uwuu. LIIIVI. `Ea.ItndVVutnightt:-nim9.Np.m.5 1.(l)an.. UNITED STATE NAILS. Mail: for New York, Boston. Otvogoud Vincent will ho closed at l.p8.:n. nd . pm. daily, Sunday: 0:- X and me thoory this in the Enfortunnt Lejchardthu ' been revived. It in un- demtqdod thnt an 0 'tion is joctod, and thlt tl_1e truth as we: me: o! the Fronchnuu Gujnnrti, among the Patagonian. The story in that he has become and has long white hair. igked member of the Queensland native A . po `ch, `one Gilmore, wu detailed some time ` ago to investigate the matter. He penetrnted along way into thefvildemegu w_ith his eearch n--4.. -_J 13/ -"- .3u w uuumgsse une matter. he penetrated a long the wilderness with petty, and finally ' covered what was sup- poeedtobethero n.:of9VI1,li1 D,1nIn.`For` re-on-:,1=I>.t Izcfnm .'!.='-'!f\1'r'-,r mud to ` be the remain: _of clmrdt. _But _a. `pioneer, to whose ltetemen the Annals. ........ - - xuollnlea mm tnoolour feather: ; otherwise F 1`-ance will `fret fume and go into revolution. A party of white men twent -peven years ago to explore Western Aunt:-ip, ajvnd have never been head of since. They were headed by one Leichardt, and the common theoryhas been that they either fell victims to privstion or to the saw Q, But a stun e mmoi:'i,qomeeTfromzAmtr :4. I-:..|.. a -., ,.........u.. u. uu um Inn 5, .J_)l1I'a 831111 mmoitg _ e_a7_fr_omL\AuItr gut Inichug is still; . of c-`p-cit as true thst of the Fronchmgn Gnjunnrt among Pgtuzonigng_ Thu lhn-v in Hut. 1. ' ;{;"I;,m{} x .f .";o E2 .-,`,.` ."3,?:, ,,",`," ;';"`; . I . ea, V ::;:1".::.'::;.*:`:;.';:;.';,*....,`1 -em b"-it ' feel mot at 81.1 the nplemiour in tge government. A ggnthm mixed at the Whjtg House, and - f mi:1';`l;b;:)`_ .6389; reggaenta authority` guf. -fa.1l`en_ rnlliaqi - ...`3'a%`?.q: u` --xa.uen, promga.1,' and degiisded ildggp of an illustrious moe-.-we, for want of befr tor pastime, ninuse ourselves with parody `of grandeur. A aimple- honest man, nestly phavgn, and in. n. whjhe cravut, `can never govern France, M, Thiers must have 1 coat decked with gold lacs, 9. stripe of lace down his trousers, and a oockerlhat hur- mounted with trioolour feather: ` fret and no intn rm-;n1..;:n.. uno or the steamer: oi me than uno VII have the St. Lnwrence \Vlmrf. foot of John- son Street. for Tomato nnd Hamilton, evety Afternoon (Monday: exceytod) st HAI3-PAST FIVE 1 I u . mg women in muunze;-y no to be enhrged }N.b'., writes that an astonisliiug cure has been in gvery possible direction. 1`m.the,., ncn_ -As,-'ected on his (laughter by the use of John- sidering the great utility of th. shun of :sou s Anodyne Linimeut. The whole spine be- Mercy in hospitals, `women an to 1,. .uow_ came diseased, she lost the use of herlimbs, ed to act 33 aux-`gong, to vgccinatm md to` und her back was rounded up like a bow, in be employgd 93 chgmi3tg_ The are t,h, `consequence of taking cold after having been every facility and asaistncein education`; imloculstecl for the kinc pock. She is now establishments. Womcnsrg also tobe ad- "n-Ad mitted as gig-n,g1 women" in tha telegnph We pledge our reputation on the assertion departments; they may {,3 unployed M m_ that _a.n-y c ucnted physician, after a careful gountantg .3 may be phced in the {angle examination of the recipe, will say that Par- lnstitutimls subjwt tn the Empemfa own son s 1 urg:1.tive Pills possess more merit than chgncellory, any other pil_l now offered for saIe.+Alv. I'[I`|`__ V . ` m _ _ _ b__`T__,I, I I . `.. A - ,,_- __.._, ..._..., gm:-, uuyJvuuuua u|lEl10I1Uy4 suf- ciontly for them. Iii: yvjth --fallen, prodiga.1,'an`d d graded ta.oe-.-we. for Inmt of 1--=4 This Company has been doing business in Ca.nzul_a for nearly 50 years, and during that time Inn secured the public condence by prompt and .hberal`settlemeut of every f:r claim. It has fully complied with the laws of Uzuuula by alepuslt with the (lnvcmment of Stocks to the ex- tent of $50,000, and is prepared to issue Policies on terms zux low as the safety at` the Assured will xermit. I * JAMES SVVIFT, AGENT, St. Law: euce VVlusrf. L Kimzstnm Fnln, 8. `I870, Colonel VV. S. Rowland is now in London 38 special commissioner of the United States Gov- ernment to examine the whole subject of emi- gration, and to report with 3 View to legisla- tion by Congress. He will visit the various countries of Europe. proceedin in the first in- stance to Norway, Sweden ang Denmark, de- ferring his investigation in England until 3 laterfpcriodi of the year. A (`Ear nf pun-S. `I... x._._. I - wssaume. " A . a. black 1 States. Thgfip . inn -......._.__ -_.4_ commissioner examme gration, View man ` _ He countries proceedin in- staxnee _Norway, 113. his investigation The cm of Russia has issued an order _whereby the existing institutions for instruct. iug women midwifery enl u_:.ev_eryA1_>ossib1e _ . ., ,_,..._._... ___. _-_._. .-- --..;.. .._..*_>'.n1.-..n-..a -Helmbolvfs Extract Sarsapai-illa is the Great Blood Purier: thoroughly cleanses and reno- vates the entire system, and re:n'lily enters into the circulation of the blood, nfter purging with Helml:old's (irape Pills, the-foul humours that have accumulated in the system for years. . Both are carefully prepared ;i.cco1-ding to the rules of Pharmacy end Chemistry, and are thoroughly reliable. A test of 20 years has piovggl this. Try tln3xn.-~ALlu. -1 Edward Bayer, Esq., Horton, Kings 01)., ed S N.S., writes that a.stoni:xhiug has been Fm.the,._ ucn_ -.2,-llected (laughter by mu roun_a:oro nung triumphantly above the wave, a. bridge of old due north spanned the waterhe een us ans him. There he shone in I silent majesty thgt knew no letting. Combine, if you can, the most bril: liant sunrise and sunset you ever saw, and its | beauties will pale before the gorgeous colours` which lit up the ocean, heaven and mountain. In half an hour the sun had swung by percep- tibly, the colours changed to those of morning,` a fresh breeze rippled over the ood, one long- ster efter another up in the grove be-. hind ue-we had s i into Another day. ` The good Parisians are much occupied with 5 question that will raise a. smile. What uniform is M.Thiere to wear ; He is not exactly the first civilian `who has Then to be head of the State, but he is the mt, who has been without a uniform ; and wlmt he is to wear is a. grave matter in a country in which there is a. legion" of'ocia.ls all in costume. A President of tlm I:-.....u_u_ _-_ ... vvuxuu uuuru 15 a. 1eg1on or crucial: all " costume. President of the Republic coat in smod enomzh for tha n..:+,..: The Emperor Napoleon, who is travelling as the Compte de Pierrefons, accompanied by the Prince Imperial, Prince` Murat, Dr. Conneau, and suite, on his arrival at Tor- quny was received by Sir Lawrence Palk, lord of the manor, and his son, Mr Pdk. The Imperial party were heartilyhheered as they droveto the Imperial Hotel, where it is understood they intend to remain for about a. month. The Emperor vlnited. D3112- mouth on Tuesday, and expressed himself greatly charmgd with the scenery and situ- ation of thqhnrbour. He went over a ne estate end rxtgnsion on the Kingswear side of the harbonr which is for sale ' 'I`L_-_ _L_ 1.11,`; :, - `sen.