, r`r_.,,_ ,vr-~_- _.. Of all the monthlies, Blqdcwaoql hold; i_;);g foremost place. ` For any one of the Reviews...$4.00 per annum I For any two of the Reviews... 7.00 N For any three of the Re- views ........................ M10700 mu; nu) uurou 0]. put: me- ........................ ..l0.00 For all four of the R.avieIjs...l2.00 Fog-B kw9od s o...`.#._l: 17 ,,_ ;'qig1"on_e _' `K ASTIIMATIIY BRONCIIITIS, or NINE. Ymms Smxnxrm, UURED BY THE S\'RUP.--St. John, N. I{, 9]t]1 Auunsat IRRO Jr Jarnm: T Wu]. -`l'ANUll\U, umuu) BY THE bYRUP.--Bt. -101111, N. 15,, 21th August, l869.-Mr James I. Fel- lovvs.-De:u' Sir: I consider it my duty to in- ` form yru of the great benet I have received from the use of your Compound Syrup of Hy- poplmsphitus: I have been, for the last nine ven.r1-L a meat an'm-m- frnm Rrnnnhitin and PUPIIIIBPLIIUUHZ 1 HIV!) DCEIJ, I01 `I16 IESF ILIIIC years, a great sufferer from Bronchitis and Asthma, at times so ill that for weeks I could neither lie down nor take any nourishment of couseqllepce, and during the time suffering in- tcnsgvely. I havehad, at different times, the advice of twenty-tvo physicians. . . . . The least exposure to either damp or draught was sure to result in asevere attack of my disease. Finding no relief from all the medi- cines I had taken, I concluded to try your! Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, and have great reason to thank God for the result. I have, in all, taken t]'61V0 bottles, and now I feel as strong and well as ever Ifelt in my life, and for the last year have not had one moment : sickness, and neither does'd.mpness nor draught have the least eect n 11 me. Wars I tn wu-ma. nn +1.. ...1.;...+. rm. ........ 1 These periodicals are the medium thigiugh which the greatest minds, not only of Great` rjtain and Ireland, but also of Continental _urQpe! age constantly brought into more or less intimate commiiniestion with thvworld of readers. 'Histo;-`y',' Bio 4 h , Science, Philem- phy, Art, Rel'gidn, polit_ica.l ;ques; tions of the past and of-tq-day,` are treated in their pages as the learned nlonac;an,trea.t them". N 0 one who wpuhi keep pace with the times can afford to do Withbut these periodicals. kl u .1 ENGLISH AND SCOTCH QUARTERLIES nor uraugm . nave the least eect Were I to write on the subject for Egurs-, I could not hay enough in raise of your invalu-. nble Com und Syrup 0 H hosphites, or give an` equate Idea of my su erings. , You are at libertv to make what use vou I gxve an auequaue mea ox sunenngs. liberty what use you please of this }etter, because I hope its publi- city may be the means of beneting other suf- ferers as much as it has me.-I remain, yours respectfully, "*`~.`-.39 P--.. u BRITISH RAILS F Canadian stanza willho cloned every ndsyutlm. _ Pcr0nu-vludBtunuIino,cveryTueIdny BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY. -Adv. Kingston, Feb. 8, 1870. uc-\o VIA Cillll-|\-r$I`I-II, I THE LEONARD SCOTT 00., 1 140 Fulton Street Ndw Yor . -.I, ,A.Jp. U15. :CA.B1T2u.aaNm L0SSE8.:P:A|ID1*lN:`FIF17Y_' 5...; `I m V :CaLh mn.;a.,a Vaudv in B3nk.. Real Estate .. Nfzu-Q-an no 11,... .1 n The Edinburgh Review, North British Review, _ London Quarterly Review, \Vestminster Review. B1ackwood _a 1 .l\UKlI 135F553 ... ... ... ... -.. Mortgage Bonds ..I _ Bank Stock United Statcg and City Stock and other Public Securities .- macxgyooa $1151 1 of the Reviews . - Rlnnkwmu and 1 Kingston and (`ape Vincent I-`c-rry.` BL..;cKWoop{s' MAGAZINE, Reprinted in New York M35 H.lPW'lI.L, En_nouth Street. THE GREAT ...;o,oo K '..l3_.00 . ; 15.oo si, JANUARY _1, 1370. _ -_____ ___,- - - ~- -_- _. -.-,:;. 0ONDY S PATENT FLUID or natural disiu!eu tant puries, deodorisca; and disinfccts, by the agency of nascent. or ozonic oxygen,--irs icnive l principle. Being entirely innoxions, this truly scientic preparation is peculiarly a-.lv.pLcd for the following useful purposes, 101' which all other dlaiilrttibtllts, muzccountof their po .a:mnm- or other olijctioxiablo qualities,-arc un:Lvail:1_bln* - and useless :- Detecting organic irnpuritic-s in air and water. Purifying drinking and other water from or- ganic matter, lead kc. Freshening the drof close places, and remov- ing bad smells. Fr-neincr Input. nah hnilnr m- MI"... .....\..-:..:...... In all one: I hI_Ive. found Dr. do Jonghh Light-Bnwn Cod Lnver Oil possessing the same 3;: of properties, unong which the presence of chohic compohnde, And of iodine in 3 state of ofggnip cpzgginuop, are the most remarkable. It in, I Believe, umvex-ael.,ly ecknowledged mg; this oil bu great therapeutic power; um from my investgnhq_u_,_I av_o no doubt di ma- IIIIQ on ` invel I II -..... o.\1m~`.NcIN: mmDA\'. am .n_.1y. the Steamer \V'A'l`ER'I`U\VN, U. li_mckIuy, b'enr., Huber. will leave Kingston duly (Sun- lan -Muted) Ab man A M 4.69.: gr-h-ml nf l`. T, 11, trains mg uau smeus. Freeing meat, sh, butter, or other provisions from taint. V(`.nnn|..-....A:.... 41... ....... -4` ..__-..:- _-x____ lI'DUI I315`. Counteracting the effects of organic poisons taken into the stomach. ' I CHI-Ina II " 11 n.-n-.u..l..- 1.`- .._ .9]-_..A -..J i uuten into the Curing llKty_ provender. Freeing wheat. and other seed fr`on smut. I Mninminind pl... l.....hl. .4 ..l....... :.. _...- __..1 nn. LEE ladies! Ollioor of Health than (`Ans 3.0 I . meqwai n-cause on the on with which I am ac- quainted. Hence, I deem the Cod Liver Oilaold qnder his guarantee to_be preferable to any other `kind gs rgggydg 5o m_unenoIu`-and median! .43. OODBQPVQEOHEF. Preserving and reatoriug the freshness 0! cut" owms kept. in water. n0AfJ'nY.'h\o elm l\l:..l.5 .6 LI... _..;-A_- _-,_, " uowels Kept. lll Dean-oying the blight of the potatoe, vine; hop, mulberry tree, &c. Washing dogs and other domestic anirnals. bi Cleansing bottles, beer barrels, pickling tubs, dairy utensils. Washing the hnir and darkening its colour when turning grey. Enhancing the purifying and invigorating el- fpcts of baths and tubs. Dressing poisoned wounds and destroying ani- mal virus. ~ 'l`......o:.... AL. ,v 1- .- -- "9' 4` V F. .'