au- `Confeccidners and Fr DUMBLE, H., Brock-st. TOWN, IL, Market. Squ:u-e. ILBIW BROS., Primaesa-st. II _ __ 4 I . .1, 1 ms: :_um Loan `unto and Adelalde , Clarence- Stage Line: MAI:'rn: s HOTEL. --Stages a from this place as follows :- Fmm Pictnn, daily, 5 p.m. ; Sydcnham, daily, ll a..m. ; Ha:-rowsmith, daily, 11 8. p.m. Bgttersea, daily, 11 a 13.112. Ihverary, Tuesday. baturday ab 1! a.m. ; lean 4 p.m. Newbnrgh, daily, at 4 p.m. ' B3\CPRls S Ho' at 11:30 3.111. on Tuesday, Saturday ; leaves at'3:30 0 dlays. Gananoque, daily, 1 a.m. ; leaves st 3:30 p.m. Am-.xoN Ilo'rm..--Morton st: Mondaly \Ve(ln_sday and J Express . . . . . . Express. .. ... Mixed Train . Station as follows :- Post dice, Kingsto lst Feb., 1873. -2 Umce houraffom 7:30 daily, Sundays excepted. ur.'rl}SITS received under th of the Post Office savings Bank, hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.. Uiiice lmurs_fn`om 7.30 a.m. tt daily, Sundavs (:Xm=.nhul P-`mfi um: 13 act, that nnpmvulment is frmj manifest tho: limtxlxy of taking it. 1 chemical iopL' ill properties are nm Id nib iljnn child or -adult um! coqulilion of the ay-gum whatever. Ji.( glt-(:l`Cli Letters should be u an hour previous to the time of 1 .\Ia.ils. llcgistratinu Fee 8c. MONEY Oliblilts, on" Money OI , W _ , ~ thrnnuhm.|- H-A nan ounce. ' Per CANADIAN LINE every Friday at 12.30 a.m. 1 half ounce. U\'Cry 1 n . onu mu MAILS ` Pt.-1` DIRECT LIN Monday at 1.09 half pg, {VA \TA`l\v nu- BltI1`lS MAILS l_)[RI`.I`! l` I IV Jmward Islam Qlce. Also ` Cards. . 104' La: n&'Y'r\u ,, _ ....;_..,.....u.xuu rce ac HUNEY on Mone throughout the D and lrelmul, N Jgward Island Olce. nxut Regit.c-rctl n hour in-m~ 014 T0}! GIN.--Bcrnard & Cu s, in wood or bottle; Butts K: Co's, in wood or bottle. 'i.'E.*$.* UI1ERI0R PORTS and SIIEP Kl!-2.5`. , \ViH.`5KIE'IS.~OIl Family Proof, Old Rye Pruuf fun] I 'rnnsnnu \\.'l.:..:.n.`_ A mu .\1. G[NS.--Ju}m De Kuyper & battle. GIN.-Bcrnard& woo4 bottle : & (inn: e.. ....\..,a _ Son's, in wood faring for 3 luug.time from old com-` of ilisis who h.;u"c been suf- plan that have resisted all ordinary Iothocls of treatxno;-at, is called to Dr. \Vhce1- 0r'u (,`ompunn_d Elixir of l Ix-nsphatcs and Clliuyn. This remarkable prcpa:-atiou, by Illulnutimv Hm ...`......I.... _1:.._-.. V - - ........y ,..-u._; ruii`l'B)'i, In qual pints, from thu bu.~;t J-Srcwers in I miniuu. Also English Ales and I 351,} 'BIE.--J:unes l{ennessy"s, i or butt ; J. & F. Ma.rt;ell's, in V bottle ; Piuet, Uastillon 5:. Co's, i or bottle. SU PERIUR. OLD JAB HlT\I mgsftozi B>tt-1i_E'DS3t II.-\.s' .\'0\\' ox u AND A l.Al!a`1I.` q'I\n.-1; ,_r_,..-.,-an .nJ\.IUII.I.l..I.l. l_ `AS AND A L.- ~ of supa,-rinr `H F. .\.... ---- _ ,_-- --wt: \JA.` 1151.1 _ ALES :13!) P053 be lniniun AL. 1.`.-. ~-..-.-u.-r:.~nI' H` `-9 .` [)05T` OFFICE, KlNGSTO.\'.-Arriva.l ' and Departure of Mai, 1873. Vr\a\I,\I\IV `swa:'a` m'a`.g: BONDS. if HIE KL\'G.\'TON AND 1 _ |{.\H.\\'.-\Y LYUMPANYJ .:`30,n'=UU in dusirnlnlc-Short Date I stun (`uupnu Ilimds, hearing -` int.envst., p;s;,'-able. semi-:\uImaHy. tim; m:).Lm'c on Dun. 3lsf, 1873, I ulutc in 157 I, "I5, '75 and '77. } ;\1plic:1Lions to be nude at 1 u l.` .1 L-unpun_y's (Mice, l`l:1ce 11'.-\rmcs1 Feb. 5. __'._[`_HE nvc\.I\`LElI'y and _1 re:\surer, l~. in;_{~'-hm and 1':-nnlumke R. R. Ulcc. Kin-_-.~;mn, July 28th, 1573. -------.-.--___: i"n.l.ows' `Com-ocxn sum? or Hrror. ,1-urns in prescribed by t,he first phyaiciar _` ovary city uul town where it [me been in (head, and it is a thoroughly orthodox puntinn. ErrIAc'l'.--After 3 fair and pmtr.15:ted 1 cl Fellows `Compound Syrup of Hypop phila, vs clhhixlel in. :3 very valunhla uen tonic, far surpassing many others of consi this repute, am`! well worthy the conde of the profusion generally. "1'(IU.\'TY OF FRONTENAC SIX PEI} g ("H.\' 1' l)HPEN'l`Ul'E BONDS for ale u 2 \llIl.'s" to suit [nun-h:Lsers, fruln live 1121 rul ($.'3()()) .-uul Inlnvnr-ls. ' ' .-\pplyto ii Irsnl i$.-Ul~l F: Pruuf and Common V tl1e<:it.y,:\t lfEDUC 4': h-pf. | \.).nIU) mu ;\ppl_y to 3`zians:j-f_qz SALE. p bilge lanes. ` .o'nu..-Stages smve and depart 2 `leave at 8a.m daily, leave M54 p.m h, a.m.; leav at 4 rsea, 113.111. ; lea It 4 rary, Tuesday. Thursday and ; ll leave same day: At. nvburgh, 11 8.111 : h-Ava Letters mailed half 'ions of clnsinu H... Mouton, Adv. GOING EAST. Arrive. 2 I5 13 M .u.3.