_:_ n R. and J. Gudiucr h&Vg . uolcct Itockofdlhgutmglgcu,` nibble for the holidays. ' ixromer, author of Jessica s First prap er; Codsh and Potatoes, Chapter II., by Eleanor Kirk ; Missery Jippenu, Chapter VII, VIII, by H. V. Osborne. In addition to these articles are several pretty poems, a. charming little Cottage Design, and editorial departments embracing Our Housekeeper, Correspondence, Literary Notices, Laughing Stock, &c., &c. The engraving for this month is entitled "Old Folks. All the above for only one dollar per year--or with chromo Yosl-:mT1-: one dollar and a. half. Address. VV0on`s HOUsEIInI.n `.\1m....,.. xis_.-M - .........u:. uuu uouar and half HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE N. V O ,_---....-, ..w..==, poems,_ ac. Its table of contents embraces the following ar- ticles: A Better Country, Mary Hart- well ; An Engineer's Yarn. Albert Williams, Jr., Our Party at Sea, Rev. J. S. Breckin- ridgc; Two Enthusiasts, H. M. Lewtral; Presence of Mind, Rev. F. `V. Holland; Our Babies, D. A. Gorton, M.D.; Blessed_ uess of Riches, Tenoroou; Hans Doodley dee, Rudolph Mantel; installment of Max Kromer, author Jessica's er: Cmlsh and D.\t--4---- 1 ' " ........u nu uauilua \VooD s Hovsnuonn . M AGA ` The December number of Wm Zllagaziue is replete with good I taining sketches, stories, p0( tht ticles: well; A1 1_ .2 - .w........ u; we man'Knam Farmer the Farmers Advocate is the good, independent agricultural lished in Canada. VA:-sw,~ vv ` -._....t..u on. The Farmers Advocate is to hand. \Ve are pleased to see the marked improvement in its appearance. The Advocate is published in London, Ontario, by \Vm. \Veld, at $1 per nnuum, ahd is full of valuable reading matter for the farmer. The seed, stock, dairy, eld and farm departments are excellent, and the paper is well illustrated. The Advocate gives some spicy rubs to both of thupolitical par - ties, hitting right and left, wherever the editor thinks the rights of the farmers are being in- truded upon. The Advocate ought to be in the hands of every Canzulian farmer. The President of the Markham Farmers Club says tin: Iv`...-mm... 4.. -...... ......m.u_y interest. W 1th regard to the Thanksgiving Day embroglio, if we may so term it, the 1 rez says : It is to be hoped that the embarrassment occasionediu some districts of the country by a. proclama- tion emanating from the Government of Onta- rio substituting the 6th of November as a day of public thxmksgiving for the 16th of Octo- ber, the day that had been unanimously aigreed upon by the leading Protestant_ Churches (and for the sale of B1-owu s cows-_- N laws), will not be repeated in the future. The mode to avoid such a repetition is for the General Assembly to decide, as the Bishops of the Church of England have done, that the will hold their Thanksgiving Day at the time they shall themselves decide. The Presbyte- rian has a.` somewhat sarcastic notice of the Queen's Co!/rye Journal, stating that The se-_ com] number is better renal than the first, and therefore reads better." The present number concludes the twenty-sixth volume of the Presbyterian, which we may say is a marvel of cheapness. . 'l`|... tv , A - __._ _-____.-:_ D GOOD KNOCKING AT THE DOOR. .`he metropolitan m-mm nr 41.. -4-..-,: 1 _ . . ..~.._.,-`cl um xur uecemher our table, and contains the couch tings from Old Scotia," well wri descriptive of the editor's rqmb] meriu his uative land, wttc in and to Scotchmen, we should 1 than ordinary interest. \ViLh 1 'l`lmnl.u~m:..;.... 1 u....n ,,, v uurnary 11 Tm: Yovm; L.u)\"s J bcr.-- Mr Henderson has beruumber of this favouri as usual, contains a. large and interesting reading, scientic notes, receipts, . fashion plates. It is vex`) nu In In use rrencn-Canadians of I.owerTCa`nailu , and the new Government would do all in its power to regulate matters to the satis- taction of all concerned. ll. Dorion'a words may be regarded as the vi_ewa of Mr Mackenzie`: Cabinet. ,Their views, it will be seen are favourable to Riel and hie aaaociatea, if the Government can be satiatiad that an amnesty was promised. Tht an amneaty was granted by the Im- . perial authorities to Riel and those con- i` corned in the murder of Scott has frequently been alleged by the hyp ocrisy organs. _:}'v'here is their proof `I We think it a very tranga thing indeed that it` such be true, Riel and his; brother murderers have remained I0 long without deriving the benet of the amnesty. There enuld be nothing gained by keeping them in suspense. `If an amnesty was granted it should have been proclaimed. Mr Hackenzie is now in a position to nd out the truth about this matter, and doubt- leu he will enlighten his Cabinet and the country at th. ....I:..+ ....-_:u- , - . I -"' . (1 'r1Vm1lrea '9 it. _r]An Extcllsive Fire I ' Acciacnt. Ayr. Dec. R__'I`l>-n \""L-- .,. vuv ul uur most loss on the mills is s `ly any insurance. IICCIIH Ayr, Dec. 3.