` iaouss ANDLOT, Corner at Union and Centre Streets, I Kingston. . Hm- I -a. 1-.'n..noo t....L `hunt .. -.-.4 ....,1 .. Lne 1403, ll'X.'u$3 I69`, IDUIII ll-H 3Cl'B arm 8 half, has over fteen hundred feet of under- drainnge of tile and Itone. The House con- t:1.in:1. on first oor. Parlour. 18x28 feet: Sit- D11! lins. I `n4 drzunnge 0! tue and none. Lue nuuse con- tains, oor, Parlour, feet; ting Room and Library, 16:16 feet; Dinin loom, 10x 6 feet, with \Va.iting Room 0 ; iKitchen, I V18 feet, with \Vashroom `and Servants oom 011'. Above stairs, four large Bcdnx and Scrvant s Bedroom. The House is he throughout ve cheaply with hot air, an(1`is provided with ublo windows throughout. All the rooms are furnished with new Coal Grates in adition, sud in one of the most convenient houses for mistress and .servnnts to be found. The Back Yard is largge and convenient, `with Qlothes _Yard st- ....1 A lmmlm.l.hu-nal (`axial-n with Pnmn ban IIUS. Cousin from India. Hmce .-\guil:u~ s Works, New Am. Ed. Miss Yougcfs Works, _ do. Little Men and Little Women, Alcott. My First Year in Cnnulzt. Uxenden. Household Ed. , Illustrated, Charles Dickens \\'u!'kS. la!` '8 lhlld convement, wnn ulotnes 1 are at- tac led. A hundred-barrel Vil Pimp in kitchen. Good `Nell Chan Pun ngver freezes, Stabling for three bones an a cow, mm. two (`..-wriaue Houses. All of brick. lath Stahlmg tor tnree none: nun a cow, with two Carriage Houses, brick, and plastered. Stone .Woodnhed, will hold ftv cords of wood. _ Garden, one of the best, wit plant of frmt. Nice Lawn, Croquet Ground am Shrubbery. , N. B. -The I |II%h'!l*l Frniwr Thos. Mcmiiey Q32 '65., King_S_troet, 1~'_olar.the Market. L'....b,.~. \u.. `II IQ".l 53` The be'st and cheapest in the city.` ""`.'D.T'?',"`-"Y H Kingstdn, Aug. 11,1871`. `__...... n ith the prison:-rs; the (`-oreans answered 1* mi rm. do what. he liked wi them. _Two n_\`s aw: he.` at Nmm ht rty Ami Join In I21-`sang:-s `ashore. but the local authority x`l'll:u'Il to l`In'|-iv--* 0| .... .. ,.-~-` '- L` u'xoufal Question, by Author of Ginx s Baby. Hamisogztmnwn, by Hon. Hugh Rowley. Talks about Health, by Dr. Dio Lewin. Valerie Aylmer. , Poison of Asps', by Maryatt. ._\'ie1 Bartram`: Ideal, b \\'iJfonl.. (`tn Iriclh: Audio, by S. Ming Gould. . for Nnthipg, by Nlelville- V13, lay Author of Wilford. . Marquis and Mzrchant, by Mo:-ti met C91- ms. - nnnu5u-v-- The Lot, 172'x23s feet, sbonuin acre and a mi` 1...: .nnn- Hffnon hnnolvnrl loaf. nf nnnr- CITY 3661? STORE. A splendid assortment of 10DEYS LADYKS BOOKS RECEIPTS. r. A Very Valu:l->_l'e Pi-o['b.erty, --u:u|lIll'=,' mm cu-operatmg in the great. . nf aulvnncing the Cilllsc of ag1'icult.nr-Al rim -1310 and education. mm--n, 1 :\.. August. H.