The Nlhjeason Why 5 nlvuI'l_u.\I nnlal ..u\lmc\:urt\1~au nan: -Grand Trunk Railway. v_v cavern, tTrains . 7 UNl'1'x-J1) STATESMAIIS. nah Niqna fur Nam \'nu-I: POST or-`F103 GUIDE.` I VI...m -nun Inna):- ` Clarence Street. .:...4-.. the President imagined that the re- , and for two you: yictoq perched * thndudn of the South slavery? C nun dftho war, did ' Odql not bg put doyn till. slavery Ira aiohloi ; cud chit oo_nId not bddono by tho ttnnpotof jubilee, but by the `roar of cans. ,Bothth:I.NOrth u:d- South In: ` docplfjn 0 author of nlnvery; an . the shedding 0! blood _thore _oould ` no uniuion of It In: not until 3 prochiiud (union to these that tufted in of the orth. From that day for- th; hll Ilnvery wu rapid, gm! with` upturi Richmond its overtln-ocpivu. loan. This gun not only ndenthot but bthoulsn tnda itself. The ` and Pottugioue, West India: and uhvory still exista, loomed a. In. an civil um: um; |.'.a ....a..| in o and no su tn_o mlublulltr tflxbroof.` ' ' could be put down by retaining ' robelhoni '- uurxcbn. \ City Hana, Pn'n.._... DU "X11: $5?!) I: . .....'.. ha... ha E, St. Ln.wrenee7| .44`!-1`1`iz t'. . 4.15 11.111. 2.00 p.Ln. 7.30 mm. 1.36.1111/'1 '5 A XII . ROYAL `AIIXIL THROUGH LINE . um Xnuvz LINE .4. com orkne 1 iolloving SPLENDLD UP ER-CABIN` S MER8 :-k . oo ICAN -. ..... . .CA_PT. SINCLAIR. SPARTAN. .. . -' DUNLUP. _PAS8PORT .... -* smrsox. MAGNET... . .. " "BAILEY. .co3J1g:I`H1AN FARRELL. ' WT` IIIVOYI Illl OIIICI, IOOIIIOII 33:11, l$,hInthoeivilIartha.thadondodin lradgp, topot choir hnu in order by nbphqnculnulgndnsl` Oman t ,, an-_aqau.agn..x.~.u.a. .1 33131 lotnhtidlm [wnnnnh sun so do with the chsrge of o funds} En, Nnwnfl v :7 Oee of 1see`ume`r.`is, the Above Lie will leave the St. Lawrence Vvharf, fpot of Johnson Stteet.uor Togputo Lad Hamilton, every unar- noen( ouddri. and _'edneadxy1 excepted) at SIX RM. Also, "one of .the steamer: will leave for Montreal every morniu (Mopdayg and Snturda excepted) at S X, touching at Bu-`nck.v' `Prmcott and Cornwall. Ntllrtl OXCBPWQ) 83 BIA, wucnlng BF B:-`och ` `Preocott and Cornwall. . I For 9 Tickets apply at _the Lake-and _ River team I; Oicc, St. Ln.wrence_\Vharf, foot of Johnson Street. . Passengers` going to the West can-proeulre Tickets via Great Wstvorn, Detroit'Mil- wnukee md Michi am _Central Railwa s for Detroit. Chicago,` ilwaukee, U1-and aven, and also. for all the princi al points in the Vveet, and also via Pacic Kailrnad to Utah, Ne rsska, Colorado, Nevada and California. A comfortable and convenient \Vaitinu LVC TSSKB LOIOTKUO, IV CV30 nnu li3llI0l'IllI. \Vaiting Room for Ladies and Gentlemen on the Wharf. - 'l` 1] IIA'1`f`I-I | Kingston & Wgga Island Ferry | GMMENCING ONVMONDAY, 30th inst, the `Steamer \V ATERTOWN will run as under :- . ' Leaves Kinystoni_(D`Au.v) Leaves Wolfe Island. At R30 A.M_':"-\ 1 9.15 A.M. HE new iron-1 STEAMER PIERRiEP()NT. C. Hinckley, J1-.,. Master, -will lezgve Klughtdn daily (Sundays excepted) at 6;30 A.M.,_ to meet. the 9:00 A=.M. train my Rom and 0s'wegd.' ` 3* g/t PJJ-' tormeet the 5:0QP.M. train for 'Ro|'End dirwego`, the steamer Knlley for Clayton and _Alexandrin ~BiLy on aboth "-"iPG. nd the Northern: Transp}'tation' Qds. Pninllt-.ri for All nix-ta 'VVc-st. ITIPS, am} `I118 lV0_l'Ellel'll ':l'l'3l _ _ fr 911` yprta 'West. RF}I`URN1N(`._ will lnmua. ( u- V ` l`r.QI'\tB 1! Gun. . . RETURNING, W111 leave Cape Vmcent at 9 A.-M., on arrival of Train from 'Pu)[n8 and Osyo/`ego, meeting the Grand Trunk trains going Enst _aml West mad the Bay gf Qufnte, , Stuns. . ` '@ `Ill `min? 5 ' `W- H . Igw awullor. . ..At`5:'30 P.)/[., on arrival of trains from Bumeim Uswi.-go. meeting the` G.T,;R. Night- Traini fnr Ea. West and the Mo:-mun L-.v_--up-nunuwm) Iusnmecnnrge Soehvuthovorkinwhichlvu -of o funds? En. Nun] engaged nldqmqplnna or vex-throw Ihahvo huh and slave , which have now hfaxnhn uni hatnnrtlu-dllr lullllef Ivllll UBWGQO, meeung HIE U. 1',-Ii. Night` Trains: the` Mon-mug Stiewr for Montiretl. ` ` ; . _ Pgljties oi-ten 9r more persons oin" to (`ape 'V4'i\oe'nt.or my point on the Bni mu anal re- I 0; sp_ n'1e glny can dorso at one fu-e. ' 1f-'..'.'.`"|r..':...|.o .. n-..-.... .......1Z. .... |........a ..:. L- [0?a49;4%%%. ' roubfe mid expeusg, and etiiov the moat comidi-I: uuina Want. 1: 15 egg np_u.n: _un, can nu my up uue lBl'U.' FF" to:-P 1' but-d,'to a. 33., :_&i'sjz`onz f f.`} {'s" :'.`..:I :00?` of ` ' ' * . (fh8Y~%?I`1.&'2.`, ..`.7.f,re}`. 1 e',`;Z`..Y.._ff elijoy comfit gmng West, xa clnedto the ` ' smmers, EH36`: V __ ' . .371 .2 terms ia_te orts. _V _I`-,_ In 93: I Daily Line of'_ 21 First Class Powefful Upper `leaving Ogdensburg every %`.