Jlcn u u n necessarily een Canada ` Strangd, P.M.)--SmAll Business to Pamela Comm`, SATURDAY -- (Before Mr -- > Wxuox Tmn>L:.-A apecnl meeting of Wilson Temple will be held on Monday even- ing next In the Lodge Room, for important. business. A full attendance is requested. Lavuuvk exec.-non, and yet we have learned froma. well authenticated source,tha.t :1 game cock of one of our prominent citizens out on its keep in that riding was sold for fteen dol- lar: at tl: t eventful period. Not a dollar ! Oh no ! N thing so small ! Only fteen dol- lars for 3 ate: ! That's all ! .. THE MARKET. --There is a large market this morning. The Christmas goods in the shape of poultry and meal: are very largely represented; and the prices obtained very high. ____ 0n1>xuN .-I HoME.-The treasurer of the Orphan : Home acknowledges with thanks the sum of one hundred dollars for two year's sub- scription to that excellent institution by the County Council of Frntcnac. A-nu. ` . `*'-`"` Tm: Yomm Luancs JovnNAI..-Mr Hen- demon hu sent us the Christmas and New Year : numbers of this popular magazine, and from theihaaty glance we have taken at their contents, believe they will befouml of more than usual interest. Accompanying them we nd: a large number of fashion plates, Berlin wool work, music, &c. -_._.- nav`sIll|vuI' in use stead of Mr T. B. Ferguson, who recently resigned. The andidetes selected to contest the con- stituency are-Mr Saunders, Grit, and Mr D Arcy Boultnu, Liberal Conservative. A meeting was held at Bradford a few days ego in the interest of Mr Saunders, on which occasion Mr \\'ood,wa` the principal Vemtor fer the ` `Organised Hypocrisy cause. It is only a nstural supposition that on .:h an occssiou_s.s a meeting of the elec- tors of South Simce, called together in the interest of the Government candidate, those who spoke thexeat woeldihave placed a few arguments before the electors in favour of an Administretion, a supporter of which they desired to have elected; hut, strange to say, Mr Wood, who did the lion's share of speaking on the occasion, deemed the politics of the Province quite beneath his notice, and `wandered o' to the larger eld of Dominion in order that he might again relieve himself of a load of secunnuleted wrath, which, despite the frequency with which he unhurthens him- self, seeme to grow upon him and which he niirsse and keene `up... ....A-- --L~-r ....5u_u nu: uluugnt `IOI'Wal'd.. I think I have stated accurately the ground the Orangemen ccupy, they repudiate any desire to stir up strife,-they consider that Dr. Sullivan : personal quzilications for the position of Mayor are unquestionable, but they hold that to support him simply because he is 8 Roman Catholic is a. pernicious principle with which they cannot coiucide.-Yours faithfully, _ Nor A DoLL.u1.~How . man l>nL'l I... 41 . _ . _ . ,, . _- _ -.......... vuwsvuc, as a qualication for the position of Mayor, that the Oraugemen could not support him. This the Orangemen do not consider a qualification; but at the same time, it is not regarded as a di:qualcation.,_ Because a man is a. member of the Church of England, a Methodist, a Presbyterian, a Bap- tist, a Quaker, or a. Roman Catholic, is no argument in his favour. Is he xv. worthy citizen, capable of lling the Mayor : chair with becoming dignity is the qualification to be sought after, and not a religious one. The Orangemen say, that had Dr. Sullivan : friends ignored the appeal they made on the I grounds of religion, Dr. Sullivan would not have been opposed by them. However, as is; has been put forward, the Orangemen say that they cannot consider Dr. Su1livan s religion a -' claim upon their su'ra.ges,---hence they decid- ed to endeavour to get some one else to stand, whom they could support. They were not anxious to nominate an Orangeman, but were prepared to support any other candidate who might be brought forward. I think 1 1.....