Uvnnw Arrive ...2.(I) p.ln. 12.10 p.m. 1.05 gm. D-snr_t .32. I5 gm: 12.30 11.111. 1.10 mm. (fhnva b_y t::t;'oal which do mum at t e ' otcnco between and Kinpton tine.) A-A. This Company has been doing business in Can:u1_a for nearly 50 years, and during that timf: has secured the public confidence by )x-ompt a.ml_l1be1_`n.l settlement of every fa.1r claxm. It has fnllv complied with the laws of Uanzu a by d_epos1t wnth the Government of Stock; to the ex-` tent`: of $50,000, and is prepared to issue Polxcxes on tenng as lawns the safety of the Assured will pt ,-l'IlliL - JAMES SWIFT, AGENT, St. IL-rww-nnna `V1--I which the greatest minds, not only of Great ritan and Ireland, but'also of Continental -L Europe, are. constantly brought into more or ' less ixntimate communication 'with the world of readers. History, Biography, Science, Philoso- phy, Art, Religion, the great politin ques- l:HThesc periodicals are the medium through , tions of the put and of to-day, are tr ted `ix_1 ` their pages as the learned alone can trea. them. No one who would keep pace with the time; can afford to do without these periodicill.-. o . I m 11" H... mm.+m;.. m..,1....M.z IJL AL. I - unu auxuu uv uu vvuauuulv nuula p|9I'l0(u_G`lll,, Of all the monfhlies, Blackwood holds foremost place. s I ora 0]` 1 1` P EN(`}LIS1-I AND SCOTCH QUARTERLIFS BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY. ' ` -`lA\.`l,I.\`}` \ l RI-2|) HY 'l`lH'-3 -"n'l .l`I`.---b't~. Jollu, P2,, `_'lth August, lSl`9.-Mr James I. Fel- lows. -- I Fear Sir: I consider it my duty to in-- form you of the great benet. 1 have received from the 11:9 of yuur (`mupunml Syrup of Hy- puphmxplnitosz 1 ha.\`e been, for the last nine yczuzw, :1 gram. su!i'ercr from Brmwlniti;-J and Asthxna, at tixues su ill that for wecka I could neither lie down nor take may ilmlrishnlcnt of ( uIl::Fqllcll(t(:. and during the time sulfcring in- tensively. I h:{\'e hml. at dilerent times. the u... nun. urgczauiu Ill ll aevcrc IILELICK OI lily ilisezut-._` l*'inding nu rclief from all the mcdi- l ,-ines Llml taken. I cmncluded to try , 'our Unmpuund Syrupof Hypopliosphites, and have great reason to thank God for the result. l have. in all, taken twelve baffles, and now I feel as strong and well as ever I felt in my life. and for the last year have not haddne moment : sickness, and neither does dampness nnr draught have the lent ecct u :1 me. `Ncre 1 to write on the subject for ours, I could not say enough in `praise of` your invalu- able Cumpmuul Syrup 0 Hypophosphites, _or give an adequate idea of my sufferings. You are at libcrtyto make what use you` please of this letter, because I hope its publi- city may he the means of beneting other suf- ferers as much as it has me.--I remain, yours respectfully, Mu: llllnrln I Wvnlnutl. Qb......L cun.~:c-r1m=m:c. mnl luring the time sulfcring in- tensively. lmd, times, the tvlvicc of twenty-two physicians. . . . The least -.-xpus1n'e to either damp or draught ' was sure t0V)'c-sult in :5 sever}: attack of In lisezum-.7` cizxeaz taken. l mmvllulml tn h-v vmu-L Kingston, Feb. 8, 1870. connecting nu ommn run wpm me Brock- ville and Ottawa Railway running North and South. Pan I -.ninI.b nu nu-nnnn I|I\'\`uv in Jul... l"....L_:... The Edinburgh Review, North British Review, London Quarterly Review, W'estminster Review. Bla.ckwbod's Edinburgh Magazine. -Alr.V Etna Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. PAID `UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS LOSSES mu) 1}; FIFTY YEARS Cah on hand and in Bank... Real Phtate Mortgage Bonds Bank Stuck United tatcs and. St').c.k an1`l.;)ther"I. ubli<;Secur~i-t.ies r anybgonc of the Reviews...$4.00 per annum I r any two of tl1eBaviews...' 7.00 r n.ny three of the Re- v1ewa__,. , Innn ct vlews ........................ ..l0.00 r ,1]! `four ofthe Rxevi_aws...l2.00 r Bla.ckwood s Magazine... 4.00 r Blackwood and one Re- view '7 nn '. THE .mILw :NEws+-;sA1`mmmwz :.EvEmNG. JSEPT. _fl`HE CH1_{(_)1y_1gL__E_ AND NEWS, i 5 s l_3LACKWO0D S MAGAZINE, Reprintexfin New York ur NEW AND UOMMODIOUS Upper- Cdinstegner CITY OF 0 l'l`A\VA, , Cuvnxx Rum, , gill be or): this lizle between 'IQItJti:::nAa{;d mgnton," ea ' " ton on ' ` and FRIDAY`x:lg 3 leaving Uttaga. 0: MONDAY}! nml THURSDAYS at 7 A.M., egllinn nt than inf;-nun-nlintn nfnnninn nlgman ly, . Mas HIPWBLL, _Exmouth Street. THE GREAT (vN('lII'l`IS, or Nmr YEARS BY THE SYl .l'P.---bt. John, \-+. man _u. 1...... 1 u.~,.x A Weekly Family Journal. .< --...-..~ An ._-.- ---___- _. ASSETS,` JANUARY 1, 1370.` Address, DR. EDWARD SMITH, F.R.., Medical Oicer no the Poor Law `Board of Great , Britain. 4 T . ' We think it a great advantage thnt` there is one kind of God Liver Oil which is universally admittedto be_gennine-tho Light-Brown Oil e - supplied by Dr. do Jm It has long been our ;praccie e;w'hen" ' the oil, to recommend ithie kind, since, Amidst 5 much vnriecy and un- _ zeertniucy, we have 'eohdenc`o in its genuine- neea."-(Ext.racc from cbnluinpiion: its Early and Bemodinble 8agea.?') 3 DR. .LANKES'l'ER, P.R.S_, ' Goroliet`-toeciltnlliddlasex. "I consider thy! the-purity, of tlziucii is occur. ed igita prenlnon. in tin nnrnniml '.m.m:.... 3 A "I consular Inge D0-[Unt] of thin (`ii ' `:3 preparation, by tho porsgmal `attention of a ood a chemist Ind ixnelligent I physician as Dr. (is Jongh, whohna also written the best . medical trentie on the oil iith`which I am no- gnainw Hence, I deeznie Cod Liver Oil sold qnder Iifa_ an be prefenble to any other kind ll mm-an zeianlmmn ma -nosing! .45- H1-uluywuf uuuoc, I ueeln we uoa mver Uilaold lifaguinnnfleeo kisrdn-I 015- .9' v ' ` ` * WJIIKPC J Detmit. I ml-l alw West. Inc` Nebraska. `J-A. cuyu-man nu urqmuy lo me.Queen in Ireland, I have frequently prescribed Dr, de Jongh s Light-BrowuCod Liver Oil. I coueiderit to be g very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and I thenpeutic agent of great value." ' 1ONDY`S PATENT FLUID or natural disiuler cunt puries, deodorisos, and dislnfects, by the ngcncy of nascent or uzunic oxygen,--its mtivo principle. Being entirely innoxious, this truly the following useful purposes, lcr which all `other disinfectants, on accountof their poisnnoun or other objectionable qualities, are unaxvailablo and useless :- Detocting-urganic imnuries in air and water. Purifving drinking am} other water fuom o:-- cganic matt.er,|end &c. Fresh:-nimv Hm dun! tllnun nl...n.m. .....: -.._.