-side the other day, His Majesty Those who delight in auguries will have 5 ne subject in a recent accident to the ex-Em- peror Napoleon e welking stick. The stick is surmounted by a heavy gold `eagle hsving a. ball in its mouth, and, being at once 3 gift and a. typeof the Imperial sway, is grestly prized. Unfortunately, while standing ona jetty at te ' et t e cane drop into the water. It was grappled for at once, but without success, although the ex- periment was tried repeatedly end with great care. The Emperor was in despair, when lud- denly a. diver appeared who plunged boldly clown in search of the lost treasure. ;Six times did this diving rt-descend into the tide and `return Imstxcc fill.` Brit the eevenlh tune --let the number he read with a thrill of com- pla.cency-the gold eagle came up sin, and . was safely restored to its owner. he latter gave the diver his carve, and, `it is to `hegpd, something more ; for the omen, judiciously handled, ought to be highly serviceable just now tothe Imperial` cause. ` ` ` 1 A Qzm-vu Ix? `U .-......... mL_ 1,11 -. ...._ ..... uuu. -uuvu nu nu -uxv. l on Pnmrrixo of every dacription axe. O cuted neat] . cheaply And expeditiously at the DAILY` EVVS STEAM PRINTING -4vvv vv nun uupvllnl CGIBO, Aescrzxn IN NORWAY.--ThI followingparsr graph in from the deecri tion of 3 scene wit- nessed in the north of orway, from a. cliff one thousand f_eet-above the us` : Tho oobln stretched away in silent vastness at our feet ; the sound of the waves scarcely reached our eiry lookout ; away in the north, the huge old sun swnn low along the horizon. We stood silent, loo ing at our watches. When both hands came together at twelve, midnight the full roun_d_-orb hu'.ng triumphnntly above bridge gold runninn dna mu-+1. Kingston, Feb. 8, 1870. `Etna. Insurance Company of Hartfo PAID UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS LOSSES PAID IN FIFTY YEARS Cash on hand and in Bank. Real E_s1:a.te Mortgage Bonds" Rank Stn:-.1: 1Vl orngage norms Bank Stock ' _Unitcd States and City Stock and other Public Securities auuuuo 01 rue nepubljc in 4 9y;9}1gh,{_or,t1,ne United i0 `[130 hsiwvenira, 10 hintbry; Whose great now, and whole lanarn ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1870. 1'5 scienti: 15' ?. %f'o` culture in Y: Two vols. llfll en` __J >1 nu ma owe:-s disposed to cumu Hb t with. /'/The Ieonard Scott Publishing Company 3139 publilh ' 1 I I THE FARMERS GUIDE : ` To Scientic and P1-scticn.l_Agricn1ture, by ` S hens, F.R.S., Edmburgh, V d t}. late P. orton, Professor of Scienti`: Ag:-if Yale College, New Haven. Royal octavp. 1,600 pgge. ma ensravu-9 Pnce 87;bymu1, pm `J '- -90'ti.I.I`e;l"vci. `u `-"'"l IIuu axe- -tthon 9*?` expedit` 1 HOUsEA.lLY` 3 mm PRIN-"5 .....;u.vv single ,,,,,,;.;g,. of a Review, '31 numbers of Byckwood, 35 cents. _!0I'! For I I For I . V lFor] ( {For I I ]For] ` , __- ..... Qt all the (1-nonfghlieay .BlacL-wood holds the foremost place: ' ; xunn--3 - For any one of the Reviews...$4.00 per 2 I_!`o'r any two of the Reviews. .. 7.00 nor of the B,evieWs...$4.00 1 For 7.00 For any three of the lie- vicws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..l0.00 For all four of.f.`21'eW8-..l2.00 B1ackwo'od x Mnaazina, 4 m These periodicals are the medium through which the greatest minds, not only of Great Britain and Ireland, but alga of Continental Europe, are constantly brought into more '0!` 113238 intimatp commtlnicntion with the world bf, readers. "History, Biography, Science, Philoso-\: phy, Art, Religion, the "great political ques- tions of the past and of to-day. are treated in their pagea.,a.1:he lbamed tloneea-Igtregt them. No one who tould kee pace with"the times can Mftrrd to" do without 11ese`peri'odic'~1ls. ..a n 1 .--- `Bzpfinted in N ewy York BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY. \nunan.na.r ;;ounn funxuvvnl s......" -:"..".f.`a:.`:?:"`*` *~--- ~ we wou.--Aav. I pied 0 any c physician, examination Purgzntive pi sale.-Alu. A,__,,,_ v\ -- -- ,, ,__ _._.. v-.-..... .... ......... ```` v. y I -- As'rum_s.TIc BR(rN(5Ill1`lS, or NINE YEARS Smnnxxu, Comm m"r1-IE Snw1*.-b't. John, N. 13,, 21th August, l869.-Mr James I. Fel- l0ws.-Dear Sir: I consider it my duty to in- form you of the grant benet I have received from the use` of your Compound Syrup of Hy- pophosphites: I have `been, for the last nine years, a. great sufferer from Bronchitis and Asthma, at times so ill that for eeks I could neither lie down nor take any n ` risliment of consequence, and during the tim suffering in- tensivsly. I have had, at different times, the advice of twenty-two physicians. . . . . The least exposure to either damp or draught was sure to result in a. severe attack of my disease. ) Finding no relief from all the medi- cines I had taken, I concluded to try your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphitcs, and have great reason to thank God for the result. I have, in all, taken twelve bottles, and now I feel I-D strong and well as ever I felt in my life, and for the last year have not had one moment s sickness, and neither does dampness nor draught have the least eect upon me. Were I to write on the subject for hours, I could not say enough in praise of your invalu- able Com ound Syrup of Hypgphosphites, or ' e give an equate idea of my su rings. _You are at liberty to make what use vnn ` THE: G.FiEAT ENGLISH AND SCOTCH QUARTEBLIES % gxve an auequane Idea of sntferings. You liberty to whatnse you please of this letter, because I hope its publi- city may be the means of beneting`.