- LL-L.1 _,_, __..,........5 uuu manna or Ur. Sulli- van, in justice to the Omngemen, who are unable to renal: the public excepting through the courtesy of the Press, by means of letters, will you allow me, in their defence, to state the cause of their present action? Having ' attended the meeiing held by then], I am in a position to represent their views. From all I could gather the opinion seemed to prevail at the meetings that it was because Dr. Sulli- van e friends had publicly urged his claims, at a Roman Catholic, as qualication nnuith... .: Id, , -- fol Dec. 19, 1871. D nu vu nus Ul ul principles. Before me lies a. copy of the Constitution and Laws of the Loyal Orange Association of British America. (which may be read by I whoever wishes to do so), and in the general declaration of the principles of the Assuciz tiou contained therein, the following words are to be found :---``They revere the memory of that Immortal Prince, not only 21.32. Patriot, a Constitutional Monarch, and a Hero, but as a true Christian ; and hope in the adoption of his name, to emulate his virtues, by maintain- ing religion without persecution, ortrenching upon the rights of any. The Orange Society lays no claim to ex- clusive Protestantism and disclaiming an apirit, the society demands an an indispensible qualification that the 1 candidate shall be deemed incapable of I persecuting or mjurin_q anyone on account of 1 his religious opinions; the duty of every Orange- men being to aid and defend all loyal subjects of every religious persuasion in the enjoyment of their constitutional rights, . .- ` ciety is constituted upon the broadest princi- ples of national freedom. 1; In- .`.. L|-- L ' ` nu nunuulailo; ' I It appears that outside of Orangeisxia, the opinion seems to prevail that the Association incnlcates into its members that they are to o'er every possible opposition to Roman Catholics obtaining their civil rights-in other words, to use the case under conside- ration As an illustration, that according to the principles of Orangeism the members of the Association in this city are in duty bound to oppose Dr. Sulliv.-Ln-to prevent, if possible, , him securing the honourable position of May. `I or, simply because he is a Roman Catholic. As an Orangemau who knows something of the principles of the Association, I most un- equivocally deny that Orangeisin teaches any such doctrine, and whoever says it knows nothing of its principles. Befnrn nrm Iin. - ...-.-- -~ U '" ,,.--,,__-..- 4x;1.l.l .u.nm MAIUL1 TO THE IDITOR 0!` THE DAILY NE Sir,--0rangpism bubcen bitterly I in many qliarters, in consequencoiof Lion of the members of the Kingston It pposing Dr. Sullivan : candidature Mayornlty. VVith your permission, I say a few words in defence of this Inuc ed Association; `In. _-.- " Correspondence. 0_mL\'cE1s-M AND THE MAY mm mu- __._-_ _. ..-.. .........uunmou would :1, so Mr Wood failed to to `&Illh mlllnn -L.. `lt_o - , -_i....uv un. muni- >lic, r, cnnn . Imp ..L ALA ..........a uamuuanure tor the` Vith beg to s much-nbus- __. .. Luv :5 won-any ng :1 areligious mt luzl T\.. o..n,- - _._- -........n.nn un uuu ity -tu ourable c rho f: {\u-.-.,....:...._ :.,.._| I MAYORALTY. nu mun ...-__ .7, _____. V....... n.. I NEWS. .bcen assailed, the ac- 'H... 1.':....`..._ Law. : SYDENBAM. VI IIIII7 nu- : lodges in 'e for the 1- 1 . I I I ._.AT__ Hutcheson's Auction R4 Must be sold regardless of boat, cc of Vases, Statuettes, Operd Glasses, tinas, &c., &c., &c., n.. e-4~r unas, &c., I on Saturday R ,,-__..-..- .... nuruxcr inenui; he has, in a word, innumerable qualiticationa ;hich justify hie employment. is the icon- crnnt miuioiiary who is to proclaim the pnogrou of political virtue and the suppla- Iion of political vice, consequent upon the advent of the Party of Purity to power. Mr Wood's latent porformance was in the Riding of South Simcoe, whetlherlie went to enlight- en the electou, who will shortly be called upon to choose a representative in the Ontario Legislature in the item! of Mr Flrinlnnn -3-A -----"H Dec. 19th, 1873. 7 :_-7T BLACK AND COLOURED SILKS, COLOURED POPLINS, MANTLE VELVETS & VELVETEENS WOOLLEN sI'mwLs, wlmqn JACKETS, cLou1I>s AND MUFFLERS, LACE COLLARS & SLEEVES, NEW LACE FRILLINGS, LEATHER AND VELVETEEN BELTS. , . - - - - ulII$ 20th Dec., 1873. DREsMgpoDs Beg to announce that, by receiving Importa- tions weekly, their Stock is still very large and well assorted, and they are till prepared to show a large and varied stock of "" CHAS. MEE, W. Sec. Dec. 20. 1 PREPARE FOR VGHRISTMASJ -meet as their J 0-`) By order. ndge Room on ....nd inst., at 7:30 p.m., as matter are to be laid before the Temple. CHAS. DEF lih Sovrn Sumo!-:.