-The N belonging to Jns. Piper, 1 to be on lire` about 9 `p.m consumed. Arcluilmld Mouldcr to John \\'atso1 save property, was `sulfa death. The oatmeal mill` the cxtrt me exertions of lmbitauts. The people d `rreen makes the following announce- "guy parties in the United States or wishing to experiment in I..+..1.;.... ,,,_-_. , van nuu UTLBK -1}; to westerly winds, with threatening r and rain during the day. _ -..___.-:_ was mspecnon should not be r, while a small fee only should , in the event of the oice being srlacl. Tnmanms. , ._.--- ..vuu. )1), Dec. 3, 10:30 a.m.--Proba- ur the Middle States, the Lake thence southward to VVestern the Ohin mm... :.....L ..n - , ._, , ...~ uuuuuueu nnu burnt to mills wereonly saved by tr: the (reman and in- uts. deeply regret the loss of our most respected citizens. The the about $l`2,000,with scarce- iusumnnn remarked, however, that such 3 usually been thrown in as the 1 constituencies in which no ess presented themselves. In Lmplo. But then it should not It the Ontario Government ...- mu me good faith of the Govern England "would not be repudiau people of the North West. haul the a of the French-Canadian: Lower nd u- ...._ IV ---- ~ - _ -._. .,..u...., wcu wnnten articles 2 rambles last sum- nafivn lmul ..._iA {.-Z:_-_ Literary Notices. u-\... I .....v. I - ` ...- ..-..,.... yncuuy poem, mbracing ` month 3` her vans, .. ...:u. A USEHOLD. l\IAG.4zmE for Deer. number nf IV.m.I .. 1.r"..-n I - /jtcriuu for i .1. -' .. .u use unwed. mates experiment in hatching ite sh swan, will be sent ceipt of fty cents. to pay addressing the undersign- rery lake. river and bond c. Nlthval Flour Mills, 0 Esq.,were discovered a` `p.m., and weee entirely \Vatson, Foreman \\'at.sou, A.yr, ii; trying to rty, kuifocatecl nmlburnt to e Oahnnnl mill. -.-.~--- --`-- - ` ' , -_.-- ..-u uunll uuc ur_:sU, and jxich ,. ..... .... n_r\,\.c|uIII:l' I: aureauy 0 1 conclusion of Jul `.1 .'\`m+;.. " .....n - .-. .... nu a.zc\..\;uI- lerson sent us the Decem- this favourite magazine, which, ins amount of valuable ; consisting of tales, &c., and numerous 1+ ;_. . .- V - - 18:` .... ....n..- u em: trouble. Th: new Gov- omment had laid that if this were proved it would go a long way in favor of Riel and his associates. He engaged that the ques- -- ._y ;vvwlI.l7Bo JOURNAL for Decom- ersxnn Imu ......a...- n -n -............u w vv estern 1 valley, fresh and brisk winc mitt. n...--L V ` there has been the Far as tha Horn.- r., ..v., uuu uuul.Cl`U s very cheap at $3 per -... . nuu.uuAC:| Jade suu`.~ , wt-`ittcmn a racy style, we Shlllal nnu nf ----A ' December is already on 3 the PnIIIlIe:nn at H r._; , ,. __, .-.....J, uuxu `e t,whex;ever Fur-nn..- ...__ I.,: ' .. 41.112 .uUU1i.. ` the administra- ._u.1uInn nor ueer. W ood s Ilousehold xod readi_ng-enter- poems,_ &c. Its I flmn A'l`l-_.`-- _-.._.. -v unu JVICI q|lE'B(l0Il ne Said. 2 ` They would all know that the Red River pcople were opposed to annexation to Can- ada exec t on certaiin condition. They fanned n. rovinionnl Goyemment, of which Riel was President. After a certain length of _ time they sent as dele- pteo to Ottawa Messrs. Richot, Black and Scott, when the _whole question vlrdincuued. Subsequently an act was pared by which the Red River territory in annexed upon certain conditions. The dolognte: uxd Mouqeigrieur Tache said that they had a formal promise of an amnesty ` for Rio] and others who had taken part in 1 the North-West trouble. The 1 Qmnant hm] ugh} o|...L :: n_:, ~ dian 5 Hm cm!" ......H._ lIIIzIIIn .. L -- V nu nuu pond. , as was their n is generally um1erslg'n- r pond .5 their ,-_,._.-.. `IA uvu' . written articles ..-...l.I,`._ l.-A nuuress. Nwburgb, -: \/lull BGJE only really paper pub- I Dreadful . _.._., .. ......c regard , . an :. H u... .. .4. cumul- Lewtral ; Holland ; ; | or M... -l`Eh}_ li`ziilly:3_1c:t*5l. ' l|'b`D.\'L`o`l)A 1' 1z'w;."\'1.\'C': `lVl`L'L'.V ..- .._,- .. . RlIL_AND nu Govznsntsr.--\\r'liileth hon: Edlrnnl Blake was spcaking town-(is (H07 close of Mr Cartwright`: meeting at Napaueo on Friday. snmc person in the au- dience shouted out, xvnm about Riel r which very pertinent inqnirytlze honourable pntleman did not deem worthy of his con- sideration. Perhaps Mr Blake has no policy _ on the subject, now that lie is a member of of the no policy Government. The Minister of Justice has spoken, however. He ad- {nued hi: constituents recently, and in llgsrd to tha Riel question he said "'l'h.u would ..II I.....__ u, - . .