III 1 Inll` (Q 35. libel`;-pl_\_ `I Q.. sums not Lulu II CDLIUUIL N Apprentice to the Drug business. Ap- L ply at. this uicc. 3, .0 -)l\ Iv l-Il.IU\.l\-I (mun Jonm.\'u .~:m'rn for country _ uurk. Appiy to I`. McE\'uy, \\'ulfc mul. `- Dfllll I DI`! Apyly to IV IbLl|K3l.I HEAD ll.-\.\"l'Ell for the .\'_yJ Cuunlv Hi -In S. l.....l 'l`.. -..o..` ' LNHJQI DUNE. szply to Menu lliddoll & Evans, , or to /Winged Immediately" 'A LADY, l-oanl in 3 Inriv-`sh: fa V1,! ruvn ; urrxuba un auunu-.3 Ind Barbers Shop: in the Hnrwood so. l'o.ueuion immediately. Also Bar- 1 Furniture, Mirror, Counter, &c. Hu- L House {or sale w. 17. - Boarders Wanted. ,l|-'\'\`ll..' A _-\!l'|~u x r(iI{_ sit l.E T` ` nt`.`4lb_ A "\\'|u-Io ha .3. I,lt|urmv & _ u-nu \\ l:(`l\l lllrc \\I|lII\\`n gr u!-um uhvrv the \l|`a\l\'lN lluvr ; g hnml is vul-I an-I low, as his nI:uter'n fan-. '. ro:t,`IIe:\th Hm duifliug snow ; I lmnt run thy rave ; .` luml \\ |:(`l\I tlu-c \n|h-wn gruw, llnw : _i-+NTsT T Wanted, ml:I\'.; uurrx _For Sale,- _____ . 1["I1 av-nu .r :- io Liif jwm iatea; `ale-I ul - J. BA\VDEN,_k).li.Qi.InI', Kim: Htr: TcTLet, I llrnmu z_,, To Let; inn bl.- lI-_I_, Iply 90 . `ISAAC HUPB, I '1nl|u\rvu.. n nu III Hill! I uululumml fmm earth 3 n'('l' tho cutliuml clay. I ll gunu? -vuvav, two families, on Core [D I .I to porfvrt a` Run lu nmv. -. H. HA11.-n, L. n-...-..... \l'I {RES LA.\'Iil.'r v B .5 lat Hahn 0! _AS 31 ASSETS, 414- .vn...a.... nu ll'Jl'l`4, Colborue Street. . Lll .\ Ialll , : of the lioanl. on S'I`ORI;1S Oh- H.-u-Ami mull. nnu \\ II A large mun- HI dink-Ki:-us uuslvr Llllnl maumurr, King Street. unourahlu -ulvuf du-ul . u . .. ., < tl`y' ,.Icuh:Lm Mon- gswm omen! 5 swan cmuu H swm canine; ualln`-bl -Ir Patterson s Lung Protectors. Pa.tterson s Chest Protectors. lPa.tterson s Cork Respirators. ! Patterson's Metallic _. do. ' Watchmaker and Jeweler, E The heat I-2\'(5l.lSl{ AND A.\lllllCAX! \\' ATE H Iii. : anuumcr braces. Bun-3' Improved Nursing Bottle, the mast perfect and convenient Naming Bottle in the world, JUST REUEI VED BY Kingston, .\'o\'. 5, I873. ,, -__.. ___-.._-_v -v- ('lL`L.\I0lS SK I NS -3 splendid njsortnnoxnt. Htnstingl sud (Jarsonl Superior djuatable Shuuhler Braces. Run-u lm.........l \`.._..1:.... I).,u1- 4| _. .____. , ..._..,._.._ -.-...__.-.._._ [JUST ARRIVED HARBACK & cu. |n`.AvIs`.lt" un0(:I:lu'. J. Halligan & Co. v_---- ------o VI nil!`-VIIUII 3ll\I I IIIIIll. NI':\\' CUIHJANTS. NI'.\\' |.A\'l'lI{ RAISINS, l"lH"..\`II (`ANIHHD |'|'II'!l.-Q. - I00 |3|H'.\|.\` |"I{l`I.\'II FINN, NICVV .\`:\l{l)|.\I'IN_ L`.\NNI~1lI .\'.-\l..\.lU.\'. M.-\('KEIH':|. mul l.(llL\"I`I".|l.\', (`man J. lHIl4.'|u\'cH'u |'ILLh.m, Suun.-u. M-. r.t ur.I\A HI.II Ii) ['2 I-`rum ('lni|-pawn. `.30 I'll !-`Ell!-l.\"l` Hll:\.\'l.\' Ill-` (`l(i:\l{.\' From 810 to $50 a thounnml. We are n.-tailing l..~\lII{AllUl{ ill-ZHll.\'l-i: at I? cents per alum-u. ; [IEA TH .95 g}INN, V .\'o\'emlwr 7. . This Wonk we l`tlllll|I0l|\`u to nu-ll uur III-iuhtum 1 Sugar: for `J u-nL~4 per llo., selling lur I0 , vrlltn ulluor plum-x. [sluw oz Mlwmzszl All our TEAS` turn If this _\`v -4 H11. J.\|'r\N 'l'I"..-\ I--I` $I.l ll Hm.('|lUl('I'I J .\,|'.'\.