CUSTOMS IMPORTS. Dec. 1. G T R., Sarnia. M. Morrison, 2 tierce: '2 bxs bacon, 10 bbls pork. G. T. R.. (`.`ca.tic-`wk, G. Robertson & cruks sugar ; Macnee J: Wadclcll, 1 ca goods. Str Ma.ud, Cape Vincent, G. `V. Robin: anvil, l beilows, l bx h wu-e; VY. ] son, 2 cases p lmngings ; A. Chown, 1 ware ; A. Bx-iggrz; 1 lot h h gotid: ; J. 1 leatou & Cu, 3 bxs hgvare ; J. Hend 13 bdls nan:-r - 1! D'~'~~`* ` " ....,...m an u ::.m., and at St, - Phul s and St James at 7.30 p.m. Grand Assembly of the BoyneLodge O.Y.B; N o. 2, at the Victoria Music Hall to-marrow evening. ' LI.-\S0.\'IC.--The fol. icers of Elysian Lo thy ensuing year :- Bro. George F. \V. Bro. Athouy .\ Bro. Abm. Main D..,. I -,, ........, vu but:'um D.mcing commenced 1 o'clock to the music of A Battery, anal was kc; untilan ca.rly`hour this 1 this members of St. And: congratulated on the re gathering. , ,,_ _. A_._..1 . an n In good: J. Muck- h ware Henderson, balls paper ; G. Robertson 55 Son, 81 hbf chests ten, 4 racks pails, 3 bdl: camera, 1 bdl and lease, 6 bales, 3 bxs, 1 pkg ; A. Gunn 8: Co, 12 cases candied peel ; J. Jarvis, I bx ; J. Byrns, 1 pkg; British Whig, 1 pkg; J. Browne, 1 pkg; J. Harty, 1 pkg ; A. Guun.1 pkg; Fenwick, endry & Co, 1 pkg ; \Veber & Co, I bdl ; J. Creighton, 2 bdls; J. Henderson, 1 pkg ; C. H. Heutig, c, anu rrutessor `Mackerras. The Band of A Battery, under the leader- ship of Mr lhckett, was stationed in the hall, and discoursed exbelloxxt music during the supper and between the toasts, which added greatly to the entertainment. D4lI|!iI\4t nn-......._A, I ' ' ` " ..... .,.;..u= bu repiy no such toasts. The Press, proposed by Mr M1.-Intyre,und responded to by Mr Johnson for the NE'S, and Messrs Pensu and Fuller for the Whig, concluded the lislof toasts, and the party ad- journed to the ball-room. Expressions of regret at inability to be pre- sent were received from Sir Jolfn A. Macdon- ald, Mr Geo. A. Kirkpatrick, ;\I.l`., Mr C. F Giidcx-sleeve, and Prufessorgblackerras. ship Mr .51:-lznfl ...A. .L-' - - ' I ..--.. ...,......_y uuaurvmg. The toast was responded to by Messrs J. B. \Va.lkem and J. M. Mnchur, unu'king that he hoped the time would soon come when the India: should be called upon themselves to reply to such toasts. I by Johnsnn fr.- cl... \7..... V the latter re. `. Qrlllllso Emergen communication of C atzxraqui Lody C. 92 to-morrow evening. icmiknpns. Special service at St. George ; nnl-rnnr at It - - e m_an`,` and this in_ the Party :1` J ohn Macdonnld with cor- are tlie purists and these are their not 3. This in the gmc-mcm who i link ; 823 1: rather too much for aulmqest ' Ind in pickie or thee, and depend upon `it thy chickens `ii come home to roost ! I ,n____ ;_ `` ,__ ____ .. . . .. .... uuullur in," which was receiv Rev. Dr. Bell, late of Clifton, Queen : College, was called on which he did in loqueut terms. A did not know why sc. Andrew chosen as the great feast day for S thought that as it was chosen, the do better than to cohehmte it. Mr Mc'|`aviah then proposed '1 in an eloquent speech. He did In :'[:i:b`\'e of the Scotch Irtsses getti praise, as he believed that Canal were equally deserving. 1 , toast ---- -~~-~~ ` ` ` ' ...._, llill nu ma :1 member 0 ty, should Inch be started luuderslzood that steps war form such an association. Mr Mlotliutcr from the ` with-oxxtromnrks, proposed wha honour it," which 1).... 'l \,, n .. - . Dl'0. . Bro. . DFO. Bro. . Bra. is successor appointed, a cir mstauee, I es not in-any wa aifect his uminion Cabinet. 5 Meyers fuxnisbe an extra: of the length which an r notoriety will 3 metimes ( lous person. She oluutnrily f being Goodric' s mistress the circumslzanr s of his- red to her story and cnutinl |es, although by commitment 91-... . .. Charles, W.M. r. Maldne, J.P.Mr. I. Ma.lone, S.\V. w. Joseph L. Barslow, J.\V. w. Henry Runey, Chap. . George Cumming, P.M., Tl`-385. . Robert Naucnllas, 1 . 51., Sec. r. Roger Grler, Tyler. * . ._--- .....uuucu I4. ; about lmlf-past twelve the an.-..I.-:II- I.