Kingston News (1868), 20 Dec 1873, p. 1

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V11 vuvnn, ULU. BBRY WINE. OLD. LMAICA RUM. OLD RYE WBISKEY, ` FAMILY PROOP. SEASONAELE LEb,`our own importation -.xn:.... ... I . I I-`UR JACKETS AND CLOT1`-1 YARD; SALE Great B.-xr-rains D .)0llS suitable for sents. ..u.uu -31:! J -3', uttous and Belts C. ANGLIN. . ) IUAV D. SILLS. Asjustreeaivedfx-om Enropeol '- Iortment of MEEBSCHAUM ;l?[:E$, Straight, Bent and Phin, in Morocco Cues, Carve, Bent and Phin, in Morocco Cues. Meerschuun Bowls and Cigar l{o!ders in _ Cases. Genuine Moe:-Ichauma from 75 Cents I to 820 each. VIRIIINIA 'l"n1'-unnnu 11.. -HE STQCK, which in of our own in < sion, 1: now complete, consisting or SCOTCH, ENGLISH and t\A\v;-u.-- _jA(( uomuno nee:-Ichauma from 75 Cents UIIK. 820 each. VIRGINIA TOBACCOS, Ha- Vqnns and Danutic S. P WHITE Tobaecanist, Prinewiseieoc, Kngston. I98. 11.. `I o-19 N ovcmbe; 24th. 1873. Smoke the Pipe of Peace ' is. P; WHITE} `Eureka Hot Air urnace I . for Coal. move rlpes. Iron Bedsteuds. Sinks, S ,CCval Scuttlea, Ash Sifters, sortment of Tinwnrn _ V ,-_, ..,-vvv- nun l.0il.I. and : VI 00d`, ,3 Also Cooking Stoves for Wood, Parlour Cooking Stoves for Coal, And a variety ( VVOo(l. suitable ALUUUIH. A variety of Dumb Stove Pipes. i Iron Bedstmulc Rial . yuan ocucuea, A811 l sortment of Tlnware. _ And All Qho F :`,`.(}.~\Rl"8, &c., kc. LAMPS, of Heating Stoves for Coal and Wood, suitable for Halls, Parlours and Diying A ......:._:... -3 1-. 1 r-- 7 i m cue uommnon. It took the F1 i at the London Exhibition, 1873. E . GOLDEN LIGHT. 1---:-1- I l The entire Stock will positively be cleared I out this month (December). Uver $14,000 g(Fom-teen '.l`houaa.ud) worth of the above ' Goods will be slaughtered mxreservedly. Merchants and Pedlars buying in quantities will 1_;_e dealt with liberally. | wxu oe ueals wath liberally. ' Call early and secure the BARG4 FAHEY S OLD STAND, Market.` Sign of the RED FLAG. Dec. 2. ,..,V.:--; 12%}: VDoc., 1873. merchants and Pedlars bu be dealt liberally. early secure th 125:1 xack Broadcloth. l 500 Pairs Al1\Vool Pants-Choicc. ~ 450 Pea Jackets and Tweed (.3oa.ts--Extra. 600 Vesta in Tweed, Cloth, Silk and Velvet 300 Fancy and Plain Flannel Shirts. 1:25 Black Dress Suits-\\'est of England 3 cnoxcs Goons f`.-II -. Cooking Stoves Wood`. WM, cunsm in 00;, ['0 PER CENT SAVED by buying yc 0 Clothing, Tweeds, Flaunt-Is, Shirts :| rl_L'u_rm'shings,V&c., &c.. at the (:m-.+ m,.....: rnn Ur;.\'1' SAVED DU Flaunt rIL'urm'shings,`&c., &c.. the< Sale of Bmxkrupt Stock now l~`A[lEY s om) S l`ANn 1 cheap. Jnst receiv NAL for D ecember. ed, YOUNG LADIES JOUR- A immensejshortment POCKET BIBLES just cheap. {This wan-lerful apparatus contains sufficient ink to write 3 letter a day for a HUNDRED YEARS December 12. WEE HANDSOMEST, the _ Working and S+..-mm...- n I Inexhaustible Magic Inkstand "J Kingston, 24th Nov., 1873. : smvesz smvT 5EM'M3ER King:-slou , 0..-t. Iith, 1873. CHIMNEYS, GLOBESAND com. on.. King Street, Kingston. .--_. `-1 Remember the Sign White and` Blue. AGENTS FOR Only $1.75 Each. to wrue letter YEARS. CALL AND SEE THE {ssllortment of FAM II:, BLES opened out, , ..,-...