- 5 -__ 1 l g t Colonel nor does he need any advo E how the cacy in the prenqpes, for he has hitherto Bhndie,_ ( needed all his own pretty fairly in his eon- uquon an mi, aide with the Fr ' r. Neither would I be understood as standing sponsor for all his of buyers political adventures by uiymeans ; I simply protest in a spirit of ' fair pl against the M4 lFre s maklngaecape-gttnyt ofhim, and W. cruningl of the two go 1306- 3-A , ,,-_-, -...... nuauy or its old friends, like myself,` should, under the circum- stances, cry out, save us from our friend erratic sheet. In jnstiiication of our appeal, we point in a. special manner to the Free- holder`: issue of the 21st inst. There, Mr Editor, you will nd it in one editorial throwing the mantle over Ca:-twn'ght s deser- tion of his former political chiefs because of disappointed ambition ; and in an hnrling its most envenomed shafts at the de- votedhead of ourpoor local M. P. , (for `til he that is really meant, although the Freeholder hasn't the courage to_ say it out), because the gentleman lately would lead to the belief that he in: tended to imitate the illustrious exampleaf the member for Lennoi. You ' ' 10!` It: had it .14 organ above named, and prevented it from makinga laughing-stuck of itself, as it has succeeded in duing only_'_9o well during the shnv-f. no-i.-..'l at LIN ,._ _.--V.u. vuxv J.`_1Vl.l`JJ..V1)S! A correspondent of the Gazette, says : Since the lamented demise of the late Pre- mier of Ontario, the old Liberal party in this section "of the country has" been con- stantly compromised before the public by their whiloin orga.n--the Freeholder of this town. Whatever may have been _the pri- vate feelings of the deceased sta.tesmen- and I would not, If I could, recount them, all who enjoyed his acquaintance must do his memory tliescaiitjxistice to admit that he was at all events a consistent politician, although some may, perchance, insist that at times he pushed his consistency to extremes. However that may be, certain it. 1'. H.-L me hope that some action will be tallzeuf The business of the L:u1dO ca is reviewed, and the desirability of emi ation enlarged upon. Utah affairs require early and special atten- tion, as at present in that territory all r0- ceedings at law are partically abolished. he bankruptcy laws require amendment, particu- larly the clauses that permit a spiteful credi- tor throwing a. rm in diicnlties into involun- tary bankruptcy. The Indian policy is being steadily pursued "with benecial results. The President is satised that a territorial form of Government should be.given to the Indians, so that treaty rights may be given to the ori- ginal settler. The passage of an Act is recom- mended for the admission of Colorado as a State in the Union. A canal for the purpose of imigration from the eastern slope the Rocky Mountainsto the Missouri River is suggested, and the benets desived from such an under.- taking are dwelt upon. ' The message concludes with n recommenda- tion for a. general amnesty and a suggestion that a law be enacted to better secure the civil rights which have not been effectually secured to the enfranchised slave. -1llail. grezw canals passing through the 5 York and Illinois be opened for t large vessels, and that in ret States Joing so the Govermnen` the great public highways with connect. I"lun -......_A.. _: .1 un- -nvnu us 77 _--- Lua came and cypher messages is received. Although the out- luok is pacic, pending the negotiations be- tween the two countries, the American navyhas been placed on a war footing, and ' the President looks to Congress and the people to justify his action in so doing. Several constitutional amendmults are pro- posed, and then under the head of the Trea- sury Department he states the receipts and expenditures for the scal year, the receipts being $43,392,939 in excess. He does not ex- pect that this favourable exhibit will be made for the present year, and he urges economy in all the departments. The question of resum- ing specie payments is fully discussed. 'l'he progress of American ship building has been very satisfactory. It is recommended that ,.the ' great canals passing States of New bepopened the transit of lllluvn .....-- J SAVE US FROM OUR FRIENDS! A nnrra-nnn.1..'._L (E -' uneny. '1`he new treaties proclaimed with a foreign powers since since last Congress are mentioned. The rights of those born in foreign countries of American parents is a subject recommended for early legislation), and the attention of Congress is called to the laws respecting expatriation. The resolu- tion of Congress, congratulatingspain in the efforts to form a Republican Government, was forwarded to that Gowemmint, and the emancipation of slaves Lin Porto -Rico is spoken of as tlieinaugura 'on of Republican- ism in that country's do inions. The un- satisfactory state of affairs in Cuba. is refer- red to at some length and then the Virgin- ins difculty is reached. The President _ narrates the history of the vessel from the time she was registergl at the port of New York in 1870, up to the present, but no facts which have not already been made public are mentioned. The corres- pondence on the subject is promised as soon as the text of the cable and cypher ]]a.|Ivl'|rrn `Imam. ..l--- 1 ` uuue. IJIFO Mart-ourlett, Mr Baptiste Barge yo, Pierre Bellev. Robolcr I`-onaveuturc, Rev. C. Simon. Hypolite Baite, Mr and Mrs Alfred vuugtand, Lmil De . 