... - -nu-nu; -nu, would increase the oonlidonbly. ' ` ? of 3 eonhl of strong ourig ii} tho price of 2} buheln of what. llyqyl very Iurly the gure in the an it can be nn.intnino (bnn u.nd_:horta) ' $io(I5I4.JIo1-forrindingabu,|hol d what. Duingthnput for you: the Fiji Ion: Lu"bon-oounidunhly ii ad- J. L. Hlcdoililld, L.ll.S., N":-lm~u............- .- n- mg xv Cillefslec-.ve &. Walkelz, R1'I`l'I\mDa __ 1 .4. . Kirkpatrick J: Smythe. RII`I "l"1lI)G .._,I `LL - V :n"`9'f3`9lIIl llotel. 1'15 .i..I rz-11: .-_ m_,_. .-. L- Clements. ll.cl.lti.s;.._ '!`,l7' A \1l'\ 1) l.`.VY'I\1 .1\Yrvr\ Alwnmscrunn. Alex. 8. Kirkpatrick, h1'V`b'rn1`itr` rmmn n 11 n... Dr. llaclealrs 0Ili_;e_ wvnn mn 11..-u-ya..- - ...4 F. Ill. Clark. L.l).S. In Anvr v .-. IE - uuuu, open. Atwr passing through. the | etonee the meel in scooped up by an elevator and conveyed aloft to the cooling room on the fourth story. The cooler: are of two kinds ; one being 9. circular vat about three f deep, holding 150 buehele, in which -evee e revolving rake, thoroughly disturb- in; end lepentin; the meal, and freely ad- hmqh it ; the other a pair J _ ' louvre working trens_ ersely I*"QI etherin wooden c linderi, push- Dd ttitnnting the meal at the eame it The Int-named ie intended for the nnelentfer eh-oegbekere` our ; the latter ldhney peetry our and for city nee. Pue- iha %Ol.iI. til Inna] nntuniln VETERINA RYT DENTISTRY. ~ MEDICAL: Joh l owelT-. NIVVIV A `Th `I\'I'Yl v n name I01` me Uounty of Fron n_ Street Kingston, directly op] heal Taicgnph CoInnanv s nt . , F'- Werner, n~ &rn'n-rn`y_.._ neslaence and Oibe :-9 . VVellington Street, Kingston. D, zungalson, mrecbly oppo alcgnph Company : nies. 9, 1871. ` A - Riv Ex'rl_l.rnlsu.,-Tho value of lolmfncturing intoroats to a young com- munity is full rooognizod, and in an estab- lillnont whi _wns started into lifo in this dty yootolsdnyfivo hnvo on Additional rib in tho fronowork which is fast elevating Toronto into tho lea-ling city of the Domin- ion. W0 rofor tu the oxtonsivo guring mills roooutl ct`-.-cted by Mr Jouoph White- hood on tho is lsuodo, st the foot of Frsd- oriok Itroot. 0 building is a substantial In sto building, with brick engine honso ottsch , the lsttor containing s. forty horse- powor horizontal ougiuo and tubulu boiler, vhiol oonstitutoo the Inotive'power requir- , Cd in tho vsrious prucossex through which tho groin pusos. Entering on ths Fred- orick streot side, we come first upon the Woigh Hopper, into wdiich the grain is_shu from tho farmer : waggons, &c., weighed, and diochu-god ivy menu: of a. sliding trap into Q lnrgo receiver or bin, capsblc of hold- ing some thousands of hnshols. thence it in oonvoyed upwards by elovoton. Following ` it in its nsoont wo nd the elevator dis- charging itself into B lingo trough contain- ing 3 revolving scrow, which forcos the groin forward into the Supply Bin, holding 500 bushels, on the fourth story, Shuuhl tho supply bin in full. another outlet in the trough permits of the grain being (llil`llIlll- It! in than vnrinuu g.`.nrn-r-mum: Fr-mu Hun W, Cou- ?l3;::- and a the office of t Ncpanee died Jnms s. cgizrwmanr pecioationu my be soon If he to w`wu Ton- To Bdgrs. TENDERS will be received until noon of Monday, Jsuuat 20th; 1873," for the 5'2-action `of a Stow; nrch` in the town ti! 1 nee. ' + 1'... -.. J --- B Pianos, 0rga.n._ndMelodeo1_1s. .__j E ALVVAYS keep or and MELODEONS dun: make, and have now 1' cellent ENGLISH UPR] rm..1. 1... n..-z...--n rm , , _.... ...uuuu.u.uuo or nnu belt Unna- in stock some ex- UPRIGHT PIANOS (made by B1-oudwood, Chapel}, &o.,) towhich` we invite attention. V - A superior S'1`.l.-IINWAY for sale on res- eoneble terms. Also I few Piano: to rent. , We feel condent that our mm Inge-.........o.' we teal condent our own 1 will continue to sustain thnir ro utation. ...+...... ....: urn...--- ~ Factory And Wu-erooxnu con and Ontario Streets, Kingston. Ill? oYsTERs trough permits 0! the gnun being (lHl!l`llIlll- ed to the various sberu-rooins. F rain the, "supply bin the grnin is conducted through pipe! to the lint elnnt mrwliine, on the second oor, I moat ingenious combination efhlll, screens and vibrators, which purges it from Ill impurities ; but in order to render ueurnnee doubly-sure, in its (lawn- Veld pellege, the grein in aignin arrested 2 unut machine No. 2, and made to pasa II 1. similar but more vigorous pro- oeu t before, are being discharged clean and bright into A r.