` II: All LIIIQIHOII to ioods usually kept in a ret- Eitnblishxnent, I have sezuz-ed ock of DRY GOODS, consist- Sontags, Breakfast Shawls, iery, Gloves. 1..-mm: Val--n+ n uucruuy. I BARGAINS at Lia:-ket Rnnnrn_ -.-vb cu B. & S. ANGLIN, Steam Mills, * ' \Vellington-st. wt. 11th, v Stoves, Elbows and :a, Sad Irons, Pumps, hers, and arenernl as- W1LLIAM_ gR01-1, run I\vrsv-two. . oasu xroas, Fumps, '5, a` general as- for Coal and I mot perfect | Heating Stnvp u .-11` :3 at 3 -__--".--v ITIIYV \IIIl1\I_, And oers them madechea _tln_n the mate- rials can bepurchued for e _ white. Call and enmino for yodrufvgu. _ Kingston, Doounbor 9,1873. Has now ' hock 'i ` twins a clrneast Vnrigy 3? $13??? .35 E.,`;'.`.`-``` ` nllrnnnnw-`A nu... ----__ YiFb@ 'IifIii."7is. an nntgmmn. I G. W. HE IP I OP ' AILOF I sold. - First-class Bevel, .'_)xl0, tables, complete with balls, cues, &c., and having the cele- brated PHI:LAN & Connzsnm COMBINATION Cvsmoxs, of which I am sole owner and patentee. These Cushions are not sold to manufacturers in New York or Canada, being reserved for my own trade. Price per table, packed and delivered on board cars, 8300, _ H. W. COLLEN DER. Standard American Bevel Tab les ,, ,__- ......w, ;uuuu'eU, 151 Factory and Warerooms corner a and Ontario Streets, Kingston ,- -_ ..--..., |.LLl.l5I4Uu. A FEW PIANOS T0 RENT. December 12. _.______.._____ V November 28th. AT A. d. REES . P.0. Bax 1847. June 25, 1873. o. 13. SUAMBLES, KING A7 The BEST MEA-T kep hand. Steamboats and Vess the shortest notice. Mm~:'-I. 9'79}. In-m S1-`ON, Ontario 1; constantly on els supplied on I First Prize and` Diploma, Ki Two First __Prizes, Hamilton, Two First Prizes, Montreal, I Oysters 1 Oysters ! Oysters ' \ll vul; uuau quauty and at reasonable prices. _J.*`ull Cans, FRESH, at the ver prfiiil um F R1553, .`r\1w~.A, _, F ' * V v u. VA: -.151 llzllil I Of the best quality and 1 r`-I9:-.4-A-A~ ' I` ' .J..IJ.l.J..I.JkJ ;I- J.\I\ In a few days we assortment of an: _--__ to any part of ii i:`I1__~Grand T Display uc snortest notice. Marc`.-In 27th, 1873. / \:`i r _ _ _ I II - I V I` FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, ' Street, Market Sunarn iii WARDROBE. r FRESH BAL'i`l.\IORE OYSTERS-Select and XXX. ORANGES, LEMONS, M ALAGA GRAPES, CH ESNUTS, CUUOAI\'UTS, and NUTS of ALL KINDS, | And a large supply of \VIN l.`ER. APPLES, very ne. Also a large supply of CANDIES, and a choice stock of CANNED FRUITS of all kinds, Dec. 15. guus, an pnces to defy chm N.B.--Pa.1-tics requirin; would do well to give us : to dispose of our stock (V i UOST. cup 1"1'& DALTON and gc have just received an ass( ever imported into the Young Hysons, Japans, Sc gous, at prices comp N18.--P:).1-ties reuuirim. AT DUMBLE S. Use its Manufactures. TELKRE and PASTRY "tLc qualitv and 9+ ..m......-u. - Andrews, 1 31 Xian Scott & Da1to1.1'. mu aenvercd board cirs, 8301 DER, Successor to Phelan & Collender, Bl'OL(1WaV_ New VA-| -at :5-r1I'\l `. Large-st Assortment ever ` ;y. Just Received, THE VERY BEST BUTCHERS, TA RT Ir: 1:: n,~.m...,-.-- cuImyusu's FUR cons! Anu UYSTER DEPC Street, Market Square. \/ J./.I_U \J .1. . Manufacturing C` COAL 0u_, wt to rnelan an Collenc` 738 Brozgdway, New `. , April 18th, 13 `. Kingston, `I871, es. H.