Kingston News (1868), 31 Aug 1871, p. 4

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us run` uau 0! every uescnpnon exo- 0 outed neat] . cheap} and `ex litinusly at the DAILY .'E\\'.\`r .\` EAM l` {lN'l`ING HOUSE. -son, Maine, was ess and weakness :' Johnson s Ano-_ % BOOK, IOB'and GENERAL PRINTING Establishment. HE UNDERSIGNED, havin ave larq f Stock of PLAIN and FA CY '1YPh Ill` for Book and Job Printing,` \Z Is enabled to execute in the best manner, and with greater expedition tlnn any other Printer inthe city. all ocdaeri for work With which he may be favoured. Work done in any required style. BOOKS, 1*EL*DA1LY NEWS N.B.-`l'he square to be conned to tho ordinary bul- nesa of colnmerchl houses. and for small houses II will not be held to Include Auction u vu YIAIIII Anljil. rug aqurc to be 22 lines orsolkl brevier. The nursqm-o u Innea`amo1 Price for gun, r 0.IIO.ul , hr daily paper 8401 with the pvllego olnllering limited to once I Inmth. Halt squn. brblly paper, 325 int yur, with tune ' prIvl|ege. n w. - ntsu nan Maua _ Ier Canadian shame; fill be closed every ridny at |`.`..'I) p.m. ` - Pol` Cunard and Bremen lino. ovgry l`u-mlay at 2.2!) .p. In. _ I I1-tten into-.nd-d fur uh-sua.tvh nor Bremen ADVERTISING. ' TARIFF (`)1-` RATE FOB ADVE'l`ISlEN'lS. ix lin _nnd I 0:, 31 for gm three Snurtuons, I `18 edit! afeve nbteuent Insertion. Tan Is... an n: p__ p , . .. , -_......`-.uu- maul uuu. Ten lines, 31 25 for that three insertions` and lieente for every subsequent insertion. Above 10 lines, '1 cents per line for int insertion, and two cents per line tor every subsequent insertion. subsequent insertions not ordered omner then once 3 week, 4 cents per line. Notices orirths onents each. ' Do uarrmgesfsu eentseach. '3' Do Deaths, ocenisench. Basins: Nmcs3.-Ail mutter under this heading, , is per lino, measured by aecaieof solid brevlcr, over 10 lines ; under 10 lines, `I5 oenie ; under 7 lines, 60 cents. ` other Notices in editorial columns, the object of which is to promote the pecuniary or privnte interests of Indi- vidunla or 0empnnies,sn'ch ns Reports of Banks, Inau- rance _CoInpnnie1, `Notices to attend Lectures, Amuse- ments, Ilsetinn. Eernmnia, Anin.....|..a.._.-_-.. -2 cu ntes to be paid in advance. raulcts _wmpnme1, `Notices meuts, Meetings, Eennonia, Acknowledgments` of Bonn.- tiom. tc., to be considered mdverusonents, and charged on menus scale naiilinlhosamo manner as " Business_ Names. LABEL3, MAGAZINES, HANDBILLS, *`}wo STEAM Phessas. Printing in Gold and Colours. BILL 1 PAMPHLETS, as `.'.;II _ letter: intendwl fur dc-spatvh per hm Inst be spociallypo din-ch-d. SHOW BILLS, INVITATIONS, STAGE BILLS, LAVV BLANKS, ld having tted up N EWSPAPRS, POSTING BILLS, CONCERT BILIS, RAILROAD BILLS, CHEQUE BOOKS, It Single copies of the vnRo&1cLE AXD NE\\'8. contuning the news of the wcck. may be had in pors for nailing. Price bcentuvcan-`h. Iuux every Friday. II` Single co in of the DAILY NE\\'S may bi had st t e counter of the publication olli-*9. Princess Street. Price tin m-ntn, BUSINESS CARDS, FL HEADINGS, #UNERAL CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS. JAIIS NEEB, Princes: Sweet. Klnnton. WITH EVERY VARIETY I JOB WORK. THE gross frauds which continue to be prac- tisod by obscure: Iiunufuctllrerl, more par ticulsriyin German-y bviimitnting tho,ls- ` hols attached to JOHN GOSNELL J: 0035 PERFUMERY, rcndr i=i:n:mr_ativ'e upon the Proprietors to Cm-nos the pzmiic against such nefnrious proceedings, and to request their friends and patrons to purchase only of respec- table dealers, who import direct from John Gosnell & Co. ; and invite special attention to the address- RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urrxm Truns Sranrr. John Gnlnnll It (`.n. ia Select Perfumes: Ess may uu nan IF tue counter 0! we pnuuc oglim-.. Street. Price two cents. IUSIJ DUL41. W NARI", 9.5 UPPER 1 nuns DTKIII`. ' John Game 3: Co. a Select Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Via tori: Bouquet, Ftangipnnui, Military Bouquet, the Bride`: Bouquet. John Gmnall an 00. : Prince of Wales Por- the uncle: bouquet. John Gounell & 00. : Prince fume, 0 most choice and fashionable perfume. - John Gnanall & Go s Princeas Aloxnudra s | llllnl, mt!!! 0110168 and Htauluuaum peruuuu. John Goanell & Go Perfume, a. most choice and delicnta perfume, propnrad expressly for the use of Her Royal Highness. John Gnnnall & 0o. a Uoner Ten Thousand l Izugnneu. I John Gosnell & 0o. a Upper Perfume. l'-I.... r1........n I. n..I. [nu-ltav lnh Pnrfnmn rermme. John Gosnell & 00. : Jockey Club Perfume is in universal request as the most. admired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Prints 23 6d. Yul... flnnvuall 1: (L. a La Nnhlannn Pnrf'nm('.. rename ID! the uanuxerclneu. [rum as on. John Game}! I (Jo. a La Nohlesse Perfume, A most. delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. 1-1.- a........n ;. (V... I. N'nhk-nun l'nn\n(Ir-., uln- most. uoncate rermme OI exqlursuu lmgrulwc. John Gosncll & Cola Noble-ass.) Pomudc, ele- gantly perfumed, and highly recommended for beautlfying and promoting the growth of the hair. 1.. Mnklannn Qnn n_AnfnArnm'l fnr it: `manual- hair. ~ Ln Noblesse Soap-eateemed for its unequal- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. John Goanell & C038 Violet. and Milleeur led perfume and hue emollient qummes. John Goanell Go. s Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- Iery should be without it. Sold in boxes at ed} in tin: 13 each. Al... annnnn Ir n 'u H119!-I-Ir Tnntll pntn is 6d - fohn Gosnoll & Oo. s Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives Ibo Touch upenrl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decoy, nnd imparts a. pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 15 6d each. ` Inllnntnnnnna Hair Dve: certain to uroduco .