Kingston News (1868), 26 Nov 1873, p. 1

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lA.| III. In. N M L 4.30 p.m. 5.00 pm. 3.30 p.m. . a :\.m. 5.20 a.ln. N and [While -that`, Imitonsl we luVl(.0 ancantxuxn. A uuperinr `fb"l`E[N\VAY for sale on re: sonnble terms. Also :3. few Pianos to rent. \Vc feel condent that mn- (nun Im.+..........4 sonaule terms. Also condent that our own Instruments will continue to sustain their well-ea.rnc(1 reputation. lc`q.~r.\.... ......1 iv ..... N .. - - - mpuuauon. Factmry and \Varerooms"corncr of Princess and Ontario St;-eets, Kiugsion. \\.'F`.RI`,R .1. no if Pictures Framed to order on short notice 1 1-: --.......__ , `Auctioneer am!` Pianos, Organs and Melodeons. MYI"'EE"AvY 1} MAX EVEN their Hrsll corner 0 PICTURES AND FRAME TDQWIWQ f1l',AQQI`Q lrnvvr vx:.-,..- I Tlius giving you a poorer artieie and less of it for your money. |'a"AnI_I* runurnun ..---._ .__.---A- WILLIAM F. (`OFFlN, (Jmumjssioucr Ordnance at J All parties rvquiring in-nm.1tion in relation to`(|rdn.'u:c,e Lands generally, at Kingston, or in its vicinity, will apply au:curd'uxgly. WATER LIME; A. l$l(*RilLLAF% , L 39 1>nIN'cI;ss STREET. Local Ordnanpe Lsixs at Kmgston. I (Residence Ilidean Street, :1 Street-,) has been : ' I Department of the Interior," .111 :elle Kingston, Sept. 19, 1872. L 0 Hamiltmn, Sap`. 5 Aug. ll. ONLY WEIGH `} OFAPOUND. I-IC`I`Il\'ED, ex slup Austrian, :1 large con- Vaignmcnt of (.`.-\R\'El) AND PLAIN .\II-.`ElKb'L?H.-\UM I`lI I-ZS IN GASES, Ma._-cr- schaunl Cigar }IOI\Icl'S. Also 160 Gross of ASSUI{'l`lC|) BRIAN RUUT PI PES and lA.\'(z`)' 1'1 for sale \|'IInIr-sis-nIn -:-..I ...-.;..:I -- ...- Jvul uuaucv. ` u EACH GENUINE PLUG STAMPED 3-I UA` all do Blsck _..__ . -31157159 vL'()C;K;I-T}_GASSES, MOULDIN GS, &c.. &c.. &c- , .1 ` G1l()UF.l{S AN D l.IQU()}`. DEA LERS, Corner Brook and Gntario Stu-e:s. Sept. :16. T V I i:.i;\ T `E1j\:l%iil"i"l`iLiiFf. LS{7()Bi3i.1. B::0s.,% [S HEREBY GIVEN, THAT J olm Shaw, Esq., uxr l:EC1I-1I\'1-.`D at A. M-.\fI`iL;T..<\ V`S, V une_c:\r-load of FIKESII GRUUI\ L) ETIIEL I.0DG.E mcetsv DAY EVENING, at air of I(:.... .... J. E. B:fEE:_so};, -`tin-.n.._ ___,l u.qggTaL`s":"L" I If you walnut. the Best] Family Proof, Old Rye, Holland and Old Tom Gin, Brandies, Port and Sherry Wines, Orhgympagnes, -.__,_.- -.9 ' -4. You can save mdncy by gctiixng them at SMOKERS! EACH PLUG OF THE ,...- `.--, tioneer and Conimission Mer- chant, BROCK STREET, KINGSTOEL nuum IN E. A.- M ERFIDITH, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. _. _ H - u u I I I '_.l 'l`0B.\CCO.\' 131`, Princess Sreet. FOR SAL] {V J. WEIGHS No '1` I C 5:: I I..\Nns Ba.\.wII. Uttfuva, `.'-1-th bk-pt-, 1` )G.E every THURS ENING, 7:30 o'clock 3 rof King-,aml Brock str-Ht J. E. HUTCHESON. `. Hr! Tl !- 'l"unml:r_\ 3, 2 gm] Ordnance Lands. JUHN SHAW , OF A PUUN D sum. \VEBER & CO. 9 , and oice Clarence 1 appointed r rea- xn G-n -`nub `KINGSTON. (CAN1 sm:LnoN -& mvIs_ PHOTO. ARTISTS, King: Sh-nnt, nvnu (`nu :2-....|.na.._.. |Pia.nos, New and Second-hand. . -.n. I . I.`-u .~n-wt. F you want \Vno41 or Coal Stoves, 1 }r)11ghs or Plough Castings, Harrows, Cultiva- tors, Field or Lawn Rollers, Coolers, Dairy Kettles, Cemetery or Railings Ol Castings, Su`.a.mped, Plain, or Japanncd Tin Ware, _:-cg-`r~ saA.vJ.J.\l.I.h-I, King Su`-eet, over City Bookstore. ORTRAITS of all kinds Copied and Enlarged to any size, nished in Oil, Water Colours, or India. Ink. Views of Residences, ans, Machinery, c., carefully executed. September 1st. 1873. Victoria Foundry Wareroorps, SHOWN & cumulus:-ml American and Canaglian Organs. u-.AvI-AAINIJ HLUUUJJVLLLU JJUUUUUI, l N'l`Al{'I0 STREET, opposite the G1-a.n.i 0 Trunk Depot. 133: Vessels carefully attended to and supplied at all hours at the cheapest rates. Amil I. IRTJ lilse its Ma1mt';1ctI11'cs.] _:j.,._..__.._____._ ____ Thomas Mconville, Butcher, ` f|N'l`2\l{'IU STREET. 0!)'r\t\H'.n Hm r.'.....