y severe zrtdthis sea- : had an old-fuhiom kl. Hui- .._,..V - - my in the States, L we are without . market reports. __-_., .........cu mayor by an endor- Consistent. .. l'..:.... 1 `I7 \ a Cotton _. HI nu-nu. is, weather ....a ecu Io. ud \Vy- SERMON will he drew`: Church, 1 SABBATH, the 30th Now A collection wi be ufqin Charitable Funds of thq,S hoped will be liberal. C D , __..J -_.-. JOHN R. DICKSON, V Medical Snperintondfnt. Rockwood Anylum, J Portsmouth, Nov. 27, 1873. f Any further information at the Asylum. Tnrrxv Us ~- . -. .-_J .-svuucl} Two responsible aureties for the due formance of each contract must (in pen attend and execute Bonds for such ; and Tender must be signed by the proposed 1 ties. . Tn: _BsvAnu:\'.-1\Ir Rislcy, chairman: of the Board of Steam Boat Inspectors, has been examining, in Kingston, several wit- neues in connection vi ith the disaster to the steamer Bavarian, and our readers have had In opportunity of reading the evidence for themselves, and will, therefore, be able try ` give sujutelligent opinion upon it. That the catastrophe has caused a sensation and a wide spread feeling of alarm in the city and country, arising from the loss of life upon that occasion-u loss which, it is be- lieved. might have been avoided had the pilot remained by the steamer with the bnats-is a fact which cannot be doubted. Without sympathisiug with the viewsof our Montreal correspondent in 'l`uesday`s Ni-ms, many of which are extreme and some of whose statenients are in direct contradiction to the evidence, we believe, that in order teallsy the {ears of travellers as well as in the interests of the company itself. a full and free discussion should be had of the circumstances connected with the disaster, and this the published evidence enables to bddone, as we have said intelligently. As tolthe storage of inammable cargo, such as spirits, powder &c., the purser, as well as Captain `Howard, admit that there are no special instructions, and that it may be stored` any place at all ; and the fact of the spirits being so contiguous to the furnace of the Bat- varian, and having caused the disaster to that boat, shows the practical working of t_ system. We should be glad to learn wrst the effect of the breaking of the walk- ing beam would have been had the spirits not been there. .Wou1d there have been a re all the same and to what extent `I We think also there shon1d"be some specic rnles laid down for the launching of the boats in case of accident, the breach of which should be visited on the offender with the severest penalties. It has`beeu_ stated by e ployees of the company that oeers are not `promoted as they ought to be; and that the company are more anx- ious to save money than to procure eicieut ocers. This is s somewhstserious charge and we mentioned it to Captain Howsrdys- terdsy, who however indignsntly denied it. He said, however, that the deck hands were not looked upon as sailors at all, they were merely employed to remove and transfer freight. That is all very well, but in` such scssssrthe Bavarian disaster, is it not these very deck bands who by running otf with the boats, may cause avery large log; of life I Now. surelv it :. ...u' __L:., 1 ,, - _...uun. All articles must be of good qua subject to the approval of the Medic: intendent; who is not bound to an lowest br any Tender. pn__ ,, , Ssmplea of Tea, Sugar-,__` Vinognr, Corn Brooms, Oil: of dierent kinds, mu respective Tender. Au: -- with en. / Deck Scrub dozen. I13-I10 dozen. n....|. Nov. 26. uom uu, per gallon, not under 120 F Sperm Oil, per all . Tobacdo, per lb.g on Corn Broom: nn- -4--~ uouec, 1n beau, roasted, per lb. Sugnr (Mnucavado), per lb. Oatmeal, per barrel of 200 lbs. Indian Meal, per 100 lbs. Pot Barley, per barrel of 200 lbs. \Vhite Beans, per bushel. Pens, per bushel. Rice, per lb. Good Strong Baker : Flour. er bar] 196 lbs., impacted and bnmled o. 1., 9 line, to be delivered at the Asylumvinu tities from; 100 to 150 barrels, on roqui of the `Medical uperintendent. Mustard (jar), per lb. Vinegar (white wine), per gallon. - Molusen and S 11 . Milk, per gallo{:l.'up P g3 on ` Starch(Glenlield), per lb. Cyrn Starch, per lb. Sup, per lb. St. Andrewgs Society. _.___._. ` QRPXIIXXT __,-u I _-_ .. -.. nu -cuvnvcu. Fresh Mutton, poi lb. 1 Salt Codsh, per lb. Fresh Fish of the following varieties :- Salmon Trout, Whitesh, Pickers], Herring or Bass, per lb. `|:\__-_L ` TI! URSDA 2' 1:I71'[\'T.