tion of qnforcing the ballot to fill up the name: the milith. Sir GeorgeE. ou- tier has every reeion from his oim experi- ence tobe utisedwiththe teeultof the 4 _.volunta.ry plan of enlistment; and I! it is '. theinteutionol thegovernmmt tocpt dovm _r out expenditure in accordance with " ` _;9jxpreuad denim: of the public, it in maet thnt the voluntary principle will hf nnnnnn in IL. -gnu:-.n......L- l\` AL- wu wrc other 1} false :9 \nI H1: at: none was ue n ny we nmeuwe at Port Said. Isniailia. ancfusuez shall be garriaoncd by Turk- ish troops in order to guarantee Turkey : mili- tary rights over the Isthmus. The Ileruld thinks that nothing could be fairer, but natur- ally doubts whether the Khedive will view the matter in the same light. The scepticism of the llemltl jg gloubtleea well founded, as it is hardly likely the Klmdjve would look with pleasure upon the trsnsfer of the control of such I vnluable portion of his territory to the Sultan, notwithstanding he may not object to allow the latter the empty claim of souverainty over the whole of `Egypt. The pecunisry em- barrassmenta of the Canal Company are, how- ever, so great that something will have to he done; and if the questjpn be either a cloning of the-caxml or the concession demanded by the ever, so great I the canal 1 Sulltnlu` flu. V uuuu; mm u {.115 quejpn be either closing concessinn demanded by the Sultan,` the Khedive may choose the latter as the least of two evils and retain the benets to Egypt, resent an rospoctive, depending upon this gighway for ` tern commerce being kept open. "His own personal pecuniary inter- ell: mav also inu.-um... `L:..... ;L_;. ._-,, I wu wrong. that he on N10 have selected an. dam-tmcnt. 'l hnu u.......|. .-. .......... ..... .. mug. man. no ougntto nsye selected othopdgnrtmsnt. lh t u It it w 5 sep. He aid no; 91'? 'ougg;nt it a wise one. The fortilicntimi nml.nnili1:iu bills were unpopular mmumres, and it was his task tn remove [mpnlnr p|'ejn;d5ce,.u0 that even those who wens oppuzwd to him were not diu- lcaaed at his success. ' \Vhen the hlifitja gill was discussed. .somu who`sIw'i1:`fmm n ieaaeu at mu When the Militia gill discussed, who`sIw it` from a peculiar point of View nusiutaiuud that the volunteer force wuuld be swept en- tirely away. By the act forty thousand men were to be called out in iwlnntoon, an-militia, or'by the draft. But such was the militgry apiritiu the Dominion that they never had been obliged to resort to the draft. The mili- tary camps in Ontario, Quebec, New Bruns- wick and in- Nova Scotia, in September, had created a new And unexpected basis of 0 wra- tions. and had brought men from liundre s of miles for sixteen days` drill, because in these cunpl their became acquainted not only with company 111: battalion drill and mum lifg_ uauupu we oecame acquainted only with com any camp life. He |ieve.l that the proposal to resort to the bzdlot, made by Iord Aylmer, himself a brave and able oicer, would not require to be car- ried out. It would be seen that most of those now in the service would continue; but if any withdrew, their places would be more than lled up by volunteers. The Quebec Rie As- sociation was merel the sister Association of those in Ontario, ow Brunswick and N ova Scotin. These had proved that the Hanu: mil- itary spirit existed as was shown in the funn- ation of the camps. Some people had said that it was all very well to speak of vol- unteering, that the men would only turn out when there was a real danger to be feared. But it should be` borne in mind that this year there had been _no threat of a Fenian o ization; all had been quiet. He then referre, to the diq)lny at the Niagara camp, and to the -highenconiums_ passed on it by t e oleers of the United States army, who had no idea such an organization existed. It was 0111 intendedto call out 15,000 men alto- gether, nt there had turned out 21,000 men, the numbers in excess having turned out voluutnrily. He had told the American General at Niagara that what he saw and ad- mired so much was only one of the nine. camps, and that while they desired `to live on pleasant friendl terms with the American people, they believed, rst, they should have instrument well sharpened, and next that they should never need to use it. They thought only of defence, not of self-aggrandizcinent. He then referred jocularly to the presence of Mr Holton, and trusted that when the leader of the Opposition was in the House he would not forget the happy occasion which had brought them together that day. _.l. -_...... .. ,4. nqnnw/\/Ax|L1\l v_;un.uAau) U1` (1 VV UAVIl\lV. The Beyrout correspondent of the Lrvant Hrrultl reports that I sensationgl crime has come to light in the northern district of Mount llemion. About two years ago a. report spread far and wide that several children had disap- peared, and the l{uala.Bcd:ouin was so terried Izlmt they used to stow away their progeny in boxes and baskets. The report was that a monster had been seen--9. greyhound in shape, a lion in size. Some believedthat alion might wrchance have strayed from the eastern gene:-t, while others nus eted, as usual, some Druzo lot. . Latter!