\: . `Labrador ]ie3`r;'E1.1g;. ` - Sea Salmon. Salmon Trout, - and White Fish, I A."f' A I F! I-" P` as I CILIJLI. " I . ncoll. v.-phrn. iiafs Mvai '"""" " Celebrated Finnan Haddies and Blqaters AT A. J. REES , I57 PRINCESS STRRRP -. _.__,_.._.._, .u Jausllb, DI.` Tweeds. Splendid Value in Blankets. Excellent Value in Flannel. The Best Value in Blaclxaml in H... n:s.. 2. _L n NOVELTIES IN FANCY DRESS CO NOVELTIES in Shawls, Mantles, J.-Lcke NOVELTIES in all kinds df Fancy God NOVELTIES in Buttons, Trimmings, & NOVELTI ES in Ladies and Gunts's c,___t- n DUHFIS, ac. NOVELTIES in Canada. T NOV'EL I`IES in English, 'l`n-amh. '50 Cases New Fall Goods Kingstoti, 15th April, . July 28th, 1373. I , [ I.`.~`i;TIIl`} I`LACI`} TO I A KTTI I `ll 13` rsulllds. Kflxnmine Samples and leave orde Ki Tuning and Repairing done. J. REYNER, ._ Princes: Street. J ulv 28th. 1873. ~ *'GREENFlELD S, LIVERPOOL HQUSE, mezhpesn rates. Apxil I. 1873 TO BUILD UP A SITY, Ad] J October 23. Royal Commission Appointed. lrgwlvus AND vA_1.I.sEs IEDWIN ROSE, { Macncc & |l'addcll`s N ew Building. Eloots, Shoes & Bnllblpers ]m=.wBuoT& smuzsmne. ASON & HAMLIN, Boston ` 1 & Clouuh- Detroit, mu] nth. Selnteuuer 23, I873. .. ......-u wanna I in the city is a Every \Vitness c {SON & HAMLIN, ; 3}-mamas & (Slough, Detroit, and other ma ers. NO.` 8 BAGOT STREET. In E I57 PRINCESS STR EE'[`. :n- 0`! h-CC!!! rubnrg `barley urin L un, RE) RE [chn_r,:l:nn `nnh-n :1 great variety and latest styles. PRINCESS STREET. CALL AT THE CH EA1 FOR CASH. :`LA(JIi BUY THE BEST AND UllEA1 E5'1` n; An LJIIKIIUU Scarfs, &c. 3:, ru - CARD. IN THE CITY. s Coloured Silks s at the Liverpool House. attun- {N coon, :1 Jackets, &c 1 Gods, lRnH'nnn '1`-in`-u:...... I- I exnmine;1 proved that il, 1973. J. G TIEENFIEI -D. I.Twccds. ah, Sc--tch and Irish .. VJA ; auu_y uuuu:s_. , kc. Tics, IADA). WEDNESDAY EVEN rulers. V ILL be sold by Auction, by William] Murray, Auctioneer, at his Sela` Rooms, Market Square, Kingston, on the Seventh day of February next, at 12 o clock, noon, the East of Lot No. l in the Eleventh Concession of the Township of Wolfe Island, north of the base line, con~ taining 100 acres, more on less. The land is excellent and fit for the plough, when cleared up, except a. few acres. About 80acres are under cuitivalion. There is 2. Frame Dwelling House and 2. Stable and Cow House on the premises. A good title will be made. . One- half of the purchase money must be paid down, and the rest on the hat of March next, when possession will be given. For further information nnnlv 91: .T-...... Valuable F2 I'D. \\' 'lie. .s.\l;.m inl. y" Wm-.n possession Will be given. information apply to James Shaw or VVil]i:u.n`McKee, Kin ton, or to JAMES AGN w, V Vendor : solicitor, Anchor Buildings. Kingston, Nov. 12th, 1873. WU .l._\J `H /JU Wanted. All cl: es of workzng people, of either sex, you old, make more-mone at work for an in t ` snare moments. or al tha tilnn, tlun .4 .. vs: V. "V. .....n rwvruv, v. vlvul nag, you 0] wgrk ail spare moments. or a the tune, than at An . thing else. Particulars free. Addresl STINSON & CO., Portland, Msine. THE present rates for Fire Insurance throughout the 1 among the mrious Insurance Companies) are, it is b necessary ; and however severe the losses to those Compa. mitous res in Chicago, Boston and other cities in the Un ness of Insurance throughout the Dominionfdoes not wn lately taken place in the rates. Such being the cams, ti-H l`A-rm -'-'-" """""" "`*` `" " mwuy taken place In the being the case, this Company represented by the ion obtained a charter during last session of Parliament, at moderate rates. The 1`-aomotera can with full conder giving this Companya 11 ml support, the direclors ple loss claims will be settled in the most liberal manner, an irrespective of any Company. F0!` A list Of Stock holders nu fn Rah. am. 'l`.`....-L- IV!