1] V II t, s - 'butinn Vallat, M: nnllgl-\ln.enry ` l 3 `Q London, Dec. l.--'|`lie ship l_A)chc.'u`n was so badly damaged by the collision with the Ville ` do Havrc that the persons rescued by her from the wreck reqnented to Le put on board the Trimountain. All were safely transferred, , with the exception of three persons who were loo badly "njured to be romowd. After the ' collision t e Loch:-am put about for Quoens< town, at which `mt she vsj.-Is due alu-ut the 29th nlt.. notvritlxst,-mding her disabled cou- dition. othing has yet been heard of her. * ,,-_--......,_, nu uuu Awneen war. The Venezuelan award, the judicial powers of foreign consuls in Turkey and Egypt, and the application of San Do- mingo .to the Ifnited States Gov- ernment to exercise a protectorate over that republic, are mentioned briey. The tren.ties`proc I_aimed iraiun I\t)vuI-n .i..,.,. .....A- we publish to-day the full text of Presi- dent Gru.nt s Message, delivered yesterday at the opening of the Forty-vthird Congress of-the United States. The President opens by referring to the recent great events which have agitated the United States dur- ing the past year. and then announces that relations with all foreign powers, except Spain, are most satisfactory. The honours he speaks of the good which will likely re- sult from the convention held at the same time in reference to inventions. A slight advance has been made towards the suppression of the Coolie trade. The Presi- dent recommends the appointment of a Commission for the purpose of determining the amount of the losses by the Alabama and Shenandoah, with a view of the nal distribution of the Geneva. award. The Boundary Commission is stated, and the work performed by the Claims Commission is told. The oicers of the United States have been instructed to observe a strict neutrality in the Atcheen foreign nmuml ` n ';n "I"..-I. __- __ . .......uu.:-4;` 1 5 MESSAGE. publish to-dny Mesmma. dnla.-......1 ......L--L- ...... uuu UM: 38 I-8 the Gazette itself, especially 0d of the late general elec- ?or a. time, we had it on the with occasional grumbling: ad more` or less distinctly wind was blowing, until late- 5 -gasps-goat ofhim, " ' 1' cmnlnpl go 3. ,.-_.-.. .. ... uu uuxcu. xne e y enlarged `eqniru csunt r vs require amendment. n,--H:-n _____ PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE xblinh 17.-.]... 41... :..n 4.". .....uu5u uueonalzes of New of return for the Government keep open ;hways which thaw nu me new. of the Trea- a able exhibit will 1... man yuullc, are mentioned r nce last (Inn...-... ..-- NJTIQ2. Eli.-e I .. Di.-.. I'.|-n .. vvuuury, and well would it have been, rse to the end; but >1`, and it became a. It sought out_ new Inc was gI........L -~ .5- ....... no u-uuu LU U18 riation. mtnlating Spain nblican es {in Pnrln-"Rina :. > the the nnr} nf `KT--u , u an I --\1uvl Ull lit by ourselves, buyers. 1 IEAE Th"n""u"ETs CHEAPER THAN EVER. YOUNG HYSON ix-I l0VPound Caddies. JAPAN TEA 10 H -1 GUNPOWDER " 10 ~ ~ FINE BLACK -- no u -- YOUNG HYSON 5 H u JAPAN TEA - 5 u GUNPOWDER ~ 5 ~ - FINE BLACK - 5 - u ~ ~ W. R. MQRA -7-- _.._____ * Boxes Very Fine Do_uble * Boxes Very Fine Single C Boxes Very Fine Black B: Boxes Very Fine London Boxes Very Fine Layers. Half Boxes (off Stalks) Va Half Boxes (Selected) Sult Half Boxes Seedless Raisin Barrels New Patna Curran Boxes New Lemon Peel. Boxes New Citnon Peel. Boxes New Lemon Peel. Drums New Smyrna Figs. 117 1- mum-3-guouav mm: attention. Eve tinumust Ive ac: addrcu of the publication, but It is also rn-nnngl Families ivho at this season ` their Holiday Purchases, we i: come and see our New Frui GROCERIES before buying e] __ v `arena; 13 BECAUSE THEY BUY IN LARGER QUANTITIES AND FOR CASH. In the matter of MICTHAEL FAHEY, of Kingston, Insolvent. LL parties indebted to the above Estate A either by note or book account, are re- quested to make immediate payment to Mr R. Picken at the store lately occupied by the Insolvent on Market Square, and by so doing save costs of suit. g0`An1r.\.'- 1- - -*--/ K;-unuo... us now In use thrc Price only 'l`VVO DO paid, on receipt, to an; State whether 1aLdy quired. Also Elegant ALUL CENTS, post-paid. Address CHAMBEI WE ARE SELLING I'll`! DIED. At L 0rigina.l, on the illness of .1 few days, Treadwell, Sheriff of Pre aged 71 years. In 1l....L....-1 -` ` ...... , . _yv.7aIl`3. In Montreal, jaundice, Mr VVi nuuuuED. On the 3r the b1 ide s u the Rev. Folger to Mary, \Villiam Coveqlale d inst, ncle, Andrew at the residence by his special request Wilson, eldest daughter of ._. . uu>.