-123" `.9ntrl?ida1.:f". "I consular thut _f~b.H>uri'ty"or'm:,; 3 - ed in in prqpullion, by`, we goth I . of so good a chemist amiiut.el1ige. 3 . is Dr. de Jong, who his also wring P] `F medical treatise the wbicli` I1 nnnintnrl Rating 1' 3-..... u. _ n We think it a great ad antag that there is ;oue kind of Cod Liver Oil which is universally admittedto be genuine--t. e Light-Brown Oil supplied by Dr. de Jongb. In has long been our pr ~ ' when pre_scribing_ coil, to recommend ; a1sgg:.;'3 since, gmidst J 3 much vu-iezv and ...._ ucruuuny, we uuye cqnnaenne _in `ma nesa.".-(Ex_tract from 'C0n_st}{npon; and Relnedmble Scageng?) - - .-.__ vuu run uuu on every uencnptiqn exe- I Pcodncutl . cheaply and expeditiously 88 than!-DAILY EWS STEAL! PRINTING HUU , IHH| Vlrllio Treating the infectious diseases of cattle, horses, dogs, 3.10. One gallon makes 200! 300 gallons adapted for use. N.B.-Condy's Fluid is the Standard Scientic Test for Organic Matter in` Water. and n'urds- I the only known means of rapidly and completeyl freeing Drinking Water from Orgisnic 'l`aint., I which is so common a cnuse of serious disease. nreemg unnkmg Water "l`ain't., disease. To rapidly purify the Air, use the diluted uid with Condy s Ozoniser or other Sprny-pro- ducer. I CONDY S PATENT OZONISED WATER, (roa. '1-011. runrosmg) Removes from the mouth impure and ioreign tastes and odours, whether arising from tobacco or other causes, and counteracts the irritation and morbid secretions of carious teeth. It puri- es and softens the skin, and, used in the bath, tendsto promote 8 healthy state of the `whole body. ' H. BOLLIAN CONDY, Pztentce, Batterses, London riiurusnvuvz-1--. . .. ...__ ., , IIEORIGINAL OHLORODYNE, invented by T B. Freeman, Pharmaceutist, is allowed to he one of the greatest discoveries of the present century. It Is largely employed. by the most eminent Physicianeand Surgeons in hospital and private practice in all parts 1 the world. It has ~ elfects peculiar toitselt`, and which are emential- ly different to those prod d by the various compounds hearing the nam of Chlorodyue, but have no pretence to ing its virtues. I1 rapidly relieves pain, `from whatever cause, al- lays the irritation of fever, soothes the system under exhausting diseases, and givessieep with- out producing any one of the unpleasant feelings so commonly arising from the use of opiates. It continues to hold its unshaxen position in the estimation of the Profession as the best, most reliable, and cheapest preparation. Eminent and scientic Physicians made aidavits that they have tested ita eects in careful comparison with those of DR. COLLIS BROWNE S CHLOB0- DYNE,`aI-d deposed -to the facts that they found it a more certain and reliable, preparation, and greatly preferred FREEMANS. Earl Ruusll commnnimu-,d tn rim Dn--I 0! ,. DR. DE JONGIPS LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. DE. DE JONGH'S Oil is convincingly proved by an overwhelming weight of medical testimony, and by the practical test of successful experience foixtwenty years in all parts of the world, to be, ` beyond all questign, the purest, the most el'ca- cious, the most` palatable, cud, fmm its rapid curative e`ets, the most econoz_n-lcal ofall kinds. Hence the universal celebtityoi Dr. (is Jonglfa * Oil, and the unparalleled demand for this unri- valled preparation. SELECT MEDICAL OPIF 10}; 3. sm HENRI ugasu, BABT., 5.1)., 1 -hyiviciuuin to the Q;ea'u"in,' Ireland, I have frequently pre's_cri 'Dr. de Jongh a Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil. I consider it to be a very pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a therapeutic agent `of great value." pr wuen prescribing `the oil, l 0O|1JVlVl()e'|;(-3 this Rig variety and un-. cemiuc`y,`we have condnbe genuine.- nes."--(Ext|-act 'CODBl1IllDon: in `E-v-I-'-I 1866, states, uuu greauy prelerrea 1I`lil.'.'.EMANS. communicated to the Royal V001 lege of Physicigns and to Mr Freeman, that in _ Hauilln the only remedy of any use in Cholera - was Chlorodine. The Medical Times and Gazette, January 13th, It has an immense sale amongst the public, end is prescribed by scores of Ortho- dox'lledi.x:;_d Prnctitioners, end, of course, it would` not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and` ll a pla.ce." , Manufaxzturd by the Inventor, Richard Free-{ man, 70, Kennington Park Road, London, S. The genuine has engraved nn I.l1n Gnvn-nun... 4 | ma. EDWARD smrrn, 13.9., Medical Oaer to the P00 Law Board of Greg: Britain. univam..n.. :uU gcuume I138 EDQTRVGCI 01] istamp outsid each Bottle), ORIGI. AL cHLonoDYNE." _______________ met sec-u Lrom nintainiugclxc health (:1 plantain pots and onaervatox-ies. 'fI','!3',` `l ;-e"J*u:111?83-00 Park fond, l ' 6 ma engrave the Govern :, 510019 {Outside each B:m.l.>\ u 1.`r:n~.mvl;nx}unaI ifs-onIGINALoHLoaoDYN-17:] L Froeman. Phgrmnanmiae :. .| J AMES SSVIWII`, A(:F`.VlT, - St. Lav/xcnce W'hs.rf. 5'.-.uu:I.w uaa engraved we Government. ' oxxtsiaie FBEEMAN`S . CHLOBODYNE." 13.. , Downer Yer `aenugia 11'8" inside: thnt tlm_`..n..;'..".-.c ..__- . .?.; . , _ .-- ,.-..~...u unenuou _emi.st and intelligent a physician 1, who has written the beat r the I ce, Oil sold use to be preferable to ant mim- rynmry 9! mix! 3 :3 agent- ` by personal attention and intelligent a In}: ..:..a--- 97 4 1;` ~ 2s9oo,ooo 07: b ,. ., V` unnl, , and Chip! Lhlyst to (London. Arnvo ...|.w pan. 3.40 p.m. Depart ...2.06 pan. (AI) pan; nnunin -.-_ U0 )OZ EB 253,3|9 14 967,125 00 426,445 00 2,220,033 75 , 6 ; 943;; 9f,;i" 5! ; 9 >9 was genuine: I as in '_.a:x', `lIllllI8IlU.T. nu grunt run: :1` _ I Ilmll . I M. .v:,-o.b.s. o- II-1'`*msI&==-ore ggrtjcufagly fmffitingmtpsgg; ' - PBRF;UNEEY1,-.7lId'9L-'u i'fk.Ill'| _iID<'.on7 Hie" ,P;?p,r-tog,-. :9, _".`;T .~9.!;;q?.1'}1 ?. 1`3.B!9'f -"sh % :3 tgqfequgut than- n.-~.we1su .1031 -'a'osnm zioui, r,oce"ed;h u .,np ' ' i%iI11'd [I3 - bflfrlaneo. ne xioI_1'i, pr.0e"ed;i1|_,_.:np _t_9, I -equ_ at lhsir TH &i`3o"dh5ati'Uii| W`pnr'.'bIbn'Iy`_ vlr spec- aatglanaalus, mm; impl-31539017-',bUl|`-Idlilxf V Gogneu -I.t.Qo- a.-nd 1933.9 992%. -mr-13! W tlie`i|d3'1"o?5I'-'-... "" " ' 7B;'lDBU`IzL' WHARF, 93 Urn: TELIIB Snnr. ' John nmmull & L`-o.'a Select Perfumes: Eu U PrI9!9!-$9. V.-";?%P.mr!.-. *"1*>`.?T1"R!!' -"tn ' -wm:Hsu'm. W 1.