u1:.AuUN , Postmaster. BUSINESS CA P.DS,{ ff CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, STATEMENTS or ACCOUNT, NOTE AND LETTER nuns, CATALOGUES, Q BOOKS, . PAMPHLETS, up PROGRAMMES. ~ of tho Nxws in luppliod with two Steam Power Prone: and the Intent style of type, and in in condition to do * The Finest Kind of Work of all .` Descriptions. [Is THE NEWSPAPER mecnoo. to can nttention to the chn extent of OUR CIRCULATION. Is'1.u-gely circulated in Frontenac, uox, Addington, Leeds, Hastings, and Prince Ed- ward. Also an extra. edition of several hun- dred is published and forwarded to all the Clergy, Churcliwardens and Lay Delegates of the Diocese of Ontsrio- a district commencin at Trenton on the west and reaching to the Province line on the east. Each copy of the paper thcrefouvvgoes intothe hands of many readers. The thomughness with which its columns give the local and general news of the Jsy makes it a necessity for most intelli- gent citizens, and its Circulation Steadily Inc/reases. an I pa the de . dll There in no other advertising medium kind or description, by which mlvex-ti: better rosch the people of this city 1 trict. nu: OHRUNIBLE & mzwsl Ha: I \'er`l u-go circulation in Eastern Gan; dz. No adveftiaer should neglect to use its columns, and apecia.lly none who do business in Kingston. 3 Through its columns, each day or week, as the can my be, John Smith tell: it readers that ha} And they cannot Avoid reading his m1verti5o- ment if they would. It comes to them fresh evory day, and they soon cbme to accept its truth. Of course ti e valudof such advertis- ing depends upon the extent of the circulation of the paper and the number of readers which it has. In this renpect, there is no paper cir culxted in this district which a.'ords to ad- vertiurn the advnntazea which urn gR`n..a.,,a 1... As this is the season that the PRUDENT BUSINESS MAN in uearching for menus to to keep or improveihis trade, we take this method to call attention to the character and CIRCUI.A'I`InN clulbeu. In um: uxatnct which a.'ords advnntagea which are goztded by ., one uxpccwuuu or nnuu_1 everymmg that in new in your line notice and explained. CARDS, HANDBILLS, UIRCULARS, and the multitude ff advertuing ephemera, n_re ..1......L .... __ unnua, nA1VU1S1LbS, UIRCULARS, of are advmtageouu. but it will not do to rely on them entirely. You mutt have n. Through which to approach your cultomrs, and THAT MEDIUM _, DISAPPOINTED. The Montreal Star _ Itig : The fouling of dia- nppoinhnent at the cmphnus of the speeches at the Huntin glen hnucr is very general. Even the Gov: rnment organs expected better things. The pocket organ of the Administr.\- tion. the OWQWI Titnrs, in n akin`; 3 gums at Vhst would In said at Hm I nzxor, ro|u:u".-uni : "And itxis not imprn`a:\hlc that the 1`rNuier -wbuld avgil him|[' ufThe nun.-:-tunitu .v.i!`.u-.I, SELLS THE CHEAPEST 81. BEST,_ GOODS IN TOWN, ` nnas or DIISIIIOII, the form of advertising should beFREQUEN'1`LY CHANGED. The public should understand that your stock is constantly changed ; and. if a merchant, that all thy novelties or desirable things in your line can be obtained at your place as soon as from sny rival. The public should be taught to . The 0 are many can: icuous xamples of great wealth accumulates solely by means of >p.ersis'.c:\t ulvertisemeut of the merits of a almple and commonplace article. There are othg example: of riches acquired lny the like prezontation of the purely imaginary virtues of a} worthless nnatrum. \`Vhilo all who ad- vertise do not grow rich, and some do not de- scrv to do on, there is no man engagiin, 9. LE(%TIMATE BUSINESS, the success inf whi 1 rlennmh nhnn nm ..-+....4- +.. ...I..:..I. ....n. .__-_._.._.a -- ..... yuu-ICUIICI on uuv uluc. DUB to be of use, the money must be laid out in JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. In most kind! of bnsinul. mm (mm nf ..1......4:.:.... ll HANDBILLS. UIRCULARs_ and By the expectation of ndin verything that To Business Men. unu um.-um 1sub'1N 1-.3325, the succsa Eof whi depend: upon the extent to which pub- lic pgtronage is given to it, who can afford to dispense With a liberal use of This in especinllv true. of the small dealers, wh_ethe1-in GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, on ANY or THE MECHANICAL TRADES. Yet these smaller tradesmen are the very ones who neglect their own interests. Then`-e are more than one of these in Kingston who might At an expense of fty dollars a year ; and many a languishing business might be made profitable by the judicious outlay of one, two, three, four, ve or six hundred dollars a year, according to the character 01 the trade. But J UDICIOUS ADVI`.R.1`rmNa 1.. ...