Kingston News (1868), 27 Dec 1873, p. 4

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commerrial or other pur- poses of prolit, or for doing nuythipg tending to affect the rights or property of other pu-tiea, are hgreby notified that the in re- quired by Ehe Rules of the two clue! of Parliament, (which are published in full in than lanada Gazelle), to give TWO 110131138 I NOTIICE of the npplication (clearly and (lil- tint-I`. u ........:L'___- A `.1. In gusts. Sam Swellil T - For Rheumat Sciatic Lim ! us ugs, I IVI In ism, Gout, Neu. a, Wandering Pains, or Joints, Sprainn, Bn Headache, Earache THE KING OF ALL I. .Price on] _ Y gusts. 25 cents. So` umnclutis, Asthins. Loss 01 Debility, &c. The only Sy Dr. Clnurchhilfs Formula, : Chemically pure. Price 5! Der lmttln n.a.1 For the prevention and 1 Consumption, also for the Bronchitis, Asthma. Lasso Debilitv. &,c. Th. mm, 9.. .___. After payment of the usual dividend and providing for all losses, claims and expenses, the sum of $905,905 was put by to increase the Funds in hands, which now amount to- Resexve Fund - - - - $1,571,520 Capital paid up - "- - 1,445,465 Life Assurance Fund - 6.603.210 Ri_s_ls taken for three Venn: mu `D-3---h iliol. September 2. memxcauy $1 per bottle. ,_v,vvv,\I\I\l; WITH UNLIMITED LIABILITY ` SHAREHOLDERS. ._.- R 0 1`:/1}; INSURANGL COMPANY. Liverpool and London. on*1ca-cmf:Exc1: smmmr. (Opposite the Post Office.) -a-vv In BLQUUE NUMINATION. Yetta-ally Mr Thomas Saunders, of Hamil- Iou, and Mr D'Arcy Boulton, of Tomato, were lnpiuhul to ll the Va cancy caused by the magician of Mr Thomas Ferguson of South 83-000. In tho courts of his Ifnd: -I( L; - - -- spoech Mr Sann~ I o_r Ilheumatism, ., Incu 1 nu-:1.AN ac L'0LI.l.\`DER COMBINAT CL'.s11Iu_\'s," of which` I am sole owner : patcntee. These Cushions are not sold ulauufatctnrc-rs in New York or Canada, be reserved for my own trade. Price per tal pack.-.1 and deliverevgl on board cars, $3 gnld. H. \V.` CQLLEN DER, cu ` Bevel, 5x10, with balls, cues, &c.. and bmtexl Pm~:LAN & CoLI.1:.\' CI'. ..F 'l-- I -- [go 1 0.. IiUl\1;\.\U Y, 01} L IN; How either sex may fax` love and :u'l'ect.inns of any instantly. This simple all can possess, free, by r gellicr th :5 Man-iag () reams, Hints qnecr exciting bunk. ress '1` \\'II [T \ u u. n wr:1uon or the fllnctim Sold by all tlrnggists. the body fufluws, and I vans and muscular, is e ussucs m:cur.~z, and cliscascs of tl1uUvitz:lor;;ans, the lungs. hc,-nrf, liver and kidneys. ])r. \Vhecler's l lms1-lxates are n. specic far that prntenn diseme, l)_ys[:cpsi.1, imparting vitality and tone tn the mucous mumlzran-.3 of the stu- i)l.'\I:lI, enulrling it to secrete at suicieut quan- tity of gastric juice to purfect. tligcstiml. lies- tumtion of the fnnclhms of all the organs of mul the whole system, ner- energize-I and vitalizod. (lruggists. 1_ II: was Dr. \Vheeler's Unmpou of I`hos[\h.1tvs aIulCalisay:1 cures 1 v.-xriety uf nmhulies `. The reason is nic wasting diseases of whatever I pend upon dcpryred nutrition and in cal 1.-loml which nave the r origin in ( When nligcstinil i4 incomplete and as innperfct, poorv Lloml results, dcgeu tissues m-.-m-.. .1: .. N - -- - , A` Bun: '._Wonu.\'.-A few fay: since I In-go back which ha-1 been chuod by-1 hound ran into the farm yard of Mr John Aurel], 6th concession of Emily. Ilia wife, who hap- pened (n_ he engngexl outside, struck the nui- mai on the head with a club, when the deer made it rush at her, tearing hcr dresn, zuul evi- Ie'ITtly wnul-I have auverely injured her, but. fur` the timely assint.-mco uf two tings, which huid the animal dmui while Mrs. Atwcll tied its legs with her aprun. an-I, with the assist- ance of her non, nuccc-e.lcd in despatching it.--` ' |'ir!oriL |i"urlrr. I -- -I kpt pr-`mammal another for ` itpu! ____..-; 3 I`i`:'2` Jun P.0. Bax 134 e 25, IS73. I. SUBSCRIBE]? CAPITAL. $1o,ooo,o i,i VITI-I nxn nnmnn - - D 3 \ c I : 0K1'._\/.\'"(i'\': I INN out of Zgi V l.i1 .... nun u marl-mge Guide, lgnntian zcl , to I.-ulies, Sic. A :;.-r 100,000 snld. Ad- s T. WIl.LI.\.\I 5; CU., South Eighth , Philadclphia., Pa. `s~ Business of 1870. Preminms, less Reinsumm-.... ea :2 "I11: },i.s1i..{{ costalllly asked--\` it that Dr. \Vheeler's Unmpound `lnomvlmtns and ('..I:...... -.._ . fTj?