-uusr, Va urrln 1 IIAIIB DTRIIT. John Goonell & Go : Select Perfumes: Eu Bouquet, Royal Yacht Club Bouquet, Jockey Club Perfume, Essence of Wood Violet, Vic. tor-in Bouquet, Fmngipsnni, Military Bouquet, the Bride`: Bouquet. John Gmmell A: 00. : Prince of Wales Pen we bnaea bouquet. John Goanell 3 00. : Prince Per- fume, inost choice and fashionable perfume. I Jnhn llnannll k (`.n '3 Princess: Alnrnndu-g n I Iume, 3 mos: cumce II-nu nun-ouumu perlume. John Goanell & Co '3 Print-.e=s Alexandr-a s Perfume, a moat choice and delicate pu-!urne, prepared expressly for the line of `ier Raga! Highness. Jnhn annel] k Go}: Unner Ten Thounnd I 112300665. John Gosnell b 00. : Upper Ten Thousand Po;-fame. - Tat... I34.-.nII L n.. 9: Innlrnv (`Junk D...v'.~-n_~_ Ilyl Illtxlyveuy At 5:!!! A.M.. after arrival of G.'l`.R. trains from Eat and \\'eet and the Luke Stcuners, ...........;a..... .0 I `-nu-In Vimumt with tlm R205 A. Ll. rerrume 10! me uunuxarcuwv. (`rice `as (ye, \. 1 John Goanell It 00. : La Nuhiesaa 1 :-rfn.-me., a most delicate Pgfume ofexqunsite imgrazu-e. Ynhn llnau-IAN .kyf`.n u NX`hlPQnH Pnnnuiu .-In- re;-tame. John Goanell & Oo. s Jockey Club Pwt'r.mi- is in universal request as the most admired Peffume for the Handkerchief. Price 2 6d. Inkn llna-Jnll A n 7: Ln Nuhlouau l nr-f:..r.n moat ueucaw r Iume ul exquxsue rr.~x;,!ranL't:_ John Gosuell & rCo. s Ndblesn Pomndu, cle- gnntly perfumed, and highly rncomma-x.do-.': for beautifying and promoting the growth of ms hAlr , . nan-. La Noblesse Soap--eateemed for its unequal- lled perfume and ne emollient qualities. Jnlm Gmmell & Co. s Vioiet and Milleeur lea petlume anu UB9 CZIJUIHCIJE qlllillil. John Gosnell as Co. Milleeur Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure. No nur- uery should be without it. Sold in boxes 31: 6d ; in tins 19 each. _ John G-nsmall & 00. : Gherrv Tooth Pnato is Gd in tins 19 each. John Gosnell & 00. : Cherry Tooth Pnate is greatly superior to any 'l`oo_lb Powder, gives the 'I.`eclh a. pearl-like whiteness, prolecw lhe enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price 1a_ 6d each. lmztnntananua Hair Dvo : certain to m-nduct-. Irngrauce I-U ll-l UIVJIIUII. FFIUU 1H_ DB Eatiu. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain to pmjuct-. any shade Brown or Black, of good natural colour. It cannot possibly injure the hair, has no disagreeable odour, and is easily aplied. `John Gmmell k 80. : Patent. Trichnsm-on. nr ulsugreeame 0000!`, enu 15 ensuy nppuea. Jobn_Gosnell k 80. : Patent Trichosnron, or n `wly invented Hair Brush, the peculiar me- c nnical construction of which accompanies 1 two operations of cleansing and polishing si ultnneously. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing B it by Machinery. For Proapec-tn: and por- ti ulna, apply to the Patenteee and Sole Manu- f turere, JOHN GOSNELL at 00., Perfnmere b Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, &c.,:_'RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns Tuuna S7313-xylene of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street . -4- 999-n!s99rho9-~ . " . , K S6_Id b; all hemlptp, sad gt go,-Oman street, London._ Qua;-t_I, 16:; pints. 8: ; half.- pinn, 41; glut-uopperod` Imperial pinu,.ex- tra strength, 10: per dolpn;,,sud1n bnlk_.aQ 4: per gsllon: bottlol igelud' . hh gulf . Ion mnki_ng 200 gallons when dllmnl with .' in per gnuon: bottlol igelidoil. hiih 55.1.1` , making gallon when diluted with water. See directing: on every bottle: . oldod and used by Professor! Simona: at the Royal Veterinary collage, angling th_ul.utnitdweuty you-I. '6' `, \ .B..-- ' _ k numb !$`O 1 *s'!=---!~!--9!:-3=r9,"~!v--J. from Eat and West Anal the LJKB bwuners, counecsing at. Cape Vincent with the 8:05 A.M. train, arriving in Oswegn at mum, Rome 12:40 :.:ll., Albany 5:25 P.M., and New York 9:30 Lunulnlfat 7'1!` 5. 95,3 3.3 '33- 4nd`$W55 street Plymofnb, dcchpleli by gfty-two persops, it was sprinkled in every room ex'c`ept`!_9nt; in these the occupants would not permit it to be applied; the result of syhich was, that in phage` petti 95 the `house where if had been -.1a.edrn.= 9 nine 6.! cholera W096- quently occurred; w.i_l'e in tlje"'t';u'g xdoynl above sllrided to, the disease nil! exists and some deaths have taken place. 'l'wo_hr3uees immediately opposite were supplied with a quantity, in neitner of which has there been a single cue, although the disease is raging ` in the-net thou hop .-"I , by` Iahegnm ....z .. ... .n..--- V BE SAUCE. Prepared by Alex; V under Soushwood Stacker, `from 3 recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr Soutbr wood Smith, thirty-ve years Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Medical Member of the first Gene:-2.1 Board of Health; Author of_I:he _rs2 work on Fever in any tag or country, the Philosophy of Health, to. Delininma with avarv E Bun hh, Tn ...., uumuupu um um smell of chloride of lime or catholic acid.-I am your: faith- fully, 8. SIDIIY, See. and Manger. - Capt. Jackson, 11.11., 90, 0nnnon,~street. This uid acts on the essential cacao o disease by destroying the local condition; -0 the atmosphere under which cholera 13 mos freguengly d_1I.!9P9 Id ropagated. For hllltllncz In '3 hauls an t A-~I-A--'- - - ICU IIKSVDBIVU pruyurugg. As an assurance of its purity and salutary rope:-ties, it is only ecesaary yto poi..t out h e name of the celebrated am} philanghro pic Physician from whose prescription it is compounded. The entirelia of that dinin- guiahed nun was spent in pxomotipg the health of his fellow-creatures, and hiqdoath, ' to December, 1861, was mourned as a nu Lions! loss. un...|....I. ....a 4-,... --....-....:..- 1.... .L_ n__ The value of the uid is shown by thge following letter from the Secrdtarx and Manager: - ' , Agricullural Hall, Jslington, Jan. 1868. Dear S_ir,-Pleaso'bo sgugl eight gallons more of your Diainfecting Flqid; as per order enclosed. Having irsed various, Disinfecting Fluids at our many shows, I can spy with conligeuce that none luvs `had `me instan- taneous and complete efsct of Sir William Bnruets, and this too without producing any nuisance` like the smell of sold.