__ scientic" 'prepa'mt1Dn In peculiarly adapted for I . -uuv;u.\`l1nAA:U.l1lJUliUUXNE, invented by 1 B. Freeman, Plunlaoutiat, is allowed to be one of the greatest discoveries century. It is largely employed by the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons in hospital and private practice in all puts of the world. It has etfecte peculiar toitself, and which are essential- ly diercnt to those produced by the various compounds bearing the name of Chlorodyne, but of the present V have no pretence to ssing its vi.-tu`es. It` rapidly relieves pain, f m whatever cause, al- lays the irritation` of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and givessleep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues t hold its unshaxen position in the _es_t_i1)tbg _ \ theloision as the but was ` Manu`$`;<;tu_;-edutivmtze Inventor, Richard Free- man, 70, Kenningwn Park Road, London, 8. . The genuine has engnved on the Government Stamp (outside each Bottle), FREEMALPS ORIGINAL UHLORODYNE." by an oVe_Whe `n w" Tm"-"""" 9""" `am. ea:p...`&.e:2`f:%??..,:;':*z?.:`::;:::::- F Wm 7` m"1` I-3"?!` of tha worlgi to bee bgyond all question, the purest, the mg5;'e;c,,_ cxous, the most palatable, and {ram its rs id curative effects. the most econnrrzheal .-...n 1. P as enemy yeu-I man parts the world, be, beyond moat eth`ca- cious, and, rapid curative effects, most economiea! ofall kinds. Hence the universal celebrity 01 Dr. de Jongh s Oil, and the unparalleled demand 10'. this unri- valled preparation. - - . SELECT MEDICAL 0PII\'f.0Zi'S. SIB. HENRY H1353, BART, H.D., Physician in Ordinsty fto theueon frequentlv nrescribed Dr A. _I.......w.. mg ULIU .-mcns. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. nnnnru-n.u:.;.. .L-.-m_-4- _;- , - - conunueg I old its position in n 1 thejPmtbiiou the best, reliabl, an_ heapest. preparation. Exninam we puouc, and is prescribed by score! dox Medical Practitioners, and, of com: not be than singularly` popular did it 2 1; want and till a place. Manufactured by the Ric Lam tzenuine has Rn!"-nvnd .-... u... n ` clay: gxcepted) Couunwlxo. n1TnA\'.31sz July, the Stczuuer \V.-\T|'IllT0\V.\', C. Hinckley, Sean, Master. will leave Kingston daily (Sun- Ah r..'.In A \I after u-rival nf (`:,T.R.; trains aump (outside each Bottl e) UHLORODYNE."' ' an 1 ma U111. -BR. DE JONGH S Oil is convincing] by ovenrhelnzjng weigh; of medigsl t. andby tioj pral_t'u7al jsest of apweesafnl e: l 3! want! yearn R1411 mm: ofm -m ll")lll llliia Oounceractilig the -ef!`r.-ct.e- of qrganic poisons nuknn into the scnrmicli. ' Curing Musty provender. l"re_i_ng wheat and other awed from smut. ' Maizizuiniizgcluo health oi plants in pots and 1 consul-vuwric:1. | Prcaerving and maturing the {reahnesa of cut owcza kept. in Water. Destroying the blight of the potutoe, vine, hop, mulberry tree, kc. W.-isbing dogs and other domestic animals. Cleansing huttlerl, beer barrels, pickling tubs, 'dairy ut-;-mail.-5. Wu:-.bin:'g the hnir and darkening its co!_nuu when_Iul-nng grey. Idmultciu ithopua-:fy1ng' ' and hwigoratin el- ectxofba `nndlba. ' ' S Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying Ani- mal virus. 7 I , null VIFUF. ~ Treating the infectious dlneuce of cattle, horses, dogs; &c;- - ' One gallon makes 20000 800 gallons adapted for nae. ' N.B..--Condy'I'l"|uid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in Water. and affords the only known means 01 rapidly and compleoeyl `freeing Drinking Wnter from Organic Tnint, which in an nnmnu... .. -_-4;- -'- ' - -vmcn In so common a cubic of seriois To rapidly purify the air, use the di with Candy's Uzoniaer" or other ducer. nnnvm Iinlluvun-- ---A-- (rox roux-r runrosIa,) [Removes from the month impure and foreign ours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the Irritation and morbid 8e cretio'ns`of carious teeth. It uri- ea and softens the skin, and, uad in the bath, sends to promote A healthy state of the whole body. ' uave up: lb I ' n3.%.`. ... Iuuuu no u more cermin and reliable , preparation , and greatly preferred FREEMLNS. Earl Russell communicated to the Royal Co Iege of Phyaicinnsnnd to H: Freeman. that ' was Ohlorodine. 77:3 Nsdical rms (and Gazette, January 13th, 1866, states, It. has an immense sale amongst the public, and is scores of Ortho- Practitioners. and. ofnnm-an it -mum I ,_,V , ....-um mans ox rlpidly and freeing 1 which is so serious disease. diluted uid {with Candy : Uzoniaer" or nther ......_..... tznmc matner,Iend 36. N _ Freshening the irof close places, and remov- ing: had _-malls. Wu-auinn nu... 1-1. L....;._ -_ _n - - - And at 2:30 on the arrival the G.T.R. train frum \\'est and Bay of into Stcanxcr. c\nno(ting At. (`ape Vin.-cut with the 51L : 1'. .\I. train. arriving in Uauc-go at 9:30 l .M., Home 9:30 l`.`.\l.._mnl .\'ew York at SAX) A.M.. anal LIN) |3l!I\l|?L".il|[{ with the N. '1`. Cu`: Pru- - pullers fur Uswugu and all \\'estc-rn Ports. RETFINIIG, ;- 1 _.......u`.-- lim; oREi Fremnn. Pin:-nninntiae :. :1 _ _ r N... ...