-ceivcr in the basement. Ihin to be caught an-1' conveyed upwards into I. eeriee of feed receivers ranged in line ell the third oor, immediately aver the grinding gppgratus on th 1 floor beluw. This consist: of live pairs of French burr sinner-n of the hrgelt eiie, and tltte-1 with the latest improvements. Among others may be notic- Od one for the delivery of grain into any pertionler feeder desired without leaving the Iill-room. To all outward appearance tlfu is I lial and indenlinger 80llI(.`Wl lal .;SlIll - ihr to eelock feoe ; by moving this nger, an VIIVO in opened in the delivery pipe above iponding to the number on the; dial Plate, at the same time losiug the one. pre- viously open. After passing through. the ltenee scooped --A ...._-_.__1 _1.:. . . Fire Premiums, lest Reinmrsnceu. .I Being the largest amount ever received `by the Company in 3 single year. New Life Policies iuued for . . . . Total Annual Life Premiums, after deductimz Reassurance; , After payment of the usual dividend and providing for all losses, claims end expenses, the sum of $905,905 was put by to increase the Funds in hands, which now unonntto- Reserve Fund - - - - $1,511,520 Capital paid up - --- 1.445.465 Life Assurance Fund - 6303.210 Risks taken for three yeairs` on Private Dwellings and Contents on very favourable terms. n n arnnssvn --x uuanun. 0. s. STRANGE, M71). . .Med5oauh;anu'm nnxvivl-ILL W. STRANGE, AGENT Jan. 12 GHEST AND LUNG For Ladies and Gentlemen with Weak Lungs, they are invaluable. N one should be 5 without them. ' I JII./{CL E./IJV - Co. I ` T Kingston Marble Works P1-`incess and Sydcnham Streetl. 9' \VonxMANsI-m> Coxucnmm T0 3: Us- sunlussnn BY ANY IN CANADA. . nu . \7'r\1v 7.- ..........-. _ VVITH UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. TANDY` BROS. FACTORY is the only Depot for this Beautiful Marble in Ocntral Ianada. I { R01`./1I,% ' INSURANGLGOMPANY. Liverpool and London. 'ii1>NzsD.u' 1z"Vi';\'1.vo, .'u1v.' `.<. The subscribers having recently extended- their premises, beg to ILIIIIOIIIICO their increaa- I ed facilitxes for executing large quantities, of FIRST-CLASS \Vor-.x in every department of their business. ' K In soliciting an inspection (if their large varied stock, they invite special attention to their splendid supply of _ ARNPRIOR MARBLE,| I by.fn.r the largest and best selectpd stock ver brought to Kingston. I Scotch Granite Montfmets. I ANUFAC'I`UlIiERS of MONUMENTS B and GRAVESTONES in Cnnadinn, American and Italian Mu'b1o,lpnd Free Stone. MARBLE and. ENAMELLED uANi*L1-3 PIECES, &c., &c.) Importer: of lK1NSTNJjAiBLEv(nRKSl ` -_ r ; a us.-~.'X rrl Abunv -in-bnrn-1':--nsncs Pricess; and Sydenhnn Streets, , L Kingston. lint... ~ RICHARDSONS, "I"`;Y`lT1\IV1.srs ...___ >7 V Kingston, Sept. 19, 1872. db: Jauilaii onsble terms. Also 1 rentfvr, Insttnmenta Till their 'wo]LAA-not` Kingston. Nov. 28, 1872. A onf1.c1a-cLAnnNc`a srnnnr, (0ppoite the": Post Oioe.) umu Annual hue rremiuml deducting Reassurance: . -__._....... .. nu. uu vnnvnunu. TANDY BnoTHE1:s.. Kingston, April 20. 1872. Allorders punctually lled for moderate sizes, at the SUBSGRIBEJ3 CAPITAL, $10,000,000, )YSTERS SERVED in th ` fr-gm this date, at 42 Princess Street, Kingston. musing`: IAUIu h'!}DIIlIU ` `U. . .:.~.af ` TA_NDY Bnownmlis, NOTHER SUPPLY O`_,-PATTISON S L Celebrated ` v , - TO ARRIVEIN _A FEW DAYS ...L on `own Busin_es;-of 1870. -,_A_,,, , Shell 1 Oysters ! :A'\ A 1'\I's?tvun -- 3 on hand omans of th. beat Cans- .s.ke(,Vand stock mm. .v- (Late R. White), Druggiata, Just Received `_ And Wu an .q"Dnn`-- PRHINCFSSV STREET. allv uuaw uur uvvn llllflllllelltl u we? -earned V1.1-eroomn corner of I rinceu4 Btl. Kimrstnn, pontod in 11, `would iucrune the ` is thus bent 1`!---- wmsniz & co. `-82,559.50 ` 3,oo2,74A. . 1,103.92: _ v_. _--_:vv GARRIl'E~ um sLEi1H MAr.iuFAc1'uREris, . HEAD mr .1>nrnm:n-_us an-nu-,1:-m v:_.._,__ - ~ 1.; - .;.....,; nhi from po`i't'2t b&d, at ` topointu on the Br-ockville and Ottun - I wsy. _ 1!