<{a.;;'- i rough without change of boat to '0ewego, Cleveland, Toledo,` Detroit, Mil- winlee, Chicu.go,_ Ind Intermediate Ports. 13' It in for the intern!-. of evnrv traveller % excepted) on arrival of Nbon, WIIII66, Umclgo, mu lntermeauste Ports. _ is (pr the interest of every traveller, y huvihgfweat, to `see the L jbeforegpurchasiqg their c . ~ <.. .. . I . Tjayc - till Old. What pan 1:3 It In that ninion 2 Nona whnlevor. Ila, viii nyulhnbeon odjnthe m in 0ChP inning]: n` A hulvnl unkn-n :v w V .-a;;-v\;`! R. CRA;Vl0Rl), Master, Leave; Carrnthen Wharf every Afternoon at 3:30 o clock. _f Kinggton, Sept. 2i, 1872. ner.unnng- at 5.o c1o .1` 11:85 7 2 . Monlfai fuuwa Forwvyu-di=:~ (Io. a~a.anE-Au: 6Al\iAL'. % % ~T1m nmsrivi cuss UFPEE mm Steimer . - V ` 1m"nA'1LY 1w'n'vv`s"':s i1i?, av:on sale `a ' `fths Book Store: of Mr Jo dei-`non, beau ; MdAul Mr Edward S 17".}-.K-int! St _. ' Kingston, Sept. 27, 1872. an. 1- ;;1unn\:;n.v, Ferry'Wh:srf., Foot qt Buick Street.- copies nuy ha - Prinnnnlzn-nah ` `Phin- ,w`WVX1w1l.Qll Q. that they see in In using; at hlcvoleneo for the good of on [Jimmy uytngiut noney, and they innit: tlntnwhengngc ip Inch work :11: udd bl; by norcanary motives. I-`rom world can expect little good, #9 hat of bonevolence little: sympathy. can in nnpopulu-, no matter how. I folk II, Inc]: men Ara never found advocat- Im it Eh to & I.|nI:mhr_ Anti 4. _u.. iifionu, - 1er".}"` 4 .Kligllon,J(_in.o; 22,1872. ` ' '$".1.`hrougl1.'T.Tickets 51% the very lwest :3 to `All `pginy _Wg_t, ,;lWonh gd Na'_rth-, .-`.. .2. _ . ~..s. 5 III 0 -0 (38013. c.`H. HATCH, Ticket Agent. Kingston, M|y2, 1872. - . . ' Iv vovv savanna. `t %-Faya Bglleville every ; ;AVOURITE' UPPER CABIN [her - - ' C l8l0n._(DAILY) Leaves 0!] `- \ 15 00 30 ; 30 In AIL I `ll `` ana '"Cape Vnaagnil R 011te`.`- ~` - ` i :*.I'.: *? ' ' ' 'F`oM: of Brock Street. |.1|25xAI.J- G. M. 1'(1N`mi !`I\ p p ('40. gh if! C. II. HATCH, Agent. 872. ate '. _smPsoN. - BAILEY. > ..... .. 1.. v " van .r'u .mna. '-.;v*;.i'>g{,c_a._n t1::;-ofuto be pm- i, H-ed`,-1;: at-.cwr*.= . I- .'*,"-.`-'.;`,".,""!:`h'_9}L .puu- uln Q; 9 1' . . my cultachod` to , !_-A 09-" Pnarulnarzy-ro,mI,or; .; r _-.44 Mb- Prnpriototlto canes. mp M; .1, mob nefarious pncoedlntnppd I0 .'-5" friends gnd pawn 10 P030 . "9" ' ` um. mum, who import. Hm I ` ohn t In. -HA -31.5.. I ` Guanoll & 00.`; and HIV! |`!""`"V" IJIJUIIUII C UV. 4 the u!_dnu-- nnn IIIYLI CI t.honI!_dlIu-- s .' 5 _- _ . rum BlJLLvWHABl',9_3.Un_l.P .. I;..3'm"- Jana -ac-all b.0o; aBo|9M P . '3: 3" Rnnn.;ot Ilnvnl Yacht Club BOIIOIIGI. JOOFOY Golnlll t,Uo;'o.BeI9m rqnupuz: n Bouqet. Boys! Yacht Club Bouquet, fool-ey om. Perf.umo,lueJ}D `r Wood vsom, Vic- uoria Bonqnn, lisugipsnnl, Ilillury Bonqur-1, the Bride`: Bouqnn; V John Gbioili 0030 Ptinu of Union Pn- the mac`: uouqnn. Join : | Iume, I most choice and fuhiouhltrparfuur-. r Jnhn (Lunch A-()o svPrlnoon Alundn- u I most elbows and Iunloonnurpuuuuu-. John (lunch 3; Oo'o;PdnotnI .Al-x--;lr- Perfume, a moot choice and dqliugqq ,|n'ff!l1|t'. pr:-pun-d_ ex:-null; fot tyo Illa 0! 30! R0) -1 digbnsu. _ Jnlnr. nmmll h 015.`: Unnhr 'l`on'1'Huun;;d II: .1 oIIbe' ' b _ ..'.'.'7"".....:.4'.: vs'.':". ..a ..m.'iL.3 ho hand onih aide. Such is the member. & Kat. The cane oftlie coloured people II. (hthlud vicinity: lug been very un- , ` but in now rnmg_ ini nic favour-5 1 !-icy hufuothing to givl: b'nt few to- mthen ; but now. when the Elgin net- cnn give v votes, that in won,-ch ' The lnlnhar for Kent migbtbe _. ' lutal ` `uh `uh. _ gm 0h0Il"_|8,I"IB in End. he ng votes, and tho coloured men into is warmegt em- huooytld thudling their babies on his-knee. ` Y The settler: hid V01-0, fb In vIui-uh cngbnnu. _ _ Jolm Goonoll 8 00.`: Uppot Ten 1'huugu;.'d Perfume.` ,_ . . Ln... nn.-..II A (In `a`v Ohnb Pmfume Perfnme._ I John Goauoll & 00. ! Jockeylub Pmfxfme is in univeruil rnquioat tr Ie'uon-ndnm-ed Perfume 'or who udkuahbf. Prioa 2066- 1.4... n........n nn '1 Ln Nnhlnnn Porfnmn; Perfume 'or mo nnuauwnpx. rnon nou- Jnbn Gouuell 8.00. : La Nobleuo Perfume; a mggn delicalr Pu-{nine of eidniuiie fragrance. 1-... n...n...I| L u I. H`nh|>mIl'Pn-lQ. Ma- trawl! delicate Perfume ol exqmuw Ir-grnucm J ohu Game]! t 013. ! Noblnu-Pounds. ale- gumly perfumed, and highly for beautifying nnd promoting the growth of the h_.`Ir ' ` h.n'|l'. ' Lu Nobleade 806;`:--cued-md`lhr'i1s nuoqlhl lad pi-rfdmo cod n cmnllioovqnnlithl. Jnhn (Innis-ll I 01). : Violet Ind lilloeur Ian perfume can nae IIIl0I_llOllI`|],|IIl.lI|Il. John Gull`:-ll I 90. : Violet und Nmlery Powder is guaranteed pure. Nu nul- nery should til`li om. it. Sold In boxes at N - in tini Preach fnhn ll...