-\.uu. rzunlly rroot, Uld Rye m1U0m:non \Vhiskeys, the best in 1,:xt REDUCEI) 1 l{I(,`ES. G I) I` {III}! Dunn , .;j_- j_T.:?-a ILS will be closed as follows : ` LINE (via New York) every_ 1.09 p.n1. Postage 8c. pel _ . ~ .. ......uumuu and Prince ul, can be obtained at thxs Postage Stamps and Post ..-1:'-am stage arrives` at Thursday _a.nd s at 3:30 clock the name :e,_g1zily, arrives at ll -20 ueu, 5:. in wood 0 LD JAMAICA A TTNJC. 4.10 RM. 305 A M my Mack.-nzie formed a coalition, chiming ii to ho Ir-mg. Either his outcry against coali- tions wu hypocritical and framluleut, or he bu abandoned his principles for the sake of few. Via supporters are entitled to choose `which horn of that dilemma they please.- Hamilton bjpcctalar. F. U. (_`.LlNE, Sear.-lm-y and '_l`re:\surer, ll:(1l'eI|||u'nlue R I! III 7 v vnuvn DUB ISHIG y, at 11:30, Ill. ` VTER, in quarts and in tlm Iln. uunu 1'lLlUl'JS. G E0. THOMPSON. R. DEAUON, Postmaster. ':unily Rye 1 \Vhiskeys. best in ume an the Rail! 11'.-\ruu.-9, to 1. C. ULINE. gm _'r....... - the regulations 1k, between the to 6.30 11.11:: nuance were iguomd. In thcircleapcmtiun the Mcllul back upon tho excuse: "Well yo audition; why should not we '3 just thiai difference: Sir John `tanned acoalition, `claimiugit to I cnalitinn -rnvel on by at 2:30] '-o *`'c'`'`" LARGE STOCK mauea half ' closing the Kingston ulys ll . ; leave I. u m n r.`. Sec. -Tress. FEM BROKE ' have for sale ; L`t.y of King- ~ux per cent. 33 7-3 3? bye might carry the investigation farther `k, and tho" only variation that could be dis- covered viroulnl be in the votes of Mr Cart- wright, who steadily voted with the Gov_ern- hunt up to the time his claims to used in the ' at ignored. In thnir an-.o-.o:.... LL- \r,\n u -. - -- X The 1 and on the ' 1:}:-\ nsrns anu I the [)0- l Porters. , in-wood 1 wood or , .1 `At A n - .c Railway ; - -`V vvu-. I and nIIuoro_nI mail; pt Putin July! "3" a """`I"""I puuuln ' THE FARMERS GUIDE To Scientic and P ca.l_AgricultI1te, by Hon Stephens, Edinburgh, and the late 3 P. Noqton, Professor of Scientic Agri- culture in Ynlo Cdloga, Haven. Two vnh 9`-" ` nave two of the four Re` Neither premiums to count to clubs can be money is remitted direct No nrnminma nan 1`-- ~5 rnnM1UMS. New subscribers for the year 1872 may have, without charge, the numbers for the ` ch periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or instead of the above, new subscribers to my two, three or four of the above periodi- cals, may have, as premium, one of the four - Reviews for 1871 ; subscribers to All ve may have two of Reviews for 1871. ` either nu-nm:n...= A -~-' " PREMIUMS. In `LEI: nun:-tap .-.5 loan .A W Dl)!.`1ttvv...-. u. - upoun_u Elixir of 1' 1 amazing the conblete digest: ion uf ftmv on--s -n Luluge two centaa number, to be p by the quarter at the office of de , CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent will lowed to club a of four or more pe Thus` :-Four copies of Blackwood or 4 View will be sent to one address for $3 four copies of the four Reviews and Blue! for $48, and so on. T0 Clllb nf fan Ah ----` ' ' ' livery. .I40VlUWH.....-. u-oilounn Postage two ceifta a the de] r!I 1 Inc For J J. an nxo Ur` b` U BSURII For any one of the Reviews... 2 For any two of the Reviews... For any three of the Reviews For all four of the Reviews .. . For Blackwuorl s Magazine . . For Blackwood and one lie View For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . 1 For Blackwood and three of the R avinwn ` \ vvvllvl --and BL_u:K\voo1i s Enmnvacn 1 (A fac-simile, of the origin monthly. 'l`I3D\(c1 nn .~--.__ ~/ 1: EPKINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING - At about one-third the ()()M A.N y, '10; FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, price of the originals THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, WESTMINSTER R[`.VlE\V, LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW , BRITISH QUAli'l`El{LY lv :EVIE\V, Published Quarterly--Jannary, April, July, October--and 1-,_ _ __ W '. ... 4__.:_?_________________. The Best feodicals of the Day TIIE GREAT ENGLISH QIIARTEIILIES -*-AND-- Blackwood s Edinbni-gh Magazine, REPRINTED gv Inn;-_ 1 van A Dn .-....\...... -__ K 13 Residence, N o.