Kingston News (1868), 20 Dec 1873, p. 4

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M- --.. ...n. us me aoove named diseases. We write this unsolicited by Mr Fellows or uny one else. It is not an advertisement for wlnich we expect to`be paid, but 3 statement of what we Ignow respectixig this really excel- lent preparation. Mr Fellows was the origina- facture, he has succeeded in establishing an extensive business in connection therewith. It is now used very largely in every part of the Dominion, and its sales are rapidly increasing throughout the United States and elsewhere. -[Colonial Farme1j.]-A dv. _______ I 1Iv'l`0l{ QOMPOUN D FLUID I .... ..... ..... um w xouow its use. To all invalid: suffering from Consumption, Bronchitis, Genera_1_Debility, Heart Disease, state of the blood, we would recommend their giving this invaluable preparation a trial. Physicians everywhere recommend it. ....- :.. ._, umuwcu nenents are sure to follow Cons: Bronchitis, General Debility, Heart and all diseases arising from an impo blood. we would ..(.,.......,u , . -..-...v--u gxvmg thus invaluable recommend its I the above named diseases. Fello _:my an min.-+;.-.-.. .- .....- ..., mm but: me: man we are constantly hearing of its reqaarkable curative properties, uqthing more is required to make the fact con-' viuciug. Fur the past year we have been ad- vertising for Mr Fellows, and in that time a number of cues have come under our notice where the use of the preparation. according to directions, has been attended with astonishing results. In the cure of Consumption in its `early stages, there is probably no known medi- cine its equal. For all diseases of the Chess and Lungs it/is invaluable. The medicine is pleasant tn tnlrn .....1 .: u._ ,1: -- . . . . . ..... \JA \,-uuaul!lpEl0ll its pleasant to take and if the directions arestrict- i y followed benets follow its Consumption. R-.\-...l.:;:.. n - __ --- ...... \..u.unauuu. --JllL'. FJ:LLows HYPOPHOSPIIITES.--The rapidly- increasiug sales of Fellows Syrup of Hypo- phosphites would be in itself proof nnough of v the value of the medicine in the cure of dis- ! eases for which it is recommended, but when we add to this the fact that I nothing mm-o in ...,....:..-.1 L" - -- .....,ux.u, 0.; CD3. Eminent men of Science have di.~xcovei-ed that electricity and nmgnetism are developed in the system from the "iron in the blood. This mcconnts for theidebity, low regain-its, and luck at` energy a pemon feels when this vital ele- ment becomes reduced. The P.-rnvia.n Syrup, .1 protoxide of iron, supplies the blood with its iron element, and is the only form in which it is possible for it to enter the circulation. -Adv. Fm I nave ltv ..... ...... -7 -- -1`uuI|UL'$ ; proceeds; age price of cheese pe average per cwt. for 1 ducted, 8.7 Ctl. D , They run into his urns, utteringlcrics And labs. The sailor was home again, noverto leave them more; nndas Daisy rated in her dear brother : arms, with her gay cheek gpon his bmgat, Iho aid, laugh- Inc and em: = danr, l-m- -in ---. 1:1, ..-...,m=u.un nnered. Eur:-:\' HILL CHEESE`. FAG! nual meeting of the Empey Hil facturing Company was held ll `Mend.-Ly, lst iust., wh o a the Secretary and Treasurer the substance of which is as fo of milk received, 8G4,7l5 pnux cheese nmnnfactured 87,437 pa nnnu. no .1 .,.-' .,. ...u-A ruuelvcu, 504,715 pnu p amount of milk per pound of c l4`ounccs - 'proceeds,o"f sales 1 . ` A, V V , _ A prize of one band` by Snr John Bennett 1 national song. and cm nppuintedfto decide up compositun nered. T.`........ 1v-- ~ _ ,, . ......ocgucuuy mo Uonrt h morning during the term. After two or t hree motions being dis- posed of, the Court rose, * .unmre:\l, and if the mcmbc this city should refuse to Court practitioners from nth Bar Inight do so, and comseq would be opened each mm twn m- n....... .. $\*llU cu recewo thene resolut umkc a tcnclcr of them. A gun fuxiull here took place in the Um der being restored, Mr Justice that he and his coufrercs were fr-um other parts of the Prnvin Mnntreal, and if members cilv Hlnnnlul -at... Ar ' PRIVATE` IEILLS. tjullrt. nn 9 I... ` nr-rnnm'n.. -. the Bench were of his 0 y man who woacl at- I at re=mlu'tion to the Cmu-t M- h--- --A1 ' ' ' Chriahnu in Tim - 3 Willlllcrymg: ' `Father, `deg 1'. how do you rt Ilndna gland. __ -1` g1ey, ' rEC(`l\' tempt to present such Umlrt. Mr Day said, placing the resolut.iuu.~4 an the Clerk : desk, if the Court will nut cou- sont `to receive theue resolutinnn, Iherebyi good deal ni cum I '>I.IkI.1nII 1.-.... I-__J- - I VECTORIA * COMPOUND SYRUP OF PEcIAI_-_I>:<.31<:Z Clerk of 5, VICTORIA ELECTRIC -LI I I. 1 VICTORIA "h In lTtn nv-m ,__ .