nuu .I.`U'V Dun Nxws. It circulnion in the to 81.50 in ulvnnco. tho country pofulr in. this the o dent Buy `(if E. Rose, Call on E. Rose, , Rush to E. Rose, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, CHROMOS AN D PHOTOGRAPHS Which are 20 per c WE would _moet respectfully call `the at- , tention of the public to our beautiful collection of Parlour, Cabinet, Celeste and Re- sonant ORGANS, also MELUDEONS, .\`E\V and SEUUND-HAND PIANES. Parties wanting an Instrument, or wislxin to pre- sent one to 3 friend, will please cal and ex- amine at our Factory on Gore Street. Every Instrument warrnnted for live yeirs. N .B.-Having engaged a. first-elm-as Tuner from the city of Boston, formerly from France, we will_ take pleare in attending to all Tuning,-Regnlating and Capping, that may be required in the city or country. (! MEI` 9. Mn November 25. CARVED, GOLD, Special attention is di-1-acted to our Stock of (EROS GRAIN SILKS (`REAL LYUNS) in Black and Colours. 1_._uKr-_' J. ERLY. uood V fncturod . 1: u no wuentho ' and Lnity. hcriptiolu. colloc- objoct: will Kingston, bee. 18, 1372. uuuer inmb Wool Underwear. Gents Merino Shirt: nnd Drawers. Gents Lamb \Vool Shirts and Drawers. Gents Canulianhittl and Pants, all sizes. ` Cardigan Jackets, Polka Jackets, Soutaga, Clouds, Surfs, &c.; &c, Also I large monmt of DRESS GOODS, in all the New Materials, in eudluss Variety. A full nuortment of Ladxes/'and Child:-en :i Hgniary. A mu Ladxes/' and Chilrtflge-;1"l' Newest St Ice in Shaw): and Mnntles. _All the ow Styles in` and Mantle T'L=m_ins-- MONTRl}AL uoUsE; [ gwm+rEF Nov. 13.,1s72. ____;._._ AND ALL KINDS OF FRAMES, AT LOW PRICES, . uu $372 50 Xmas Presents. soon .5; DALTO;\_I_.- In every Variety and style AT MONTREAL PRICES, U` __ _ --T-..-... Indies Lamb Wool Underwear. Merino Shin-ha ....I n......... ll. llENDEl{SON, E. ROSE S, A Lnrg Assortment of ' ADIFB MERINO UNDERWEAR, J; PIBTURE FRA%MES,T~ 1 cent below Kingston prices. REMEMBER THE PLACE, LBLANKETS. Fon.:7s o} Q`, K R'.' JUST RECEIVED AT` THE $7.1... in Canadian and_Eng1ish Manu- Hl.3`:)r Sale.- PRINCESS STREET. PHOTOGRAPHER, .GooDa! C. & C0. . _ Princess Street. IN FRAME S ,, (_,___ __. -..--.v-... I 0N the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Inlmd Revenue, and-- under andin pursuance of the rovieions of the 6th Section of the Act 31 ic., Cop 5 His Excellency has keen pleased to order and it is hereby ordered, that I. new Inspection District be, and the some is hereby set off and establiszled in the Province of Ontariol, to be com of rtions o the recent impec- tionpgistrictspgf London an Toronto, and known as the Inspection District of Windsor, and that henceforwsrd the three Ins tion Districts aforesaid shall be.1-espectivey con- stituted as follows : l`Im I...m...4:.... T\:.I>-:,.6 .: 1'....x._ .. --_. , Inn In con\'e~ either repaynlnlo or ivy umutl or 'of inlei-an S ltllutotl NIUOWI The Impection District of London to com-- prize the Inland Revenue Divisions of Windpor, I .nvnLh.-. Conti-`actors are hereby informed, that the time for receiving Tenders for the construc- tion of the Nine Locks, Weirs, and other works, on the new portion of the Vvelland Calnl, between Thoruld and Port Dalhousie, has been extended to Saturday, the 25th J an- uary next. ` ' Ru 1...! ._ D ta tr bli Win, "cs 'f.".'