- '.August Int, 1873. rmn, urst introduced by this Society. Although only established in Canada about five years, its business exceeds many of the older established Companies, having is-, sued. in 1872, 895 Policies, insnrin 82,32-1,15, -heing a very little short of the argest busi- ness done by any Company, foreign or local, in Canada. 4 For rates and other information apply to 1- 7 n1-.-.-....__._ world. New business. Slum assured for the year 1872 exceeded that of the second Company in rank by more than sixteen mil- lion dollars. The Society issues all the most desirable forms of Life and Endowment Policies. on which Dividends will be paid an- nually, securing to the assured the least pos- siblc outlay consistent with undoubted safety. All Policies Non-forfeitahle after the second or third annual payment. Policies are also issued on the Tontine Savings Fund Plan, lint introduced in Cnnmh ,_..-..... .unnr.a, No 120 BROAIHVAY, NEW YIIRIK. Assets, Dec. 3I`st, I572 . . . . $20,000,000.00 Amount Cash Income over 9,000,000.00 Total paid Policy-holders in ` 1872 . . . . . . ,, on... ...... M umu pant Policy-holder: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Total Surplus, lS72.......... NE W B US I N ESS. 1869, [IE LARGEST of an; T world. New busiu the vnnr I527`) ......-,..L uuv assurance fllllll ' 6,603,219 Risk: taken for three years on Private Dwellings and Contents on very favourable terms. 0. S. STRANGE, M . D. . . Hedicalhaminer MAXWVELL `V. STRANGE; , , AGENT ____________:____} THE EQUITABLEI Life Assurance Society After payment of the usual dividend and providing for all losses, claims and expenses, the sum of $905,905 was put by to increase the Funds in hands, which now amount to-- Reserve Fund - - - - $l,57l,520 Capital paid up - -. - 1,445,465 Life Assurance Fund Rinlxn tnlzm. 0'.-._ LL--- rlre rreunums, less Reinsurances. .8 Being the largest amount ever received by the Company in a. single year. New Life Policies issued for . . . . ` Total Annual Life Premiums, after deducting lleassurances Bi1sines-s-of 1870. Fire Premiums, less .$'.,559,180~ largest ever r mackwood and three R aviews . . . . . . . . r Blackwood and the Reviews. L_., - ,$.lU,UUU,UUU1 VVITH UNLIMITED LIABILITY ' SHAREHOLDERS. maze mm jnninnce .\linister. But it is said that though some members of the pregcnt Cabinet voted with thalatc Unv- etnment last session they had formerly voted the other way ; and the Brantiord E.tpo.~u'tor want so hr an to say that Messrs Cothn and Raul Jud; up to the close of the session of 1872. .lIVel' voted with the Government. `How untrue that is will be seen from the fol- lowing table of 3| principal votes given dur- ing the union of 1872, by the eight present an of I-In-.Mackenzie who held seats in the lutouu : WELL A ' - '* ` ` ucnllsls. v '3`. F_ ][_, \Veu'il.lgton-at. `J-ff?-we-r. L. vvemu-no.--t `3poALD, J. L, rnneus-ut._ 120 Y./11. INSURANGL GUMPANY. Liverpool and London. . on'1m-:;cLANc1: s1*m~:m', (Opposite the Post; Oice.) ._.._. ' General Su} Railway Oice, Mnncton, N.l5., May 26th, 1873. ON and after SATURDAY, 24th instant, a lhtsscnger and Mail Train will leave Halifax daily at 7.30 a.m., and be duo in St. John It 8.30 p.m. A Passenger and Mail Train will nlao leave St. John daily at 8.00, and be due in l{nlifa_.x at 8.50 p.m. '1':-mus will connect At Pninsec with trains to and from Shedinc, and Intermediate Stations. _ At Truro with trains to and from Pictou, and Intermediate Stations. < At \Vindsor Jun;-tio_n with the trains of the \Vindaor and Annapolis Railway . At St. John with the Uonsolidateil European and N nrth American ailway for Bangor, Dnnville Junction. Montreal r I---I--n I873. Summer Arrangement. I878. ;Ir4_AfEncoLngA_L RAILWAY) SUBSGRIBEB OAPITAL, $10,000,000, IITH LIARHJTV I L_wK\vooD MAGMINI, I 'ac-simile, original) published 11y. TERMS 05' SUBSCRIPTION. nv one of thn Rn": .... .. no -3 -91-WI-l0n,a.a tn ` T098 in limited. hrs. with (ma... ..-. and North American _fm Montreal, Portland, Boston ; also with th national Steamers to and from L Portlaml and Boston. I .I`.\VI,\l F` A D`7"3 on THE Uxtrizn s'm'rx<;s, is-.A-_-_-, This in I pretty record for men who hold cqnhtiona to be immoral. And the matter is made worse when we rcect that Mr Carr.- wriglnt gave Mr Mackenzie his sixxotes be- an-e Sir John Macclouald Bad declined to make hi1n_4l"inu1c,e Minister. it ii lair` M.-.9, n.......1. ......