I.l, Political, (,1mie.1 and Hiutorica] Atlas. containing 69 H510 and co pious lndiou. ...___. .._.-r- ., ,_ VH1 powerful. but ;nmderfu'y1 rich and _ pure. and surest. I alum-It held my bnolh _ to|'|Ihn. It In-cum--i lo me that I could K--- I.-A_.....I L. .a l_.......... I...n $5 __.....I A-` u llloflclll Atll }HousEHoL:'7'runu|Iun rruuonncmg. ulultrutod with 500 Eng!!!- ingu on Wood. 750 Pages. Cloth, 75 cantl. JOHN HENEEBSON, Princess VAnortnont ol tho Phat nut mound at ElNDIH$. 7,77 F11 IE CANADIAN ANTKEH BOOK. 8: choijaeiolloction dfznanf, Gnu, JOHN HENDERSON , . I King Street` nex/t Stacey`: RAYMORE%| `JOSEPH DONNELLY, 1)l!AYE ll VMN unnl.'a L(`,'ollinn' (Hobo Dietionsty of the I , El: mologn , Ex humor and P`::I|n"(`:|:l`n`::inz. ylllultrntad vita lm `lg...-... n T Iju I` - `n(' (0 I. `I_.` I will but Imam-I In it fnn"\`el'. but it and mo Inna. I hm-m-d path-nlly. hupiq on but i9 again. but ll n.-mg no mun 9-hut day. st high I dnmuml I hcahl it again ; all Ihrhuglu the `wk following at mu u-nth uw ; and n Iwxl .\`nnda\\' In-nuinug. In line uunv pain, I he.-ml u ulufl`. mun` puwr. nice! as! An.` nu-`nu n-uh.~n.~ Ihnn Imfnnn I fa-ll uulgulge, Istymologiul. Ex Pruuonncing. lllultrntaod Wit ins:-I food. 750 Pnnan. (Bin GREAT EXCITEMENTI ILLUIIINATED ' TEXT8 hr .Sch In sntfoma. Splnd IIG ,nt ol:ENDER80N'S. ._._.. ........j......___: n_._. oisrms: ovs'rnF:' VJ. `Lgwam Colour: in Boxes and Caku, Crayons and Crayon Paper, L1` II`I'\YI'\DI)Il|' _ ._ , . ...,,._..___..:. q'l`ATU l'l"l`l'L`$ AN D VASIE. K must. .` .`.'L 3.`; `nu: gr nu 0'l0ln As. `alum I Kingston, sou: mm, 191:. (Sm uo. Aptllotlv 'l'omkinu' Mu: in I in-u v u we run a servant met to A room where refresh- before m. I 1-nnlnl `.6 IITILI Iodine Icnuct Le-l1enpeb\t:I'11t:l1>o:;1:VyHati lmnnasows. I72 I November`?! . ncun-rs ruyucsl Geognpl gllummefn Astronomy. Even` Nautical Astronomy. Evan Nu ' ' Balfour ; Bonn . . lea`: Aceonntiou, ' t and Rosuitefl Iochulia. n.. * A -._I:-.I FAMILYiAND POCKET BIBLE. ` 1 assortment not all kinds uocin at IEN ER$0N'8. ` `u1.uIna' IVISW IELISMISNTAKY SCIEN- .J TIEIC SERIES. SI) pgnta per volume. llbwu-\l'a Pnotiul Clnlniltry. \Vatu' Organic Chailtq. Collins` Hineralocv. l.I0llI`lII' Ill MncI.nrk'I Puma`! aoognphyg Plummet : Astronomy. `Tuesday, 21:l;Novhmber, uuunadt ! longodto 161.Lms- mew nznmuranv scrun- J TIFIC SKB]. SI) ant: nor wnlmng qunouoa I .- murLEnaz's EVERY nmrs AK ;, mun. for 1374, AT l'iEND30N 8. : [aw A'rLAsns A1.` usNoznsoN*s'. .'LU8T, '"""-` 12.; .h"1..`."'m..""......."' n Cobwaax ty"1..m as u r L nnznu, Dcutin, or Mr hqnll. lial TOI . IEW DIIYPIUXARY. unm BOOKS, PSALM nooxs. Full Stock .c max mznsoxc-s. ooouu-r _ [ATHEMATICAL msrnuninrs, STAR GROCERY. -_ . ,_ ,_ _ I Lzxxux.--'l`lne nomination fur this Rid- ing takes]-lace tu-daynt .\':ipa.nm:. We lx.-licvea Dr. V Tuppc-r and the Hon. Juhn Hilliard Cameron will likely be on hand to attend to the mt;-re.-ate 0! the Liberal `oneervativc party, and tn expose the true ery of the `mail Tori ILJ. Cartwright to his riende Incl party. '1: are pleased to h ' r the moat favorable eceountn from 911 parts of Riding. b_ut we would agein urge upon our friends the propriety of not being our Ian- guine and o! working during the next week indnelriouely and energetically, even if you know you an beat Mr Certwright work to beat him badly, and let your watchword continue to `bo-No querter to renc-gmlee end ti-eiton."' AUCTION SALE mwri-:n anyone in Kinhn to an. n Cutlery and Nickelito Silver 8I0,N0 `dilferent artiolel to Q1000 "XXX I -cauliful 14:0. for Isle 11: II I-1`! 