;I'lu` ll-`ws of Dr Li\`ingxtun'x aisfaty in Hm intorinr of Africa as forwarded by tho British (`nusul at Zanzibar is lnuplied hi the tclcgraplnic clulvzxtcll to-day, and given every rczu--u fur :u\ti;-ipating the safe and early return nf tho indmuitalble Africiul nun-ll:-`r. whn is believed to have nuutvcrod lhu truth of the gougraphical problems rs.-~ '1Ipn:\'tiII!_;1]u' umnhiw of Lake Tanjanyilu and the mum-shuf the Nile and the Cungo. 1-`ROM N EVV PJKITNHW [1 9K. FROM I;ADIFAX. xv.-. ` that nlllolotllca, tbwels, or bed hgin t _-...f comnds that all tlisclxurgeiglilohld l in- fectetllieforu being thrown in ` rtlxe dr 811': 3.3 tainted alxinuhl also he cn.reful1y disillfectetl He remarks that the main object for endea- vour must be to secure such local circumsl'.:5n- can that c.h0.l,cm- -. . _ , . fectod, Hhall be prcventecl from acting exten- sively on the population. He goes _ oplto rc- Inark phns:--- - `- Thd dndern 1:11;:-`I Finvalto be aiarded mark plms:--- I-' - . . _ .1 dmigers which Have to hrded against usfavourin than read of $9110 .01'J!r0.LI1' tlgium afe pa.i'El'ci1 nrlv wo. First, and a_QV_e sgmnst as mvourin tho 8})l'0a.ll`0l 5;noier1;-c.u.u- um psi'l;`i'ci1ll1rly'wo. shove al , there is the danger of water supplies which are in any (even the slightest) degree tainted "by house refuse orother like kinds of lth; as where there is outow, leakage or filtration from sewers. house drains, privies; ccsspooll. foul ditches or the like, into Bi-I`0lI-1.115;`: lP|'1nPo wells, or reservoirs, from vihicli the supply of water is drawn, or into the soil in v_Ih1ch the wells are situn.te-a. dsn er which may exist on asmall scale `but, per aps often repeated in the same district), nttho pump or dip'wdl of s. private house; or on 3 large and even vast scale, in the source of supply of ublic water ` works. And, secondly, there is t o danger of breathing air which is foul with ellluvia from the same sorts of impurity. Immediate and searching examination of sources of water su ~ ply should be made in all cases where t re source. is in any degree open to the suspicion of lmburlty. and the water lmth from private and source is in degree to the suspicion OI impurity, nvate pu_ lie sources should be examinet . Where pollution is discovered everything practicable should be done to prevent the pollution irolll continuing, or, if this ohject cannotbe attaniell. to prevent the water from being drank. Simul- taneously there should be immediate thorough removal of every sort of house refuse and other lth which has accumulatedin neglected places; future accumulations of the same sort should be prevented; attention should be given to all defects of house drains and sinks through. which offensive smells are let into houses; thorough washing and lime washingof`unc1ean- ly premises, cs ccially of such ns are densely occupied, shou d be practised again and again. Disinfection sho Id be very freely and very frequently exnphwycd in and round about houses, wherever there are receptacles or con- duits of filth, wherever there is iilth-sodden or porous earth, wherever anything/1else,kin lor under or about the house, tends to ma e t w atmosphere foul. In the absence of permanent safeguards no approach to security can be got without incessant cleansings and disinfcctions, or without extreme and constant vigilance against every possible contamination of drink- ing water. It may fairly be believed that in considerable parts of the country conditions fa - vourable to the spread of cholera are far less abundant than at former times of visitation; but it is certain that in very many places the conditions of security are wholly, or almost wholly, absent; and it is to be hoped that in all this large class of cases the authorities, under present circnmstzmccs, will do every- thing which in the relnainin I time can he done to justify the trust reposcd 1: them by the le- gislation for the protection of thepublichealtlz.` The Ex-Emperor Napolcon has sent his portrait, with his autograph, tmevcry dc-_ ~puty who voted against the ducheance in the N ntional Assembly at Bordeaux. II" I 'l)._L-.._,_. _1,:_c ' -- AI .... 4--uvnvnnaun JLDDBILIIIIJ Illa LJUI. llcillllg Mr J. l atersnn, chief engineer of th Agincourt, has been 1-emoved from that ves- sel and_ up minted assistant engineer and inspector 0% machinery aoat at Clmthaun cluckyard, where he has cmmneiwcd the du- tlea of 1115 new appointment. II 'l`L:...... .... _.1_-_ ,, ; , u,, -n u A Ql'l(`K P.r.\'.-The. schooner Dundee has just made the quickest run on record from _Port Dalhonsie to Kingston. She leftrthe for- _mor, port at noon festenlny, and arrived here at four o clock this morning, thus making the ; trip within sixteen hours. The ordinary time I for a. pi-npeller to make the saline trip height- ? een hours. -_..... V. ...-a luv u cuyyunllulllcllu. M. Thiers, according to the French pa- `pers, wishes to raise the army to an b'eo- tive of half a million of men, and has in- sisted befure the budget coimuission on the necessity of having :2. f0X'I|1i(11L1J16 force in case of war. `Prince de Bismarck, according to the Jllulmllutuseuer AI.