\'?i,_:\'5 1'. :n5. ` 'l`n_x-Payers who lmvo not [mi their (`y Taxes are reminded I do so at once and save costs. v F1-uh Bef, per lb. ; must in whole quarters, equal pro] and fore, neither of which 1 than 100 lbs. No Bull Beef Fresh per Codsh. Der lb. uorn urooms, per dozen. Potatoes, per bushel of 6) lbs. Hay, per ton of 2,000 lbs. Stnw, Oats, per bushel of 34 lbs. Bran, per ton of 2,000 lbs. 1 Hand Scrub rushes (Russia Hair), lozen. Brushes lozen. (Russia Hair), per per | rrom parties who will undertake to furnish the whole, or a pub of the following Supplies,- for use in Rockwood Asylum, during the year 1874, in such uantities and at such times as may be or ered by the Medical Superinten out, viz : F1-all ef, be best quality, auarters. ennnl ....,......;.u__ 7: - - - Noon of Tuesday, 9th December next, From parties who will | whole. but of tha fnIIm..:.... q...._u-- Looacco, lb. Brooms, Potatoes, per bushel nf 4:` )r bass, lb. Fresh E , per dozen. Butter, 1; quality, per lb. Salt, per ba.rre1-Liverpool, 1 Black and Green Tea, per lb, Cofea, in bean, 1 Sugnr (Mnlcavnnl n... n. JOSEPH DUNNELLY, At the snlzanocmnv. Extra Fine Salmon Trout } At the STAR GROCERY. Su\perior Whitmsi: 2` STAR-GIIO ,, _.. ....a nu HUI- nt for thevmrriage of baggage, they should, not be called r it, and this does not appear An to the Rn--in --'* PHE UNDERSIGNED will receive . . den: until Genuine Nof _1L \.avuu.I.uU .L `Ubrador Herrings At the STAIE GROCERY. Choice Table Godsh OTICE is hereby given, that the Annual N Meeting of the Shareholders of the Kingston, -Pittslmrgh and Hananoque Joint Stock Road Company will ~5take place at the Ofce of the Secretary, Clarence Street, King- ston, on MONDAY, the 8th December next, at the hour of 12 o clock. noon. ` JOHN SHAVV, _ Secretary and Treasurer. Kingston, 27th Nov.. 1873. `I Kingston, l ltt;-tiring Ilnznl I`. November 27. ILL be sold `by PUBLIC AUCTION, on SATUR AY next, 29th inIt., `at the rooms of the subscriber, Market 8 lure, the following, consisting of Feather eds, Sheets, Blanlrets, Quilts, Pillows, Pillow Cues, Straw Ticks, &c. ; 3150 a -qun.ntity of Ti-vw` -_ ..._ ,{._.__ /.-.v.-.4 Bedateuls, VVashstnndn, Chairs, &c:, &c.. property of an hotel-keener mu.-i.m : ueaaveuls, Washatandn, &c., to property hotel-keeper retiring business. ' Terms Cash. Sale at 10 o'clock. Ilrlt `llfvrsvu . nu 1 I` 1 __op._. I Feather Beds. Bedding, &c., Jae. me paid! to I1` nals. Secretary :1 27:1. Nov., 1878. Kingston, Nc;v. 28th, `I873. At the STAR GROCERY. 172 Princess Sheet. Iv: 1!). , ashing point to be ?0 F. era, proportions of hind: her must weigh less will be received. un, per a I muff o;'tZ`."rus'tl.c`l::sovalI|g :,l'lttslm ` hI& Gunanoque Road 1: mpany. ... ..u up land bramleci super- ed Asylumvin quan- requisition peg-intendent. we kgixen up in aid of the l 1 thq,Society, which it is 1gar,__Co'ee, Rice, Barley, nus, Brushes, Soap and la, must accompany their Notice. .. VI usury, and ` thsemiegical Super- accept th j rof al't , d Meglilcall .n:.n.-- : 0|, P9!` (`gr lb. d, oer lb. cin be obtained 1-acpnerson & Co. have :3` .".,".'.= ..'.'.::."':: on In etc o . ' etc rstclnss vain: t I per- ; (in Der:um\ seized in St. An- acess Street, on . by the Rev. P. "1 (Ill person) 1- such each b8 Dronnxml luv-n- WM. MURRAY, Auutionear IU. )1, er bag. 1- lb? - barrel of I nuv l;cr- person) Ind annh 11 U IE ISA I , Auctloneor. : Ten- _ (Merchant ruminxtes and innocent.) 3 pro sed By-Law which will be taken into consi ration by, the Council ofe this Munici- pality after one month from the first tion hereof in Tn: DAILY Nnws ans Dab British Whig newspapers, published in this mnnicipalit , the date of which publication is the twenth-seventh day of November, A. D. 1873, and that the votes of Eleotorsaf said gpnmipdity entitlgcltg vote theneon will 1... uwrgy an-sets. (c. ) Ontario Ward- tario Hall, City Buildi (d.) Bidean Wnr_ cerl, vlz- : (a) Catqu-aqui Ward- Emmuel 'Ga1la.gher s 11 street. (b.) Frontenac Ward--A oseph Moore : house, can Clergy streets. lo.) Ontsu-`n W--4 " to the time of the delive 8. That said Company shall take and ac- oept the debenture: hereinbefor ' in payment of the said bonus at par. 119. And that the Mayor before delivering to t . interestwhich may have accrued thereon up ry, either in cash or in interest coupons from said debentures an the case may require. 