Kingston News (1868), 27 Nov 1873, p. 4

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pctriotl. So lougn gh -- -v--~=:_2~~;qf:;'::1~:": nun-Q ---I Inn .._._ ~Ra,ilW.: y. ---. uuu. uvclxalmr Shh, in In:L|u-, nun n- uc ctfllcllltllllg The a.c::used nf -I um... aunt in Elm 'u-tml man _un].l I ll EH3` duL|_V I ul_\ -....._,, .. u.I.u. ; xeave at 4 p.m I Harrowsmith, daily, 11 a.m.; leave at 4 p.m. Batten-sen, daily. llu.m. ; leave at 4 p.m. Inverary, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11 am. ; leave sumo dn 3 st 4 pin. Newburgh, daily, 11 s.m. ; ewe ` Gt 4 p.111. : Bn.w1>ms s Ho'nz1..--Bath a arrives at 11:30 a..l.n. on Tuesday, hurnday and Saturday ; leaves at 3:30 o'clock the nine days. Gnnunoque, daily, arrives at 11:30 a.m. ; leaves at 3:30 p.m. Aunox Ho'nzL.-:-Morton ntnlgf arrive: on Monday, Wednasdsy and p.m. ;_loaveI at 7 p.m. S we Lin ' AR'r1N sIioTtx:f-Stage: fro this place as follows :- Fn ax Picton, daily, 5 p.m. denlxam, daily, 11 a..m. arrowsmith, 11 Tuesqa Sntnu-dun .5 `II A - nxpress . . . . . . Mixed Train A cuumed all the virtues `f3rl his convex-aatiun snd his ullad Sir John un impude A: to a policy, be women pnpooteronn tint the new I asked for their policy. Efpreas . Express xed 'I`I , , _--vu4 Postman Post Office, Kingston, 6 lat Feb., 1873. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains arrive and depart from the lib smtion as follo+vs :- n.-...... ._-/- Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train uours or 9 s..m. and 4 p.'m. Office hours from 7.30 a..m. daily, Sundays excepted. R 1 vavulllg I..ll8 Malls. Registration Fee Sc. . MONEY ()1ll)ERS, on Money Order Oioea throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this Office. `Also Postage Stamps and Post Cards. ' u|:.'t USITS received under the regulations of the Post Ofce savings Bank, between the hours of 9 p.m. _ Qice 7.30. m 4... .2 on , nau quuce. ` Per CANADIAN LINE (via every Friday at 12.30 a.m. Post: half ounce. Registered Letters should be 11 an hour previous to the time of 4 Mails. Re;.,vistr:Ltion OILIJERS. nn Mm--" "` __ BRITISH MAILS will be c Per DIRECT LINE (via 1 Monday at 1.09 p.m. ] half P9,. f`.\\TlT\v .-- --- ? DOING. ' ' 'INES.-SUPERI0I1 PORTS and SIIER PIES. ` wnis|u1~:s._o1d Family Proof, Old Rye Proof and Common \Vhiskcys, the beat in the L:it_y',aI: REDUCED PRICES. G En I`lfllDar\|v ,4 ._..-- - v.-51 I213, 111 quarts and pints, from the best Brewers in the Do- minion. Also English Ales and Porters. IIEl_iN])IES.-Jan1es]fennessy a, in wood or bottle ; J. & 1*`. M.-:rtell s, in wood or bottle ; Pinet. Czmtillon & Co's, in wood or bottle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA RUM. G[NS.---Juhn De Kuyper & Son's, in wood botle. DOBIJC. - OLD T0][ G[N.---1"-ernnrd_L Qo's, in wood or bottle ; Betta &. Co's,` In wood or bottle. '-'|vIVg arrnnnnxn n.-..\.... _ _ , _.... - 1.--uv Aurguie EDD 8113- vity and decorum he asswuea in the House ; he staggered and bragged at one moment and piteonsry deprecated opposition at the next ; cl ' all for himself, bragged of "atock, and then impudent liar. A _ L - " ' / _ ._ _._.__.._._.____._ _- __..____:__ Kwihgston Bottling Depot I_IAS NOW ON 11 AND A LARGE STOCK of superior ALES AN]! PORTER, in quarts and pi_nt;a, best in the Do. L n'AlI.\VAY COMPANY have for sale -`.~'30.0U() in alesirxtlnlc Short Date City of King- stfnn Unnlmll limuls, hearing six per cent interest, ]m_\'nl)le souni-manually. The Iecuri- ties mature ml Dec. 3lst, 1873, and on aamg date in 1874, "75, "[63111] '77. ' ' Applic:n.ions to be nude at the Railway Cmup:u1_y'a Uicc, Place d'Arn1ca, to F. U. ULINE. R... ,'v......- In sum.-I to Slllt pun-clms `lrcnl ($500) and up\\':u`du. Apply to L1 -|r\v\I \l\I\I samm` n,a"m nowns. V `HE KING-S'l`O.N AND PEMBROKE l{AlI.\VAY -`_~`3`().0UQ 4lcsir:I.ln1c-Short Date Pin: M R :-n. OUNTY OF l"l{()N'l`ENAC SIX PER UENT l)|BEN'l'Ul{E BONDS for 31.5 n ::um.-1 to suit purchasers, from live un- Lruul :uul1I|n\'ardu_ Sept. 8. .1.` $u`vJ( LII mun tex, before skill. _._-an vvnuulu 6081.! V01 - I u.-qui'x:e' the re quisito nancial assume. gyggggre And I.....---J -- __{3_f1)N D`Sf[_RA`[E ` .`.r._, uv F. C. CLINE, Secretary and Treasurer, Kingston nml'Pen|hroke7R. R. Ullicc. gstun, July 28th} 1573. Stnge Lines. HO'l'EL.--Sf.a (ma 9: nu`. "3 __. GOING WEST. Arrive. _ d In D If ` GOING EAST. Arrive. _ 9 IR 1) ll .(.-tters mailed half us closing the ntion ' 118, yhe `Dd, 0bf.nI'nn.I G 5|:- age mnes. sL.