Kingston News (1868), 3 Jan 1873, p. 4

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j "Mmulonuld & Pan:n.' .-\RRlS'l`l-)l:.s, &c., Trustand Loan Huilm ' ing, corner pf Turontb nnd Adela.ide' roots. unuucs mcvammou, I|l.l)., = EMBER of the Royal College of Surgeons, [ Englau7T. ` Residence and Oice :- `.,.|.I../- Di ' ' "` ,______.______ J. L. 1|laodouald,`L.l).s., N l`lQ'I` I....._.-.-- -~ - .._.v-u-vmuv `II I p ;\ HldS'[`l'3liS and Attun D \'cyn.ucers, Nomrius l u un-nu ALI rn to-. April 15, 1372. jjvt -_ lnternatiinial llotel. I75 and I5"! \A .:_ n- - ~ _;_ James Mccannnou, EAIHER nf `Ella l!....-I 1 u n - ~ AUCTIONEERS; ARGHITECTURE._ Gi`del;I06\-'(! & Walkem. |.'l'l\"l`l.`|-u _, u-u -nu colour I0 we covn lemon. Its re- luinblo cnntivo Action nfepends upon its ponlinr pro ' an a urifyel the vital ft, tho , and perecl:ing e healthy hrnnlionof All the tissues of - body. lt in QAHA vgu--...'.-..b :.. :4- ,:.r . ,,--, ...... 1.55 imity to the mum; And Hunting it Gopd Boa.ts_ and O33:-amen ul- 1`. M. Clark. 1..n.s.' nil lI)`l.' r I; -. J Dr. Henry B. Evans. n-`p`vD 1:\vr;\vn. --- VETERINARY. Alex. 5. Kirkpatrick, \"l`\' 1`lu nr\' a nun". u.... 'l'1`(|K KN .I"6-Inn ,\'h. DENTISTRY. ? Werner, \ A nnviun..`..... HOTELS. . IRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- Otce, 156 Princess Street. mu the tunnel of It D Hill to inks, pal-lnnient in its effect, with no liabilitv of a relnnne. and mm.-..1.. ..... . V01], v enennary surgeon, u of the Ontario Veterinary Col- Uice. City Hotel. Kingston. - 1______._ nTEnI_CAf e, w eumgton Strec 1 Kingston in 1857. JOHN A Mnouou/u.n, Q.C. Juana Pn'1-ox, Q.C. ri] IR In-.-o ;,E:.;I: , IS72. D BUILDING SUR- 2 and Residence Queen wary. me. A. S. KIRKPATRICK. E. H. Smrmn, M.A. ' to ' all pl wax (Ingestion. In diseases women it acts like schzu-m, cur- snd exhnusting dis- Ind tutoring perfect vigour to the colour to the covnrflexion. Its nation enanrh um-n. :1. zlI.IU"3II- , Veterinary Surgeon, ttario Veterinarv Col. uurueon, ac. Ullicc l to Ellington Street, I: Otce. Calls in city ay, promptly attended J. JARVIS, M. U. :urne_vs-nt- L1 , I nHIi.- COURT: mNntary ` Commissioner in vrence, and In ; And i Ogrnvnnn .1. '& C0'S Drug r 1rst.-c1.'|.ss Yards and I op site the treeo , Princes ur aurgeons, , luugston. npouuuq pupa-stion has become'a g t fawluiu on account of its perfect reliabiriffy in tho tnttlunt of derangement: of the $I-nch, Iivorlcomplnint, sud Diaeues of the . t Ipoodily relieves the p` 'u and use of fullness so often felt by the D313- pa_phc' IfbrettuIg,' Acni.|ty' ' , Flntnlenoo C - aupsoq, an an Biliona Headachgs zinc 33- iud alliuon pf wuk digestion. In diseases pudlinr like sch.-..-m r in Chm)- between vv vnnww Q ILIIJIIIIII. Halt Iquare, for daily paper, $25 per year, with same privilege. N.B.-The square to be conned to the or- dinary Business of commercial houses, md for snch houses it will not be held to inalude Auction Ssles, Advertisements of Ships, Re- movals, Copsrtnership Notices, Private Ad- vertisements of Individual Members of Firms, Houses to Let for or Sale. runny AGRRl]|EN l`S. The square to be 22 lines of solid brevier. The half ilquare 11 lines ditto. Price for square, for one year, for daily - per 340, with the privilege qf altering limited to once a month. {Jpn ,, - - -` c Other Notices inieditorinl columns, the ob- ject of which is to promote the pecuniary or private interests of individuals or Companies, such,a.s Reports of Banks, Insurance Comps.