ll TIX payers who lnn1- not yet pull their taxes are rt-Inlmlml lo - do no at olce. and saw costs. Wednesday, the 20th istant. I &c. There will be o'ero d M: tho ulna time (if not sooner sold by rivste ale) 1 FAMILY CARRIAGE and SL IGH, together with I large quantity of General Property. 0.1.. L- ___._ _, . It\ a u o-uuoI:. . "Uur benutmu Mo'nnto.in."-Glovor Miss Greenwood And Min Sutherland. 4-Song . . . . ...Se1-enude. . . . . . . . . Schubert. Minn Hannnnn ;--unuu . . . . . and . o u - - - . . . . - . . u . . . . . . . . - . . . .. 2-Baendin .....'l`boN Icaltl `A heou-y. ' 8 Dr. B1:-kor. . pot 3-Duet...Do you Bemmben". .17 . Cunpun. Miss Hardy and Mr Downrd. 4_Qnnn 1r_u- m,_;, il--.U|lO`5.... . . . . . . . . ..."".I.'l1ll Mr and Mn Gr} 6-Song (Comic). . . . . . l`1-.I .. `L- rs. uley, nan, nuacnen Cornicea, Cu:-tum, |ENGRAV|NGS, mumms, ON behnlf of ST. PAUL'S CHURCH ' SUNDAY SCHOOL, on TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 19, 1872. By the kind permission of Col. French and the oicen of the Gurinon Bsttery, the fine Band of the Battery will be present. ' nnnn A 1-u.-n wuuu - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..`.... ;--Reading . . . . . . . . . . Mnchur. 3-Dhot. Our Beautiful Mo'nnto.in."-Glovor Greenwood nnd Min Qua-hm-I...) 6-Song. wuiouub. sorry tothink am my Illlolld Iloguilty oftho charge: hid `ii: King and Mr Mcliollzr, md , While think thospiritud pa-tof the gen- Iltnnn ideas: may be all rig, is but 01$ the hope that he wiil come forward ll, have politic slam, and tall the H lawn:-nigh-ml 0-]. .1 03.. `Jun. 1 , C_|TY HALL. MgggAL A7435 mamv l--Ba.nd n DUCl'UI&I"- [The Piano used on this oocnion in kindly loaned from the Factory oi Menu Weber & Co. ` ITintypes{ Dagucrreotypes,&c., Mule with the akcrnsr ACCURACY and BEAUTIFULLY rmsuno in INDIA INK. nn. ...- vvurlz-9 nnl nnno L-~ . .- I` "' Mule 'th til GR.%L .l`E8" I` ACCURACY BEYIUTIFELLY INDIA INK, OIL, or VVATERCOLOUBS, by {EuLAnnEn PHOTBGRAPHSI Ladiu Lamb Wool Undnx-wear. Gents Merino Shirt: and DTIWOII. (1--`On T`-ah Wgnl lstn nan` rain |J'G!II3I' HLCTIIO EIIIITI IIIII IJTIWIFI. Gena Lamb Wool Shirt: and Dnwen. Gena` Cundinn Shirt: and Puma, 1 run: lzea. . Csrdigsn Jackatt,__ Pplks Jnokotl. Eontsga, Honda. Sou-fa. &c_. `to. Nov. 13, 1372. Special attention is directed 6 our Stock of H108 GRAIN SILKS (REAL LYONS\ in vv Lu. nnul-BLHULV U, ` Secretary P.S.B. Kingbton, Nov, 13th, 1872. AD 1 ES MERINO UNDERWEAR, 1 Kingston, Nay. 13, 1372. m" `"c..i aavel.;i;`9.;2ueen.` Tickets 15 Cents. .g.---... )0. Nov. 13. November 12. - - .. --~ "'l"J' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. ENTERTAiNi&_' JUST RECEIVED ATETHE Mr Dowse. M.l'. for Derry, has ncccpteull` I set U: the Juclgeship vacnnt by the death of `Baron m Hughes. He is succeeded as Attorney-lh-ne-, Ih ` ral hy Mr l`alles. who also hopes to mcceecl l IL` ` in` it him in the representation of the .\lai (`it_\'." but lie will tinl himself greatly mis- `taken. The c-ainlidates in ulditiun In Mr Nu` I l'allcs, are Mr Biggar (Hume Rule), Mr B. :cn )1-Curkell (a L'uIiseI`\':|ti\`:.' on the fence), anal of Mr Lewis (Lilwral-(`unsei-\'sti\'e). '|`hi~ n-- W`! _iloulntahle Jolm Rea wished to iutroilnce him- w.. self at one time to the notice of the elect:-s, 3" l but we fniln.-y his nuuierous incarceratiuns in V [in i Belfast Gaol have cooled his courage. There d`__"l isno doubt of Mr Lewis` return by 2. large nm- l 01 ijority. there being a great split among the It Liberals on the Home Rule and Education I Question. The Preshyteriaus will not support w`_l_ `` Home Rule or Denominational Eiluc;\t_ion, Y` . while the Roman Catholi. 3 gas for both. Tine Fell Conservative eanulialatc; willthus have an em)` '1 l Victory, if he ilo not lose votes by Mr ).\l\.`L`Ul`L ll`-'7 ell, who is a local c-.unlil.ite anal :1 L`unser\'a- '1 : tive. lt is prulvahle, l1uV\e\':l', heinill be in- leel , ducal to retire before election day, as he ulcl i has not the sliglitest clinm-c of being elected. l Ar- l MORTONWOOD, FROM LIFE OR COPIES [OF ll. IlENlDEllSON, At h|.lf-;-mat-uervanr o ciock. NOTICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ina anrrup Uup." Mr Wilson. . O Fair Dove. . . . .Mr Gstty. Mn Grylln. . `,__. PRC-)GRAM`ME. ."oerenuue." 4 Miss Henderson. .POOR COP WM. ARMSTRONG, Sent-etnrv P Q 1 77.` g` `V `M _. nised on his estates, but it in mine the less true that Mr Vlillu and hi: friends would I like to hear Iomothing of a settlement of I that little bill of 2,137 l0_\\_'ithinte1'est at I six per cent per nnumn nine ., I 0 January 180.