p`I2.dminion 15 cents. November 22. 1 A 1 HALL, |0n Wedgegzlgy, November 26. _j__ v ury lIU(`-I8 bl Apply to trcal, or to F0PI,A I And Entertainment .-v -LJIJU HE BRICK HOUSE fronting on Clergy Street and :uljoinim,: the Queen Street Wesleyan .\Ietho1i.~`t. Church, known as Maple Cottage. l uss-ssinn Ist .\'o\`c-Inber. Apply to John H:-lmes, .\'upcrinteudent of the house of Industry. f To Let, nrnvniqnqnn lux \l.._I...I. Cu ` ' ` -v -`dull, IIE premises on the Marisol: Square lately occupied by Mr A. B. x\IuUuncH as a. l Dry Goals Store. Anulv fn Mm... h:.m.n o. ~n -- JJUU 1U.-\'l` egihlc HI:|c_ksmith - Fnrges, Bellows, Anvils, Tools, in tlnm Village of Purtsnm as Br:Lsh s Bihu-k:um'Lh Shop. Apply to ` "- ' _l' T! `L\\'l\L`\.' n _..___---v-av /fn aid of ST. PAUUS UH UJICII SUNDAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND, in the UITY IIALL, n.. 1'lT,..2l..--J-(- `IT ` " __ ....`. .....w.= mmpa 111 me Harwood House. Possessiurn imulcdi.-ntcly. Also Bar- llumn Furniture, Mirror. Counter, dcc. Har- wuod House for sale. Apply to H. H. S\VALEb'. Nov. 17. -. 9- I\l|.IIJ.\J If WU THREE STORY BRICK ST()RE.$, on Princess Street; must cntrul stores in thc,L-ity. Am.-ly at this oice. ` Nov. 13. ' l` AND- 6 an.-.- `. \lA n.J\.llL\J [ r '0 lixst-class CUT STONE HOUSES on Queen St:-eet, at present occupied by I Mr Mo.-l hcrsun. Apply to u .. vu-...\.. . .....B an: uxciillu GOD SAVE THE QUEEN." Doors open at 7 ; to commence at 8 Mn. > _:ngust 25, lS73. LL; more uonrnlcrs. I iur S3 :3 week. Brock Boat and $1109 I` `to .1 1 wuuuu J.u.u, ])Y A LADY, huarul i where no otln.-r boa ply at tho D.uL\' .\ 1-:\\'.~s ( Nov. 3. . Song (sclectc-d)--Miss Bio)-1;;m]_ . l eading-Mr Cumberland. .Dnet--0h! how sweet the Hunter : Song (Kucken)-The Misses Davis, . Song-Mr J. B. Walkmf . Song-Lady of the Ina--Mra Gry11,_ , Song-Mr Keeley. nan RAVI.` mtrn t'\lv1.1rs`v' IA1\I. 1 Piano Duet -)Iiss_Davis gxml Mr Sutherland ` F-ong(selectcd)-Miss Bee]. . Readiu_;-'1'hc Charity Dinner (by re- quest)-Mr Mclutyre. . 'l`|'i0---\'p .\'Inu\......l,. 1-1! .A , n 1 1 r- H . Song-L ,,_.---, an. uu;;uu_yru. 'l'l'io--Ye Shepherds tell me--Mrs Gr)-lls and Messrs Grylls and \Valkem. - 0 She wandered down the Mountain Side"--M ins Henderson. S'rII`1g-The Yeoma.n's \Vedding"-Mr human Q 'I`-_ I . ,-_..__ Mr Mackenzie passed through 8 xtilrdny, and an uburtive atfemp to get. up an nvatimi in his hunm ( penple quietly smiled and passed I other side of tiicjstrect. 'l`wec:l, the notorious nmnicipn New Yurk h:L.~z, at last, been ow ljnstice. On S:itiIrd:ny he was SO! iJml-go l).n'is tn :1. t(`l'|ll of twelve prisomucnt in jail, and to pay :;1i i700. The sentence is Kl sun-re I is :1 tight-anus nne. :unl \\e feelas I |\\'nr\- 2...I.A OIL. 9. "II In!` S"! -1 ,_- _- - -nu 1:11 : ll-SQ-ILIJ Il- S'I`R.\.\`c:l~2 u-' Tm`:-:.--.\ Qncl. lwlic\'cs he saw Mr Rimmer, l\[umn-:11 merchzmt, on bouril tizm," which sailed on the Tih fa The-. Hzunilto I'hm'.~' rciteratn .. nv-.u--I no` cl... .1: . ..... . I ; In! um prnval of t Imus, nu. I , I luhtics : -- For A`\'I. ...., xuzog :\.m.-~-I'r( Miclolle States," ll0l'Ulc:la't\ I and suutlumstorly winds, falliing lmrolue ; cmcly. wind and nm\' and rain respcctiv & \ , \ 1 l`nr l.m\'u-r Lakes, In-nlu-rly anal Imrthwcsi I ly winds, cl--ndy wcatller,` sow and rain tending to upper_0hju,\'allcy. ` u .-auungsuu, MUV. 2.1 Q tics :-I"or the Lower L : land, nnrtlxcnstcrly and I clmnly \' wttlwr, rain. and . \v . I .. .. ugunenus and !'eeln.ss11rc1 that I every riglnt-Iuiucleal man will npplmul J mlge ; I)-.u`is fur lmving [msscd it. _, _. Sept. 25. L7. H. H.