-1 $5 TO $2 2:... ps uf working neonle. of either FALL STQGK or MILLIN__n/I %;\UTIFUL STYLES I`N FANCY B Poplins and Cashmeres, Cheap Black Fancy Flannels and \Vhite Flauuels, Can value in Black Alpacas. Your choice of 400 \VO0L mum: of Fancy Sashes, Tics, llihbons, Best Josephi All kinds of DRY GOODS being much UHEAPER this se FALL IMPORTATLl%C.)NS muss ta`-UUDS, M EPLINOS, LUSTRES, STRIPED AND PLAID SHAWLS, Black and Coloured Silks; M:-.utle Val ' vets and Velveteens, Sash Ribbons, Ladies Scnrfs, Black, Blue and Brown Beavers, English a.nd,()an:uli:u1 'l`wee:1s, VVhito and Co!oured Blank_ \Vhite, Seal-let and Fancy Flannels, FRENCH KID GLOVES, Hosiery, Clouds, \Vool Scan-fs, Ladies Belts, &c., &.c., &.c. Inspection of this Stank invitm! ..- cu- 11,- J, H` - - - bib Nov. G}. I)... rrespecnve or Company. holders up to date, Iee.'J September 6th. Al Sept. l3th,_lS7 . ..- ... V.-u and see our BLACK SILKS and SILK VVELVETS, 3}? Assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING in Fine HATS AND CAPS in great variety. Call and see our ing, as we do not considr it any trouble to show them. Oct. 3.- - ' BROATICLOTHS, DOESKINS, VENETIANS, ENGLISH and SCOTCH TVVEEDS, and V\ orsbed Coatings, Beaver and Pilot Cloths in all Colours ; Splendid Assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods ; the Best Value in Under-Shirts and Drawers in the city. 0311 and BLACK VELVETS, which we are selling at Coat. ;- `file Best Suits, Pea Jackets. and Over-coats. Call and see our CHAMPION PEA JACKET for $4.50, and Full Size OVERCOATS at $6 Assortment of Goods before purclias: ye anv trouble tn aim... nu... eptc.-mber 15m, 1873. nr 001 carfs, Ladies &.< Inspection this Stock invited, Kingston, Sept. 16h, THE ROYAL GANADIAN INSUHAECE GGMPEW )RESS GOODS, El;-INOS, i Silkif M.-.u+.ln V..I..-;,. - ;ROADCLOTHS, VVorsted Coa.t.inm: Rmm-.- - J. F. SINCENNI AN DREVV ROBERTSON, J. R. THIBAU1)EAU, L. A. BOYER, M.P., AN DE SECREPARY-TRE.\SURER .. MANAGER . ., . . . . . . . . . . . cmmmc. BRITISH WARETEIOUSE. FRESH IMPORTATIONS JUST opmmn nnm ALEXANDER ROSS AT R. WA LDRON S. JOHN V. NOEL, Agent, Kingston. Oice over Parker : Drug Stt 3 . and `In In. Authorized Capital $5,000,000 ; ,-_._-- _ . "Anus manuals, Uanmllau Blankets and \Vdol Uolizforters, splendiaci zxcas. SHAW LS, all styles, L.-u-ge assort- uhes, lihbons, Josephine Rouillion and Two Button Kid : season, you can depend ll benet at , _ _ _ . _ _ . . . ..._.., 1 l\4li`L nu-.3lul).V'l.'. ROBERTSON, . JOHN OSTELL, AU1)EAU, VV. F. KAY, ER, M. (J. MULLARKY, DREVV WILSON. . REPARY-TRE.\5URER . . . . ......ARTHUR GAGNON, IAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . .ALFRED PERRY. Head Oice, 160 St. James Street, Montreal. ,h, 1873. ___-._. ....,.,.V. .., vuo uucuwra pneugq memselves that in the evnt 0 led and/risks will be taken on their merit upany. ` * rlders iee.To1-onto Globe and Mail4th and 5th;Sept. ~ DIRECTORS. ' HON. JOHN-YOUNG, M.P., PRESIDENT. J. F. SINCENNES, Vic:-Paaslnzwr OBERTSON. I Il'\`I J\T namnr :- Ul ImI.|.llIl;ll I, rtmnmm STAPLE nnv GUBDS. An inspection invited. u U01. At McNaughton & (}o -s, per day. A ts wanted. 411151333- iunv um... .. NOW SH/OWING AT THE- NOW COMPLETE B-TON `.II 4!` Insul-Vance Dominion (the result ofocombination ance Companies) believed, not only excessive, but `I111- e Companies may have been in the late cala- 1 United States, the losses in th busi- Dominionxdoes not warrant elm ll!-n` : ......... ..L- - - "R. WALDB.ON S, Wi1son s Buildings. is NOW SHOWING HIS cu.-., ow. d, as the Goods will be sold at very low 1 ,, , ,_ -_.-.... .,.,...,.....m. may nave ueen m the late cala- ather the `ominiongdoes warrant the great increase which has I wealthiest merchants of the Domin- ssion Parliament,-and are now prepared to (In siness znn `condence rely on tho citizens of Klugstou. um} Ll... AI--A --- ' ' " ` ;..u;;.. \.l LI! .1 4 OPENED OUT _ET `I - on or raruaunent,-and 1 condence a. , pledge themselves 1 manner. and/risks will 1-.n +nL-.... .... l ENING. NOVEMBLEP. 