JOHN COOKE eu`dy-.\I;ule or 1;1a:c1et;) order. of 1%'g-Li, [Vi/ and blue. `V - Of all descriptions, `xclelzvigxlexl bogs tn ' clxstmm-w. um; ` J31 sell at \'er_v nu-;:`.:'ul|y solicited. .,; L_I.I.IJ\ ;\I.-*.um':1ctu."i .L. 1 I318 IIIIIHI CAPS descrin!ions_ J :.nssortnIent, `of 2 sold Cheap for Cash. Mtg! IO 3 HON D1 -rs that he has ' Inn: in Sign or shaken. I \cres ofI.:1ml in \`.'IL- I rith the Colnnmdiuus kunwn as WAl'{D'.S .by public auction at 13, on SATURDAY. IMBER instant, at 1:2- ne third cash, the ba- Jual instalments with Title unimpeacixaiule. OHN MUDIR -5011c-itor, Clarence Street. <.I.-\m;1:1~.\-_ u-ill: Dl....I . of BALTIK,` .\`i'IA', es:i11t1ets, nan} `..i` V1 L U1 I`), SOHCICOI`, manna Q6---~ I\x`.|-Va, UUlllJI< Inc.-L:-cl Utte-1 H _....-cc .uuunrII. . I It in plain that inih nut the rs_t, for `Dr. Naclun sad I as ot_ri\':Lls, and when there Git;-all Scxircely be jczlousy ; In r the second, for the position taken was not on tn u in over the i'z-ieud.~vhip_of his friends : I and the third, 1 mustdaqy Ly aixying, that I ` rrrivc to live free from this '._no:-fal sia. It is [rum an innate .-uul clxltivated hatred of quack pra('fi1'-.':a and self laudation amongth-2 members of our pwfeuiou, that I have acted as I hs\ b_- s W) ` thg public may think of my mttiv-es v lu:Wi . Thanking you for yourspacc and time, I qemaiu vours. &c. 1 J. (700 K H. "D09 to his .4 Ihntuv Double H: L...- I BEAUPRLB stage arri'.'es at 11:30 3.111. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ; leaves at. 3:30 o c1m.-k the same I days. Ganancque. daily, arrives at 11:30 a.u1. ; leaves at 3:30 p.m. ALBION Ho'rEL.-Mo1-ton stage arrives on Monday, Wednesday and F.-iday at 2:30 p.m.: leave: 11-. '7 n -- I Express . Express. Mixed TI Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed 'l' Trains .'..rn've a.m1 depart 1' amtion us lulluws :--- nay... _.,, .........._~ 1.10] 51.. -JlOl tOI.l p.m..; leaves at 7 p.II. um . uau ux.'x<:.=. ..\a.\'1ugs B2 l~.uur.s of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Ollice hours from 7.30 a..r dzsily, tsumi-nys excepted. P Pot Otce, `Kingston, lst 1`.-b'., 12573. ,,..c_-v.a JJIJUILI. I AS NOW 0) HAND 1` J oi superior Al.l:'.u nun. -.------ uxrmxgfnuut the Dolui and .lreX;u1d, Nm\'fru1 Edward Jsl.-md, can OJH-;-e. Also I'ust:1ge Cards. ur.t USI'I'S received 11 of the Post Olice axiugs lulu:-.< of 0 -`A V '```'l " half ounce. muT1.sH 2.1AiI_s,` `ill be c I er D1 REUT LINE (via. I Monday at 1.09 P :- (.,.\741u Axv p.m. J Icgnepge and` cheap" 1 I" `|0 c:I..s(.-S for sale cheap, to close a consign ~ 00 nu-nt, in lots to. suit; customer. Hum] for \"IInnIn I J -r - 4 Hum. pl! 58 Train 1..-urn! I K/UP`. NC. No article h:s.s"_Vct In-vn -liscun.-rc.-1 time is so x.-1l'cc:.iveii1 all emu-3 of failing health in the old ' or wu.-zkness in the young. This preparation in not unly the best, but it is the cheapest Beef obre-1 to the public : T\VO l'.\BLESl UUN|"UL being suliiuicnt '.l.`l{l{EE 'l`l.\1ES A DAY. `:l'na n...m .. as-an-{;Y;9'?.5 '}o $1" mr `i('i, K}l\`(:S'i`U.\*.-~Arri\'=11 i_ zunl Departure of Mails. IST3. Grand 'i`:~_u nk Railwa 11$ n.n.1 Nun-...+ . }'. i \\'.'\H, fvr t!u- Humuun soh`.icr.~. ha tonlcqll.-.h 1 litiu-s zu-clnln-l1 greater tl1_uu those found, in any c-v'`.nm_\' 2`4pccill: ur App-.-Li-cu`, amlitu nu- fl`ili\1' I-I-n;.v.:rti<-s arr: sumwnl. to .~.ust::n the ] lnnly without the anlclitiun uf solid food. It is ` `now rccoxnmomlcd by the l-`L-.cult._y in prcl'cr- | cure Lu :u1_vthin_: else as LINE best renxmly for t").\'.\'U.\ll"l`l().\', (2l"..\'|'IlL\L i,HL'lill.l'I`Y, I LOSS OF .`\l i la`l`l l`l'I, L()\\'N|'3Sh' U1" SI ! '.{I'l`.\', l.\ L)l(i}."l'I-MV, l)Yh'[ EPSl.-\, l.A.\.'.`w`l'f`L'Dl-I. &c. k L. Numn-fir-In In... -.. ..... I:.., ., I -- [CI &Il ......_.__j-_.__ `VH8 "attention 1 fering for : H }..=:u'nts that h method: of trestn er`: (`ompouml (_';_:liuys. Thi: promoting the con ' Intinn nf (nun! .--V l"rIl `xvunm say an lllicl KL ;if4; t'hrnn;,;lmnt (`.1 Price 60 cents per 1 lHLE.\'.-\l.l'} :\Ul`:: Ivsentexl Districts. .\<'ulrcss 1- 11 _.___C. V Sl:1ge Lines. `IOTEL. --~St;;1.ur~s .-a nu`. Lmes. _ -Stag:-s arnve :1 allows -- ` , . , will cl-used :1 \ 1.` I..:.. \ | LG 013. on l\JunejJ Order Oices Jomiuion, `Great Britain rfnumh'.