} ; t `|'_ Lv ;__ ______A,___,,.u_, - 1 -. ` GQOD&| PRINCESS STREET. R. '1`. BUBNS,_ Sam-ntnru nu -vu. The Stirrup Cup. son. v-rvv--an .Hr H. Tandy. Pints of Home. I vv Luna nu, Anctnoneer. .Mr Keeley. ANCY G-(5ODS !--Beat assortment of _ Bracelets. Cheapest Sets of Jwlry, grestost vsriety, A on *l'r1I`Q`I\CII'I'tu Anna NEW VIEWS OF KINGSTON By E. Henderson.` GITY_:E_A_I.L. BLIND TQM CONCERTS ..._ .-y- wwnul l'Vl IIIIIIIIEI IIIIUU Ili||IIIiIl_\ JUUID, Mr King apparently avoid; it, and Mr MeKall':\r is profuse in his aympaflly furi "that nu;-nllnn} ||.-1|: " Inn 3...6`o ......._l_. |...L 3 Monday BvEI_T_ng, Nov. 18. The Celebnted Nm BOY. 1>1A'ms'1`, 2 j I uyi The Great Musical ' of the age, and most mu-vollous Musics! enius living. whose rfornunce: 51'. the Great St. June: and ptiua Hells, London, and Sdle Hertz, Paris, and- throughout the United States, have created such 3 rofound aenutiou, will give ONE CONCER 11: the shove-named nlnce nnd time. > ` Novembor 12, ARTIES wishing PHOTOGRAPHS for tho HOLIDAYS 53- dither WATER COLOUE 0RfINK, Uilf Please lenve their order: an early as pousible. ~ SHELDON & QAVIS. Nov. 11. ILEIIIIIIIOD no es: cents. Reserved 8 Stacey : Bookstore. Nov. 12. EMIN DER TO OUR CUSTOMERS and BUYERS :-Thursdzy bein Thanh- givin Dsy, make your purchuel ' o-mon-ow (wexfnesday). - | A - . It 1: 1: Water F Ind ' Initabl? :3: 8"hFi.;J-bnilding,roI1`-3:1`; I Fa:-Iv:-I The MARKET` SQUARE1 SHAWLS, -DRESSES, MANT LES, LUSTRES, CIJOAKS,~- SMERINOES, SKIRTS, TWE EDS, BLANKETS, '_ FLANNEI8 QUILTS, ' . .... ..v..... .w rnunlucv nu una B lIlylllIly IUI that exccllo.-lit. man," but soft wnnls but- ter no wast." m.n:mLI<: P1101 EBTY F03 3,51.-E Village of Pbrtsmoptml HAT VALUABLE 1ino1>`I:c'rY "b1ong- T to thecsnsdian N: ' ion\Com n:nil;::morly nod by_Mr rryu 3 A `cation to ho mule to-1:1:_Hon. Join: Hun n, Kingston, or to the undersigned. Aiiaw 1:1:-v - Nov. 13. PUBLIQ _% SALE : Mc&DONELL S, * Nov. 13. Nov. 13. Nov. 13. VTEREOSCOPES !-NEW STYLES, AT H1:-:Nm:RsbN*s. ! L`oL'.\"n' Dom;-:AL.-.\lr Cochrane, who has ' been Clerk of the Peace for 3 great number ul years, has resign:-1 that utiice. He is suc- ceeded by. his son, John Cocbrane, l:`..sq. , Nov. 13. )UR.SES :-cnE.415Es'r PURSES, 13.33, and Sgtchela, . _ _-_--_ _....~A-cn -.-vv nun uuuvo Doors open at 7o clock ; commeneist 8. Adm:..:nn In .....4.. - n-_-._-: n-.A- - , W", ,. Opening to-day mother New Stgek of Noollons. ` Readyfor immense nls. _ a- '1'ema_strict1y*cuh. wry HALL,: _Nov. 11. )0LLS 1 DOLLS !-LARGE s'focK, `I An: `D-inn: 'vvi1ii;;;ia on FAVOUBABLE TERMS; A-...I:..-L:.... L- `L- __:|_ L- AL, 11- u .v USIC !-Q0NGS. DUETS, GLEES, &c., Large Stock of Instrumental Pieces, )lI\ I"'I'.I`LY`I\I'i1'\l\`LYlI` notice of a by-law to regulate the erection of signs and awnings on Prim.-ess street. V\'e hope his heart will not fail him when he nloes so 93 it did in the abolition of the tolls. The members of the Council perhaps will he on their good behaviour thnttvening. -::,: Ulvit.\' l\'u'r_1cr:.-Aldei-man Price has given l Markei: Square. nmmhnr I2. Post Oice, Custom House, Court House, Queen : Collge, Boys! College of Physicians, Genersl Hospital, Grsxmnsr School, ` Q5 l`|...'..._- _ IV_LI....I...I v n -nun-nun -uvuuvn, St. Gergeh Cathedral, St. Paul : Church, St. Mary : Cathedral, Sydonhsm St:-not Church, Queen Street Church, l'V.._A_.___A-._-I~ fII__ __I_ `nu... vsunuvnlcn uuu Merchants Bank. h-_I_ _: Il__A_-_I guvvu uuvuu vuuuuga, Congregations} Church, `lI.g-4.1.--`Av- `D--J. il3:h-trap : Palace. 1 :A--g NOTICE. guvnvun-nu; uuu-. Bank of Montreal, Kingston from the Fort, St. Andrew : Church, 'D.Z_.:L:.._ `lI ,,LL-j_L fVI_____ Jnalulw vv u vuuauu, E";-`imitive Methodist Church, Chdmars Church,` l'YL_:.L:-_. D_-A.L-_. 0-1. __I no \.r-nu-auras, hriltinn Brothers School, 11: -Inn-.7. `D-`I - .... QL'u:'rx2.ss P_m-:v.uu.- l`here is cumpa.ra.- tively nothing to engage tlmiittention of the police authorities these times. The city is quiet night and day. Evidently the Iuornls ol the community are improving. There was` nothing before the court to-clay except a few small boys who were charged with throwing stones. They were admonished and disl.uiss- ul `fancy Goods.` Stereoscopos. am.3'+a'J.,% L Mnnni n:`:tDuv .8 LI... Music. JOHN HENDERSON, Book Iallnr 'e;t:';' i?.;:u:-ed. aims 775 Seat 'l.