26.21873. Illa _J.u penis _AT DUMpi;E S. {Ir-lush- 0 :Fa.mous Chocolate Bon-Bons, | Pistaches, Maria Louisa, Marshmallonl Nougat. . Panacheis Cream Bon-Bons, I I '....:..'.':` unuumate Don-bons. Shroe.der s Sausages everyday] At 15 Cents per 1b., | bctobor 9. I AS on hand a large quantity of Brew}:- I ' Loading and Muzzle3Loa.tling Fowling Pieces, and also Double Barrel Rifle and Shot Guns, and Sporting Small Bored Ries, dzq, i 1' sale. Repairs of all kinds neatly and 1: en ly executed. ' `VI. EVETTS, Small Arms Armourer, Tate- `du-Pont Barracks, Kingston. September 2. 1873. , ._._..__.-_.- wa-vvunn-D a.zva.|. JJVL1|J, With an endless variety of other Cream and . Chocolate Rnn.Rnn W. EVETTS, Gunmaker, 1'-u-no ,,, Velveteens. Rihhnna Imm... '<,.....:.. Lu-ram; barracks, Ki: September 2, 1873. , _ ,,_..,.,, ...... . uu uu.u u V 1:a.l.i.UUA'l'5 at $5. Fashionable Style and on the shortest notice. I purchas- w 501.: u, J.\.!.l..l3-S IJULI . Oice Store. Mails: JAMES Mo oRE:. ..:-u-v-A`u.u VD UV` per 1b., 1'\ 1'1` `nr `rs 1- ndless other Chocolate Bon-Bons. I (`I -w prepared to In gusiness I Klugstou, ;elves event n PRINCESS S'l.`R_EET. McNAUGHTON &. C0. --------- SERG ES, WOOL eta. Scarlet I`lm...,.1. ` pricesifor Cash. uxuuu 11.5, W UU L . Scarlet Flannels, uforterg, m.I....A;.1 . `re I` h` tslmlayg or hlugstou, 1 1 Hnu'p- n~.._.;-H r mnnels, splendid ze assort- prmte as would be the -presence `of an old been of the Prince Regent s time at the concert last night, dressed up in all the'fuz-below: and nonsensical trappings of that time -Ca.rt- wright, who left sir John because he was not Tory enough for liim-~to this line, well pre- served specimen of zuntideluvian Toryism, Mr McKenzie-wlio was so strongly opposed to coalitions that he made it one of his chief charges against Sir John that in a formative period -of our history he believed in Coalitions --has apgilied ; and now he occupies I leading position, to stand while the Government stands as a. monument of "the amount of ore- dence to be placed in Grit esenrencee and Rouge protestations. It was upon the princi- ple of coalition that Mr Scott has been he Ontario Government to the Federal Government. Mr Scott has been a. rm supporter of Sir John A, - an-I mm- f `coalition to be necessary, A GIXIIDISIPBJ-XOD . . Now it would be a curious study to discover how and on what princi lea Mr McKenzie set to work forming his ltiinistry. Sir John A. has time and again been accused by Mr Mc- Kenzie of corrupting the moral sentiment of the people by holding to the coalition rinci- ple. Sir John saw much to recomme `it to his statesmanlike mind. He could not but realize that the demands of the times were for a. coalition of men of both parties who were willing to lay aside for the purpose of effecting the great, work of consolidating, und er one Government, the several Provinces which the past poliey of the Colonial Otlice had sundered and kept asunder for a. century. Now, with the work of con- solidntiou ended, it surely does not become Mr McKenzie to form a Coalition Government -Mr McKenzie, of all men, whose position, cven in times when every man pw 3 is well known. Yet the principle which he has followed in framing his Cabinet has been the very same principle for which he denounced Sir John A. lle has gone to this man and to that, and has sought by every method of delicate briber to induce men to join him who were brand b him and his party buts few months sgoss felons four of whom hold oice from Nova Scotm and New Brunswick. He hss applied to Cartwright, a Tory of the Tories, A nun" permeated with the essence of was. sny eighty years ago, when it was the most unreasonable, prejudiced, absurd, dog- matjc and pragmatic old bundle of crotchets that ever visited these colonies in the shape of a political party. Cartwright, whose pre- sence in modem politics is about as appro- priate would be the of the Regeuifs the unnnns-I: I.. Toryia-n as it party sqnsbbles-and unite bitter op- - hue reuerm uovarnment. Mr Scott supportor John A. ; and more thrm that, he has been an ultra Conservative _-the very autipodes of the ultra. Revolution- ary Radicals who are now_ wearing the stolen clothes of the true Liberal Party. He in an ' opposite to Mr McKenzie as sweet is to tour ; as light an in 1...... . -- A--. L ~- - - ' -..... .....