-\T('H, St. Lzuvrence \\'hurf. `Kingston, Nov. 17th, 1873. lxwo am] _snng-"'l`he Y Tlmmas S. Tm E.....-. I.--`- - ' " ,,, -.\.. Pius inn arrived at _..-_., ,_ , .- , Arrival of the l'r Mnntre:\l, Nov. `.24. ~~-'1' II I./IIIIIIII Washington, Nov. inn . 1.`... II... I _._._ n U I` :\U..\ 1' U l"1"lUE.$ and Barbers Shops in ac. in1um.h .-.I..l I I wumu. N Apprencc to the Drug L ply at this ullico. .I. .L on J. U1 C(\TTAf`-E, fur ` _ Street. Applyt I I wuuou YOUNG I..~\l)Y of gum] mldrcss at Hen- _ dc-rsou's l'hotograplx Gallery. 0v. '. 4. ` PROGBA1IlMI-1. ' PARTI. ..-.T\_.,.|. \I:,, ~-- - Wfrie Ixiiadiatelj A A in .1 m-i\.m- L1 ,_ __.-a `.1 cut IUKH`-"Jo -The mas Tandy u:lectcd)--.\[|5s f. O'ReilIy. um. `Boarders VV`L_I;3:3-d-._ . J}-I\'\'ll-`. A Q\l!'I`u u.,_ ,, uuwxuulo IV(1aL1lIUU.u JE.\'.\'Il-1 A. SMITH has 1 lore Imam].-rs 1:.m.l I...`...1 .~ .. .x \`_Hll.'Ut:U uUlCC_|ZlVc she the missing ml llm b`:u'm:I.- lxich for Liverpool. lzunilton reiterates its disap- f the dis-,;r:Lccx'ul policy of the Ottawa and rclnarks as to those converts y see that it is wrong to support cor- n in power after there are no corrupt mwcr to support, we du not value ry lniglnly. 'J'h-cy are very much the thc'w-rnunt prutligntcs, who I-L-come in their old age, bcu.u1se they shave r the power tu be nth. " -M nun Lxesrs niaat-11 .2 Evans, Mon- 0 REILLY & C.~\MEI{ON, If u trn`4.- _-Wcnlher Report. ztnn. Nm: -1? I - --- ,,,._.-_ _-v.rvn Ir- ton, 23, 1 :\.m.---Pro`. abili- thc Lakes, and New Eng, ncnstcrlv suuuu-.-mt...-1., ....-...:.. .\`1' ()I`l`n'r~`.\- Jpim. PART 11: ,__\.l'-.. T` ` . J. -`I:.m'1)E?\_<',/_,s..1a.-itn King E W;;11_E\&F%% :w., as present occu 15.-SAC HOPE, l`..H....-.... Q -- --c___ P`\5Set_1 through London'on I ubm-hm: nnm....o ....... ......1_. eei: .' ` pusseu tnrough 1..ondon'on . abu1'ti\'ea1tfcn1pt was Inmlc till his `Iunnnr lull In I -r-.-v two fmui : tn '23, l0:3O :\.m.-~I`robn. He States, nurtlumuatcrly winds, lmrmueter, mw rcspccti\'cly_ -llurlv zuul `ma-nl......:.6.-- .3.u11Il has room for I mod by;u'l- t'urui.-lml Street, near UKl'urd's the l'russi:m. ~~-The stvxm Pprtfznul at `-7:3( nl. an ya) a. line Ul g`.\l.5,- is one, but it n1 1: foeIn.ssurolth:1t 1 1.. 1-In u-{H n.\..l . __-..-.......- .' . 1 . 1n pnvatc f;Lunl_v, oanlurs are kept. Ap- s otiicc. 7 zsmith Shop, Alll' r\I\.' 1'13 AU ILUl'1`J, Colborue Street. -.\ Quebec dutcctiv Tinnnnr Q Inn I|\ ._........, nu ;\cw mug. suuthcasterly winds, :1 nnnu: n us, am urtsmou th, municipal jobber uf won on-,rt;\kt-n by 5 sentenced by ' years` im- I II-II` -. 13.. .J` QII) 4. ng busincss. L IL the .u r.uu.V , lxiugston. . 3111.... \\'l. H.-\'l`( II, t"S o'clock ston. .s~'ro1:Ls Narwood I x-,. 11.... 11: it: uuuu: | our, but the ad by on the ,.l._....-v\.nJ_ uvrtlnvcster - u r I , ; Street. on Core ..r this I L-umship ' .0n' n.: _ A p- \Ve defy anyone` in Kingston to compete with us in Cutlery and Nickelite Silver \Vare. from. Your choice for 50 Cents and $1.00. Give us an early call and be convinced. The like you never saw before. Nnu OI I Over $10,000 different articles to select- HE Subscriber will sell on Tuesday next T Nov. 25th, at Public Auction, at th Custom House, a large lot of Household Fur niture and Eifects belonging to \V. B. Simpson Esq., consisting of Drawing, Dining and Bed room Furniture, Brussels and other Carpets Sofas, `Couches, \Vindow Curtains, Bureaus- Sideboard, Wardrobes,.Tn.l.