-. an, uac lull!) uuuteu num nth Spny-pro- lucer. CONDY 8 PATENT OZONISED WATER, (10: Ton. nmmn. \ . evexfy u .a.u:-R1` ULUN ISED 1 (ton mm immu-n . `JONGIPS LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. JAMES N EISH, Daily News Oice, Kingston. , B. BOLLMAN CON DY, Patentpe, Batter-sea, London. -: u nuns LAGHT 1 Dim A-I 0 V 11` 1, AGENT, St. Lawrence Wharf. I ctrail-vincingly proved gig medium] Lennimmw mu... nu... gnu, _ , Will leave eve W1-IDN ESDAY and FBI- DAY 1:13:30 A.b . and 8 P.M. I11 I 1 1 "5" 5'! scores 01 U|'tD0- 5 course, it would Pnulf it nnt annnlu $ 5,549,504 97 26,000,000 07 682,582 08 253,319 14 967,125 00 426,445 00 2,220,033 75 :, Illowed m hp man, u. vvvunu . not supply BOOK, JOB and GENERAL PRINTING lBook and Joli Printing,` In enabled to execute in the best manner, and with greater expedition than any other Printer in the city, all ordera for work with which he may be favoured. Work done in any required style. __, -.. . van). Other Notices In editdriai columns, the owjcct of which is to promote the pecuniary or private imcrcsts of Indi- viduals or Companies, such an Reports or Baukp, Insu- rancc_,0ompanie~4, Notices to nurnd I.eclure.:,Kmusc- moms, Meetings, Sermons, Auknowledgmenls of Donn.- tioyn. c., to be considered advertisenmuts, and charged on the same scale and in the same manner as "Business l\'ot!ces." ` Kingston and (`ape Vincent I-`erry. 7 " , _ . I N.B.-'nxe- square to be conned to the ordinary busi- noss_ or commercial housez. and for such houses ivwi nut be held to include Auction Sa_ es, Advertisemenl of Ships, Removals, Coparlnc-rship Notices, Private Adver- tisements or Individual Ilembena of Finns, Houses to Letor for Sale. ,. V 3 uaculeuu 0| um Let. or BOOKS, "nunmnus NOTICE leaded or solid, 8 can solid (brevlcr, over 1 undo: '7 Hum. Ln ..-_ CIRGULARS, TARIFF OF RATES R ADV{1`ISEME.\'TS. Six lines and under, $1 1 first. three insertnons 3 cents for every subseque t. insertion. Ten lines, 81 25for tlrst roe insertions` md 17 for avery subsequent insertion. ' Above 10 lines, `(cents per has for rst jnsertian two cents per line for every subseqnantinsertion. n,_L ,, ,,.- _ -. ...... .... uvuly auosequannnsertion. Subsequent insertion; not ordered one week, 4 cents per line. ?2 ixZ$?L';E;&? These rm '0 bo PM Do Deaths, boccnts each. m "dv]' u n......_..- -- ner than once a. nu.Im\' ualmmnm-3.` I The square to be 22 lines ofsolid brezgga. The half zquaro 11 lines ditto. ` ` for daily paper 840, I |;Ice for square, for one year, with the privilege otalte tug limaw-J to mm . rnlnslh .1. .... aqunlv, wr one for with to once a month. Ihlf square, for daily paper, 326 per year, with same privilege. L-`ABELS, nay: gm.-vpwu; , At 5:1!) A..\[.. after arrival of G.T.R.. from East and \__\"cst and tho Lske Stczmncrs. cmnec-ting at (`ape Vincent with the 8:05 A.M. train. nrnving in Oswegn At noon. Rome 12:40 $11., Albany 5:235 l .)'I., and New York 9:30 MAGAZINES, RHE UNDERSIGN ED, having` H1-m-l.v .6 In AIM .....1 nuxu TEL` DAILY NEWS Printing in Gold and Colours. HAND}-$11.13, BILL BbOKS, {E having a very lar 8 Stock of PLAIN and FANCY TYPES `TWO STEAM PRESSE3. 3.. ' T.-\1\1} I-I LETS, SHOW BILLS, \J the steamer UALIALLIS, U. ryxe, luster, will leave Kingston for Gmanoque, touching at the inter-mediste places on Howe lilAml'And the Mpin Shore, ` Every TUESDAY, WEDNEDAY. THURS- DAY And FRIDAY at 4 I . M. INVITATI()NS,_ STAGE BILLS, LAW BLAN NEWSPAPERS, And having tted up . ADvER]'rIsINe. l'US'l`l NG B[L_L.`s', BLANKS, M3-s itshifeii rLcx3."--A matter under this heading,- I cents per line, measured by ascale of `or )0 lines ; under 10 lines, 75 cents ; cum. Tatum by 0.'I`.R.. day \\'uhrII \< ........ CONCERT BILI.'$, PROGRAMMES, RAI LROA D BI LLS, BILL HEADIN GS, ems jnsertian 1' subsequent insertion. me; oftencr 0 5. ..u v .-.uual:.ml'..\' 1:`. , 1% insertnons, and ascque tins:-rtinn, CH EQUE BOOKS, FfINERAL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS. AI 0.. Rome. kc. and \Vent, steamers. A 14;: JAMES Princess su'ee_t., Kingston. WITH EVERY OTHER VARIETY OF JOB WORK. 33 gigs fraud: which continue to be prac- ` T qua _by obqcnle mnnnfnctnrera, more ' pnrtionlu-ly, irermany .bv imitating the In- bola attached to. JOHX _GOSNELL t Co. I PEBFUHERY, render nznworntivo upon the Prop:-bton to OAn}1ol.tbo pnolic against. such nefarious proooedmzl. and to request their friindu and patron: purchase only of rupee- tnblo duleu. who I_mp_ort dix-not from John Goanell & Oo. ; And mute special aftention to the address- BED BULL WHABF, 93 Urn: Tannin 8'l'3ll'|'. 1'4... rlngnnll & (!n_ n Select Pm-fnmnn - 125.. BED BU LL Wn1uu`, an urn: 1`BAlIl'l'3lI'l'. J ohn Goenell 8 Go}: Select Perfumes: Egg Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Po:-fnme,.Eeaenoe of; Wqo'd Vio1et,-Vio- to:-is Bouquet, Frengipsnm, Mllznry Bonqugt the Bx-ide?e Bouqnvt. V Jnl-m Gnanell at 00. : Prince of Wales `Pm-- the Bride?! bouquet. /1 John Goanall 3 Wales Per. fume, a moot choice and fashionable perfnma. Jnhn ammnll & Co '5' Princess A`laxnndrn a John Gosnell & Co.'s'P|-incosa Alexandra's Perfume, a. most choice sud delicnta perfume, pro.-oared expressly for the us of `In B.ay_al Highneu. Jahn Goanell & Go. I Unne: Ten Thousand steamers. And 3! 5:2!) l`..\I.. an arrival of train from Rome &c.. meeting the tl.'l`.l`.. trains for I-`.a.st and West and the Inonxingy steanner for Non- O.nnn` nlgnneu. ` John Gosnell Uppe: Thousand Perfume. [Alan (Ina-nnrl L an '5 Jnnlrnv lnh 'Dn'n-no ermine. l John_Goane1l at O_o. e Jockey Club Perfume ie in universal request as the most admired Perfume for the Handkerchief. Price 2e 6d. Tn`:-u llounuall L n : T.a Nn`\`nnnn D-..6'..-..A II III UIIIVGIBHI IBQIIESS 85 I110 11105! DGHJXFBC John Goanell at 0o. a La Nublesse Perfume, I most delicate Perfume of exquisite fragrance. Jnl-m nannll & G0,`: Nnhledm Pnmndn Ma- ` IDOBI GBHCBIB 1'Bl'1'3!ll.E OI OXQIIIXIIIQ Il'&;.',l'&DCE. ' John Gosnell 8 C30,`: Noblesse Pomade. ele- gantly perfumed, and highly recommended for benutifying and promoting the growth of the . huh`. I .. `7AI~`nnIIn GA--xignlnn--...I 6'..