-I nnf, Jnninnn D If A0 l``--* . _ . _ --ouurulw uuuvr WHICH `Frequently dav.e!9Pd -06 rt inhtnnsge: ,``In '3` bilc _'t,. Plyindfnb. dcchnioa bi ftv. runuaupny ox neann, ac. _ Delicious with every k%own dish. Its habitual use increases the appetite and pro- motes digestion. It in much esteemed for its digestive propeniga; As an assurance nf its mu-itv and smlnmrv Medicine thot sures Bee Sickness or the worst form of Billions Eesdsohe in s few minutes; eirervescings and tasteless, its con- stent use is especially calculated to maintain health. When mixed with water out! tskeu during the eervescenee, it immediately blends with the food, and is rapidly absorbed into the system. It vitslizes and supplies the blood with those sslins principles that are lost, :1- tet-ed, or destroyed during the "hot weather. in Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhus, Ernptive Fevers (or Cholera), also in seven! other conditions, where the vi 1 ogrreut is poison- ed by infection, end and hereby `rendered un- t to support health and prolong human LAIPLOUGEB P_YEI'l'l0 SLLlNl.-Ai life. it has been found eminently bet ecinl; and its sustaining an d_ purifying inf` ence sets as s preventive to diseiee, as th. nu- merous unsolicited testimonials I090lp.tuy- ing each bottle will prove. Its portability renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ler, tourist, emigrant, or private family-, more especially when distant from medics] advice or assistance. L Sflld in nnfnnf atnnn-A-3 -I--- l---` uu. WILLIAM BURNE'l`_'l"S DISINFEOT-' IN G FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitals wog-khousbes, factories, pri- sons, crowded noes. batwaan a...1r. .: ....=..- _- .-v-envu UL DIUB V noes; between decks of ships, fever wards, clothes and lips: of sick;,night- chairs, cesspools, drains. miter losets, stables, dairies, larders, mus:y caskl, tubs, &c,; bilge-water, and the holds of ships; apartments or searchers, nndertakers, and jurymen, and for post-mortem examinations; for the prevention of infe ker and fungus in trees; for the disinfection of dead bodies,` and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the extermina- tion of bngstand other vermin`. `Sir W. Burnett : ni.i..o'.....:.... nu- ctions disease, can- ` r.u. And at `. :!N on the arrival of the (LT. R. train {min West And Bay of Quinta Steamer, connecting at Cape Vincent with the" 5:15 PJI. train. arriving in Oswegu at 9:30 l'..\L, Jloifo 9:50 P.M.. And New York at 8:) A.M.. and also connocting with the N. T. Co's Pro-` pollen .fo_r Onrcgo And All Vvestern Ports. ~ Ill'l7l1lllI0.V man: I _, n__- 11:_--_A HDDHI IUBI. Wholesale and for exportation by the Pro- 1. prietor, 69, Lamb : Conduit Street; Bnreiay and Sons, Farringdon Street; Betty and 00., Finsbury Pavement. . Retail by Chemists, Groeere, Italian Ware- housemen, and others throughout the King- dom, and every part of the w rid. ' Ask for the `I'l`hn" Sam-an mmtgt --...... uum, nun every pun or me rm. Ask for the "The" Sancepecial export Agents-Bnx-goyne, Bnrbrid , and Squire, 16, column Street, London. _ nuvlue or aumsnoe. V Sold in patent stoppered glau bottles, pripo an (id, 43 6d,* 113, and 213 each. Spe- cial agents reqgirp and `appointed in all parts of `the 1;v__r_lgi. ` - um) 01 nngsana other Burnett's Dieinfecting Fluid was the on! Disipfectant need at the Agricul-` tural all during the Smitheld Olub Game Show in 1B66,`by order of `Her Majesty : Privy Council. ` ' ` ' " ' Tha Vnlnh nf 41.- a..:_u 3- q. . I HE'g`l1`'l1II.HIl~EBI`1l lU: f ` mad by-.obscn:o-.nAnufu.c|nxen. more . . , . - V .1 51R WILLIAM BURNE'l`_'l"S ING FLUID. nnri.-mam. ..a .:..L can-non. -..-- .- 0.; cnolm subse- naa; I dtill aeitner , nlthouglythe .}'ho9-~ ll go,-Canes; n. Qua;-LI, 163: aims. 8: : hnlf- ..... uauwru 13 't. `fty-two nations`. in , W . - l "H. ,:.w.,.E, xunu 'ucu1ux_ RAILVVAY. V Trim ma`v_..md depart from the Kingston Static}: an follow: :- - / Canadian Navigation Company. {I = . l,Yt.i<:K91I-~T.1*RW'.3i 1-1311 IH.-I ABOVE LINE is com .1 :..11..w`m; xwu-;.\'mn UP En-CABIN, s'rn.\n:us :-~ - I , `OBSICAN Onpt. F ' " vc. in P.\R'l`A.\' .. .. Kmoy. :3 Assvum` .. ... -- Sinclair. 1 lNus`l`uN . ... Fan-ell. I 1 CORINTIIIAN .. `- nungop. V .\uu-.\:irr .. -* Sirnpoon. Ulll0l'U|] to beat.` Inn!`-n J- _- _,. \ u:1AllI.I`.l Km`D"- ' To Mr Towle, Ghemisz, Man K A Su!ga<`>n from New York V; `g auly requires to "be known 1 n as _ 0 has - `..' I have no hesxtauen in c.*.a:actezie}i:_:i';n To.,v1ev;. Gblurody no) as the moss: ugefgtj. clue that has appeared d century. In dir.rrba:H,'coh'c, mg mg I have found it to` relieve more Mia Rd note joy than an! other article um ,,;; 4- mad." .\I ....... ml..- n-_:_ - - - `"5713 ` the market. Each genuine hon D1001." _' W Non-.-The Profession is waraeda ' ferior, spcret, and chea `mm P C0'mpuun'dg ,,, . |e bear simlle of Proprxezpfa signature ("I `I: :, antside. r ll'\ nnr nun...-...-.- A UHLSICB. " ""` " mq. OFILOROFORMI c (,-5 ~ e. . WITHOUT pz?;5 an., ,;$_ ` Sole Manufacturer :--A.- P, Tune "ch \In.nclze.ater.. , . ` *9` 1*.D:~xoL"s BIMPBE urns i ; v3 PEOPLE. Any one cnn'ag-ail thing can be dyed with th ' .:` -* in- this -snmll snaca tn OUSES T0 LE1".---We ilnvitui " tinn to the advantages pr _ ._ the D,u;_.; NEVIS! plldvertihinz mil for Homes _to Igt. znjoying; by.-g. largest` local circnlltion, it preuenti widen pulicity to. zlgcse annonnai _ Parsons having` {houses to let cum!` botter than hdltile the fact in tid I 2 --SLNGLE COPIES of the D I -NIH my be Ind at the oountor_ the pnbliogtlon oce, Brinoeuutneh .InA&', : ;. - -I `- X uuaa run. or using lea d 3";:""4:-I. u for Wool{an Goods, Festlnu, Silk`-.`. WOOLLEPVS: lgggln. -may - I Pnrpie, Orange, Pink` ma Omgi _ the m_oat eatisfaotoi-y`;-.`n']". `U ` ' ' qunnuty of boiling yne, , . pan. masons and snare: 3:-is. Y ' .'P 9-11 Water uuvoia ......... remnveu. nu oxuuc up 1,.t.".en King and Wellington -to land at eny ntuon .ty. . "3A:'>AT-LAW:*` ormcn, our Drna Store. ' ` 31' _ lay, of New York, up :--The most new-uful bulincu man in this city an those -whdlxlve adveitinod liberally And constantly. A and] Iflvelflomnit constantly Appearing is `hotter than nwliopluyasollxnm oceanuul}y_. " Wm cure a.1ldi:ea aps.originI5P8 1 m .. ' ti$?"'siTdu3 r'.`":-7 .-the 391} d pang, 4 ' ketl. acion'ofs3:e hearlrlocal M" lencorrhma, chlo ansmu, Drawin Spe f % necessarygsu ) I|.M8*` hm Hcu.'A.0AMPBBIa"L,KisU`_- M RICHARD JUS9P!`.'F90-l'1"1`vl ..- " SON To-M. thebloodtopup-_It an health %fB:{I:1iVIg(l:N:`E]:`8fi;simLo::&`6; ecanes. S1 50 . tnx for ou.,O NbAM,_ A _,.-. . L_ _ FEII0 - am-it , BULL; rm. ri='s::e33r9fA.8""' I V"}`1m, 11'}; Life Assn:-a`nue Oompuyp ' ' *'* Juiy lat, I88}. " I " % s \ 1371.? 