1.1: "ma vpuauc MONTREAL nmncn BUY THE JOHN HENDERSON. Pisa; RD- who a cl.-vs , A1.` HENDEB80N'S. Pnucunm V24. Piuwnc: -TuI: "U|'LUA5lZ- ID Hvro:aI.~nr."--A name better adapted to the pony now in power in this country was never applied to them than that used by Sir Francis Hinckl when he called them an "organized hypocrisy," quoting from the Into Sir Robert Pool. A hypocrite everybody nu. denhnde to be one who preenda to be what. he in not-whoee ectioul are inconsistent with his pyofeuione. Hypocrite: Are not con- ned to religion alone. There Are hypocrites beeidee th N `x nun - u u . . . . _ , -y ausurneu manner, llllll I u;-pone he laid` it buhhhcu. In hi: kindly Itch ncstvhathourhewouldaend {at no on the next Mouohy, and nhnkin laieordhlly, Ind no `good nlternoon, inn away. `Thu in Thundny, and I won : try to & how the time P3-I!9d till the follow- ing I. At the nunoiuuul hnnr oh. ....., ovsmnh) Street. }IEz4.x')1:usox's muuin mu. GRIGUITS FAIRY SW uon DAY zvmcma Ilounhc an-."- nb so In and 5--vwuup has on south! uryahrinua A) Admission Inc. nun ('11! I Inc There are political hypocrites to he found in this world, and nowhere more numerous than in this Ceuule of oure-men who preach one doctrine when in opposition, and practice quite mother when in olliee, who pretend to be elaeolutely pure, while they ere notoriouely guilty of the Iloet corrupt practices. In order to eee haw for the eppelhon in jutieble in New llgh lack cc-la. new Jet and bold lnecleu. New Jet. doll and silver Bonnet ~ menu. ~ ` New Jewelry, [cw racy Goods and xovelueg. 3. one my son wmer: wma% nil lid: ...7::a_7....r...:. "H... `d Poulinlyudlonidll .. 00IIIl'CaO |*PPl' ll Iouintvnnnrnm `limo-7' .7. 04:1 cu-.1s7`a,. iionnbat. I'ho nigh, and with I piece of scripture; Tell others, that God hid: them do good for evil ; And this they clothe their naked villnn With old odd ondl, Ito1'n-forth of Holy Vrit : And :eet_:|:_"uint-, when most they play the Thbcuprodputionn` otlgmanll loldnlaons. . R. Q; J. GAnn1?Id. `max g oomtmm`: J USTT RECEIVED, `LACK as BLACK t oonomnn `.1 BLACK I. WLOURID V Wlln GOAL? -..__- .. .... .-.-u vv---lg: yuuvuua. All 0l'llBI' connection with the Io-called Reform Putty of Cumin we any protably cmunonto I luv 0! the -any iutuwu of their hypocrisy and in- ooltoncv. Publ1o__l_)_ebat- rmncnsh sun-r% {max 3 coin ` Ulzl W: "J; full 0%, GILLIE, ` ` Bnaahn gas: no play; rvsueung m-_w=-Iuin.l lth the vul-l l es: and Iaddal an-anus my Iingen Culllnl lllul. ' At but I uuped, an-l leuung my l-eul up-wn ` ` the organ keys I gmam.-cl doucl :1: my uucun. I tmlxble mun.-r_v_ vrlnspcnng alt-ml the one Imnl ' nltayn III my anml `Agnes. .~`ml.!..-uly I heard 3 light airy near me. An-I the nude of an In nun`: garments, and Arr \-owe whu;-etc-l `J--hn. I an he-tr 3' She reached out her luau-la to me. bet blender soft buadn. an-I I took than in my owp. ll] not tell you all we unl jllll then. but I I--and out that, blnml And pout u I was, the loved me. , --51.- 5.-.: ..-n_n _. __ r .- - - place Icriptnrt zoo.` IDC loved IN. "She had calla] at my father`: house to bid no good-laye. '.|uJ hating the organ phy as she paced the church, had otcpp--d m, I Ila no slaqorbed in my playing um: I lu.I n.\l. um paueu use church. had 1:4; - -1! 1n absorbed 3:: my plagm v `:51; l ha-I not. ban! he llcend the nun, in-i not bend, her all the spoke." My mater cesno-l Ipealsing. - -a Intcmug look came into bu [aw ; I luuk- . odont And at 1 lmdyl lad often been and ad- Iniljed in my boyuh fuhion ggnung unis:-is the church. My hacker : {Lee had grqwu lud- denly bnghf, That in my mic ; In--nu-p, Le- la: the married no. hot use ta Agnes Var- son; die bu gmwn lovely. and has come to ; luukfant but Inn!