10. The vote: of the eleotors of the Munici - pnlity of the City of Kingston entitled to vote on this By-law shall be tak ' teeuth day of December. A.D., 1873, from the |'nic_l city by the following Returning Oi- cert, i Ward-Henry Conley-- houue, Wellington street. _ u is 3., the from ,, -._- -..... unuy wrporatxon by action, suits, or other proceeding as similar claims may in the event of the do- struction of said_works,buildings or machinery by tire, the said Company shall be allowed the period ofjcne year for the restoration nf -- nam- -- - --.n uuu witnm a period of one year from thetnal passin of this By-law, the said Company shall have oiserved, performed. and carried out the extensions and improvements in (plant, build- ings and machinery of the said ompany set forth in the o'er, and undertakings made by the said Company to the Council of the Cor- ' e said City of -Kingston, and in accordance with the plan submitted by the said Company to the said Council, and that the said Company shall also, before the delivery of the said bonus, and within the said period of one year, duly execute and deliver to the said Mayor for the Corporation of the said city of Kingston an agreement under the co seal of the said Company, and binding in law to the effect that the said Company shall, for, and during at least the period of ten years from and aft 1- the nal passing of this By-law, maintain in the said city the said workshops and . hinery, plant and ap- state, and with at of h part thereof, or anything therein contained which is to, be performed or observed by the said Company, and which penalty may be re- covered by the said City Corporation by claims mm on nnnnnn ..-J qecemoer next. ` I7. Provided that before the instructions of the Fi shall deliver the said bonu Canadian Engine and Mat and within period 3 passing BV-lnw Hm n ' ` I III ti.n'1ng.' I ll _- lll UFCSBIG. 5. That for the purpose of form nual fund for the payment of the tures and the interest at the rate a become due thereon, an equal spe< 7.50 of a. mill in the dollar shall, in all other rates, be raised,` levied am in each year upnn all the rateable 1 the said Municipality during the c of the said (hhentures, or any of tl 6. That. this By-law shall take me into operation on the thirty-ti c lecember next. I7, Pnnvidml n....:. LJ -- -- on VH0 UPS` July in ea aforesaid. 5 TI. .. a 4. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the` (late thereof, which interest shall be payable on the first day of the months of January and J nly each year at the oice of the Treasurer sfet-es_a_id. _ aid Mayor, and countersigned inrer of the said Clty, and ot exceed the said sum of I Dollars. 3. That the said Debentures I payable bv vearlv inst.a1m...4.. :. in can or the said Council, and 4.. `.... wunug to advance the same upon the credit of the Debentures herereinafter mentioned, I sum of money not exceeding in the whole the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, and to cause the same to be paid to the said, The Canadian Engine and Machinery, Compsnyfor the pur- pose and with the object shove recited, but subject to the proviso hereinsfter contained. 2. That it shall belawful for the said Mayor to csuse any number of Debentures to be made or such sums of money as may be required, at less than One Hundred Dollars each, and hat the said Debentures shall be sealed with he Seal of the said mined by the Mayor. conni-.m-.im...1 .. AL . - _,1___- _... -.,..... ouuulu apecun rate of 7 50 of a. mill in the dollar, in addition to all rates to be levied in each year; Be it therefore enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston : 1. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor to raise by way of loan from any pereon or-per- so_nn_, body or bodies corporate, who me be ' wxllmg to advance the credntlof u_I_oney_not exceeding the Wllnln H-- In In arrest ; And whereas, for paying the interel creating an annusl Fund for paying tl: principal sum as hereinafter mentioned, require an equal annual special rate of r therefore Pnrlrfprl ha 01... n_~- -2- nnun.-is tn Uouncil of the Corpora- W tion of the ity of Kin ton have re~ solved to nt I. Bo us of Five oumnd Dol- lars to an in aid of he Cnnadisn Engine and Machinery Compan and to carry into effect the said recited obj t it will be necessary for the said Council to ise the sum of Five Thou- sand Dollars in the m tter hereinafter mention- ed`, to he paid as he_ inafte_r mentioned ; payment of the said Loan and interest, asalso hereinafter mentioned : A ml whereas the amount of the whole rate- able property of the Municipality of the Uity of Kingston, irrespectivepf any future increase of the same, and also irrespective of any in- come to be derived from the temporary invest- ed, or any part thereof, according to the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pality, being for the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Three, was $4,923,- 522 ; And whereas the] amount of the existing debt of the said Municipality is as follows: Principal, the sum of $470,000, and interest, the sum of $28,200, making in the aggregate the sum of $498,200, of which interest no part is in arrest `Ill uJ-an-`n- !.-- -~~ To Grant :1 4 Aid of the C Machinery Ston- HEREAS th. snlvml lm :n.....a- - D- . ..