-- ---J - ...... uulcr unormauon apply J. J. CHRISTIE, Agent, Bank of Montreal, __ `(inn-in. ten 61- more, in addition to the , a copy gratis will be allowed p of the club. . jbera fnr I-I... --~~ " . __ `U V .a..J._.L._I.JJ.I_I Society OF UNITED STATES: RGEST any Company in the Sum .- by than sing... ...:I _, -vnVV\lU\l OI one EntVt<;_one- $12.80; a Blnckwood on. .. ......m, new subscribers I ; rur mg to nnhnm.:L.._. - " ruuueu uy nuns aoclety. nly , lished i5 insuring 82.32-L154 u DOSCOII. LESVIS CA RVELL, Superintendent. M nncton. N. B. . Ki . 3 Barrie Street. r applj HRISTTF`. An--I aura: acnentit cw have. I M0 four f-9-,--1870,4871 and 187.9 ....... 4.-uvvay _n)r nangor, on. Quebec, | the Inter- sto and frnrn Wnnfv-n-5 - he at- t nor-n--- .. uuu uulullllb l0-- [Id a nv_e6l(|. 1. p . Price 87-58.5; vvuu Wu] no at- persons. wood of nut: rourmer... . . .2 Dan-Ia_on..... ` D. A. Biako IS.-a...-:..1.. - -;v.u_ v$'17 per annumj r prcpaidr 'cry. vIon_treaJ, Kmgaton. 3,002,740 , 1,103,929 F09 Inter- : Eastport, THE FEDERAL B1 of Canada. JUIIII I . N! NSURANCE Agent, NI oonntant, kc. Oioo . mg Store. Kingston, Oct. 10. V an that time has secured the public c 1 by prompt and _ liberal settlement just claim. It has complied with of Canada by the deposit of Stoc - extent of $50,000, and isprepared Policies on terms as low as any 0 I clans Comnanv. roucnes ten: Company. Real Estate... . . ., . . Mortgage Bonds . . .. .. . Bank Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States and City Stock and other Securities um-,eu mates and City Segurities . Loans and Real Estate . , 4.. _._..;--n uwlll ' F HARTFORD, CONN. 0 1819. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital 3 sea mid in 54 ......_. - Toronto, J nly 8th, 1873. } uunu U131" Capital - MAXVVELL VV. Oice, Clarence St: Oice. 1(.'......:.,.._ n": I `P u_u- me past number of years. V in All orders punctunlly attended to ; and I work leaving Kingston to be paid for befo leaving the establishment. A |:-nnrn...- -` or an sizes on hand, ready built, 13' FOR SALE OR TO HIRE.`En Ships Boats For Sale, Fancy Cedar Skiffs kept on hand and for sale, such as I obtained Prizes with at the P1 ovincial Exhibitions of Ontario and Quebec fqr the past number of punctunllv attnnn 4.. . ....a .n Aug. 4, 1873. u-nu. Inc nrar on which the sum Mackenzie. the se voted against him they dodged : I `um;-uu1L.U1;:tL, Ontario Street, near the VVa.ter VVorks, Kingston, Out. A 131- e assortment of rst-class SKIFFS and BOATS (_)f_ 5111 sizes hand. readv built arr 12-nu assortment 01 of all SALE nu In menniera every Tuesday end Friday. This splendid jteamer having during the winter received large renewals and additions will be found unsurpassed in her furnishings and general occmmuodation. C. H HATCH, Ticket Agent. Kingstnn, May 14th, 1873. ' neueviue 1U:3U .m. - Connects at ingston with Cape Vincent Ferry Steamers, G. T. R. Trains East and VVest, Mail .Line Steamers for Toronto, Hamil- ton, Oswego and Montreal, and Ottawa Steuuera Tuesday having dnrirm the vVEsTI;RN' ASSURANG GUMBANY. HEAD uF1~`1cE, '1`u1:m\ 10 ip]! KQQI Hcton at 8, in the moruin , arriving in King- utou about 12:15 p.m. Tuesdays, '1`hursd.-zys and Saturdays-B_elle- ville at 2:45 a.m., Pictou aft 6 a..m., arriving in Kingston about 10 3.111. Returning-wi1l leave Kingston daily at 3 .m., arriving at Picton about 7 p m., and lleville 10:30 (`.nnnm-fa n+ ' \'-.._..l.._._ _,-.1 n ---- .yvv ,V\IUn M-AXVVELL STRANGE,` AGENT. Jfce, Street, opposite the Post Jice. `- Kingston, 27th Jan. lS73 September 19, 1573. Order of {YD irnnfnn-a I CAET. Sw.u.I~:s, 2 ` ILL leave as follows :--Mondays, W ed- E nesdays and Frida.ys-BelleviIle at 5, morning, Tuesdavs. Thursdnvza Ln-ul QM-.....1--.- nu-V ______` ._.- .._._..--yc tski; 1-:'"s_T Feb. 10. THE R. M. ucxeta $20 ; '1`weut.y-ve Tickets $40. Circulars containing a. full list of prizes, a description of the manner of drawing, and other information in re_fcrence to the Distri- bution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to MAIN 01-`nor; I.. In CIIYI.` n..-- on mun OFFICE, [OI W. Fifth St. November 17th. For INSURANCE AGE ______________ wuuln mneral Brcmiums will be paid. ' Single Tickets 32 ; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 Twenty-ve _ containina full list nf m.:..... .. Uom _: plated 1`. la n] v-,vw\r ALL ONE PRIZE $3, SIX PRIZES 1,000 TEN PRIZES 500 0::nn (1-11 1 ~- . ._. -...,...;.uu,-,v many otuers 0! consider- condgucc a A. XL L`nA\'nn,n- . \I h unn lxIS.l1\'IP CIASII PIKIZH, W l $10,000 in Greenbacks. (INF. l`lh;.lI nunzn ._- uzuu wusu PRIZE of $5,000 in Greenbacks. PRIZE 9:"! mm \ v .