-sad." Mo sad. as the lady ent.erod_tlae patch, and wnlkmg up us. her hun- bancl tuuk Lun gently by the hm-I, saying. `John. you turn away on long that I grew un- ` any sun! cum: to look for yun. Are you ready to go home now 9' `yes, my Jsrling my mu tar uid, rnh unnttcrable love in him voice ; ! "I have been 2ellina'nv lml -u I.` ..l .. --H- `tel um, rnun In Voice * I elliug'ny lad .1 la" of a u..ry_ but it`: nished now An-l we'll all go lmmc," and we went. out of church t.4r,;clIcr-my mu tcr an-l his lovely and goutle vnfo to lhcar hap- py home, and l acruu the liehln, to my latlncri 1 hollst. quieter` and In--rm: tllonghzful than uuual. ' thinking at l wdlied ol the nor ' of the lfluul 0fb'IlIiI`. K } wr rue In a Fhrutuu nu deed nu-I m (ti and had gained pt-ace lhrvugh cull;-nug ; I refusal to be Cu-Q{l`f(l`|`_ up-l -La): uh-lxu oi I-nu-r anguuh and ml-cllnun --I :1 mil: my 111}: Lark-.-r um 1: had ever but I tore . Mt uu_v no vial Inf age. glll lo play ; rvheung 1 saddest 3913;`. lg; nanny. AI we apponuwl hour, the cu- nngo alwvo up to our door. and 1 with my I-ed cloths on and 3 very white face and Irily I:utI_ug heart. wu loan on my wgy, 0| Dy nrnval at the Hull servant DI and led me in 1 room uh;-n .l....|., .... mm s coma nu-to my trouble longer, and I told Inn All. 8 quuuy. an-l than I haul dune, tr: ` mo: Inxh lurmg In-nls of eumu-I : for phc a (`kn-tn... .x_._,n _ luv.` nun mung rural: of mm ('hnau}u: am '18` Kliutwl In-are Ihnm-L uur one morning. more I had strayed on In the c u. Luv 1.. LI... 0`... ...- "Tl!-Pa)'Vfl,'8 w|T:oAhaAv";'not. |u;i:l. their (`y Taxes are reminded lo do so at once and are costs. 5C"0Iil. I3-nkc the common woqln of n-our ' Whoa lkrlinmthn 1 Sony. .8010 ulmd me (3: play ; and that or-gsn I ,( `nun; H. mm` ha mm -pohon unvo an 1: up--kn thou. `um. MI | Stnino I! glad uul ta-mler II the mmtiou 0! x mm P` '. hoot:-n In-an c-\|~h-naval NW 17'," I M -'--Ilr 4 "" "l"""" "9 `W |" -vllcvl In |n-ll. .\I_v pin)-nag uhcl mu mod. 5 Jay, Anal that um, on Vlwn it was an-r l \\.\I mynlf Again, n \~'-`pl ' [or the gn-al 1:-\' that ltllnl my In-lug. ; lirva nf tho ||I`||ilQ "MI Vurm-n.|;tl nzq. And I nhnnnu In rn "h|:"f"r""' |`".\' rlil _s:'z'n:1:.-I r El'_\'I:\;n', you . 2:. Eh: i g}cu's.? ma, non n-Ioru: or Holy Wnt in, deprvunl than llllsnl. I vcuurch, uni hnnug a Lt- e. I at in n It (hr ur- .: with as -I um.-cl an um-..n . u Irval III) gl tfnu}-It from She .I..n.. o..._.l : "an-1ru_v an:-r her dqurtun-, I went hunt to pay 3 visit ; hoping that 1 chru:-go Olf pllulnd pcmplo I ullI\l Ixclp to hit In-nu : Dlhilll tho burden of my hupeleu love. ' While than Ignmn un-itml tu pI:_\` the organ in IE5 dutch. mid the pa-ple wen: n. roll [lid with my plnying that they ulered no tho;-tn: ut nu-;:ni. ah-un. to become taunt by the nuguatmn -xi the gentlemux Ibo I-old the puninuu. I acu;-ted lhe otfer v and have pIa_vI`the or-gran ever unce Qgnot tell you but glgd and thankful my I good luttnno made me. I had {cu-val thu -y hiruity would muse use to be partly t on my fumly for support. and they can an .1. to do anytlung beside 9 htlptheuoofi-es; but now, so long an I. hp! the poniuon. I III sure of I lning; `C 3 I took] keep me. and provide no with {or clothes I nu-ded,-`oouideu I night be able to nd fr! pupxln. and per- ky: be I help to my [aunts instead of I &ldI. I linked forward to the at Sun- hyl snub cum -1: my dntieu uixh` a `land dc!