John Indie. ` ARRIS l'l-ZR-A'l`-LAVV. soueicor in Chun- L-ery. 4I.c:.. Uhneneo Shoot, botwecll _ aillgtou Stunts. _-S:pt. 26. 1372 Lamp Triminings Olce Journals for 1873 Tai16r_ and Outtter, ` ,WELLlNGTON-ST., AS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM LON- DON AND OXFORD, 1-HE SUBSURIBERS have now on hand L the Lu-gent and beat selected stock ever found in Kingston, which they intend selling .:___ Sept. 25, I872. The City Book `Store. ' OANS male on the security of vnuuuy II, 11:3. TAVAIID nuauzuu No. 1.55 PRINCESS srRu`r," nearly uppl):ite.'rI.|Idy Bra Mnrylg \Vorkl. August. '7. Lu-t an Icing sgain us any other kind. M05:-:Y: AvFT1oNEEn; ll. Cunningham, IYII nun. . .._____ _' ~_ ~-_-: ._ ;_ John V. Noel. 1\I;V I - MlJ_SlCAl:._ EDWIN ROSE, .; nnnn .. Q5... F. Werner, llVAu7I1I.\\~r .... .. E Notary Public, Ac-I &c. Oice over Mr Psrlruhxl .a Deal. sexecteu awcu ever , they selling DUCED PRICE_ vv. on-nunuu-::., Foot of Johgsou Street. -urge u \jltlIe(ll`8l, 'l'escher I0, and Singing. All ap- nued to E. Stacev s Book i f.}$i y:;1";;f V 1."; w. 9 Nnan-:, `nnl: nf Jnhnann Qt:-4 szlnmlr, Teacher gilurinn 5" ---- mg. All :lsStacey Book Kr\~n91`;Qy, (q,N\m : JUST IQQSCEIVEI G_UNN'S DERBY CONDITION POW - DERS are without doubt, the best Tunic and Altentive far Hones ever offered tn the public. Those Powders will be found invaluable for Horne: and Cattle in all cases of Dchility, or when the health has been im- paired or the conatitntion broken down from whatever caule. - Prepared and sold only Ly HBATH`& GUNN, Chemists, .\ HIS |`I".I{-\' And Atkl -83-L11`, Cou- \:-y,1uccIn. .\uI.u-ion Fb. crrv BATI-TS, BRONA8 `-CHLORALUH, CBIDBIDE OF LIME, CARBOLIC POWDER for Disinfecting Stables. ll0RSE MEDICINES ! V 47"Princen Street. JUST RECEIVED a fresh supply of I-`LAX SEED, LINSEED MEAL Kingston, 0nt., I \/ ANUFACTUBERS of MONUMENTS L and GEAVETONES in Canadian, American and Itdinn Marble, and Free Stone. MARBLE Ind ENAMELLED MANTLE mums L. 1... Princess ahd Syenham Streets, K Scotch Granite Monuments. __ ___._Z....._..jj._... . , ;KINcSTOIM[iBLWORKS| The subscriber: having recently extended their premioeu, beg to umounce their increas- cd facilities tot executing large quantities of F|B8'l'-C'l.ASI WORK in every department of their bnaiauu. . . ...__. . .. ... ... . `ml ; III uupec' tian of their large and varied stock, they invite apecinl Lttentnon to l their splendid npply of }AR1i1>RIoR MARBLE, L` 0 * Strqet, Satini lulu Q by far the t Ind best selected stock ever bronght to` ` . TAR-DY B308. FAC'I`ORY is the only Depot for Ma`: Beautiful Marble in Central Canada. ` All drdorn pulunlly llod[for lnodente rates, at the ` Kingston Marble Works Princess uni Sydenhun Streets. 133' \Vomn(A1gs1m- Couctnnn 1'0 3: UN- sURPA8IID BY ANY IN CANADA. us A xrnxr I111:-\rI'I1111rIiru xma 9111521 . Ixfpggaton, sepc. 7, 1872. November 1. Nfsts, Switches, &c., AT J. CllllIIF0llII S, Mohair Bzjaids, Iiifs `.A'r PA~RKH|LL S\ _| 1 Ant; `tmett. Tguny X BROTHERS, iAT PARKHILL S| TS ' mnrr un: nusnu up an g nn vnnnun ~ TANDY `BROTHERS. Kingston, April 20, 1872. 1'0GNAc,T / COGNAC, Mum & Waddell; REBEIVED THIS DAY Hm Cutter, Wig Maker, &c., an:-.1), LINSEED MEAL, `GROUND OIL CAKE, CA'l'1`LE smog aw; WODLLEN SOGKS. From 9 to the poorC FARMERS 14th Oct., 1872. A Emmi: SUPPLY 61- THAT TEA, " " .oNt.YA25 cmrrs per 15., 100 nomn , uv., um Importers of OLD BRANDY, _ _ UNADULTERATED, )A). ). MUNDAY EVENING.: NOVEMBER is; R. WHITE,` WHOLESALE nnuunLs1 0:;l lclntoah. ` ANlELlolN'l`0SH, Vcurinnry Surgeon, Uradune of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. '1':-onto. Uliice. City Hotel. Kinguon. \JAL\I].