-y it has been discovered that E ruze woman from the village Dahr-el- Almnr, between Rashyeiyn and Rukhley, in conuequcllce of a disappointment in a. love af- fair, had poisoned and cut up no less than eight children. At last a head was found in n 3 well at llasiiyoiygraxid the crime was brought home. The Druzes wished to put the mur- derees to death, but the nutlfonties rescued her and sent to Damascus. n Jinan -77+}. .1... I ueresa w aeam, out the suthorities I Damascus. On June 27th she was ma.rc-lml through the bazaars in irons--a diqgrace she endured with the greatest cyni- cism. She is alleged to have committed four- teen murders, the tint victim being her own son, who had accidentslly witnessed something compromising. , , -.-7 -v uu-uv. unpyu], IIOWGVGP, liljlt Brittin and the otheflnmpean govern- _ Incubus stonowith Ghohmsrican gov- ernment ; sad the mild Chinese Sol farce]- Coreona will equally have tq nubxnit to ne dennnoy of Woltem; intoreuta. 1.. l`P.ANSFERENCE OF THE SUEZ CANAL TO A BRITISH -UOMPANXC. ' It would appear that there is some truth in the reported probable transfer of the Suez Cansl to s British com any. The Levant Herald says that Lord D has sounded the Tn-kish Government with the View of obtain- ing its consent to such um u-mm.m......; .....I ._...... uuvcruuxeuv wan me new of obtain- ing to such an arrangement, and that in pi'inciple" he has obtained that con- sent, subject to conditions. These are, that the forts be ' n by the Khedive at Port an Suez garria_(_)_ne by ..l. 5----.- .'_ Jr munmz, Bmk of Montre:l--269, 272. Merchants Bank--'l33 ; I136. SHOCKING 1 . COMMERCIA L. ONTREAL STOCK MARKET. ' (Ber Montreal Line.) "ManQg_z;l, Aug. 18. mk Mont:-eal--269. 272` ` " THE THREE CHAIRS. `r CRIMES OF A \VOMAN. _ ) ` ai1y,tengl.e;-'w:il`lxv1-at neo..:es- cu: a.-Jwv, Inc nlnpflcln Ulllllltf in China, In: written tothe State Department at Wuhington eompleining that tlie Chinese government does not keep in proper repair the lighthouse: and beeooni on the coat of China, and npprining the United States government of the necessity to act so an to compel the Chinese to any out the twenty `uzipumiom. 'rhum.' in the com end the leaner trouble: in China. bath indicate ' the: the American government will have an Eute'rn.queeti.on" on its hands for 3 short time to edme. Hnppify, however, Gnjeet lllr` than nlhn-E Pn_......-- in I;{o_te_1_1dr w` ` r ejyg 4 V tnmmg sigu aczilz tz come secuntles for the due t `_ [1,.__A._. A __ V... pup ugnmurII16f.ti'i wucome securities 4 the Contrac `-`QIEDHARJEFE .l:i."13..Sl`1llI l-3, West of stimcmu Avsmma, in o TY on TORONTO, 1 b t _ and the Gra1l(Ii.`gT:u:l:0u w gm: % ways and Northerneglfllt I;1a.ns..and apocicdaiopl can bd am Defartment, where pnnted forms 4 an endorsed envelopes can be had ggtjon. ways. 1-.- Frida);_ SEALED TENDERS, A Liverpool paper ofthe rd instant says that the, ship lilmworxc, Cs t. Stevenson, just arrived in the Brunm ick Dock from Quebec, has made probably the shortest recorded run across the Atlantic by a nil- ing ship. viz.. eleven (lava twelve hnnrn, frnrn precautions and regulation: Are Vr proper; but we agree with our cor!'es'ponden that the majestic form of thenoticecpntrastspddlywith the amount of the dividend, which is calcu- lated at tho rate of 59-l28t_ha of 2. the pound," and amounts to the magnicent sum of twopence! Surely it was hardly wjbrth while to set I mountain in a labour to produce this numial mnn-n n....u _._. .. .- . - - penny in ` . -- u\'J|lllJl!l \'aV JFCIAI (U ` Jnouymoux nmnuuuicah'onn moi wrrfw no al- (ion. blow-rythug; foruvanlnl for iuarrliou uuult Iv on`:-mu;~mo'rvI by Nat Nlllf aQl `ml- - dram qf Ilor N'ro'f`.' not wvraauriIg_/'c`r.;nrb- 10'-tin, Inn`.-. rv'r'Irm-v- qr" cmMruIi4'c'l_o/'. It is ulna l`Pr(ur-Irv! (lull mrr'a;Ingoglm(.s 95, only orrilr ma mu aid! of (hr (ch-(I qf pm`. We muuuf mo.l:r(ul`:' kg return rrjrct cum- uluo'a'uUun.1. v___ __ ,.,.1.......u ; uurunyxt was hardly nancial mouae. Could not the dividend have been sent ip the form of a couple of were uesxrea I mingham Pant. nu Q03. 1' nuur E) E0 ll!!! 0'! ; receipts 9,000 barltln; at 4,50 to 5,(X) - II4l'westcm; 5,20 to 6,50 or I S _ extra state ; 5,55 to 6,00 fo-2 good 30 chow extra. western. Rye Hour (1 et. Whent ex- cited and hi her ; sales 88. ' '1 buh 3 "5 1932 to 1.35 or$Io..2.. .. - i for winter red an amber WOIWTDS 12_5 to 1.43 for amber Mic 1"; 1.50 for White Michigan to cm-iv'e`.= Rye` i , . U011! B8*`` ly go rm; receipt. 196, bushels; sales 93,000 bush ; at wcior ne'miXII1-W'`*" Barley dull and nominal. Oats rmer; receipts 9,000 bushels; s 5 1,000 bush- els; at 42 to we western - Ohio. Pork - dull ;o.t 13,25 to 13,37 for ew mesa. Lard , rm ; at 9 to 93 for stea ; 92c for kettle; rendered. Butter 15 to 3 for new State and \Vestern. Cheese. 