-of nerroumeu: at last it came. I -other brushed my hair non: rue- L and. tidl my new necktie nth gs. kissed me and bale me not F I):- luumed AE3"- ` lo suhcc .'I \1--hlh I in ad\ |=1 , _ . . --uvu - IIIIII III FIIU : i `ll--use ol I`-uu:mmu nu rngnnlocl u a gtnu uulm , and tho "|lu(nrInOru" WIIIIM lint uboy I R" _ . ` hi: I`Iu*vIlAo|I\'y'l I|IllIIn0lIl._ From \mwuvor % to llnlnfau that must. viulvut nlmno who hooped I nl-an (luv than I`nmo Mnninlcr for the Mlvh-0 J II'IIilI`l"1`I| In In: I-In-voila-my ; And, imlocal. his ` I I'I\m|lx~m-3' Imn-molt came in for no small uhuto I 1 I --I Ilw I-In--Ingunrulmg nl llw time. Promgnlion E um um lillh ->( August. nu A rriuu-. I viola- . h--In of the culmlalnlinu. an Act of tyranny, A I trunplmg up-m the right: ul Parliament. an ' maul! In Hm pm-plc~'n I`v|Il`(`I\'IIl|lI\'eI, I high I llumlnl and an unwmrnutml maurpntmu of ._ V lm,-r_ Sn` J.-Inn .\. .\I:u-wlulmlul anal his rul f | |`..L:|;c. Wyn qlpurllh-u`I7 -. ;.....-. ._ A ' - ' wan prorngnod on llnltl | ` August lint, Imhritluhlulilgg the halt ` `I than Iml lvoen A pnrfvet ululorshmling ` _ , the-m I-uainnn truumctocl on , that mw hull of the rep ' mvrv in anon-Inuco tho lhrf--nu" I`ml_v rain-I I llorvohuul shunt llw ; mmmulu-Iul n,;I.u n! Pnrliaum-ul ning ilr ! ya-lml. The nppoaruwo of Hllwl lhul in the : i ll--tune I`-ummnm [ mulmgv, i. ORGANIZING. -A meeting of] the Liberq con.emm.'p.ny in to be held it BI-ockvillo on the 16th Doccmbcr, for the purpou of or- ganising A Liberal Conservstiva Auociation. lncphcrson 3: co. have the lava- ggt slug lacs: fuse!-tme_:_IIt ofctlienw 0 n ere otlllll. 0 , &c.?llrst.clnu value. IT 0" "B. [ ..-.... ,.......,. nu -. 1001 only nan : the rogue. If there be an ugly nlhiq in Mr Muc- kunzio.-'s inner life that he conceals from the glnro `ti light, that : his bnlinun, he hu met with ir play. Hi: private letberu have not been stolen and published, nor hu my one been hired to break open his eacritoire. _HiI oppmloutl are guutlemen, which in more Hun out be said of hi: friends. Hi: inbgrity for- nooth ! -It will be time enough to boast of that when, like Sir John A. Macdomld, alter twenty-eight year: of public 130, he retiru from politicnl I poorer mu: than when he on- tered it. Mr Mackenzie in aivory young Mil- iuter of the CroIvn--whnm I... I... ----J '0 unamdsir John md Lady Macdonald n-ived` at the Kingston scmo "thin mornin , that Sir John passed on up to the nomination at N up.-men, And Lady Muc- donald drove out to Henthold. Viater th through the ..-. ...-...u-nu: Lu 5 vcry young Mll- o Crown--whcn ho hu pulod re unscnthod than let his follow- er: hnlloo---at present he in in the wood. . nun,-v.1 3, cu.-r_r cnusuturucy uvo Provcnchur i l-nu`; nprucutul. lu1porI.ant.'i]`uT|`-stiom re A qxurrd Ilu: innmc-lute allcnliqn of l'u`lIuIIcnI ; 3 and _n.-I In order to unit. the mun-uiencc of the 3 new patent --oalitnon, munl-en were uuco.-rr Q In--Iuuunly aliuunuc-I. The u:t M Mr .\Iaclsen- lie in Has maucr cannot be junlillenl. ll. I'll I J-ul-,:e tu secure a lane! delny, to buy nnpport, lo Iln;ngIlv.`n his position. There was nuthing to huulcr lulu ukmg for I realonlhlo adjourn- ment, which would have ben fully grnntaed. u the uigenu-in ul the hour certainly demand` ed it. l'rorug1tion '3! mm! unfair to than f mcnnlnn from di-um pnn-incan who will be oh- I I lngcd to msko A Winter journey to Oltawu ilwu Llxrte vupol. the slightest. ucL`8liol.'I fut unk- ______+ ` i Mn .`-hrkl-:.~'zu:`.~s l.~1'|:mI'rv.-In 1 recent bragging Article, the Globe boutfully says. ``.\'ul. .1 wur-l has been whilpcred ngninst Mr Mu-kenzic.