`icketg for sale :1: '6. AT HEN1iERsoN's. AT I-IENDEESON S. AT HENDEKSON S. OI IIIBBIIIIIIEIIUII KIOCBU, AT HENDERSONS. Nnw URGAN.-Tender8 were opened to-day for the erection of a. gallery in the Queen Street Wesleyan Methodist Church, for the reception of the new organ now being mann- fsctnred by the celebrated Mr Warren of Mon- trosl. The instrument will be nished and ready for location by Christmas, previous to which time the choir, under the supervision of Messrs Tandy Brothers, will have uuile:- gone re-organization aiid enlargement, by the Addition of vocal talent. A `With the new or- gal: and the improved choir, the music of this Church will then rank among the best in the city. . Tlullnolvlxq Du. ~As our readers arr nwan, to-Inorrow \I`hnraday) has been set ` as a general holiday and day of H hanhqiving for the blessings of peace and I abundant harvest, and we have no ht it will be heartily observed by 11in ple as it deaerves to be. Upon ca.-`ting ` a retrospective glance at the past year ' 1 must be admitted that we lnwe great cause for thanhfulneaa. The country has lvecll ` eminently prosperous, every department business in the Provillcu has ourished ; have dw elt in peace and plenty, and l= have had an abundant harvest. What ` anitable or proper then as that we sh..u1.1_; publicly unite aa a nation in aclmowlmlg- l ` in` the source from whence all this good- 1 ` nan has been poured out upon us. | would be very desirable to appoint a xed 2 day in every year as Tliamksgiving Day." l Iothat the people would have acertain tixed time to look forward to, and not aa feel '_ uncertain to the last moiiient Wllutllcr there will he a gt-neml. holiday or not. in natural that the churches should feel Iona tiniidity in the matter, but it would just be an easy making a permanent an-- i rangalnent as it is now. If the heads oi the ! rcapective churches wonldnnite in petition- ingythc Ingialative Assembly or the Huusu 0! Common, n xed day might be appointed remind our readers that on Thanksgiving . Day the exercise of charity is most becom- ing and desirable. There are many objects connected with all our churches where an opportunity will be found for the generous Christian to exercise this gift to the fullest latent, and where even the wealthy chnrl, whoae heart is rarely open to generous nn~ pnlcaa may nd some consolation in con- tribnting to the comfort of hiafcllow-beings. That there are many Inch peraonajn society a iatoowell known to all who take an in- tetcat inning of our public institutions or charitiea. May we not hope that Thanks- giving Day" may give them an opportunity of tnrninfover a new leaf, and resolving that henceforth they will live not altogether for thenaelvea. :_. hy`Act of Parliament. We need scarcely [SOUR um , Bookseller. |n.`&J.eA"nDINEn NOWJJIIOI or Uoloireu urea urun Bun. {cw or edge Faun: nnjllnulg purpolel. New Sindee Gotdod Silk: , , N ew Shsdu, Blackk-Coloured Velyetoenl. The `kicked Quality Silk Mantle ~Velvets,~ ' 27 `inches wide. , ' Blhack Silk `Bonnet Yelv=ktI,`'.| inches wide.- T Belt Blnc Crspes, nnpo' rted. Hsfrdlome Frinnu. Gillan And Ornun-ants." mm! GOODS! l."|Ill IJIGI Jowllli LKIODIII l Kid Gloves, one gul two buttons. Whit: Kid lnvnn, nun tn-n Ant` [am mzucu consnsi Also 3 ve auortment of New_ Esndlome 15$ MATERIAL At very N k prices. ' `m =1,` Hindoome, Clocking. French Painly, Clnn Tu-tan ugd 0tW& Stri Shawls. , ,e no uho ofering 1 mporior of Blankgto, Hannah," Shooting, Napkin, ;; Couom, well worthy of n ' ' - 3 WA Splendid Stockof Cloths or GIT. - - ".- Aha 3 Splendid Stock bf Under-Chiba] 4 for Igdiet and Gatlnnau. 1 ' All the" shove an ol'a-odntleutlnnpu-'g_ sent prion. ,`, I :u.|l`J.`: '-; - " '.`7-" To 1*o.uonnow-aoomm.1. - Rnuotl. Spitunbergn, N or-thin `Spy, Baldwini, Groemngl, &c. ' ' - Luv: your orders delay ~ ' A?!` THE BAZAAR," piinnnan Q5-_..L -. mu 1/ J "5JO , 1 ,~ ; V . V 4` 7 ~ / ` ` ` FINEST ASBORTIIENTZ IN THE CITY ~ at the BAZAAR. I A __ 7 _ Wnv II ` FL'.\'r.IuL.-The remains of Mrs Buurchier, were interred in Uataraqui cemetery this morning, the funeral being largely attended by aconsiderable number of personal friends. Ser- vice Wu read in St. George`: Cathedral by the Dean and the Rev. Mr \\'ilsou. nu: une.-.3 scan-I qt Sdnchong. Four ponpdn of.Tea or (no trash), wir- ttntad to g`|velahIfuction. SUGAR ! SUGAR !_n 11.. 1... nu"-=a premium. " ` 3 . 9 `-4 FAMIL PROOF, NALT ~AND - BYE_ WEISK at Distilluy Pliooo; -, I ..uu auger, muuiluuulol-1,l'01lPB run.