-- .Ve understand that hp layer intends to retire from the n expiration of the year. This gd_ W3 had Ln-...l LL_L if II The stegmship Alhambra. in search of the missing steamship Pictou, has returned to Pictou without nding any trace of the missing vessel. She visited Mag- dalen Island, Bird Rocks, St. Paul and Cape North. The Church Union styles "hot and hotter the fact that the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore has had for its pastors, in the order Messrs Furniss, Bellows, - ..... ...., ....a uzsu. Ior nzs amed, the Revs. Sparks, Blazup and Bumop. .. vv-xv: vi uur. UHARLES BAILLIE, . Assignee Kingston, Dec. 3rd, 1873. ___________, -..- ........uu.wu coal? o5z5,U00,000 ` ste return! 4-- D:f\`JA- The project of constructing a tunnel under the Irish Sea from a point near Belfast to the extremity of the peninsula. opposite in Scot- land has been revived, in is said. with some- probability of success. The length of the pro- posed work would be about twelve miles, and the estimated cost $23,000,000 The atnnmuhin AlL___I- 1e reason why the Golden Lion W. 1:. Mcllae & Co.) are selling New Fruits, Sugars, Teas, Wines, French & English Groceries Cheaper than any other ll0lJSE. is A A -run... - uo G. '1`. IL, Montreal, G. Robertson, dies tobacco, 1 case samples ; Mat \Vaddell, I bale carpets (British.) Maud, Cape Vincent, Henry Clow, 1 in goods ; Scripture, 1 horse ; G. R auSon, 15 bales c.-mm .-1 Ir. 1.....- 3 3 I f | ] I 1 | 1 `RA... 1.4:` 6*- mane out Ihusuune kind nf sum that it has already 2-.dminiatur< der I But Sir above and beya -pohtlcal party now in pmvel which, it is wel_l known, throng at all events, drove its patron J. S. Madouald {rum oice, nniarenrmmm.o;.........: -4.-- 1 Convention, held st Brampton _ I la: been nominated Grit can- _representation of Peel in the |I.|nl-ue, 'l`I.- ---=---*- ~ "' ,......., ruuucru, c., Imtnblo for ..u ugoan, lay be fonndnt Ron : and Cook ; 5 gross abundance. L prem hlnnl Lt. 1.11 mdse. .______;-e:-__ constructin : he Irigh point luau- 4___..______.,_--- soot-free ! In other words, I 1 meta out ihasaune sum ah-aouh. . J...:..:,. , 4.__._______4___-_----- Insolvent of 1869. u. W all: Rees Brc 'tis1;. II` I -y Crown Raisif -y Crown Raisins 'y Basket Raisins )7 Layers. y 3 Valentia Raisin I Sultana. Raisins. I Raisins. w Currants. r I pmnn `D:-A` I egant ALUMINIUM CHAINS, 75 boat-paid. CHAMBERS & THORNTON, Toronto, Ont. .. -.-an -4 moi--- :3, Coaticook, W. 30. L, Toronto, C. Me and Co.,z:l < L DECEMBER 3. Largest Stock of % Gin. W an], on the lat Dec., of yellow r VVilIiam Mclapod, aged 26 years, ~ rJ-turuul ls n-m making it ) its embraces so ostentatiu partv now in nnm... -5 CUSTOMS IM PORTS. T1...` ;l, Mnlma -M _- -.,. - .. u 1 mama without money returned. Thousands 9 throughout Great Britain. '0 DOLLARS. Sent, post- , any part of the Dominion. or gentleman : n.`-,.. ... ._.;_:____i"--'Z"" MARRIEIY mm the ay mpathy f `Canada, Government um-IA A- ..n :_ his will be making bases, invite them to Fruits and other e elsewhere. 'd, would avo it sauna sauce to the goose early administered tn the gan- r beyond these per- nuk at the disgraceful exhibi- unl is How ma.l.'inu i+...Ir 1-..- R. McRAE & C0 N DIED. .., pa.l.'| or tne Uominiou. gentlema.n s slze re- k, W . Begg and Co., 1 box vans.) A1111. Dec. 2. uuu auuu nov., after an ys, Mr Charles Platt ` Prescott and Russell, .- 7tTi< ...`.......... u, cuv name and I writer; not necessarily for >11, as evidence of authenticity. requested that correspondents will : on one side of the sheet of paper. umlertake to return rejected -ationn. G. 112 cad- ; Macnee and i pets (British.) .. ..\. u:u.cuIan|;lUll8ly me power at Ottawa, rn, throughontontario, ts bat:-nn rim Int. 1121- 30th Nov., after Charla: 'DI..LL mu um-'nu.:_eIu1 exmb1- mw making itself by s ostentutiuxuslv the V. Bgaattie, 1 lot of h 11 *he_ of Snecxal rennngl: 1. `, mronghont0ntnx;io, patron, the late Hon. notce, by means of calumuv_ and H...-.1... 'n Raisins. 1 Raisins. : Raisins. acxal request, by I Mr Frederick: lluzhter nf 1`-' s Marmunett. . 3r 1 alkv_ Rnhnlnp T`.-- I v, 3 pkg: h Robertson :5 ll...-. - L33] I Dy iuusly the E Ottawa _ ,----, -av ;.uuuuU1'_y, A LARGE scrocx OF ` BLACK LUSTRES Am! T NEW MOURNING GOODS. Also FUR JACKETS AND CLOTH. -MANTLE5, on V r own impoitation, selling :1: Lost. ` `[)fAI?l\ - -- -urn). 41-` Plumes, Flowers & Millinery, STOCK OF` w 01 kt, Ierick - New Fashipnable Goods November 28th. ,--- __.- vas- affairs. Mr L. Cle- od in connection with Iil ward. Either he or : good Alderman. Both steel. They are both Ind either will do his Ila` nun.-- L- I.:- - - _.._. vv nun u ueruuy. Mall earl; and secure the BARGAINS at FAHEY S OLD STAND , Market Square- Sign of the RED FLAG. Than 9 - ..---vu:lIIi1I ` The entire_Stock will positively be cleared out_this month (December). Over $14,000 (Fourteen Thousand) worth of the above Goods will be slaughtered unreservedly, Merchants and Pedlars buying in quantities will be dealt: with liberally. __ C311/early the RAnn_.nxm ,. - Lureuv on the premises, WE woul(V1w;i_i_1'-ext`: special attention to 500 Pairs All \Vool Pants-Choice. 450 Pea Jackets and Tweed Coats coo Vests in Tweed, Cloth, Silk and vemi 300 Fancy and Plain Flannel Shirts. 