B\I'sr Lwurncn. - Th. 1.:-mnr?ow at the Bcptut. nual 6:30 p.Iu. Au. S.\|xr:9' L`m'nrn. ;'I'|n-re will honor- nco at All Sauuti L`huI\`h to-uh-rruVv at 3:30 wull be Ieriricu 'Imr.;h at ll nan. res: NEIL DUNLOP, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Loboro P.O; E8-rm fol: $210: Aron SALE. W"'I`.1: T0 , 33??`-.. 179: TB: l)ls'rivnrIx.-4 The wont sage `of th.e hono_di~u-ase has npparently -pauod in tin: ,, _-- _L._..... .....a-_4l-- '| Iy.- Ann um: T9 Eat.-_ 3 oLe.t J. `G. MACDONALD, Kingston. JOHN DOCK RILL. J. DOYLE, On the premises. RELIAJV CE-'- MUTUAL :5` , LIFE Assume: gncunv n.~n.n- n-cup. . -------v----- _-v_- cw-._- - ESTABLIS_HED 18:0. ' ` EAD OFFICE for British North Ameri- ca, 2'29 Saint James Street, Montreal. JAMES GRANT, Resident Socrotsry. AGIQNT, JOHN V. NOEL, Kingntou. A... 1" u u` n n [FINAL CIADSING SALE \ A1` THE Liverpool House. ` Unprecedented Bargains ` ` All Fall and VVinter Goods will be sold 50 l per cent less than present wholesale prices. 50 Dnzeu I-Iuon Skirts. beat analitv. from luau WIS IIUI II: Inc Juana: unuunurvsu. sow port: from the vnriuus ntiblea are to the e'ect that All the animula which are properly cued tot are doing well. ZU cents _eacn. < Heavy \\ hituey Blmkets, SQ 1ba., for ' RI.-I; sun! (`nlnnind Silks from 75 cents nei- cent less tuan present wnoneaaua pnees. 50 Hoop Skirts, quality, '20 cents each. IJ.unny' \\-'hCfunu Rinnhnkn R]: `ha fnr Black and Cbloufed Silks from 75 cents per yard. ; Handsome J ananese Silks. `Z0 .for $5.00. g` Fancy Dress Goods worth 55 cents fpr 40 cents. , i` Fancy Dresses from 10 cents per yard. Heavy Superior French Corsets 60 cents, worth $1 per pair. ' I `_....I>u Dilxhad Rh;-ha ant` Th-suvnI`\n 00 npnltn worth :51 paur. - Gents Ribbed Shirts and Drawefs 90 cents each. u......l..s .....l 13...... `|.`l...-m`I- Cmm on nnutn each. 7 Scarlet and Fancy Flannel: from 20 cent: PCT yaril. _ Jouvin Make Kid Gloves, double buttons, $1 per pair, in black and coloured. 'l`a.ble Linens in Bleached and Unbleached. .\ RA Dfl _n\I_Inn D4...-an D.-inc-.u~ from In ~;\ l$Ali.biAl1V--lUU neces rnnns In cents pe_:r yard, warranted fast colours. All Good: in stock will beverv mu Oice over Parker : Drug Store, Micrket `m n arc-. cents per yaru, WBPPBUIEU I381 : COIOIIIS. G901]: sgock will bever much re. duced, consisting of Sbeetings, _ owellings, Broadcloths, Beavers, Whitneya, Doeakins, Waterproof Cloakings, Hosiery, Gloves, Lakes, Tics, Eilk Velvets, Velveteeus, &c. .-.n D:`...m. n,...}.n. xv... Alncnna (mm `)5 :30 Pieces Double \Varp Alpacas from 25 cents. wurth ~frum. 10 to 20 cents per yard more than can be purchased wholesale HI-..'L\'v Sntinett and Fulled Cloth-.from 50 1 `nus, mu; \'eI\'er.s, veweteeus, ac. `Button, the {nan abducted from London last spring to} implication in which Deputy Uunnty Atwmej J. B. Cornwnll 'u now nerv- ing out 3 term in the Kingnton Pcnitentisry, in: barn set st hbertyin South Carolina, when he has gince been `in custody, on the `demnud of the British Government. l)lUl`B E11311 can De purcnaseu WDOIEBHIB He.'\.\'y Satinett. and Cloth-,I.from cents per yard. J- Ca`-REFE%N.F'E'-.9. #3 All accounts not paid by `the lat a.f December will be placed In suit for immedmte collection. `Y u n . ,2)` I Nov. 6. HE SUBSCRIBER, aPractical Pianoforte Maker, respectfully informs the citizens of Kingston and vicinity that he is now pre- , paredto repair Grand, Cottage and S uare Pianos. r Orders sent to his residence, 0. 5 N Wellington Terrace, punctuelly attended to. Terms moderate. > OANS `BROWN. 