- U- ............I BAIT. Ln. Nobleaae Soap--ectceIned for its unadul- led perfume and ne emollient qualities. _ Jnhn nnnall A: Go}: Vinlat and Millnnnr men panama no no emoauans qnauues. John Gosnell as Cola Violet and Milleeur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- ` sex-y should be without it. Sold in boxes at 6d; intina ls ouch. John Gnnnnll A: On}: Chen-v Tomb Paste in u IIJB nUlgnD01l1'['l00(1." 861d brvnll Chemists, sud at #0, Canon street, London. Qusm, 16: ; pins` 83 ; holi- pints, 41; glut-etoppered Imperis pfnu, ex- t:a..nrenth, 13. per dozen; and in bulk at 4: per gallon: bottles inoludpd. Each 3:! Mn Lnnkihg 200 gallons, when (mated with water. Elie directinl on every bottle; : n.QOI$9Id0d' 'an! lllall III Pl-nfnnnnu` on; muna 18 oacn. - John Goenell & 00. : Cherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a pearl-like whiteness, protects the; enamel from decav, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to_the breath. Price 15 611 each. Instantaneous Hair Dva : certain to nrodnne no uluagreeame-uuuur, mm 13 easuy appueu. Zlohn Goanell .9: 30. : Patent Trichosnron, or newly invented hair Brush, the peculmr 11437 chemical construction of which accom;-rmius the two operations of cleaning and polishing simultaneously. . The Patrnt MM-hnrlinnl Chair fur Ri-n='hin(- A mus ulna some on me essential cause 0 (line by destroying the local conditions 0 the a moephere under which cholera is mos frequently developed and propagated. For instance: In A house In St. Andrew : street Plymouth, occupied by fty-two: persons, it waqaprinkled in every room except four; in these the mccnpnnle _woul_d not permit it to be applied ; he reeult ofwhich was, than in those pone f the house where it had been used, not '1 single one of cholera subse- quently wcgnd; while in the four room: above allud to, the diseeee still exists and sonaedesths have taken ulna: Turn 5-...-. loaves K' At 8:1!) A.M. ll-.3) A.M 2m P.M'. AJVIDM urovo nuuuoc no, the disease taken place. Two houses immediately opposite were supplied with 3 quantity, in neitner of which bu there been a single case, although the diuue is raging in itbe neighbourhood. Simondl " `II-:uu4- OK` rrngruuce tame urenln. rnce is ou own. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to produce any shade Brown or Black, of good" natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable-odour, and is easily applied. \Jnhn Gmmnll 5: 30. : Patent 'l`rinhn=m-nn nr --Agricultural mm, lslington, Jan; 1868. Dear Sir,--Pleaae to send eight gallons more of your Disinfectlng Fluid, neper order enclosed. Haring used various Disinfecting , Fluids at onr- many shows, I can say with condence "that none here had the instan- taneous and complete etfect of Sir William Burnett's, and this too without producing any nuisance like the smell ofohioride of lime or carbolic ecid.-I sin yours faith- fully, S. Sloan, Sec. and Manager. , 0ept..J'nckson, R.N., 90, Gannon street." ~ This uid note on the diaeup by destroyinz loan] m..aa.:...... .. singlb the neighbolub . S6ld hr 1" hnmho. HlIIIU|lIlUUUBly. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus .-.n-1 par- ticu!are,npp1y to the Patenteea and Sow Manu- facturers, JOHN GOSNELL 6: Cu., Perfume:-a by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c., RED BULL WHARF, 93 UPPER Tnuma Srnnm-, late of 12 Three King Conn, Lombard Street. ` 55" HE SAUCE. Prepared 'by Alizx`-' under Bouthwood b`v.ocker, frum I recipe by his Cousin, the -late Dr Samb- wood Smith, thirty-ve years Phyaiciar: to the London Fever Hospital}; Father of Sani- tnty Reform; Medical Membe: of thvrst General Board of Health; Author of the first work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Ilealth, &c. _ ' ' Delicious; with averv known di.-.h_ In-. rnnuvury rsvcnlenl. 1 Retail by Ghemiau, Groeen, Italizn Ware- hounemen, and other: throughout the King- dom, Ind every pan of the world. Ask for ..tha "Thu" Rnnnn _Q......:.1 ..-....-. nClVlGB or uaumnoe. ?- ` Sold in patent stoppetod glass bottles, price 25 6d, 4: 6d, us, up 21: each. Spe- cial aggnts required andxanpdinted in All pgme zs Isa, u tsp, lu, 3 Spei agents andnppdinted in :11 parts of the world. Kllllllolllld Wolfe Island Ferry. IR WILLIAM BURNETP8 DISINFECT- ING FLUID, for the pnricsition of sick rooms, hospitals, workbonses, factories, pri- sons, crowded places, between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and. llneh of sick, night- chairs, cesspools, dz-sins, rate: closets, stables, dairies, larders, musty casks, tubs, &c.; bilge-wster, and the holds or shins: uuzurs, uesspoors, urune, closets, bilge-water, ships; epnrtments for searchers, undertaken, and jnrymen, end for pout.-marten exluninstionl; for the prevention of infections disesee, cen- ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies, and for the preservntioxfof subjects for dissection; for the extez-nu m;. tign of bugs and other vermin. Sir W. Barnett : Dilinfnntina `m..:.: _,, ugn ox mg; and other , Sir Barnett : Dininfaoting Fluid was the only Diainfecunt need at. the Agricul. tunl Hall during the Blhitheld Club Cattle Show in 1866, by. order of Her Majaatfa Privy Council. The value of the uid is shown byithe fgllowing letter from the -Secremrv mm rnvy uouncu. following Manager: Anti:-.nHnv-cl 11.11 `l ..I:.._;- LAHPLOUGH S PYRETIO 8ALlNE.-A Medicine that come See Sickness or the. worst form of Billions Headache in 5 few minutes; eervsscing and tasteless, its con- stant use is especially calculated to msintsin health: When mixed with water and taken during the eifervescenee, it immediately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitnlizes end supplies the blood with those saline principles that are lost. sl- tered, or destroyed during the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhue, Ernptive Fever: (or Cholera), nine in several other conditions, where the vital current is poison- ed by infection, and and thereby rendered un- lit to enpport health and prolong human life. it has been found elllinentlv hm 9-1.