Kingston News (1868), 5 Dec 1873, p. 4

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us; 4.15 J 3.15 1 R nn A I : Kingston Depart I-.15 P_ M'- PEMBROKE ' have .for sale 2 City of King- six per cent The am-n..L _ ,..........u, uue oi the . 1i.e\'ic.\xs for 1871 ; sub.-icribers to all live 1 have two of the four Reviews for lS7l.- either premiums to subscribe count to_ clubs can be allowed unless money is remitted direct to the publishers. o premiums can be given to clubs. To secure preiniums, it will be neccss.'u'_) ' make early application, as the stock avails `for that purpose is limited Circulars, with further particulars, may had on a. lication. THE L N AIU2` S_COTT Puhlishimv n r1iEMIU .Ncw subscribers for have, without charge, t last quarter of 1871 of suc` may subscribe for. Or iuateul n? ~- 4 ULU] A discount of twenty lowed to clubs of fol Thus :--Four copies of . Review will be sent to 01 four copies of the four Re for $48, and so on To clubs of ten or mm above discount, 3 copy g to the (rattan up. or AL - uuove cuscount, c< to the getter up of 1 `DD! Market S!) "G I LI;;\N, ' by the `quarter at the ol ror mackwood and the four Rev1cws.,....... Postage two cents a. number, ce of de] (NI ."l-`ac For 1 w ;,.s1'm1ss'1'1~:1: 1cuv1 1i:\'\7, " ' LON DON QUARTER LY J:l.`v1E\v, BRITISH QUARTEIKLY msvjmv, Published Quamtcrly--January, April, Ju October---n.nd BI.AcxwooD s Emxnuacu M.-xcmzlxn, (A fac-simile of the original) publish monthly. 'I"I'a`f\\n`v A" "" PE R n- nl,. -J`--AND-- Blncikwoodb Edinburgh Magazine, REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT U0 MPAN Y, _ 104 F U _L T0237 ST1?1:'19' '1 , NE W YOIBK, At about one-third the price of the originals THE EDINBURGH It EVIE W, \VJ:_]STMLV S l`E1 R 12` V 1 E W, BRITISH 0lTAI:'rI.'nu -..v ----- -~ PUBLISHING __j_ I THE GREAT ENGLISH QUARTERLIES ___..___.__;__ The Best Periodicals of the Day rlu--1 .~.__-, 9` Residence, No. 3 I August lat, I873. , `L112 uanur;-5'1` of any Company in the J_ world. New business. Hum assured for the year lS72 exceeded that of the second Company in rank by more than sixteen mil- lion dollars. Th;- Society issues all the most desirable forms of Life and Endowment Policies, on which l)ividemls will be paid an- nually, securing to the assured the least pos- sible outlay consistent with unslmxbtcd safety. All Policies Nun-fm-feitable after the second or third annual 1..'1_\-'lneH`.'-. Policies are also issued on the Toutine Savings Fund Plan, Iirst introduced by this Society. Although only e3t.'I.l1lisl1c(l in Canada about five years, its business exceeds many of the older established Companies, lmving is- sued. in 1872, 895 Policies, insuring 5-?2,3;2'i,l5, --being a. very little short of the largest busi- ness done by any Company, foreign or local, in Canada. For rates and other information apply to A 1 1- tun-v.`--- G.-`\GE, ROBEl': x'1 l'\)W1-:11, & so): NE W BUSINESS. won,- IIE LARGEST an; T won-M. NM" "*` r nxackwood an the Rsvicws . .. m....v.._-i ~ LOESI paul Policy-h l872`- . . . . . . . . . . . Total Surplus, 1872.. nu. JIJVIUWS . . . . . . . - Blackwood Reviews. . , --._..v vvuvi or THE UNITED STATES, No. I20 BROAD'.