-an-1 Lawn . no II II as light as to heavy; :5 day to night ;.' water to rock ; as food to poison, or any otllile illustration you can think of. V Ye he fastens ahifxnf 9.1.. --...I.:A-A" A- --U- 4-" \wuu:ucn=r you please) m that tessehud pavement without cement, which the Part] are fond of dubbing the Government. Now these three illnatmtinn-' ..-4 .e.m..:-..a. -_..... ..v...- u.-. nvo Alas such are the inconsistencies of politi- cians. lktriota in Oppoiition. _Plnnderen, in office. VVi.sdoIn`itse|i, in Opposition. Blun- derers, in office. The exalted McKenzie party have fallen down at the first breath of official life.-Ilalifaz Reporter, muuramou think fastens abifxof the "white or "black" (whichever you please) in that: cement. whiz-.h tlm P--*9 are mun or auonmg "the Government. illustrations" are shcient to show that Mr McKenzie has departed from his own principles and has taken up with those adopted by Sir John. Jimuel Briggs in one of his comic papers contributed to the Jlail, esti- mates that he and Mr McKenzie had a. long` interview "just after the resignntion of~ the Sir John administration, and the subject of their conference was whether it was possible to ob- tain Sir John A. s court uniform at half price, 50 per cent deduction for wear and tear and possible non-tting properties. Jimnel might with fairer show of reason point out how Mr .\IcKenzie has, (after declaring till he mu recf in the face that he would not follow Sir John A. s pl.-\n,) gone and taken Sir John A/e polky without so much as saying by your leave. without. so much as o ering 50 per cent less than cost for it. i ' therinconsisteneiee politi- cians, l'1I'.rinf.A in n......;.:a.:.... utm- .--, nliyll can run! l`'().`\ L ..I .1... paruy nave muen down at the I life.--Hali/'a:c Reporter. The Registrar of the County of'0l:tnlIn re- fuined to stmd his trial for conspiracy before be pistriof: on Fnday. He in we umtnot Mngintnto Ft-id: bound over to the Queen : Bench. `was largely due to his Independence notion: stlmt he was compelled to retire from Sir John organs that the intention is to induce it A. '1`. (ialt to join the Ministry, and, that nego- tiations have been opened up `to that end. Evidently, notwitlistanding the many protaan shapes the Ministry has already assumed, there are other changes to be made ; and, not- withstanding the many sneers at titled gentle- man, indulged in by the McKenzie Party, they are glad to go to a. Tory Knight and so- licit hiin, Knight and all that he is, to cometo their aid. This is adding another piece of white to the diversied mosaic. Just to think of that as a. Liberal Administration, which contains two dyed-in-the-wool Tories from Ontario, and is to contain one from Quebec- -which contains five or six, men holding strong Independence Qotions-which is as niixed np in every way 3 was Lord `lAlLl|nm I- Now we learn from one of the Gdvorment ....u..5 ;nut:peuclell06 9ot1ous-which :3 mixed up every way Lord UA_Ltham _i A_lniniVstx-ation. ` ` unxea In CV6!