-nnm.-... mm ...uuuwuu, 1012. Montreal, 1873. ...`1...uu5 uuAML AUr.NES a call, as we intend rstock (which is large) AT -.. .... uaauruueulz me nnest mto city, compnsmg J apans, Souuhongs and. Con- competition. r_equiring CHAMPAGNES gwe call. as Ira -`n+n-A Wellington-St. Sgt. 24, I873. . 'the City. J .l_ LJ...I._'l.I.|Jk) will offer a large ; -. I f\--~J- ` .-...-uvu n, 1872. .1 In-n vJuuu1D :1 very lowest .-. 4...l....I; LVN Confectioners. r of Princess oered in naer, V York. T, King ` ___--; sill IJIU SOUTH SEX SEAL JACK] breasted. trimmed with P Uplncked Utter and Plain. I ORTED JACKETS of BA ASTRACAN. Beatiful Dress G oods, Cheap Scarlet F1anne1s,' Cheap White Plannels, Cheap Canton Hahne1s.' Cheap /Blankets. New Seal Cloakings, New Beaver Cloakings, 1 New NV 001 /Shawls. I-ob '1 Thus giving yqu n,` poo,-er , . 1t for vour ml J While the `Imitations I LAUH .|: L WMYRTL uu OF THE l gs NAVY lmcruaa Awb FRAMES, LOOKING GLASSES, MOULDINGS, &c.. &c.. R/0 Auctioneer @1111 .5 a.v.|:_J.U|J nu. ..___ ua ucuuuus i HARBACTK & CO S TnUNKs AND VALISES J-o Hnmilton, Sept. 23, 1873. .__j________ Sherries, Ports, and other Wines; 1 Best Whiskies in the city. Best Canadian Ale and Porter, Fresh Fruit, V Pickles & Sauces __AT_._ FOR THE GOMING FESHVE SEASDN. Sept. 10. 'EDW|N ROSE, Dec. 6. ONLY ` ww --c Jvlnl lAaIVllUJn EACH GENUINE PLUG STAMPED w,-*s.LnRoN's. Macnee & Waddell s Newkuilding. Boots, Shoes & Rubbers ! NEW BOUT afuue srona. 1%? A ...v., \uva , . ' Pictures F1"a.n1ed to ohler on 5 _ .i_ Very cheap and of Elegant Patterns. stock for sale-cheap by PRINCESS {STREET Sepember 23, 1873. 7 Day Express . .... Night Express .. Mixed Train for '. " J. E. EUTCHESON, Clint` IV.......__ 2 _. . umma UUING EAST. Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Night Express ` Mixed Train for Montreal . . . . . .. I Muted Train for_ Brockvxlle. . . . `E TRAINS GOING WEST. Dav Exnress ` ammo {ung RAILWAY. . run Chemist and Druggist, MARKET SQUARE. 9th Dec., 1873. ...u..ccr uuu commission 1! chant, BROOK STREET, KINCSTON, nnuvun ~- L hzuul, Oct. 6, 1873. E. H. PARKER, Now Sll_0Will"' In great variety and iatest styles. WEIGHS `J2 OF A POUND FTER OCTOBER 6th, Trai L KINGSTON as fol-lows :- I`RA INS GOING EAST. V Exnrnns EACH PLUG OF 71:: --s - - ' WEtGH /% OF A POUND. PRINCESS STREET. [CHEAP FOR CASH. Oetohet ,1. 1873. PRINCESS STREET. .n. you article and less of it your money. "I:`\YTYI \Y'n| -\v--._ -- - GOOD VALUE IN WIISON S BUILDINGS. s DEALER IN Commission Mer- mn t. JHLU . . . . . . . . 5 .00 mm U. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. HU TCH ESON . 1 short notice TO BUILD UP A GITY, H A large Edmund ! Ii: 2' nnd We no truly unfortn he wuiu; Iran 6:: a, vhnlor--Jhe nhip sndihocrowwarolout. Hy poor nato father: leaie Ana nurunnt nun-ed n groan. Old Joe looked at him with dnop oonuiagqntiqn. I um npofo unfortunate gt"a_ Mi- Worthington, ht` acid, in a low tone, I .l_1_sd n.Ion-~I noblo bov-.ln Ina`I...I .:-.- I mu u-lend. The Lord : will be done, I you ought to have a_ll--bn` pennileu. Your trouble in mine. Any letteu, air, by to Any resource: or important i N 0 resources, Joe, and b most worse than all. Wong -in U ` u , anu SIM}: V ( " `I deeply regret this, my old friend. My ruin was enough ! Old Joe read the announcement -with a. sinking heart, and echoed thrnigh of his old friend. ._ ggvpk. 