-J.m1 and Prince :-an be obtained at this stage Stzuups and Post . under the r Lug Run}: 1-- R. DEACON Pnsd-n....c. V , .. .v.. blunt: uulu Ol com- have resisted all m-dinu-y, treatment, is called to Dr. ~Wheel- er : Elixir of Phosphates andi remarkable preparation, by: comyletc digestion and assimi-" -, Lition of food, creates pure vita.!'ning blood to ! restore diseased tissues and supply nerve force , to all the organs of the body. It is` : lpecic for Dyspepsia in all its forms, Liver Complaint and Disease of the Kidney: ; and` so speedily l (L-0.! it no 6L-4 :-, :;s follows : I ` New York) every Post-age Sc. pe_r I I be mailed half nu uf closing the ( via. Portland) Postage 6c. per .. ' 140 Fulton 3 The Leonard 'ScoE1: Publishing Comp l also publish Royal octave. nnmex-ops engravings. mail, post pgxd, $8. Agriculture, by n gnr:gh,. and the N ew subscribers for have, without charge, 1: last quarter of 1871 of sue may subscribe for. U!` insh-,n.] nf H... J -- A di;~:com1t lo\'.'e(l to clul T CL`CB.S. of twenty per cent `V :3 of four or more xor .345, and so on. To clubs of ten or 1 above discount, a. cop to the getter up of th} DD E3 xuf macxwoml and any uf the lievievrs... . . .. For Blackwood and tbm the R.-views . . . . . . . . I For B134:-kwoucl and the Reviews . . . Pgstage two ucn`.-s a. nu) by the quarter at tlxugicc 1 .1 ~ `n - 7 Blackwood's Edinburgh Ma-gazin 9 `"1 ~`~-\\u- i on , HEPRISTED ' " BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PU}}LlSHII'u'C CU}.[P-\.\'Y, 7, pr, q-,,-3 L`v~."nvV7w-.. ..-. - . ._ ...-. Jcllllls 5|'I"C.--Adi`. Cbeerfuiness, courage, and intellect prc engendered by I-`elfof: .\`_vrup of Hypophosphies, agxd i impa`1-ting power of endnnnce to ` nervous system is shown in its sustsiuing person: through menu -~-A111`. r or I For 1 rm` :1 For I 13.... `E f Th Best Periodicals ofthe Day Tm: _.'r:m'1' m-'uusn Q 1mu'm;u.-nrzs ~~-\\u-- V V_, __- ....v.... unc-Lhlfu. we fry.-e of 1 I - THE ED1.\ BURGI-I REVIE \`'ES'i`M i\'23"l`Eii RE "V I E V.` L02? DUN QL7.~\RTER'l.Y R] Bi`: l'J`L\ .[[ QUA1L'l_'E1Lif' ii} Published Qnxau-ta.-r!__`,' --J an nary ()ctnber~--aul , . BL.xcK\-.'ooD'.s' EDl.\'P.Ul2(:'l[ M.` (A fac-gimile of the /montlnly. ` original] ` 1' t'1 `% o`A1E i Ian ` 13' Residence, Nu August lat, 1873. , \,11n 1..Anur;51` of: 1 world. New bu: for.tlxe year 1872 excem [Company in rank by m. 1 lion dollars. The Suciv` ' desirable forms of L l Policies. on which Dirid: nually, -securing to the : I aible outlaw consisten safety. All~Policies No: lsecoml nI' +1-:-A -----~~' \.-U.`.l1".\;V 1' I04 171']. T().'\' ~S'TI'-E1174 ;-`Y , At about one-thinl tl: rnrrn nr, . . ---- u price 4r um um` RIO AND QUI-3lH'I() _ i'A.\'YIS splendiil U 1-per-Cabin I Total Assets,I3ec.3lsn 1372 ....n. Amount Cash Income over pain] Policy-holxlem in 1872 NE W 12 L Sl.\'I;'SS.. 1&;9,-1870 IE LARGEST of afy Cc _world. lntasinaam . ,u._, u\ Hl nr :ne>,J(e'-'1 1' any three of the H: 1" ail four of the Rv.".'ic r Bizu:kwnml s Mag.-nzi 1' Ii\vood and une R r If-lackwoml an) of f.h.- I -n~ ~ .....- .-.1 I So. 120 BROAD `"l`l , N. 1 utal pant Policy-h . . . . . . . . . . . Total Surplus, 1872.. I Jau-$.u.l.`:3SS Or I Fire Premiums, less lieinsura Being the largest amount received by the Company single year. , New Life Policies issued foxf . '|'.)ta.l Annual Life Premiums, I dL.,-1,,,.;.m I.>..........__..- 1`::g: paumisijal .....; ::n.\ura'l.n:('.e h"lliIii - Risks taken for three ye Dwelliligs 5.1141 Contents on terms. 0. S. STI{..\ (:'.-I, M.D... J. ' E1A\ I'.'Ie.II uv on -x .._.j. After Iiayment of the usual divide.-1 providing fbr all losses, claims and ex the sum of $905,905 was put by to is g the Funds in hands, which nuwumount , Reserve Fund - - - - 331,57 ifapital paid :19 - - - 1,44.` . Life Assuraizce Fumi - 6,66. ' {isks f..'1L'I-II in-- H-- - V T R 0 31'./L:i?iL % " INSURAHGJ; GBMPANY. Liverpool and London. I or:~1c::-.(:a.,u7.Em':ssTu:E'r,V Have you a cough, cad, ` or Bronchitis ! In fact. have tory symptoms of the inn! sumutinn? '5 an 5"-""` Hunt-rul .\`u` Railway OLHUP, .\1rIn`'.Luu, N. H., Bfny LIULII, H54-'3. _` `,,__-, _- .*INr%ELa:~.:mL mmwgy Iuwll Annual Life Premium: deducting Rcassumnces {(1 TER.\IS ()[o _qUB_,.C, nv nu... nf 4`..- 1. .-;.m., mm ha due in Halifax at Trams will cnnnuct ` it l .'1inse(: with trains tu and 1 MM [lItr~l'nl4.