-`I integrity." \Vhat utter rot this in. \\'ho know: Anything about Iain integrity, or who can-en? In common handy Inch I rsrity that it. phould be bugged about 3 AI 3 master mechanic, Mr Mackenzie doubtles- pnixl his men, and u n Iuceeuful public can- tractor he punctunlly met his enga manta. Ho lid this to servo himself, kn 1; well in all matter: of business, that bounty in the best policy. "l'iI t fool only that`: the rmzue. ll thorn In an ....I.. .n-.:.. :.. u- u-- n Ioouccacu, um my youngest } T. Cal . tied no to chun.-h. \\'bQn lulu-V the dogs the inng \olunury, my ringers nolh:`s*lfcarcdl ahould fail; but spuatodon I lean: much calmer. and lhluugh u nu-vice, (rum beginning to ' I any pi-uke. AI in choc. the neural leading manben 01 the an; and connrxtnlni-I _-.. ` .._., ....... ....-_. ugrv: uumxued, and the i acsuou uf Puluuncnt I-u brought In I dun qunlv unr\peclull_\`. H the cumlucl. of Sir _-..., ....-. ...--, auuuqueluy-lune then : ulna, with thin cliff.-runcc: that Sir John did In anticipah-d, wu, in fact. uulerntood ` from the beginning. In neeennry : while, on tlw other hand, Mr .\Lu:lcnzie'n Act I1! nat mu -ip:iu.-I, nnr, uII1li:rtl|O circumstances, wnrra-ntn--l. Cuiutitutianal it Iran, we gunt. 1 but nut _u1.`L` 3iAl _V'. to gnin a sure tli_ri:o months tenure of oce, during which time pstrunnge mightlie liberally dispcllsul and loooe sh l-ought-up for fixture service. In a word. tn use the language of l contemporai-y. "They condemned a prorogr tiun with--nt the consent uf the House ; Meg pnrogncd I-ithuut uking the mnut of the . lluuse." 'Iliia act, were they inconsistent in nothing else, would juntily the use, in spank- ing of the party in power, 0! the ngipellntion, Organized Hypocrisy." But the story of their inconsistency is not half told. There are several other points to which we hue yet to refcr, but we must postpone their consideration until Monday. ` ` It 3:: only a movement. -lunct c { Litter ,,. . -....... \.lI , uni. ll pI'|l'1|`IUOII wu nut uoctunry ; am aaljuurnunent for 3, {av week: \\`--ull haw [wen quite uullic-out to h:\u~ :|H-Wrcl the new .\lium.u1 to go to their runstiuu-Intn (or re cievliuu, km] to luu-o.on- ai-X--.1 them In men.-t. Pulmmeut and In go our with the bu-incu of the country. But tllil Ind nut aunt .\Ir .\lackc-nzie and Inn rulleaguev Th.-_v want;-I time. 'l'lu.~y know the dilcuI- nu that lav in llmip ....n. --- ~------nu. 01 um new l'n3mIcr, the- :m`u.1.~u!ato .\lr Alex. .\l.u:kcuI.|. and his cul- tabut-so mu a in mun nnjusulinblo wt. In iw I`--run-r case x: urn gene.-nlly undentood int Parluun-nt wuul-I he pruragwul, that the In-:'.In.' uf l'.xrhuncnt on tho I311: o. August Iou`..l I-: pun-Ry I -Irnnl, uni that the nun.-n. {mace uf In;-ml:-rs was not expected. In the nlter case. u-re was :5 full attendance 0! LlI.`I`u('I"!. C\'I_\' CllDhtll|lfDCy Pr0VChf mug te- purrd ml \v.'( order in mm vI.- ` ,..., . ......_., nuvemm-r `Jul, nm, g rmlmr uf l`arImuu-nt alllfripllecl pro 5.-mun. A lcllrr, H. n true. from His Ex- llrl|cy'|I .\cru-lury lulu` l`('\'lI rn`v|\'mI I --~.-sh-r 1 wvky lrw hour: In-(urn [ha urugmlc-n vr.-u uuul W, . .. - ')' UH` Mt. of nitlnl, but few mumlnon ' . . D---uvll VII I . In, at tho "lid--rm" I tn-uu uf lhccvunuatulmn, I .......,.-.-.L . -- ,, ,. . . .... .--..u.n.uunu, 8 tyrannical l .w nulcrfc-jrnco with the rights of PM - _ the rum! vl. of the new I'n.'micr, tho- L110 .\Ir Al.-I \l ...1......_ -_ I I `V I , , .