Kingston News (1868), 26 Nov 1873, p. 4

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In nus. RIES IIIL` If `(()UN'l`Y 01" Fl{()N'[`ENAC SIX PER / UE.\"l` Dl'lBE1\"1`URE BONDS for ale sums to suit hurulmsurs. {mm Hun ".- is 'Ho'rn:L.--Bath stage mm. on Tuesday, Thu: lay ; leaves at 3:30 n'r-Jnr-5 ___o..--... aa\IvvAt.Ll8 JJUVUU [AS N()\V ON HAND AVLARGE STOCK V of superior 1n n U W U21 superior za A van n. Bhiens [93 sALE.' un. J` I) I ES Ittln QOING EAST. Arriv . 915 D \.l' n n u W 1'31`. A rrive. 4.10 P.M. an; A u DAILY NEWS-WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 26. rs should be mailed half o the time of closing the 1 Fee 8c. on Money Order Oices Dominion. Great Rri+.`..'.. - .. ... Irv woman A! IOLIOWB 2 IE (via. New York) every p.m. Postage 8c. per UUEAIJ 1 G E0. R. DEAUON, Postmaster.- uougv lll'l'l.V' 3` .y, Thursday and ' o'clock thevsame I 7' `Hives ,4; n.,-1n F. C. C-LINE, etarv and `Treasln `anu. ;.n(_1 Prince obtained at this ytamps and Pm-6 an nggr Q Wll;;0 the thought neoeuary t gyvvtl `Hey Clin are. Emer- : captains on E (via Portland) Postage Gc. per - the regulations Elk. between Hm an a i Thur.:L:'.f ay uruer Ul_ces Great Brifain (I and PI-in.-n we regulations 1:, between the 1. 1uUlB'. THOMPSON. days at L, ; leave nrusam Prince 3}; 1:}: u THE LOSS 61-` {run STEAMER BA- VARIAN. - So faraltho: Government enquiry now going_on in Montreal into the loss of the stunner Bavarian has roceeded the evi- deuce -tends to show 1. t in the hour of dnnger, each man looked out for hinaeli and we fear mule little ebrt to save the woman. L.,A. McPherson- thn m....... .4.- EH18 Post. -......cuz.a, nstnma, Uolds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. WistaIf s Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus remov:ing'the cause of 1 . an-rn W. POWLE & SONS, Boston, Hum. And sold by Druuuta end Dealers generally. cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Group, Whooping Cough, Inuenza, Asthma, Qplds, `Q -`pg rl.`l1ou\nl- 7-`-' ,,- _-, .,vv.vv NE W BU.S'I.\'I-JSS. 156. ), 1870, 1371 and 187.2 HE LAI{Ul'IST uf any Company in the world. New busim-ss. Sum assured for the year lS7`.! eX(:('r`(lcIl that of the second Company in rank by more tlzau sixteen mil- lion dollars. The Society issues all the must ulesiralgle forms of Life and Endowment Policies. on which l)ivideuuls will be paid an- nually, securing to the assured the least pos- sible V outlay consistent with txiidotihted safety. All Policies Non-forfcitable after the second or third annual payment. Policies are also issued on the Toutinc Savings Fund Plan, first introduced hy tlus Society. Although only estalwlislicd in Canmln about ve years, its business exceeds many of the older cstahlishenl Comp.-xnics, having is- sued. in 1872, 895 Policies, insurina *2" 324,15, . . 5 " - -bemz n Verv hi-.Hn ulu...-L ..r ..u_ . - E Rsidende, No. August lat, 1873. .... .. V.,...1.;uuu.~:, navmg IS- insuring $2,324, 15, -being very little short of the largest busi- ness done by any Cmnpany, foreign or local, in (Janada. unis! none I For rates which can be cured by a` timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by the htmdreds of testimonials received by _the proprietors. It is acknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over fortv mam-a 1111.-.. Aural pant Voncy-h 1872 . . . . . . . . . . . Total Surplus, 1872.. ouu nu ma: muse ume etfort McPherson, the 1 the ill-fated ltaamer n,-m..I :. I.:- Assets, Dec. 31st, 157" Amount Cash Income :n\'..-`r. . Total paid l olicy-holders . . . - - - ` No I20 BROADWAY, KEV}: Y4 ___j. THE EQUITABLE Life Assurance TS<'5ciet,v After payment of. the usual providing for all losses, claims the sum of $905,905 was put the Funds in hamls, which now Reserve Fund - - - - Capital paid up`- - - Life Assurance I-`and - Rik I'..'l1(nn 9`.-up 4-l...... ., .uu.n11.l.t:..\.'.S OI 16'] U. Fire I`re111iu;11s, less lieinsumnccs. $2,559,180 the largest amount: over `~ received by the Company in a. single year. New Life Policies issued for . . . . . . 3, 2,740 Total Annual Life: Premiums, after deducting Re.1.ssur:mces 1 `N 0 VVITH liiSURA!G_Eii%'iPAY. Liverpool and Londoni 0FFlCE- 'rms:;'r, . (Opposite the Post Oicc.) ' _.:. (Eu Railway (mice, ]`ulmn-in May mus, 1373. ue nu mutating It." `VH1 the above aspirations be gratieci aim!` satised by the introduction of that fos- Vniliud eastern Tory, Richard W . Scott, of Crown Land: notoriety I Will the` Irish Catholic element eomider itself properly represented by the elevation of a. man who has not a. single feeling in unison with those to ably championed by the I risk Canadian ? -Sun. ' ; I anus Wlll COIIXICCU V At Pninacc with trains to and from Shodiac, and Inhcnncdiat-c Stations. At Truro with trains to and from P Intermediate Statimxs. At \Vindsor Junction with the trains of the \Vimls0r and Ammpo'.is I L:).iI\vay .At St, Jnhn ..v:n. H... u..,, |- u . - - ictou, and _....-, K \j u 1':xsscngcr Mail Train will leave ll_:.lil'.-xx daily at 7.30 3.111.. nurl be due in St- John at 8.30 pm). A I`u.z:sengcr and Mail l`min will also leave St. John daily at 8.00 a..m., and be due in llaliinx at 8.50 11.111. Trains will connect Pninnm-. mm. +...:.... l. -_ a L --- -- [ .... vv unuaur uum.