--Tho bodies uf victinns `of the Pittstun (lis:I.sk:l` have rm-nvorml. A l2u'ge force ofmen is at : 1-cu:--\'in;.; debris; and every ebrt is Jug to recover the bodies of the others. are now known tube twe1\`cin1nunbe1'. | account Books, Blank Books, &c', Kept in Stock. ` L men II libbrty went 3 1-ct-i\'1-` them, saying it was as n `hcml \\:u worth to squd them, 1 use to uttcumt ti) u-nnnmn\:....A.\ us. l mu worm tn sqnd them. 0 attempt to cummumcate tl_u- court. Mr Low, American 11 sent :1 jfnnnal protest that his n`.:1ccfnl, and that the z\m--i---- DIDIA PRAYER BO0I\ S, IIYMN B00l(S. .... ... .m.ungu;u, and that I to prevent its falling in- uative authorities, who over from wlut `-m.....- u|n;y,z gnu =-uut e vim: was an umonues, who what Villlgo.-I rcla.ti\'cI. Thr- i{mLEs, mu. Q .... unnge 1 a iiunk. mm M... ages The Lsnlu clnsc GOODS at Nxnurr BARGAINS ll In all Fancy `Dress Goods, Black G`ros Grain Silks, Japanese Silks, Lustrcs, Poplins, Mus- lins, Brilliant), Prints, Marseilles, Alpacas, Grenzulines, Shcetings, Lace Curtains, Mar- seilles Quilts, Twecds, Cloths, Parasols, Um- brellas, Trimnyngs, &c., &c. l Mcmnnrtrs Lin-ennvnswouns OF EVERY TVARIVETY OF DESIGN unc- tnay ex;acuted' from the best gr of lia,Iin,g`:VorIont. Arnprior, and Lgveryiflescription of Home ahd foreign Marble, Scgtcln and Giulia: Granite and Free Sm: KOUBDEQ VV able rates. Greatly Reduccij :1L'ices. I _ . ORANGES um Ll-IDIONS, . \\'H()LESALE AND RETAIL, T_AEIDv_aRos., Princess and Sydenham Street | K;lngston,`0nt. - I EVVVB9 -1;`: er and C(bino1fTopu, and all kinds of Polished Workglromptly furnished at reason- / V ' The subscriber: I-pectfully solicit an in- spection of the liar-geind varied stock on hand and shortly 1:o'an-iv; at the Facto , and in. vite a comp:u-is(bn ofheir Finished ork and snorny w'a.rnv an we racw anu vlte compansbn of'$heu- unrr-n= Anrf nu HAWAHA Being themselves tactically familiar with every depym-tm_eut o- their business, and u- sisted by in. staff of class workmen, they pledge thclrutniost Qertions, in the essentials of DFSIGN, IBIIATERIAL, \VORKMA.N- SHIP and PRICE, to give unqualied satis- faction to every purclmaer. ~ Summer Dry Goods I l'_'l!lI-IT $'r(un: or R. snrrll. UNTARIU STREET, Bcjwoen Anglo-Aumricnn Hotel and Harwood House. Kingston, July 28, 1871. SPECIAL BARGAINS !I BLACK D COLOI3RED GRENA- DINES, * V \VHITE , SEILLES; Kmgstn Marble Works.` supplied for mag; moderate charges at e fB;-itish Warehouse FANCY PBINTS, BRILLLANTS, AND MUSLINS. ;. 2 Kigstoh lgtrble Works, ` _ ,,. a;-- -1... A"r nomrmm. 3v"fAu;_gTIoN: 'l`e|g'l`hohsand Cases India Rubber Overshoes. 3131:;-1}. TRADE SALE] _L non! lull Inc Qubnnu nunnmn. UV. to close out BY AUCPION, at their Agency, 19 St. Hele Stregt, Montieal, ' .. - ' - A 4 LI ` '2 --- - . _ HE Save received instruc- tions fun the QUEBEC RUBBER co. m nlnnn nnt BY AUCTION. Aceencv. Aug, 1, 18'21. Man-blcT aid '\ amelled Mantel - I one. \\';mtcd an Experienced Salesman. GREY WHITE COTTONS, PILLOW Q:9TTONS AND SHEETINGS, _ I _ COTTON Agxl) LINEN TICKS, 1* Kingston, Aiag. S, 1871. _ .]'APA.