----1 ' ` , ,_-_. l,..,t..,..;u um Ladies" I [want not quite up- getting all the -3 that (E,-m-..1;.... lAJf~ I p ,,--.... ......... usur-l.IlIJU`.l iu:'_\', but now I " '`|Ip:|ni0n of Pnblicaussunl sinners. taught I the electors of Lcnncx duriu;,; his contest I "L with Mr Gmngo has not been lost upon theIn.. Having" once tasted blood, like tho I h 110- leech they cry for more, and refuse to `comforted Is`/i(`Xi\u3t it. `We believe that I rer was bribery and corruption more rain_- , C in this constituencythanduring thcl: at I r `test. Men who signed the rcquisitim to i ' Hooper, eon fess they did it to get out an i position candilate, so that .\Ir Cartwright ght be Inadeto bleed freely. Mr noopers ` committees were bou;.':lit hp wholesale. Du- ` ringthe last week sleigh loads of ready made ` clothing and cotton prints from a. certain . house in Nnpanee left for distribution in ' I Richmond and tliqback townships. Votes : rugged from $190 to $10. Druukcnness Fl prevailed .with bestiality in houses kept! open by the Government candidate, and a gononl demoralimtion of the community Io that Mr Cartwright might be |Finanoo Mi` istcr. Heaven save the mark ! 9 And this is . . K that twittod John Mmdoxinld . nptionl. T the purists ~ Li gcnileman a hut no money should be spent d for election purposes. '4' 1`. .., .. uuxa K. ' :a.tic-ook, (kurliobertaon Son. 5 r'dry zpe Robinson, 1 E Ilows, wu-e : \V. Pr-`n _..,, r...k.uauu LIIE uay and 8' r received heartily- but now of ollem. In. ...n-.1 .... A. ~- ` u following is a list of the 1 Lodge, C-`urden Island, for er tie second vice-chair. :s, prdpnsed ' The Day and " was rm-:.iu.;.I 1._.....L:I_ , - _.- --vvu v uuu-P18 lie the quzulrille as kept up with gre r morning. A]: . Andrews Society 5 result of theix _..___.__._... \ member of a Canadian Socie-` be in Kingston. Ho steps were to bo `taken to um-in!-,1`.-u. . G::oI'ge s Cathedral to- I .a St, Pkurs I extraordinary an insane carry an > oluqtnrily accused .`uoonn, Uuap. . C. Handy, Sec. Shaw, Treat. Aldergzg, F. . Gut, C.M. Jackson. 3rd CHM. Tniur. uh (1.11. In. Allinaon, Asgt: Sec, ' L .... ..-J was at Inf Sbotlaud, he they could not rate it vnulull, uuu now 0! I-inlled to respond, ml: tel-In: AnI.m...:. 1.- _. -.. .v nvuyullu, Vterms. Although he : Day was lav fun Q ....n....v.I I, . n, hams, ..- ....u-1.-nu twelve J : band of In upil. ....-_L ' . 5......-:5 an M10 Canadian ladies th great vigor Altogether aiety are to be their annual Tho Ladies ,a.__., -- nnaon, 1 . Robin- 1 L- 1. . nonm- , 1 bx 11 . Muck- Ida:-an e, and November 28th. AT A. J. REESE`; Nov. 12, 1873. --.. ...-o bill 12 mined sway. __j._. NOTHER Class for the stud A Band will be begun on Mon * instant. Any ntlexnan desirouso 3 knowledge ogcthe art is r_equest} munimtp cf ........ t- A xnnanc. Any desire! requ muuicate at on_ce for terms &c., an acriber. R. BAN IJ` THE Annual Meeting.-of the Alma `Mater Socisty, for the purpose of electing Oicers and transacting other bqsinesa, will be held in the Classical Class Room on FRIDAY EVENING, Dec. 5th. A full attendance of the members is rennnni-A.-I vm-- ~ ~ -' ,- __ ..._....,... uusus noon: FRIDAY Dec . requested. The meeting will open pt 7 o clock, sharp; - nu: uwmoera is at sharp. ` G - - -.._- a non uuvruuy, l 6.11 early and secure the BARGAINS at '-FAHEY S OLD STAND, Market Square- sign of the RED FLAG. Thu 0 ,,,_._, ......... on use IDOVO Goods will be slaughtered unreservedly. Merchants and Pedlars buying in quantities will be dealt with liberally. __Qa:ll early th. 'RA`D!1A`r\1c -. _ _.__.u--lvljil The entire Stock will positively be out this month (December). Over: (Fourteen Thousand) worth of the slaughtered ...........-..--u- (Fourteen Thousand) WOI1 I Padhmu I...` 12:) black Broadcloth. nu nub AAA`!- of gen-.-xjal ream: the pqculiar pm ' alcl nccnpicd nu Delivered to any part 9f the City. Linen, and will posively be sold 20 Per Cent Cheaper than any merchant can buy in the ordinary way. This is an advantage of seventy-ve per cent to the retail purchaser. The following Lines having been manufac- tured on the premises, we would direct special atlientiou to ' 500 T'r.irs All Wool Pants-Choice. 