-.... auuxwuu-S AUVE1{'l`lSING. bnsinou, the form of CHANGED. Tha umrw was upon to conduct the investiga- tion ; their witnesses refused to appear be- fo ` the only tribunal competent to deal wit tho cue ; and when at length they suc- od in overthrowing the late M` istty by 9 aid of J my Cooke's brains and n IIRV IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Double his Business by Advertising 1 No laboured argument in needed in these days to convince intelligent man that The Jqb Department JAMES ' S; rum mu NEWS. THE DAILY NEWS Look at your\AdVertisement REGULAR MEDIUM PRlNTER S INK. - ..- ...- uunuuzaorun U151` ouluvo been requested by at corn la of I Grit newspaper, to call the 5 tin of the Govornment to the fine? nu nf um n:..:I e..--:-- A - -aavernsmg medium, of any `n, advertisers can ueonle this nifv .....1 a:._ I medium, 1 can users can ' and dil- BY order for the Subec of Mean Bhikne In Alexand & Directors, STOCK open on and After I Provisional BOOKS will be MONDAY, the 21st inst., ription of Stock, at the Ocea er, and of Clarke of the Board of & Feilde, Stock Brokers, Toronto, of Strathy ken, Monreal, and of & Rogers, Solicitors, uspman auoacnbed by Stock- holders since Dec. lat, 1871 ASSETS, MARCH lsr, 1873 (. VALUE). Cash in hand and in Bzux".. . Real Estate... . . .. ..' Mortgage Bonds . . . . . . . . Bank stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . United States and City Stock and other Securities _ ,, y..... uaan necexpts................... 5,042,497 00 This Company has been doing business in Canada for nearly 54 years, and during that time has `secured the public condence by prompt and liberal settlement of -every just claim. It has compliaigvith the laws of Canada. by the deposit of Stocks to the extent of $50,000, and isprepared to issue P_olicigs on term: as low an anv other H-.4-. ..-...... u. av,vUU, ana xsprepared issue Policies lov_v any other first class Company. JAMES SWIFT, AGENT, ' St. Lalwtonco Wharf. ' Aug. 4, 1873. THE FEDERAL BANK of Canada._ unuea mates and City Securities . Loans aild Real Estats . e have correspon t the _a_g.tten- feet that so of the Civil Service employee are t Ottawa correspondents of newspapers in ughout the country. 'He admits that the" late Ministry winked at -this unfair systom, but hopes it will be discontinued under the new regime. '9 quite agree with hint. Tho man who is employed anal paid by the public hu no right to take advantage of his oicial position to act as correspon- dent for pu'tissn11;unrnals. He has a great ulna our t 0 regular corres ndont who ee his living by` his peii? The ' Service correspondent has access to prihte information which he is generally unscrupulous enough to urnisli to the journals that employ him. n this way im- portant news which should navel` have been quads public, has often found its way into the newspapers, and the heads of depart- ments have, no doubt, wondered how the ndsnts ever got possession of it, little dreaming that. their condential employee were the little hi:-,1."n..+ M.--:...I Cash 'Receipts.. Commu _.v_.-;. ._.__j.j..._._ R. LAVI-EVLL ;1x-;s.:emoved his Residence D and Surgery to the corner of Barrie and \Villia.m Sure ts, dire ly behind his for mer residence. ,C nsnltifx: hours from 1 t- 3 p.m. l nuunu Luupijsz meets `every THURS DAY EVE ING, at 7:30 o clock a their Hall corner f King and Brock ntrv-It wr me past numbqr of yean All orders punctually. atb work leaving Kingston to I lesving thq atsblishment. ' A. uunu unnxum, 1`U1(Ul\"1`U. Capital - - $000,000. MAX\VELL W. STRANGE, AGENT. Ofce, Clarence Street, opposite the Post Oice. -4 Kingston, 27th Jan. 1873. September 19, 1873.: ' >\, no. uuurner rerpetual. 05.1; Capital 3 3,000,000 00 Losses paid in 54 years . . 39,000,000 00 Lopaes paid in 16 months 9,000,000 00 Capital subscribed by Dec. lat, IR`)! 9 mm mm AA THE EQH!:%;E T A lVl`I`l1Vl(1 Busines_o_f 1870. Fire Premiums, less Re-insurances. .$2,559,lS0 Being the largest amount ever received by the Company in a single year. New Life Policies issued for . . . . 3,002,740 Total Annual Life Premiums, after deducting Reaasurances ........ .. 