-acitm; 113.3 decided that the denominational school adniinistmtirpn established` by the civil commissioners in Alsace is to be henceforth ca.rried"o11 with- out any restriction as to creed. ;-11115.): L311. On the 29th August, at the residence of the bride : mother, by the Rev. E. 9. Rupert, M.A., Mr Lewis VVart.man Knigl t to Miss Maria. Spronl, youngest (laughter the late J ames Sproul, Esq., all of VVestb . Ice Cream at Dufmb1e s.| FANCY ERENc11$o};;BoNg,_ `I3'I')`I )`\Y{`1YI' nnxrnn. . 1 - -......_ ___ `H 1.1.4.-uz. su.1:u.V yllr gills`: 2.4.- .. FRENCH CRYSTALLIZED Fr.U;T;. FRENCH CHOCOLAT MENLER,` ~ LADIES * CREALL DROPS and CANDIES of every description of our awn manufacture. PASTRY and CAKES. CAKES Almond-iced gndmamented in a superior style. nnm nnrran nn Ahvwm .`.. . ...- . H, :.-__4.._ Sigof Real Estte BY AUCTION 0n Tlmsnu, SEPTEMBER 5th. ILL B_E s0LD-J1 the prenuse, that well known property on Earl Street, The Kingston Soap and Candle Factory as previously advertised by private sale. Sale at 2 o'clock P.M. Terms will ha m...1.. 1.---.- ,4 u - All Colours, - -M I At Macnee 8: Wadde11 s, Princess Street. -V 2' |. 4Q} ulnrvlhvl an 16. HOT HOUSE GRAPES, PEABS Al PEACHES. - - VALENCIA ORANGES nd'LEMONs. Annual: 90 \ 14111 P. W . 0. Rina.--The annual in- Ipection of the 14th P. W. O. Ries took place in the Drill Shed on Tuesday evening. The sttgnxlunce of spectators was hot so large as might be expected on such an occasion, but this can be easily accounted for from the fact that the former part of the day had. been wet and very unplegsant, with ntlications of showers during the eveniigh There was a good muster, as good as is genemlly looked for at this seunn of flu vnsur `uh-.. ...-..-. New FALL Goons] Great inducements oed to casli I buyers. ' Dan: at, z OCIOCK 1 ..M. Terms will be madejnownx time of sale. WM. I MURRAY ,' Auctioneer. R. HENDRY, Agent. Kingston, August 29, 1871. Aug. 17 ` ECEIVING AND OPENING OUT daily, R, large deliveries of Macne 8: Waddell, __.._. ) BALES WHITE COTTON YARN. siao caloumijao do 0 do cQmoN%3`4gs. *0 do VOOTTONHBATTS. `If 1 0 do Whitaehnid G1-e.y wmnmd. Macnee .8s"'Wad`del1, I Prilbss Qt!-* I TO. THE % TRADE; 5...... ............, _. `unit on u; guuennuy looked this season of the year, when many Volunteers regularly enrolled on the lists, are absent from home in the pursuit_ of their vsrious avocations. The hand of the Battal- inn um. :. ..u...;.I-_-- -_z _1__.; g , u n Princess St:-eet.' " FALIZ, I871; E spection invited. MARRIED. lllld close I Vdcal and Instrumental Music. Wednciay Eveniiiz. August mm. rx 1? _...1_:_I. ..-..--.'..... ..l.- ___-n I , ox 1unguonn.n,u. vmcmny. Mrs at. p sung the folYow`i1`1g selected piudea :--- , wuu u|\rIIla i Ihe gale from the South `west still pne- vails. \j sevcrn: uauy-ana uexmcmen,Amateur'n ` of Kingston and vicinity. Mt: St; `lair ` the fo1Yow`i1`1g :--P `In uva-.-unu-nu. .The celebrated Aria and CaboIetta-.Ah Forsc e 1ui-~From La Travizta, ~ unn. n t..-ml l2....:4...;:.... ...~..1 u_u__. . . . N.B.--_The Public are respectfully informed that Reserved Seats at 50 cents each will be sold according to diigiam at. Stacey s' Book Store, N 0. 82, Kingtstreet. , General admission 25 cents. I August 28. ' _srlg:;;n`I).:]x:, for me thy power."-F;-om L. Sale of Superior Milch Cows. ' TIIE undersigned will offer for sale by Pub- lic Auctwn at his residence, Lot No`. 14, in the Second (joncenaiovn of Loughboraugh`, formerly, now Storrington, onf the - -13,. 4 -. vvn-all saint, null '1`ern'is'of Si} ing approved 1 '1A\JI'.va nut` -.vIn\4 u an: '1. IIJIII I13 Llillvg With a Grand liccitative M141 Selected Airs, mm the romantic Opera. of Ln:-line. ` - nu. u. .__ I-`Est Day of September Next, Atthe hour of 11 o'clock A.M., . 40 MILCII COWS, ` A none over eight years 91:1, all giving milk, and; if required. 3 written guarantee that all are with celf, end perfect In every respect. Terlhs Vofr Q.`|.lf`e -"2?a 1Mn-!......I:4, 1.... :.....:..1. .-6 -rynvvwu Jan. ` `JAMES D/ax. Tho " 1 ms Iinirphests Inn and Green 'l`e:(s. Illll eas. inatted. " and W: B. Pal- : led J `iii-I':'n u-333" I44 hhds Porto iico Sugar 77 puncheons lolasscs "`:?..1, .`,: "E..Pl".`a.1!l'_-`v.`_" __ ._..,.....-.. -was `av bagsla Guayra and 1!. India Cotfee --u us you 16? Jill: I96 ' a..a"i`ss..."`%e.; `E:" man I - - "`1$'a5 . "?.:.`.`.'f,m`.'ii"s? r:`g`i.'i Tobaccocs ( V V 6 c:iscs- Ilanilla Indigo : 6 casks_ Dutch ladder 50.bbls Blue Vitriol " I60 Copperas , 20 bales '{CoI:ton Bags 34000` Hessian jirain J9 900barrelsL `coafon - 7 , 159 :- Western D_less.Poa1-Ir 145o_ Godgzrich Salt ........u.u;;.u.ua` Ll.2-.Ill'LI11Um:'t'l1'lrd gupply; EOTHEN, lb'y W.` Kinglakinew CARLISLE'-S FRENCH vol. 3; "A Granff Concert LIFE bi` LOUIS NAPOLEON. - New f,.ume.' THIS Bxzmsxl Aunnzaaxgpubnsned an - . aunt:-ed; $3 A year, or 25~<;on_h`per nnlll`, H, '|',.,.,g_\~ uf \\':\shi|jgton cbmea in for un-i:nIim by Mr Pumlloton. the loader u-`\\`r.m-rn l`enmcmv_v. Mr Pcmllcton jn.~t'|n:u-lv :1 spoecln in which he hns n his ulvjuctions to the Treaty from an `ri-.-an lulllltlnf view. but the telegraph nut slate-tlm nimlm uf them. It is to 1-[K-cl that the gentlrnw.n is not. cha- .'\l that the fa\'um'itc weapon of Ameri- dmxI:xgug_vI1v;. almso pf England, is no pr :m;ilnllv for captivating the vulgar that :1 pl:m.fur the settleluent of all `null:-u:'.l dillbmncos has been agreed to. .. __.._- -..._...