`6the'r suf- ferers as much as it has me.-I remain, _ yours respoctfnlly, , The Edinburgh Review, North British Review, London Quartefly Review, Westminster Review. Bla.ckwood's Edinburgh Magazine. of the Review!`- r Black` ood and 1 r DISCKVZOOG and 3 Hm I) ..:....... VIOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Blackv ood and any two the Rev1'n1'...; . . . . . ,, ll D1301 the I . 121..-: u-nu.-w, -nu-wuvn-p, n lxvowvvu` -nu \.u...v-uu. Fot P Ticket: apply at the Lake ind River teambnat Utcc, St. Lurronco Wharf, foot of Johnson Street. I3-........._. ....l.... 0.` 6|. \\.'..-O nnu\ n-:.nuu~.u r nu tour 0}. t.'1{c 1- Black ood s I r Blaaln nail on _ ____,___ Wu ,_,.. ......... us vlewg . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l. ,- B1 wood Ind the four Rpvi was t 1 : nutc W000. Ill Ravi ws BLACKWOdD S MAGAZINE 1y, ' MRS HI1>w1:1.L, Exmouth _Street. o1H 2.RD SCOTT Publishing Co., New York. disposed lrd, Conn. 3 5,549,504 97 26,000,000 07 . . 10.00 ll ..l3.00 R1`. 01" ADVEH'I'ISING.--Horaco Creo- ley, of N ew York, says :--The `most successful business den this city are those. who Iuvi adversed libenlly and constantly.` A null advertisement wnstnntly appearing in bath? than I display column ' y. os2,5s2 08 253,319 1_-_t 967,125 00 426,445 oo 2,220,033 75 5,549,504 57 may be menu was ocoupslul would not permit If to! be applied; the result ofwhich was, that in` {base parts 0! the house fwhcro-it hsd`h'oen used, not 3 ling]: 'cuo `of cholen inhu- qnontly olcenn-ed; while` in the Your mom: above alluded to, tlga dluuo um `oxiuu and some dpstlu I14?! I.,hn1fp!`&oo. `rub -hone: immedistely dppooiu nu` mpplg with`; quaut._i:y, in noang ofhv but _ to-been A dug a cul. (lilacs. V .1; aging in the neigbbollrhoog , 861d by all Ghomiau, and at M, Ono: meet, London. . Qusm,~16u;) plnu, 3| 3 ha!- pinu, 4:; glut-ctoppered Impoxm pimp, ex- tra nrongth, 18! pct (loan; and `in bulk nt 4: per gallon: iialndodk Inch (:1 Ion making 200. gallons, when dllnxod wiu_ Inter, see direction: on every bottle. RaoolIlJI|OIdOd- and and by`. fProf0II6r Simona. st the B0351 Yourlury dollop, dn;fi?:Bg'+tl.!1gb 1):," Hunt: I .n.k.H-.omu- and: any 7 mt _ ., . ._'_.i and its sustaining en ti purifying inf':,en,ee acts in a. preventive to disease, as th. un- msrous unsolicited admonish nose ` -. ny- ing each `bottle xgill prmf. .114 per` _` ity renders it admirably adapted to the travel- ` jer, tourist, exnigrent, 0.1` private fhtnily, > `more especially when distant from medical advice or assistance. , Sold `in patent stoppered glue bottles, price 29 6d, 4s 6d, 115, and 215 each. Spe- cial agents required and appointed in all parts of the world. life. it has been found eminently. but eicinl; prepnraa cxpreuny nu: upu uluun ma; noyal __HighlIeII. ` John Goauoll & 00. : Upper Ten `thousand `Perfume. ~ In... u....\.I`I A no : Innlrnv Glnh D...r...... eacxosea. naming used various Dieinfectink Fluids gt on; ngapy shows, I can say with. condenop thst pone halt hndrthe hatch- umeoua and complete e`ect.of Sir William` Burnewa, and thin too wi_t_hon_t producing any nuisance` like the Inn!) of of ; lime or on-rbo_llgmQ!d,s-.-I an 'yur&.i'fn'|Il. fully," 9'8. _ nx, Sec. and Hunger. Capt. Jackson, B.N., 90, Canon street." This uid use on thajeuunlsl aha o diaouo by destroying tha lnml .-,n..a:.:..-- - nus mun new tbnjeunnlsl by destroying the local conditions. the atmosphere under which cholou in not frequently duelopod And ptopo and`. F0 instance: In 1. house m_ St. An: tew I algae: Plymouth, ocilpied by fty-two porsona,,i III uprinklod in every room seep: ionr_;' in these the occupant: would not permit, 1: to olwhich Ill. dual 5-.` . __ _' THE grou fnudl xichvoontinno to be pmo- j med by obscure Innnnfootnreu, more-i utlculnr in Gems! bv taunting tho la- 1; tune I to JOHILGOSNILL 8_Oo. u PERFUMERY, under i`-hnontivo upon the Proprietor! to Oumon the public agninu luch: ' nefarious proceedings, nd to `request their friend: and pntrona to ynrcbuo only of rupee- tsblo dealers, who imporydirect from `John Golnell an O0. ; and invite lpeoinl Attention to the odd:-cu- - mm BULL wnuur, 93 Uvrnn. Tan): sum. _r..|... nnnnll 1 Go}: Select Perfumes: In O\I]Il IIEIIAT-I'A3I IIVQ warning I` [III anoque, Bmckville. 1`:-eacott, u\d(.'onnra1l. '.x_ D...__.. 'I`:..I...A- _....I.- -5 6|`- `-1. uun or nag: and other vermin. Sir W. Burnett : Diainfecting Fruid was theonly Disinfectant need at the Agricul- tural Hall during the} Smitheld Club ._0_nzt.lb Show in 1865,` by order of Her` Majesty : Privy Oogygil. ` . . - n mme, I most cnoloa Inn nuuwuuuw pI7I.'u|mg_ John Goanoll & Go a Princess A]0XIh_dfa g Pox-fumn, a most choice and dolloote pg-tum, prepared expressly for the use of He; 303,1 Hiahnau. I11.) nmm.-us rsuruus"1"1"s DISINFECT- b ING FLUID, for the purication of sick rooms, hospitsls, worlrhousss, fnfotorfs, pri- sons, crowded p180l,b0t!9el.I decks` of ships, fever wards, clothes and line: of sick, night-V _ chairs, cesspools, drains, water closets, stables, dairies, lnrders, n:ns:y caska, tubs, &c.; bilge-water, sag the holds o`t;;.ships; apartments for searchers, n_ndertakers,.snd jurymen, and for postrmortsn ; oxagniuations; for the prevention of infections disease, can- ker and fungus in `trees; for thadi|inf,ocj.ka of dead bodies, and for the preservation of subjects for dissection; for the enermina. tion of bugs and other W. Burnett : hininrmns-.. nus: RED BULL wuuur, 96 urrnnuxuarlllr. John Goenell b 00. : Select Perfumes: luv Bouquet, Royal Yncht Club Bouquet, Jockey 01-.:b Perfume, Euenoe of Wood Violet,`V_i. to:-in Bouquet, Fmngiponni, Militury Bouqum, the Bride`: Bouquet. V Jnhn Gnanell k 00. : Prince of Waloe Par. the Bride`: uouquat. _ John Goaoell t 00. P.;-. fnme, most choice and faahionable perfgmg, John Goanell Alenndrah ` Perfume. I John Goanell & 0o.'s Jockey Club Peyfnmg is in universal reguest ts ,tho mq admired` Perfume for the Hnndkerchipf. Pnoea 6d. John Gosnell & 00. : La Nobleaue Perfume, a most delicate Perfume ofexquieite fragrance, Jnlm anumm A: nn '.1 Nnhlease Pnlnmln A1... minutes; etferveacing and qlsteleu, its con- . stunt use iavespecielly calculated to ngnintnin health. When mixed With yat.er,I{|d taken during the eerveeeenoe, itimgnedistaly blends with the food, and is. topiary ntnorbed into the system. It vitnlizea and supplies the blood with those saline principles thereto lost. 2.1- tered, or destroyed during the hot weather. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, Typhua, Etjnptive Fevers (or Cholera), also` in `several `other conditiong, where the vital current is poison- ed by infection, and and thereby rendered an-` t to support health and prolong human elninentlv hm n1..a.1 . unu uganw reqmrec parts must aeucaw rename or uxquleue Iragrance, 1 John Gosnell 8 00. : Noblease lfomade. ele- gantly perfumed, and highly recoqmenaed for beautifying and promoting the gfowzh of1he hair. La Noblesse 8onp--esteemed for its nnequu- E led perfume and line emollient qhaliiiea. John Golnell & C033 Violet and Milleeur led permme and nne elnouleni qllllmes. John Gosnell Co. s Viola; and Mieauf Nursery Powder is guaranteed pure, No um-. sery should be without it. Sold in boxes at 64] ; in tin: 15 each. John Gosnall & 0o. a Oherrv Tooth Panto in ranengcrs gun in une H can can pnlclxm Tickdtl via Great Vcltcnl. Detroit and Mil- wamko uni .\lichig:\n Central Rsilwa. s for Dettomlchicagu. Milwaukee, (`ursml Men, uml_ dso for nll the princi val points in Hm \Vut, and also via l'.'u:i!ic Thad to Utah, L'-I......l... I '..I.....`I,. \?.n--..I-n nu.` Fglifnrnin no aiaegraeanw ouuur, uuuviseaslly nppuoa- John Gonnell 1' Col! Paton: Trichoearon, qr uewly invented air Brusl:,1he peculiar me- chanical construction of which accompanies Z the two operations of` cleaning and polishing l simultaneously. The Pumnt Msnhaniml m..:.- cm n....i.:.... ' nu in nos 15 each. John Gosnell & 0039 Oherry Tooth Paste is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Tooth apearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Price In 61! each. Instantaneous Hair Dye: certain tonproduce any shade `Brown or Blaek, of good natural colour. It cannot possitgiv injure the hair, has disagreeable odour, a `in easily applied- Jnhn Hnnnnll 1' n}: Pntnnt 'I`r-ichnnnrnn nr 5lIUlBII13Ull3ly. The Patent Mechanical Chair for Brushing Hair by Machinery. For Prospectus and par- ` ticulars, apply to the Patenteeeand Sole Mann- faeturenfs, JOHN` GOSNELL & 00., Perfuxnen by Appointment to Her Majesty, the Princess of Wales, to, RED BULL WHARF, 93 Urns Taupe smm, law of 12 Three King Court, Lombard Street. , Ius Iuguuuvll yruperuua. _ As an euursnce of its purity and salutary rcpor ties, __lt is only necessary to` poi..t out h e name of the celebrated and philanthro- pic Physician from whose prescription it in eoxnponnqled. - The entire lilo of that dinin- Rllihod In'll lnnt iii nrntimtinn oh. vvn-uyvulnvnvin Luv Guilt! JIIU III III!` lull!!!- guishod IIIILWII spent in` promoting the health of his follow-creatures`, and his death, to December, 1861, was mourned u I na- Liollnl loos. Whnlnnnla and fan n.--....a..ol-_ L_ .L. 1-. IJULIII IT. Wholesale nnd_ for exporuitlon by Ibo Pro- prietor, 69,- Lamb : Oondnit Street ; Barclay _nnd Sons, Farringdon Street; Batty and Co., Finabury Pnvement. . 'Rnl|iI hv nhnlninln rnnnna 70-13-- l-'__ mnabnry Pavement. -Rauil by Chemists, Grocers, Italian Wa're- . hounemen, _and others throughout the King- dom, And every pan of the world, Ask for the `-The Sauce.-Special export Agents--Bnrgoyne, Burbridges, and Squire, 16, Colman Street, London; - AMPLOUGEPS PYBETIO 8A'LINE.-A Medicine that cute: Sea Bicknaa or the worst form of Billionrudaohe in a few minuwa; e-`erveacing patelu, con- stant iaveuneciallv nnlcnlnhd . ....:.....:.. 55 BE" SAUCE. Prepared by Alex- ander Souahwood Stacker, from a recipe by his Cousin, the late Dr South- wood Smith, thirty-ve yours Physician to the London Fever Hospital; Father of Sani- tary Reform; Kodieal Member 0! the first General Bond of Health; Author of the tirst work on Fever in any age or country, the Philosophy of Health, kc. Delicious Iith Ava!-v knnnn dial. To. rnuusopny 01 neaun, ac. Delicious with eyery known dish. Ite habitual nee Increuee the appetite end pro- moles digestion. It is much esteemed for its digestive properties. _. euumnca of its mu-{ti and ..1....... nun : uanvugusu; At 5:31, A.M.. 8f%I;II'|'iVl of G.T.I1. trains Trom Eat uni `Vent and the lake Steamers, connecting st. (`ape Vincentuwith the 8:05 A. M. train, Arriving in Uawcgo st noon, Rome 12:40 3, Albany 5:25 l';M., and New York 9:30 L WILLIAM BURNETTS DISINFECT- FLUID. the nm-imnim. -1 .:..n. ourrron. lington, Jan; 1868. . send` eight gsllons mg Fluid, no pet ordaf L oi, can say with` vuwe. uuuscrwen wmrrecexve 1 yb uncharged lidliollnrlj I-II__ 1un__4_-_.`..h.- _._(l II. ;_ 1-we uounn: pa; uupm, pay _ Haw Subscriber: who receive that, :_ vb mail gr-n`nI|npnnA 'IinI1\nlInv-n ` '3 " * ' I `Inc ullrongac nun now; S PUBLISHED ', Fridn . ' contain` the mmf the tive. . The dey eeeuu on yet, u but when public opinion or 8 once will prevent tbegqdy Iny eecret medicine who i.` hoped that the o ' n will cacti brand on unwort y the conduct of tho to members who by tedtlmonlsl or oth ' the disposal of nob things." gum. .. -rownvs onnononvxz ' The Original Preporagion of known Dom A From Dr 0. Kidd Sir,-T Ihink you would A . ` Ghlorodyne more than you do,'yoq wc,`,;,g I, ; in heat. the others, which or z xv-Iv rmru'mu MATEHIAB-9".` N been jun. added to the Dnfn! H! Pnzsrrulo Omucn, the eatabiiakrmgif better position than eyer to exoub `.7 Pm'I'INa and pvery vairiaty 01 wells. curacy, neatn en an cuehuaep, C9, , V HE DAILY NEW8_,jI= everyiyay it thg` Bgok Jhn'H6nderso'ii, l :`inc ss . J Edwardsthce .Kin Street: " may also be bid athe Pubiiili - [ rincess'Street. Pnrcn Two, A ns uxnunu, {van leave neg NESDAY ind FRI- DAY st 5:3)'A. . 8 RM. I... l_:..|.o'... ... .. .._I._ -_ 1,,- Uxsgu mu} b'1s1t'I`1r'I:eA':`hlIf .. _,Summo_qs,muyM' - M _ ' Dun Nzwa Onrzcn. promptly attended ,to. _ DeVl?::M V M desqri mm ofOrnng apnmi'ng* ustbe A1LYNn:ws :'rnAx P1 - ` * _ v 1 I ygr gforlznig atn;l_ec_i-,'t->: Dev M of Orange priming 411.1 Nnws sdded_t(_) DAILY " Du`...-.-_.. n__..