-KY, NET! Assets, Dec. 31st, 1572 $20,! Amount Cash Income over 9,1 Total paid Policy-holders in . . , * " ` TH_E EQU1TAf{IfE L1_fe Assurance Societv .....,- nasurililcli fund - 4 Risks taken for three years Dwellings and Contents on very terms 0. s. STRANGE, M.D. . .5/eds. lluxwsu. W. STIM After payment of the usual providing for all losses, claims the sum of $905,905 was put. the Funds in hands, which now Reserve Fund - - - - Capital paid up - - - Life Assurance Fund taknn in. H... -r mugns _y ear. New Life Policies issued for .` Total Annual Life Premiums, deducting Rea.-mun-m,..= u:-ILLIDSS Fire Premiums, less 11: Being the largest I received by the Cu: single year. Pnnn;... .-....... WI TII INSURANGE IHBMPANY. Liverpool and London. om*1cE-cmi?Ex(:1: STREET. (Opposite the Post Olce.) __._. ,,-__ -D-II).-I`. 1873. Summer Arrnazcment. 1373. ON and after SATUi{.DAY, 24th instant, :1 I '.'l.8sel1gcr .1mlT3=`l nil '.l`r;Lin will `- Halifax daily at 7.30 n.m. a ' A l zzml Mail 11 druly at 3.00 3.111., and be due in Halifax :1` Trams will connect At Painsec with trains to and from Shmliac, and Intel-inciliatc Stations. `At T1-um with trains to and from I-`ictou, and Intermediate Stations. At \`Vindsor Junction with the trains of the \Vindsor and Azniapolis lt.1il\vay At St. John with the Uonsolidated European a.nd`Nnrth American Railway for Bangor, .D:Ln\'ille Junction. Montreal, Quebec, l ortla.1nl, Boston ; also with the Inter- national Steamers to and from Eastport, I`ortla.n(l and Boston. LEVVIS CA RVELL, . V General Supei-iutcnclcnt. Railway Oilicc, Mnnctuu, N.B May 26th. 187:}, 1 n~nui.I:.... noun Annual Life Premium: deductlng Reassurances . SUBSCRBEJ3 CAPITAL, f$10,000,000, WITH UNLIMITED I.IAnnmu,v : .1 Ann SCOT 140 Fulton ,(UL\J,\JUU,UUU) H LIABILITY SHAREHU LDERS. Busines?or 1870. .remixuns, lleinsm-.-um.... en = :2 sent one a-. ldress for $12.80 ; the Ilevie ws and l5lackw_ood `r__ ,, r VA nun: club _ } RELIIUAiS. -`berg far tho no: A l!I'. my Office, Manchu May 26th, 137:2. ._.._}__...._ J. J. CHRISTIE, Aguznl, Bank of Montreal, [{inn;v+.... 1 more, in addition gratis will be : If the club. :9... . __.J\4.l....l._J.1.J}JJ Society 017 .\"l`l'|"~`*` _Wpy gram I DDIII11-...~ nut: mac: 0 CLUBS. tweuhy un- ...eacu;_:ur .-num1=1 zul '.l`r;Lix| lcanc 7.30 n.m., and be due in St. '. .30 p.Iu. .'I'll also leave St. John d 8.51) mm ,--~-- -gvuu. I. l'Jll.lAll'1B : REPI`. I NTEI) - _._ V-. a.\l I \I- us, lleinsurauces . .$:?,559, ISO amount ever y Cumn.-mu in - every city and town where it hm: been iutru ulno,a-!, and it is a thoroughly or;I:o_-lax pre- unnicgfnr nurpassmg m.-my nthers of consider`- wbia repute, and well worthy the confitlcxzcu of the profession gem-1-ally.- , .. .. for the year 1875. may :6, the mimbers for the f such periodicals as they L..\--- V ' . 7 me Reviews 0 {.cvic-wa .. I2 agnziue . . 4 me Review 7 any two 19 three of 12 to I aolce nf :l..1;..-. ST cw assu E "sea 11 : -,\`uciu.`.v Swan. .11 .1, J. U AUD- r n illCh DCI'i()(]it*a]u an 5' ` new subscribers to " the a.Love periodi- lm, one of the fun- Jxxbi-, be 1 -2 delivery. >f_ dividend Luv] sacs, and expenses, )5 by to increase , amount to-- ____n,~uy.,...- Ki i Barrio Street. ..w u.u.unun7 Uumpany in a I.` A U U IITON -Princess-its. r1....r- -M 1 to 1 swill Im an... --..