-pun. an win-ut 'M"R (11.11: A II` A blur`? N s1 ocK--nut chest. (Fmf Crop) ' Young Kyaon, Twankay andJa Tea, l'_ou_r o(_'1:ea ' -8l'(no v-v ----v wists: 118.5`: "n,l`I|;'0h:l:dfl0'I|ihOICt.!h IIUOfti_1'Icit , a"Dn-m.`I Il'.......'-..1u._ rn_ ,, on--cu snail It GIIGIIIIH 0! 9;! city. 71511; Royal Mamontte Troupe "1_,'lg:iI:lD|DhR- thdwinut _STARj_ Grocery &[jqno1-.Store.%, \, .._.-u-an-' usvailidtlg 9.! 1"P'.9se!*8 jiis. aim; nun.-rn V73` nnragr 3* ' New Linen` ' . New ling. oi` ` _ _ Corded-Silks. 'Now of Glace NewJA'noI of Coloured Gun Gnin Silks. Np-' Qlunnlan ll-nnnn It-in}: pnlinn becomes the property of the victors. Foorr BALL. - To-marrow the foot ball mstch, on the issue of which depends the su- premacy of the base ballers and Art students, will be played on the Cricket Ground, and much smnsement and interest is snticipated in the proceedings. Both sides will muster their strongest teams, end the battle must consequently be severe, yet decisive. Of course the respective contestants sre' sanguine of success, and the rivslry is greatly increas- edby the purchase of s. velnsble ball which .:.;..__.:=i_.._-___j' rnea. ;.::..r.:7.:."*""..,"::-.::,,.`"..:?.?*o,..""* ..,..{ ta.` White And Blue Real Lnoes. ` Bluk and Coloured Groo Gt-sin Sash Rib< mnl. * 7- ' " .,:3:..u-._td mu uwvol, mu ya: we nuuom. . White Kit} Glovel, one, two and four but- on: _ ,,` `_----. _a'l"loAne V-`i callnndon.unne' . Nov, `It. DAWE S ALE. tutu: to glveiatnucnon. SUGAR scam 2-12 ibo. for s1 .`."i PURE fresh around an 1:! Vnmmbai. 12.3 `usual. A5UIl'lH I ! Nov. 11. REPECTFULLY announce that they . hum uhhul m tlunir Ah-cult I41-an [N s'nocx-3.1: cm. Vnning 'Il'u-Qun 'I`-.-.I.-- - Quebec, llth November, lS7`2. To the Clerical And Lay Delegate: in the Pro- | viucid tiynod : Reverend Sin `and Gentlemeu,-\Va are directed to inform you, that a special meeting of the Provincial Synod will be held-by order of the Metmpolitmi, ou \Veulnesday, the 11th `t December next. in Montreal. 'l`h- ...u.l ..i-,...1... ...l.:..I. n... c--A-_.-_: i e. - -,-.. .e ` RANGES ! ORANGES !OR4NGE8! it ) tho BAZAAR. Prin;:cu St:-ee t, ruuhm. Oct` 2'), I Em 1: Wm- ufv HALL.-8IX NIGHTS 0N_LY, J commencing MONDAY,-4Hovabor ll. lllI`..__, Harback ca.; BPELTFULLX Illll they luvs added to their Already In-gt I: of FANCY AND STAPLE R. & Gardineif. F`AbY3fd%uns. -nu-an.--vvl-u Aa-lU a `II. LJUI-II-IVl| II, l\|ub" nton; `V. B. Simpson, Kingston ; Judge Jnrvis, Cornwall; 1'`. McAnnany, Belleville ; A. Code, Inniall; Geo`:-ge May, Ottawa; S. Keefer, Brockville; A. Kirkpatrick,*King- stun; H. S. McDonald, Brockville ; James Shannon, Kingston 5 R. Lyon, Ottawa ; James Jackson, Lsnark. _ ----_ __`T-r- , 172 triet, Kiziglt _on. . \ `\ '9 , 1372, 9 .(}ROCERS, cc: .':,_; my it` which 91 streort/1:... uq. of -the V4: ' Pnovrsclu. Svxon. - The following is a I copy of the_ci1-cular calling the special meet- ing of the Provincial Synod :- {\unI.-.- IILL \Y-....._L.._ Io-In 3110 mainly ' succeed matic I ment in ed mi" ourish Tea.-he` evening n-- --1 Preside` Eat I i of to the convoy Mrg uecemuer next. In Montreal. The ueunl circular which the Secretaries are directed to issue, by the 39th Rule .1 Order, will be sent out with as little delay as possible. We are informed by the Metrupoli- ; tau thnt this meeting of .t.hel rovincial Synpul iujunnuoued in accordance with 3 resolut on of the House of Bishops, in order that the Canon on the appointment of Missionary Bishops which has been unanimously adopted by the Upper House, may be submitted tol the Synod.--We have the honour to be, your 1 faithful servants. I Cins. H.uux:roN, Cler. Sec. Prov. Synod. FBID. MACKENZIE, Lay. sec. Prov. synod. The Delegate: from the Diocese of Ontario are-Clergy: The Veu. Archdeacon Patton, Belleville ; Revds. J. S. Lauder, Ottawa; J. A. Preston, Cornwall; F. 11. Tune, Brock- ville; J. J. Bogert, Nspmee; T. A. Parnell, Kingston ; E. H; M. Baker, Cnrrying Place ; Wm. Bleudell, Trenton; F. VV. Kirkpatrick, King:-ton. Laity: Dr. Henderson, King- an: `V, R Himnnnn K`ina-hum . Jnam-. Tn: ll Tun. WIZABD.