1-A__,:9_ ___:n u - Sign of thelled, and Blue. ..- ,.....-u up .6110 evemng paper to hide his emotion. As his eye fell upon it a. para.- graph attracted his attentinn. II: announced the failure of the bank in which his old book` keeper e"nvings had all been depmrit- I ed. With a. sigh he headed it to Joe Dar- ling, and said: _I deeply regret thin. ms: nu e..:.....a u- ul. we nouae. Faxher in henv muted the march he picked up the l`Ii.s runnl. ..u.._. , Ant, imd, turning evoning h _eye el_l pan- on, I thank Thee !"m:_n- away , ido uxtrvuurl, and the house in diicultieo..i I'c;v: we don t want our money no yet, .Mr Wor- thington. Eh T Do you 1" And he looked round to those in the rear. Anotzhcr growl of assent replied. -. goes to say, air, fihnt we are not in - vnnt. Keep the money, Mr Worthington !' ' The merchant gazed, with deep emotion, at the rough, honest faces. No, no! icon it, and mav God M... m... .....r..--- - ----- --r """""' es mo deeply--_but I cannot aoce t , our offer. Sucha. amallistlm besides wlgulg be of little service to me. no ! hop may God bless you andiyotira ! The employs: retired on this, not during, it seemed, to intrude further on the had of the house. Il'.n..... :- L-A~ - -- "Leave your moizey in my hands '3" said the merchant. "K _ Just no, air, was the rcpiy. (`We Tnear tell how times are hard with Worthiilgton Brothou, and the house diiculties. . Now monev an not 11- WA- nnunnnqonloturnoctbodlyl The oo_l_:3d with dun annuni-M . money xn your hands.` Eh '3" V __-W `I. And the Ipeakerturned tdwillrd-his com-. paniona who uttered a. -hoarse, murmur qf auent, "IAQAVA wnu-u -.....`.-,l ' V ` oucun, moxiey: 1' Jn-t an ...'_ H -.r v` um oul merchant. ' ` - If you please, air, said tl of the party, we would like 1;: money in hands; th lDe8](er f.nrn- 44-45 1* ? .. ........ a. n 1: not any fault. I will d3 my dutfuzrnd mat in God, Joe, As he sp.oke, the old merchant went to his safe, and took out n roll of bank notes. . Then he directed the various employee` to be sent for, and paid them .311 up to the end ofthe week. He had a` l: ind'wo1-d for each, and an inquiry -lhot every mun : fa_.m:ly or concern: ; and-.l,:hon he turned. to, Ins desk. But the men did not go. What are you vrsiti1;'g` fer, my friends`? A Can -1 assists you in any` manner ?" `asked the old merchant. If vnn nI---.. -:_ 1 - -- vxn.1r|IlLIlA` I `' l~'.~\NCY AND PLAIN COATINGS, II A \Tn\' `wr-you vvormmgton Brothers do I fail, it shall be honeutl honouralglo exertion. We down our friends, and you, and best. No, the home and honour for fty yenu. we will go down alone. It : do my duhr: am: .2.- '_"77;5Io, old ' miidfz-ieud, tho ugl_ung but speaking in a reug_t3a:t1on---nu, II`! merain t, voxce of that in no? 4.1.. ..--. mu 0: January," he added, `.`tho house will clone its doors. I could but that ; but when I think that the name of Worthing- ton Brothers will bo-dislxonourod- There the old merchant hmlrn -1---- `' ~ " yullu payment, nit. K M one then that, J oe, responded the old merchant, with 5 heavy no hope of resuming. The In Europe have hopelessly involved ue--eo tha.t-he stopped with a gloomy `express-* ion in his eyeI--no that, on or befdre the H lint of January, ite_ _dqors. harm {Jun} . I.