1,103,929 nue sum 0t_ vu:J,9U:) wI.s put by to increase the Funds In hands, whlch now amount to- lleservc Fund - - - '- $1,571,520 Capitalpaid up - - - 1,445,465 Life Assurance Fund - 6,603,216 taken for {Wu-an van-u nun 13-1---L all C Alnallfillll I unll 6, 60,5, 2 Risks taken for three years on Private Dwellings and Contents an very favourable terml. uncut: gum we ceu tn pmmn him, he stood up and submitted himself willingly. When urdered to move he stepped e` briskly, and, with I rm step, monmed the scaffold. He asked the Sherilf if he might die on his kneel, and on the Sheritf answering yes, he knelt on the drop. The Rev. Mr Carroll, end other ministers, had been with himfroni an early hour. He was asked by the Rev. Mr Carroll, After the cap had been placed on him, to uk Gocfsforgiveness, and he prayed camcetly fer tome time, closing with a. quo- tation from Scripture, which he made spe- cially appliate to himself. The bolt was then drawn, and he was launched into eter- nity. He he: left a. written confession, IE: not domed the crime, and for Jame ti 4; luck liuected the part of an insane so well, since he we: placed in jail, that as few peo- ple, ignorant of what innnity really in, be- lieved him to be what he pretended. g.n;.'TKANGE, N.D. . .[cdicalEz:aminr MAxwEl.}L w. STRANG 5:, AGENT -..` n O .--..-- - or a I SAL ,\`o.ln Af_te}- payment of the usual dividend ` provxdxng for all losses, claims and expen. the sum of $905,905 put bv incre in hands. which nnw a'mmm+ 4.. No 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Assets, Dec. 313%., 1572 . . . . Amount Cash Income over Total paid Policy-holders 1872 . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ , , . . _ 101331 IIKUU. rOllCy'H0l(lCr5 In 1872 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,646,289.96 Total Surplus, 1872 ............. .. 2,520,000.00 NEW BUSINESS. 13051370, 1371 and 1372 HIE LARGEST of any Company in the world. New business. Sum assured for the year 1872 exceeded that of the second Company in rank by more than sixteen mil- lion dollars. The Society issues all the most desirable forms of Life and Endowment Policies. on which Dividends will be paid an- nually, securing to theassured the least pos- sible outlay consistent with undoubted safety. All Policies Non-forfeitnlile after the second or third a.nnua.l payment. v Policies are also issued on the Tontine Savings Fund Plan, lint introduced by this Society. Although onlv established in flnnatln nan, 111-av mnrouuceu by this Society. Although only established in Canada about ve years, its business exceeds many of the older established Cumpanies, having is- sued. in 1872, 895 Policies, insuring $'2,324,15, -being a very little short of the largest busi- 'ness done by any Company, foreign or local, in Canada. _ . For ira.tes~a.nd other information apply to J. J. CHRISTIE, Agent, , Bank of Montreal, Kingston. 19' Residence, No. 3 Barrie Street. 756 )z'.,w. INSURAHGE comrev. Liverpool: and London. orr1cE-cLANcn s'r:u:m', (Opposite the Post Oice.) v-v;v v v)V""I "WITH UNLIMITED LIABILITY 01* SHAREHOLDERS. ~ "and nuts not lmprni ` vioum himselr of 1 on! him of in-Heat-ing t the polivy of his Admin "at dil,\nv\ninfn.l 9|.` K1 August lat, 1873. '"x`.....con,""' Oct. 10.` .-.-v\; .3. a4.l.II Assumne uoMi='ANv. HEAD UFEICE, 'l`UKON'1`U. Toronto, 8 Feb. 10. SUBSCRIBE]; OAPITAL, $lO,OOO,QQ)3____ ?7I ll!1:I' vmnv- Altna Pusurance Co. \ D `[rA1)rn1.V.n~nv\ ma---- ,__ ___.-V u--. uvnni./V F HARTFORD, CONN. ) 1819. Charter Perpetual. sh Canital . .......v-. U: u auuxuxenb, mm :11` um]: such a step would uudouhtc vanieuce 3 for (who are coxuxplc.-:c!5 uf any wrong doing. a ct-rtam nun: members obtained their seats by `means, an sssnmewfact which, it In he sutlieient juntitication. In [\I'ete_n Isiackexxzio has n promised m::j.u-it; but adds that those men who have: supported 8 former Admizmtration, I counted upon too coutiden;!_\-. .5` tin G1-inns disposed to doubt the `about the unjoricy, although they d `phat Pnrliamont was proxugued. f` lenjthy puiod with tho View of stra nu iuusuuly ' ion by Iecuriu" kndod, hontY;`o':- otherwise. a ` ;ETHEL LODEE N EVENING. 7:30 n :-Jnr-Ir n |.l-ll. ' Kmgston, May % 1873- INSURANCE AGENT. __________._.___,_-_._____ J.` .l.__J\-rb `.1 .l..I._J.LJlJ-J` Life Assurzmce Society 0! THE` UNITED STA'1 l.i. IFOII. (Signed) UUIIHIIUL uUIIII'Hl' amp `__" 4ap\t\n\ . rs smce Dec. lat, 1871 2,500,000 00 S, (AT MARKET in Bali" MR ! "09 E _T 71. ccorkell, -BUILDER, n..+m;.\ mm. `ucuj A. J. CATTAsIAH, ecretary. , July 8th,l873. KXEGUTION OF BI`.E.\'TON, THE . MURDERER. Poforboro, Dec. %.-The convict Fox, alias Brenton, convicted at the last Assizes hero, of the murder of Mrs. Payne, and the young lad Doughty, in Dummer, suffered the o tromo _penalty of the law at eight afuloc this mm. When the executioner came into the cell to pimon him, In up himself w;n;....1.. wt.-- V :._..---_.-_.v- -v--y- OF 8'l`A'1`l.S, uuuluqr Ul years I puncfmally. attnded to; and 31' 2 Kmzston tn 1.4-, mm cm. I...:._.. , ,_ _v~,....-.1 nun U6 fter he In Alexander, 3k Brokers. Toronto, nf R+.