- nies, Notices to attend Lectures, Amusements, M ee ingn, Sermons, Acknowledgments of Do- mti ns, &c., to be considered advertisements, and harged on the same scale and in the same manner as Business Notices. Bvswkss Norncns.-A1l matter under thin heading, loaded or solid, 8 cents per line, measured by a. scale of solid brevier, over 10 lines; under 10 lines, 75 cents; under 7 lines, 50 cents. nn___ \v,.- - --- ........ once as ween, 4 cent: per hne. Notices of Births, 50 cents each ; Notxces n{ Marriages, EC cents each. Notices of Deaths, 50 cents each. These rates to be paid in advance. Above 10 lines, sertion, and 4 cen` quent insertion. Ten lines, $1.25 for rst and 20 cent; for every subeeqi `LA..- In 1:, - up_ pr-woes me understanding of humanity than is like [anther fute ed tn- IOCHIIIQ n_ TARIFF OF RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Six lines and under, $1 for first tbr-nae inser~ tions, and 15 cents for every subsequent in- sertion. ` nee `rant! of Rates, and if you do not 211-ready take advantage of types and ink, resolve at once to Contracts and Yearly Agreements for Ad vertisements made at the Daily News Uice Pssessing the largest circulation of any News aper published in this city, this Jour- nal o era the best medium for Local and (.u`enera.l Advertisements; therefore advertise in the ' A Local Paper _is the best medium wherein to aflvgrtise 3 Local Bnisinesa, therefore go and Subsequent insertions not ordered ,hnu nmm 51 umalz A ......;- ..-_ 1:- It` you have spent money in the purchase and erection of an attractive sign for your place of business, carry such a judicious step a. little further, and repeat the sign a. thousand times. Place the particulars of vnnr hnn... L...:...... Iurther, and iign thouaaizrltijiigj I particulars your business before the public and 1 attm Advertise 1 -u? WI~-C_i IIIO and OK ICICIICC. kt Time, the everlutin dissipator of rea- son an of events, let: 1 limit to his power, and it '3 at this epoch that science mny render to leek clout of the mind, every act of the body, villextl-not avelune of nervous ele- BQG in provporth n to the nggnitude of the thought traction, and since this Hypophos- plitee combination really will supply the (`is via to the body, it must support the human ueanisn lneeeufully after the vigour of NEWSPAPER COLUMNS! If you would 1 And attribute their < :.. 1 [THE MOST successrutl E BA [I1-YV N E \ VS'.' ADVERTISING, --.1........ u-ac: uuuu nun oraere I once a week, 4 cent: line. otices of Rirth. an ......;.. ---u. Tradesmen and Merchants ADVERTISE. DAILY NEWS. ADVERTISING. If you won11'attract customers, T- me DATLY NEWS-l Advertise ! Admit the importance of 51.25 first three insertions, at subsequent insertion. nes, 8 cents per line for rst in cents per line for every subse- I. JAMES SHANNON, Princess street, Kiiaguton. i drive your business, and not be driven, ` 3 success to a. liberal and judicious use of an 1 vnuotn ' nfblll .. 