7 Farm Oct 10' three vear 'a.rd. Handsome Japztnese Silks, '8A50. Ofce Journals `for 1873` uare. November Q. `HE ENTIRE STOCK must be disposed of. if uossible. bv the 131'. of Jnnnarv. `raule Lmens m meacneu anu uumenuueu. -A BAI{GAIN~-l00 Pieces Prints` from 10" uni: ns-r van] wary-nntpd fast cnlmn-II. November 7. ~Pi9.n.6`forte, 13.3 pamng. Bum Cu` cn1~.4.--This evening thnee 9f our citizcus who indulge in after-tea. premenzales will be entertained lvy an open Air concert, to be given lay the band of ` the Nth P.W.0. Rides, which porforlnnin the Knrket Square --the tint uppeareuce since its re-organize tion. I-`rum the very short time it has prec- ieed under the able tutorehip e! N: Beckett, Inch cannot be expected ; yet we think thnt it will ueeed the ulculstieu ef many. By I perusal of the reported ef the City Council, published in lntievening I ll- eue, it will be eluervenl thet,the' ' bend pmpesee playing weekly in the 'ty Hull dur- _ in; the ensuing winter, dieconning e eeriee of ' free voneertn for the [ratication and eInue- nent of the general` public, the hell to be . lighted egul heetenl it corporation II: Inc]! scene we can hnnlly trust to beer of `anything but a grant of the reqneet, or A re- -.eonIne_ulatin in it: favour by the committee on city property to whom the nutter Ina been referred. The ole:-on the pertof the Comman- nt of the Garrison Artillery, Lieut. -Colonel I, French,'ie I wiry libenl and rpagneninoua one, unlit only rennin: for our city Fethere to act cqiully generous, and we will Inye ebnnslnlce of amusement he the winter. Oranges &,Lemons\ Oct. `H'fU \J\J\." Estate security. `I112 151.` [IKE El'UUl\ lllllli D6 QIEPOS` of, if possible, by the 131'. of J snuary. 7 The City Boolrtore. Goods Sold at Less than % Auction Prices. CLEARING SALE - -o1r- Damaged Goods _ --AT-- A. B. Macphel-son & C0 s J 1_1st the Goos fol; Winter. `W H IT E SE IRTINGS, November 11. vv GREY COTTONS, " GREY FLANNEIS, . SCARLET FLAI\ NELS, ` ` WHITE FLANNELS,_ FANCY FLANNELS, COLOURED wmcmzs, BLACK LUSTRES, BLACK & BROWN DOGSKINS, __ CAMBRIU LIN INGS, ' FANCY CLOUDS, FINGERING wnsrom sxnvrs, WHITE BLANKETS, nn1:Iv `D1 A\T'lZI`.'I`Q . yrs. 1.3`-wxn.-nu luuvliatug-as u-- u... -_.u...- Lthc mi vunustuaces under which Shaka- 1re`s- \lI';llI|:L~` vwre first presented to the Igliih pu|-lie. Those of our cit.iz_enI who can .preci:\t:: such literary elforts as last night`s ctur-, ahnllllsl nut (:11 to hear the refnaining ro upuu the sanw `subject. ` Kingsto, Nov. 1119 Ituuvv \JUv\Au nu- ....._,.l ____,',_V _' fregh water. 0 Call and examine the Gmsteet Bu-gains ever offered in the city. K. A. Mjacpl-ierson 8: Go. AT PARKH|L|. S%\ , _,,,., ,......_..,.. ....., ..,...,.,.. ...... ......,.. ....._... - I , ' . 1 `haul-oeery ingu_, for many y_ea.I-3 Kmgston BrW`Y &LD``, :s::...., `...1 .. ENDEBS willbe received at the Diihlly at almost on eavonr to oblige those who ex- Oco up to thi H]: inst. tad!) them their patronagq, to merit a con- from and to 009 qmhe nugiport so hbenlly extended Slop In H1011 9`!`m*'hl:|t:;!Lb'::t-lad haul! ' I N. K. SCOTT per day `"` * ' W. B. nA1.'ro'N. Jul , 137 - * ; V engzgtlitl 1&2. ' _V Kmgun, Nov. 6th, 1872. R`. _TOWN S. VV K1111`: Dun GREY BLANKETS, RAILROAD RUGS. gUR'GUNDY WINE, ~ BURGUNDY WINE, FOB. MEDICAL PUB_POSES, A LARGE SUPPLY OF To Lend, Am :1 Dub r\`l.`N 1- \l A-l\In-51.5 AT 7 PER CENT, upon me class City or Country Real 7. Apply to ' ` JOHN MUDIE. . s, 1372. Ply "'9 MUDIE, Clarence Street. I Q70 |GLYoE1uNE JELLY! BUCKWIIEAT FL0Un.\ {noun 1 mum noun 11 . au narrel Mornson s. New Season English Breakfast just received | at Morrison s. (X--up '\.'nnn.