-Stagea arrive and depart I :- ly, ; leave at 83.111 ly, : leave; at. 4 n m ,, u p.u1. ; IGIVO at 83.111 y, ; leave at 4 1a.i_lyV,V a.m. ; at 4| _. -_. .... w any man when the post of Finang Ministar was otfered him he Ind said : Bear in mind that I lure not grant nancial expe- rieI_xce, glut there arg storms brewin in the . closed as follows : TNE (via New Vm-In ..m-- wnu ue closed follows JE New York) every Postage 8c. per uunu r1uUE.S. GEO. THOMPSON. R. DEAUON, Pn:f,uv{ u 56.,` B Portland) Postage 6c. per DEAUQN, Postmaster. to 6.30 p. m. xerna agamst him ; rather weakly he In: no incompetent, why his were Iodetennined to oppose him, reuon most people will thiixk, why boopposed ; but Mr Cartwright con it in that light. \\'ould Sir John I I had some came to fear him (Mr Ua unless he knew thnt he could servu Government well 3" And then he im I ? 9 Kingston I Depart L. 15 P, TH r. uuux 15. Sec.-Trans. nu vols. Roy: rad numorop: ng \, pout pud, nenry Ste late U. P. 5 cum :3 in ' - New subscribe;-s_'fol-V year 1872 ms have, without charge, the numbers for` the last quarter of 1871 ofrsuch "periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or instead of the above, new subscribers to my two, three or four of the above periodi- cals, may have, as premium, one of the four. Reviems for 1871 ; subscribers to all five may have two of the four Reviews for 1871. Neither premiums to subscribers nor dis-' count to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums can be given to clubs. To secure premiums, it will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose is limited. Circulars, with further particulars, may be had on application. ;wvn:ws..................:. 5 Postage two cents a. number, to he prepaid by the quarter at the oice of delivery. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent will be al- lowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus :---Four copies 'of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one address for $12.80; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, 3 copy atis will be allowed to the getter up of the c ub. PREMIUMS. subscribers for the for` ullartnr nf lR'7I ..c .---L '- ~ ' -` - ` nor I For 1 For a For J For I For ] cannot help ginng people to um I grant manhe reall ' is. First 11 clntge of incompetency which {erred against him weal incomnotnnb -.-I-- ` For J _..-- -`..,.. wuz-11 Lamb 1 H.113 V1 l:.`\V, Published. Quarterly--Ja.nuary, A pril, July, October--and _ BLAcxwoon's EDINBURGH MAGAz1xx, (A fsc-simile of the original) published monthly. - 'I"I'a`DI (I nn r~ --- , ,. __-..-r-nan: ulllllllllcg REPRINTED THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY, 104 F U L TOAV S TREEZ , , JVE W YORK, At about one-third the price of the originals THE EDINBURGH REVIE\V, VVESTMINSTER REVIEVV, LONDON QUART ER-LY REVIEW, BRITISH QUARTERLY REV] E\V, Quarterly--January, April, July, Octnhnv-__-nu` The Best Periodicals of the Day THE GREAT ENGLISH Qumrnnuns 4*-AND-- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, REPnIN'rwn vu1:Iual'l, wmnjurther lad on T1-IE LEON AR D SCOTT _Tl_:e Le 13` Residence, No. August lat, IS73. ; um, ursu mtroduced by tlus Society. , Although only established in Canada about ve years, its business exceeds many of the older established Companies, having is- sued. in 181% 895 Policies, insuring $2,324, 15, -being a. very little short of the largest busi- ness done by any Company, foreign or local, in Uaumla. Far .'-uh... .....:I -u, ,, ' A non dollars. Tjm Nnciety issues : desirable formis of A Life and Policies. on which Dividends" will uunlly, securing to the assured tl: sible outlay consistent with safety. All Poiicies Nmn-fgrfeital second or third annual payment .'u'n glen .`-.......I ,., A - -.... uuuulcll p05- ' undoubted Nun-fgrfeitable after the payment. Policies are also issued on the Tontine Savings Fund Plan, rst introduced `Although in Canal`- - uu Lay.` A U_\ nu.\u.\`A'I`ION. The proceedings at the Lennnx nomination on Satunlay were quite piqumit. Mr (`art- wrightlseems to have 1 ' plate demonlimtion. He had openly announc- ed tlnt he wanted nothing better than to meet Sir John .\liIC|lOXIK\lll ;hc would pay Sir John's expenses if he would come up to Lennox ';` he just wanted to show the people of that county how he would excoriate his former lemier. But when he saw that Sir John was actually there, he suddenly elm ed his tune, and Vhincd that the latter liii crept up in the night." imz Mr Blakewoul-1 have been the to meet him. - When Sir John referred to r Cart- wright`: previous boasts, that gentleman nlnnk away, but his supporters acknowledged that he had expressed a wish to meet the late Premier ; had declared the latter "afraid to meet him ; and had offered to pay his expenses if he would come. Of his own: merits Mr Cartwright evidently has two opinions. At least he expressed two --one the moclrmodest opinion for public use, and the other his own private opinion of him- _ . ally First he repelled the char`: incolppetency had been n..- AL... If he had only known he was com- ' umu pant Policy-llolders I872 Total su}1}1}s','1"}.'.: .1... . NE W B USINESS. 1869-,- IIE LARGEST of an; T world. New busin for the year 1872 cxceedex Company in rank by more lion dollars. '1`]m desirahln fnvunf. -J 7 5 _ ...