71% pan. 7.3) gm, _ UNITED STATESMAIIS. `lough Hnilyfo N Y k, Bouto ._.l(b_yupwillbool 1. 33.... M2 Advertise ! Advertise ! ` )es and ink 19 of tener Plague ufndtlpocicstioll Ily behozo; at ti: o lid! ' to - a.3.m to 1.. .3am..7a'.""" ' " The loved: or any Tender not necessarily WM Jnms* `: "'8. mnrwmanw ' ,. ` ensaiwng N-puma. 81-: .1873. E ALWAYS k on hand ORGANS and -MELODEO S of the but Cana- dian make, and. have now in stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANOS (made by Broadwood,` Chapell, &c.,) towhich Pianos, 0rgans_ind Melodeons. ` `VB. .1 I. Nspgmc, ,187& ' Lungs, they are For Ladies and Gentl without them. invaluable. "I with Weak None should be sneu (iysters ! TO ARRIYEJN A FEW DAYS. Sept. 30, 1372. vwl nun. O. S. STRANGE, M.D. .L. . Jledical %a1n1 HAXWELL `W. STRANGE, After payment of the uausl dividend and providing for all losses, claims and expenses, the sum of $906,905 was putAby to increase the Funds in ha.n'xIa`, which now nmountto- lleserve Fund - - - - $1,571,520 Capital paid up - - - l,4-45.465 Life Assurance I-`nnd - 6,603,210 Risks taken for three year: on -Private Dwellings and Content: on very favourable terms. Kingston. 19,_;a_;:`2; ['11.-`INDERS will M01111 Jgnn gr-w Olin. _......a null: unqgeui amount ever received by the Company in 3, single yen. inn nun of the woe `'3 f.;.'!:`' `'`"'`` for ..., ..-1.-..g. mi`; 1...`, every V -p%. of the D LY ISEVYS bf pubhcstton Pchonll \VITH UNLIMITEIS R A 'R'I a`l'-I'f\1 Kingston, Nov. 28, 1872. l Kingston Marble` Works I Princess and Syd_qnhum Streets. Wonxnumsmr Coxcmm To my svnmssm BY ANY IN CANADA. m A \Y.`I-stv -._ ._ _>( INSURANGE GIIMPANY. Liverpool a.-r;d London. 0FFlCl}-CLARENCE STREET, - (Opposite the Post Oice.) All orders rates, at the ' The subscribers having recently extended their premises, beg to mnounee their incl-ell-` ed facilities for executing large quantities of Fxnsr-Cusp \V0llK in every department of. their business. In soliciting an inspection of, their large and varied stock, they invite special attention to their splendid supply of ny mr tug largest and best selected stock over brought to Kmgston. TANDY BROS; FACTORY ia the only Depot for this Beautiful Jlarbk in Centrdl Canada. uepot jc ARNPIEIOR MARBLE, by far the largest and best a Ea Kmgston. Sco1;ch_ Monuments." `L..- ,- ,_"T.`:-vb Puneiud iyannuu` Killlillo 0|!`-o ANUFAOPURERS of MONUMENTS and GBAVETONES in Canadian, American and Italian Marble, am; F:-so Stone. MARBLE and ENAHELLED ulurrnz I - -1-mc1::s,cc.,ac.; IInp0l'tl'l0f 42 Priness Street, Kingstoh. ,, -_ _.-.. .4` unnnun TA.N_'DY `BROTHERS. Kingston, April 20,1872. SUBSGRIBLE CAPITAL, $10,000,000, T,gND:.,B1{THE38, Wlnbj -I-'..}`>:< lial.`-_I.