%?5C7?5|75!TTF 5:-`E5: oi the Government. He speaks every\v".ere ; II III and long. He denounces former friends though holdin' on still to the assertion that He andeld acdenald Government of On- hl-ie wee the most honest, patriotic and eco- %d:d the Inn ever ahone on. Right, E. B. cod. though our preeent alliee mod to tell you a story. And among other thing! they need to eay waa, that the Ontario Gevernnent wee the creature of Sir John ladonald. end anned that it would be dmlprau to the liberties of the people if the he goveranente were not kept entirely dia- tinet in all things: I ndeed, it was often hint- ed that e gentle antagonism between them V-IN be Ileelnl. But now the whole minis- - puae which is cheering on E. 1}. Wood, eeyhg, "go it. Thunder," approves of the his speech in South `flew the other day, no follow: :- hed not much to eey with reference ' Government. He might be asked Vwhet they had do with the Ottawa Gov- Add tlaatllaeycould mud- antagonism to the former _ But then wlmt can we expect? There is one let of iloctrinee and of principle: kept for Opposition pur- pv-eeu and otcinl use. An-I -n .-_.........;, nuracne, 1 oothnche, to IN G LINIMENTSK7 7 cents. Sam I.-- -" "~ ..,. my uvvu u-uue. rnce table, md $300, \V. COLLEN Successor to Phelnn 6.: Cdllender, 738 Bro;uIw2\_y, New York. `GK 1347. ......,.. Have we ungm nu dyspepsia. {cation assimilation , poor degeneration of ours, and the vital organs, 9. u iscaxso, ])ys|:c|,:si:\. imlmrtinu nu-..I:c.. _-v.a-an`; Clerk of uni, :1 Senate. ` Anrnh PA,'ukm, Jinan of cr fascinate and gain the actions perwus they choose, mental ac-quirement by mail. for 25 cents. tn- DAILY NEWS-`SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER .. - . -- 1 I I Gout, Nenmlgia, Lnln 0, ng Sttifness inbghe prainl, Bruises, N umbneu, ne, E.-u-ache, Toothache, &c. )F LINTMT-`N"` vu nun. cure off llgulmonury cu o y pain, . of A petite, grneral Syrup prepared from rmula, and certied to be a.-on me other day. 1 Ho to: Ala Ontauo that tq vi snout. 11 that t uuik{l."_ ' . F... uncuu mail, 1\larl-iage U: Hints in I uxlu, moles, cnmplxte and having the cele- : CoLI.1;.\'nEn Cosxmmvrrox niclr am Rnln ........... .....I {xx 10, tables, cnmplx te :c., lm\'in_v uula. .. u;u.xn|.nLV I5 Sold by all n'..;.. ,_T71E'-s'61J`L CHARM- jj L cure of Pulmonary 1e_cI;I1e of Dyspepsia. - `rvvo-urvunlu L'4llllI' .nya. so great a `he that chro- nature de- Lritinlu mu] hn...u-n--|- I mtly asked--Why is r : Elixir nya. xvrnnt. n never nature de- ,um iInpoveriah- nrigin dyspepsia. etc assilnilatinn ,-,_. .........e.. we earnestly cnteronr protest against any amnesty being ;rn.Ited to the parties implicated, which, in our opinion, would tendto weaken condence in the administration of justice in the Pro- my `3. Moved by Brother Robert Mulvey, se- _ crude-I by Brother Joseph D.-vlin, and resolv , Iriendn in other port: nl-Thnt we profoundly regret the election of Louis Riel to the Common: for the County of Pnovenchel-,,nnd be? tlo! ensure our loyal o t e Dominion that ' Inch election ran in no way contributed to b 'II. but we regret to add that Government 0 -` Igiels hero Irere mninly instrumental in having thin dngrnee put upon our growing a mu nub soul '50 : or bc-mg per table. , mr :0 cents, to- hxide, Egyptian ladies. km, A nauu, on-mg I table, cars. S300. VH3 ATION 'ner and "to In In. ,,- `.....v -- uunolvl 3-` From Pictdn, daily, 5 pm. ; leafs at 8 :.m S denhun, dail , 1! mm. ;-have at 4 pm: arroinmith, Lily, 11 3.111.; late at 4 pm. Butte:-sea, daily, 1la.m. - `leave pt}! Invenry, Tueulny..Th,I1rsd;.y and a. '4 p.`m. at 4 p.1n. ' Buurufs Knn.- Bath I-day [as 11 3.111.; lave nun din N wburgh, daily,_lI:,1s.m. ; edt . Stage Line: MAlN'8 Horn. tagea a from thin plwe II follows :- - dsfly, 5 11 ; Hyarrowunith, xfsily, a..1 Batteries. daily, 11 - E pmuffff I .' nqxixea fr:-an . press lax . . - - o - | Mixed. Train nuu. ueuma, ruewfonndland, and Princ; Edward Island, `can be obtained at this Oi ce. Also Po: e Stamps and Post Cards. tag uIu'1 USI'I`S received under `he mgnlafionl iii the out Oice Bank, ybetyreen jsha Office hours from to 6.30 p._1i1.,_ daily, Sunday: oxcpted. Post '0ie,' Kingsta m Feb., 1873. Ine [ollowin resolutions were paeud in L. _.L., Ne. l. , Winni , Manitoba, on Deeembex-4th: ' peg ' Moved by Brother Edward `Bm-ling, second- . ad by Brother Johnston Cooper, and resolved "--"'l'hat we. the members of L.U.L., No. 1.37. Winnipeg. Manitoba, feel that great in- justice hae hitherto been done the loyal por- tion olthis Province by the failure to bring to` trial the Innrderen of Thomas Scott, and now ihatlhe law is being enforced we earnestly 1 nner our to a in tend to Vince. urallu 'l'l'IlllK Railway Trains siriva and depart tom the ] station as follows :- ` 111...... __,W neguuereci Letters should be 11 an hour `gtovious to the time of 1 Maill. egistrst-ion Fan 84-. rur uuuuJ1AN LIN] every Friday at 12.30 a.m. half ounce. V Rnnin-AA 1' -LA.