-Pmfusaor D. Martin, of sleight of hand notoriety, entertained a. large audience At the second of this series of exhibi- tions, in the City Hall last night. His feats of legerdemnin, his ventriloquism and in fact ' his entireperformance wu capital, And such an pleased the spectator: who vented their approbation by Eequent burst: of appleuse. The distribution of gifts followed, which ` feature seem: to be a prominent nttnctiou of the entertainment. He will doubtless be we)! received throughout the "week. j 1-... .....uuu was an mun ammu tho charge. The one was uceordingly diamiqsed. We understand that it it the intention of the pro ucntor to lsy the nutter before tha Attor: nov-Gannnl. Pouc: COUJT. Wlmtnnuv. - In the mat- ter of the charge against June: McGuire, huh-_I-mar lap -II-am! ...-:..... :.. __ .m- In Kim; on `I'll Dnn.xs1vn:-Mon- day : Globe comes `em. with 3 letter from thin reverend gentlemen in reply to the ar- tidu which hue eppeered in the Mail com- pliuting him in the fraud: of the Elg-in As: eextiol. In justice to the gentleman we print his reply,` and while duing ee, must Ilhllitltingly lirln that there ere as few thing: yet requiring explenetion. An ex- eninetiuu of the charges egeinet him in the Hail will ehow that they embraced two dis- tinct items. One the gentlemen he: met, hut the othc yet rennin: untouched. The Hail ehewed by e report of a. meeting held in Glnqow, the particular: of which were -.. ._.._,. \ - Thu minutes uf the last day : pvroo-ceding: |uf the previous Iusaion were read by the iClerk, continued and signed by the . 1`Vtt`t'2`**"- . THE DAILY NEWsiW$1)NEs1iajsY f:;EvEmNG.,,,LdNo% 'MBER`-13. A uvnuu , bI1'V . 1.4:-II. I I! The County Council Mscxnlolcd to hold tlwimcutuunnnsessiuu in the Court. House 3 tmdny. L . ..,I_... !... ngvounnansvvlh I I From Mr. Horsey, agent for the Isolated s I Risk Insurance Company, infcrming the V Uuunuil that he would insure the County ' ` Baihlings at one per cent for three years, 5 [ subsequeu to the expiratipu of the existing policies. .. uuuvu. When the roll was called Ieverul mem- bers being absent, the adjuuniment Was muved and carried until to-marrow morn- ing at 10 o'clock. LV`I4`fVAW\YI'\ T\ A `T ` -_---... ..,.-_. Wednesday, Nov. 13. l The Council resumed at 10, the Warden prcsidillg. _ \'mIna.r:L-1v's nninntnn worn renal and an. pruslulug. . Yestex-day s1u1nutes we;-e read and ap- proved of. A cmulnuuiculiun was read from 0. Clinic, Secretary and '1`:-eusur r Kingston and Pembrolw Railway that the Railway company and 1 had concluded to give their order gmving and priming of their bonds to the Messrs. Knapp and New York, whose terms were abo 1 cent under utlienlirxus who had b c municated with on the subject airing early nctiun in the matte l the cuunty would consent to the I I of their bonds by the same comp I l mr.u1s'r1un s on-1-`ma-._ _ .........- ....-. .; guy.` 9-)- The Warden presented the bonds of the I`reu.aurer, Mr lrvinu, which, on motion of Mr McGrath, seconded by Mr Donaldson, were ordered tu be registered. 'I`HI H AIIJI` AV A cumniunicatiou wuread from Mr R. M. Rose, County Regitra.r_,- representing that in the uice to which hefhas recently been appointed, an index a.biin`a,.ct beok, prepa.r- ud fol` the transfer of the lots in the village of Portanioutli had been purchased, that the transfer has not yet taken place, in consequence of which con- llleiull must inevitably follow were the present praictice continued ; that he desired ` tu know if the Council had made appropria- tion for the expense thereof ; that he was supplied with the necessary articles of fur- niture for which he had applied with the axceptiun of three things, the necessity of which be again urged. I NSIYH A NPR * ......-_v_ ._ - nu.-sun yopcn luu cupwu into the Globe, that between the amount than stated to have been received and the anount reported to the Free Church Synod there In: a discrepancy of 810,000. Now while it Vie true tint Mr King cannot be held responsible for I newspaper report of hi: speech, it in none the lean true that was explanation of it in required, and Mr King done not even touch upon it. He also hi; .0 II . |l'.v-u..- _._ -4 _.