-ia.| - u. :9 support nenun and prolong human eminently be: ecinl; and its sustaining on d purifying infsenoe nets as a. preventive to disease, as t.h.un- morons unsolicited teatimoninle nccotnp.:..iy- ing each bottle-* will prove. Its portability renders it ndmirahly adapted` to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family, more especially wbenpdiatant from medical ..dvioe assistance. ' Quid :. vunlnnb .4 runuuupuy 0! ueanu, EC. Delicioua with every known dish. its habitual us_e increaaa thaappotita and pro- motes digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. - As an hIIlPn.nI"n of its mu-itv and antnmur Iul UIEVEBIVU prupcruus. As an assurance of its purity and salutary rope: tinafi H. is only necessary to poi-t out be name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entire life of that distin- aninhad nun was nmnt in nvnlnnnn oh. wxppounqeu. Inc anure um ox moi mum- gnubod man In: upon in promoting the health of hi: fellow-cresturel, and his death, to December, 1861, was mourned u a na- tional loss. whndnnnln and Inn Ahnrnlinn Ix- AL- 1)-- uum, IIIII every pan 0! mo worm. for (the "The" 8anoe.-8pecia.l export Agenta--Burgoyne, Burbtidgal, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London. Kingston andmlgnininoque Route.` l.IOlJB| IOBI. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro. prietor, 69, Lamb : Conduit Btreet; Bunny and Sons, Furringdon Street ; -Batty ma` co,, Finnbury Pavement. Retail bi Bhnmintn u-nnmu Inn... 111.... mnn| I-Inn VIWB H99 QIISCNODI OH `'9 Rocomn`:eIded' ' _nd med limondl `mt tho - :1 bottle; Profouor; ll Yomrlrurv allnauf Ill uagur : V Agricultural Hall, Ialington, send aiaht unlin- CAUTION. u uuuwn by; we - Secretary and "Am. nussnm. Physicians 3 communication him hob llsnilh. ( gning tutu-fully) to remedies tried, Ohlorod tlve. _ OHOLEBA, D where chol the street. rolled .. LIVE. brand as unworthy-the con members who `by tcstinionlnl ag- ` ""'m`c';%5:.'E-' 3 .'`.`3.':&_ one I each thing "-- V` - "'W'ro'33v1.nrs oHL3nor"m The Origins! Propuratiionof hog`; A ton. . 100` (H DIDCI L`. Kinutnn, July 24, l87l. From Dr 0. Kidd, ` *ferior, secret, and cheap com V non. ` ` From Author of S ` on Obloroforn; Mud Seckville-street, Piecedm, ~ . S31-,-I think if you would ...a'.,,,, Ohlorodyno more than yon d5, [.43 best the others, which 5:; kc pounds, out of ;tbe market. ` n men think with me, and reoommqgy pound, but will never preecqbgw medy. Gunny 1:" To Mr Towle, Chemist, n...,;,,,',';,' A Surgeon from New York ,~ ' only require: to be known to.},..' I have no hesitntien in chi:-ntg 'l`owle e Ghlorodyne) as the m * ` cine that _l;nade.pp; ered du centnr . n larr - I haveound it to rel` ' ' more joy than an -v'~mod." Non.-`-The Profession is w the market. Each genuine botltlfmd. aimile of Proprietor : eignetug. 1: nutside. - r rn nut nhnnnn... _ - u u \vlL'.U. LIQ. uahonoronm c _ WITHOUT P . . Sole Manufacturer :-A p_'muN1," Manchester. vupsows mupnn on. 3.) PEOPLE. Any o:\ecgni.`M chingman be dyed with them; in this mail space .to onunuuu` uses to which these wqnderful A. chemical preparations can be '3 91;, their chief use is for dyeing ` gm, they are also invaluable \ MEMOBANDA. IL-`;_GENTA': The Strength and LA V THE mm Mm % 8 published every lawful : ~-` `- Dollars pot nnnnln, plylbllh Subaerihcra who receive their pupal ! are chsrgcd the Donna. ` . I lcgoauounrol reading uni fit! I petannnn, pu'.id fa inn '1 III!!! we LVOWI 0! IDO W09! HI l Addrnanhrna an Publl. mre usnranoe uompnnj. July 1st.1asz. ~ Wnunr` Four r J ' V , v , I 0 - OIINSO Tau}; DAILY zmws irkept . Srnxtn. - " every day at tI:_e Book Bw - ---... John Henderson, Princess BUG : i5 Pure Iackawi-nu , Edward St3cey,King Street. Snag T "1" Very ht-`wt of. tho lack.--T may also be had at the Publicatl 1 Ber-nton. Pmazon 7-.m1 Wkqs Princess Street. Pmcn Two - E110 b=m1-:`:d 1'.11yf1`,;:-r?1d 1; j I - `besqrgzrd genvexeamthe DAILY NEWS "O:jxcn:. 0.rd|" ; `V _ ~ .. .~ . 3* 0011' promptly attendedfo. Devi? f description of Orange priming WP` atthe _1)A1LYNEVV_B :$'rn.LxPnIl|T ' en in "yP""` f th A on"idiin'di-y < been just added to the D Pun :-ma Omncz, the estublis ' ` better position than `ever to 60! Pnmrma and every varietyaol W0` curacy, neatn eat; an cuaune .04 .=,-. . _... EW PRINTING autism _ 2I.l.l.II VIIIIIIIIIIJIIII IILVIV 5", g 19 puhlilhedwvory Friday morning. was the Non onbo Week. 1: I. lxntluount-at randinn.nn.'l.i ME MAGENTA`: The dve is nlmnao .'....-- IOUIII. For freight or a I to 1:11 C: tain I A L P`!'3S PP Y 3 P r1r:g;.;.','i`..,..' ""'" ' V these impart de1{uteidd.:`td' to ` " wgiow smmms, rum: M ._ L . if Fibres Bout _ _ . . . ,` quichnuaipm i;`vbm%|"_.~_ V n and mmaon. MAX. BLUE : For laundry pupaiuain. 1 0599,. . Clarence Streetyoppoiite BOOK EDGE8:A8ixpdn::hiIn' , - V * :~;:::~ **-:e.:.*:*.".:..'"`e ~ A quarto ` -- - * _ pd mg 5.4; fgqujggd ` VUNDEBSIGNED _u to 2.-:38 3 A Plus Specncatxons of _Pubhc urns and wool) 3u1n:~nm *1 * 'P"?"` our 31-4111;; h`l:`ottl9o! 116;`: 3 -,v_.; ' b Pin! W-ton ` . `1 Itnblenlock, P1-in St-vdbt. sum 00:) sum: 4 snpuu Dec. 1 1870. cm Canary diuolyed la ,5 pint or - ~ PHOTOGRAPHS my be tinted dye with Intern bottle of 1...: pint of water. to. ` LLLUIINATING: Kigontg.` VH9 Orange ; pqur a few dropefntn III add warm water: use Iithn hill " *s~H CAPITAL 1,000,000. 1 ~ ` 12. GAai,q MR: Ant") MARINE. T .`~H CAPITAL 01,000,000. UNDERSIGNED having been ap- `M -v Agent for the above Company, _ to issue policies on every descrip- .".