-les, Chairs, Bad, stends, a. French Metallic Spring Ma.l:tra.ss- \Va.shstnnd.s, Box and Cook Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Knives, Forks, Kitchen Utensils, and a variety of other articles. '- Sale at 10 o'clock. 111:! A0 ll..`ll`ll"l A17 HOUSEHOLD V FURNITURE Tuesday; November, ARE SURPRISED, DUIWBFOUNDED, ASTONISHED, and exclaim, How (Inn vnu an ..,. -L..__, 1 King Street. next door to Stacey's I Book Store. MAYMORE S jemm` % Exclmum I VPHE CANADIAN ANTHEM BOOK. ,1. A choice collection Sentences, 510. Clot! 14I;uJ\11LVA1']:JU 'J'E.\'TS fur Sundiy Schools and Homes. Splendid Int-, all new, at IIENDERSONS. , _ \.i/ , Assortment of the Enest "C111-omos made just received at HENDERSONHS. ' Ff` '. and Iains L. \ Large assortment uf all HE.\'l)El{SON S. unnc GU LU U CIOCK CHAS. McMI LLAN, _ Auctioneer. Kmgston, 20th Nov., 1873. Luv unu _y\ Nov. 2]. ...u\,.\. The Students Atlas of with Let erpress, by Dr. The In crnatiounl,- Po] Historical Atlas, contain pious Iudiccs. A The Students"At1as, cm; showing latest Boundaries ; Index. nu -. . . 4. y _ (.7he:1p('st In the c Collins (llbe JDictionar_v of the English I.:u.nguage, Etylnological, Expkmatory and Pronuuncing. Illustrated with 500 Engrav- ing: on \Vuad. 750 Pages. Cloth, 75 cents. JOHN IIL`\Yt.`DoVn\' . . ,,_.,,,., .... common to choice ex- .tn Itate; 0,01) to 7,0.) for c.,mm,,,, to 01305 "3 "`'t"; 5.30 to 8,51) for round, hoo Ohio. Rye our qu`icl'. and lirm ; price: \ nu umgul. \\Vh.-at dul I l andl :3 }ow.er; receits l3S,000 bush ; ' ml: 3.Se(ll$ bush; in L42 for Sn. 2 Chicago ; 1,45 for No! 2 Milwaukee. Rye nominal at, 90 5,96,, for western spate. Corn dull ; rs.-uipts 40,. M hula ; sales 3.'),(X)0 bush 1:69.: for pf-ime Mouton: usixe-l afloat; 60. c for sail do; 57., for high mixed and ye w western. Bi:-lev tenure and rmer; sales 0,000 hush -,5: l,60l'or Can.-uls. Oats quiet; receipts HD1000 bunh;ules 2l,0J0 bush ; at 54 to 55 for now mixo-l wettern afloat; 55 to 57 for white western ; 55c for new black do. Polk rm 3214,50 Inr new mess. Lard rm at 7i c fur steam; Sh: for kettle rendered. But.- .ter st 32 to 3-! cents. Cheese at 13; to `Bic for line lot: state. Petroleum, crude, 51 to 5} ; rened l3c. ` 1) RAY ER BOOKS, ll \' RI N Dt\n [kn IJADSEPH DUNNELLY, [LLU IINATED TEXTS and I-Imam. u.. uvers .\zu1tic:LI Astronomy. Evens-' ;\'n.vi_g.-Ltiuu. Sergeant : 1\l:lT.lu`1lJ.'1ticS. Balnun-'5 .%_ystL-umtic Bntzuxy. Balfour's Fifal} Book of Batau V. Lee : Accoustius, Light mrl Hcat. R.ossitcr's Theoretical Mo.-cbmxics. Do. Anplied :1 n OLLINS NEW ELE.\lE.N'1`AI TIFIC SERIES, 30 cents L H'owa.rd s Practical Chemistry. \\':1tts' Organic Chemistry. Collins Mineralogy. Macturk s l`hysica.l Geography. Plnm....... .1 \ ...__- ., , macwrk : Pluunncl" 1`.~......' \ .. Tomkins . `____________._____ (DYSTEIES ! 0YS'l`l+}l{S ! * RED and \vn_1T:-HEI1`En came on my farm. Lot. 2:`), 4th Concession, Pitts-. burgh, during the summer. '1` quested to come forward, prove pay expenses. he owner is re- prupcrty, and `,,~"~,1-511:" I IV-v-' N LLL _ Water Colours iu Boxes and Cakes, Crayons and Crayon Paper, ` AT 1YI.`\'I`\I7nnn Ul.IErc`l- I Ontario Bnnk- I02 xukcd, 101 Bank of 'l`nmncn--l;:"2 :ukc.l, Royal lfanmlian uz|l_l|i--95.} as} fond. - l`ou I)-..|- ma -,I 1 n- - 1HROM0& -I FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES. CCBUN '1` B00 KS. A S'l`ATUE'l"I`E.s' AND VASES. (SELECTED m's1`m:s) I72 l rim'1-ss SI rec-t. Nuve-mbcr 2|. AUCTION SA LE .