`('1i1I.t-t`. Static-Inn. it Trum \viLh trains tunzul frul Intermediate Statiuns. At 'ind.wr Junct-iun_ with thu \'\'iud.~.0r and Ammpnli.' Ilai At St. John with the l,`m1sulid:u and North American Hailwn Dmnvillc Junction. Mnntr J'urtlaul, Boston ; also wit national Stcmmu-s tn and fr ` ] urU:uul and Boston. l.I.`\\'Iu rt \ In r | 1513. Snmzncr As'rangc:ncnt.- 1873. i; N and met sA'z'u1:v,w. 2-ttlfinntant, , _ u l`.:.-1.~u-1u_rm'mul Mm ! 'l`.-,.;.. u-HI a......,. sUBs0RIB;i5 GA?ITAI.. :$1o,ooo,ooo, TH UNLIMl'I`l='.l) I 1 AD rrrrr (' - ,-....4. .44 aw \J J._J._.C1.l. .lJ Life Assurance Society 01-` Tm; L'NX l'ED mm:-v S. STI{..;\'G E, }J.D......J1[ez[7rr1` E1./'tX"v'I:}LL `V. STRAF Businesof 1870. rexuiums, Reinsur:m.-pa W = r.IL1\.l.`4llI.o as 9 o'c mg in Montreal ea: -.. vrr nuuntg of the llevicws. of the Re'-'ie'\\' 3 mm ...... uunvcr mmrmauon apply to J. J. CHRISTIE, Age/1!. Bank of Montreal, ence, No. 3 Barrie Street. u n-... Kingston. ,au.u,UUU,UUO, UNLI.\Jl l`l=Il) LIABILITY su.snmu)r.Dm:s. ._.j. 0 F (()p1u0sitc the Post ()ico.) zsiul uneh'evic\v . two Jews. .....-an uulnhcl`, to be ; tflegicd of (lC1i\'c.`l'_)'. CLL`B.fS. `will he more perso pies of Bl::.ckwood or of ( mt to one add:-eas :`m- em 1; 1'0 [1 _""P.Y gram : the club. ) DA-n'1-m :.-. Jl1.'u.h .l'.n1'4\|K`.V`v, !Ur\RTERLY HE '1'E`.V, UA1L'l_'E1Lif' HEVI E \V, `. _-I`__`,'---Ja1mar_y, April, July .. .,. ...unn.-ue understand that the meeting of the-Directors of this road, a; Montreal, on Thur:-day of last week. was m c\-ery respect .v. satisfactory one. The '1`ex:C.ers were opened, and although the 1-untract has not yet been given we are al- mred work will be commenced next spring and the road pushed forward with as little die-lay as possible. So mate it be !--Picton ciazette. ' . ' -.$;i>.;a_1_aner more, in addition to 1 copy gratis will be 9.110 s number, (5 m'F.-.4 nr ,1- lilg'lZll1e R( .Vir,:\V 1 sun: 6. ` \f\II' vv nut: puunzne.-rs. : given to clubs. 1, it wil} be ueccssaiy to 1, as the stock available nitetl. ST any Company in the ew business. Sum assured 2 exceed-211 that of the second : more than sixteen mil- 3 - Society issues all the most Life and Endowment 1 Dividends will he mi.-I an . .uu.u`(:3S .'or -512.80; Renevrs and Bl::ukwood 1Uu.l-3. 1' the year 1872 1 the numbers for infr--nln -~ ` - .. L uuusmng Uo., u Street, Nmv Yuk. Publishing Coxnpanyi I nu. .---~ ,_ 1So'9,_I87'0,` 18 men It I015, usmilest the In-Jnia-nl F. A- Ki . ll linIun_ Lrzwrs CA HVELL (hslmlml .\`nm...:..c . , - -_ -III ` ;s lieinsuranues. .8 25% amount ever in a. uuuu ` . from. Shedmc, `tint-e Static-was ;Unm1 3JA(`._\ZI.\'E, ` original) published _.. .. uuu. :.uuuWl'l'IeIlt {dends will he paid an- : assured thcleust pos- gnt _ with undoubted L` RIPTION. 0... $4 per annum A .... ...-.u-A izulu :, e.\'p(,-nsosx, was increase l.ich now amount t.o-- _ _ cu: ~~- --- ,,_.. ...," uuuuuub L0-- $I,57l,520 1,4-15,465 `umi 6,663,210 In-,e years on Private ts very J... `ate 1.113) the nerimlicals as they :_ )`s:\:j'-:Iiin'.\1_.\".`\ `.'v'\7, on . L I.\`(; n In wt! In V JLIJL, Hemwul .`a upc-rinteudent. hm, N.H.. -....u nu: he 31- persons. wood or an? mm 1 .\']JH' }'()I?. (, - of the originals .`\ r;?.\v l a _ thutr.'1ius of the I |.l)I).' ]!\vuy I I3u|1nH.lo.h..I l.`......-..--- I NEW YORK. lo I-) Mail Train will leave 1.m., and be (`me in St. '\ l":L~'s(-.i|gc:r_ and Mail Ht. Julm daily at 8.00 ulifax 8.50 n,m ununy. 2-uh mutant, I I nn.' J;;m\vu_v ?<)I1suXiIL'ttc\l European I Kailwny fur Bangor,, Quebec, with the .Jntcr- from J'J:Lsl.port, 1. ; 3!- prg nn:-anv.. , 1,-r'.p."l.i\1 c.'l'\'. mill;-In ;I!{.'lES.--Old Family Proof, om Rye {roof anrl-Uonunon \Vhiskeys, the best in the ttyxt REDUCED PRICES. GEO. THOMPSON. "eh. 5. . UH `. ad frum Pic-tmn, and .|.ft.el` ,`1.S 71aml187`3 uuml JJ1:amI;1 `RANGE. AG ENT 3, 646,289. 96 2, 5:10, CQO. 00 m the 2 allowed 572 may the m I E4:am 1:11.-'r 5 N12 I2 H`- u*J( bottle. I In I`4|I '\ l | . $2, 559, I so ,. 1.10.1929 land and (`Y1 Inncnn Jonn V. N1 INSURANCE Agent, I`_T< countant, &c. Oce Drugstore. Kxngstqn, Oct. 10. THE _FEDERAL BANK of Canada. ,_-- _--no Ill. Itlll 1 F HARTFORD, CONN. O 1819. Charter Perpetual (.':r.:-sh Capital ` . . . . ` Losses paid in 54 years . . Losses paid in 16 months .... .. Capital suliscribed by Stock- holders since Dec. 1st, 1871 A. *s`.;'5E'l`S, MA1`.