\/I14 D1 LID. ' 100 Suga.r-Gurgcli Ha;r`1.:: . 100 Sugar-Cured Shoulders. 50 Cases IUVERE GARDRAT BRANDY in quarts and pints, tinest in market an.` l`.l......\....5 .....1 L--. _u-,_ . . nu-1.1. NEW cnogany, Lmuon. movlslgm swan. fl-JHN ELLIOT. 1 Kingston, Aug. 30, 1872. Wake up! Wake up! GENTS WANTED, to Ielil Orgum, I A, Melodeons and Pianos, for six of the beat makers in Canada nnd the United Satan. Auply to J. REYNER, Organ and Melodeon Manllfnkatlnrm-A m-xt :l`nm- Gm Hahn-1 : Ilmlimal Avply w J. nnaxnnn, UI-gun and Melodeon Maunfahttnrer, next door to Hobu-1 : Medicail Hall, Princess Street. b ' Oct. -23, 1372. I_ AS JUST RECEIVED and opened out _ 3 very large and choice assortment of Goods, suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. Every Department will be found canplete. Fanoy and Coloured Silks. Japanese Silks. . Black Silks from bestqnnkers. Mantle. and other Velifeta. Velveteen, coloured and black. Turquois Silk for Trimming. _ Fancy Dress Goods, neiveut styles. - Fren'h Merino, Empress and Sstin Cloths. Roy Cord. \Vaternroof ma Fannv lcmkinag If fngston Oil St0res, I 87 2. [*`A_;_l_1L lMl _(_D1{'I`A'l`l0NS. ALEX. ROSS rnuceu Bl-H365, xuuglim, uus. - UFFIUE JIUUHS innn 9 A.H. to 5 PJI. From 9 10 A.H., on Fridsyl. ducted to uooK Collars, Ban-bet, Coieun. Sleeves, Sets,` &c., in Brussels, lionihon, Thread Point, Maltese, Irish Pointe, &c., AT ALEX. u0ss s.] ' McEwan S Celebrated -FINNAN IIAIHHES! IA- J.-._1EEF.n.`m90 Sl Oct. 5,1872. ._ .1.......... ....u ruxlul, uuuau lll. Iuuiet. H` Cheapest and best place to get TEAS ac. Candies of evefy Dsciiption" '000lIIBl}l'I2,\/Il'I;:uuu.II'- u dreds ot.her.vnriet,ie_n. \ . -3 _ viiaiugjcau on had unafraid. io-order, JT4 wmaws uoym uora. \Vaterproof and Fancy Cloakings. Moscow Beaver, 01: and President Cloths. Broad Cloths and usimeros. w.....,... vr....m.:.. - - .1. 1. Street. I L.6, - DFOIH \}i0EnI and UIUSIUIOPOC. / Fancy Tweeds. - Hosiery and Gloves. Jose hine and Two-Button Kids} Chil ran : do. 4 Ottoman and Striped Slgswls. unmnan anu Mnpea shawls. `Damask and Lace Curtains. Merino and Lamb s Wool Uhdelrclothing. Blankets and Winoeys. Bruuella, Tspeatry, Three Two Pl '}m-nets. ` ` an ens. ; (`EL CLOTHS. ; ' Millinery and Mantles, newest ityles. A splendid assortmnt of rvvtr nr IJII, VURNEH. OF bROCK AND ONTARIO J `STREETS, have just rpeeivpd L;: ;_- `Kingston, Oct. 7, I872. PRINCESS STREET, 157 PRINCESS srnnm. October 24, 1872. hill on TFR, i RE%A%L.LAC%ES, Elliott Tscobell, IRNER. HI` nnnnxz A\Y`l\ r\\Yn-1:1 `1t)MET`l)ll:1 Auisunt Snrgqon U.- Army, \Vashiugtun. lII_dl&t6l', Attendant; (Ill-I Ialll Lllllllliig Ilivtilp 0F|'_`lCE AND IIIFSIDENCE-i.n the pre- -m'ueu recently uecupiodby Dr. Jqrvin, And previously by Drs. |'Iv;ua uldnnclatlp, `_ v.. 1:: DIN \'1'l."_R.Q R Dl.'E'l' ' C-110.101; `BANDS. -Also _`|___,,,, I`! 1 'I"l KlNG8'I`0N. (Int PQOPRIITOB OI T0-DAY AT.` PASTE!` rr. `iiii aRo cK -s1"m:`E1'. ueys. y, Threqsnv Ply FRED SCOBEL. g . TRANSPARENT AND FANCY VVINII SHADES. SIGN-WRITING in all its Branches " _ l:'.c-turd 'l'. Wqlkcn. <|l.l\'li`u|l |.\' ukIANcl:`.n\'. cam . |'I:u-.-n.-u S..l-quit Knautnn (hit A superior " `EIN sonnhlo-terms. so I Wa feel r-nnnnf bl.