__..,.' vv u-. BEETON S MODERN AND_.WOMEN, or British Bimrranhv nmm 0... `I TT D2-I:-1'u_1V_' mpumlcm ANDWOMEN, Bntlsh Biography ages Geo. III. BEETGN S r9cKE'fBIm.E DICTIONARY T`l"Wn`I'-'I:~1'.!n1'vu _ ....u u. .': . LITT JT:5c3I:I.is-a_- -`:`xk nu. (ke{m ; _ or c Tnlmitn T" _' `ATIOI4I41iini _si1pply`. A" ~--J-:---- - `I u All the School no.u.T.p. stationery, `mud: B* P4 *. !i>`r 9* Wrdweription-A - I Iyays dhjiest`in thy" city. I Jnu-n `n-nirnununu ---_.. _-....- `III Irv CIIII J .`Carruthrs Co. 5th. 6th.. 7th and th- `septifmber - - next, ' * T DURING the`. above i1a.met'l"-.(`la.ya the W 0 StgamVg:!IwE_$.T0\YN and the Rome, .. . Rulno , curry paste enfrom Kmgston to Watertown ugd return ng ~ AT CINE , FARE: 1)--1,, ____._.._ - Henderso'11 s` Book SV1::oTre.` A mm nooks Van'1-Ei: 1j'v mnfnoms. THE comma or the New Utopig --a. most remarkable work. -n~n-....._____ _ _ . sags In mm and Ana mlgice (to an-rilvlg) -44 casks Palm on (to `an-Live) xiitx-ii$ti3ii`rsei-an A ` `HORSE RACES, % ` BALLOON Ascension, &c.,[ -_ Flu` I-caving Kingston 75445 `an. aim sl- n.n.. Inalxiii . anus... .... -- At,WATER.{;l`(_)'W\N,l `~>"47.r7--- ` `-1: . *' *`,;: -3 ? "' i::.;. -, r 1. O nu... vlnv . v-nu-nu-v uyunu I1: uullllle. Conductor and Accompnnint, Prolf. C. G. St. Hair. ` August 28. n)ii=is C*.Te, $i'".'LAIa, -------yr -*'----u- uvwll, N which occuion sho_ will be assisted by . ) sevcrnd Indy and Gentlemen ` Amateur: ) Kingston and vicinity. St; 13116 will 28th August. nvul5- nulsawn II OBIS) Isl. all` pan. making a sh: connec- tion with the B; T I` gag.` SI! I PP] NH Nlv} II S. 'r;\ -u qO"Inn \I....t.m..I '1 FOR s.aLE. yczxclsu I.I.I BVl'y l'.6lp%I. {cn"so1=gdit...by`fumish- _ 'edEn Notes with inter-cit. _ II! V `WILL BE DIVER BY N:_w T4-u|oL.. WILLIAM MURRAY, ` Auction:-Ar yzu Luca I , Anctaoneer. soglenong. , uilu `_!cu_-:4. ;_\LL fgcvzs-s peixlnon. mi s1-`A1 .l.'l'I:-.'.\'l .`\T(>.':'.-l (`G ( '3 fr .--m. . .... . . . .-._y u. -- no-u-pu uh-num-inlimu Mr I`;-mllc of Ihu`\\'c.m-nu Ins in given ul-jcctjnns ((5 Amuricml point of In ' clues of be ha-pctl gentlm grim-I that wu can Iuflug an .-xi1u1Aule cnpvu Lu: Y EVENING, A qa UST 5 '0, Aug. 29.-A conference of Union for the. supprepsionffaf ` _ was held to-day in St J 41113 session w'a.s tiejvoted to the ly but nfely, and will='aoon giy ` M of the result of his explontio leave no doubt on the geographi as to whether Lalfe Tangm " ' * head of_"the Nile or whether thn .. L- 4.1.- n-_-,_ nu... -nu.-.........r gpuuunuu LIUHI. down.the steamer Abe! in 2:. a:,,..* '..,."`;:`,n..e in . the city have qmigrgted to Fm: ' --1-All! ::Aug. 29.4-An explosion P l last night on board a V emnied. Two persons were (ha explosion. 7 _ ` ' `_.g,,,m tug Osprey has boenlgst ea, The vessel was destroyed III `III! C! ."9' M37 -take lo rrluru rrg riot, Podeata, Vmsjor, , ilitary eomnnnder of the mob whi reiutedst .n_ n._1 :_ --._n_.-: by one Tognetti, brother, of '% ya. bheaided `for murdel: mi; * Papal govefnment, Vatican. The crowd made yguproar and shouting `- o ed in terror in all -_,._ `L_....L.. _._-.'.__A :1 .,.... _... ....w_uuu. l u1'|ll1K hhnunll Ikg V --.B-.- Zanzibar -I-un,1n1Iy tonuatxllmthooonnhyvq It. I... -_. __`n .12. v-cw-v -nu-`Vi, ' ufthemob. Thecitying `ave:-t.Iwooc1-*1-once. ` of Belgium:-e Ostend. turixs homo fa`- n`. A` ., Edd that since the annexatibnl ,; r1-'__-__ " . . - - no-Inn 1. __ Aug: 30.-,A violent demonnfrtf "k place in f,he streets of Rome 4.1.. 07+}. :........;. . v- -..v ...v-: nu-Ivu L1II%\.IGi Essa inponfungmn. nmyot_ _ Ida theynnst abiding, ` yafew ahph,kil1ingonoandw .'..l ..c or... .....I- In... _:L._ :- `W. .- ..-.vu uuu III!-(IV: uulllll IVUK`L for wages yesterday at New 9 and paraded the streets.- 1*" YORK MARKETS.` l91'am to u: Daily Nana.) Autust so. ,_ Gold at 1125 to 109$. Cottotrqupted I dull, and 5 tol0o_lbw_ Wetel-n Run nnr nvihae gnu-. three hearty cheers fur the Queen, zyul retired to the company armorioa. than tol lmlgo arms and accotntrclm-I1t.s. previous to dispersing to their In-mos. The force, we Ilmlm-nt:unl. munhcrs an an :\.\'(`l':lg(! 35 men to cachcmnp:m_\' 210. h H ' ~ ;~.Aug. Lgrcy, the F1-an 2;-of Works, has resigned. Po 4 six perspns were .injuredA dred and thirty German work J: r.-... .......... ..........a._ .. ~u-.`__ gay collision ocurredut Bolfoi1:| ham and denannoed the Kin" the Treaty of Washington. , August 3_0.--Tlx'e Liverpool, has arrived. ;o1:sw:r'e.a-1:3. drownoi `by the wreck >ndia.co_ from Cronstadt for tn 'I.i;sl`)-y'i:_}ie' Congo. _ . , 5_Aug. 30.--Napoleon and fant- :1 the steamship Great Eutem LNCIALAND COMMERC hgkugust 30, 11:30 a.`m.; for money and account. _ E21`; 65, old, 923;e7, 923, '1? flu PRESS nnsrglrcygi I` Telegram to he`Da.'z_., News.) ' . Aug. 30.-Flonr-mu-ket d . Ieadin gndes the turn ` ` its quofegat. 3,75 to 5,30; 1.03:? lunar: :4! K90 O-nKn.I'..._ Ohio, Aug. 29.-Hon. Grq all made a speech `this eyqiiq line.-- :... ._'L:.L L- -..1-._:._-. 'l`nI~: l Our n-mloru will bean: in l't'lIl(`lIllu`:llH'0 tho cxcumiuu :ul\'L-rtiscd to take plan: this (\\'eclnesd:\_y) evening on the stan- mrr \\'at.crtuvm among the 'l`housand Islands, for tho ospecinl benet of the ity brass lmml. Should the \\'cat|u.-r pnwc f:wuurn.hlc we lmve in doulst but that those who ntteml will spend a wry plo.'