- `Juan... ..I- "II\ {`n..b- :n I-Ln Lnu} I llunic I at Mon-1son's. Our Young Hyaon at 70 Cents is the best value in Kingston. We have a. low-nriced Gmmowder Tea. that V3-lll In l\lIlgS\':0ll. _ We have a. low-priced Gunpowder Tea. that will astonish any good judge of Tea. One Tierce of my favourite Hams, andgditto ' of Breakfast Bacon, just to hand. LOANS made on the security of approved Farnf or Town Property, for nods of three years and upwards, to suit t e conve- nience` of the borrower, and either repsyable at thei-expiry of the term, or by annual or semi-annual instalments. Rate of interest 8 per cent. For further information apply to JAMES SHANNON. UCK\`VHEAT,_FLOUR RECEIVED AT MORRISON S. 29 Barrels FAMILY FLOUR at Morri- 011 3. so Barrels xxx PASTRY FLOUR at M (\I'l'I nnn a FOR- GHAPPED HANDS, Iron ONLY TWO WEEKS.` JV UISLUSIS '1'U MARE IEUUN1 I01` UlCIl'lB`|'a- mas Goods, we will offer our FINE .STOCK of `Electra Plated Ware,` S'r. PA"i:L'n Cuukcu.--The Sunday Scho;l children Arc requested to Ind It the church to-Inortow (Thnndny) aging at Ofor re- Consisting of NICKLE AND NICKLE- PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, BUTTER COOLERS, SUGAR BOWLS, CRUITS, TEA SETS, SALVERS, &c., El` Call early and secure the BARGAINS ~at the -Sept. 25, 1872. N ORDER TO MAKE ROOM for Christ- ..... r1,.,..:. um mm ..m... .....- wnaw. HFFSTEAMER NORMAN is open to Charter for the Bay of Quinte or the River St. Lawrence Ports. Apply to CAPTAIN CREIGHTON. $.01! W111 0! ms store on rnncess anreeu to `Nathaniel K. Scott, his man 'ng Clerk for thelast nine years, and Mr illiam B. Dalton, or twelve years Clerk to Samne Muckleston, Esquire`. 1 In thu taking leave of the manv kind llams and Bacon. Muckleston, Esquire. 1 In thus taking many friends who have patronized him, during the 21 years he hes been in business, he wishes to e his warmest acknowledgements to them, and takes the, opportunity of recom- mending his Successors, Messrs Scott and Dalton, with the full assurance that they wi]1= give every satisfaction to those who may fa- vour them with their atron e. ' . -ARCHIBXLD L VINGSTON. Princess Street, Kingston, Nov., 1872.` . At 25 Per Cent Discount. SHEFFIELD ll0USE. unruuvu -Ir hand. November 1 1. M,%%M0RR1soN. N E w _If I R M . soon & nmou. J. GEO. KING. Nov. 11. HE SUBSCRIBEBS respectfully inform T _their. friends And the ublic that they hnvoi pm-cliuod the Stock an Good Will of uuroeery ineu, yean carried onby A -Livingston, Enquire, Princeu Street, and bare by the closest attention, and .. nnsilnll an eavonr to oblina those who ax- Tea, Tea, Tea. Moggvr 11-IE UNDERSIGNED having retired from _ Business, has disposed of the Stock and sod Will of his Store Princess Street to -M -6l...n-'l II Rnnl-1. 'l-min vnunncna (Ark Business Notice. CnolA:`8"4x;:nY. 7- the munhenof this Society will be held ntvst. George : Hall this evening. We hope there I _;A__)-___._ _ .\lt June: John:-on line returned toCanulaT after I pleeeant trip fo the Old Cuuntry, of `Inch our n-ads-rs have enjoyed the benet in the graphic sketches grhich he has given us vn.-elsly Sf Ireland am} Scotlnml. Mr Jolneon puud nest wnr -l to Belleville yescerdey titer ueon`upuu 3 unit in his lrrotller `Mr \Villiun Johnson). llc we`: received at the nation by a number of his warm friends in Kingston, and heartily weln>I.|:e\l.bu`k. .* 1703 SALE BY er JAMES SH AN NON. Or D. D. ROGERS, a`on Ina`. NOTIQE. 46 PRINCESS STREET ) CAPTAIN (.3 HARLES GRIGOR. LED, Glen Logie. ---;_..._j______'__._..j ..-_..._____ - --v~_`..,: __._.._;. _..__...