-non with the L:).il\va ` At St. John with the Uonsoliulnterl European anal orth _Amc|jic:m Railway fur Bangor. mun Annual we Premium: deducting Re.1.ssur:Luces . I873. IufEnceLa3j1g_L RAILWAY SUBSGRIBLHS CAPITAL, t$10,0oo,ooo, VITH UNLIMITED I.L\l:H.I'r'v I Hall H`. DI. John with the North American liailwny Bangor, Dauvilic Junction. Ivlontn.-a.l, 'Qucl>c<:, Purtlnml, liustrm ; also with the Inter- 1mtionn.lStc:uncrs to and frxnu Eastport, l ort.laud and 1'-stnn. ].I4`\\.'I\_' 1- A I "W V u-nu uamouc people of the Dominion. If; that in conceded. all will yet. be well. If not, then the dilly of the Irish Cnthnlic people of the Dominion will be so plain that there can be no mistaking it." the almuw-A nnniv-e:H.-n`. L- .._.A!- i Bsinesyof 1870. `remiums. Ilx-:.i:mmm...... c-.u .-: ' and after ! 1| I nam....... summer .QIL\J,\lL \ ,UUU, LIABILITY SIZIAREI [U LDl'Il.'.\` mu alter SA l :xsscngcr dailv at 7 J `J .n.L.J...I._IJ_lJ [Sfjciety OF "THE UNITED S'I`A'l`Rs` u.\u..u\I1'1`1I) LIABI T SHAltEu0LD1.`us. * '_ I'HE STATES, : ex1:('r`dcIl that 3 1 to nnsistent undofxixtpd of. the and nsses, and expenses, 905 by to increase ls, amount to--. [l____a.ou~.v....... ulna: 3 signal raven e. But let us hope ur better things. -Let - in not do tn injustice by a premature dci- |iou_, for we are promised that our people in It for days or weeks will be amply satised with the a.rr~.mgcmonts that shall have then been made ; but at the same time let us take advantage of this opportunity to 'my that nothing short of one Irish (`utha-liq: (for tho present) in the Cabinet will satisfy the hill Catholicipeople of the Dominion. If : conceded. all will vol I... .....n `I: ....l u unsmn. ` _ LEWIS (.'.-\ R 'ELT., Hcncrul Nu mu-intcmlcnt. Mmn-hm. N. I ,. ~ SATURDAY, tor and :'LI..u'l "I'- `Ki . 3 Barrie Street. . -uuu 0,I5II5,75l0 three years on l rivat<- tents an verv t'.~xv--m-*1 r Arrangement. A I U.l(l}1\1 ml Mail` a nu .-. `0.'}T1S70, 1871 "any the] vusim-ss. axsun-ml no 1 I 19, A gent, Bank of Montreal, " Kingston. $:.s7f,o `. Innd 6,603,210 m.-o vn.-nu: nn I)-.:.._L, ` $`.?0,0-300,000.00 9, 000,000. ()0 VJIUIIIQI. Be this as it may, it is clearly our duty to 5 point out to the Premier the great danger of ' Ixwh an experiment : and this in may add, that the day when oitlier p:u'ty~-wheher Conservative or R(`f(lFll|--C(lIll(1 with safety. with impunity tritle with tho feelings, with the most \'it:Ll~inlerests of the I rish Catholic people in those Provinces, has long since ' - panned. They htild the fate of either party . in the pnluia of their hamls ; it lies with them to say which party shall retain power ; mid our word fun`, it, if they discover that they hnve been duped aml deceived fur the lust live ur six years, and ultimately thrust aside an I0 much rnbbish--wo repeat our word u` it, they will take at the proper ` time 3 signal revenge. 2-lth instant, min will l.....;.. 1,103,929 I tun xnsuant, l : dun in SH l"'iRla'. 1873. countant, to. Office over Drug Store. - Kmgoton, Oct. 10. 1 order of the Boa 15 Directors, STOCK open on and after MONDI for the Subscription of St: of Messrs Blaikie 5: Alexa! & Feildc, Stock Bmkers, T & Stratlny, Stock Brokers, Messrs Ki;-kpatrick &. I Kingston. (Rirrn;-..'l \ ]3Y order of I?-oarcl of Prt Directors BOOKS , __, nnnn nu .. I -e- "' mat tune has sccurml theipul by prompt and liberal settle! just It has complied * of Canada by {he depfisit of : extent of $50,000, and ispre] Policies on terms as low as: class Company. JA1\nr._q .Q1V`r`l:m wuul nu; 1:, uley \I`I1l time signal 1-even us lmmu ..r THE FEDERAL BANK of Canada. _?__ ,,..,.,.,.,,u _uasn uccexpta. that time has accur 5,042,`! doing bu: 54 years, and (1 ed the public con 1_.>y settlement of ` Just_ _ ]t`1l&3 complied with mm This Compamy in Canada fur`nea.1-ly _ Cash Receipts . Com x mm United States and City Stock and other Securities Loans and Real Estate . . VA LU Cash in hand and in Ban. Real Estate... . . .. . . . . Mortgage Bonds . . . . . . . . Bahk Stock . . . . . . . . . . . other Rm-n--H noluers since Dec. ist, AS_sE'l`s, MARCH 1.-1-, VAII , ,-_- _-_uunn Iwilll/` ' F HAR'l`F01 .D, CONN. O 1819. Charter Perpetuzd. Cash Capital . ,.... . . `S Losses paid in 54 years Losses paid in 16 months .... .. Capital subscribed_ by Stock- holders since 1st, 1S7l=* \ ASSETS. MAIN"!!! I.-m IQ-I-1 , .. `....&n\.u] A. J. CATTANACH, Secretary. Toronto, July 8th,} 873. ` . - -- 1.----- MAX\VELL \V. STRA Oicc, Clarence` Street, 0; Ulce. Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873. September 19, 1573. 111.2; Capital `A1 A V urn` -vu Anianvsn ;1 null Al ['11]. ilnd again the Irish Cumidiau the o n of the Catholic League is '(liss:v.tisliecl. he three chs:-women appointed hy tug Lou] - Government Very properly failed to satisfy the demands of the Irish Catholic organ, and now that the Ila.-fox-in party have got into power in the House of Cmnmuns, they are repoaiting the dodge played at Toronto. That "No lrish noml apply" at the Parlia- ment Buildings, Ottaim. is. however, scarcely correct. Mary Mm-iiirt , Juno Looney, and one or two more of the sister- hood are receiving seventy cents per day cleaning the wood work snub scriibbing the halls of the Gov:-rnnmnt buildings. Jngtly the Irish Cumuliun` is indignant at `the treachery displ:x_\'cd hy the Rang.