--L --uon t say that! don't say that, Mr Wdrthington, sir ! he exclaimed. And be dubbed his bald forehead with his old `ban- danna. handkerchief as he spoke. Don't say that Worthington Brothers will aun- pond payment, nit. Wong tl-mu 6|--A '~- " .. ...~.., mu Inna np business, J50 ! "'61.: Joe started as he listened to these melancholy words, and a tromour ran through him. ``Don t `say that. Mr W;.p4L=--A~~- - -..- .........-nun, pomtmg to tho Lodger ; E71/1; news this evening `decides ova ' Unless something happens before the of January, Worthington Brothersmust close doon, and wind business, Joe Old star listened to melancholv wn-"- " " ' lllll He mud ICED CAKE 0 Cat: lb. IIESSINA ORANGE mp:rLEMONS. vxvor of the rm, beIic' It is the last time, the merchant, pointing news I-.114. A----'~ rack, :, No, ml-nmuI......1. mg ma asaturday night : entriu While thus engaged 3 hand his shoulder, and, turning his his old gray haired employer, vivor of the beside him. th time, In-5 I-`-' perched on his \thro_o-logged Itool in the counting-room of the great home of Worth- ington Brothers, old Joe V Darling, the ancient book-keeper of the rm, was nish- ing hia Saturday entriu. . _W31ile enzunrl :1 F---I` -" `*' ' Flower I 1- hands. n-emost like to leave our Eh 1" 17sTtiTZ:":u":1l& friend, said It, po_intin,g to `_`tho uuuuul in greater tlusn ra, u-night : mail`! ' intelligence? Joe, bad---na-g nL _- -3...--.-u` ill I! V0109 OI nu, st in not the way mother: bunineu ! . If we honestly-a.lone--u.ft9r ertion. We will not drag is, and Joe, our oldest has kept faith years. A It min mum- ____.._v ouv KIIJI, -- 9 All of which will be sold Cheap for Cash. p-...-_-I.--- 4- ~- : uemgonco 1" iv ` bird---news al- ._-.5-nu I ulltnil. aged hand was kid on , head he saw d the 1013 bur- him. , rt-`ISL 1:0 ul Ill V 1t ;1nn. in I r] all ham: 3...... ltil tinnt in. At rum comes, and ,1 :-.1; Je, Ii: 1 he said ; -bnt I am now in cn-ma!-no 41-Ju- nu xeps mm, _. It ruin comes, ll out fgnlt :say nmod. Am` `--= Ol_d Ltoa y dig`; mun-cu uusncuiun mam: when thy bif-.1 D0 *0 f_01:*H15| thn me. am: the has beenu: thtpulaeo. nl Bagdad`; v the prince lived, our since. . ' * `At his commencement, the young _' (ontinuedou tlte/earth pay.) _you1 usfn Avunluli Inc! as: upon the band I I nnint ll` II'I In-`\- And not vmitmg for anybody to. Dziay started up, and, mined by `John, bc-r the magical c _ ' covered with every-cam, to ~the' _ the table. Y5! x I ` vume, returning to his lost. , .;`; When the first pm had passed, it u_em`e;1v a satisfaction to old 506 toigaze attho "yi- cant chair, and to think of his son `arm-petrn-. and enjoying their happiness. aLIid'UbllI`IIi- last the desert came and the Irina weaponr- ed out, t_he old man looked~towu'd,l3he - _Why, we are forgetting our tree, Iiiu .1 cned ; we are really losing sight of our trap, ` , uncle, dear. Did anybody ever1-". " '1 waiting anvhmh ;. .... .J!.-` i .Luere'n one seat too ma.ny,;" he 1 "I set it there, brother, `uid Ungo John tx-anquilly`. ` ' " '5- For whom. bro some friend 7" that? Hnvgyoli inviia r _ , _ .