\' I 1! line. (`hon-e YUUM: ISELLING CHEAP nug-ru u-r :I n-nu lln., sell plan-x. (`Rl'.\`lIl`II! A. ` UR.-\I\'l'l..-\'I`Hll. . I'l'l.\"`I|ilZl'Il! :\.\'l) HI{()KI'l.V I.H.\l". lnr stock of \\'l.\|'I.\' AND l.ll, Q-fl|llIlhI(".l`. Iu stuck the u:h'l-In I`Zl'liI`2KA LU Ii) E }-`ruin l`|-innmu .- A large assortment to select from. ll Repair: on Hutches made promptly. ruchlu-bun. -`Labs; I. IIH.."HI T+IH.H ('UIH"|h'Il, `(ll lulu`: PI-hnn I \|ll.' .\ ln HVINNAN !`lAl)l\l|"..`-X, mu Ew @6603 EW BLACK SILKS, NEW BLACK AND WHITE sums, NEW JAPANESE snurns, NEW mu:-as GOODS, NEW OTTAMAN & PLAID sruxvrs, NEW FANCY sxnvrs, NEW GIMP TRIMMINGS, NEW BLACK SILK FRINGES, NEVV WINQEYS, NEW FANCY PRINTS, ' " NEW TWEEDS AND BEAVERS, THE DAILY NEW S-SATUR'DAY ... .__..._,_ __..@_. u. n`Ill"In1l J. HAL1gI'(A'iI"';co. Sign Bf vthe Spectaies. uvemlmr M .\RBl.E B[.UL`1{, I'Rl.\'(.'l-15$-ST. |Al `FIJI Cll` (`u your Good: at (}R(M`l-IRY a \`..u- \`n..... Fmxq ~ur.nu I um`; l'UIIl"lh'll. I00 Null. Prime I..\|il{.-\lH|I{ llurringn, HX) h I bsrroln In. In. HI" bhll. \\'hitc|inh and Snhuun. nuv (`I v}. . `uncr- SUGARS I SUGARSI From Mr John \\'0u"`1', Storringlau. NE\\' and elegant stack of JE\\'l'ILR\' uf Plain. Fancv Anal l,'niuua- SI 1.-hm - us I trial. and I x n...u- .-....o ...... l n 1-.u um elegant smcl: or Jl'.`\\'lL Plain, l"anc_v and Unique Styles. SHAW & MINNES . unoctzms, Yrinccu sue.-L M. GAGE, Druggiats, 47 Princess Street, JUST ARiIlVED AT I we will c 1.. ...`.. . we umvinvc ymftlmt In l|8\'{'d I-_\ purrhnwiug the UUI.D|`;.\' lH';.\\'l';|i and LIQUUIL .\|`1)Rl-I ~ near the .\IxukeL .\'qn:\r_g,~. ?I`A-no an -. lul` ti. il|\'h`(|.\' fnl I.u,u'm:s.- |..I....o...I I `as ilnpurlatis `|:\I~;u:t-ml um [In-eivcd nmlhpencd on Flshlrdny that must be ducpusml of during the coming three \|`n'clisL Lmlies will ml itto their ulvnn to lunrrlm.-,~ their Cluuuln. Brggkfut Shlwll, .\'um:ngs, L'lunkmgx_ (ilunlu, G!0\'8, Hocicry, I and the usual \\'Inlor Hood: at this Jude. 1'. A lango and varied nuortment of ` . . ! Children's Woollen ' Goods in 5 Stock. ' l 33` Helm-mlxr the l'lnco--l"AHF.Y'S' OLD .\`T.\.\'l|, .\l:uko:t Sq`ll|re--Sign of the RED I-`IAN. lTEA_!F9"3_lT1?%s| i I V I-`.I`II)S, Flnnnelu, Ready-Mad! Clothin ` Gents` I-`urnishitmu. etc. An, no-v m 1 Boxes Very Fine Double Chin Bailill. Boxes Very Fine Single Crown Raisins. Boxcn Very Fine Black Basket Railint. -,lloxos Very Fina Ihnduin Dyan. Boxes Vjdry Fine Lnyon. I Half Boxes (o Stalks) Valentin Bsiill. lI..Il IL... nJ-l-_;,_I. LI 1. -- ._...._. . ..., - nu. a-us: Laauncb 3311. Half Boxes (Selected) Salt-Inn lidlilll. llglf l'...n.. ....AI...- I.I-:-:__ ' ....u --uavu \oL'IvI.'l|l) Dill mu Bole: seeeueu Raisins. : Barn.-Ya New Patna Currants. Hoxeg New Lemon Peel. Boxes New Citron Pool. lloxs New Lemon Peel. I I 1...._.. \' -._, -' vuvxr: IIYSON JAPAN TEA uuxpmvmzn mm: nsmux vouxu mzsox JAPAN TEA (:UNl`U\\'DEI`. mm: BLACK , `n r.r.u-n, rmnnelu, Ready-Mad! Clothi I Fnrnishiugu, &c.. 19., now no - I hn_g at Great. Re-luctionu, in order to char uul. the stock this month ' NE.w FRUIT ' IAJACS AVUW IGIIIUII l eel. Drums New Smyrna Figs. `urn: 3? _\\'c respectfully invite families to come and inspect our Stock of Ten, :0 we make this