` `England i. already acting in trying prevent the invasion of cholera, and hu Icnt Dr. Radclio. 1 well-known sanitarian. to visit the cost when vessels from the Bal- tic mostly arrive. and rouse thn 1.-..-.1 ....n...-: to Iragrance `I0 U16 Drmuu. rrlcu [H on ruuu. Instantaneous Hair Dye: produce ` Iny shade Brown or lilsick, of good illllfnl colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no diugreenble odour, mill is caaily applie-1. John Goanell Iv Cola Patent Trichosaron, or newly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- chnuical construction of which ancompsnics the two operations of cleansing and polishing nimnltnnonnnlv I10 ulslgrucuulu UUUUI, I Co. s E \ c simultaneously. Thn Pntant. Mr-chmm allnuluneonsny. The Patent. Mo:-chemical Chair for Bruahing Hair by Machinery. For 1`:-ospocuns and put- ticulara, apply to the I au=nlcc:3`nn(l Sole Manu- factm-era, JOHN GOSNELL 4 Co., Pertumcrs by Appointment to Her Majesty, 1!)! l rmu-as ot' Wales, &c., RE!) BULL wu;. am, 93 Umn Tamil STBIIT, late or 12 Three King court, Lombard Street. 55' HE" SAUCE. Prepnrml by Alex- under Sulllwnml Smoker, lrom a recipe by his Cousin, the LL10 Dr South- wood Smith, thirty.-ve years Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Smi- tary Reform; Medical Mamlmr of the first Genersl Board of Health; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Henltls, to; Delicious with everv known dish. Its rmiosopny or uenuu, ac; Delicious with every, habitual use increases the appotim and pro- mote: digestion. It is much esneemcd for its digestive properties. A: an nnnln-ant-A nf its nuritv an-`l snlutarv us uxgesuve properties. As an assurance of its purity an-`1 salutary rope:-,'.ies, it. is only neccaamry no poi._t`0ut he name of the cclehrsied and ;:hi1smLhro- pie Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- guished man was spent in promoting the health of his fellow-cxicntures, and his death, to Deoemoer, 1861, was mourned as n ma.- Lionnl loss. . . II7ly...l......l.\ ....A I`... .~-nn-Gnctnn inn al\-. 15..., I IIOIIII I085. Wholesale and for exportation by lha Pro- prigtor, 69, Lumh'S Conduit Street; Barclay sud Sons, Farringdou Street; Batty and'Co., Finabury Pavement. . Rntnil bv Chemists. Grocers. Italian Ware- Fnnabury ravemeuc. Rani! by Chemists, Grocers, Italian Ware-_: houaemen, and others throughout the King-` dam, and every part _of the world. ` Ask for the `-The" Sauce.--Snecial exnort Aml`llUU\3K1'D lI`.lll.DllU L3l1IJl1Vl`JnD Medicine that cares Sea Sickness or the worst form of Billions Headache in a few minutes; etfervescing nnd tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to maintain health. When mixed with water and taken during the eervescence, it immediately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into ' the system. It vitalizes and supplies the blood with those saline principles that are lost. al- tered, or destroyed during the hot weather. In Jungle, carlet, Yellow, Typhus, Ernptive Fever: (or Cholera), elm in several other conditions, where the vital current is poison- ed by infection, `and and thereby rendered on- lit to support health and prolong human life. it has been found eminently bet c'icial; Md its sustaining an d purifying int",-ence acts as a preventive to disease, as th. nu- merous nnsolicitecf testimonials accomp ..y- lng each bottle will prove. Ita portability renders it. admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. Hold in nah-nt urnnnnn-nil nlmm Raisin. om, am: every pun _u1 Luz: wunu_ Ask for the `-The" Sauce.--Special expat! `Agenta-Bnrgoyne, Bux-bridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. - . conree. The route of the no nan me man where tic moatly arrive. rouse tho local authori- ties to the nccesaity of immediate precaution- ary Ineaenrea. Deaths from cholera. have oc- curred on board ahi Shields. In the 'c of I831 no leae than sixty En%l`iah veeaela sailed from Riga alone as soon as t cholera broke out there; but, un- fortunately. the carried the diaeaae `with them. and from land it was brought to the Uuitpd States. T e same thing happened in 18-I9-and 185-1. The r is even greater Iyw than before. the coal trade with the Bal- tic from Newcastle and Shield: having in- creaaed to such an extent that the Ihipping is perhape doubled. The epidemic now prevails at Hull, Dundee and ` in Riga to an extent, and this time i an on the previoaa occaaiona, -it was carried to d by the ahipping, and though but few caaee are yet reported every day increases the danger. - matter. The diaeaee may be carried from city to city by persona atfected with it so slightly M to recover without having been aware of the l_l8tl'e of their malady. Thin is a moot alarm- mg feature, and one which render: dealing with it ao an to prevent its introduction ex- ceedingly dicult. Asiatic cholera is a dis- ease more reeietleae in its match than the tread oi armies. -and only acienee, cleanliness and a wiae precaution can Ill from it. Thereeeemtobeiio reason to doubt that cholera in disseminated by importation, and that it uaually travel: over the name preeent epidemic is exactly similar tothat which it followed in 1%`). Germany il ilIVIdod now an it ----3' unrxce asansmnce. Sold in patent stoppered glasa bottles, price 2! 6d, 43 6d, 115, and 21s each. Spo- cial agents required and appointed in an parts of the world. bills Wlhhl-151 Duuunl ta Ul.SlNl!'l1.