-All. Ir n 'n hnrru Tooth Past in an m mm weucn fohn Goquiht 0o. n Cherry 'l`_ootl} P-Itr in gteny superior to spy Tboth Powder, gives the Teeth spear}-Hk wm-mum, protect: the ex-nm 0m"`dcIV,'lIrd`hIIpIru` I `planing fragrance `to I! liresvh. P1500 In 8d egoh. - liuauxntnnannn I-Inia Duo : ennnin In nrodniu-. u-ngrnuce no um In-urn. rrloo u an Egon. hntantumoua Hair Dye : ruin to produce any Ihnde Brown as Black, o(_`good natural nolour It cannot poG9lb|]'3!Ij'fhLlbe_ Quit, In-.3 no disoruaruble odour, uud,|I-`mail upplied Jnhn finsnl-II I 53.: '1 Pul.nnIv-'l`nilahnunInn I I D0 l]33`7(`!PI|INB CMIUWT, lII.I'5IIIlI Iyvllll John Gosnell I Go : Pvslcntvffniohoeugon. I newly invented unit TB;-nah, poenllnr mm.- ohamcal c--nuructiou of which aaoompanna the two operdmml of chiming and polishing aimultnneouuly; _ ~ I Th: P.Lu-in Uachnnianl Dhhir for Brnnhinb h|Bll.I.I'BI', JUHN Blah C 1.10.. l'B|'IlIIII6/l'I by Appointment to Ht-r Iujuty, Ibo Pnmesa of Wnlea, &c.. WED BUhl.jWvA|ll', 93 Urns Tunis $13831`, has of 1`)-'l`bueKing Uoun, Lombu-d Street. 110 _ ,IO. V`biI1_ veto -sic Barmnt ` . Ste. [fol Ind! Uollvthst 1 vote at Ottawa, _ `V3 in hvour of I Q1-rapt and sinking Ad- `H553. mu mouy\ . . ".:&*l9Konn ommuhw g... .......;.... I I UIIIITU l.IlIP01lIly. The Pu:-m Ilechnniod Uhhir for Brnlhing Hair by Mach'uuzry. For Prospectus and par- ticulars, apply lo the Pom-moon a.udv8o!e Innu- fnmnrnrn JIIRH GD:~`N|Ll.I- k n, Pu-fnmnu-I IICIJNIFB, ll!-l_Y '0 KIN` TMWIIQ nuuvaote -IllII' tuenurers, JOHN GOSH ELI. & 00., Perfnlneu hv Annninvmmn In H:-r Urbain. Ihn Prnnmu `0 l`HE" SAUCE; Prepnued by Max uncle`-.r'tkmuhwumI` Hxockrr, from g reoipe byhia Cousin, the Inn Dr Sousa- woodsmith, chin -619 your: Phynieinu to the Landau Favig _u ul;'FAlhe| of Sushi- ua..y_ Reform; Igdicnl ___ her of the first "Gem-nl Bond of. Health; Author of the ts! Philoopphy of Health, the. . Dalininna -in. swan Inm-n am._ I6: work on Four , in Inf. age or couhtry, the. rmlunppny oq uuun, sic. Delicious with every known dish. IE6 bnbitugl use increuu tho: uppuiw and pro- motes digestion. _ll in lunch termed tor its digestive properties. ` An an Anln-an:-n n! In `mnllv -uh nnlnlnn-I1 I18 azgesuve PTOPCTIIQI. As nu assurance of It! `purity uni uluury r_opor gs, it is only necessary to poi-t out he name of the oelebnted mud philanthro- pic Phyaicinp. yiooo prelcription it in `coo.-pounded. Tlfe niiro mg of what dinin- .-uiahnd man vnifnnun. in. mnmnming oh. con.-pounueu. Inc Paul ! nip, 0! ill! amm- cuiabed ma 'wn6_'|}on&.ilr vprqno ` Ibo heahb of hipfelloi-gronmrou, and h cub, Lo l)ecc-moat; 1881; war mouhod do If 93-- Lionul lobe. ' I;.&.nl...I4 _..A r..---.'...-a-.:.._ I..- .n._ n_, vI1mu.'uIne RIM! tor _Qlp0llll|0I 0, H10 l l 0- prio-t-1', 69. ,3) h : Oquduil Street; Burclay -and Sons, F` I F'n.s*:ur5 Puvemept : R.-nail, by Uhemiup` Ggjoccn, Itnlinp Numi- .boum-Inn), and oItn_n_:'u.I,gpughoiu :h'e`Kn'..~ doun,.und eyuy put! of the yorld; `oI`8u-eel; B411} and Co.,. ' Ask for. be "The" SIIul`f.*'S|gt-I'M . Iuptvrl` : Am-nIa-B'unoyeue,' Burt`-ndgen, and equine. I6, Uolm`un 3lruev,.IAmnd1I.; . - uuuI|Ic" ru ` era` ` IIIIIIT, III GUI` stun} one in` II Jculuod to uululuin oulnh, Whon,mix_ed vi-h__wgu:.u:d uh-,n durmg the eletveneenool Immediately blend! with _I|:pfood,-`ill In '-npiday nhborbod into me qnuug ls riuli:`a`nn_ppggyl6Io__ blbod with than ulu ptnnpfpla up 31- um-'d, ,0! destroyed during tho ; hot that. In Jungle, Scarlet, Yellow, -r'l"j>hIIl,. ophvo (fever: (or Uholon), uiuo inievonl onto: conditions, wb_ere.I.he.viu.l earnest in poison- ed by iutbctiohi-gpdgbpd marshy rendered un- til \o support health mud pmloog human uifo` it `has been fo`Ih"_uh'lneIry',hb\q"ictn|; and in; snpminfn ` Ind nrifhx in once 361.8 :3 n. p`rc-fvem `we to ` ,:il th nu- merous nniolicned mtluouinlruoc`oup .y.- ing uch home will pton. In pofclbllisg- renders it. ndmitibly sdnptod so,tnu|- Iar, tourist, emigrant, or piiaio family,` more especially when dmsnt fro. Indian} ndVi('B or no I nlml in 31.. 1` ua.....;.4I _.|-.. L....u_' n-| uuuullu I lulhllli L Nedigiup Ihu cia_t_ep Sen Blcknnn or use must turn uf` BIIlT6unH'n3uin]I in"i few munues; of 3 5 Iutcleu, in col- culuod oenlnh What; lnixud ii-h -nuw Anni nlmn nClVll'9 5 p . _ Sold in [Site I tuppoyod glut bonlu, price Zn Gd, (3 M`, ll|, ild III nah. Spo- cialv age-nu roqninds -sol-uppoiutod I" pans of the world - j-niun. aoumouy\ ' ".v&'9K-`bl -wild-i`wly two etin . ..$"1k`=nnd-'I_*y. _l;:t_>ur`:. I _ _ M x`:rivr:A nynrunenu llJI'.. III jm-ymen, and `f0l'_ popt-magma; V for the prevention of inlfepthlpl ken-`and Jungu in non; for tIIo'dloin ` of and bodies, `and for tho "pnurvotlon 1 subjects for din-action: lor the cnmmm uonof bugs and other-ivermin. ` Sir W. Burnett : nillnfnnlinn 'l-I..u- ._'. uuupu mg: no ouloryvennin. _ r ,_ ` W, Burnett : Dilinfopting uid" wig the only ,l)!infQ'c_In_'-_ . `at the ~ 1 ail - tum! mu qmn; the miwhann Qluh `mu 8.h_o-.vx1n"1 4;.