-_ -., . .1 lA_ LA; :2 I mw PRINTING m'rmz i&;t.. %`-`*-" RAL.N e1a:% enrmrzcmwu ,Su5nn1o_n|,nuy, `be -oh - H nAnv L... n__.__ A surgeon from New Y anlyreqnirea to be known ' I have no hesintien in chm '1`ow1e a Ohlorodyne) 3; the cine that has appeared dw century. In d"ia rrbd-.a, col :I 11879 f0-[Ind it.` In UAR...` A, i Ohlorody has appeayed dur diarrhea, colic . -nnn.aAu1'bnrino.~g,gj -` I and the pther Lcpis. % meat; Ohlsins Incorpor" Letters Patent; Drafts Privabe Bills duriqg, e Copy Rights amillzd marks and designs pr ` Dz-a:winga,Specica ~ H I necessary so gecura? pa.-ed.on roceiprof '1 `; ` . - ansu: dig Hey. A.C P,BELTL,L 5 pl{\7_ Arm-. u" an--k - bra.in,a_pd nayoun are ) _ Mus-ans. RICE LEWE} "1 . H on 1| built-` in w. M. WILBON,.BsQ., . ignpoygg-2 b , th9 b-Kant} ' . * ~ - uncles. Stgehgthy _ .. t . - es, it causes the rapid d1atr1bn- Life Assurance I1`g:;:`v:-. *1 T `N ' ' 'm,he,mngcu.1nr..nm---- Juiy 1st.1867. .- '- ` M Ingredient: in proper is Iustintily .h:l`Ii! on. .s.u-mwoon sum .5: ~ _ OONFEGTION uvunvnul IIIBIIL aslluv `JV! W ` D _y[A111_xE. ,- . GE,, ent. Oice. Clarn ` 3.: Post rice. `~ ' ~u--u-sy.=uappn.ed I-re w BLUE: For lanndty p - ` soox npa_ns:_,asap..H, ta, Violet, Orimaon 91;; B151; -pin} too an-?*' Wrdlss W .!.l!od.mni.rk PAPER and wool: 0AK'8.1.`AJn:AN etithpi.-I halt}-"pinto! hot` ' * 7 '. 'L'and LONDON. _M1 X' STRANGE,` Agent for L Clarence street, oppq-Ito "L : IGNED is prepared" _ and of ` Dldings; and also-to eupenntendi `of theaune. ' ' V , Oanug oiiuaolteoi5.j1u`Lg 30! w PHOTO RAPHSV-n;_9f. .dye with `wdte ; :A;pouk.of pint of water. 83., , C, I. L__, ,-, [LLUlIN4_!`IN}: ,1 gig W Omngemaonrd M` Into f' adgdwum water; nIuouho~brneh=* 3 W Ar-*>.*'.= Wm-. 593493!-A ow inated 111 the may `. `.- L. . BLA-Nbnmox, Ji:f%X,`; A 101: OBEAI8,kcvc. mew-` [dd one or vtwo"d;opIof1-n@4_ simple or ole ant y;;~ ` ,. n: win ti `M; Omngonnd Pm u-serur ?% sxLA-1:INn gnu, ;(3IaII1_II_im,ca`:' coloured with those dye|_..~w,g, JRE AND MARINE. H _ ; `OAPITAQ e81,0'00.000- EBSIGNED having been ep- _ qt Agent for the above .C4nnpI!gy,> 1` -ioiseue policies on every _ escap- - eproperty, for any pen-xo five years, at the lowest poemble ` c.mvm.-,_ WATER . on drum of d ' nee Street. near 1: e huh :-xmrrxxa on oouon, sun 2,3,1, 3' 137,_ ordinary way. . H .,~` 1-r; v BLEEDING lnmn .: u... ,a....-1't1nW- -43 produce owiamtyvof ` orulnary BLEHDING coma gr we dyu Parllamenmrx lii ' . .\ 0:` H: znxu am`: u..-:..--- -'* " WC`, IIIII M80 VII YIICIIIC IIAIIIOAQ I0 Uwl Nebraska. Lkzluraalo, Ne\':ul:\ and Cnliforuia. `I A .-mn5..rt.:l.ln nml cmxvcnient /nitin I!" !...`!`~J.'L, TRANSAGTS bnrine.:'0,}`_, `other Lend: ,,..... mnuuuu And GILES}; with soap and water to:nvoid . to render them clean. LEATHER: Blue `M t ` O1_-gage. Dye inyarn ' WHITEWXSH: '29 ea or Bone: add his . s... stunon: Stir in 5 'WILI._.0W_4 sxuvnc" men 5%: `in the Mauve ioet,-. P ` produ;e pretty M more, as directed a " `Magenta, Mann, i ;' 21630 unput dolicsu G , cordial; .I.hdo% mites brush.` -= - n A nu--. - M a pint to a qut: _f* .v. u vvuvu \lvU9QI, Flths & WOOLLENS: Magenta, h}; P ' 'Ota.nge Pink nd ' thuerfxgsx ea.l:ia1gctory"r'ea:g quantity of bmlinmwmr in`! p'a:n. RIBBONS And 3IIaK:c- J [.111 The M1: 1.V.Ws. f [8 ;'%,%.H.. W`! W;.",:*-='-a;.:' W ' 1 I-` ` Inca. 6Subscn"berlrrw i:ythBit.%' uue Assurance 1 1st. 1837. V?-----.._...__.. Manve, Viola '..PInp produce tint; as atunonr " " than imnn-t Anx- .__ .._-_ -.--,.-------.-._ The Chrbnllie nrrar `l`l:I'1if|. <..r`_ 'u._u-......_.:..- :u.aUI W1 : |l-....4 jun-nnulnu 11 IU mun! , `zstn mat., the Steamer GAZELSLE, D. Pyke, mater, will leave ingiton` for Gananoque, bucking thodn ' --place: on How. I . Itiu space" .to calm my` these `wundxfnl Sud" " parations can be .-...'.u.m `a, Pink, A_nd O sfactory reaulu. ` ooi1i.ag_ want in NS I are, Violet" urns 5" `*" ` must, llln Y6: `km-xnn `- F_|"~ A any-tr M ingjointzof ,' J hc.dntod`;rhil% 1. bottle of Halli An _` I_;.';,j.` ._`V.'1Q` z:;:~1... ; naovitha brnahor ` similmofdhrdmll ` ycn nner. . 535132. rial"-`I.1L'. _ (JBKK rap: of. i me: While `ii a at tiht , Aoaunot :willgin`;;og:_tQ,`_,,_ _` nsefnleb nu.` _ GLUE8-ln'llI0# so dyel. H;":' ` oule of Iisgeusn an M Ito: ` f ` Ybrk ' H. I`. FOR Ie an-. L .!!c.Inov,=}!~ ` .i L H-- A ~ `nmsv:-,:anmmu, ker,-"Edi-re-K " his I.-xw Oice from Clarence to. ` A , over Mr McMillan n` Auction uucnng 3: the How Island and the ' Shore. , Every TUEDAY, EDNEDAY, THURS- DAY md IDAY at 4 P.M. ~ JPIIIIIIIBIOIJC ` V ~_ ' Lz2R`l)i",11`Io.D.S., D1:m`$u.`Roous,' ,7. '. '15. B1 K. 'W11mt0' pn `ans_10%1-oak Sta. _ " m;.L9ws_' A V. Bfrnp of ypophosphites. :'ll01l.8y bu nzuu. D0 cull Kama on security. 93;-nies 8.: oarcwx-Izm. V TEP.-AT-LAW: OFFICE, over` uD1-ugSto1-9. ' fm'cnam~r; wamem`. ` * Kai awry` I _ ~v.-i 12.m.Inuo`s KIM njr IN A CHANCERY._ V 0co,. F".'3IIlSII]lA_NC_Ei?_l30nlPANY. EH2 AN-E-_M_ARlNE`:. _` j 1,000,000. " ap- `dencnp- agent aboveT.Gompuiy, jo issue ' he property, periodfrom _e atthelayvestposniblo` in *1-stem. ' r ,g_,k J o_hn gllullle. 3 '5`: " E11-'=A'r.1;Aw; Solicitor kw %, &o., has removed his ofce to ; t, between King and Weington F"'Monevy to land at easy rates on'~ Ila nnmiritv. `'1' I70 II I"-""" _. ,1 A1:uonwy-I,WL'- `- aw Street. . - uvniotsal Insurance co.` nrn It A nnunz u A Vfitfrl helnrukn. Lkzluraalo. ;\e\':ul:\ and uuuorma. II`.A colufurtalnla and convenient \Vait.ing Room for Ladies uni Gentlemen on the Wharf. - , (Y H II -\'|`l3H_ Antoni. ,. .',[."Y.f'.'I.`..-'3F.'.E iu1d.Attorn 3-at-IA meets, Nata:-ie3E`l nb 'c. Joseph Bawden, _ NEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor i `(Hah- v, Nobmy Public, 33 King Btwety aaxgls. KtI'klI8t1 |Vk'- 7 ` rg :(}R,0W_N ' Q Pgiace `foi"tI`16 County 0 'nte- ' ,._ *n*:._.._s.... .I....n4ly nnnn,` dmte of the Ontario Veterinary Col :1, Mclnrosll. V9 ' SW mm, Ooe.-City Hotel. ._Kin3*n- 1 mg; `I k & Smytllnn T Athnulvanat-IAV. 90- Q9, froni ii of or debifi`t;y, uaumwoumuand] ;,.,*`:,`.a-'`:`:.2`: :".p:u":z- train fnim \Vest and Ray of Quinta S_tea1uer. connecting at Cape Vincent with the ."\:l5 PJI. train, striving in Oswego at 9:. [`.M., -And a 2:30 on the srrival of ue~G.'r.R. n Rome 0:50 PM,. and New York I38. KM. i'Pea.ce for tine pounuy 01 rronu:-, ,-in Street, Kingston, dzrectly gm ` pntred Talegrafh Coy;pa.i:y s _ 2 L, July 19, 187 . ` - $1-. *!.f"?5",;Qf`3:W... Q 5 -'35. . and Attorneys-at-Igw, don. \Y-L__:....nJ).