-\\'e are not in a position 1 to lay Chet the Him. E. B. Wood (nome- timee called i` Wood," in consequence of his hue betrayal in the hour of need bf ` the lete Johri Sanlield Macdouald) in in n:- i ceipt or` pay from either the Dominion or ' Ontario Government: for which he gives 1 hie service! as chuupiun stump urater in ei of the cause of the Organized hypo- zrily." Whatever may be Mr VVood`s motivee in taking to the stump, it is very evident that he has not much to do at pm: i time to` devote to miesioxmry labors. He in a zealous worker; he can talk by the hour ; he can qt_mte.acripture by the yard- ead where in the hypocrite that caunot-he can -armed tn 14...-.. -- I-2 -- WTHE MONTHLY SALE Mumonnrv Aasnniuh... -4 JJIIDU. At his residence, Hallowell, near Hallowell Mills, on Friday, the 12th insb., Peter Lazier, senr., Esq., aged 87 years and 15 days. I At her rnamnmm -'-- L'~- * ' ' ` " ._ ......._,, we 1.:u| 11155., reter Lazier, At her residence. in the township of H5110-' well, 1V ov, 28, after a. short but Eninful illness, the beloved wife of Norman andon, Esq., aged 79 years and 11 months. At her residence, in Picton, on the 5th iust., Mrs Margaret Spabrd, widow of the late , Esq., aged 91 years and 11 nenry 0'] months. ...-.. A` vcuua 1.161` puunu. --Beaver. ` COMPROMISED.-- the cause of the of the rm. Many to accept fty cents in six, twelve and Others, however, [have mise.--GuqlphIIerald. ._.________________;} present embarrassment of the creditors agreed on the dollar, payable eighteen months. refused to compro The Addington Cheese Factory has the past season from 400 cows, made K *1 10.000 pound of cheese. for whlch thq Iized over $12,000, $10,130 of which W vided among the patrons. The averng: was 11 cents per pound.-Beaver. ( nl[`D`Dn\ttuun A ...- -' ` " 4 The St. John Globe approves of the Cana- da First movment. We are utiaod now, that the object of the, new party is annexa- tion; nu 1uLM1L\ Mission ry services : thodist Ch rches to-mo: Sale of aria!) ware this eveni at 7:30. Q11`-< Al - ` : Sale of z I Monday a , rccl mecuon. Bmmpton, `Dec. l9.--The return can be ascertained are as follows : _ l Brampton majority for Chisholm. . ) Chinguacousy '_ Toronto Gore . . township . . . Strcetsville, majority for White... Total majorlty for Chisholm. . . . , ,._.--- .- ,..u u p0Cl'lEO mat c -upped to Heaven as few 1 can ; he can foam and rage in d the vrickodneu of his former fr I... z... 7` ~ LEATHER BELTS, BLACK AND COLOURED ; sAsH RIBBONS, CHILDREN'S KNITTED PETTICOATS AND JACKETS, FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS, Maura Abrahms and Skinner; of Nspnee, have over sixty carcasses of veni- son, taken in the_rear of this county, which they shipped to the Boston market for Y consu mption.~- Beaver. 1,, _4*, ankee Christmas and New Year : falling on Thursday the Cnnomcm will be published on \\'ednesday of next week and the following. Advertisements intended for those issues of Richmonc Boyden uuuuuu, uee. -ZU.-_-`l'Ile 031 I Railway employees living here nual ball on Thursday night. I > _ _ _,_,--- ...;3uy u_n I nulil.`- i` gt. 'l'l1)x:1:{s, Dc-':. `.I0.--An inquest is being f hchl on the body of :1 man unknown, who was found at Kettle Creek E-`ridge of the Air Line Railway. Heir snppoaecfto have falle_n o` a. distance of 70 feet, and was found partially covered with snow. It is thought he must have I fallen some days ago. FIE MEMBERS OF WILSON TEMPLE, No. 576, I.O.G.T., are requested to : at their Lodge MONDAY, L in_st.,_ at p.m., matters nf .'..+-....-a -__,.,. Railway Employees Ball. London, Dec. -20.-_-'l`he Great \ \'eatern tailwav emnlnw-nu N .. 1.-.... L-I1 AI ']'lmm: ..,I I Special Notice. _._...._. SPECIAL! TELEGRAMS. 1 111' 1I1Im(1'('a/ L /'u`P`) !ugIi*st,_gat St. 'l`l|omas. HI()l)I.')-1-1 D...- "n V`- 7* ` uume ngu ,_---..j__ VANCY LADIES FAN QY SCARFS, TARTANS, MERINOS, &c. a1;c-y' ;;<.)ds at Mr Cridiford s I. 2 and 7:30 p.m. Evening at 7.; sharp. { J. E. HUTCHESON, A11:-tin-am Peel Election. _ "nun I0 _ l`I.- -.-A----- nW1`sIior's V l';\ST0lL`ll-Q ; 711: g lllshop's (`In-islnms Pastoral is now ` In type. and can be procured at? thr News other at one Dollar ui hundred. I JV, mu, mu or wmch was di- . average price pound. --Bea vcr. DIED. .1: n during 'rom made over they rea- , mtrons. The a.veI-nan n--Um u unvumlvlla . returns as near as I av-A nu F..'ll....... . ,_-._.,....~-.2. ces at the Wesleyan Mc- )-morrow. _ noom MONDAY , matters of interest e Temnle. at J Hutcbeson'a UHESON, Auctioneer. coasintiifg ea, Concer- s4 TURDA 33;F:::1}{ -__._.. .. \/IDU u I clucfhl. held their an- _ n and Orange Peels, Old Chxppawa Rye sad the bot} I"an_1ily.,P[oof. ; Fresh Finnm Hadnes and we : Celebrated OYSTERS received dnil y. Th best L.A3RADOR HEREIN Wh'to- s1:andSa1mon. '. .