` hr 9I`*hr2}oi~v-`i(jIe;I!1,. g_ v Oonn 7 ::'ra,no:;q_r slviwiia` 'u'-mioiv's'iy`.`zni fnilo ipg _. tgnpg` . f:6mT 1 nod Kurpager: `_ ,.`_,. " ' *5 4 muogngzg _.1_angu_- front M Hunger: "j. _' f uggieununr . .`ia1ingi'n,:_ ;:_. ms. `-negi: r'l;-;;, Ya? 93:`. isgpr: pnou more of you n_ tihf _ uoloaod. Haring unodxiadaibilihij g Fluidajat our munya5o`n; Tenn any with condencp that none bun` taneoixoind complete effect pf Sir`WiIliQ Bnrm-.n's..nnd` this too withoht` yroddcing any nu`-osuoo._lito,,;hI -vomll of chloride of lime or ui-linlils uh} I Am lnnpn c.m.- .1\_nd-lhoilialtn-`"-_ uny nu-osuoo._n;o,,g.In room! of if uH-I am your: fully, `18,:$u_np2,;Boc._,8pd:_Xn-Iggpr. Ogpt, Jonklon. KN . 95. nnnon hemp.- `18`f$u;E"";sc._ 4. % ."" `egpt.-Lnnktop. PE? ..':u::`g" hit new 9;: :1 1; _ _,m,iu_ciu'..-. din-n;.hw:daoxro1iIx ship . . " di ins T ' the an-pi-Io. nndh: su'.o:' :1 direct. " ' frqmutly Aovolopod And. `M91193, ' . ,` I * inunnoo: III- I hqna L n"nn: ' ,_,, ,____,.I__,.-, ----v,- -gghn--uqux-fqiflllvl fpqnouqly - , ` hr innanoo: Hynanli, aoecnpicgl. _ >-Qgo ponouyh ;.xnd:bw',j wuptinkhn in cvezrmou exam: tau 5 `hi IUIHII IUD!- tolcsvde and {orexporulion by the Pro- \Iic-I.- 1'. 69. lamb : Onnduil Rina-at: Rgrolnp uxiuuows PYBk`0~ .aA;..n3.-;-4;. 4 Nediciue Ihll cine: Sen Slcknon m um 1 I:'Q:YEMBE1tI :3. ;;;;; 4- 1 ..p_ go-pun; nu woe in Ire- ih Laoamauq, r Mcuihnrgarrived g . "thaw Allan Itezilners - lun, on busi- BEOVII.) ' invited him totske 8 13$` |It9o_un, withthn gentleman s_nd t ongty who were nremlnt \-hr-I1 I7 TT:.T:"' ~ Ibnliuurd from fan! the pagn] And at I my subsequent. nneetings, that I 'n}Ind hnllllnu fur Han Inlunnrn` manna:-Q nf Broekv -i11e_& oma%& . 1w L i ` . Bi-oad Cgi. 1' ;O_.* ~ on gun! after Tums WILL - mu: ; f. Evnunna at Yl A_.nu_:nI'Irn.a'. " IJHIEIT 7' h Ex recs at 1:39. . 0| -tn, . at 1;mor.M.. inn .tsg.3'i>oint in I 30 VIII. '2-nnn& It` `Mid roxms -wulr Au-mqn .~ 51.: (Jompoay I.;St-nfaglpytf , . Local` '1':-am -at 1"-to-2'-1._<.r.t~.,o..,t,= ~ RM. ' Luvs om;.(".;, T`-="='-A':a**.:,.a':...%m'.:.'s9**- .P.M.,'. ma ` -` ' witzio 'rrnnI`sv,D~ir 3:2 .2 . and 7.` . - Mail 'lr`aili't3:_:3 . b _ Anl:lvli."_'r`8AmIy_.PoI1i'r , At 1:30 P.M., 7=s5P;L$'ui1aaa=1u>:II. z 3 n an-mndttn xhgnuuu IIIUQUE 3ZIVI7'I"TI8V`l. At 5:39 '.4a'M.,.9e1onA.-n~., m.ta*:_4wa;n I Trainson Gang.-Ggud PeI$h.Bg-pljch, ' mske certain `on B. ma 0. Rajlwsy. `_`f"" - - :- Certain eonneoiidlamdewitli Gaul Trunk Train-. Main Line: ~2d`..iU-ion` Fforwsrdinsj 0-may : 3399992` llornhnx ` drain; at , 9:10 a.fl'aeit ih-I orzsum . r - 8-nun `Dnnmhunlun unmfdlnn An `(Pm-6 and _ almagaugcnazh lllld-`T "1 f _ ` . Trunk * . it-mman-g" L *3`=-1=95Wrn9 49"#? " ' ""'""'9,:a*::'.;?:'....~a..i7" .`.:f`.s.....""%* 2: - iron Pembroke, Ion-tags dn Fort, '2. . , T , Fmighebuqwim " _`7`.-} l`h]eB."`& o. and 0.40: . the crud.-r.-..m.em 23 Isuoun, withtha sud ' 'ty `were present. whizh ncxfdny for Sootld, ii I 7 cl Arnie. on- urban cum. I... ' ' -.3 .?.7L,h-:7` '.1i]`{.-';J-.-{ 7 The sumum-nan... ` . " ;.jh,n'i1ro . F'(JUR';TB:.A-T1-I`SL'DK1I U` '....I.a.... .........a.'... -`m. 01.. a..s..a f` '1'} kN"t `,aw ;:.?.;.. 3&1.-*`1-.';." <';'1...% 330$` Chg-go for`Bo|-thu,50Ceu1I. .. 1. - Infill` W7. and with the 1 nIn dnrl Ilia ;"a:`an.".`%.f`a"`.?..`. i ``&.a..'.`. a..t"'?n*.`:'i: gouytnhfor Nair York, Boltpn, gnd 911 pplts} I1 an--4.. , . ., Vl , .~ `.~ - .; :- . Fnaaaut. ~lCQiI1(_>E-. * - _ ' s .,, `.3 - 2 -- ,7 . `, ., `I "5 ~ I.`- A I'1oA1'_iIv&.,)i:1;1=:rA"ro1{ 'yi; . . 4 = . mm` 'n"es'i 4&1-mg open-'m-rgaan uuboiggmtmp, Whnl-f, wdhe .btouge 0:-Gra1n,uFlou.:. J br`x'; ` &c.~,cAnhch:i. ' I ' 1 a:::8m..,m'. 'poinh andwiththe01daubumhand' cu....i 3.-..`.`;;;.*'='s~;;.,:.%..:=n:.:%;;:-Q; J every Bxnokvixrfaxaz ocg, wn. I This Uompmy nu Dean (10 vuinuuu III vu- . . . . in Government of Stock: to ey x nifdf 850, term: at low as thb safety `of the Alum-ed `will that time bu` oecnredhevpu . i every fnirclnixn. lthu y qoapliod. ' JAMES Cuh on land andin Bin}; n...1 mike. _. United smm_j'sue'Ln?1 sk . `~ = 11` mag. ,n-A ~01 -'- `no-,,_.rt ;.1An1L11'tKs.--c1aim- 4% 9'5, "l`h' 0 11 been do ` ` um`: .'. .'Z'-"1:'. oe.c:1red'the:I:|vIo. LOSSE8APAID`IN 5e'?v*Y:EAR8..7 , .., , `.5,,_,_'O2_9.000:`?I!v9" `Md 1311 (:1 picks: vane), ' ' "<!'=' - .. - ..r.. .. Tm.3u.4a .. . ,.,_;-_.u_'n"..;1. Kinglton, July, 20. 1371; conronnnuz shy; vL.JI|., IcI IJ .I...LIA.., Liv. LIEAVEDANID VPOINT u n:'Ilr_A hi. _._j. 014: u. VVesf;,` arriving :5: 35.