-iroo Gov- ernment. It dcmmnls tknt the element it represents shall have a voice in the coun- cilsol the country. failing this the thn-:i.t is launched that signal revenge" will be taken for the insult : It will be noticed froin the composition of the above programnm that the name of :1 single I rial: :`a(.'m!ic does not appear among those mentioned. We confess that we are lrbth pained and disappointetl at this- and particulzirly so bepallse in advocating the claims of Refonners on Irish Catholic sup. port we readily held out to our co-rcliginn- inks and fellow-countrymen that that party, on its accession to power, n nld not over- look our just claims in the d:n_ f \'iol:or_v. "0 cannot, howeven, luring ourselves to he- iiere that the Premier of thc`.\'ew Ministry has so far forgotten his oftiepentetl pm. ' wise: to our penplc-prmnises that were `readily accepted in the glow of our enthusi- astic zeal in lgclmlf of the Rt-forni cause- as to entirely ignore the lrish element of the Dominion in the construction of his Cnbinet. `D- OI..- -_ IL ...-__ : 3 * I I _ _ ,_--.-_:- ..-7 u-u van} nun: W6 give it in full. According to the drbctrine there enunciated by the representative of the Company the latter do not consider it necessary that their Captainis should be practical seamen, (although we are pleased toetate Captain Cumiclmel, of the Bavarian, was 3 rlt-clue navigator.) The following ' i by Mr Milluy :- , Mr Alnv `Kill.--- C`-----` ` Aug. 4, 1873`. meamers every Tuesday and Frinla This splendid steamer having 4 winter received largo renewals ant will be found unsurpassed in her 1 and general occ0mmoda.tiun. - C. H I-IA'I'nxr |`:..I--- 1'v:|'ryDLc:lnlcl'8, G. '1`. R. Train-s Ea West, Mail Linc Steamers for Toronto, I tnn, Oswe-go and Montreal, and C Steamers J`uesday Frinlay. having dm-i. 1J\:uc\'luU LU:/U p.m. ' _ Connects at Kingston ,with._Cape Vincent Ferry Steamers, G. '1`. R. Trains East and Hamil- t_ ()guy`,nn nn.l ll ,_.L ` ` " _ ,,_.J - aavaluilllc uh U, Picton at 8, in the morning, arriving in King- ston about 12:15 p.m. '1'ue~.rda.ys, 'l`lnuI-sdn ville at 2:45 a.m., Piaxtnu at 6 a..m., arriving in Kingston about 10 :I.m. Returniug-wiIl lea .m., arriving at Pic ellcville 10:30 D.m. \:.e Kingston daily at 3 ton about 7 p m., and ya and Sz1turdays-I}elle-. :.m., arrlvmg at Pic Kinm un; 1'. a\\'ALF.%, ILL Iave as follows :'--Mnm'lays, V nesdays and Frida.ys--Belleville 1 K Tll'c"IdD.V8. '.l1ll`zu]:1vn and g..4..-,:---- n __ ._-_-...._._ xo nusn Nm-:1) fAI_ PLY. J .._:.. AL. `I,,- v . JIIAIN ()l!'F'I(`F.', -. 101 \V. Fifth St. ll(Vn:o_.-m!)_er 17th. NEW ARR-A-lQGEMENT. TIIE R. I. UPPIER CABIN STE`-\B1'ER INSURANCE AGENT. "; Uoin Silver Vest Cliziinst, Solid and Double`- plated r5il\'er-wax-e, Jewelry, &c., &c;. Whole number of Gifts 25,000. Tickets limiteil to l`00,0ii0. AUEN l`.5f \VANTED to sell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single 'l`icki3t.s $2 ; Six 'l`ickel .'s $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 ; 'l`\vexity-live Tickets $40. ` Circulars containing a. full list of prizes, a description of the maiiner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distri- lmtion, wi1l be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be .-uldre_sscd to num oirru-i:. I.. In uauv u..-- on Ema Hiasilmncc Co. \ F` TI A I!'l`l.`/11> n runw- -`::30;) Gold W'atcl1es (in a each. I '..I.. C`3l--~ `V v..,vvv 31.1 \J on: mum 3:;,coo .s-1x rmznss 1,000 2 TEN PRIZES 500 2.500 (:nl.I .....1 en... .uu guuural occnmnmdatiun. _ c C. H HATCH, Ticket Agent. Kingston, M.-._-, 14th, 1873. I .7 _- w 1: , V V \I I E \I IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! GRAN]! CAPITAL PRIZE. $20,000 in Greenbacks. on: (.:RANu`c.e.s1l PRIZE, '7 $10,000 in Greenbacks. or-.1: 0,1811 mum of $5,000 in G-reenbacks. I`lH7J<`. .-fflf`--'30 \ Killoy, Secretary and Trim- mdinu Nzwig'n.tio:1 Company. : promised to submit to the Friday. a list of 11m nn----- DDUII. (Signed) nunl'a'.lil3 9 a:um:u'y ISL, I874- 200,000.00 VA LUABLF. r:Irm~.< v i- j -@---I-Ij '1`;VENTI ETH Grand Annual Distribution, 'rn Rn` Inxnuyn THE ONLY RELIABLE GIFT DISTRI- BUTION IN THE COUNTRY. 1- -` -- ------ -.-.o A-U&\I` OAT-BU] LDER, \V,,(_,..- \Vm.I... 1 ,, .,-v\... nu-Ina` Will be Land MONDA , the 21st inst., Stock, at the Olces rs Alexander, and of Clarke 1:, Toronto, of Strathy by, Montreal, and of Rogers, Solicitors, 1u um DRAWN Tlnlrselay, Jmnllary lst. 1874. 5 I\ A A A 4- A - - - . .11` 3 4 s 33:1-{E517 B e?F-aw-i1x= a{i 1nes.i:n`c. Ports. 1.. "if 1:e`1`s 'l` l17Ir\1'In1I.1-nvr ,, -- ..--V tug E he1-son, parser of , stated in his evidence me that nnv ..-....:..n :_ . ...... :Aun1d.1 aunuement of every . with the laws the Stocks to the isprepared to issue a as anv nthnr .9 ~w'tk%m% A. M Corkell, (`Int-n~In QI...,.4. ROCHESTER, (JAPTA S\l A I vs: 1873. y'JAM1:s SWIFT, Acres-r, St. Lawrence Whad. a \J.I-l..L'.IlJ .I. All (,3-.r'r. SWA L153, ms nu n1L...... . ' `I vu: uy DDUCK` 'ec. 2,500,000 00 )1! 1873 (AT MARKET VALUE). . . $867,783 50 . . . . . . . . 405,000 OQ 9'26,7250O , . . . .. 1,337,050 00 1 -ities 2,350,978 96 lstnte 93,330 00 _______.. ` $5,980,867 46 5,042,497 00 ' has been business early during cured condence settlement of nvnr" In I 0 ;IUClo gent, Notary Public, Ac- Mr _Parker s `~4 uvv I and Silver` Lever Hunting all), worth from $20 to $300 ...vvv,vUUo STRANGE, AGENT. `eet, opposite the Post .o, uuwever, or Mr my and Treasurer 1Naviga.tion Com- : our ears that ing thn .lm.o..:.... L5 mulresscd to I.