-m;Tr.EDnE s EVEI-{Xi 1, NUAL for 1374, A '1` IT l2`\Y Nov. 22, 1873. I E W HID] 2125, . [E\V DICTIUNAIE Y. 7.-\TH EMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, 1] YM N BOOKS, l SAL.\I BOOKS. Full Stuck at liENDEESON'S. STAR GROCERY. THE PUBLIC MONTREAL BRANCH _,--....., -nu \:.u;uuu` can you sell so cheap !` "XXX ATLASES AT I{ENDERSON c:.. I- >cautifu1 Lot for sale at V run`-up Lu1ucl':Ll0g'y. Es an-`s Astronomy. ~zu1tic:Ll in.vi_g.-Ltiuu. u 1 neoreucnl Me-chmxics. } Applied dn. Machine Construction. JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. \. l.II|o|l, gt ...-J. JUJIN ll ENDERSON, Rrmlu... 3 city at H ENDEI`.SON'S. / Atlas Classical Geography, 5, Schmitz. I-....l h,\-.- n ction of An`.`ucms, Ch:mt< Cloth, $1.25 J -4 .. -.n..uuua. nunl,- Political, Classical and containing (32 Mala and co ,..v .ub-ca. unuuu, 1. ) cents. JOHN IIENEERSON, Princess Street. BU Y THE '"iC::-H H18 Qgreed by the t the offering! on the 1 hood in the hands of tin " ion of the Gospel ' 'ons.--Ulmrc. c ; EI.E}IEN1'z\RY SCI EN~ ES. cents nor \'n'|-nun I`! AT HE1\`DERSON'S. .... . uycn, AT III-I.\'DERSOl\" S. ROBERT LECK IE. containing 36 Maps, mes - also a Consultin-v J D kinds received at H ENDER SON `S lemlid Int-. all an I BL 1 [LA ~ I per volume. r . M0.\"l`REAL MAIRKFY `S. (Special 1'ele_;rum to I/m 1)m'/y .\'ru-s. 1 , Nnntreal, Nov. 24.---Flunr receipts 32.201 ll ; market inm:ti\'e and races nominal in of any but retail transactions. .(ir;n.in ---:nbout 10,000 hush U. U. spfing in store Iohl st L-23, P.-.....'.;...... ...._u. . . . :.n..3U1\' , Bookseller. EN!` HE Subscriber intends to open a. Privote T School on MONDAY, 151:` December, on the corner of Barrie and William Streets, for the accommodation of pupils, male and female, who \\ish~to obtain a. thorough knowledge of the usual branches taught in our schools. A French Class will also be opened in con- nection with above. - ` . JOHN MILLS. REFERENCES :- George S. Fa--5-" George S. Fenwiclr, ` ., George S. Hobart l"Aq., James gisglxer, Esq.,' Sheriff Fergu,son, Isaac Simp- son, Esq., Jno. Mudie, E:.q., John Creighton, Es ., Warden P. P. gov 9| p.n1. clauy. \Veekl_y meetings of, the Association for reading essays, discussions, &c., will be held every Monday evening at 8 o clock, and Prayer Meeting from 8 to 9 every Saturday evening, to which all are earnestly invited to attend. A good assortment of reading matter will be found on the tables of the reading room, of which all young men are cordiallv invited tn Ixounll the tables t t make free use. {1`l2`I\Drvt.I nr ; 1:3; Rooms over Mr Clark W Hat Store, \Vellington Street. Nov. 22. Kingston Young "Me;1 s GHR|ST|_:N _AS_SOG|AT|N. -._ n-` noun at l steady. ll 6,(X) to 6 " SHAW & MINNES . E hold the Largeg Stock of Wines, & Braudies, Gin, _ hiskoy, and other Liquors on this side of Montreal, all imported by ourselves, and well worthy of the attention 'of buyers. w." 1:. Mcnae & C0. ab \Ve respectfully invite I and inspect our Stock of To this depaa-tmeut a specialty, all new and cheaper than a market. YOUNG IIYSON JAPAN TEA ' GUNPOWDEII FINE BLACK ` YOUNG HYSON ' JAPAN TEA ' GUN POWDER ` FINE BLACK ` `NEW 1 NEW '. more, NEW ' NEVV ] m:w 1'o1uc MAi:KE'rs. (Special Dcspalch to Daily 1\'e New ).York, Nov. 24, '3 p.III.