- ;,_ , gxaglgakm, __,thoybo;beIIts, bu-d_n, reptifou, inzcophytea And suluoctu of the idnii.` Ire gum-nan aw an-1 ,_ r-.. -IO `g`ypPn'o.- 5:11 to T forml`?'3oWI' Syrup. "0. J: . - RICHARD Ti nentisti-y. RV` 'I'.TISI `I Kingston and" (`:\pe` Vincent Ferry. ` g Tlcxpoval. n__'L u..Lz. .. -.- vv-uuut. II II` $0.. .1-cly distinct and dxerent preparation of; Hypophob to ask for Fellows Svrun aywu nnq suluocu of the} w $ E anmnvn than 5...... an. 1 OMMENCING uT1xA\'. 31st July, the Steamer \\'ATF.RT()\VN. C. llinckley, out. luster. will leavo Kingston dsily (Sun- day: excepted) A6 x.I|n A u -u-- -..-:...I .-.6 I`. 'l` I`! OI-gin; Home 9:50 t'.M., and New lorl Isuzu) 531.,` and also connecting with the N. T. Co's Pro- pellets for Ouvegg and All \'Vestern Ports. j nwrnnntin Lnsvu ; 11. At em .M. ll-J) A.M. 2:) P.M. 4:I) RM. DAILY. Leaves Wolfe Inland. 9:00 A.M. 1:00 RM. 300 P.M. 8.00 P.M. ' l `D..- Q5- W-`gunjuu Will have Cope Vincent ' __ At 8:55 A.M., on srrival of train from`; Rome. I:c.,-meeting the G.T.R. trains for East ' urd Went, unlthe Bay of Quinta and Lake Steunuen. ` :_ . - -A n 1: ___,,-_:I .n L___:_ 1..-..- KINGSTON P081.` OFFICE. 1 emu. I-intern 5y G.`l'.B.. day tn-n ....... .. 1.00 pan. Western 1.6!) pan. CE.A.lI.lVl. TIIEFI And 5:3) P.M., on nrrivil of train from Home &c.. meeting the G.T.R. train: for East andwtdth ' tannin- ream emu-nmgs ex-or on Kingston Wolfe Island Ferry. (NOMMENCING this day, the Steamer I GAZELLE will run nu under during! the trairvl, xrriviixg 9:. ['.M., Home 9:50 P.M., and New $8. 31.. .-..I -I-.. ............o:-.n -CH1 thn N T (`n'n P!-n. Illllkflflli` ikulnnoqnc llonte.(- (wounxxcma N TUFSDAY, 2sn{in.:., I Ihn Rhmmnr (}A7J'0`.IJ.F`. 1') Dual. Ono ot the Steamen oi the above Lino will `Avg (L. R! I -u-........ \VI.-- that .6 lnkn, wax: Q-onlllu _ Put fnighfor 1 rv nu-I, loo: 0: Jonnmn nu-new. Passengers gain to the \\'at can procure Pickutl \.-in Great. Vuntcnl. I(l)M lul LIIKIUI AIM] uuuuelucn on we u nu c. H. HATCH, Agent. `Kinston,JSept -2, 1871. _.._A__ ZIIII 50 IE Mail) In: uuxu. ` Fort "ht n lyonhonrdorto ' ml` or INGHORN;-` Fe Wharf. foot of Brock Street. Kinglton, uly 29, I871. re wnnn. I001 KiI"0-tiny 1, 1871: 'Henl.Ilohehndonbon*d. JMKEHUIRU IIIII Ely, `U10 DIBSIIIOT G w'i1l'udd`tho| mm- MM-8 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ___ ,,4_.. __j 1., H ; ---UNDA 6:!) AM. `M. IL IN GHUHN 1? w frme of Brock suet. 1371. ` .nv a.:.. u-vv :..nn. G. INGHORN, `Fe Wharf. foot Bx-ok Street. an I IR'Il ` .geKnpli on board 0 WM. v M. .. u.....:. an-u.-~A gnu; -avg o'clock. Also, nno M the ateuneru will leave Jot Montreal every Morning (Mundny except- ed) M HAL!`-PAST I-`l\'l-L touching at Gan- Anonna Rnuckvill.-, Pr.-ncntt, And Fnnnwnll, `Bill r.m. ` Per Str. Wntertown or when nhrnrrives from Cape. nulvnnnnvu II! 5.60 nu. lboardorto .l3I l !\I 3.55 km. 4.00 am. 1.05 gm. Lin . - LORD DERBY ON ENGLAND AND THE UNITED STATES. In a recent speech Lord Derby said :- No fsilure of too sanguine or premature hopes st 311 nects the principle brought prominently before England st hrge, and which has always been cherished here- naniely, tint the spirit of free trsde, the spirit of conmacial onto rise, is the great nvsl snq new of the m 'tery and:gres- : not do badly when the time of trial came. Of . all that voodly showaf Guardsmen, Li niesmeu, augnt use was the experience which they had hed of active service for the past ei _t and thirty years, the soldiers of Great Bri ain did Highlaxu era, Ries, and Artillery, who on the `llat of June, 1853, saluted the Queen, how few areleft! Could they but have read the future they might almost have said xuorit'uri to eelntant. Over the heads of many of them `ere fteen months had passed the long gran wee growing on the hill side of Alma, while many of them found their reetin place on Cathcart e Hill, and in the Long galley. Once more Great Britain is putting on her wer- ' e panoplyand arousing from that dream of millental peace which is always go fondly cherished by every Englishman; nor can we venture to prophesy whether the clouds will roll away, or \\ at once more destroy many of her best and bravest. One thing however w may foretell without hesitation, viz : that whatever the Future has in store, the. people of the Mother Country will meet it in a. man- ner worthy the noble. sons of noble sires.- Ouawa Times. :1u l\r)Fl4Vp Thou comest, Autujnn, hemldetl by tho,1-sin. VVit.h banners. by great gala; incessant fanned. 3 _ A RETROSPECT. Now that we Are hearing so much about the Autumn Manwuvres in Surrey, the mind naturally travels back to what few of us new but mot of us can remember something ebout, viz. the cemp which in 1853 was form- ed upon the very ground now occupied by the troops in the vicinity of Chobham Common. At thit time war a peared imminent, the Eastern question h to be solved, the im- ' menee hosts of Russia were concentrating in the neighbourhood of the principalities, so the British Government determined to gin a. small portion of their small army a taste of camp life in order 8 repere them for the ex- periences of war shou d the necessity for wet arise. The number of regular troops in the United Kingdom was much smaller in 1853 than it now is, and it was only a force of 10,-_ women that turned out to` welcome Her Ma- jesty, es dressed in e scarlet riding habit and ' with aplumed hat upon her head, she rode up and down the line of Chobham. But un~ need as English men had become to war, and , slight ee was the experience which they h_ed nest eiezht end cu-nu 2:00 In. 1zlup.m. 1.051.111. 12:3) p.m. I-.l0.n.m. (hipin by on time, from-which do ham nmutu to: the difference between lion and Kinptcu time.) w in uannera. Dy great gala; incessant fanned, Bri htcr than brightest silks of Samarcand, 4 An state oxen hzusnosled to thy wain ! 7 Thou stand;-st. like imperial Charlemagne. Upon thy bridge of gold; thy royal hand Ontstretch_ed with benediction: o'er the land. Blessing the farms through :11 thy vast do~ mam ! ea So long beneath the heaven's o'crha.ngiug eaves: canes ; I Thy steps are lay the farmer's prayers attend- ed: mam . Thy shield is the red hnrvest. moon, Impend- ed G I Like ames upon an altar shine the sliczwcs; Anal, following thee, in thy ovation spleudid,, Thine. almoner, the wind, scatt-ers the golden leaves ! ` ..