125 Black Dress SIiia- West of England Broadcloth . Delivered to any part of the City. ,i cums ulochmg Estnl a Bankrupt Stock ing of Clouds, Son Minervas, Hosiery, Silks, Ribbons, Buttu n .- .._- - 5 PER CENT SAVED by Clothing, Tweeds, Flann Furnishings, &c., &c.. at the G Sale of V Bankrupt Stock now [FAN l3`V Q n1 1'\ A-- - --- Also a. large stock! of LAPLAND WOOL MATS, FELT CRUMB CLOTHS, &c. 3rd Dec.,` 1373. ' _ FAG TS FOR_T_HE PEOPLE. NAVY BLUE -`---~*?_: ": kc Initnblo Idlt Roan . g-nl 1 1--., . ANOPHER FULL ASSORTMENT of those . AN%GL|N s. gnmnmuun & Bovnml 1-IHOSE citizens who generously subscribed to the Fund for the reopening of the Rink forthe present year; and have not paid in the amount, are reqiiested to do so at once to the Treasurer, Mr J. S. Kirkpatrick, or_to the Secretary. Mr E. J. B. 1 ense. Kinzaton. Dare an: 19-19 Citizens Fre "T?-Z!Y'!M.BER -A?nua1 Meetin*g_.- In 1,, ne secretary. Mr Q Kingston, Dec. 3rd, ..-.. .. uuv Juan 1111! 3 had hoped that if Mr : consent to nllow him- ..I c... L- n-W -- NHOSE 1 to than Wu-ul Lu- JUST RECEIVED .. _..;u, SERGES AND LUSTR33 QAII-urur .-.- -, THE VERY BEST AND OTHER NEW COLOURS: ....-.:oqv.l= g SATIN GLOTHS, AVED buying your eeds, Flannels, Shlrta and 3., Great Clearing going on at w4.d..D.J -d, 1873. IN IRISH .._.-...u no -uuw Illlll` rdvfor the Mayonlty his valuable services: nun- 6.. .:L :_ AL, n In kn J.` 1111`) '1 11 stock of Bibles, and Hymn Book: oaks in I ` 1:` J. mmbennuudly quantl an an partmontn of `avatars. POETICAL wonxs, STANDARD wonxs, voumm or MAGA ZINES, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, ` SCRIPTURE TEXT BOOKS, TOY and JUVENILE BO0KS,. MUSIC BooKs'FoR PRESENTS-' NTIFIC wonxs, A In La. -4...l. ..t 13:14.. nu - The Coming llolidvaysj. Now in A ..... - an: 56 Vlliy 01 f every description. THE HOLIDAYS. Fancy Goods, Stationery, ' Pictures, Etc., WILLIAM. V _I}E_cn & so.` .......m-u_v. mex. L`lenveriel,' Mlle. Aimee Uleaveriel. l.--'l' he Iy cnllisimn 1: Ital nut nn lm....| cl... J-`.1 only. up. 4---,---------r FRENCH MUSTARD, POTTED MEAT S. ANCHOVY PASTE, TI RHOOT CHUTN -/f-i JAMS AND JELLIES, KIELLER S MARMALADE, SCHEPPS COCOANUT, CRANBERRY SAUCE, CALVES FEET JELLY, PEACHES (IN SYRUP), TAMARINDS, "`&c., &c., &c. C1-osse & Blackwell : Pickles, ITALIAN WAREHOUSE. N.B.-Wo keep FIRST-CLASS GOODS ml V. - Kingston; Dec. lat, 1873.. Caned Fruit and Vegetables, (Full Assortment.) P s i I an P aigxtgggts. `T` NEW CURRANTS, MALAGA GRAPES, HAVANA URANGES, .4 MALAGA muons, CANDIED PEEIS, CHOICE PRUNES, SMYRNA mas, FRESH NUTS, &c., _______________, Cheap Tas, Sugars, Qo'ees,&; .-`- "-_'----`--`_"" ,. ucvua n.-ucueu Dy her from ed persons I n rL`mo\'ml, Ann H--- 2.-E Nil-3 hlrlml continua to be be. given at Yab_oy | old Itund in dry goods: and Indies went, and the rush of visitor: rennin: nn. 1` DOUBLE BLUE CROWN, SINGLE BLUE CROWN, SINGLE`_BL.ACK CROVVN, - BLACK BASKET, LONDON LAYERS, LOOSE MUSCATEL, VALENCIAS, SULTANAS, LAYERS am I Raisins 1 Raisins! New Fruit ! New I-`ruitl ! THE HOLIDAYS, Wines ~! Wines ! ITALIAN WAREHOUSE. uVuuUVY PASTE, ( TIRHOOT CHUTNEY. CASHMERE PICKLE, SOYEB S RELISH. FRENCH CAPERS, SPANISH OLIVES, ________________, Wiueg a. 1 HURRAH! _ __. -uv so noInin;tion will gho election on the PRINEESS STREET`. a. ; uul auu V U Assortment. , suL.TANAs, , Lgymts, &c., &c., L Specialt Y. M37035 Flavoliring, S. _ Then :. , &c., to. He 5 largo an?! as, gloves; &e., Emmi H Ihvlea-it 17 Floral! -.1`. Air 11 e wt. 1 2,000 NEW *1 New Yo six hundre Tammany imd C'y_t-ille e challen 1 apecaa lontreal note in 1': ring ext;-a b an a nu hoiog. ga- wheht ; 2` viaionn quie Ashen unch imiixiga. RI 011 2141 . `WW9 New Y Cotton 15; gganvual-Avil- Paris, D Duke Deli 1 the Fr'enc Marquis D kt, `E1-Baptiste ler ; Rte, I go. Henry Vallat. Se- ` Mn. Xavier Pcquig- 5 ll) . Alex. Clenverial "I '5"`"-'J :3 Bayonne, his winter Province of so, has gon fro`m Liv took out . .-/ BELLE before th .-vupuvI-In London .... us. when 1` asked W door was g, :- pmsreu. Ontario 5 Bank of Royal C Ea red. mu -`.1 v I\rG I the Conn: has deter. .G ICU. City Ban Montreal ll .11 AH`.-m tied JR a. neat c C9,:-dim .-state 0 kbiainket covered :a1'1'i'Vd .- Ry prov .21.; ':.. monnreu I14} oiferet Bank of I contain and can -ball res ...-u-2; nu blir mb ikilled ' `Ville` d _lurl bee] -aunllalc ` the steal ml I-4 . I 2!-amag:l T4`- .... H1 (Specia N.lnnb...-I collisio ;."[`his 4 5""? All mg] from t ` ` to-nig every Marks keeper offers steam {(1321 MONI nucu. .l [)8 a sympathy er Canada, _ `urn, rules, and U1 tmeut ol"wGents 'P1`'-V Q] be hit ad, ix "'5 eatfblinred. ,- -......, uuwua Assembly thi, evening. Into:-eeuory senviccs for -ionariezht St. James and St this evening at 7.30. Emergent communication of Cataratn i Lodge No. 92 this evening. .._ increase of mis- . Paul`: Churches lhould erson &`l'3 o. have the lat`, rules, Wool lIn.|.....'`. .'.'E_".'.'