` 1 1 and MELUDEUNS of 111.: best Cana- dun make, and have now in stock some ex- , cellent ENGLISH UPRn`:n'r Dunne lull!) make, and have Ul l{It}H'I` PIANOS (made by Broadwnod, Chapel], &c.,) towhich we invite attantiun. A superior EINWAY for sale on rea- so a faw.Pia-m. +1. n-9, -. -..,,....... u. xyxn vueu ' tor sale . so 3 few-Pianos to rent. We feel condent that our own Instruments will continue to sustain their well-earned and VVai`erooms corner of Princess and Ontgarjo Streets, Kingston. IXIDDDD I. nn Allis mu roman, in quarts and pints, from the est Brewers m the Do- minion. Also E glish Ales and Porters. ]IANI)]ES.-Jmnea Hennessy"s, in wood or bottle ; J. & F. Ma.)-tell s, in wood or bottle ; Pinet. Uastillon & Co s, in wood or bottle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA RUM. ` pYsTERS G[NS`.-JohnVDe Kuyper & Son's, in wood bottle. Q) Uomz Stabliug. Ilqnnln ` D UUllIIlU- I ' 014 T031: GIN.:-Bemarc1& Co s, in wood u or liottle ; Betta & Co s, in wood or bott e. > WINES.-'SUPERIOR PORTS and SIIER 5 RIES. IllSllES.-0 Proof and Comx` tho nilruv ai IP14` UST` ARRIVED at the Medical Hall. J an assortment of Lilies, comprising Lilitlm Auratum, or Golden Lily of Japan, Lilium Japonicum Loniofum, Roseum, Rubrum. ` `I (6 __ ...., ..v...... Anvwvlnus uuuu . nmuwur Florists unwqnainted with the appearance of - these 3 lendid Flowers can see at the Medical Hall C romos of the same, natural size and colours. HYACINTHSI; All ne, sound Flowering Bulbs.) Amateur snlendid see at the Malling] . -SINGLE ANJS DOUBLE 355.11 colours and in fty named vaneties. r-1.. n. n x - _ ._ `Tulips, Crocusea, Snow Drops, &c., for sale at the MEDICAL HALL. ' I .1: Sept. 24th, l872_ N Ew BOOKS] `U but >_`Il|lIIl`II IU ' Iiingitmn, July It! a#" vhf E.5_R WEST INDEED. 1 BARNULPS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, by him- ulf. ' { `JOSH BILLINGS ALMINAX. ` PRACTICAL JOKES by Artemus Ward and .Mark Twain. . - MARK TVVA-1N 8 COM.1C-DB.EAM. WALKS ABOUT JIi1R.ITQAIJi'_n TO ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS. Sept. 30, 1372. V Kilagshon, Spt. 19, I872. RIOH_AR]}SON S, 1-\I\ -- .-._~- nan; 1`wA.u1 z-J C0M.1GV.DB.EAM. ABOUT JERUSALEM. FINDING on us. LIVINGSTUNE. ruvms IN sovm AFRICA. wommns or mm YELLOW STONE. "A THOUSAND MILES TO THE BOB ROY CASTLE. ` BRET HARTE S POEMS. new edition. OIE AND ABROAD. bv Rinmon- Feb. 5; Ifgvunber 4. '(-Dctolier 24, 1872. YSTERS SERVED in the usual style from this date, at ' city Bookstore. LII May 23 [As NOW ON HAND A L,4RGE_sToQK "of superior ` II[S]L]]}S.-Oll Family Proof, Old Rye Commnn \Vhiskeys, the best in the cit y,a.t REDUCED PRICES. re I.-n lI\I7a\- l`I`|ra t\ n AT nu-.1-4 Anu AuUA]_)_ A TB .b K _ raouugtm TO ALXE'." ntm.m.AL TBEASURV BUM '1'li1V1 LU rA1_.Au E BIBLICAL TREASURY. rm AIAVAYS keep -on hand `ORGANS and MELUDEUNS now in ltnnl: ...m.. mu `LB LVUVV U1` superior LILIEWS! Shell (Dysters ! DDAUE5. _ KITING mm on reasonable terms. PRINCESS STREET.- lllwtzu $'uv-: jvvv-u OS. '75 and I77 Main Street, Brockville,` Unt..-Jo|nI JIu.|.v. 1|-., Pmprietor. ` I- roeOInn2:ontoand(nn:.nthobooiIandar|}_ ` Usrri on 1' tie: win i to vitu ph o 2 int:-;gt can |;oP.I:3curod st 39 ooo. A rim 1 Clan Livery Attached. ` . May 27. G; s HOBART. ROBiiNSON BROS.. Branch Store at Hellevillc, I872, RECEIVED AT ' v \/121.! J. J.wA\/Am) GEO . 'J`H(_)MI;SON. nuvu WEBER. & CO. . v-... .,-, ' WINDOA E872. , -_-.v...., ....umuna.