-.v.... \ I ..u;:-ru. A trial in now going on in London which shows one of the many schemes resorted` to in order to push off cc-ruin w_areu. It is oh: pie.-e with the 01:1 story of the manner in which VVarren'a Blading (if we remember rightly) was ufade known. A number of men dressed Inn in tho` hnnf. ntvln of fin: I1\l\x'4\vn 61.... wen engaged to go round all the shops keep- ing blaong for sale, and to ask for \Varn;-n`e refusing to take any other. But in that case there was no breach of the law. It was a neat trick of trade, and proved highly successful. The present attempt. which is iouruled on the same characteristic of human nature. has not been so successful, and has brought its pro- jenitora within the clutches of the law. A publisher nuned Steuson, And James Hitch- inau. described as an author, had :3 book call- ed Sunshine and Shrule," which they wished to palm off on the public through the medium of the booksellers. . Accordingly Lady Scott becomes so desirous of obtaining the work that she writes to Mr Uliapplu. a bookseller of [1- minster the following note :- -Lady Scott, by the rer.-ominendation of A friend. would like the enclosed book to be obtained fdr he; as Ioonu possible. (In her return from town in a few days ehe will call and pay for it". En- closed was a, prospectus of "Sunshine and Shadow," with opinions of the press, stating that it could be of Hamilton 5: Co.. Sta- tioners Court. l.a.d_\' Scott was so anxious about obtaining a copy of the work that she wrote to thirty or forty other booksellers. There could be no doubt of the genuineuess of the letter, as it was written on blue cinbosscd paper, bearing an earl or countcss's coronet. \_\'ith such iinniistakeablc evidence, seven copies were ordered, it being stated that that number could be obtained for the price of six. A (bod many others fell into the trap. It ! turns out that Lady Scott was really Stenson, although the letters were actually in the h:.uis,l~ writing of a Mrs Linati; a teach`ei'of languages, who was furnished by him with the aristo- crztic paper and: directory. uiaue Known. A number 0! dressed up in the but style of the London ilunkcy, I wnicn orings up the expenditure France has to face to the fear- ful total of ...................... ..4,`.Z76,000,000 Or in English money l7l,040,000 ! To meet thnt requires productive taxation; and such devices as the imposition of `.20 per cent duty on the imports of raw material, essentially an unproductive tax, as M. Michael Chevalier demonstrates with cruel cogency in the Debats or the addition of one penny to all taxes, di~ not or indirect, is nancially the height of absurdity. It is the misfortune of France just now that she is ruled by men who have even less? nancial ability than the Ministers of the Empire. They do not appear to see that the nancial position is so serious as it is, and they trust oaver much to the credit of France. In ordinary times the production of France is estimated at about ten milliards, or 400 `millions sterling ; and with a. budget amounting to nearly one-half of that fearful amount, only nanciers of the calibre of M. Thiers and M.` Pouyer-Quertier could shut their eyes to the fact that anytaxes caldulated to restrict the productive power `of the coun- try must defeat the object for which they are levied. It really looks as if the country were about to drift into financial chaos. 1 nine. KKXIIOIICT --Longfel.mc, The yearly interest on which amounts to ...; ............... .. An accuinulntion of decits Arnnnntiua fh UUIBID `QUIZ Anav:....2.oo . 12.10 . Dqom...215:. 12:03.3. All ICUlLlll|L|DlA{Ull D1 (XBHCIES amountmg to ................... .. A budget of expenses amounting ' to .................................. .32. FRANCE DRIFTING TU A FINANCIAL . CHAOS. I 1: 1 1 11,",-n v n n .. -- u; M. de la Bouillerie has laid before the Na- tional Assembly a singularly clear report of the liusncial position of France, which is any- thing but cheering. - Frmce has a debt, aznly 1 portion of which is consolidated- _ 1,1--- ,_ nnvu \Vh.ich brings the expenditure has to face to tha fur- w .................................. ..'.:, A departmental ditto amounting to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , H TUIi`.S'B./4 1' i3n:.\'I.\'(:, m'1w}1:1.' .9. Elm gait}: lcnv; TRICKS OF TRADE. AU'I`UMl-`l::- 8 ..`2,500,000,000 in canndlit 113$ M this company. ROYKL HAIL THROUGH LINE. 4 H3 -ABO\'E Lnur. a. composed of In following SPLENDII) UPPER-CABII 8'I`BAMl-IRS : - CORSICAN Cnpt. Fai 'eve. 3l'ARTA.\' .. Kc ey, l ASSl'l)RT ._ .4. Sildair. . KINGSTUN . Fapell. 'C\)RlN'l`ll|.~\N Dunlop. MAGNI.-2'!` ~ Simpson. 300,000,000 ' 723,000,000 7:%,ooo,ooo Francs. In the Coimbatore district of the Mldf Presidency there exists a tradition thst at one time the country thereabouts was peo led bye. Eiegxn race, three feet high and witli owing 2.: , who were ruled over by a gnome Re- jah, who lived on a. mound. The mound is still pointed out, but jts existence has been fatal to the tradition, for Dr. Hunter on open- in it found oinerary urns containing bonee of {xi I-sized men.--Po7u:cr of India. A despatch from Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 26 says:-'1`hree negroes werelsetnighttakenfrom thegaol at Winchester, Tenn., sud hsnged by a party of ten disguised men. The had been committed charged with burniu the Metho- dist Church and the residence of enderson, e wagoner. '_ The church .w , burned in retalia- tion for the bun-ning'of_e 1:31-o church, and the wpgoner had made hnnself obnoxious to the Vneigi-oes by 3 contest to get possession of a. negro girl hired by him. The Yeilov Fever is certainly prevalent in New Orleans, although the reports are contra.