depu-tment a specialty, u'_our Teal an all new and cheaper than anything in the market. ' \V. R. McB.AE & 00. One |\|o'n-it-I L :11 One 1.1. MUGKLESTON AND 00., I HARDWARE. gnaw GLEARING SALE One One One ' ll Cases of Assorted Inn Goons qt 0 %w IN E3 Liquors on this side of Montreal,` ill imported I? ourselves, uid well worthy of tin Attention u bu yen. W. R. Mcliae & Co. __:._ E hold the Largest Stock of Winn, Brandiel, Gin, .Whinkoy, and other Liquoru Montreal, All by worthy tin nnnntion BY STORE. Eizigston Bottling pep} TTAS NO! ON HANrn A I.Ann1:-, nvrnnv `L_l_ an nulrvnur uzs AND Ponrnn, in quarts and pints, from the but Brewer: In the Do- minion. Allo Englinh Aleimd Porto:-I. BBANIDIES.--Jn:nn Honnuufg. in wood or bottle ; J. & 1". Mnrtelli. minnd M- u5;u1u1|r.a.-Junn amuufl, ; Mn.rtell I, ingood or bottle ; 1 inet. (Jutillon & Co's. in wood orllfottle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA It M. GINS.-John De Kuypor & Son l, in wood , bottle. OLD TOH GIN.-BemAnib Co's, in wood or bottle; Beth &;Co'n, in `wood or bottle. , W|Nl=:S.-.sUPE1uoR PORTS and SH!!! I'.IE.s'. Wlllsll-]8.-0ld Family Proof, on By Proof and Uounnon' Whiskeyl, the belt in the oit,v.ut REDUCE!) Plunlzsl $5 TO $90 t::...:-s~ . on of working , of gmmpggg, . old, nuke more money at work for uni or working people, or cnlwrlox, or old, monf for In in `r lplre momenta. of the tima, tilt: at an . tning olle. Particular: from Aidan . STI SON & 00., Portland, Maine. .K'ingulun, Nov. Ilth. I873. IM z\ K I{IIl"l` STOCK. AND OTHER L_lQ-IJOTI-S. FAHEY S Filler ! Immense WE ARE SELLING ` _-a... -v-- ruavvasnsa J11?`-VIII! [AS NO? ON HAND A LARGE STOCK` of uunerior (`ll I-IA Pl-II! TIIAN EVER. __________,, .. - --uu-J n nvvl, VIII 5 uomIon~ in city,ut REDUCED PRICES. GEO. THOMPSON. Feb. 5. FOR SALE. GoLDi:i1ii" LION. us 11 u H Um of uupenor '1: A `II: n. . .___v-- cu: jw Horse Shoes, r Thousand Boxes Horse Nails, Thousand Kogs ` Out Nails Hundx-'-e-3 Tons Blacksmiths Coal, Hundred Keg: u`.-nu; 51- A-- BIVED, Hundred Oasks Pressed Spikes. S'l'Il.l. C()N'l`lNUl.`19. \V. :1. McRAE & C0. 10 Pound Culdia. EVENING. ' NOVEMBER 22. - All of which will be sold Cheap for Cash. Remember the Sign of the Red. White and Blue. ` = WILLIAM GROH, 'Iil!I\YI'I'.`Qu um!) IPLVII .I. 1 ouvu LIL uo UGI. U. And Fnpcy Groocriea in endless variety, st the 3 _`l'l`A].4IAN WAIKEHOUSE. ' VI"|Al__.j.]_A_l`bj. BEBE & co. Now is the time for Oysters. ONLY 40 CENTS PER one ; 2 CANS for 75 czxm, Lttho \/lal`l All kinds of Mpifs, Cuffs, Thibets, Rn's, Mitts, `buy. Finnan Haddie: OYSTERS BY THE QUART at an BAZAAR. ~ REES BROTHEIiS Mhnnfantn I-inn l`nnf.nt:A..-... xvr.` Us A UHANCE when you want Magazines or Newepepere. We can utiely you A: well or better than our neigh- bonru. Leave your order: early at Che SOUTH SEA SEAL JACKETS, Double- brented, trimmed with Plucked Otter, Upluckod Otter nnd Plain. lMP()R.'l`l-.`.D JACK ET8 of BALTIC SEAL, AS'l`RACAN. GENTLEMEWS FUR BOATS F "2t.Mg..:An.P9-I Which he will `sell at very low priceu. A call in respectfully solicited. `L, vs-.1-u-..... - -AAA- - l TIIE undersigned beg: to snnounce to his , many customers that he has now on hand, ofhu own muxufncture, in cmr BO0K sTo1;E.