uebec on Friday window glass, 7 pots. Several V in correspond. regard to tlw necessity of `.1 ' ~ V .u sun 1 cal-uuu - regard to the Jluutenr nnmnn \v|uu [ILLS COII` uf M:mitu|:L, Ell I UII I4.- mgcments With the , Jury re- , and the Francis ..+ M...... - .... ...u. I` camps. VWIJ Dav -__ __,...., -u-o xungnvuu I73 I cny of winding, tortuous and dirty wnyu, one half burned down. the other not built up ? How dilfeient the imprenuion if taken -rthrough the Park, Ind stance lnndedin the beatputof the but street of the city. And now for in ttxtnvarn nl u nits. -l-A - L---'- , . ._.. -- mp---u null a "revolving min," a. manner this Mormonism does not appear to be mlkinlg` ver ta id regress in land. In the Bir- inyghagn onference, Eggmpoaed of eleven Eranches, the whole number of new members received during lent eatwas only twenty-one. As there were nine end nine excommu- nications, the net gain ca_n'not be regggded an enormous. The total nuxjgber of Mormons` in the Birmingham district at this in nested at 840. A safe is being exhibited at the Channel Is- lands Exhibition, Which, from the description of it in the nyvyspnpen, is likely toprovo nth- ..- .. L--J V u=.Iu_u8_ nxnwmon. which, :1: m nowspn rs, is likely toprovo nth- er .a hard nut for c _vo r thievou to crank. It is revolvitgg and is constructed in .....1. 171' .11 mm nun tor clever thievoi chuck. It is constructed in Inch ma_nner thgt when the hay is turned the nu. vuunuua axuv. A lady, impelled by the dunnnds of fashion to seek recreatiqn in the country during the summer months, writes back despairingly :- Did you ever revel in the gayetnea of a. half- grown, torpid village, _where a walk to the grave yard was the only recreation, and where, if you indignantly refused to walk, you were Ihudderingly reminded. `Ah, poor child, you may have to go there soon ? 11 you mcngnantly I 1 ap verv mnid nrmm... .. I`- -1 - _ NOVA scorn AND THE BOARD or TRADE. Either from hostility to Confederation, and a consequent reluctance to be identied with Canadian interests, or from indiffer- ence to the commercial enterprise of the country-perhaps from both causes--the Boards of ` Trade of Nova Seotia neglected to secure representation at the Dominion Board of Trade meeting, which was held in this city at the beginning of the present year. All the other Provinces were very respectably and creditably represented ; and it was regretted that Nova Scotia, which has large and important interests, her coal and general commercial industries, was not represented at the Board. The desirability of being so represented in the commercial parliament of the Dominion was again and again urged upon the attention of the com- mercial classes, es iecially those of Halifax, by Mr R. G. Hali urton, but his success in arousing the Local Boards to a sense of their true ' terests was only very limited. But Mr. aliburton, who is tenacious of pur- pose, and indefatigable in working for that which is good and useful, was not discour- aged by the indifference of the Boards, `nor did he despair of seeing them represented at the Dominion Board in good time. ~ Failure was only an incentive to increased exertions to secure a cordial feeling and `united `working amongst the Local Boards. Some time ago he entered into correspon- dence with the Executive of the National Board of the United States, with a View to bringing about a meeting between that Board and the Dominion Board, whereat commercial questions bearing upon the interests of both countries could be dis- cussed. The result of this was that the .xecutive of the National Board extended an invitation to the Executive of the Do- minion Board to meet in Boston, which in Jitation was accepted, but afterwards, owing to unforeseen causes, declined. Since then` other courtesies have been exchanged, and it is probable that the Dominion Board will send a deputation to St. Louis to the National Board next meeting, and that the National Board will sent a deputation to the next meeting of the Dominion Board. We anticipate that a great amount of good may springfrom these friendly meetings, at which the views of the leading commercial men of both countries will be interchang- ed. As the next meeting of the Domin- ion .Board will _ be somewhat in the character of an international convention, it will be more than ever desirable that every l l`o\'ince, and as many Local Boards as practicable, shall be represented. We no- tice that Mr Halburton has received a let- ter from the Secretary of the National Board which ispublished in the Halifax pa- pers. in whiehthe writer quietly urges the desirability of Nova Scotian Boards` being represented at the Dominion Board ; and it is gratifying to see that the Halifax papers, of every political shade, recognize the pro- priety of the suggestion made to them by the Secretary. We may expect, therefore, that when the next Dominion Board meet- ing is held, Nova Scottia. will be properly represented.