-> `,t-`'; ` N o, brother, Ithought `of our Edmmlnif The old book-keeper looked wintfnllynqt his brother, and then went and held out hi; bind to him. - ` " Thank you, brother, ; he said inno voice, returning 'V I Whentherstnmmlm-i ---- ` , _-v--ua WJUVU una secretive. ' Daisy had procured, somewhere, the handaomest Christmas tree imagin_a.ble-,-:u `bushy cedar, full "of light hln'-bcrril, ha.ving`rett_;l'ned from church,` whither went dutiffally with the rut, with the aid of Uncle John, friend an_i favurite. to dqok the rvondroup hat . .prin_;e~: _, -... ....u.gcuau 1-out turkey, end Arcana . of beef, and anking aide-dishes aroused ' wild enthunieem in the yen Joe devoutly said ' e, and the members of the gttrcli ' I * liken ock of birdl, called each `oiii'.'I't-_ ' tentiqn _to.tho splendid -' ' There s ,~_ lnjqll it than-o 1n---- " " ___-.- ...... was mnorruptod, the appearance of Mothzr ock, with old Unclb` John I and secretive. Duinv 'ly.-~.1I _-- ` _ ,,,- -v-vn LIIC. u_u:_avu:, or- rNo, indeed, I've done nothingof the sort--'that is not your present. The rush of joyoiis laughter in t1ie"ir1V n voice nearly drowned her words; Bhu` 501319 ,I0l'$- Their talk was interruptod, however,'by/ appearance Darling `nu -H amt. ` - ` ` -.4L .11 `I7 ,_ -.-v vnvni` mg: or me homes in which they-rie. The father `smiled, and pulsed h1'e.'hen;d . fondly Over Her hair. A: hegaeed at her he thought of his well-nigh pennileu `con? dition and heaved a sigh. . _Poor.littlo lady-bird! I have nothin for on ! he laid, eighing again. ` 2 Byut. Daisy did not seem to regard the cip- cumetance as at all depressing. On, the contrary her face glowed, and turni mg 1191' 4 bright head toward mm.--'A- -L ` ` Xmas and New Year's dear. '3' wn.l'lEl|e light. of her -eyel. "I33"? _ cosy IJgare_.~In:1a./ plain but pretty dreu A ,a.nd you saw at-`if glance that this was o no of thoselittlo nimble ngeredfuiries who are the bleng`- - ingl of the homes f_a.thor_ iumiled. nansnd 1.;..'1...-A Wlay, you look like`: And {naeed the face` I brilliant Wu-the ght Wu lxnall u..'n. - _A-A _ like a gunbgam 1;z' ,. `. "A unmstmss gift, int iii -"III mg eacn other as they sported aroupd the gables and whistled through the keyholea and chimneys, wild with mirth at this coming of Christmas ;` and old Joe Darling`: small house, is a 1.-emote street of the great city, seemed especially hqnnqred by the hobgobline, who shook the windows` till they rattled again. ` ' A great re was burning sad the > ogt of the window,`when a. voice Behind him, with a. rush of laughter in _it, end sounding like a. silver bell, exclaimed : ` ` A Christmas father, dear! I've caught you_. I\lJ 7 laughing ind turmng somonatilts and hail; ing each other they koyhqlga _wild mirth `at "-1- nn-m...._ - Fhris ; Darling; s , the :1 honoured by than windows` ' " uumer at 6 0 October 3!. and the know ' Whirnn if`--H" . nowever,' by Dtug -a_:_:d. . vnng cue. -rarnculara free. Add 8l'l.\'S(|.\' at ($0., Portland, Hsine. _ _-.-...-._. __..._._.-...._._ _ ,_ ._.,_, L \; _wa.ntod. All clas- as at` \rurkilI,.' people, on anther sex, you or old, mnko more money It work for In in t air spare mmnuuu. or all the time, than M: An . t'I3ng else. 