-. D. SENE, Box 86, t. CINCINNATI, 0. and Hnnlay. ' during the ewals and ndditinm. I E mcu IN GRRENBACKS c1.wu`I-:u no Issue I` any other first Vbbioqvg. -Mnm'lays, \Ved. l--BeIlevilIn nt r. Incorporated mg uurulg the s additions her furnishings EETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of 1 Hartford, Conn. L. J. -Hzzwn, "resideulz; E. 1 . DORR, General Agent. lu- corporatedin ISI9. `Japital $3,000,000. Aa- sets 8-5,l50,93l.7l. NULL AND CARGO RISKS to and from Inland Ports on favour- able terms. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted and paid in Uanadg currency. 1 A 1: nn n...__A and Inter- .u\uuu.vC 3 mast and :0, . Ottawa `V C(1- s at 5, 11:-.. ,:_____.__;_-. Dr J. Jarvis. ATE OF LONDON, England, Hammo- pathic Phyician,:Surgeon, &c. Uice and Residence remo to \Ve1lington Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Ualls in cit , Y I or country, mght or (Ia? atltfltlcd As an all times Liquors ; the '1 County; good Sheds, with car nu-nus? I DA - I Stirling House, ,-- -. -.,., E0. JEAULE, Proprietor. `accommodation for Comma lets. Good Sample Rooms, &c. March 28; v no 68809 Angnrrncr, MARBLE BLOCK, Princes ` treat. Kingston, May 25th, 1872. , _ _ V -.. ;u5n 1'Ll'5E [1, Glass Hotel is centrally locatqtl in the ausiness part of the town, in View of the 1`housa.nd Islands of the St. Lawrence, and in zlose proximity to the Fishing audiiuntixxg Shuunds. Er Good Boats and Uarsmen al- ways in attendance for Fishing .l."m-tics. May 23. ` Oct. 24. uommer btabling. M arch 30. Provincial-Hotel, Ganauoque. ~ BROPH Y, PRf.)PRIE 1`OR.4 J`his First A, Glass loczptc of Islands proximitv to H... w:-L:-- ~ ' -- -' Aug 9 `mu Luau .l.UI|'J.V, u1"1`AWA.-Thi.s house {J is entirely new in evpry respect, having been enlarged, retted and reiurnished this season. First.-class Sample Rooms and ample accommodation. . (Jumibuses meet all trams and boats. cg `lxnnvu-1.1-.-.. -. A Feb. 26, 1873 __..___.__..._. l.'|.l.1\U1`JC}D' b"1'1'EL'l`, GSTQN, 0_I\'T. B The mgst central Hotel in the city. superior accommodation for travellers and commercial gentlemen. Charges moderate. , R. 1R\V.lIV, l ropric-tor. June 23. ` ` %__ J. L. macdonald, l..lD.S., DEN f1s 1` (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Princess Street, Kingston, Unb. U1"1"1L'E .tLUUi{b` from 9 A.M. to 5_P.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to t_l1:}ooor. 9 ' ' F. 1:1. Clark. L.17.."" 1 M. CLARK, L.D.s., IJENTAL Rooms, B , No.` 4 Wilson : Block, \Vcl1ingtun street, Between Princess and Brock bfts. Satisfaction uunmnteeuf July 31. ,. reawre uiseased tissucsaud su to all the organs of the lpdy. for Dyspepsia. in all its forms, and Disease of the Kidneys ; V does it act, that iinpruveme nmnifesl: the first day of tnki chemical food, its properties and cannot injure child or cbndition of the system whiite ,___._._________ 1.. cieinem; iacnt`is`t'."57" OFFICE AM) RESIDENCE opposite the Boat Utlice, Wellington Street. 4.. 11:. - ' ` -~` r0Wcl' G6 S0114: RCHITECTS AND BUILDING sun. L VEYORS. Oice and Residence Queen `eat. ' ` \._. .____, {&' \ -Joseph lawdcn, ` 9 T'.l'0RIfEY-A'.l'~LA`Y, 'S0iicit.0r in Chau- cury, Nol;:u'y_ Public, 33 King Street, liingston. _V nwuc, Uonvey -Queen's Bench, kc. Nov. 27. ____________T__*__* Anglo-American Bowl. ., Proprietors. Albion Izocl-, zuiu-sc., Mirna?- [OHN AC K ERS, Manager. First-chss Commercial Rooms. Hood Xards and cabling. IWIRSTV Mal... `uuu 1 1 unuwm ATTOI`.NEY and C}1k L} of the Peace for the County of Fronte- nac, Ontario Street, Kingston, size the Montreal '1`elegmph U0 Kingstqn, July 19, 1571. directly oppo mp.-m_y__'s Ulhu. Alb-i;m Hotel. (E0. rm; T `:'.cconuundm:m. c..._ . iiavy. _ . % AIlRIS'|'E. and Attorney-at-Law, So- licitor in Chancery and lnsolvcluw, Uunveyanccr ninl N utary Pulnlic, KlNUS'l'UN, Ont. Uicc, corner of King and Clarence Streets. July 8,` 1873. .4 ._ __;______ f HE attention of those who 1 I` faring for a long time fl plsiuts that have resisted methods of treatment, is called I er's Uompnuntl Elixir of P114 Ualisaya. This rexumrkable pr promoting the complete djgestio `EH01! hf fnnr n---'---'-- A` -'-`~' " ' .._- 4Iali\4ll(LIy ill-fl-p B.AIlRISTEl1 and Attorney-at-Law, So- licitor .iu (jhaiiccry. .Not.-zry Public, (,`unveyancer,,_.'2 King biidutt, Kil's'C':i;0l1; Ont. At (iauaziriqi.-, ovcr S. Ix3u(/':unmun s Drug Store, every '.l`uesd:Ly and Friday. J an. 1-}, L873 sxact t\ 1'lJ.'1i. and Attorney-at-Law, J5 licitor in ;Chancery, Uuuvcyancer, ()lE1'ce, Ontario Sr`t1-ect, next door to Mont _ 1` ()omp:my s (mice. ' May 1, 1573. r1'LlJI`4 any RESIDENCE oppo: U Established in Kingston in 1657. Aug. 22. IRST CLASS IIOTEL---cannot be ex- celled by any House in the County. House and Furniture are new; the bar I: all times furnished with the best of mm Table ls second to none in the nty; good'and commr,-dious Stables and ls, careful mztcmlance ; 3. good Com 3R..l Room for travellers. Ulmrges mod- ...... can`; 1:; Iv IIIIIIJIII, AR.RIS'1`EI , Solicitor in Chancery, At- torney-at-La.w, and Notary Pulic, Cla- rence Street, Kingston, opposite the Post Oicc. ' July lat, I873. _._._ __ _.___._-____ James P. Gdc:-sleeve, LLB. ARI .ISTER and Attorney-at-Law, Soli- citor, Uonvcyancer, Notary Public. Of- ce, Clarence Street, opposite Post Oice, Kingston. `July 131;, 1873. Maodonald AT: P;tton. BARIKISTEIIS, Attoroeys, Solicifors, &e., Trust and Loan Company : Building, Toronto Street, Toronto. . Jonu A MAcno1uLD, Q.C. Juncs P`A'rros, Q.U. Hoax J. MACDONALD. Rom`. M. FLEMING. Sent. 23. S. niccammon, tiananvqne, "1LERK OF DIVISION COURT N Q rublic, C-0llV(:V&nnnr unmmn at )RlN (JESS 5'1`1iEE'l`, ',l`he mqst Hotel in Hm nih- prnunomng the chgestiolfa lation of food, creates pure vitaliziu restare disezwed tissues and supply 1: ll or Inns lpdy. 1: is ,A_ , . . IUD! uuc ;uuuu'eau xelegm .1: July 1671. - VETERINARY... ._,, .