-. ...........uuux or otner pur- l:, or for doing anything tending rights or property of other are/by notified that thew nun I'*- H ,_ 5.... ._vv\J nI.UJ.Vll'1b" ne application (clearly and dis- ing its nature and object), in zzette, and aim in a. newspaper e County'or Union of Counties gcopies of the Paper! contain- md last of such notices to the iceof each House. ` oonn ceugnt mm in his urine. The letter wee written to Daisy by her brother Edmund. He lied been picked up in the Pacic and carried to the South Seas by e trading vessel ; thence he had worked " hie way to California. encountered Charlee Worthington roaming about in the gold re- p'one-.-zhey had epeculeted there and made get fortunes, and were coming home in next eteemer. That was the letter. An old Joe grew faint, Pet suddenly ran behind his mother : apron, uttering an ap- pelling eoreem. At than dnnu .s.....I _ ;_n _..M ~- .._..... per pound of cheese, 9 puuns ; proceedadf $9,441.40 ; aver- wf per pnuml. 11,9-I00 r-a-*-- ROBERT LEMOINE, Clerk of the Senate. ALFRED PATRICK, 3f the House nf nn..........- asuu n ma uf the Bax to plead before I itiom-rs nthcr sections m I no. and mm............u.- At - -- tum K111) PATRICK, House of Commons. 5...; ur property of other y they are re~ ules of the two Houses of 1 are published in full in the to give TVVO MONTHS pplication (clear-Iv and A-'= iing to make application to )r Private Bills, either for prikileges or conferring wr commercinl or other pur- doing anything tendinn -uj 'or all Diseases of the Dropsical Swellings, tq Females. and all --.. ...vuav. valge Bills must be pre- three weeks of the Sea- 2 hundred gu nnett f.r nu uropslcal Swellings, to Females, all 7 Organs of either sex. icine has been I -WW0" SUI. Undo John continuhd : And Abon-ben~du-ling aid : "Where is thin package, my child `I to which the Flower of tho Daisy replied : `Fathu-dear. it. in Imp. ! Ru 1 &-1-- =1 :ua,oI sales 39,441.40`; : per puuml, 11.9-J00 cents; or milk ln.1n.xf:u.-turing de- .....uuc uuuuuslons or the is want of tone and vi- ;ic and Rheumatic pains. lVutritive tonic: in the mlial in Dr. \Vheeier s ?hospha.tes and Calisaya, aordinary eicacy. Sold I l. ulzxsr. FA(,'rom'.--The an- e Hill Cheese Manu- r at the factory on annual report of was submitted, hicln follows : Amount iG4,7l5 pnuuds ; amount of ad pounds ; average ~ cheese. Duunds -I-All * EXTRACT OF jij" an. 1-1" me best English chorus; a jury to be 3 upon the merits of tl_ne .~.. uu-1.11:0 D&llgIQy Mild I frercs there to hear] Prnvincu :21 well .1; a Bar of` shine ulcml Int... n... _.-,. ... 1...c..u uewre incl mu sectxons the I consequently the Court Lch mm-aim: Llnrino um >v nexsmuumnn, I hereby 1 . cl-:._'51 Uuurt. After or- r Baulgley mid res ham-I I guinea: is offered ' the best English Is; iurv in ho ` puulhl; fcheese, pounds 3 : aver- :' lnrvn uayl. uamnoque, daily, 2 3.111. ; leaves at 3:30 p.m. Amnox Ho'ncL.-Morton at: Monday. Werlnn-R-v --*` ` From Picton, Sydenb Harrowsmith, p.m. .m. Gamnoque, d .,___ rnuiv daily, 5 p.m. am-, dad] , ll a.m. dnilf, 11 N ewburg 3:30 aily, ll a.m. - Battersea,` Tuesday, T ay at 11 sun. ; leave: , daily, 11 no LUHDWH :-- ; leavk at 8 :\.m ; leave at 4 p.m leave at 4 ; leave at 4 hursday and nine days at n..m_ ; leave I 3.1!) from this place as follows - Sydeuhan}, a.m. arrowsmith, an. n - V nxpresa . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train A Express. . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train ` Grand Trunk Railway. Trains arrive and depart from the Ki: Station as follows :- n..._... , HELIX 031308. Registered Letters should be 11 an hour previous to the time of 1 Mails. Registration Fee 8c. MONEY ORDERS, on M nnd lreland, Newfoundland an Edward Island, can be obtain. Oice. Also Postage Stamps Cards. ` u n.'1 USITS received under the r of the Post Oice Savings Bank, be hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. ` . Otce hours from 7.30 a..m. to C dail y, Sundays excepted. I) `ITL1 ; Post Oice, Kingston, lat Feb., 1873. spoxe. _ V _ E `Tmly, Flowersuf the Daisy, hg laid,` thy cedu-(no shine: I but my heart in dark, md there in no gift there Mr me. ". `There is a gift for our father, said Puihinod, or Flower of the Daily ; and, snake spoke, there was a curious hidden laughter in her voice. `There in a. gift thst - ouflather will value more thsn all else-a may with his name on It from adistant They did not look at Daisy, who was trembling, and whose hand ncarce posses- rd Ilrlngth to dim! a letter from her poc- ot. . nxuu._3' MAILS ` Per DIRECT LIN Monday at 1.09` half ounce. Pm- l`.\\YA1-rr .`- It!` 0] a the F n.- _ M, _, .. n uuu DOEFIS. on) To): GIN.-Berna.rd& Co's, in `wood or__13ott_le ; Betta &: Co's. in wnmx l\|" um [um |,i1N.--Bernard & or bottle Co's, in wood or bottle. WIl\'ll .S.- UPERIOR PORTS and SHER R ES. `VlSI(IES.--Old Family Proof, Old Rye Proof and Common \Vl1iskeys, the beat in the city,n.t REDUCED PI{.I()ES. GEO. THOMPSON. Feb. 5. ._....., mun! rull'h', in quarts pints, from the bcstl>'1 ewers in the miuion. Also English `Ales .'md Pol BRANDIES.