1`UE DAILY NEW is kept 0" . % _ ` % every day at the B09} 3'-9?", V` _ ` C081 YQFC. _ John Hendersop, Princess? _ '\ ` . OFFICE ' Edward Stacey. King Straw ,5"3g _ 3 may also be had at the POD .99"- 2` 3 ed . - ` Iodplot Put on I"_`{lP&.REN(j:`: ; _:a.{.;;. Priscesgstreet. ` Pmcli T119. ot the dye in suieiam futons {p:u:'_bg)," ` COTTON i Mauve, Violet and Purple recommended. LEATHER: Blno Hunts, Viola 0I'II|8- 9:0 inyy-n ymc. wamaw` H: V ` ... 3.... .f.nIE,%l! .""""v ' -nnv, In STABOH: 8tii"i "nu-I19; I145- sum : rot nunazypupoa. 5 14 `*5 , soon males; Asnxponng "qt % uiolu, Ddmoono: 8| 9 apinttou qurzof but cllog} gordgg so Ihdq toqulml, ._Lpp|1, p` m ' . nun -nuroon snuuamo} _ OAK sum `A home of iv. 2 hid!-a-pinto! hos`. . SATIIIWOOD sum: A Canary dissolved in I pin: 01 _ PHOTOGRAPHS my be tinted; Ito dye with water ' I bitle of pint of watetgggig. . ` vi .= 98"30._u ILLUIINATYH _ .- ` 0_r:_:ngo; pom-_I few drove into an an Luuuu;;A'r;E.i_:: Orange ; fey drop! iI_:t9:qu 5` add warm want; up with: bg-lithe : Border:1J{bookI,lin_Iu to `Word! - : Arabian Nighu, km, my be. putciq: indted in this uypgggg, ` - : BLANOMANGB, JELLY, CORN, ")0 ICE 0RlIAlB,&c: While in Isliil` a_dd one or two they of lngonh,._M:` so . tine 4 . OONFECTIONEBB I111 nd Iigan. Orange` and Pink useful eolilll. GELATINES and G-LU.EH'|ttI _ * ('o010l1r(9dWiI.!\Jhn:n aun- V : for the above Company, 5 unis policies on every _descrip- -1 a property, for my penod _-om : ; ve years, at the lowest posmble ,. rdes ".1 (1 'l;~AV1i"l\T; 'A_...."'L x.u3.uA_1.I.nl!u3 82141 ULUE Ill"-I c.olourod`with-those dyes; _ `V ` INK: A Sixgeun bottlodrtl|g9ntI_.l9,,.l.r, or more .0 no] water 5 WATER - ;One'dron 'of`dyo gill tint 5 PRINTING du Cotton, or Woo;-in_ ordinary way. . 4. BLENDING game of the dyu in thobt produce an innity of 51:340. _ mats. A ` - HENRY i}iim`, imrllamentary almllsient A , ' 0 E` ` I I In - `RANSAC m Inll. 1 and the 331:! 9* me c- Ob ` " -' ` ` ` L334. pziugmmfwu` Ptivnfn Inn. .1...:.... 1-.__&c. Letters Patent; Private Bills during, I " Copy Rights an " V marks and designs H 5 Drawins.Sue ' " OIIU yIlI.ulvI`I "0 ' `V -17 . ' - " Hd:,!`ibrea, SE73; s";:'..,.` V,` lbs-1;. WI:-.vo,Yio1g:,'; gm. ,; ac. 1 "'. "'.? `i wn.1.ow an ' quickly. ifnbulfnrl a..`u'.m.-.7. < d:`-`$1 CID At`8:.")5 A.M., on airival of train from Rome. &c.. meeting the G.T.ll. trains for East Ind Want, and the Bay of Quinta and Lake Slenllera. `A u . u an II \J -.. _.._'....I 1.3 0-.3.` `nun Will hm ep '3-a:.:e..'c"" I Ajjj oaonnm. DIARRHGA, 1| LBL RUSSELL sent. to an N; v. prodnqa man. u i em` Rrnrnnunnn manic kn. nhlni on} of such t.hings.-La W" rowlars oaLononY ;r`.` gins! Preparation of km... n B-1] BowI'I_st I-l1e;5un'tel'_ ulionlon shitty _, _ in ,.` A. ;,.`t- 4 ~ ` V Ni ? "1 9` .'j,.'.'.. "`_".` ` nu, In wW.|l lfm:I.ows_' , __:: H-ll"r'n`p or `-llypophosphitcsa coil... (in: sgegnus. _ And Lt 5:1!) I'.ll.. on arrivnl of tra.inTrom ~B.oIno, &.c. , meeting the G.T.R.. trains for East .:1dw..: ml`! the morning` steamer for Mon t . I . I 1 , I _- I_-__I ....m_r. l:o':1'Vo d qdvcx tisv , you would '1. G. +5; " near the "till." 31s71. ` TOSI, Veterinary Surgeon $9 of the 0x_1ta.rio Yeteriu1ry Col 5; Oice. (My Hotel, Kxngsbpn. IAUNDEBS. M-.D., Rambo: :4 ' ags bf Surgeons, En`. if; . Yatesfu Stu-ggty, William ' ' EVANS, *l(..R.C.8., Lon- BIB. oce over `Pnrkh1l1 n Grocery g;.,.,<;. Jarvis, EJJONDON. _.Eng1and. Homaw Phyginn, Surgeon ac. _0ice iyinthehonso 1ately occup1ed by Street. Calls in city or rineesa - ~ 1.. 1.-mmntiv attended. 0`XMENCI ON TUESDAY, 28th inst, Illa Stednzr GAZELLE, D. Pyke, llplht. will leave Kingston for Guunoque. tolcfllglt the intermediate places on Ilowe Illmd and the Main Shore, 1r.my"1'umnAY, wnnxrsmiv, mum. _; DAY`Ind rmmv as 4 ma. ...f$1'!,'e.8" d:sease" ed in Pa-l`&t1` hono yw `the ninth:-ml fmmun 4.. ........ {BB-a.nu Jlivbllruvya-r--w, ..~ _' - A. S. Kmxunxcx. M E. H. Sin-nu, ILA. . -, S. Kirkpatrick, T ATTORNEY And Clerk 7 - mgr the County of .Fm'onte- Kimzs1:on.d1rectlv opoo-` qnreparamon 13 honontably ac- fihe medical fncult in every `Has been introdu _ ;_ and the sale is the best guarantee of i m, which it ip-Lrlgald by the _":""_'-"' , &c., x..;..; i Law Oipo fn_)mClu-e'nee_to mi-'r;";ZZ`;,.".1"n.-oak" '-'sz`'_` In nun ni-and It In I IIIIUIQ "n.mlA -t-Ls. Of- mam%* " KKKU KHIUU _ win km WEDNEEDAY and FR]- DAY us 5: A3. and s P.M. l"oI"u'ght or panasgemapgiv on board or to NGHORN, F Whnrf, foot of Brock Street. 27,1871. ,n-ick & Bllllla 1. and Attgrnefys-M-147. 9-- mu:-aw SIPBGIZ. mag`; n -, prom y a n 5. tARVI_S, M.D.` tzswn. -Glrecu `} _ 'nImy :{ 51% rickota, `go heart, local ` at lodlfof voice`. l_ov ' gnnmis, bykn health. :8 ; six S,; Chemist, V t. John, H53, 1061 - To-day B; GAGE. nnnan Qlnnnlz 7 [.4-NO. 531 J. 1115 Monday` LU1 DAYS 1 4.... "Lin 1: '[s1!Ec'| IPEE4 Everl > UILEE. Eulanby o.'r.n. dnytnin ....... .. 1.00 p.m. We&'I ....... .. LN n_m. Kingston and Wolfe lsund Fcrr_y. DAILY. lava . Leave: Wolfe Inlsnd. At 8% AJI. _ 9:N A.M. 11:3 LI. 1:00 P.M. 2:) RM. 3:(I) P.M. 4:1!) PJL 8:00 P.H. _ Per Str. \V|te1-town or when she arrives -nnzn;w- A-n -urn-nnvu K1130: Gananoque Routeii 00- of the Steamers of the above line win line the St. Lswrenro \\'harf. four; of John- son Street. fur Torunto nml Hamilton, nay ' Afternuou (Hominy: excepted) at u LY DJ) Asrr wnnz 1 Kingston. sup; -:2, 3&1! 30 ID nail. on uutu. `I_or-height ot passage apl on board ort G. M. l]gPlyNGII0RN, Fe \Vhnrf. foot of Brock St!-get. Ir:_._.A.... In 00 I R".'I Fe W Inn. toot Kingaton, uly 29, 1871. _1[..1.o1.n..1onbomL 03 .PI.lN'l"lN-G of description `cnod nutlv. clnesnlv exneditimmlv woxmaxcmo cm. day, the Steamer J` GAZBLI.Ewillrununnderdnring the 1mm4nmnnn:- HONDA Gz AJI. GRAND TRUNK RAILVVAY. L- -___-`.__ .__n .|-_,.. p, I`-u`I' CD I I A V A1 O'clock Also. mo of the steamers will lesve for Montreal every .\ruruing (linnuljsy dxcvpt-' . ed) at }'l.lLl"-l AST I"l\'l-I, touvhing at (law ` ' :uwqn`:-. Bax-kx-ill_e,A Prescnn, and ('unIw:\ll. Q L. l)-..-.. Ti.-Lab. nnulv ll thll Lik xmasmx POST OTFICE. nuuulyu Uiuclwcup an HAL?-PAST Pl nu ,.__....._. IUKDAYS. G. M. KINGHORN, mm AM. 12:30 RM. 5.00 P.M. y Wharf, foot of Brock Street. by 1, I871. jcnuuxuen nu Inc :1 Inn H. HA'l`UH, Agent. 152'?! 3.55 1.111., 4.