- w v , V \I \l n 9 \I IN VAl.UAI5I.E GIFTS! GRAN 1) CA l lT./IL PRIZE. $20,000 in Greenbacks. 0NE GRAN! CASII PIKIZH, H-` ':-nn r?|.....--.'I-- -`- ...u-asuuy, January Is!-. I874. $200,000.00 \ Al.UAI:I.h`. (:IF"r u __- -rxavl TWENTIE PH Grand Annual Distributlon, TO B E D RA\VN IFOII. (Signed) THE ONLY RELIABLE `GIFT DISTRI- BUTION IN THE COUNTRY. nuns J.I&\IV gOAT-BUI LDER, \Va+.m- w,...I,.. I yup:-58.1 ......... .- I paid in 54 years I paid in 16 months uy. stock Brokers Kirkpatrick & ,2:.n.. TU 15 K D RAVVN Thursday, January lst. I874. `WQLQ A Picton, Belleville and Inter- -meciale Ports. NEW ARPCATJGEMENT. `L. 15? :;~,`11:;:.a`1`s 'l`\I7Y4` \TV!\'I"l I111 ROCHESTER, (Hwr Qu>A1y_~ - - V ..;;. v.a.|. \/\J.l-I U02` ONE (`ASH PRIZE snn :- f*-- - " y'JAMEs SWIFT, AG % St. Lawrence ul ursv-cums b`1&l1"1*`S BOATS hand, TO Shim Rnntn I4`:-r L: n , u_run:cu-SE. Auctioneers. p.\'.[ I`-i...... w .1- A. J. CAT'1`A3Lg UPPER CABIN STEAMER Ij D8 a.Lllll'(3S3C(l to L. D. SIN!-1, Box 86, UINUIN.-NA 1`l, 0. v w an aa\IJ.L R, Ontario 5. Kingston. Uni: A I--nu "X. MCCORKELLL gnu rnuay. - ewals addjtinna E 1:.-xcu IN Gxnxmnwxs HE 90511: IZIIUGCI5 LIcC()RKELL, A.,' Uutuio-sh, 11 Water Works. Booksellers and Station: III-l.\'l)E1Ls`0N', JOHN, Princeu-st. uc.\u1.m', Tuqs. & u-u., K|,|g.gt_ 1s1`.wm', 1-2., Kihg-st. tlnnta ._...I 0- U.` ,., ,1. vu 1g tisineas during ndence .1; I `gym... iiz .867 46 ,497 00 nmivmm. e laws `to the a San... T1 llle her first al` ' before 1373. ________ 3- Game. I RCHITECT, - A 8.... .wmwcmm-- Kinhl-Am Il.- (2111. Inll Architects. A mm 1>..:..,...,.. .. l'0WCl' & S039 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDING SUB- Stmt vrzvons. Oice and nmidepce Queen (L; on -_., un5qiu( 14 pathic Physician Sur `eon and Residence 1-`emove<,l to, e1h',n; nearly opposite the Post Oice. 1 or country, night ol"da.)[, prompt _;_ JARYT ,_ _ . _,____ Daniel Mclntosh. ANIEL MCINTOSH, Veterinag ' Graduate of the Ontario Vetc age, Tordnto. Ot-:8, City Hots}. 13 at all times fur: Liquors ; the Table County; good and : Sheds. with cm--afnl ,--.. ..-..... uuu until: 0! Liquors 15 second to none in the commodioua Stables and Sheds, with careful attendance ; a good Com mercial Room for tr avellcrs.- Charges ,mode- rate. . ... Stirling Ilo;xf.,_ ,-_,__,,______ llouse, Stirling, ` ` llastings. IRST CLASS H0 celled by an The House and F , ' ounty 0; Coux_1ty; good commodim-.n R+..1.I.,. -...1 LI. BROOK. Kinalton, Ha} 25a, 1372. , ., _--`....uuu:. Albion Hotel, Mill-st., :$tirling._ ' OHN ACKERS, Manager. First-clash I Commercial Rooms. -Good Yards and Scabling. M arch 30. mks and Slwcs. N, Princess-st. Alutchers. \Vlr|' nun upon D111 E11111`, KIN GSTO E '.l`ng most central, Hotel in buperior accommodation for trave commercial gentlemen. ` Feb. 26, 4873 F. M. Ciark, L.iD.S. *1 M. CLARK, L.D.S., Dzzxvun Roongs, I , No. 4 \Vi1son"s Block, .\Ve11ingtox. onreet, Between 1:1-incess and Brock ts. Satisfaction Guaranteed. July 31. , _ _.______%_________k J. 1.. Mac DIm1`lST (succe Princess Stu-ee UFFIUE 110 U K From 9% 10 A.M. I4.D.S-, ssor to 1):. Day) No. 15L 1:, Kingston, Uut. donald, 5 from 9 A.M. to 5 RM. , on Fridays, devoted to I ays In 315134 May 23. Feb. 7, 1s73.' unnn Ur` .l).lV U Public, Conve -Queen : Bench, &c. Nov. 27. ISION yancer, - .--nova:-S0. Dentists. w..n:..... _ , ):uuuouLlt and Attorney-at-Law, So- 1) Iicitur in Uhauc.-cry and Insolvency, U' Notary Public, KlNGb"1'UN, Ont. Utce, corner of King and Clarence `astreets. 1, .l.-.I..Q Io-m Alex. 5. Kirkpatrick, OUNTY CROVVN ATTORNEY an of the Peace for the County of use, Ontario Street, Kingston, direct] size the Montreal '1` Company : Kingston, July 19, 187-1. - June 23. ..ugw-.auuer1can Hotel. IOHNSON A_N.D UN 1`A'RlO STREETS, Kingston, Canada. 15. MIL:-SAL & C0., Proprietors. `_ A.RRIS'I`1R. an-I Att S0: Jicitor in L'hz:nCc;ry, ..\ut:u-y Public, Uuuvqvaynco.-r, 32 King Stu.-ct, Kingston; Unt. At; Uu.x).'u:0qm~, over S. Isz'cUa1mnon s Drug Store, en-.r_y J`1:L-.-:Jay and F1-i_dn_\;. Jan. 14, 181 1 1.19 U!` LUNDON pa_thic Physician, m"7-Edw. ll. Smythe, MA-. 