`U'1'- ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals, wurkhouses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, beiweeu decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and lines of sick, night- chuirs, oesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, luders, mnazy geeks, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, and the bums of ships; _sps1-unents for searchers, nndermkers, and jnrymen, and for post-morlem examinations; for the prevention of infectious disease, can- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for .the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bugs and other vermin. - Sir W. Bm.-natifs DiinfEt!t.irn11 mnm ....... :1 sun |Ie|gnD0rnO0d. D G Ssld by all chemists, _and at :90, Canon gt;-eat, London. Qunrts, 165; pints. 8_s ; half- pints, 4!; glues-eooppered Imperial`, p in,ts, 5?? an nu-ength, 163 per dozen` and Ill bulkaiii 4. per gallon: homes mclnhea. Each gal Ion making 200 gallons, when dil med with` IIUII UI Ullg Ill UI|||7f VUIUIIIH. Sir W. Burnett : Diainfectiug Fluid was- the only Disinfectant nsed at the Agricu}- turd Hall during the Smitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by order of Her Majesty ; . Privy Council. , 'l"hn vnlnn nf um Rum :. ;.1...__ LA .. IP17] UOIJDCIL _ The value of the uid is rhown by the following letter from the Secretary and Kansas. IIIIII 3 . 'c ltural Hall, Islingtou, Jan; 1368. er Sir,-Please to send eight gallons mo of your Disiufocting Fluid, as per order enclosed. Having used various Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can say with condence that none` have had the instan- teueous and complete effect of Sir William Buruettfs, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell of chloride of lime or carbolic ecid.-i am yours fajzh. fully, - S. Slurry, Sec. and Manager. \ Capt. Jackson, R.N., 90, Gannon street." This uid sets on the essential cause o disease by destroying` the local conditions 0 the atmosphere under which cholera is mos frequently developed and propagated. For ingtanceg In a. house in St. Andrew s street Plymouth, occupied hy fty-two persons,` it was sprinkled in every room e these the occupunls would not permit is to be applied; the result of which was, mat in those parts of the house where it had been used, not 1 single case of cholera. subse- quently occurred; while in the four rooms above alluded to, the disease still` exists and come deaths have taken piece. Two houses ilnmedinely opposite were supplied with a quantity, in neither of which has there been 3 single case, although the disease is raging in the neighbourhood. 88111 In all l`.h.n.:..s.. --x xcept four; Sin ` IUIIUWI Mann ' It A 113. WILLIAM BURNE'r1"s DISINFECT- \ nm wnnm rm Hm ...m.....:.... ..c ..=-.- . _ :......._ --... [OB PRINTING of description neatlv. cheanlv and `o-xhn-ditinualv 'AMI LOUGH'S' PYRETIO SALINE.-A I aA:nnn ohuf urn-A: Run Qinlrnnaa nr {ha Ll lruln WIJUKSU PTUIUKIPUIUU ll I3 . 1 : `, v-Luuulu proaucmg `-ll :. , ease-mini ......... .. l0N D\"S PATENT FLUID or natural disinleo 1 (J mm puries, deodoriscg, and dieiuf:-.ct.n, by the ' ' agency of nascent or ozomo oxygen,--is active . principle. Being ontirely mnnxxoua, this uruiy l scientic. .. prep-mien 1- , P&Ill1It|.L.Ml,apted gm-.`, , the following nseml purposes, tor which all "1 other disinfectants, on accountof their poigouom. 1 or other objectionable qualities, are unnmilgbxg and useless :-- -, Detecting organic lmpuritiea in aii- md water. . Purifying drinking and other water from o;-. ; ganic matter, lead, 80. . Freslicnlnn the llrof close altos. and l'nn\nv_ .` game I1lIJrBI', IQIO, C0. 1 Freshcning the shot close places, and remov- ing bad time] n. | I Ta`u-nino monf n}: lmnr mu nuul -......:..l....-` | ID UBLI Illllilla _ ' Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from mint. . l` u; n'.u-on Al` .-........I.. _-s_- IIUIIJ Ulllllu I Counteracting the effects of orggnic poigoggg taken into the stomach. n...:.... 11...`. .............a.... 1:~-....':..... _u, _.. . UMSOII H150 me FIUIHIICII. _ Curing Mushy provender. Freeing Wheat, am] other seed from smut. Ilnlnlmintnm bl-un Iuuol. Al -.l....4.. 2.. _..~. . DEIICITBUCQ lI'0ln SIXIUE I , Maintaining the health 0! plants in pot; and conservatories. Dunnn-uvinn and -.mA.._`.._ AI... J'...-l__-.... -4 I conaervawnea. Preserving and restoring the freshness ot cm owers kept in water. Destroying the blight of the pomboe, line" hop, mulberry tree, &c. Waubing dogs and other domestic inimnls. Cleansing bottles, beer barmln, pickling Luna, duiry utcnnsilar, 4 Washing the hail-_nnd darkening its colour when turning~gre_V. Enhnnnhm tlm nmumnp and I....:-.....o:.... -5 Ieplrl In .111. 12.30 p.m. (This is by Joutn-al time. from V lint '91 n|nn9A. `.\I flu.` 1`:-I"nnnlInd Wllll IUI'[!Ig`gI'9y. Enhancing the: purifying gnd invigorating el- fectn of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and dent`:-oyihg ani- mal virus. ' Treating the` infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, &c. ` Ona gallon rnnlu-n mm on gnn ...n....- ...u....;...: nurses, uugn, ac. One gallon makes 200t.o 800 gallons adapted for use. ` - X7 I) I1... .I__l_ vs: 5 u u .1 p-. - - - - - ~ dnccr. N.B.-Coudy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic I Test for- Organic Matte? in Water. arid affords the only known means of rapidly and eoinpicteyl freeing Drinking Water from Organic Tnint, which is so cummon a cause olaeiioua disease. V To rapidly purify the air, use the ililuted uid with Coudy`s Ozoniser or other Spray-pro- nnunvvn Iinlnlnnvoll 1\rI1\uvvnI!1\ .-- __.. mu-un o rA.