..',' 2621. 1i`.c.,"1s7`T . _...__._.._j_j.._ HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR- GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ,.-r.. unmlton, Goderich, The Inspection District of London to oom- prise the Inland Revenue I_)i\riniou of Iondon; Gualnh. an Ultll-HIIOS, Hamilton, _Thu Inspection Diltrict of Toronto to com- prise the Inland Revenue Division: of Alumna, Collingwood, Toronto, Cobourg. Pete:-borough, Bellevillo. 137 A -Irtlluirrnnmtr Notice to dontractors. an unenromce m Uttawg, up to 12 u c1ock on FRIDAY, the 31st of January, 1873. A. WALSH, A ED. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, A. W. MCLELAN, (`mnnrni nnnn ..- I ntercolonial Railway, Commissioners Otlice, Ottawa Nov Rflm II uumnusslonera Uttice, Ottawa, Nov. 30th, 1872. N. Tenders will be required or the Divisions Numbered IL2 arid 3. D8 and .f;ll{UBCiI . I u SIIA; nal Kin-an-u . The Comminioners appointed for the Con- struction of the lutercelonial Railway, hereby give Public Notice that they are repared to receive tenders for 'l`rack-laying an Ballaating on the following Divisions viz : No. 1, on Section: 3, 6, 9, and l5,-a distance of about 78 miles. No. 2, on Sections I6, 10, and 20,-adistnnce - of about 46 miles. No. 3, on Section: 21, 22, and 23,-from the Miramichi River to Moncton, adistnnce of about 72 miles. Allthe above section: are in the Province of New Brunswick. Specications and form: of Tender can be` obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer, at 1)I:ta.wa., and at the oices of the Engineers, at Rimouski, Dalhonsie, N ew Castle, and M oncton. - Sealed Tenders" marked Tenders, and ad~ dressed to the Commissioners, will he received at tlieiroice in Ottawa, noon FRIDAY. Janus!-v, I972 | rlwo CONTRACTORS. UK` more signatures 3533011911.. All Petitions for Private Bills must be pre- sented within the first three weeks of the Session. A I WDFTI 'I"f\`I'\T\ poses an pront, or tor doing anything tending to aect the rights or property of other par- ties, are hereby notied that `they are requir- ed by the 5lst and following Itules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Canada Gazette), to give TNVO MONTHS NUTICE of the application (clear- ly and distinctly specifying its nature and ob- ject), in the Canada Gazette, aud also in :1 newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affected, such notices to have one or more signatures attached. All Petitions for Private RG11: mnnt In um, PARTI ES intentlinto make application tr Pnrliament for rivate Bills, either fo granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other pur-, of prot, for doing anything tending aifect rights nronertv' nar- GOVEIENMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. _ Wedrwoday, 18!]: Dec., 1873. n A Coinmisai Intercolonial Railwny, Commissioner : 1 Ottawa, Dec. 12th, 1872. .... .