__.._`-._Y` ` `__ ( JASH! CASH; cm: 10,000 IRON BEDSTEAUS, IRON RINKS, PUMPS. T.F`.A]') PI ueorgu I nun uu. u........,, will be 3 good sttondnuce. - \ I T A L I A N > w A R E H 0 ` BOXES LAYER RAISINS, BOXES LOOSE MUSEJATEL, BOXES` 1iLU1':.'cB0, V Boxes Black Crown, 1 Boxes Single Blue (Jrown, 1 Boxes Double Bye Ct0W.I,.I{p' Figs in 2 lb. boxes. ` * E V * - . ` K 50 Boxes Lemons. . 2 . ;.-. KILLERS MARMALADE, Guava. Jelly, Preserved Ginger, -Crystalizedingen, Glass Jars, &c., &c. `k - . ` - ".9- Labrador Earrings, ._bbl$.' and hall bus; 4 ' "`-"*1"-1* \ Nov. 11th; 1872. ` V ' - V `- -.='r`1`m`L SALT-WATER SALMON, MACKEREL IN "KITS, LOCHFINE DIGBIFS, &c., &c. A . > . -_ 500 Dozen _DAWES' AND DOW S INDIA PALE AND;rALl: . )- ` A`l.`l4`Sl .4 ii `- :1 .-. }HEAr CANAmAx BLuKE1*s, A W _ , 7 % CHEAP SCARLET FLANNELS_, ,_ _ ,. . ` CHEAP FANCY FLANNELS, : _ 4` _ ' M _v CHEAP CANTGF FLANNELS, - A > A ` ` BEAUTIFUL VARIETY orcnmr Coons, _ W = CHEARSILKS, VELVETS, _A1~m_1mAL November 8 |F. x. COUSINEAU & Eb I0, unorm SD61!` H1611!!!` mu u`I-uuu on unvw vvun .u...... ._ , _. for the swan. Eve Dep:xn:.i'"wm be t. ma' lled nch ti; Fashionable Goods from the uropea.n'Mar1-Leta. V ' . 1" ? ~.`.'-""*'~F"-*5 ~SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS :-Drea`s Goods Silks, Velveh, Shnw)n,vtloI,~9E& and Gloves, Hsberdaihery, Cloths, Tweed: and Flannel: in all oololu-3,` boughi;lI&ds'&0uI! :34!-.u.`,?4 Vance in Woollen Goods, and :11 selling at last season : prices. ' `:1; `s van; uni Lower than any in the market. We are determined that no house in. ,_the city V sell us ; and have thereforemarked `all our Goods at a very small 8(1VIl`I0p_ an invite the nblicto give urn. call before making their purchases, feeling I ' so doing 1*. ey will save money. -` , t -. I F. x. COUSINEAU an 00., - -_ 3; WW` * Orange Hm Buildings, Prineu_i"`shu=. 4,, .5` - . ~`-. .'tESY n..;...1..._ an .> ' ,`_, I plnunt trip to the west. ....._.._._...__.L TIN ' RE. CUTLERY, _ " . ` ' " . `\..,EICKLE SILV-ER & PLATED At the Lowest Prices ukea by any house in the city, with the fut-(>:h'er indpcenenj M s H A W [N D M I N GLASGOW j_V[_AREIjg_,I_I; Kingston, Nov. 5, 1872. j... _,.._ \J0mpl'lll.llg nut! `'01 , 4.1 SILKS, SHAWLS, MANTLES` VELVETS, DRESS GOODS, ` FRENCH MERINOES, IRISH POPLINS, JAPANESE 1>o1>L1Ns,` - Q'lI T1`l?Q .|1U RAILWAY WR.APPEB.8,. GENTS PI`;wA(I vv.vvu vv 1...`. .. ..--.., If you buy young`? Good: I the Glasgow ,1 as we sell for cash ' mark ourgoodtlow. ' as. October 30. {EG to_ inform their friendt And the public-that th'eykhaVe complete` cm. H... uuxn Evnrv `Danuvtmant will found" with ` Velvets, I .'LIclNs.z AIBNDlEN`l`.-Th0 Bosrd of . Polico Comluissoners of Longlon (Ont) sp- proving of the change as sdoptad by other municipalities, are discussing the propristy of snonding the Liconse law forbidding the solo of liquors sitar 12 o'clock midnight, - II _.I._.._. ant` anln hlsllll b `CLOTHING % Goons! At 1:. wnimmvs, Wils0n s num1ings;~;.f; 250 Pairs Canadian and English !FAA L L I M P 0 R T A in 1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY AT sHIEL .m1= STREET-. ! rm: `BEG TOWINFORM THE PUBLIC THAI` om: FALL sTocK";g` `~ 1n every Depsrhnent, having received over seventy-ve ._.H1 `1 GOOD ASSORTMENT OF BROAD CLOTHS, BEAVES, 3' L Flumels, Wineeys, Fancy Dress Goods, Ijnptrea, Ffulc` n...+.. Wnnnnh Kid Gloves. Wooen Hosiery, Ggnh Ties, Souk, 1872. FALL AN ?wmT1:n.% 18135;] the ulo or uquun nun .. .. .......- ......