__ I I - . pass THE COUNTIES DIFFICULTY. The following remarkable letter was read : Tamworth, June 17, 1872. Tu Schuyler Shibley Esq., Warden : Dear Sir,-I exceedingly regret to in- form you that our Council refused in spirit to pass your by-law on Saturday. _I am impressed with the belief that the people of the city has been to work with some of the bribery men of our Council to shunt the passing of it for the present so as to enable them to get the better of your Council. Our Council was not full and the opposi- tion used their plea to postpone it, although it was perfectly understood on Friday that those that remained were to that by-law. But the cupidity of some and the ignorance of others `in regard to the spirit of our settlement made it quite easy for those who were in the interest of Kingston to get the matter postponed. I told them in my opinion that the postponement meant an etfort to strangle the by-law. I done all I could to have it passed, but was defeated and resigned the Wardenship (of Addington.) I told them that I could not for a mo- ment be considered the head of a cor- porstion that would tarnish their honour by the violation of :1. sacred compact which I considered were binding on us because of it being in part not expressed in writing. Our Council found that the diiculties ahead were serious and wished me to with- draw my resignation, and after one of the most unusual scenes such as all the inani- festations of chaos presiding, I consented to sign cheques for what appropriations had been made up to the time of my nsignatiun and so the matter stands. ` ` "I Itnnn vnunn (`.nnv-.1-II` All ....L THE COUNTY BUILDINGS. Moved by Mr Mudie, seconded by Mr McGrath, that when the insurance on the County buildings expires thatjhe Treasurer i be uu_thm:ized to insure the buildings in the Canada. Isulated Fire Risk Company on the the terms offered by the agent, Hr Horsey." The nnnnnil ninnv-nod HI] 0 (. l,...'I- Onnn-:LLowsnn>.-La.st evening Bro. A. Purvis of St. Catherines, Grand Patriarch of the I.0.0.F., instituted an Encsmpment of that Order in this city. The following oili- cers were elected and insta.lled:'-Bru. F. Fowler, M.D., Chief Patriurch; Bro. W. D. Gordon, High Priest; Bro. S. Obemdorer, Senior \Va.rden; Bro. G. W. Andrews, Junior VVarden; Bro. J. B. Nclver, Scribe; and Bro. Philip Bajus, Tregsurer. Subsequent to the election the Ihlcampment adjourned to Richardson's restaurant, where the members passed a short time in pleasantly discussing a splendid spread of viands. _-_.._ ...........,, Ivuu uua ucuu Lat-my engag- [ ed with I psrty of distinguiehed railroad i men on a. tour ac:-on the continent, com- [ bining business with pleasure, returns to Kingston (hie residence) to-night ; in prol- pect ofwhich-we learn that the employee: of the station have arranged to 9.11001 - tain him iii a hospitable and betting man- ner, as an appropriate welcome. This ex- hibits the high esteem in which he is held by thoib under hie direction in the survey. nu: rnusUnnn`s suns-rugs. ' From Messrs. Campbell and Macdonell, respecting the desired withdnwal of Mr John Fraser as one of the County Trea- surers Sureties, relative to which a. com- munication was received at the J une Session of the Council but no actioxf taken thereon. gaywvv u 5-.)- A number of accounts were read and on motion referred to their appropriate com- mittees. auu nu uu-: ulauel` uanas. ` _; "I hope your Council` will not "1-`ec eive aq y loss by the position the matter is place H in.-I remain vours. ' | Susx NEAR Oswnuo.--A short telegraphic despatch, received by parties he:-e`lut even- ing, briey announcee the loss of the schooner ` Vvilliam John, which sank a few miles of Oswego, where her cargo, probably lumber, was destined. Her crew wee ufely picked up `by the schooner Centurinn (Captain Tyo, of | Kingston.) These are the only particulars 1 we have been able to ascertain relative to the | accident. | A Tun Cux'rmIr.N'ruL ToUn.-Mr James W. Stephenson, auintant Superintendent of the Western Divilion of the Grand Trunk Railway, whqhas been lately engag- with gnu-tv af .Ii.o.'......:.1..,.a -..:I..--: .-_ ---..... -...,...... .._, vnnv Insulin, J11. .I...I.UlIl The Council adjourned, till 2 (flock. _._. -,- awn vv-u uuuuu upon in. no I180 degktht Kr Holiellnr was at any of his - meeting: ueept one in Lendonden-y and , one in Edinburgh, end yet the Glasgow pa- pci and the Globe both mentioned him as bin; at the Ginger meeting. Here is a point upon Ihi we need a little further light, and we on fully persuaded` that Mr Kilg in to hinuelf ehould give us 3 11 iIIn-inn-1 v-nu 1`-onnty lfounell. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, Nov. 12th. ._.ZI ,. | ' ...L.. lV..... ,.- .7.` I 3 A SECOND DAY. '7 ` `EBENEZER PERRY. III 1311' I`. ' r of the ..A..A:..._ cu uum- | and de- whether ugnwiug ` ny. stating, the city 1- the'en- espective Eng. uf wlt 50 per en (`.1 HI\. f" ' ' ' "-'_A'_?j""".