-;n_4vv, 3', July, Y, YORK. _ v, VIII), :9 I U years on P1-I vatc )1! very fzwou table ...u x.u nut: second nul- sues : . Zllerlirral L'J:a1ni12r*1' 'I'I{A`.\'l.`l.`. ,uuu, LIABILITY OF DEBS. mu.-(u. n'x:a7ni1n `RANGE. AU EN T -.......u; mw strength and In Fnmqws` Coslrorxxi Svm f prepaid EVENING, DECEMBER 5. ______________ uontreal, Kingston. :et. 3,002,740 11 um.) ______ .,...,. man, 1011 2,500,000 00 ASSETS, .MA1{(/`H 1:1`, 1573 (AT M xLl{KET VALUE). Cash in hand and in Ban".. . $867, 783 50 Real Estate.L...... 405,000 00 Mortgage Bonds . . . . . . . . 926,725 00 Bank Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1,337,050 00 United States and City Stock and other Securities . . 2,350,973 96 Loans and Real Estate .. ,_ 93,339 00 __..f_____ $5,980,867 46 Cash Receipts 5, ..,497 00 Th: Cumpmy has begun doing business In Cmada for nearly 547years, and dtujm that Lxma has secureu the pubhc condence y prompt and libez,-a. settlement of every just claim. It has comphed xuth the lzms as any other rst JA Nrpg cntrtnrn c nAti'1'14`0RD, CON N. Incorporated 1819. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital . 3 3,000,000 00 Losses paid in 54 years 39,000,000 00 Losses paid in `I6 mouths .... .. 9,000,000 00 Capital subscrV.`bed by Stock- holders since Dec. 1st, 1871 2,500,000 l\lA1iU}{ a"1`,1l373 MARKET 7 I L`\ .'uA2\\/ELL WV. STRA O{h'cF, Clarence Street, 0` Office. Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873. September 19, 1873. J I Gapitglm ll A vurnu assortment of tirst-class SKIFFS and of all sizes on hand, ready built, 1 SALE OIL T0 HIRE.`w`-Ea Ships B Sale, Fancy Cedar Skitfs kept on ham sale, such as I obtained I 1'i'zes witl. Piovincial Exhibitions of Ontario and for the past number of years. All orders punctually attended to ; work leaxing Kingston to be paid fu; leaving the establishment. ,1 |r-nnn-- `IV-I um Wu?-`LR and 'Em'8 into streng i`I'l.I n.....v n , Ass1y1e`0ii:;,Eg Z@ZiEe0~t 0a1?i.F?L- - -` $600,000. meamers every Tuesday an This splendid steamer 1 winterrccewed large renev will be found l?ISul`p.'LSSt'd 1' and general occr.-i:z1n0d:\.tion ,. H 1,,.,.,..r ,, ,_....a :5: Lung lsnon about 12:15 p.m Tuesdays, '1`hursdayis and Saturdays---Belle- , ville at 2:45 a.m., Pictou at 6 a..m., arriving in Kiugstcgabout l0a..m. I ' I{ct'urning--will leave Kingston daily at _3 `p.m., arriving at 1 ictou about 7 p m., and Belleville 10:30 p.m. Connects at Kingston with Cgtpe Vincent Ferry Steztmcrs, G. T. ll. Trains East and Vfest-, Mail Line Steamers for Tin-onto, Hamil- ton, Oswcgo and Montreal, and Ottawa Steamers Tuesday and Friday. having during the ./Etna Ilnsiirace ()0. \F HAR I`I`rmn t1n\~x~r _ - __-- ---u 111 IIIIII )1?` HARTFORD, CONN. Charter Pm....+..-I , ' msuaya and F1 Picton at 8, in the mor stou about 12:15 p.m. I Tuesdays. Thursrlavs 1873. ,. .._.~- _Good food and plan` _ C. 1 Kingston, M; THE nuns UFI-`ICE, 101 W. Fiitlz.` November 171.11. For ngnnio W A;\'1`l-JD to sell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $12 ; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 ; Twenty-five '.l`ickcts.. $510. Circulars containing a` full list of prizes, 3. description of the Iuzmncr of dr:v.