-... u-n1:-..3, No. 120 BBOADIVAY, NEW YORK. Assets, Dec. 3151:, 1:572 .. . . $20,000,000.00 Amount Cash Income over 9,000,000.00 Total paid Policy-holders in I872 """ THE EQUITABLEI Life Assurance Society I _... v...-unc g.rg.nTRANGE, M.D.... . .M'e(licalE.::anu'ner MAXWELL `V STRANGE, AGENT ....c ......mnce 1-`nml - 6,603,210 Risks taken for three years on Private Dwellings and Contents .311. very fzwoilrnble terms. A n nu. .--.._ After payment of the usual dividend and providing for all losses, claims and expenses, the sum of $905,905 was put by to increase the Funds in hands, which now amount to- Reserve Flu_1d - - - - $l,57l,520 Capital paid up - - - 1.445.465 Life Assurance Fund 6,603,210 Rigka Venrc nu 1>-=-- nusxuess OI 18']! Fire Premiums, less Rcinsumnces. .5 Being the largest amount ever received by the Company in a single year. New Life Policies issued for . . . . . . . TOW] Annual Ijfp pn~nn~.i.n.... -1-`L--V n ew hue Policies issued Annual Life Premiums, deducting Reassurances n uanada. For rates a --vnnllu TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIQN. 1- my one of the Reviews... $1 per nnnum I` my two of the Reviews... 7 r any three of the Reviews 10 r all four of the Reviews .. )2 r Bla.ckwooc1's Magazine . . 4 r Blackwood and one Review 7 ` ` r Blacwood and any two lift the Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . In lxuungne mm tune-se|-Vin; heard the lczulvrs of tln declare that an large mu tiveh ui th-` pc.-npic had A l'arli:|ment thruu;,vh cor: _'.I'he_\' are. therefore, ales portunity to express I damnation of the cumin: to I-epmsent them in Pa I dissblution by all 11 have the i|I\ c:ti':\tiun Citizen. , 5 r nuncxwood and ' of RevieWs.. r Blankwnml ....I r Dmckwood. tn the Ravicwa . . Tn...1__... , 1 nu: JIJVIUWH r Blackwood and the four Reviews. . . . . )_._L_ -7 A U. Edinbinrgh, and tin; Ysle College, N ew Haven. to vols. Royal octavo. 1,600 p nghvinga. Price or the K;eviews.....:. .' Blackwood. and three of Raviewn , \VITH ii 032'./11. |NSURANGf_ GUMPANY. Liverpool and London. oH`IcI3-cL}i1_u_:Nc1: STREET, (Opposite the Post Omce.) ._.:. Gene Railway Office, Moncton, May 26th, 1s73. \/ n rasaenger and Mail '.l`r.:.ixr1vill leave Halifax daily at 7.30 a_.m., and be due in St. John at 8.30 p.m. A 1 a.ssengcr and Mnil Train will also leave St. John daily at 8.00 :L.m., nnd be due in Iialifaxnb 8.50 p.m Trzuns will connect At ` __,___;_.__. :_.__-:-j A mssoLU1'1oNmoF T}_Ii;IW THO Monty-nu! ll....-I_2 ._.g .- 1873. Summer Arrangement. I873. qnTEncoLorgA_L HAILWTI1 SUBSCRIBE CAPITAL,` E$l0,000,000, VITII UNLIMITED LlAlI.ll.I'r`v I -THURSDAY iEVENINGr, NOVEMBER 27. ` Busines-of 1870. 1-eminms. less l`.oins.n.-,...,...., co = Agricinlt , -* 'b| gh. :31 :13 Scienti fire A n...` ,4-- .-vva OF THE UNITED STATES, c _y uuue snort of the largest I and other information apply to J. J. CHRISTIE, Agent, Bank of Montreal, - Kingston. lence, 3 Barrie Street. ,u;.Lv,UUU,UUU, LIABILITY OF` SHAREHOLDERS. wer, as the '. said, Riel c mm " 'I`s-- see the hollow-hu` of Mr Blakein obrin g the $5,000 for J gpprehonlion for_trial in Ontario. nnl after SA'l`UIl:DAY, 24th iuatanlz, Passenger and daily n.m.. and In Am. .'.. su __ `U \/ J__l_4.LJ.J..lJ Society OF UNITED l'l'A'nM ST any Company in the ow business. Sum assured I exceeded that of the second : more than sixteen mil-' re all the must of` Endowment 1 be paid an- to he the least nma- I Ki . menus W111 be paid : the least gant undoubted Lu w ls CA RVELL, General Superintendent. ncton, N .B.. er . . . . . . 3, 646,289. 96 ...... . . 2, 520, 000. 00 ,-1870, 1871 and 1872 arm sup: N.B., 18,. `After g uo.,. law York. Company THE I rs, l\Io . $2, 559, I S0 :- 3,002,740 1, 103,929 BY order of the Bond of Pa Directors, ,STOCK BOOKS open on and after MONDAY, the 21 for the Subscription of Stock, at th` of Messrs Blaikxe 85 Alexander, 8: Feilde, Stock Broken, Toronto, of kstrathv. Stank R-~`--- *` ' ,_ .._.....; u. mcxanaer, and of Clarke Strathy E Stratl:y._Stock _Bmkers, M THE FEDERAL BANK of Canada, ` $5,980,867 46 Cash Reoeipts................... 5,042,497 00 This Company has been doing business in Cglada for nearly 54 years, and during 4 , has secured the public condence by prompt and liberal settlement of every just claim. It has complied with the lawn a of Canada b 1211 deposit of Stocks to_ the extent of ;000 and isprepared to 138118 Pohcnes on terms as low as `anv other 6- 4L 1-. extent of $50,000, nd is class Commnv roncles ten: Company. J _ THE SCOTT MURDER. r nml Hi.-I 1.....- _. 1-, .. Reoeipts............ Cggada E that time t bv nrnmnt .....1 1.1...- and other Securities . Loans and Real Estate . VALU Cash in hand and in Ban`: Real -Estate... . . .. . . . . Mortgage Bonds . . . . . . . . Bank Stock ITnI'fA.-`I .Q+.;..'..'L_'.3' 'r-'-T ' 'r'- DBIIK mock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States and City Stock and other . . and Real `l`..