` Administration. Nnw it um..I.: ` ...... Parlay wnxcn was declared pure, high-_ minded, patriotic, true to Cannda, true to the Empire. We should be sorry tosnppose that any mm in oicial life was not trneto the Empire. And we believe that, as a rule, most are true. But next to inviting Mr Huutingtopto take A seat in the Cabinet, Mr Mackenzie could not do 3 more injudicions thing than to invite` Sir A. '1`. Galt to occupy g place in the Administra- tion. For next to Mr Huntington he in the most pronounced Inde ndent in the eountoy. He refused a title mugs: he could accept it and still hold his views on Independence. It is not-g`o'mg beyond the record to say that it was largely due to his Independence notions Stlint Si; A._ Cabinet. '\ - .r.....uuns were so be left out. The men of knightly titles were to be conned to the cool shades of Opposition. A pure, loyal, true-blue Government, without a confounded Tory in it, was to a. pea! to the Liberals of Cuuads for support. he St. John Telegraph got caught with that cha. - There was to be no taint of Independence no- tions about it. It was to be the reex of the party which declared mirrded, Gauuda, the u___ ,_, K ,,_-_- ...... .. angle omce mvlded Between them, who had never spoken to each other in their lives until they found them- selves, they know not how pigging to `other heads_ and points in the some trucklmhea. It IS amusing to note how history repeats it- self, and how Mr Mackenzie, following the example of Lord` Chatham, has been at considerable pains to plaster up 1 Cabi- net on the most approved style of tessela::ed work. . Itis all the more amusing because of the great expectations that were held out of a. pure Reform Administration. There was to `be no coalition. The courtiers were to be confined to Onmssitinn upen enennes,that indeed it was show, but uuterly unsafe to ton to stand upon. I venture to 3:; gen that persons had a single etween ; the EGIVBB. thaw L-nnm ....a. L-- --' no (uverilned mosaic. Just a.Liberal we :d :ontains ve men hnhlimv .. ...uguu m was a very curious y touch and unsafe [ say it did so hap- oice divided 'ho snoken tn A-oh wmcn he had lent up with tho 5 disordered heap, some of it lot in bags on one lid of the -ooi heap the foul smell proceeded. light on one side nndvoommon tho outs. The odour grow Alma nnrl l..;I.-J -..I_ I-1. u . um.) one. The odour almost nu 1 ` and hehad only lifted two or three big! 131 grninivheu I human hand met sent his - blood cnrdling through by nine. Horror stricken he coutmned to remove grain, and discovered one of themeet terllbi sight: that it hit: ever been the lot 0! witness. The seven nun had arrived at` tho. safely with their load, And it in i had worked `with I will until they got charge safely stored. The pork was ` in one corner-,the our in Another and ` `" ` in bags, was piled from the oor lmu... -nu-a in cox-net-,the the ` ` .1 ha. 3, was piled the oor to the neon}: -4 in a. igh narrow pile. The men then, and hungry, pm-took of a hearty Iuppt;t,~dhc. which they sgread their blsnketu on door md then wit their head; to the pm of ` and their feet to the re, ting fell inrm; c heavy sleep, 3 sleep from whi tone. Durini the night one of the` hottoii bags of _oata an they acid 1; from the procure V Thegraun began torunont nntilonelidi the ile was undermined, and when the wor era were enjoying their mounds! gnhli most refreshing lleep the pile of over on top of them. God done known Ila!` E noon death overtook them, six of themen ' not appear to have been able Ea nimr. um`-" turnodnu con. 1: mum emmut I bit support. wreuoumg took saassion of his struck`: hght, and at once proooeded to tigate the premises. The store house In} av; nu-e blockhouao, Icooped shunt git without the bunk: that in found in a regular lumber-shanty. of the fire vgere visible ix} the umpbooio, _a; heapgome loounnd Hun won uann overtook them, six themes ` able fo move, ag ` were found lying on their backs in u-ow, their heads covered. The wei ht ol the t have been so cruehin t is th `:1 lllcllss move band or foot, and`they diedzayfmllboi-9 cation. The seventh men must have lull)` fearful struggle for life. Lying near the of the pile he was not caught witll each .3 3 weight as his comrades. He must have 713` for some time after being treppeci. and ` I .. man of powerful