- 7` ` 13 Clint snda] :4uu.'|- AJ. Ha.lliga7n~ Sf 00. `WE INVITILALL to gm `nu:-1:1`?/vidxt during the Holidays. Our in :'E'i:'Ix;'1 ,`& :`3'eA:V:'L: "{z`s71'1~z"}"'aB` ' of n q M _} every descnntmu. . nu . `... . - h C li ms of ti)! T e "" s.3on _to all, _ -__.....-..... uu MELODEONS, PIANOS, Lilli. Dcoumbor ilsth, 1873. no 1 42 01 Bath and Napanee, B TAR PAULIN. Any person returning the sa_u,;eL B. F. Davy, Bath, Campbell House, N: u , A. Emery : Hotel, Odessa, or at our wctory, Kingston, will be liberally rewarded. H. in W. J. CROTHERS. Dec. 18,-` Con`-ner Brock and Ontario Streets. ` De. 19th, 1873. . . ' uuUUJ.-IS we make a." lpet only the next brands of Bra. and Sherry Wines. Champ as per dozen. ;0ne trial will onvince y ` Beag Family Proof and `I1 I - city. Dec. 18, 1873. I. Halliga-n cnosspz .9 BLACKWELUS ` -5 PICKLES, SAUCES In JELLTES. AfI\'I'IAn\- - New Layer Raisins, New Valentias, ` Sultanas, " Very Fine Currante, Lemon, Ortnge and Citron Peels, V rVrru.\.___ SCOBELL BROS?- ,,. _..._.-nu is AI!!! (llyl us \\'9od,wa` ` `Organized Hypocrisy" Iill n - `-.--AZ.__ A` .1 - cnocEnnss AND Lnuuonsl Buy your Christmas and New Year s `SAVE MONEY-!}' ...u \-n.|w1.l_DI lall COFFEE.-We keep :1 LIQUORS 3 my mud: In-.1. ..ct rock Bells in II` [mom he Ban. ....1 nmves, , FORKS : I -----:-a:.-.__-.j_ Knives, Electra-I FORKS nvnl eon` Tm _;i1}i`W an Ag l'VL--- AA 1' sUGA1::' _. .......v. (uv icaun other men n denouncing vf friendi; he nnunzernblo n ..1... :- -- -~ - - -- y -"I"""" nuon: Rev. E. R. Young and Rev. Thos. Crosby. - Anniversary Meetings to commence each, evening at 7 o clock. A Collection to be made at each Service in aid of the Missionary Society. Dec. 20 READY FOR oHis1M,As.g ____.. A T.AT?r`11:` Ao.vnr.m.....-_. SHEET MUSIC. _`f '1) ulvnmn ANNIVERSARY MEETINGS--Monday Evening, 22nd December, Sydehham Street Church ; Deputation: Rev. E. R. Young, of Norway House, and Rev. Thou. Crosby, of British Columbia. Tuuday Evening, %rd December, Queen Street Church; Doptita-. tion: Rev. I n.....1... .......uu-.1, zuv UJSUEM BER, as follow: :- `. Svbnmuu Srnlm CHUR('H--10:30 a.m., I Rev. Thos. Crosby. returned Missionary from British Celumbin; 6:30 .p.m...Jio.v. E..._B. Young, returned Missionary from Indian Tribes, H. B. Territory; _ :30 p.m., Sermon to Sunday School Children, or. E."B.. Xonng, , Qvmm Srnnm--l0:30 n.m., Rev. E. R. Young ; 6:30 p.m., Rev. Thou. Crosby. Gnum Tmmx DEPO'l'--2:30 ,1p.m., Rev- Thon. Crosby. ' " ` ` Mr:E"r1N<'}s_Mond..y Evening, 22nd Rev. _E_}_. T\Tn.-.2... .. 11-.. - - Dec. 19. --4p-rn:-n.v.n1`uIu If `F 5". TIIB_ANNUAL'SERMONS in ooniction the Kingston Branch of the Wes- leya.n- Mluionary Society -will Jae preueon SUNDAY, 21:: DECEMBER, follow: i SY`nR\ntAn Q.-1.-.... n--.._ ..._ -A -A : (}-il0WN ANI)_9Ns , 1 D71!` 7:1-v--- v v-7-! 111.: qua l'lv. SCOBELL BROS., IICP Rrnnh nnll t|..4-_2 - -~ - _.- - I FOR OHILQREN 9 , ..(_ ..--up kunvuu on elctori -stion, of Wand ml... Au LL- .- snwnnrllo vyou that we] teal; Family and OM Rm =- r. alligdn 8"bo.,. NEAR '1'HE MAK `_'pV_ nr `I RH. 1999 v____-: u III;-WI LARGE ASSO.RTMEN I" of` TVORY- L lIA'NDLEDV..TABLE and DESSERT ._}___.{ ___..__ __-j-j `Fresh 0yster$L_ or Bnllrl y-n..y-A 1-21., I A5 Chap . 35 the Cheapest. u`Ii`.'I'a`., \'xr..1_--._ .L,-.' . _ Electro-Plated and Nickle Silver : and SPOONS, BUTTER KN IVES, 11:,` received daily,-::on'ao_co 40 Cents` per quart. ` _ ' -\-ru-u`n-- -- ---- ' ,,,_ -_---.r I\7\ L`u `MART]N S BU] LDINGS, ` " ' Princess Street.- ,._r ... -..v.\anuu-yawn. -We the` but in the city 1:-an mnlyn .- .....-:_u_ In - _-v-u yyvrw tho elocto H-.. -L-_,| u u .....c, an new. nnosguroeby, of umbis. Lpst, lhnr-,nlu..I. .,,...._...5 uuue J. REYNE.R, Princess S` keia; specialty. We keep in B1-undies, Gins, Port Champagngs from to you that we keep `. Old Rye the I Street. `NEW BO0KS or Soims, nu-1 -- - ~ Aaynl :1, Jul} HIE I136! 18119. Kbep my secret, Ndllie dearest. I hear tweet voices iinging. ' Coma, darling`, restfybur little head. I want to to is: Papa good night. The Little Brpwn J u. And eyes will watch or then. .1 Tell me, Jsrling, that you love me. -. t; to think .of. % $33 heist of Pa'told coat.- rrrrrnv -urn`.-.'.-.... .. - . Let the Angeli in. Little sister : gone to sleep. Thou art ever in my drums, lit Died in the . ` `Mother I with the angels there. by leaf `the races fade. nun urn-,1: uni... i.:...