+..+.. bapltal subscribed by Stock- . holders since Dec. lst,_ 1871 2,500,000 00 ASSETS, MARCH ls'r, 1373 (AT MARKET VALUE). i_1_1 Ban"_. . mm-7 -mo FA , 4.-- _..._...a 111 uwllv` ' F `HARTFORD, CONN. 0 1819. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital . . $ Losses paid in 54 years . Losses paid in 16 months .... .. Capital subscribed Dec. lat, I97! 3 aonn II. N NSURANGE Agent, N: [ countant, kc. Oice : Drug Store. Kingston, Oct. 10. nuuuv ELL \V. STRANGE, A Oice, Clarence Street, opposite ' Oice. , Kingston, 27th 'Jan. 1873.` ` September 19, 1873. \-.u6uvu] A. J. CATTANACH, Secrets:-3 Toronto, July 8th,1S73. . u.un.u_ U! 1! .l.U.|1i, 1'UKUNTO. Capital - - - $600,000. MAXWELL VV. STRANGE, AGENT. Qice, Street. onnnsitn H... 1:-.. ...... ugul ; rune! weakly Incompetent, : tel-mined. oppose him _-- a.Ia.\.I\J\l.l. L511, OAT-BUILDER, Ontario Street, near the Water \Vorks, Kingston, Out. A large assortment of first-class SKIFFS and BOATS of all sizes on hand, ready built, ti FOR SALE OR TO HIR.E.`a Ships Boats For Sale, Fancy Cedar Skiffs kept on hand and for sale, such as I obtained Prizes with at the P1 ovincial Exhibitions of Ontario and Quebec for the past number of years; All orders punctnallv attends/I fn . -.....a -1: Aug. 4, 1873. ___________ nnennlera every Tuesday and Friday. This splendid steamer having during tl winter received large renewals and addition will be found unsurpassed in her furnishing and general occnmmodation. , C. H HATCH, Ticket Agent. Kingston, .\!.-ay 14th, 1873. amt p.m.` Belle on .__.v\J .-. .l.Jl.IJ ASSURANGE coMi='ANv. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. THE R. M. 1873. Feb. 10. ---- avvvvl ululb U8 3} MAIN onrxcn, ` L. 101 VV. Fifth St. November 17th. For 1 u:.\' .\'o.\; NOM_I-l\'ATION. :-odinu. no on.. 1 ucxeu $20 ; Twenty-ve ']`icke Circulars containing a full lis description of the manner of 1? other information in reference I: bution, will be sent to any one on All letters must be addressed to onrxcn. ' I.- II. GIN!` - 2,500 Gold and Silver! Lver Hunting VVatches (in all), worth from 8'20 to $300 each. Coin Silver Vicst Cliains, Solid and Double-' plated b'il\'er-ware, Jewelry, &.c., &c. \Vhole number of Gifts 25,000. Tickets liinilzed to 100,000. AGENTS VVANTED to sell Tickets, t"o whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $2 ; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 Twenty-ve Tickets $40. ` Cir_cul_ars containing list of m.:.... .. /Etna Insurance 00. `F I]'AD'll.`n`D1-\ l`|r\-av`-v - v _- v V 5 V 9 \I I \I 9 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE. $20,000 in G-_reenba.cks. *'0NI-J` GRANl).CASll_ PRlZ|'},'" $10,000 in Greenbacks. 0N_E CASH PRIZE of `$5,000 in Greenbacks. ONE PRIZE $3,000 SIX PRIZES 1,000 men nzGmv:1:NBAcxs, TEN PRIZES ~500 onnn n-1,: H1 ,... - - nuursuuy, January ISIS. "1874. I [$200,000.00 VALUABLE rum-.< 1 4.- : u.n.I.nI '.l`;VEN TIE PH Grand Annual Distribution, TO BE DRAWN THE: ONLY RELIABLE GIFT DISTRI- ' BUTION IN THE COUNTRY. I50!) (sfgned) ..__-. -.u;x4uu ' IJUU ) ` Silver! Lever vVatchea ; cu mr aonn rererred toMr reviou: , big suppo_1-ters '1 U nu; DRAWN Tlmrsclay, January 1st. "1874. ` A A A ` 3 . uu IIHIIUI. UUIII I'Hl TORONTO. `_ `I oal\l\A A II ________.__________ Picton, Belleville and Inner- meuiatp Ports. N1-:vy AmiXK1eEME~1'. . ---.. -4\.r\4A.1J.I.|v.I.. L. `D: SINE S 'l`!IYT'LY7l'IY11I n11- .fa A. Nfcdorkelr, Grits u-in Q4.-.\,.& ROCHESTER, (3,: Pl` Sun 1 m. ,,,-, ...... -nyavpnruu 130 arms `any other first JAMES SWIFT, Amm, St. Lawrnm-,n Win --3 UPPER CABIN STEAMER QR? ... um ms "atock, impudent: liar." 7. loemnrl in 03-`- __. -.v-- .|J&hl CI- ` ~ t, Notnry Pub! A - tice ova Mr P`f:-lune. e nuuressed to L. D. SIN]-J, Box 86, c. CINCINNATI, O. ..._y-uve ncxets $40. ning li_st of prizes, a drawing, and to the Distri- u ordering them. to xuiy rnblic AO- ` M: Pkm lJU`)l\5 Wlu [)9 Y, 21st inst-., :11, the Oicea let, and. of ronto. nf Rt:-all... $867,783 50 405,000 00 926,725 00 1,337,050 00 2, 350, 978 96 93,330 00 Incorporated Provisional Ks will 1.- Mncdonald 'e to take the stump unless he :to Cartwright), serve the new all immediately that when the Financ nun` the J 1873. Dr. J. Jarvis. ATE 91 Lmjrpon, Englanjl, Homoeo- -patluc Phyaxcmn, Sur e'on, kc. Uic and Residence removed to elliugton Street, nearly 0 polite the Post Office. Calls in city mgh' t da , ti me (1 d or couu_ , or 1% Mile Aug . "_ Stzrljug House, Stirl1ng, Ccunt.y of `` _llasI:iugs. FIRST CLASS HOTEI.--cannot be 9x- celled by any House in the County. The House and Furxiiture are new ;'the Bar is at all ;times furnished with tho best of Llquors ; the Table 1_s second to nQne'in the County; goodnnnd commodioua Stables and I Sheds, with careful attendzmce ; a. good Com mercial Room for travellers. Charges mode- rate. gloss proxumty to the Fialung and HI ouaunng. . Lzlarch 30. Provincial llotel, Gamanoql BROPHY, PROPR.IETOR.