-Hm $5, 980,867 46 busin_ess I 71> bl , A Ed ovbr M: I.LII7C- I mill. MCCORKELL. `ttended 3 be paid for before $20, 000,000.00 9, 000,000.00 $867,783 50 405,000 00 926,725 00 1,337,050 00 2,350,978 90 93,330 00 ow d Incorporated` KS will I-- ridend and expenses, 30 incrs.n.s;- ma... ug_puun.e_a we rost U or country, mght or day, 1 um nouse and Furniture `are new; 1 is at all times furnished with the Liquors ; the Table 18 second to non: Countv: mm! .....a .......-.-J=~~-A n- -- Sheds; run.-ni , Danigal n1c1nt3E'h. ANIEL McI1\"!.`OSH Vetermaryf Surgeon D Graduate of` the Olitario Veterinary Col ege, Toronto. Otce. City Hotel, Kingston. -nu-VJ; Jllolf-5 1`./I-EIgBE_E'-I'{'oya1 College of urgeonll ngland. OFFICE over him & Betta , Princess Street. RESIDENCE co the of Iiideau and Ordnanbe Streets. Kingsto `usept. 17, `873. Dr. `Henry B. Evans. R. HENRY B. EVANS, M.B.C.S., Lop- I) don. Dice, 156 P1-in Street. _.j_-__.....__._ ._:_.__ -s - - Stirling House, Stirling, County or astings. FIRST CLASS H0TE]..--cam1ot be ex- celled by any House in the County. The House and Furniture the Bar is_at with thn Inn! at` 1.u.LVunb 5'1` I B The most Cl Superior accommu commercial gentle e ,___.__ ..--?_....___ INVESTIGATION DE HANDED. 'I`h.M .mo....I nr.-;..-_- :., nun EN TRE TOW is uth'ely ne been enlarged, re ' season. First-clas accommodation. and boaits. Q 11 U Uum: Stabiilxg. M am. 11 I Provincial liotclgananoque. ` BROPHY, 1 J:{UPRlE'1`UR.-'l`his First A_, Class Hotel-is centrally located in the Jusmess part of the town, m view of the Fhousand islands oi the St. Lawrence, and in sloae proxiun't'.y to the Fishing andltiunting (hounds. 113' Good Bqats and Om-amen al- ways in attendance for Fishing Pm-ti--u anuuuuu. Inf uoocl b'o_,a.ts Oaismc fpr Fishing Parties. May 23. - _._.____________ r tom the o -.o_- * 1Ilacdon.ald & imton. BARRISTEIKS, Attorneys`, Solicitors, am,` Trust and Loan Company : Building, Toronto Street, Toronto. .Tm=n: A `M AnnnuAt.n O C, _ .....-J; ARRISTER and Attorney-n.t-Law, So- B licitor iu, Chancery and Insolvency, Uunvey:mcer and Notary Public, Kll\ GS'l'UN, Ont. Uice, comer og King and Clarence Streets. - July 8, 1873. o no a.l.- vnung 14-Al-S-' ' M. CLARK, L.D.S., ])s_.z'rA1. Rooms, F. No. 4 Wi1aon s Block, \Vel1ington street, Between Princess and Brock Sta. ` Satnaiactionjjuaranteed. July 31. ` . , - _______________._______ noe, umrence at Kin ton. , J}: 1st, 1873. U wruc_y-an-14:Lw,'a.nu notary runnc, lila- rence Street, Kingston, opposite the Post Oiue. TuI.- `Int 10",`? uu Ill overmrowmg the late e aid and nay, prorogned Parliament at once lei: the I ll should be known. They have been war for weeke, yet theyeluwe made no mpt to investigate the charges they mule against their political op- On the contrary, they reiterate , knowing them to be baseless slan- We no pleased, therefore, to see :1. 'tion on the of some Grit jour- to force the L inistry to resume and 1 plate the _Pacific Shnder investiga- .--Ottawa Citizen. V, -- _/__.._ , -._ _-- BARRISTER and Attorney-at-Law, So- licitor in Ulxancery, Bot:-ry kublic, Uunveyancer, 32 King Stleet, Kingston; Ont. At (iauanoque, over S. l\iuCammbu u Drug Store, every Tmrsday and 1`-`riday. Jan. 14, 1873. _ ...._, -_.-, _--._-, ARRISTER and Attomey-at-Law, So- _ licitur in Clmncery, Cunveyancer, etc. Unice, Ontario Street, next door to Montreal Tclegraph U-m`pmny s Uice. Lin) 1, 1373. \~/- --. -V. _--- -`nu-an noun (XOUN TY CROVVN ATTORNEY and Clelli J of the Peace for the Count of F ' te-` aa.::, Ontario Street, Kingston, 1);reo'tlyr:;po xi re the Montreal Telegraph Company's oniu Kingston, J uly 19, 1871. A 4. undo u .l. -AL-un VV , 23011011301` m Unan- cery, Notary Public, 33 King Street, `sxingstun. . ` - -_.......v.., \uIlllIIIlI'IlIII7 L1~RK OF Dlvxsloiv COURT, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Commissioner in ueen s Bench, &c. 1 Nov. 27. +a Aug 9. \ Feb. 25, 1873 ..__.__..-..__ Princess Str`eet,~Kingsto1-1, Ont. UFFIUE HOURS frgm 9 A.M. to 5 RM. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to 3? 00:. ` \ June 23. c-__ ._._._; %W8APER CORRESPONDENTS. 3 Ingram `moon --..-......4..: L- - - Feb. 7, Sept. 23. Ce. July lat, 1873. rrxulh any 1i1L`s1UL'NUE oppos Post (Jtiice, Wellington Street. Established in liinqston in 1857. Aug. 22. __ Anglo-American Hotel. - OHNSON AND u;\"1`AH.1U STREETS, Kingston, Canada. `' ` E. MILSAI` Sn C0,, Proprietors. Albion ilolel, Iiiill`-st. gnu-iiEg`.-7 OIIN ACKERS, Manager. First.