6 o 1054: for com- mon _to prime. Petroleum 2% to 1320 I0! crude ; 2-1 to 245:: for rened. -, u:uul.`ucu run the Atlantnc by sall- ing ship, viz., days twelve_ hours, from St. Pa.ul sIsl:u.nd,intheGulfof St. Lawrence, to her anchorage in the Mersey. Tlllfin, lint huaaninnu Lnhnn Ll.. _.I... `An- ..r..- unwunvu upu uu uuuhrul. A LARGE DIVIDI-1ND.-AB an illultration of the saying greet cry and little wool, a cor- respondent sends us a dividend warrant" he has jupl: received from the Bank:-uytcy Court. It in IS highly ocial document, nted in red ink, stamped in three or four p aces with an official stamp, signed by an oicial aui and solemnly addressed To the accountant` i. Ea-nkrtlptcy. and to Wrim m..1.:..... 3.: u.- anu solemnly addressed accou;nnt' in and 9` agghigrs. of the Bank `of Euglapd." Notice is given that, on being prnperl endorsed, the dividend will bepaid at the , ml: of England or any of its branches tothe payee, his executor, or ad- niinistratnr. or 11. envy ..oI...... ..-r H ' ` uepzuu at tnelbank England to the payee, minist_rato_r, 0; to any other person cixly authorized by pg-ocnrqtiou or by special order from a. comnussioner." Of-course, all these regulation: Are vnrv tn-4-nu.-. v -nun u-1AuAlUlGvb C.7 Ill IJIIU ululluy. A rustic, hut ingenious horse thief, who gave his name as Frank Uountryman, now lies in St Thomas gaol, awaiting his trial for riding too far from his stable a. uputtedllorse that belong- ed to Mrs Enaley, of Malahide. The artistic Frank painted the spots of! the horse and then put him in another man's pasture so as to add to marketable home esh. The horse was discovered, and some fty poo le chased the thief into a wood, in `which is ey surrounded and captured their man. ` 1..-; -n_., u - ~- ....u uayuuruu D1161!` man. Just after the passage of the xpress train on the Delaware, Lackawanna and VVeItern Railroad around the foot of Ga.rre1_; Mountain, Paterson, on Tuesday morning, the slggne wall which holds up the road from the canal caved in,_aud a gneat qua.ntity'of earth and rock ava- latiched into the canal. Trains were delayed and the navigation of the canal was obstructed for several hours until the .lg.m...........|.a 1.. .. 5-..-m1._-, xpuzsluull or condence, &c., to men withun character. The contnactn 10 r suppl - ihg P s with food, both before and after the siege, s now that austerity existed no more nn-N der th These charact 1'. Lame ducks and discharged prisone 3 were entrusted to go and purchase food at he rate of 400per cent. above usual prices. Editors, house painters, and millinerl specula in the potatoo irade formed 8 joint stock as mpa.ny,' and bled their country in mi!- lions of frames, because the pl-otl ranged from 80 to 90 percent. All was corrupt from Dan to Beersheba. Putrid food was passed as sound" by otcinls, and duly paid for. Ex- deputies introduced these strange contractors to the Minister of Commerce, who, with a few exceptions, completely ignored the element of character in rsuch g1gf. tic opergtiohs. It is they fnt-AI inlnlunn.-... A` 5 0- - - Repuhlic than the Second Em ire. _ Weread in the Montreal paper: that a batch of twenty Belgian emigrants will ll`- ve by nextgdaennr {rpm the neighbour- hood of Nnnnl-Ind in nllprobnhility settle in Canada. are the adnnce gunni of n Inge Belgian which is u-nuged for next thgl which it is expected will x upon the province of Quebec mi the place in which toinelect their new homes. No doubt we owe much of the attention which the Belgian: u-e turning towards Ca- nada to the labour: of Mr SinnyI,';_ nnnnt nl Hun an-A}.-. .u...............; ..A A._:. ,,,,___-, _.....,,.-.-., .5uuu:u we element of gi antic operations. the fatal inuence of t e Second Empire, when fortunes ourished like Jona.l1 s gourd, and speculation had no control. _ A 1 ...r... n ..... --- - Ll `Jul at GU31] hut urn on-run` u-uu. we uungauon or the canal obstructed hours until the damage co_uld be re- paired. Had the accident occurred one minute sooner the express tmin would have been plunged into the Vcannl ma annmr ..a...1 ..-:: sooner the plunghod cam.1 and another awful rail; road orror would have to be recorded. 'l`lu. -Jenn. ..c 11.... 1r..n_..,:_-.,1, _, ,- . `weeks from the time when th _-..-. ......u. wwuu wave to us recorded. The `death of Mrs Vnllandiham is the last act in one of the most pitin le domestic ca- lamities that has been the province of the press in a long time to record. If there ever was :1 clear case of dedth from grief, her: is such :1 case. Overtaken, en route tothe death- bed of A favourite brother, by the awfultidingl of her husba.n s fatal wound; returning too late to receive his last farewell; cnished in heart and mind, and carried by suffering into the oblivion of insanity; recovering connciouI- ` nesson_ly the more fully to comprehend her own desolation, she found th urden greater thaiahe could bear, and, a few short 0 country was first shocked by the terrible tra edy, follows her husband to the grave. As de: record it would be hard to nd. ' 'l"l_ wuuau uc uuru bu lll.