--This A, Class Hotgl is centrally located . Jtisiness part of the town, in viw ( rhousand Islands of the St. Lawrence, ' Anglo-Ainerican` llotcl. JOHNSON AI{D UNTARIO STREETS, Kingston, Canada. r E. MILSA1 & C0,, Proprietors. _.________________ Albion Hotel, Mill-st., Stirling. JCDHN ACKERS, Manager. First-class n Commex-c Rooms. Good Yards and Stabling. Lzlarch 30, wucln um um nunse on bath sick): 1: nmmln.-r of the 1'eprescuta~ -cnlnic |I:|duht;\il|1`\1 their seats in `uruu;;h corrupt and ill-,3.-xl moans. :refure, (`ct`.'li|'I|lH of hsving an up- their approval or you- cumluct. of the men thgy sent them l`arli:uncur. Let. ushave . mo.-nus, but let lhl first vcjtigntiun coulpleteuh ~~ Olhum and boats. uccu cuuu-gea, retted and reftfruiaixed season. -First-class Sample Rooms and ample! accommodation. (Jmnibuses meet all trzuns ' Uu.. Lu VTJN, U'1".l`AWA.--Tl1is lmtise is entirely new in every respect, having been eixlarged, retted refnruiahed this -Eirrsc-class Sample Rooms and .n...x..` A Feb. 26, 1873 .___.___....... uuperlut accommodatin commercial gentlemen. , H I City ` Hotel, - RINCESS .`.s"l'REET, KINGSTON, 01`? T. The moat central Hotel in the city. buperior accommodation for t1-awellers and Charges mndm--am" u. u. xuucuonalu, L. ' EN'1`IS 1` (successor to'l)r. 1. Princess Street, Kingston, ( ,UFF1UE HOURS from 9 A.M From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, the 2001-. `Lu nuuou note E0. JEACLE, Proprietor. agcommodatio for Uommerc I. `VCSIIIOPI Fin ial -. nu. vnurn, 14.0.5. F M. CLARK, L.D.S., DENTAL Rooms, . No. 4 VViIson a Block, \VelLingtun boreet, Between ]: 1'incess and Brock ts. Satisfaction Gua.ra.uteed. July 31. - ruwer on son, \ RCHITECTS AND BUILDING SUR- VEYOBS. Oioe and Residence Queen eat; " ~ . .._ .......~vuusyAiu:cncy z bther day, Now we shall 9 John A. Man-clonnld Gov- ! can : be tried for the mar- he impression lm .v;.u...u.. R`c HITEc'r In `aw L _St1-oat, - Bmcx P `" `ha-ton. my 25th. 137 , ._____;______f___._ S. 1|lcCammon,\Gananoque, `LERK OF DI':IS10N COURT, Notary Public, Conv yancer, Uommissioner in Queen`; Bench, kc. Nov. 27., +_.I.. 001'? U lungstpn. \uu.u 1.` x UISU WN A'.l"1`0RNEY and`( (J of the Peace for the County of F1`: nae, Ontario Street, Kingston, directly c site` the Montreal lblegraph Uo1upzuxy`a 0 Kingston, July 19, 1871. June 23. :3. `J. 31651 ); ` V ARRIS'l`EH. and Attorney-alt-Law, So; licitor in Chaucer and IlHSO`\ i:lll," Y )s `Uonveya.u_cer and N otary Public, l{li`3 GSTUN , Ont. Oihce, corner-_of King and Uflreuce . _...... --- an-n_yu:c, 11l~II.-, /\ ARRISTER. and Attorney-at-Law, So- ` licitur in Chancery, Uonvcy3.ncer, etc. ice, Ontario Street, next door to Montreal Telegraph Compauy :s Uicy. May 1. 1873. _. _- anuv:1al`, -5]-I1-y ' ARRISTER. and Attorney-at-Ln\\', So- licitor in Chancery. I\'ol'.:u'y Public, Uozweyancer, 3:? King .\`t.xcut, Kingston; Untz. At Gananoquc, over S. McU;unmou's Drug Store, every '.l.`ue3day and Friday. Jalj. I4, 1873. ' i4. Clemeniis, i3c1-niisMt; . DFFICE AND RESIJJENCE opposite the Post. Oice, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. _Aug. 22. ~ = ..u e would be pre- -;.i:Jol1lnw acdonald. never ill by the policy they'enun- I: would take not hours, but ;]It_ be months of earnest An-I K M..- ywuuo long as they wen-is out of power denounced Riel u a base and .0` "1 murderer, sud bl _ _ lined the Govern- ment for not hllllll hm at once. Now they ________.__________ Daniels Hotel. `1ENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA.-- ) entirelv new in av... ----~ Richard '1`. W;1ll;-(;;:n, B RRISTER, Soliitor in Chancery, At- torney"-itt-Law, and Notamy Public, Uln- rence Street, Kingston, opposite the Post. - ..-v.. . - u--nu-vs asnvuv ['9 Dual). ARRISTER. and Attorney-at-Law, Su1il- :itor, Uonvcyancer, Notary Public. Of-` lice, Clarence Street, opposite Post Oice, Kingston. July Int, 1873. Mac:lonuld & Patton. BARRISTEIES, Attorzfcys, Solicitors, &q., Trust and Loan s Building, '1`oron1f.o Strc-ct, Toronto. Jnuu A Ml.nn.~.....-.. nn DDFCCEB, ` July 8, 1873. Lenegrupn Uomp May 1, _.__..__._.__ ` Alex. S. Kirkpatric-R, `(OUN TY CROWN A'.l"1`()KNEY a.m1`C]e|k J _of (Jountv ni 1.`.-....+c, Albion llotl. Wcstpol-At. O. JEACLE. Pmm-...+n.. L A Sept. 23. Joseph Bawdc, _ TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Sblicitor in or L cery, Notary Public, 33 .l:'u"ng-..St,n 1gston. V- - uxuJ:\IJ.EK(. \. have at length had true hum, by a U1-and J...-., A` Jame P. Gderslccvo, LLB. \A'D'I'P`IC!'I"l7lI -,, 1 An- J. L. Macdonald, L.D.s., N'].`.[S'1` fllnpnnnr i>n'l\.. n-_.\ 1 VETERINARY. .. __.__.____.._._ Power & son. 'E(:'l`S AND nn-njn MEDICAL. J lIlzicl::1i', A... rm'r~ma .....a nu _l)ENTlSTRY. " .____._._.__.. ___. A. G. spo [`T .