`I'j,""" A Mar 1 N ewe. Montreal Trsnspo tion Gompa.ny s_wharf -The propeller Iawiishickluns. from Chica- go, lightened 5,000 bushels of wheat and pro- ceeded to Montreal ; the schooner Cavalier, from Milwoukie, 18,000 bushels of wheat ; end St. Lswreuce, from Chicago, with 20,101 bushels of wheat, arrived yesterday. _Tl1u Funny Uatnpbell sud Southampton sailed {on Chicago for sslt. The schooner Richenlsou,'whZch left on Ssturdey for Oswego with `srley, returned yesterdsy, andis again loadixwg 9,000 bushels st Richardson : warehouse for the same desti- nation. The'ntea.mer Louisa, ffom 0`ttawa.u-rived and departed to-day. 'I`|u. -On-.n,L....nA I :......l.. ......I In.._.... I 1.....- _..-. uvr-u uvu vv -u-J . The steam-barge Lincoln and Marge Lisgar nu tow passed up from Montreal last night. 'I`|... n.-m..II.... mm. ..c 1 .....a... 1.....|...: .. u. vvvv ya-sous. uy uvnu uavuvluonn nun: uu`uu. The propeller City of `London loaded. 1 quantity _of pig iron, and left for the west this ulninlntv enell ray. It King doee not even allude to the Hillel` pert of the eecueetion in his reply, eedeone mu. light in also needed upon II ! pedal theehqrge. Hecan herdly deny tht in Iiie ceee, Xe make a serious over- , end therein [line the greveunn of the Iele nutter. Hie accounts of the money `nice! for the religious part. of the scheme -eybe ell correct, we ahoild be sorry to believe enything else, but we are bound to nythnif hennmekeoutu goodeceee {er-the eeeend item in the indictment an IQ therle eheuldnot letit pen in lilnnnn morning. "I"u 3 ll olnvl nu... THE: M AUD. ---The steamer Maud is again on her regular route (Bay of Quinta), lugving had her paddle-wheels repaired with buflittle de- lay. The kind she is now using is the com- mon straight wheel ; but (luring the winter she will have replaced the sgyle slmrst tried --l.he feather pmhlle-wheel. Port Colborne, Nov 1:}. -. Down - Prop Nashua, nu.-hr. G. Filuey, S; J. Luff, prop. Buckeye, brig E. Uochen, schr. Wanette, E. Blake, barque R. Uaskin, barques Gibraltar oud Louisa. 9.... uvu --an-. Up-Schrs. T. Perry, L. Casey and Cuba, prop. Granite State, steambarge Wustford, schr. St. Andrews, prop. Brodklyn, prop. Akron, Steambarge \Vm. (Jamie, prop. Mary \vAl'd. LATE An1:1v.u.s. -' Two or xhre vessels wlth grain, arrived here last night from the far w`eu|:-the tail end of the trade of this yea :-. Gradually the season draws its weary length to a. close. Uiusui: Tan hlEE'l`L\'u AND Sou1u...-ln ,accordance with their `usual custom, the Brethrenof Glenvale L.0.L. $11 celebrated the .')th November, by assembling at the lodge room, with their numerous _ friends, to partake of good cheer, and enjoy the pleasant intercourse of thought and feeling. More than two hundred sat down to a repast that was as choice as it was plentiful. After tea, Mr Joseph` lJ_avidson was called to -the chair, a position which he tilled with rare ability ; and the intellectual seemed now to be as horoughly appreciated, `as the material had previously been enjoyed. l`he chairman hav- ing made a few introductory remarks. hlr Anson `P. Vauluven, Deputy Reeve, address- ed the Brethren, congratulating them upon their position and prospects, and hoping for a continuation of a prosperity, which he had assisted to inaugurate. He was followed by the Rev. Messrs Wilson (Cataraqni) and Gal- laher (Glenvale), who delivered addresses that were listened to with marked attention. Mr \Vilson took for his subject, The Je- suits," exposing their policy and warning against their insiduous advances. Mr Galla- her treated of the Origin and Results of the Reformation, tracing the various causes that led to it, and pointing out the social, political, and religious adwmtages that ensued. The usual votes of thanks were then passed and conveyed, and the proceedings brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. -C orrespomlen. .j:_ To-marrow (Thanksgiving Day) being 9. general holiday there will be no paper issued from this uim, wanna: us. a.IvAA\A.DJ ?rom tl_1i.I oice. The Night Mm. will be closed}. u_.{..1 at sum. . - in fur) a l\I\V I \Ve are much pleased to nd that the Gov- ernment have ordered Duti s farm, _ bordering on Princess street, to be laid out into building lots for sale. We trust it will be speedily carried into effect. There is much need in Kingston for the erection of a large number of moderate-sized houses, and this sale will give the desired opportunity for their erection. A nan thought duo foroa itulf upon us, that in some part: of hi: letter be "quite (apt: hi: duty to I Christian minister. In it in with the gospel he preaches to Icons I nun of lying, perjury `and mean- ng uitln-mt .