\s:u|t time, and at the sum: time they will show their apprveciatiuli of the Inpny gru` tnitoua m'r\'ices for the benet of the public. Q1; Te1eg3g;_nq -..v.-u xxunununu null lJlIIJV$, York and ihe St, hon: 11;`: a win; 1115:` .vv ; v,uow 0,90 I01 comma ' western. Rye our quiet ` rr Without decided change; bushels ; sales 36,000 bush =~ 1 36$ for-No. 2 spring; 70, 33 to 1,4-4 for winter ,fl,45to 1,50 fox` am uiot. Corn without dc - 30, 11:30 a.1n._- W -guutcuali 0,10 K) :>,au; Igqcy ll angers at 5,30 to 5,50; 1017 mm Canal and western in we 2 sold at 4,95% 5,00; ea.t`--no re 1-ted transactio 5,32}; waste}-n offered at t . & nnchamge . Provisigns qn' Butte:---small sales of 2 -1 In 16 cents. I. 7 former rates. ` LBY CABLEQ -.7 uncmmgeu. rrovmgns qn' 5- g I of 16 cents. Cheese :19 forinnr I-A!-an 5 Desptdch -to*D aily .-\mt|:n-.\.\ (`|:|_.isi:n, (lnicnx Isut. -Among the late distinguished arrivals in the lmrhqur is that of tho Annarican gunboat. Green Isle, at pres:-nit engaged on an extensive surveying ox]-enlition. She has already niade a cruise through lakes Ontario, Eric, Huron, Superior and Michigan, noting and stopping at all the principal points along the route, and in now on her way clown the St. Lawrence, anchoring here yesterday before proccmling thither. Slu- ia last from Toronto. The (il`t`('Ii Isle is a very pretty war vessol. ollicereul by the following stall`: (`olonol Monlen, (accompaniecl by his wife) Captain Bontillicr, Lieutenant 1 -ontillier. (`aptain F. Palfrey, Lieutenant-(`volonl O'Con- nell, (and `wife.-) Lieutenant Flora, Captain Livcrinore (and wife) and General Sahrie, (aml wife.) The above party. while the hoat re- mains here, have taken up tlll[)0ri`)':]ll3l'fCr3 atjhe Harwood House. The otliccrs, who arecx` treinely polite, invited a nu mher of tlieir irieml and newly manlu acqnaintam-cs to accept inf their hospitality on board the Green lalo, which g't,;u-tul on a trip up the lake for a short dis- tance today about noon, returning later in the afternoon, the visitors apparently much pleased with the inauner in which they had been entertained. Po`1.icr. CoL'r.1', V\'i:n.Vi-2-4n;\'.-Before Mr Strange, Police Magistrate. George Ardill was charged with assaulting Mrs Bolton. The parties reside in the vicinity of Little's Lane. and it app:-areal that Mrs Bolton got engaged in apersonal encounter in the house of the latter, and the prisoner went into the house to help 3his mother. Mrs Bolton : daughter, 1) girl of twelve or fourteen years of age, seeing that her mother was likely to getibe worst Of it, went to her assisxnce and got knocked or puslied u\`cr,! it did not clearly appear which, and there was a. regular set-to. 1; was stated in evidence that Mrs B. was slight- ly under the inuence of liquor at the time of the row, which induced `an unnecos:xa.ry amount of violence; but as it also clearly ap- peared that Mm A. mid her son had no right in Mrs B's house and were ordered to leave it, the magistrate ned the prisoner two dollars and costs and allmonislicd him, and also gave .\Irs Bolton sonic wholesome advice. Charles I .... .iI - amlmonislzcd Leonard, a vagrant, was sent to gaol for thirty days. ` N1-zw L0t'IJ)l0T[\ l-Z.-AT1le (`anglian Engine and .\Iachiner_v Compnny'ha.s just completed- nnd despntched the fourth locomotive of the contfzuct for the Intercolonial Railway, and ten cars of revel-sable gauge for the Rolling Stock Company of Boston, being part of 3 contract for 150 cars entered into by the 'Kingston Ma- chinery Company with the a.bove'n:\me(l. In connection with this _nbject it may be stated that the Kingston Machinery'Compa.ny has extended its works and machinery at 3 cost of $30,000, which enables it to turn out annually thix-_ty locoinotives and four hundred (TAPE Bl`RGLAP:Y.-- Tl1e store of ~Mr D:miel,Douo- ghue, Market Square, was entered by burglars on Tuesday night, and a quantity of groceries and a. small sum of money stolen. The police are not agreed as to how an entmnce into the store was eected, but from a quantity of ar- ticles found on the counter on VVednesday morning, evidently placed there by the bur` glars for removal, it is supposed that the thieves were disturbed before they had com- pleted their work. ' THE BAND or me 14111 P. W. 0. R1nEs_ ' -The band of the P, w. 0. Ries will in fu- ture play in the Drill Shed weekly, when the the public will be charged ten cents fgr admis- sion. This small sum will, no doubt, be cheer- fully paid_and a liberal patronage exten L1 to the band, when it is understood thx t the charge is made to enable the band to pdy for its new musical instruments. =-Cs: vv uuuc, swan nu UppUl'lol.lIl1Fy F0 Elle F851- dente of Kingston to avail themselves of the treasures of the College library, which in ra. pidly increasing in the number and value of ii`: books, and which will increase yet more by the operation of the reading clubs. Hitherto e library has been accessible only to stu- d nts and graduates, but the way is now open f r those who choose to join the club to pro- re books from `the library on, the same con- tinml and ha. .-.4` ..l.-l:a:,...-I ....._.._-- \: re uoou n-om the nbrary on the 8811 Jytiona and free of ndditiond expense. SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. (Per J{on`tral_L_iue.) FROM PORT BURWELL. {Port hrwell, August 30.