450 Pea Jackets and Tweed Coats-Extra. 600 Vesta in Tweed. Cloth. Sill: ma v.,1..-. Clothing, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirts and Furnishings, &c., &c.. at the Great Clearing Sale of Bankrupt Stock now going `on at FArBEY S OLD STAND. In addition to 3 Banknlpt Stbck of DRY (woos, consist- ing of Clouds, Sontags, Breakfast Shawls, Minervas, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Velvets. Silks, Ribbons, Buttons, &c., &c. is unnecessary to quote prices. The Stock has been bought at Bankrupt Sale for Caah, and will positively: bgsold ' Chmnmr H . . . - - - - --- ,.....u mm-neu upon It, so that local arti may see at what cost it on. be produced t the Continent. A letter of thanks for gift, signed by the Mayor, the Master Cu and the President of th:`Schoo1 of Art, been forwai~del to the Russian Govcrumeu I London Times, A'av. S. i.____-}.__._-._ An amusing incident occurred during the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Good Templars. A Globe reporter, who took his seat at the table at an early hour, was asked for the pass- word when the lodge was opened, and was not I little surprised to find himself within a secret order, Explanations were olfered, and this time these Water C'01mm'.9.vi0ncrs deed the -Globe reporter, and asserted their right of ex- cluding him, which was done amidst much merriment. -..J wnuu, wun SHOW Bl'l(l T3111. \Va8hingtOn,_ Dec. 2, 10:30 a.m.--Prob:1- bi_lil:ies :--For Middle States and Lowei I regions, fresh winds and continued and stormy weather. .ake threatening vvcaulerl lie] Washington, Dec. 2, l ties :-1"or Lake Region, dinij fresh and occ:uinna.lly brisk, ( erly winds, with snow and r: \\.'u..I.:......,... n V n -~ - rlr I II] I}! do so mum : L _ -vAlI.llI53lJ Ill. The case of the barques Em; and Gordoli in the collision near Goose Island in August last was decided in the Admiralty Court, the owners of the latter vessel being liable for damages to the Eros. _ The weather continues cold. found ,,..vv. The Rev. M1 is seriously ill. 'I`l.- ....-- .: -1. (Per Jllcmtreal Linc ) From Quebec. Quebec, Dec. 2.--T.h_e re on Garnean atroei yesterday evening was` caused by a stove pipe passing through a."`wooden par- tition in a. bed-room becoming over-heated. remen were promptly on hand, and ex- tinguished the ames. The damage is about $209. ` RE,!!'|!!iB.ER Atinual - Meeting? 1'.` ` PER CENT SAVED by _ _C_1othing, Tweeds. Flinn: u was trouble. 1-. H... 4:. SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. THE VERY mssmg COAL % OIL, Tax-`Psi ` - their (`itI_\""l' If :1) nl nu. Weather] Report. (Lon. Dan 9 1 -- Fenuexnan desirous ofvicqn : the requested to Q :e &c.. with H-- Mr Charcsh, Cure of Quebec, ill G, _- .---uuupu 0316 I0!` )sitively y a_dvant.-nge not it pr4V);l`;1-cc;-l'x.1.;;: the Mayor. M.-;stm~ (!..+u... _. .a :cIiue3EECl to com- arms with the sub- BANNERMAN, i Kw 95R. P- GEO. GILLIES, Rnnrnim .. cleared ember). Ovnr 21.1 mm . .... .._y uuymg 'our is, Shirtgand book AND. .sunllv kenl: in n r-L nu-:`uuuu01 or Art, has Govcrumeut.- . >- us umus IQl' the , Cutler, :`School has ssiau Got-m-nnm..+ , _...,.v. nu I 2, a..m.-Pro'abili- , dinyiahiug pressure 'isk, easterly to south- Lntl min 0 buyin your els, Shlgrts and v ue cleared lver $14,000 above rv:-div _-c?' "u I _. ..5g.r:" / v -:1`-1`o1c'E COME 59 '9 `'1 mm (rs who Emu` I30: p:xid~ l`ax-s are re-mmalul tn m.:- am} .~:x~.`c- '0.~`l.-4. ` ' SET TABLE KNIVES, I SET TEA KNIVES, White H.n(1!e,best. PAIR CARVERS, ra Set Nickle Forks. Set Silver-Plated Tea Spoons. Sugar Bowls, Card Receivers, Butter Coolers, _ ` %$lt Cellars, &c., Ugf IR . F ith hu ~o; ui mo. Articles su 0r Prchts, $1250 tg` $3.00 each, all selling now for only ' , u [1873 Holiday Season. 1873. LOOK 011'!` F03 no vans. 614, ON the premises of the subscriber boul: the 1st November, TVVO SHEEP and SIX GEESE. The owner by proving property and paying for this advertxeemeu` &::'., can have, I the above by applying to [ `KT lJ`T Dt) `LY Kingston Penitentiary,- 2nd December, 1873. .