-,--James Hcnncssy"s, in ` or bottle ; J. & F. M`a.rbell's, in gag bottle ; Piuct, Czsstillon & Co s, in 1 or bottle. , 3`b`i~ ERI()l{ OLD J AMA RUM. GINS.--John De Kuyper & Son's, in wo( hnttln General Supcx-intc :1u1ent. Railway Oice, Moncton, NJ} -__` l\I:Ly 25th, 1873: Kingston_1ott1in 'I)f)3 f_]'AS NOW ox HAND A I.Al.'n1.` um....., I ~; A1. ua. superlo ALES AND hilltn frnm At Pain with trains to and from S and Intermediate Stations. At Trnro with trains to and from Pictou, and Intennediate Stations. At \Vinds0r Junction with the trains of the 'imlsor and Annapolis ltztilway At St._ John with the Consoli:l.'1tc(l European and North American Railway for Bangor, Danville Junction. Montreal, Quebec, Portland, Boston ; also with the Inter- national Steamers to and from l.`.m.+...`..o hediac, A mid . .. ..... oavv ; nu cneu ; only he loft S once, Pet`! do not interrupt me\ ! "nclo John. ``I continue: Abou- Xing sighed when his darling thus ,' N am: after sA'!`Ulm,/\Y, 24:2. instant, I -1 Passenger and Mail Train will leave Halifax daily at 7.30 a.m., anal be due in St. John at 8.30 p.m. A P.-Lusengcr and Mail Train will also leave St. John daily at 8.00, and be due in Halifax at 8.50 p.m. ` 7 Train: will connect FISH MAII.S will be c r LINE (via I lay mm 1 r QANADIAN LINE Fnday at 12.30 a..m. I mace. .-____ 1373. Summer .-lrrn gaNT EbLa%e'I'E[7zzTG'}'i"Zvf .:.___. ,L`$o*JC bottle. '.I| 'I\n\ Ana ARI! 1'0! I nliuinn, Alan la`- ,___........... ...u.auu.n.u..L5 .Ub'pOl3 ' [AS A LARGE STOCK ! i of superior uxruanu, Isoston also national from Ea Portland and Boston. ]_|,v_\\7] u r A I'i1T1'.V`T 1- 1-: AV U W Uh` G A MI: in. IA git`: ll `OIICO4 IIBI nauu 5 1111012, -bottle. `SUP UM. i.---John Ku yttle. yper wood GOING WEST. Arrive. _ 4 In D u uoma`m31-_ Ar.-Hm man, Money Order Oces ;he Dominion, Great Britain and Prince nd, obtained at this n and Post Lge mnes. ' L..--St.agea an-ive and depart 11- EAST. Arrive. I 15 `D M lIIll_` 1 the I I If. PORTER, in and 1_ host l>'n:wers in Hm h... vvnu ue closed as follows : IE New York) every p.m. Postage 8c. per V--uames 1tcnncssy s, in wood . wpqd or :12, wood 3U~PERI()l{ JAN A It` .4 D0530". LE\VIb' CA RVET Gene:-nl .\'m. L, 4.. ould mailed half closing the 1 11. DEAUON, ' Postmaster. [*J\VIb' RVELL, .\'11pe1-inteudent. Ictou, N.B.. rge arrives on Friday at 2:30 E (via Portland) Postage per regulations 1:, between the nen- I fen i ..__.. uurji, I'D! , maul of tho Rev. the Dioeouol Tot in Iroquois, Ont. r.ung(-aucnt. I878. nard ucpart. 2.35 P. M. 905 A u . 6.30 pm 5 Kingston Depart. .33 PM :1 quarts and ms the Do- : Porters. ;gv7_q ha ur.\...:I '3, the (In! E Hill} I IU 1`lll`:l`- l'la.stport, INSURANCE Ageht, countant, &c. Drug Store. Kmgaton, Oct. 10. I Y order "of the Board of I B Directors, STOCK BOOKS open on and after MONDAY, the 5 for the Subscription of Stock, at 1 of Messrs Blaikie & Alexander, and JL Feilde, Stock Brok -.u USA D. . nnrl n - THE FEDERAL BANK of Canada. . in Canada for nearly 54 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by prompt and liberal settlement of every just claim. It hu complied with the laws of Canada by the deposit of Stocks to the extent of $50,000, and isprepared to issue Policies on terms as low as any other tirst class Company. .TAM1:`.q QT17`r*nn-n . __ . and other Secuntles . Loans and Real Esiata . VALU E). Cash in hand and in Ban".. . Real Estate... . . .. . . . . . . . . Mortgage Bonds . . . . . . . .. Bank Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States and City Stock and other . . Real F-40. own -(hear 5...; nomers smce Dec. 1st, ASSETS, DIARCII IST, 1 VAIn- . u nA1u'r'UJ:iD, CONN. U 1819. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital . . . f. . 3 sses paid in 54 years 3 Losses paid in 16 months .... .. Capital subscribed by Stock- holders sin_ce Dec. 1st, 1871 ASSETS, Pv1A1?l'u 1.`... In-n - - - A.Ll.'4. lIJ UL` J.J.U.E, '1`U1iUN1'U.(` - ` Capital - - - $600,000. MAXVVELLA VV.` STRANGE, AGENT. Office, Clzwence Street, opposite the Post Otce. ` Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873. September 19, 1873. Aug. 4, 1873. `.--..n.u, A. J. cAT'rANAc, Secretary. Toronto, July 8th, 1873. u ):u_.1u UK. '.l'U 1{IRE.`@8 Sale, Fancy Cedar Skitfa 1 sale, such as I obtained Pxovincial Exhibitions of for the vast` nnmhm. A` --~- OAT-BUILD}-JP` \Vater \Vork assortment `of 1irst- of all s' es on Cg TO HI hand, r -- -1155 \, Ontario Street, near the s, Kingston, Ont. ge ciass SKIFFS RE. Etna Ingrance 00. \F Fl AL"l"1?nDn nan - cums II I-tuned !" This happened," continued uncle John, "just before the great 1'4-ntivity which comm on about the twenty-lifth day of the month of Snows. Abmi-1':-in-lax-ling came humo' pa nu. and also of a great suffering of his ogn for all of us mint. suffer, my children. that day thinking of the mifortune of his Hmly 30]] had been lost at `sea, and cl... nuuxv OFFICE, L. 101 \V. Fiftlx St. Novcnlber 17th ,....v Uoin Silver Vest Clmiiis, Solid and Double- plated Silver-ware, Jewelry, &c., &c. Whole number of Gifts 25,000. Tickets limited to l00,0L.U. ' AUEN'l`S VVAN TED to sell Tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets (52 ; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 ; .l`\\'cnty-tive '.l`icl-zeta $40. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a. description of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distri- bution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to N MAIN OFFICE. I.-`II. slum in... on BDOII. (Signed) z,0UU Gold \Vat:clxc3 (in. each. I` .:.. Q:x_.__ 1 L` W. All ` in-'r V - w V 41.5 om-.' CASH muzn of ' $5,000 in Greenbacks. ONE PRIZE $3,000 SIX PRIZES 1,000 TEN PRIZES 500 oann run - ' "-- EACH xx GREENBACKS ,._-,vvv La-L VLUUHUGUKS. I on: GHEABGD msn Panza, : $10,000 in Greenbacks. ON]-I 61.085! lnnirzn -4- - -- `r `r` T 3 T I V v IN "All.UABLE GIFTS! _ GRAND l,l1PI'i`AL PRIZE. $20,000 11 Greenbacks. ITIHII lhnur--1 Grand A11}: R"'Iu `Wong THE any uk~;:.1A;;LE aura` DISTRI- BUTIUN IN THE couwmy. 1- -is ....____( Thu1=sday,T `gangs "JAMES SVVIFT, Aanm-, St. Lawrence VVhArf. .- LCJ L4|J UUU Gold and Silver Lever 3 (in. all). wm-t.h rm... c-an 39,000,000 00 9,000,000 00 red Fec ,000 inBa.n....'.. $867,783 50 .......... .. 405nm M .u auu buver ' Lever Hunting 1- all), worth from $20 to $300 r `-ware_ .1:-u-nl.-u Rm F-~ oe addressed _ L. `ID. SINE, Box 86, cm UINNAT1. 0. .- Toronto, of scr rs, Montreal, and of Rogers, Solicitors, `WEN TIE FH aux-r placed npim her lm-1.-ct, she luoko Uncle John, or fnrtin Iy mward her fat Cncle Juhn cuntinux-.1 : Hm'ing' told you. my ,dear child] 30!` the story r:\:::c tn be known. I lost proceed to rcl:\t'..- it In: yuur enlera; bent. ' `..`.`____ H7 ,. . . . `v. A - _,...--- aJJ.LJULI.IJLI-UJJI .`( Bl! DRAWN . Llzsnuary !st. 1874. a..4 . ...-.`;n4u ilual D1:stribution, RIF! TTD.l\\.'\Y uuvxno W111 be {, 21st int., k, the Offices er, and o}lu-ke ronto_ of Rh-.+`|.n 100,000 00 926;725 00 1,337,050 00 2, 350, 978#96 93,330 00 $5,980,867 46 5,042,497 00 doing business 3;-5. End du-inn K Incorporated uu. ox47'lsrke , Strathy real, . [ruin uw_;Iru page.) 1 ingl exhibited An astounded interest. A: to Put, his cxcitmient was beyond the` power of words. His eyes resembled two 'nucCrz-his month upalted to its utmost width-and. in the rxvess of his intention, lunry nearly swallowed his h.1h_t_-spcmli. , No one looked at Dais_\'. _ \\ ith one hand Q Illulillg h-.-I eyes from this sight, and the other plnctd npmn her lure-1.-At, looked at John. father. Cnfilllltul : _u,u9z,4:{'l 00 mg and ic mt Of nvny-w J $300 Poirer & son. T Ancnnnms `AND nuxnnmeisun, S VEYORS. Oice ma Residence Queen treat. V 0.4- 01 andR 'd . . ' nearlye:)1)i:19:e]3:3; 30$ n"!S0n treet, or country, night or diy' pcrzjm 1333 In . `J. .l Atg:1{ '.`.`."'.`.dd 3*"_~"` r. Henry B. Evans. . ___________________._.___ Dr. Evans. ` R HENRY B. EvANs`,M.R.c.s., Lan- _D don. Oice, 156 Prixicesa Street. ..______________ . 1);. J. Jarvis; LATE OF LONDON, England, Hammo- and pathic Physiciauj Sur n, &c. `Oice Residence Ifgmove to w ....-._1_. '- 15 at all times furnished with quota ; the Table is second tc County; good and commodions Sheds, with careful attendance ; mercial Room for travellers. 0 rate. . lets. ' LUIS. Uood bample March 28. Stirling llouse, ,-.._.u- -uvuneu I-U anout-- "A merry, merry Christmas !" Ill FIRST CLASS celled by an} The House and Fu: i3 It f.I'mAn 7- .........u..g ur uood B ways in {Lttendance for 1 ay 23. ` OHN ACKERS,` Manage}. Commercial Rooms. Good" .....-.u cunsrgea, I ' V season. lurst-cl: accommodation. and boats. G `V 15 entirely new in every been enlarged, retted and sgmun- 1: puy note], RINCESS S 1`REET; KINGSTON, O The most central Hotel in the 1 superior accommodation for travellers commercial gentlemen. Chm`-gea_ modorat I .n.LV 1151' {successor to Dr. Princess Street ton UFJ:`1UE /nouns 2mm 9 A. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridag Q13 poor. V. `V. B. Cuoy, South Mu-ch, bu ntod to the Rectory of Matilda and A Eb. 26, 1373 Albion ote , ` ACKERS,` Comxner-m' n] D m. 1.. Clements, OFFICE AND `RESLDENCE oppobite the 1, . . , . B V hatablished i:n'Kiug.sto`u in 1857 June 23. Alex. S. Kirkpatrick, ' UN TY CROWN of the Peace for 0 site the Montreal Telegra Kingston, July 19, L5 71. ATTORNEY and oxen. " the County nae, Ontario Street, Kin gston, dxrectly oppo ph Uompa.ny s omu. ARRISTEIL and,v So- licitor in Chancery and Insolvency, `Uonveyanger and Notary l u'u1ic, KIN GSTUN, Ont: Uice, corner of King and Clarence Streets. July 8, 1873. .. a coconut, All-A.-g ARRISTEB. a d Attorney-at-Law, So- licitur in U ancery, Notary Public, juonveymncer, 32 Kig Street, Kingston; Out. `At Gananoque, over S. McUammon s Drug Sklare, every Tgeaday and Friday. lianils Hotel. `1 EN TRE '1'OV\"N , OTTAVVA. -- / is eutirelv new in nvnruy ....