\*ES SILKS AND POPLINS, ` MNCY DRESS GOODS, l PL.-`LIN _AND FIGURED LUSTRES, TABLE DA-MASK AND NAPKINS, men MUSLIN CURTAINS, CAN.-.D1A. AND ENGLISH TWEEDS, nRoADcLci!rHs AND DOESKINS, LIBRELL;$ _A_ND PARASOIS. SUMMER >.j"GmvFs AND HOSIERY, rn In In. .` Kingston, lat 1`s'7.1.' 9 St. nelen atregu, monureu, 0n walgehaiyg Mi '9Inber 9 _ _-._.__ .;.--|. 4: 11.5.2- ur. I.J Corner Prinicess agd Sydenha;n Streets. TAN DY BROTHERS. _.. . - . `A-1 %LACK AIND CQLOURED SILKS, )URlNG THE MONTH 01" AUGUST will out the lntumn nf all RHMMIM2 Scotch '(:`:raIi_ite Ilcnuments . FOR ONE MONTH At WALDRON S. (3l)I.|llJiIl Ian-I VI oguncu x uuauvu vv un WITH fAN`g_f IN CANADA. _ I ucu;-vu unuc: , -uu AN: AHINQ IN STONE IN ALL Tn: rouowme GOODS: GENUINE SALE L: L111`; Mu1V'1' U! out lmhuxcc o RILL1AN'T AND `MAR- " JAMES noon`... ._ 0 10-1 R. WALDRON; \Vilson s Buildings. 3 order, and ii: Q-I-ru - - CHEAP OLEA R%ING SALE 01` STAPLE DRY Shortly 12 Clearing S le of Clothing j CLO'l`llS ID TWI-IEIDS, To Continue for'0Nl-I MONTII 0N1.-Y. Mcxymuefx-oN 85 co. A G001! TELESCOPE F03 $1.25. `llIIBB\.IO Our assortment of numbers and styles is now complete, and the most diicult eye cm be tted readily by the Optometer of Patent Eve-Trier. . AVE` .NO\V COMMENCED their Semi- Annual Cheap Sale of Clothing, Cloths, Tweeds, &c., with READERS, GRAMMARS, GEOGRAPH s, COPY BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, ` PENS AND PENOILS, `Among ofher optical`-articles we can par- ticularly recommend .- r``vwvC\ -I\`\ . nu--r -up A `V -I-\-Iw1\ -can 2 unn u_1nu-2 nnnaxmnn rnnnuna m; Tempered Frames. ' ` MENISCUS PEBBLES, Patent Frames. \ Punboscopic and Perisco ic Spectacles, term- ed by some opticians Pe ected. 1 Coloured Spectacles and Goggles. ` Eye-Glasses, Single and Double. I -rs ,, nn.-_,_ IICIIIIT IIIIISIIIM This is the time for purchasers to avail themselves of a. splendid opportunity in get- ting BARGAINS, As all their Goods will be sold L AT cosr, - . . . In order to make room for their Extra Heavy Fall Importations_or-dared last spring in the English markets before the advance on VVoo1- le`n Goods. A call is respectfully soli-cited an-1 1: '\YAIvr\IvrIut\`-r - nu`.-. Dell`|5@(1l E Eye~'I`rier. 1. nuance: uluccln Four first class Journeyman Tailors wanted immediately. A..- n SOHO OL_ -I eulunua I.n.l. U1 vvnuxvaanaunn, t e lglinst, for the erection Vandt-epair of ' Building: at the Agricultural Show Kingston. ., Planiand ' cations may be seen` It the of John ower, FAq., Architect. _ Nm'n.-'.['l:e Lumber will be flu-ninhed on 51.- nun-nl .norrx.-1n 1J.` Ur 1LlJVl`4'1i.'1'l.5l..LV_la".--.| .I.0l`IcO Une- """"" "`-V """'*" ' lay. -of Newiyorh y. :__-_The mod: New Curnnts, &c., &c:, ouooeldulbusinesameninthiscityuvthoue _ LT I58. who have advertised hbanlly and eonntmtly. 