`; and at` csiad` Point .6 $35 ~ 1- ulqcull clws-.. e;.s.m. maneuv- utes `OI 'o`J-'...`3V.'o1`o-'...i~ j` rec-iv!-I1: y 9--T 0-up-I-u`u;:'y E 104*-imom-51:51:71}; '1I.llF~1To1zK, ;M-W-=_ V ', rAu1.!'1 ` HALL 81` con- 'r1nz=s~ an - IJllB*~-g16LI- !'FonNu.:u.m. u..1sa..-Mung. '. mouth...&a|n.nnjnTly,l:n onmms-I-nv$u := ;,n...v a. u aunvuvn ` xIIzIa".`'l_U`;'IJ814.I.r - I uuvugxnnugxpa 5 '"9`9*9.~~I'~i!lI'1 . DIS`: 5 I sue newton ma vol-on, vol} 3.; v`hin_b_ mar .aai'sz- ;..:..4 . EON (}UUn_1. :_ ' of the. nu, Ontu`-ixo` nice the lion .`(:.....g...._ ,1 LLI. Dlmii bl Iuneewr _ `acceptable? Bib 1 OKl'.I`(.`/'I'!'t') I !lnrmu3a xounfy 4 4.! tin: I _r Jli {.uu;1s'r _ limh-I {ARBiI_S_ I i not-w `I. RRISTE `A. inn nni (`a.IId:l. cad! 3 pp eeting, an therf1hn- fess tint I had been ulundered by him in Edin- tA:fg}`s`i-3 nu_Lu v Store May 88: July voi x nnula. can ppnug jeelmg, anqt.heI-rQn- ' that had been by Ediri- ' I ln:rgh,t|oli-;rroug information which he had I rcceive. hope the editor of the Mm ! will; hue the nine honuunble principle, confeu - . his fault: and \\in no more. * ! : Th- .......o:.... 4.. l.`.l:..|.......\. .....- L..1.: :.. u.,. . mu IIIIIIEI um Mn no more. ' l 5 The meetiu in Edlllhufgil was held in the _ ' .\luslc Hal}. ` he Lord Pmvoat presided, and . the pmfmssora of thepollego with the ministers .1 of the city. and many of the towmcounoillors ? . wcru present. _Tliu: hall was tilled to it: utmost \ capacity. After 1 had spoken, Mr McKellur 1 - inade A few ieinuks hon-in'g testimony bu this I ' imhistry, sobriety and general good conduct ; 2 of the settlers, 'l`heru was ainotlier gentlv 2 5 mun fwm Chatham in Eiliubulgh at the time = I held the public meeting whom I invited L... : ; atccml, but he 'i10I:`tU'4lI2(`JiIIO tlie honnu-r. It ' wanna um: =1 i.1e.8y tinsel: with n | _`-.-ui~sc'ni`'!ln h u ula'i- in Uhath-.nn. 5 ' That was the tint and the Mt. Ineetin v that 1 . Incl-I in Scotlaml at that time. Short y afu.-t, ` ` .\lr hh-Kcllnr left. and went -home. 1 i \\'hun I hp-LI ln\' nflu-r In Ii"... L. \'....n.....l . III lily BIIYTQIICIIE II|E?lIIIj:B, LHSIK I C D` Iliad nothing for the tompord Ill part I T. Treasurer, sud Boanl --f Directun, with the . Fnnouror, `who tnnnsunittcd the nuns, when n uttlment; that the colmi people wan nhlohntl willing cu support them- nolvoo; tint four thousand, pound: were: niood by Inbugriptiuu in Canada, under the T direction of the Auucintinu, the utfaira uf which wore dunnged by a Prsinlem, a` fund: of which I had nufhiug to do. The 2 object of tho Auuciufiun wu simply to hold the land: until the culuured peupla could pa ' for than themselves. 3 n explaining the educntioual purl: uf the work-, I stated my object was to place the school: E the lnissiun am a peyuauunt and ociunt Iauiofund for than. pun-you eight IINIOGII-1 pounds V-Itlhl be required. which I = 3 to be raised by subscription: ta, {ac ' ' ' Iunuslly tn the. 'I`|eu.surt-r of llh: Chllleh in Turuntn. .1! that and subsequent undingl. both in Ireland :und,Suntlnnd, ullluriptiona wens niped by person: up- ]-ollltod. and by them paid to 8 gen;-r:I.l Ihond, Go the Treasurer ut` the Church in ' crontu. This Iubnaiptium amounted to In thoill 303138, lnopidcs I|x_ hujadrx-d `dbl! swear nf All nnnn-ll a~]\nQ_I-il'n|I*i.uu 1 cuurun. \ _ , . , l I haw now5i\ CIlu' an account of I my almiliiuthn of tie afxd of the lilgin .-\.swciat.ion and the Bnxtnu Mimiun, and lmw 1 my accduht stands with them. Jforhaps the -editor would like to know hnw my `account 4 .~I.unuIs with mg; grocer. my butcher, my luker l and my tailor. If the member for Kent c-.m- . not gin: him infurmatiuu on those subjc-ct:s,lo.-t him write me 21 polite note and I will try and .u-couuuodate him. I I I 9 I \\7-. I.7._.., .\I|' .ucl\cI||r I--It. and went`-holue. ; \\'hun I held my other mt-tings in Scnllaml : and I-)ggluul,Dx. urns w- with Iueuaml Mr` - .\IcKeHIr')vis at me at\I:-I-alh: to the im'.ur- V l 1-st: inf his f':u1u.'nml knew? ho hing uf what. l_Inm.Is were ooeted until he saw it stated in . I the ["iu'auci1l Report. of the Treasurer of the I {' church. I` 5.-.... ....._..s_.-..;L . _- in. ink: . - I V . \ 9 , nun ms1aut-:ue nval candidates nre Dr. R. ] :4. King, the hum of Fort Erie in 1366, and .\Jr W. A. Thump-.-ml, of Southern Railway lame. The tirst. is the gallant gentleman, who, on the memorable` 2nd of June. I566, Iuarshalled the \\'e_aungBa$'Lery to meet the | invmling Fenithls frin, utlo. lu the .~'.|.'iI`- I :;:_u II 1'4u|4.'1;V ll l.|lVx<\I ..3. | The election in \Vell;md takes place on the I 19th instant. -t.|Ie rival candidates Dr. R. 12;. Kill. thee llnl'u nf `P11!-1*. I1`:-La in IQRR ..