-.,A u` an or must. sulfer, children. ly lost at `sea, and the of Abon-ben-d:u-ling was and. He re- to hold the festivity of the cedar- .> but his heart felt heavy. Abou-hen- l in miserable 3" lio said, "there is no '1 , my children, signies tho Flower of iay. She came now to Abou-hen `.i g, and. kissing him in the Eastern I or, said : O faflier dear! O, Abou- - ling I do not despair 1 Behold the is net, and the holy cedar tree blazen ; pars therein shine like stars, and gift: hang down from the boughs of ondrons u-go !" Pot suddenly bu1_~st_ fox-th`-f`\Vhy, I In. ...-_ ;___ I" L he thus spoke, his daughter Pari-~ approached him. The name of Pari- ~ `nu uauanoque, McUamn Stone, Tuesday Friday. Jan. 14, I873, 1-u.uu.3.l'.l'Jt{. 8. licitor in Ch 1 Uice, Ontario Str Telegraph Compan May 1, 1873. ueen's Be` Nov. 27. \/0 u nnuhl, fropl accommodation for I Good Samnln Rn- Riciuird T. walkem, ARRISTER, Solicitor` in Chancery, B torney-at-Law, and Notary: Public, ( rence Street, Kingston, opposite the I Office. ' July Int, 1873. 1 _ . 4 V James I . Gildcrslccve, l.l1.B. BARRISTER and Attorney-at-La'w, Soli- citor, Courcyzmcer, Notary Public. Of-. Iic, Clarence Street, opposite Pout Oicg, Kingston. ' a a July lot, 1873. up. u.` ' ([0111 )ENT1S J.` ucccssort Princess Streak 1!: 1Ta_c:1o'na1a' & Patton.` BARRIS PE1w,.AttorneyI, Solicitors, &c., Trust and Loon Company's Btilding, Toronto Street, Toronto. Join: A M/LcDon'.u.v, Q.C. Janus PATTON, Q.C. Hcan J. MACDONALD. Rom. M. Fuumw. Sent. 23. accommodation for` 0011 Sample Rooms, . rch _' Albion Hotel. Vlrestport. 0. JEACLE, Proprietor. First- accongmodhtion Cnmrm:-m'..1 -av- "Them nnce lived in t 1.1.! In-n.-ls--.L _.'-.... . -` IIIO . in... . 5JN'1`RE TOWN, 0'1"J.`AWA.'--'1'hi: entirely new every respect, , genlzgged, refurnish. . (J. Davy, gAH RISTEIL Attorxie} ]ir:ir.m- in 4-1........._._ _, Sept. use and furniture are nu ; xs am.-ma on Edw. ll. Vsmythe. 1tl.A.. gA_R1 .ISTER a d Attomey-at-Law, So- ncery, Cunveyancer, etc. iice, t, nxt door to Montrgal uargea, ' reffrni Sample Room: a odation. Omnihnxen mm-it : Stirling, County bf Hastings; HOTEL--caxmot be ex- :d any House in +1.- n----L~ Stirling. l Mill-St-n ACKERS. * M.........- MEDICAL. .__?{_____,___) _ nnmnsrnr. , --------v u: lall Uounty. ur-niture new; the Bar nmished the best of to to none in the Stables and" L : 3 mm! rum- as bnmple Rooms and ample Omnihuses meet all trains % sco rr, Proprietor Manager. sms. rF ans and ishing Parties, -. -.__:.__ f(.'oIm'mvd from chef"; mg_ ) an nnnu-uI...I :..A ,_.__ Ilonald. L.n.s., 3801' to Dr nun H. , .__--., \/AIL: tral city. Ltion and :1. Charges moderate. IRWIN, Proprietor. _ pueuor. lfirst-class ' Commercial Travel- ma. &c. 'toDt. (hung!-n.. 1,1 uni. T`5"X.'n1. to 5 1 .M. 1 Fridays, devoted to ... uuuuxes and` :e a good Com Charges mode- v v 41.'-.l.ll1 D0056 'y respect, having refurnished this Room: and nmr-Yo In one xucwry of Matilda rendered vacant by the no Lev. G. A. Andaman- M A t- First-class cial 'I`.-...-1 unul m .3. 1'. lttmann & Zoon to`W. Gibson & Hxggo ; in Be] & Malcolm ; in London to Efemmome, I7 Grmm.:-1...- Antwerp Aug- Schmitz Uo., or Richard Berna ml was rtha not secured until paid for. For Fre ht or other pnrhculurs apply 1:. ortland to J . Cume, 21 Quai D Or1ea.ns ; in Paris `to Gu ge, Rue du 4 Septembrd ; in _; in Rotter - Wm. . `H __n ,mHambum 3 -V D8011 lion - n K" ' ,, J- 2, Cla- Post Iul tree 1 t suddenly burst fox-t}i-\iVhy, xr tree !" he cried only `he left I tree. een the CI; during the sea cxuerienm.I`.Q........-- -, - - ' u _ sa . POLYN ESIAN ' ` 3;-gt Jan. SCAN DIN AVIAN ` ` ` ` 10th Rates of. Passage from Portland : Cabin ' `k uuul Th: vnuuuu xor me conveyance of Canadian _and United states Mails. 1372.3. -- Winter Arra-ngemnts.-18?2-3. This Company : Lmea are composed of the undemoted First-class, `Full-powered, Clyde- built, Double-Engine, Iron Steamshipa _: Vessel. Tonnage. Commanders SARDINIAN . . . . . .4100 (Building) CIRCASb'1AN......... . .3400 (Building) CANADIAN . . ' ' POLYNESIAN . SABVMATEN . . . HIBE CASPIAN . . . . ......3200 Capt. Barclay} SCANDINAVIAN. . Capt. Aird. PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . . . .3000 IA Dutta-m,RI\`R AUSTRIAN . . . . . . ..2700 Capt Richardson %'1'0RIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt. Ritchie. MURAVIAN . . . . . . . .2650 Capt. Graham. PERUVIAN ........ . .2600 Lt."Smith, BI\'R MAIVITOBAN . . . . . .3150 Lt..A:c-her, RN R. NOVA SCUTIA.N . . . .2300 Capt. Grange. N0.R'J'H AMERICAN 1784 Capt. iller. ARCADIAN ..... ..`.[...l350 Capt. Wilson- CORINTHIAN . . . . Capt. Jas. Scott. ST. DAVID . . . . . . . . 1650 Capt. E. Scott. ST. ANDREW . . . . ..l432 Capt. H. VVylio. ST. PATRICK . . ......l207 Capt. Stephen. THE _Q'r`n`A*ur.I1--- -*- *` ALLAN ,,- .-.-u., 1 nmvmmca. 