=; - le property, for any period from V five years, at the lowest possible ,~ ve rates. , ' ' ` I. C. HAVEN, Agent. - ee Street, `near the British uyu wlm wuergs bottle of -` H_igonts,;i dropsinh I U _Anbis:_1.ll.ig_hu, &c.,.mayhevpIus5! .. mated In this manner. , H. BLANOMANGE,` JELLY, 00!! ICE OREAIS,-#0: Whilfihillq add one or two dr0pl_0f;lI`C|!C& simple or elegant t;nus;`ungp_5 GELATXNES and .GLURB ~ coloured with um`: dyes. , * INK : A Bixpenny bottle of or more ofeold vets! ~ .' '4` WATER - Ono than of d _ will tilt `PRINTING on Cotton, ilk OI"; . ordinary wsy. . BLEEDING someoht in" , produce snjstlniqy of ute. 0 Inlet-airs" L .. ysyriug of llypophosplnteg. of arrest disease ' syed .L prcpa.ratio1l1ns honoursb y ac- --I y the medical faculty in every ` `-ll`. hasbeen introduced the -a:.... ....I.. :. ;.L- L, - pu-reu on rooelpi 01 me none: or uu ' "" "-'"._u w.pur_uiy anq nealpn. REFERENCES: V Hex. A.0A`IPBEI4L,KingatoI. 4 ` RICHARD JUSON, Esq, Hamil Miaana. RIDE LEWIS 6 3011,`! W. M. WILBON,ln`.,`8imeoo. ' H0l.JOHN OARIJ1IG,.London. BULL, 11159., Inqpgctp; of Agenda Life Assurance Oomplny. - 1st. 1881. , ` :;jfAMEs 1. Fmnmws, (aemint, :81-.. John. NB. .. .=..uq.- men: clean. ,byo in'h rnuanns: Dye in has or the dye is uufcient for_ one COTTON; mm, via; "4 recommended. ~ LEATHER: am " * ,Onngo. Dyolllwnllfltb wmrnwmn: fa um : km or Roan -1354` A" ' , mom, to STAECH: Stit '..quou.`o?-.' in: bid: Magenta, have these imnart 3.1 ..o. ` `-1. - orl .. 1'5'!1W_5 ~ < Syrn1L_ llypoplmsphltegp .WER fan-e1 disease {.1 {hid przparatioxlxni hdnourab y`y;:- by It has been ;_a.nd the nutouxeu WILD UIOIO CI. , name anther nnxinnitq I v-um. .. sale th_e bpst guatanteg of A HENRY G ` n In wlglch It 13 held by the_ Parliamentary .` _will cure puhnonarz pongnmption & 9! ~ bronchitis. In-vnaiti.' nnIIrI1-- Private Bills d' `the Smion, Ike Copy B.ig]mj' the Begum marks and " ` procured.- ` Drawing; ` cationundotlm -. mm 1 P ` necessary to secure Patndtg ffflnth u - - l`:.:(111:v:, clglox-o:_i(s`, V ' pared on receipt of the o o ._ ` punty an health, _ 4P=canu.; Price 3150; six for Hcar.A-GAlPBllI.L.Kinntoa. `nu..- _ - -Pa ypepsla; eri ,:ta. ' d actnoq of the heart, local ~ J P aphonn. o`1'-1nVaa<')f;voiqe. rurplc, Umnge! Pink, aid the moat sausfuctory ` rennin. quantity of boiling water in [5 pan. RJBBONS and SlLKSi with soap and water fonvoid` ` to rende; them clean. in ?'EATBERS: Dye in In n! -.a.. I- -- V?-at-A cLAB.'i, 1./I-ulnar-. ; - _ L.D.8., DEKTAL Bo: `No. 4 Wilsbn u Block, Weim eon P1-inceu and Brock Stu. . * wan: Quuulv n.ug. uuiavngun. For fre' t or passage up `on board or to ' lgh G. M. NGHORN. .... -- yvjl B01110 Dye in INC!` (07! : {out lune. 17.31.. -..a v- ,..-...... u:r_ uno tea! ".2, Violet P5` ' "94 IVJ-lJ.D.l U:T$ WK) 7 . ihon ' E'Be`l :wean a.ndocBrock Setuufnsum v 5 pr, .1. Jarvis, . ` 0F'LONDON, England, Homgrzo 'o Physician, Surgeon, &c. Uieg ,. ..-. in the house latte!) Occupied by- Princesa Street. Calls in citj or _.-..1.+_ nr :1.-xv. nrnmntly attended. , -, jnrkpatrlck & Smythe, ' STER3 and Attorneys-at-Law, Bo- I rs in Chancery, &.c. . i A. S. KIRKPATRICK. ,, , U. Ill. IXILVUIIUILLV, Fer Wharf, foot of Brock Street. Kingston, arch 2?, 1871. ~ I ;.., James S. Cartwright. Iu'II12|`D A 'l`_T. A `X7 DWFIIYI RY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon: Oiee over" 1 arkhi1l a Grocery snim nl `j9" Joseph llawden, DRNEY-A'I-LAW, Solicitor in (z- F; Notary Puyzlic, King A 5. J.\II`n[PATll-IUK. ' ' .E.7 H. Snnrrujs, MA. * , . gg ex. S. Klrkpatriz. , itTY CROWN `ATTORNEY and Clerk Eggs Peace for the County of Fronte- 'o,Stree.t, Kingston, d.irectly oppo- fg:1tt'ea1'1`elugraph Company's otcc. m,Jul}' I9, 1571. ` . i:%n:[eI-sleeve _& TVa.lkc1`n. p.ISTERS and Attome s-at-Law-roan. ;`_.;_....... \TnJ~nm~inn Pub in. F. f ff [uuv-u-vwv - -~ v- V mamas s-at-La.;r, Con. Richard '1`. Walkem. JITOR IN CHANCEIBY. pence Street, , nt." -.7 5 'J. P. Gmnnnssnnvn,-LLB; " B.{(Ji-IARD T. WALKEM. prmong me In the third. If will "3-.. bronchitis, lsryngitisa cough- -It will c_nre all diseases originating 5 of -muscular action and nervous 1 I| .u1larmmnmt- nf GK; `nn&v -- `mg, Ermcesa nucsum, -, night or day, p1:;-mg` _ ,_ W... --.,,,_.........., nervous * -3-V ant-of gm: am; 9... ' ne up e_e_n. dxsnep--is; Tridsets. iv:-An...I-- I 4 Me[N l`0SH ,_ Veterinary Surgeon ` M-jjato of the Qntax-_i:r Veterinary Col runto. wk Cify I{ot_ejl, Kingston. ` IIIIIDB Bo vuxuwnugug, . BTER-AT-LAW. OFFI . km : Drug Store. 0! - `over ltnnt --..~u Will have Cups Vincent` n. n,.-.1 A \I an an-iv . cums. Annux. v"""."`*""`;ht"',"" " ' ~.:.......w... ..;.,1....a..o.oo,..... m..... ':,,;*o*::;,-o,g:,ic,,,*;=,,`;: :, UNITED STATE IAJLS. `dz-o , and female ' lu- .n-ngs runs for, Nov `York, Boston, tlyIuoeeIIfu1.- def I. v- V . ` ` AGNEW, B`;.:':;1:er, am, 1; re-' slhialaw Oioe-om Cla.renceto' ma` nuns F Ilnlln Inn : A III nth`:- lpcfober 21. 1870. V JAM:-:8 SWIFT coo. um tne heart N. Pittsmnandwkea {the `best selected mines, and is Eli great care gsreealy for family H be screened delivered in the U Omlliinn V [T0111 UIITEBOO `HI 1 ma Law I slz`, over Mr McMillan : Auction John lludie. ER-AT-LAW, Solicitor In %m-_ . SAUNDERS, M.D., Mamba; J College of surgeons;_E_n:- T `In!-.na a Sunzerv. Wllhan PA]:-.htuv, Duuclwr nu unn-_ Money 0 lend at easy rates` am-itv_ - nu. ` Moslato be hpdon bom1._A `For (night or puaxge :p n. M. 1% lo Ila IIIIICIQ _ nnd Attorney-at-Law- Of-L nnntreat- - spleen. dyspepsia; ,~ {action of 0]` loves of `voice. .'l h, " clgloroais, no__ and _; 3150 ; F`EI.LoWs, in. I `-_ `"11 , EVANS, M.1t.u.u., non- over"1 ncery, GLO. A. 11' H Ru-v*mIn IN -A !'e(5t., bans ln.u1by 1 prom y J. ALl.YlS,"l(.D. a'ai.o*a1oou` ANY! . SPE `VII Khguzuinynly 1` VOMMIINCING ox TUESDAY`, 23:1; man, J the Stouner GAZELLE, D. Pyke, map will lnum lnaxtnn fnr Gn.nnnnnue_ `QOMMENCIXG this day, the Steamer J GAZELLE will run us under during`thc .