` LRHIVIVI inprovidad in the Preoeottlnnction Freight. :`i~....X."' " i;1"'c1 .5. <'a'B`na:a:s" ' ` 'r`}`E `m"3 OTT WAVWITHOUT TEANBHIPMENT. THOS. REYNOLDS; ' 'u'-..-..:.- 'n:_- -A V H ` zvvuusub. Ill & Ottawa Rawaya. Great rm: jcing ute Io omwa. ASK non 'moK1_n'_17IA BROCl'ILI.E. on and dtcr lfnggy, Vlleeenbr-9. an uugvmu iuuuu anu we ueparnnent ot aeligion abolish- ed-an easy solution of one of the diicult problem which at present distress the Chris- tian mind.` The Japanese ruler virtnpll y says, the primer first and the prayer book afterwards. r Ernest Renan is now at Naples, where ` haabaenaa warmly received aahewasin! Rome. An Italian letter in the Soir says that I M. [team has juat begun a new work, to be entitled The Antichrist. in which 1... .ml 20 Illa m au-_ed.r Rah in- [ meilfs at Pr:s'g;ott4JoI:.nction?s K I-'Fu:IaH1_'-no'iiIcE. -- . ..av4aa-A.I.I \I ' ' In readiness 11 I ' .tt Wharf, where gtorgge for_:Grgii1,J3'_lour,iPork, &c., cnnbe had: I v ` ` ' vuu IIIIII GIIUI" ZIKICIYQ IICOI I878. TRAINS WILL Rm: AB Fomows :- . - - I BROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAILWAY ______ %n 1:1l1`eV'1`runa connecting 1:111:15 C run -ight Expresses, eo y: aengerl with Fu-It Class Through Tin Charge for_ Berth: 60 Cents. FOURVTRAINS DAILY,` mung comm bonxioctiqnn with the baud Trunk Railway for all p9int_l\-Eut West, and with the 0 high Ind Like Chun- South. phin, And the me` and `NVgtertown llailr ` way: for New York, Boiton, and all points ` The nomad ind Ituckest n..`.f.. T Kingston. to ottawa. St. Lawmnq & 0tto,\jvaB3a`ovay i ;I_lIl; nae Ariichlilt ileluaothi Hun ll . kengn ; mu. eynrecontingstriduot -: pinto the profmation caused by his presoeljgei in the cspitpl of Gstholicinm. i Anovliuofooepnsteanoutorunbetweon` _Montx-Isl aufi Quebec in F;-um. ma 3 kville, Doc. 9,` 1372. A.FI0ATI1!G..ELy4 `Axons: ' 0-dsneu darng open` .gsg.gm'.e?3s:m'Z Wharf whnln human l.3...I`.. _' "tn-_..: =n,,1 conuvon'un1.13: sou ens . Prescott. Jttann. Nov. 14; 1811. __.._.______.______. Mccrea `ac Bentley, Ann: inn ..n.---.` -. ....- w-.:; 5' Cu): onhand nmiin '._: Ran] FAtnf.~ `mun. ...- .,. . Lu31L1'rI1-`.s.-c1.am. _not due, and . Thislompuyhuboen ' bnninehiinlnadtfor E that tango uecurod tho pa lie everyfurchn. It-hufully emnphedwhthoh wI_ _` _ Government of Stocks to the extengl; oi $519,000, and II pl-span! term: at low 1: the isfety of the Aasuredswil} ' . ` ` ' JAMIE S . Again. t. United States, sea"?-n`-1iiy stJc'k.n1'.'o1:her"1>u11s' If built for thiitnd and tho Toronto. '. hmttoth ' gust qnow em z -Illl" L1 upnnoo, IEO llhlttcd . iofuiling you-ly; and the course of the hit: business IOOIIII to point to the con- . #0080: of noun outing mill: in many . when they luvs boon hitherto un- Ilown. Thin in not 3 what-growing ac- X It-0 extant. tliat Toronto is, but of what would in many years in equal fo tho (Island for 5 mill turning CC` 13 nk i dny. But the demand `R hill-food much as bun, shorts, sud can-media It is in a. great degree uid by the high price. Bran in retail- ._8$18 Atoll. New 312 3 ton for bran for than: will give the uiiller 9cts. a bunhel of wheat. A mill ll` 542 bnlllell 5 day, simply for . the H- and shorts, would turn at them gure: 154:1, or roundly 815,030 I you-. If .8 -.xa-.1 u__ : Kins-iton, July 20, 1371, __.n__________ L0/88115 run 1121 52 M Assets-JlIy 1. 1871 (at market value). I`.-I. tun: I.--`J _-.I :- '-..'I. ` /ETNA 1NsURA -N0E` A change Ei_ug'o _Cdr Pit Iziconronrin 1819, Omani. with the Gfilvld Lnlmln nn`\1 dun an-- cash capital, $3,000,000-0% P-Ill)` nu.-mu-. The Gazette de France reports that Don Alphonse egg-,_i;ed Catalonia on _Sa.turday night. Seven thousand Carlists are concen- tned in "the Province of Olot. The in- surgents are Quit to enter on :i vigorous campaign. l"|.. m...o:.. -8 ..1..._..u. -...1 _._.. - - ISSIIIIOIIWIH JAMES svfgflanus, 1- 2- 4. :1.-'-.-.,.;.`_.,,,, by t`}T.W','0 .;r` '5.;'.',: ~ 5 3 ~~'=-=-.""'-:....., i,a . y 1'11: :---li'nr oap1u_ ' * will be 093019 =c:lv_,,s,v5:1:5sf5; :Jxausv3= nvu54""""'-'% `E Bexdeujxn 1.... \.cuuy15u. The question of church and state is about to be solved in 3 very simple and satisfactory mum: in Japan. -The govemment of the Jlikadu has just declared thit the Depart- Inentof Schools is to be henceforth ranked Alone sad the Department of Religion abolish- easy the diiuulo. or Droick Htrool:._`1`igkot,a` poinfa at 1; is v . L rou_teu-Rmn, ts!