`--u lII- III` '11 Ivy M4; ll:-n munnitlul, w:\n- ol llw mlrnliun of the huyv Hav- . uuul Blaatk Ru-I summons-I the Com- ` Hm Sc-nntu Clnaunbtr. A girun-gltion uoctunrv ; :uli..m-.........o I... . L... E DAILY NEWS-3-SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 22. nu-rs. aw. xccnng we tunnel: In the nhx t. and lhtening to the rustling of u "n; leaves, when 3 rol hi up, lose one descending from it nuke-1 no it John Haney, the organs: of Bach],- Iived then. I answered that! was `tho-an. Tlnenlbeanltlsocu-rugedoor spa, no.0 one slight and come towards Inc, and innediauly a geotlcman introduced him; lull 3' Hr Vanna of Draytan Hall, rho wish, -0!!! holdaeouvenuiod with me {or I for jig if I -an nnt nthou-win. ...........a I us}, nnr, ulltlcr the .`nnstitut.ian:sl giant. ury. might. be lnonvhtlnn fur 3?-5---- 'lI||(`I`lrlH cnnlg-irnlnrn_ and luv lin-\'-nnurlinn-rnl thou lulmnl lm-l. 'l`lm In-one in rlm A. .\|nnlun||d in in \g,. AI.........|.... u I 3' u . nu uchlillll rrnp-umhillliou ul uico. g_\-_ .\'uvem|n-r 7th, . . In -- --v'_..- u--u--vcu I on the l3lh of '--rm" .-any ullegul. ..-I .ul|.m 1. 0...... ...uvu-uu II III ml:-r .\Inx'kczic , _. -_. .......-.1-. 3 1y rauuical pZ-I.o_ -1 In, __....--,-- -`------go gnu I"IIV' PUIIOIII '01` there, then end `boys, all told. It wen 3 cold ehir. Mr, Bewden e speech did not niee much enthusiasm. He unit! where there were reilweye there would be politiciene, there would be plunder, which we prelume, we: all the e_xcuee he could nuke for R. J. C. nlting. end ` when there where politicians, end not I lofty one either. Matter: look blue for the renegade on Auheret Island, us they don't like tuft: eoete up there. Thet wee the` reason doubtleee for edjourning to Coueone Yd- K II. hi llnnninn -niuib- 1.... Al - Sr. ANnu`zw's SocIn(.`-St. Andrew`: dny this yen: fall: on Sunday. but the unnunl fu- tivd in to he held on Monday. It in to aka the form of I banquet in the City Hull, And from what we learn will be Q great success. In- diea are to be present, Ind this will Add eclat to the meeting. The ticket: no selling npidly, and 179 udviuejhope who wish to be present to umlv cnrlv for tin... ___._ .............- -vn uquunuug no UOIIIOIII tnvcrn, no that by pouring spirit: down they might hop tltdr Ipiriu up. an nonzxiulanvu-uzwnhcvxtlz lot for jtn. ' way not 0!. I-wince:-gnged. I IIII'- 'I,|nd mnfow wonlnhe uphinod E clrd. Rh only ylagghur had taken I liyhldunto sythcorgzn; loehuljmt Hugh! out no at Y. II. C. A.-The rooms of the Young Men`: Christian Auociatlnn, on Wellington strut have now been ttd up comfortably, and will his opened on Monday next, The rooms are to be opened from 8 a.:u. to 10 p.llI'., every day. and will be I mean: of great help to young nun who come into town. The follow- ing newlpcpen and periodicals will bo found on the table:--1|Im'l, Globe, N. Y. Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Montreal llrrald, .V. Y. In- dependent, Chicago Union, Watchman and Re- ecliun, Chrislian 'e'_l'!y, ('un(uIn'(l`u lllmlral rd. Dominion Monthly, Prulaylrrian. B. A. Prrabyterian, Day of Real Magazine, Cham- bcr c Jolrmll, Good Words. Lvizure Ilour nylmday at Home`, and Sunday .lIuga:iu, On Illondoy evening the President, Mr R. V. Rogon will deliver his inougunl nddreu in the rooms, and I cordial invritalion in extend- od_to All who may with Co attend. T -nu wv nuvuuc_ululII W Apply only for them. $15-2- :. ~ Vxcrouu QUADRILLI Cwn.--Mr Willinm Potty bu resumed his nnnngemont of the Victoria Qundrillc Club at the Victoria Music Hall. These meetings were very Iueceufnl last winter, and the opening meetings thin you lnvo been well attended. The next meet- ing in to be held on Tuesday next instead of \Vdnetdny. 4 1;` The prognnmm of the unpulnr concert in 33-1 of the building fund of St. Paul`: Churcll School lluuso in one of the bent we have set n at any enntour concert in Kingston. All, or ueerly all the bra . mueicinne in the city are on it, nnny of tliom fur the first time, And some of then: fur this time only luring the season. Mr 'l'|nonx.u S. 