--uurecnmg letters in poetry seemmnow to he the prevailing novelty- amonga. great many. Prone as 3 means of communication is common;--- the inventive geui must nd some new menu! of gonveyiug their sentiments up one nnothqi-. Thenbove in not a. late practic "still it is 3 change from the ordinary way of: ing things. The eiuionl are not generally strictly Poetic-thay are a. kind of nondescript production, in which however, the writer maunguk to run his thoughts in pretty good rhyme, en the fol- lowiug copy of an inscription sent from King- ston will show :_ V ` Now, Mr Postman, delook bright, And We this letter to Old Bob --, It is filkel y ou will find him tight, For he drin 3 rye whiskey dsy and night ; And if acrou him you cnnnot come, Put it in Box 431, 1: For he in well versed in law, And liven inthe city of Otta.w_s. . The Bellevilie Ontario says of the Globe that, Taking it altogether, it is We have no doubt many will agree with the edi- tor in that opinion. . -vv--...._ .._---., ' BROPHY, PBOPRIl*I'I'0B.-1:I|`i;-`Pint: , Chnllotd in mnttdly in the mnineu put of tbywwu, In VIC! of the Thousand lnlnndu of 3:`: in I ximity to uhmg un ' !l Good Boots and Ou-nun - _.4-_.l-_.. 1... `Plain ... D.-5%.. _ Ex1>oR'rs.-The total exports from Kingston to the _Unitod States for the week nding to day were$30,4_93.36. ' * THE Bunur. Gnoliru.-A ago we ' endeavoured to draw the a_}tten_ti_on'of the pm; par and rasonsible t3)'u.n"svil which ox- isted in you-mitting csttle and geese to ti-simple unheeded through the Burial Ground on Ordnance street. We cannot suppose that the grave yard, which contains ill that re- mains of many a brave and honoundi one. is without the protection of some person or per- sons; and feeliugsof both pity And indignation throb within the bosom of many in observing such outrageous sacrilege which shonfdnot for a moment has nnnorni oh .-..-s=--'-- __._,,, ; ,,, ....... uuIaI`ltge0ul ucruege which Ihonfdnot moment he allowed 05 contiue uninter rupted for respect for the membrjr of the dead, the amctify of whose phce of inter- ment should not thus be ruthlessly invaded. We `call upon the cargtaken of the cemetery to have it safely Enclosed ' { _ An ! - The Belleville Ontario has just dis- covered that the way they aloofad Sir John is just being fonndont, nnd.thia wry in by` cooking the municipal voters liata. What next 2 - -- . ` `New Luck AND Rxvnn BABGl1-=Th0 new` barges built by the Messrs Rethbun and Son, of Mill Point, Onln, have been sold to Mr Williamnll of Toronto.` Tlheaie barges, according to competent authority, nre abcut the best coniatructed rgee on our hkes and addto the creditable re ntationof the bnildera. They are the x-"st of a. lees of barges ndnpted to the present Tow eta ` cf waiter in m1rhn.r- bours end the St. Law once canals. They are to be lnasted and her centre-boards, put in tosuit the Canadian Board of duthorities. Their iengths are 125 154 feet lang, 31 feet 6 inches beam and 11 6A inches depth of hold, Ind are supposed to carry not `less than 3o,ooo bupheis of wheat thronghdthe St. Lav?- rence canals. Brit we_underetand that they: are intended for the Oswego grain end lumber trade, principally 1>helVa.tte1-,(a'n calculnted tn narrv R00 IT I? `R LI I..-.l-- --- - J-- ,. ,1. was taken, and the collar .. ....., I`. .-w_-gnu lulu Lg_uI_aur,< I-lIIl_. IIFQ pucunuea to carry 600 M. F. B. M. luxqbor on adrgught of 8 ft. 6 inches to 9 ft. The cost of the bar- gen complete will_be gbout $16,000 each. To. rontowj.ll have quite in aoquiaitiop `to Her ' eet. The purchasing pnrty owns other barge property, also the lake tug W. T. Robb. T the Society, who, after point1ng.out thet the = ~ ALMA MATER Socnn'r.