-town}-N ` ' _ R3111-cad; New Yo '- York Cenlzirallqing 8 Osw on art 021: yuan ` , PAEJIFIC MAIL` 8113:}! ` 9~' , , PANY S THROUGH ' ' FORNIA leave: on glue lifllllni . dog&,g `mouth; SmnwuHyw' nd mvnnroon. - . - I Notices intoinddlw ' ' ..........o Us un-1u.- I - .:...:a.1..T V max` $:1?erinthedil i:!t. Emma mm 0 I piper in the mo. _t,.?-: .?~.?.`:2%..`i.:,}i;a.'2V.e* _Iho new census of Franco shown the lstion to be 36,102, 921, a decroile of 366,935 since 1866. '|wL_ n.___,, - u n. . - , ~ for 1 L bitt? frrnomzmn DY;-COUNT of [ Invotcls uni! ' ' 0tt-"55- .7>~o.2o~I-1871"` unnlwv nvvv. The Commercial Treaty between. France and Great Britain was nally signod by the representatives of the two Governments on Saturday, and now awaits Parliamentary rats- Iication. nu ll .. . .. y years or Wedded buns before them The bride hes lived all her life in the house next the one in which the editor of this paper was born (and he in to spring chicken) and reeided durin the first four momentous years of his life, an nmong his earliest recollections is that ef the low-hung, pointed, breee-mount- ed swallow tail of this identical lawyer as it followed its wearer put our. house to make the regular Sunday evening visit to thin iden- tical maid. _Unleee wetre greetlyinerrer the father of the llerald editor, the Lute Rev. H. L. Veil], being then pastor of the church in East Lyme, published this constant couple about the year I832 or 1833, and the wedding was expected to teke place immediately there- after. And so far I! is known there never was expected to nine place unmedmtely there never was any misunderstanding or nnpleasantuess, or mi, or are-up tbnt can be assigned as the cause of th_e deley. They have always been considered "engaged," both by them- selves and the neighbours, and duringa. {visit to Eat Lyme not very long ago we were in- formed that this ancient been still msie his ever)-other-Sunday-evening call, and had hardly failed to 41010 a. single fortnight for sigty years. Cautious and prudent pair! If nanny nmou to 41010 ungle fortnight sixty prudent air! all followed their example there won (1 notbo no much unhappiness resulting from hasty marriages.-- W:'nsted (Co'm1,) HGTGW. ._:. Vance of that of wheat, that is, the m .11.- has received more for the article than thg bran end shorts and his toll of out.. We have given 9.1% cents as the price of gr indiug .abnshel (ii wheat whet` the miller get; simply the bran and shorts ; but whens he- gets in edttion, according to the quality of ' the wheat, 3 to 41!. of flour per bushel, his price for grinding rises to 18 er20cents a bushel. In days gone by when wheat year in and year out kept stesdily at $1 a. bushel s miller who could get constant. work for his mill at a. toll of the 12th bushel, equal to ve pence a bushel, was sure to nu.-iko money ; and in many cases lsrge ruillers have taken in merchants work at 7 cents a bushel. It is any to see that the ....3.~..ga :lgnnnn-}--n4...l .. ....... -_-____ :1:,, MARRIED AFTER SIXTY YEARS ' CUURTSHIP. A marriage ceremony occurred in the classic locality of Suiikapogue, East Lyme, on l`hanks~ giving Day, which merits notice. It was cele- brated at the residence of Deacon George Griswold. The bridegroom was John Griswold Rogers, ayouthful bachelor of seventy-eight summers, who wooed and won his bride more than half a. hundred years ago. The blushing bride was Eliza. Denisen Griswold. who is slightly past sweet sixteen-there having been several cold winters since then-a.t the present time she is of the mature age of 8OVCIltyrIlil)8. The ceremony wasperformed by the Rev. L. S. Hough of the Congregational Church. Among the guests were two brothers of the bride, aged nnitedly 131 years Another brother, aged seventy-seven, was absent. "Al- len Rogers of New London, aged eighty-one. e brother of the groom, wee detained at home. It will be seen that the couple belong to a long-lived race, and they no doubt have many of wedded bliss before them. has lived all her m. in u.. 1.