-as: Ll: B0139`. NOTICE. Raul LL- ' PANIC TALK.--A scrap of conversa this wise was overheard in a. New Yorl I few days ago : ~. "How's business?" _Dull ! Awfully dull !" Doing any advertising 2" No ; took em out A month ago. How long since business got dull 2 "0, three or four weeks Ago. "Thnt is-about the.ti1ae you stopped 4 tisiing." muwucu nne parties, or of any 1 Corporation bv nntinn r we payment of sail deben- a aforesaid _to _t1ez-eon, equal anecinl rats n? ,--- ......;...uc.ore mennoned and 5 the said debentures, shall id_ Company a. rebate of H-- Ta.rd--Andrew David.son- use, comer of Colborne and 11-George McMnhon, On- Wines- `LIEU uemre me Mayor, nndex; : Finance Committee, bonus to the paid The ac Machinery Company, iod the nal y-law, erformed. mprovements 13111:, ery Aitnnn-nu no .. cau an we rate atoresaid eon, special rate of ;he dollar-shall, addition to 2 and collected 1 rateable Drona:-tn -`- forming an an- said rest afnrnnnirl M nu-1, ur any or tnem. law effect; and thirty-tirst day of u the Mayor, " Finance Cnmmith-A mone aired, iundzed 01:11:, nturea in ad mntersigned the Trea- together shall id Five Thousand J uunug me count as, them. aw talrn nrm ,,_a_. .. .. ......e ole wn o'clock by oompnny singing the national anthem, Henderson giving the holes. The publix under some obligation to the committee 0 Peul e for to excellent an entertainmen such a nominal admission fee, and we 1 they will see their way to give another I entertainment. We may did that alth: the Hall was so crowded the order was ex lent. _____' __ __ .,.......,...u- was was not choerfu lly Fahd n. Wlut shout that Prison In` .,.gg.-ghip which WI-I asked of the Hon )1: bapbou and which .1. A. A. and in the [.55. Fun not long ago he had 5 perfect jwmm for. Eh Mr J. A. 5.. r interest, and . the said zreinafter mentioned. it wm be paxd by the said n-poration of the PM" onui; Br` ins-000 in ! nadlan Engine and `ompany at King- W-Aw Council of ity Kingston have re. .._- -uuuncu uula one nts ` ertakings bv vr paymg cue and r it will acial r.-Lta nf '1 an at I aiaali be made in ten Vnnra ab nuu vuuecliecl 3 property in : continuance them I, I` W1" 7 rain: on lent. (,__ V. 9; Hull mus Iable, Hair Cloth Sofrfnd Cl:a.l1";),:(J_ar-. ' ' ' board, Extension mng fzble, Chain, Bedxtoads _ , Beds and Bedding. Mattrusea, Feather and other Beds, Bureaus- Wuhstuzda ' , , & on ac-9 and Box Stov '7 6 GI, and other :_u-ticleato numer- ous to mention. Sale at 10:30 o clock. Term Cash. 1. ,._` .1-po._....--- ~ ' At her 1 below I am. am Household K UST ARRIVED, one of th best `assorted stocks of N] this market. Parties purcbasin stock would save money by giv as we sell Teas CHEAPER th: in the Trade. In 5 lb. Parcels we sell Tea. : Vance on cost for cash. N onmlier 24. Gide}; ---. ..-v VI lI-f|U- l0 lb. Catties Choice Young Hyaon. l0_ lb. Catties Choice Japan. 10 lb. Catties Choice Black Teas. ' Good [value for 75 cents per 1b., to_ be Isak` by the Cattie for u F35` Pic~r BEAVER; `anaemia . A I O 0 ; ' New Store, nea.r_ J ` Nov. 26. Oysters I Cheap ls` nvufnnn J \Ja.\LUJ. Just 1-eceiv`_ed a small lotpf Sweet Cider. LABRADOR HERBING-S 17 cent: 1 lozen. " Our I as street. co-n:;.;;'"2' '3' _ II o n re an _Hur Cloth Sofa. Ind Chairs, Car- , Dining .- 0:-the_r Beds. Bureaus. _November 27. Nov. 26. , , V . `"1 vuc happy. \\'h.-st would Kingston do without Keeley? '0 shudder to think of it. The reading in the first part was by Mr J. McIn tyre, who was in splendid voice ; his reading of-'l`he Charity Dinner, by request, was superb, and a. treat of no ordinary character. It was, in fact, worth double the price of 341- ' mission. Mr Cumberland, in the second part, was also very effective : his G.-,m,I.......-.-- uuaaa L1 5 " --! Cheap ! Oysters ! Cheap! C Oysters ! Cheap ! Oysters ! ` "Cheap ! Oysters! ' Cheap ! Oysters! Cheap ! GENUINE BARGAINS. (Dpened on Mimday 1 ARRIVED TO-DAY N wJ Dollar Store, __ .......uu uurwuon or Mr Reyner, will we commenced -on Saturday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at St. Pnl s Church School House. ersons wishingzo join the Class will please xply to the Committee at the School House. mgston, 25th Nov., 1873. v. u ollull, rrmcesa street. 5 (f.) Sydenha.inWa.rd-Thos. Sav shop, VVillinm street. (g:)`Victoria VVa.rd rne street. -.- -..- .