(_?}-I ]s'1`, I873 (` \' A II`. ;.`\ x.aun_1iece1pts................... Thu: Company has been doing busin: in Canada for nearly 54 years, and duri that time has secured the public conde: by prompt and liberal settlement of eve just claim. It has complied with the la` of Canada. by the deposit of Stocks to t JA\l'T<`..Q .Q'\R.'I D'I` 3~-- United States and City Stock andother Securities . . Loans and Real Estate . . VALU Cash in hand and in Ban". Real Estate... . . .. .. . . Mortgage Bonds . ." . . . . . . Bank Stock . . . . . Q , andother .\`nnum'4- .. re: Montreal r T l"_\`h.s \ Toronto, Ju MAXWELL W. Qfiice, Clarence St (){'n'nn ugmce, Ularence Street,_ 01 Oice. Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873. rsepteulber 19, 1873. Aug. 4, 1873. Gapigf TH\x-7 -0&0 J-'J.\I\JU1Vne11, QAT-BUILDER, Ontario Street, near the ,- \Vater \Vm-ks, Kingston, Out. A large assortment of rst-class SKIFFS and BOATS of all sizes on hand, ready built, 19' FOR SALE OR TO IIIRE.`;a Ships Boats For Sale, Fancy Cedar Skiffs kept on hand and for sale. such as I obtained Prizes with at the. P1 ovincial Exhibitions of Ontario and Quebec for the past number of years. ' All orders punctually attended to ; and a1` ; work leaving Kmgstqn to be paid for before ` I legu'in,i,r the establishment. A. Mt-COR Ii ELL. Ff`;-.l.. I0. zma Hiasaaraiace ()0. \F HAR'l`I?n1:>n an`..- ~ : m not. have you the premoni- tory symptom: inutiatc archer, con- =umptian ? If so, know that re\!`ief_in within .onr reach in the shape of Dr. istu-'3 Bal- ' mm of \Vild (`hex-ry, which, in many cases ("here hope haded. has , snatched the victim mm the ynwning gra\`c.---Adr. I Cheerflnsnn -u-------- -* ` ' V BUUIJ . (Signed) mus OI-`PIC!-`., L. 101 VV. Fifth St. November 17th. ,. _. For .ucKe`L8 6:50 ; Twenty-ve 'J Circulars cnntaiuing a f` description of the nmnner other information in rufere bution, will be sent to any 0 All letters must be a.d 7H.\l\r nlvurn-- V " . _,.,..uu.- pmveu mlver-ware, Jewelry, &c., &c. Whole _ number of Gifts 25,000. Tickets limited to 100,040. AGENTS \VANTT}D to sell Whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets 3'2 ; Six Tickets -`.510 ; Twelve Tickets $20 '1`w'enty-ve Tickets f manne- Tickets, to ull list of prizes, at 1` Of dl`3.Winu an/I Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid 1 plated Silver-ware, J \"hfI'a nnrnkg... At tun. -- - I January m. I874. I ($200,000.00, IN VALUABLE GIF"r5u 1. M Jan 1'1t`Jl`H. Grand Annual Distribution, TO BE ]JllA\VN ITHE ONLY RELIABLE GIFT. DL$'l`HI- ' BUTION IN THE (J()UN 1`llY.:` l ... .. .. - UU IIHI HEAD I ___', ____-., ...u uc au1u._Uy pu_bl_ ,-,-;-".._._.___._'.___. Murray : Auctnon Rooms, : of tjlose who have begn nnf- th. 29:11 Day 9! NOVEMBER 1' i_ a long time from old o'clock noon. Terms one Quint: lance in three equal annual ius1 w.-ztluxls interest at 8 per cent. u: "s and; Inn" "' nlilxvn 'l`i.:. ...._..v -- TU Tlnursday, . `Q454- .... .......w. um puouc condence b and every . laws . by the $50,000, and ispliepared to issue a terms as ,low as anv n1'.hn,v-f1'r-cl - , A. J. CATTANACH, Secretary. July 8th,l873. ,,_...... ,.. ..;.c..=nue: no me Unscri- m, one ordermg them. etters a.d tn ' D. SINE, Box 86 1 uu~;u1N: 0. ember l'_7th. '1 xc":'E; ii'z?sv'ii'x;a};:;a'ineE meoiate Ports. ` NEW ARRANGEMENT. I E ON LY GIFT DI$'m1. uou.\"m.v.j` L. D. SINE S 'J.'WENTIEI`lI ` rand January $200,000.00 VALUABLE GIFTS! . GRAN UAPITAL PRIZE. 0,000 in__Greenbacks. om: GRAND CASIYPIIIZI-2,." 0,000 in Greenbacks. mm CASH PRIZE or ,O00 in Greenbacks. E rum: $3,000 2 .l I .I /Jilb` 1,000 EACHI.\'GREEt\'BAL`KS( ~: maxzus 500 f rnn Mncdonnld & ` ARRlS 1`1'.`lL`5, Attorne Trust and Loan Cc Toronto Street, Toronto. Jam: A M I JAMEI! PM lluun J. J Roma M. Sept. 23. J.-unes I . Gfkletsl ' gA}{R[S J`ER and Attm "c-itor, Convcynnccr, D hcu, Clarence Street, op} Kingstun. July Int, 1873. mcnmfa '1'. 1: ` ARR!-S 1'El{,v Solicitor torncy-at-Law, and Ii reyce Street, Kingston, 0 Uiuu. Uonvc-_`,'a.ncer, At Uananuque, over S. M; .`5t:ore, every l`ueuda_v and Fr Edw. 01!. s|n`y1'in` BARRISTER and Atto licitor in Chancery, 1 Uice, Ontario Street, next Telegraph Uompany s Office May 1, 1373. J M.` Machar, ' ARRI-VSTER anal Afton` licitur in L`han<;ery. 3`_ King Em co-1 Jan. 14. IR ??- HILL STR.