(X) nan. 1.05 mm. Inn-.. max? A s(ixmL.u<.. The fnlluwin letter. writtten by General , Grant just at t 10 dose of the war. has just i been brought to light, and is being. published ' by the American journal: as proof of his great A } attainnn.-,uta in scltohrly pursuits. It in rathr | unkind though toexposc the imperfections of i a man who did so much for his` country with '-the Iword. That weapon. not the pen, was Grant's, and he was skilful in its uue:--- HF..\DQl'.\l .TEK Ann 1 r3 or TIIEUNITED ST.\'I`|-`.\', Baltimore, Ap. 15th, 1865. If...` ljnllrdinl II..H-..!~ Il'...J..'.. n-sun-nun-\., at-. avian, Aqua. luj. Ileurral IIarI1e'X', Wm:-. u'n_r/inn. Pleas ilfrect. Fen. Hancock to send. a regi- ment of iuf.'mtr_v to Hnver 'de Grace bridg \vithmxt. Inlay. Om: company of Va-av:`.lr_V should also he sent ther for the presut. If you can bring down frum the Nortl1:1rP,-,ri1ncnt epour than it can be got from Hancock, ynu may divrct one frum that to Haver do grass. , ll:-G7 a.m. U. S, 1`-1:.-\.\"r, Lt`~Hen.- - Ill`. l'0\'I\ lNVE,~ I rcaculm, nun \ uu-nu... R? P Tickets apply at the Lake Il Rivet `gteunboal Uice. t. lgwnnco Wha. font of Johnson Street. * Paueugerg goi tn the West can procure - Ticket! via Grout Yeah-rn.~ lk-Ttmit And .\iil- `iulkoo and ichigan Central Railwa s for Detroit, Chicago. Mil\_av:mko.;-. Graml I an-n. and aim {or all the princi n:\l.pointa in ies \Vest. 3nd 1180 via Pacic Lmilmzul tn Utah, Nehrankn. Cal.-ranlo. Nevuln uni California. 51' A mmfqrrtalrle an-1 convenient \\'nit.ing Room for Lznliu and Gentlemen nu the Wlmr 0, H. HA'l`U1{. Agent. . uIuul.A.III--16 corps, mclucling 37 divi- A lions of inhntty and 10 of cavalry, and 337 'battariu of artillery. Thin force numbers 824,990 mun, 95,724 hone: and 2,022 l AUanu-13 corps, including iodivuionn `- ruin Inc uumwu Army amt Navy Gazette, September 2.) . , A series of tables ehowing the strength, coet, &c., of the various armies of Europe hu just been published at Vienna. We,,ex- tnct from these tables the following parti- culars, which show the actnnl force that each country has at its cliapoul in time of war :- RUssu--47 divisions of infnntry md 10 of csvnlry, 8 brigade: of rie: and reserve, 149 regiment: of Coeeach, 219 batteries of Artillery md 50 of mitreilleuaes, making :1- together 862,(X)0 men, 181,000 horses and 2,084 gum. (This includes the troops in the Caucasus, Siberia and Turkestan.) ` ! G1nuu1n'--18 corne. inclnina 27 a:.,.-_ ' A4 VAIAJA 1541` A) (From the London Army a Sel)te`ln}uv.r ` is. Lut no sees .Wll less able men do uut see. that laml.l0nl m to be tolernhlr must be smoothed as much as 1.~ussi- 1110. that it must he sirippecl of its most dis- agreeable sci-ouipauiineiitis. t.h.1.t. the trcr \Vl1h:l1 keeps the sun from the run: must he undo as pleasant to thc`eye_:Ls l`.l.'L_\' he. Lord l)erlyy s Ideal reiimins reliable to the objection raised by philzlnthropoists ngniiist l:\mllurv.li.sn1 gone- rally -t'n:;t 3 snhciiic of prop:-ie.tui`.~:`xiip uucler which the lord of 10,000 acres is a. luxurious and rened noble, Anal ten farmers Iimlcr him are contented and li`.'0.-`-)IQl'()IIS L\lzlDllfilo.:tl1l`cl`R, and 500 labourers under them are wa =e$c_lie:! serfs, spending their lives in nmnotonous toil for 3 rev.'.1rd which cl.-cs not admit of :1 pm. vision f_or old ago-is :1. bad sulic-me, worse than my other scheme cuulzl possibly be, if only ii weie better in that one feature. The object of States is to breed men, not to product wealth, and if by the extinction of the one re- ned lord with his 15,000 :1. year, Mid tcn comfortable corn l;laDllf3utu!`al`S who have 103. 3 week could have I-`.03.-a. week ziml final se-' curity from dismiual. the State, on the whole, would be an enormous gain:-r. ......-:u no uuu uuur Way to JELVE, and Iron) that point of observation to examine once more, with all the aid that science can give, the sun : oroua. What the corona. is, is as yet I puzzle to the philosophers. Theories are numerous. The apectroscope in again to be largely used, and every a.ttempt.-wil1 be made to secure accurate l)h0tno1-anh: Lu uu iargeiy used, and a.tten1pt-will photographs. Dr. Huggins has devised '3 telescope, by mnn of which one observer will be able to study the aspect of the corona,_1vl_1i1o an- other will study the spectrum of the light from the same part. This instrument is, In underltand, to be taken out to some euiteble point of observation; The Euro- pean govemxnente he-ve made liberal grants `in aid of the expedition. ._____- - -v;..u uuuss. uu us` 1111:: DULV. On the 12th of December next there is to be a total eclipse of the sun. It will be visible close by Arabia, first in the open sea. It will traverse the northern part of the India Peninsula. It will thence pass across the northern extremity of Ceylon. It ivill not touch land again until it reaches the south of Sumatra and the western ex- tremity of Java. Thence it will cross the northern parts of Australia, and, except in some of the smaller islands of, the Polyne- sian group, it will not be seen again on land. Some of the beat astronomers `of Great Britain and France, encouraged by the results of the experiments made on the occasion of the last solar eclipse, are deter- V mined to nd their way to J awe, and from noint of ()hxarvntinn in !'I\'1IYninn nnnn The Patric states that thelreorganisation of the French army is proceeding in a. very satisfictory mnnner. France now pos- sesses 138 regiments of infantry of the line, of which only 25 are provisional. All are it their full regulation strength. There are, moreover, four regiments of Zouaves and three of Algerian` Riemen recently re- constituted inAlgeria, to which they belong. In addition there are two regiments of Re- publican Guards, 3 regment of Gendar- merie in garrison at Versailles, and 41 bat- talions of Foot Chasseurs stationed in vari- ous parts of France. Of cavalry there are 60 - regiments, including the Chasseurs d'A_fn'que and the Spahis which are special- ly eihployed for Algerian service. In con- sequence of the suppression of the Lancers, seven regiments have been added to the Dragoons, end one each to the Hussnrs and Cll.l.IIO|ll'l.. The Artillery has been largely increased and will soon take the first ran]: in Europe, the Patric says, in numbers and excellence. There is to be no reduction in the war budget. At present the army is merely_ in I. stnte of transition, and it will not be permanently reorgnnised until the new militiary law has been passed. l.