'I`)ARRISTEK and Attorney-at-Law, _So- ) licitor in Chancery, Uonveyancer, etc. (mice, (lntariu Street, next door to Montreal TL'.]("b-'l'.'1p]l (.fcnIpu1iy s Uicc. May I, 1573. L. Clemenis, Bentist. FFIUE AND '1{l*.`S1DI'l4.\'CE opposite i Poss (mice, btreuts. Established in Kingston in 1557. Aug. 22. ' _____________-_____ lnuuels liotcl. `(ENTRE T(J\VI\ , (JT'1A\VA.- J is -gantirely new in every respc en enlarged. rpnna nr-I` ---= - `... - -an auu Prl|BTo1C`Q\l trial ' npoulnl Hypophus- ler uervous sing consider- -`! wonlm tn... mm !--.- BARRISTER, Solicitor in Chancery, At- torney-at-Law, and Notary Public, Uls- rence Stre, Kingston, opposite the Post 0_ic(_:. _ James P. Gildcrsleeve, 1411.8.` ]3ARRlS'I`ER. and Attorney-at-Law, Soli- citor, Couvcyanccr, Notary Public. Of- iicc, Clarence Street, opposite .l`ost Oice, Kingston. July lat, 1373. Mncdouald & Pattolu BA.RP..IS'l`EIlS, Attorneys, Solicitors, &c., Trust and Loan Company : Building, Toronto Street, Toronto. Joan A LIACDOICALD, Q.C. Jurxs 1:;-rrox, Q.C. Hum J . Mncnozuw. * Rom`. M. F1.)-:ms:a. Sent. 23. S. Mccammon, Gananoque, "1LERK OF DIVISION COUR'1`,Notary J Conveyancer, Commissfonor in :qqcn nreets. July 8, 1873. ICC. July Int, 1873. VETERINARY; 9 Sept. B. C. Davy, ARRIS'l'ER and Attor1_1ey-at-Lziw, Uhauccrv Inxnlva A. 11. L`nA.\'bLnr.,~ H. r\. J.u:ulL~), A1,] , Km . 9, lb'5'1'. .. vuailr ..:.-uucllg TTOIi1\'E3t'-AT-LAXV, Solicitor in Chan-- L cery, Butary 1'11}.-lie, J3 tg Street, xgstou. ` ARCIIITECTURE. ___j, DA.RRIS'[`11 . I Ii.-inm ' Anglo-American liotcl. NSUN UN'l`.ARIn .w:'u1.` . Richard '1`. Waikem, ;ARRISTEIl-, Chancei tomev.:n-.-Lvuu .1 n..;.-.. n..L1 v.. ; . unu u n 1111 uzuv L"! and Glen]. f Fronte- mtario directly oppo e Telegra. gston, ph s oniu ` Power & son. F."l`R ANTI nrrnn I` .73 .3oTsc1z~l-1_Ia>\-*:den,` \'l.`V mt n n .- .. ...-J vl Iv-Ii\lIl" I6. nemg pro rtiea lmtrituw r eh" (I or nnnhlllt m..I.... .... T DANIELS, Pnnrnmron. EVAN l56Pri _.- uauuslll S,` M.R.C.S. Lon- ncesa Street. vuu v euerxnary Surgeon he oximio Veterinary Col :e, H0te`1.;Ki)1g8tt)h. LEGAL. V 2%.`. achar, KILL, SCO CT, Proprietor I N, Ei1_g-i;nd, , Homoeo- S r `eon &c. Uice, & elli u l ngton Street, tOice. Calls in city ay, promptly attgndogl 5. JARVIS,` H.13- E1`, 1i1Gs1'(;N, om`. tra.1V the city. stiou travellers mm 1. Ulgtrgcs moderate; IR, MN, Proprietor. Veterinary Surgeon :At a.x->i9 Veterinarv Cal wnvnlv I.'n'n< L` I! ). , T and C181 1. nf L":-..n6r am11`cn axl1:.aI=%amnoa.: use. " """ be t escription of HOUSE V6 l Conntrv ord:- :-`..:?|I..lT`:','`t ""'kt litre` to wholesale and uetau Deal. - ""` ` scripgiontof Coal for House, ' 1r....'.i`c.`," '1`;lLd smith and Steamboat ' The hank Joann -nlzim. an rn-.....__. (6XL gEFo7f JAS.SVVTE`71Tdz.E3(5: I'\l'I" 1' liI'V`ll%\YI\II"I`IVI`lAf|un ___- , ._r_.......... .- vlu vuc:uc< are intended to sail between the I Portland at intervals during the_ 1 Winter Nuvigatio . An exnerienmul S... . _ A . ,,- - ' Stationers. H X I :-En. ...... -5 , __ _.__..r `a \J .Sa.iling from Gluyw from Quebec about eve` tended to be da.n.e..n....a ` _ _....g. .. every Iuesan; Quebec every Thursday. tended to be despatched {mm Quebec : are hnfnnnd 4.. ..-.-I 1 . E10: ' Kmsston. Aug. 4, 1s73_ ' Mails and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland, :u`e intended to be despgtchod from Portland:-- { pnvssu N, from,6tli December. ; CASP1AN'_ _ _ -- mu " ` s.u:MA'rI.AN_ - -` 20:1: _ ~ GIRCASSIAN ` " " 27th " POLYNESIAN , _ 3rd Jan`. SCANDINAVIAN lotb` Rates of Passage from Portland : c.bIn.................$7o:o:so. *2 Sbeerage... . 625. ' THE STEAMERS OF THE r-11-----*` xverea no order, It Colmtry orders V uuun, uouble-Engine Iron Vcuel. Tonnage. Cc SARDLNIAN . . . . . . . .4100 (Bllih ClRCASSIAN...........3400 (Bhilc CANADIAN . . . . ...2600 (Buik PULYNESIAN . .. . . .4100 Capt. SARMATIAN . . . . . . . .3600 Capt. HIBERN IAN . . . . . . . .3434 Capt. CASPIAN Capt. SUANDINAVIAN. . Capt. PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . . . .3000 Lt Du AUSTRIAN . . . . ._,. . .2700 Capt] NESTORIAN ...... ..27oo Unpt. MORAVIAN . .. . . .2650 Cspt; PERUVIAN Lt. sn MANITUBAN .3150 Lt.An NOVA sco'rIA5I' I I 3.2300 Capt. NORTH AMERICAN 1784 Capt. _ARCADIA.N ........l350 Capt. oo1:1N1'uIA1~i'". . . . ...24oo Capt. . s'r. DAVID ...... ..w5o Capt. ST. ANDREW 1432 Capt. u... ST. PATRICK .'f......12o7 capm; Jan. 22. xlue au 4 iclunitz 6 7am in Q ...,.