|m|V'l' ULUN Imuu W A'1'lSt{, (rm: 1-oxu-r rUxPosis,) Removes from the mouth impure and foreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and couuteructa the irritation and morbid secretions of curious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tendsto promote A healthy state of the whole. bod . - , . y H. BOLLMAN CONDY, Patentoo. Bnttersea, London. Y 1lll-`. URl(}Il~lAL0llL0ltOI)YNE, invent:-J by l R. Freenmn, Plmrmyaccutist, is allowed to be one al the greatest discoveries of the present cmltnry. It le largely employed by the most mulm-at Physicianaand Surgeons in hospital and private practice in all parts ol the world. I t has elfects peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly ulilfcrent to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name ollchlorodyue, but have no pretence to possessing its virtues. It rapidly relieves pain, from wlmtever cause, ul- luys the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and givessleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant Ieeliugr so commonly arising from the use ol opiates. 11 continues to hold its unshoxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best,` most reliable, and cheapest prepurstion. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aidavita that they have tested its ellecte in" can-l'ul comparison with those of " DR. GOLLIS RRHWN li`. :\' ( navu tcswu its enecls In cdrelul comparison with of"DR. GOLLIS BR()WNE :$ (;uLOR0- DYNE," and deposed to the facts that they mum] it a more certain and reliable preparation, .md greatly preferred FREEMANS." Earl Russnll (xummunioatnd tn dun. Rnvnl ail .mu grcauy prelerreu "x`tS.lsn;M.lN:S." Earl Russell communicated to the-Royal Col lege of Physicians and to It Freemun, that in, Manilln the oniy remedy of my use in Cholera was Ctorodiue. - _ I I.n l(n.h',s...` 'I!.`.w... .....1 f_L....u- `I'_...._-.... son. mu-I uuaurouxne. ` 1 , The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, It has an immense sale gimougx-_& the public, and is prescribed by nco:-es, of Onhn-_ dox Medical Pracnitiouers, and, 0! course, it would not be thus singularly popuhxr did it. not supply :1 want and till :a place." 2 Manufactured bV the Invantnr `R.`l"I!'ll'I` Fl-oz- mun, 1v, neumngwu ram Road, London, 5. The genuine has engraved on -the Government Stamp (outside B301! .Bme) FREEMAN5 ORIGINAL cHLoaoD7m:.v . . :1 want and nu place." . ' ! Mxmumctured by the Inventor, Richard Fret- umn, 70, Keuuingson Park Road, London, S. genuine has engraved on -the Gnvm-nmoin -emu w nqmnurg And from Hamburg to Lon- don. And we are scarcely told that xt In: 3.1)- pearedat Berlintillwehearaho that it ii at Antwerp. Whether skill And uni- tsrypucsntionwilfeteyntemneh remains to be non, but we must not forget .that it may be lmmhtto the United States from Hun-V burg Hnvrenwgllufx-omLiverpoola.nd Southampton. So far ll 1 vigilant anu-n.nti.... H1001 . C()NDY`S PATENT OZONTSED WATER; (Inn man -1- nnunnuiu \ ` R. DE JONGTS LIGHT-BROWN GOD LIVER OIL. . DE. DE JONGEPS Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical teal: ofsnccssful experience. for twenty years in all parts of the w_orld, to be, beyond alt questien, the urea}, the most silica- cioue. the most nalatab a. lull. fmm am .-...:.a "_U:/"u an quesnon, ma `purest, me most allies- (nous! palatab a, [nu], from its rapid curanye e'ect.s, the moatecouomica1omI1kindg_ Hence the universal calehritv nl n.-, .1. _I......1.v. uuruavu euecna, we moan economical or 1191 kinds. Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. do Jonglfu Oil, and I the unpsrsllaled demand Tor thi9nnrl- valled preparation. . rnyswzan in Ordinary to the (Juan in Irqlnnd. I have frequently prescribe! Dr. do Jongh o Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I conaiderit to Go 3 vcrypuro oil, not likely to create disgust, and I therapeutic of great value." SELECT MEDICAL omrzzons. ` sm mgmnr nunsa, BART, u.n;, Physician in Ordinary` the Ireland. have fremmntlv nmu~..:h.u n. .1. 1.;....a.n. DR."s'nrm, r.n.s., T Medical Ollicer to the Poor Luv Board of Great, . u.-man- gn anplu. We think it a great advantage that there is one kind ofcod Liver` Oil which is univerully admitted to be genuine--the Light;-Brown Oil auppliedby D1-. de Jongh. It has long been our prnctice, when prescribing the oil, to recommend ' this kind, since, amidst a much vtqiety and un- certainty, we have condence in` ital genuine- uesa.-- (Exm,u-; from cvpnsumpcionz its Early and Rcmedi.-Lble Stagem") : ma. LANKESTER, I'.I:.s`, Coroner (or Central Iiddleae: . I consider that the parity 0! this c is secur- ed in its preparation, by the personal `attention of so good a chemist and intelligent 3 physician as Dr. de Jongh, who has also written the best medical treatise on the all with which I am no- quainted. Uulsce, I deem the Cod Liver Oil sold under his guarantee to bepreterapie to any other kind as` regards gonuineness and medical em- cacy. DR. LETHEBY, ledical Officer of Hellth and Chief Analyst. to , " the City of'London. In all cases I have found Dr. de Jongh's Lighb-Brown Cod Liver Oil possessing tbdaame "set of properties, among which the presence of` cholaic compounds, and of iodine in a state ol organic combination, are the most remarkable. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this oil ban great lhempeutic power; and fi-om my investigations, I have no `doubt ofita being 3 pure'auduu'a.du1wra`l&i tt_ie_I." _-_. 7'tiL*RsD.4 r L'Vs.y'-11w, A UG z?'ez1"".i.F .... .......- u ;Iauu, I-Dun, Autoi of the "S at Germany. Dr. Granville has fo nd that Dr. do Jongh'a_ Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired `effect in a shorter timq tlidn othgr kinds, and that `is does not cause the nansedand indigeatioxi too often consequent on the adxninistuon of the pale oil. . DR. BARLOW, F.R.-9., a Senior Physician to Guy : Hospital. _I have frequently raamnmendcd peraonacom suiting me to make use of Dr; do Jougls Cod Liver 0'11.