-l)ttawu Citizen. _-_-....._n-sun. At :11 time: of the shy a. number of boys, from ten to sixteen year: of sge, can be found ba.tl1in`g near th Niagara whirlpool. Often some of the more ' jump on the lo which are always found makin the circmt, and oat clear round the poo, jumping o` when they are brought~nea.r the cove on the Canada. aide. vyucu uuey ll" Canada. aide A1,: ' __-_. - ..... u, an vnuav upuung up Montreal street ncrou the Artillery Park; and if so would it not be well: to hint that the pub- lic fully unllen-Itnnd the humbug of referring the nutter to a committee to report-_re- port fonooth after repeated petitions to ob- tnin the grant. In there 3 member of the ..... ... .e5..-u w l6lIl&lO education. The New England Jlealical Gazette says :- An old lady followed up an Efiscopal Bishop, as he travelled through his iooese, and was conrmed several times before she was detect- ed, She _wiL_;hedA the ordinance relmntn I..- wmumeu several umea before win detec; wished repeated be- cause she hadiunderstood it was good for the rheumatism. " . ;. u.. .... .... ....... uavu mmerw been used for thst purpose. The religious denomimtiom which, under the name of the Evangelical Alliance, were to have held a nd Convention in New York, have tlecidefltt) come together in that cit in 1873, the excitement of the Preaidentinl ` ec- tion making that your prefersble to 1872. Miss Eliza Smith, of Hateld, Mum, has left a large legacy, some $175,000, for the pur- gose of founding a. Female College in N orth- ampton, Mau. Itwas on the condition that the citizens should_ also assist in theonterprile. -.... uuucgu uuuumgs are now in course of erection. Certainly, we are entering an 1. new era. in regard to female education. rnm ,\r,,,,,. t!....l...._1 2: .. - A- -.-J . The Cub/an telegraph cable has developed a dew foo. Turtles are udto gnnw it, thus several times _ interrupting coinmunication. Hnmmerfest, Norway, in the most northern `town of Europe where 3 newspaper is printed. It is a. wwkly, and is entitle d ' F2'n1narIcspoa- (P11. ` , -,.__ ......... u. nyuu gums, wmcn, for cleanliness and other reasons, are prefera- ble to human hair, goats hair, or jute, the ma.- terials that have hitherto been used .... u. u. uuzpxl, OI Stamford, Conn., has given money and lands to the value of $90,000 in aid of the new Methodist Seminaryto be es- tablished in that place. A bareheaded, barefooted little boy aston- ished of worshipping congregation in s Mun- `hm-erfyooted a congregation 3 Mann- chusetts town on a recent Sunday by rushing into church and exclaiming, pa. The pigs are out I If m .._:.l J.L_A. .1: - -- A .VVhex-e Vs my pa.- `.-. -.-u `uh-5 and UHF I It is said that chignons, plaits an be and have been made of spun g j1 hitherto ha-an -1- vv-inn-B vnlv UCIIIIAIIVICH. ` A watering-place correspondent writes that where he is they distinguish between tenonnd Lasso xuosquitbes. A mineral which performs all the duties of soap, and has an aromatic odour, has been discovered in immense quintities nest Iowa City. ~ rr|__ n,,| - I - "'r""""-' W -=--51-Wu II not to Know that the road no long tnvelledin onqof themed; tortnonn, ill-looking in the city, the very sight of which nut givg ; nun, the -him-. and remind him of the me Di:k_ m IIVilI. thnt '(;nr-Qnn --- - _1A - San Francisco doctor advert good otce ca. ." He has Already re: felines, with the southern counties y from. A man and his wife, who had nc eight yqarp, recently found each ~ Chicago police court, both charged Vi 81111888. .u;uuuu1.4.1.JV 1 . J span is reported to be copying the Pruuin military system. A ....._..l._ LL 2 n n A -- V ...... ...J J -aw.-u. A purely thoistical form of belief 2 great progress among the educatod lndil. The Shakers are on -ga.nizmg' miu heathen, and have begun by lending to Londun. I \`Vhile the \Vestern S'rtateu.x- by the potato bug, three-card tating the territories. A ......L-_'_.. -I- ' 1-H. D. Ralph, of Stamford, .akers -ganizing miuion to the" sending an elder n. ___-4-----_. MI SCELLAN Y -.-..._L-.l L- L, ' ,._, ..--.., nu unu not met 10! other in a a court, vrith drunk- Vestern States nu-e`being' ravaged pug, monte is devu. .cisco advertised for 3 . received 243 a yet to hear 4 u \ unnnol'U.\ ua.