'l'.\rticulars free. Address Portland. Lina, '10 '$ -ii)" nf u-nrkiug hem-ha, m` . Bel. ts ..t I-: 1\\'O G] .-{AL ' or Omulunl I?::;'s,mc:.:.7a, run, or ` `Van. ~ [l's l` RECEIVED at A. McMILLAN 8, one cu-load uf I-`R!-SSH GROUND __j- !!! undersigned beg: to mnoun: many cuuomen that he has 1. 0! his own manufacture, in I'1_*_ -, I" ' ` ` _._ ..~.. ......uun.u:I.ure, In vxrs For Ladies, -Tu Q13` on-.w.~r ---~----K K0. Real;-Hula or undo to order. Thomas Moore, BROOK 8TREE'1 94 I 97'! B.;a;`1;i`3"i;e wl.i..|. -:n L- -,u a run . -, van`-L And a large assortment of C_A|_ jixni. 1'1` rm: 5` you want '00:! at Cool Nova, Plough: or Plough Cut` Hanovc. Ctllvr 4...", mud or Lawn um, Cooloru. Dam Kettles, (J-Jmnury ' on `Cation. Shnnnd, Phi. AD 1. ..- vi-:- FOR SALE. 00133 FOR. THEHIIOLIDAYS. Call and no then Of All descriptions, |-_1x-- i - ` - VOLUME xg `C --n-av vvtn I 151110, FANCY VESTINGS, NOV/ELTIB9 in TIES, una -u-.1 CANADIAN TWEEDS, At`. A. .____- E I;AL'l`lC SE.-U... `I1 Gxitlets, nun) nf I . of the Red. .xuu'.'5, Double- x_ Plucked Otter, In. > mnounce to his 8 ha: nnur ou- ax aurgeonn | r \\'hit & ENCE curls Sn rgeonl \\'hit. L Board and Meals. wm-rm, _s2.5o 582'.`- - -... `two 0081 Are all xiew being im- Ictlon and will be so . Id 1' 1- cash t 0138- my other house in the tr:de._ VJIUAAO PORT WINE, OLD. SEER av wm I! ,,__--_....-. .-nu 41:11! 1t'a'H' J'l'US8lltS. G. S. HOBART. _3Dec.m I NEW FRUIT of the finest quality and lowest price for cash st PARKHI LL S. VALENTIA RAISINS, LAYER BAISINS. SULTANA RAISINS, PATRAS CURRANTS, VERY FIN E. PEELS--Lemon, _Citron,_-Orange.' All kinds of FLAVOURING EXTRACTS LIQUORS--Henneuy s, Martelfs, Jules Robin, Catuer '1`:-iren, Penet Ontill. ' l I-av-, \l.U- E A_t the MEDICAL HALL. Greai w H] be given in all lines of Goods Fl ` Christmas and New Year Presents. In-~~-- [PARKHlLL tho Business heretofore carried on b ' done, an Grain Merchant. The firm ixffuture I! will be known as D. SILLS & sox. y myself i jumps, { ; mmzv mamas, : PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, &0., 810.,` .u_,u.e HAIL am GHDWH & BU :ANNU1 on and after satin:-day. (lie 13]: instant, will begin, TO LAST 0N E MON TH, December 9. -fellingtou Street, Kingston, Uetube 29th, 1873. .,...., .- uuuu ;ut'rcn.'lDE. The firm in SILLS,& Kingston, Dec. 12th, 1373. ' ' K FMIILY Gnocmmss Also I-`UR CLOT` MANTLEB, `our importation, selling at Uout. PIANO & TABLE COVERS, L.`.CES, ALL KINDS AND SHADES, VVOOL SH.-\\\ LS, &c., &c. Also 1 cm, ex Sarmatinu. of o'I"rER, BEAVER. SEAL and Guam; SE l"l`S, NEW Ruling, Oxydized Buttons and all the Novelties. T 7175i1-A_ MOORE, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Notice of Partigerstiig l"Y1'A Plumes, I LL THE NEW SHADES 1): mun - POPLINS, COUOUKED (`-ROS GR.-UN SILKS, GLACE SILKS, SERGES AND LUSTRFS, sA'r1N ULUTHS, _- _,---.o-A\I6J , A LARGE STOCK OF BLACK LUsTm':s `A1\`I) xuw .\1ou1:.\1.\'c. GOODS. John Y. Parkhill A Merry Christmas! C. ANGLlN S. W \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Z and 73 \Vel1ingtou _Stre(-/t, I-Zing Wines, Liquors, &`c., Fancy Confecfions and Bon Bons.

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