-..-- A l\IUl)ERN BORGIA MAKES A UUl`{- FESSION. New Haven, Jan. 3.-- Mis Lydia Sherman, frequently styled the Connecticut Borgia, who was convicted last spring in this city of murder in the second degree, for poisoning her husband in June, 1871, in Derby, by the use of arsenic, has at length made 8 confession of her crime, as well as of the others which she was believed to be guilty of. After her conviction, in April last, at the close of .1 long Lrlill--WlllCll excited the deepest interest in this cmuniunity, and attracted no little atten- {ion from the:-countr at large-;-her connn moved for is new tri before the Court of Er- rare. The nccusetl lay in jail in this city all nunmer, Waiting for the court to meet, which did not occur until September, when hi-.r counsel withdrew her case, having become convinced that the court 'would deny the mo- tion. Since then she has been awaiting the opening of a. Criminal Term of the Superior Court, in which she must receive hor sen- tence, which will be imprisonment for life in the State Prison. Recently she has appeared to have some trouble on her mind and to act as if she had some secret shc desired to im- part. Her reserve on the one great matter of interest appeared to be le.-win her, and she evinced a disposition to unload or mind of its terrible bnrdon. Afew days ago she made a full confcssiouto the jailer. The particulars he refuses to impart, and access to the accused is not allowed. From what is learned it ap pears that she has confessed that she killed Sherman and his two childrenwith poison,and that years ago she also poisoned her lirst husband, Struck, and his children, when liv- ing in New Jersey. Hie denies, however, that she killed her second husband, Dennis Hurlburt, in whose remains the chemist found arsenic. She is reported to feel much relieved in mind since she confessed her evil deeds, and expressed a desire to read th?Bible and con- verse with religious persons. Her confession was hastened probably by the near approach of the time when she is to be sentenced. This will he done next week, when Jud e Foster, of the Supreme Court, will preside with Judge Loomis, and pass sentence upon her. ` Why an we not 111.79 I grist nnd mor- chnt outing mill in Kingston in -con- Ioxionvith 3 gnin warehouse? In the `above ihlu In End the out of 3 very large Gil with ouuidpnblo stony capacity put Coil ti $5,130. We think it could be jdtoclictulongthohsrbor front a ma; -3". oxnnnn L...-I_`,I_ -- V-...... .- .,.......... -. .. .-_y In: ave unity but: prices demonstrated as now prevailing are sutciently large to cover the advance in wages and commodities, and leave a fair pmt on capital. The estimate we have given for cost of mill ind warehouse is in part based on diet of the Toronto concern ; in part upon some gures supplied us. In the letter the cost of a wharf and iron-covered mu'e~ house of $.~';0.000 bushels capacity is put at '.(ii ),OO0, without machinery. \Ve think the private gures are in advance of those sf the Toronto concern; but the mill to turn out 125 barrels a day should not cost mure than 315,00O,in.Akiug the whole en- terprise $75,000. mum that in Emperor N rsanondant nd ITHIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE `the best in the world. The only True and`. !Perfect Dye. Harmless, Reliable, and In- : stantaneous ; no disappointment ; no ridi - llous tints, or unpleasant odo r. liq: `ea : [the ill e'ei:tn of bad dveu Ill within um- ecuy ingested sud assijnilsted the blood becomes impoverished, and all the organs and tissues of the body dsbilittbed"by want of nourishment. This nernl depravity of the system maniffesgse itsee in some tutions b disease" 0 t Lungs, Heart, "var Kidneys,yand in other by Scrofnloue enlarge- ment of the glands, eruptions of the skin, ulcers of bone and esh, spinal weakness, ir- regularities, exhausting discharges, nervous pi-ostration, mental anxiety, neuralgic and rhelimatic pains, all of which arise from de- praved nutrition. To invigorate the Stomach .! and perfect digestion, and the fornution of I hea.lt`.hy Blood Dr. Wheeler s Compound ` Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya is of grunt , eicacy and reliability, harmless- to I infant or adult, and prompt and permanent in | its effects. Sold by all Druggists. -_---~- ---vv-- ZVJ`. I7 `HIS is I 1 bestin world. The nnlu 'r...... 1 `Elm owacn auu ms derangement: are the common cause of most of the `Chronic Wasting Diseases for which invalid: are con- stantly seeking specics. VVhen the food in imnerfectlv diested ma ...imn'.