~ vll='VlUl`llI auu. a'lS8H|ll- -3 pure vitaiizing blood to and supp!_v`n-2-rvn force 1:. is a specific Lint Complaint. lxidmrys ; and so speedily imp:-m'ui.m-.nt by taking it. being 1: imtritiu-. ,-_.* --`zu_,. war. LAWENcn'wHAnF, KING . 5_ _Whole_u;le _8I_Id _9ti1 Dealers in ' um Uompan undernoted Fi built, Double4] Vtnnpl Under contract with the Government 0 Canada for the Conveyance of Canadian and United States Mails. 1s72::.-- Winter nu.~ A}-mngcniente.--1s72-3. ALLAN {LINE/. u nan. and I p. For Frfght, . tion, apply to 1:1 nrsdny dnezday 6 mm. and 7p.m. Frid Frdfazht. PM-n nt- P- I a, 6 a..m. 'i'hu ays. o:UU o'clock ; I and 3:30 p.m. o':uu o'cloc1 and 3:30 p.m. V wnonllng H0031`), T. Brock st:-eet_ Hc:NAUUllTUN & UU., c. ` Princess-s.a. 4-,_.., ,.u This Company; Lines : Lndernoted .Firs't-n_lnu 1 , ..__ -`I41! .|.Ul'l ueutral. liailroad. Retnming-.will leave C pa Vincenf on at- V rival of trains at- 10:40 a.m., connect- ing with the Grand Trunk Railroad, Iioyd Mail Line, Bay of Quintetnd Ridean Cum] Steamers at Kingston. For Wolfe and Garden Islands. MONDAYS. 8:30 o c1ock 3.111., 11:30 3.111., and 3 p.m. L`. LAWRENCE WILARF, KINGSTON 4 Wholesale and Retall Dealers in all do 3ions__f_081,`'_ Furnace. m.-:, \/ awn tor Cape Vincent excepted) at 7:15 a.m., ma]; nectiona with the Rome, V Ogdensburg Railroad. Oaw Northern Syracuse Railronil, Central Railrozul. Retm-nina_..,:n 1..-..- rs- V I Maud, Pierrenont, watemwn /'\T\T!`, at LL- -L__`,, n. ,,,_- .... -. p.;u., every n ednesday, T hnrsday and Fri day. Return- ing--6 a.m. Wednesdays, Thurgdays, Bum. 7 p.m. Fridays. Passage, 0 :ion, the Ca tain on board Foot of Brock Sireet. Kingston, 12th Oct., 1873 ~ , , 0 Vi t 1; a '1 mm. n':`i'.: .....:"5.-.`i.':.....:. .i':"` Steamboat Royltc. o clbck 30 p. m. RETURNISG. a.m., 9:15 3.: ...\. veil`! p. nu. 9:00 o'clock SUNDAYS. a,m., \ xt..\PPi' I-`.um.\'. 9:15 Vo'clock , u 9:15 o'clock .1. 8:30 o'clock c-.uV.I., 11:50 RETURNING. m., I j 9:15 1 B! 9:15 o'clock n.m., 'l`I1 - `.._._. . __ ` mrrumnzsu. 8:00 o clock a..m., 9:15 .116. 3:30 nm. - uovvavv ._._.. )NE of the abm`-e seeiium will leave 1 aton for Cape _dLily (Sun cepted) 7:15 A_m , -m.:...... ,- /_-__. Uapt.` ETHIAN capt..' AVID . . . . . . . . 1650 Capt. J NDREW . . . . "1432 J &'l`R1CK Capt. ` I __.`,-. nu U at; in Liverpool to All set; or to H. & A. Allan. 00"" and Common Streets M \\'ith. Agaast U .111- " WEDNESDAYS ~o clock a.m., 11:30 a..Ix nm'vx>.zuxa. o'clock` a.m., l p.m., THURSDAYS. o c1ock 5.111., 11:30 n.m RETUI->.NI\vn [puny/'3 are composed of tho First-class, Full-powered, Clyde- le4Engine lron Steznnshi ` `N Commanders . ...... (Building. ) . .3400 (Bi1ilding.)- - ....2600 (Building) [AN .....4l00 Brown.` 1 AN Capt. J. VVylie. LN . . . . Barclay. AVIAN. Aird: . I Dutton,RNR .\T Capt Richardson KN . . . . . . . .2700 Ritchie. N Graham. _ N . . . . . .2600 smith, RNR AN . . . . . Lt.ArcherrRNR )'l`I AN "0 Grange. ` g1;1uc}z{13:'17s4 Capt. Mme.-. .6. \:I,n'(:l', screened and de- al: the lowest market I193` 1 will receive prompt -__`,,,enM . -~- :ll`h- iverpool every (Thursday, and every Saturda', calling at I 0 receive on beard and laml; fun STEAMER8 mucuard Benis; -in kotte:-` mu &. Zoon ; in Iiambbrg Inga ; in Belfast to Charla London to Montgomrie Gnoe-chm-l1 Street; i nnuuxus ING. m mm 1 p .m SATURDAY& 3_m__ R-n`- .- n!:rUBNl'NG. _ 1.13., 1 p.m.', and 3:30 p.m. TUESDAYS. Lm, nan -... ---- xu1lJt1 1 L`; a.m. , 11:30 RETURNING. a.m. . I H " '3}. the Mcllulleuites ml 50: \Vell vnn fm-m..I .. .- .. nuvcuulerl wm leave King fape daily (Sunday: 5 makjng close _con- he Wa.ter_towu- and ilroad. Oawego Railroad, we nndrrlew York il Cape Vincent rapd_ Railroad. Ilmv-1 13' News u n-aux-tx. 1., 8:30 3.m., 11:30 _- - -... .nu. : ., .m., 3:30 .m. `{]}RDAf;`I.)~). P 1., 8:30 3.111., 11:30 a.m. , _ -- an L` JEI . every Tuesday, and dry '1`!3_urs_dn.y. are in- 3.-m., l a.ri:., 12:30 p.m. ms! Fruit Stores. at. .u- s.m., any, 4 p.m., 1'day.' `_m_, 3 p.m. LlNF_ 1:1 a King nndavn v-.7| L, coIuL~r of King and their .. -.... .-u..u-uuclubes III! :: \\'ell you formed 3 Id There is : Mac-donnld dainriugit be right: . it ontcrv anainst. cnal- , on:1:umus. Uulmio-at . ' trial SVHID of Hvnnnlnu. `an? Hn>ornos- ' 5 physicians in 3 has been inn-.. -...._,,, .,, 5 I prcpamuou, shun anal zunqix, 11., A\UI '_ Boots :1 I, EDWIN, Pri L, ` near the nLrn.