__, age : paiint --~Mrs Ga.skin a house, :l?:.) Cataralgui Wu-d-Emnnuel Gallagher ! honu, Wellington strut. (b. ) Frontenac Wa.rd--:Jos. Moore : house. corner Colborne and Clergy streets. (c. ) Ontario VVard--0ntario Hall, City Buildings. (d.) Ridesu Ward--H. G. Savage : rosi- deuce, Brock street. /8.) St T.aun........ 1u-_1 1'! ' ' " ucnce, brock street. (e. J St. Law_rence_ VVa.rd---B er : shop, Princess street. (f. ) Sydenha.1'nWa.rd--Thos (!l.) -Victn:-in w.....1 H-.. r lacpherson & I gt a_nd_ best assortnu-.. . MRS. LOGHHEAD, Illness th - -- cap.m;..,,: ';'::.,, :,:`.E`3%'.:;:*r:.M.:*:.:% panel In the cavern! Ward: of thq,|_aid Muni- ciptlity from Nme of the clock ilfthe fore- n_oon, until Five of the clock in the afternoon; vlz : v UL, L Cidetrz-_ -Nov. 25th, 1873. __j__; -,__._.v ruin: . - motto is quick sales and : Auction A Sale 50 ce_nts per 11;. mnttn in n. ,.......e wuuu wmcn u: was received. Mr Thos. S. Tandy, of Hamilton, made his debut in - the Yeoman s VVedd1ng, and was very warmly received; he has a. splendid voice, which is thoroughly cultivated. \Ve hope to have the pleasure of hearing him again imthe hall. VVe had almost forgotten to say that he sang the \Vhi_|:e Squall" as an encore song in capital style. He was succeeded by Mrs"I'eter O'Reilly, who is always at home with 3 Kingston audience, and whom we have sadly missed fer the last couple of yea. rs, in ssohg entitled, the Dawn of Day, which brought down the house, when she gave u{`,.-u-.- I......|_ L- 1'! ' ' NEW TEAS ! hn Y. Parkhill STILL THEY GDME ! GROCERS, Pri WAIT? FOR THEM. Pnincess STREET. ' Prince Street, tlfree doors `#9 f n.nnCnn n-..I J. E. IIUTCHESON, ` Auctioneer. ED, the largest and l NEW TEAS in 'ties purchasing their winter giving us a calf, DHEAPEP. than any house -_._...6 uuc wandered down the mountain side, and elicit- ed a vigorous encore, when she gave Who s t my window, to the great delight of the audience, if we may judge by the vigorous ap-' plause with which it received. -the VVedr1m.." "-3 -~ A FIRST-CLASS PRINCESS S l`REE'I`.' S, Princess Sfreet. _ Gide; Furnitur ! MI FLANAGAN, ' City Clerk. III. Gide1r",_ at a small ad- ' next, Isl; Dec. _,.,....5 nausea. um trio, "Ie shepherds tell l me, by Mrs Grylls and Llessrs Grylls and VValkem, was a choice gem,being sung in such exquisite taste. Mrs Grylls also sang delight. fully The Lady of the Lee. It is always a pleasure to listen to this lady ; her songs are chosen with excellent good taste, and suitable for her voice, which is a well cultivated con- tralto. Mr J. B. \Va.lkem is also another pop- ular favourite, who always sings with much taste and feeling ; his song, Longing, was very pleasing, and was warmly received.. Miss Henderson was in good voice in singing She Vim)!-nun Bhnnna --L-- ~` ' `*7 1 small prots. ' --Benjamin Hold- VA, . 9.1.591`-` At HUTCHESON S AITC'1`ION' us Every Night This k: uxonus, sontags, Shayvlj, . be sold without reserve. 1:: HUTCHESON's A N 'I.W..._A-__.; 10-: `u . _. A 1 an c1....a.fE..e 3" without 1 ] REMEHM 351% 1 GREAT SALE OF DRY B0008 Al-_ II`IY'I'ntI*ncunx-nu . -'..___ - _- ._ _Novo_mbor 24th, 1873. -_.__.____..._--_.___... ,,-__, .... ...... uuug so crowded tbatl many were obliged to obtain seats onthe platform, while hundreds were obliged to stand, and nnny could not gain admittance at the door at all. The actual number of persons present must have been largely over one thouuml. The performance was worthy thy of the audience. The first and second part: of the programme wee opened by piano ..'l..-A- ~~ And a variety Ioeating Stoves for God and Wood, suitable for Halls, Parlour: and Dining Rooms. ' 1 . . A variety of Dumb Stoves, `Elbow: And` Stove Pipes. , ` " Iron Bedsteads. Sinks, Sud Irons. `Pumps, Coal Scuttles, Ash Sifters, and a general as- sortment of Tinwnre. JLAMP_,. S, 1 yum IIAIVUSUN 1 working and in the Dominion. I` at the London Exhil uoalery, SI of ; Ladies 7'`. 1 .... u uh: nurmnmngs to be.,i_'oun_rl'{1,i Ch; ;ity,'a prices thus de 3 m __ hon. mn W61 find. it to fe?;: $31 ` our really choice f DreII Suits. Clouds, Sontags, Jackotsiyrns, Gloves. Husiery, shawls, and an endtcu "sue:-tment _ Wear a.t,la,nltlnn half mi.-A 10 no convinced, STAND, Market} FLAG. ~ . A N-.. at -- ,1!-v"'r`:' ,1 will Be offered (`uring the next tw veolu. `A VVe are now se ing '~Extrs `Gan Scotch Tweeds 20 per cen{:}"e_lpw _ cost. Pea Jackets much undid value.` . ` a_nd G: ut Furmnlxings be.,fon V 3;} the g` Hun` `F GA `(Kg _ - '7-' ` ` . ,;pJxngI .ition.' Gentlm .`: to I T5`- `Princeas Street, Kingston, 1 7 Nov. 25. 1873. ON NUED RUSH at Inurnw 8 AND, Mu-he Sqgafe. In `og- nr Inn;-1.)-.. ...-A. `L- L,` `U11 LVUJEL (J der tofclear out Unpr Cooking Stoves for Coal and Wood 9 . - Also Cooking stoves for Wood. Parlour Cooking Stoves ton; 9 rs'.J`S' 3:? But One Price made. Sales for Randy Money only. . ~ `R. 85 J., GA1fIJI1~IR.i `Princess Street. K'inm.... 1 Hos;;'uu1:;i`sEi;g {(33.3-ds. Shnetinag 'l`h-LG-.... 'I`..v._1- v:_.,:, "n. __..:-v-Q French pnininv m.....I.. nu._ `E8: 3 LAG. Nov. 24. _ ..__-v--vi he `Newest Goods showing. Trimmings, Fringes nam_ents. - _-.. .. -..~..u. uux\CERT.