-:-:..____:___:_ . .pal for the faithful perfol-ma.nce_ of I -4 -_. Satisfactory security will be reqnirod, and the real signatures of tw responsible parties willing to enter into n. bdnd with t-he_princi- the con- tract, must be given in the Tender. Dec. 131:, 1873. - _. ........ Inc uunuuu uy u.lSl1BS. , All supplies accepted subject `to the ap- proval of the VVa.rden, from whom any further information may be obtained. U__*_I._ 3 .1 -- ,,._ __J .. vuvuuavu. Samples of the Muscovado Sugar nnd Syrup will be required. _ ' , n,;- p . Separate 5].`end'ex-5 will be received for cl ve classes of articles as divided by d.x.shes. All ..m.,1:... ......-..n-: - -' - - F uverecl. m the Benitentim y Wood Yard, whex-:3 it will be culled and piled by convict labour. The Hemlock to be uypeeled, of the same dimensions and quality as the Hard Wood, and to be delivered at tlm l _euitenary Limo- Kiln. , Hickory .a'md Ironwood : to measure four feet from pointdzo. scarp, and to be ef the best`_gua.lity ; to be de- livered in the Penitentim ood Yard, where uuneeleat nf 9.}... .-mm wAL6cN s. Now `showing i Lne mo. 1 Flour to be inspects ed before delivery, and to be I frum best Fife \Vheat.` > ' .-. -- Portsmouth, Dec. 2nd. 1VV N ankiu I .1 .,... 6,100 pion.) A an 1' AT GRIGOBZS, _v I , __-__ -awvI LIJHIUIJIIJU From parties willihg to stlpfiiy the Institution with such quantities of the following articles as may be required fan` comsumptiod at the Prison during the year 1874, delivered at th Pllitelltid-fy free of charges. Tina uu-,.L..LI_ , -'-' ` 4,000 Gallons Best Coal Oil. ...-xq ni|A4lA\o|` Inhllslll i mt been sled mid The No. 1 Fldur 1 Id in-fnv-a rlnliun... awn remtent plies. until Frida.y, the 12th Dec. instmt, ]:I_A__ __ , , -. .. III an uunrgus. l The probable quatibies of the` vml articles will be: v 'S1aALED"rENDE1>.s will be u the Office of the VV:n'-den of aton Penitenttary, endorsed Tend: PENITENTIAEFSUPQPLIES. 8,400 lbs. Bright Muscovzulo Sugar. 400 Gallons Syrup. _ 0,100 lbs. Pot Barley. 300 Ground Pepper. 1,200 Best Firkin Butter. 1,600 Fine Salt. 250 I2a.rd. _ 600 P:-iucva of Winlel Nos 2 Tobacco. 400 Young Hy.-Ion Tea (marked Fankin Moyune No. I2). - lbs. Soap (Moo:-e & Co s "Cham- ion.\ ..., _ uesli 11:7.) 1,600 1 -ushels 03.1.8. 100 Bushels Peas. 3 Tons Br.-Ln. 1,000 Barrels No. 1 Strong Baker : 25 Unboltecl , 450 Gallons Vinegar. 12 Barrelau Rice. Ea]-an: _ I I, ue` ll0li_a1* Each. ONE DQLLA R_l 900 Cords Hzirzl Fuel \Vood.` 151'] ` u I.r,._.1.-I- 30 Tons Oat .`5l:r:1\\'. 35 Best Hay. CO0 T .r|sIn.-In (Rn... ..---u L um Henock. JOH N CREIGHTON, IV. ...1 .. - inspected and brand- y be mn.nnFxr-nu-ml 'Co L M. \VELBORN, ll Tp. of Kingston. I received at leu the King- Tender for Sup- ouu. 311:]. unma- u manufactured 1 vcd the, I! r` `aha: r Flour. _-w-yu uvylnu ` "t.w..s . i H % .ma.;a t-..rr-ac} nnd _ny-ynoongq at A - It was :1 sulgvc -u _ nun u nu nu n._!.... SPLENDID PHOTOGRAPH AL1UM, Autograph Albums. Satchals, Bukota and 1'1-ave]-ling Bags. Purses, Wallets, Memo. Book: Pocket Din-in for 1874. Fancy Inks! -ands; Wstchltands, The Pocket Knives, all sizes a Stereoaoonm .1 v:.-- nd prices. ['6 v I NW Stock THE `HOLIDAYS- N. B.-\Ve rp- Fancy Goods, Stationery, Pictures, Etc, ` ll. 9 u Ina uuuamg Bloch. Diuocted Mnpu and P` Wu!"- Lotto, Chou, Drsughti , Pnrlbrir` Oroquqt. Games with Card-- vnrioul kinda. g=_1._:.a Chain-, Gold uuvellury BUR BOOK HISIILB. Opera Glasses, 'l`eles-opes, Microoeop White Woodg: I3 A M,` 4-; Work Boxes; kn, l`es"Co in? Fancy Scent Bottle: in Mgrooco ` Vases, Stotnettoa, Boohhdea. Carved Bnckib, Mitch Boxes, do. A B C and Building Bloch. Mum and Pam...- %wILLI"1_\_ny1.A__ gins & co. I rocxet Knives, am Stereosoopel and Views. Photograghs, Llthugrapha. Oh no o phl_ \- , no.2. of VVateg:`Uolo:r.?7 Gold Pens, Pencils any; Pl_n1 (`.mm..+.... um- .-.uvAUB UL W856!` UOI0l'.'" Pencils and Plated Calel. Coventry Silk Bbok Marks ' Glasses. Tale-_u-nnnh I-"*-````` ` M-'QUORs%g FRENCH MUSTARD, POTTED MEATS, ANCHOVY PASTE. TIRHOOT CHUTNEY. CASHMERE PICKLE, SOYER S RELISH, FRENCII CAPERS, SPANISH OLIVES, &c., ___________________________, N.B.