-.,, I ` `BRITISH MA1r.s will be Per DIRECT LINE (via? Monday at 1.09 11.111. half ounce. P... n A 11- A nu . .7 - ---- Per CANADIAN LINE (via Portland) svery Postge Gc. per nlf Registered Letters mailed 1: f 5 goat _gre_vi9naVto time of` clnninu e - or uutnc ; J. 1': F. '1\Ia.1'te}l 8; ii: wood bottle ; Piuet. Custillon & (Jo's, in wood or bottle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA RUM. ' (,`.INS.--John De Kuyper &`Son s, in wood bottle. 0], T0, G[N,--Bernz\rd&. Co s, in wood or bottle; Betta & Co's, in wood or bottle. IVlNEs.-sUPE1t1o1i PORTS and SHER I RIICS. 1 - W :|(]ES.-O]d F.-Lm'iIy Proof, OM Rye Proof and Common \Vl1i.~umv-z Hm um... .-. \ .-{LES AND PORTER, in quarts and pints, from the best Brewers in the Do- minion. Also English Ales and 1 o_rters. B_.\N|)[ES,-J:nncs IIcnncssy"s, in wood or bottle J. & F. s, in or Piuet. ClISY.1."n-1 Ry l`n'- 5-~ --~ ` Kingston Bdsif Depot I AS NOJY ON HAND A LARGE STUCK of superior ~ I I.I'.`L` A ml: Illlllrlunu-u - - r-~- J CHEAPLY BOUGHT. During the day of the election in \Vest To- ronto the party of purity repreaented by Mr Thoma Moe: were lavish in their expenditure u.f tive doller bills of the defunct Zunmerman Bank. said bills being fresh issues and minus the signatures of either the president or cash- ier. Ihnyof the hotel-keepers and merchants wsiding in" the \\'eel: End have had them ten- - end over their counters by women who ` Icing` collected in eworn to in a Court of Jun- tice the highiy norel Grit party will appear in their true colour: en the neat corrupt politicai rgleuiuon that ever existed in this country. -- oronto Sun. . _g_L_ ux auyurlul` POIKTER,` pints. Iunm-. l:r......,..n Ge Railway Oice, Munc-`.0 Mgy 26th,. I873. ___ - uauu wui also leave St. John `daily at S.UO ::..m., and he Inc in Halifax at 8.50 p.rn Trains will connect At Painsec with trains to and from Sliculinc, and Intermediate Stations. At Truro with trains tn and from Pictou, and Intermediate Stations. ` At Windsor Junction with the trains of the \Vim`lsm-"and Annapolis Railway At St. John with te Uoiisolirlated European and Nurth American Railway for Bangor, Du.n\'ille Junction. Itlnntnnl, Quebec, Portland, Boston ; also with the Inter- 1mtiou.1lStcan1:_-u-s fn .-nu] fm... 1.`...-+--mt I I873. Summer Ar:-.'un:; ON ....a after SATUI-!D.U I l .Ii.s.\se ger and Mail ' Halifax daily t 7.30 3.111.. In`. Jnlm at 8.30 p.m. A [ a..~<.-; Train will ulsq fea\'c .101 n..m_. and In. .1... :.. u_I:r,,.A EAl@{1A:Eifl} (}Ltl:A;RA!LWAY' Feb. 5. II 53! :1 1. . ..:L u n.VItll`Ja.--Ult'l 1":Lm'i]y \Vl1i.~ke_vs, the best in. the cit.y,ut REDUCEI) 1 l{.[()E>`. .' (: PX ) 'I`lI{|\l D\1\\Y 1 uruauu, uoston also with n;xLiou.1lStcau1,-rs to and from E:nstpurt,, Portland and Bx-stun. LEWIS CA RVEIJ. (:.......-,..1 .44.. aauoll IIII `. V |` GOING EAST. A a-.....- W3` limel- fu-riv `and depart _ er A:-:-.-m:;1-Jncnt. - sA'ru|-mu . 2m. Ai tar .1-ul \ '1`--.-in - .n_.. n ra..~ and Mail leave John daily n rmcct u.\\'1. U.\liVJSl.l., General Supcriut-endt-,nt. Icon. N. 3.. H. C. Tiuwum & Co. uunu r'1:.IUHS.{ G E0. '1`HOMP$()N. R. DEAUON, ` Postmaster. >3.-XY. iuetnr I. Train will Ice: . unul be 1111:: in b ':1,~m.-nu.,.- .....l $1 " closing I , I he beat. in. `. 18'3" 3. -`E ..1 Mai -ul> Q lln - uuscrvauve by such 3. large In.-njm-ity is ! n mghatic endorsement of~ the verdicts given by r 0 man y constit uencics, and a dezisive declara- tion the: the country has no conde co in the. ( iovernmenf. I I 1 I I The Times says the Librals e 1:.iu`their ( defeat by ease!-ting thet two or three hundred ` I lrsmi-we were broken, and that bribery must . - l f eve Leen reeorted to. A petition is already talked of. r 1-.h}S ; 4:33 :.':"P*' outs .' L -- & Feilde, qq Broken, & Strsthv. Stool! '""" H--- 5,000,815 Loans and Real Eaiata 93,330 Cash Receiptu................... ' A v ` _ This Uompzuiy has been bnsineu n1 Canada for nearly's,. and ` % was FEDERAL of Canada. e 4 roucmes on 'teru clung Company. ...u-auwa yiuu In 9% years ..... 39,000,000 Losses paid in 16 months......v 9,000,000 Cnpitsl subscribed by Stock- holders since Dec. 101:, 1871 2,500,000 ASSETS, MARCH 131', 1873 (AT MARK . VALUE). Cash in hand And in $867,783 Real Estate........ 405,000 Mortgage Bonds 926,725 Bank Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States and City Stock and other Secnriti . . Loans . . \/ nun. uullril` 1'81`: 08-31 Capital Losses pa'1d `in 54 yea`. bad In 16 month. uunu ur'r1UJ.'i, '.l`U.t{UN'1'U. ' V _ `Capital . - - $600,000? MAXWELL W. STRANGE, AGENT. O"xce, Clarence Street, opposite the Past Oice. ` - Kingston, 27I:h.Jan. 1873. - September 19, 1873. ;~*AsjsUiiA iEE`" HEAD UFFLUE, '.l`Ul{0.N'1'U. nuMi>'ANv; Arrnyecl and angry, am Ctillli ('krom'clc_. czuna L Urcat greedy Grits, gl `honls. l v to nnmr cl-.