{_ I A8 OPENED THE STORE on Princess Strqot op `to White`: Drug Store with An `entire eyv Stock of well wlootod s?gg`3;i;.;1;.;a, White _ and Blue. I:l|.I.H?-K 8` ._u --. nsw BOOT & sun; STORE] JUST RECEIVED, BOW BELL8 for December. EVERY MONTH for December. BOYS OF ENGLAND for November. YOUNG MEN OF GREAT BRITAIN lotNoveInber. When you want BLANK BOOKS, buy than (tom the manufacturers at manufac- turers prices. ` IIIIII noun the manufuct prices. DAY Bobxs, JOURNALS, ` LEDG ERS, I I'4"lVI|I ganaqav us: 5.1, LETTER BOOKS and MINUTE BOOKS, A1lk'dI,nllt' ll ' . Th se..,u.'.1-..,.. u.'2`. ...`.`.. }I..'. "`"` Thgmas McAnley & 1 0a.] W0 and 3 I-tar Acre: of Land in WIL- LIAMSVI E, with the Gommodioun seam Home 1:11 non` known as WAIi.D 8 TAVERN. will cold by public auction at Km-rsy'I Auc ' R on $ATURDAY, tho 29%|: Day of NOV Instant, at 12 o'clock noon. arm! on thud cub, the III- cg` lg hrco _ us] an inutslmcntl with mount nt 8 nor cont. `Hg nnin.n....s..|.1- ~Nue:v..1`)`l.e`Ii`e.?sins. New Currants, Malagla Lemon . Gan `ed Peels? Jams and Jellies, New Walnuts, New Pigs, Preserved Ginger, _ . New Ma.rme.1e.de, Lochne Herring, Potted Meats, Anchovy Paste, French Mnstend And Fnin-v (3:-nnnu-inn in mud]..- ..-.:- ` mnql mtorut per ont. o unt. nuun. urull 0119 nu knee. In hm 9: 11 JOHN , PRINCESS STIIEET. October I. 1873. Kovcllirs Abra 1 Nov. l5tlI.i Kin!I_ton, Nov. 4th, .1873. GOOD Wonns for November. '- CHAMBERS JOURNAL for October. FAMILY HERALD for November. Nc-{umber 13. B00'l_`S and SIHDES, ' `L . 1 CI 3158190: If". 8th, 1873. (IVE US A CHANCE when I Magazines Newunnen. can Furs For Ladies, STOVES OYSTERS ! Remly-Mule or made to order. , .__._-' __-.-.uvu. r LEATHER. And FINDINGS for nle. J. COOKE. _.|.__ \v.,, 1.: .__- JOHN OOOKE __ -- -Of all descriptionq, Bu`a.lo Robes, And I large Assortment of Auction Sale. I8 74. NJ .1J.LIl\J .1. LIIL Lhnnfacturing Confectioners. '.'*Fs`a3".I.`.'i MU nnnn l\` E.lU'r1m.I_.ds'rvLns IN 15% D3322! 1 lino Cuhnau. Champ , Silks ' Fnncyfgnneh and White Flannoll, Canadian ulna in Blmk Alpaca. Your choice of 41!) WOOL ment of Fancy_ Sahel, Tics, llilIbonl._ Bait J FALL smcx or l1!|_._|:|_lE[IY: TiiEpruo!|t rates for Fine Insnnic; throuhout the / among the various Insnnnoo Companies `are, it in B ecesury ; md however sever-av the loan to -Couagmg ` 7` ` Initoustx'tiI|-I: in Chicago. Boutzntagd in tha nited an o unnce u-onghon Dxnnmon, does not `van-ant ' ilstely taken phee in the rates. ~ : L; Such being the use. this (human ............a...: 1.. .1 _ , , -.- - Kingston, Sept. mu. I373. {F A L L I MPO R TM: *1, _...-. in awe do not ct. *3. vun ulnulu LU - ..v UH uA'1fs,AND cars inl-Is_t vnrioty._ IISBR _ of Wolfe Inland, until: 01 the but Inc, Valuable Farm for same? WILL be sold by Anctiod, E, wmim Boo s;\uot.iouo_er,_ at hing. Sale mu. nan. Kmguton,` on a seventh danof February next. at 12, o'clock, noon, e But of Lot No. I in the Eleventh Concession of the 'l_`ow|uhip eon tnining looncra, mom on less. Tholudh excellent n.nd lit for an nlnnah, -I... ..:......a uunng mu acres, less. The ludh excellent and lit for the , when olurqd. up,exoe'tsfewacru. A taaucro under vntion. -This in . 