-..l lnnrsnaueu the \\ Baer I invmling fln _ gl-X0. In 1 mi-sh which L-niueal, one-of [xii legs \ mszw, and fnr nu. nu.-;..+:.. -........... . 1 un':|u1ng renmns grqn Qlgllllo. 111 gm sI.'iI`- ' enuecl, iii was hot muy, and for this patriotic service and per- .~ou-.\l loss he receives a small annuity from :1. grateful country. .-Ti1e.sec\mLl is a. railway apocdlntor of Vmplited uuscrupulousuemi, and moderate success. He has an immense fortune and a free hand. He never lets the want of a bank-note thwart the achievement of his um- bition. Where he cannot pemuade b_v=3en- aon, he will gurchase with ready money. He is one who, yudging from his record, cannot l.e reckoned n stable citizen of Canada. Fifteen- years ago he renounced his allegiance to Her Aloe: Gracious Majesty, and enrolledhimself I in the liatafd the fine in the Hniu-Ad Staten : moan uracxous majesty, and enrolledhimself ' liata theflpe , that United St tea. <.l`he follovritigis em; raar with to wtm-T. he sulncribed, and w_ore o_u the Holy Evange- lists, on the lat of`b'eptemher,*l'357 :- I. \V. A.`-Thomaoxig do nnlemnlyv nwoiar 11:53, on Inc 131'. oraepteml-er, I357 :- l, W. A.`-Thonuoxi; do solemnly awchr that it is boua _u`le my invention to become: a citizen of the United States of Amoficn, and renounce forever all to any fur:-ign -pi-ince, pobentnte, Itste or sovereignty what- ever, particularly to the Queen of `Great Bri- tain and Irelnnd, to whom I now owe alle- giance." _ V ' shnn expedient of his career, we Ii_n i Again in Canada, and this year of . .9-"ace hfy a seg ig lb_Commons, :in the Grit interest. All this is consistent. gznough with the Grit character ; but if a. man with in to triumph o\_'er the patriot. , ,,lh_I_ If `h in pcwers gc; ` _q Q: in Inoroovo 'pl]t loy _ ood _ ti ti , . . lay uf. little. for-the 'tnds of communities b`::great detllo wr f` ld.--1Lou- d:lFI?Prt!J. 1. SP0 '0 K6 ` ? The Ha:-nilton ram... ahrit gonmq sn- | nouncea, probably nndelolicinl ' ' '_ u, that ox~Vioe Chancellor Muwat vi ` - .d` .-niuith In 350'}: ' 'tI`1!:.C:|1rt'nf| confoi 1:10,: jurisdiction of the Court {gnu the J_ni{;e_3'_ . _ 0 i of the Superior Courts." dd not know: ` 'w_het_her any, or what, aidvantnges vgould follow upon the; sliolifion of the Court} but it in pmbible tliat this consideration will Ixnvehu to do in moving Hr Howat to make his Refor1n," thnn that dmire to take iairrenogo out of the Dominion Govern- ment fox; nut elgvating him to the Chsnqel-- "".`iP-.1. , - . .; M "mu Di7nnI:Icc-k' gentlamnn, `ha of the laudable idea pf mpeljsednng intoxicating- ; 541$! i`i.n|hhhIe drinks. send: thi.u'rc- Inn uuunme mes pt mperaemng 1llt0Xlc&Iall!B- liq , 1'ith.pohhhIe drinks, sends thinke- cm `to I ,>'eo'nt.e|npoI-nry :-A small tg:a- . _ of Chock, half a. pint of water, a. ew Jfviuapror my other acid, stir it well, ;'&'ottelf I of poyered giligcr dr other ipiee. even popper, on the surface, , drinhit nu. Ind say is it ml: as refreshing! -v unvuuqqu yzuauru, uqruqu u1_ nupur:-u I Jolhn I eat of an annual dont.nbuti.m froutho Church. A few yous ago, when the church was built, thus` sum amounted to nearly six thousand dollars. Tro thousand seven hundred dollars was and in building the church, and three; tholld dollars an: still in the lmnds uf ! _ tho'l`ruauror. II- ._L:-.; ;.. _.._:.:,, , L 1 u 1 .. otnur Iplee, even pogper, on me surtaoe, *, klrilxkit uh say u n refres_hi1_1g_ as beat 91: an ah-house. \Ve cannot say 18. It ptill require! the one ingredient, in the ab- sence of which, only, it differs from that is known an ale-house beer. Throw in Cucu- hu Indicnl, gnd the thing : Ebmplet.e.- Fun. - as The cause of the lamentable condition of . Irelmd in at last known. Mr J. B. Barnett, a Hebrew Ieholar, writing in the Jewiuh Chron- icle, aoutulill (list the Prophet Jeremiah, with the rennin! of the tribe of Judah, migrated to l u no other than the celebrat- edl '_ " ' and law-giver, Ollnm Fola. The `jg V IUlIght, with him the Li: Fall, `or Datiny, which was subsequently convey by umhkh Scotlnud for cor- uu f 1 afterwgrda re- moUoI"Io- _ _ r Abbey by KmgEd- the nnsxdfnggal Jvlnch time .11 -the ' -in-nnn.nJ.nnAnnn. ' - nainn AIL!!! `A \7...o.. Willflv Fl l-llW\lg? OB-,$D-lcl tune all me In and.-qn99.I&.L.;. .. , _ down toVicto- ria vobeencmvned upon it. This atone, Mr Barnett., wu thnl: which was Drivin- nn _ itsiqs, Igu uni: wmcn was 0l`lj{ll1- ally kept in thounctnuy of the Ernst temple at Jerusdanjuud wu `known. as `fJa.cnb s Stone, beiqg hone other thlui the stone di- rectly ' hiked by King David as the .;-top-wtsht bu` on jected, {lmt which 'wn_1__`o_a ' gdfnr __ lig:;_lI_o9burs.__1Vh_d1-_B_:1r- ?Ln iZ-'?aIa`:7'"$?"e'rf 1';`.