--The_ schooner M. Able, of Cleveland, came ashore hep to-day and isgoing to pieces fut. rnvavuvuu no we uurary ox Queen's College, and in return the College gives the members of the club the privileges of the ~libm.ry. The first meeting of the club was held in the chem- iatry class room of Queon e College on Tuenday night, when a constitution and code of bylaws were adopted and officers elected for the suc- ceeding year. Principal Snodgrase is Presi- dent and Professor Dupuis Secretary-Trew surer. These officers and three other members of the club constitute a. committee of manage- ment. The formation of this club, we are glul to note, gives an opportunity to the resi- dents of Killnnfnn 4-,. ......:I n.-.....-1...... l\: u... ___________:.____ I _CI'l'Y Covxc-IL.-The Mayor has called an- other meeting of the City Council this (Wed- nesday) evening at the usual hour, for the despatch of general business. Doubtlesa an effort be made to secure a quorum this time. Umvzizsirv READING C1.un.-Some twen- ty-two gentlemen of Kingston have formed a. Reading Club in connection with the Univer- sity library. Each member pays an annual subscription of five dollars, for which he has the privilege of nominating the purchase of a newly published book to that amount. The books are retained as the property of the club and reserved for circulation among the mem- - bers for twelve months, after which they are presented tothe library of Queen s College, College viva: Hm ms-ml-n-- -nnn|um_y :~%_ Flu )M \\"A'l` E It LOO. \VxLterluo, Aug. 30.--'l`lm opening meeting of the {all races takes place at \\'n.tcrloo' to. i marrow and Friday, and promiaos to be one In!` Hm lnrnvnuf, ..n-...I...I .....a ...',...L ....... --r..l 1 n|l\'Il\vvV u-nu xnnuuy, aluu pnnuusua D0 D6 one of tlu-. largest nttemled and most successful lncotillgs wlniclx has ever taken place in L'.'um- -ln. A largo number of Canadian horses are here, and eleven horses from Chicago, Kala- muzou and other places in the west are cn_ tefcll. ` V - --Va. A1A\.lLV A.Ivl3r|1.l. Montreal, Aug. 30.-Dr. Neville, Lord Biuhup of Duncndm, New Zealand, is at the St. Lawruucc Hull. Helcxwoa for Eng- land on Saturday. V....+.....].... ..n.....-...._. __ , u ,, ,, , ,IL W-.. .... -In -.auuuuun_y . . Yonqtcrday afternoon as a largo raft V descending the river it struck against 1 of the piers of the Victorian Bridge)` : lnmku to pieces ; nu `mm was injured. 'l"l... l).....I n ,...._'.:u_; ;_.n. ..1.- __ ._-:-. Mm-11 am-ntion is being iaaid in England to sanitary Inatters in View of the appre- hemlcd visit M the cholera. The health ui-`en of the Fnitc-(1 Kingdom hava `been hauling against an epidemic of small-pox V fof s-Vera} months past ; and now they are" called up:-n to redouble theirenergies to l)n`\`nnt Ylin invg-inn an.` A: .... .:....`:,.-. ..: A re broke nut last night in \Vnud's cot- tnn factory. The llanws wow soon extin- guished but the duumgo is cunsidcruhlo. TI... ..L:.. lVI......\I-.... l_...,._ L; _.n ,, _, A a...-.._,-. _...- -..... .........By ---------- up.-uv. The ship Cherokee brought out It great qlmntity of atrgzct piping of the largest. size for the city water works. The weather in cool. :`-`'-\P If! lFI\l'\4\JD , III! I'll`, VVKE IIIJIIIUU. Tho Ruld Cmxninittoo talk of acquiring anothcr atone quarry at the East end of the city. I A ...._.. J.-I. :_ L..:.._ -__...4.___;_,I |,__ 'l`llE AQUATIC CARNIVAL AT HALI` FAX. Halifax, Aug. 30, 8:45 21.. m.-Tl1o har- bu'.n' at preseiit is as smooth as glass, Wmt is partially enverlupml in fog. It is rumoured that the St. John crew were ordered back from .-lnnapolis last night by the racing committee and told tn row to save thei city from disgrace. The banks of the har- bour being` crowded, and great interest s evinced in the race. The struggle between the two English crews will be a grand one. "nlifav Ann '10 I\r\1\I\ FBI... _..... 1- ....v V. J . A new clock is being constructed by Clumtcloup for tho towers of the church of Nutre Dame. . .. . .... --- -. ...V ...v ...u5-nun uncuu wan U0 is sI`tHll.l UIIU. Halifax, Aug. 30, noon.-Tl1e race is postponed till ve o'clock on account of fog. I! .H".1o`. `Dt'\Q;I`Dl\`MlP1\ Inumn ux `(Ins Irv...`---..u. vnnl u u \/1111.43 uu (IUUUUIID U1 IUS. RACE POSTPONED UNTIL T()-M()R- ROVV. Halifax, Aug.__30, 5 p.m.-Thc race has hoen pustp(med1nV1til to-mun-ow, owing to the dense fog. 1 Andrew, N . B. , ,.- _. - v.-.w-unatt- It is reported that l.icut.-Governor Howlaud intends purulmsing a. summer residence at St. -...u.-un, .w .u. Freights on Lake Ontario are higher, with :1 good prospect of increase for the fall season. Small vessels are In denmnd. -1.. 1...`, _: u. n - . . .. -- _-.....u. - yuvvlv nu u nu ucllliulu. The death of Dr. l aiI'w-Imud. the venerable Duyon of the Inedical profcsuiun nf Quebec, and the oldest pra.ct.itinuer in the Dmniniou, has just taken place. 'm..........1;..,. ._: n,, n -. . . . .. ___..-_ ..1 ~ .. .v Aynuvllvlc uII.'u' Ulll:l`glt'3 EU prvvcn: the invasion and dissemination of chnlcm. It is believed that cholera. spreads and proves infections in the ver_v's:nne man-. net that typhoid fever spreads and com- municates itself. and the directions issued. umlz-r the Iilthority of the Privy Council ' are fniuied in this view. These specic di- rections from the pen of Mr Simon, the dis- tinguished pathologist and sanitarinn, we gi :9 in am utllor part. as they cannot fail to he of the highest value. for by their genera] ulIso:I'\ :|1`l(`e the great scourge that is now overhanging Europe and Amcrim may lie greatly mitigated and inerhaps avoided. J uuu vunvu In.