-- uuuvw oulllllbll :13 Riel : Mackenzie aha way to atrikd hand: i with the blood-atsiued do all they can to got they will, when it in uh- DANIELS, Pnxrnlli-ron. ,, .......-uvquv- ROPR.IETOR.-- 1`his First L in the the town, viw of H... ..,....., v upennary Surgeon 1e Ontario Veterinary 001 :e, City `Hotel, Kingston. - 2, roronno. Join: A MACDON.ALD, Q.C. Jums Pm'rox, Q.C. HUGH J. MACISOMLD. Rom`. M. Fnmxnva. .0 uvln :1 A.M.. to 5 PJJ. [., devoted to "E959; us.uun.uJy mcaged 1n the of the ;he and in `he laihilll and 'Hunfir.n vau003ll- H, Vetenary S urgeon Zqtado Veterinau-v Col `lug I the I c umnlm |....I`,.|.; mun Ior traveuers up n._ Charges moderate . ` ]RW1I\, Proprietor. : on. .L.a.wrence_, : Hunting lost; and Uarsmc-n al- _ =1. Gananoque: i.IE'l`(}R _'n..-.. n.-_. prifetro:-.' First-class ' Commercial '1`::a\-el- ms. &c. uagus uuu nuutmg ilil` Palfinn vua uum.ut:3_ appa -e good Com 1`, Proprietor ;gn.un.x amlvlenk : County Fronte- :ston. directlv nnnn -I L.--This esrnent ham`..- -1-Jung. ` Day) No. 15 1, Una. - Ar on non: [ON or '/r}'1-i`.'.iI ()t*1 s71~i.*.` V:-raid nndr other Grit organ ion of the Hmmn -rn--s--~ r in Clum- lug ,5treet,. ' opp? I emu. -___,._- ......g. avv vvivm S PUBLISHED every Friday In I and contain: the news of the week. Q: emb wading, furnished at Twobolhufper u;nn1n.ptid II 4. dvma Address ozdarup Ynlrnn mn--nun`-rt;-up ` ,, ._..-.l_.IVlIIOJ I s PUBLISHED very lawruil iauve ' I Six Doars per a.nnum,'payulS1oin. vauce. Subscriber; who toceivp their by mail Are chm-gedFive Dollut. __ - - ------. 35 The Chronicle and Newlg `TE 'D`l 1'I:'n' :rar1-1-.~-rs "I - - smnn and. Ste.-unboa use. The beat descripfoxn; of . kept oi: hand under `cover, In` liver-ed toprder, at he Iowa: Country orders W I reeefvt tion. ST. LAWRENCE W}IAR.F,1` __ Wholesale and Retail Dedenin ` scriptions of Coal fo House, Fnl-I035 smith md Ste.-Amboa ' beat dam-J-injm. -2 nnnauin ` JAS. s}7v'`7 ""1 0.1- Owen ` opp_9se hum, thg ` ll thmk. `rim 1.. ..1.. roruancl to J. _L. Firmer,`-1:; Andrew Allan; in Quebec to & C0,; in lI:1."1-`(gist) Jo_hn._lI. Cu: D : n-hm... . -'- vv mner uavzgation. An experienced Surgeon carried. 0; vessel. _ Bertha not secured until; Portland to J. L. F 3}` Allan - `in 0-4 - ` ` ._. __ U`! `u! \I IV 1`; Sailing from Glasgcw every Tuyldl .from' Quebec about every ".l'hnrIdIy. temfienl to be despntclicd from Quebec : are ivltavnrin 0.. ..:I L,- _--;.4 uxun Aulhro U1!` THE G_LASGOW .1,;;N: ,, Cabin...T.............$70to$80. SCAN DIINAVIAN, from Portlaizd ,. PRUSSIAN -- " . A CASPIAN 1* ~ SARMATIAN - - -` M GIRCASSIAN " - " 27th, POLYNESIAN ". " ,7 SUANDINAVIAN " 1oe_h'= " Rates of Passage from Portland : S:erafge.....;.......... 825. THE STEAMERS OF THE I11 A 4:1 H A "` vl `K ingsfon, Aug. 4, _. .... . .3 -NOVA SCO'1`IAN_ Vessel sAnD11wA1;: ...... .. CIl{UAS.SlAN......... .. CANADIAN PULYNBSIAN . , SAR-MA .l`IAN ...... . .3600 cqst HIBERNIAN . . . . . . . .3434 C:pt._l 8. (CASPIAN ' SCANDINAVIAN .. PRUSSIAN ........ Lt} - AUSTRIAN .... so espt = .. I\`ES'l`URIAN ..... ..,2 ` - -,,;.t MUIlA VlAN cspta r , PERUVIAN % MAI\'I'1`U.UANm" ' ' NOP.'I`II Amu;n.A.N T784 Capt. ARUADIAN . ' 2 UURINTHIAN .. s1`. `DAVID 5'1`. ANDREW .. .. -~ _ .311 PA'I.`R1UK ........12o7 capo. . ~ THE STEAMERS 01* THE I III:--i:_ Ar u;uJ un. LIVERPJSL MA. T Sailing frnrn T 3...... _ _ .. can JILHIHBODI. orrectnetn of his I hollow-hmubug : .. ....... auu. 4 p.m. 1<'r1days'. For Freight, Pmage, or any other infon tion, apply to the Captain on board ' ' FOLGER & HANLEY, . V L Foot of Brock 8h Kingston, 12:1: Oct_., 1373 _ Canadian Uyder 10.00 o'clock n..m., ` F01-_,Gan. Calling at Howe Isl.- \\'ednesd_ay', Thursday ing-6 a.m. \V.a....'A-'- I RETUE o:Uu n'cluck and 3:30 19.31. and { 5.-u'U 7:30 o'clock ll. m 3" p. m. nmvnxm. ` a.m.', I p.nI., an: TU FSDAYS. 7:30 o clock a..m., 8:30 a..m and 3 p.m. 9:15 o clock 1.-.._.._,A(, use ue repelled the hich been pre- asking, if rhy onnonmm. uzuu ` c_v cloc and 3:30 \p.m. ` 1 uenu-al Railroad. Re'turning-will lea: rival of trains at ing with the Grand '. Mail Line, Bay of Qu Steamers at Kingston, For Wolfe and I , wuxpletlj at 7:15 a.m., nnki ncctiona with the Rome, VI Ogdensburg Ragilroad. Osw Northern Syracufe Railroad, Central Railroad. ' Re'turni.m_....'n 1---. n- 1872-3.--' I1 4-, u I NE of the above Stgamen will lens I 0 ston for Cape Vincent `daily (Sun excepted) at 7:15 linking clone the Rome. Wltartown Ogdensbum Rmh-mu! 0 %Maud P *"1 0nt. Water AN -3 A.L- .1 ., .._.. .._.-xv ; 9:00 o'clock SUNDAYS. a.m., ll:30J.m., RETU'RN"l|?n Vlucen of . G -2- "*""s::%". ?..::`.."5:' In On` -0. ` 9:15 tCU. uncy lIil\'l? aid, Collin, Russ and . to support. the late 3 fur place and plum- 11 like (Glass anal Cun- smue mysterious in- llrits. and they ham House on lrnth sides `I of II! I-nun-.m..r.I>.. * _ R! 9:15 o clock a.n_)., I.` The Daily. Newg iffbr run run - I "`~" nmfunmxb. 3:00 clock a.m., 9:15 a.