___.: , ,_ . nurnmc sl , -Celebrabed Busines;_of 1870. n.......:.._.. I- sun cxpcmmuro of the '0; of tho mh;d' (which in the run! nut o man : strength) is Edmond iy activity of the nutritive func- tions, without the aid of lcience. (Late R. White), Diuggiqta; To Build;rs.b Just Received R9 Y-all INLIMITED `LIABILITY or SHAREHOLDERS -FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 3. - pmrctually lled for moderate SUPPLY or 1A1*r1soN' ed ' - PRT;51 T03- sauna by nativity of lam nal, lcience. nut `N... L- ----I--L-'-- " ' . Jledical hammer awn nun In urmnu noon of ` 1873. for the in the awn 56 IIIII nnuulllllv ln0-- rent: AGENT . $2, 559, 180 IIIQAQ `Printing in` Gold and colours! JOB Wt BOOKS, rnnamw, ne ll unblnd to exocntc in t belt uunnor, and with greater oxpoditilb than any otlur Printer in the city, all alien for work with which he nny be fihmrod. Work done in any required style. .331 no unouglout the S to fast FallV,ma.x d bolifvo that in every _case but one they < ,1 And having tted up TWO STEAM PRESSES, he in unblnd greater oxnaditlnn u..- `nook and Job 1>rinting,j ` HANDBILLS, The underlignod bog: respectful! to im form his friend: and the ublic gone I , thst having purchased the P _t and Will of the Dun Nnwn md Unlwrmnn AND Nxws, snd ha ' (large Stock of PLAIN and FANCY TY ES for , I i`.`.1"1?.,i` sE`E:y 12% F5!` LABELS, smm pnmmu: HOUSE,i JAMES SHANNON, undo:-Ii ad be I orm friendfnuld thegzublic mlnnrnt ting PAiKPHLETS, Batchelofs Hair Dye. VIIHIR lPYJ7\!'hlh I-{AID nvtv :_ U Daily News oince; INVITATIONS, THE DAILY NEWS LAW BLAN K S, POSTING BILLS, CONCERT BILLS.` PRINCESS STREET. RAILROAD BIL`l. CHEQUE BOOK BUSINESS CA4 ;-c prvpnoty ox giving condition medicine to Imus. attic and sheep, was discussed and Tied b may of the Agricultural Socie- thnuggout Sjato last Full, and we _ ' ihgt every case thaw u-id- IRCULABS. MAGAZINES| wuncll no nny be fsl 2 Bl LL BOOK SHOW BIL! STAGE B41 NEWSP4 BLANK4, +llBOA'1` B1L1s_l a 12 K! Then in, pnhhly, no way in which vie can innit our nldcn, more than by recommend- ing to than for plural use Johnson : Auodync ' t. It I! adsptod to almost all the pu-pus of a Family Medicine ; and as n specic for oouglu, colds, whooping cough, lunch of the chat, lune stomach, rheuma- Ciz, spitting of bl " and All lung diEicu1- tin, it has no equal u everye saw or heard ol.-Adv. ' ` ]nAi{i' Kuiiiinul II AJIIJE Al\1'||nl-n an _ IVIIIICYQVVTI-v` `VI ` HEAD OF PRINCES STREET, Kit AIL VOTE don:.vith `llntnn-n -... No. l und2 0. C..counoct st Broekville with the Grand Trunk Eaton: and Western Ex reu ta-aim. J . night loaded with dispatch, and no trun- Ihipngont from point: on the Grand Trunk to point: on `tic Brockvillo And Ottawa Rail- way. ` " Plllnuliulatl M, lm -'1: 7'3`: "=1 . l.:. . :79 Great Broad it Omvbi ASK FOR '1:zcKs-r-371; Bajocx-VILLE. on and alter lIo-si;dy, Decencrb, TIunts wn.1. Rim ;sF>i.wwi 2- ' j IIPOHDWHIIE Iruoott. 3. IUTT_BELL t, V I Ottawa, Nov. 14, 1811. __________._. Y-I:I`::ember 29, M2. _:_-___..;._.__j v in: in u.-6.. .._...I -.-- rt ispa-vidad in the `P1-eaebtt Jmicon -Freight Shed, -by mean: of which ' is loaded on Change G-nu? Cu-I COKE. UGH TO OTT WA ITHOUT TRANBHIPMENJ`; _ Mnngainn I'1:-.....L.._ FOBCIIIIOI n nan Brockvillo; Dec. 9,. 1&2 on the Train: connecting with the Grand Trunk N i ht` teases, available onlyto pas~ songs:-I wgith El:1?st Clua Charge for Berth: 50 Cents. 20 In tea all ed 1 Ian` 1:- neng at P1-gsgott flinctionfs Through Tickets. F0 vnyffh for New 7' ' " "H! .'.`T:`..:2,";I..` ,* I TIC I310-*I'I'0I HQIWI {O Ollllo " . ..fJ:-- St. 6.