-ac. The grading of the H arrisburgli I-ranch of the Great \\"eatern lizsilway is alluost nish-ed, izyml the contractor has cuuimcnccd laying down the ties. nu. sum. The first rail of section I of the llitercolonial Railway will be laicl on the l7th insn, and rails will be laid as far as Trois Pisboles innue- xliately. 'n... n,....:..:A_ -4, \uuIvI.al_y . The Dominion schooner Sweepstakes has seized the American schooner \Villiam, and delivered her to the Custom authorities at Port Hood. (LB. ueuvereu H8 Hood, C. B. --..v.., V . A : 7 It is announced that the Dominion and On- tmio Governments are about to appoint arbi- trators to settle the matter of boundary lie- tween this Province and l\Izmitoba.. Mr Eu- gene E. Tache has been a. pointed 011 behalf of the Dominion, and the on. \Villi:un Mac- dougall, C.B., on behalf of the Ontario Gov- ernment. ,.. .. `. --. ...v \,.......v V` As Mr Stafford McBratney, Reeve of Elizabethtown, was returning home on Satur- day night with his wife, his horses nu away. They were thrown out of the buggy, and Mrs McBra.tnev a neck was hmlmn TI... 1......... \dL nun... u. Sir I-ancis Hincks and Ann:Lnd s Govern- ment have at last come to an understanding about the new Province Building at Halifax. The difficulty is to be settled by arbitration. Each side has named an an-bitrator, and an um- pire in now to be selected. 1):,.I-.~.\.,I-..L_ Hr, ` ' in... Au uuvv uu IJU ncuwwu. Pickpockets are numerous and bold in Hali- fax, N..\'. Severzxl have been arrested and pro- perly dealt with, others, noticiu 1 they were too closely watched, have sta.rte back home, ` and some are still waiting for their chances at the Carnivnl. ..A \: ... M . --- was nem in llaaoc, and a vegdict returned of accidental death by fire in the woods. Mr A. Macdonald, Chief Factor of the Hud- son's Bay Company, left Ottawa on Monday evening to return to Moose Factory, James : Bay, from which he has been absent for twelve months. He goes up the Ottawa. River by way of Lake Temiscomangue; the distance is six hundred miles, all of which is done by canoe after` leaving the steamboat. The time taken will be about twenty days. The route by way of the Michipocoton, Lake Sup- erioi-,' is three hundred miles. A ____L`A_,N, 1 -. . n... H... .. .. vuv nu-uc: wuulu DB poned from da to day until the waterpgvss smooth. The alifax people cannot under- stand that I m of pulling (who can?) thgt in only av ' ble on wntei- of such unauth- nese as can hardly anywhere be found. They also any that if my crew "ere justly entitled to withdraw it in the Ranforth, who with the lourof their boat mm, still bravely hold to their entry. All honourto them and may they come of!` successful to- man-ow. The urithdnsnl nf u: `Pu-i. ....... I i:'}}i).\` I-.`.\"l ." I uuulu uuu mny may come on succelaml to- | yuan-ow. The withdrawal of the Pllil crow I101 \V: ......., ... uuvu uuuusuu nuuca. A gentleman and lady going home in Ottawa, on Thursday night, upon arriv- ing at the door of their house found there a. little animal which they supposed to be the lady's dog. ` `PoorFido, she exclaimed, stooping down and raising it in her arms she caressed it close to_ her breast. At this time a. strange odour, as of musk too much cooked,'bega.n to be felt. It grew and became intolerable. The lady looked looked closer at her pet, then suddenly dropped it with a. scream of terror and disgust. Her friends say they couldn t stand her presence and `the second hand clothes man will not pur- chase the silk for any price. Tho in La... I1.')-_`..\ ._._'L__- H--1 1 vaannltv -nun nu; {UL nu] P1100. The St. John (Paris) crew have withdrawn from the great four-oared race at Halifax tomorrow, on the ground that the water is never smooth enough in thehnrbour. Their action is deservedly condemned, and cause: much ill feeling. Such expressions as` cowardly, they are afraid, only t to pull against a dead men," &c., ere heard on every side in Halifax, and the exams of rough water is ridiculed, as the Commit- tee advertised -thnt the `race would be post- water was smooth. The nlifnt nnnnln not-unnb .._.=I..- DOMINION OF: CANADA. `1`ROMWM0N'f1cEA"II' anywhere be found. their entry. Allhonourto ome nwel ofthehrhmw . . . . Iv , _--- - J.-. 4134" I7. (lmin arrivals at thc ;\l_mti-en] Tmnsporta-` tion l'onip:my's wharf since our last report are is follows :--'l'he Enterprise, from Pint Dal. hi-usic, vfith l7.7S`.` bushels wheat; the S)" lpillas. from Port Dalhnusie, with 4,816 bushel, wheat; the Acorn, from Chicago, with 21,000 bushels wheat; the South \\'est, from Cleve- laml, with 19,075 bushels wheat; and the Dun- dee, from Chicago, with 15,000 bushels wheat. The tug Brunsbn arrived at the same wharf with eight barges, containing 3,268 sack.s.of 7 salt,` froni Montreal. and left again for the same port with six barges, containing 73,011) bushels wheat. A. H --.. il a sure $11 the new. tiny woid be do"-, fasted. ow wi I the citizens of St J ohni. now look upon their pets. nn"AIl IVIAVI II|vl'LVI`VVI\rl\. St. John, New hmnswich, August 29. -~ The withdrawal of the St. John crew from the four-cared race in Halifax, did not cause much surprise here. It was well understootl before they left that they would not compete unless the water was perfectly smooth--a con- dition of alfairs scarcely to be expected in Halifax hm-hour. 