-We keep FI-RS1`-CLASS GOODS. nnlv. Kingston, Dec. lat, I873. JAMS AND JELLIES, `KIELl.ER S MARMA DE, SCHEPPS COCOA- UT, CRANBERRY S UCE, CA LVES FEET JELLY, PEACHES (I SYRUP), APRICO'1`S (INSYHUB), -TAMARI DS, &c., &c., NEW CURRANTS, MALAGA GRAPES, -; HAVANA-URANGFS, 1 MALAGA`LEMONS, CANDIED PEELS, ` CHOICE PRUNES, SMYRNA FIGS, FRESH NUTS`, &c., 1' Cheap Teas, Sugars, Go'e_;&T: Pure Spices and "'1 Ext:-acI:s._ Raisins ! Raisins 4! Raisins ! `DOUBLE BLUE CROWN, SINGLE BLUE CROWN, SINGLE BLACK c1:ow.~', BLACK BASKET, LONDON LAYERS, ' LOOSE MUSCATEL, VALENCIAS, suurnms, LAYERS, &c.,' &c., HURRAH! L THE HOLIDAYS. N w Fruit 1 New Fruit !. `ITALIAN WAREHOUSE. Wines ! Wines ! Inc 1. Tvcom th 1 null ! l$er::l:Issonm'e:`tcof e Hf; kool.'l;ndcrclotl|ing, Ties, G10 ea ITALIAN WAREH(;iZTSE. - W 11168! 2 Black Sauces. c. .allaizesa udV iews. venous >;T Fr$1- `E/ Ii-I-..- A. r W. I 8 Speklt V. upul. aura. `I-`lavoulv-ing Poucs Cutmr, TUEDA$ - (Before Mr Strange, P.M.)-'l`_here was a. good-attendance of the genna loafer in court this morning, to witues: one of their number, Charles Preece, receive sentence of 60 days in gnol for being drunk and disorderly. Catherine Murphy, dru , was discharged, as she had got apes: fm-mus Mayor to leave the city. An assault case was nettled by paying coats, and the cab- men'l was further adjourned until Mon- day next, Mr C. V. Price appearing for tho ldofenoe. . \ - `Pickles, pulp 1701]] London, borne case y eonnpel V rpeoah. NJ: ttained at ~Chari ties . New 1;) Ihipo Oana. New Yor _-e, linnk it ulna at 17 Inch Asian .5 n`- latch ads: at 11` Bcnh :- __ ~ SnoxrnAsn.-Mr R. Bmnerman, who start- ed, 9. class in Pitm:.n a system of shorthand, with twenty-four members, having been re- quested to open 3 second claas,- will do so`bn the 8th instant. See advertisement. NEW .. nvv n cash The 51150 ' Liautuege be withbh ~..- 911 V-.. an U Londo not blam wet olfice aura life. ip the ne imdfoccu sga. but Ii The ra._pi down pre the whal minutes down. 7 paralized passengg whole I gether. ` 1-wings 11 heart-br still tha ._____ -CASADIAN Socnrn:--An excellent su tion was made at the banquet of St. Audrew s Society last evening for the formation of a na- tive Canadnn Society, to take its place beside _ the other national societies in benevolent ob- jects. is hope the suggestion will be acted upon, and the let of July token as the day to be celebrated. with bo .. ..... The is next mo others. ' \.l I/GDlIllL`l D blessinggl like c' ,tumult-. bridge" rescued fteen the first to the ink goi men? The I windpi sel. was a nothe heaps, s;1;w th uvu - vessel,` them i ` mast fe '--- / A GKNILE Hl:s`1`.-'1'he Lonon Fiec Pv'('3.-1 says: It is easy to tell who are the worst mannered And most impolite pe ople attending any public eutertaiinnent. The y :Llua._\-'s rise and leave the house just before the curtain` falls, and while` the rest of the audience are interested in some thrilling portion of the play. Blood and bringing`up will tell every time." And our contemporary might have added that at church they always prepare to leave by putting on their muiers, clouds,and great coat; previous to the benediction. - V;i[l. tive of out ing w}_x on dec minute that th Thirty get jut strong tluksin Wr M01 I I ingstou is likely to receive the appointment Of i Snr\'eyor_of (filstoinfat this port, vacant; by i the promotion of Mr Migaye no the Collector-- ship. If the Civil Service A l: isaa oh.-r riddcn, as s_uch an intimation appears to iudi' cat_e, we don't know any one who has such strong claims on the party, he 1m.-iug fought. l {heir battls on many a weilicontested eld {and not always victorious either. We l1a.\"c !no doubt that all these things are renxcm. lbered to Mr Livingston'a advantage at the I It is fieely stated Tliat Mr Archibald` Liv The Irish Eight. have challenged the best marksman in the United St: rie competition; to_ take place in tl country some time during the autumn The success m` the Irish Eight" at ` dog this year is :1 safe guarantee that I prove a. match "for any eight our 1 friends can place in opposition to then .,,_......._.