Septembgr Ctlx. special attention to Handxome Stock of TGH GRANITE AND % `BLE MUNUMENTS, Sept. i3m,_1s73. ....... wvulpauy uberal su] sims will be settled in the I . ctive of any Company. 2. list of Stock hoiders up tc :u\1)1iL`\V ROBERTSOI J. R. THIBAUDEAU, L. A. BOYEH, M.P., _ ,.,...., ....-.. ;~.uuu&U Uiu. BIRECTGRS. HON. JOHN YOUNG, M.P., J. F. SINUL-`..\ SES, VICE-PRES ANDREW ROBERTSON, I THIBAUDI-` , Nov.\6\th, 1873. .\ 5 l5etY.a' D.- BUTCHERS, TA'!uD`r no T7v\vr~.\--...__ .. .. uu'.a.u.Du:6UD UV At 15 Cents per 1b., T1 TT `IE 1-1 1- xv Lu ucuLs 10., bUMBLE$. A. SI-ZCR max RY-TE.`.S[' :. ;\iA.\`AGlR .... JOHN V. NOEL ALEXANDER ROSS Head Oice, 160 St. to their Large and L Finished rAeacvm{n smm may nouns. An inspection invited. ,. 3 to date, ,\'x:w , -.-, ...,.. ...u_y uu:uss1ve, but Im- me losses to must; Compzmies may J`.: u'e been in the late cala- zuzd nther cities in the United States, tho losses in the bust- zhe Dominion, does not warrant the great increase which has Ipnny represented by the wealthiest merchamts of the Domin- st session of Hmriiazxmnt, and are now see Toronto 6' lu.'e and J[u'l:~!bb and 5th_'Sept. In D17`-""`-'*" I ANDREW` 'WILSO.\'. svm-:r:......, AW` NOW SHOWING HIS .USTRES, STRIPED AND V elvctrs and VI.-Iveteeus, Sn.-' En lish an-.1 Ua:xa.dia.u Twec `Y Fliuuels. 'u`Rl~!`~Cvu urn r ,, . .....-.. nu-..:uu..\ .l`. JOHN OSTELL, `V. F. KAY, _ M. C. MULLAIIF 'RE\V \`v.'ILSO.\'. ` .. . ...ARTHUR GAGNON. . . . . . .ALFRED PERRY. . Jnnes Stlx-eet, Montreal. nu` te Goods will be : (Hug) _g_ \} !;p,QU wanted: All glue: es of working people, of either sex, young or = old. make more monef at work for us in their spare moments. or al the time, than at an . thng else. Particulars free. Address - STINSON &. CO., Portlnnd, Main . wnen possession wiil be given. For further information up Shaw or \Vi1!iaxn-McKee, Kin 1 J AMPS AQN $5 TO $20 wqrkmg sex- . Mu...-nu uuu um 10! the plough, when cleared up, except a. few acres. About 80 acreaare Vumlcr cultivation. There is a. Frame Dwelling House and 9. Stable and Cow House on the premises. A good title will be made. One`- half of the purchase money must be paid down, and the rest on the lat of March next, when possession wiil apply to Jamel \Vi1!iaxn-McKee. Kinxzatnn. nr tn NE\V _._-_- `-`OJ VI IUI at 12 o'clock, noon, the l in the Eleventh Uoncessin of \\'olfe Island, north of 1 taiuing 100 acres, more 01 excellent and t for the pk UD. excant a. {am ........ W IL; Rooms, Market. be sold by Auction, by William urray, Auctioneer, at his Square, Kingston, on the 51151.1 ' November 7. Valuable Farm for .____ - -....aux..L V mu 1)); ,-__.,.. .. a.u.vuu.a.I.J.LU uu. C HABIOIS S K I NS-:x splendid asssortmnnt. Hastings and G.-:.rsou s Superior Adjustable Shoulder Braces. Burrs Improved'1\ urging Bottle, the most perfct and co uvenient Nursing Battle in the wm-LI perlecb : world, lPa.tterson s Lung `Protectors. Patterson s Chest Protectors. Patterson's Cork Respirators. Patterson s Metallic do. CHAMONQIII`- ' - ' ll Pattersonfs JAMES AGNFW,' Vendor : sqlicitor, Anchor Buildings. Kingston, Nov. 12th, 1873. _________..-._j___.__> NEW ~ ...-.., .. .. uucr.-as screen, Sign 03f the Spectacles. oven) ber PLAID SHAVVLS, Black md Sash Ribbons, Ladies Scarfs, ,1:-.1 'l`weer1s, \Vhite and Coloured . 'u`I{lL\'Ui{ KID GLOVES, L/Uillplx the UH nnf um so. - .P. , PRE.5IDEN'I`. Pna.sxr>1:.~a'r. l'f\LY\ , .._.- J -nvnln East } of Lot No. a Concession of the Tuwnsbip fe the base line, con less. Th. Inn!