--'.l'lle p In ccucert at the City Hall last eveni of St. Paul : Church Sunday School was I successful, the hall being so crowded ` many obliged +1. nl\t..:.. -.,- ng in GI-itotgnn 0 state that he neve r uked nything from Sir John Mocdonald or from any of his colleague: thai; was not choerfu him. PH-nu 1..- WHE HANDsoMEs1,. the v __ working St:-nnamt F Laqs, Ribbons,` Flowers and 4 Feather$._ 1 ` Silk Matle:_Ve1\;e:s;,-` `p..-I T...-,- A-- Dress Goods-. Frnnnh 'Il..._'.. -- Black & Coloured Velx/reaeng,` In a great varietv at N... rm B1a._c1_:__si11:s. Imsh Pop1ins,' Frr.rh flan --A Fancy Coloured Silks. All the Newest Shades. Suited for alpproaching Winter Season, `All the Dep_artInents are now fully auorta ` The Inngpecnon of CASH BUYERS lolicitod; ` .......... nun uuumemmu, m the us effective; Gentleman's :~nic was very humourons. The concert .5 brought to 3 close at ten o'clock by the npnny singing natioml mum... u-'--` smvs I ._........-.;.-5 VJVUQADQ . Sheetings, Tickings./Ta-ble Linelis,;'Towel-' lines, HorI%cks Cottona, Lace Curtain, " III!!!" Table Napkins ; also a very large menu of Tapestry, Brussels Wooi- - CaI1;ets. 5!} I ` .` 1.,`- -12..a. n..- n-:,- - ,<- _.. v-..-. 4. :.uu..IJ.l\ILDu A Large Stock at Low Prices. . .....u .|.I.I.|l.I.lI.U UIUIILIH1 French Paisley Shawls, Ottoman Stripea,/ `Clan Tartans, `Handsome Lye Shuwlg. Alsd a large assortment of Beavers, Asjzacans and Seal Skins for J ackets. uomlnlon. It toolfthe Fl : Exhibition, 1873. RESPECTFULLY ANN opening of large qu an OUNCE Tan`. antitiel of King Street,'- Kingonn - `The City Council had a meeting 1 ing, and passed the bylaw granting a $5,000 to the Canadian Engine and 1! Company, the text of which will be another column, nndewill be voted the citizens on Friday, the 19th Dec: A u.La.uu1u vB1VeE8,' , . Real Lyons make, superior ..uuu uuuuDo' ' - ' _ French Marinas, Empress Cloths, ' nal Cords, Satin Cloths, Serges, with 5. large .- assortmgnt of Dress Matefnli suited for every description of wear. ---__ our `on 5 great V ,,. -0 ------1 can-n\b In all the desirable f bias. A full assortment of all inn _.-__ _.w oq-nut From the. most Ireland. street: Kmgsi 25', 1873. __:_____..:__._ , auawls, and :5 a.t,la.lI half pried. I conivinoed; call]-It` FAHEY S OLD `, Market Squ:ue-Siun of tin: with assortment, of Twoeds, Cloth.` mugs, Shawls, Jackets, &c., &c., -to bout "3 uni) zcusu. at FAHEY S JD, Square. `og- :- the balance of the Stock, " The tug Hiram Calvin llonnclly have` been doing good service lately to V-.-ssel' vners in taking vessels off South Bay Point, no less than four having been taken off lately. They brought here the Elltrrprise, laden with barley for Oswego, which is now being dis- charged ; they also took off the Ocean \\"nve, which is now lying at South Bay. All honour to t he brave fellows, -ca-an vv. J. E. HUTcn1?soN. ULV1l%;._I.', the moat ] L1 Strongest Heating It took the FIRST :hibion, lR'7.'l . e-um: mmaws L ;u. quaI`}efSign of the RED . - var - -_ UVU ; Variety of New C0l(`)l`l. celebnted makerr -i; .un1:aaU1`l, {Auctionee-. perfect Heatinnr Rfnvn eatin PGSZJVO _ R81` RIZE --u x nr.ar.:1I3.' merchants have and Or- west Makes,` `cuton-tbr 5 The Bellevillc Ontario announces that the Bishop ofolrtarjo has appointed the Rev. A. Dawson to the v:acan t mission of Ma-loc, and part: adjacent. The Ontario is rather fast. The matters is not yet decided, anrl the pro- lmbilities are that Mr Dawson will be station- ed Clark : Mills. , .-. -- uuuuucl 0| Dl`0Ck published a statement they vr ill give no Clxristluis presents. '} I The IL-unilton Spa-Iator says :-`Sir John A. Macdonahl skinned Cartwright on Saturday, and found nTory nmlernontll. ST. PAUL's -._..T_,_. The Hon. John O'Connor, it is take Robert Lyons piace an partn law rm of Lyon: and Remnu, Ottan Du:-`rxltxx BRmm-:.-In response to 3 reso- lution of the Corporation of the (`iy of Otta- w.'I,in\'iting the Governor-General to name the new bridge connecting \Vellington and lticlcau streets by his name.` His Excellency has con- sented. . ` -.,.... puuuuuuceu 1: a strong casting. Steam beet companies have tightens well as individuals, and it must not be forgotten that if we impoee oneroue and vexations re~ ` etrictione upon them, the public will not an to invest their money in them. On the other hand, travellers have a. right to expect that every precaution shall be taken to pro vide egtimt eccidente,4nd that when they do happen the eervants of the company will not he the first to run off with the means of dlety. ` -- QvuN'a Bxscu, Tonm-"ro-M1xuAvic vs. \Vm1'x.