'I'amly,u-In-ac nsme nppenrs on the progrunum, hear: an oxcce lm,vly l:i_-.:h repu- tation in Hamilton. nrlie:o ho frequently sings in public. but when all are lint class there in little m.-co.-nity of mentioning names. \\'c have no doubt than will be In overowing ht-nee on Wednesday evening to greet the talented porfunnen. u elinoot one tlmuund ticket: have been dispose-l of. The only mistake male in the matter was in Fixing the admin- niou price to low. ,.---.... -..... -mu um ulna um.-canon on which it has been conlurred in King:-Ion. TLQ order in pmgnuin; opletulially in the city. and Kingston Lodge in one 0! the best worked in that Pnnrinnn ,. 3 Mr Cartwright had I meeting at Amherst Idnud.oI"'I,'hnrulny. Thirty-vo person! wore there. ban. nu mm to --- - --u ,__..-._.... .-nu:-on, run: ; unrquc Allillnlltf, Kiugalun. (.`laylmi, timl-era; Ichrl America, (`in-.-ago, '|'hn-er .\lnln Hay, cu Motrin, Ulevcluul, In, do; u-hr C. U. Mixer, Chiugu, l'rcncoN., wheat. Up-V .clnn Ellen, 'l'laurcu. Lulu. prop `luv:-gntchi. nleun-barge Wm. Uuwie, prop Argyle. Ichr Paudurl. Schr Puulun goes intowrintor here. \\'Ind wast; weather clout an-I cold, but has been snowing all thin afternoon; No \'es sell or props have left. ainm hut. report. rn ; lurque Mary` 01-unhum.-mlr. A public meeting of the Kinguou` Lbclge, l.0.0.!-`., uuhold in the Lodge linen last evening. when them was I In-go uteudnnoe of Uddfellovn and their win: and Itccthuru. Dr. I-`uvl-er was in the chair, and the evening wu vcty plenum- ly Ipenl with congl. Iteasiigggh, and mcitnlinnl. Acr the public meeting, the degree of lla- boeca I'll coufomrd on 5 number ol the luliu pretent: this lacing the tint occasion on which ac 3... 1.... .----:--~- 1- ----T - ~- The great. excitement {Fun in over the fty cent and dollar etc-re on King Itreet. .'|`hin clan of store in eomuwhat of a novelty in Kingston, nlthongh well knoun in Montreal and Toronto. Mr lhymore Inn 3 large sud vlriod stock of gnotls, and his store in well` I worth I visit. ` Thu popnlnr debate in cmmectiuu with the Alan Mala: Society on Monday evening M. St. A_ndr-ow : Hull, will no doubt be very in- Qerutiug And inntrnctin. The suhjvct in "\\'hich bu. exercised on unukind the greater inuence for good- poetry or on-story Y" The adniuinn in free. ._-- -- .--.-u-,, gun a wuni try 10 paggd ing guy. sppomted hour, the rinno up door. Inc] I am. ..... u-I-0 own. Troll All qlhn coho notn ol the only cloning of unvlption. It In wmovhu outlier than Int yur, and the principal oauuo loom! to In `In nhlnun n nl LL- ........- .....I..A --- --v gun, uuu IIII llrlllclpl DIIIIO III)! P0 1-0 in It! `lunacy cl thunonoy uuulwl. Th: mun Man I. I....... ....|.....|_.: _. n... n -v -"U -up -nu-puuuy III IIIIJIIOIIII DIIIUI. Tho pmp But In [using unlundml at tho M. T. (`umpnuy'u luck lulu luu-gen, yhich will unit tlnonponlug ol navigation nut. spring to: him the grain down in Muntrml. l`L.- -..I... u..n u|.. ._: |-_, ,, ._.... vuiw I--uu uuwu |" AHIIIIIITIII. The Ivhr. Hull Hln-rialnn arrived at lliuhml- Ion`: wlurf, lmm Tolmln, with l3,000IauIlIolu ol out! let homo ouuuuuption. 'I'Iuu nnlv Huh... .l..l.... -5 u...;l.