|\'e, ruler any Pfe. KIIIU ` ` inn. l`LI' 2: dis - Thomas Mbbhvle, Butcher nnnntilnx 4|... f`..--- V See tladt each bottle has panu. vwu synup blown in the glass. Pamphlets Free. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, no. 1 mm: Plum. In---- . clxcnpe: mrcs. _....,......u LILUUUHVIUU, DuDUIl8I' ON'l`.\Rl0 STREET, opposite the Gran: Truul-: Depot. tn" '\'c:~.sc_1s carcfnll`; 't_ttend-2:1 to and supplied at all hours at Llxt Ami! I Is-.7-2 --...., ., two a stem. Beingfrea from Alcolz in any form, its energizing e"ects are not fol- lowed by correspondmg redo- tion, but are pepfmanent, infu- sing strength, mgor, and new life into all parts ofthc system, Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sicslgly, subrir crea- ,uu:cncr: m.;(,'-A.\uIu.\', W. as J ., :5 H+l.`UNVll.LE, THUS, 01 Clothing nznmux 1' p......-_. ....z- TXA I`NSL'RA.\'CE COl\1{`ANY, 0' Hartford, Conn. L. J. H1~:.\'nz I ":esn1ent ; E. 1 . Donn, General Agent. 1n? corporateul in ISID. 1Ja.pii:11 5.'},000,000. Au sets $5,150,931.71? HULL A.\'1) UARGL- RISKS to and from Ports on favour- able terms. Losses prumpy and 1ihera11_\ adjustged and paid in Canaxia. cnrrnnr-v ame terms. L4 p:-. J uucascs or the Kit Bladder, Female C and all diseases a bad state of theom 1873 Marine i{s3I17aT. "15"/*5 maeaso to feed upon. This is the secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in caring Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar- rhoea, Boils, Nervous Aifections, ICC HENDERSON, ,__., -..-u.\,oa by steam Saw Mills. STEAK S.-}\\' MILLS, B;u'rieeId. _..... . n,u Tobacconist. \\'IlITE, S. P. Princess strx-ct. , -__-:-----_-,----------- .. uunn 0; Liu., corner Princess and 01 ~ sts. REYNER, J., Princess-st. Printer and-. Publisher. HA.\ .\'0.\', JAMES, Princess-st. - lIllCl HOLDER, BE`.\'J., 'HU'l`UllE$U.`i, J. M'Ul{l{AY, WILL .\|:\rInal> .\`nna.... -_... ... uuw|.I'. a suns, Proprietors. Plueo, Boston. ion. at Dnuaou-u axxuuu.r.,. , ,___._-.-v--, -4., uauuulutllle. 0:2;/an Hakcrs. REYNER, JOSEPH, Princess-st. Pianofortes.` ` \VEBER 8: C0,, Princess Ontario- .` .-..---.__ --__..-, -.. ;., -.m.:uu';u-S5. Liquor Store . 'l`H0.\IP_SOX, (1150,, King-st. `v_4_,, .. --. __._.,.... KJKFAV, \IL\.' . , xuug-st Notary Public, stc. .\IcCA.\I.\IC.\', S., Ga.n:1uoque. .1; ,..,T.... "2Inl..._.. ..nm, I8 so combined as to have the character of an alinsent, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature s Own Vilalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures a thousand ills, simply by Toning uglnvigorating and Iitalizing t S stem. The en- riched and vi ized blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. _ secret of H... ......,.., n-A|I\L . \11'\L\/I\, A. 5., I tumuy, Untzuixst. .\I.-\L`DU.\'ALI) & PATTO Building, corner of To Streets, Toronto. MUDIE, JOHN. Clzwcnce-` SULl.I\'A.\', \V. 11., Clan S.\lY'l'HE, E. H._ Unt:u`io- \VALKEI\I, R. '1"., Clarcnc sts. ` GILDE[.LEE\'E, JAS. l ., I.L.'i3., - Sb. The Peruvian S 1 rap, on Protect- ed Solution of t Protoa:ide of Iron, is so combined character of alimp.n._ no SD. : A. s., 1 V tl)l`n\:\'. ()nf.-n-im.c+ n3:a3;g;B1ooa __--......., uu.w., 1.' .. E. Brock street. WILLIAM, Anchor Buildings, Market Square. LICMILLAN, Uhrcnco` street. Boat Builder. llccnlam-:1.r. A ' .....__:- . A- .3:-.w<-iry and Emcy S: GRIU-J12, L'., Sh ii.-M Iluusc, Pri " Kiliailillg Wood. L; M. \\'.'.m::-:.\' 3; m., 1 ..-m-z.- S:`.'.\' llills I B.-\\\'Dii.\', JUSE I).-\\'\', B. (`., ct cfu I LlE'|[\e\`i rates. Aplil 1, 1373 Aug. 4, 1373 MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. am )1! I` \`l.. 4: `.5 3 1 1 I .\hli: Mills. --`Jun .I.lll(IIllI .l IJTCS 1.1355-gs Pr(sm}n:]y lily m `L`a11'axi}1. cnrrency_ I1`vl`_ ACEX1 St Ix...-..,.....,. uv nra.1:x(.`t'l5 cA(:::, 1101381`. l rincuss-:1 Puwmz, JUHN, Qua-en-st. A....;g..,, , uvlll n`iIp(:l'. JOHN, Princess street. _ _-- n __ .__ .`3.`.` S'<`='-*- a};':`u,l King-st. corner of him , Chrcnce-st. '. Ulan.-Ilce-st. l._ Untzkrio-st. ; ., Clarence-sh. ......___ AVA -SD. .-\TTO.\`, Trust and Loan r Tunmfn ,....I '.\.L-1-5-Y D on 11"1`, AGENT, St. I..'zwreuu(- \\'urf. Pl. or a mu! eing free amt fornz- {ta hing and Clarence ugsuucg 3 uuu Cgmplaints, znating in (l. or (11!- ` Couhty Crown At; `Iii . , -.-Lrricticlal Stuun 1_3%ijziiiLsISTDf1`?io1's?-