157 pmcg A small advertisement oonltuntly sppeu-in; in bottctuudicphyoohunnoooadouly. $98: 11- 1371c AT HENDERSON S-BO-OK STORE? `Princess Street. Aug. 14, 1871. [N ANNOUNCING the above CHEAP SALE respectfull clear the remainder of the Summer Stock to make mam n GENEIINE BRAZILIAN PEBBLFB in nnvnisninnt` 1'1`:-an-non ` Aug. 2. Concave Spectacles and Eye-Glisses. _ -an . Reading Glasses, Magniers, Inc. one but first class goods kept, and prices n ovate. ENDERS will be receive}: b I the under- .s` ednntil 3 PM. of WE NESDAY, ;e 16 inst, fox-the _b..:.. `llnillnnn at flu: `lrr:n`thPnl Qhnw IJI'\lI I 9 Inproved'si::st;ug:esl.es and Eye- n_ _ _ . _ -__.L__._L -: __-__L-__- __1 _L_1__ 2 he `must ISAAC SIMPSON` Hon. Secretary to the Kingstn, Aug. 10, 1871,. ..__ __ ._j_:._____ _. Genuine Reductions in every Department. This in fhn Hvnn fnr nu:-nlu-nan:-5 in non oderate. And All other School requisites cheap,` .on --u-u--usuvuansvuu `I-\r\4-sir .-.1-unus-. July 29, 1871. PERFECT VISION [Aft BE OBTAINED BY THE USE HOBART S l_____-_-.I n_--4-_I-_ __..I I-I__ RT OF ADVER'l'ISIN.G.--Honce Gig- I- luv; nf 'New.Vn1-R- navn 2_.'.'I`|ua Inn-Ce At Henderson s. -Medical Hall. t\nI'Yl\1 ,_, -__.-_,-_. AT McNAUGhTb & COS, Princess Street. v n... BLACK GLACE AND GROS GRAIN SILKS; RICH PLAIN GROS DE SUEZ, CORDED SILKS, EVERY COLOUR, REAL IRISH 1 OPLINS OF THE BEST MAKE, BLACK AND COLOURED SATINS, JAPANESE SILKS, FANCY DRESSES, LIGHT LUSTRES FOR SUITS , FRENCH MUSLIN AND BAREGES, MARSEILLES. BRILLIANTS. PRINTS, SILK MANTILLAS, LACE SHAWIS, PELERINES AND LAPPETTS, BLACK GRENADIN E SHAWLS, ULOAKING MATERIALS, FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACE GOODS, AND EMB TRIM INGS, STAYS, COLLARS, CUFFS, HAIR NETS, JOS HINE, AND TWO-BUTTON FRENCH GID GLOVES, SILK UMBRELLAS AND PARASQIS, VVI-IITE S]-IIRTINGS, ' ' FULL STOCK OF HISTORIES, ALGEBRAS, &o. _BO0IS . .---u~..- G. S. HOBART. TICS, For 18 Days % ."o cou'nu:1\'c[1Nc. on l`u1:sn3i;fr,`J Ff}: BRUSSELS, Ice Cream at Dumble s. FANCY FRENCHTON BONS, _ FRENCIE CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS. FRENCH: CHOCOLAT MEN IER, LADIES CREAM DROPS and CANDIES of every description of our own manufacture. a PASTRY and CAKES.` CAKES Almond-iced and Ornnmented in 9. sunerior atvle. lsprillg Dry Goods,` unnxbn xumona-Iced and Urmunented in superior style. A fresh lot of TEAS and COFFEES by the pound. - _ VALENCIA ORAN GES and LEMON S. Tuna 9 The Millinery Department IS MORE THAN USUALLY COMPLETE.` FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in English and American. DNOW Showing at Rosa's} |Go to Donald Mackay s` . HAVE ON HAND a good assorted stock of (;`1othing,ma.nufactu1-edon the mines, consisting of All Wool Canadian each of the Latest Stvles and Newmt Patterns : n consxsung or Au w 001 uanmnn `rweeas or Styles Newest Patterns; 3 gneat variety of Coats, Pants and Vests of every tern; a great variety of Flannel Shirts, 'te Shirts and Regatta. Shirts. mwl made in the latest styles and work wI.n-an