` ca ,-_-.-. `av \J|\J.L` Druggiats, 47 Princess Street, .....-n-1' ~ T a}i_i,IFi..l.l.l, Oilice over l arker a I ....,uu\-cu nursing Bottle, ad convenient I JUST RECEI V ED BY . -._..._ ammuctsee, Kin ston, JAMES AGN W, \,'nn.~'ln.. - L-.-l3- JAMES MOORE. 130141 at very low: 1 A. ROSS Hontreal. C nu U1 we base line, con~ >re The land is .he plough, :1-es. acres are zere Ltle math; rm` U wanted. All class- V gr. freQ_ Addison- I PRINCESS STREET. per dn . wanted. AIIAE12: sex. vnnnn 1... ugyny (:0 J81] %ston, or to NEW BLACK SILKS, .\'EW BLACK AND WHITE SILKL , NEW JAPANESE STRIPES, NEVV DRESS GOODS, l -J u\J.Ll.. I Drug Store. '- prices four Cash. .1: K Y, -sf 16 most 1 1n Ghatte1__Mo1ftg`ages _ Leases Discharges of Mortrzage Quit Claim Deeds, FOR SALE AT THE DAILY NE uaynxpress Night Express Mixed Train for Toronto. (1 1 1111! Dz_1y Express` Nnzht Exnrr-nu FTER OCTOBER 6th, Trai A KINGSTON a.s'fo1-Imvs :- TRAINS GOiNG EAST. Day E} rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Night `grpreu . . . . . . Mixed Train for Montreal . . . Mxxed Train for Brocknlle. .. TRAINS, GOING VVEST. Dav Exnrpgc NEW awn %mu_r4_K_ amLii41{v. 3... W0 GENTLEM EN can be accommodated T with board at Mrs Beel s, opposite St. George : Hall, with separate bedrooms and use of sitting-room, at tive dollars per week. Dinner at 6 o'clock. Bath Room attached. October 31. Which are offered for sale at \ prices. (I N T` -* Flowering Bulbs, Hya,cinths_. Grocuses j_ so as to preserve their` and beauty. The subscriber has a large assortment of Dried Flowers, Iy arranged in Baskets and Buquets. a. large variety of Oct. 6. 1873. ___,____,_._____ I nportatlon from Germany. {Dried E+`lowe1's am} Flowe1*izag Bulbs. THESE FLOVVER3 are dried Ge_rm:_my, to Ilrngnr-va +1....-.. -- Dated at Kingston, this I I vember, A.D.. 1823. umcung (.1 the crediisors of the above es- A tate will be hld at the Oice of iicbard Thomas \Va1kem, in the Git of Kingston, on \VEDNESDAY, thelfcnth day of December next, at TEN 0 -.-lock A.l\1., to consider an offer made lry John Cllaffeyto purchase the remaining asgcts of the old rm of George Chaffey 4; Brother, and to considei the matters relating ` to the winding up of (hr estate. Jlel` at; 6 0` EDWIN ROSE, Nov. 3. nook: FAN! nl-, un- nooulilbl) BRIAI FANCY PIPES, for s at very low prices. as -- - LuE4l1a1 iDUHAUl\I schnnm Cigar Holders. ASSORTED BRIAR I PIPFS r..- n-H R/EC_EIVED, ex Ship Austria slgnmeut of CARVED MEERSCIEIAUINI PIPES C1 ..__.___._.__.__ ) ETHEL LODGE ms 13 DAY EVENING, their Hall corner of Kin ....\. u uun vllmf Exiiasarloi. S. HOBART`. `V E ALVVAYS keep on hand ORGANS and MELUDEUNS of the best (Jana.- dlan make, and have now 111 stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH Uk RIGI'lT PIANOS (made by Brua Ch:Lpell, &c.,) to which we invite attention. A super-Vior b"1`EIN\VAY for szgle on rea- sonable tcrms. Also a. few Pianos to rent. '6 feel condent that will continue to sustain their well-earned reputation. Factory and VVarm-ooms corner of Princess and Ontario Streets, Kingston. `VI1`RD D I?- run u-... our own Instruments V I : '1 P M105: Organs and M1odo1:.s. ______ -`""'T`YLV A T 11- . --,, TRITNKS AND ` V1 gcm_:.u> 1'-`OR_CASH. I Kingston, Sept. ._______.; | ECEIVED, Q I1 sirznmmuo-. ..: ____ the matter of CEURGE CHAFFE BROTHER, Insulvents. Meeting of the cre_diI:ors ahov will lm 1.,.m J -- ~ ' FE 1 have :.n.,., ... B6ARD[ VVER3 in Germany, their original colour The received mt FllI\ nrn l\"*"" J. G. MACDONALI), A E;(vuu.