-nun; uu: out January, 1873, for 700 Tons of Rnilrbad Spikes, according to sample, to be seen st the office of the Chief Engineer at Ottawa, and the offices of the. Engineers at Rimuuelxi, Dalhouaie, New Castle, and Moncton, Tenders to state girice per ton of 2,240 lbs. delivered as follows :-300 tone at `Jain bellton, 225 tone at N ew Castle, 175 tone at oncton, N .B., in equal quantities in the months of June, July, AnguIt,Soptembcr, and October next. A. WALSH, En. B. CHANDLER, ` C. J. BRYDGES, A. W. MCLELAN, (Hanan-gin-J.-...... Pn1vA'1`E"BILL KI \'GS'!`0N. (CAN :\ DA). L 638103 ALFRED TODD, Chf. Clk. Committees and Private Bills, House of Commons. wa_ 6th Dec. 1872 r `um uommuaaionera appointed for the con- struction of the Intercolonial Railway, hereby give public Notice that they are pre- pared to receive Tenders at their ecmin Ottawa, up to 12 e cc1ok noun, 0:: Friday the 31st January, 1873, Tons of Rgilriuul Stan... .........a:.... A T HE Commissioners a};pointed forvtho Iutercolonisd Rnilw... umaon; Guel h, l NOTICE. Ilnterqolonial Railway, E `V: 7' ELILAN D CA NAL, EN`LARG EM EN T. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY h By order, W. A. TIIHSWOBTH, C. P. (1 uou . 1872. F. BRAUN, Rant-nfn u-I cul:.LAJN, Commissioners. * ) UN, Secretary. V m:.uAuV, . . . ' Commissioners. lllnnnr - IXRL... w ot tne Uluef 3 sie, I Castle, uantitiea September, nuonera. I Oce, I 8 7 2 . FALL -in11g_1{1iAT1oNs. ` I Collars, Bu-hes, Coicun, slum, s.'u,'au;, in Brussels, Honiton, Thread Point, Hnltun, 1.5.11 Pointe. &c.. uary, 16/3, to the Pro} tered in the Colonies. Th. l )iu:,I.....1 ...:u 1. L:d;'."3 154.3, 150 be nxed by the Local Boards 3} Managers. No Transfer can be made between the 23rd inst., and the 4th roxino, u the book: must _ be closed during 1: at period. By order of the Court. In Drusaus, rwmra Poipte, &c., Incorporated by Royal Charter! cereu m we Uolonies. ' The Dividend will be payable at the nte of exchange current on the 4th day of Jumary, 1873, to be xed by the Local or Mann-zen. `HE Court of Director: hereby gfvo notice that a half-you-ly Dividend at the rate of 8 per cenl: per annum oaths C: 'tal of the Bank will be payable on the 4th a_y of Jan- uary, 1873, to the Proprietors of shares regis- \A.,'..A!+'-*P; Iwss s.| DRUG STORE, 47 PRINCESS STREET iiaili 16f-B~r`i1:_:i_si1-1-`I3_-rtli America. xi"-A11 accounts not paid by the 131: of December will be placed in suit for immediate collection. ` - SPEGTACLES 2] I J. GREENFIELD` Roygl Card, w 7 . V uoicow Bani-,` Pilit ind President Cloths. Broad Cloths :d'CIlsime1-ca. broad Uloll aulvauimera. Fancy Twoeds. Hosiery and Gloves. ' Jose bins and Two-Button Kids. Chil `I do. . Ottoman "and Shawls. Damask and lace KIA:-hun Ann-I Tannin : Tn.-J TY-uI-...` more man can be purchased wholeaafe Heavy Satinett and Fnlled Cloth, cents per yard. . MOSCOW navel-, run Ind Pro Fnnnv Tweed: uaman um Lace uuruau Merino and Iamb'a Woo Blankets and Winoeyu. Bmaaells. Tsoeutrv. TI ;a.x-pets. OIL CLOTHS. Millinery sud .Ma.ntlea, naval: styles.` A splendid _nso|-tment of Soc:-eta `No. 24, Biaho gate Street, within London, 3 December, 1872, E. C. Doc. 21. ' Oct. 7. 1872. |.Il.