\ lb. llouyuooou cvmmunituliouo mu rrrrirv no at- liou. Umrytlaiag jorumrdcul for izwrliou must be aajompxlnied by Ute name and ml- dreu 14/ the 1:-rilrr; not nrcnuurily for pub- Iiraliou, but an evident-r of authcnlirity. It 54 (I18) NlII!l(IVi that rnrrrnmmb-Ix mill La, and curls can glass, which, 1- 1-ggong_ g.rp_nr-nfnu-o. not met for d each nu....;.. .. ue uculg ravaged us deval- is, niaking classes in ALESMAN WANTED (Dry Goods) `.t the British Warehouse. 'I'AII'I'-IN *-- ` - vvuxuun . . . . . . . Jllln . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2--Quulrille.........lA`a_nt9,Ica ............ .. 3- -Se1oc1.:io`q. . . G1`-ande . . .0! 4--Vn.lse ............. .. ` 5--MuaicalExtra.vaganza, Derby Da;;,.`1 6---Gnlop`.,.` ...... .,Saucv Knta-. ' ' v .- uuuin 6--Gn1op.. Juurez is_ said to negotiatin 3 hesvy lol-II ivith the United Stntee, and ' give Mexicnn. territory an collate:-3.1. The New York Economiot caution: the public sgainst exaggerated reports of 3 de- ciency in the cotton cro . Such report! a!'B`t00 frequently got tip speculum-I for their own pu sea. The couomiat adven- ces the nemib c View that the rnpidl ex- tending industrial activity `in the nth n_1ust be beginning to tell on cotton produc- tion: as well as other things, and we may W611 _eI'itertain a. shrewd suspicion thst facts tire llltely to prove this very reuonnble im- P1','51n be right, after all. A t...........__1_., 1 1 _, _'-L 1.. __|.:..I. . -`-r -- 3- -rv Ansell! usual. ass. A tremendous lsnd-robbery $05, in Which Wall street capitalists are interested, ha! been discovered in Indiana. It was lth?` rized by the last legislature, and will, `In effect, eece land-owners in certain counties out of over four millions of dollars. The victims are greatly excited, and have msde application to the United Ststes courts for relief. - -v..v-.. It is now? proposed to improve tho condition of the north branch of the Chicago river by constructing I. 500 foot apron at 0 Of fteen degrees, sloping from the lake, by which the water wouldbo forced upward by the ac- tion of the wind and waves Into`: converging basin, and thence into the river through sten- foot diameter sewer. By such srnngement it is claimed that nhnnt rn nm mo malnm of noon ummeter By such ax-nngement IV. that about 60,000,000_gLllonn of water could be forced into the nver every twenty-four hours. The cost is `estimated at 850.000, uuuumr 111 Washington, has made the follow- ing translation from the twenty-fth chapter of Matthew : The kingdom like ten gull; never marry; they bring some lanterns; com out till some "now married men come that wa . Have got live wise and ve foolish. Five ha :1 lanterns with no oil. Smart ve all have oil inside. The new married man come late; they sleep. By and by they say, `New married ma.n--come. All goout to him. Five makoy nice lanterns. Five foolish say, `You #116 my oil; lamp no oil, you give my some. 9 smart say, `I no give you; I not enough; you go market buy. The new married mm come. All come to dinner. Shut the door. By and by the foolish come and say, `Boss bou, open doo. Ho say, `I no likey you; you no my. Must be smart, no understand the day. yvv, vvv. Choy Awah, 3 young C};iuose Sunday school scholar in Waslnugton, has made the follow- ing the twentv-fth hunter Moiltreal, Aulg. 21._F1om;s;e;v;xm 0,00 ti) 0,00; Extra. 5,60 to 5,70; Iumcy 5,40 `'40 5.45: Welland (`Anal Qua-mu Ron 4. K 01 no x:4u1aADl!41'II 1) < l sincere and grateful _ cers of the Fire Brigade Fire Companies Nos. 1 an md Ladder Company, aa_w AH... :..:.....1.. ._.L- -- unu uumer Uompmy, : other friends, who no 1 van an Run.-law -nu---'-~ 0,00 to 0,00; Extra. F-tmcy to 5,45; Welland Canal Super, 5,20 to 6,25. Super No. 1 Canada wheat, 5,20 to 5,50; on No 1. VVestem wheat, 5,20 to5,25; Super 0. 2 \Vestern wheat, 4,80 to `490; bag our 2,25 02.50. \Vheat-Canada 9.11, 1,20 to 1,25; Snrimz. 1-15 to l,l'lL- V0 4...... I I"! 5.. I In co 2.50. \Vheat-Ca.nada 2.11, 130 135- S ' , l,l5 to l,l7; W Olxllllsngper 32 lbs, 46 to 4 - . Bu-ley per48 lbs, 00 to .' Butte:--Dai1 16 to l7c; store packed 5 to 16c. Alha- Pots, 6,80 to 6,86. Pearls, 7,50vt0 7,60. Gold in New York at 12 o'clock. . Pork--MeI|, 15.25 to 15.50; Prime M 00.00 to MD Prime, 00,00 to 00.00. hog: 0,00 to 0.00. Pen per 66 lbs, 0, to 0,92}. Bye our, 0,00 to 0,00. F`Inur_.nl-nnriu .0 (ll teas uuu and lower; otfe but declined. 1,000 bush 471`. , PH\vin3nnn 1: run}. an .