10.00 o'clock 3.111., 12:30 p.m. For Gananoqne. Calling at Howe Island at 4 p.1 V\'edJxesday, Thursday and Ftiday. ag-6 a.m. Wednesdays, 6 a.m.' T] 6 a.m. nd`7 pan. Fridaysn For Freight, Passage, or any other tion, apply to the Captain on Loan-d.' FQLGEJ`. Ar. H; N? 6:00 o'clock and 3:30 p.1n. l:6U o cl and 3 p.m. exit! a :00 o cloc and 3:30 p.1n. , 1 'rUEs'DAi 7:30 _o clock a.m., 8_:30 a and 3 p.m. n n.-...____. V ;ion, npplyvtokhe Ca V I tain ,' or to F9 ER & HANLEY, Foot of B-`oak Street Kingston, 12th Oct, 1873. _ ,,...,...5 muqruau. Uswego Railroad, Northern Syracusp Railroad, and New York Central Railroad. Retnrning--wil leave Cape Vincent an ar- rival of trains t 10:40 3.111., connect- ing with the G1- nd Trunk Railroad, Royal Mail Line, Bay of Quinte and Rideau Canal Steamers at Kingston. ' For Wolfe and Garden Islands. MONDAYS. . ' 0 8:30 o'clock a.m., H :30 a.m., and 3 p.m. ` Rmvnsxxa. 9:15 o'clock n.m., 1 p.m... and 3:30 p.m. TUESDAYS. 7:30 -o'clock a..m,, 51-90 - -` V awn tor U 1 excepted) at 6 ncctlons with th Ogdenalmrg Rat: P.etnmim._.-.:I I Maud`,-15;; _ In: 8:00 o clock a.m., and 1: m 9:15 o'clock I, In an It 1 x docido which Cabin... . . Steer-age.. rnnn ~- - v u\;1uUi 7:30 clock ml a.m., 1 p. SA'l`URDAYb`. a.m., 8:30 ::..m m;, _ 3:.` .11 :: 9:15 .......-v: 1.,-apt. i of the a} stun for C cenfmh -4. :2 1;--j contract .with the Govzernmcnt 0 Canada for the Conveyance All anal l1..n;.I nu -- " . Aug. 4, 1873. n.1y children, ` lm Inunu-n I -vi" `WEDNESDAYS k a.m., 11:30 5. o'clock Rl'CRN11\'G a.m,,' I --~- ---`IVY Gluyw every Tuesday, and about evgry .l'hursda.y._aro in- iespatched from Quebec : r, _-- .--.-nus a.10IV every Friday morning ` nevi ofthc-week. It of lending, dI_1d ':nns's1uNN or; +131 1: and (a:xn::1;o;t.c,. Stem. moat Route. RIITURSING. l.lIJ., 9:15 a..m., cf class, !f"l|-:31-powered, ine, : ,41m (R..n.:.-.... \ _ RETURNING. a.m.. Q-15 liko your x.-n u 1:.` INC. a.m., 9:15 a..m., 1 .-_.__. e Steamers will leave King. 7 pa Vincent daily (Sundays 3 a..m., making close con- }; Rome, Watcrtown and 1 and. Oswego up Railroad, New v....n, noon ; in Hamburg 1 Belfast to Charley M5ntgomn'e~ J; ahnrch Street ; in ex. Allan, 70 Great; )0]. Allan RI-nu ;e, othe_r informa- :tn_in board. or fn f'HOUSE COAL screened and de- vfext nmrket rates. ave prompt `atten- LINE ~a`. in., nazo THE . ._v! p.m., every iday. Rctunuw m.` Thursdn.3j,. 1., 12:30 p.m. 1., n :.30 n.m,, 2.,'l:15 p.m. Lmr-.'_ 5! J.` VAL T.A as will Cln' ruposea by Mr Day won] {awards bringing About th They. I-I judges, would 11 md, if they received theur would be establishing a. bad Justice Monk uid Lint the by-the Bafwos nun , have sent their resolution to the Bench condentially. It tint the Bench could tske_,n1 mathr II _....I.1 -:-- nu! no snow now elect: way to cut thdr vohl. I him. Huvini read them ha handed them back, saying thst 0 did not think that the course proposed by Mr Day would do yth' towards brin `ng the -and They. ju gas, hsve-succoIsors, these resolutions, the would precedent. ` .llun`t_ioe gunk Gonna n..m,..-.I ,,-_..., yuan ne and not I wish to reject the resolution - that he heartily I aympathized with the .membere of the Bar whieh he had eohtely left. With all to "the pross,he did not wish to take any action on a matter which they had heard of through it, and which had not been brought before the court regularly. The hon. Eenenian 1-.- -gI.-.I Al -4 par Interested. ' Mr J ustice Ramuy stated 1 ; .memi I lo'Inf.nlw I- w _ ,,._ . ........u.uu- relarrecl to expreued no word of disrespect to any indivi- dual member of the Bench, but merely called attention to at certain state of things in the re- medy of which he thought the Bench and Bar interested. Mr Juan`.-..D ---- -- ` ` ` " the natnre of the resolutions which you wish to present. VVe are a constitutional court,and will not lit to hear anything which in not part of the bnainees of the con . Mr Day said that the resolutions referred to certain st.-.1. A: n.:.._- .2, -- nu vulueu to present to their h( nlnncc of order; given him meeting. Judas B:t't:]av%`V- -- ~ * _ ,,.__ _._. .,.._, uanu risen wrperlorm. As the mouthpiece of the Bar, Mr Day had come there to present certain resolutions which were in elect en impeachment of the Bench, and rather then sit there and hear` the same rend and a. few civiiinns. Mr Day continued to address himself to the remaining members of the Bench, and to ex- plain thst he held in his hand certain resolu- tions which hnd been passed at a. regular meeting of the Bar, held last evening, which he wished to present honours in pu_r_-' orders mu... 1..-... u.-- n V ,-_ .. mu... olullu (lllliy to perform, which had been impossd upon him by his brethren of the Bar, but it was one fro1n_which he would not shriiik. The learn- ed gentlemin was here interrupted by His Honour Justice Taschereau,` who said that the Bench were not unaw re of the natgre of the duty which Mr Day hid risen torperform. present Certain .