-:__ , , WILL BE I`oU1~:D AS USUAL _ ASSORTMENT or 1 J] % 2: , ?Fi1;vot1o o`me. ` 'II'ho Golden Stair. m (till I to you. /1. vv `raw ilk}, oNLY~3o cmqrs. 4... K in n % d. 4: I 1 cm t llfinst`:-e.l:' %lcw_ Songs; with m-m---=-- -- '-' :eumsIMAs%n%auIEvE7 HENDER$ON S, . I " e :bo;e annmo: . List of Reduc__tionl. ALL ~'PucHAsERs ENTITLED TO A PRESENT. Hinnux 'l'4"]`;:[0N'EBY, I Wt -` ?. .~ . _1Uns I1s 1>ocKm~"n$oxs, roroanirn ALBUMS, INKS TANDS, mzsxs, WORK BOXES, VASES, FANCY AR 1]ICLE~l ._ , `on EVERY DESCRIPTION, " ' 15REsENTA1'1oN BIBLES, ~ .=t:Huno{1gEnv1cEs, `PRAYIEIR BOOKS, T H93?` 30933 V :_ i &q.'.-,` l.c.,` &c. A GIFT rm-.n`iri:1atm1a GREENF|`EL`D s, .13;-uunlnllllllllli with the ciliham from which withdrawn himulf the b_ettnr. vv;\ J.l'JL\ 1 D ONT FORGET TO VVRITE ME, DARLING. In... 4- L -n -.- THE HOLIDAYS Sl as hing Reductions ! Dqc. 17th, 1873; ', ENrLEMEN,_I'}~g1ag `meg retjogeeted 1, by a large nmnlier of electors to/Allow l `inyzself to beypt in noirziuation for the ofce of Mayor at the nppronching election; I have consented to` do so. If elected, Ishsll, as your Chief Magistrate, endeavour to advance the prosperity, _ protect the interests; and secure rthui arid goocl order of the city ; and this, I believe, can be best effected by re- specting the righito of everyone, and at the same time by protecting everyone in the "exam cine of his rignemia-`. citizen. _ Reportsi, in sotee yvay,hgve gziined circula- tion that I wouid not st3md ; my answer is I... ._*7 ~`.. as. ..;.. --L-- 2 T '- IWANCY S'l`A"I;;[ONERY, in` n.: `I I WK`- , ...J uunwur 13 V when upfxken to on the V Iiibjec , cit` eleted I will pg:-fora`; tfie duties of the otce to the best of my skill .-mcl know- ledge.y`,:`.; `"5 .~' EI?.-`3h"`- OLD AND YQUNG. ranadian Alma.u\ac; ~ "I:In'n -norm ... ...., u.. u. Lam! , the lCpyOr s chnir and consider he has t e neeeuu-y qualica- tions for the oce, we have no doubt that Dr. Sullivan`: friend: would ghdly in pacing him glzpre upon some future occa- Iioll. M. In In of opinion that he has plied himself in I fslae position r '1*oUi THE` ` : -ELEoTonsL .. V Tau `_l__) .1 ..u..; .i_. ' Kingsion, I6t_h mange}, 1373,.` - ...--a -451. K.` :.! v :.,~ + A Election for Mayor LIVERPOOL HojIs:.% Izljxqve the lgonpgxij tq `be, Genilcmen; Your very obedient : cm..,oi=" ,KmGs19oN. 0093};/1;hI,?;s 4I}i'zs. bONTENTS : \1\n.-_ ,-_.. V- - .. - vn. yuan. JOHN mxnnnasox, prilfnnnn RI - .... .... u. xuu to retire from a p which can do him no good-which hi friends consider he should not occup which under other circuniataneea namely hnvo been oifered to him. 1 conuidenble number of the citizens .....n- n "' - ` ' :3. 18,74. in `A'l` `I -l`l7'N"Dl gnu gecfrm Chice 1, L -nu nnmimsoma y,"*ez-_`e n ex,-ape on 9 A LARGE LTMENT on J. GRI: 3EI'FIEI.D. _ ' on-.m1=.-` us, litle darling. Se C1rcu' `I 1`m-5 E51- um , x Street. ; servant, V IL Schoo BA {nu Q rn St:-e vice Sex-vi D1`. 10:30 even` W180, tops Sui: _ ...._,..-. vn nuiauxl and nypocriny. __'l`hua we nd the Globe, Blake, and Mackenzie oondemning Sir John Macdouald for hav- ing thirteen Ministers in his Cabinet while that of the United States consisted only of seven, and when their turn came to take ir.-g the number to fifteen. We nd them out of oieo declaiming against coalitions an immoral, and upon the two occasions re- cently that they had the chance of forming Government: both were coalition govern- mentg. And so we fearthat the practice of the Association upon thiaoccuion iuomewhat at variance with its principles. We shall glad- lf correct this statement after if 2. e find that it is incorrect. We arepleas- to learn from Sydenhl|nl"that the Orange- men don't consider the fact n: n. a..n:_,, V0 him ul'lVI V0 elejl _- _..... ....... u_yuuunnnI"tl1at the Orange- fact of Dr. Sullivan being a. Roman Catholic as r- .....-4 nu uuv owl tech in inferring as much from the publication of the above extract from the constitution. Sydenham uke, with an air of aston- ishment, how 31 the face of such 9. declar- ation any. man can any that the Orange Ae- eocintion teachee that Roman Catholics are to be opposed in the exercise of their con- etitutional civil rights, he cannot imagine. We certainly share hie surprise, and can explain it only on the hypothesis that this in en age of shame and hypocrisy. mi 8...! 4.1.. A1,: --- - _ _ , _ . . ..-_, .....5.