frame, he died herd, u` evidenced h (the fact that he had worked way upwnrtlve until his hand was near tllell" ` feee, but his own struggles only __ ` r` The Hitch!!! Advoaaldoniuthnt it 133;` turncditl cost. `It willouly gin the Arum-mt A fair I1! P m_ F1101 ? D half ful M: `Lin tune, nu; ma struggles` ` . The bags became torn, nndthn ,' , ltering down lled his mouth, aye! ' trils, and effectually choked him. in e'ect the facts of the can an Rowan, and a. more ghastly and horriblo dentrwe have never heard of. `Four of f men were from the'town_ohip ` Hllllll, the other: Irde`reF __ onygonen new yspu V,` e dent to work in the woodskfgt , .131? _ Williams,w 0 Val In Godc-I} _ _ , _ V at the accident-, immedtnf7 K3{%_hd % % Ouama Oilhts. OK 5110 ICOIGOIII Ottawa murray, undertook to work 5 mlir few miles above their mill on Blind River,` 5 tributary of Lake Huron. He hired as Voyageurs. and having tted than outwith a supply of pork, our, and 3 la ' M- HORRIBLE AOCIDENT--SEVEN HER FOUND DEAD IN A SHANTY. Mr Rowan, of the Canada. Pacic Rnilwu Survey, who bu 'ust returned from San It'8to,f Marie, bring: wild: him the detail: of oliq of` the most horrible and singular wcidontrvo ` have ever had to record`. The facts of the case, as related to him by Mr Wilson. Collee- tor of Customs at the Snult, an as follnwa`:,_ This fall 5 lumbering rm, named VVillilll* 1 Murray, undertook timber ' ' few above their mill 4.. 131:.) In - "can anyone decide that Mr (J _ epnved of its moat impoc-tint: functions, namely, control over the ublio ox-` pendibure of the country. Mr a_rtwrigB` voted against the motion. After a careful consideration of the hill fully fullled his trust 2 If "again oloohtf, in` he likely to do b'otter.-=Napauec Bamw ., apuulnc annual votes 0 time to time, given as sh. mont right and proper, and than not be deprived i control` pendibure country. careful mn.;.:-..- mo same, no that :9 Large 3 sum and no lar e 1 quantity of In 000, shall not at thediapooitiu of the Government of the city`, 1% laid money and lnnda shall on] by specic annual of gar time. Elven n .1..n .. Mr O---- ehirlred the vote urn the Bill to provide for the nominxtion o ' Oglcere fore the last general elections. ~ r C------ ahirkod the vote upon no lell` ` gun ve dierent amendment: fa Sir John, ac a Rep:-eeentetion Bill. Mr G---- ahirked the vote upon Miran- nier e motion to consider the propyiety of . largely redhcing the Militia estimates. H _ ` On the let of June, 1872, Mr Wood on the third reading of the Pacic ' ' 5 moved that the said bill be referred bank to _ the committee of the whole in order to e:nend`~ the no sum as -e3D.0..K-.;- " 000 I land of 60,W0,- ` notie thediepoeition of thewill _; dnv; ma .4. a...s,u.. -i ---~-~---mam-as pl} A N A DA_mG_E_N'TR A L "'1sY:mc---' f shirked the vobo upoi Hr Blake's Bill to ho1d,t.ho elections upon one and . the same day. - ` Mr 0--_---nhirked the vote u pon Mu Blake : B111 respecting the trial of oonl=ro`vn't- ed__lqct1'ons. ` ` nun Bill :- edlzlqctiona. _ ,. ._. .... uuavunnmy OI` convaniently shunt Y ' Mr C---- shirked the vote upon tho third . reading [of Mr Colby : Bill rupeclzing In- , solvents. . ` ' Q - Mr C--_-- upon Hr unon on and flu: ownA J-~ ,_ - -ngonsticnl criticism_ of Sir Frnncia Hincks nancial pblicy was highly unsuccessful. The Henna condemned his op- ini1s,gy n lnrge mnjcsity. ' I` ahirked the vote upon the Washington Treaty. Was he unavoxdnbiy or ` conveniently U----- sin`:-Inn`! u... ..-L- " of 3 Bill to provide for 136 better fotoetion 05 navigable streams and withdrawn upo n the second 1- Mr C l_ 1 Illlllcalsfnl '3- v xumuea my trust `again kely bohtcr.