+..I n... To protect the understanding of humanity nothing there is like Leather fastened to- gether by Cable Screw Boots and Shoes made in this way never rip, leak or come n.paIrt.-Adv. ` ' --j------:&___..___ I I `BE Stomach and its derangement: the the `Ch:-nni.-_ .. ..........5 u-uunuvn nu vvuwn Luvuuul are G011- tye imperfectly digested 3nd aililnilsted imnoveriahed. `And all 4-}... ow vuuou news` but unfuvr urunb I '_lI'o:-no with 250,000 bushels capacity ell hill etteched, capable of turning out . 1. bank 5 dey, for $75,000, and perhaps .13. `he enterprise of Hi Berry is gener- IH hlieved to have been e failure, but it by 3 neene felleu that it might net have kn eIIcoeeefnlly m3neged by some one else. feel in no deeier here than in Toronto ; '& an be had fully as cheap. The Inter flvql 0! the country, except in such pltcoe .Q&Ienoque nndwlepenee, admitted X hfnilina -g-pl-y . .....l n._ -____. I -1 13:11: Time, the everlasting diasipntor of rea- son as of events, sets 3 limit to his power, and it is at this epoch that science may render to man the desired assistance and restore the drain upon his wasted energies. lV.._.I. _A`.._:. -1 AL- _.:,,x V - - -- Each e'ort of the mind, every act of the body, will extract A volume of nervous ele- ment in proportion to the magnitude of the thought or action, and since this Hypopho:- phitu combination really will supply the via vitw to the body, it must support the human mechanism successfully after the vigour of_ youth is pa.et.-Ad1:. How THE OLD AND IN1-`mu ABE SUPPORT- ED av Fnnows COMPGUND SYRUP or By- roPuosPnI1'Es.-During the vigour of youth, the expenditure of the power of the mind (which is the real seat of man : strength) is balnncerl by activity of the nutritive func- tions, without the aid of science. , The propriety of giving condition medicine to horses, cattle and sheep, was discussed and :ulmitted by many of the Agricultural Socie- ties throughout the State last Fall, a.nd,we believe that in every case but one they decid-. ed in favour of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition , Powders. Good judgment.--A dv. x_1___. ___ n__ W, 1 - ua: gum: no uuawa to make some arrange- ment with the Government of" the dominioin in respect of the admission of the Island to the Cunfederation. They uiiise the island-' era to take good care and look thoroughly after their interest: in taking such an im- portant step. The Islandaxcheqner is empty increased taxation is called for to build her Railway:-and very naturailly the inhabitants look toward the Dominion for help in their time of need. nu. n n .. .... .. uuv `ll uvuu His Excellency the Governor General, we understand, may be expected to arrive in Montreal on the 4th ; he will leave for Que- bec on the 6th, returning to Montreal on the 9th, to take up a residence of some length in this city. The neceuary alteration in the null .-u xruzu. Ministerfmake regular daily calls st :5 hoarding-house block on Locust street, with the inquiry, Anything in my line, this morning ? There have been seven Inn-riagea in the bl6`ck during the, past few months, and from the number of couples that sit on the cuhl door-steps in the moonlight, it is evident that business has only commenced.-St. Louis Globe. mg no mam xor general use. Johnson : Anodyne Liniment. It in adapted to almost all the purposes of 8 Family Medicine; and as a. specic for coughs, colds, whooping cough, soreness of the chest, lame stomach, rheuma- tism, pitting of blood, and all lung diicul- ties, it has no equal that ever we saw or heard uf.--Adv. ` van, to I33-K6 resmence of length neceslsry alteration: in the apartments engaged for the Vice Regal pm-ty at the St. Lawrence Hell are progneleiug ra- piJly.-'IIerald. Il_.Z..A.-_.