\s`ing, and other information in reference In the Distri- bution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be aahlressecl tn 31"? UFFHW. I `ll LFIIV-1 -- 2,500 Gold andSiiver? Lever Hunting \Vatc,-hes (in all), worth from $20 to $300 each. Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Double- plated .Silver-\, Jewelry, &c., &c. \\'hole number of Gifts 25,(_i00.- Tickets limited to 100,01-0. A(.`!<`.!\"l`.< \\fA7C'T'Y-" - " " ' !\l._iL I vv,v\IV LLI. ONE PRIZE $3,000 SIX PRIZES 1,000 TEN PRIZES 500 0:-,nn n,_1.1 , 1 -..... ;;uuua OUU ) and Silver?J fro: '<- w7\I `xx. IBNE CASH PRIZE of . $5,000 in Greenbacks. PRIZE 33.000 3. um In uhl 1) CAS $10,000 in G1 $2 __ v v , V VJ \I I \J 9 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! GRANID CAPITAL PRIZE. 0,000 in Greenback_s_. :.uIlrsl:l.3', Jzmuary 1st. 1874. $200,000.00 GTF"l`Rl Grand THE ONLY RELIABLE GIFT DISTRI- BUTION IN THE COUNTRY. -r 1` ------~ uuucu to 1UU,Ut-U. AGENTS \VAl\' TED whom Liberal Pr;-mi...... ...:n I 7ILL L % VES'I`ERN |IIi\EIlf`- '/ TU B E DR.A\VN Tlmrsday, January 3 n re A A A D ` ` nmiclusuea in which he 1 mad `-- NEW ARR_A_|\_lGEMENT. Pix-ton, E e.Ilevill"and Inter- lsacaiaie Ports. . -uu uuuu1l.L1. L."13T SINE S '[`\\r"lJ`\Y"l`] 1:.` l"l`l 4 - v was aL\/LL, J I LDER, Ontario Street-, near the r \V'orks, Kingston, Out. A large Df BOATS !n_a__c_[, ready built. Ki` Fl? -r_-.-:..erz.-r.-s..GF L Mccorkell, IH.T)m2 n~-2 W - ....5a ncuewals and additions ` in her furnishings cor.-m1nod:\.tion. ' -= 5! HATCH, Ticket Agent. -iuy 14th, 1873. ju uua.LJ-`J3 . '1`WEi\ TIE 111 Annual Distribution, TO BE ,-, -;u. $600,000. GE, AGENT. beet, o Iposite the Post ..._y-mu ucxeLs..z'~1U. ining e nt any ordorim. 4|.-n Mondton, l\'.B., `III . ` u no any ordering 3 L. B. SINE, Box 56, :. C1l\'U1i\'.NA'1`l, 0. unJ.l:`1`b and BOATS ready ass` FOR Boats For ; hand and for (1 with 21%, +1.. ..-,,.. uu uauu and tar I with at the and Quebec ? EACH IN G REENBACKS Incdrporatcd .-...-_ - 1011152, 3-reenbacks. nnnrzn ..- 1 paid. I873. _ ' ur eon, &c. 0tIice' and Resldence removd ellington Sh-e`et, nearly opposite the Post Oice. ' ' h Ualls In (:11 d or country, nig t or day. promptly atten e ' .7. JARVIS, M31)- Aug 9. I 1 -1-2---3) _ ,---_.. ..usuuuu---"Hrit musllaazv Comer\'ative tho p_arty of Union` and I l L 18 at all times fu iquors; the Tab] County; gnod `and Sheds, winlx careful merci Room for tr rate. , W ` ruished with the best of e 15 second to none in the commodious Stable: and attendance ; a good Com zwllers. Charge: mode- uuoj. UJ _B celled The House is at an Stirling -J uommex Enabling. M are n 30. V 1:! euurcly been enlarged, season. Fu-st;-cl accommodation. and boats. tu , . any lion-1, RINCESS b iliEl:;'I`, KIl\GSTO P The most; central Hotel in buperior accommofdatiun for tx-ave commercial gentle-men. Charges mu [2 I I) \u . \ ~ ~ A Feb. 26, 1873 1-rozu 9 t the poor. PI HST r-I7... Zibeon Brett, of Bridge ixty-nine Governors of M: ` time. 4-. -- }_,___;__________ J. L. Iuacdonald, L.B.S., EN'.l'1S'1` (successor to Dr. Day) 1* Princess Street, Kingston, (Jun. U1-`FIUE H0 U Rb` from 9 A.M From 9 to 10 A.M., D001`. - ' . to 5 on Fridays, devor Anglo-American llolcl. OHNSON AN D UNTAR10 STRE Kingston, Canada. 11}. MI_Lb'A1 & C0,, `Propriett Albxon llotel, H111-st.. burlin [HI-INT AIVlI`l.V1\r- - Albion Elisa, Stirling. I OHN ACKERS, Manager. First-cl.