--n... -an-nth; .4 V (Maw: and Kingston PASSAGE AND FREIGHT LINE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ,, J x__,,, KINGSTON POST OFFICE. UUIIII WET.` 8.40 p.m. (AI) p. m. nnnnn -nun Eli} I .LIl. | vovv A u -Aa G. M. KING-HORN, Fonz Wharf, foot of Brook Street. -On. . :9 I lQ'lI (yuan. Navigation company. i RUYAL HAIL THROUQH LINE. ` .-n-. E ABOVE LINE is composed of auj following SPLENDID Ul l`Ell-UABII :5 ITIAMERS: -- CURSIC.-\X UAW. l'u.|l'Fio' ve. ` b'l`ART.-\.\' .. L Kc oy. l`A.\ .\'|'< H11` .. ... Sinclair. Kl.Vl}.\"l`I).V - ` Fan-ell. ' CU|{lI\'TH|.-\.\' .. Dunlap. .\l.-\\}.\' E1` . . Simpson. blll D3111, {IE3-3W3. G. M. KING-HORN, Foot of Block Street, Kingston. u. Jnlv 24. ` . A..\l., on In-rirznl of train {mm , nwcting the (}_.'l`.l1. trains for East ` Incl the Bay 01' Quinta anal Lake V6 LI}!!! I Ilnwuu a Ipklly on-noaru OI `I l.\'(3HUI`N. y Tharf, foot of Brock Street. My 29, I871. Ill! Ull Uu-u. r -to qlly muhoanl or to D. MURPHY, Cnngl Ruin, ( npxy on Doaru 01 we INGHORN, ugrf, font nf Risk St!-net '. MUBFIII, Cunl Basin, Ottawa. L `M Irnraurmw LY. Leaves \Volfe Island. I am A M Leaves I one llllnu. 9:(X) A.M. 1.00 P.M. 3:(X) P.M. 8:(X) l_ .M. Per Str. \Va.1:e1-town or when` she nrrives from Cape. an-n-nAva 10:) A.M. 12:30 P.M. 5:) P.M. .vnrvnnuv Ono of the Stealnern of the above Ijno will have the St. Lawrence \\'hnrf, foot of John son Street. for Tumnt-u And lluniltou, ovary Afternoon luunhyn exueptaui) at u A 1 v r- ART rnrn *AY 5'4" nu. 1:4 . .},~ma; LIX) p.m. ' 1.00 13.111. KIRIVL 3.55 mm. 41!) L111. n Kingswn Oawegu and (`ape Vincent. will `lie closed it. L30 1}.m. and 5.30 13.111. daily, b'und.1ys ex~ ceptcul. _ ' BRITISH RTAIIS - muunn mail.` I ~r C:\n:uli:\n stcaxno.-.s will be closed every `riday at l`. m. ` Per Cunard and Bremen line, evcryffneodny lat 1.30 11.111. . Letters illtllml fur J-a1\'\f:-B nnr Rrnmuxn ` :u. 1.60 ).u_l. _ _ Lctteny mtendcd for dvspatch per Bremen A` line must be specially so directed. i II?` Single cnpies (if thc'CHI`u0NICLEVAND ` NI-I\V.. cmitaining the news of tl1e`\F-ek, may be had in wm pen; for mailing. Price 5 cents each. 13211181? every Friday. 13' Single copies of the DAILY NE\V.\` - * J When the constitution has been undermin- ed end life rendered miserable, by the errors , of youth and those dist:-euing dineusee which E effect the bladder, kidneys, and genital or- 1 `gum, He1mbold s Buchn in the only reliable ` ( lcnretivengentthat can be 1111'! remo ' orgnn1c' weakness strangnry, grave , [dz-ope'y1,ngand it is aim}: . _-l --.v-.. `until. ' OB PRINTINC} of every degcription exe- O cutod nest] , cheap] and expeditiously at the DAILY EVVS S M PRINTING Huus ' 0 cuubs eacll. xssueu 1` runny. Single copies may be had at the counter of the publication otce, Princess Street. Price two cents. V... V. unlvu ulu uueu prepared. ' , I - HelInbold s Extract Sm-saparilla is the Great Blood Purier: thoroughly cleanse: and reuo- I vates the entire system, and readily enters into the circulntion of the blood, after urging { with Helmholcfa G1-apePills, the foul 11 mours ' that hnvo accumulated in the a stem for . years. Both are carefully pro according to the rules of Pharmacy and cmistry, ax ! u-e thoroughly reliable. A test of W ye has proved this. Try them.-Adu. In-L-.. LL- n, sui~'n.n' 1)lR1~}("1`()R\'-H.(:>IT.RS 31:` PU1; 1.10 \\-_m.~`111r. I or. \-I-`.n::ur. :4 \'.\T}lI-ZDRAL-L\l0I`nIllg b'cr\'1ce l1:00, Evening Service 7:00. S1`. P.u'I.'s Cmrnvu (Queen Street)-- Mum- ing Scnzicc 11:00, 1')-.nmg .\`cr\'ice (free)_6:30. S1`. J.ums'.~x (`.`u1'I:cn (Union Stn*i'b)-~1\'|nrn- .ing SL'r\'i\C 11:00, l'I'.'on1ng Service (free) 6:30. ALI. S.\|s'r.~s' ('lll' urn --1-`roe (Division Sgrect) Evening Service 7:00. H1`. .\l AkK'.~i _ CH1` turn (Barrieclul)-- - 1\Iuru'mg Serncc 11:00. T I In commemoration of the fall ,of Sedan ' the Prussian: tried to get up a soiree dm- saute at Mnntel-li-Jolie, on the Sein" below {L Pnrie. `In order to secure the attendance v of the fair sex 1 cheque of 10f. was o ered _ to every young lady that would grace a. quedrille. However, neither girls nor mu-. E ried pu-tners came fox-wnrd, and the 5 Prueeinne had to pocket their own chequee- E 500 of which had been prepared. ; Helmboldh p.\`f.rm-f. R...-.......m.. :. 41.- n_.,L nu. anus s L.Ill'R('ll(l'0l'[Sl]10uth)' ~Mnrnlug l0:30, Evening Service 7:00. . S1`. .-\.\'nnz\v s Curncn (City H.-x1l)- -Morn- ing Service 11:00, Evening Service 6:30. Nu m IILVIID. 1...-...... A L`....1 Q`.-. ..\ \r ___.:.__ This is the style of business notices" they I puhlishintho Vicksburg papers : If the con- temptiblo puppy who insulted a gentleman immedistely sfter partaking of his hospitality I will show himself on \Vas n str,a_et, after ' 9 o'clock A.M., he will be treated to a. bullet I without any qnes tions. " V l 1 A` ' L II1\L'\lIlI.\' K E Service 1 1 :00, n _, Many fashionable young ladies are adopting 'the French style of appearing on promenade accompnnied y a maid. It is thought to con- vey An impression of genuine aristocracy, you know. The Morrisburg (`ourier says : Mr Geo. Par` low, of Matilda, has an apple tree in his orchard up which there were only 14 spplen, but last week it was lled with blossoms. It must surely be a. rare sight in Canadn-an - ple tree in_ blossom on the 15th-of Septem- her. ! Arrive .. Russia has got the monopoly of (Jhinnr-in tea. All the choice cho s of Congon bmught to the Hankow mar et this season have been bought for the Russian market,` and! shipped direct to Odessa. Not asingle chop of the neat grade of first crop tea has been seen I in England or America of the growth of 1871, neither will theife be of 1872. l ` I)::ncn\ ark '1` l'RE-`.SR\"I`ll:l,-\.\` L'Iu'1:m1 -- P Mnrnurv Service 11:00, Evcxung Service 6200. E \\,'-.~. u . \I'---..