-.'Q'ttavv:_1B.;a.i1wa5.r"; mccma Bentley, |'l\lII' I an ruins 1_`-- ----- ----r- ----- - vb.--.- MANUFACTURERS AD P1i`m`on-as s1'RI2:'wr mm ... -vunu UI Ill billlll. -llIlIl.`I I IIIHVI. The Chethem Planet calls attention to the hat, that the Elgin Association sawmill. new erred by the Hon. Archibnld McKcllu, has {er-ed e eewduathar ecroas the river, which lee eeriouely interfered with its nevygatien. It wee with the teat dilculty, that the t Prince A fred could be get acres: it t in fall, en_d it is feered that unless um: Ineeeuree ere taken, to prevent the dumping ef eewdllat into the river, it will be blocked up efeotullly before spring. The husincsi nu.-n_ of the tmvn are ver euta ken in regard t the matter. y P0 0 d The Cirletee Place.IIerull .15.-. end the wdhq - one of the proprietor, were both Iotelly destroyed by lire on Tues- deyyeyening. The re originated in the pnrltnng-etce, and caught the dwelling-house, Vlueh, with all the eutbuildings. were cen- - lulled. The furniture wee mostly all saved. The knee was quite new. There is an in- IIPIIOO onthe property, but_in whst oioe, _0l' to whet unount, could not be escerteined Il_ e eoIh!n'eI_ There is no re engine in the ' 5 etherwue, it in thought, the property Lev: Inn... .....1 CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY 00ll7'0l'l`AlIl4E SOFA CARS Kink-tom,-Tu!-y 20;? Ian. . . Ehilflll .` _ .. E6` ..|. Allow--.-III! 1. ts?! (a;`ha;i:et :auo"); Gill! on bud nndin .. - wssmrnbmu. .;.' .,,- an,` .uu uvuqsgx , We _.D.l'UUK & . gmys.` Aa:r1=NA INsU1}ANf:E- COMPANEL; 1'30 an-nuord Hauld at on a new dress in of Uhlinti. tself and the Saruia Canadian now skill: at the head of our country exchanges. The Herald cannot fail In Ilnneo the auto of union and progress in lij J 'u.iu mm. _ ' QR Olmrd Ind Bnmen line, every Monday at I. gs. . Wlidf dupgcqh Bu, mn~ CHRONICLE AND the .HIWI. containing Shaun of th.....u. A Chugeauge Car Pl! FREIGHT -_ Ncrrrqz. stupn. A -- uurgn :nn-`1:Ala`UhAm- pg and Wa.hrtownR'uil- 'VYork, Bolton, and-all point: . .'. 0`l."l`AWA RAILWAY _ _:_.-.j.__.:...__.-.. , sate g nd Giy_StooksndothorPnblioSocux-itieu ... 2:: mu.-I. 88.000,/000.. . --v.-'-- - ` i`;,,,.'.` . wins or s T . M . 'Frnn`n fthlle A.`:. `W ,-. ..,, :.:-:...:AR.$:'.'..,.;;`%%;*-1*t?f*";:*:A: m `For unythroe of-the I:o gi_a'rs*_Io W. " P ' For .11 tonrofehdvxovinwp 12 "- 3 50 For ;Bhchnod I ` If ` tan. . orof tho`Ihvvitl* " ._ . lo . F r Blgzkwood , , `6 0 0 ue Review: . . . . . . . ,7 '9 lip London H:-rm -.` s.1.ys:-Thc action of | I!!! Ontario (}o\'ornment in locating the inch- IIIQI uylnn at. dunilton, Ila: given goncml T3503 to the press of the Province. with- l of ptlitics. It is gcnortlly ad- _ tint no other place in Ontario roqnircd It more. ;_ uvo 1.101 vnnce. "Sui byisailpio cl the I-hviewg ..._.- .. . . ...:. 12` For Bhckwood Hi "four ' C5_ A'di:conn`Goftw ' 1. .. lowed to club: , "Ir ' Thug :-~-!'aureop'au 0! car fkevuv Wiu:)0hI:tfI! -forge nurcopo t _ cur vuv|' ' ' for $48.. and strum. ' ` _ ~. __'/ . [A -:` )_ F. _ ` To -clubs of tutor ;_,_ ; aboeditco t" tot`l 1ezttu1-nn:n: sf.:wE...:.`` - - b lhviewi...-.-..