-ms persuasion in the enjoyment of their constitutional rights." In defending the right of the Association to incorporation a few months ago, we made use of the very same extract, and, we, therefore, thank Sydenham" for remind- ing us of the duty of Omngemen. VVe are sure, therefore, that the members of the Association may be depended upon to aid and defend all loyalsubj ects of every religious persuasion in the enjoyment of their consti- tutional rights," even if that should be the right to vote for Dr. Sullivan, and that those rumours which have reached us that any member of the association daring to exer- cise his constitutional right" of voting for the Doctor would be expelled is untrue, and a base slander. We hope also we are correct much uS'd_;,_____n __1__ , 2.. ` _ -_..__.vuu. Sydenham" starts, with the idea `that ouatsidejhe charmed circle of the association there is much ignorance of its priucipiel and practices, and kindly endexvours to en- lighten us by publishing an extract from the declaration contained in the constitution in - which it is stated as "the duty of every Orangeinan to aid and defend all loyal sul)- jecte of every religious persuasion in enjoyment of right therefore. tllnnlr I-.e...a--i. mm v - - ,.J -- -uuv LIDBUUIH` I tion, and as, in fact, an ex cathedra declara- tion or vindication of the great. principles of civil and religion! liberty. However, that may be, we fairly congratulate the As:ocia- tion upon hnving found in Sydcnl1a.m" a temperate exponent of its principles and profeuiona. mu 1 I Tn: Mu'onL'n'.-In another column will be found a letter, signed Sydonliain,f' fdening, or might we not say apoligizing for the position of members of the :\uoci.1- tion in connection with Roman Catholics, ; and more especially with; reference to the candidaturo of Dr. Sullivan for the Mayor- i nlty. We have heard, and premnno it to be true, that this letter was read at an Orange meeting held :1 few evenings since, and, therefore, conclude that it comes to us Itainped with the authority of the Aasocia~ l ' tion, _ : tinn nr u.'nA:...-.L:..._ .9 .1 - ! Itriu unquestionably 3 dicult task to contend against the inuence of two Gov - :-emmonts ; but notwithstanding the extra- ! ordinary 1-(Torte whtoh are likely to be put g forth to defeat Mr Boultou, we entertain ? the hope that he may be triumphantly re- I 5 tnrnex . 1 I: Sydenham assert: that that had Dr. Sullivan : frie appeal they maI the gion he would not hum Ln. - "vs: I u: `U I ` `Orangemen nds ignored grounds of cit-cuniatmcea. feted If any desire the'Mpycr ` qneeauu-y '9 hgwn Iv-4"- " ' ..- ..........quuuucauou I '01-, but hero again we 3 alight hitch -be- pid practice, or troubled themselves _'II`;t`n`I- 1- __..... u yuaucloll d-which his best 1 occupy, and `llilfnnng- --A " guy ua gun Lao UIDIIIOC." ' condemn: the gross {nuds in con- motion with the Central Prison, n political pnrt.'nn.nhnving been Allowed to got 3 in contract without tender, whcroby ha been inourod by the chatty." And Mr Boulton eondnmnn an 11.- __. ...v -uvuvl. 110 or. In conclusion Irv-rnnvilh uuala lllll __'l`hu r. ...A u--1_-_,,- _.. saw; of the SAY! Yawn Moran . Scbbel1Bros., and a v in connection with bu -That is the maxim of ery good one it is, even 1 _.-........ VI we order. Choice refresh- ments will be `served during the evening, and there will be an exhibition of Mr W . N eiah s Iciopticen and dissolving views. Only a - iced number of tickets lnve been issued, so that member: who desire'_to be present should make early application to the members of the committee. v One of the pleasnnte t and xx affairs of the season will be the of Cataraqui Lodge at the Ma: Monday the 19th inst. The 1 will consist of music, reading by members of the order. Cl mentn will he --n---A J-- ' " Tm: BURGLARY.--No traces have yet been found of the burglars who broke into Mr Kirkpa.trick s house. Last night two convicts who had been liberated from the Penitentiary yegte.