--.Napauee 4 ~ no and commenced to nmougjj an _` _-`_ mi thin hum 4-3*-` - _- -._.. .....w.uuuu or me mu emmnt so that the ` r only disposed of" : a.nn1_u.l Parliamanl: fm-n u smut seem to Pm-liag :r, and so that Parliamgnt 2 most imnnt--14' 4.11. New English Oil Cloghs 24 feet wide, Oil Cloth Mata, Carpets, &c., and a vely large and complete stock of all descriptions of Dry Goods. moummm & BDYDEN4 Kimastnn. `lth rm, lfn") ...u may no mnposod of as Parliament from s shall to Parlia- that Pm-I:-....... mum, are `U f0u0'I 5 a, vork limit 3 ill River, seven men _ of ollcv wu haahl- Lin i 2 Beaver. I'(i'n;t-()1:-,'.."(')I:.l1'@)ct., I873. lnsolvet Acts or 1364, I365 and I869. [ In the nutter of GEORGE (JIIAFlEY_ & BROTIIER, I ants. Meeting of the the nhtive es- _>_ his Iii he held :1: Hm na:,... .: t I nal`: 11 um will be held Richard Thomas \Va.lkcn Kingston, on ' ED)-LSD of December next, st TE! eonnixlcr an oer made I purchase the remnina..- - J. G. MAc1>oN.u,D, Dub-1 at Kingxton, this 20th day arm `umber, AD 1873. ` - Connection: male with Grand Trunk Eat Llltl \Ve:t, at Sand Point w Both, and Stage at Reufrew for Pembroke. .___.__ TWO EXPRESS 'l`R.\l.\'S -- v-V--. - nn\ 0'-lock A M 30 an olfer uh. K t I by John claim`-L-'y to pnrclnse remaining outs of the old rm of George Chsey I: Brother, and to eomide the matter: mining to the windingmp of thr xuur. '1'1U,KETS Po1:w(ittawa. via. Brockvillc. Brockville . Ottawa .. Renfnv Ottawa Benfrev . BrocIn'il[e.. --A.`ID-- Brockvle ' and Ottawa R A I L W A Y S . A1:\..'1l.VB uulh` K Daylxgreu Night Lxyreas Mixed Train for Toronto. 1 u.u.:n1na uulbu L':\'5 l'.' Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5! Night Express `. Mixed `Train for Montreal 2 . . . . .. I Mixed Train for Brockvlllc .... . . 5 ' TRAINS GOING \VI'lST. DAD `fungus. ` Ghllljtjlg nAsLwl{?.] Kingston, 20th Oct. , '0 GENTLE)! EN can be accominmlntod w'th board :1: Mr: Bcel's , opposite St. George Hall, with separate bedrunns and use of sitting-room, at live dolhus per week. Dinner at 6 o'clock. Bath Room tttaclwd. October 3!. ml hf 11.8 I, ( |_\d'- S .' sve just received a large ass:-rtnncnt of `the following Goods :5?- Ma Brockville. Och. I373. .8; OLSIIMERE HOSE . IN THE NEW CTILOURS . Which are e prion. I IT Flowering Bulbs, Hyacinths. Grocuses 1 Tulips, Lilies. &c.. , _ _... .. ....,: nu: urn.:u In Ii to L to )rcsx:rvo tlu.-it origiy.-1 and beauty. 'i`ho ubacrilmr has a large tssclrtmont o Dried l"|owc`rs, _ ly arranged in` Basket: and Boquete. q Inga uricty of Oct. 6. 1 7:-..' II'\Hl".5` " I-`L0\\'Elh are \ V I0 hi In-..x.uu.. 4|... u ' ACE ANDMUSLIN FmLLIx?:s, J v . ARGE LACE vazm, I Ii1pbr ta.I:_ionM frbm TGe'1'h_13..nF. llrieol Flowers and l~`lmvering Bulbs. [Lung " R.` 17..-\'\'l-`.l.I. n rcInx`>\'-cl his R.|)Ii(`V:I`1V!8V gnd Surgery tn UH" \`u{:I'lf_ of Barri- and_\\'iIIiun .\`(ron.-ts. n|ire_ctly behind his for nor residuncc. L'unsult..-mun Inna from I t~ 3 .In. ` ` 'ingston, May 1 IS73- :;;\_ _ __.._ _ _..- __.____________ umner II 15 0 BUY Y5UI`.!1`IC,KET8 I T I ._ nu.-_- l ` . FTER E OCTOBER GU), Tra L KIN STUN u` ful-luws :-- I`I".\I\`a n.u`~.. 1.. ~... B T}. ' ADIE3" BELTS AND I LND ALL SIZES. gU'I'l`ON MOULDS, nn each Jul for. -n * ADIFS AND missus J .---, mu uuuson or sue nnore ' as held at the Oice of \V'a.lkom, in t'.e City of . \\'ED}H-ISDAY, the Tenth day 'b" ". TEN 0 ;-lock A.M., 95: bv .1..|... 0.1..-....a.. --1 an L \.IA` DI lUl'lC` TRAINS GOING % A011-:~x' Binckakin GAUN'I`LETS J FLEECED cor'r{)N HOSE. "PIANO CLOTH. )LAlN AND PRINTED vuuuum xxuL~No.4m `W: 3 oercd for sale at very fno ......v ,1...-. p.11 2.40 p.m. 10.10 pm . .. 1.50 p.m. 10.05 11.1: HON. A. B. FOSTER, Managing Director. lei`... " B 6 ARI)". awith Trunk\Traius sat. Sand l`..nt. um. H O] BART. nxodw IIULLAN Ds l'2.'30 p.112. 9 .m .. ... .....- -.; 9.30 5.1 1.....- F ALL WIDTHS. )L..\cx CRAPES . ) Lung _d land and and ed ffull x urnnu 1runk\`l'ra 3 with In at Irlnuf-am [oumzma Goods. .r. uLsLUU in-5', `Managing Director. Trains l:u`e nl-IuI's :- are (I r u.-I L-..-:l MEDICAL HALL. _day or 1&0- 8.00 p.m. p.m. pm. l<`I`r-`J ! l)AlI.`l'.

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