\'Tl-I.\II"l-ZR.-\I\'L`E l.\' ENHl.AXl); Ezirl Russell, a wonderfully :-.cti\'v uctoge- nari 111. has been presiding over 3 cg.-Jnfercxice of the .\':itimi.'1l Union {or thc suppreseiun of in- tempuuiice. H5: saiil in his slurp l-ittc-r way of Mr l'u'uces Licensing bill of the last sesaion of Parliaxneiit, that it combiiienl the inaximixni amount of eiciency. It is czilciilatctftiint in the live years ending with lS70, the British peopln: spout for `lZ.|t0.".lc8T.ll'lg liquors the sum of 51-l,$4.:,345'. The sum expended in 1870 was l0S,l6S,3`2'_ -~.-zlaont three times the an- nual receipts of all the railways in the United Kingdom, twice as much as all the capital of all the savings banks, lizili K`...-I much again as the national revenue, and bfty times the col- lective income of all the religious aml philan- thropic institutioua of the country. Much the larger share of this bur:-hen falls upon the working classes. These estimates are based upon spirits, &c., which payuties; but it seems that a good deal is drunk in regard to which that patriotic ceremony is dispensed with. A man was found drunk in the streets of Bolton the other day, and taken into cus- tody. In his zcket the ojcers found a pint bottle `of whis y. It was submitted to the Excicelsuthoritics, who smelled it, tasted it, nnd decided that it had never paid duty. The man was prosecuted for having it in his poa- eeesion, and though he declared he knew nothing about it, he was fined 32%. .lm.\:I)_4 r m'1=.'.v1.\':, n(VTnI:1a1e . REORGAig:TION OF THE FRENCH ARMY. an n. muuuul, moon: Imd Turkostsn.) including 37 divi- ionn infantry of mvnlrv, and 9:17 TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE $UN. (1.. ll..- 1n.LL _: `n____,, , mi Qziii" %f(t11'.5T.- THE LAND QUESTI()N. Ei}17$i$E17I1zI11'1l:s. 1.. T-...,J.... 1 and N any Gazette, r `2.\ gqxrmzsntxga `to ma uin 1 nnn ........ ....I 1041 .. .':.-.. _.l";Cl l_lIU![~I.!Il'! lll l11lIa1`pI.ll`I$l.7 J. xlll 0 Q - with 1,600 guns and 190 mitraillousop. ENm.AN1n-Army in proceu of rorga.ni- nation. ~ _ m.......... 19 ____ -2 \Y2__.__ /_-....'I....2\' 11') u .dPlvf-ch per Bremen J I 1 S 1 week, I nnqtbo ' ..,:- ~-.L . of . . _ W .""'*.e3~ ~`e`.."f.. ;` hhln ` #84 guns (including mitmilleuses). 2 ` -.- EKIIIB. ` FR.~\NCl~2-10 corps, with 32 infu.ntry.a.n_d.. 12 ca.\'a.lry divisions, and 140 batterieb. To,-". tnl force. 456,7-L0 men, 46,995 horses and `.r!.nIn\x_1.150IM) man 7 000 hnv-um mic] L-.2 guua. ` ' ' I'.nl.I.:\ND--35,383 regulars, 87,000 mili- tia. 5,`..`00 horse: and 108 guns. ` .-\33`Z_l{i.jA :~'iv'~`IT(r,0t)() men, 2,70! ) horses and -1 8 guns. RuT.\I.-.:~uA~-10('u,00() men, 15,675 horses and `.55 guns. - S1-L1:\`1.\---107,000 men, 4,000 horses and 104 guns. Gk.-:_i-1~:-125,()00 mon, 1,000 horses and 48 guns. S\\'l-ZDEN (including Norwny)--61,004 men, .`%,500 horses and 222 guns. D+:.\'\I.\1u\' -31,010 mon, 2,120 11: -rues and (H: .-- .5 ' ___-V .. -___. _..-1 vs; rgnuuouwu. When the constitution been und ' - ed and. life rendeiexi miserable, byh_e e . of youth and those distressing diseaes whih affect the bladder, kidneys, and genital or- gans, Helmbold a Bnchu in the only reliable curative sgent that can be In removing organic weakness ltrangury, gnvel, Ill l'AIl| Ul.){7ila1$llIlg lrllU Ihllgllll CKIDIYUSIUIU fnrce at 47(),77'.) men and 336 guns-is ,-1.1'4,3m) men 5l`.Z.3$H- horses, l(|,2:3-1 guns and about 800 mitmilleusos. uuu. an --engagement" 13 entered into. Within four weeks the public journals have given an account of the murder or danger- ously wounding of five young ladies by their lovers for refusing to fulfil their mar- riage engagements. The marriage business is becoming a. ne specimen ' of the dog in the manger. As things go now-a-days if a. sum spends a. year or two in attending a young lady, squandering money on store clothes, perfumery and pos we, and she deliberately tells him that she guesses she won t marry right away, he no pther ' resource but to remove her from the paths of his fellow-men. In benighted New Jersey it may answer very well for a. man to publish such a notice as we copied a. few days sgo from the Morristown Jcrsyman, branding 5 girl who had gone beck on her word as a liar, and a. person of bad chanc- ter generally. But any yrhere else in the States such a thing would not be IN}... 4-1.. ..-_....n.:a...._--__ L,, 1, UK) glllll. , From the alaovo data. it appears that the tot-.a.l uf the forces available for war purpose: in E\1rupe-tnking thu English disposable fnrve :11. 470 77'.) Innn and Rim mnux_in .w...._. ..uu._..4 -;u ALI/J.1.|_a;|A1J./. What Mr Butt asks for is, he tell: us, i "the r':stora.tiun of our own Parliament"- Lhat is to sn._v, the re-imposition on the Sis- tor Kingdom of the clumsy and corrupt nys- ` {cm which lasted for sixteen yezirs at the close oi the eighteenth century. IVI1` Mar- tin says we govern Ireland ; we crush, di- llllnilll, and degrade Ireland ; we work her for our 1fa.tions.l interest and convenience as we should a. beast of burden, or the crea- tures we keep for our food. In the name of truth and common sense, if Mr Martini wiU permit the invocation. who are the we" in this case. The making of our laws, the choice of our rulers, and `the direction of our policy, have now for seventy years been in the lmlnls of a. Parliament in which the English have barely their share of power and inuence. The policy which has Il.l`iS8l1 out of the Union is e1npha.t,ically Imperial as opposed to national, and is for the whole, not for any part. It cannot be said that-' England has governed Scotland, or that the two lmve governed Ireland, any more than shat Irelzuid and Scotland have governed lSnglan Times. ' The question whether the Aurora. Borealis is ever visible by daylight has been discus- sed with considerable animation in Eng- land for some time put, the negative QQ ll_- testants asserting that the so-called daylight aurora: have in every instance been due to cloud fornlntions, or some like muse. The dispute iimy probably be considered as ns]- ly settled ; for a writer in Nature states that he lately had I conversation with a distinguished magnetician and Arctic ox- pluror, who said thathe had often `seen the Aurora. in broad daylight in this Polar ro- giune, and zlw ays of 3. crinson hue. An American writer says it is becoming rathor a serious matter for the young of the two sexes to associate much together. Especially serious when things go so far. that an engagement is entered into. within four week: Hm nulmlhs -innmml. 