|'n., .nd V - MC 8:30 o clock a.m., RE 9:l5'o a.l_n{, iin and lr_24 _ ,- ;.nuun).uNG_ F o clock a.m., I p.1n., 3:30_ p,1 THURSDAYS. . _r. o clock a.m., 11:30 a.m., 3 pl; RE l'UIlNING.- a I p.m.. and 3:30 p,n, , FRIDAYS. ' o clock a.m., 11:30 3.111. 3 pa I ` RKFURNINO: ' o clock a.m,, I -\-~ " \ ""'WEDNEsDAYsL 9 clock a.m., 11:30 a. 1>.m'IJBNma. p.1n., rlinvrnr-`In - --V ....v.yulIAJI1l.Il . am; united States ; _--_ - Winter Arrangauntffj! and organs he Nous:-. {proposi- uur In-arty .-.ppro\'al, [)0 IH)\\'iSI in (10 so - - mug; (5 trains 10:40 s.m., com me Trunk Railroul, 14 Quinta and Ki _ dean C .t Kmgatc-n. ulfc at-den Is MONDAYS. ,cka_m__ 1-|._-m. ... A "--' THE STEAM/EBSA ax a.m., 1 SATUBDAIP .m.,- k n.m,, R-an - 5- ' uuu. ' -`will leave Capo Vin ans am. ` G1-and Tnvnb `D ns? " f"sn;75.' ....u., 11:6U_J RETURNING. : Am. , lo.-:n .1873. usu. ; ~ - ion HOUSE: :ovcr, Icieenod :0 lowest market. I recefve prompt u-nnxus, II ` opponents 1. \'erv .\\!e have not proof of the ernlllulll sud, Riel can't 53713 tier of Scott. The impression he evidently mouthing towards the trial of Lspine and Riel that the defunct Government would not do. The Grit paper: will also make the same dis- honest impressioh where they can. palpable uotruth was never uttered. _ThO Ot- tnwn Government to-ilay have clone nothing whetever Against Riel; on the other hand they are at this present moment patronizing llilllld seeking his vote. The Globe espe- cially in playing I double game in this Riel hurnhng. '0 read therein new no bitter de- nunciations of him. Rather we pminieed unneety. Aye, that is tl y which these hypocritical Grits will cut this knot. They will secretly press Her Majesty for the pardon of all those Manitebm excesses in which Riel I0 wickedly ourished. Whet sir John A. Macdonald always said respecting tint morale.` was that neither Ontario nor our General Government Ind any jurisdiction for criminal orfencee committed in Manitobs. . _ correctnete :.`.;:`.".;...`:..;:.~::: .eh.*.~.uw-hvmbnz .unuA1h'. ' `- ;., 8:30 8.11)., 11:30 5'1` I A 131:: 'I'."l`E':':: y '.u1_Qsany, hardly. an i bee : ,'f,",'.,,, 11:30 \ -.;u;-nun!- DOWN WARD T_RIPS.-Leaves Trenton at 6 o'clock sun. eve FRIDAY, callin at all rts, and LEAVlrG KINGSTON OR MO; TREAL at 9 o clock same evening, ar- riving in Montreal early` on Saturday even- mg. This Steiner has splendid Passenger and Freight nooommodation. A. GUNN & C0., Agents, ` l?:_.--AA~ $1/I _ . evei adj; I5-'="" 1,, 1., l2:30. p.I 5: ..::e -_-vxnuwlllll III , cAi>T. W. H. MORDEN, Leave; Montreal for Bay of Quinta Ports every TUESDAY at noon, leaving Kingston for same Ports at 7 o clock am. every THURSDAY. Tlllllrnvxuy . an -- W Stealer mama? with balls, cues, &b., am brated PHEL.\N & COLLEN CU1noxs,{ of which I an patentee. These Cushions manufacturers in New Yorla reserved for my own trade. packed and delivered on gold. H. \V. COLL .Qnm........... ;- 1' - v uonnhs on t with despatch. THE subscriber begs to intimate to the MASTERS and UVVNERS of VESSELS that, having leased the above Establishment for a term of years, lie is prepared to HAUL OUT AND REPAIR ALL ` VESSELS onithe most reasonable terms and . `? .""*" standard Amcncau Bevel Tables. _ wj chg Hands. Portsmguth Marine Rail` September 23, 1873. _r.............u.-u w me purchasers The patent claim is a very one. "42 desire to leue the uaida on a royalty fee, subdiv lessors. A Millwright wh with himself a machine ca: vice reraa, would make a. 31 take the lease. and will nd yond any ordinary business. Add:esa_J. S. or H. E. PA} Ohio. ` Sept. 24. - n-vwllll y y 101' Uanada on our Middlings separa- tor (known in the States as Jones Middlings Sepsrator). This machine is the most `popu- lar and perfect ye: invented. Hundreds of them have been sold in the States in the past two years, and are now running and giving satisfa.cti3nE?the purchasers. - broad and strong W`e desire territory of Ca- royalty subdiviulcd to suit the I lessors._ A__Millwright who can !inr\n:o"4\ licldliugs; S?1T:i17:;t-();. COLLENDEIQ, ' Successor to Phelnn & Collender, P O B 1 7 3238 Broadway, New York. . . nx 84 . ' -:. 29,9 25- 1873- u....\A JLVSURANCE CC A44 Hartford, Conn. L. "resident; E. P. DORR, Genera corpomted in 1819. `C3 ital 33, sets $5,150,931.71. 11 LL RISKS to and from Inland P0 able terms. Losses promptly adjusted and paid in Canada cu 1 A 1: nn r..---_, Kingston, Oct. 6th, SY`(\3l-IOMANCY, OR SOUL C}IAR;\I- IHG ` How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any persons they choose, instantly. This simple mental acqnircment all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, to- gether with 41` Marriage Guide, Egyptian Uracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, &c. A queer exciting book. -100,000 sold. Ad- ress T. \VlLLIAM & 00., South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5________* _ ` 1873 Ma.1`ine_I_1:s_ura.nce. 1873 ( ,.._- ...., u. uuullg in. Being a. chemical food, its properties ar nutritive, and cannot injure child or adult under any condition of the system whatever. 