. " Events _"1P peudeuce, and the interests of_ the electors would be advanced by his being elected by the peogliat large. i.'_.' Ornno Wuu>.-- .VeV u-ndeVrit_:u`u Wonhip thy Mayor retire Council at the yea it to be regretted. We tl Cuuingun would not consent Al 0:1! to be re-nominated for M _ the city would not lose valuable but that he would continue to sit in t ail. It appears. however. thst he I iinod upon resigning, owing to pres inn`. -..l|- -n7- _, I - - - ` __..--..... VI muons. - A` special committee of the Hamilton City Council give the following reasons in favour of the appoint- ment of mayors by the people :-- l. Because there `is a general desire on the part of the citizens to gain their former privilege of choosing the Mayor by their own `:2. Because the preeent system `practically -deprives the ward which elects the Aldermau_ who is afterward: appointed Mayor, of hi; 4 services As Alderman, without the express sanction of the electors, either of his own ward or of the other words of the city. ` 2. Because the present bv-lav 'i.m.i.'.,.. 0|... .7 , __ Tun` Euacnox or Muons. """" ' `J operations. , Pnssnvrnsv or Knccsron. -- A special nection with the Canada. Presbyterian Church, was to be held at Napanee last evening, to` take into consideration Mr Scott's resignation of his charge st that place. Mr Scott has_en_ cleared himself tothe Presbyterians of Napanee by his zeslons discharge of his duties as pastor of the congregation there, as well as to`the other denominations by his thoroughly Chris- linm benevolence. He was ever active in schemes which had for their object the good of his fellow-men`, and the various religious in- stitutions iu N apnnee will only miss. his fatherly counsel` to guide them in their _ G.u.l:.-Yeaterday, a thaw set in, and last night the wind rose and blew a gale from the west. This had the effect of breaking up the ice which had formed in the harbour, and there is at present no early prospect of its taking. The ferry boat has been running re, gululylo far. The sleighing in the city is pretty bad and many carriages were out to- day. `V i REMINDERS. Orange Young Briton: Assembly rening. Pouc: Couwr, VVEDNI-sDAY.-- l'here n no cases this morning before the court, w. in a proof that banquets without liquor are coming popular. ` Tu M.uronAu'nr.-We understand that a requisition i: being numerously signed by all dance of the citizens requesting Dr. Sullivan bellow himself to be nomiinted for Msyor_ We have not heard of any opposition. The lootot, ifelected, will reflect credit upon the city. We wish` hiin success in his canvass. > .. uuv uuu musical talent of th Kingston, and it is proposed to ms of the moat intersting evening : 1 that has ever been witnessed at Walcrtown Despatch. __.___________- <--------`----: The Cape Vincent br.-us band, Cooper, leader.) is to give a grand pl concert it Hammond s Hall in tha. sometime during this month-probal: the 18th. The band is to be assisted of the best musical talent this Kinszstnn and :; :.. .._-_.r - - - -...._, wu, 1 uesuay, Uec. 16. Pakeuham, \\'ednesday, Dec. 17. St. Johns, Antrim, Thursday, Dec. 18. `Vans, S. H. Torbolton. Friday, Dec. I8. Fitzroy. Arprior, Sunday, Dec. 21. lienfrew, Monday, Dec. 22. Horton, Tuesday, Dec. 23. Themeetinga will be held at 7 o clock each evening. The degutation fa <:3mposed of Rev. C. Forest, Convener; Rev. G. \Vhite, B.A.; Rev. E. \V. Beavn, M.A. CHURCH MIs.~no.\'s.-Chur'ch missions in t Diocese of Ontario will b lngrcllas follows Almonte, Monday, Dec. 15. Clayton, Tuesday, Dec. 16. V st _L.|...- A- `___-H, nu. - -:: Tm: VILLE DE HAvRE.-Mr Hamilton Mur- ray, Miss Martha Murray and Mrs Platt, three well known citizens of Oswego, are be. lieved to have been lost on the Ville de H:wre- ` r- us. un` Iattr. .._.,, D.n` or I.\*n=x y h:u'in;>_ been appointed a Day of Intercession for the in- crease of missionaries, George's Cathedral this morning Prayers were said by and the lessons were read by th service was held in St. at 11 u clock- the Rev. Henry \Vilson, e Rev. F. VV.` Kirkpatrick who also preached a. practical rament sermon suitable to the occasfc. The Holy Communion was afterwards-administer- ed, the celebrants being the Dean and Mr Kirkpatrick. Se:-vice will be held in St. P:u1l s and St-. Jame : Churches this evening at 7:30. \\'e_ understand Mr Wilson will-o iciate at the -..- ,u..w will use notice, those who are guilty of this sort is dangerous to pedestrians. L_._:__ and prose of thing, . Dm\`zx(: \\'1'ruou` BELLS. -- lllis prac l:gs_ been somewhat prevalent during slelglning spell which we have had. \Vc 11 the police will take notice, proseq who arn rvnilh. -1 n.:- . --- - I ,.,.. ...--. nun; nub yelzp to do so at once to the tressu rer or 1 The sooner the subscriptions are g sooner the rink will be got into opera _.___._.._..__} Both, K/ulsou, rIlbber`s,. L" -g.-g..- ___ L- r-.._.1 _ FREE SK.n~ixa }:i.\'x.