-...u...;--_ -1 : - day this 3.13., at 10.30; present: Hon. ticea Batfgley. Monk, Tuchereaun, Ramsay; and Lox-anger. The Royal Commission ap- inting T. L. Le-ranger, of Sore], an Asst. 33.19 of the Queens Bench, during the illness of the Chief Justice, was received By the clerk. , J. J n.... 12-- n - Jus- THE 'nI ...., w.--xu we punuc. sud hi: uuccels in manna:-ate with his advortising genius.- cago In!er~0can. There are many shrewd devices in 1. ing, but the safest and surest way, .` that it certain to pay in the end, in cnce-t.ho constant keeping of your 1 before the public eye. There is no 1: better underetende this than Barnum. wny or mother he maintains himself c ally before the public. and his Av-pl: . ----=-- that, certifying that he was troubled for y with the same complaint, and thnt the bottloiof balm brought instant relief. I: a to have no faith in his fellow-creatures? put: it from him. But (lsy utter day, v nftei week, that line, tellingliim that t lie: the cure {tom all his sufferings, meet: eye, and at lut he buys a._bottle, half an at thus being forced into the purchase in s of himself. 'rhnra - - A - - ~/ ' ' - us-ruuil any utter day, he will at? last grow curious, end even nervous, until he is driven into perusal in epite of himself. A man sees an edrertieement of some patent medicine. lie may hue A honor of ell noetrume, and be morally certain that their use will be lin- trone, yet at lest he lucculnbe and reads. It aeeerte positively that it ii a certain antidote for some disease from which he ie suffering. More thaqthie, there is 1 letter from the Re- Votpnd So-end-so, or from Prnfnnnu -1..-. .._ .-uo-u posmvoly Nut c law Pr` tro -QtI\- -F-1*` ' ' - ertiununt is not all by any means. P.-nistonco in one of the ucrctl of Iucceuful sdvortising. A: a rule, ulvertiumentn Are not read the tint timuthoy are seen ; perha pa not tho second, or for a half- n.Hnvgn 6-'--- " ` ....nuu-cmenu time seen; perhaps .-I n-doun times. But no matter how an reader dislike: them, after catching the head-lino: dsy sfter day, at _curipu.I, nervous ....+.-x 1.- :- J ..... ........ u. uuu umsr oxose-leaves and the noise of the nightingale. o m ' would be nothing in its disparagement, but I feel bound to Itato every possible There is us much in the style of tn advertise- ment as there is in that of an essay. There are some that nobody will read. nml th. ..-A -4: one objection to the villa which I now oer for their inspection. A lady of most estima- ble character, but who in troubled with nor- vouaneu, objected to the place as A residence on account of the litter of rose-loaves To msgig e\'erv disadvqntago. There is an Inna}. :.. 4.1.- -s._I- -- I ---.. ....a--nuusa U1` AU\'Lli1'1ll\U. I The men who understand t}:ca\seienoe of ad. rertisiug are not so many as might be sup- posed. They used to have an auctioneer and real. estate man in London whu use famous for his advertiselnents. They were as varied and `pleasant reading matter as'one could wish. His descriptions of the property put into his heads for sale were charmixfg in the extreme. Une never read the particulars about one of his cottages that he was not seiz- ed with en intense desire to become its owner at-once. Drawbacks were not ignored, but ' were deftly inserted, endin a way to make the property ltill more desirable. "To be frank with my friendly pstrons, he ouee _ G ,__ _,...... nunuau Lne pxck- ets, instead of up and down. Many who have been careless with their teeth will (loubtlcwiis think that to followtlxeso directions wxll be an arduous duty, _bu this attuution here advised `an a buy rattles his stick along the palmgs. uulv meals to accumulate, pun-ify, and for- ment all day and all night till the next morn- ing again. But. the great majority don"t clean them at all. Many that do pretend t.n_hrush the teeth. rattle the brush along the row, just Thil does about as much harm as good, pack- ing the particles of fund and deuumposing mucus nicely agvay between the teeth and leaving `untouched the grinding lurfnces. It would be just as sensible tn attempt to paint a fence by rubbing the brush across the pick- have followvthese but will not rennin 6.. n.. ._V .2. uujsuc JUD1c1AnY-oB:~:oxI.J ' OUS RESOLUTIONS TEN DERED AN D REFUSE D. , :is onc- made fron1`e.qnil_L The tooth-brush f --huul-.1 be applied as to reach every accessi- ` ble surface of the teeth, and no as to brush 2 the fwd from he ween them ; then-fure it ,'should be used In kward and forward. nun! . from nide to side or the grinding surfaces, to clean out all the d ressione, and upward and 2 downward in the dmviaiomi between the teeth, ; iii.-i-le and oiitside. Once or twice a week, or } ulteiicr, I silk thread _a.uued with powder f ah:-uiil he clmwn between all '0!` the teeth. Su ' well do penple generally appreciate the neces- sity of kn.