Corner hf King and 13:00]: Streets, -facing he Market `Square, " DONALD MACKAY, . Merchant Tailor. Av 10 k) celveu - AT 1 . S. REES S. SALT JARS withogxt salt, for PR%EB.V- ` LNG, Al` F. 8-. IIEE8 S. FRUIT, FRUIT, msr To mun. TURKEY PRUNES, ve ne; ]'._Ayesr` Ramnn, very cheap; V ent-it B;mm_ ] UST RECEIVED, at R. T0\VN S. fresh | BALTIMORE OYSTERS, TO ma sou) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Kingston, Aug. 11, 1871. EMBROIDEBIES, 3, NETS. V :Lx.a:A.L1 June 3. 7 my 10.` FAMILY FLOUR, BAKER S FLOUR,| _ PASTRY FLOUR, ........-- ..-_--_ I The Novelties of the Spasom VUGAB-CUEED; VEl4.-'F-lN-;3,- just re-I oeived ` I ;}g`ston, March 10, 1371. ru\_:_v ruunna, ve nge; uyer very cheap; was Raisins, GRAHAM FLOUR. OAT MEAL, Very Attractive Stock A SPRING SUIT. FLOUR. in Sacks, cheap.` HCARPETS V TAPESTRY, A. it. GOING, Ontario and Brock Stteetl. iiii./E Inns ; PRINCESS SIIBEEI `i3ORN MEAL, I THREE-PLY, Terms Ca ROSS. %1=o1>UL4ng.ii j 7 . The high 3; ' gofthis Extensive S $15ILL0W oorroxs *go'r'roN AND um ,`ii:NGL1sH AND on goxrxnas, 1 ions ARE some to as s`L_AUG.HT`F'l"lE`_D5Vlj I .L ..w._,`.:u....uu nuulu wm.oqx-uauooauuennxa-pagan: -`L; `, N tim to qnd. _. 'l`woDo&I"wotthvi1lbo _ .` one, 51(1): a jendid fu.or?::.c of %'g&n?dbps;r .= j ' v . 7%} mi Comeggarlymdsecure Bnrgdna. . f. Cg , .- Kingstonguly 22, 1871. ` L` . - u * PEBFUIE; Unequalle _fo, aaweetneu of odour of I bou net in tin Dominion. Sold by E. P ER snaipmggintu funny in Ki ston. and nvhaieule bv UNRO &. JAC rnzuunn. and ston, 9wl_1< sxnw M....~+..... ANDES INSURANCE F-`IRE AN3_MARm`:. ' .. CASH CAPITAL 31,000,000. THE UNDERSIGYIED having boa pointed Agent for the shove Company, ianrenaredtoisme nolicies on everv ductin- '_l_ PUHIDBCI Jlglli 10] F116 IDOVG mpre aredtoissue policies every data-ip-I tion insurublp property, for any period from one day to vb you-I, st the lowest poaibln remnnemtive rates. 1:; Anna; H50 1Aoa.u's, 1'uno!"I, and Mo1son a Ale: and Porter. WHISKEYS, FAMIL PROOF OLD RYE, BRANDY, RUM, m, and WINE of all kinds. . We nre npw 1-epu-ed to loll DOTPLED ALES cheaper any other house in tho Dominion. THOMPSON I: DODD,~ Opposite the City Book Store. - Mav 3. 'l`0 cuvrms and vnssm. nuns smascmnnns Th. ' luAud the PORTSMOUTH MARI RAILWAY, beg to state thnt theailwsy is nowin cam .. pleto working order, and no to lull ` out and repair vessel: on, tan; and ` with despatch. KELLY ll nownm 0116 0.3, U0 EVE yBI remnnerstive rates. 1 ' - 1. u. 115 OFFICE-0111-enoe Street, A Ame!-icm Hotel. Kingston, July 3, 1871. |Firemens Pie-Hie} .%e wg:;1;ir.nmwdh ban; hate I Bnu Quin-db` . (iandengagedfortheooouion. :` 1 U th retnrnofthoxcnuinq ` ara1ue;wmhemammoityn.iw Ticketuztgo Pic-nic 25 cent! each, and to ' tn . - ION, Mom July 12. Msy nuau... ....-. Ilcifvvuy ulcnivs that con. 3...; mmlmh-d for {he evag-nr.