111E ONTARIO J\ND_ QUEBEC COM- _ PAN Y S splendid Upper-Cabin n onwuo tune before the Uuhu A. Macdfauala C1'uVBl'lI|Il(!I.| resigned. \Ve heard a. Grit, however. ncnurl: with all self-complacency sud nasnrallce, the pee whether, as the ermnunt. unit] In. ......-- I - - - - - * V HE attention if those who have been suf- _ faring` for .1 long time {rum old yum- ! pluints that have l'c.>l:iCU|l all orllu:u'y methods of trmmuexnt, is called to Dr. \\'heul- er's Compound Elixir of and U:\lis:sy.'L. This remarkable prcp:Lmtiou, by prulumiu-,5 the complete digestion and :Lssimi- latiun of food, creates pure vitaliziug blood to restore diseased tissues and supply nerve {force to all the organs (sf the body. It is a specilic for Dyspepsinjn all its forms, Liver Coznplaint and Disease of the Kidneys ; and so speedily does it act, that improvement is frequently manifest the rst day of taking it. Being ar cannula i..:..-.. ..L:I,I - - I ~ :n\.nl|: ; u:u c n.-cexvcdt [Bound S_i'rnp of Hypo of E\vol\`c months I St :1 severe Cong`: and fur the relief of whic could hear of. At `la of your Syrup, and at` able to attend tn my :\L_*.cording _to dirccliun: tles, which elfecte-.1 a 1 gratjtuulc.---'l`ruly yul Aug.-1, 1873. `HE inti: _ MASTERS at, I ,- prcpar IT REPAIR Al] : 21:11`. uuucxlb umc in (':I.nm}.-L ` tlung.--.|la _ _ - unuu on cue nu-Inc l\':I.ilw.~1_\'.' million .-yo.-:u~ zms Mr .\'s Me.- the man i~4 unburn who wuulnl at ch.-Lt rn the cnnnph-ti._m of thu road. The cone] pzxraurnnh uf Hm ...-o;..v- .. _ - Iylley vnllml l..uu.I; n.uur;ur_z/ [Ir t`u'I(` adds : It may he Imp;-cl the politia.-;Ll cunicl: will not prevent. or the u.-nustructioll of the Pacific R:I.ilw.~1_\'." a_\' `\l`" .\l:1r.'nn-n'..`.. : I ._ u:r\:u1llpl(`QQXl or um T p:xra__;r:\ph of the article mus :--'l`h an .\linistcrs:1rc entitled tn the hem-lit nf :1 tidal demonstration that the concession they are sahl to hnvn ...!.I 1., gun -DUU ~ Lopino and llio.-l Vhills innd ngsinst. 1 Manitoba, fur the n The public will rune tion In reference to t vestigation tho nobon Uu-6.. tank 1 Inner -....` E3 suit of mark \_` ...-1.... . on. u. p8_.y tam 1 I I have em nnluiu... FE have lately obtained Letters Patient for Canada nown tl}e Sta.te_s cg tuiqdlings nnnn . auvsll UUJ The Suitwclny 1.`:- xn m-h.l.. an I IVTNA INSURANCE _ J Hartford. Cnnn . ,s7E ?\[5fif19' K urumuscrnuon that the ' lmve sch ales: by the hnlxlcrs." -:it that not one honest :1 alnmla lJI:n\ .-A H... u.-. `.v ._.........u;; 1.:-rww 01 ;\u\`cmber lrllclxt on Can:uli:u1 nlfuirs, m.-Lkc mm or :\'so:1'Liuus wm-tlxy nf mcunl. With refcr- .- tn the (.'(u. u"s attack on Lord Dnll'e:-in, it : that its vitupcrntiot. is prulmlvly the 113- ` lmlxit r.1.t.hur than conviction" :5 re- k which shnws tlmt the (:'(ulu"s true char- r is known aml apprecizltcd own by the ms` of tho*l'all';\I`t._yj.iI1 llughunl. The rI'u'u`_z/ [.2 rim` adds that p(vliLia:;Ll prevent. or .1.-Ln; Ports on favour- ms. and liberally l currency. JAMES SWIFT, AGENT, St. Lawrence \\ arf. l, ,- -v.... uvu LHDW. vvul It build`: Jailway? He does not know. Will it hang Riel ? He does not know. Will it protect. Canaqlim manafacturgst He does thing; he `will agree with it whatever it may be. --Hamilton Spec- tutor. 1.10111` our OF 1 n k',.;.... I-.. II Lin a.ndB ay T of Quinte 3. `~ an. um: honest : I LN:|iu\'i`s that th:.-_` (ail. sevel, 5x10, tabls, complete mes, and having the cele- .N COLLENDER. Comnmnrox am ole owner and ese Cushions are not sold [to in York or Canada, being y Price per table, zlivered board cars, $300, I. COLLENDER. , Q. - ..v.;pu.u.c:I and be ud, Lsml -guns in_in Uoinnlninf. yul nypnplmsphitcs. For upmtrds uutlxs sulfur:-d most uvulely from mgh 3 must vinicut Asthma. cf which I tried c\ cr_vt.hing l nf. At `last. 1 commenced the us up, after taking one bottle wn nl :\\'ocnLi.>n. I :-;n.+.'......1 C S Alexandria, V. H, Mm: IHFKT JIIIU cnuu adult 3 y nusmess. r PARROTT, Dayton, _ ,,-...... vv auua LIN: wright can associate nachine carpenter, rm, or suitable party to [will it protable be- 7 business. Ell`! day: nu auoc:m.>n. J (-untiu ucurms till I hrul 1:3.-dninc rte-.1 perfect cure. With u ly yours. m we uouy. 1: is Ie .1: ; ts properties :m-, ....+..:..... THOMAS. KELLY`, Proprietor. 11, 1873. .\Iacken7.1e a idea, and um rate see concluding no rqus V:--'l'hc 0., Kingston. DAIIKNESS. C01 PAN Y, of L_ J H I` \' I\bn St`L'LI.\', To:lcln:r. d .-u~.luu\4I I 1:: cut :1 prac- Ie which ml has been found Yes. mul tn Hm xus, in and Impa .cy ever .- , - -_.. .... uupuuem: uar." noemcd to think it quite Minister: uhouxd be for "With regard to the policy of the Go\'ern- moat, ho would say tint he had come to the Uountyyof Iannox when tho l`.l.:...... L. J -

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