~.........V..... 1` V` {I L vPucta.go' 5two men Iuunhut who pl-T *, ` by the quarts:-" i `1:_ha`oiop of _ `gory: ` fff'_ _ . r CL .. -1 ` '(A` ' man UU-I3-N 1; -V.- ---we" :- 104 FULTON YQRK, Atsbont one-thin-dike prioooftho ' ' THE mmmunan mrvnw 3? _ ymsrumsnn nvmw f m_`1y. Ha. """"' _""` -'Jv' I-`E13 SPLENDID HAIR DYE is the lick ' thoworld. ,The onl True and -uaulyo. mm: 1; Relish e, Ann` In. The 'run`aum' E1135-an 7* 3 nnukwoocrs K BY THI5.`-LEONARD 800'.l'1`:PU.BL!lnl` 7 a 0 conrmnunon omens c-rru:3ba.`, FORMS of every 'pito`lbly , and ehespgm tho; an-I lknnlunun at Pnnrrma or. Pan... an... r:..-.. and cheap. Pnm-nu * x,,.' The I. the weakly edition alga n_xnti1_nw_s. _ ,::;.'-;r~om$'-v - I " i"1.'.` Nun i. em; on] em lrujnn puuinhudjn medmm of nf ntnuin _-..i LL- nI,,,. ' ~ eh. Steam eekl toqunnxszowraaar 1rb1:NIA'1o.mantho1m'nnT ., ` mm - of Brock Street. ' `oi : all, nointn gt can -u---- I caning % ` at the exp` of the term, or . umi-nxnusluyinndmeizu. ' percent. v ~ g'3"""" Forhrther information I to V ' Jmnpp ANNON. ' 01- D, D. BOGEB8,- ; , -1 g . 01.. ha. L11 usurt May 6. ['3 . PU'BLI8'Fl'.`li.'l'l -um... s...._:4'a.. 14 -u-; Captain little has entered an action against `I0 llan Cooke, who in such 3 iastardl_\' way &C In tame Iaooee the ether day, and (Iookc deearvee to be punished for it It appears `Int Captain Little was offered 8300 for the deer alev day: before it. was shot, by the _ n of Barnum`: Slueeum in Now i the anly tame moose they had of In Canada. ~(mu-a Tima. Il'|.- nL-u. ,, n. any at n9; 1un.r- xxnn V Om M` _JAM`& 8_HANNA_N, I un_ N ' " ", `- -1 kn}, mot. --~v` m. v11 .e_z I - `:55 P0? 1 uh. , if -` "nut `nnma ` ` 4 "'1 9-. w. .; 08,041; .,..97 s53.ooa.oo -o 4, milrumcn AGENT.` ow:-an Av: -U Iv`! Vin - E The Sh-ltford Herald at dress in but ` U4-ndian an-. .0--ml. .5 oh. I.-...l ..( ...... 3P0!zIl:hn.i.n '1` `an [pun lob Fun 7 1'5. .Qh..u.....| n.....:.: ....o .... sracuinr NOTICES. .. WHEELEFPS CELEBRATED BLOOD FOOR OR TONIC. [I d Hixir of PHOSPHATES and C AYA.h"'I'his elgnnt and uh]; pupa-nt1o' 1: become a. perfect nabixigv Grand Trunk Iailway. K unite Hill dunrt from H... I(:. r; Inn ban and. _....__.--- _ ., _ 7 Icilon orfanada. L0-t-1-um.` ooum Vrur. A .-.'... ganmne ugned \V. A. Batche- sll drnggintn. Fnctory, 16 uinb I l_iko, Iaather fastened : unldel-standing Ihough Inilyfor will `- Nev York, Boston, cloud st p.m., and for Mj p.m., dnily, Sundays ax- ' xiv-Eng mediFi.n_e Id sheen. wu di.m.....1 ...,1 A-UTE I8 I10 nre Ollgllll III the , Nod. ---u an nuns uuncu1- gave:-ye .' s.1yI:-The actinn of st in locntimz the incl I up npidlybuyiug m. JTFSDC. 4.15 p.m. 2.00 p.m. '.P(B`l` OFFICE GUID Glace. Indus Hails . . 12.20 p.m. Wot:-I . . 2.45 p m. E & stun .15 AM uuu numan ' -.. V111 uuoualvlllll uuwl. OS. .175 ant} 177 Main Street, Brockville, - 0nt.-Joux JELLY, J:-., Proprietor. Free Omnibus to and from the `boats and cars. Carriages for parties wishing to viiit places of interest can be securd at the oice. A First Elana Livery attached. Maw 27. 2.1090" 5.1-oximity ~3-ollll . , li (`mnd Run. ....a 1'nouu.nd Islands of the St.'L&w _ _ . . ...vuu -uu;1, uuuanoqnc. BROPHY, PR.OPRIETOR.