-=- ..........ucuu-on nran-class EKIEFS and BOATS of all sizes on hand, ready built, #3` FOR SALE OR TO 1-lIRE.`Iia Ships Boats For Sale, Fancy Cbdar Skih kept on hand and for aale, such as I obtained Prize": with at the Pnovincinl Exhibitions of Ontniio and Quebec for the past number of years. . All orders punctually attended to; and 31' work leaving Kxngsmn to be paid for before leaving the establxshment. ` A I.f..l`ll'\1\Ir`a- - -Lao J.IL\J\J\I1 13611, BOAT-BUILDER, Ontario Stxeet, near the \Vater \Vorks, Kingston, Out. A large assortment-of rat-class SKIFFS BOATS hand. readv built, arr IN-P Aug. `I873. merresuleuce. Uonsulta 3 p.m. Kingston, May 1 1873- _.......wu u.LU\JU.lJ.V11.|.U, DubULlB1' NTAIIIO STREET, opposite the GI-and Trunk Depot. #3:` Vessels carefully attended to and supplied at all hours at the cheapest rates. _ Alnil 1, 1373. I R. LAVELL lens removed his Residence and Surgery to the corner of Barrie and \Vil1iam Streets, directly behind his for mer residence. Consultation hours from 1 t- E29" 7 Thorgm McConvi11e, Butcher f LNTAHIO S'l`REE'1`. nnnngitn H... 0..-.-. 1 gnu uV'.s'u1iA.\'UE COMPANY, of 1 '41 Hartford, Conn. L. J. HENDEE, "resulent; E. P. Donn, General Agent. In- corporated in 1819. 1/`azpital $3,000,000. As- sets` $5,150,931.71. NULL AND CARGO RISKS to_aml from lnlzmd Ports on favour- able terlns. Losses In-ommlv and m.....n.. Jumna to,a.1ul from I prompnl adjusted and paid in Uanmla. 1 JAM [4`..Q .\'\vn.` mAl:\` OFFICE, L. l'0l \V. l*`1.`.h St. Novcmber 17th` iE-373T1\Ia.ri'_rA1e_{}_u1'a,nce. 1873 ' . -.......,;, sun um: um mu-n linnli to Um I) '|'wiuing t tings to lvir-sh the breech at Truly those canny cntchers of dry cud, \\ ho. selsh, told themselves, should I the rod ; ~ _\\'hile great Sir John`: Inppoxters tel ` worth. - Feb. 10. new.-Ls ;~'.:U ; '1 \\'cnt_y- I L'ix'cuIa1's cmnmining dcsuriptiull of the 12: other information in butiun, will he sientytn All letters must be` tub I MAI: ru.~:.~u~r.~ I '.5,'dUU Gold \Va.tclzcs. (in each. I v..:.. o:v.__,, gun:-u mn'er-ware, Jewelry, &c., &c. \Vimie numLei' of Gifts 25,000. Tickets limited to 100,0-.10. AGENTS \\'AI\".I'I'ID tn sei1'l'ic-.k.-ts, to Whom Lihci-3.1 i`rcini1nus will be paid. Siligle Ticliets. $2 ; Six Tickets $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20 'l`\\'cxit_y-1i\'e ]'ickeLs $40. ` cmimiiiiiiu` :\. full list of rrizes a c I A 7 mzmnci` of dmwiug, and reference to the Distri- Siellttl) any one ordering them. a.ddi~essed tn MAIN 0FF[()l'-`., I. I) eiuru n.._ on ~ `JUII Us-in Silver Vest Cluaixlxs, Solid and Duuble- platwl .\'i1vcr-ware, Jewelry, numl,m- of (:ir.~a -'3='u:~l:n m:..I..L. unn, ExS.lNEB CASH PRIZE, I $10,000 in Greenbacks. <)NEi CASH PRIZE of Q1: nnn :-A rt * Y _ , v V v ALL \Al. 69' ONE PRII-;'E $3,000 SIXAPIIIZES 1,000 men IN TEN I l{lZE:5 500 0 ..,500 Gold and Silver.` Le (in all). trnrth rm... Etna Insurance ()0: `Ir nun-n-imn mu.-- _ Inummnv t`AI'l'l`AL PRIZE. 20,000 in Greenbacks. om; mumns cutsu lmn nnn an r`-~---=- ` mun umu PRIZE $5,000 in Greenbacks. ONE [`I {lI-ii-`. 21:2 nnn \ Mill: .-.l K... _.._..r -as IIIIIIJ` )1? HARTFORD, CONN. 1 1819. Charter Perpetual; sh Cnnital ` ;n 1231112111 Graiid Annual Distribution, TO 123`) l)l:A\\'N n uul asuazy. Jilllllikry ISL, I ($200,000.30! IN VALUABI.lP. (:ll"l`.\'1 Aug. 4,'_.l873. THE UNLY LKISLIAHLE GIFT DISTRI- BUTION IN THE U()Ul\'TR.Y. --- / 1T>*A 1NsU1:A1\`5E COMPANY, E Hartford. Conn. L, J Hmv-~ JIJ hr. 1)1:A\y'N 'l`lmrsda.y. Januzzryfsi. 1874. 5 A f\ p; 4` n. _ - ,:c%l VALUABLE GIl'l'b'! CIIKANEB CAl l'l`AL 1/3 l'\f\I\ ' nwuuy mr u` host ; 1`-ending, but I twl 'I`v-nlv tho-an --m vu IIHIIUI. Ulllrl` 11 EAD '1`u1:0N'1'u. LA] Anna- - ......\,.u ;.u ;1;u \4|.}\JAV1l\-I. L. .s NE rpuv r.` urn-'1 r.v nu y A. Mccorkell, nuxfnn $10-v;...J. JAMES SWIFT,_.Annar St.` Iamaanm. . ... uunu uuzulu. rorns ta.vour- promptly and liberally currency. JAMES b'WlF'l`, AGENT, St. [..'I.'l`nnnn \.V.. ..t' 1 and mlvcr.` Lever all), worth front 5'20 SOUTH L'--A(~ I - 1';VEN J`I 1'} I'll -u-.- be a. to 11.1). SINE, Box 86, UINUINNATI. O. -5 .5wu:"1`, St. Lawrence \-Varf. n p. ` A. MccomgELI. uynukarvu I0 IQIIO `as any otlzer at V K IN GREENBACKS Ineorp;n-uted 1 _n unu great. an worth, Till Rosa and C1: MEMBi .. I ,_ of Rtdglli Provininl llo;l.'Ganan6_q1Ip- A BROPHY, raoP1zIn'ron,--'r;u's rim , Clan Hotel in centrally located inii the zousineu - of use town, in_ .`viow`_-Adlhlile. 