-._ ...I,. , I 2 -I -u v-nun nun nnuuv uuullliliili-lllll. The only thing doing at Swift : wharf in tho unloading ol soul, UN-ru having been no Arri- ula Iiuce yutcrdny. ,, _._. -- .._...,__ lhufing thu ueuon uf mwigntio)n the I smcr lloclmntor uuulo I70 trip: between Bo Iovillo and Kinguon. The nteauwr Pi-ztou made 28 trips. and upccuul tu main 5 '.".nh.nnal winter 1!. l"u-tun. but lnu fnllud tn Iuvroocl in doing to ; and tho ntuanu-r Ale-nmlrn made 7 trip: In-twm-u Ilelluvilln mul Muntrunl. The Itc-Amer N--rf--ll: nuulu about 90l.ripu lnotwoll llclluvillo sud Piclmn. All tlumu ligta, oxcupl. Ibo Iloclwnter, lune done I vvry prulitublu lmui~ Iwu, llm at:-muvr llalucnl Imviug lune _vrry lit. tln {rum Kiugnluu lwru, Llmugln her route: as hr at l i-Inn in mid to have paid well. Beliz- rillv lnlrlligmrrr. The Bay of Quinta has but-u cloned for the lung-n the ice, mmunliug to the Iulrlgnu-er, Inning furmecl an In an tlw eye cm reaclywilh pl... .,..,.,..,.: ., I -- 3:-rs. !'nrL Culborne Nov. '2}. Florida. Km? Uudn City ; I Clcvclln - 'luruuuI, mull ; hm K Lon. Ch (mi, timl-cg; (`tr-:`.x.go, '|'hn-o,.\lnln car: I4 Unv ,\`clu- Ic`,Il-.. 'l'| .... -- on u no`-you I410] the Province. Isuirng th .-a rut nu.-uagrurrr, o the cxucptigm no! :1 nlu._Jl part, which is kept open for the purpou of furryiug pauungorl and mail: between llcllcvillo and Plince Ed- ward. It in expected -that the ico will be itmug enough in 1 day or two for foot pulen gers. Part. I 'nI|un-mg \Y.... nu -- iuv. 7 Dawn r~Schr | Ichr Mnrylburg, -AI; lnrquc Alexlnnler, lilllhcrz nchrn Amnr.-. low gimme: Mr Vernon cane in, dock Inndnvnth no kindly, and takingne bythcu-.|ul netou_neorgnn,whichntood in tho ' Iullon the second oor, and I . I -n to try it. The inntrument In: I ono--uot no rich and soft. as it would be hollowed by tune but powerful and Inn. The I worked I n n; novolty we W-n mist F-rs-on. nae sifl 33--`~'~`"":-P:s=~ M '?-W-~ Gentlemen`: Ticket T.J:_.) 1! THE Subscriber intends to Ben I Private School on HON DAY. lat ooember, on I0|00l I!6l' of Barrie and William Streets, for tho accommodation of pupiln. male and female, who will: to obtain I the Illllll branches taught in our Ichooll. ` A Frenh Clap will also be opqnod in con- nootiouyith IIIOVI. - Jhllu `III ! -1 n in knowledge of ` UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ST. ANDRE\V S SOCIETY. . Tickets may be obtuined at the City Book Storq and from the oioarl of the Society, and fronimonnborl of the Committee, And at the Ha] . N .m....l... In .uf Lnnnlon, Hour Morris ....- -....... uu--cue, ranch , 1nrunw. - I At St. Michal : Cathcalrnl. on \'VelneuJuy, the l9t.h November, inst... h Inn] Bishop Vauon, I'IIq., to Mnry Mmnicn Flu-roan Crawford, necoud daughter of the Lieutcusnl.-(iovernor of Ou- tariu. ` IDIICI). lnlngntun, No`w.-mbcr `list, Ann Foloy, Aged 69 yeuru. \ The funeral will take place on Sumlnynt .2 fr-rm her law runidence, H,-llington 3-"treat. I"rie.-ml: an-I acquaintance: are re: -peclfully invited to attuul._ ____-_:: p.uI. (lnlly. Weekly meetings of the Association for reading can I, discussions, &. ., will be held every Mun(Ly evening at _8 o'clock, nnd Prayer Meeting from 3 to every Saturday `evening, to which all an earnestly invited to attend. A Al1\l|.l __---A-A--A ' " RI-ID uul \\'lll'l`E IIEIFEII csme on my farm. I4ot_`.`5, 4th Unnceuiou, Pith- burgh, during the summer. The owner is re- quutod to come furwarcl, prove property, and pay expcm I. C ROBERI` LI-JCKIE. 22. I873. gntnhto-I auc- must, run uvcru waning manner: 0! use` on-yen-:ces.anJ Ivenlhonclnp-3 I had been for years. (org.-lung m -y joythe aunt and voice ol Agua Vernon. I had Etc as home I` you then pour `Fun, 3, tannin bcuthcr. dud. with In: hand us not. and I_v name the hast upon lug hp-. niniall vushonky Hot In us all, bu: it` ldl tho Latvian aunt, in: l unk I loved 5 Lb 01133.. IL}. ...I -..,._L 1--.- \-