-'Gc Cotton "l53c. Flnur qnie-ti and Vrpcoiptl 15.003 bbh; sales l3,000 I 5.50 $013.00 for superne state an era ;' 6.35 I0 7.35 for common to cl 5.09 com choice cxtrs (4 our nag:-J. dull -....1: . NEW] NE W 1 JTE..;@f}*_9f3"3`8 NE\V 1 -I\'E\V 4 VIEW BLACK SILKS, L . l\'E\V BLACK AND V. NE\V . Boxes Very Fing Double Crown Raisins. Boxes Very Fine Single Crown Raisins. Boxes Very Fine Black Basket Raisins. Boxes Very Fine London Lxiyera. Boxes Very Fine Layrs. Half Boxes (01? Stalks) Valentin Raisins. Half Boxes (Selected) Sultana Raisins. Z Half Boxes Seedless I Raisins. Barreis New Pat:-as Currants. Boxes New Lemon Peel. Boxes New Citron Peel. Boxes New Lemon Peel. Drums New Smyrna Figs. 11v 1. --- Nov. 15. WHE ROOMS of this Association are now _ open to the public from 8 a.m. `to 10 [131 daily. adopt as a Day of Special intorceulon fur the Supply of Mis- sionaries," Wednesday, the third of Decem- , 0 day 8DDOinhuI 9.. 1... - ..L..--~3 ' V One Hundred Casks Pressed Spikes. J. MUGKLESTON AND 00., HARDWARE. -v:--- AND OTHE_R_LlQ'UORS. one 1 One I One King :$2 DAY OF lXTEI{CPJSSlON SUl_ _PLY OF MISSION!` \V._ --A - ' ` Inace Immense Bargains n CHEAPER THAN EVER. r JAPANESE STRIPES, r DRESS dobns, I OTTAMAN &. PLAID SIIAWLS, V FANCY SKIRTS, ' GIMP TRIMMINGS, ' BLACK SILK FRINGES, ' \VIN(EYS, " FANCY PRINTS, ' TWEEDS AND BEAVERS, ..=~.t.m, Nov. nu. 137:2. GoLDi-if LION. FOR SALE. JUST ARRIVED AT .._.___ > Hundred Tons Blacksmiths Coal, : Hundred Kegs Horse Shoes, 2 Thousand Boxes Horse Nails, ' Thousand (Kegs Out Nails d EGEORGE CHAFEEY, .13., Hn.....o-- TIc7i'IcE. Bank of .\Iontre.1l- ales gt I76. Merchants Rank- Ih-.!. ..r 1-,....._.. uuuy mvuze mmilies to ` Stock Tens, as we I R snecinltv, nu nun-'I`.-.... W . R. McRAE & C0. ' in 10 Potnd Catitlies. x_- `A Secretary. - WV:-ight 3 Fur and | 11 Street. \V. R. McRAE & CO. 7 families come :1: Tens. as wn mob-= ` HlTE SILKS, we reaamg of a cordially invited to Kr uauuucs Iau come make y, as our Teas are [anything in the u c are met) anowmg the Best Makes of ENGLISH AND CANADHN BLANKETS, Elannela, Ligeu and Cotton Shnnltinna _.J K} The best productions of Lyons and Spita.l- elds Looms. ` Rich Black Gros Grain Silks. . All the New Shades in Coloured Silks. A superior assortment of Real Irish Pop- 'lins. A splendid assortment of French Merinoes, Empress Cloths, Satin Cloths, with a. large and tasteful variety of the N cwest Dress Ma- terisls produced the present season. Blick and Coloured Vel\*ntnpnn an ~xr..... Qllluu Ari-h auort t fF' ;- Real M:.ltese m.dm:k face. in; .e:i>1a(i.;'n,.i Cqrded Silks, Satin: and Velvet: for Trim- pu . - Lvom Silk Mantln vdvnfn mmgpurposea. Lyons Silk Mantle Volveta. French Pnisley, Clan Tartan and sm'pd Shawls. All 9f the gbovc; in very Excellent Value. An mspoctwn respectfully solicited. E D. `I 4-` -:_____ l Ptinceu Stret, Kingston, Oct. 15, 1873. mac: I Shades. A .:.. A- large prnporfionzof the abou of the choicest character, and ( low prices. uuuxuou AN 1) one Anmn I Ligeu Cotton Sbeetings, Tickings, Tggwcllin 5, Table Linens and? Piano (Jove11i-a.ll 0 ered at low prices. N In 4- - -" .1.) A VVe are also showing thexBest Makes -.11-rr.--..-- ___ Kingston, Oct. 16th, 1873. The Rest Makes 1 The Best Makes ( The Best Makes c The Best Makes i I \'ewYo;-1:, Nov. ship City of Limrick f \! ..__\r _|; `v ... PARLUUR cqox smvEs1 umcmrs FANGY sTun.I a. 85 J. GA11Dfii1>.. 'I .'.'......