_.,,,_-, when all saloon: and ale homo: `nhnll be closed, ngninnt the; public. We hope the duo is not In distant whenthin spirit of mfonn-both moraliy sud civilly-dull be exercised for the nuns objocf. Rcont do- velopnunu nerve to dtlnonstnto this {Act uny; andthonooner sn actionin '10 100,000 CASH CUSTOMERS who will In} for Cuh, Hall Stoves, Parlour Stoveq, Parlour Cooking gtoves, Dumb Stoves, ` Hi, : JD CL()THS,_BEAVEB,-'1`W lnnnels, Dress Finch = , French Kid Gloves, South, BRITISH ` F/.`\v7A L D U5, IIKULV KLRLB, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, SAD IRONS, 'r1NVx;x\RE. CUTLERY, `NTn1(TJ1`. Q1137. PS. 5 INCH ~.1sn POBLINS, . ` JAPANESE POPLINS, STUFFS, , .s'rA1>LE.s, * FI:NNEIB, . ...v...-us 5 Per Cent 011` for Cash. J. S1-IIELS , KIRI; STREET, KINGST{5H., . n . ` '- .:.' Ngw Fruit! New Fruit! s'1`Ar1.n'.3, . .... ,_. FLANNEIS, ` 'l?IE.~.A! BLANKETS,. JOSEPHINE KID GIQWEVF HORSE BUGS, SHIRTS AND PA.R'%'r-2` PPEB8, . ' ~ FANCY G00 " ` """; SMALL W You CAN BUY- * TH: Arxou Fn:nvAx..-Thirphuant aair nkes phce this evening at u Victor-in lunic Hall. May WI he tho:-atone. - Emuvs, WOOL WRAPPERS. , _ 3- _ u... r11..-....... 1 Wm. Begg & Go?.;:;%`t BROOK STBEE1 whaw and rlic-that they have completed their '_ ` will found filled the iaedvlil .1; .h: ` 11:1` v Wu-ohonae you wili Il:V8`l3 V DIN] JAMES nu-_oi_K.ing nu?! E,-2---__- lupcuthobottcr. s;uLL .. do uv' G 0 3 '-us`: Lncwn:.-'1`he first - turn: to be cleliyered this -liege vrn given last night "man. His subject. was t night ; lecture was ' to the two which are to uuv uwv nun... -I\- vu- nfunqy sud qnwrtlg of \lra~ '-arious form: of develop- . reeco and modern; _Enrupe,_ nu-at able and interesting . __ ._ _..._B-l I, I -_,I Zl|..,.A-.L ____,....__.j._,..__..______ i_..., _... cA.I:=:LE news. ` _.____ __ 3 London, New. l2.-.~\l1 the London unmi- ` ing paper: express the deepest sympathy for the nu'en-re by the cunagration in . Buetnn. They sttribute the great disaster tn the bad management of the fire depart- ment. the police and the municipal authorities of thet city. TL- QL... ..l....J _...._ u. . n_,. , [- Tux Hm B\.\u. ~v'l`hia laud iihid to have grossly improved ulcr !l'B.&kOCt"I instruc- lmn. and cull nlpedr this ovaning on the -.- ,.s_ ; of Boston is $2,500,000; rflsmes. which were nally stopped by gun- ....-....---.--. V'- ...-. ulna . The Stuvuitlad says the Boston fire is a scandalous outrage on civilization, and is ev_idenee of the mostineicient city govern- ment. .It competes the small London tire hrigtde sud narrow, crooked streets and al- leys of London, where res seldom gut be- yond the building wherein they ogiginste, to the thousands of undisciplined firemen , huge grsnite structures, and open places in Boston. There it says the best portion of the city In destroyed for want of good management toprovent the progress of the powder. This wretched business was en- trusted to volunteer citizens, instead of skilled operators. It is believed here that the smount of insurance in London com- painies upon property" in the burnt district I\ 1 -u . 3 of .4.-_.u.. ..- ` -,..vv,vv\.. Lisbon, Nov. 12.-Tlie Royal mail steam~ er Boyne, from Rio Jaueiro, Oct. 23, Has arrived. General Mitre, Argentine envoy, was rapidly bringing his ndgotintiuns with the B1-azilinn guvernmnt to a Sarifictory termination. All obstacles to an aiiiicable settlement had been removed. The Argen- tine cunfederatiun was to umku A sepzu-ate treaty with Paraguay. -5.-4;.-V... ......- s.\v.--.-. an-.-4-n. London, Nov. 13, 11:30 am .--C`onsols upen- ed at 92:: to 9'3}c both money and accuunt. Bun-ls quiet; of '65, old. 90% ;'67, 9`.`.'_.. 'l`eu~ forties 87 ; New Fives, 88} ;Eric 383. I :........,...l ' \' ... In I I .nn .. ... 1`..L.... Av-u.u,cvl , mvuvv ... Livc|`y\1 Nov. quiet and steady. ION. . = \uw YORK DES.