- gguahout Paris and of the; dc` S4-inc and Sx-ilu--o(-( Iise. gins: 14. --Tl|L` t:.'u1-purzr nun aeapalcn. A KELLY 5 nowmm. Portsmouth, July W, 1871. - King-ton. 5, i871, THOMPSON 3. DODD, KING STREET. ;t.ons, lit6 and , .I1_, , `l'.\ `-6 T. .., [Avmf xadvan , Towellings, 'ts,B \I\I U 91513.1 U - der of the_ir_ Summer Stock and 'r.b1. Nq.un., White and- _ _our_ed _Q_uilts,_ gem ;_1,oq, Plain and rumynuui Shootings; Brown I IIVIIII \I\lgi Cu IJVIIII, .. STREET, `GENTS Eon DOW S cmmmrm L ALEC; also hbatt's, Fisher ; and >1son and Parker. ... w..%.....'"`;`;; ......v - For One Month 0nly.A Fm uigh tlw 0r.mg,'u|m-n is I Look 2 LOOK! 1.003! militia!` tho nnlnqinnu AC 4I....:_ tI...._._.. .1_-I_ L, 1:` ,.. n. . 5E F. x. oousmmu in 00 unlhl UU1'1'U1V5, _l3OT'1`0N LINEN TIGKS, ISH LINENS, , ABLE DAMASK, ABLE_CDO'1`IiS, TABLE COVERS, _ ABLE NAPKINS, i IMACASSABS, LACE AND IUSLIN CURTAINS, , OILET QUILTS AND COVERS i-`ILLOW AND SHEETING GREY COTTONS, 8' l3OT'1`0N AND LINEN 'rm1m ielrsons BIIILDIIGS, on thunk, my Clearing Sale of tie Season ym At}? `HARTY 85 Co : n-vn 4.-v... -_.-... _ ___ ._ _ rlllbr u ..u` of tvuflvl .|- -- g of this Emuive Stock, tendon it wonhyehuuution oftlu Gueiaruu L716, 1371. known. TheGoodnmuItbe|oldin otdartounhranulfor } FALL IMPo12'rA-rrolcs. ; uin thn Wanna quill Is. ..4I.......l -5 I--.` at _-_ ___._ 1 ,1 , ; 3 aFirstSnleinthoirNew1'?`AtablinhIu|t;toy_willd&' AT sHI1'.s'. "J2<`:' nonmrrs or was T`..,,?.4?.?.`.`:'o;:.r;s" ma !`....'i=`...':; axnlnmu -an. nl cl... `l..II....l_.. 11--.: I wtmuu AI; 2, ml. Ki-I-to-g-.1nIy*_hs`, 1371: ' -` .:.,. .r.;-'53 - L`.. . f.i z2'.. "..1"...;!"" ..`-3`, swim H--I-. ..,. --. -v-- ---_, -`.,..,... -o.\1:m.in\'csu__*:'.t|-xxx into the g l`hu-Itlix I':u`k. uIr.\`atn1'da_v, g nmgiftnxtes have -b'l':ll\tcl `aim! Ink-lmlbexs of the policy .1 _. .I)..I.. " I... I'L.o.... 1....-. wk part in the n_'m_\`. The` B. &'J._ Gardiner. _ ...., wul-13's-1; S.stunl:\y. It is I shunt l`I\"u hundrv.- of the llfnvuu} gf the measure: `'3 . between General Manteul-l '_Pu|I_\`cl` fur the iIu11um1i;{tx- ithe nun1_lo:n1 forts. have so u .-.. ..-.`..... l..~ ....._,-. .. . ...` ............. .. iihe nurthcm t result; 7 _ g. 1; n;-'-'l`he Scott ccntennary '1-day hp a,hanqm.=t in the ':|P.-nnnn L`o......A Ll_.A_I. II ... l|.- The trip! of the nmr. Pulicc Talilmt f|;I.~x hm-n pus_t- .u1nra.tim\ --f Dublin Inn I.` _ `nu \*X'prr. \s`iI|g Lwrruw and hwnix Ijark :1l|`:1ir. I `. n..4-'1`1u~ Hun. lubcrt -C. V. .__, 1 .. .-.....|..~.. u. cu ' \`Kann;rn';tret Hotel; Hep- ugied the chair as Presi- hke of Mauclnester, Lord `L ._ c v` 0 I . . _. I . |mI:1i'rll|?Ia)'s the cholera in Dantzig. ` Bntavia, Atlantic, _and Ihonigsburg. but nu cases- . 111 from New York, at- - --u.: on uAau\;II\:DI.Ur. 1.41 I111 'lIun_may as \'ice.-Presidents. bin.-d pen-suns, all or nearly in 1.119 world of letters. Toasts werenmch the same ._I_ __I,I _. A. .I n.- ,0. . U..