|(.l. The French have short memories, and hav- ing nished and forgotten the Roman qucstiot, became nt once interested in the scandals of the rovision contracts. It Wu 3 common re- ma.rE during the siege. It in nnt Pm--h 6|--4 a n -v unnv unuunuu us -1.1 uuunyl,-_ - mat of the Cnnndinn government at Ant- wan-n 'I"Iu-. nan`.-.I.. .1 cl... .._....:_.-- -: TO OONTRAbT( )RS. C3e.11tIf8_l:I 3`1S9ni the day of Ahghsi next `. Fqr tl_1e comigxqctiop of a uuuss:oner."' _ Ur - cuunie, mid. vm as our corms-nm..1.... .. ... uuv wrm, or couple of n- : in four half-penny ones, If it to make it look larger ?-Bir- .. ...,...,. uu uruun greater r, wit n me the ne- : A 8 ind. 2 nn`de1-giygneyl sf .ti1i_s ' "be' r_'eic`eive ymtll eduei warp. The people of the province of Quebec hue]: Pu-tinlity.in,nneonnging the iqnmigntiou of I French speakingnce, md will gladly welcome the Belgian: as they wouldnhot-ho ' ' of the war who are ....l 4,. I... I.._:_.- `L, _L:L I aeaivl; e nf o.....:..- urantW 9Northern 1 to? "R3 W IIIBBI. IJITG. e for Pily n..|.11 ` quo "ma : 8. rrrv_:'z.vw. u J'e'i1l"a' '1 -77'l'. ]T,_T?'_ T`? ` `. ' .,.E.`1a,'. ,, n,_, L . Fe. .-. , :';,. _ I . I &.c-yff -, - _, . 4Q 5 , v- _.- _... ....-.-- vn -uv wnn wnu [re add to be leaving the whilom French pro- vinces of Ala... nun-I !......:...- ....... L..u L.- v`-v _ -ruIuuI'OQ At ,Mamg&;Wnhden*s;l `E01-:IV"ING ormrixc ot7'1ra.i1y;`." R I-tee deuvedagor + Great indulxntelha uh uni cIo89_. , .` v buy. I 1 . .. . L `H ,. *M ane e' Waddell, JUST RECEIVED, =1 NE e E R0iJ1u.ozrs.f n1i H _ 01-11%-BIS . . - ' `E sEAMLi:`s`s i_ i3|.6v'i:s,_ ' ' = g rtnsrgenowu` : ~" B -._`."b" Wmg mi` r Q. Age. .17. : M4 .__ -- _. ..._..... uu. wuuv-u xxvuuu vinoesoi AlucounlLorn.inenow_held by the Germans. 'l'I|eV industrious Belginnn would be to wquinitionlin my part of the Dolllininn - mm] if 41.-.. 6'...) n... I--.` __u.-,_ Allgugt 17. 3N1ewl`1 atu+ Sa.tu+ t [CE PITCHERS, ; Schoa ILVERPLATED V POONS, 5 YARD BASKETS, J . 1AKE I ,,_ _- 1. ....I.._..-uvpa Ill ll WV` UK UK Dominion ; and if they nd the lnnd Policy of Ontario more libgnl thsn that of Quebec, and our ldvnntnman n? - --no-4-- -`=--`A un.1uVu'1`_l! 9I!t. 1 0% .s .. * ;UTTER cqomns; "` '*V`- `"-'4 ` I1ZJIlIlL`uu Macnee an waaaeu, _ Priness 8'!:et}'. `my. 17. . ' TO THE . -.-. . g ` l' - ` N, Z 3 l ALEs__W1;I1'rE cogrdyg YfA;zN. K4 BOOKST.ORE. .- . ~-.--ax-.v-an -up ~-uauu-..--c.v":cama--1 . rLYo1-kl Igder nd Weekly. | day Journal. - I ` : ` , ' 16 1 day Night: ` I; e_Latest Novels. up Sationery, kc. _ At Henderson's, % _ 1871; :nt_ Music. AUGUST. ` .`"` ami "our adv beghdtuluv turn any. -n -us-J: yuan um I{u.UDBC, anhgveo of I_Illp8I'i0f clinsto and bet_tu-noilmuzo totbcirmind,woIh|ll eon than of them in On- ___.__. ... u--npuuvnwau -runuor wu mr~rinsmu--c9-o~wm-et.aao.o9ai- oorcrov =1mIBAGS. `L `ctmfo_N BAITS.` \ white and G1.-ey wmmna. .,= Q. j _3`_ __ 'm_uNcEss smut:-:'r;. ' I.I`1"v=V V% ` Ilnr.....I- n.4..n: N190-`J `n. 3 n ,,-N` `C H, V " gci, any `gm 99.1. suuxm G31.`:)R'I. .<.M -- From the`rocent uoech of the of Militia it in evident that the government In: no intongion of hking up the proposi- to E -....L- -0 n... ...:|:;:_ 9:- n___-_ , = 3 - `mm:-.odt{ -yjnw-u taunt ouu vuaulll-II yuuunplu Flu udequnto to tha requirement: of the on its reduced C.-.4-.54.... ;|w ] 7'!) C0 RRSSP().\'DL'.\'TS; ~ division of the House wucall .`~` in a majority of 52 in - M 7 course of the Government in A of the Dublinc meeting. ` ` `:= :'g_ 17.f-The sword Imbseri 1 ` gegidents of New York for ; ., defender _of Strasbourg, w *3, the General today. In wee" of his countrymen in Ame " V .m attempt was medetoreoo ,e_-- ;..1.;..1. 1.-.: 1.... {,5 to their rquest. R` . E qwndignitytoodedply unt ' ! . gimw. After the an 1-9 ; ,f ' _' legation. `had been aogepteci .af Q.` nimilnr n|.........A..*. _ ' of the police at the ` ' the. 12th inst., in reply t9 ix. Mmmire. member` for ' gpoka at lengthin ;iefeV ,-in Russia. Awitgg dut~ visa 5 ` I...) -1 ..'..-..-- ..- _IA__, , .- :ai<'l',t.lu_Lt a seaifch -1134], been ordered into " gocnt murder of 1;-gag. 17.-A deputies from ~ H says the cases of cholera.~ In that town, yvhoee pop 2 4". exceed 6,000; shout one - . 7 Jews, therehafe beet: - ` `- , 83 of which are fatal. * 'ug. l7.-The`re is great ex' - city ovi-r'tlie liberation o I ; I 1` Q,Baecia. after ve months A u -H 5 Jnspicioqthat he had been . "the assassination of sympathileflof Sync: hm. over the event and will ta .,. -. ovation. " ' mg, Aug. 17.--Prince G_o'rt: 2411, states:tha;hnving ruaai 1. I|tion'a.nd listeiwd fin; then` " Kil.IL -,...-_-1I-.'l 4. _,, I` n . 5.: .-- -.._..___ _'_ ` U 5`-- .