`;'T ':"`Em'l" `3 at nan : esuyhu eanflhe me:-i|:"of being . very curious and very learned. Huhish, opium, alcohol, and tobacco are hfumlnr moion: which annex to oonmu-.+.-gt. nlanuu, uylulu, uoolwl, Ina $008600 ' ult ' up whic to concentrate r ecpuog-`on the aid are` powerful causes of nervous disorders in the perversion f the blood. 'An individual habituated in the use of any of these, in a machine set in d '\m ,motiog,_wV ' ' not already too mucg df -red under the poteliti 0115 `ompound Syrup of Hypophosphiteu, since the disturbances disappear as the condition of the blood im- proves.--Adv, ru now new cnvvneu upon 1:. `nun atone, Burnettnqn. vgu origin- allv Rent in thcnnctunv of the first mmnlp r-vvvo. -..u-v, Hue you a severe wrench on-`Ipniq? Have you tbeupntiun in any form? Hnve you sti' neck, "or Bunches caused by rheumatic paint 2 If so, Johusonla Anodygxe Liniment is a specic remedy, and is also the bestpnin killer in the vorl '4-':-4dv. , We often see olnrge stock of cattle which jg. not seem to thrive. sud come out spring ` .' all f toitpt` ` them In ' h M4 wmh or ' `Cavalry Con tion Powderi. stiven .,, _P . hgstjn tjle o1-1d,. Tlgao '1:-:13 nlnd . "tot _ e. uqas`_, = ' e,-an n- .I`tantdIe3It_'; no ; a1dicu- Iop_'s.fiII3l. bran {aunt 'oanr.', Remedies `tho HI. .'el!'en' of - -dyeq ind vyuhea,` pro- 'cms`u`tmmedi.teIyn .up'.-b1;1..|mcNaun1 Brown. and lecvea the hair clean, uofy and boauif 1. The genuine signed W. A. Bitche- lor'l. `Sold by all scm't,N,Y. -- -T *'*-`xi?-'=.' T.Ya, . _ "' ylgns S;:ENDID--`HA{R`g"Y; Eu: the dmggista. Factory, 16 sun on unruuun and benevolent`. men In the alone of phntiug Christin: colonic: on the coat of Africa. \\ ith that View I as- Iiahd in forming the African Aid Society in London, with such noble-minded men an [aid hnniduill {Kn Ii`...-I .1` 9..-c..;....... ncuilll. The gem son ~Bawhlo , . ; , ruvuna ant 1:-ux- n"n ` 11 IVAL, 'l`H_E WELL.-KN 1) RI VAL: ._ :_ than u I ?i|;.gde- iin` thgc myi ` V \ ` \~ x \\ \ \\ .\\\\ \.\\ A \ `A rris Mir. Rye; I >I`I> v`BA1iz i)Y `is 70l'ld. The nnlv Tum and WM. Klxu. R Nurve, whi ; L} m rn naus Mm Us a is-onion s ; Uhemicnl Fm nucl Nutritive `unic, hecnnle ` Phosphates ooustitntu inure an half the ma- > terinl of the h\m`1a'a'1noJx;. ` V are sbnolutgsly essential ti) the grovti" 3 , Muscle and . hill devlopment without the uypmmote a good appo `Lite, perfect _, `on, crests ure, henlthy, I vitalizing lxloodflnd Illpply t no waste con stantly going onja tho Iyitom as the result of ` mental and pin exertion. Being com- `_ hined with U _' ya, the Peruvian Burk. the only snecilio_oI' Chills And Fever, and that ' i condition of Nervous Prostrntion and Gcnenl . Dehility arising` from low vitality and ex- _ hanstive diseases, it forms Ln elegant and -Lgreenble. invigorating Tonic. purely p|I_vsio- ; Iggical in its sotion, that it. mgf3-.~tn|senn um-ly under all circumstances, am 1 linens- ml cumlitiuns of the body, to it builds up the .-unstitutiun in theisnlne manner ns our nlniiy linml. Sohl by alliruggists at 81. 1 i I ul uonaon, run aucn noble-minded ' InId,05IrdIl|ill. tie Earl of Slufubury anl Lui Bwogham. That society`. was cu `do in Africi what the Elgin Association Ill doing in Canada: to secure the lands on the coat of Africa undcr British pru- toction forthe Clnrintinn tettlcmouu until (I: Iottlon themselves could pay for them in the cultivation of cotton and sugar, and if loootary to pmvide fuming implelnentn. Whsbvor Aid they got was unly u 3 loan, when ' again. Wuboliuvcddnt the mm was able and vnlling to sup- Iinldf and family, when placed in hnvonlisblb cixcumltauceu and protected in . ' II.`iA.llthsthB oirodwu onl- A hi num!:.; ind 1.. ..k... l i `UK.,.\Nl-!EELER'S\, ` HE t ` of Phutghatu and L`! a ;g:!\emi_cnl_ a_\_:fcl`I\'utritive `Q1 `CS5 . . . . . . . . Exp: Express . . . . . . . . ` ! uma Train I U D 1 [P41] 5 1 ALVISEMJLIIAS. I . I 'l`1u-ough Mails for New York, Boston, and Uswegn will be closed at 1. p.m., and for, U-_ape Viut-cut at 5.30 p.m., daily, Sundnys ex- ucptcd. BRITISH MAIIS `A-.rhiLte`ct. `G AGE, ROBERT, `Pk-in ceas~at. POWER, JOH_N, Queemst. A _._ll'... - ___ LE.\[`_cS.* . . . . . . Express . . . . . . l Mixul Train `V 63597 313113 . . blast & \_Veste|-u, NightTrains . l I 1rxun.-... ucpwu. \ _ BRITISH MAILS_ par tzxnnhm steunarq will be closed every k"m.l:Ly at ll.30 mm. ' Per Uunard mud Hr.-.m.:.u linn mm:-v Mnmlgu UIUIIP. liaatcrxl Mails . . . 12.20 p.m. Western Mails. 2.45 p In. \Vesteru, ' ' I` uuuy 35 I l.6U 3.111. Per Uunard and Bremen line, every Monday _ at 5.30 p.u1. i intmulml for (`nan-u-In Ilnr R:-nun.