__....> _ .._ _......., uuu uucns great In ' tducementa to agents in the way of jewel}:-yr : (watches, and otliar articies of term. \\'e ivish ' I the Illail continued prosperity. ` c.___4_._._ ,. Y. `M. C. A.-Thc Treacurer of the Young Men's Christian Association requests us to acknoxrl-9-lge the receipt of ' S5, wit}: tliaxllis, from a lady, to assist in carrying on the good , work. An institut.ion'Iil;e this is a good one to show liberality to, and we hope the oppor- tunity will be taken l-y these who have any interest in young men. ` l Tm: `.\lA1L."-Jealous of the imm luence and great popularify of the Toronto I .1/:1, the party of letter-sh.-:iln's have time nml again circulated stories to its -letrEmeut_ ' 'e are gla,(L to learn) that there is not the V I slightest foundation for their truth, and that the Mail is prospering as Well as its most ardent friends could desire. There are lmn. dreda of people in every county in the Province who take no paper, and these we would re- commend in the rst place to subscribe for tho UHRONICEE AND l.\'E\\`s, $1.50 in .1d\'a.nce, and also the I $3 obtain a. large a.mount.5of varied and usef u 1 information, worth much more than the sub- scription price of the papers. The Jllail has arranged its club rates, and offers ducementa I _-A._1_.- - ensc in_ r x great in` .'l[a:'l at the same price, and thus for , , W S . ) pocris ' `-.;v ' mntinl ` - . ........_. 1:1 ucuoru on all ceseuti. ters uf__I.olitica.l and loc:xlVi1upurt.' `.3uclpl1`JIcrc`ur_r/ and .4dr:'r!ioer is of the organ of the lettc\r-stealing or \. ....,.....: . .. . -4 '..-.... vu yuan |.u|HLl!'S, CIOIIC I: coata, .-..-.u, -uu uu|t'l' BILICICS 0! l` _ In 11:11 A L]L'o'A I. :2. 1-, I ` . .:.: A;-53 IJCUII 11 the uulph 21: rhlr;/. Th an of the Mackeuzke type, : are tuld) having for :5 10 yr ,'., ,... -n _._ .... nun) Plllla, V3 , , v-wwIl -1-, Ill-IIIIIWI Ill M` C l`" "Y ` which the toast was received. He wu much r mgaye `o .-actor-- _ ;leased to see ladies present, as ifzitlded a lSe1-vice cl: xs"i37l.~i: over ' chnnn to __ ,_,ue_ n:\ti< -11.11 societies thought they did a w 0" wh ch large a.mom1t of good 111. ch as while they `e P"y- hf} f:'='vi' inwzdczxtex`. a love for the old they al-.30 my '9 contestml eld, made better and truer men and women :torious "4: . Dr. .\`u11i\';ux was aisu loudly calied for, `m33 "3 "e` < I made a few x--\-marks, saving that ha um: ulna lDtnn'a ml.-....5....... A -I He believed strongly in .. V.-ucuguu elgmz 0 : States to : . ..l..,.. 1, 4| - ,.._----.... un nurx. W'imble- mntce they will tight American itiun them. , 4 ,.,_ .........a In! at [ace the latter =. of 1874. nln" ..b \v:_.I,1, llexnggd eight of 0...! bL..L., . Ban TVIID-"-A report in given in the Watch!!! D5-*P` I that Tweed in dying from ` in-nhn of the brain. The report in con- id by I atshlnent made to -the mayor: of_ n: no vu DOC XPecte to live over last w. 0|! tdqnph deipatchel, however, qlholnvu my own unwell. but Ind b... qyuuduodsho be-pit-I ordcrnn and ma his dufus. ' nvuu II cu LIIU ` from the table of liquor, Ulef 1805 VII theahuoeo which yru now be- eoming so general at such futivaln. He hoped the time would soon coma nltogether banished. xghen it would be nu. Mayor Cunningham thanked the St. drew : Society for the invitation given him to be present. He was very much struck with two facts-the presence of the ladies, which. he thought at very sensible movelnent, and an example which he `hoped would followed The other fact the chance vvnllvll -vs-u Auuuly uppl8llCl8{1. The toast of Our Guests, was then g from the first vice chair, which wag honolired. ,,.-..