-u-on-cu. ` vvsllgg ulunv vuvlr U of course mi p.ltorm.tivo ' h....I1._._L_LL__'__,, - 1 one might inqjcata an invi.di-' V C Izn nnuvl-nnnalu -M-.....L.. between fe two j, '17.--Queen I w n.severa.l dgsys sings, and -; L]... ....I...... -1 `I:I'.-1_.A., nu-nu vv nqvu F... ........._.,... .... _ ipmvinca which had beena f pg by the "results of war. `,g of to-.day`says the , occupy the eastern s..I.-L:L....4- 2.. - _-.; -_ , W s A ;: - Judm demon)-C:,)`;1tent`:g:-:tThe(Il|l-:1l:t:0lX Y `I Romance; Two Plans fo , 1, Pearl: Snhmwlafgm; Recollection: of J. R. "fllncho; Thd Bloomutof the AIM. v.:..... l8.- I'ho cholera. hu 9p- ! neighbourhood of ontinued its ravages at Konigu- __ 99 Tue-4%? theie *0 70 WV Elethl on A deaths. . T `. l8.fAn extenuivg re . ` gt Leiwater, the cspitil `l of the same name, and the % _inEngland of the mamIfc- and other hosieiy. ` Ono sf V Wool spinningcfactorieu up `, yeveral were `wall- ._... -----'-`--J 3 `\\ll`a~u`;m` `4'T`r~-.., 0? - thj. .'n`3l":._ M` vans, or pensnad In the bodies hi the dead wero1extr.i- Were aebadly charred uf `0 ' didentication. ' "* r-_--- -- - --ufm; _unarau|:e;', hglon and presented by g _ wasoefed, bntth'nP1-inoa idecidedly refused to aucpt, Winn], lamina H. LL- .`..'..... .. -v /nmengan. Breadltu ` 8:1 `for California white- .' M1,. *,etmt"1= 94 *.., ,~.-~~-- -7-.-- l"" .'.'L ahako courteounly requadgd ldelegation withdxiw tho I: had been * in: nun-aunnng AC #1.}- _._...- -- -- v--v -1-9 29;;-.-14-zgggyf mu uueuwltn water over her he aide. and $49 pi the P"`- '`3""-""'-"SN-89*: want 39 .Ib.s;r; rucno, agnl that she was thpoyn wt 0; u,- noo. cilcumstanoe gave the Tragui g olur walk ovet the course. ' GABLE NF%W5- ~ Aug 17.g--In the House an-he. Queen -L mm to 503,311] w_a.s annquncqd. `gj-17,-.-In the House of _ 3 mfg` Epeld, Under Sec` `b said` t.l`1g.t 3` s.eai.rch.' I Juuuuu gun` F-ISaloombe7 in Donuhiri. ring! -1 _:__ .__-_., ,1. n -_?___j.____._.;- oi-AND J :3a?s2.`3sa`,`i.` .;fa::..Ei`,- :1, -----9 -- '"l "z_ 0, a I Ianruwn ne` rubs the incu- E the citjiem thin _ nu Univ 5 vuuu vu.1'(.u,. `Lg; ggue _lcc0n_]lpu1_.|ed_; *9 505: but In M Dqigl gggqityl _1e boats were working towards Ma! ?.9i!1, Ind the Power was about I 1948-30! .91 6 .IE,liL'6; X ahead, when her shrouds gave wgy, M; '-mar-nha hldnothing tone but to take our IQ` QDYM gsf proceed to her fmooringg, '54` 41 ..i!.l -.!z`? .1)? jut In the mean- time the Balk: wy on `go! 5; was ued"th her lee aid;-, .1"! oi... r;:.n .: .11.- WI! III!` .. He-wu ln...\....... _ __ _,,,, __-_.,-.u.u nsce on Inursday afternoaa bait !=_l_ie yachts Trumt, Powers and am of Pexiod, mglced in favour o , the (int named, owing Altagetlig; 1:; the pre- unt instance to circumstuwes. TM h9I_t-S gtg-J 3; half-put three o clock from Swift : . wharf, the ec. ;_r_se being to Four Mile Point gnd buek, round the Mgrtello Tower near the ak mprket, round Gnrden ghnd; and home to by; , when the Power _t`r,-9k the loud, the 'h1oz being 8.80096. %I.1$Hb Girl of the Period third, The Belle ac-cm,p.In.ied% H10 in (2lnm'tv_ The ..........u u, we uauue 01 mcnay lost three sheep on Thursday. and felt sure tlnt they had been taken by a dz-over who left Belleville that day with a lot for Kingston. Mt-:Ka,y ur' rived ' Kingston, and went with Detective McA yvoyvto interview the drover. Qpo_g,see- jug him he acknowledged having three strange gheeg, which cgme on board the steamer with `his flock. and which he found impracticable to separate in time for the stezunefa departure. He had deft word, however, to that effect at the wharf before leaving, and that he would ; pay the owner for them, and had told the cap- tain Of the boat of the Oclillfrlenntl 'l"hn ..... A- ...... III ....e um. 01 me occurrence. The owner of the sheep received three dollars each for them, and his expenses were paid, and he re- tufned to his home well satised. ----v -vvvuuwun use qua Ear uysl prorogstiu jn an ` Hill on Hun nu-ml. ..... _-;_--_ I. -...... V-vucn nu uucul, auu BN1 K0111 U1! The c the Ilhnnm I'nAa:u-n.-I A-L--- 1 mom an another question. {By g singular coincidence both Houses of l u'liament` .I:u'..I..l ..a n.- ....-..- um , -- 'I1-- - -- -- ..--u I-wuzm rvvvnlr, qlll Ir (1 one -fclm-k mcmbrs met ozich ' lnby tn kn-nw thu rcslllt. '1` oumum in `t_hu House uf Lords 1132 to S2, or nearly twu to um. : _ Gu\'erun\eut~~\\:Ls acct-ptod as : ' feat ; for tlmugh Miuisteya 1 majority {againmt them, they If nun-I.I In. 1... ol..... ...L... , SIIII PI.\'(I N 1} '.\'. At (`arnltln-Ix`: whm-I` fe prupo.-Ht-I` Geor- , ginn tuuk on board fur Port .\`t.1.nlry eighteen . hogsemls of sugnr. IH-clwsts 10:1 and :1 con_ ,igmnent of groceries. v loading salt for Chicago. ~ rived from 'l`ra.v.-rse The .-\Imi`e Melvcy is The tug Dmis ar- Bay ycstniay; and " landed 50 barrais of pork from ( hi_ca.go. At Swift : wharf Hm nl>mn....... |l'.....-M-.L 4" I - _ Poucx-: Covsrr, Fnm.u'.--Bcforc his \Vor- ship the Mayor.