(II) O IJUIITLOF per yard. Jouvin i*`aocy Dress Goods worth 55 cents for 40 cents. Fancy D:-sues from 10 cents per yard. Heavy Super_ior French Corset: 60 cents, h l . wtgtanlz ielt1.1.).:u;:|.:..s.. -_.I 1'---~ ~- All Fall and Winter Gopds will be sold 50 per cent less than present wholesale prices. 50 Dozen Hoop Skirts, best quality, from 20 cents each. Heavy Whitney Blankets 8:} 1b., for S5 50 V ' i31a'ck and colon.-e11 Silk: from 75 cents per yard. Handsome Japanese Silks 20 yards for $8;o. N 0v. 7 [AS..JU_s`i'5a avanz l ,_,. Unprecedented Bargains I T HE ENTIRE STOCK must be of, if pouible; by the 1-1: of Jammry. ' REAL L0]a"1s,_ % FINAL 0Los1_Nc. saw) ). FRIDAY E` SILVER S ECTACLES, STEEL SP ACLES, , I LEONIT_E HAIR BRUSHES, < LAVENDER &. FLORIDA WATERS GOSNELL S " " INLAID " VULCANITE DRESSING COMBS, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, TOOTH POWDERS AND PASTES, TOILET POWDER3, LUBIN S PERFUMES, * ATKINSON S PERFUMFS, FARINA COLOGNE, - PEARS GLYCERINE sons, FLAVOURING EXTRACTS, wur put. GE1l1t: 1ie1:bed Shirts and Damn, so cents EEC . Scarlet and Fancy Flannel: front; 20 cent: "35 Y"_d- _ ' 1 OLD SPECTACLES, I AT THE Liverpool} House. HEATH & l}UNN S CHEAPEST AND BEST AT an aunng that period, By Court. R. W `RF! A Illld. vvmceyl. Tspestry, Three and Two Ply nx rue Uonrt. R. W. BRADFORD, Socretn-v mruuna . W(uo1.UIule:-r:lo1:hiIIg. zeyu. AT THE C uuun mutt be dispued ; le. `h, from 50 JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINS, I".- SILK `VELVETS AND VELVETFEl\', FREICCH MERINOES & WOOL SERGES, BLACK AND CODOURED SILKS, 5" : QLIRISTMAS AND .`.'--g.--._ and Ne-wis Du: v Kn. , ,,___.-, ggvaulvn TO 1oo,ooo Cash Customers wholwill "buy 1: Stoves, Parlour Stoves, Parlour Cooking Stovu, Iron Rinks, Pumps, v .Lead Pi , Sad Irons, Tinware, Cut] Goodn, at the lowest rice: neared by any house in the city, I 5 PER CENT OFF OR. CASH. I _ 1- .-...-.__ , <._.-.,4.|.J. A Full Assortment of Seasouable Dry G0ols~ AT THE J A D A NI` reny fancy Uloakings, Stribedl ghawls, Black, Brown, Blue, Pm UR STOCK IS VERY LARGE 0 reduced before the New Year. All the cost for the Gg-eat Sale to commence 1 ing Goods will be sacriced to raise the a muess GOUDS, BLACK LUSTRES, WOOL AND STRIPED SHAWLS, COLOURED LUSTRES, WINCEYS (PLAIN AND FANCY), PRINTS, CLOUDS AND MUFFLERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. N.B.-All Purchasers of Ten Dollars Wm DecembeL6, 1872. EAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, Cl: B Silks, Scarlet Flaunela, Grey ' Pretty Fancy Cloakings, Striped, Utt Shawls, Brown, Blue. Pm-nlu n;forl:e Dec. 7, 1872. Noyember - 8. WA_NTED |o,ooo DOLLARS __ -3.. GREAT onmswms SALE on may G00l)S A.-B. MACPIIERSON & cos. x Kingston, December 20th, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, HE best glance `in the c Call an see our Overcoats, Pea Furnishing t!....;|.. ... uv November 18. 1? Remember the place for the Best Fitting Garments in the ominion. 1 .. -~ . ._,,_,, .__..., .. uuu uuul H A Salesman wanted. A1 Inn: . M! N with u i Policies on-' PRESENTS { AT WA:-J2R0N's 'IFUT. DR nnnnn .- .- an :.ncvIay U00!!! R. Wal(lr0n s, ll- ils0n s Buildings. Der-nun]-um onu. Io-vn Cash !- Cash 1 ._,___.___ Cash! `cash 1? , ___.-.-.. FOR YOUR FRIENDS. GREAT BARGAINS 1N T PRESENTS ,_ -.......