--This First .e C1:uHote1 is centrally located in the muneu part of the town, In view of the I`hou}a.nd Islands St. Lawrence, and in close proximitv to the lri.I.;.... ....: u..s--- ~uu Ulllllall LICENSED Goods, |_____1 A erchnn WV cruel , U uommer Stabling. March 30. John Power. IIUHITEUT AND A VE Y U R. Oice Street. . Oct. 24. nun: can and ac` BIIuufollown:- . Daniel lllclutosh. ' ANIEL MclN'l`0SH, Veterinar 7 Graduate Vete lege. Toronto. - -. ..., 14.19.31, DENTIST (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. UFFIUE HOURS from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to the poor. ....v v--on -19 l4-lI-nV- _F M. ULARK, L.D.S., NTAL lhbozus, No. 4 \Vilson's Block, \Vullington Street, Between Princess and Brockiits. Satisfaction Gum-anteerL Jul y{ 3 1 . ARI-BB l4lV8!' May 27. , _ --......,.~..u.n-m me pre- mises recently occupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Drs. Evans and Maclean, `V0. 155 PRI.\'C'ESS STREET, nearly opposite Tandy Bros Marble ' August 7. orks. . aml Mnnlnnn L; acreet. `* Kingston, May 251.11, nLr4 ur LUAUUN, England, I L pathic Physicmn, Surueon, &c. And liaidence removed Wellington ucarly opposite the Post Call: or country, night or day, promptly at J . .1 A Rvm Albion llotel, Min-sc., Stirling. [()fiN ACKERS, Manager. First-cl.1 Commercial Rooms. Good 0.: cabling. L ow-Ulla my wvuu. ,1; lrlll alna PC"IC,J)]I| _. elube 1n n- bhlonll ; no disappointment ; no ridicu- hu tints, or unpleasant odour. Remedies lit in clash of bad dyes md wuhea, pro- dna|_innodi.stuly 3 superb Black or Natural Provincial lloteh Gananolnnc. munn of the M Englnf D umble`a Block, \Ve1lingl:on Street, June 29. 1L.1s1us Ur` DIVISION (J Public, Couveyanccr, -2twen s Bench, Jzc. Nov, 27 namonm Aug. 22. k} t'ost.Ulce, Established in ] Ann. `I? JOS('|)Il Bauvden, ' J J"l`0RN EY-.~\.'1`-LAW, solicitor in cm... Kings 1;: In. ` cery, Notary Public, .33 King Street, p-x.u.LhlQl.I`4I':l.l-1JA\V, Solicitor b ccry, &c., Clarence -Street, King and \Veliingtun Streets. .... .-. ..n -an -spun: nun, `(UI`NT\' (.`l{O'N ATTORNEY and(`!enl (`J of the l L'4M`u for the (`uuuty uf l"rnnto.- um.-, Ontario Street, Kingston, clin-cctly u )pn Hike the Mnlntrcznl 'l`ulug|'a uh (`mnpnuy's ml in : , Kingston, July [0, 157% Dr. Macleapfs ollie EMOVED TO LMACLEAN & CO I store, Princess Street. May 23. elli no linbilit I tlfo injury to the most deli- Id. 30 d at 81 pol: bottle. _ T Inn to an, perllnnent in nshpce, and but positively -u uugcg RCH IT ECT, MARBLE BLOCK, . Street. (inunhm ll ... ozu. In-A Jumble : 15 i/II. Clements, Dentist. )1-`FICE AND RESIDENCE oppjo Post.Otce, Wellington Street; lglatabliahed Kingston in 19.57 ` John Mudie, ) ARRISTER-AT-LA\V, Solicitor i. _ ccry, &c.. Clarence. _Qt.m..+ l lurkpatrick & smytlu-A. l).\l'RlS'I'E1{S and Atk.0rueys-at-Law. So- ) licitors in L'lmuct.\ry, &c. 1`. KlIll.'I'IA-Aininu: 156 Inc Mnutrc.-:v.l % . Dr. J. Jarvis. ' ATE OF LONDON, 1 '_pa._t.!xic Surgeon. &r- S Illccammon. Gananoque, `QLERK OF DIVISION COURT, Nut 1 Uonvevzmuer, (:m.....;... ..n.. _v __vu:_y l.I- I`: R HENRY ) don. Princ 1' in this w;1:l 1-uouyyo. a. _.The 71 srmlaag Relish e, ; dinnoointmeng 2 n`

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