-class Uommcrcial Ruoma. liood Yards and tabiiluz. I _5it )R1NCESS ST I 'l`hn uunuo n James P. Glldel-sleeve, LI..B. \ ATJI')YQ"I"|'L`I1 4,, 1 All )ARRISTER and Attorney-at-Law, Soli- ) citor, Convcyancer, Notary Public. Of- , Clarence Street, opposite 1-`oat Oice, Lmztou. L. Clements, lleniist. FI-`ICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the \\ e1lint0n Street. | Ill lllI`lt`.3I-lg `IUD Ii`-_v Adminisi r disappointed the 3 ioseph Bawdeh, TTORNEY-AT-LAVV, Solicitor in Chan- ;_ cerv. N01`.-a.rv Public. 33 Kim: Sn-.-....+ S. nicammon, Lcananoque, l.17.PI( rm Tnvta-Inn nnnn... . ,-_--_--_ -_ - . -- -.-u---9 KIRRISTER, Solicitor in Chancery, At- torney-at-Law, and Notary Pubhc, `Cla- 3 Street. Kimzstou. 0DDOite the Point `_ J. L. nlacdonald, LLD.s., NTIST (successor in Dr nun xv- -Edw. 1:. Smythe, M.A.. \1\vr` Richard T. Rlalkem, n vcnmian n 1- Alex. S. Kirkpatrick, \7'I`\7 I`1`l ){\`I11\? A f!\!l1f\V\\r`I'ICv T. T. B. Tracy. H.]D., mun n__, . .. .. , l*'- M. Clark, L.D.S.- IYLANII l _`l`\`u 1\.....-.. ; uuu uunng omeo hours, and mason could not. We 111 ro- a. 1873. VETERINARY. i._:.;_-___..-`- Power & son, 'F.C'I`R 'AN h' ` nrnr :- DENTISTRY. Dan; I VI"1'\ l\`-\ MEDICAL. B. Ltavy, ` V I a 1 ". mi :, Loronno. _V Jomw A MACDONALD, Q.C. Jnnas P.u'rox, Q.C. limm J. MACDONALD,_ Rom. M. Fun/nxa. LEGAL. mnung as none masons of wages which 1-egula`r_ 07 Yet. one in in-f. an r..;.. x. - . Eiacnar, u"u..A.., ......'I ALL,..____ -1. I n : -nvurn, ' EET, KINGSTON, ONT. : ntral Hotel in the city. u at-ion for travellers and en. Uhargegmoderate. ' L l l'n'nri(-.t.nr ANIELS, Pndrkxmon. in every respect, having ted and reiurniahed this Sample Rooms and ample pmnibuses meet all trams F, vA..Ln. vv L.'-J.l.ll5 1101135 _.::__j_.-.-.:?....__ els hotel. [, 0T j."AVVA.--This house W everv rasnm-Q. I~..m'..- u. unargep moderate. IR\V.lIV' , lrroprietor. SCO FT, Proprietor - v we. UH In-city ay. prom tly attended 1. JAB. IS, M.D. .---.... -v sun llI3|v &\33l7aU3 rof the y, .lty Diumn him 1.. .nm-I we bar best. of up in 0).. Glasgow todunea ma Aldx. Allan. 7o dm: Clyde Street ; in Liverpool to_Al1a.n Bx-00., J % The .. -...a... _____ 194 runuwnau every Friday many: mb-nd wnhiu the nctwldof 11-eel I luv mum fumilhedst`l'voD`.u:]1nnn-ran-nh:._nidin . rule but description of HOUSE coin kept on hand under cover, screened And do- Iivened to order, at the lowest market nut. Country orders will receive prompt utm- tion ` Kingston, Aug. 4, 1373. ONE of the above-Stenmenwill leave King. won for Cape Vincent dsily (Sunday: excepted) at 6 3.111.; making close con- nection: with the Rome, Wstertown and Ogdensbnr Railroad. Oswego Railroad, Northern ractue Railroad, and New York Central Ba toad. Returning-will leave Cape Vincent on ar- rival of train: it 10:40 a.m., connect- ing with the Grand Trunk '~Ra.ilx-Dad, Iioya M0 Lin. Bay of Quinta and Rideau Canal steuners at Kingston. V nu: uunwr, .roIII:u`ke:l bahlc that l,'rmuier Elm opportunity .1l!'ord- ho lcmling feamrosx of xistratimn," ' .uuI| Luna, my 01 Kingston. I-`nr wan-.. .....n A '1 230 0'Cl04 and 3 p.m. If!!! " Culling at R W Wddneadny, n d ing--6 mm. \Vedn 6 mm. and 7-plm For Freight, P tion, apply to-the UANADIAN POLYNESIAN . SARMATIAN ..... .. HIBERNIAN . . . . . .. CASPIAN SCANDINAVIAN . .. PRUSSIAN... AUSTRIAN . Es`-El`()IAN ..... .. M0 A LAN PERUVIAN .;. MANITOBAN NOVA SOOTIAN NORTH AMERJCAL ARCADIAN . ....... .. COBINTHLAN ST. DAVID . . . . . .. sfl`. ANDREW ST. PATRICK a nun. . o . an outlet -_.. . .. . . .onrv unnrcner, .l1.1N.l. u moo Capt. G`-ragga. AMERICAN 1-784 Capt. Miller. . ......... "1160 Capt. Wilson. Capt. Jan. Scott. ...... ..l650 Capt.~E. Scott. .. .. .1432 Capt. H. Wylxe. ........lW7 Capt. Stephen. -mm srmmms on THE` (LIVERPOOL MAIL LINE` Sailing from Liv 'rpool_e Thursday ma an: Portland` eevgry ', calli1,,1g at qch I-`oyle to receive con board and land Mall: and Passenger: to and from Ireland and Scotland, are intended to be despatched from Portland:-- ` CIRCASSIAN from Pqrtland, 27th December. rommnsun -- -- am Jan. SCANDINAVIAN " " an Rates of Pzuanan fun... 1'3.--I-1-- J . ;_ -v 7` `I IV u L .3 Sailing from us` every Tuesday, and from Quebec about every Thursday. are in- tended to 113 deapatched from Quebec : ' ' re inlmrui-A 5.. -_:I 1 - -- *` ...__. ' r.-u nfrrulmnza. _ 8:00 o'clock n.m., 9:15 sun., 1 and 3:30 p.m. WEDNESDAYS. ` 8:30 o c1ock mm "-90 --- " < SATUJ 7:30 o'clock 1.113., and 3 .p.m. 1: 8:00 o clock an and 3:30 x_J.m. R1 |ALLAI mrauou. : Timra must feel. Maud, Pierrelc>_1}1:,`Watertowf1 ,.-uuuna an zungswn. For Wolfe and Ga:-deTn lsfands. MONDAYS. 8:30 o clock 3.111., 11:30 3.13., and 3 p.m. . - `nrrnmtxxa. , . 9:15 o'clock 1.111., 1 p.m., and 3:30 pm. TUESDAYS. 7:3?) o'clock 1.11)., 8:30 3.111., 11:30 am md3 ` 9:15 nrrm '9:l5o'c1ocka,.m., 1 1 'h`D`I1 S 9:00 o cluck a.z I 10.00 o'clock _` Kingston, 19): - H1.-uq-a.ra.A.1LVJ.\1.