-day, went down to the Depot, and it was noticed that one of them carried a very heavy satchel. The police were notied, and the satchel was searched, but it was found that it contained a number of locks and keys, which they had procured before they left the prison from Mr Spencer. Mr Spen, cor corrobo ` ted this statement, and the men I were allow d to go on tteir way. The Governors of the Kin gratefully Vacknowledge the from Mr Watkins, being the `annual gift to that charity. t Inna. JUIIICO to than oldir eouxitiu." Ho denounce: the timber policy of MI` Scott, for the sale of timber lands, (those on the north shore of Lake Huron, wo pre- nmno,) which he alleges to have been done- {ur the wickod purpose: of congilinting the lumbering intorutu at the expofno of tho I q I Be ooudomnn the corrupt act of chang- iag the site of the agricultural. farm at inico, in the old home district (of which your riding in 3 port) to Guelph, an I can- paction to tho Hon. obi` toqnit tho Cchino . u gdnnnn tlug l--- ` Pour "Gov for being _ _., .... mu, -wuu B1151! Gov: Sullivan we have 1 |tr:\- {erred from a. stat to exclude any ts "uin J nn1nin..L.',... _,. ..u.u.r.-At the dedication of 1 Iowa Hall of Desoronto Lodge, I.0.0.F., No. 102, on the 5th inat., Fenwiclr, jr., of Kingston, present: with a handsome Bible, and a con address, to which a suitable reply v the ocers and members of the 1045 Cataraqui Ward. . Frontenac VVaral. . Ontario Ward. . Rid;-.nn `Van! Tm: BJNUl.--The following state of the final poll. There n opposition, we did not think it procure snylater returns than liahed yesterday : r _....uuvu an address in the Globe to the Free and Indo- pendeut Electors of the Riding of York, he- lieving tint a general election may not be far diatant. Like the Hon. L. S. Huntington and Hon. _John Young, the services of Mr H ubertus to the Grits have been of such a pe- culiar and delicate nature that they are de- serving of some recognition by the party. j ,;__,_.__.._._. Mr H. Seymour Hubertus, (Grit Ottawa correspondent of {he Globe) i time by the forelock. He has publ address 31 Y0 11 I rli.I-....4~ N V " W hile we are in perfect accord with the Globe : views on this subject, we venture to say, that had they_been expressed the day following the fonnation of the party instead of subas_ quent to the VVest Toronto election, the Grit candidzte would not have received such a. un- animous support from the new aspirants for political fame. The Globe played its little gs` e well. `V0 wonder what the Canadian N tiunalistu now think of the snubbing they hsi/e received-snd that from an unexpected qzfrter? The Globe treated the suckling nnsdian Firt" psrty in a most ungrateful mainner. They were used, and, then, when their services hsd been given, 5 kick was their reward, end` their efforts were describ- , , 7....-. vuvnoi I ed as an innocent absurdity. grateful Globe ! me rgmplre, and we believe best be done by the developme est extent of the rolources 1: every one of its constituent p e'ect this thee must be a co and concur-reg action. Other have not 0111 Canada first, First, New Zealaud First, other colony or cluster of c insxsting on their own interes to the exclusion or disparagen rent." 1." .. ,,- _--.. ---uanllllill 35 IOUOWI 2 He In! no faith in the men who denoun- eed coalitions, end u soon as they had the opportunity embraced coalition: in both the Government, nd lately in the forum- tiou of the oven-nm at at Uttewe. "He has condence in men who, after in; e most economical Govern- `nent we ev India Canada, when they _ power, In-gely increased the expendmn-e of then: predeuox-u.Z '8. the (`nnrlnno ARA -.._,.. \IL vuvlx uuurls 2-- it is quite unreasonable to suppose Empire-would consent to recognize in pendency a principle so inadmissible. We do not believe that there in ne: any antagonism of interest between and the Empire. It should be the 1 all good Canadians to build up and at: the Empire, and believe that I: done bv th. ,a-..,.i-.__.,, - - V- n __ \...,.... on en.-10 Mr W. H. Howlsnd I and the members of the Canada First Party we extend o_ur heartfelt sympathy. With a great ourish of trumpets the young Canadian Nationalists were ushered into existence. f`Canada I')f'rst was their motto, and Mr Moss was their chosen candidate, whom they unan- imously agreed to give their support during the recent contest in West Toronto. The Globe had no objection to the formation of the new party upon the declaration having been made that its members would use all "their in- uence, and put forth their most strenuous eflbrts to secure the return of the Grit csndi' date. Not a word had the Globe to say against gentlemen worked hard for Mr Moss, . served, to say the least of it, the thsnks of the the new party at its formation, in consequence of the services its members were to render to the Grit cause. To have_con1e out honestly