-.....u cannon, and must be aexore the New Year. Goods will be marked at a vo alight advance on e on SATURDAY. 7t_h DEUEM t ER. The follow- he a1~r-ve amount of money :- DQ W `T Selling Very` Cheap rorcashg In! f\`I T`I")`l.r\ nu: --... "` anongaz "shown Repairing. ,_.., Glasgow Wdrehbuse. +1., 1372. theDay - N V AITIIILIES Jackets, Sack Goats, Trousers, Woollen Drs.u_'ers_ and Undex-shirts. New Th. ....: rm B ciy where you 4 KING STREET, JVJJJD, Ulll1;AJ' BLACK 5, Flannels, White 1 iped, Ottoman and Plaid -5 , Purple anal Urey Velvetee: , MANTLE3, KID GLOVES, ( F0i1 Year All l`.m..1- Wanted immediately at ___j..:_._ , CHEAP BLACK LUSTRES,-Che: -ey Flannels, Flannnln gm! I stomen who will buy for Cull, ' ' a; Hill as Cook` Stoves mmbS , - !a d In-Qua, Tinafge, NicHn":.iIm'... . V _._..-.u.-J NEW YEAR -T.`-\ "I873. 3E THEV PRESENT SEASON, Iligl nee SATURDAY. 7th nmmu vb .u:n:us, vvnme Flannel: m Shawls; Velveteena. Lo` I can get the 1 ' WHITE AND GREY BLANKEPS, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNEIS, J USEPHIN E FRENCH `KID GLOVES. , LINED KID GLOVES AND MIT'l'S, LAMB S WOOL SHIRTSARD DRAWERS; LADIES ULOUDSI : GEN,'l`S WOOL solar SHIRTS; COLLARB, ' TIES ANT) R(`.Al?`ll'9 SHIRTS; coumiirss _AND son , ,-_ uuv-u-, u , IIUII ` ' Tinv::re, Cutleryu,.l,i<`: k"l a'filvr 16 with the further indnoeinant lo! . SHIELS, KING mm, larmsrox, KINGSTON ,I bu 4 gqking Stzvu. Dumlxl UNDER-CLOTHING, COLLARS, CU FFS, &c. ,' &_c., &c. , SCARLET FLANNEL9, FANCY FLANN ELS, WHITE FLAN N E LS, TWEEDS (ALL W00I.)_from 40oeIi(1>.s, + % GREY AND WHITE co'r'r91as, TABLE LINNENS, SHEETINGS AND fl LLOW COTIONS ill receive tuneful Chriltmu Preqent. LUSTRES,-Cbea Black 4 I Flannel: and Bnnkats 1 Lshawls; Chezm (n-uh a s Cea_pest ind Best Fitting Garmentq. ,_....,, yum. annals anu UOIOIIICCI mels Bfnnkata at old prices, vls; Cheap Clouds and Breakfast Lot: Pretty Goods, cheap; at , . _ -_._..-u. McNAUGHTON & 00., - of King md Princess Streets. Jame; Moore. , CLOUDS, scuirs, &c. sun, ' `m. The fnll....-_ and Vests p-T-J-v-a-`"79"-ad -Tit -I on-In-A Y T of Jupiter Vdll "N `` lign power of Saturn, worldvilllubotkr, nu % nukb low Yd`:-"1 indood compared to list nunbou that well i?` lbtthur Hobbu M ' pulgo the rouundor'g`.t]gq,,_` = Thrice Bloplqgl Thus, `:` GruNaiIu ~! ` V`,n.c.r.n;-viam-.' ; ` cnr`IIDlQ*-7 - V , i ` w :~ ' for Frau, II but tinalulili -gov II nilio Tlringl no` both 1' ov.ii9-tlyluoiu-Hint) -ihti ' " H.i.totog1zb1oui1h`.lfo1lini:_`` ' 1 .. ......., -nu suns "rcupouloral ` thtRa.vinlurotIn"bcty, thoAga, um `b0i1I`g_'`b'-` mm Oomplh}; `-'-ago agqp. quot behind thou, III` pojy tho rook`onin[.' So" ` gocond Qnrtorkrl unnl mahthoiffoiqcii. out thyt snap in ta.L,._b`n'-a unllor I013 Ill OM30 nnlou (rut atria 4 u ovum ] `A ';_ 'r'";;_-_t-`$5-irevi. -iaim I.uauciyriw=*uuu.a i *'" r Heart-_mod to .impu--.ugg]'*'&" 7 would be [snot-Ally undonbc u.`th.n pmoodsmoxgggiar` 4 , . diagram tki petition WM this happy Mo. and by nonwh- olnres that thin noau for the int qnttt That tho Pooplo of _ very prupcnonl 'd be forced , from; tlno W A Sedition: and '1`rouBli~V|vhihI - ` _ disordorud than,` all '_ ; G;-umblotohisna rillhowx scilui mum, Jun, And Haul! mung _M _ Hcavoxi hu mod: the lqpr V M. , H on, rnuryati..,".nd-w:ch-ii`4yv*if; ` _ A Student of rlmiok pct: ` % oh. 4.