- .. "-k,u.s uf Rumulg. which was u . mnu\Issiu-51 of the sea. a ix} hyiglnt zuwpt all the hu- `gun, and hursos from the Is- ni persuus who p\`l'is]_|ed ifill t... . Ealra Ind apeared in Lon`- A_ ,., I 0?? Jtlgxttlnder Cozlnxnrg, N I`n 9 i` to ' Geneva uncle-r the Treaty of Sir Roumloll Palmer the dertainly known that the of State, J. L`. Bancroft Igunf. of lhe United States. In not yet been announced- . l4.+_-Tlni,s Govenmxeut no counsel. Mr (fhru-lcs _` New York, is to assist the Status in the preparation , uletriblmal of arbitration. of New York, the agent :11 of the United States {are the colnmiuionen to 'IInow. here, on business oien - I IT / presn China announce Eect of A defest. _Md one Gcnnan, engaged fl-on_1t,he wreck of the h-nun hi`: `:?.F.m&n11a1r. Bpturetl by the Coreans, ,&`..IlI1ng 3n liamboos, and ..`n"l' of pores. The Brit- J span to inquire into Alencan eet to Cheefoo as. En tn am-1 Austria :1 ' ` '- l'I.""'1 DE I'8(.'|nC Inll] Qiom Kong, July 12th, I51): 22.hd, arrived last the _on by the Gov- : ...m;'1.A 3"'J`.`l;lf`LZ?; "' b or the Mikado. A damage at Kiobe / K. In iet. Immenseim-' 1 wunyalillwll llll: GKIIIIC wlebrntlon on the 9th [In also celebrated at the I. Sydonham. _aud in various .I_: pn-. .....l..--u ., ...... swmuw - He intcinds to be absdnt n ` i I PRESS DESPATCHES lug. l4'--A deupatch from 1 conrm: the truth of thei ha: a 0 kb gailgt lrw.s. .9. Iv. ...-. .u..-um. vln ...- EM. Thin-3:3 1':-wars xvii] ..._,\`|u .1. \'.L..-Ll-.. `L I- . .L\'i) (.'03I.\IEl{` 'IAL. _.; 1-, Inn . ...-.. ..---I-rs--uu nu -cum L eXtl")Ul'p1inAI`)' peusatiu . 2 ~ -uuun I20 ya-unm the `III within range of the 1` nCureannreuiste I'- 'kIiheAmeric-an: L Allnnul-...f ....; ....... ... " `W-utlxe .-\ mericans rczwlned ' Anuuxl-cruf priz-mncra-I were *9 Olcur >IL`1:(>n(l in com- -H"Y Wuunclml, the comman- been killed. on the 10th of `Often bimuacked in the 'd`Y`1l:lu1-liuhed the forts '0 - The Heat returned 3 '5 later the Uoresns _ with the moat ` `Incl-ge, . to h1cb_ ' . no *1? RORGII. zawavnr. . l4._-K-The debate on tho ' *|I_lcncan Squadron and "'7 Tad 6,(XX) men armed ` '-inmueu fell short. while In American ries told fear- ! Under the cover of a `tie, -h_on1ac.- at 5 bill the Vlun I20 ytrduiuf the .1 Within rnnue of the .7 ., .. v..........-..-.-. I5, l:30 .m.-Cotton Uplnnds d. Orleans .. ....` ..... J. ...u Rllipf- in I`-later, have fun : a f(\r|uic1:nhlo dc- 15, 1:10 p.m.--Coiuolp for account. Bonds am. '5'.': ma rm..- km. g. H.-~l'!'ho must atrin. uh-asureug lmvo In-en ` cnfurcml luytlw Danish L` prevention if possible V ; uf_ cholem into 4thc -- I`:-inco Bis ~ zmxfml the ueilunrroction in unnows` N. ._ . . I-(--The -Pacic mail Ihmn Ir... I..1.. Ion. calzunit _\~ . They intend tu Risnurck Li'{."` {.{{iLC;`ig;1i{I I __ it ln'cT lyebe Iold'nt. Auction shortly sftex-the pd; Sale at 1 o'c ock. V ` Ta-nu made known t'|a. - MUR J. c. .cmnK. " kg. Dun- Inn" 9 !Sa1 ornaal Esta_1ge,| tall in It will no further with ` mim'nhu- H...