-3 arence a . -_-.. <.o\1I./A.` J.lL.l , Di.` S '|`\\'74` MN`! I.` [wt y'JAMEs swxm`, ziamw, St. Lzwrtence` Wh.>.rf. 73. - `.":*a-.\-;*'_?1 L Mccorkell, IILDER. Ontm-in .<`.+.M uIUI.._ UUIVIFHIE UFFICE, '1'I'.)ROIV'TU. 1GaI\r\- - ..r1 Isl`, E). Ban '- I A` IICII Notary Public, Ac- ce over Mr Parker`: - J.`;\"ENTIEI`II -\- _..._.. .n4a.D.lII.l-L|JLl.|I1U 1. Q: 4 . Lumns, Solid and , Gih;u 95 um uu a xuu llzli ()1 pr` manner dmsvin reference to the J `to anv one nrrln.-.'nn ., - ...v,v'vUol IANGE, AGENT. _ opposite the Post I I \;\, atual. ` " 2` ~ '0 - ---_y lnuvxu DOIIIDW Inc . H23 aeeu`Iingly stringent r,-lam` .s accruing to ue public ( . _eyareu 130 Issue I I any other first Incorporated : 3:110. (luring condence It nf Diflzhvv 11:17 0: pnzes, I, and the Haf-L I Double- . Ru-. V f_____ __ Powqr & Son ARCHITECTS `AN D BUI] VEYORS. Otc and Re: Street. ` I Oct. ...--.-, . _..-_.. ` (C'onla'mmI from ilaer. amount of cunning, the unootl the hardest face, will stand th rising to the top. .. I 1.` ...-...~...:.... -y_.._.- uocue. ` ' V - "u OLD T H GI;\'.-BernArd&. Co's, in wood I 0" `lei Betta & Co's, in wood or but 0. ` = 1 I 9 E.\'l'$.-'-SUPERIOR PORTS and smm T Rliis`. - iPIs!'lES.~0ld . . , .. . '00! Am]-4 `an.-...... un.:,., 17;;-.ii{1i-_ii. `iaiisf ` R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R,C.S.,] don. Office, 156 Princess Street. 1 Br. J. Jarvis. ` ATE OF LONDON, England, Hm L pathic Physician, Surgeon, &c. 01 and Residhce removed to Lwellingtou Str nearly opposite the PostrOice. ' or country, night or dag, promptly-axiom _.V _1Apvr.u ma - Daniel clntosh. ANIEL McINTOSH, Veterinary Surge D Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary I ege. Toronto. Oice, City Hotei, Kings}; .,.....u._y; gum: and commc-didus Sheds, wnch careful attendance ; mel-c1..i Room for travellers. U rate. 5`-y 2561:. 1872. Stirling House, , ; uccommoua and bcfats. Kingston, Uanndh. E. l\JlL.`5Ak` & C0,, 1 I Alhion` Hotel, Mill-st., I ' OHN ACKERS, Manager. -I ` Commercial Rooms. Good ' bnablimz. ` uunnU.'V AND IJNTARIO : O} i .4 Feb. 26; 1873 _........._..__._.. vu aw run lmd pri \` _} I. Daniels Hotel. EN TRE TOWN, OTTAVVA.--i is entirely new in every respe been enlarged, retted and return season. Flrst-class Sample Booms ` ! accommodation. Umuibuses meet ] bqats. ' Anglo-American Hotel. ' OHNSON AND UNTARIO s'1'm:E?rs, O h'iugston,Uana1_b.. A ' h: 1.1:... 1:. Huge, . ` RCHITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, Prinoel ._ Street. RINCESS S'.l`.REE'.l`, l{1N(:S'I`O1', UI\"1`. The most central hotel in the city. .:upe1'ior ` ac-cu-mgnodation for tavellers and commercial genblemen. Charges moderate. 1:. m\V11~., m-dgn-mm-._ June 23. ` i , ...,. .u-u.;1.n, rrupri LI accommodation for Go ex-s. Good Sample Roqms, March 28. . u.M:.lU.E . From 9 to L the poor. n s. Feb- 7. 1873. S. iilccammon, Gananoiil CL}l{K OF DIVISION COURT, Pubiic, Couvcyancer, Commissic 3ueen s Bench, kc. 'l\'ov. 27. a. 14. unacuonald, L.l).s., ENTIST (successor to ~1)r. ])ay)ANo. 156 Princess Street, Kingston, Una. - I UFFIUE .H.0Uhb` from 9 AJ1. to 5 P. M. From 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to he . . ~ ___-_.. an ngn atfllilg (OUNTY CROVVN TTOBNEY and Cies C of the Peace for the County of Fronte- nac, Untario Street, hingston, directly oppo site the Irldntreal Telegraph Company : omen. " Kingston, July 19, 1871. An u 1; 1 r; L: and Attorney B liuitor in Chancery and Uonveyaucer and Notary Public, I Ont. Uice, corner of King a Streets. ' July 3, 1373. 7 my Hoiel, }I:h\'CESS The central Hmm .-., u... ' " -- l M. 51.}... ] AP. IISTER Attorney-a.t-Law, So- ' Chancery. Aofary Jxubic, Uonvc-;,'a.ucer, King Smcct, 1{in;_{:-ton; Ont. S. .\cIJa.xnunoi. s Drug I .`:'t('re, and Fnday. ~ .... Ilu-.\ Inn uannnuque, oven: Mcijamx Store, and Jan. H, 1873, ll. Smythc. M.A., Attorney-at-Law, `$1.- Uonveyancit, etc. door to Montreal Ufce. 1, 1873.` ' ~ ....- I annnlaal an and Attorney-at-Law, Su- Convcynnccr, Notary Public. 0f- | Kingston. cc, Street, opposite Post Office, ' 1873. _____._-_ ' _;_1 Iran: and Loan C Jnuu A ` `(`AP'l`: Josephnawdexz, _ T'EUP.NEY-A1`-LAW, Solicitor` in Chan~ ceyy, Notary Public, 3:; King `.:$u~uet-, igston: ;ARRISTER and Attorney h,_.,',,. .'n A-:.......-...