-use Commercial Rooms. Good Y :a.bling.~_i ' June 23 ,.. ..V--4wosu.|.llIlIllg Ii` ,CLJ*.'RK OF DIVISION Public, Uonveyancer, v.gueen s Bench, -lac. Nov. 27. _ name-ls` note]. `(EN TRE TOWN, OT`l'AW'A.- / is entirely new in every res} en retted and rein: uon. _ Fxrst-class Sample l-to-emu :01LlD10d3tl-011. Omnibus;-A Inn: _, -_.- - .,...u n.L1 :u.1u1 .~'1:. Y andClcxli U of `the Peace for the County of Fronte- nac, Ontario Street, Kingston, ulrectly siw the M ont_real Telegraph _Uompa.ny's_o1m.:'. Kingston, July 19, 1871. ` ' _"1T_(',"1_cn1e:_:t s,,. 14- l.PlVj'g I))AllRIS'I`Ei . and Attorney-at-Law, So- liuitor in Uhauccry and Insolvency, Uum'eya.ncer and Notary Public, KlNUS'1'UN, Ont. Uice, corner of King n_ud Clarence` Streets. Jul" o 10-"! A1a c1uT1;'c3Un1:. ~ nnnnrubn. and Attorney-:-.t 5 licit.or' in (ihzmcery. ;\'ot:u (Jonvcyancer, 32 King .b'tre-ct, liixag At (izmanuque, over S. ;\iu-(Jamnu Store, every Tuesday and Friday. 1.... u now ___`., ..--4:-1 BA1{RISTEI{ and At.t,orncy-at-Lmv, So- licitor in Chancery; Gonvcyamccr, etc. Uice, Ontario Street, next door to Montreal '1'clegraph (Jomp:u:y s Uice. May 1, 1873. . ' rence Office. In!" James 1 . Gderslccve, lfL.B`. BAI{1(lSTER and Attorney-at-Law, Sofi-- citor, Couvc-yauccr, Notary Public. 0!- tice, Clarence Street, opposite ]`oBt 0ice, Kingston. ` July lat, 1873. )|:I'C8I3. July 8, 1873. ::__j?_j- ng House, Stirling, Qounty or astings. .. .....mum1uc, .5`. ;\ic()a.mJ Store, Jan. 1-1, 1873. ' Bollcville, Nov. ` Lcnegrnph Uomp ._-v--- we :nu`npaEi`l(3K, `1 OUN TY CROVVN ATTOR N E Y a J of .2, Ontario Strong 1::....... - JIDC8. ` July 1st, 1873. V vgvllll IDHVTVHCBQ 'IT01<`.I*.' EY-AT-LA\V, -Sblicitor in Chan- L cc.-ry, l\'ot-ary Public, 3.)` king street, xgstun. __.______._.____.____ lETER,1:Y:`_.'?.:%- Sept. 23. J. Iii. 1\`lz:c}1m', M.A., ARIiIS'l`ER and Attomcy-z-.t-Law, (ihzmcerv. .\'m>._-n-u I -~ Edw. ll. Sn gARRISTEI{ licitnr in m...-.... Mcvammon, Gananoque, KK DIVISIHN nnnnm -v - KRRISTER, soucmir in Chancery, At- torney-a't-Law, and I\'ot.1i-`y Public, Cla- 3 Street, Kingston, upposite the Plost e. Alex. `, nnnn I... ._ .. _;.._ Daniels llotcl. {) l"`|' A II.` A A} G. SCO FT, 3 vv 1.; `W 50110 3 AN D BUILDING SUB- Ofce and Residence Queen S. 1) . 73. ANILIsa 50501! Bawdcn, };JC\'-A l`_T A 117 0 , 1- -. 5'11; Em. 1; 1 .3 (A. 1a0'rEL: _}__}_..._._ (mt fax` \\'heu ] ,, ...,.,. on -:>a.m;1e~ 1-iu Omnibusea 1 . . Uhargc R. IRW1I\, Rmsxumcu Xiosite the Wellington Street. Kinzston in 15:37 senior to Dr. No. 156 set, Lb` A.M. 5 I`.M. l., devoted to , ()1LVl'NA'\;'X.'---This house ' respect, having ted reiuruished this. Sample Huoms. and ample mnibuscs meethll traim. LEGAI; L . Kirkpatrick, VN A 'l"l`( : n \YT_V1r aavallo _s, M.R.C.S., Lon. mcess Street .__man in Saco was 1 I cluthea in wlnl. 1. .. so It : \ '1`, K1l\GSTOl\', OIV1`. at in 1.}... 1-40-- Smythe, { ., ---uuu.I.u;\', U4.N'.l'. I`. the city. n\`e11enx and moderate. R\V.lIV. l"l`nIu-iuln- .....c:_y. nomry Public, g Kingston; Unt. ' ;\ic()a.mmuu s Drug T, `Proprietor S, Pnnrmmon; ). , `Proprietor; .___._ .1c C.S.,] 5 Street. .uvuus.i_u1(1 ample s meet all trains uucuvrs. . 