1`houu.nd Islands of the St. . * wrence,nmii5'n zlose rqxin n ty'to the G. nrood > - E. Mu.s.u- & 00., Pmp;1eu7$u:f Albion llotel. Hill. an n Daniels llotcl. EN TRE TOWN, 0T'.I.`AWA.--'.l'l1is house 0 is entirely new in every respect, having been enlarged, retted and refurniahed thin season. Fu-at-clue Sample Rooms and ampk uvaoull. mun:-emu sample R04 accommodation. Omnibuses 1 (\ 1` ; .---._- PRINCESS STliE1-J1`, KINGSTON, ONT. The ' most ceuu-nrl Hotel in the city. buperior accommodation for t_1-zwellen and` commercial gentlemen. Charge: model-Ate. R. IRWIN 1 rietor.` 'June'23. - mp A Fpb. 26, 1873 ___--_-=-:1 v frond lnou:\rchs' l`agan in I r:t_\'or In Haul. J. 0 - .\`n'eet, ] Hatinf: \J ruom v,gucen s Be: Nov. 27. an-----:a- ___ - .... .4. -an n1Iaul'lI3lg 00 UN TY CROXVN A'l"J`OR.JEY nnd,Cle1 L of the Peace for the County of Fronts-_ L113, Untariottstreet, Kingston, direcfly oplx site the ;\1ou_trca.] '.l`eleg1-aph Company : ottiu. Kingston, July 19, 1871. - ~ ingaton, Uuuda. , -- I ILSAP C0,, Propric-tbrs. _______.__.____.__.__._.________._ Hotel, llill-st.. Stirling. OHN ACKEBS, 'M . I Commercial Rwmxnqtvrod Yards Add ta ing: - ' - v- n-slug, ]3ARl .IS FER and Abtornlcyeat-I.:1w, So- licitor iu Chancery nl Insolvency, (,`o1x\'v'_y2\1u.-era.1ul l\ ota.ry Pub! 0, Kll\'(x`S'l'Ul\', Unt. Ullice, corner of Kim: and (Jlarencc Streets. E ,1..l.. Q I own v .un- 4l-III2IIIII I ` AI{IHS'l'EI'. and Attor L Iicitor in Ulmucery. I Um1\'q_y;u1cur, 32 King Street, At (I-unmmque, over -3`. Me ` Store, every Tuesdzxy and Fri . Jan. 14, 1573. G "June `23. _ . . . - - y 1- II C. I " AIKRISTER, Solicitor i ton-ney-at-Law, and No . fence Street, -Kingston, op ): Ufuo. ` July 1st, 1373. T} A I? l.`TQ [`I2`l) ., 1 xvnn mmw-Xbs` Arnunul M... o..... I -_--- -n- ranlljlall g ARI{IS'I`EI{ and Attorle Li-:itor in Chancery, Cu Utiice, (`intario Street, next ( 4 i`ch.-grapln L?Lm1p:u:y .~x Uice. May 1, I873. Ux 1: um. Ah` 1) 1ib,b'1DEl\'CE oppo: Post Office, Wllington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. Aug. 22. m'.li 1Tn>|ucs P. Gildex-sl BA1{llIS'l'El{ citor, (,'om'cy:1ncc-r, N t lice, `}l.1renv.o Street, oppo Kingston. Julv In. 1971 wreets. July 3, 1s73. u- ucmeuts, nentist. )FF.lCE AND 1 .h1'DEl\`CE opposite tlu 1"9.fst_ Wllington Street. 7 _.. `I us-nnnnllilllg uuuunoqlle, 1LiERl{ OF DIVISION COURT, Nata J Public, Conve ' ' 1cen Bench, &c. ungawn. July list, 1873. ....__.__j.__ Sept. l `.1131: I b"J.'1'JJ.U5, . .l'rust and Uronto Street, T T. nu -porter: of the Government would draw it. | . he Standard declares that the election of a ! (hnscrvalive liy such an Lviven bu . Joseph B:uvle1_), TTORN E Y-AT-LA\V, Solicitc L cery, Notary Public, 33 ix zgston. _____._______________ S. Mccanunon, Gananoque, LERK OF T)IV]f4Tl1`!\T t`II\1 Y`nn\ av - ` `N ` ` W` `HM _.._...._..___.. acdqnaiid & 1-auogu. L. Clements, Iienusg-,_ CE AND l2!~..\`l'!na`x`r-L~ ._ , Alex. Kirkpzftrick, \:'|`\ an nnnv A Vlvvru-x xv 111v i 1U.1`Jl4. The followin ` !.0_.[.., l. . \Vinnin... .\l-- %lC};H< M. Clark, 1.573, ARK, Lug n...-._._ nu noun Uompany's l5u1 ;, Toronto. Joxm A M.scnou.u.x>,' ( J.un<:s 1 A1'rox, Q.C. Hum J; M.u:Dox.u.u. Rom`. M. F1.r.u1zsu. Sine-har,. ` (Yl.n~nn...u cy-ut-Ilhw, So- ;.\utury fublic, Ki1_1gstuu ;Unt. 'zLmmui| s In-no v, senator in Chan, lie, King Street, ; ANOTHER BACK DOVVN. E R. Want` in Olaf----A ~- ` " i Chancery, At- n ary Public, Cla- ynosite the Post 1 ey-at-Law, So- ,`mveyancc-r, etc. ` ur to \lo1H.rea} 1 y-at-Law, Soli- tary Publi. Ui- ultc Post Otce, J.\.lI_lgS[UIl; unc. \LIzLm1uu1y s Drug I :l\', .I;,11:n. T 'll'pOl'3 ac V Building '__;`p4-u A4lJlA\. `1`_ A`- Pm! my: the great fact whicli Mr return eut.1b;ishcs is that Vmmtl-or Lil) Isl.itueuc_\' haw taken alarm aftlne un~ policyuf the Gm-crnnmm-. ....I I.-. .1.` ._..__ `IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. --. = .-.1'*'--;- G L A sad Sailing frnnn rn--._._ ` ........u.. 101' we Conveyance of `V Canadian and United States Mails. 187.9-8.-- W inter Arrangemenlc.-18`?!-JV. ---__-- . ozmayr. Caipnamlera V SARDINIAN . . . . . . . .4100 (BnilduIg.) JIRU ' ' Aa.s1AN...........34oo( " ' .)1" u`ANADIAN- ($323. BULYNJBIAN . .....-1100 Capt. ` sAlRMATIAN . . . . . . . .3600 Capt. J}, _ HIBERNIAN ` UASPIAN . . . . .3CAND1NAYlAN . . .. PRUSSJAN . . . . . . . . . .3000 Lt XUSTRIAN . ESTORIAN MORAVI `.- `L ! - C-pt. Grange- NOR'J-`Ii AM1::1ucAN l'l3Capt_. Mylar. ARUADIAN .......... ..1s5o Clpt. mlson. , UOBINTHIAN .. . Capt. Jag. Scott. 51`. DAVID ....;..,.mo cgpgn. Scott. - ST. ANDREW Mu ioapdsns- 31'. . PATRICK . . Gaptl tvplwu. .-_-_....-uuunn U1 1] LIvEaPo`.uV`x%;fm"u; WU` .