-\\'e c the ad\'crtisemeut requesting tl iscd subscriptions and have not treasure __ ,....., rcrllpleu as apn the Inland Revenue is small rooms for which n he paid from the public trca: uiccs can be united in tl the public will experience by the cl1ange.-[('mu. - L\'L.\'.\'D lh:\'|-nu`)-2 Or c1:.~-\\'e learn that a movement is being mad to have the Inland Revenue Oicc reumved o the upper part of I the Custom House. Th` proposal is nn ml. mirablc one, and we hope will be carried into -ilcct. There is no reason why a larg- govern- ment building like the Custom House should be partly occupied as a pri\'a't'c:rcsiLlcm-e while l\'evenuc crowded into two I which .-. l......... ..-..s I.` - - _ `......... x\. annual nssennlplyl iof Boync Lodge of Orange Ydung Britons I` comes off this cw-uiing at the Victoria Music 3` Hall. Au clllcicnt committee has charge of I` the arrangements, an I we have no doubt that it will be successful. R l ` ~ . ` A l-I-:.\.\h A.~.~u.MnL\'.--Tl1e : I 'D......- I , 1-, .- t\ so present syatempractically e erwardn of own /-_-._ -uunuuv on (I113 C [it make t \tAPi1';nn ........i_ - ' > ,- _. -.,...,_, ..-mus 01 LV apanee scharge ofhis ;ion on: . ad ; in apanee will ..nI.. ...:-~ L` . `._....... wnvuoul` the 1 ll a.g2 . K II'.-.... ay, 2 .e `med Lt no earls: umn=......a -r -`- At A Reform Convention, In It K. Chisolm la: nom didshlor the representation Onhrio Legislature. The ttheplaeo on the 12th and El 19$ instant. -. -.,.-y :9 \. lU\Vl - he.-wy 1 lllllblin fr-.nn...... ,_ __..u run: out: amusements `nennml -6 H~- W uuvv gnu h x:eut has to be : treasury. If these two in flue an-u......_ _ ` ,-- _....u..,( \ AJUC. a promenade` {all in 51...`. _. V ,, a. _.__- `ll VI-llllarifle all that village `Ii--probably about >e by some` city and 11 to mat. n.:.. -_n -'0 call attention to ting those who prom- ve not yetpaicl them, engny-.n- n... .. ._-L-- 1` - -" A` V Conn:-"1 .-.4..- ,_._.. ..... b-uh All I: operation. _ .. uII\I the manner proposed : a. great convenience __...-u "VAC 2 which EHn.u... -.__ L authorities in Germany is. dull serious. The city of Ponen, any, will pmbably be dechred in. a state y growing more our denpatchesl 0 ...... uacnuc I48 the Cape. - ' n :\nunn1-:\ssennM_v ,,. \'.i..._.. I` `- I - This practice p, A... . Ll, ....., uuu 3 this one .._. ...b hope ml prosecut rn.:.... - " ...-can rare be- r secretary. got in the .,.._L: -.. A CANADIAN LLoYns.-Reeently a. number of the leading, ship-owners sud ship-builders ofSt. John, N. B., had a conference withthe new Minister of Marine on the sub'ect of the establishment of a Canadian Lloy s. It was ascertained that there was no disposition on the part of the Government to push ` things, that if a. Canadian Lloyd's should ever be established, the idea of Mr Smith I compulsory, ] be c_h_s_rgod_, the amp. 1..:.... . CU. cau be made. to abound wont. Mr Green : known, is Rochester, 1 tumk that every la.ke.'rive with fish, 2 address, as i N. N. Lttovns.--Recent]g` ofthn lpgrluna ulna ..-. -u-noun. `Inc city of 0111 1 the -v. uuvv. Seth Green I ment : Any Canada wishing salmon trout or white wi a few hundred on receipt cent for the package, by 11: ed. I think that I abound with e}. .. . --- -------------. The Church Chronicle, of Halifgx, will be discontinued at the end of the year, when iqwill be merged into the Church Ha1`ald, of Toronto. K`nIl\ uepnrumenc In the pub --Lomlon Frve Press. _ .- _..-.. vunu uncle 1155 DCGII the `least disinclination, so far the Reform party is concerned, to accept candidates of the Catholic persuasion, or to give them the heartiest possible support when they have presented` themselves. It may be candidates have forlorn hope in chance for success London, for example. be forgotten that Government ap- pointed two Irish Catholics to the sweeping department in the public buildings in Toronto. uou says: It cannot be said that I least a th Catholic T\PI`na:nv1 an 4- ~-' ...., uvuu nnuux\1LVu A ! The metropolitan organ of 1 tion says : cannnf. ilxln u>B:J ll...L LL ,, ..... .u.uu--can hum ausernoon VVashingtou, 10: ~bilities :--For 5 region, and southw Virginia and Ohio valley southerly weather ( Weatherrneport. Washington, Dec. '3, 1 a..m.-I"fro`:a.bi1i- ties :-I*'or the Middle States and Lake re ' _ gen and thence southward to Kentucky and West Virginia, southeastcrly to southwesterly winds, cloudy weather and rain, followed by less cloudiness this afternoon. \V.~u:hinn+m. TL--- 0 "` N` ._ _- ..... ......;uwu xua usomet and the country at the earliest possible moment. He will nd himself in an awkward x if lncltsn smnesty ss has been stated to exist wssnever issued. The French Canadians it is well known, sympathize with Riel and his sssocistes, sud now Mr Msckenzie has that people to oonciliste. `Va shall wait patientlynntil Mr Mackenzie nds out ellthefscts sud circiimstanoes connected with the amnesty, and we shall then see whether his preaching sud practice on this A subject us the same.