- . VETERINARY. L Riclnnl` T. Walkem, 1`E1{, in Chancery, At- I`~'otary Public, Ula- I yce Kingston. mmosite Hm Pn-2+ ` ..-._ _._ V... . . (__ " jsiznes 1-. uzsdi-iiiit-.-.:c-, ~m:.n>.% gARRIS Attorney-at-aw, Convcynnccr. Nnturv v..m;.. n: Lmucdonnld & Patton.` _ ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Sulicitora, Company : Built `ronto Street. l`n-m.|.. wrney-at.-La.w, Publidc; Kingston, opposite the J Alex. nu-.- ,.._ _ K -- it du-cidmn that it is contmry to the dignity . the In.--lic.-Ll profusion F91` medical men to we rc.-course to public; notices, to circuhrs rr attracting; the aux-ntiun of person: Aiict.- l with particular sliseasos, to publicly olfer 4-ir attendant`-` free tuthc poor, or to war-ant. mm; ,to publish up;-rations and cues in public ` m.-n-;-:-n:' journals. to boat of their 9 in: or their remedies, to produce certicates cures. and, in line", to make use vi the e.-us that are gm_w;-ally rosurtegl to by :n I:\L'|.mL - ' A. G. sco 1`, :'l;.V D you--ru. :- DANIELS, PRQPBIETOR. , - ........;-.una. =:T\1-i1I{:iiTli1}s: LS, Kfnrunnau "-"5- V ` ` SH, Surgeog ' : U01 . Kingston. _ Fri. ::;;;;;g.t ` VANS, M.R,C.S., Lon -" 56 Street - -...w. uaus In cit iay promptlyuxtendegl .5 . JARVIS, M.u. LIL .n.1.nLULi..--'.I'hiS Fi 3 centrally located in 1 3 l0Wl.|. 1n -viom 4.; -I v-`..g ,(`}'r'I:n ' even ted Sample B VA.--'.l`his house -3` regpect, having 1-erurnislzed thus ooms sum own--'~ . E. R.uuu\'.-We meatinn ..f n....n:..._.4 Attorney-a.t-Law, So- %Jnsoh'e1:c K1N(;'rS'1`()N _ .auu,ng and hunting Boats and Uarsmen al- ' Fishing I-'artiea. Son. BUILDING SUR. rnd RER;a1nHnn {inna- LEw;4J , ___, 11.: one own, 1n -view of the 5 St. Lawrencei and in : Fi.shi.l,'|g and Hunting '_- irkpamck, J A Vlvlvrunxnn-v uu..u1.;Vh' SUIC- Residence Queen II. Gananodiue, ilnm 1\(`|TYnrn .- . ; Ganauogue. 1:'ro1:.._'n.-`u m- Attorney-a.t- Law, ucerv and IIB`-xnll-1. ,___-. I Lager. First-class Good Yards and u. 1-erurmsued tlm-1| 3 and ample sea all trams [ Ts Pr0.Pl'i"0l` N COURT: Notary er, Comnzissioner xn D. , Proprietors. nu, ;1um(x:0- , Utce ington Street, Calls in city ptly raxteuded -unuguc. I-.-This Fix-<-1; located in +1.- H6mceo- I 14:. mu unsolvency, ic, K1N_(;'rS'1`().N , ; and L'1a.rence L` u`.`.2I4 1 th #1.. gun can we body. It 1: allits and speedily that imprpvement is frequently `rst thy uf taking it. Being 3 51', its pI:0peI'tie.~s are nnl.riti\'e, 1` ijnjllre vilcl ur adult m..l...-----~ The Chronicle and News s PUBLISHED every Friday mornin . I and coxyx -gins 1:he.nev_m of the week. i embraces a large amount of reading, and-in f ishod at Two Douan per nmmm, -Waco. Adx1_reu_ went. the pubxfg, _ `Jams snwnot. - a ru51.1a`u.|1.'l) every lawful:-.veuing at [1 Six Dollars per anuum, payable in ad- vance. Subscriben who receive their e by mail an-3;. harged Five Dollars. pap I ` - mun no h`. 1`. lttmql ' g to \V. Gibson 55 HI & Malcolm ; in L Gxernmorue, :, 7 Glasgow to J'::. as a Clyde Street ; in I James Street; or 1 `of Yuuviilx: mad C01 Pr) (`:1 mrreu to order, at the Country orders will 1 tum. L :_ ..-A V ' ` ` mum and h_'teamboaf: use I Lest description kept on {mud uuzler cu\' livcred to order, 1 Countrv nnlnr,-a mm .-n suriptwus of C smith and rlvkn 1 , ENCE \v}iA1:1r,5 7 H e and RetaiL1)eaIi!IIIi"" cal for House, Furnace, Steamhqaf: use. JAS, swim , _v-'--uv\`rIA\i\I Arulll V.- are intended to" sa Portland at interval Wintetf N.'Nigau'on.. Au exbeenluarl 3......"- ! between s during -.mdP'-' _- .._-J .7 --vvw [3 PUBLISHED 1 awn1.. ner .I.nnnnn ......_ v-a--.gAtJ\_I" ..`*3ailin frqm (Has 4 . 2 E from Quehcc nhtful tended tu be despatgll `LUIL Kingston, Aug. 4, 1873. . :, 1213- Post I ,-__..3_\Ir\Il-, I I $ailing irom"Liverpool e lrom I m_'tla.nd every S: Louch Foyl`e to rel.-eive Mails and Passengers to 3 Scotland, areintc-udc- to _ Portland: - SCAl\ DJl\'A\-'IAN. rmui mwssmu -- CASP1 AN ' ' b'A.RMA'.I`IAN ` ` GIR CASSIAN ' ` P0 LY NESIAN ` ` u:A:~:DINAv1_.4N Ra_tes of Pashgge from J uuura-::;AN........ (JAl~'A1)}A.7\' . . . l ULYNE.S1A5 . .. SARMATIAN . . . HIBERNIAN . . . . . CASPIAN . . . . .. SUAN DINAVIAN . 1`RUSS1Al\' . . . . . . . A USTRIAN . . . . . N ESTURIAN . . . . . MOHAVIAN . . . . .. PERUVIAN . . .'-. MAIl'1`UhAN . . .. NOVA SUUTIAN .4 I\'0H 1`I{ AMERICA ARUADJAN ....... .. UURINTH [AN . .1. ST. DAVID . . . . . . ST. ANDREW . . . . I .3 . PATRICK . I V , .. - .4.4.:AlJ.J Lk|VE%R_l_ OOL . L`-inilinn G--A `Y ' ! -34.