and expressed its views of the party at the particular crisis during which its was born, after the sentiments of sympathy expressed for Mr Moss, would have been bad policy on the part of the Globe. The Canada First and de- Grit organ. Instead oti gratitude, what do we find ? After having made tools of Mr How. land and his associates, the Globe, with an utter disregard of the most ordinary gratitude says of their efforts H 11 41- ._ - - " , ,_r....v-new Iry sy represent than: 0 be. pudding is the eatiyg. .1:-----* -part of his opponents, ` We don t always hold identical` opinions with the: e of our correspondents, but we I 1 1 ! don t- co aider that necessarilya ground for ' excluding them. I ,,, .. ....y unuperalely imunication on the part iden with n... .- nr I---- I we may Itato that although I we luv. nn A--=-- /- ,T.___ A CRUEL SNUB.---T0 Mr \V .nd the mamlu-..-. .: LL- 1111 --......... ..... uuen gxven, ` ' 3 gn inum.-..L -l.--.- i ..-..-.... vvuly us me convel Masonic 19th {mo rm- - - - -At the dedication the Odd Fel Millpoinf o. the Bro. G. V`V_ .. Of Kinacfnn -n-----` ` " ' " _,-___... .. ...~n me uoverninent ef On- teno. We ere much mistaken it the electere will ellow theieelvee to be deeeived by Mr \Vood | pletfonn trickery. Theyereewere -of the Local Government and we are much mistaken if an emphatic condemnation of ant policy will not be given by the return oil: Bonlton as their representative. His yoeition ha been summarized in follows at. I... nn l..:u. :_ Al _, -. .....,...u us we object of nadians atvengthen e, this will 2 development to their full- and energies of J parts. But to beta must common m----- _ _ ..... .. w -.s_y, I-nat ' 1: Vest Id have PQKBQIVAA` ----|- - , ....... \I`ll nllppufllllj nave no desire (as might I ` statement of Sydenhm av temperately written n Ha. ......L ..: I ' _Z__3___?___ Kingston Hospital dge receint nf unn ......, an uwrllnpc to loft`! a is but an innocent abszn'dz't_1/. 1:11 things Canada shall he (6 a rush for separation, for Ionable that the uscnt recognize in nnv A- _., auu bed, buti number [_r tabement. and +1.- ...-.. .. ...... muss enjoyabli convex-sazione the I/[......:.. tr." _,___..,.. ......-.uu., nuweur, when they ` sppeered before their constituents. They generally evsded the reel questions which should hove been lsid before the electors - namely, t_hei.\::n policy. The Pacific Scandal formed sdmirsble hook for them `Q bong their speeches on. As Mr Cert- wright, in Lernex, fsiled to tell the elec- tors why he should be chosen (except that he had it in him to serve the stste) or why the new Adniinistration should be support-` ed, to tell 9.. -1-.s--- -.. . `II unalvll ihe Hall on entertainment ending and addresses der. Choice ring an Ne-ish '11- `....wu-g 15 me correct not being any. : it nelnnpu` 4.. M... were 11 interest object of > up atmenatlm-n '*"': -'-vo V1. V7 >n, presented the lodge; comnlim...+.... nu I I the an attempt to force a innocent alum.-,m.. artus, formerly is taking Ie published an tin -n-.~...., -_.- L ~ .... uuyyuna uuau me . recogmze in any do- nadmxaaible. . ---._ -v\i\l uuu xuuge I complimentary renlv wu mu`-> `--'- -5--- g.-v-llllul receipt of $100 xe amount of his ,_., .., .. uvuu muea to ten the electors o! 8outh_Simeoo why M1-Saunders uhould be ntnrncd to support the Government [10. Ifilllllch mint-L... :1. `L- ,1 - ... v uurlvllly Th proof- _.-. .......5 any. it necessary` to n those we pub For. Against. ` 1- --~.. vi-I vary 7 WIS. made by ndm-1 _ _. _....- was describ- V. Cruel, un- Jul: "44 and \Inn.'.. rfv. ....-5 1.21 be in- :' Sydenham :) Iv wn-{Hun mm- 1 supporting Dr. (nu u-...1.a. L- :7, the correct L -:_ _, In n-_;,, , _.-...- IV `sun upon nun end which - keeps wsrm, ready when an op- - portunity presents itself, to pour out his phisle of dennncistion sgsinst Sir John A. 'Xnodoneld end the late Government. 11: Wood told s long story shout the cor- ruption of sud inveighed with his chArscter- idie violence against, the lste Dominion Administration. The subject is s fnvorite with him end affords hinrthe fullest scope for getting himself worked npinto s big -land, es the Indian would say. But it may well be asked, whethu the conduct of the late Government of Sir John A. Mec- densld to do with the present contest in South Simeoe 1 The question far the elec- tors to_ decide is not. Did Sir John Mec- donsld sell the Pacific Rsilwsy Chsrter, -L 1.1. II-