*--I-- ------A`- - ` " " ; nvvvn The changes in the Dominion Administra- tion, nnnouncerl in this journal some two months since, are believed to be either alrea- dy consummated, or about to be. Lieutenant- Governor Doyle will, in a. few weeks, resign his position in Nova Scotia to make room is r thg Hon. Joseph Howe, while the Hon; Mr Archibaldis expected soon at Ottawa to take the portfolio to be vacated by the Hon. Mr Howe. Hun. 'VVm. Macdougnll, it is said,will also enter the Govu-nment.-0ttawa Fvee Press. ` m . ... gurulcy putty sud for city _ hon tho cooling, tho meal descends ' e bolting llI_OhillII, uni through reviving cog f 15 pathnl i 11 no negsuzo, o our a - ig lhtolgllinto nroceiver, whence it is ouupyod by olevoton to tho psckora. The uadIo-.lIn.n 3:1 mi:.d!in_gl;_-ilhlf-liIdlpta.- tl, mid 113: mg uc go ll] 0 I ' nooivorto be re-ground, and the _ `Main pauu through the cooler and 3 machine: until deprived of every ' of our, when it in ro-elevated to tho iplnduoter on the fth fist, and nally pa-oi tluouzh tho nu-innin. m.-M... . tuvcu There is, probably, no way in which we can benet our readers, more than by recommend- ing to them for general Johnson Anodyne nu:-1.n=..a 4-J .. L`......:I.. \I ...1:..:_. ,, ... --........ V......u-. uuuuwzuo uuquc. The lake marine of the United States shows 1,548 vessels of about 260,000 tons ; this is uuly about equal to the tonnage owned by a single city of the Dominion viz., St. John N.B. We bulicve St. John owns more ships than any other city in North America, The Lower Province papern state that the Colonial Secretary of Prince Edward Island has gone to Ottawa. to make of the dominim. glll EBTVXCGS 1 :3 lay preacher. somewhat aim ` ha.'s recently 4 Liverpool, at 1 where Mr Lu ' gregatious. On Tlmrsda , the 31st ult., toice of the Carleton l lac Ilcrald was a. prey to tire, oc- u.-xsiuned by a. efcct in the ue. The build- ing, oice and euse were lost, but, fortunate- ly, the type ml furniture were saved.` Mr Peale will be able to go on in his business without interr Iption. He was in this city yea- tcrday, makin arrangements for I new press. While here, h received a telegram from his friends iniorming him that a. number of the leading personh of the village urged his a Lance of $},0(l0, as a tribute of respect and a token of assistance. Mr Poole richly deserves the supphrt of his fellow citizens, for he is 3 public-spirited energetic man, and conduct; nne of the best and must iuuentisl journals in_ Central Canmln.--`loutreal Ga7_/Ne. mi... 1.1.. -.._..._- ,:.L. rv, -. . .-.. . . nova`, aluv V QLIU Mr Spurgeo 1 Sunday, his p I This gentlem. 11 connected wit has for several ulnnn n;u-vi.-an .. . __ QA comical instance of a man` lnying upon has own name sprung urutof I t-n1inded- uess. Sir Thomas Strange. cnllintr -+. - Btcl1 WVHIS SPI.I~`.NhIn nan: `nvn :- ~AL_ JOIII V.~ log], Nsuxuxoni e "nouy `friix [ cogntant. cf 31%. over Mr 1 A S--WIiB@IEstI::siY I:ANUA.'R3Y` s. 1`HE `QDAILY 9 NEW s-= N011??? CI Isqovory known improvement in mill- iaoppontuo. The storage capacity in about 1 ,(ll) blllholo, tho total ooot about $35,- III tho wholo in nndor tho monoga- IQI of Ur William Stunrt. It has seldom hm our good fortnno to visit so establish- nnl oo ooinpoct and businou-liko in :11 its on-Iingononto. Ivory ovnilnble inch hu boa Itililod, yot without, taking from the anoint d opofeo noodod for free working QC oharvotion. Altogothor we oomidor rho : oniuont sud uuful addition to our -Inllhobrioo, and ono lupplying a hog-folt IIlt.-l{ail. ` 1NsiJ1uNcE AGENT. -lohn Iiio o is now in Itsly. On 1 recent n lpil was tilled by Mr Locklnrt. 1. 11 is a merchant of Liverpool, t one of the lesding rm: there, 1 cars taken an active part in reli- ml is very popular in Liverpool at r. An edihce of large dimenuionn, 1 lar to the London Tabernacle, eel erected in Toxtetl. Park, ; the south and J the town, u 'ha.rt preaches to crowded cun- 1 : I e r 11 ning II`! of the village uran lain .um_u., .... .., .9... nan Bowlea, ( horn on. at .. _ -.. . _....--.. anuvvlgrijllllllqucu A BBDPHY, PB.OPRIETOB..- This Fix-at '," (ail Hotel is centrally loabed in the .3uainl!1pa.rQ=ot s`e`tawn, vm tyiewlof the . honund Iahndswi the St. Invrence, and in . the Filhill Ln!` F{m.+..'..- and cars. visit places of at the oce. A First .I.nonnna madam! 