'I'he boat of the St. John crew was built expressly for smooth water, and would scarcely live in even a gentle ripple. Still it was not expected that the crew would retire until the morning of the rsce,.aml not then if the water was at all suitable. The rea- son for withdrawal telegraphed by the friends of the crew from Halifax 18, that on the trial over the courn yesterday, they found the roll too heavy for their boat, and thought it better to retire at on_ce. Other accounts say there was a very strong feeling in Halifax, even be- fore the withdrawal, against the St. John crew, and sympathy for Halifax and English crawl), and on that account they feared Jock- eying'. Friends of the Paris crew express readiness to back them against the winners st Halifax for any amount. (I1 LIIU .lilUIII4 \.IluU B Uianuu The Paris crew backed out last evening, Fulton paid their entrance for tho- 83,000 race, but at same time informed the secre- tary that they would not 1-my in the match, is they could see that the water would be too rough. The news of their backing out c:msed great excitement in the city, and all codemn them as cowards, and their name is coupled everywhere with adjectives of the worst kind. 'll.:.. .........:..... ..L ...z.... 1.1.- 11-..: . 1 - --v-.- --.;.4;4 414`.- Hnlifax, N. 8., August 29.-The Aquatic Carnival opened this mqming with the race fur the Provincial shing vessels. 'I`hex-e are about ten thousand spectators within View of the Yzicht Club's stand. rm... 'n....:.. ......... `\.Ir|`r.n4I -... 'I....J. _,___,:,,,, `of New York, and are onlyan inc DIIU \\'(D|'2la lillluu . This morning at nine the Paris crew took their boat up and are leaving their quar- ters to go back to St J olm. The universal opinion is that they are afraid to pull and get beaten by the reconstructed Renforth crew, or Winship s. The Americans and Halifax crows boats were built b Elliott higher than the St John boat by the same builder. Fulton saws his crew sum nnf. nfmitl as ulau ule an uonn boat Dy me builder. Fulton says his crew are not afraid of their opponents, and offers to row at Spring- eld, Ma.ss., for $5,000. The offer will be accepted probably to-day, by a. ct`-ew made up of the two English crews. The-St Jnhn nhnnhl hnvn rnnrotl .... \V...1 III) (II LIIU DWU Ibllgllll crews. Thirst J olm should have rowed on \Ve1- nesdayiif they were drowned in the effort. The Committee assured Fulton that as there was only that race that day they would wait for ordinary smooth water, so that all might have a. fair chance, but the Paris crew preferrred to sneak back to St John, where they claim a great victory in having brought np,in the rear of the Tyne boat until Providence struck down Renforth, and the former crow pulling against a dead man, achieved an inglorious victory. and lloclieted $5,000 without so much as it thought for the poor widow and children of the decea_.sed champion. The 1 :u'iu crew have llrnnul-it nu than`- I U1 we nauxax Ulub, gnd' Mechamcs, four-outed g -tuixeand Lavlma. second. In ?"In Irilni-\_r\`_vn--\ - Uuuunsu UI uu: uccuuucu cnampwn. brought. on them- selves the spontaneous executions of all classes, and their name will go downtopos- terity as a. great plague-spot: on the fair fauue and honour of the New Brunswick escutcl1cu11. { 1.`...... .._ `I34 ._I._ 4.. - __. `I UHUIILCIIUUII. ` Coroner Earle in conducting the inquest, has been more intent on getting vidence a.tten1'pting to show tlfat the Paris crew was ahead, than to nd the cause of Renfo1f_th n death. rl1|.- ...A-;`L-._ :_ _, ,, 4- u . . .- .._ .. . ....~..v..a . no vuusu vs ease 1&lI&l- ion was in stten-lance and played, for the first time,with fourteen iuhlitional new instruments, recently procured from the celebrated rm of Uistiu s.nd L'o., London, England, which are really_ excellent specimens of their un- rivalled vvrkmahship. This lstter purchase, if calculated according to the number of musi- cal pieces, makes the organization about forty strong. although there are not so msny players. During the evening they rendered several selections _in sdmirable style, suilicient to demonstrate the re1na.rka.bleprogresse'ect- ed since pla.ced_nnder the direction of Prof. _S|nitl:. The Battalion having completed at this inspection the required drill for 1871-72 (new system) were put through a series of . evolutions by Lient.-Colonel Callaghan, in the ' presence of Lieut.