3.. Princess-s`:. ,, \Velling'cou-st. II... :1- - I I xv ms, 11.. J.u:v1s,_ J., | 303 moderate. {V , Pray:-ietcr. IA-13.3., No; I. (Jun, nu. nooks, \'Vel1ington ck Sns. ;IL`lJ&l\'v', B0- mry Public, ngaton: Ont, .' gmd Clea]: nf ll`hn1.Ir % Is PUBLIsI_{E1) V d I` em :r:-.g:: fllrni-lanai -5 IIv_. -.. ` ., ,--vvvD Is PUBLISHED` mrymwrux evening at ` Six Dollu-s per annual, payable in ad-'1 vnuce. Snbacribers who receiie their paper by mail are charged Five `Mm n1----- - * K 'I' "' _ __._ ..... uuargell Euro Dollus. The Chronicle and News rs runmsmm -.._-` n -- _ Ine best description 07 kept on hand under cover, vered to order, at the low Country orders will recei tion. u v mun-.;x.uu-s|:, l\J vv nowsue um noun 1 scrjptiona of Coal for House, (much and Rtnamhnnt ..... - aurlptlonl OI U081 I01 l i0|.lB4 smith and Steamboat use. 1118 descriutim. 4. J AS. sAw1r`17;s;.E;{)_' `I Anvnhnvnn 1: . _oI Youville an,d Col 1.1117 r. - COAL __|;EP517. w, Sofi- din l IL co W. Uiuson & Hugo A: Malcolm; in Loud Gremmorue, 17 ,. ...vuu;ll1.U ; in Belfast to on to Montgonu'ie' 6 amburg Chuley rch Street; in- _.... n avnxnlloll. An experienced Surgeon c vessel. Bertha not secured For Freight or other purtic` Portland to J. L. Farmer, AndlowA1lm; in Quebec ' & Co. ; in Ha-'re to John M. D ; in Paris to Gun` Rue (In 4 Septembre ; in An Scbmitz & ($0., or Richard Be _. . ttmnnn & icon ;;.t:~,::::~:- 3 m Ben non. Kingston, Aug. 4, I i are intended Portland nlr :.. .1 , uAau'I:n Boat II | man and steamboat best description of Lept cntvnr . -from Quebec tended to be delpatcbed from _ .-_...-.u.I:u.M3 U1" 1'.HE s\._IJJUl.`.4l.$ an HANLEX, Agcntyfoot of Brock Street. Jan. 22. _ espatched. from Portlan - ' 4 ' PR USSI AN, from Portland, 6th December. " UASPI " 13th SARBJATIAN `` " 20th 1` -. GIR(JAb'_SIAN " at 2-. u _POLY-NESIAN " Ellrd Jul. SCANDINA VIAN 10th Rates of Pabsnge from Portland : ' Cabin................. $70t78). Sgeeragem. . . . ` 8:. . rrr_m srnaimrzs or THE 11`? An"-*` , , -- -- - .-V`./`J. VT. LAWRENCE WH:ARF, KINGSTON 3 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all do `rjptiong of_Coal_fuxf Fm-ua.ce_ m..-:. ~ -r-a_4s1AuJ LIVERPOOL Sailina tn... 1: V . . . . . . . .%34 Capt. UASPIAN . . Capt. SUANDINAVIAN. . Capt. PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . . . .3000 Lt Du AUSTRIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt} Z\'E.S'l`URIAN .; . . . . ..2700 Capt. MURAVIAN . . . . . . . .2650 Capt. PERUVIAN . . . . . .2600 Lt. Sn MAIQITUBAN . . ...3l50 Lt.Ar< N OVA SCOTIAN . .2300 ;Capt. NORTH AMERJCAN 1784 Capt. I AILUADJAN Capt. ` CORINTHIAN . . . . Capt. .' ST. DAVID . . . . . . . .1650 Capt. 1 ST. ANDREW . . . . ..l432 Capt. 1 ST. `PATRICK . .......l207 Cnyt. 1dll Uom undemoted bunt nA..|.1. Canadian T? d" contract Can all .. :. U`n ,. -_,........,, ,1uuls(_uy and I ing-;6=a.m. Wedueednys, 6 1 6 mm. and 7 p.m. Fridays. For Freight, Pass e, or an` tion, apply to the Cl tain on 13!: FY?" ` The"*Daily N 6;; nrnr `Inn -=-'~' `1 18.72-3.-- Winter A ,, _ ..D..., J tion, ((3)3 F Kingston, 19th Oct., 1873. e, nnroothcr informa- ER _a:uu o'c_loc and 3:30 1 uennru Railroad. Returning--will lew rival of trains at ing with the` Grand Mail Line, Bay of Q1 Steamers at Kmgston. --3-.. rm -- , necuonu with the Rox'I1e`,W'"---lb ` Water Ogdenabur Railroad. Oawego Northern yracnse Railroad, andl Central I2.:1.......1 _ <-.,_.. M.