-.4! The B lo E.I'pI'(`.w says thnt while the lfnited Staten stationed in the West are not sniciemt to hold the Indians in check, 3 large foroe being necessarily employ- ed in overnwing the people of the enl)jng:Lt- ml South, it is absurd to keep upwalnls of 1 thousand men doing garrison dnty along the Canadian fmntier. The Express thinks there is no reason to fear I lioetile'iuv:\aion from Canada, 1 conclusion which ' it hu_ very safely arrived at. \Ve are glad to notice thin nintunl condence springing up on both sides of the border, and must re- gard it as one of the beat fruits of the Troa.ty of Washington. It will be a great bleuing to the people of both countries if we csn avoid what in the bane of continental E-|I|'0[Ie. the keeping up of large standing an-mien an . m..'o:....-i ...,......... -._.... JA' Kingston, Aug. 19. 1871. uour, 0,00 190 0,00. Flour--stendy st full with, however, lees busine and fancies taken to a li quoted range; 1,000 barre I few hundred good VVeate 5,25; lower grades unchan 1 noted. Wheat--no re Peas dull and lower; offe Hut dnnli-ml I Nil R---K - but declined. 47c. Provisions unchanged neglected and nominal. Kingston, August 21, 1871. `with Stntes. give Moxicm ,. --.., vuu., on Friday, 251;]: August, ` `At 2 o o1ook P.M. Admiuion 15 Cents. Montreal, Aug. 2]. Bank of Montreal-269s}, 272. _ Merchants B:nk--133, 134;; ables 1341. Bank of Commerce-l`Z8, 129,}. Ontario Bank-ll0, 111. Bank of Torounto-O"ex-ecl 185. Royal Canadian Ba.nk--106, 106} ;Ia.les 106}. .. `.1: a..uuu..nn1 BAND ' ' MATINZEI} m vnc1-cam Music: MONTREAL MARKETS. (Special Telegram to the Daily Nan.) Moixtreal, Aug. 21,-Flour-S1:Per Ex (X) t 0.(X): Extra. 5.60 tn 5 -m. nnnur K & o. ARTILLERY EAND um . ~.._.... .. - wuunum menace against each other. In this western world we ought to strive and work out something dierent. Of the peaeeshlo` disposition of Cenadinns ' :ll_!' _sensible American, are well assured; but we have seen in-1 quiries made in the American press as to the object of the military preparations of Cana- da and the great training camps. These preparations hsve led. to suspicions among those not well informed, st which Chnadinns can only be unused, see- ing that the intention of invading the Uni: ted States is Altogether out of the question. Now that our people are demanding reduc- tions in militin expenditiye which the gov- ernment, it is said, will give heed to, there will soon be la demonstration in Csnnds. But irrespective of this prospect American troops idling in Americnn garri- hions ought to be sent where they are want- ed to k p the wnrlike Indims ilrlubjection, end pt/eltoptothehorrihlemuucree which huge recently occurred. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. (Per Montreal Line. ) Montreal, Aug. ml: Montreal-269l;. 4_._.....,......, uuroyuay, Bug: :p..,.` .,Saucy Kate Cm` GOD sun THE Q.I}EEN'-Em.- . J. W. TREND _ I pl-an A--- ` "` ` - .. un A5uu.U as ` cue members Of mien '3, and the Hook rcompany, asw as toher mm :15, nobl `exortnd +1...."-- . tes.of Snturtlay, 8 renorted: extra av vagc per oorml, oats reported st Butter And cheese has nnnh uumzl We read in the New York Hcrald:- We have an earnest of the epoch of peace , and good-will that `the international treaty about the Alabama claime haealready inau- gurated between the two great Anglo-Saxon peoplee. An Anlerioan captain report: that while entering the Straits of Gibraltar he wee met by the Englieh naval equedron. He did not know exactly what to do, but the eqnadmn iteeli ended the diiculty by gracefully dividing into starboard and port divieione and leaving him a clear paeeage through their centre. _ Ae he eailai by each Vehip in the fleet oourteouely dipped ite en- eign and fired one gun, and various Ameri- can_ aire we aleo played. Thie ie an it ehould be. The only eonteet between Great Britain and America ahould be a contest in courtesy, kindneee and progr-eee. _' This is. another of the frequent incidents which mark the era of good feeling between Great Britain and the United States. puwer llln cnee has unchanged. 1871.` 0 . .01-owe. `D R4 :BOOK8TORE.` T `At nfacnee & wu1den :.' 4 CORRESPONDENCE. 10 TH] @1703 0', TH` DAILY NIWS. Dear Sir,-Don't you think the City Fnthen should without doky nvnil themselves of the _boon granted by at once opening up Montreal Icmnn than A.-till... `D--L. ._.I H -- |New FALL Aug, 1. 1371. lwmkuimupidnudsnhnnnp. Hen-tlutono, Auglut 19.` New York Ledger an_d wsuy, Snturdsy Journal. s.ma.y Night. All the page Novel}. Newest Music. School Baal, Cheap Stationery, lc. August 17. uruuun, mu an nwqnur 0] autlltnldrily. It Lou rvquultd ual corrtspmulrnts will only write on out aid: Q/' the altar! qf paper. Wt cannot uudcrftllv to return rejectrd com- ma icatiou. .2- salesmen Wanted. 