___...,___ - A13}. s. Hi}-k1sacriZE.' "1OUNTY CROWN ATTORNEY am J Peace for the 'm...+.. ..x I Sept. , ARCHITECTURE. .__.._____._._.._>; __ .__._-_. __:_ .r.rux u:.'_ DLVISION Public, Uonveyancer, en's Bench. kc. ~ ._ Edw.L Ii. Sgnytht-3: 111.112, ARRISTEIK and Attorney-at-Law, So- in;Chancerv. ()m.vmmm-.-.- ...t.. 115.15 ungs. :d by am? House in +1.`. I LL Power A`: Soni, 'F.(!'l`R ANT} nrnfrw _________________ Richard '1`. Walkem, D YQVIILV II (`I __ _.,, ........ uuzw rcner 13 within your. reach in the shape of Ur. \\'ist.'5F'a Bal- sam of Wild Ulierr , which, in many cases where hope had ed, has snatched the victim from the yawning gra\'c.-.--Adv. ASTlI.\iA.--C01!rlMERCXAL Sc-noon, ILu:no1~. GRACE, N.F.--Mr J:uue~.s I. Fellows-- Dear Sir: I am very happy to acknowledge the be- net I have received from the use of your Com- pound Syrup of llypoplmsphitca. For upwards of twelve months 1 suifcred most acutely from :1 severe (Iuugli -aml-ar-mosl; violent Asthma. for the relief of which I tried everytliiug I could licxut of. At last 1 commenced the use of your Syrup, and after taking one bottle was able tn`atI;exid to my .'n'ocr.tiun. I continued, according to (lirectiuns till 1 had usud ninc bot- tles, which elfected :1 perfect cure. A/ith much gratitude.-'l`ruly yours, L] Qnnvru "l`---` ""0 V a lay an` llllltby Mr Alex. Milloy, Ties- Juror of the Camadinu awigittiun Cpmpamy. er: and crew on the Bavarian at the time I the disaster. Ho dc-`posed that the Board gauged the captafune of vessels, he engaged VJ. lizachai-,. A1V?:.-1~.: rromn n w R._ Gage, I` M AnRt.n n _______ 'l,`lS'l`RY_. A. G. SCO FT, 3 use, Stirling, County of Hastings. QR IIIU1` I.\l ' ` - wpncnur. nu t-class m L'omme1-c1al'1`ru.vel- : LEGAL. . .. .. csuugboll azm-eec, tOice. city ay, prom tly atte dcd J. JARRFLS, MJ). :1. Wcstgnk 1'4 .1 .rin+n.. N COURT, Notary :2`, Commissioner m Aug. 4, I873. 1`, Proprietor my oxen. Itv nf ls`.-n--Or zlncer, etc. > Montreal - I S PUBLIS!iED every lswful evening at Six Dollars per annum, payable in ad- vance. Subscriberq who receive their paper by mail are clgrged Five Dollars. The chiniiegnd News Ts BUBLIsm1r.n o---- W" kej -v.-.-. 1 $r\J\In ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, 1{INGs'r6N Wholesale ngd l_R`._et.1il D_ealers in 311110` Pl':nlCn-u. .. 11. ,1 Have you a. cough, cold, pair or Bronchitis? In fact; have'yox tory symptoms of the "insatipte shmptian? If so, know tlnzstf your in anatcl As'nr.\n __r`m...m..-- . - n , -_..v.. u must L\'a\'1gat.ion. An experien ed Surgeon carried on each \-'es:: Bertll: not secured until paid for. For Freight or other particulars apply `in Portland to JL L. Famxer, or Hugh and Andrew Allan in Quebec to Allans Bu 5; Co. ; in lla."l`e to John M. Currie. 21 Quni D Urlca.ns ;in Pm-is to Gustave Bossange. Rue du 4 Septenlhre ; in| Aug- Schmitz an 00., or Richard Berna; in Rotter- dam `to S. P. Itlzmnuu & Zoon ; in Hamburg to VV. Ginson Hugo ; in Belfast to Charley , &. Malcolm ; in London to Montgomz-is & Grernmorne, 17 Grace-church Street; in Glasgow to James and Alex Allan, 70 G Clyde Street ; `in Liverpool to Allan Bros. James Street; or to 11. & A. Allen, comer; of Youvilleand Dnunm..- c-._:,. -- - - -1- -- JAS. sw 1 iT7'r 51,00. 1-uvq._.__ AA`i: Ei56E _. an 5;. DJ \J' \J W iSniling iron: like from Quubc.-c - bout every .l'hursdny. are in- tended to be (1 spatched from Quebec `: are h\fr.u.L..`I .. -41 I - -- {cw every Tuesday, `and `._..-....u are intended 0 s`:t.`iI be Portland at in ervznls 111 `Vinter Naviga ion. ` exnerien ml Rm-n. --.,.u ux ntllll E41345 011' \ GLASGOW .LINE_: 2Sni]ing Glasnxr nun:-:7 rr......A-- -- Sailing from Liverool every Thursday, ` from Portland every. Saturday-, calling Lo nch loyle_ to receive on board and land alls and Passengers t9 and from Ireland ud Scotland, are intended to be despatched from I ortlaud:-- ' ` SCAN D] NAVIAN, from Portland, 29th Nov PRUSSIAN . UASPJ AN " `- :5ARMA l`IAN _ _ ; GIRCASSIAN 27th TOLYNESIAN N, ` , SUANDINAVIAN -` -' V ` .1 Rates of Passage from Portland : 3 cva1m.~.................s7oto-sso. - Steera....... $25. i` - 4 THE S'J,`E;-\'1'\:'l'l's2'l.l.'S"O1f' Tang 5 (1 1' A at r- A "" ` Live 113001 1 rnu5b'JAN .... .... LE'6LEZ3'xI'nNn AUSTHI AN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt Iiichgrdson N ES'l`OBIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt; Ritchie. MU1:AVlAN,.... .;..265o Uapt. Graham. , PERUVIAN Ltisinith, mm M`AN1'ruBAN' .... ..315o Ll:.Archer,_I{NE sov.A' .`$C0'1`IAN Capt. Grange. NORTH AMEIU_CAN 17s4 .Cap|:. Miller. ARUADJVAN .......... .4350 Capt, Wilson. ' UORINTHIAN . . .i...24oo Capt. Jas. Sc-ott.~ s1`. mwm - ...... ..1e5o Capt. E. Scott. : ST. ANDREW .... ..1432 Capt. H. Wylie: 5'1`. 1'A'l'RIUK ........1-207 Capt. Stephen. ' ` THE STEAMERS OF THE . "lpupggg -- lay our only safeguard against oating inevitably into annexation. \`Vith the present men,should they fail to per- fect the work so well begun, will "rest the blame of marring our vfhole future ; and we v ,.,--...v. `wt This Com '3 Lmes are composed undcnmted pililnyst-class, Full-pom cred, 1 built, Double-Engine Iron Steamship: : lhwL wmqm amma SARDIIV LAN . . . . . . . .4100 (Bui.lxBng.] UIRCAS.S1AN.......... .3400 (Building) CANADIAN ..........2600.