-The police sheet this morn- ing contained four names, viz., James Groom, charged with drunkenness, who was permitted to go, as it was his first o'ence ; Parker Greenwood, a sailor, ned $4 and costs for be- ing drunk and disorderly (he hall a sheath knife which "he ourished in a threatening manner) ; and Nancy McKeon sent to gaol for thirty days `for being dnrnk. A man by the name of 11-win brought up a charge against Edward Jenkins for assault. The charge was dismissed. A summons was issued by Mr \Vm. Anglin, J .1 ., who was present, against Robert Brodie for selling the booths upon the Cryital Palace grounds without having a li- cense as required by the by-laws of the town- ship of Kingston. The accused did not appear, and the case was adjourned until Monday next. `_`_ ___.. . - ....-._.uv n 1. nu-zuL`.- Lne m'em.1n s piclnic Aolgwenlnesday proved to be one 91' the best of Iihe season, `and resulted satisfactorily to all gonnocted with it. ` There was a good brass band on board the boat, and nothing was pvauting upon the grounds to nuke the excur- don a. party of pleasure. The quadrille party in the City Hall, after the pic-nic, wa.l.a.le'o a very pleasant supplementto the tl.ay s_`enjoy- ment, and was heartilv annrmrintad 1... 4 1...... _....-, ...... mu. uwauilauy apprecnwa by a large number of perlons ; and the dancing was pro- longed until the small hotirs of the following mnrning. ~ ` Tnz Loan` ,Snxx1> Fovz i-esident of Belleville by the name of McKay lost three Ghee!) Thnhldnv, and sh nu... A-L_L LL-- . --J r.v.=u-u- on yyu::.ucub I4) we (LIy'8_`| heartily apprecitted by a persons : and the ail:-in:-1 -. ....uu.u av uulnula ul PUFL ll'0lll \ Iclgt). At Swift : wharf the steamers Passport and Athenian passed dawn this morning. The ateun-lnn-ge Uowie, from Ogdensburgh to De. troit, touchexfthis morning. The Shickluna. Athenixux and Kingston passed up this after- noon.` a ;;. .5; .., ...;:';;:; .-llidou the purchuegnutjon. Thiaoonlop J-iun.nl irnnr nut in on. I--.` ____ nu -vu. 'i`uE R1-:u.\1'.l'.\.--There is some talk to-day of n pioteat on the part of the Girl of the l`e- riod against the race ycstcrdr.y, on the gruumlg that she was obliged to go tdtlic rescue of tlii` crew of the Bellc, and lost the rare in consc-' quence. Thisis only a rumour, in which there . is possibly no truth. It is quite certain that the Power had it all her own way when the accident occurred to her.- She was a quarter .of ti mile ahead, of the Truant, under a rcefcd mninsail and `stun-m`jib, and gaining surely uh- dor |_ recfod niainsail and whole jib; and Her victory appeared certain. 7 It is equally cer- . taiuithat the Truant would have been the se. T-coud boat. Therefore any protest on the part of the Girl of tho Period would unly have the appearance of a shutlle to compel a nlgw race. Circumitancea gave thelvictory to the Truant, uul let hertliave it. It is the fnrtune of yacht- ill. lndmnnt ll! nvnontml ...... ...- .u.x ~uvv up. 1|. lzs uw lIll'Lull(_3 ( iug, andnmsi be expected. Prevailing wind to-dxy, '., fresh. T Tan` Bog _IhcI.-The mg . sftnrnnnn Lnngn-. 61.- -.- 4,. In :;TKE} l"-m1:u.u~s PIC-N lC.- ........ _u7-1_, a - cc and pnwcr over the Ollcdiellt its it is to his pular and general ml- n. After this yyatrniiig take care In hpnsult C Il.._l:..... ..rA 7. - The x-eman's `AI -- Iwe. owngr ..-I I I I ; on Thursday 11 nut Dan"... .,_`...,.., - 7 large -an urn- N ick nidti tb _*"*'_"- B*_'!Iiio Ito 141:6-..-no Gill- I value! or we mums ye ant, wan to to | puutonnothorr No. `b-xondauidho .._.., ..- ...v-. .---9.-r 3-" VI` vv _ V `C db. ti -orkjt"ad': wi;"f'H m1`.".m. ;a`- .`. .'.1e'.'f. .,'.I'um. wu not t ' 5.? son he had learned. Because of the dim. cnltie: ol the Militia Deg:-hnent, to Inn. on .....u...o u- :- '.-2- -4- - uyea ox; ` . wgu, tint w neg, - ;ue- B! if 3.11: _er_; _l7_ca1: 1:: a coutli. .00-nds AI.u_a cinn. he tried to iind out' "777" 77" "-'7' .--'.'-V- -'Tn7,'.__!`_'_' .UOUg.Q. *.:.z.:*** .4 tomiir;:;n::?;;?33 v rm: was -nd by.po-we work to" radem "F? 3. 1 had learned -no lesson if this wu hot t 2. T..- auu ue nan cnosen thnt of the bfilitiefa-t_},, ment. His reason was that it was tha one of thptmnfoos which a. pealn-ed to 1%isnrroun1- ; edwj th cutest ' `cu ties. ey would re11iem1)` {: ' gpyr-rnment in, 1862 was bx-uug_ht"do%'m,b` the yhe organizi- 'uy,pf'tl`1':emilixa." awh like he . 8 ` 39 ` n-`- H**'w."<>.u1{* .r'a`ot `-ax` e` been _ ways g'gcc_esa}`9i;' :E;y_f `l;nv;v"y';-, v. ' notary NW . .a1.e1wazl.qr .. ' `. 2=3'1a RN94! 3:14 *.`.1.'%"."*.`=v`:`. .;.. f s1.w:-;=- but toalle W944 V2394 .en=.r E 9. ingswere_only_l5pB!` ta ' c _' '_ '. their different avoccttons. _` _ `n, want of success at on_e time wan to V I and secure ft: nttamment at another time. T}? cha.irma.n- hxztliljunft them that lllze had 1'16 nfmpkaolv -in e o ~our yearn e hsd lived bgwri. W311, thst was a. negutivo vi;-tue. But 1f he hqcff as college. bav_ an I. l}.IIHn'I1t,"A'n 1 nunnmr A`. -.a.. .. __ ,u,-.