15.... n...m..- ` up, exec-s 3 rewactu. Abonlwaausio. . tivstion. A 1`ho'x-n in I Puma Dwelling House and I Sable and Gov Bonnonihn remuu. Aggoautuwulbomado. Ono- Enlf of the pus-chub nut be paid down,andthoreuton1IIo olsrehpoxt, whcnponuuionvrlbonitn. - nnaer cuuvsnon. 1`hn:pin |F'n.I1oDwelling' Bouoonlho 1-amines. Agoodtitln wilfhomado. Ono- foftho mu-Inn nnnnvnnntlnnghl nova, and mo rent on the M of u-eh giext, whenpououionwnlbogivn. For fnrthor intonnshon apply to -Inndi . K . `. Shay oswmngmemah wf , or to y uu. aunomnouomr tor nu nqunty of [1 1 Cordwood, also KimlHng_Wood of V1- riou kindn. which they willolivor in any . part of the city, if deli:-ad. _ SBINGLE, LATH, and all kind: , of oouhutlyon had _i FOR. SA.E Ordnrl addressed to In at on} nm, or left At the '0oo of W. Hellenic, willreceivo prompt detention. IU UIIU `HUI, U` ` prompt Ban-ioold ' Hills, nu Kiln IE`! September 15th, 1873. .._.n-- .5 I. The Bsurbn inquiry was rcnumecl on `l'hur|dny muruing when Mr Macphersun; the parser, uu e;;unincd vrjth Cumineau, 3 uhacllmau. It would nppaxr from the evidence of the furmvr that the flunk upon Which the aptain and a boy nated; aud `fog which up latter was taken, actually ubnchod the Ieeovnd boat. The witness had cried out to the pilot, "Fa-1* God`: nuke til: the boy '31! thu cmmnlu.-runaiul on boar-J," but no cttentinn hall been paid !Lhi~s eu- llty. It will be reIneun!u-r.-.1 0|.-.0 H-3- A.` an Annlil, `am. hnlnop. silo ham and 8 low pnccl. . OFFICE over Whit! tn , nnecutreot. .REIDENOEo?u-nut of Eidosu and Ordnanob Stnotl: Kimnhxn, that I ! Inn Mann Boyd 0311.; _of1 Sn t THE ROYAL cmnmi msumxnbi unxuuuanaurananoolltrc Kinguhon, Sept. 17, INS. GLOTHING. up: nunuon. L 1!. WA EN & C0. rioold-Hills. - RR Nov. 5th. 1878. ' won 503 SALE. '1". I. Tracy. l.D., -KVIII`, IJUWIIU u 'aUII`C. r. olnlr. Pm:-u um down night hat, with 1,800 Lurch ,8 general cargo, iur Mont;-cal. FRESH! IMPORTATIONS; J UR ! nvimnan nnm BRITISH WAREHOUSE ATx R. wALDR0N.'s`.% ALEXAQTPER ROSS Authorized Capital $5,000,000. Head omu,j1oo St. Juno: Shut, u.....[.; JOE}? v. NOEL, J T - lens, Mn to IE Aww, Vendor : solicitor, ' ' chor Buildings. ISHI, 1873.` ` ` 0 VB ENEU UU'l.' At MeNa;hton & Go s,' __m._.. ____~-.._-nun-II u. a a s - .........AlS'.l'l.1UE IIead0oI.,'l60 jlahg.' A W! Hill "Cf In cnarge. The 311-. Alexamdra clxd not arrive up from Xutitrral unh] S:ntnnlay"I.1.st-two day: be. kind tiIne--Iring to the loss sf 3 I118?` rie running the": rapids. Sin: [Il'r(X:t.-(lea) up the Bay on Satrmlay and returned on Sunday, and has been laid up. - The llf. Piel1'('h0nt arrive-cl horn nn \\.'..4l :.u:n!l1`3UJ AUDEAU; IR. M.P:_ NOW srqowuie AT THE` v ---- T.-7 An imipection invited. NOW couu="LE1j l .f'.? 1'` IL WA1.DBoN's, wan`. Is Now suowma ms a..A.v.L.l. \.I All J. J JUST OPENED OUT - `T C I ` ntwl vonx_nEsPA1mT" rnzsa .nAL-rnkoil: I and X-XX. ' nuu JUL omnam, OLnn'oJ.~Is, 4. IIILAA _.mst ` (I0 tic pun between (Iarmer ruul I Son I-Vuciaon, Nor. 2|. Tho new: {man Spam c-tum`: inlomc excitcxn}-Int how. \`blcIq:|`|. 50'. '.'I.~ The lilul gnmn of III Hllhlitoltllinnltt [\II_\ I In! vwuing . I lihnneyjut lint prim. .