(Building.] PULYNESIAN . .. .. .4100 Capt. -Bray SARMATIAN ...... Capt. J. vs HIBERNIAN .... .3434 capt.1c.s.1 (JASPIAN Capt. Buc` SUANDINAVIAN. . Capt. Aird. vuussmu Lt Dutton, AUSTIN A M **** " 1' 0] tion, ALLAN; I LINE; .......u ;ur we conveyance `of Canadian and United states Mall: _ 1.972..3..- Winter A1-raugementa.--;87-3. rvo A - J\n1 uxs;u1\ (). 10.00 o'clock-a..m., 12:30 p.12 for Ganano`ne,- Ca.Hing`at Howe Island 11: 4] Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ing-6 a.m. \Vedne.=d.-Lyn, 6 am. '. 6 a..m. and 7 pm. Fridays.` For Freight, Passage or any oth< tion. mmhrtn thn n....'..-_ -- - ~ Under unx U1: L113 XS. ('2 7:30 o clock a.m., 8:30 a.m., 11:30 ' `and 3 15.111. 1 R.Iz'1'UIcNn:G. ' A`, _ $200 o'clock 11.16.,` 9:15 a..m., 12:30 p.rn. . and 3:30 p m. L ' SUNDAYS.` 9:00 o c]uck a.m., 11:30 nun. RETURNING 1:15 nu`; o c]0ck-_,Am `l;).'.;n _ , ~ 7:30_ o'clock ,a.mi 3p.m. nos... ,,__....-, ..,. uclusul pieces or silver. But there is a worse and more dangerous element in their rank; than the presence of these few, renegades. We allude to these members of the Grit party who are avowedly in favour of nunexation ; men who make no secret of their dieloyal proclivitica. If there is any one por- tion of the labours of Sir John A'.-Ila.c'donn'ld and those who stood nobly by him since the time anterior to Confederation, which will more than any other enshnne him and them in the grateful memory of the people of Can- ada, it is the statesman-like skill and uutiring` energy displayed in welding our various and diverse elements into the_ present great Con- . `atlas-Gian . I- A` 8:00 o'clock and 3:30 p.m. . vm uanmu uauroad. ' ' V- - Returning--wil1 leave Cape Vina rival of trains at 10:40 _a.m., ing_ with the Grand Trunk Bailm Mm! Lin_e, Bay of Quinte and Bid` Steamers at Kingston. _ ` ` an or we more Steamers! U ston for Cape) Vincent 1 excepted) at 7:15 s.m., maki nections with the Rome, W Ogdensburg Railro . Onwn Northern 8 mouse Railroad, Central Ra.` road. tnrni..n_...:n 1....-- nm Foot of Brock Strec J:Ul1lJ'1`4'l{. .2 HARLEY, . t Kingston, 18th Oct., 1s73. |Maug, Pierre'I_o1_1_1;, Watemn {\NE of +1.. .1....... a.-__, ` Cape Vincent, can-dn In.` w It 11 a d G sc2.".3:.o';'.'c' no3'e'."" ;,. 8:30 o clock 9: {5 `o'clock .g 9:15 o'clock a.m.,l-`1;.m., 3 , THURSDAYS. 8:30 o'clock a.m., 11:30 a.m., i-RETURNING. ' 9:15 o'clock a.m., The Pcterhornugh Rezriezo says the Opposi- tion have triumphed through criminal means and the base detection of a fewtr:itors,bought ike Iseariot, for certain pieces of silver. few of` G'rit_ The Daily N ews HYDI `I 177" --__ ,...,......;.. z_u. nmgston. For Wolfe and Garden Islamlg. MON DAYS. 8:30 o clock 3.111., 11:30 n.m RFIWRNING. 9:15 o clock a..m.. I n In --`-` "" -, 3 i):I'l ? a..mR_] rm 1 ,,,, _.v-`av; _ 4 p.m., every ladnesday, Friday. Return-' g--6 Thursdays, ` :..m. ` For Passage, other inf9rmn~'- `u, applyto the Captainon board, or to . FULGER & HARLEY, of RPM 9`--~` )N E`of the above Steam 5'59? : V ...._----a-1 contract with the. Government (-9 Canada for the Conveya.n., nil and I'r_u._u .. . __ A genfs _ . Auan, comer Streets, Montregl. R. & HARLEY, , foot of B1-ock`Stred. .;,u - ul. qllenec `iawie in an-is Sop mbre 2o.,Jor Bernr I It mnuu nu Hugo Charla! ; 1134 Mmmm....:. 5] 9.111. VVEDNESDAYS. o'clock a..m.Q, 11:30 a.m., mmmsma. .-as 1`. WILLIAM |;., Philadelphia, Pa .0 between the Clyde and , rervals during the season of Lion. ` . dull. :el carried - s untilpaid ' . THE STEAMER8 ;,l p.m SATURDAYS. 8.ll).. 8221) an -- ualv Aulnl, Water Railroad. Onwego sense and I ad _ un'.1'u1N['.\`G. ' I..m., 1 11,111., and`3:.'-30 p.m. TUESDAYS. `_n']__ R-Rn a un II au- a. In. , 1 1 :30 I:E'1`URN INCL 8.. In ' ` " xi.-runxnw. a.m;, 9:16 a.m., m., I p.m.,`:Vnn Fl:!!)AY;-3. a.m., ll:30 nmwm u I warn you v Auvulli ' (Sum malnng clone ' 3 \Vutart.:m- ucsuneua to be dggeivcd. A mnj The New Man" it seems were not of the henorable course their duty out to them, Whilst three of the n of the lesser consequence allowcc selves to be blinded by their old ` `prejudices, the fourth, the dictat not only tarred with the same stic hkea western Congressmen of th4 boring Republic, he had the mom in new. uurulgf. Uommanderd `W, . (BI1i.lIllg.), 1 ..3400 (Bn1_ldng.)- ` . . .2600. (Bu1ld1ng.) ,' . Brown. ; Wylie. . Capt.l.S.\ Vntta ~ ...3200 Bu-clay. --; .,.3tX)0 Capt. Aird. Dutt.on,RNR._ ..2700 .5 .-27oo Capt; 4 -2650 Uapt._Gralmm. ._-5 .2600 I .3150 Lt.Archer, RN]! 3 (jllt. (ifnnn gum to Allan Broaf A. '4 Streets. Mont-pd, * u e `mpoud of 1 xlflfoa Clydo-js, -on Steamahim - AA n;.u. ! 3.111., 11:30 (p , ;:nd 3:30 pm. as W cgo K V u, New Your."-.1` wm lecvo K133 ' daily (Snmhyr ` I':_i_ng "am. .,u...c uu {b m u.une.- uurlp/4 Ileruldl When the Prince Edward Island Mem- ` bets were introduced in the House of Com- mons the Citizen remarked :-tlmt the members of Prince Edward Island will give an honorable support to the Govern- ment, who are in a. measure, their fathers in politics, is a. perfectly natural supposi- tion." To which the Prince -Ealurard Is- lander replies :- Yes, Mr Citizen, and that was the general impression, but you and every one who thought as you did were destined` to be deceived. majority of capable pointed majority allowed thmn- LINE_ 3 .,_.. ....u uuua Lucy namn-e II man for preach one doctrine and practising another. N o c vention has yet vqnturecl to endorse the Li Unsa.