- dictory as to its. extent. Governor Wei-moth end Collector Casey both teleannh +.I.. +3.... ` - iuercial prosperity. times been:-i`feeli`hg' of very eouslderalile jealousy and hostility; and I would not undertake` to say -that during _the last half century peace would have been preserved between those two countries if it had not been for the conviction deeply present in the minds of all rational men on both sides of the water that they could not go to war one with the other without striking a. deep and almost fetal blow a inst their own com- Vith regard to the Uni- ted States, I hope we have reason to be sa- tised with the course that has been taken. Their present tari` is not exactly in accords ` ance with the principles of unrestricted competition, there is no doubt about that. It was adopted, I believe, under two in- uences. One was the inuence of trade interests at home, which, of course, will operate new justas much or aslittle as they did a few years ago "The other inuence was at much more creditable one-sn in- tense desire to begin by any means to re- duce the enormous debt which they con- tracted in the war. They set to work in earnest, and they succeeded. They are pay- ing oil` their debt at the rate of fourteen or fteen millions sterling a year. \Ve may not admire all the means taken to accoinplish that result, but the result itself is a respect- able one, and I wish that we borrowed a little from them in that respect, and that we thcmght s little more than we are apt to do of the burdens we are bearing of that nature. But this is R digression. What I meant to say is, now they are beginning to way of being greatly reduced if not swept see that the debt, enormous as it is, is in the at! altogether in a limited time, it is pro- bable that their .attention will be less ex- clusively directed to that point, that they will think more of the rate of taxation in- llicted on their people, and that they will beginjo reform their tariff. Theydo not, as a. rule, do things by halves ; and if they go in for free trade I shall expect that tlmv Pundit Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar has just I published 3 phm hlet in Bengalep, entitled Polygamy--'ihou d it be abolished-or not ? He argues that it should; and to enforce his arguments he publishes a king list of _i1}d_ivjd- uals of his acquaintance who(1n the words of A. Ward) may be said to be `fvcry much mag- ried. Here is a. dozen M a sa.mnla:_mm1, A. vv aru) may be saw to be `fvcry riex . sa.mple:-Bhola `Natl: Bannerjee, aged 55, 80 wives; Bhugwan Cbatterjee, aged (R, 7'2 wives; Purna Chunder I Mookerjee, Aged 55. 62 wives: Moan ...L,.. oonto V31`. A1-`ivo...l.50p.m. 3.40 p.m. Dopu-...2.05 pan. 4.!!! p.-. '_ 4-"nun -nun. tunes as mmy German soldiers were engaged in the late campaign as in those of 1813-1815; yet in the earlier war about fteen thousand seven hundred Iron Crosses were distributed. The disproportion becomes still reater when we take into account the higherc asses of the Order. During the War of Liberation the` Grand Cross was awarded to the Crown Prince of Sweden, Prince Bluchey, Count 'ork, and Generals von Guisenau, Von Taunt- zien alndvon Billow, while in the late war only seven generals were thus distinguished-- namely, the Crown Prince, Prince Frederick Charles, the Crown Prince of Saxony, Field Marshal von M oltke, and General: vou Goben and von Manteuffel. .....u ;.uu.u u.n.UI3B. According to a. general estimate made by the German Minister of War, the number of persons who received the Iron Cross during the lute campaign amounted to about forty thousand. Though this number may appear large, considerably more decontions in pro- portion to the troops engaged were conferred during the \Var of `liberation. At least four times as German soldieta en campaign 1813-1815: .~. ...-\...A ..u AIALAJALIXLUL DJIDDLIDZH The I`vIm-m'ng 1`o., takes up the announce- ment that Russia is making various impor- tant alterations in the arming an equip- ment of her cavalry, in" thelight of the ex- perience furnished by the action of the Ger- ma.n-cnvalry during the campaign of 1870. The old things have passed away, snd all things have become new. Le rot . est mort, ri1`(` I.: mi I But a great military system is not to be thus transplanted, like a ower, from one soil to another. The military or- ganisation of Prussia. is intensely national ; and in order to accliinatise it in so uncon- genial a. region as Rustin, something more is needed than the simple at of an a.bso- lute ruler. There are countries which are naturally fitted to favour the growth of a vast military power, and there are others which are not so adapted. Lord Bacon has told us, with perfect justice, that the true greatness of a State consisteth neither in lzu-geness of territory, nor in number of men, but rather in the temper and breed of the population, the capability of every man to become a soldier in time of need, and the power of the government to excite in the people a proper spirit of valour. VVeigh- ed in this balance the power of Russia, with all her countless square miles of territo and her millions of inhabitants, would still be found wanting ; and in any case mili- tary organisation is not an enchanter's rod, capable of working equal wonder in the hands of a. skilled adept or of an ignorant clown. Russia cannot become a match for Prussia by simply borrowing her we .' The nuhtarv sviatam of.P1`-ruinig iti'.1 .- r ruuu ox uxnpiy burrowing her :19 nyiatam of -Ptussin,!ihfa:`- terior to an age to that of Peter the Great, has been working in its present form for up- wards of a century, under the guidance of such Generals as Leopold of Dessau, Fred- erick the Great, Schworin, Ferdinand of Brunswick, Ziothen, Winterfeld, Keith, Mollendorf, Blucher, Gueisonau, and Von Moltke. The military system of Russia. is B mushroom growth. which `lni+l-...-+.-. 1.-.. 1.v.un.|.n=. Lue mmury system ot Russia. is growth, which hitherto has only succeeded in drilling away the wnrlike spirit of the nation, under the routine of such general: as Menschikoif, Aurep, and the Emperor Nicholas. In order to rear the same structure the name foundation must be laid ; and the laying of that foun- dation is not a work of one year, not of one genoratxon. ` as u. rum, no mm-gs oy nmves; and 1f they expect that they will do it in earnest." l{l7SSlA'S MILITARY SYSTEM. TL- Fl,.....'..,. I) 1; L THE DAILY N'EWS-TUESDAY EVENING. OCTOBE r1'-j THE IRON CROSS. ;- LA - ..-_---A` " 5-luv, ILGIII-IUULLII DECK I. `in. Only ,I'n . 1'0!!! wnjiye -sent that` can be administered. 0 0 "'*"" 1' '3 A -`5"4-3" .IIIInnt1nuooontuL `