-. ` .....uu wan !.l_Iu col `.1nini~h~r. then : ` un:miu|| wnn m....._.r..I ?:- -j .\[r R_\`l;1mls is worrying l1imelf afmout the Secret Service money. A: ovcrmnent wants infonnxation, and has to pay for it. there must he mnn_e_\' spent, $111] as all kinds of pcope might I c.nnpron1ised,"it is impossible to ren- Ileran :1'cmuIt. Mr Rylznuls has, however, A'\tI`!l\'tx'I` one fact. that MI` Hmnmond man- iv fund, znnl flint ha ha: cl-.~-nu. 1.-.] .".;'-'\' -VII Al.) Iolllll 1 .\'cr\'icc m and mnnp_\y spell might Le campro her an 1' tzvs (Kw fund, .-Ill) fur doing s ubictinn to th: L'\u`:u mu I.`\(`1'.. that Mr Imnunnnd :-.`_v< and that he has always had 44!) fun` so. There is /not the smallest uhji-ctiun tn the allowance, but the explana- tion is another proof of the monopoly of power alluwed to :1 single irresponsible ofcinl. He nnnagm all the important business, appoints _;|l`| hat. the chief in the great lc-rations, and li-mil-utus the secret service mone . And he xliln't knuw a week before the Hohenzollern eanlll:1ture that War was likely to break out in Euro]-e.---London Spectator. .l`3l - Clxia-ago, Aug. 1-1.--.\ convention` ` has l\ccn called to nu-ct lncro on Aug. 24th, to lsc cu2::'p-usual of Presidents of Agricultural Cnll`ge'~I. Professors of Agriculture, anal ntlwr persons of the Unitod.St:1tcs and Brit isll Prnvincea wlm are engaged or lllt(`.l`t;8tcd in p:-mnxuting agricultural science byse#xpcri- ments in the eld, for the purpose drganiz- ing ca-nsllllillg and cu-operating in the vu-rl` luu-win .l_-_rc education. ' ll (Ill Every description of Stationery. Inilnilili {A1} AUCTION, I11`!-AUQL VHI-5 ETIIIIIBQ. . New Ynrk. Aug. 1. i.-This day, being the Inc hundredth anniversary of the natal clay `of Sir \\'alt.cr Scott, will be celebrated in tl1is_cit_v in 'illlp0liug manner. The .\`cuttisli sqt-ieti ill appear in Broadway, tllo lliglnlamlcm being in their native cos- nnno. The fnumlatiuu stone of the Scott I-uumnnont will he laid in Centrul Park with I upln-n1-rizitc coreilionies, and them will be 1 .\ l\.'|llu_11t`t at Dclnionicrfs this evening. ' New Yurk. August 15.-The Erin I?-.:i- II I nun: znvvuuu I Presentation Books, And .u.Bl}.1Is. F`.\`urv Jnnr-I-Cnnn nf * xruul n auuu to ii lmstilitics. wclvc native Chriiutimu Al.-ngsidv the .-Xdmil-id's flag-ship in a and lseggml to be taken to Sluuxghai, ans} their junk be" burned falliu tn tlw hands of the would tlncrdty J_sco\'er vi] thvy c;uun-:niul punish their rekIti\'cg_ mqucst was granted. v \.uuL';AiLlllI pllllll .. --uuu_m-1 at ucuuonlcrfs this 3 Yu . August l5.-The Erie Rail- . way Cmnlpmxy has disclxixrgdnver a.' hun- dred employee in the general n"tc'"11ere, and realuccsl the wages of those remixin- in-_v.. nun; 1'o:I||u\'ll making roe \\ 110 1 NEW BOOKS [Just Received ' Wednesday. Aug. 16, . AT MURRAY S AUCTION ROOMS. rl1HF_ sU11<;CI:IBER OFFERS FOR SALE t:\KE ta}