-c. "A\n\DU.lU yuan no revmt the scenes of youth after several years absence, and the feeling in his heart was more generally en- hanced by the fact that his native land Was enjoying such 3 large amount of prosperity, at the present time. He glanced over some of the- manufactures which distinguished the Scottish nation, and referred to the distinctive application which formed the subject of the toast. A learned dxsqnisition could be given on the dicrent kinds of food which were used in Scotland, but he forbore, on account of the excellent spread which had been placed before them; tocnlarge. He concluded an -eloquent speech by reading a. poem from a small book whihh had lately been published in Glasgow by a. workingman. The poem was vory appropriate, and was entitled Scotland. and her Thistle Top. `lV__ \l,1 I ` ' Mr Mclutyre here read 8 poem written by_ Mr Evan McCall, from the Mountain Min. strei, entitled, The Hill: of the Heather,'_' which was loudly applauded. V The tmut nf "nu... t1....a.- n - -.....~.- ucnulii uc.\I:. Mr R. T. \V'a1kem was a spend on behalf of the En in a. few won_le. \v v. --- I Mr. i chair, I ,, -- .. .`.....-no, ausyuls um i to sec 5:; many ladies present, `they were mostly of Scolgch ( * the Irish ladies, in his estimati ludics came next. II. II In `Iv nu - , ,_.- V... n. uucy I called saying that he was g i ]_I1nILr ]!'|l]:n.: ......-...`a ..A(L' ` ` At the ngnlar meeting`:-f L.0.L. No. 11, W hat tuning. the following oic-e`n-were &&lfor 1874 :-- i-.. ......, ....-. ausu 101' me hearty manner in_ it added n:\.tinx1.\l did men am] wnm-an _ - ..v ./vunnuun 5 C1binr:t," coupled with the name of Hon. Mr ' L.`.x:-`c wri`;ht, which was r::ceiven1wi!;h applause. 'l.e: Hun. M1` (';u=w|-ighl; responded. This 11'.-H not :1. politi-:11 umetiu-cg`. and it would be improper to iutrmluce politic: ; but this he would say, that wh-mtever party was in power, I sc-cnxcd tha.t they must have a Scotchman at the he 1:1 of atfazirs. II: believccl in encour- giug 1x:.1ti.)'.1;Lim1, for if they could nd such non: (2\`i fn ..1....1 ...L2-L - ....y on-.\.\..1a UL UJJCI the no\'elL_\' of 1 their banquet. llhe Chairman u'l'\L_ 0- - -*- I . ..- ..,... Ul .Juuu;suu. seexned to be innate in I all S-:oh-bxnen, and if our children were "thus taught to venemte the land of their fore- ' f.L:bers, there was no doubt thit Canada. would i be benclitted thereby. In "his recent contest ; in Lexmux, be was forcibly reminded of in ' (I111 Latin proverb, wjiicb might be very freely trzu1sl:1ted--It is better to haven Scotchmau , ,....... KI, ..'...uu uugur. De trccly I on-)-our side than against you. He concluded I by congratulating the St. Andrew's Society on i the success of their entertainment, and also on ! the nnnalnv n: I..:.-- _. -...... -uuuu was UH` ` I distant, they might: be sure t!-mt attachment I would soon cxtc.-1-.l to the lap-.1 we lived in. 2 Tim: love of Scotland seemed to be innate K _ _- -1: .. . u V . cxistixlg to might I u-null Br\.\n\ -..L-,_ I .1 .. ynavlll uu LHC II and alao for the .. ....`|. ....V - ' The funeral of the late #1:-3 Hamilton took ; juthilnfternoon. The pau-bearers were "(In Robert Deacon, John Creighton, C. F_ Gildoraloou, George Davidson, J. A. Allen, ll C. Bile. There was a large number of - haulers, among whom -were Chief Justice 'Dnper:ml the Hon. D. L. Mwpherson; of Toronto, Dean Lyrter, the Revds. Henry Wilson and F. W. Kirkpatrick, and many of SB principal citizens. Professor Mowat con- dlctodtho religious services at the house, and the procession passed by way of King and _ Ptiueeu street: to Cataraqui Cemetery. A '3] lsrp number of carriages brought up the I8! 0! the procession. ,,__.... `ll u.uAauao W38 \ 'en from the chzlll`, and enthusnastxcall-y I, the company singing For he sI- .nI fellow." imir:n.1:1 then gave The Dominion ~`,,,;,,,1,.,1._..:n. 41.- ..-...- -. n .- at " ""7 v glad xa.ny1at.1ies pzu'ticu1_nrly as : dcsbent. After 1.x'1ie.i. in hi: n-zns-.l-.`X.. LL C` ` . u-.. McIntyre, from the first vice- gxve the toast of the evening, 0 Cakes." He made 3 very elo- ess in introducimr it .-.-m.....1.:... .. ,, _-. .- ...v_, uuulll Ill a laml which ' `\1rn;u}|I- I... ........ Ll ,; .- ..-.. 5-ouvcu. over some E}; , ich Led at of fund Iwhinh ...-.... .