-- ....4.c In` |.: _ .....A: __;.._;._______. As will be seen by the City Council pro- ceeding -in last evening : Newer, Lt.-Col. Jur- vis has been ordered to report to the Govern. ment concerning 'the- market battery, which the corporation have applied for. This pro- perty is comparatively of little value to the Government in its present` state, while It would be most useful as a. Union Depot for the Kingston and Pembroke Railway as well as the Grand Trunk Railway when it moves westward round the front `of the city. :_._._._.._._._-} Colonel French has placed the services of the Garrison Battery band at the disposal of the City Council for a Friday (afternoon and evening alternately`) concert City Hall. It is to he hoped that the members of the Council will meet the band in a. liberal spirit. The band will play in the City Hall at the musical and literary entertainment for the St. Paul's Church Sunday School on Tuesday next. The death of Mr Henry Knowles is deeply regretted by 3 large circlelof friends. He was 8 resident of Kingston for several years in the service of the Bank of Montreal. His re- mains were interred at Cataraqui this after- 1100!], I `1f{f..`? :.`. _E' 2 u L.|.I.1 11. In Kingston, on the 13th inst., the wife of R. VV. Barker, -Esq., of a. 3011. In Kingston, on the 12th inst, the wife of Joseph Allen Esq., of adanghter. DIED. l\..A.,,L ,_ Ill` JJILLIIJ. October 20, at her residence, Bath, Henrietta Mat Lowry Bsrnwall, Esq., the Into Jsmea Lowr county Tyrone. Paragon, ilda, widow of Henry and eldst daughter of y, EIq., of- Roekdale, HUBSDAY, the 14th inst. (Thanksgiving Day) thin Oico will be open only from 7.30 to 10 18.14. n unu. \Viud Southwest. The ulual Ddly Mnils will be closed at L30 A.M. POST OFFIGE NIJTIGE. _-g.v. e :-', lpws`us nun Inll! l neu, without any proof of his sssertions, 1 I to seellse s neighbourrof soliciting votes teen his coloured oenetituente, becsuse he knows that their votes will ensble him to eennsnd s ueh vslue for his vote at Otte- Isl We should have ,preferred to he I!` s - jlhil ehristisn story, and fewer thrusts at an opponent who in self defence hroug ht ehssges vhiehss yet relnsin unrefuted. We would ssh the reverend gentlemen else if he believes his lingsst s sinking sdminis- I Cretan sin in keeping with the `high eend which slwsys should be held by s day-sh. He and hisfriends hsve sll eldjletted thstthe whole mstter has hen into the dymsin of politics, sldeeudenn itsssnch. And yet in the ed] delenee thus is: ssssyed, the politi- ncepeoet nnderthe reverend gentle- nsn'selseh much more cleerly then, the nhhtsr; pwn roan Um cl Nov. 13, 1872. 13 IRTH. R. DFLACON, - Postmaster. iW|NTER MONTREAL . HOUSE, A LARGE A880B1|'HIN l 01 , Ulflgln JIOIOIJI, E91] Clouds, Scorfa, &c. ,_"&c. Alum n. Int-my nannrtrnani unouas, scans, ac., ac. Also 3 large assortment of DRESS GOODS, in all the New Mute!-isll, in endless variety. A full assortment of Ladies and Children : Hosiery. Nowut Style: in Shawl: And Mania. All the New Stvlen in Dream And Mnntle 1 l'lIlIllll 8. Good alue in Canadign sud Englilh Manu- factured BLANKETS ; -pOCl&l auenuon 18 mreccea I0 HBOCK 03 GRUS GRAIN SILKS (REAL LYONS) in Black and Colours. . nuwuu otynel m DIIIWII um manna. All the New Styles in Dress and Mnntle Trimmin a. " ' } r1..,.A \ ..|..,. :.. n.......\:-.. -..A n....1:.|. 11...... nr1c1>'.`\'":-911.4 r`r:n:.\'I.\'u. .\ m'. :3. UILUD \JI\-111.` BIL Black and Colours. LUKE J. ERLv. | NIGHT SCHC)L, for the accommoda- tion of young persons whosq avocntious prevent them from attendin the Common Schools, will be opened by r JAMES H. METCALFE, at N [G H'l` SC HOOL. Wellington-St. School House,` Monday Evening. 18th Nov. Inst. A fee of 25 cents per month will be charg- ed, payable in advance. ' Open to Male and Female Pupils. By order. 1AUCTION SALE] C It will consist of Drawing, Sittin , Dining, Breakfast, Bedroom (includm the rniture prepsred Ipeciclly for the lines of Wnles use), Hall, Kitchen and General Furniture, Cornicea. Curtains. HE LARGEST SALE of the moat Elo- gant FURNITURE ever oered It Public Auction in Kingston will be held at ML)R'l`0NWO0D on ,__.- ..-.- -vac, nuu wu H1. ;h',Inurni:|:odta.loof the nun: loan, iiitl by indngsbh ovichnoo Ins boon _ hojthonotohimuldhilbueolicfriand, Lpnut Ocunhdona of Crown lnndn. If In wry truo tint the Duke of jvuvcynuchploaudtououpn