|3ATGHES}\ Boston, Nov. 1'.. .-A terrible scene took place at the furnishing store of Hickman, on Washington street, ,where the walls had been wrapped in the deadly embrace by the ames and had become weak and tottering through the intense heat. At length they fell and three men buried up to the shoulders amuung the heavy fragments of brick and stone. The terrible physical agony of their cries and the anguish which they suffered lled the frightened crowd with horror; but at first no one advanced to their suoeonr. After a few moments too or three men crossed the street to where a. por- tion of the well was still overhanging the spot where the victinis were begging and shrieking for help and tried by the utmost exertion of main strenght to pull and wrench them out of the terrible vice; but these eorts only msde greater their'su'er- ing. ,As the bricks and debris were still fnlling et every moment, the men rel- end retested from the dangerous `spot. Shortly efterwnrds, in frightful paroxysmt of end with cries that will ring in. the eers of many the spectators to their dying dsy, the crushed masses of humenity gave up the breath of life and were a. moment sf- terwsrds buried by another crushing fall of AI. - __II inquished their perilous end fruitless risk i npaeial nmpaed to Daily` Net_vs.) lauv u an. Boston, Nov. 12.-A preliminary meet- ing for the insurance adjustment of the leading American and English Companies was held st the Revere House this ev_en- Flor;-non Fun: 2 nf the cuurse ni lc: I season ll Que-en`; . n : .3, _ |"l.\'ANClAL AND COMM ERCIAL In .. (`A mg. . t 3 meeting of the Governor and Execu- tive Council this afternoon the legislature wnP.|'dered to meet next Tuesday. none, Kansas, Nov. -12.-T.he Ilia- ` " `I ll` W, ._-:I_--.I 2.. _..- I DKIUIIB, Axon-u, .u-- v . -_. -_- ___- souri, Kunns Ind Texas railroad is now ,_:A\_:._ ..1,....... usu:`L A5 -934 ! 3011, All!!! lllu swam. auauvunn .. ..-.. completed to within eleven miles of -Red River. The Texas central railroad will be completed to Dennison by the 1st `of J an- uary. The gap between the two roads is now enly.forty-two miles. The shipments of cotton and cattle are increasing daily, and business this season will exceed a. bur.- dred thousand head cf cattle and thirty thousand bales of cotton. - - ~ It--- um. 1-: _1w.. fnllnwino` nouunu Due: on uuuuu. Boston, Mass. Nov. l3.-The following was issued this morning from the relief, committee room: :-It having been mig- geeted that the Secretary of the Treasury might issue an additional amo_uut `of cur- rency in viel of our calaimity, resolved - - - _. __L`I. ...-annual-1-o#..\ that thin committee eameatly remonstrate agninet any such issue as unwise, unneces- sary, and prejudicial to the whole country. The city was quiet during the night and there were no arrests. v__I. \1,.'.. 1'2 __An-is-ml, the there no arrlsaus. New` York, Not- 13.--Arrived, the atqs1nerICannda, Oceanic, and Wisconsin, - - I:_-_.....1 . .1... Hm nfnnlnef Thur, uqaxnera vnunun, v-~.... from Liverpool; also 1 cngja, from Hamburg. (Special Telegram to use J_.I_g.uy u syn. , Montreal, Nov. 13.--`loub--rece1['>ts 8,224 but-ole; market quiet `with price: of some gr-Ides slightly fuou:-in; buyers; extn and ancy from temporary scarcity command full frevioue ntee ; super: ed dewn to 6,20 cr ordinnry ; No 2 sold at ,l0, md ne 5,25 Wheat nolninnl in absence of tnnuctione Provilionn generally unchanged. Butter nem ind. Cheese quiet. Ashe: steady, st yester- A--u a vnfnl - mrv .\'z:sn.4 r 11.: i`}.`.\ 1.\ u Illll \JIIUUUv dsy;s ntea.