-utua N orthern gyracnse Gen bra] Railroad. Re'turninu._i-n' '- ---v u I INIIU1 NE of the above Steamer: 0 non for Cape. Vincent excepted) at 7:15 8.11). , m nections with Rome 3`1:.?:"' will leave King. daily (Sundays aking close cou- . . `Watettovm and Rauh-o:_.__i.__ Ogwego Rail.-.....a md3 ._, --.v. ` l p.m., SATURDAY S. 3.11)., 3:30 a.m., ll:.'}O 1 mm o'clock,` 3 :30 7:30` o'clock p.ou. ETD/RNING 800 o'clock am , 9:15 a. In 12:30; md 3:30 Dan. I J l l'|nce$ .t' . l Pl`nopn....4 lE1`UJ 9:15 o'clock a.m.. I 1 FR]! 8:30 o clock, RETUI 9:15 o'clock, . SATUR 7:30 I md 3 D. In. 9:15 ,...,.,u.cra an nmgston. I-`or Wolfe and Gurdexi 1 ' MON DAYS; .8:30 o'clock a.m., 11:30 a.m., an RETURNING. 9:15 o clock 3. m., l p.m., and 3 TUESDAYS. _ 7_:0 o clock s.m.. 8230 . -. . . "1106 UB- .1207 pt. 11. Wylie Stephen. 613* THE coptract with th Government 0 anada for the Conveyance of Han n--` "'-"` "' plenty of it, produces the -on a perwu who has been starved vial: Syrup, an Iron Tonic, does I and debilitated ;it makes them igorous, changing weakness and strength heaizh.--Adn ,._. .. Irv uunn M. Currie, 21 Quai Gustave Bossange, Septembre Antwerp to| Aug- Jo., Bc-ma; in Rotter- lttmnnn ; in Hamburg vn Hugo 5 in 1'1-1*`--` ` `` ' ,,.. --vv uwuunru l.ll1`|'ol.l or particulars qr I-1 I ; Quebec to Al Mrs John If I`--~- ID'ev ' I u the $3 4 V Arnnn-5 -9 ,_ ...a-awn: 1873. uuvuu ueuers in House, Furnace, Black 3` t "1 on HOUSE COAL :over, screened and de_- le lowest market rates. receive prompt atten- ___.-. THE STEAMERS :3. uayu. ` -will lenve Cape Viz in: 10:40 A m SUNDAYS. 1.11).. 31-9 ' """' 3 I 1:3U RETURNING, 11-11., I .c ~-~- -vs.-us; Ill 150339!` b `icon : In Montnnn..:-- I- n. In. , 1 I :30 _ RKl'UB:~'I1\'.G. a.m., I -` men are composed of the `ass, Full-powerez -, Clyde- e Iron Steamships : Tonnage. - `Commanders .4100 (Building) .. . .3400 (Bm'lding.) . ".2600 (Building) ..4l00 Capt. B1-own, ?` I 21-and Tnink Bail;-cad, 1 ' Qliinte and I{idea.u( Jgston. _._, I/C"ul 1., p.m., and .1 ER] DAYS. n.m.. H-9!` - Capt. J. Wylie; Capt.R.S_o.VVaLtu`_` Barclay. 3 Aird. Tfsooo Dutton,RNR Capt Richardson ..27oo Ritchie. ..2650 Graham. ,.2600 Smith, BNR 4.3150 Ll:.A1-cher, BNB. Grange. I Cam. Milla- ,<,_- nu raruzunem I. But all this is to be deprecat- )o the Grits will think better of ing the people into the slough of r Municipal elections. Let's luwe 1- naay morning. : of the week. It 11' readimr, ant` :. MAgL Lma Ev:-I-u iI`L;.__ J , DIG. UIW ._ ......u pauu_1or. culars apply in r, Hugh and Allan: Rae` Currie, Itave Bonsa-an LAING. 9:15 8.111., : [l.~D0,~eg-gr! (`Jug-In . nu uuizuuil HX, 1 :-inicsu-st. & CU., King-st? r,\' P 1: mg, and in n, paid in Iblnsher. .`u I 33.11;, 11:30 t, Watertom ucgxer, .t(.l.V It :. :. Miller. , ;. Wilson. L. Jas. Scott. L. E. Scott. _ H_ \,VulE.., - l -3:30 p.m. , and 3 pm: `]2:30 [ax s and sum: ll\` IL,` ' _ . I-I'Il.'.'x:ists. IKATH & GUNN, l'rincu.s- HOBART, GEIL, J 1`im'us.s'-st IIAULEAAV. 3. U0 PX'in\.-L-S:-s PARKER, E. "_.. .\1al'kct Sq \VlTE, R., Pnnccss-st. . Doctors. EVANS. 11.3,. P.:,...,... -L 1 3:30 p.111. Vincenft on at- .m., connect ail:-cad, Rn..-a i Islands. mans. , I'- In. I -In, J. V Kih -Stow: Ofc aton at t - Bridge-ater, . arnom of \! m..,.:. ...... chi ~ux.. _ Builder. 