|nrieLScott. thnngl 1 'th'ey dc_n_1htless I come fl! if. ;n finnn [V-- semuml, have endorsed th Grat IYns:zl.-tried make, an: clared th:\t_they approve of cy. and that they zidmire a Irnnnn Lug AL ..-_.L,, wall near. Ine evidence, howeve1 Alex. Mioy the Secretary T of the Canadian Inland Navigatiu pay read: so strange to represenl 00 ugoegggrv Hunt tlunin I -.~L.-=-A - - 7 ...._, u unuu uuu. A l:\ngl::\lv'l(- spectacle it was to see Mr (`:|rt\'. right \\'ur-ping over Sir .lohn s cruelty in cunning to board him in his den, and: show him up at hiw own door, and when the poor little Minister cried,--hit (me of your own size, and challenged Sir John to meet Mr Blake in .\':Lpnnee, the gravity of the most solemn spec- itor must have given way. l`oor Blake ! 'l`he job he has with these imheciles is known to himself, and we don't wonder at his preci- pitate lliglxt on thc.eve of a general election to avuiul their pcwsistent .11`-peitls tn them tn come over and help ns."-(:'u:/ph lI'rua x!. 'l'hc.St. Johns (Q1:--.) Nnrs has good author- ity for stating that during the last few weeks 1,5-luf the Cu.n.'ulinns who temporarily left the Dominion for the States, have rutnnled across the lines, glad to get home. And we see in an article in the Montreal (lazrttr. the eqI1all_v welcome st:1tcmeu.t,,tlmt frnm returns of the Customs nivcrs at several of the fron- " iicr parts from tha: lx-ginning of the year up to .the lst of October last 6.500 Amcrimns re- ported tlxemsclvcs (Li coming into (.`an:ul:\ as settlers; tlIc'\'_:iluo of settlem;efTncts entered by them re.-zvclncd the sum of $150,000. 'l`m-`. (i:`.l3A'l` U.-< ExnonszD.--Tine Grita of South Bruce. in solemn cnnclave as- setnlxled, h:}\'c endorsed the comlm-I-. M H-- urns m mouth Bruce. c gambled, have com] Blake. and ham. 4 . O The Grits of Peel meet on the 2nd of De- cemher, to select .1. candidate in place nf Mr (`nyno, i\l.l .l... deceased. \\'e hope the Li-, hcrulrCons<-rvatives will stir themselves and set energetically to work tn chonso the strong- est man they can bring forward. The Exetcr Times is of the opinion that tho day is not far distant when ` the country will again have the aerviceu of Sir John Maictluiiultl as premier." Not a. doubt if it. M.-wkonzio will soon learn that he has arrived at the end of his troubles--we do i not say which and. l .\ 1......I.-|.1. - - ....... nvulu prncucal good ` cnquu-y.--Tmonfo Sun. rul-:3 acmn ocers, 1| 3; I-Irth the duties (if the i'ni'in\ia copy of which would be depnaitcd with the Col rules as to tlm lnunchi nmiasion. There was no denite nu of boats in case of a disaster like that which hnd occured." . Comment upon the. :llv()\`o is scarcely ne- cess try, it 1` very assuring tu the trav we trust em this nicinl that some nilnn I-.. cveals :1 class of nmuagenuent nnt elling public, and investigation cluses practical good will result {mm the 7" , A (V ., .__,,_-_ ' the lakes ahonlcf be sailors, bilt lake was now quite di emnt to ocean navigation, and since witness hm] boon connected with tho cnmprmy the captains have been selected from the purIers.- The company had printed rul-.-s netting f-Irth the of \':u'inus . nteera, copy which wm.M I... A..."--:+.--I , >/SPEC 5},1vpT|cEs_,_ v either sex may fascinate and gain the Id affections of any person.) they choose, ;ly. This simple lll(. _lla! acquiremeut A possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, to- with a Marriage -1} aide, Egyutinn n....-.~_ r-- - -__.- ....... uuauu rorns favour- ms. I ai l currency. - PJAMES S\ St. Iawmnm 7--` .. ....... uuuu ul me majority rsser them- political I, th fI)lll'th, IO llictatnr wa- Illlllumn " 7 Such in the plain statement made by tho ladies-maid who really appears to have been the only one of the party that was not crazed with fear. The evidence, however, of Mr A_lex. Secrefarv and 'I`n.......-.._ ........,u.., A: uuueu to Dr. \VhecI- ml Phosphates and his preparation, by : digestion and assimi- , nure viml;-;;.... LI. A Ar ,_-.., ..... mm In your own size, ugcd the most :t Blake 3 ", Wonder .-u-. 1.3.. mum: _ .- uvsanwvll nu- trcvals of Iriug travelling 3 --Tm onlo Sun. un ox mose who have been 1' from old: all onlil ntmeut. is :-,ullA.l 4.. n- ur- .u as xprms, Liver Complaint 2 and so speedily ` improvement is frequently taking it. Being a ,....ucu u_y melt old political a fourth, dictator, was ad stick, but, Congressmen the neigh- ic, monums-ms." ......V. m aulcln conclave conduct of the ad and have thereby de- .I gross inconsisten- zy preaching lpractising No cnn. , .. .-..~uuwa--ue.-tr .ppy ecl ypoplmsphitcs. l nd._a-most; rhich ex-ex-vtI.3.... I ....... ... mu; unruau ()1 unm- :en rince' blo ich 'Ellll`nl`l] Te- .-.-o-umsa vxoleut `hick couunucd the 1 my nus .:l perfect cure .1/in. ......_._ a nut. as lllted by Calnllo" ' Consinea the ' previous witngg Eu, uogu, pam 11: the chest,i lxavefyou the premoni-i insa.ti,-.\te zu-char, con-1 , that relief is within shame of In \\';.o-n='- DA- :5 sxvtrrrvaaiiw, Lawrence VVArf. ..., u:b-cauuu amt assimi- I vitaliziug blood to as sutmlv nerve fm-no rcsxsceul all onlinary , is to Dr. \Vheel- Iiir Phosnh.-1t.-,u n--J ura, M. SCULLY, Teacher. I ___ ...........u5 uxuou to 3 nerve force 3 is a. specic Liver hieys Suaetlilu uycl uea are nulzritivc, ild or adult under any 1 whatever. uurcll to endorse Little hnngh they doubtless will Gurlph Ilerull.I - .