` `I have been well atisod with its elfectgl and believe it to be Ii very pure oil, we! tted for those cases ix; which the use of that substance is indicated. ` EDWIN CANTON, ESQ, `F.R.C.S. Surgeon to Gharing-ctusssospital. , For several years past I have been in the hu- bit of prescribing Dr. de Jongh':' Light-BI'0W|`l God Live:-`Oil, and nd it to be much more e- caeions than other varieties of the same medicine which I have also employed with I View to test their relative mperion-Ry r `~ .rfv.t._ pr`. `A{=J,VJJ_1{r1b'1l\(i, 18 T . . lI_usmg_ tegiim, nbaerv the storerof" the merbhanis who don`t ndver-` tief t man fhn nnvnun -\-av`-:nl1\n IAAL ._..,..;. m we mercnams wno aon'I: nuver-' U30: t9 see the anxious proprietors look- ing into the sq-eats andpee xbe penple go by. Jloslderidg why! 'they""don't. come in while the stores of thejr neighbours who Z` do adyertise are thronged with cnstomon;,5_ 0 I16 numb Hill learn`-ht mlnnirvnldn .-Iv uu,v:2{_uxe ua'ti.rol:.|;1 Bun cll8to0Il\?l'8;` me .` ;qb||t1|Iwn' Pd. 9339* ! I311 P03016005 ' FEB 01`: OF. .AI1VEB'ris1NG.~!-Ic is J. _ 1nSib'ti&nn;ln hhjrv tho D3 GRLHVIHLE, F.R.S., Author " Ge:-many_n ')r. has fo nd um 11. .1- r- DB. L_lT5-THEBY, -M` Hnzhlu ....| .11 Physicinnu as; im from Manilla I rujqg fearful) ) 1 emadian 1.:-1...! I 7 Li. I} exwuy nmuu totlnt Gernnn ininvudod now, an it, wanin- vndod then, . not only have m_n.ny cues oc- (whe `, grniqg fearful! tive. _ u The Ann -4---- V remedies tried, _ nlar6dy`i?g* 1 The day meme 1; ` taut when public up I once will prevent the ndvertimng any secret medicine whstsoe hoped that the profeuib "bnfnd as unworthy the oondgm ` members who` by bestimoninl ~ the disposal of such thingy."-_ ~' _ f1`07WI.l camm..- mm DE 0. Kidd, . air,-1 think if you ;r'au ` Chlorodyue more thnu you -' to beat. the otliera, IVE`- 135:!!! I ant when nnhlm -- to oi ` uses to which than; V ,. chemical prepauuop ` their chief use in . E they are 3150 for allnqet every` ' wit/which theyougjg * oy of he resnltbojw, , L By thlir use alinufvany L be dyad in 3 in Iilllnu" withm-M nnil:m..n.-_1. ma - unrgnndnvrenwgllufx-omljvorpool Sofa:-us tquu-unsung canclouothodootnfgutit door must, be ngorvul' cloned, ltrict ormuz f the Han? omoenautiu n .?..`I :.`;..:*:::;:i,i:;?.:,'--..;..W. * `nE1>2??b`r'~n. MAGENTA: 1'1; ' r ` lleliah / ` dye is nlmoit ` ` .- AGNEW, Barrister .&c., but to- tle will an ~hia"I1nv"0`1b-o';n Clnreneefo 10 minutep -.. , over Mr. .'lcMil.1m I Auction am-pink in. " w3,'1 -W. I. Fuller, ' .~ ' A pm-p1e'o I," TEE and Attorney-at-Law; -` tbemgat v ` (;'la.i'eni:e Street. . _,lDenI:Isl;'y. ...~ " win`: no; . ; . . . Q` ' ` CLARK`, L.D.S., Dnxun ` W ,,:{.`}`,`,i_f, 8_T . ` x No. 4 }wi_1son~'- Block. W W; wed:-:' A ? A'.3`;"';:4..;C.., oorrox; `M " ` ` .3]. _ ' . V `.4- ' iinclal l }'oV ......., STAROH. w1_1:i.ow=I Fl. in ESL. . ""5 quickly, .5LUE : Foxy :4` soon, snag tn, Viihil ` I1 nu u-no - um um. ivddiigi I1] W -I\`l"_~ A L_.-u - as- -~ .'.'` E' on: smnru hauls` `hnlfl-pint M1753 suxxwoon 8'l`AIlI; 0 -dinolnldi Pn1muAnnn ` z;LAxcu_m_ I % Ionvcnpm `add onoof simple or; " urn-I .l'3.,{|! GKLA [N28 11 colon:-ad witll IN l' o A Rica.-nu GUIOIIEQU VIII` 7 | INK: A Sixpun or mm-A nf enldi ngotouu cloud, the pcrfm-mu: cu.n..Is 1.omm'u1uci.-heingth. amc... ricagninstthiofearfulpestilcnoe. uug : A oupunysg or more of W:I'l`kF' 0/g PRINTING on , nnrllnnsu `.1 ix TIEJLV LING III 31 011119 _ Jrqy. % 3LENDI ` . | nu-nrlnnn 'nn VIIRANSAGTS `j. and the n f _ meat; Obtain; f` Lottenl Patent; Priyzwe Biils dn " an..- n:..I.e.r Hcx`.A.0AlI ~ RIGHLRDJ llussna. B30!` - . W. M. WILSON, ` V. Hou.J0l:lN 0 ` BULL, Esq _I_ LifcA.saIn'lll ,1 '1 July 1pt,lQ6_V~.f'?`: 1`[lE DAILY ` everi day 3 John Henderson,-' _< Edward Stacey". 7"... mun ulnn Inn had I! ` ` pared on l.`l'LVlllk5 DIIIB llIlI' Copy Right: marks and Hrnwinaunnni DU W81 (1 Dfzjc may also be had, ` Princess St17'eet.v A nLu.\un van-.._: ` Summons " DAILY Nswa, V, I promptly attendgdl I descriptiun ofoni T lacthcDn,1.'YNl:wn" uonottnecxtptorcstottkdbythe qcieims of a woman, followed by the rapid dischu-ge of ns:-nu. Seven-31$-umnhnnyingtothe lo- cdity they found Clark, 8 conductor on tho Atlnnts And Went Eb` ` Int Rm":-nan] I-r--u '1 Lilla" W or Bosegi then-` V J` Mauve, , produce mnrn DI JWIJB` BUB ta, vil)l0 t,`% 5 pint toi oordinn Ind: 1l.NlTlIIU'.I.'a Om: I_ mu m_. an an H1331 produce an in: manta )RAN('B 1 1-nun: J'IlUIl 3 and Pi! 'E an`. _,..,v; nu xv BID I-".K.J. M1,. 9., August l5.-A_ sh ' agfray htoAmtawhatWatf.ld ho .. w my u-an" ` id" I go]? Inlnltd, mg ibohl--' ntmu Lensgra uvulpan July 19, 187 . efsleove & Walkeln, ' I417, nron _ . omce, 1'. ,_cm-nod treat. Kmgstonuont. -J. P. Gnmnnsnnvn. L.L_Bj v7inci;l lnsiraiee-C6 "\-W` Ann IIADIIYD `atgwttxtnrr 11:- %';,;s'3;'mN";.'?"'u.x+; n1"';[. av; Agentd` Oee, Clarence H,appo:itePost0$oe.~ ~ #55` ' ` V ` . Toy `Anni-anee Ooninan `AV `-LIVERPOOL and IDNDO _. ` - `;`__WELL. STRANGE, Agmt for u-name, I0 nu-nun a pleasant topic of conver- utiontothou plovtho eu.joynot' nnduanbit acandnJrpica(1with pow er. About eight o'clock, the -dwellers on Wu]. ton street, one of the quietett in the oldo_r por- tionotthecitpvorcstottkdbythe screams V Iqgugmcngpcourgxfi -;FIR`e` AND MAEIHNE. ._;,_ .;; :BH `U14 _1=Ju'AL 231,000,000. 4::Iill1IIa_;u_nl'I.7o _ _ I UNDEBSIGNED in paradfto fun- ' Phn_l Sp0d V0f T . a R..(_}AGE. :- lhle Block, P1-ineeu`8treot.V 1. 1870. - :..2 `.:,,..,...,.='"'.(.f;f~;.:,t",.,.-`"1*.m; Ho vI.*ye0- -Mb:-lore-t no-mo, "0 Y 1`-, ' k `I ' } mww *'-="'`* I oum? urrrxn "CABIN , "oct ovei- Pu-kh1ll s Gzooq`-y 1113331 B. EVANS, M._Rc.s., Lon." 1:'co I V Jena. my [James S; Cartvh-lght, `EBeAT- A -,' *3 Wlw ,'f';];g reagg 101' I_:ne uount_y oz 1"ro_nIq- ;-iq'8tteet',., Kmgston, d1rect ly oppo- ,j ntneal Telegraflt Company 1 otce. ` , ' x,x.