-........... l`.. .. :a,, 1 , I cue amount 01 $135, 100. The report of the committee Wis received enki ado ted. Move by Hon. B. Flint, seconded by kh- Diunand, that the President be authorized to give the legal notice calling the stockhold- ers together for the purpose of organization. Carried. l'lm `R......A u...... ...u...._...: 4... __...n. ,_-:, ,. nu-nea. The Board then adjourned to meet again at the call of the President.--Bellevillc Into/Ii- gencer. ..---. ..... \l\.l - u. . . .vv, nu unuus ucn \ nu: u.vu. E \Vl-1~1Ll:\'A.V M1-:nmms'r (`m'1u`u (Syulemuun I Strcvt) Morning Sc-rviuc 10:30, Evening Ser- vhun R-'30 , \Vr_ 1\IETIl0/I ,mout-I1) 2:30 p.m. l m.\u r|\1; MI~.'rII-m Street) ~.\Iur11iug Surv vice 6:00. HOW UUADTU EH91 On motion of `A. Robertson, secondd by Dr. Boulter, the President : report was received, adopted recorded upon the minutes. 11-..; L... 1:- n:__._-.I -,-.,:, u I 1- IIIIIIUKJ. Moved by Mr Dinmond, lecqnded by Dr. Boulter, that Thomas Kelso, the President, Hon. Bills Flint, June: S. Fowlda, Jtmes Dinwoodie and the mover,be a. committee to 1.1101: the stock, md that this Board adjourn for one hour, to receive the report of such committee ; and that the stock books be cloa- ed. Carried 1'1... u...-.1 ..::...._-....: :.._ -_- u_A.__ -,_, 1 ea. um-neu.~ The Board sdjoufned for one hour accord- ingly, and on resuming the committee present- ed its report, stating that stock had been aub- icribed by resgonsible parties and allotted to the amount of $158,100. ~ ` Thu renm-I-. nl kl. nnm-n:4+..., ....~.. ..,\n..:.....l L3n1pUQllI0l'(I.' ' The President read his rclmrt of what had been done since the last meeting, from which we learn that Thomas Holden. Mayor, M. Bowel], M.} .. and the 1 residcI1t_imd gone over the road with an eminent capitnlist, thot stock books had been opened Ind 3158,- 100 subscribed, that he had Ientei-ed'i1`n.o cor- respondence with leading brokers and capital- iete in Englnnd, and had reason to believe thst so soon as the Directors were in 3 position to ley the scheme roperly before them, there would be no di 'culty in raisin rwhat money they might require upon the hands of the road. Since `then he had an interview with Mr Fowler respecting the construction of the road, which resulted in an o'er from thatgen- tlenmn to build the reed and guarantee 8 per cent interest upon ell stock taken, and on the bonds of the road, provided the company would when the road was built leme it to him for 3 number of years. This proposition was now before them. 11-. -mnin-. II` A `D..L-.4_-._ -4, I 1 ` .\l'Il'|l0\\u \nuuu-3 u \: awcyuuu , -- ` HALF-PAST FIVE \ u"c|-xi. Alnq, one of the uteuuers will but for Montreal every Morning (Mundty oxcopt~ ` ml) at llAl.l-`-PAST FIVE. touching st (iam- anoqur. Bnnckvillq, Prescott, and Coxwall. Rt lhuxagc Ticket: I ply n the Igko and River Sm-smlx-as 01!"? . St. Lnvrouco Wharf. font of Juhnsun Street. `- Pnneugers gnin to the fest can procure Ticiota via Great Vostern, `Detroit _u\d Mil- wmkoe and .\liu-higtm (`antral Railways for . Clsir-ago, Mil\\':mkec, Grand Harell, far All the princi ml points in the an-I also \'i:I |`:u-hic htilrmul to Utah, Nebraaka. t.-`u'mr:\alu, .\'e\':u1:\ anal California. If A c:)ml`urml>le and convenient \V|iting Ilouln for I.-ulies and (`u-.nt.lq-nmn on the \Vharf. (I. ll. IIATCH, Agent. I-`:7, -4 ... u....o 5)} ]q'7| n .1.mxut'.~i I I-'.:H'|-:I{.\7~'I`l-2 MFA-Z`I'l.' Sons of T0lllp(.`l'Ibllc('. Hall, l'riun-c every Sunday afternoon 1':-mu 4;} 1.4- \.lnur\4IJ.I uuamul urn l:\l1lI4VV:l!. A meeting of the Board of Pro\*isiona.l Di- rectors of the Grand Junctiun Railway was held in th'I`owu Hill, Bollgville, on the after- noon of Sept. 2861:. PrmusnI'.-Thnnm_-: Kn]-n P.-a.:.l....4~ IL... ouu 01 Dept. 2612!]. ProsenI:-Thou1:us Kelw. Presinlent, lion. Bills Flint,_\V. ll. Puutun. A. Diamond, A. Robertson, Belleville; Dr. lioulser, M. P.P., . Stirling; and James W. Dinwoodie, Campbeliford. * ` Tha PFnniulnnf. rn-nl 1.4`. ..........L .J ...|.-;. 1.__1 Tl 'lx DA Y 1-,` VI;`.\'I.\'(7, S E P T. `VI-2.\`Ll-I\'.r\.\' M|~:'r1mm. Cm" ltret) --.\1orning Service 10:30, ice 6:30. I .......:.... ..t .L_, 1),, ul'.AND JUNCTION RAILWEAY. 4- r\ I ma 1_iEq czg BRITISH MMIS '|I\ nC.:nvun..a -.`II V... . _.--, -.. ......O ..V. ..`.. `-.. ;' (`lu'R`I[ (Earl St11-ct)- n I-`.v.i..;m sm ;..n ::--:n CIIl Rvn (Portsmouth) ~Murning ! 7:00. TI-min: arrive Ind depart from the an follows :- . DIzAL-Morning Service I 7:(X\. ~ Mnnling UN'1'.Kll\ LNH Ah]. 'l'I1E: RDVV5 U1` alnrge amount of general reading 1 Sulncnprtion Two Dollars per annunr. -I` "y ON TAIN IN G ALL THE N EVVS OF THE WEEK, Entertslnin Stories and Sketches : matter, 13 published every g`:-iday, P,-ice Five 0;] Snhnnnntinn Two 1)ul1:u's ner ammnr. ' I ___ ___-_._.-... \a\1.A.A/A1 5T0 scienic and Practical Agriculture, by i Henry Steghena, F.R.S., Edinburgh, aid the ' .= late J. I . _ , culture in Yale College, New Haven. orton, Professor bf Scientic Agri-_ .= 18138 .1. 1'. Norton, rrotegsor of Bcientil : College, 4... . .. . ---- 4.1113 unu Anu auuxx rubusmng 30., 5 j 140 Fulton Street, New York. 3 i Postmaster: and others disposed to canvas 5 liberally glgalt with. - , , _ . The Leonard Scott PubHshin'g Compafny also publish I `THE FARMERS GUIDE -1!` n. Circulars, with further particulars, uxay hid on application, _ i 3 THE LEONARD SCOTT Publishing Co., | Street. York. i , view ......................... .. 7.00 For Blsckwood and any two ' of the Reviews .......... ..10.00 For Iilackwood and three of _ u the Ibevicwa ............. ..l3.00 For Blackwood and the four ` Reviews ................... ..l5.00 numbers of Blackwood, 35 cents., Postage two cents a. number. " [ ,_, _ , Single numbers of a Reew, $1; single nuauans nnu xnunnuaxb at I 5.111., calling at the intermediate stopping laces, ' at Smith : Falls wit the rock- ville and Ottawa Railwnv running Nm-M. Ant}