-.. vlnu .1111 U1 U8` :{c;1'uiidate leccascd. '4: :3 stir ) sring -u;.;u may doubtless Yurlph Ileruldl tl rcm.-n-ksd -_un...o u... cuwaruice ngunst; the pilot. She deposed that Ibo won the last to get into thoboat, and after she'got into the bom`; the men rowed ' ht away and refused to tow back when ed to by the nrser. She continu- ed as follows: The oat never stopped after it left. the steamer-nut. even -when they pulled` in the cook." And again : The boat. could have held mora passengers. The water did not increase after I got in. The men in the boat appeared to be very much excited till we got to the shore in threohoun and A quarter. In her cross- onmination she stated that no effort was made by the pilot : boat to save the others ; also, that insfead of it taiking one hour and n holf. outed by the witness. Consinean, to bail the boat mu. :. L , pain in the chest} reyou m-emm.;.. _____..._:__.. u suf- from nl.I I-n--- V- nunu Lllgll` mo'm1ments" 1\ C0!!- '2 lhtlpaa uni 111.30 Saturda ;l days. ananoque, a.m. ; leavu at 3: Aunox Ho'nu..--'-MoI-ton Monday, Wednesda 'p.m. ; lpnvel at 7 pm. '.'t y and 3-$1`-aiday gt 2:30 -: p.m. Newburgh, dail; at 4 p.m. Bs,un~ms s Ho'rn:L.--Bath \ 11:30 on 'l`n..,I.... Stage Lines. MAR'1'1N s Ho'nzL.--Stages arrive and depart from this place my follows :-- From Picton, daily, 5 p.m. ; leave at 8 am: Sydenlmm, daily, 11 a..m. ; leave at 4 p.m Harrowsmith, daily, 11 a.m.; leave at 45 p.m. Batten-sea, daily, 11 a..m. ; leave at 4 p.m. Invemry, Tuesday. Thursday hid Saturday Isl: lll a.:n.A; leave same 4 mm. em nu-n --"-- ` ` Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train . Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train ........uuuu- gnveu w the men as t0.the lowering of boats. This we think con- clueively proves that no such practice existed, and that a sort of hap-lmurd at gement prevailed throughout. Had thgm crew of the Bavarian been I-eviougly exercised in lowering and udling the life boats, it is sarcely probable that such a scene of dire confusion would hove resulted as waswmfortunately the one when the hour of danger arrived. The testimony of Annie Gerrehty, the ladies maid, eubutnntiates the accusation of cowardice againist the pilot. deposed she wu thdlua-, on ....; .--.- n, v- wurallu l`l'llK ICIIHVVBY. Trains arrive and depart from the Kingston station as follows :- ' n.-nu... _/V Post Olce, Kingston, lst Feb., 1873. xmtvrard Island, can be Office. A139 Postage Stamps and Cards. uI:.'I USITS received under regula of the Post Oice Savings Bank, betweex hours of 9 a..m. and 4 p.m. Uice hours from 7.30 mm. to 6.30 1 daily, Sundays excepted. p ] \l'.\A.nn\v ,.,- uuu ounce. Registered Letters sheuld mail: an hour previous to clos Mails. llegistmtion MONEY OIUJERS, Order throughout the Dominion, and Ireland, Newfoumll.-mtl Edward Island, obtaiuell. Also }'na+..... mam- 1 ur k'x\.NAUIAN LIN] every Friday at 12.30 3.111. half oI}nce. rer DIRECT LIN Monday at 1.09 half ounce. DA- navr..`-._- _ ,_ -._.......,, Luesuny. '.l'hu1-ad` at ll a.m. ; I p.m. Newburgh, daily, 11 mm. p:m._ 1, JISAUPRE !\'aI>n-.l. I311 Per CANADIAN LINE :very Fridav 1230 A ... 1 H U 1\'.l. (.`.INS.-Jo]1u Do Knypcr & Son s, in wood bottle. our Ton i:|1v._Isemm1 .2 Co's, in woo< or bottle : Betta kr I`.n a 4.. ..--A - I] III! III lIl:UlIIOI]|)[| h ' ` "'_"'_ i tho Onlnpdhy. Capta.)l'11ug`n`I(-):l:1lit:yl;prYva's i mprome command of his steamer was on I regular course is run and if ihtznxf I in run st nboutl regular "3994 they wnya to when H; it Ill thnmrht neonnm-as pale" Kingston Bottling Dep`;t ITAS ON mmn A l.Al2n_l.`u'l\nnv I(All.\V.-LY COMPANY have for sala $30,000 in desirable Short Date City of `King- ston Coupon Bonds, bearing six per cent. intervst, payable semi-annually. The securi- ties mature on Dec. 3lst, lS73, and on same date in 1874, '75, 76 and '77. Applications to be made at the Railway Company's Uilice, Place d Armou, to F. C. CLINE. Sec. -Treaa. Sept. 8. V uI;an ; unnun 1 unis HUN Db` for in purchasers, {rum ve -.1:-cnl (S-500) and upwards. Apply to W (` f`T YKTIT r1IIE KIN?-S l`0N AND PEMBROKE RAll.\VA.\' `$0,000 I)ntu (Tin.-r nr |(:...., $:bT6"o Sll0R'l` lM l`E BONl)S. Feb. 5. r`. u. L`-LINE, Secretary Treasurer, Kingston and Pumln-oke 1!. 1-1. Uice. Kingston, July 28th, 1873.` ' gent. S._ Grand Trunk Railway. us in-_ri_\_'e from the Ki. THE women. 14., A. nlcfherson, ill-fated steamer, thst he w_as not aware that any special in- strnctions existed for the storage of com- bustible frsiuht. This is s most important sdminion, inasmuch as the twenty-two banels of spirits stored close to the engine house were the actual cause of the late calamity. Again, he admitted that it was possible for s bsrrel of gunpowder to be tskenon boanlwrithout knowing it, although he did not think probable. Now this think- ing business is not what is demanded from stsimbost owners ;the public demand that they should not merely think their boats are safe and sound, but that they should use all . due can and diligene in making them so. The ssme witness slsotestigd as follows :v I vss on the Athenian previous to the Bavsrisn, sud in neither vessel did I seeany instructions given to the to. the lowering bon.ts.` com! .4... ....i_ -_--e -

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