~N`o| . . pl-ltuymn, cggoms or 19:: or voxge. ._ , eucq_n-hma, cll9ro3_u!I mama, , the moo-no puiney tutdhealthr _ =&p_0thec:`u_-iea. Price 81 50 ; "' `'1 lull` BUDIUII III. Uli til paralysis, sphonia loss of voige. lencorrhaam chloroa1':.:snmmn. ' in _ .oa`z1,;"" gen. sp action of he heart, `local nrunnc. amcu E-um hunym` ' g zo iEe'13I t.-ditty on Atlnntaallxd Ifbint R:;ilro.-xd, lying . . H , 1 ml wounds. Standing near him T. W. Turner, G. V. Tumor, And C. F. Tumor, Yuid tl of this and 3130 unpl the these thl'B6rHI`LIa.?lnnin_ `gangs BWOOF, nmguon, ;Unt. V rJ..P. Gnmnnsnnvn, L.L.B.' RICHARD '1`. W.u.x_nu. . Joseph Bainlen, ` 7 ORNEY-AT-MW, Solicitor in oa.u_%' y, Nata-y Public, Btneqt, tqndsecongistgges; Eiver l'lll'0lon1z hie m the rap will cure pulmonary -_. la` ugaqueu. %8n(l...n: greatcareexgreul >4-1m` . scree qeda.n dbligered-in7th> `V gun. diti I" > ` . V '-- for him con- ` " ; igh up: or oundry - 1- ` eliverod `in a.ny'par of `the. s IFT&,0O.T `0etober91,1s7o.W ` John lludie, \- LIS Ig(!:R I1`-LAW, lsoxjlamr 3% ` one to an at ` " 371.19 secnritmy ` any . nn_uuaocona.smges;w1u V6` 1'u;minthe ' Igwill ronc ' ' , 'h'a ugh: Itwillcurea1ldiaeaseaor ig'nIhng `pf muscular action and netwau an nn'lm-nan-....4 .6 31... l:.'...- 3...- 9 .7 `liar tho andnponthoir h.d.h JCl ,.u still curlmg, be in the rowd ' - threelrnen int?) custoclilyl, i'h.qg' that it was they wotmded Inn oonveverl - . nlrunxma,~ I ` , V0I'y Mo ' 31:5 o cIdck. . C. H. ATCH, - . T0 Let. L. L V - :*.DWEIJa-ING H J: K `:m . ` ` V` I rim ThonuDrivcI\,nnE {i.-' " --"I. "*9 `-""-'];y-I l by the medicalufacnl in .65} we :1: ha-sheen introdn ; and tin main... ...I- 3. 51... 1...; .....-.....;... .3 Au 1! rure Lacxawnns, {in 13110. vary. hem oguue. Incka-g- 7!. Scranton, Pnttston and Wilkeu hui.` beat uletefl *Inin8I.2 sn in: Efmt nu-e nxnrasdv fm'lm|;" ".mo;vs- 5 ` Snug lynplosplltqag A VEB. nf an-satiny (Human alinnkrni 33;); D. nneuwo, .U.l. Iu.LI.B., non. Oicr Bukhfn` Gnou-,_ tn- A l`_`l'. Aixr s:..1:.. 5 i.;.]'ELIDWS,_1 : -Q -. -` ; 7,~``.1 con. % L l "tit. skiiNDERs, M. 1)., Manhu- nnvd Unllerre of Snnmnnnf Fina. I --r~- ---v nunurnng I118! 11'. they 13:: 55'. the conveyed rho um . JO calsbooee.` Meanwhile i .`"4h'.a Mr,a.nd mu` we V relidencel In all fourteen .'were ' ntthewoundedmsmsnd but 1" Mu ' gloom of the evening it is to 3' gmlm Lay youla have been riddled ' his auulantl `ring upon him iromtheshort range of half adozen paces. Al won but two that: took otfect, either be- ing Inciant to produce death. Still the doc- ton hope Tto rolong -hi: life long enough to enable the` Col:-oner to take his ante-mortem statement. bAU.LVu1:m.o, Jy_1.u., manner '0_llege of Surgeons," Eng. ates : Surgery, William (iim Street. \Il5A'\AVlI lLIUL`l\ l\A'll-14"!` - Trains arrive and dc-port}:-mn rtho 1 Station as folkwn :- uuulnuit. Mr Clark distinctly tlie_.parties him, but he cannot tell which .one of than and the two nlioto which struck him, And ith fair topi-sumo thstthe rinonci-3 thoinnalvu cannot tell, their ring ` ing 30 , . . ..u We thncriininn . f ` pi-noun gnvo the ollowiiig version :- `had long suspected Clark of an lB|)!'Up_l' intimacy with their sister, whom, it The uthtonunt of the dying man ' that on the niir, ugd if, that hhun t, actattatad .`L':'?... " proven, man we in a {sir In first hnnjgthat ha: nneoded for hanging y to stretch the unprope_r mtunacy with tlieir bchond h then, he had tedneed, d ;:t|h_uy -gun waiting to [ix tho ta.-T... GRAND TRUNK RAILKVAY. ..__ -__,, ,, , ,_A'I, KINGSTON your 01-`I-`II~:. uu-uu vv 1:. ..l.50 p.m. 3.40 pan. ..`2.% p.m. 4.W p.In. any-.~ - ..u- meu IOIIKO the matter into iheir 3;?! To thinendthey planned the ambush. tqnent dying nub: . mm- BRITISH MAILS nn uhannnnu -7?" In: :- ms CHOLERA. f._l.l _d., r--until uuu unouan. xto t a yingnnn puts avery vonthanhir, and anitia fact: stated by him are nareinafnirwayto ntretchthe dad 1.05 mm. 1.10 a.m. A which dc ... I..L-... m n . Kingston Inulnlo lnal. _An-iva ...2.oo p.m. l`2.I0 p.m. Depart ...2.l5 12.1!) (This IN A onh-9.-Al time. fro JWHEIII aim: . : , ', ' A Weekly I-`anally Journal, ONTAIN ENG ALL THE NEVVS OFTHE WEEK, Entortainin Soriea and Sket;:hea, and a large :uum1nt of gc1wI`:\l reading matter, is published every `ridny. Price Five `Cents. Subscription 'l`wu llullars per mmum. < . Addllcss, JAMES NEISH, Tlnnv Nauru [MI-inn Kiuunobnn This (`ompzmy has lucon doing business in Uzuxzula for nearly 50 years, and during that timi has secured the pumgc c`)lill`_:`l(-p by prmnpt and _liher:1l settlement of every fair claim. It has fully complied with the lmvs of (':m:ul2\ Irv tlclmslt with the Government of Stocks to tho ex- tent of $50,000, mm is pro.-parcel to issue lnlicu-s on torms as low as the safety of the Assured Will pennit. ' JAMFS RVVIFT Arum-r tween them. she took his arm and the two} proceeded to \\':nltuu atres-C, half concealed in -| the deep shadow of the trees. | Suddenlm at the first street cruasilm. thoi me deep anauow at the trees. 1 Suddenly. at the first street crosainng. two brothers and the father of Miss Turner sprang from the corner of a building, where 5 they had been sccrt-ted. anal. without other{ waming than frightful oaths, began tiring up- _on him with pistols. - At the t-st alarm .\Ir.C1ark's coinlnnion nun with pistols. 