--Mr Kirkpatrick appealed from the County (`onrt of l*`rontei1:_1c. Mr Macdonnell, contra. The plaintiff bought out defendant}; 9 gun drug etm-e,the price being left to 3 thirgi party. After plsinti' took possession, rural hall` the price aettled,l1e disc0Ve;'ed :1 very large number of lamp cl_:aners, far more than woqld be necessary for in. retail storc. "These had` been included in the invoice, but were o\'cI'luuked by the pl.1inti". Mr Mncdonnell (Kingptun) contra. Reserved. . L's Carmen (!oxc:R1'.-Th at tho (Yin, `|.r..n 1--. W - ..... nu: u I; .ve the ple strain "N `J .7 rs ieilly, :1 r , ` Erin for an encore song. is made their debut in the sec- harming duet, entitled, Ah, Hunter). gnu" n ,__._,1 -; , ,-...-_- -v nissiou and hope any give such afld although wded order was ..-..-I -up conversation in in York office V .5... 3 adv"- nave MIC l8I 2' ent of Gents Tics. Gloves ..-o .-u.. yvcu rlaw a. bonus of I Machinery found in will upon by , December. V.-u nuuucl, D1185 s. public are xi: of St. entertainment st 9'... ....z _.- - ,--__,-_, ..... "mung-068m we I-uyvaddtlznt both Mr Howden angl Mr Tnylor pronounced it companies have rinhtn m. .....n ..- number of Broclu-ii I:.x..,.a - 44, - -- l canvasur looks meling last nu nu-.n..L:.. - I are very 'prc(:`r1;ia'i: . Ye tel n,being I: Alan no-m .:I_I: u . nniil, will partner in the . 1145.....- r... vllvl ll , Ottawa. ., nut: , Mis POP ` g in aid :3 most `Ll that _,__-... .. ...w.....uu;g one truth. We do not exactly nee what the Government of 4; Ontario or the Upper Cainada nnenibers of the present Government have to do with the matter. They may be, and we have no doubt are, very inconsistent, and perhaps immoral, but we fail to see` ' what thst has en the Bavarian in- qniry. Concerning thzfwalking-beam may nddthet Howden ,n_ . r-.,.........eu memseives the champions of public morality and economical Govern- ment, are urging these claims upon Mr Mc~ Kellar, and are endeavouring to force him to expend some seven thousand dollars more of the public money than necessary. We hope he will have the courage and the {hon- esty to resist the appeals of those corrupt jobbers. We want the Normal School built as cheaply and speedily as possible, and are quite indifferent as to the locality from which the cont}-actor may `come, the that r_..__.., .. unulg urougm: to Deal to give the contract local 0 whose tenders are h' her that others elsewhere. Ce ' have pgoclaixned themselves the _ _ _--., VVJABGLVIILIVB tank: If!) just now exposed to a searching trial of ateadfastness; and, though it maybe an unwelcome knowlede, it will be a. great gain to find out who are the false men. A party is never really strong, never prepared to adopt and carry out a policy, until it has separated itself (M... .....-A -4!` * vvczuuer Rel] \Vasl1ington, Nov. 27, 1 ties :--For Middle Sthtes, 1 aoutheasterly winds, rising creasing cloudiness followed a For Lower Iakgs, southerly and m-..\... '.Vsr Toz Thomas Moss, junior partner in the law rm of Harrison, (_)sler and Moss, has been persuaded to sacrice himself for thepnrty in West Toronto. Mr Moss is a. very respectable gentleman. but unknown as a poli-' tician, his only ebrt having been a speech at the last election. Dr. Lawlor and Mr M. C. Robinson ore spoken of on the Conservative aide. To-day xs Thanksglvmg Day In and in consequence of which the New York telegrams and mar .___.__..___.___- ._.__,, ---o--~ The Brockville Recorder deprecates th: troduction of politics into the tions, yet, curiously enough, state: that Liberal Conservative should be elected M: Brockville would be disgraced en` satiou of the Pacific Scandal. Consist How is it as to the letter stealers, friend l lie ? \Ve gramme they are all right. The weather is unusually son of the year. \Ve have old-fail: ed snow storm all day, with little prospecw abntement. municipal I ,___ ,.V..... ,..uu_uum oouzd hue been . an-nodkif necanlary. (This, we thing, dil- ponosof that Itatcment. \Vith regard to Nlllrlne NC?- Port Colborne, Nov. 27.--'l`ho following vessels arrived last night and this morning : -Schrs Hammond Brooklyn, P. M. Rogers, Adironilac, Rising Star, Trinndad, Blazing Star, Anglo-Saxon. The propeller City of To] 0 passed down at eight, o clock last uig t, and the Milwaukee a seven o clock this morning. They had not much difficulty in getting through the ice in the canal here. Snowing last night null this morning. Vessel captains express doubts of getting through, unless the weather changes. ;_j;--QT A Quebec special says :-T `teamers Georgia. and San:-nit . ,..,_, ......... The people of this } act of the late Count} incorporation. The 1 is 1,478. nun- " _ Mcritt: 0nt., Nov. 27.