_.L.... n,._ :1... ~-- new Jet, Gold : . ornaments. `New J ewclry, New Fancy Goo: R. 85 J. GARDINER, New High Back Combs, New 'Jel; and Gold Bracelets, New Jet, Gold and Silver Bonnet ornaments. gLACK & COLOURED SILKQ Q PUBLIC DEBATE will be givcn under the auspices of the Alma Mater Society, in St. Andrew : Hall, Princess Street, on MON DAY EVENING, November 24th. The sulfject to be`Jliscussed is--\Vhich has ex- rc1_sed on nmnkind the greater inuence for good. poetry ororatory ? A cordial invitation is extended to all. hnlmtn ;.. ..nm--- -r Nov. 20. Invite an inspection of their large assortment of n`{w ynBK_9gPmHs. 3. Cll0WN AND sows , ON SUMERS are hereby reminded to have 0 their cellars and places where the WATER PIPES enter their premises` at once secured from Frost. , Positively no allowance will be made on ac; counts for the stoppage of the supply, if such stoppage is found to exist wrmm THE LINE or STREET. , .v -_.__ _ - , Winter! T Winter! Water Works Notice. Aizp 7 ETF November 20. L) `LACK & COLOURED SILKC v,u-zu. yuuuxy ur uracory I" Debate to commence at 7:30. Admission free. (1T.VI\ rI`rr v v..,-. Nov. 24. Nov. 21, 1873. \/ '\J 2 of Exfglislx Brussels. I of English Tapestries. r Makes o`f \VooIlen Carpets. : in Ilempsr and Druggets. urge prnportionjof above are patterns offered at very uices. ---r van :1: LJIIIIFIIUR It New Ynnrk, Nov. `.23.- Steans, an eiuplo 0 1! bed Peter Gobett u a street. Guberf. died a 1 Stctfans has been nrres ,3 ___ `v ,1 `V -_..--`J uvA1\4IElln in JQTGARDINER. .. _q;..'..o v:___L~ _ K) QLACK & COLOURED SILKC JUST RECEIVED o'e:-ing an Elegant Assortment in all the Desirable Make: of ' NKETC u-ouucea we present Coloured Velveteen: in `New ' Goods and Novelties. `r. NOVEMBER 24-. u gLACK Sn COLOURED SILKS BLACK & COLOURED s1LK =LAf(ET_g --nu ;n-an, \u\. .:i.--A Worh from San Fmnciaco Oakland to-(by completely handsome lgriclge` uf the C Railway, at that 1-lac-3. T over three miles long , and mm eat and best in the state. COAL, A'PV1>ET `, ` 9 When you buy, PRINCESS STREET. Public Debate. J. GARIDINER '\./ `(ARPETC I A COM E TO FOR A-luajllllll I Liverpn and Iuiclul cliling. '0 82:1. 61' II 7\/ 1 ARPETC I I J. VVILSON, Manager K. VV. `V. Co. LI )) N KETlc G E0. GI LLI ES, Secretary. '\J `1 ARPET C I | {LIASJ KETS 7\/ `{_A_R_PET I | r HE Subscriber; oer for` ads 3 quantity of Cordwodd, slio Kindlin Wood of? Va- rious kinds, wick they r deliver in my part of the city , if desired. SHINGLES, LATH, and all kind: of LUMBER con: ntly on hand and FOR SALE CHEAP. ,. Orders addressed to us at oI_1r Mill. or left at the Oice of W. Mcliocue, will peeive prompt attentiqn. L._n. wmnnxi/e 'co. Barrieeld mm, Nnv, EH. T931 '~ va1 uab1e Farm for Sale. WILL be sold by Auction, by William Murray, Auctioneer, at his Sale Rooms, Market Square, Kingston, on the Seventh dayiof February next, at 12 o clock, noon, the Eat ioflaot No. 1 in the Eleventh Concession of the Towmhip of Wolfe Island, north of the base line, eon- tainina 100 DDPAJ ......... .. 1... n1, .7- -..--.-u uu uu ucunrx: I NIH` * 301:, money j 93 ; a - .s|3,ot)o,bu|Ii}}?. :h;Lrau'nk; `lnglancl tqclay. ' Iirluhx` \'.. .. 0 I - -- -.-----....- .-..u no no: man gnu ll, wnen cleared. ' Xian up, except a. few ncrea. t 80 acres are under cultivation. Thcre it arFrune Dwelling ` Hou5_e and g3 Stable and Cow House on the uuuae anu a usable and Cow House the premises. A good title wiil be made. 0ne- ' half of the purchase money must be paid} down, and the rest on the 131: of Much next, when possession will be given. ` For further information nnnlw in J.-.- wnen possession win be given. ` infornntion apply to June: Shaw or \Vil1inm McKee, Kin ton, or to, J ES AGN W, ' Vendor : Bolicihnf `l-PU .1. \J VPIJU wanted. All 51-! es of working people, of either sex, y old, mske more none at wgrk for III in s momentl. or. tho tune, than at Ill ft [Ia ewe. rnrncnnrl . Add SI'i'IlS0N I . 