~ bnmh, st Itch ad wanton; !;n0ai{;-5 to 6, 10 for superne to 7.00 common to 7,70 oom- EIIII Bye rneeil ` of WIIIBI Ivan Ibotwuta-n;r. L`-lvuva \4n-0, . 1 Bank of Montrea1-236, 237 ; . Merchmts Bsnk-1I6, 1175. I... n` ltmmnerce--l26, 1271. B8nk-lI6, nu-3;. Bank of Commerce--l26, n-5--`A Ru.k_.107_ l09_ Ontario Bauk--10'], mu. Bank of Toronto-2ll,2l2. umml ('Y:.nuiiAn' B&nk--105, 11 of '1`oronw-zu, 41.. Boyd Ca.nuiinn' Ban!-:--105, 106. MONTREA-I:-MARKE'I`S. Telegram to the Qaily Ncgus.) \l-_L_..l Nov, I3.--Floub--recei[r)ts_ 8,5 irlf l'l K~<\ `wu- ...--- ., - ....-. ...- .-__-__.__ mum:-r. The lex:Irer unfolded and illustrat- ed the different c nlitiolll under Vhich the art ` 0ll'l'i8hI.`\l `ugnlidl-N.-utcount:-ies Incl at ditfercnt times. |-`.speci.1lly interesting was the sketch- ,: .|.. .. ........s.-...... an)... -phi.-In Slml.-.1- MONT REAL STUCK_ MAR K ET. (Per Htmtreal `Line. ) Mnntmal. Nov, Commercial. -yo, vu` , .4..\. "V5. 13, H200 mm. - Cotton Uplands 93:1. Orleauxa LLIIIJ, auu --m.~......., the steamer Thur,- rem '1.-uc.; Montreal, Nov. 13. l\1IlI nnn _9o..b0QR. , LVUV. nu. ;.32 at 236;. `d; choicei No. 2 lilwnnkie 1,58. Rye I quiet. en nelninn unchanged ; recei ts ` 4.000 bnehell. Ger: very dull; ruceigte 78,000 bush; eelee 75,000 bushels; at 64c for eteelner western Illitu.-ti ; 6-e to 00 fur nil do. Berley qniet end unchenged; receipts 19.0% but eelee 0.(I)0 bush. Oats rmer ; receipt: 31, bulk; eelee 48,000 bush; et 40 to 44 black weetern ; 44 to 46 for western mixed in store and aoat ; 48 to 50 for old ' do ; 46 to 50 new white ; 43 to 47 cents for State. Pork quiet; 31'. 15,75 to 16.00 new, meee. Lu-dnnchen ed etif to 83 tor etenn; 8; , to 9c kettle rem ered. Butter st 24 to 300 for new State and Western. Clieeu at 11c to l5c. Petroleum, crude, 14-e; rened at `)7; pure`:- 1.~....u.|. lac. 27$. ...........,........ Apron Social :1: Victoria Music Hall this I evening. m......1 Q....:-b.. .....H.... .5 Q9 flgru-nu : I-hall vnuu u vvuuls. Martin the Vvizsrd at the City Hall this evening. Fnoxrnuc `CHAPTzn.iThe members of this the oldeat chapter in Ontario held their annual meeting lut -evening in the Masonic Buildings, and among other important items of business transacted, elected the oicen for the ensuing year. The list is as follvws: Must Ex-Comp. G. M. Wilkin- son, Z. Coup. L. Clements, H. Comp. Criggan, J. Comp, A. Gum}, S. E. ; Comp. w. Hay, s. N. ; Comp. sjwoods, P. s. ; Comp G. Anderson, Tress. Comp. E. Ball, J anitor. The Installation of thoie elected and all the appointed oicers w ake place on Thursday evening the 21st inst. av clung. Chord Society meeting At St. George : H all this evening. u-.;.:.. u... \v:-.....) -4. u... r1:;.. 11.11 nus Tm-1 Crmorucu AND Flaws of the. present week contsinl the very latest news by telegraph from all parts of the World u to the hour of publicstnon ; Cqnngmtion at s- ton-8200,000,0(X) worth of property destroy- ed; Presidential Election-Grant elected by In large majority; Resignation of Governor Archibald: The Elvin Frauifs: the .Geogra- I large majority; nesignauon U1 uoveruuri Archibnlel; Elgin Frauifs; .Geogra- phical Society's Banquet to Mr Stanley ; Ad- dington Kgricltural Show ; Orange Soirees ; Kingston and Pembroke Railway ; City Coun- cil Queen's College ; London, New York, and Montreal Markets; Political, Literary, Artistic, Religious, Police and Sporting Intelli- gence, Ubituary Notices, Financial and Com- mercial lntelligence, and accounts of all the important and interesting events of the week. So more acce table present can he `sent to friends in the ld Country than a copy of the Hnnnvnvrt, which can be nrocured at the Of- fneuds In the Uld Uountry than 01 me CHRONICLE, which can be procured lce, done up in 8 wrapper, every Thursday. Price 5 cents. THE DAILY `NEWS-WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOV,Js;M_BF.R :13. 