\. mm . . . . . . .. 6.00 a.m, C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. 3 E 3 the (Fan MEDICAL HALL. Ii E\V ' has . elegant- Boquets. Also .-1 Asslguee. 20th day of No. Trains leave b very moderate JR. 2.20 3.111. 1.15 a.m. 5.20 a.m. nu 0010111` _ elnrvsand-_ U15 ganv Also : Boots, Shoes & Rubbers - -_.- a-UIV uaumei 3 folio, we see enough to prove I Ailqding to the few English 1: such 3 stop, he vonchufe: the ad` infringement of --.....;, age not 161-}. Tm: Ugxgpux MONTI.Y FOB Dncxm3za.-- Bill of Fare varied. and the third item in the list a. fair description of the w_`hole: ' ' ' and Wat_er. There is the usual quantity of spirit in Current Events. and it is quite of I the usual avouring. Until the writr is con- stituted Govemor-General, Senate and Com- Ilmous of Canada, we age little chance that I there is of any branch of the Legislature es. caping condemnation. When we say that the writer fails to see, or at tonotioe, any impropriety in the presence of Hours. Blake and. cott in the new Cabinet withbut nort- I-J-l\l `I19 A n...a:_ ...._., (.5: lg! a year 101' $10. With The Living A ya and one or other of our leading American periodicals, a subscriber will find himself in `command of the whole situation. Certainly the amount of the best current literature of the world, thus offered, cannot otherwise be obtained so economically; and the more one is inclined to limit the number of his periodi- cals, the stronger is the reason for taking The I.ivn_q Age for 1874. Tun 1-,......-..- -- I The subscription price ($8 a year) is cheap for the amount of reading furnished ; but the publishers (Littell & Gay, Boston) olfer `to send the nix numbers of 1873 gratis to new nubscribers remitting $3 fox- 1874 ; or to send to those preferring, any one of the Arne- rican $4 montlzlies or Weeklies with The Lhr ing Age fgr a year for $10. A1!!! and nun nr AH.-- -3 -- ` " ` -... iouu uuerutufe. . . The leading critical authorities pronounce `The Living Age the chief of the eclectic: ; and in the great multiplicity of quarterlies, month-V hes and Weeklies, it has become a necessity to every person or fgnnily desiring a. thorough compendium of the admirable and noteworthy V in the literary world. '|`}~.g nnL.....:..L:.. ` "` .. uuw serIeS>\Va-8 begun Ja.nuzLry'l, 1873, which already embraces stories by noted English, French, German and Russian authors. viz: Lord Ly tton, Ereckma.nn-Cha.trian, Fritz Renter, Ivan Tur- guenieff, Mrs Oliphant, Mrs Parr, author of Dorothy Fox, Miss Macquoid, author of Fatty, Miss Thackeray, Julia. Kavansgh, etc. Andduriag the coming year, 9.: hereto- fore, besilea the. choicest fiction by the lead-` ing foreign authors, will be given the usual amount, unapproached by any other periodi- cal,` of the best literary and scientic matter of the day, from the pens of; the above named and many other ablest living contributors to ' current literature. ,m_,_ ,__J,_,, _ serial and short .,.. vv. 1;. uarpen Kin:_,sley, Prof. R Matthew Arnold, Dexmld, F.-`oude, G ,.....,....yu_y, crmclsm and art.` l Amng tlxe-eminent :ux.`.ho.?s sentcd in its pages are Prof. . Prof Tyndall, Prof. Huxley, J (Bulwer), Fritz Renter, the pop novelist, MM. Ereckmann.Chatz tinguished French writers, Ivan the eminent Russian author, M Dr. W. B. Carpenter, Miss Tback Kin-31:-v PM: I.` A " dispensibla because it embraces the produc ,.-..u.u..