--This morning be- tween eigiit and nine :1. m. this village was startled by the alarm of fire from the Lists. Cotton Mills, the pickers room of which was enveloped in dense smoke. On examination it was found that a quantity of cotton waste in the loft was on Ire, and it was only after I severe struggle by the employers of the mills and some of the villagers that the [ire was sub- dued. The loss is only nominal. ` It has since transpired that the fire was the de- V liberate act of the boys employed inthe mill, named Gunning, Cain, and another, the oldest being not more than sixteen years old, and the `youngest seven or eight. The younger ap- plied thenmtch at the instigation of the two elder ones, but frightened at the act has con- fessed. All the boys are in custody. Their reasons for committing the deed are, t at they were tired of jrorking the long hours, which have late come in force here, and their par- ents refusing to allow them to leave their em- ployment. vim- ....I A- - - luccndiarislu by Boys 1' Mill.. | ll:-riH-mo nut "~- nu. ,,_- -_-.... -.. .. .u..uua unqunry a verdict was returned that Mrs Hrulliday hml come to her death at the hands of her husband, n.nd'lfo was nccordillgly cuulined and coxlgggitted to gnol for trial at the next Court o'fJAssizes. -----} For 1|. few lays past :1 coroner : jury has been inVestig:I.ting into the cause of the death of Mrs Julm llalliday, of the township of Montague. She was found at her residenc- drczulfnlly nmngled, and cut in a fear` ful condition. The hnsbzmd claims that lrer wounds were received during a. tuna uy, but there was evidence pointing very strong-. ly to himself as the'cn.use of her death. Al; the close of 2: tedious inquiry verdict -nl.-.......1LI_ x in vv - .. .....uuumue1y new an inquest, a verdict was returned in accordance . the fact. days c th nf Tn: ,T..l... 'II.!If 1 - ....... M1.-.m-nu am! supposed Jlurder. . Smith Falls, . Nov. 26.--A boy named Johnson, about nine years of age, residing ubuut l_ mile irum this place was killed by the ll1}gdLllllg of.a. sleigh load of cord wood, which was being drawn to the house. The cnrnner immediaitely held inquest, and 1-etnrnml Eu ..........u....__ ._=-- receive payment in eaae_ of loan should upon to pay for appear unreaeonable. the Bavarian only making six miles an hour on her first trip, he fancy our correspondent must be mistaken, as the writer was preeent when Mr Borden (who appeared a very respect- , able men`)-teatied that he hadcharge of the engine of the Bavarian on her -trial trip; that ahe carried 45 the. of steam, and that 00 Jha. preeyure oou!d have i Fatal ______________________.______ SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. 2 place are the Into ("m...a.. n-,, -I suuru 11 t desertia. . I `TL - Weather Report. (ton. Nov` 97 1 -'-` ' vyu. ul ulna PIZICB I"! (Pcr_ Montreal Line. ) Ads,-.id(-nt and I ~- lllurder. _. .......u-uuxnu-an ` Marine N cws. nl-up '87.... iv: rn -_ _..-.vnyu an ulgut :3, winds, __v..-r- II` 'ov. a..m.-Probabi1i- 3 northbasterly to is, temperature in- ; at night by rain. , southerlv wind. um-u--- -..._. ..., mt... uwus wno oy running oil largeloss Now, surely it is not asking too much that these. persons market the outset tlut we are not respon- for the sentiments of our correspondents. We frequently insert communications, the sentiments of. which are in direct opposition to our own. We may, therefore, say thst thst there are msny things in this letter with which we do not concur, and we in-_ sorted it chiefly to provoke discussion, quiry and investigation, believing that truth ii mighty and will prevail. A point is made in this letter of the fsctthat theBavsrian was merelythefiingstonrebuilt, butlittleshould be derived from that, if the evidence of Mr Howden of Montreal is correct. He said tint none of the parts (of the Kingston) which hsd ' sulfered by the re were ..__.I :_ AL A in- ` -_.r..~.. uuuul-3 DI 5 _.-o--~ ,,. -..... uauuuug uc~ ' l a.m. L1_rm 3 M .......I_- n ,'ccorIer- the in- cs elec if a 3 Mayor )e disgraced lw an ....,a.... ,_... \f ....u on u1u.-laIDl0ll- :y, prospect of ____ . .- uauu anal: {ht to bear upon him contractors, than those of in local Grits, who elves champions Gown... nplace rejoicing at the Lty Council in granting the 2 population of the village gmg me latter into port that the Secret failed inst the ice of Kama!- DAILY` NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING.` NOVEMBER 27. (' -'I`ho captain of the at deserve mun}. tn-n- ,-,- _.....-u. no I \ `n:.:.... n._,u . .. fr - - ,, ,_.- r._... val I-no 13111385011) `suffered used in the Bavarian : engines except such as were thoroughly repaired. It also met- ten little tlnt the Athenian in the old Bay State or the Abyeeinien the old Ontario, if ' they are in good repair. Again, as to the refunl of the eomnanv on ...,.. c..- L-