1HOEMAKERS WANTED. First-class F inishei-s on Sewed Machine \Vork, and a number of practical Shoemaker-s _w'ould nd constant employment At the Factory of GEO. | UFFORD & CU., Brock Street, Kingston. K. ux-own Imp Q Tmcnrzus` .\s<`-c|.\ rl0.\'.'-'l`he regulu meet- ing--tho!thir-I sin-e its organizat.iou-of the 'l'eaeho.-rs` Assn-.-iatluu wok place on Moudny eveningin the \\'.-magma Street school. and was we'll ntbc.*Iuh-J. Proiouor N. F. Dupuis, President. ah] y ccupied the chair, and resum- ed his series --2" lectures on "Zoology." Pur- suant tn appointment Mr_ Kidd readg paper on uh... 1..-. ......|....l ..o` o.....I.;..- _n4savn`:u " \ ANTED A GENERAL SERVANT in a. very small family. Apply at No. 15 Maple Row, Barrie Street. . `Nfnvember 7. V V ham Uounty nlgn acnool. ncuoui Lu commence on the Inc of January, 1873. Ap- plications to be sent to the undersigned. Address ll` l`U1'|.U G. L/U November 8. TAV'ERN sum) TO LET, on Ontario Street, between Queen and Barrack . treets, known as the NEW DOMINION HOUSE. Apply to the undersigned on the nnuninmi. J..I\J uuu. premises. V 0 A LADY, a. comfortable Furnished Front Bedroom and use of Sxtting-room, with or without board. Apply at the DAILY \Tnuvu nmnn 0 Maple now, November 7. \N Hill 0!` W131)! N Ews oioe. October 24. ' Qct. 10. _|_ 001118!` In nmg 4 Terms of payment easy. Apply to J G au;ssu; IA! aklpullslsursln Jar sxsuu scans.- "The best method of teaching Geography," which treated oi the subject in 3 pointed nnd instructive manner, eliciting` the concurrence of some and suggestions of others. Subsequent tn the delmte, the secretory was requested to convey to .\1iss E. Simpon, teacher of the fr.- mals depsrtmsnt of Johnston Street Hiya School. vhsso rsdgnstios wss scesptedst the lots meeting of trustees, su exp:-anion of the vsry highcstsemsnd regard in which she was hold by them, sud the: serious loss occasioned tothe profasion by her contelnplstod satire- Inent. Mr Metcslfe will dclivsr an address st : tbs next meeting on "History; itsstudy. The benets to be derived by these gstherings nre ' msnifnld. and cannot be over ostilnsted. simi- lar orgsuiutiuus hsve been inaugurated throughout the Prnvinco, snd are found to produce the must bunegisl results. 1\1'lE S'l'UluSA.1Vl.J 1JVvnm..uVu on uurncr of Princess and Wellington streets. Apply to R. M. ROSE. Kingston, 26 Oct. _ 1872. > Llulrl-IL ova ---w- FOR SALE, that excellent Farm, the \ Vest Half of Lot No. 34. 5th Concession, Township of Kingston (Glenburnie), contain- ing 100 acres, all cleared ; ne Orchard with about 200 Grafted Fruit-bearing Trees ; F nune Barn 30 X48 ; Shed 24 x 54 ; Log Stable and , Log House. The Farm is well watered, and situated ve miles from the city on the King- ston and Storrington Road.` For terms apply to Nov. 11. .-v --`--u WHE STORE AN D DWELLING on Corner = .5 Drama... and Wellinctou November 4. v - ---.-v-v fAI\' TED two TEACHERS for the Syden- ham County High School. School to uence on the Janusrv. Ap- J. V. nan-uuv, THE RESIDENCE 7 of tlie undersigned L corner of King and Barrie Streets. ,.m. at nurmant euv. IOITIS to D8 Address REMINDERS. IIOFIO unrzuc nan uyyo-cu... 3.---.... ... .....- city, u was Ihown yesterday. The dny was dunp And rniny, but only a few horns were obligod to be taken oi the strata, sud busi- ncu wu not in the least int`-rupted. Re- ,,___ __ _.Zu.... __ 4... n... ..a'....g