00., Po:-thud, lhino. - ..... ....;.=....u uuuueuslnn or me Iowmhip line, con- taining l00 acroa,.more on less. The land. in excellent and t for the plo h, when cleared A There in a,F-um n-.m.... working neonla- of am... ..- HE present rates fr Fire Inenrgnoe throu bout the Dominion the result of Hajj W 1 T among the vario ` Insurance Companies)%.re, it is believed, n(ot_ only but Ile necessary ; and howev r eevere the-loeeee to those Com fee may have been in . Into nitoue fires inghichgo, Boston and other cities in the nited States, the 1oua.in~a..u.:. 1` nose of Insurance throughout the Dominion, does not warrant the greet inerebn which I35: iately taken place in the rates. ` '~ ~ - " ` V Such being the case, this Company represented by the wealthiest merchant: otthe ion obtained a charter during last Ieeeien of Parliament, end are nowprepgred to do " at moderate rates. The nromoten mm mus. c..n .._.u-- (V I - unuer c|.unvan( House af nrzanvaan A - oucn uemg the case this resented by th althiest an-chug Pm-li we m " The] gzoniote;-s cm with full-eonden b ' giving this Company: i m support, the directors pled e themed 1053 claim": will he settled in the moat liberal 3- ' irrespective of any Com y. ` - For a. list of Stock ho dam Inn on a-c.. ...... m-_,-L v-- - - `A Ipc-ial disp1.lch t6 the Tinfes reports that the plot fur the surrender of Cartagelm proved 3' comgilete failure. Cuutros, has since been _m-rested by t11c_i|xsI1rgent; on snspici-m of cuxnnimncc with the conspira- tors. ' September 6th anmna Aunt W, _ : Solicitor, - Anchor Buildings. Kingston, Nov. 12th. 187` . - ' IS NOW snowma 1115 FALL STUGK OF |\_[LLlNERY, % rrspective ` x ` ' Stock hogers up to date, see Torantol unuvca. Au Inna: of DRY G0 upon getting the full benet at Black, Blue and Brown Bean: Blankets, White, Scarlet and F: \Vool Scarfs, Ladies Belts, &c., Infpection of this Stnnlt in-n'+~ Sept. 13th,';l873. September 15th, 1873. =: :_-.___ . "5... guy -.v-unu mined, but the u have been made ~ S tat;-s are such r nenem Mun, Nov. 5th. '11 Kingston, Sept. 16h, 1873, THE ROYAL GANADIAN m_sunAm:E olimpm `WW E1!3Al J. F. SING] ANDREW ROBERTSON, J. R. THIBAUDEAU, L. A. BOYER, M.P., _ ` EDADCLOTHS, DOESKINS, VENETIAN S, ENGLISH and SCOTCH TWEEDS, And Worsted Coatings, Beaver and Pilot Cloths in all Colours ; Splendid Ansortlnentol s Furnishing Goods ; the Best Value in Under-Shirt`: andDrawerain .the`cit . xee our BLACK SILKS and SILK VELVETS, which we no selling at Colt - rlllent of RE.-.\DY.MAnla nrnrnu-um - -- ~ - non. Inere at a Frame Dweliing s the . Hood In muln n-In 1. ~.v-.'-.5I- ' . `i313. - AA- . ANDE Sxonrnnv-T3nAsun;z .. MAXAGIH} 4. . ... org . . o . -- V ship 4 `XI . FRESH IMPORTATIONS JUST OPENED on-r JOHN v. NOEL, Ag ALEXANDER Ross l\Irv .-...-:_, AT Autho;'ized\ Capital per dn . Agent: Allaha- eithnr lat wanna 4|- 1.` UrJS.L1ED OUT At Mcgtughton & Co %s, .._._nz.__ 1 An inspection invite CV9. , City B:m`k--9'2 asked, Montreal Telegraph Cu 12.} otfercd : sales at -)1: NOW QOMPLETE "R. WALDRON S, {Wilson's Aminnw `WILSON.- mmn....... AW --41-L_l. \./J..II..I..4 OPENED OUT .11 . `I ' Toronto Globe nd Alfailzuh ECTCRS. _ "Id 5952509`- [FREE BALTHIORE Oi? and XXX. ORANGES, LEM ONE, ~ MALAGA GRAPES, cnzsznrrs, % W ` -A Np-1-s.`.ul1:_Il_lH. `...'.".`i1:'.:..'~" ` %""``caxn ""'ms. . 'an a choiceitock :11 kinds, ' AT R. TOWN.