--On Saturday even- ing, the Alma. Society of Queenle University held a debate on the subject. \Vea the Blinke- Mackeniie government worthy of the coun- try s Eupport. Mr Clexton opened the eir- motion by alluding to the`Electione hill, to the "controverted election law, end the Kingston end Pembroke Reilwey are low of the acts which claimed for the Bleie-Heeken- zie government the oonntry e lnpport. He was followed by M: McIntyre, President of elections` bill` end `fcentrovertede election law were both acts passed under the preceding administration, and that Kingston we: just ee sure of the ftilroad from either petty, pro, c`eeded in 3 most eloquent speech to point omit 1 the extrevegenee of the government on which ` they were debeng, Meeere Bleke and Mec- kenzie s direct opposition to the policy which they had preached when out of power, their outregeone conduct in reprd to the township of Proton, end, in epiteof all the ontcrie-1 they made egeinet oealition governments, their im- medietely forming one when they cemeinto power. ThePreeidentwee followed by, Mr Mecnee, who eeid in ' regard to the coalition goyernnlentthet llr Scott hd told hie.con- ` etituelte thet were in direct eccor- dance with thoee of Meeete "Men A V kenz_i_e,end therefore, Mr Mlcnee` ` ' their government wee not e cedien. -_The speaker then concluded by ` menting upon the tiinber policy ofthe govern-" xnent. After-_MI.-Lecnee, HrA V Helwnf roee. Heellndedtothe Mr` E. K".'ood- :`n'd"Hr `Hake House`. He` LL._ ....I.- .I*Il _I_I__!_ __ _-_ _A.1`_._Al_, , e ' Shun V1 then of`MrBIska'I unconstitutional eon- ` duct in sppointing hinult Pnuiicnt it com; cil. -uusutarl-IBIHIIIHEIIIIIC. I131 1 Mr lldrsvith toxuwoa,-,dwonis...,a. 3 ' longspeech onthcoottyimrdet, Ildluling ` some remarks on the Proton euhigu, pad the timber policy of the gonrnludf. MrAlex- ander next gpoko. Hi: 'w0`loI u most part tnplytothe lpUIkDl'I'X- th 5&1`- mutive aide in to the timber policy of the governnon . Ho duo Ipohiol the Blade- lhckeiizlih `gb ' , wrhr binding the countryfot than you-I hunt` , I thing whih theyhad no _whstaver to do. to ply 8100,0003 yen: to-`nilwsyl; `Mr Shaw utter- wu-ds spoke. The ohairmnn, Hr Ch&etI, than After : few remarks gnve hi: dooilion in favour of the negative .__;.__ , _______.__. Porrrou. EIirUsIo1Is.-Directing letters in )oetry be tlin np.w.n:.... ..-...u-- LI 1' _ E-sub Aug. ' 1 ._.u ..... N I - `__.______.____ The Oak ville harbour nJnhn l` 0|----~" Eh: atly gmia. JIONDAY EVENING, NOV 18. -... vu,vvV. very nttlo i1 , competition weak. -?j nr Ina ld on sstur.-day that town. formerly of 0. Very little interns gnjrmtilinn ---I. ~ [PRICE TWO. .(3ENTS. :'.;*:`:`-`&-r."1";'::`;:.;%.*:* z%`*@? Foote, 1 kg; -- _ m. G. T. R., - tra'd.`Fbnwick, Hendry_,&1(`g. : 5 cukasugar J. {. Stratton, 6 wsre ; Vi1:cn t Ock ey, `5 ct-39` ga 3` . Town, 2 cues candy` :- J." E; 'Hunh'y8a.` `44 eauupioklu. . 3,; su Spartan, Montreal, McN'ee &. Wu1ae11;1 cases; 2 bale: British gods. ` " "` ` G. 1`, R. ..:......I.- |t._u_. ; 1-rr In .. - I ..-. .4... Iron, unuunruau, mouse N W_adllell '1 halo: `_" J` G. T. R... Coaticook,`-McNee & W cuomdz.2bdlshags. Lhnleir V ' Schr Agneq, Qswego, vvg-svunslnu VI! `l.