1W01 EXPERIENCED SALESHENT Aug. 17. [cm rrrcmms, ILVER-PLATED V POONS, 5 V HEFFIELD HOUEE. `(AXE BASKETS: .l unn us1u:'1{s, J ;U'1"l`ER COOLERS, unmr; AT THE 1 Kingston, Aug. 21. NU ELVIICLIENUKI I. the Dry Good! '.l'r|do. L nucnmc I. U u:-- IFCEIVING AND OPENING: OUT idly, In-go dolivoriu cl - - . Macnee as waddu, k pooxsrpaa. ` BALI-:9 wan`: oirrrox YARN. TO THETRADE. SEAMLESS KID GLOVES, rnzsr CHOICE, .ll0.\'DA Y EVb'~.\'l.\'G, A U 0 US 7' J1. , INGTKEHONTH OF AUGd8TwH 10: out the iuluncbotnll BUIHII mtfy Reduced Prices. At Hendai-son's, JUST RECEIVED, '1'.` (inn-In -.5-.._------ A~ GENUINE SAKE . 17. `mam:-1'. EVERY mourn, PRINCE8 STREET. 3," &o., FALL, 1371. IL wnnnox, wan.-. Bump Lto out and `OHIO. TU (`0RRESI`0.\'DL`.\'TS. 3" ing onb_ ffom holars. \ *- g;;.;,19.+it. is unoipidl _ iv _a.. 1;-eaidens cf the Swiss ` that I . uUsms.. -.urA1iII;Il r.1dY IE! - -v-r--: say u. 1:515!) ubnnuuls II 1 ooxitiuual menace against rthnr In Old. ..--s.._.. ../,_|) _., - -no ap}x,n,1,1t.e mne- ' ?`9r=`.*v ` .l*r="*? _'..... 0...... LL- _`-:._1 ' I1.._.I,__,, SHIPPING NEWS. `g, v- - -v--.- U'""'"""' V `tobe keptopen to . s:"la`a'prq_qq ggyuy favourable, and Igons hue beef: filed in 5-ins"'r?$-ia *-;:i$:x;ITi; inad in:-JH and ..2; Bar meter uorrumed furl it)` 7'. ~- .-19.-Itill .a .... -an . A4 , ,9--9 z-. `. inland` -"i...;a" .:of.V " I St ---"""' `" "W ".'l ih` pu nmod ha the Chnmba-,1 _..:..- ..........uI-...`- -n.._ Iqvand. I :`ix`l ihhtqf ` TAXPAYER. pigimnfor Chicngost gold, f.o.b. At swift : whnrf the shaman Spartan u:dA Athenian pt-ad down yesterday morning, and the Pnsport up. The steamer City of Ludo; up Int night from Mont:-wed to Toledo`. ,1 , _, ._r__J._., .7 yuv .-uunumx unu 1111- I equalled Artists who am twnnected with Horas London Circus um Saqlgefg English I Monngexin of trained [ -Fstgxer Ifoint, Aug. ),-:I'b0 st_e&m_shi 5 Iauul ` IEOG G I at 6:40mt:i:M1:o ' mg ........ m.-au.au.r-sonunary large ex- hibition, and brought out at `an enormous out- lay. The herd of elephants, recently arrived out from Ceylon, has been added to thcirgrnnd procession, which, with their ve golden char- iots, and splendid cavalcade of knights in full armour, must make an imposing display wher- ever it appears. The Toronto Leader gives the following notice of the performances :- ` `Show or circus records contain no mention of an equally satisfactory, profitablesud creditable exhibition. In the afternoon the vast tent was cmvvded, and in the evening there was an audience vaster still. The attendance was not only very numerous as to numbers, but in quality was both respectable and rened. The has a.lwsys_d1-awn the better class of people. The public are assured train the reputation it enjoysin England snd experience the short time the company has keen in this country, that it is in every respect first class. Noth- ing to offend is seen or heard, and conse-, quently audiences, even fashionable in style, manner and character, gather to witness the wondacinl and lg'tima.tep`e1-formances of the rinn 1- Aillhjind 1. 6|... s------ - ` London exhibition since its arrival in America ....-v-uu- -u\- -vguauunvc pununuancea 01 the 598: ll by the unowned and un. alunllnd mm -+.. .4... ..... ........_.;-; _,-.. with shingle bolts. uul left again the same ' evening for Cnpe Vincent. The Eh-nwood ar- ` rived from the Ricleau on Saturday night with ' 3 barge containing irun urc anal curalwuml. The C Argur left on Satnrulzxy night for (`lo\'eluul ` ' _:L'I0 tons imn oru_ ' ` \ T} PhLl<`P. `(`Ul`R'l', hl0ND,\\.--'l`he only case bafore the court this morning was that 6}`. ,RichAnl Adams, charged with heing drunk, who was ullowed to depart without. a line, as it was arat. o`encc. I _ , Tm: Gan : CIRCUS AND CARAVAN.-- Hoivea London Circus with Sanger s trained sninnla, of which so much has been said since their arrival in America in April last, is an- nounced to perform in Kingston on Tuesday, Sept. 5th, afternoon and evening. From all accounts it must beanaxtraorxlimry large hibition, enormous I... ML, 1 u I , _ ' Tm: Ks1 TEMI`L.\R.--Th0 Knights Templar of \\'atertown lxavo org:u1i7.-Ml an ex- lcuniun for the 30th indtault in the stemncr Pictqn to (`Iayton and .-\1ux:u1dria Buy, and have sent a cnrdial I\ it:lti1Ill tn the Knights Telliplar of Kingston to join mill. DE.~rrimn:n RY Brsn l<`nu-:s.-~\Vc arc sorry to state that the entire crops uf Mr Martin Murdock, of (`unningl`:nu`s Coriicrs, near Kingston Mills, were on Sunday night tutally consumed by lire, conmmnicatcd to his barns by the bush res. His crops were only gar- llt:l`1.