-_3a-ing fmm. Liven-um: -..'-..- nu _.___. suicolez NOMINATION. `ll lling Q`-- -3- - - ` " ALLAN!` _LlNE. Under - -...a. nun 1 . For Freight, tion, apply to . ., every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday . Return- ing--6 a.m. \Vednesday:, 6 a.m. .l`hursdnya, V 6 a..m. and 7p.m. Fridays. Freight. Pm-;....- -_ --r -- TUESDM 7:30 o'clock 3.111., 8:30 I and 3 p.m. ' ,,.,..."..-.-_. _ 8:00 -o clog`k a.ur., and 3:30 p.m. \K7F`,I'\`L"Y5 uenmu Railroad. Returm'ng-will leave I rival ' of trains at 10: ing with the `Grand Tru Mail Line, Bay of Quint Steamers at Kingston. K3,. __ `iv - - SATU 7:30 o clock u.m.,` and 3 p.m. -1;uL1Tic_AL 11m; 1:. uxd 3:30 p.m. _ IKE? 8:00 o clock a.m., ~ ~ QTJW .uJ:4 at me IDOVO Stealnei U Iton for Cape Vinccn excepted) at 6 n.m., In: necttona with the Rome, Ugdemburg Railtozd. 0: Northern Syracuse Rail:-oat Central Railroad. Rel:urm':m_..:n l..--~ 0- _,, ..,..uvavvIIl.l NE of the shove 81:91-11-Ilera will leave King. 0 Vincent daily (Sundays 6 making close con- nm-hnn. ...:;.I. At " Kingston, 19] , Maud, Pierre'1oIg;, Watertown f\\Vl)` Alt ,-,-_ ......., umu an RETURNING. 10.00 o clock 1111., 12:30 ` 1:... n:------ - ;--...... on-Lu. 11:60 RETUBNIKG. 9:15 o'clock a.m., I .m., at FRI `DAYS. 8:30 o'clock man I I -`In ._.x. ....,u p.u1 S.):C( )U0;cIuck SUNDAYS. a.m., _EXETEP. ELEC'l`lO.\'. ml turn 52.. ,....--L A` 9:15 9:15 ,........c. an zungston. For Wolfe and Gander: L MoNDX's. 8:30 o'clock a.m.. ll-R0 - -- -- rur rrelgnt, massage, or an; other an, to gas Captain on board, FULGER R: H A N` smig """ "`." Pt E.` Scott. u~Rw`, Qnpt. H. Wylie. ` 7 gteplwn. THE 8'.1`ELAm1::3s or In: F!` A 42` `5 dsi'Ms_.x`~ :r- / contract with the Govcrnment o_ Canada for the Conveyance rlian .-J H-1-~' *` .. ... uuv uonunom tor the County IOl',,Illd to ;her the in fegret ` wAYS. a.m, 11:30 . RETURNING. o clouk ,a..m., l P. S_/\'l`lTl?h A` c- u p.111. VVEDN ESDAYS. o'clock a.m., ll :30 a. -. RETURNIN ii RETURN l\'n ---vwll VII ur- 10:40` Va._m:, connect- 1 Trunk Railroad, Royal 1e, Quinta and Rideau Canal u-5-w1u Jeave Cape Vine 10:40 a.m:, .16 Gnml TI-Inulz 11:51-- 19th %371??!`HHlWWlWW and Ca amlroa t Rolltlgnmme II t G ' ggj arden man W!W!WmWHWHHHHWWN .__-.__ THE ` STEAM EBB am;-r uunr luul nests/Ii alt the l'remi(r from hi: John nun-eyed the :k am pm SAT U1} DA} S. k mnL:&N`-m _ .......5u, Ur any other informa- he nr to FULGER. & HANLEY, Foot of Brock Street." ;h Och, 1873 ` 0 IKETURNING. |..ID., 9:15 a.m., RETURNING. 0.1 K To v-uccnv aauy (Sun me, `vatertnu.-n Ana. 1.,` 8:30 11.13., 11:30 5 ..-u., znuung close con- me, Water-town and `and. Oncego Raroad, Railroad, sud New )'ork_, . .aw Unpt.=3B.Wu1I ...3200 Capt. BI:-ch.y., Capy. Aird. Dntt9n,RNR< . .2u5o:uupt:_enham. ..26ao Lmsmma, xxx .3150` Lt.,Arc!Jer, R1`? R .2300 Capt. Grange. I 1784 CINE. Miller, _,..- .....mau, pusnouc and aver nut Ontario I crn.ture" Sir it wnnlal I... go, other informa- atain board. to `,--- ii 1. aviary l'hurdcy, and` ` . - |'l'7 9:15' -a.m. 1 2 Cape Vincent on ar- 0:40 8.11)`, nnn-us-L 3 r., ;md 3:30 p.m. YS. W 1., ,i2:?.0 1 Coin link to kin lrod earth. I Islands. 1., l:l5 p.m, Che turin ail G14 mummuuunuaummw II J. PAIKI. [1/nan inws fret and (-33 -nl\I'.l In-..-`-9 > ....5 w snucuon tnoso r-3vo- E Into which the advanced :' .`ro\'erument u-nnm .I....... :> I r upposmou . zlicinl use. Andlo m.,, Wis. . one uIu'0(ll1OH0n Dominion, ho had a population of I representatives. eivml I-nun-.....s- ml at Annsud I call, Ui.`4`:), Dnlnn all . I tell his Q ul nests/lilm fuwll ; If frnni Ida . 3- W0 uprint thin for the benet of our friend: i other Provinces,` with tha_explmntion , ' nu lpirit of onmiu Grihism. It in Iguana-ocLinto Mr Mackeiizio that it jg V` {or him to talk in this Iny Iny &; % ` in the sentiment by which he '3 tltlldld and which he cannot utford to __ V .u-, calule an ; i 1 . U u gruwly, ghostly anilrul 3; `DUB UIP tent. and has de- cii .1 thngn -awn, a) the blast we}: at last. H-I pus: ; . stumbling I I catch I en yuan of age, `Elna, o:.tho lath cross 1; ice over h, under UlUIl.:'IIm` n`. A Western cdi in the ntreel: a stake and rider fence of lace around sloping neck to high that she was to stand on her tip-too in or it. ` her compelled for says In saw a. maiden` who had In at seemed to be. Jet to see over out, and in no respect dxd the performers fail to come up to the expectations of the large number present. Trustees Morden, Wilson and Bristol ; and Town Inspector Platt; _aud Rev. E. Cleinent, tescilied to the general prociency of the School, and took occasion to speak of tho nuanimity of feeling among the teacher: snributing much of the success to that fact. His: _ ,.