-an naeracuro. ` It is therefore invalu- able to American readers, as giving promptly and without abridgenieut, whatever is essen-` tial to them i.n'a. great and generally inaccessi- ble but iudispensible c1_u-rent literature ; in- i tzou of the ablcst irritera in science, fiction, Fnlacnee 5. Waddelfs New Building. '-....... yuuucauon, the but essays, reviews; serial and short stories, poetry, sketches of travel and discovery, and the most valuable biographical, historical; political and scientic information," from the entire body of foreign periodical literature. readers. an a;..:.... ..-..~ -- mtcrary Notices. LI'rTLa: s LIVING AGE FOR 1874.--V| tinguishzs Littelfs Living Age` is the with its weekly issue, and its three am ter thousand large pages of reading 1 mpted other publication, the , and alum-1, .L-=-~ { o .-lock. merchants bf Kin munity, and of their regret at his 1 he Board adjourned soon at ule Hoard, and trust be equally beneficial in d that the of this resolution to tat his ener his more ex y 5176!], gy will tended Secretary forward a. Mr Simpson. nuu assistance, at a at the Board, ` 'bc eauallv lb was I by _Mr F01 It IV KB. L1,. ,,._ ........-., JJ.ll'l uupnant, V. Thackeray, Chm-Ies .ley, R. A. Prater, Miss Muloch, new Jean I ngelow, George Mac- d, Frqude, Gladstone, and many others. xew sex-ies>wa.s begun alrea.d_v embrace; am-:..1 ...J 7- - -- -...... wuvunce, any y thotpresence Blake Cabinet lvithout port` New goons Literary L Llvmo Arm vn-= "V" _.., ...uu, atrian, Reubergflvan Oliphaut, r, x ng coming vear. as h---M ,1-.. ..... um. maxmull Huxley, Lon! Lyt ;z popular Gem ` Ereckma.nn.Chatria.n, the 1 me}: Wtem Tu... VF------ ` ,,--_ ..-v u-uvlu EH35 `DC ,..a . rgcnenlruloilnotdeliz-' P ro}{I7V4:-\vhac dis- fact, that" ue, and a qua:-Q : matter a. to Dreseni-. fr-m:1.l.. .._J .- -* .___..-u-nannau, B116 (`US- riters, Turguenieff, Mrs Ohphant, Tbm-_lzn..., NL---`~~ am nmes cheerf _trust that . :Ial in In`. ......... ..,.., auu. 0! we cutiu:a- bunpson was held by the stun and the enlix'e`com-.7 r removzd, ourncd soon .-gin... ` ' :1 mm 3: attempted by no Id tlin -1-` " u muaan I Kingatn ` --...__ __-... -4] won. 9 popula} Germ: m...o..:.... an ~- aaucx M ax M T ,....l `I repre ullcr, an xength `in the cLtiu)a.- hr-L1 l\11GI-.- rem0\`:L after , ...--um: as r and with _,I I, , u 4.11 uucr, Lytton ~ [V . ...-u 5 dis- -_ .._.. ..--w uuvn.ns.19I1NT IS THE SAME AS THAT!` 0' THE oLn. But the policy of the aid W59. In to every feature of is, opposed violently by this Opposition, and both Mr Dariou and Mr Mae; . : kenzie tell us that the policy izl1loi`;.'1`s of the eutlemen now own ing 1: 0 room :nch4:7l is to be tbatP \ vhich course in Opposition. VVe ask, horns V! to reconcile all this 2 The Grin policy ha been determined, unwavering. and um: _ tionnl opposition. to _that_ of the out Governi- ment; the Grit polwy 13_ bele lame ill ` utca thatit Wu In oppomtlon _; and yet policy of the new Goyernment ,xs,to be intho main the same as that of the old ! One mmea I>ew'ildgred~"1n the attempt" to ouhw theme Miuiztenal cannndrnnu, and -thug, .th?,,fo,-g3 nothing forit."but the proposed m::.& We find the V11 meg-svxc. Delta, Phil \Vestport ; and lying near the 1-on Mortnn and Lyndlxurst. Tue mrmsnea. 1:: a._ seot treatmg of the mining a ------------c _ g ... nave also the grunt of the Government towards construct- mg roads from the frontier toward! the `ixilb- rior, and tending to` develops the- agricqltu`-` nl and mining resources of the lh-tickville (being the terminus) wonldjnate-_, ridly be benetittet by the construction off 1:!