-unl that l'wlu`n~n ` Dion and Dvy fur I3-urlh prim`. The gonzo button the ma `Mir! mu |\la\,\*_?_d that Ind N-Iultul in :\ \`..t-~r_\* for Dal:-_\' ; h`\IV Ml) In `.336. Hnnlvr -I--fmtml l'biu.u-'y `I-._ \`,_| \' __ -\I I ll ...l_l-..- :.I I McNAUG`H'lDI I " uruuy gum; mm mm Tu I1`! och--one. I. launched :1 ll -Min`; the harbour on I-'n'.._\~ (ion of the owners to 1 during the wiuur. . 11!: :1-hr Pimnn nu: ounany, um nu been laid .. Pietrepom arrived here on \\',-d llclday will I large raft of log for Messrs. lrvilig, Downs & Cuio. r. _ 11-. up Pu-1.... -'....u .1...-.. u, .` 1. .. _ The Young Men`: Clnriptian Union M lins- lon invico all those member: Ivhu are un- I\_I|Q=to be with their kindred on Thanks- vlng Day to join them in an old fashioned or England dinner on that occasion (No- cmbu fl), A `PI... 1).. junta - r n-an-~u the captlxnr M I! mus-nuances. lw c-uullalo the r\.1 Iuiancn. and S.-54;: ..-.-.u-. -u-- - --r`nuu-om all raw in \`ul-.1 th- Auerwan l\vu|`\.~`,~!nrr'.-. THO \ -`LIN (_'n n . \\`llSH.\`. - o\. .x--v .-1.1 Inn.` In cnnselueuce of the n atinnl of the near npprua nl veheh Inn: bcenv lukl rapidly stripped of their c: ml). `loll: (`nun sum} , IKIIPVOI OI XII tnpnu Gaulle. Bella Case .1 _I_...l.. -__ _ :_.. , ,__ uunug Inc I'lulu'. ._ - The achr. Pic!--n nu-lerw out the ncc.-1 npnin at Kings!-n. :u:`1 came mm P harbour oh 3Iunda_\' evening, luuK|l'g`l little the worn for lh-: mishap. ` Tb rill`- John `V:-shot Ann-ml in w -.......-.- . .lw u. .. .~.......` which. it says. :1 in a sh perfect u-udllinn. A ll`_,L:, , I _... . . ---u_ vs very I`ll"llL1`. prism! If the Irhulv cult)`. I: luck: \- nun xiv Iorlo xur Inc mishap. . Thenclu-. John \\'-sley srnved in part. It Kin;uton,'uu Tuesday, with n iull Ion_do_fno quarry-.~`.nnc fun-Jhe County lluuldxngn. In be built in Pncn-u next. year. Thnnehr l. R SIAJMQ ..-.;..._| L--. ,,., VII VIII `I `IIII "V". ~ The Ichr. J. \V. L1u:_;:;auir. fl0'n40SI lo Bolbvillq, laden with con`, was dnv.-n ashore It Point Tran-rse on '1`uuday Lug, Ind &m'Jotably damaged. Thnnclnr, C, (:4-gu-m.. .-.;|...l t.-..... \\'..n:_._ euw metingi ': uh! : Tlungas in ....'a --_. --_L- ` 3'. > |.uu;~-m~r_ I'r- : Lnal l'u|\'erut_v, uxi magny county by .` Connor`-gli n- n In nu- suuurn vounu-. In nusc in nu`: spoken cl nus: (nnmr:l~l_\' Mn 4-`! 21111;! .\lr'l-`u arnix will be opp-usul In` Mr Ch : of the State. ` lsih rr Ilanld-I In Us mull Ill l'u:n-n Thochr. L. B. Sta-no arrived here on ' Sunday 1., ma loaded barley on the rm- `lowing Monday for Us:-go. `Phi; will probably be the last shipuuln. of the Ica- nun out :1 this part. TED Elli , J `V '.`lIIr':`:I|:n l ..`...`1\__.... nan ccnuu Iuluaged. Tbooclnt. C. Geann; sailed from \\'eIling- inn about midnight nf Tue.-Inlay last uith It cargo '01 gfain, and her (mu-r Ins mhined by tclegnm Ymm Hun-go of hm-r safe arrival at that put! at l`. cfcluck the fullnwiug day. This is making quicker time than is naualiy the CO0 between those places. 'l`xc(h-arnn; has made eleven gr.u'u Inpu thin fall, which apeakl I6.-H fur the sailing qualities of the vchel, II tell us the uicgn and men when Bje had her in charge. Thn -Ir lint.-nu-Ira 4-Iul -.0 -.-.-Z.