1 companion drew back with a. loud scrcnnrthough retreat- . _ ing no further than to place herself A short j distance in rear of the attacking party. where ` she continued to stand. Being entirely unann- ed, Mr Clark attempted to 3 ring behind the] nearest tree and hallo: for be p. At the Tnrst niniultaneons dischargewf the three revolvers` Mr Clark fell, wounded with :1 bullet hole through his lungs, but he sprang to hiialeet, sud emlenvoured to shield his pm-son behind a tree. This he was but partiakly able to do. His assailants kept up. _their nmrderous tire upon him, and a secondpall strikin him, this time in the stomach, hag sank help can to the ground. , On the stremrth of Mr (`lm-k"n statement. EFUILLILI. th strength of Hr C1:n'k a statement, together with the not from Miss Turner, when he placed in the hands of the oicers of the law, the authorities proinptly ordered thu- a.i-mst of Miss Turner, and she paszied the night in a. cell being near the one occupied by her father and brothers. This afternoon the unhappy yvung wofian, was admitted to bail. Before Miiu 'I`m-nor was ralensed. she made | unhappy woiian, admitted to bail. Before M a statement which` will prove most damaging to her ia9her s am brothers cause,` and which stamps their nttn upon Clark's life as amost diabolical and cowardly munier. Stung by `he Leeuest remorse for her participation in the fatal a.`ra.y, Miss Turner has confessed that she wrote the note to Clark at the de- Innnd of her brothers, who, she alleges, har- boured a bitter enmity against Clark, threat- F.-ning repeatedly that they would yet drive `is: Turner was released, she mule ` him 0!! the [rail] rond; that when she receiv- ` ed Clnrk's reply to her note, it was planned by her two brothers and her father that she should walk wit her dupe up Walton street and past a certain` esiguated house, behind which they were to want concealed; that upon her ap- proach ' Clark they were to spring out and Ittalxilli ' she ying outof danger at a given um _ T DOW sqccessruuy E1118 [1 carried: hubeenleeu. (rm: II by Montreal tune. tron: which dc duct 12} minutes for the difference between Montreal and Kingltuon time.) A dcsion has just been given by the Right on. Mr Napier as arbitrator ap- pointed to decide questions in dispute be- tween the Post Oiee and the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland, 1yh1`ch cannot but have a very special interest 1" or holders of railway property.` The Midland Great \Vestern of lreland, had, as is the case with almost all other railways, a.~ re- versionsry interest in the prots arising from the use of the telegraph on their lines, the telegraph companies holding for longer or shorter times leases from the railway companies for the use of their roads for the erection of the poles and the carrying of `tie wires. Tliese tel `graph companies 1:9. e received sums eq valent to twontyycars purchase of their pr ts, although they have only short reinain rs of lenses, while the railway companies ving an unlimited re- -version, have recei ed little or no compen- sation. The Mlt and Great \Vestern of Ireland accordingl submitted a claim~for the value of thei reversion, and we are glad to learn that t e claim has been recog- Inznrl an UIIIN` in irft nf law and nnnitv IJIU Villlla ()1 (I101 TBVCFIIKIII, anu WU are glad nized as good in i11't of law and equity, and that so great legal authority as the Right Hon. Mr N` pier has gwarded to the company a- sum of 55,000, which repro< sonts within a. smali sum the whole amount claimed from the gu\'en|ment.-Ra'iIway News. Kingston, I-`cb. S, 1870. . The female shecnukers at Lynn have got V .-their spirit up, and qre nut to be put upon. An attempt to limit jtheir privileges by the bosses recently, and fto reduce their wages, ; called out a. spirited indignation meeting on the part of the girls,` in which they declar- ed that their rights as free-born women were not to be invaded with impunity, and other sentiments equally creditable to them- selves and discouraging to their bosses. We would recorrmiend to these spirited lanes, however, the example of the Lowell factory girls, who, being on a strike, made public declamtion of their willingness to go at any other business--cooking, washing, housekeeping, marrying, or baby-tending. That : the spirit that the cove: the boss. He can stand a. great deal of futile invectiv at public meetings, but he would surrender at once if . he were quietly discharged by all his workwomen. However, we wish the Lynn girls all suocesa.-N. Y. Hergtld. OITL- L.____..__ .:I:--..-...__.J 1.-- `l _1n__-__:| 11,, Anon: -.. nvslvv-in--s .- . AA`/I u-nv. , .... -. . ` The horrors discovered by Howard, Fry and others in the gaols of Europe`, seem to be rivaed, if not surpassed, by those in New York. Every day fresh dis- closures are made of extortions, kidnapping and rascalities connected with places of de- tention for debt,` and the statements ap- pear to be so susceptible of proof as to ad- mit of no doubt of their truth. If even a. tithe of the charges are made out by legal proof, `it is high time there should be a. chan e in the system. But the people of the nited States are a. long sufering race, who submit to a. tyranny which -elsewhere would be resisted to the death. ` 7 - ` During the Franco-German war a cross was hood over a grevein szounetery-near the ' _ ldstwoerthbearingthe inscription: `Here repose three brave ogmr-gdes.' Ger- man! French regnrdedthe Eve as the restingphceofthree brave fellows who had omrht lllddiad tm.u... - mm ........n- 44.- 1'08?-lllcplsce gfthme brave had ` hulk` died together. But` recently the !'II dn-pneuted. and the noonla lemma -.-guarpauto I lwmeuuteadlo wennetery. ve, Jud placed some choice F` three bfsve comrades in the Etna Insurance Company-of Hartford, Conn. rrencnmnn, Jlgcordod to I mm inch: ... nu.-- PAID U1` (,`:\I`lT.-\L AND SURPLUS LUSSES PAID IN lll"'l`Y' YEAIKS --van.-u - . . . . . . . .. I.vvIv.1u- UIABIL ARRIVE. .1`.ut and win night min. 9.00 p.m. 7.00 3111.. I7.\'l'l`~!-ID STATES MAILS. '1'}:-nu-.-L H-3]. 6... \7.... \7....l- `L\a.\u (`ash on hand anal in B:mk.. Real `Estate Murtgxge Bonds :mk Stuck Ynir...l \w..;,... .... I n:-.. -u villlli hltnck .. Limit:-cl Statvs and (`i llgllll. " . . How sccessfulfy this hellish plan has beexi zarrind .1 has been men-_ THE DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING. AUGUST 31, oA`U'r1oN. 