0nt.'u-i.,: r_, .u. A. J.u:m:: . Nov. 9, 1857. ;uuer:u1yr- K A. H. Uu.\.\`m.m, .\I.D., II. A. J.u:m;s, \l.D. 9. 1857. A . 23:}; ms. ['85 SH: up I . Shmnbles. ` Ulitlit)-St. , comer 3f-King and I Fruit Stores. S1: ucs. I recently buried i had been twice gewater, has \'o`Ccd for .\1ass:u:hsett3--one at f., near the :1 London, has Kill English. xeme of three wit-hiu three Jried in the . twice mar- _ _____ ., . Ur uwwn in the; Pamphlets Free. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Prop: No. I llllton Place, Boston 801.!) in T` ---- to give it a trial... See that each bottle iuis penu- vmn synup blown in the gzass. Pamphlets 9' ` tion, but are permanent, infu- sing strength, rigor, and new life -into all parts of the system, and b_uilding up an Iron Can- Butt-her. McC'AMMON, W. & J., S M.-uuzwuus, 11105., 0 Clothing 110031;. T. nn--L J JIKKC Chi] h _ _ The Per1_wian S rap, a Protect- 1m'tlfthc blood as the simplest food. I t increases the quantity of Nature s Qwn Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures (L thousand ills, simply . by Toning at 2,1 rwigorating and "`l't(lll'=i11(I f In .Q*ucl.;n- "" ,._..-an rnnce, .' Dnucaurs 1 FNS, Proprietors, :e, Boston. ! GENERALLY- ,._- stage 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Tln Saturday ; leaves at 3:30 o`cloc _days. Gananoque, daily, arriv mm. ; leaves at 3:30 p.m. Auuox Hon:L.-Morton sta Monday. Wednesdny and hid p._m. ; leave: at 7 p.m. ma 4 p.m. BKAUPRE n-an -- Express. . . . . . Express. . . . . . Mixed Train _ Grand Trains urrnre a station as follow Post 4 uuurs 01 9 a..m. Otiice hours 1 daily, Sundays 1 nyueulmxn, daily, I11: Harrowsmith, daily, 1] p.m. Bat.tersea.,d.-Lily, p.m. Inrerary, Tuest Saturday at llzun. - 4 p.m. Newburgh, d : at 4 p.m z,,........- . -- \JDl'\lH. umL'USITS r of the Post Uic V_]`egi.-xter;:d Letters should be 1 an hour previous to the time of .\Ia.ils. liegistration Fee 8c. - MONEY ()1{l)El{S, on Money 0 tin`-uughout the Dominion, Gr: and Ireland, Newfoundland a Edwzml island, can be obtain Otlicc. Aiso Postage Stamps Cards. ...... uuuue. (`ANAD every Friday at half ounce. HnnL~.i>....,. ' IAN LINE 112. 30 a.m. I urulls MAILS ` Per DIRECT LIN .`-Iomluy at 1.09 half ounce. PP , `u_\YA1\v--- ml ncl '>ydeu In I-n-........ 4-, -., nxul'a'-.\l.7. Boots and S1: ROISE, E_D\\'lN, l riucc:.s-$9.. Butchers. LlcCAMMONf W J ' u. umce 1 1st 1~`ei;., ; Office. Kingston, lst Feb 1873, ....,..u u-um; Railway. us and depart from the K .1 follows --- f.; FISH MA] [S will be closed as follows : r LINE (via lay p.m. mnce. P 4ug\YA-nv--- ~ Grand Trunk Railway. `.8 arrive the K4 .,_ r. n ! r [11 :_=.`;U,1 , _____ mm KI.\::s'm.\z AND J ' R.-\li.\\'.\Y UU.\ll ANY 1 2,130,000 i:ulc:si|':LhIe Short Date ( [stun Coupon Hands, learing A 1 inter:-st, p:1_v.-:.|;lc semi-:nmunl|_\'. [ tics mature on Dec. 21:1: 1327-; . an 1la.m. ; le'ave daily, 11 a.m. ` nmgsw 3., I873. GOING EAST. A rrive. 2, 1.: D M B0a.t mccoxuixann, A., Water \ Vo:-ks. Po 1 1 n u W I.`.'5'!'. A rrive. 4.10 RM. 3,125 A M LINE (via Portla LII). Postage 6c. arrives at y, Thursday and o'clock the nme , arrives at 11:30 1. R. DEAUON, Postmaster. arrives on [lav Lt 9- I _ -..-., \`IuU'.. K1 ale.

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