-.. .... A`- _ Inn nu uuzxnunn nail been tn It Iillbe reuielnhcra.-1] tl gown; whose evidc-we vnll be heard `gg-glfinw the boat by meg u Tho Octinony of the whoa.-Isfnnn sumo:-hut. ,_ .. Our not-uin contemporary c!3imI Mr D 1 Vulgar, u iniuterial candidate 9,, 5.- John 33 3 sound lbefomnr." This will be noun the poo lo of St. John, who have al. ways regnrdod 1-. Do Value: at 3 fouized [ Tory. Int you-hooppoaod Hon-. Mr. TIL | lay hduanu the latter In 3 Liberal. We unppou the McMullonito3 willcl3im Mr. Canvriglxt also, ` As a. Iound Reformer." A IP...._..I. I'I,._-j:-_, , 3 I -. v-----5-u -cu, -an Iuuuu n0l0l'|nl ." The French Canadian: who left their country last yes: for the Sfstul in such hrge nuuhon Ltd now returning in 3 regular nunpodo. -Every ddy witnunes the arrival on the eastern frontier of thto-6 or {our m: M It 000 time of An fnl-nun:-noqnano. Al .... uw vduvclll nrvnuter at Inn-e loll! of the former peasant: of the Province. The chin! cause in of course the l_ntd_t.'uuu sud Icatcity uf labour that across the lines. The ac. Julm'I. News in informed on good ; lwrity that diring Int n week: of the Can. ndiau who left theit count to neck 5 you congenial abode in :1... nilml m..-- - _,_. __ on non: w.Al' Adina: who counts non congenial Abode thu nixed States: has ntnrgod to their qstive mil, utinlied `.;...'"'3.2i?"'z'.`..1' .'.'.'f`.."_`f:`..,`_`.' '"* .-u w - wu -g. lluifii N. am I-`R0.\l .\lUNTl{l:Z.\l.. , C-o:)siJ.erAl~h~ indxgnalinn has l, V nnu..n.- u....nJu.-.v. ...l .1. ,. .\`.\l.\LI. l`0.\ .\'l` .\`.\l`.- I! in pro: lulu Ina Mug: .\orIc\y, PlL'l`0S' .\l.\l{l.\'I-I ITEMS. ..-. ... _..- - ..-... ..._y- . "--I N` I: lvsitlain tho lmulula of` 11 (`Jul war ah-nilnl nrsult [nun Ilw \ irgmixxn urllla lmnli but if as mLn|I:a. cc-uu-n. let us I \.-\xu|_-`ms J! (`artlI.\gveg|:\._ .\'u ' `,-nmaul. an-I mnlw l`|_\' .\`p:\jI~ : ` n n . uu nu name," and the that had time: that for "Win never .n.uu 1-an-A uylllli en- wxnennbercxl that thin e u all heard, swung mum of a rape whoclnmaa II: nut loll Mun-lay I uf Hull! and I Md special. --... 1t\" . . - uray. . Fr-vm a realm ol du hm-s I . U holn Inn in I,-m......... ..r I... I 1 ml iron: or 11: min} nwn. Sir, The following linen. computed on tho n mnurnful noeuhu of my poor brother`: duth. I who was uvulonully ulmt while out Imntilig nu Um 15th of Uvlolhcr, um nap:-cuully nub. mlctl {nr pul-licatinn m ynur widely calmin- ;ul journal; and hoping that l.hy'mn_y In `con-ulon-d worthy oT the space, I mnmiu, _\uurn. kc . J. PARKK. II .Jzm'I rrrurn no mum` (at his lumen`. nrilhtr Mm ! In : p.'ua* l`uuu- him any mu-rr. Jun. \u.. I0. `pl; wu ; _\`ars tum D Iuvvnllns nlnl. + of the .\'u!T--lk-Cllcslcr breed. la ` ber vf per-mm 1,-nth:-re-I In-m all d Wrhl pn-srnl to luv the umusu and I'eigho\l.--I'i'!.~u (:':L:(fir. I.-um l.x\'nm:.\'.-- Right ll-n Rub-`rt Vernon Suullh. I.-ml l._v\'m--I nu Itlnglaxul n few II:\_\'! since. nu-....o.~_uI....... ......... ..: ._... -. .. I7 .. i .. ...- nnnwnnvr-.1." nugux llllllullrllll` l._\-vmlcuf llc wan .~-\-.-m_\'~lhrvc _\':\rs of age. neg-Iww of the 19.10 Rev. Si-hn-_\' Smith. the my (`aunnn M" 5:. l'au|'s. Hu Lordship, thu-n Mr Smith. In elected to lhv Hmuc of (`mu- ;m.