- In upuacu v uvwupl. nryqges rank with (1 . so much axtinness, Gbloilgingmdgu had been kind enough to pro 89 131.19 t.0G5 330 his honour as connected wit the gicigl duties of the Minister of Militia with this eat Do- minion. Speaking in the hearing 0 members of the House of Commons, who would no doubt feeollect, he would remind them that when at am} juestion of the formation of the Ministry, , agkeril of his leader, Sir John A. Ma.cdonn1d,tB.e choice 9 a rtfolio, and 1..-shad chosen thnt of the 15 zlit "D . 1: WW! W385 which had been - propose 1: Col_on91Bryd3eS, 1 drunk with` artlness, Golong` H gges been propose the toast to In`. .LV1lLL|l tq t_hI very unpleasant discussion. The Canadians in England have attracted great attention, and Won for Canada and themselves no little hon- our. The competitors have well merited a hearty welcome home, and it is too had that a personal controversy should now be forced on the attention of the public. Captain McLen- ghan, of the `.2ml Oxford, has, in a recent let- ter to his journal, the \Voodstock Timu, brought several accusations against Colonel Skinner, the Captain of the team. The sub- stance of these complaints isthat Colonel Skin- ner treated the members of the team in a mis- crly manner, making themtra\'el third class, and put up with inferior accommodations. \Vhen the public money and the winnnings of n the team came to be divided, the men were I to hnd 3 very wee ` on requesting an explanation, were informed that the expenses of a German servant `of the Colonel had been defrayed-from the fund. The captain further alleges that Mr Mnrison, having tied Sir Henry Halford in the match for the association Cup, allowed his opponent to take the first prize for a consideration of 45! and that Colonel Skinner approved of this. It is unnecessary to say that no judgment should be formed on these accusations until the other members of t 'tea'.3; have had anoppor- SIR GEORGE CARTIER ON THE STATE OF MILITIA. Color! By-yd gave a luncheon in his tent, on the gl'_(',t`l_)(1$ l.t the rifle match, to Sir George E. `Cartier Enrl n4I..\... ml, --`I """" "X"? Illl K! _w.|,]'Wg. ,__ . h A t ""l'_"' B `W 9 dwmmc Hr Ina" -nlu-inc Inn I... -A an n.-_.:_ _. .. . _:-j- 'I`cherk:1aky'a 1\[&squer:ule;. Her Upiuion. of Hurlin nun; Notes on Clubs at Ham and Al) 1 The Social Asluu-f. nP'.~'| nrin o Vniuut uumu am; News Clubs Honw nd Al .\`ocin.l Aspect of':] nris;Pa1x1t and Pm\'dcr;`0n (?lI.'m)pn.gno COI'L`Iilll`l`Q(l L`! a. Social Force; \\'oouln and Wolds; The l`icca- lily l .1.nc-rs. nucml I` nrco; djly lhnpc-m. um-.guu Lo nave ncen. but it is absolutely ne- Cesszuy that he should reply to Major CIenag- lum`s lcttur. Colonel Skinner laboured ener- gt-.ti(_:ally to get the team ltogetlier, and is en- titled to much credit for what he did in that wa '; he has n good record as a. militia ofcer, an ix, respectable social standing. Under` those circunuitmioes we cannot imagine that he would have behavul in so discreditable a. man- nor as he is alleged to have done, but he will make a grqat mistake if 113 does not axnhin ;"U I'.'(`[.~lL TIy'LI'}(:'}\"-IAIS. ` (Per Jllontrml Linr.) FROM ()'I`TA\VA. SEIZURE 0] AN AMERICAN FISHING SC HUUN ER: nu....... A .- ax V nuuu 131$. Ottmxux, August 17,---'I`|'w Government an-Immwr New Englaml, oommxmded by Hunt. Ii. N. lruwn, l{.N., has seizcd the American sulmum-r Frzmklinxtt ltapebiac, shing within a few hundred yards of the shore. The umstcr at the vessel admitted ownership of the nets. and tint his man haul me, ...,| ........ -A V `~;y\]u` 1ll\JJ.V IIVIIIILL Montreal, `Aug. l8.- -It is reporteo thst the Toronto Lacrosse Club will visit Montren} to play the Shamrocks for the champioxwhipfof the wurhl. l`he Shamroc-kg, with 3 team of (hughnawaga Indians; are about to nuke I la.vr-use tour in the United States. There will be 3 cricketmatch to-marrow` `afternoon between the Mopntreul and All (~'u1ners' Eleven; and matches have 3130 been gxrrangeml with the Belle-.\'ille club 1nd and 8 ac-letcd rlevon _fn-um l`uronto and the Province nf Untgr 0, * pn Luougn, or out .-md backers. ORAL` L` IDIC. Majer McClen:1ghan has brought a series of gmve charges against Colonel, Skinner, the Captain of the Canadian team at \Vimblcdon, which must not be permitted to be passed by in silence, but uloiuaml a close and searchin I iinx-estigatioii. \Ve cannot believe that Uolmu-I wuwn must not be permitted Colonel .\'kiuner has been guilty of dishonesty as he is alleged to have lmen, but it is absolutely reply Mnior Clenau. insure recommend the Queen to axe in? Lard Inunn--66-- I- AL- _,_, u . .. ..v.-. as nu ma uuegw to have done, gr at ' matters : soon as he has an up; doing so. Meanwhile the public to :u oid ft ruling an opinion either the other, `pn the principle that it to condemn 3 man unhear(l.--0tu '3 regret verv mm-I. fn ..I...... _. ._..