-cpiiig the teeth clean, that about one ' in ten thousand take: such care of them. One of 3 thousand, prubnbly, goes through the form of cleaning them three time: a day. A greater number clean them oncea day, and 1hat in the niorxiing, allowing the food from three meals to all night the next. ...n... ,..._ -.........v..u,p:cu.-u. lrom l-atwuon the ! teeth. and the brn h maul clcsn wfnfer hill lw ; uulliuicut. Al: uigl t the brush an-I water will , alnsurr. occzusinn.-nil ' using a little Castilc soap : and ruuiug the u. outh. The heal: toot Yin made from nquilj, ! `-lwnl-.1 lm .m.I.'..x -.. -~ - - FFfrick ' ......u ucmre reurmg. and once morning ablutionn. In the morni: and good powder should be um : mouth nimul. .-\fu-r each |m:rJ lfnf luml nhoul.lQ;,picked from I ` Irrnh lcsn wj ; Ac Iul .- n... x.-- - anvvv IQ KEEP THE ' To secure proper clcnxineu lean!-t tub; I and purity of breath, the moat _,ought to be clcauc-l hvo timesa lay ; once after ea.-.`u mm: 7 __ , I .- - THE SCIENCE OF ADVEIETISING. 'l`I.. .-...... ..u.. .....L,- 3 and punt] of~ ma day on: uucu be-fare retiring, morning ablation-. In th- - coo Flnu G-A- 44.3.}- QUEBEC JUDICIARY--0BNOX;I- _1_ua_suLU1'1oNs '1`ENDEF`.D A N n ndgley-\Ve are perfectly aware of court, and anything has court. __. J LL,- -` ` ______A f HOW I) KEEP THE TEETH rgccura In-an-r nln-nJi-.--- --` V ' 6 ._ -.._ r.m..cucuu. Ml` Lid course proposed unnecessary, a: they might the members of Lontially. was well known would take no action in H-- ,,_.-.. wououuua .' no r. week there a meet: his angry :ed spite 7 advert):- eat aurnt ..-.... ...A ' wen passed , 1: pur- by the said ' that he did 1 Iolution : that 1...}.-. -s ...-no .t trou!;l(e` year; Iplnint, first ght man n Ho day flaw um-Ir tooth?fpick nquill. : rwecn them; : tn rcssions. and llnlrnv-.I -....I ., mu :uuuLu_.ought he each meal, g, during the morning the brush should used, 11:` u...l jhy and gt-atitudo.' uunumu gift I" i V ' The windows shook asslio spoke. It was, doubtless, the merry goblins, highly with themselves and evu-ybody else and the holy night- went on in way full of A war -fig.-.....z -a--- - ` ' -,.- ..... nun. uullllli 0 a half- >u:.-uter much a. er same , run, A man -- nu uommxssxon Bannh, :9, one, and addressing a most ; painful duty I imposed upon him newer from the ` Profenor this or | troubled fnr unqu- nouonrs In pur-V by said V 19 no man WHO Barnum. In one continu- | com ya leuinl __f"1--` vices rat and 0nd persist- of business 3 man who hrnum L. ....- . used, 1:31 the In all particles >fro:u I-etwuen w.-xfnr nil! I... . u-uuum`,; um brush I an Luoul-luck nu-u m...,.-..: ll.l COXII !.--C"Iu' ` For the prevention and cure `of Pulmonzry Consumption, also for the cure of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma. Loss of Appetite, General Debility, &c. The only Syrup prepared from Dr. Chum.-bhil1 s Formula, C H md certied to be hemica y pure. . Price 3] par lmltfla G-`U ` ` man! }:or prcventxon 4 Lasso B`:."``.::;.:`.:<:.-....,3*:,<:2av. sy j Aspecxhc Remedy for z Bladder and Kidneys, Dr Complaints incidental Diseases of the Urinary Or The value of this Medicin: in numberlen inn+....,..... ---- Pa.rliame'nl; for Bil granting exclusive 0 corporate powers for commerc inl 4 poses of prot, any! _to affect the prope: parties, are hereby quired lxy `the Rules tw Parliament, (which C a.nala. Gazelle), TVVC NOTICE of the (clea tinctly specifying nature an the Canada Gazette, : published in the County `or affected, sending copies Pa} ing the first and m Private Bill'Oce.of House. All Petitions for Private 11 aeutethwitbin the rst week` sion. , ,,-_ .- uuucu D0 D6 memxcally 31 per bottle. son by all Dm`ggisu.' __________.______/ um value or this Medicing has begxr proved. n uumberlesi instances now on record. Price $1 per bottle. Sold by all Dr uggiatl aulu uy me Jesuits, who obtained for it the price of its weight in silver, and it long retain- ed the name of Jesuits `I- om1er. Its secret was at length revealed, and it haw become the most highly esteemed and universal remedy in existence. It is the chief reliance of phyai-. ci.-ms in l\ _er\'ona pmstration and General De- bility, and in all low febrile conditions of the system, where there tality, and in N euralgic It is combined with Nutritive the form of 3 dnlininnn I-nu.lC..I :- Y` " ` - 1!! is combined with lVutritive1 of 3 delicious cordial DI Compound Elixir of Phosphates :1 a preparation of extraordinary e by all Dmggists, at 3|. ALISAYA, Cinchona, or peruvian bark. C was introduced into Europe by the Countess of Cinchon, wife of the Vicemy of Peru, who I: ml ex peenced remarkztble benet fromits use. After its intr.)ducti:.m it was distributed and sold by the Jesuits, of `Powder. Its 9101" `tuning scrum. At the door stood a tall young man with a {gracious beard. - How no you, {other and mother, ind lunch and Daisy 1" _ y for brother`: mug- -l.-_

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