`. 3."? L513 UIIKUA-'5 HA 1; A 1.- iv. H. more nix, _._.__ I This Compajr s Lmea 1 undenmted first ] built, Doublq- -on lr"ea;.s-2!, " srurll` anadian 1s72.3.- ii ` Umler uIg-~U 3.111. W 6 a.m. and 7p. For Freight, P tion, apply to 1.): edueadiysg lm . Fridays. assage, or a 9 Captain or Flu nun . for Gxuzanoqlzl Calling at Howe. Island at ` ' day and Fri: ' . . edueedays; 6 a..n ajn and`?--- " -SATU 7:30 "O'clock 8-.l_17., and 3 p.m. `Erna DT37Iv7;{;; WYDY 'rc11`|:n~. K Kingston, 18th `Oct, D 'I`RIPS.~-l.ea\'ea Trenton . eve FRIDAY, calling at E}A\'l;'G KI.\*r:.\-'rn\r Innu- mnmon. Also English Ales ind Porters. I BI_.\.\'I)IES.--James Iienneasyh, in wood or bottle ; J. &. 1*`. Ma.rbe1l s, in wood or I bottle ; Pinet. Uutillon & (his, in wood o{r bglttle. SUPERIOR OLD J ALIAICA 1 U . (;n\'s.-John De Kuyper son'.,`in wood - :5. .. .....___ V _ V ` , - .uvuloU1'IaUWRi31 NE of the above Steamerslwillrleare K _, ` stun for Ca`;-e Vincent J.-Lily" (sundI::` excepted) at 7:15 a.m., " ' I nectinn; with the, 1 ':cTme`, Watcrlown Ugdensburg Raulroad. Oswrgo Rg ` I-{urthcrn Syracuse Railroad Central Baisroarl. a I Returnnm..u,.n I--. r- K and 3 9:l5 o'clock 7:30" o clock p.m. RE l'UP.NlR I a.m., lp.m., TUESDAY 3.111., 8:30 1 nn....._-_-, V. ;vuv1.;,'zil.lOX.'I.. experienced Surgeon V Bertha not seem-...' I , ILTIH s_tes Portland : Cabin... . . . _Steerage... . . . V I (T 525. THE STEAMERS OF THE rAc`,`,--..-.-.. - .` 70 to $20. ' lieturnmg-will leave Cape` rival of trains at _ 19:40 , ing With` the Grand 'lrnnk E: {Mail Line, Bay of Quinte and Steamer; at Iugstcln. I F0!` I-0--' 1" ` ' 9:1` I Maud, Pxerreont, vffor Bay of Quinta ]'m'ts' at noon. leaving King,-xton at 7 o'clock a._u1. every ,8:30 9:1` MC 8:30`o cIock a.m., law uacunlcf an 18.1 For Wolfe I ._,,.,.y tu r 11 AMEIUCAN 1734 uaLf AN 1 .......... ..135o Capt. ETHIAN Capt... AVID ...... ..165a Capt_. NDILEW .... .1432 Capt. umcx ...._..l'2(J7 Uapt.i THE S'1`EAMERS'0F I12 Z21 Tuesah}, and ` .qm Gls_g_w evry ehcc about every Th despatchud from Quebec : Illn fa` ....}l I. .. -- umclzw. are :'n- ` , , _-..~nc:p 00] .All_'.:-. ` (.`o., 01' Iii(:ba.1'J Berna; in Rotter- I . Ittmqxnn 3; Zoh ; in Hamburg son {Inga ; in Belfast to Charley 1 Longion to Mont ' ,., are nuuwtwe. ` vhil-l adult nuder.'m_y ;e:.s_ys1ul'uWllate\'el`.' . ' cbntract with 'the Uanada for the Conv _ouU1JA;V ....::3U0 Ca, . AMEIUCAN Ga, [AN 125:; n... " sxfNn,u`.. > o'clock 14.51., 11:30 a I{E'K'YTl`\.'l\:.- ,___ I e Vincent Volfe Islam 1 Stl`ll`:n` ...uu-Juan USE`. : . ` ` of HOUSE COAL . uualer cover, scrernud and de- ler, the lowest lnyu-Ina} ....o... , RE'1'L'r::\'u oclouk a.m. 1 SATnLn. ..... :cu\'e uape Vina-eat" o I tzains atv 1 '40 n "T , _ . . a..m., can 1th lisilr `_ Rideau cmmk erg : . " ,. \xv..n- o cIock r,.'1 o'clock a.m., I_p.m THURSDAYS. o u-lock a.uJ., H:30 I xrmnxnra. v., l)v.r.-2., and Ff-?I12A`x'a:'. ()'.l.'.-"0(:} a. In I I -" c}oc'.' a.n '1 o'clock -- no ysuluiilllixllu ` 7 think was i"':m 1. mnpcea by 9 hope of gsh, or malice in making ` `:3. ~16 u-as. U) and 1 ts int:-udcd be` I - v-__.wv)IlllJU U` 1 and United States - Winter" A rrang/ements.-1.` Jun For Gm.- ;{-_ I1l'....... 1'1 , .-.. `unit: a" ssh the I zrvals during 41... . _ , - ._ u- u I 1 It iverpool every Thursday, and .. Saturday, caning at 0 on board and land` eugcrs and from Irelaml am! ` ta-udc-Cl be de.u.;-.r.-I-ml 4'--- ~ ~ f (ard" n" Ste-amlboat Rout:-. and nnah ' t "the Goverly/Jment -c) L Cqmveyancu of III` "-34 - ` " ' - WEDNESDAYS` nck a..m.. ll-2!: n Alexauulria :K a.m., I pfr. -.V'.-ITUIKDAY k a.m.. 8--"-D - :u\'er, screened he lowest market rates. I receive prompt atten- TIIE STEAMERS , Portland, 1 ,..u., 1 1:60 R!ZTU1:_'\'lNli. . A In l.n. Iron S , " : 5 , Tmmage. Cdrnuuuicn .. ...4l00 (BuildingL)_' ,. ~' ......340o (b'ui1ding.)~ . ` ..`2(300 (Building)? .....41oo Capt._BtoIr',II.` .. . . .3600 Capt. J;,-V_ ylie. capt.H.s;,_ 3"C0 Capt. Bar ' .... wusa. , ;....2-100 Cant J... emu 35- .URNI::(; Ii . I.lU. , 11:30 RF.'l'L'f:2\'LV`G. a.m, I ~ I MONDAYS: t.m.. ll-2n.. .. ..u` - \ mu zu.\*Gs'l`0N F01: o'clock nme evening, ar- early on Saturday even-i RETURNING- a.m., 9:15 ;u,,U;\ UA X 3. .m., 11:30 a.m., RETURNING. m.. I 1-In '**` `I? A 1.