11} :looa__ K-mxjpjty go; Fishin and Huntigg .}{oui1_ . `tr Good Botl_ '_ `Os_l-amen _ ll- -~-A1mon nose}. I111-st. sm-nag. % %z* +9W- - subuug?w@%" 1" , ` `IR Max-qh_ 30. .- V` `$7: 0! roundly 815,0." :1. an won udded ch. him an) .L......_. ,_ u . _ vvvvnq RCHITECT AND BUILDING _SU1{~ A VEYOR. Oice bud Residence Queen Street. (1.; 0.4 From 9 to.10A.M., o the poor. - -1-I/IIIIIIGI II; I.l- -3-; to Dr. Day) No. 156 ingston, Ont. _ In 9 A.M. to 5 P; M. ` n Fridays, . 'No. 4 Wilso'n s' Block, VVe.l1ingt Satisfaction Guaranteed. July 31. j_J ununate of the Ontario Vetennrfuolz loge, Toronto. Oico. City Hel, Kingston. - _ -_ hos. R. Dupnis. ll.D., F.R.c.P.S OMETIME Assistant Surgeon U. S. S Army, Washington, And later, Attendant at the Massachusetts and City Hospitals, and Eye and Ear Inrmary, Boston). OFFICE AN D RESIlJENCE-in the pre- misea recently oocupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously l7yVDrs. EV:l.l.'ll and.;Macleau, No. 155 PR] A C'E'S2S' S TREET, nearly opposite Tandy Bros Marble Works. Auguat -7. ' ___.._.-y ' ATE OF LONDON, Englgmd, Homeco- pathic Physician, Sur 2'1, &c. Oice uni Residence removed to ellington Street, nearly opposite aha Pooioe. tijalla in citif or country, ' t or y, ram attende mg . J.pJARpV1"S, M.D. Aug. 9. `z .. . sunaetv `_ lelfontreal Telegraph 1:, July 1.9, ` "" "!"'C`-'9 ARCHITECT, MARBLE `BLOCK, Princes St:-eat. , Kingston, Mly 25th," 1872. _ - vv III llI7I'g ` AUCTIONEER, I L. vxualmt A11" -Had. of s ' nu. (`l.LL:__ ' -- --u-uur wu Iuppueu Ann erected by K1. 1{hom n & Wxllinms, of Mitchell, CI Iupnry own improvement ing apparatus. The storms cnnnnitv ;. .I.....o v_'_.|'an,1&nd. umblo`u 4 ock, June 29 Aug. 22. v-.,...y..y,,, -rg/n_n||Aa;u "' FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the P966 Oce, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. Pruvlnnlal loco], [ Gnnanoque. A RRDPHV Dnnnntmvnnn May 23. Richard '1`. Walkonl, VOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Office 5 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. ' . J. P. Gxwnnsunva, L.LB. ,;KICl-[AID T. WAI.xn:u _ ` ` 91113 ___ _ 7` OS. W5 and Stmqt, Bmckne, Onh.-Jd_H`l ~~:1I1.1.r, TJ!'.',' Proprietor. :e.0lI1!libIIItol1d from the boats cars, Daniel llglntosh. 7 ANIEL MoINTOSH, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary (Jol- ge, City HdeL Kingston, an-van no llllllultflclg ~1oUI.YflI30W,NAfrTonNEY andC}eIk J of tile Peace for the County of Fronte- }.:_,_ Street, Kingston. direchlv nnnn . John Indie, ;ARRIsT1im.A_'J`.;..uV, s._)_1icz` can-v Am 1 01-..-.. -- ._-. u-u-uuvuall 3 IIIIIUU ) EMOVED TO MACLEAN `ac co s Drug h Store, Princess Street. Mav 23. . 1 en: up-enuueter the fth fist, and linnll y tlueugh stripping machine, which eeperetee the bran from the short. The teckere, two in number, are large coni- ahbottoned cylinders, paeeing through the new third, end fourth oors, end hold- iq end 100 barrels respectively, and in the impnovemenls they )1 over the Id method: an entire inno- vn `n our pecking. The oi-dinery capa- dty of the Hill: in 220be.|-rele per day. The ' wee supplied end erected by 11. ompeen Williams. Mitchell. ---csm any`: I 1.; CW` 17 allclllg gARRISTER3 lad Attorne s-at-Law, I veynncera, Notaries Pub `c. ___.-_v-7-- -o - uuwvvno Am:x3Ens. .ie., Truntaml Loan Build- ing, corner of Toronto and Adelaide reeta. Jomv A MAODOHALD, Q.C. Jna:n_P4'n-ox, Q.C. m in, Ann"! `III IQ !-`) _ --- -syntax nun tic aluywuc. gARBI_8TE% and Attorneys-at-La.w, So- 7 liihon in Chancery, &c. . ' A . S. KIRKPA1-rum: V _v-- 11- IFAVIIIIS R HENRY B. EVANS, M.'R.C.S.,] ) don. Oice, 156 Princess Street. __ Jinieph Bawden, ,1 TT0RNEY E-AT-LAW, Solicitor ii. Chan- L cery, Notary Public, 33 King Street, ngston. ` V *HI0Tl0NEE"i? ._...,.. anvvunllllllilllg 1ll..l.l.,' EMBER of the Royal College of Surgeons, Residence and Oice :- mblo`u ' Ilg IL ! in to, April 15, 1372. T James Mccammon, 1Il.l)., EMREYD AL` Ll... `D__,,u n u - - - Hpodonald & Patton. `ubfmhn L _ ---.. Jr-.. 4: L. iuoreau from T uni Itonp, we beliovo a very re- Wb , dividend could be earned. There mi pd. ud_ ha-o_ for Onhrpriael thst will hrnorl M the city, and no one thsnagood 5* `ill, which. manual in -----=--