` " Bstca Passage from Portl_anq : Cabin... . . .,-... . . $70 to $80. Steer-age... . . $25. TEEVSTEAMERS OF THE s PUBLISHED ovry nwtui. [ Six Dollar! nor :nnum-mvn 1 u'.e_v do no: den} xgued for such 3 r of strengthcninz touring the weak- 3. unrll I511 I 11 G. p.m'., and 3: 30p.m. . FRIDAYS. (8:30 o'clock 3.111., 11:30 a.m., 3 p. olurvnsma. 9:15 o clock 3.111., 1 p.m., 3:30 p. SATUHDAYS. ' o'clock gm Q.-m . ._ n - n.I1`U.INl.\`G. o clock a.In., :1 .ui., .THURSDA S. , o'clock 3.121., 11:30 3.!!! nrmnnma. Vclocl: gun I n ..: .-.I -2. \I ..r`LL1 soo'rIAfI' I I E `IAN ..6l Capt, .......... .. 150 Cunt. I-ulccll uaraen nlan 'o Islam and Gananoque Steamboat Route. T vu,auuuu1 not some of the the dssertxnn r do um, .I.... THE STEAMERS men WHARF, KINGSTON` I and Retail `Deaien in all do ' ml for Home. Fun... In... S NDAYS. II.`2lI . LLun.uA!. ..In., 8:30 s.m., 11:30 3.111., rrunwma. ., 9:15 nan, 12:30 pan.- _. _....unu -7 inn & Zoon; in Hexxbtlzrg ugo ; t to at ey Lou Montgoxnrio & Street; in gnd Allan- 7n a.... 1 days, 6 5.111. Thuradnys, ridays. - 3 an. .._ -___. -1! n%:ny ma rnday. Returni- I Ialaixd at 4 9.111.. every day and Friday. Return- dayn. mm. '1`!-m.-..:.... e, orrnny other informs- : min on board, or to` ER & HANI.w.v Foot of Brock Stret. LLHELK H ANLEY, ot., 1873. :7, vs any owner mxor -1 min El}. HANLEY, Foot (If RPAAL Q6- ..3400 (Btnldiag) 1....-uoo Capt. fI.a15o'Lt.Archu, mm . . EX) Cant. Gr:-mm .'.' ...2soo (Bni1ding:)',fV_ T " Bl . lcraonm-I gun! Ag. Thoma..`McG,onvi11e, Butcher, nl-rnnn'l>n 6|-A _._.) corporate setu $5,] RIS R51 0 LI. \\'e frequently observe an almost complete enepension of the organic functions, especially those connected with digestion. The stomach being feeble, the food imp erfectly dissolved and asimilatetlf there is consequent exhaus- tion of the vital forces. Such cases, having feeble powers of resistance, suffer greatly ! from the low temperature and sudden changes of winter, and are particularly liable to at- tacks of inammation and fevers", from which they rally seldom or with great clilciilty, for want of constitutional vigour. It having been demonstrated that animal temperature and vital activity ere in direct ratio to the Amount of phosphates retained in the system, the use of DR. VVHEELEl':. S COMPOUND ELIXIR of 1 HOSPl--lA'1`ES and CALISAYA J will be attended with great success innnch I conditions, an it oxcitee digestion, increases I assimilation of food, and augments nerve force and muscular energy. ......\...o u-. uu uiuiuqsry uimcuuiy." MISSIONARY Mm:nsos.--The annual mis- sionary meetings in aid of thefunds of the Diocese of Ontario were held in St. Paul's Church, Almoutc. and Grace Church, Clay- ton, on the 15th and 16th inst. respectively. The churches were tilled almost to discom- fort. Effective addresses: were delivered by lievds. C. Forest and G. W . White, eided- in Almonte by the Revd. U. -1 . Emery, of Pakeuhaln. - `onerous offertories were laid upon the plate, unting in our own village to 368,34, and ' L yton to $28.50.-A lmonte Gazette. ' l nr.sx.\"uno:~'.\-0n Ch1'i:st:na.s Day a com- mittee of gentlemen, comprising Chief Justice Morrison, Justice Gait, Mr Gzowshj, (G J. Uariipbell, Chris. Robinson, Q.C., and. A. T. Fulton, were deputed l;y about-160 promi ent citizens, called upon Mr Rowland, Ex.-Li ut. Govemor, and Lady, at their r8sideuce,f'1`o- ronto, and presented the former `with an Ved- dress and the latter with a solid gold bracelet with the initials set in diamonds, and conte_in- ing a. locket with miniature portraits of herself and Mr Howlend. Mr Howleud on behalf of himself and Mrs Howland, acknowledged the gift in I short speech. r`.urn>n1 l\na...... `V17, - '| - ` `av-vvAa VA uulllC3- On Christmas Eve Judge Lacoui tertained at I banquet in Linlsn.y, ` laps:-tum for \Vaterloo, to assume of his dice L5 judge. I ']`h:n_ glnotinn ni . Q-.l...-1 D .__1~r e... u. - uuunv uyucuu. CHURCH O1=:NI.\'o.-`VVe umlirstand that the opening of the new Presbyterian Church in the village of Clayton, last Lord's day, was a decided. success. The Rev. Mr Stewart, of P.-ikenham conducted the morning and even- ing services. A soiree was held on Monday evening, at which very interesting and in- structive addresses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs Bennet, Ranoy and Stewart-. Both on the Sabbath and on Monday the church was crpwded to excess, so much so that rents had to be improvised. We learn that the nancial feature was all to be desir- cu'. The new church, which is exceedingly neat and simple in its internal an-rangements, incapable of accomodating (with an end gal- lery, about 300 persons.