`\I1rCl. t ' I heard 9. lhoemsker of Holywolh '\'v':Il0I, telling how the. 9'90)` ' come to him and ordapd jhn , qaqnlg naive red morocco dancm boots t` heels that were procumb for m<`nby`vNdIt morning I came onus 1y upon, - . Th av nu re .11 ` I2."`. .: .i +,s`i`:` 1.}: .a.,. ,`f.7 .`2";.":`!'Z centre of tho litta Id m-nm..A :. cl...`- lee of 1 still leaf litte ld, Em-1_n of L roughly ened `sq than doors facing mw wmntillllq Anl Itoodleanin on _w_ia1;ap, called to me to know hopr beenjnfqrnged therecif elIbw`e`a'n , _ vet-sati6n'hy `ulrin . ether` ` !"wdHIi*` take ehdter foI'viL"ttl `fgimoound I myself i.n'nw;he old me : tan I: ` g`. . . , . A ' . `q a. roemy- bltgtfaon, _ rfectly w , and extremely comfo ble. 00` high ` be hslf-hoopt_ vr_aa `1 mad.` ` ' n-5..., bhnkeng, and you next to,_tho that use non, 1'80 cases cannd oods ; R. Whibe, 1 bblpnjnt; J. A. Hen ry In Bragliicus !':::`- .dP`3 CHOW! C s9.||n|l5Plh9'ni4' ' cls nm.,_._. G.`T.R., orhP8Erie,` F. c. I.w`is,"z"e`E5". frames. _ S H v Q.` " Str. Piermpout, Cape Vincent, .- . Biol `.- heim, 2 bbll, l ' l bx, l A. Chown, l whips ; Rees roe, 1 oysters ; Chown a Cunningham, 1' bd-I*\I%- ` inga ; S. Thornton, 1. bx oyshan ;:W.& - C.-sgthy, l trunk; R. Town. 1 bx av-Lu-. - I`. 1: uruuur "0811, Ind. (I strnw, was the ' g mu -math-uses were neat! . _ ' r them were fnldad ha` t_>.~_th0 oor w.:aa_ ; : tent; 11: was kid with ta; anntm nf .. nnuuu, sauna :I1nbIA`\ud{ ' ll u .5 _-_ uuuvur wgal J V ! of t.:nt ;i t `nu In centre stood a._ glo 1 Furthgf` bank ma ui.3um._mn. Rdbif chem were`,"tf`ql'`d ' ho` qi1iIt.s and cove:-lets. 'I'he" ' *` - gipsy didto honours ofi=-hor'hdj`' great civility. nu} mmnnf greet civility, than . ' 9--hUl|$ , the better of ,hpqpita.lit,y-7-`iiieigtpegl, "-`V ing my folfllll I; _wi1i3li gf qo'ux-no 1 on my part th r'o'!hngof inf " `MCI ' silver. 'l'hen'the- old lady ~ `L gveme umeviniormuionmaj ' ` VI tribe. . There won-e ve _f$l`.ll.j,0Q#" ` -=-J3. in,a.ll thirty souls, The women} " ` su1clbaekete, and mm fortuixdI"*,tite`Un ' dealt in horses--"they bed bongltnoviy twenty at Ballinaeloe Fdrtha . " y ' ` glplsy uu Ina nonourl owner Qd&".":`j I abode during the sea.-bath ' {salon given g ball every week `with ' (`he King was o`ut*for `II1k<'*thI Queen who wgs smacking.` ha the next tent. Thai; ;fa._ `_ 5 `gggeeu . Lea end Young, the Iacfqp __ i` the - ; rouymiq of the rei'g'jn'g d}'riI'I:y,'IiII{ . Majesty received ' consideration. She Ivammrlz throne at-the moment mm pt bupwaaitriding about er tent ' 1 her wven chil Ihi:Hn`e!)'( L ` ~ leahhem strap. 'm1ev-Queen wee one little dame, a trie Ihbhm, mm. and rather nrmmimmd t||n.n4I' . sow-y i -1117. as. ' 4` "" """'*f ;.'r.1z.,Monts-haul, Paw`. Fgo =~1*adt-'-"*`gM,. Ear:-uthera` &"Co, 20 ml acco. `* ` ' - ` F Schr Marshal" D1-aton, Charlotj 393 bbltnpplon. = k my '1` `f Schr Lakb Ontario, Oswegb, W. R} "M61139 &. Co, 2bbls dried fruit ; Fenwick, Hendry -1- g ()0, 50 cases canned goods : G. Robdnm & ` NOV. 13. ' Bf,'53b'k- 11-Ih-1. J. camtauu { G-.1` R M-nt;;L-1 . -1994558! pI'nnu.m: .-, Nov:l4.A ' =- I 11;; `-9 9... M1,, . i &.,o.,i 3"`! I4 -rnrgg ` Dlllll ' .........v.... -xv--Y. Llnv vguvvn W1 ' ' _ ' ' ` men, and rather pronouuqgdf in gesture. N umeroua as very _ the dogs of the tribe` aeuiba` M In dogs t'i'ibe`ae eI1ibH` __' , and there_ wow psrm llltryvf ` ~ tions fore unfortunately/`lat tbny woregoouohod iu that _ V_ ' nu J_'usta.s I waaleaving oneoi ' - bars of the trib caln ilfb ` l>AnI>.__(.