-Col. Patterson, D.A.A.G. Brigade Major I hillips,'snd John Paton, Esq.: ex-connnsndnnt of the 14th. At the conclu- ai.;u of the infantry exercises, the corps was drawn up in square, and addressed briey by Colonel Pstterson, who` expressed in terms his entire satisfaction at their pro- ciency in military tactics, as well as their nest appearance, though he exceedingly the cun_tinned want of new clothing. In sl- lualing to their drill he mentioned his disap- proval of the shed as being inconvenient, and 2 place inyhich justicecouldbedone neitherto ' tau mennormnch less the oicsrs, and he hoped that by next year arrangements would be wmpleteila whereby they could enter csnip` life with the other battalions of this district. As far as thelpresentation of badges was wucemed, he presumed thst would f01l0W 8! a matter of eon:-se'-a silver badge and-S10 to `O0 idahot ineach company. Thoma: then` LIUIILII. The weather is very faveumblo for row- ing, but not for sailing matches. So far the carnival a success, and the Committee arrangements goo'(l. The shincr whsdnu-4: 1-non nu... mu`... 1... ....M..,uum m saMi1.AND AGAINST THE CHOLERA. Mr Simon-, medical oicer of the British Privy Council, hss issued a circular contain- ing precautions against cholera. He says that cholera is happily, so little contagious, that if ressonshle care be taken where it is present there is scarcely any risk that the disease will s read to persons who nurse and otherwise osely attend upon the sick. ' But the cholera. has anjnfectiveness of its own. It is charac- teristic of cholera, and likewise of the dia.r.. _pro(luced `by the `prevailing mirh--v--`n rename or cholera, and rhcaa roduced the prevailing epidemic, that ma 1-: dmohsrged ffoin the stomach that if the be left without disinfection after they are god their infeotiveneu for aoxne dz In strong and stmnger. In the event 0 y escape in the drain into which nuchdilc nrecutythawollorwatar IOIIIWI b. illfchd. EB thlnfnr` Inn- of the pnhant are infective and ' urrauguulents good. V The shing whale:-s race, was won by Maid of Erin, and*Dread, second. Th rnpn `fnr Inna:-n ndrar-....l J. ....._L-A- Maid of Erin, and*Dread, The race for square shamed when-y boats, fan paddled, was won by Ripple by six lengths, and Unda.u_nted second. `wnun-.n;u-or} win. `nun... ........ ._.-_ __V- I L1. Lu . Lbuylt coon second. . '1'..- .4-.. -1. second. - The race of `the day, for gentlemen ama- teurs, in four-oar whalers, for Governor Sir Hastings Doyle's cup, was a beautiful per- formance, and was won by the Blue None, of the Halifax'C1ub, and`Vict_ory second. gigs, won_by Nep- tm'xe.an(l -i.uuu.anu .l.48.Vlnla second. In /the (man-of-war) cutters race seven got well away, and after a close contest it was won by the Royal Alfred cutter. Halifax, N. S.. Aug. 29.---This morning is fair and cool with very little breeze- scarcely sufficient for the numerous schoon- er, yacht and boat races to-day ; but it is freshening a little, and will probably be favourable` before noon. The city is all alive with gaily dressed people, a large number of ladies adding to the variety and animation of the scene. All +1.. 1.....1,.. ....1.1:- _m--, - - lA.|lUILlo There was only one entry for the rst race for Provincial wasting and shing vessels, fty tons. - FOP fhn lnnnn nhusa lltl AL- -- uuie tne Dart, 1"la.sl1, ' g, `Martha. Hib- bie, Guardian Angel, Ri Zephyr, Rosan- da and Daisy.` They all got nicely n.wa.y- time allowance, 30 seconds per ton. There are ve races in all for this style of vessels, and seven for various kind of boats, which will take till noon to get started and fairly round the turning points. .______._.____._ At Swift`: wharf the steamer Champion Sr- rived up last night, and laid over on account of the prev.-ing storm on the lake. The pro- neller .\cadi;n_ lmvinu nnnmlntul ......... o.:aI:..... wnguus, anu unaauptea second. Four-oared gigs, young men, was won by Neptune, and Sport second. Mala-)f-wnr aim:_n .-m..-..I ...... . ...... L- Man-ot-war g?--a good race; won by H. M. Royal 1 red gig, Whaler gig Ra- _ D UPPIIUU The Yivfcht Club were out early, and as itI1eir bea'.tifuIl craft-got slowly under way they presented 9. very interest marine view. The interest of this da1; gs sai ' and sports is chiey local; but the whole day will be occupied, as there are twenty- seven different races to be run and the holi- day will therefore be the more satisfactory.` Six hundred persons _a.1-riyed by :train t'_,\`.... 4.1. - ._-_AAr vpaaeu, nniy tons. , V For the second class of the same, from 201:0 50tom_1, there started shortly after nine the Dart, Flash, ' Angel. Ri I Znnnm. 11--.... PRECAUTIONS IN ENGLAND THE CHOLERL u.a_y W111 merexore be the satisfactory. persons arrived train from the westward last night, and the morning train east brought a. m-n.+ .......1m.. u-om me westward last and morning brought a. great number also. So far very little dissipation has been seen, but probnblv to-nio-hf. will ....,, also. no tar little dissipation probably to-night will pre- sent some revelry and rowdyism. Halifax has always a. large supply of stimulants, and places are always open for the disposal of them. PHLCBS VI. - nepuuxe, auu. apart second. I Man-of-war gs---a I. Roval 1 "rod uia ml...I.... ...'... 1: -- .. ,..........-.3 uulllul uu uuc HIKE. AIIC pro- peller Acadia, having completed some triing repairs to her machinery, left this morning for up the lake. The steamer Picton left this morning for Cape Vincent, engaged by the Knights Templar of that place for an excursion party. _Severa.l of the Knights Templnr of Kingston left in the. Picton to join their brethren of (`ape Vincent. The` steamen ;Pnuport and Athehim passed down" this morning, and reported heavy weather` on the lake. ,