'I........ . uuuus. Annxvl. EIlnlWdnighttninI9.Wp.n. 7.1!) 1111.. UNITED STATE RAILS. ,, Mtil: for New York, Boston, Onngol.ndCaeVi.noentvillbeclooodst LI) Ed 3 gm. daily`. Sundsys ex- The wife of the Hospodar of Roumania, a beautiful and highly aecnmplilhed lady, in said to be a conrmed kleptomanic, Her mental aberration in this direction is `well knownin all the stores in Bucharest, where she makes her purchases. Whenever she goes to any of them, she is sure to carry off a number of small articles, for which she ' has no use whatever, and the Hospodar is constantly engaged in paying for her depre- dstions. It is also reported that the os- podar since he went to Roumania has spent his entire private fortune, estimated at $1,- 000,000. ~ vvclvvl . A singular story is related of Madame de. ' Lavnlette, daughter of M. Rouher. This lady was`, s few dsys ago, at B0 an, where he bought afhotogrnph of M. 'ers, decl 'ng she won] gnaw him in pieces as a. dog wo Id 3 bone. _ She changed her mimll, however, and, oing to a. shooting r as, aced the photo- graph on the target, twelve `shots at it, hitting it three times. She then held it up to the crowd that had assembled, and exclaim- ed, Now I . am satisfied; I have nished my work of destruction. The crowd were indig- mmt, and some cried out, It is M. Rouher who ought to be served like tha_.t." _ Madame de Lavalette had to make her escape to her hotel, followed by the jeers sud uncomplimem tary remarks of a number of the spectators of her singular conduct.--Paris letter, Dr. 11. Angus Smith, who has recently de- voted his vacations to antiquarian exploration) in the Highlands of Scotland, has discovered; lake dwelling in a. large moss on the shores of Loch Etive, the platioim of which is sixty feet in diameter, with the dwelling in the middle, fty feet in length, by twenty-eight feet in breadth. He has also discovered in a. large cairn s megalithic structure, consisting of two chambers, each twenty feet in length, connect- ed by a. narrow passage nearly a long. One` broken um and the fragments of four others were likewise found. ~ 1-. u .. 1| .. \I ..-u. vv .-v nauuu. Lster news from the rersg-ing along the coast of Lake Michi an, between llenitowoc and Ahnapee, state 1: t die smessrelspping up everything and sweeping houses, barns, stores and piers in their course. Henry Mar- shall, of this city, who escaped through the fire at the risk of his life, and whose horses were badly scorched, counted twenty-two houses and barns reduced to ashes. The losses in Kewanee county will reach a quarter of a million of dollars. The farmers are burying their household goods in the. ground to save them. As all communication has been cut oil the exact situation cannot be ascertained; but it is feared that unless rain sets in the damage and loss of life will be fearful. The wells are all dried up, and the lake is the only resort for water. `. , , . ... D1 gllKl5 \uu:1uuuIg IIIIDYEIIIUIIIOS). BEz.uwn-]45,000 men, 7,000 home and 5') (nun: ` I 'r:llIl3. >`.x:.1.\ - 144,938 men, 30,252 hbrses and Hi nun: EIIIIB. -u'rn:.u.-64,39U mon, 6,320 horses and HOME RULE IN IRELAND. ...r v.. THE DAILY NEWS-MONDA.Y EVENING. OCTOBER 2. [GI YA(IT/IOM-BVVSIT/I YJIACI ' EIHT. !lL_. A 1.. __.___.._.,__._. .Lj_._:__._@ ,3 _,_J_.Q,_ 4 An-in p.n, "`?.' .115 in In {E UUIIU IIIT. 12.10 pan. In. 12.30 pm. cubed Ema. fnm I. 1 IL` 1 7A.\llV._ (A at L,l.74L J.L_Ll...l.L\l _!.l..l. ` . k. .a D9-; -';u: . I I`; This Company has been doing business in Cauaclfat for nearly 50 years, and during that time has secured the public condence by nrompt and _11be1_'al settlement of every fair c1:Lim. It hag fully complied with`the laws of Cznaa a. by qepoaut wxth the Government of Stocks to the ex- tent of $50,000, and is prepa.re;d to issue Pollclcs on terms as low as the safety of the Assured will permit. , ' JILMES SXVI FT. Ar: w.\a'r - ...v._....- nu u u;uu `T 'ca1._ 'o'u1t -b As" "H H 5 S , . (T l 1.3? P. 01-ton, Protease; of scientfi? cnltui-e Ypln Cgllege, Nay ' ' Two vols. Royal octave. J) md Psi Blood Purier: thoroughly cleanses and reno- > vates the entire system, and readily enters into the circulation of the blood, after purging. Helmbold s Extract Sarsaparilla is the Great with Helmbold's Grape Pills, the foul humours ` that have accumulated in the system for years. Both are carefully prepared according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and "are thoroughly reliable. A test of 20 years- haa proved this. Try them.-A dv. Edwzird Ba. er, Esq., Horton, Kings 00., N.S., writes that an astonishing cure has been effected on his daughter I) the use of John- son a Anodyne Liniment. ' a whole spine he- came diseased, she lost the use of her limbs, and her back was rounded u like abow, in consequence of taking cold a. ter having been inuoculated for the kine Dock. She is now: 1.1.1114 uuun any uuurr rntpjaahmg ($0., I Street, York, A Postmuternlnnd otliors dnposod' to canvas liberally dealt with. The Leonard Scott Publinhing Compmy slab publish E THE FARLIEIVS GUIDE nun: , . _ . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .su.uv Single numbers of a. Rovigw, $l;`sing1e _numbers of Blnckwood, 35 cents. Postage ztwqoantaanulnber. x -` 3. cumulus, grith further may be! had on applicaibn, "`FTTFY`E`l\\TA'DI\unnnvnnuu-u- A : consequence or taxnng com enter uavmg been pock. now well.-Al1v. 11].. ..l-.l.... ....- _.._..A.-L:._._ -_ `L- -....-_;:.__ n \Vll.'-l(l'l'. VVe pledge our reputation on the assertion that any educated` physician,` after a careful exmningtion of the recipo, will say that Par- son's Purgative Pills possess` more merit than any other pill now olfered for sa.le.-A (Iv. new ............ .... For B12-ckwood quad any two the Reviews ,,,,,,, ,, ll Q! the Reviews For Blackwood and three of _ F the Reviews For Blackwood and the four Reviews ................... ..ll . _ . . - u . ..-pvv 14. IV ran. l..\K) I.l'n. D. ...a.15'"m 1.10 am. ( ' by onhed time, from which do duct 123 xnmntu for the dierence between ad Kinptau fan`)