-1 undo-\1aI.nC 'n'lihIrI'!H`uh guns, BEG rune: pronounqgq SE one c0lll_30 01 we play I made noura ; respecting -my` gtpmrseaa-2~ *ru':!aua:lmm_ tribe had appesrdir at ehurcbm. _1 Sandy, and bohgnod with iqni A Lute lgnlge aftemoqg 1 gag} 3 hll tnhn In Hun ah-Ant A!` Q ' him one of his soul, a. pretty Bo -an---.y, --u vvn-yawn wnutuggu; ixnhe nttemoqyyl y; u;_ the tribe in theyetrfet of` '0 we. back fromelhbemnke` 3 -...`..,.k ; been to invebtin 1 pairotdneqahiuts. King Young lud_on A billyoook ' `Q. crown. and fox-,hu page there . . . .% w , Y 1" ~ kmckerbecker nut. Hue jetty` H` 1'? svarthy, hlh;`ibn d min, wit m to ,o 1 breaker type. HE jg A _ tiqn quite elfably, and geeept' ' ` ful tender of a. libMi`o11`t6 l _ ' quuintance and my allegiance-, -hotu " tiuirar B091`: M hl.Iril|aonn.n4I.t.Inmlu.n-`mule- - ..u u bars or me Lune came Into _ ` t.ont-':I. l_nsrVel~of Shohuaid Good n bb4 IW wit mode .. tn-.o.e u _ ; zposgegp, ' ~ P. am . mono: tn; ggym l&p6!h,'-ii'|' \1 the coupe of f-l_1o day. mqie respecting "my rdvdv `ft-ia'nan:" *!lw:u&I iviththe band. Thoygnmole; ~ qpglnmnce and aflleguneo-, -hotqp suns-r Beer; -624. h`Y||' : lea bevu-ago, wnnthu gggqgy, 1;, , ing ulgltation, '1`ha.nk .y9u,for 'y . At uoven o clock the_moht";o`ILd well High-street wort roiliedl - - ling musical -3 brantbuiiy ' vancing in proeeuion on_ ' ' under the euoort of the co ~ of the place. Thl gipsiea did . V up to theKing gArIIII Ill` V` ' run. Glimnaa: bf. red 1 WLUII Inlv vans. Glin heel: were` trilgoriliiiii, Unulba uptotheKing gArmain` 1- Bl! Iii 4'-lm: ` 'of1-edhoo '- niv .:uFdV I OURIOSITIES OF AGIPBY Buliihir T lung:-4-I n dn...~..I..... .. a.J;.__A`I up .4 ylnvlvlt VII VII-Hill ~ in-an band, `twglu _ event: shamed,` rtthcr ' rformslibofdaha M` . %*\l"l-f. .:.`.`..'.'1`. Dum..!eI och,` June29T .1 Inga a.`1'norntou, 1. bx oyshal-(v;=eW. trunk;_R. Town, 1 bx ogqmg ` golgmag, ! bx; W. Hi1and,'l' Bx`: . Q. ....---o, A: uuuvu unlglau g00LlS. ;. Coaticook,1McNee Wauam cuomdx.'2hdln bags. ,' ichr Agnes, P. Canmf. l. `. mpd, 50_n'acka cracked col-n,'6"3 snbkk meal. U0. 59 gbods ; 3i"......`.:.: :*':.:L:* 2% "!`,J:;!r'E?"`t"`.`_ . very lu-go glm-t fl-ant, and 3 f\ng-and an {LA Inn-Al. ..... `I ` ` cvsrous rm-on"1~s."* 3 *";*"-d ' ` X1 1 ARRIVALS 4 , ` AT '-EPB1.'ID,u- ousrollnguupum 4 Nov. 13. -, `.113. , zbbls dried 'Fn\vick, Honda , 5Qca.Ies cannedgoods ; Robdrbonh gr, 180 canned roads 2 R Whifn I .-.v 31...- ..--u, --u u , PW" on the fourth-*pag.]` ,.p,A.I Nov, 13. -_.;, 3"`{?`;;."*"-`e?. a 11:11 W Mn.- lyiihty, al` erv . I . `HEX. . `E "`E`- AAA 1 p \RRlS'l`l-Ills, &c.. Tnutund Loon Builn D ulg. curnor , of Toronto and Adehida vets: ; ur. nonerlzaon it ds R. 1 Brawl? cad: Gun ninuhun z 1-). _ Bull] l. Irv A, anann~u..- . Street. Kingston, Hqy, 25th. 1871. .--. ---`--_:_ 7...'Y _ I uvmovau 'ru`u.u:LE.uI a C08 Drug |, Stuns, Princau Strut. hlgv 93 . * ' ' r n :1: x I-.`\' ..-x r-1..uv, sown: in C|;an- ,_ ce:_\. Sour) l'ublc, .3 King Street, |.'3l.ulA. ' ' ` m tu_ April I6. 1372. \l`bx.EJE James [EMBER of L`- .l.....I Alhlol Iot. Ill]-It. sun-unc-i N All` . Pint-clavll [0'.I-...........,a. sin. Uood`Y|rdI And -nu ll\'|\ |.\ \.oI.lA.WUl'Jll. unm n'l:n`.~u.-v Sunnt, Unit. J. I`. Gtwnunuvx, LLB. l{l\`| `E Wuhan. -.-- - ;.;.____._._.__-....___ Ieay tip,-noise I or cuuntty, u - ` ,.._j,_ J. l.. lacdqnald. l,.II.., )ENTls !' (saceeuor to Dr. N} Pr-in.-mun Rt!-aunt Rinnnflll, ncutwzcrfaxn gnmmma 3173. L VEYUK. Unlioonndlddnnoyweon froulnl Hotel. Guanoque. VOLUME RCIHT E01`, MARBLE BLOCK, Princen K Hinnnt 3i|Ilersk*e\ c & Walkeu. ,In.. . 