-AImont Gazette. By proclamation in the Canada Gazette Parliament is prorogned until the 26th of January. 1t will not meet then for des- patch of business. fl- t\I._:_.._.,,, is V * " Uapusits in the I`n: Office Savings Bank: during the mouth of .\'m'eu1I-er amounted to .'\"_']3.30\5. Tim lmlamte in the hands of the Peceiver-General on L\ovem1_:er the 3131: was i~.i,`. 59,(i7 .60. __ 1..., ,- - - -- - .._...... s_..vnu_v. The Utt:-.wa Tia.-Les denies the atstenrnb that Hun. John Young ha: been sppointml l'ostm:L-star of I\Iontrea.l. \V'e are glad to learn zh.:.t. the .\lini:=try have not dared to outrage public opinion by makingsuch an appointment. Our authority for the statement was the Montreal He;-a. 1, the `organ of the Letter- Thieves. -Cc'ti:n. U; r , 1 - - A nu. vac. *`\. Oliifll. His Lnrdsllip, thn uwn, was taken sun. mg, and for some that fears were cute l.eCm.,,.. q`|\;a :.. n. __-.__,._`__ member wlnt. arc-.v llon. Mr Mackenzie and his colleagues raisod~tho aeuion befure last when it was discovered that an oicial in the llnuso of Cummone was writing for :\ llalifux Ministerial paper. As soon as 4110 attention of the Government was called In ch.-u. case, the oicial, who is one of the zxblcat journalists in Canada, was at once disnnisscrl. '01 hope the new Ministry will shnw the szune sense of justice and cmnpcl all civiljscrvice employees either to ;;i-.-.-, up their newspaper correspondence or 1-esign their oiccs.--Uttawa Citizen. recover` `mus int that His Lordship saufo \vz_\y. The auurs u severe (7113:.-.. A dcspatcli from Lord Kim},-ex-ley to Lord Dullerin, in reply to his Excelloncy s an- nouncement to Her Majesty of the change in the Cana.dianllinistry, contains the following p:u':.graph:--I agree with you:-Lordahip'in the satisfaction which an exprcsn that the result arrived M: has `bee reached by a strict appli- cation of constituti :1 principles, and by the regular working 0 the machinery of a free Parliament, and I ave much ploignre in con- veying to you her a.jesty s entire approval of the manner in whic you have acted in circum- stances of no ordi ` ry diicnlty. l\I1ssxm.-.uzv M:-m-um , TL- ---- --I -Af~ uvuunnun 0| uanaua. The election returns of linn. Thus. ('oflin x'nrS11clh-arno, and Mr '|`ho.i. Muss for \vcSt Tommo arc gazettexl. ' \1.- n_..1.1.. ..r u._ m . n - - - __...._-. --aw-u The following oi-.-crs have ocdce-`I certi- -::\.`.es from the L'um:n:un1:\nt (I t .-J-Sc'nno1 of Liuuncry at. Kingstnn, l`:ovi' cc of 1)umrio:- 1-'irst-class certiiicatcs : -X. B. Wcntworth, (`aptaiu and Adjutant, Jan QIW-Jker of the '.'7Lh battalion. S. R. Huron, uayhill Thomas liuhinsun Jacksoxx, of No. 5 Troop, Isl: Regi- ment L'~.n'a.1ry. - rl\| . .. . ---- mupuu ntel. Apxil 1, 1873. Aug. 4, 1873. nu, -u;-,u 4 yr. ou. A uircuYu~._ Ins been issued by the Ontario niover meut, inquiriugu to whet wr tlu-. new Licenl Agt is \x'or`;ing satisf-. tari y or not. - he. cnqn`rv!:;n been :u.1dn`s_.~eu to she Poli-cs Mtziltratu. MONG min AGED 5. SPECIAL NOTICES. _'LI`;_."`__._`.__`::_ ` " -j`-"`- r Dx-dds, of the Toronto Sun, has found tho 1-twine.-is relations he has with the -nrulion u'i!l prevent hi.) runnig fur -rman, amt therefore witbslraws from the est. *'* - o --.-.._.- ibomilnioln oil -(hmada. vln:-llnn I-ah:-... at I!.... !I`L , .. nu I mrdslnip, the venerable Bishop of Oh` as snddenlv ill on Fritlav evan- I-3 msneu suuuenly 111 rntlay even- houn wns E-so p:ostrn.ted '3 entertained tlxitt he could not This is the tiiird time we belimtc, shunlslxip has been attacked in the IV. The cnmnlninl: f-nm mldnl-. I... mug, mu Venerable blsnop ox Ut` 5 suddenly Friday wns 2-so n.-ustrnt.-,.i 4Ul\lSu1p nan been attacked. In the complaint from which he hleedmg at the nose.- paid 111 Uanada currency; JAMES SWIFT, AGENT, St. Lawrence Warf. 3. N. -3-r u urge majo uvrv In uuuucquculi OXll&ll3' urces. rature ou and favmsi 5...... ...L:-L a uauvulau wlu en- dndsay, prior to his xssumo the duties 7 Lacotu-so was en- lflllillv nu-inn fa l.:.. Z'I""..`n waves :1: 3:30 o'clock the tune moqne, daily, u-rive: at 11:30 leave: It 3:30 p.In. Horn . Post Oice, Kingston, lat Feb._ 1873, Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train nxpress . Express . Mixed T1 xsxpress . . . . . Mixed Train . - uumw we rues or which regular thouhor, the only ditference being that ounupoodont can do 5 t deal of 11' work during o co hours, and no not. Wu all n- ' -`lx-ndesmen receive? Yet, one in just as fair munnx unu-mus, on Money Order Ocol throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundland _a.nd Prince ur;1'USITS received under the regulations of` the Post Oice Savings Bank, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Otce hours from 7.30 sun M n on .. _. uuurs 01 3 and 4 7.30 a.m. to 6. daily, Sundays excepted. , R. DEAUON, A _ Poatmntnr 30 p.m., Grand Trunk Railway. $` arrive and depart from the` Ki as follows :-- n...