` mad. At th' ' ' demand from the back country.` be fostered ; busiuesl would mcregle; moth chants would be In...-m._; r- would- On the di 1*'t}nd,'thc South R 11011: The B1-ockville Recon it is generally conceded 1 is to be pushed forward i`our has arrived when ` action must be tgzlian _el.1psod smce its prpjec tereistc-.1 parties to ll.lVi and to arrive at some c to the north the large :3 Leeds, of which Brock outlelrnnd market. Ye an- H _ 4-- -.. ...u uanlls or the pub-`- " lie 3 revised a_u_d cqrrectad edition. He wiihaa` to leave 3 record at facts `only, respecting" the h be has writtcm To rmation from persons who have perused the book, and who may have discovered any errors, or noticed input-` taut gmisaions. Several_ gentlemen have -1-` r..-nJn........... ' ` ' n-'1~'.-Our reader: will remember that a few years ago an account Of-:'th0 first settle ment of Upper C Gannitfi The last was diaposed of ahoht :1. year ago. Since they repeated c:L1ls-l::u'e been xnadevfar ' I nnada was published by Dr. of the erlitinu of 2,000 oofiies arly have a word of caution, ho,we' conductors. The tune. The Globe . in the establishment and fur Gfit Party. Mr Smith : ten glzine have began analogously I present moment there is no the Grits victorious side as th newspaper. 4 t'I`n n 0 --- may. well be called a. contribution to thigh- sational literature of V Theology. It is a fnhnjr Mr services to tlne mt- been analogouslv useful A A A` bepteuxbcr 23, I873. 'l`m'-: E \_ IV ,... mu: puucy oi hurt; opposed-violently n, 1 all us that in oico :1 occupying the Trent: i: that which :_0pposition. ask. hmv -- `- _....,.....5 warns :--"II THE GENERAL tone! or all law F1` ; policy -9 ' 1c onnnnml. m'nI....n.. I.-- n'- _. -..u qnnlllili] ufgcturecl cpntiguoua to the line iii important item in the trna Vestporlz is at present the principnl l_1ve stock In the county. Thin mess, no donblzywould be m-nu. ` 1.-- P ` ' ..;...u uuzu: or the new would`, its interests, Mr Dorian his exposition of the Minir the following words:--In GENERAL or ml -1" uuIu&I8S tor shi .V seond article ` mug and lumhe win! we 1 ,,-__-..,,, uuucre a. nancial Ion. ling this he desires to issue a AND W] ROAD. Recorder : glcedg {(111.6 _ _ _ ... on guy we I country: Trad`; would iucreahacl; mora- ztted. On 4, n =-- A` [EMBER Royal, college of Surgeons England. o1=1`1c1~: over mun. al gt . Princeisg Sfrcet. RES] [)ENt',`F`..-m..- I .1mvu|u, LVOWIIOI near routo, It. Tun nu....A -.... vtlllll . '1'). bb,-would Iggruy ` for shipping whro` , article `we nnmm. DWESTPOBT RAIL-1 bean more 1 section of country ' facilities 2 Thsnkl uliey of `the Rat...- .. av Ilul that- Or; the line of, vlllagu of For- a, Newborn-and` he route. Elga- `. uuuvv, no qnnntxty of us lim 4...... on vane pun- ition. y, respecting the ` n has writ-.4... m -- -`you MI H16 ma- r useful. At the. 10 such thorn in that .-u--- I" _Pl`poIs ' lllteralt W IIIFTU r OTTAMAN .e PLAID sn,uvx.s, r FANCY sxmrs, ' amp mxmxxxas, .BLAcx Sm; 'rn1NG1-`.-2:." "wxxcl-:\'s, { F.\.\'UY .mu.\"rs, TWEEDS AND BEAVERS. In great variety 1 PRINCESS STREET. n,P|t1sburh & Ganllnlie Road Company. ._-_._. _________,_________-- "`- 3- Tracy. nu): 3E1 . I: - ~ , uzland. n"'}1:`wI.*(?7!::~e_ ._f`.f JUST ARRIVED AT pn1.\'c1~:ss ;srme:m'. mcesa axrcet. RES] D] and Ordnance Strectl. `usept. I7. 1873. ..-.