~n<. as Inn-nub?-r fur Tmlco. In-Luul. in 13;"). and subs-`Int-ml_\' I`-']1I`1'Scl|lP-I North- h.`\llI[I!I`Il. lxll his elm-a!i..l: tn the pen-mgo. He In L--rd of tlw '15-xuunry un In-r-I urn-_\"s :ulmiuistr:\ti-n. and scrw-I as .\`-cre- '.'\r\' fur the Culonies uu-ler In-r-l 3L-llmurne. L):-.l P.-uhu.-noun -.m...;..n...I I.;... I--_...; 1 .... 1 : E -u as. I nu: 5. Kill L-Ihlslnl ll.- mnm. Trzllm`. I`-*]xI`1'SL ll- ...- l,__I .1 .|.. nu... mun;-it-II. uu ms e|o\':un.u tin- Ur:-\"s ruliuiuistr-.-\tiun_ and s.-n-...l W ll `WI 1?! `ll" I v-.pg- C..uo|...l`. - \\'II_\' should we in` n \\'hu-n All that it ht-la gunu? \\'|wn the upirlt in nnmumm? an-av. ' I rrum rvalm ol an Runs holp In in Ian 'nag\~ uf lu\ I-`nth:-r, Thy mu 1 be clouof I |..uu.v;.~r I'M: IN `Kiln: LR-l`.\l`\.~ :\ pin, I the prupx-r(_\'ui A. U. lhhnsuzr. Esq, South I .\laryslmng||, Jun kills-al un 'l`m-m|a_\' hut, ' and It :3 clmlucd \nu (ho hcxwicst m the 9 1 c--nnly, woi-_;hmg no lvss than Tilt ) lbs. u-lVn.~n . drrun-d. Hi: Iivu weight w.1s`JT'J lbs. This `pug was '2 _\ears and 6 In-vulhs nlul. and wax inf 1|.` \'..oT..ll- a`|._._n,... |....-,l A I V -\-I nut` I 1&3`). . 1- V- 'T" \\'U THIN-IE STORY BIIICK STURES, on l'nua.-cu Street; In-nst central stores ' in the city. Apply at this utcc. | Nov. 13. _ v- -v--gv, r um :`.mz.{1Is cm` sum: E Imus:-; ..n Queen Street, at present. occupied by Mr 5lcl lu.-rwn. Apply to ISAAC llnPl-`. iREI.`T` } un-_v 3 .'unuIulsul`.'\Il~IYI. and scrn-I .\'*crI.`- Vary u-t'uloniesuu-ler L1.-.1 P:\h_ncrstnn appoiulml him l`n-sidcnt 5 - fzho Banal of Control in Ins tirsl cabinet. from I-`C15 to 1353. but he did nut l t.':|lllI\u Rice on the return of hi: chic.-I (-1 povn er iu - _ u v uuuvvu. .Ll.LLuJ.Uul.OlA.7lJ Y A privnn: f.-unil_v. 1 when no othcr I-our-lers an: kept. Ap- ; ply at the l).uL\' .\'t;ws`c.-Ilicc. I .\.uV, 3. ! lieu, hmthcr. E R,..o ...C n..... 1 yuan uunu Iv wuvuuu | \[R`'. -]l`:.\`.\`ll`: A, h'.\T luu I--uln for v ` [none b0Jl I|T`l. Hood |;u:\r-l~furm~ln.-1 Hor 63: Week. Brock Slrv.-ct, In-.1r hurdls Hunt. and Shoe I"actnn'. c 1 ) -` LUL KJU Cl |'rT.`UE, for `I: ` A street. Apply to r HAT eligible Blacksmith Shop, "win. Purges, Bellows, Anvils, and other `Tuoll, in the Vilhgc of Portsmouth, known 4: Bruin : Blscknmlth Shop. Apply . -- .... .\uu \|';uInu`r tun Thy r.\I1-using II: ` .-\nnl Im lI||.\.\`I I I V0 l'T.ON'l` OFFICES House. l'u.ueuion immedinu-.1 ; I I rpm: BRICK .\I run} ---3 I-`HE IIEDUSE fronting on Clergy I Street and adjoining the Queen Street \v\'euloyuu Methodist. (hnr-ah, known :1 Maple Cottage. lfoueuion last November. Apply to Join Holmes, Superintendent of the Home of Industry. 'rso.\`s', V BE premises on the Market occupied byllr A. B. M Dry Good: Store. w .mg_n non: Industry. occupied by | /]_ And I Pu Room Fum` wuml lloul .....~uv .-u-n.3nr.n Iur Inc .\)`-Icnlmn) ;\ Cuunty lli_.;h .\'l..mI. Tu cut--r up--u :n,;xgcnu-ut on In! January. I574. .\-Mn:-u Ned Dnnlup, l4uugl_nl-omugh, Um. .\'l'ZlI. Ul'NIl)|`, ln;irun-an ..6' cl... |',...-_I Rillll. llh .\'or.. I373. .. n. M.-\ H;lI, > St. lawn-ncc \\'lmrf. rliiugston, Nov. Nth, I373. Sept. 25. .ruu, or w 0 BEILLY & CAMERON, August 25, 1373. Kingston. 7