` m .-5- `.,......'a...u.n_u_. Al in-.gj. fil)` uf I roved gar... ... nun 0 - ......r-, .- ._- ..-vvunuto _ y ` ' Matthew opou hit {Incas lihiqhm with, O Hnppjknglnnd, bu *5! Plot! ft? *3! P9009: 50 411 I . 7.: ` Horde: 01.: gracious God kahuna.` :1... ; Pny for his llajutfn long Rnign ; few or not any o foI`1r.`A'.i-",'gg-`mu sions bolonjunto tin thi. V... -..a -~. ....1 -... ......r mm... Hobbes, Bhyaic and Aatroloyu um-:a . of William III. uni portals _ ; ononiu the inset, in : V hue and his `pg! advocates of the Rovolu ' ` , Hntthnu .n... I.:. 1- "-" ` - ".:I'.` dfnry.' -- `dVll ".'.I'.a""o..;....""x`." 31 Railroad ; N`: n Ring Rniltoad ; no-I) publish Ioau live may a for 1871. `bun not din- Illlnnn OL- t amps cw. } uuuox. uvxll ovum` 3 .-.9-I-his in -5- Ioavutluupng-... I? you} 1872 may Ilunhcn for tho jgnlnnntknu M: To CALI. II Am` 330: of each -' IIE.\'STU\\'.\' And [,ADENGY. News IIPTION. dxsxxunvn `L, It in OIL; `id-llflullylio 08.815 48 251.81! 14 90.000 0: an an m I PUBLEHING ad News I ltd. cc-mason allies. Ottawa up t3 12 o cloc mg, PR..Il).l1g.At\:'l.`I n::|1nt-y, 1873. nulunr 0! use swamp, and will be r'eeeiv- ed larkod "Tunic:-I for Builiingl, at the 'Cc.n'uIiunetI oeo, Ottnn to 12 o'clock 5 FRIDAY. tho *3ln Jum-n In-n `OI-v-.'l>'u.h,1s72 new Inbocribcrl to 30 slave ' '- olu of t 0 foun- toall ve Fancy Confections:-y Tonxisting of (ihocolntel of oyury_ description I `.z.`lT D I/'.`/IIBL E S, VIHIILESALE bnucmst nu Lauunnonol-I sp um Itncon of tho Interoo onial Public Rouge,` that the odvl Tendaii for the Valenuclia Oranges Kingston Oil Stores, CLARK `wlucurs A FUR DEPOT. Good News-Prlccs Extremely Low The Revolution of 1873. |News on Ron NEWYEARS. Nov. 15. ARNOTS ARNIGA ANUDYNE no and by I few applications. Nounlgit, Rheumatism and Toothiche are lpoqlily relieved. For sale by all Drug; giltu. Brice 25 Cents.` V `{AN 50 Inn at DUMBLE'S the choicest lot 1 of Box: Ban : ever seen in America: ,_,, Winter Pan7o_ns for 1372. In unrivalled u a PAIN-KILLER. In- ammatory ' Alfoctionl of the Throat and PRINCESS STREET, Dooofnbor 4. vu..ha In ri-41.435 87 IMP OR TI-"R, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. D CONTRACTORS. [AXE 90hr friend: happy and the Huan- bv II I 11; hofnro R. WHITE, WKPHITITION DEFIED. REES BROS, ,_1s7-2. VOLUME XXII.-NO. 70.] IlNCS'l`0N,'_0nt. JUST REC El VED. II? In .~H.\.\'xux. Illfllsl 1, no sin Jllunry, 187 . WAISH, BROOK STREET. ~ TILY Lntod for the con- ial Bsilwa , give 9 pro to ro- U -- -~v~----'-:1 ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, Foot of Johnson Street, Kingston, Ont:-do. L\V.Je on&Sanur_onnw Ht receive Jrden for In Marine and Innd Boilu-|`of ovary escrip- tion, and Shi ithing in :11 its branches. Repairs of ilon strictly nttendod to, and all work done in a. workmanlike manner and at moderate rate-_ nu Worx none In ntel. -_ an BoILii1{"17vo'iuE" ' Blacksmithing Establishment, Q'I'| 1 AiI`r'I'\*Ia\1>r\-g ..... .__. `. FSC E0078 `I -.a. _- I__'_ , . L. w. aerrens & sows) Stri. And (not let: issued to `:11 fnn -sin Ii-0.0!-..