-. ...., vvcucl uuamwu ownership of the his men had yet and were at- tennling to them. The Vedlol has been ordered to Quebec for adjudication. Nets with the name of the Fnmklin mnirkecl on the buoys were placed within 290 fathoms V of the Rhnrn vywlu shore. U The :gI`aiulHqo1nplin1ent:u'y concert given to Mr (.Yow.1n, Bandmaster of the Victoria Ries, takes plnc Monday night. - 'l'hn chn-an auhinl. ..... _.__J :1: . - -.._.... I-..-Va .uuuIu.sy lllgu. The stt >111: which occurred on Wednesday night did a. good deal of mischief in the city. mt >:``_ __V .0 \. C` n V - W, _._.- ....,.......6 av ; mun DI. wmrles ll progressing s!owly'; yesterday the `Montreal ptakcs, lat prize, and the Governor Gene- r2Ll's match were fired. The day was ne but the shooting was very poor. Sir G. E. Cartier dined at St. James (`Ink 1..-; I\"->". -~ ,- _.._. ~..-v..u5 non vcly P001`. Club last evening. He remains a. day or two longer in town before leaving for Cu- eunna. The Mayor 1: expected in town to- nmrrnw anal will preside atithe meeting of the Council in the evening. It is rnilliinr l..,.l...y .....I' ALA --- -` ' A nun; Jutulr 1\.\. - Iialifnx. August lT.-A communication was received to~day from \\'inuhip, entering his Tyne cnjw for the great four-oarecl race. The cntn'cs now numlx-r seven, viz. : Thei Jienfurtli and \Vinship crews. of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; the C0ul1.o:r-3ig]iu crew, of Pitt8i)_|ll'g, l`a..;the Paris crew, of St, John, and the l rynr-Barton anal l{US( hG cruwsuf`ll:1lif::.\'. After lic:nfurth s crew, on which must bets are laid, the Pryor L`lC\\',_lJf Halifax, in the favourite crew here, though, of course, each crew has its admirers A ulan `Vi! THE (JI{.-\RG_E'.S` AGAINST COLONEL SKINNER. `\[..:..- 1r-rn ,.. - NI 7 V ..._ -_ -7. r--vuwvw W. III. Wu` .0-Run .01 are: put in type _legt ogen way anon anon the pyqr of tin '. ;..:," UH` Il5F9 _bP.'.u.0I&t "Hue rie meeting At Point St. 4 hIYII'7'l'Ann;v|rv .l.....1.. . __-.A H V ._ -.... --.u.u-:5. t is x`;Li;1inng tn-d.-Ly and. the weather is L . Timon MONTREAL. .I `A..- In Etrnonx HAILIFAX. A .- .... -1. I -I A an nu ma an npportunity of `while will do well ; an one way or a principle is never fair In unl1ea.rd.--()ttmna 'l .'....,.. now u uuuup, entering 1118 c bvl` ienfurtll awn. u . Suf.]l1lY.:1.\'. After Hoellfuv-H|'n DAILY NE S-FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18. . Charles in ". .`:..`:'c".`. ;:`:f;'% with 0 his camp: __..._--, ........ W ..u._uu uuin grouna 1:; market; lower grauclgs quiet at late rate: Wheat- time western sold incur lot: at 1,25; ' and very right treedwell 1,20 to 1.23 mixed. Whe: . P99: dull gm! lower, oered st 92lc. . sat: me man; Butter .t:..'*. nu- m V l "-' ""-"'-'3 nu-u..-u ua `um nan, pg knot hqw angry the Lamb no me; Picnic, and how tlntthil votogg Q3 mum of -nhlin I`-ali-a 1.... I.) n.- ___- .mw;..{ I. mT.f ma .( 12.ml mnyz (9 the pquy 1_Veags_.`) Mb m;g*'%":.?1g: cummlnd advance ; ` IUIADLA`. H e u put nne1_1_x {or ever out of Eight, In the `d_a._rk {pom .np-atai,`n._ But ghe amw ---."Fa.ther, no, not yet, For yogi: .t .. mi 741.91,! .f.9'r8et hat. e 9.2 .' firen are we? ; . The boys came back. and our tap, With her-umilln face and 93783 ;{{ll`L!B, And they si hre every day." uuur sens ox nag and the fr_am_=.s of Wood \Vith their bgcks so straight and tall. ` The aim hgok his silvery held, And witlf trembli_ug'vq_ice he said ; Mother. the einntvw chair: I an-u vuuu ummuuug V(_I_lc8 ne and Mother, einpt `ohai 3! They bring ach sad, `sad h' to-night; VVe ll put them for `ever out of night. -~ Lnree ucue cmuts placed ide by side, Against the sittiiig-roilni walli- Old-fnshioned enough as there they stood, ` Their seats of ag and the frames wood backs so stsiiot and mm ;uu un_y~nasuvu uume &ll(l Igd. BITE, rouning of days gone by-- . The tear-drops fell on each wrinkled cheek, They both had thoughts they could not speak And each heart uttered a sigh-'- For their and and tpnrflll eyes descried Three little chaiis phid ide by _ _ 7 sitting-ro'bn1 9 -_.. ---.....u uunnxho. They nt alo_ne by the winter re, The y~ha1red dame and aged sire, b -- tear-(Irons fa nn nnnh ...?.Y:..1-1n.1 uyuu nuns ungnway 101' Eastern commerce being pecuniary est may also inuence him that way, as he has a large amount of private funds invested in the canal. If the report be true that the means of the Company are altogether insufficient to pre- vent the choking up of the canal by the sand accumulations, unless a large additional cupi- tal is provided, it would not be astonishing, in View of the indis sition shown at the recent meeting of the s an-eholclers to entertain the question of a. loan, to hear that some new, im- portant chnn e had been effected in the man- agement of t 'e canal. '1\.A1.nuc `able by . mm mm- revenedtboootunlfnctoftho voted cen~ suuinthoHouneofI4)rdn,nudtherepor- ertuttoho conoetodby nbil. We have learned fullythotompcr dtholiounoof Lords fromtho debotoon tlloloynl war.` 4-utabolinhingpurchuointheanlyto howanarvthnlnud-'....m. u...