-. .35` Single copies ofthe CHRONICLE AN D NE\\'-5`; containing the news of the woek,. may be had in wra pen for mailing. Price .3 ce_uta` l}8h._ Issues qgery VI":-i`Ad>ay. dciy bought bu cad. God, who rules ill destiny of nations, had decreed that Ilsvu-y in the United States should come to an and. In 18450 President I:gillC0l!l was cloud, tho South in its undue. mbeued, and tin lint shat fn-...I .1 .:.....o_-..-- .u... s1a*"*us:ness nuecmry.\ ._,__.__ _______- ..-_.__...., '|`r:;ius arrive nml depart from the Kiugu`.m_ \c.\LiuI| as lulluwu :- ` \ V .- -.-., uv..-u. pguqs;u*ou. Auconeers. HOLDER, BE_NJ., Princess-st .\unmA\', WILLIAM, Buildings, --Maket.8aua.n. - - 3 .\1Ulil{.A\', WILLIAM, Angkor` Buildin Maket. Squan. WERNER, -' F., Princ_'es_s_-st. ..~Books_ellqi-s and Statlners. HENDERSON, JOHN, -Princess-at. . .McAULEY, THOS. & 00.,` King-st; s l`A()EY, E, ll--0. _...I` an -_.. * III -Iv.$lIIl&I o CUNNINGHAM, H., Simone-35. ----.,..-, ,.....,-... Boots and shoes. HOPE, JAMES, Princes:-It. . Rosa, EDWIN, raga.-u. . -Ant Znnllgh ` up u H uwunalu, 11., mmeoe-ac. Goal 0!] lldchant. S H I E I3; `JOHN. Kig-st. Gonrectioners and Fruit Stores, `HUMBLE. I~r,nn.:~u-`.e ' " . v - El: L). JU P.l.|l _ lx:t.ters intended for despstch per Bremen ne must be specially so ---.,-.- .-.vv-.r., . sunucqo-av. - Dentists. CLARK, F. M., \Vellingtun-It. . ULEM ENT, 1... Wellington-at. MACDONALD, J. L.-, Princes-at.` Ila.-- _._.l_4_ _u: ngskruckdt. _; "- '9' ~ i5ROS., Princess-st. ll l.l'BII|lI`l'. Hy in visiting Ireland and Sc:-l~ : - lad VII not so much to raise funds at that ! Ciao, II to give information with regard cu (phi! rations, andto enlist the compara- non of ' Linn and benevolent. in the nnja J nlgnoh... lVI.-;..L; _ . . , . ..l,......- ,-,--_ .-.....v, u. u., Alnuvcun-I Drugglus. ' HEAEH Jr. GUNN, Princess-st. N , J. GEO t. %}Hl'l'E, l{., Wellingizu-st. MAULEAN & UU., Princes:-at. _YO_UNG,. SlLL_S Bath. . I|.`-o.._. 1'] E9008. ERLY, L.' J., Pi'inceil5aIi."' _ UUUSIN EAU',*F. X. & C0.,_,P1-incesa-at.j UABDINER R. & J., P1'1na;ust.== uIu:EN1?1Ef.D, JAMES, Prihoauit MAUNEE at WADDEIJL, Princes:-st. ~ MAUPHERSON, A. B. & 00., Princess-st. MOORE, JAMILS, Princess-n't. . McNAUGHTON & 00., corner of"King an 7 Vl rinVcqa-Its. Jnlclvlifq 'DU`P-Uis`, Bios! 1+...` Prine; EVANS, H. 3.; Princes-4:." JA1{V_l.\', J., \Vellingl:on-pt, . ll.... 11--4:_. urvtzcrlo BEGG, WM. & C0., Brock-st. DONNEELLY JAMES Princess-st. REES &. U0., Prinoen-st; " ' ELI,lUTT an SCOBELE, .eorngr tnd Ontario st:-neg. - . I-I RBACK, H-. A.-:6 (D, Painpea P RKH`If.'L,*JOHN',`Pr1`ucesh-"st. `-"..k`.r rr- _- _ mun.-xuunxun a UU., of'King and Princess-Its. - ROSS, ALIX., Princes;-st. ." , SHAW t ~MINNES, Princess-36'." " ' . WALDRON, IL, Wilson : Buildings, |\Vel- lington-st. `_ `I!I..__ nn-__I_ _-r A .-we Flour lilo:-c_ha.nt. MORRISON, M., Princeu-nt. t1..----, ...v . nu, u. 111 . 19% Unreaee-st. Jwelryilid Fancy Store, CRIDIFORD, JOHN, Kingost. GRIGOR, Cr, Sheeld House, Princess-st. 1' Y .-r ACKEll& JOHN .-E'l`N`A FIRE, ' James Swift, \Vhm-f. 2 _ Laura-s . BAWDEN, JOSEPH: -`Kin int. K GILDERSLEEVE & VVA EM, Clarence-st. KIRKPATRICK, A. S., Cdnnty Crown At- torney, Ontario-st. ` KIRKPATRICK an SMYTHE, Ontnriosst. KIRKPATRICK an ROGERS, 0nt,_.ri_o_-st. MACDONALD an PATTON, T1-nat`a.'nd Loan _ Building, corner of Toronto and Adialaide Streets, Toronto. JUDIE, JOHN, Clarencp-st. . JVALKEM,7R. I`., Clarence-st. I` I-_-;. m4_, uocuu, u south in in andlhordllhotredst Sumter-was-the ddlh-knoll of Ilavu-y._ The sword had boa drawn from the Icabbard, and all rjht-' man oould uo before it. round in rotnmod spin slavery woul_d b and and Mdon qb out-tho land to .uu._._ 5.1.` tr ibroof.-` augux runs, James Swift, St, L: \Vharf. ROYAL, M. W. Istzgnge,` `C131-enee-at. .'il5llPV`i.Iil' W-t--w 4--- ___-._.....v-., x.;av.,rsLuI5-`Bit `H nlarble cutters. V ANDY BROS., cox-.' Princess and Sydanhgm-' eta. .. .-....u.u,_.u.. ;., unnrence-SI: Liquor Store 9. THOMPSON,` GEo.;=King-.e._ 2___I_I _ Musical. . } DOVXKRD, E., Organist St. George`: Outba- - rd. Notary Public, &e. cC.;_\MM0N!M8.. Gananoqua. ,, _ Ful-tuna . - J 5.` `still ROBINSON, 13308., 1r` Wink" , 'po.,. Hts." ` - KHENDERSON, 11., - no-3. Photogralills and"i lctnre trauma,- . 3 `;;;.i '=z __ Printer and Publkyen snfmmon, JAMES, `Princess-`at. ` \ Tifknl Innn--- - KINGHQPJN, G. ,M., footofBrock-at. SWIFT, J,AMEs_ 33, 00.;~:S_t. Law no, will Iyulynlnboon od_uI the Hail. and otlur journal: of a ' nature, during Q0 lat Glues months, as tnvellifzg % 1 A'`J.'.`a. .. u.. :...;"'.";:'.s":.`3.e;..."-5"`s'.`."c.'T.".. thug l:o_ uni own Ilsa. v Tho with ,' . Incl \ false. `I ` ihl , nIIl.::yH::ll K314 yhen`itv::t`3 .1 - `j with dint oatcllllgn, for than are 1. lib ilolbclot out, of web low .,f$iIoViII`daIireI. that they illojlllol hocvolenoofortheuoodoi