`dlIIt0,lIl$ lmrns-`on the pr:-vions Friday. when the event occurred which totally ile- struyml tllll, and the clumgv of wind alone saved his dwelling house. The l-aijns Il1l\lL'l`0]vS were uninsured. Fllu-:.~-0n Saturday night 3 liro occurred in some old frame buildings situated in (`lam-m~e Street, znljoining .\l r \Vilson's livery (`Sl.:Ll\llsll- - lnent. 'l`ln`I'e were {our tenements inlnnv 3 building and .1 small house 5-lose to the parti- ! tion wall of Mr \\'ilsun`s premises. In this small dwelling the lire originated. l'he lmild- ings were situated :1 short dist:uu~e hack from i the street frontage. They were old and dry, and the re made short work vrith them, but fortunately the wind was not high at the time. and the renien's exertions were snicient to prevent the spread of the llznnes to the livery stables and houses adjaex-nt. The property is leased for building purposes by Mr \\'ilson from Mr (`icul:u'i, the owner,` and thelmildiugs were uninsured. The Mayor was on the spot during the prevaleinze of the tire, and iufm'ln- ed the occupants of the lnlrning dwellings. who were poor persons, that they mi;-;ht inake use of the spare rooms at the police station for as teuxporary shelter if they wished. (`nptain Robhpand the police force were present. and helped the poor people to save a great uiany of their effects. Now that these old buildings are gone, it may be remarked that a Very uur nightly object is removed, and the locality ; muvfh improved thereby?" A ~ - of wheat- Tm: YAcn'r.RAce.-The race on Saturday between the yachts Power and Truant, re- llll once more in favour of the latter. It is prg well known by this time, that the rela- tive merits of the two boats are altogether de. pendent upon the wind. E1 :1. heavy breeze` the Power can walk away from the Trunnt with the greatest ease, but with light winds tse latter has it all its own way. Thus on Sa- tirday there was a. fresh breeze when the boats started, which enabled the Power to take the lead, which she did, and maintgined it until near the buoy at Four Mile. Point, when the wind lulled, and the Truant passed her and rounded the buoy Vrst. In the stretch back a cap-full of wind enabled the Power to pass the Trunnt, and once more take the lead. This was, however, but :1 short suc-i cess; the wind again died sway, the Truant sgain passed the Power, and continued ahead to the finish. \Ve understand that there will be another race between these boats on \\'ed- needay next, but it will excite no particular interest, as the victory will be detemiined by the amount of wind prevailing at the ' time. The race had no connection with the previous race, which was not protested, the Tnnnt being fairly the winner, and so deter` mined. ' ` " (huts AP.Rl\'_\u.--The following arrived at the ;\l.T. Trzu_1sport:Ltion Cumpany s wharf tn- dny and yesterday :--The J aue McLeod, from Milwaukee, with 12,500 bushels wheat ; the James Flatt, from the same port, with 22,493 bushels wheat; the L`. Jef1'er_\', from Port Dal- , housie, with 10,036 bushels wheat; the Uhar- 5 lotte Rub, from Chicago, with 12,700 bushels wheat; and the Atmosphere, from Hilwauleee, with 15,300 bushels wheat. The barge Mc- Arthur, with 15,300 bushels wheat, and the Dreadnought, with 10,000 bushels, will lenve ` to-Inighffor Montreal. 4 DxsCHuw):D.-The Captain of the schooner Three Friends, in the _foreca.stle of -which the rope stolen from the schooner Garibaldi wag | found, was exnmined at the police court on Saturday. before his \Vorship the Mayor, and discharged, as it appeared the rope was put there althogether without the captain s know- ledge. \V'illiun Eaton, arrested for having, stolen the money _imm Mr Hartnett`s bed- room, ~at the Ottawa; ouse, as alleged, was the examined discharged, as there was not A shadow of evidence against him. re-ele ' n, his name was received with sozneto em of disrespect, and one of the crowd "ed out, I goforanigger 1" Thjg shows a great change of sentiment at the South. White men at the North are not ygt prepared to s1_1pport a. negro for the P;ed3|;)[.--N. Y. .Hera,ld. . Utah teui I now shippi 3,000 to f ore apd bullion pg:-gmonth. I n :`I(1 e former in usmlvwonth neon. mm M. .... -1: I nu unuu was spoken of as fl candidate `for and 600 qf bullion pei !ll0!1th. usunllywonth $:l60t, $200 per fan, of which, 'p_e.i-hips, ne-half ii plvlio ` ,-::_.__ The` African is rapidly increasing in fa- vour in the old slave States. At a political meeting in St. Louis yesterday, when Gene- 1131 Grant waugpoken of game dlsremect. and tuna A: `L- uu.U one City. A number of petty robberies have` committed within a few days, indi the presence of the usual attehdel races, Therp is verry little betting. _.... llulbv ruugn, .