__ FOR ' Kingston, fittlburgh and OTICE; in hereby given, tlnt the An N Meeting of tho Shareholders of Gannuoquo Jc Stock Road (.nmpany will take place st 1 (mice of the Recrutiry, Clu-once Street, Ki non, on MON 1 , the 8th December us: at the hour of I o'clock, noon. Jun !\f on - -" r hogi `;nI1.3:at.}: T33 7 aqd latest styles. --uuvnuurl 0! "I8 Joint in 1: Ice _the tn \\'hito &. RES] DENCE come Ltreutl. VALISES -nut.` XXIII.--N \ .--_- ECLIAR adfnntagenotfered on Re- P servo Dividend Plan. Policies guaran- teed by State of New York. For fn_ll particu- lxaruin spply to B. C. DKVY, Barrister, corner Glareneo Stfeeh, Kingtton, Agent. The Globe Mat Insurance Co of New Y 31 Lir mpany ork. S. (?ll0\|'.\ AND SONS , (---..- ... pugllsil, .`5c-.-tch ml Irish Tweeds. Splendid Value in Blankets. Excellent Vnl_ue in Flannel. - The Best Value in Black and Coloured S 11.8 in the city is at the Liverpool House. _ ` 50 Case ew Fall Goods acar NOVELTIFS in ( NOVELTIES in Is|:rHE11>LAcE TO BUY 'I`HE}.;BEST AND UliEAl EST - }DRy GOODM 'GREENFiELD S,' LIVERPOOL Hsuss, I {Royal Commission Apnointed. .wu.u-.-._y o, Dlici-h1Ul1Bl'S 11a.11._ 57' For December -Y'OUN IES' JOURNAL, and all the Magazines. I Nov. 25. --; w my cueap. FANI LY Bl BLES. l"UCKET BIBLES, sT,_u`10xEuY nexus, LADIES CUMPANIONS. GOLD PEN AND PEARL HANDLE in Morocco Boxes. GOLD PENS, ALL SIZES, at (V; ` -_- .....-. ECU u.-nclu. ' ITEAUTIFUI. CHRO-MOS, Wm `ING 01551:.-, . worm r;nxr:.<, L - Lanuzs DRESSIXG CASES, THE FINEST ALBUMS for Pros c ntations, very cheap. .2714 01. L'.r.i.zv g L. 6. Just received a saupply u in 9 oz.,- pint .-mi qn:-x lot Every Wj mess I ,_._.-, ..uu -31141143, an Stacey s, Sta.tioners Hall., . . -n------ -- Far l|.m.,...I\.._ 1 nv ` TE\V GOODS at the LOW L Call and see them. I'.`AIvv-I-uu-.wvc A---- EST Ii.-tTES. Pond s Extract! \ 42 PRINCESSSTREET. Ln 1' 1n as l` very cheap. LU LY m m July 28th. 1873. Cheap B(;O;StO1`e, DISPENSING CH EM 151 S, Pond s Extract !,= \IN THE CITY. 1 IN FAKJY DRESS GOODS. `Will Rhnu~'lp \l....LI.... Y_-L,;, n K I N0` S TREET. x examined proved,'.'that I SIIAW & RHNNES . J. 3-REE.\'FIEI-D. of Pond : lattice. `Extract, . .-441., riuces.~1_.5Lrect. -: ac _ - ~ - ---KI-I I " Now erected ' their Show Yard, Princess ` and ydenhaxn Streets. = TAN DY BROS. ua'1ne 15L`b'.l` MEAT kept cons'tant}yVon h;md. Steamboat: ang Vessels supplied on the shortest notice. ]\lm-pl. 979;. I979 Kingston Ma1'lsle Works. - Sect; Kinpfon, 27%|: Non, uuuuUlnE8 5013- 150113. Shroeder s Sausages every day` I October 9. ,--_.---....-..u v;vuu.u. .uuu.'JJULlti, `Vital: an endless variety of other Cream and Chocolate Bon-Bonn. c1L..--J-_L rv ` _--- I--:r`. `H a !Fa.mous Chocolate Bon-Bons, Pistaches, A Maria Louisa, ` I Marshmallon, 1 Nougat, Panacheiso Cream Bon-Bons, Vvith an nnAl..-.4... ...._:_a.__ ,1- an muuc rate rates. giving this Compat loss claims a irrespective 4 For a. Stocl . 9 ' $0. 13, SHAMBLES, KINGSTON, Ontario _ 33 The BEbT MEAT constany on mud: and sunnlipd nvi ue snortest notice. March 27th, 1873. ,__- _. .........uu, v. mrezy taken place in the rates. ~ Such being the case, this Company represent ion obtained a charter during last I : at mod: rate rates. The promoters can with ft: Companya liberal support, the dir mmzf. lmm-..I -- ....n.u5 we varxc-us lusuranc necessary ; and however severe t mitous res in Chicago, Boston 3. .........n nnya; (Julie A Belts Princes! Street. I` of [}ideau "Sm lnuubn |...__A III --`-'*