-... ___-,, - Per CANADIAN LINE (via. Portland) every Friday at 12.30 3.12:. Postage 6c. per half ounce. Registg-ed Letters should be mailed half an hour previous to the time of closing the ` Mails. Registration Fee 8c. MONEY ORDERS, Money throughout Dominion. Grant Brit-in Per DIRECT LINI!T(via New York) over); Monday st 1.09 p.m. Poatsgo 8c. per half ounce. pun l`A\T.l`l\1 A\`r run. . . _ - I873. Summer Arrangement. I873. N and after SATURDAY. 24th instnnt, 3 Passenger and Mail Train will lenve Halifax daily at 7.30 a.m.. and be due in St. John at 8.30 p.m. A Passenger and Mail Train will also leave St. John diilv at R 00 aunu at a.;su A Passenger diily at 8.00 a.m., and he due in Halifax at 8.50 p.m. Trains will connect At Painsec with trains to and from Shediac, and lntermculiate Stations. At 'l`ru'ro with trains to and from Pictou, and `Intermediate Stations. At Windsor Junction with the trains of the \\'indsor and Annapolis Railway / At St. John with the Consolidated European and l\'ox-th American Railway for Bangor, Dnuville Junction. Montral, Que ec, I ortl:md, Boston ; also with the Inter- xmtioual Steamers to and from Eastport, l urtl.'unl and Boston. iNT/lE'IiGOL0ll'_ll\_L".RHfV7'FYI un. a ulrcu Au: 1.`. ALES AND PORTER, in quarts and 1-ins, from the best Brewers in the Do- minion. Also English Ales and Porters. $;RANl)[ES.-James I{cnuussy s, in wood or bottle`, J. 8:. F. Mar-tell'a, in wood or bottle ; Pinet, Castillon & Co's, in wood or bottle. SUPERIOR ULD JALIAICA RUM. V GINS.-Johu De Kuyper & Son's, in wood bottle. 03,!) T0}! G[N.-Bernard&. Co's, in wood -- or bottle: Betta It n . in ........I ..- us, `[031 u1n.-bernard& Co's, in bottle ; Betta it Co's, in wood or bottle. " 'INli.-SUPERIOR PORTS and SHER R1 IS. 5\'lS}IES.--Old Family Proof, Old Rye Proof and Common \Vhiskeys, the best in the city,zLt REDUCED PRICES. (1 I711 ) 'l` I-lnltbonu . lune oresnung that. their enplo so little birds that carried the ' eruntion to the press. The eicient 5 clieclurge of the public service demands that this pernicious system be iliscontinued. There ieenother feature in connection with this .snbject, to which we ma ` since it doee not directly infect the Opposi- tion press. The Government employees 'drew huge ssleriee for their oicinl services, and they ere thus enabled to nndei-bid I reguln professional journalists for the cor- respondenee of Ministerial newspapers, on which the letter have to depend for a living. As en instance of this, we may mention the feet that one Civil Sea-vice employee is the I telaegr` sphic correspon cut of newspapers in St. John. Helifnx, Montreal, Kingston, Hamilton, end London, besides writing letters for weekly fournsls. He has a Gov- ernment sitnstio: `in which he has little work to do end receives a good salary, and he in enabled, through his position, to work severe! hours It do at starvation prices for the pres. This is certainly unfair to Iieiderisl journslists, and would not be hkedin my other business. How would the Premier 011; insgsncs, like to have the employees of is epertment spend half their time in working as stone l below the rstee regulate s...I_._.- -A-----A " " ` y refer, - ueneral Sn] Railway Otce, Moncton, N.B May 26th, IS71. :_`.``:'.~ `[)0S'I` OFFICE, KlNGSTON.-Ar!'i\ II-1' lllld Departure of Mails, IS73. Hondsy, Wednudny pan. glesvu It Tpan. n norun.--MorI:on and A` THE DAILY NEWS-TUESDAY EVENING.` DECEMBER 30. : mu ounce. CANADIAN everv Fridav at I`) an . m I Feb. 5. In umce, nmgsto Feb., 1873. n:u.u>ua1 szczuners to t 1 Jnvm new Invel I... -m Staae Lines. HUl'EL.--Stnonn Ar-rim --. v n.'uuLL\1:11 sun unJ1A.\ U151). The Montreal Witowss, in an article on the Pacic Scandal, very sensibly re- marks :--To demand fur; r investiga- tion by constituted authority into any cir- cumstances thst seem to require it, would appear to be the only course that wisdom, smlsregnrd for the public welfare, can not justify in any further treatment of this subject." Tlut is exactly what we have been demanding for weeks past, but the Grit Ministry and their press seem to dresd investigation. ~They have delsyed Ind buried} thorough enquiry by every Iuuull in their power. They declined to accept a Royal Commission when no other course was open to conduct the annear ha- G OING WEST. Arrive. _ 4 In D IA colxo 3As'r. A rriue. _ OI-1'01! Ll DGSIOII . LE-'IS CA RVELL, G eneral Sn perintendeut. Moncton. N. B. . .. C Iv-l\ll-- 55630! C390 U emu r1(.1U E5. GEO. THOMPSON.