-umuugn calm in the city. A large number of strangers arrived yes- terday and to-day by the Portland steamer, and visitors from all qtlarters are pouring into the city. , A nnmhar nf .-mu" _. I I H - - - .~ A\4\ uu ul\ 71` I I Muntreu.l, August 21.- committed furdispusingnf; I has been admitted to I).-Lil. "I"\... `LI ....A- ` ` ' ' ` In atelegram from Halifax, August 19, it is said that since the Tyne crew com- menceql irzwtice on the Kennebeca.-aia, there hasnot {teen more than (me morning in twelvewhenthewaterwassufcientlysmooth fora. This morning the water was quite rough, although calm large number of n+.mm...... .......'-.~-1 - The lVIu11t,13.-al cricket club milfvrctl their first defeat of? the scnsun on Saturday by the` All-camera eleven. Score---l'[untrculers (56 ; All-comers 85. I nu 1: - K ...... ....uu .nuuu.u:u I-U l).'Lll. .... , ....-uuuugn on. The Gr:u1d Trunk R:-;ilwa.y Comp, llin_-.5 up n. In-rtinn of their vawnt a \Vcllingt0n street for thu purpose 0 dnwn a truck to connect with tho \ tun street line, to zwoid the nccu; cars from the west going round. The Slmmrnck l..'Lcrussu (`Juli op: a-mnp:Li;_:n in the United .`~`ut:|te:~|(n] .\' ..I.` '- - The opened its States on .\':mm1a_v, playing at S;u`:1tng.-3 with an Imlimn club. The fnrmr-r won in; three strniglxt ganu-s. It is re- [mI`tcd that they (`xpcct to take $10,000 ill New York a.lunc. qV___ _ , ,,,__ --.... m...,u auauub Irom his duty, except for proper cause, or on leave, that there is not the slightest truth in the statement of ulesertibns; that the cause assi - ml is equally untrue, no intimation havm heen received that the regiment is to go to the West Indies, and it being in the highest de- gree improbable that it will be sent there. V_\Ve shouhl be sorry to believe that the reports ' nf dcsertions from so ne a regiment were true and are exceedingly glad to have an opportun- ity of contradicting the statement.-J[oul1'eal Ilcrlad. 1101 ..... nvux I.LIl`Ul uuvuutv. E 'l`lm-c pcrxmus dicd in the lower town. ` \\':l. of -(`amulian cln-Iv.-ra am 'l`lnu-.-nluy It is Very prc\':1I<-ut at this moment thule. The Almuntc I-'u;rl!e says that on tl` of the .\'cnt,t ('cnt.c|mry the rlih of that \ came in ()tt:1w:1, and the lace was in 4 qlwm-c llpllaunlly quiet all}; unlcl-ly. U4 mentary to tlu.-Tlilv. l.ieut-(lovcrlmr Howlnml and Mrs. huul, after spcn(_lin__; some weeks in I Edwzml lslnml, have arrived in Halifzn. they are the gllests of Sir llastings I Ilia Hoimur vv:`.1 prcsamt at the Scott 04 ary celebration in that city, on the 15th. The Montreal /14 /-u/ul \[,. p..;...,.' u-I... ..-..- I-A-v says t_h.1tA the are to be all over sixty-ve years of age? with double chins, big pnunches, jolly dispositions, and good- appetites. They intend to have quite a. .l:;.y of it, and will practice all kinds of athletic games, races, and feats of skill and n._r;ilit_/. Tlicy also intend to invite their old-- their lady friends, we mean. And our youthful readers will imagine the old chaps making love to the ladies beneath the shade of the trees, and becoming sentimental under the beaming smiles of their fair companions. There is no denying there is a great deal bf fun in some of 1 the old gentlemen. and +.hmy....:II 1.....- , . W V.-- .....-;._, ucpnveuut mali- venue by the 1\letr-pulltan, luau ` .\lr Merrick. .1 brother Ritunlist at Fitzroy.` llis lalmum have been tnlerahly unsuccessful, judging from the nccnllnt we gave the other day of cc-xitain prom-cclinngs on the part of the cizugregmon. \.` 1,1, \- 1. - .,..-\.. x.--n5v umnngeu. The survey of the'Montreal and Ottaw. City Junction Railway has been completed. The plans will be prepared ixmnediately. The total listance bythis road will be from Montreal to Ottawa 113 miles, only 60 of which have to be built; by the proposed Coteauvroml, ll9 miles, 95 of which have to be built; lg the St. Law- rence and Ottawa Railway, now in existence, l66 fniles. The estixnateml cost of the M011- treal and Ottawa is $960,000,Jand of the Co- teau road $1,254,000. 'l"I.- I`nu__, ..,;gx ; Juu unit :3. At J. H. Henderson : & Co : whnrf the tug Wren arrived on Saturday with `two huge- eoutniningli t_onn steel nilvny rails, and M: the am. evening to return to Montreal with three hugs, oontnining 42,!!!) bushels , ___.-,> .'_y mu: nu. l.A8W- The Ottawa. Cilia:/t says some jolly old Gen- tlemen of that mty are arrangingzm old man : pic-nic, to take place next month. The guests are to be all sixty-ve age, ll()lll)lP. 1-lnhm Mn n......1.. _ ,- n -- - A 1 no DlUllIl'L 3.I Iluw/ul 5:1 '.