-_,---.. ...._, uruultaly carried Pxcrox HIGH Scnoox. EXA!ll'NA'1'l0N.- The exuminattion of the pupils of this School took place on Friday fqrenoon ; and n _ .... wavy` .4ucuII'uI'. l I declunntions, re-ndiiigs, music, etc., in the afternoon. The morning examination was mo? thorough, sen ' _ _ . cnency never before` reached, which well for the nntiring zeal and tact `displayed by Mr J1.-'ers. The afternoon programme was an attractive one and was in` many respects very reilitably carried Bristol and Rev. Gleinent, prociency speak the fact. `n!-unnn I.n....`.- ._ ~ I I I I II nu-rounded _ 060:. #13. ,-,._, _...-.. .. ..--u...umuu tnurmr Geo. Barr, Sen., well and favourably known in this district, resides near Fennny, and frdm his e um hearty` appearance bias fair to greet his friend : for many years to come.- Brockville Recorder. 1)____, __ If - Rodgers have erected a very ne hotel, where all the comforts of life are obtained at very rensnmtble rates, they have also opened :3 store which is doing a. thriving business. Mr Batting has a lirst-class blacksmith shop. A saw-mill also ourishes, affording the farmers as good supply of lumber. The new Town Hall is 3 very creditable structure. At the village we met Mr A. MoNeill, the alfeble Reeve of the Township, who inform- ed us that is large and ourishing settlement extended to the north, and that the pro- spects of new settlers were very good. We may state in conclusion that-Mr Geo. Barr, b_`en., fnvonrablv hm... ;. sm- u _y -use In conclusion that Fe:-mo; IIILIA -ud l.-.._L-.- __._ V ` great and good man Agassiz, says : Though .not young, Agassiz was, until quite recently. full of hope and full of enterprise ; but the death of one and the other has created a. gulf which V it will be diieult to bridge. The name of Agassiz is associated with `some of the grand- A foreigner by birth, he was e.n`American by choice and by heart adoption ; and in the future his name " ; and, wi-le as was his knowledge of the book of nature he never found that thafhnowledge con (`listed with the Book of Revelation. FzmfoY.-Thin rising` little is situated in the Township of Bedfnrd, County of Fron- tenac. From its position you have a line viewof the West Rideau to the E- werd are eituated Cande and Garter lakes. Game of all kinds abounds, upwards of 15 deer having been killed within 2 miles of the village, during the last two weelle. Par- tridge: are very plentiful, Messre Crozier J5 line I the at new uuuureda of the funds of the U} be well employed in conveying the a soil to the seat; of`the Legislature'to political freedom they were deter-_mix seas. He disclaimed being a. comm: republican, but said he woulclenteri of Commons if the labourer: could I obtain their rights. Tn: l ..-.-.. 0...... - I wnero In 0] ` would find .1 Arm I `Inn.-. - -...-uvwl. ihllu lllllk It -'1 more '- i a.cti'\'e sharer in the work of legislation than it has yet been. Perhaps, on the other hand, a. few years experience of senatorial life may lead Mr Brown to the conclusion that nothing can save a. Crown-nominated Senate in Canada from being inert and sluggish. On the 4th instant Mr Arch had a private audience with Mr Gladstone in London res- pecting the proposed wholesale exodus of farm labourers, about which the latter had expressed some uneasiness. Speakingof this interview at a large meeting held in his honour in his native village in B_:u'fOl'1l near \\'nrwick, Mr Arch said he should impress on Mr Gladstone the necessity of Government interference to secure the proper cultivation of the land, in order that it might no longer produce but half of its capahilies. He should inform Mr Glad- stone that if landlords would properly house labourers and let them have three or four importance of enfranchising agricultural lnbourers, as_th.-it question was at this mm at - I The lI:v.miltn*i /'tme.s (Grit) has the follow- - 5 ing on the late 1\p]mllnCllh:uh:-l`{0aV Mr 1 ' Brown, with his nnlent temperament, and . peculiar-lyunergetic mud:-s of speech and ac- I 3 tinn, will enjoy the aomno.'ent at:nosp1rere of I l the Senate remains to be seen. If he can no- cept 'ts quiet and dignified eue at: the partial rewar ofa life of uutiring exertion, there can 3- be no doubt that he can also nd in it 3 eld in which he can continue to be useful to the country. Perhaps his energy will arouse that I body from its slumbers. and nmke it active sharer in nothing . can Anvn n 1`..-nu... -...-.:- - ` U ,,,_...... ....u -a now ner lmslnunl, } undertook to give a gland ball at her resi- ? deuce in New York last week. Six hundred } card: nf in'.'ir.