-1.1 Izivfl-lnV\`II! 005 0 l:., 1873. ' _-" V 1);` ruzazzoqtze, Island 1:} 4 _ '1|LI.(\ 1&7. , 8:30 a.m rr any other informa- 1 on board, or to ospmpes, and its cap: f the Ln . shown in so. ma 1 Irma lro :l:aud-a1.:!" :` d&S[-tilt`-hed fgam u Clyde 3911 the season of ` ,.g ` u. :30 and 3 p.n_a. HYINU. :.m., and 3:30 p.'m.' DAYS: " :30 a..m., 11:30 .5. a 3 A NLEY, ;. of: Brock Street. 3. Levening yablc ad- nu. _, nzd 3:39 pm.` 'a.m., 1:15 p.m." cl, 29th N052} Efh Dean 1311; `- S.-'Uth I 27th " 3rd- Jan. xctn - :11 4 p.m.', every iday: `Return- age, and great activity of :rccl Fellow's Compound sph_i_1:es, and canacitv nf ;. H` uson. ;. Jan. Scott: _ 1:, Sun- . L. cott. . H. W)-Ii . Stephen. ~ '\ O. -1373-3.. 12::>.oT _ . \ Fm. Mails. ., ..-.. ...... ...-u nu: x;.u:n'u-e I 1111-! not. cnnict with the rights ' ri c-Llm-s. If zncalicalrclumliou dish Llais it. is n failure in`: pro` an-1 the Imcaesl Haw` pru~ 3;; but u congknnention of wily nil.-v.r nxul contiicing int.erestl_ art which if I:oum*ta'_~ followed ix(;=t n. -I-an-. sulnsistctlce ; but r.~.'I_'/ follmvnl, may lead to (U? rhnps alilnonce. Inmlical etiquette adapted `by nlicul .\sIov1:\ti-m is quite ex- int. 1 ... ., .. ........u m |.l llllll_L[ that in nmdifng the am':\ge c-1c< n.1ture-_-of e'.o.-vzxting bin to- irahle pnsitioxu which teaches cnlu, pam In the chest . have the archer. mn . ..u v u cnvcx nan. `vl ".`l`i!i in Mnnntmql .. "I rtl, a.n1LEA\'l;' .00'I'REAI(. st 9 o'cl . lVIaeV__r:_-I pagn} , smoothest tongue. and will the best. chance of -__:.c ) A LARGE STOCK I I , - Fellow s Compound . -- _....n ...u. Juauuuna ul ant s, and the bone- ublic -( full obser- I ..._.. , _..-.. -- ucyillay OI nc brain and. x its property of 1 mental dithculties. ).. Agents. Kmgston. . pain in the chest, re vou tha m-.m....:. understand torn nf H5. -u-A , caning G.\"l`0N FOR 1 evenina o-- ..... 1...", a uululcr, that the exercise ...,-l:..A ..:u. AI. , ,- I - ` "' I _,.__1_ on an-penor 3 ALI.-IS AND PORTER, in quarts and pi_uts, from the heat Brewers in the Do- mnnion. Also ' BR.-\:\_'i)_I_ES.--J:\:mss H'ennessv s, in wt-N` I : means anything. it l ,..N,. at b...:.. I capaczty of o Lrain and 4 L'H.-\l(M- -.... ....J uuug. Ii oftrahngthat on- .-n-~- I .........uuuu my we experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Inuenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sorc- ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar s Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of_ the complai . run. an}. .1. { w. rowu & sonrinomn m uid by Drugglsu and De aIers - -nut/_y, NI-IL, N EMBER Royal College! of Surganns _1 England. OFFICE over `White 4`: Betta , Princess Street. RESIDE_\'l"Ecmnr-r A nf Rirleall mu] Urdnaum= Sh-.:~t< - w --TTI'" I which can be cured by a. timely resort this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by the htmdreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is aeknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of vngpg -TL _, g, VYILLILQI G30 H, no nr -- -- VVO and a Quarter Acres of Lau LIAMSVILLE, with C- stone House-thereon TAVERN, will be sold` by public Murray`: on\ SA? th. 29,` Dav hf \V4]\,'I.`\lD1:`n - September 28; 1873. . Remember the White and Blue. I ..--__ All kinds of M1;fi:s:,: . l ? Cuffs, Thlbets, ; Ruffs, Mitts, i I'M BOUT SE \ SIC.-\ L `J.-\(A`K} lnrmntsnl, trimmml with P l';vlIu-ken! Utter and Pl-;u'n. I.\H UllT!,'l) J.-\(.`K FITS B.-\ I ,-\.\".'::.\1's\' `PRIN_CESS STREET. October 1, 1373. Sign O . All of which will he s j -5:_`li4 Stfeamer has 3 weight nccommo.13.,gu?] A .l`lI`|v\v -4.: rrmcess street. REST]: Sh'`(`t. Kingstun, .\'-pt. 17, I872` ' II "EU" HI call I8 resp: I \\`I.;(-M. . mull in M.-. `L uLu'L'b Uppuslle \\mte's Dru-.1 Slur: witln an entire New Stock of well select:-ml hl,L`T m's'rz-:ns B.\7..\.-u:. ! Ki:glun, _\'.n-. .m. ._._. `- -rv;-17:`:->;nr:i> 1 . WLB 8018 Boston . . D aIers:-Eerflsra ' lHD9'l`i`.% anal SHOES, u Kingston Bottling Depot; _r [AS NOW ox 11 AND A mmm m~m., I Flum B1 . min l.'HlxS, .\ow us the time 'u.'Z\"l'.' PER .`A.\' ; the Ah` (|l'E.\'l-ll) THE h"I`Ul{E nu l: rixIccss b'tru't opposite \\'hite's Drug Store I well n.-I...-r...l R die ow is the time fm \"1'srm:m\\-. -1 fi ui2iibi{ sane. Bu`a.lo `V ` l.l'I.\THElL an-1 l"L\'l)lN(}E Q`:/STERS ! Montmal a.nd_Ba.y of Qine ` - "Line. - -QL-vj