\lr Prilm-', wlm was lately d Ritl tnler: :.._n . -- -- 3 ` '*"a' `D At .\'t. Joh-n., I\'.B,, on Frid` Him.-ks assured the Board of `J Suutia Bunk notes would but all Hovenuneut oices. This ` :1 per cent discount. 1...: . .,. A A- _ ., 1.... \4\.IlV uunuuuula. In the case of Qhc accident in Montreal In` which the little In -y Destras was killed by big- ing run over by :1 butcher's cart the, jury re- al dc.-nth. anal iha turned a veridiclt of aft.-cident wuicu me unue may Uestras verdict: accidental dentin, V carter was tlisclim-gcal. The 1)uiI_:/ A In: l'ul[r'uruiu (San l"r:mcis ; of the 9th, announces the arrival at the Gr: ' Hotel them, on Monda evening of Hon. H. Lmigevin and party. A 11- Langevin is en to` to British Colunmbia. to inspectthe a.n'a.ngcme made for the explorations connected with 1 Canadian Pacic Railroad. T]... m............ A-' - - yugctnel` With several digni ted States W111 be present. Tlm .\.1i..+....+ (:,...-..-I : --.. .....u~.: vvlu nut: yn:sunl:. The Adjutant-General is now corret euce with the Quebec oice in t Ihzuu organization of the late volunteer c It is stated that the oicers have draw and rations for names existing only on th and that men have served in several bat! nlu ..- OLA LL -1, f ana mat have ser` . other than thelr own. , A ....l.. .._L: I - , \' . . . . . u --mu uucu uwll. A gale which passed over Quebec 4 did considerable dzunage tcu wind: `shutters, doors and chimney pots. vessels in the harbuur dragged anc] schooner Maggie Hoff, Miramichi, l. Rena.u_d's wharf, capsized, broke bilge. Cargo damaged. The sun-rvnv nf 91.--`|,I -._;_, J - A- 1 `.3-nxnnlltnll n nuuu; 1I.8.IJ.lZ(\3(.l. The consecration of Dean Helllnutll as Cond- ; jutor Bishop of Huron, will -take place in St. ; Paul`: ('a.tl1eulral, London, on the 24th inst. It ` is expected that the Metropolitan and all the I other Bishops of the Can.-ulianAnglican Church, together with several dignitaries from the Uni- ` present. -aw mu. -uws on me cxty. And for tlie taxpayers of the city, who on business or pleunn visitthedapot, sretheytoreceive no eonsiderstion forthotimetsken or money spent s--tr-vollinc the odd mile xix-2-gain": `thqoueh Swamp Ward. Time is money, and s calcul tion will prove that five years travel of the hideous wn would pay for any expense to be incurred. _ being the cue, s large portion of the inhnbitsnts should beryslievetlof the tax, and nowthstthe nutter can be done there` should he no more hesitation. .u.u un.un1 buA'1' Ha bi that int-A flu; 'l`-rm uulo :. 'rm- \lI nuulll. urmnng :1 ml to stab, but \\':u4 disarl gnu-n. An :l.l&|l`llI being: nunlu nil`, .....u\. nu. .- \\`t`.'l.Ul('l` is cool and dc: Im.1Il(.`\ ]u.V [;).v ml 111- \'nu-v 03.... l.`.._I:,1 . . . b'P}'.'( VIA L l'12'L El} RA MS. I 1).... II....1_.. mud Cmnpany 1 > In-rt.inn nf n...;.. ___, , ' . u I All uuu(:uL IAIN`. Fl{()M M()N'l`REA KINGSTON OBSERVATORY. _ J\`. I-`. Dvruls. Observer, 'l`}lER.\l0.\|l-I'l'|{ll`r.-\l. ABS l`R.\("l` FOR _ THE \Vl-EEK ENDING, AUG. `.`l. I871. A D._ ,. A --- 5.41:4 I LILIJZIIJIIIJVI (Pvr 4V0II{I`({(ll IA'n`.) 11`!!! H Nlnnmu I.` A r I ...uc uauuuge w wmdow an Several anchor. The ggie loading `at arf, keel and damaged. rtinn space on root of laying Ln \VcIling- *5 avoid Hm ...........`:._. - ... ulc mu: volunteer at drawn P51? r exmtmg the re , in several I-AH -I-m-= pettgi hav been bin `indicating f attendents on I verrv little kg-+.+:m. f.B,, Friday, Sir he If Traxln flu- . vuu ucummmon of the regi- Indies. One of the officers, :bet: on Thursday, says that man has been absent from '01` proper cause. nr nn 1...- n.L_ya mat the clay nary vii]: 'c nd consu- luict Compli- isiIiN'1'1c1cA L: lat 2l.-- llailiff Morcior, usingnf goods nuthis own 4.. L..1I Sunday .\lou-lay 'l\1eo \Vednesd'y.. Thursday _ Friday"... .. $191115 -up we next month. The xty-ve cumches, jollv (lisbnsitinnsa II IIIIUI U. :rl!v that the luv try rlih of flux} will- U ,,._. nnu nu l'l'lll(.`8 re wherc ; Doyle. svnt Centen- iat 15th. that thc_ Rev- deprived of his li- -pulitan. hm-n n:;.:.:.... lffnruiu Frzmcisco), Grand { L. route inspectthe:m-..........-..L.- . ...u_y, 1 ()tt,:|,- Ta. Tlnn-,a.luu l....4. :4 I rrxuay, b'|r Francis rd '.[`1-aalu that Now. id be taken at par at paper is now `at ;lI stuck a.rrived in The cattle wcrz. [msscal thruugln the v mwcr town. Utt. m lzmt; mncnt ...,.nZ4 A- ' = years 0! v J0!!! BY lute-ud tn ham. _. .....`. .vJ vuL _;m:ul:-., the ruf- I-`mu . ....... ....... .. o:.<);76.o_7s.5L56.5i s.c ay ........ .:-.....l ....... ..aaaq7o.o,7|.515o.5` Mom temp. of the week ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , II II 1 ` Corresponding week, l870...66: !