-dim] were issued. On the n eventful evening less than thirty ladies and gentlemen were present. at the untert;Lin- uncut. This is called by fashinnabics the - kinest snub of the season, nnd this is l{ep.Il;- lican America ! I I 1 am, Ir .. .n nAl\;l 1045 i Eiug fBl`u\l!| uil>.!. I. kw" - V W0 n ~h.tb Pro\'inces,`with the ex blur Sunden in the Grit candid: ohrishu nah.-n.. .-......_,u L - V T. ,_ ...--. ... uwvlu we slaw A-lady, who was once E the gentleman who is 1: guuu 3* WI I than Iron!-Inn.-.` ----A `_ ..u Lune nu": o:z.t.h nf uicc and servic-.: for thr yu:u;I. have been disunisscnl. The men c_ompl:\ ` of being badly fed and of luwirig no clothes c l u.-pt light summer uniform in the presnt co 3 weather, drunkenness and dis order are thong 5 uothiug of among the fzwourites, and order!` 1` good men are made the slaves of the reghnv-n A-ladv. whn \l",!I ........ A I econ u-st. nu ;\ more 3, a[ lincnt fur several weeks. Acconlin-v to the ac.-con: 9. I Banquet wlnrn has reach: of the 1`: csrnlc.-nt of the U: posed nv-an-i.m.. o..oL,.n 1' -- i l....... n-1uc\L'IlL:Ll3l\ O of Her 1 Dominion will be imligun.-x every Cauadi III who has nu syx I policy of Annexation. " : l'A\`I"l'4\i-- \1 ,, ~ `,.,..v, vi runu`x;l.(lU1I. MA.\`n'onA ;\IuL's1'ED J men in the Manitoba 51 to take thn man. .5` V 1 4 uuu ,' seek , , r.-,._~..u pur\ mus wtnatnf H ernor General. This stut pular rprescI1tnti\'e of indig ...,..-u A`.-- J? ' ` , uuuu. m I-urnc_v'l foundry, -'w:th-hnnan, wlm.-h occurred ' nights ngu, is attributed to f: : rition. ' On \\'e:|xIowL1_\'. the large :1 I-n-luck purclrsseal in Honfon [- h_\' M-':u!ls. A. n\` J. .\Icl"u(', I7` r-\|I'p!rfu`l .-unl placed in the ` '|'.mp H.-tll Hr-lYc\'i lo and hg` ing. 'l'Iu-re arc funr tramp ` nmc fact. in diameter, which . , . . (_ 3 A (a`uo.~x1' A Toronto telegram uya : Some , httln unnation has been created here in the V west em! for some days. by a reported appear- ` mace of the ghost of :1 coloured wuman with A ,chil-I. in Guru:-y`: foundry, tho death of the -u-..o..:,..._.. _ _ _. . _..g.-vu. Bm(oY.-This Tuuvmhip c. [of tu Lhn F.,...4 _._-L ,, ,__.- .. \rVIlUlI Vuucoo rocelvml resent ' I U- I u in the same ratio, they would be tit] lo thirteen. The Finance Minister of Si n ' A. Iceland : Government, _wheu defeated II` ii! Province, was elected in British vthh-11;: to teprufnt fteen or sixteen halt`- yl Jr. -;.:_L AL,-, A -- - . .._.u.. w near (lnat his ll km"-n down. He has also be lull-:u'.' from other extm Wu 3 upall save his-unday scr mhtzm 'l`.-nlvcrnacle ; and l he will lean: I-Jnglaml in , ...\.J . .7 ulscmlmed being colixmunist gr 3 , would enter the Home us not other- ir : .-uunmba M4 2 oath of unin- 3 `loan .33. no-vulllilcle and we xluderstanul can: as-hurt tune to -_:e:n'a[ climate on the Con- 'cral account of tha Huntington rem-lnecl Uttawa. the health Iznf United States` was pru- Luthatnfllislixcellcncythe(}uv- studied insult to the po- 1._;\,,. ..r n ., n - ~ - 3 um l'0LlL`E. -'I'wvl: lb: Muuntcd ] n!ica! [ .'lHd In-rr 5` , _.... ..-.--uu u.1<:Igal|l s been cnlllpcecl to extra work, as well as to nday services at the Me- ;l.-uni as-hm-t ti uh I r l oI.xc1-:. unsxnxcellcncythe(}uv- xdied llur Majesty in this Iigxlnrxtlv res.-nt...I lu- -- -uu-an uuunwu unto the Dominic: given -that Province, with popul slant IIMXN, noleu than six reprcse If they in Southdimcoo received than in b< Mi I niaterof `A. nnl.....u-- n----.~- - - uc: are bollglll ruurites, orderly, lavas regim--nc. 3 a. housekeeper fur now her lmsbmnl, and ball nf n..... .` -: u.'|' mayssty in l ;n:|.-xtly resent:-ml by I s_vmp'.1tl1y with the .....__-u-ucu bu [JOS- u. communist or 1 enter thn H-\---A ..-u n u c xeumug ml sernc-.: three c_ompl:\in wing clothes mr. no man cpmplznn rig clothes ex- x cold xrder an t.I..\..,.n.. -'I'\vvnt_v-fuur '1) ins v.t'n..: All Petition! for Pri c_ented within the rd axon. ,, , ..._..... ...u yuuusnecunjuu in the `Canada MONTHS NOTICE application (clearly dis- tinctly specifying its nature and objoclg), in the Canada Gazette, and aim in 1. newnpapqr published inathe County or:iI?n.of Collntiel atfectcd,aeu in co has of a.pqueonhin- in; the rat aznd gut of suolnnoea to tho_ Pnute Bili Oca of each Houu. ' Houu. Petitinn. i... 94-- *-' uulu xught erlv. '3)noof the 611% act: of Sir John A. Mac- ci-Inld'o Government had been to give two 0! additional subsidy to Nova Scotiu. pan of buying support for himself (run that 3 ' H mvince."- Then, III the introduction ' ` . Ghmbil into the I q.\'. Pl'0ViIIOO. with A nnu...I..L.`4.. `

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