__$ Innrvu-tn A `win Awin 33"` `"' 4 I & I! _With % I unooomae non-Bonn. Shroeder s S usages every AA At 15 Cent: pen-1b., ' `X: clad: are (0 u -\ -.___ MA`lLLARD'8 A Famous Chocolate Bari-`Bong Pistaches, ` ` Maria Iouisa; Marshmallon, N ougat, Panaoheiifream _Bon-lioirn-,? With An andleu varfetv nf mu... m---- --- --- -----u $331} up ovsimn nnror, ' sum. Mu-ht Squn. `Ham I0 ;1 $000,000. ' A ent . J, on owes:-Ellkln I Dngngtt .....Aa`1HUn omnon. -.1..ALn-xmn PERRY.` -vnnuvvlllll-U ULDGIH variety of I Chooohhu turbu- m :s_uAWl.S, all styles.` ' wphino f_`Rouillion and Two Buon Kid !HEAPE"R.thia season, you can `depend Just % lleceived, ndleu vs;-i`/etvy of 051:; Chocolate Bon-Bonn ._'.. CI- -- - nu:-gu ;Iu.urs ; l'u`rr Finance ; and Dossclg Works, will remain .n3 ' ` AI 10 Uonta ' `" DUMBLE 8-. JAMES nirobnn. McNAt'Ia1I'.rax,Aao. cmnmc. Buildings? .,,_._...... .....,.;.=. Lollon, Nnv. 24. -- .\ r:\i1ru:ul accide_nt is reported at Birmingham, :m.1 many pi-rsons arejnjnred. '.'\'o'details.11-we been received. Lom]u'n, Nov. 2l.--The Times to-day s:|_\'s : A demand fur the surrender of_the Virgiuius cnuhl not \\'ith' justice be main- oices. `H. Iteauns , .. CABLEMN EW;f "l'l:<;1.-_'I_in. Km`. 5 NH) 1:` Hhl onu-veal Ielegraph Cur ,> ; sales at 212 .. - . rm... --uv . .. 2. -v;u rn'c\ > Cambria. from Ken: York Tuvillc, Nov. '24.-.\rrive\l* Al-:x:mlria, from `.`;t`\\' Yo M..\"rnr-;A I.- rpnox, .'\o\'. '.'-l, p_m.--C inltlling. ['plal`.ul.'I, S3. to ` leans, S}. l.:\r\l,_ '29` I. por wt. fur,new mess. | nshin ...,....v ...m. u. u. apnng Ill 1.28. Proviuons-pc-rk quiet but Hog!--sn|:i.ll I-nts'0u spot. bring about $23. Ashes um:h:u1gc4l. . ' -V eanesd; } peing the :l):'a yta in the `chm-..I.. ... .vvs. ..... Russia. from .\'c\\' ` roman-2-c-ml. `on! and Dining capatch p.m.- :'-I ! l3,0( 'or '.35 in U9 ion-_W Vnafnrn - 1' ' llkcd, n`;-|'Qd_ |m-l.x`-2 sul.-n.I luv 1 Air..- -Home of Bisops I occuion should be Idgof the Societv 6.... 41.- 0 other .` ;lll asked. I10} nl-rua-I. rce - l:. t):';` ask.-J, 1'20}- ; zuacu, 101 nu}.-red. 45-2 1315 mt ;-re1.' `.mLk-):}! .'1>.L'n.l - u . Montreal, be -176} asked, 110 _, _.-. .,. 24, p.I1|.-`Go!l 100}. r steady; bbls; at ertinc and west- cutnumn. 4.. ..l. --'A- ._`-1-nu xv ulu tllltcu Snglznul might we]! join g (,0 I\VC lb:-_1_uz1-; >:'I'O(_'l\' II} `c rnglic, minister of `rm 1.I'='lI'.`, Wiuister of :|;n_\'. .\['mistcr uf Public .in in their rcaspc-cti\'c !.--Arrivc-J, the steam- : from Liverpool. l __'!`l.:. .... ...:..,- n :7 .. ......-.-cunug 1 clef 9 at D-.:lmunicos, stal.` salo-mun Broome .. 2...- - - .. --uv--u nu JJYDUIIIB a few moments . after. "asked. Slhxial by th Fnitcvl ....l.....! ...:,,u L ,, u - . -...... ..l..nv:u nu. an uucrcll. mnp.1n_v--f. I3.} Mkexl, :3}. 2125. p.m.-C.tton steadv .-a. 8;` tn -.QI. on... ...:.u' _ J \x'rn.'csl the stea m- _\' v luau-I: uvxo. L'Ol|- wc-mut 93 to 93}. x from the Bank of Pimps, `an! as- . ...._, -, .. . y (L*struyu Central 1 The bridg tune of the sl p:`ci.|l dvsp:\h-` 1I|`\)ll lllnrnin-r in .......:,.u.... .\l|;L.|n spring D--rk uuief. Imt U! 0} mr llllIl- `JOJ. 6.1. Poxk I 733 THE 'A DIWQ L Impression in :1-auk rate wi!l l:|\' nnvf. PA--- 1\'ews. ). - (1.1 1 In auu West a choice `nnnrnnn. tn ,uLuIn Stally `S; far mid- l'. I Dm L n I ll.` [1 ` Ft, very cning Peter n.,...- -L,| ~- the steam- _I. 3| 5 our.-reu. ed ; 95; pi- _._..., nu- ' ;:md Atlas , will pl 0- 3 ; rate of month`: L.-w B.-mk Pieinn in to the 1 . re at 'L!(1 the Pacic :1-hes F... foal.