'I`HE CHRONICLE AM) NEWS, ` - ; - K THE ` ' ` " nd bv obmuxm mnnufucturera. wguincr. but recently we I, the people; leanrpd , telymg upon the unmum_ty ve, Ind placed choice ihree comrades in the (`Ry .\`t.>L-Ik illllfLltllel".i ll1)li(g.SCC1ll;iieS ` I 4 ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1870. -; _ .1 ."'., Tf:::_.`_':. T E: ` -5 C ml Bridal cars are proposed for horse railways 1 -i in Chicago. The honeymoons are so short there that newly-married couples can't spare 3 the time for a tour out of the clty. "l The estimated wine product of three coun- ties of Cnlifomiu. is 1,096,200 gallons. What )_ becomes of all this fermented grape juice is n " 5 question not yet satisfsctorily Answered. l ro~ bably it goes to swell our imports. _ _ The Rev. 1-`. Southgate, vicar of Norncld, :2; xn England, recently informed his congregation e l that as buttons, had money, and other 1 l 31 _ thingsnot t to mention, were put into the 6 I o`ex-tory bags, the collection would in future R I be made in open plates. ' g ,_ Tu-n `nu.-.. \.`.'_.J..:...... J... -__L.I__ 3,, 1 ,,._ -av a-4--av nu Uyvu l}lDUCS- I Two young Virginians, desperately `in love with the same young lady, had 3 erce ght with riding whi us and knives as they were riding home wit her on horseback from church Ion Slmdzxv, ()nc\ nf Hum. .-......:....1 .... ....l.. ....o ncung nome mun her horseback from church on Sunday. One of them received an ugly cut the whole length of his face. 4 .......n v......... `A..- _-~ -~---u-A 4,--A: Fantern by 0.1`. R. day t;sin.. - \Veatern " -7 V -.... . ........ usuu U1 nu Lacs. A small Kansas town was recently startled out of its ordinary propriety by the irruption of 3 drove of three hundred buffaloes in its stret8- They had been frightened by a train of cars, ln_d as they scampred through on the double (Huck. the Citizens: iiennered them with 0! cars, Iu.1_u as may scampcred through the qluck, citizens iwppered them with lmckshut. The Howe family are to have a notable gathering at South Framingham, Msss., day after to-mon-ow. Col. Frsnk E. Howe of this` city, the tallest and handsomest member of the family, is to preside, and the Hon. Joseph Howe, Secretary of State of the Canadian Do- minion, will deliver an oration, and Mrs J u1in.' VVard Howe will recite a. poem. Dinner at 1 o'clock, in a mammoth tent. It will be a. glorious occasion. Five thousand members of this great good family are ex` ted to participate in the festivities. All ' consti- tutes another reason why the thieves or thief should bring back Col. Howe s pocketbook How can he go to this festivsl and shake hands with the men and kiss his pretty cousins with 3 lifrht heart, if his mind is still torn with doulxt about his pocketbook and papers 7 Let them be sent to him at once, -for goodness sake !-New YorL'.Sun. nrI'\L,,,, -" `,. -..-- -vu-auvv vs Inn 10!, and it may Se that in fuct the Irtory i told substantially as Dickens intended to tall is "0 LIV. in I-n-1-unt L Lulu. suoswnuauy Dickens intended it--tha.t say, in roe ctto outline and general construction. 0 man would presume to imply that he could give to 3 picture fbegun y Dickens the n- ish, the touch, the colouring and the detail of DickenI e own nnnd. The work is now ended, however ; and, for what it profeuee to be, it is admirably done. Indeed, one can easily suppose that the majority of novel-renders, not being. Appriied of the fact that `the book will written by two per- aon,, would accept the whole as Dickens : A own4#a.nd never suspect the joint author- ship, for, verily, the continuation in no bungling patchwork. It is done with 3 very expert hand. Many of Dicken s peculiari- ties and not a few of hi: felicition of expres- sion are perfectly imitated. - A umn+ L... 1-..-.. Lu , I .._`..- _... rvllvvllll |1u.lbIIu|rUll. A want has been felt and expressed by physicians for 2. safe-and reliable purgative. Suh a want is now supplied in Parsons Pur- gative Pills.---Atlv. n uquy A. Jiond, of Jeifersm, cured of spittingblood, soreness :1 of the stomach, by the use of Jo] dyne Liniment.-~Adv. nuusn or g blood; bun 1 rnnnro I .-..., ery. This very con- dence preveuts the patients from resorting to the only means of cure, and that watchfuhxess necegaary in:so critical the tide which drifted. him so rapigywzs ne of destruction. and 1'v1----- `- nous (11 xapidy wgs action, 1 woulI._:g e his way he found stem, and that he every inatan to the mighty N in; down he w cu-rial amidst the: and with his} bark was dashqi 'l"lm ~......;.....;:..- :- _ L nanern n} xne oonau Fellows Cox when the r is the only a u:---1-:- __jj t1l|lCl'1L'IIIl ` `that the I ..J>A.... I...,1 - HQITY K. Bond, of Jefferson, ured snittinahlmd .............. ... JAMES SWIFT, AGENT, , St. Lawrence `Vlad. Daily News Uice, Kingston. a nu my my xound-`the current that drevi nearer 1 Down, amidst thoseething spray 5} dashed to ieoos, Iinptive is admonisheg to resort to ti: and Syrup of. has h'tes, -xitpgyinptom Ap ilt)se , Ill it sh:-e remedy.-Ad - ,.......e., uuunebunal streaked with ; pains in the chest, diarrhoea, ution and incapacity for the or- af life. As the patient becomes ' ' complications appear and he A remarkable and very common among coneumptivos is their :11 alarm ; notwithstanding the meter of their disease thev ha. 3 5,549,504 97 26,000,000 07 632,582 08 25 .319 14 967.125 00 426.445 00 g,g-_)o,033 '75 tpn, and `when he foinnti-`the at nnmnav u.Vu~I-.u a'|'A'l'I:.`5 M.-\u..\. ' Th:-ough lid]: for New York. Boston. Oowegu and Ca Vincent will be closed a_t `2.(l) In. and p.m. daily, Suinl.-tys ex- oeutos. _

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