52` [I3 1' \!ICOI' I0 Ul'.lJ I Princes: Street, Kiugltoll, 'l"lUE HOURS fl-uln 9 A. In-dunaldlwl Patton. Alex. . 1 Kirkpatrick ' 1) \I:Iu.~'rr;ks ma Attornoymnb-law. So- ) In man In (`buxom-y, kc. .`. 8. Kllmjlnnr -__ _-, AOL.-KKK, LD.s., Dunn. Roma, 0. 4 \Vilaon'n Block, tween Princess And Brock Sta. tween Princess and Brock Sta. -5 Wilson: moon, noun: wiuuuuautoui. AND RFSIDENCE opposite the Oice, xvemngtou sumac. bed in Kingston in 1857. :A_l:()lllTE6l'UBE [It 3|.` Clark. |..n.s.T Joseph Iawdcn. International Iotel. Clements. llenst riiaulnanv. ream mr us ~ Street. Kw o._.-l I` I.a-. liIu._.-su.n_' _pENTIs1`lw. .uua.ur . /II` ii:`.`.'.`i~. $.`;`; ,`Q". ~ ' -31 |.- Inn. - ilqhi Power. !n:|cAL% |?Ei?*!? W" " T". s.,x.... lll Illa UIIIX !- , \\'ellingt.on Street, Kingston.` . :;Iannon. I.lD.. Iho3oa1Col1oooISu Ruiglenc and 088:`: 8. It-Cannon. Ganuoque, `1l.El:K.0l-` uvlslux COURT, Now, (j- Public. U nvcyunnc, Commissioner in Queen`: B-nch, c. \'.n' '77 V QDIIII .1`: ll. Slrl-In. ILA. hon, unuuer, Attendant and City Holpitall, and I.I"V- Bolton). u wv on uvl g LICENSED AUU'l`l0N~EER and Commis- giou Merchant. Martin's Block, Princess Street." FUR.NlTURl:'rbought and sold. Sept. 4. .- u2\.1 ununuuu l` Ah l) l";\ built at this Ilfnblishnu-Ixt. Kiugatun, Nov. 4 lS7l. OAT BUILDER (successor to M. ()'(:m-- V nun). SIMUUE STRE|v}'l`. 'l`|lE IIAND-`0LlK"J'I: AND l".~\.\"l'lS'l` BU,-\'|'S Iknblialhnu-n9. ;_ qonnuut. &c.'()tiice ` Drug Store. Km;-eon. occ. 1, 137-2 - R E M?) VXIJ: ROS E S}. Boot and Shoe Store H - KEEN REIWVED to 9 Stan rxnerly occupied by Mr M RRISON, md - "Three Doors ABM !-2 llobarvs Drug "Store. PIINCI-188 STREET. JUST RECEIVED, `:1 New Stock of Boots and Shoes of the latest styles. ; Princess Street. N.B.-K.-\ll accounts (glue lat January must. be paid st. once to save costs. . w u is. w. ANDREWS A large and'complete stock of'CLO'l`llS CIDTBING, Ind GENTS'HIN(,:'r :1nnl'\u .....| ....'n ..:.... .1.......... IN... ....I.... c.... gllege Caps, Gows, Glergymenfs Surplices Stoles I l?lL lVnI1`\i, Ina UIIL` l I` UB1` ].B.rl.lLVlj ' GOODS, and W111 glve the very best value fur cub. ..__._._ , _, 'T T__ __ I Lamps 2 ljanipsz mmiis :1 I The `Cheapest in the City! I OIOIUII. III A ll, Wlcll nney IIIDGDQ ..c GBEATL REDUCED PRICES. of `every descri tinn, including` Chimneys Globes, Shudea, ectors, Brackets, &c., &.c 'l"h;s.>I. DIEITLV-K-... I7`.l.C.P.S 6' Call, see our stock, get prices, and save W per cent, by buying from 7 ` ./71.4 CL Lm./v :9 -co. 7 (13-.I`I._te.R. , 42 Princess Street, mngton. September 10. A coon GABLE ssnew wina B_00'l`S AND ` slums W CARNEGIE, Wolesale and Retail , Dealer in all Kinds of FRUIT, Peaches, Pears, Ap lea, Melons, Plums, Greengugcs, Pine A p es, Cocoa Nu &.c., &c. N.B.-A Fresh upplyil aya_ hand. mt: wwun {tint liowahl. l`.(`.0., `FRU|T.!__FRUIT!] April -25. 1372. UAJN5 IIlI_8 011 in! OI lpprovea. Farm or Town Property, for min of three years and upwards, to suit t e conve- nience of the borrower, and eithefrepnyble at the expiry of the term, or by annual or semi-Innunl instalments. Bah interest 8 per owl ... ` ` ` ' :* For further information 3 pl to JAM SEANNON. Or 1). D. ROGERS, g , Glen Logie. Ra. 25. I872, ' [N SURANCE QM) Iltnf L. KJ l`l'|Il)" `V lIIlIIvUII' T1133!` at. the Xlauachusotu He Eye :u:.l I-Zar Innnnary, Boston). nvwu 'l.` A -u n :2 me] | nl2\Tr`.I?__i