--.... uu mu: -.l \VB icofland -uu.l if _.4-- -` " ` my lwguzx tn assemble about night. by the time supper conunencetl .u:n.hu11t 20) present. Previous vu Wm; mtexnpol-izexl, and those it tripped it gaily until znlzout u u'clnck, when the party led 9 llull, were three tables were .,. ,(-,..-...-u m... . xr....-__ um I ` - ~.....v-J uu `eir ha.vix1_: `introduced ladies to then ave without reface, E P ietiesf whinh urea ..---. v TIII Wu'n5nR.-'.'l`luro in 3 change in tl_:c Vatbt today, and rain is now fglling iuvily. This will prevent the ice from tak- Q in the harbour for a little longer. It in vay cold, hovovor. ...... an-LILJIU Jusuce one to the good things pro- ', President of St. Patrick s on behalf of his society. 01' the invitation extende fur Hus l.......A... _.-A-- ' \4v~1wGl-Ill. AILCT -s estimatitfn, the Scotch an also_ called on to re- | : English, which he did [ e... .. nu.-_-uuu 1.u'cul.C, . _, . . `much was rece1ve_d ... . uuauuu c4\ |.cllu(l hearty in `.1 tr. - " was given Yhinh `run 3-`- uly ...., null uuc 'l`l|..- chair I.. u.. :4 ............. Inevory constituency there are always -in fady to be bought and sold ; dead to e privilege of e`_xe1-cising Hue fmnchise in- j.3si5lc to honour and unmindful of the hllctity of an oath, andihesc are they who uhnmod Mr Cartwright; (pro 4cm) a mem- *C in the Common: of Canagla fur the Quilt} of Lennox. ' uuulll. 1n me morning the envelope f In-Ta contents were mini , and no clue could be obtained as to how or by whom the chutne- tion was accomplished. Last Tuesday, how- ever, the missing money was found ; the `vessel had been laid up for the Ieuon, and in clearing out the hold. a. rat : n-It -- - - vo uwllv A Cmvxn Tum-1.--Some weeelu ago, .Ca.nt. Ju. Acton, of the Sloop Greyhound, on going to bed at night, hung up his coat, in the pocket of which was an envelope eon- tsining a draft for 340. and 840 in Green- ka. In the morning and oontontg nniuing, and clue m`nl-l I- ,,,__ ....v nu n Inullli. PABTURIUNT MoNrns.-Ies. We have dart-right : word for in. The ministry Is in labor. It in big with apolicy. Don t hurry it. Dou t make any noise, It will probably takeiome monthe. The anir in serious. It aecta not only the present generation, but their children`: children and millions yet unborn, Goodness gn~ cioue ! See toit Csrtwright, tint there in no nn'scarriagc.-Free Lance ~ ......... ; one so 1; usrurright, Lance I I1- -(-- " rvnnvl . u -- b..._..__, -.- Poucv.--What is to be your policy, Mr Mackehzie ?" asked a. London G rit the other day. The Premier xed him with his glittering eyes and said : "Policy ! Wlnattena policy do you want mon ? lhae professit pure Refawmm principles for thretty years, an I hue pur- chasit hawf my Cawbinet, and whnt for should Lucette extraordinary example thirst for unscrupulous oluutarily herself of mistress, and of knowing his-murder. She adhered continually in- vented ones, so doing she secured her own prison and conne- ment there for for Wed s. Finally it is ascer- tained that there is her statements, an __J ............u u vvluv uuun: LU F008! 1 There is ly one construction to be on thmresult of this election. Dur- gziin canvass, Mr Cartwright plainly sew _` that public opinion was strongly against .him, this corresponding withithe report 6! hi: scouts througlxout tl1e`EoI1Ixtry, it 1es'.determined~to carry the constituency by I coup dx: uniu. T113 case was des- pereb-'.ha Finance M iuistsr must be Cloetodat any.cost, or the results to the neg Administration mi-.'_:l|t be disastrous. The poor boy." from Picton ; adept and vet- enn chunpioniet at bribery and corruption, In :1 hand to aid and counsel the pure Iinsncienziu his desperate attempt on the 4; treasury bench, parasites without number ; i greedy fdr whiskey and`g:tin hung about tho great 7man ready to do his bidding, lick the dirt from ulf his boots. But all this time where were the bone and sinew d the eountrjr, men with chancters to lose nd reputation: to maintain l-Where were the. Wateone, the Allauux, the Frasers 4 Ind the Booths `l on the "side and for the 1 fxepsuentetivc of order and good govern- ' `net, Although former supporters of Mr ' ' Cartwright . = i " - '` __`__ ___f_.., ..