Kingston News (1868), 14 Jan 1873, p. 2

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Appropration. V'gccori.wm\ .... .. ssoooo I.|lnuWu1l . . . . . . .. 89500 .IQhnnVV'u'd..... 89000 luhuac 93! 00 8: 1...... w'....: Av. on -.. ...... Avnv`v|us xcuuuuoln! nelug put. to meeting, they were carried unanimously. ----------;--:-- MULTIPLYING rmr. Wnuu: Fxsu. -- Seth }ro.-en has been three or four Venn mun-A 4- SPECIAL TELEG RAMS. lnical Weather In-Sport. (Per 1lI;mrml ].z'uw.) `.76 OI BIOCFIODOGPI. ' ' I: proceeded to the other busi- `, and rose at 5 p.m.| for 2-! ' hours. Jan 14 197- I01` 25-} ll()lll`S. 4 ,WJaz;. T14,A1s7-2.` inn Chamber ` Lsuza. the y announced I the Italian n of tho Av ending at ,,, ,-__-, :_ w...` -n -11: vuJU' Ohnlullor Strong shown forvtvh tgst Ontario H 1535 for tho budonn which would have lg L... L... _-.I- _-_.I :_ 11,, A I hHE >BRI']`JSJl CULUMBIA MINISTRY. I From the lh'itish ('ulumbia. (ljcirll Gazette | `-`of the 23rd u]t.., we take the fnllowiug ap- jpointments to the new Ministry, rodeutly 1 fnnned by M. De Cosmos. ` ' `g Amer De U9.-mos, to be "President of the E Executive Council. John Ash. to be I ro\'incial Secretary. 1 Hon. Geo. An-thony \Valkem, to be Attor- 1 ney-Gem-ral. 1 Ram. Beaven, to be Chief Commissioner of I Lands and V orks. Elillnm I......... A.......&..._ .... ;-L_ _ _.___,_1.-_ u Lands and works. 1 Willi:1m J ames Armstro ng, to be a member !of the Executive Council without portfolio. I , ,. __.....v.-wv: : 3 AJGIIN/lr'Il0l. How To ma Nonomr.--It is easy to be nobody, and we will tell you how to do it. Go to the drinking-saloon to spend your leisure time. You need not drink much now; just a little beer, or oome other drink. In the mean time ploy dominoes, chequers, or somethiw else, tokill the time, so that you will be sure not to read useful books. If you rend. let it be dime novel; of the day. Thus go on keeping your etollnch full and your head empty, and yourself plzying tlmo-killing games, and in a few years you `ll be nobody, unless u it is quite likely, you you should turn out 3 drunkard or 9. profgg- siennl gambler, either of which is worse thgn nobody.-There are any number of young men hanging about country taverns jut BOW. ` | u... -ux,vuv. A despatcln from Manchester announces that scvemgl cotton spinners in that city have failed. I I A qucstimi which arose concerning the man- ner in which foreign representative: should enter the presence of the Emperur of China. has been settled. The Chinese officials yield- ing to the demands of the foreigners. The di- plomntic bu-ly at Pekiu will be received by the Emperor on the that of the Uhineae moon. I`l... vkilJ:I.I\ ..t In... A. 1 ,_ , 1 9 .. - Mr Ouslnw nnd Mr \Vhz11ley, members of Parliament, have been summoned by the (31-own to appear in the Court of Qneen s_ Bench, on` the 20th inst, for having, in speeches, dc]ive,red in St. James Hall, accus- enl Sir Juhn Duke Uolc.-ridge of being engaged in a conspiracy against the Tichborno claim- ant. .....r.... u. uu uuu AIIBU vn uu; vulllcle H1001]. 'J'lu,- Khedivc of Egypt has ordered thawed- dimg outt of his daughter to he made in Paris. One of the items of the order is fltmnces of Point d`A1L-con at $800 a. yard, and -$30,000 of other laces are to be added. One of the largest; iron work: in Scotland has orders on its books to last four months, and recently refused one large or(Ie)r. These uxtensive works, which are near Glasgow, em- pluy 3,500 men, have 53 steam engines of di_fl'e1-ent sizes, and are now turning out from 1,300 tn 1,500 tons of nished iron per week, principally plates and angles. in rmvn-+. an hour .-.r H... .1-..u. -: "W 1-uu\,:yau_y luuuv: aulu. angles. \Ve regret to hear of the death of Hon. Lieut.-Culnncl Roderick Matheson, of Perth, Senator for that district. The deceased was born in Rassshire, Scotland, and came to this country in the British Army, previous to the wars of 1812-15. He was appointed Ensign of the Glcngarry Light. Infantry in 1812, and served with distinction during the wars which ensued, and having been present at the bot- les of York, Sazketts Harbour, Crou Roads, Fort George, Lundy s Lane, and Fort Erie. He was wounded at Fort Erie. He was re- commended ior a. seat in the Legislative Coun- cil in 1844, and in 1847 appointed a life mem- her of that body, where he sat all the Union. He was called to the Senate in 1847. He was Lieut.-Col. commanding the lat Military Dis- trict of Ontario. Deceased was Conservative in politics. Personally, ho was highly es- teemed, and in his death we lost one of the have pioneers of our early history, who are, one by one, fast passing n.way.--0ttawa. Free Press. s GREAT Rsaoicmos IN CASTLEDAWSON.-- c On Monday, Castledaweon was aroused by the intelligence that on that evening Cup- tain and Mrs. Chichester, who were lately married, wereto arrive at Moyols. Castle, the residence of Robert Peel Dawson, Esq., father of the bride. On the-arrival of the 5.15 p.m. train from Belfast, s carriage-im waiting conveyed the bride and groom from the railway station, through the lawn (which was by this time illuminated), to the castle. In the town, signals of rejoicing were' in every direction. Mrs. Chichester was well known to the people of Castledawson and neighbourhood and was esteemed by all. About six o'clock a large. crowd, including the most respectable peo- ple of the district, might be seen following a carriage drawn by horses. So soon as it ar- rived outside of the castle boundaries, from whence it proceeded up to the `Diamond, where tar barrels were burning snd persons vociferously cheering, and where froni the carriage slighted the bride and groom, to- gether with Mr Dawson, who, at this stage of the proceedings`, addressed the assembled multitude in words suited for the occasion, followed by Mr Chichester, amid great. cheering and waving of hate. The party then proceeded on foot `close- ly followed by the chereing crowd, round the town. After haiiing thanked the inhabitants again and again for their kindness, the party entered the carriage, and proceeded to the castle, where hos- pitality was freely dispensed. -To enliven toe proceedings, Mr W eir s cannon red at short in torvals, -which continued until about ten o c1o ck.--Londonderry Sentinel. 'IIl'nuv s-I\ .e.. \1.--- ' u-- not an: vuxuuun wlxcn woum I170 tohvebeenundegoedin Upper Ceudn Kile 011 state of shin previeue to can- duieu had still eentinued to exint. Any of our readers who have an idea of emigrating to the Vvestern States would do well to read our morning despatches before purchasing their tickets. Never in the annals of this country has such severe weather been experienced, as has visited_Iowa. and .Minue- note. this winter, Men and cattle have frozen to death on the reeds ; one man at a railway station succumbed to the intense front while proceeding to the tank, which could not have been many yards distant from the _eta.tion door; the rail:-ends of Iowa. ere hlockelled with snow drifts of e magnitude never dfenmed of in frozen-up Cnnede," and to add to the horrors of the situation, the residents of the prairie country are running short of fuel. The urobabilitv is tint matter: are my... ........... ,p_!'Ill'l9 country running short of fuel. probability matters are even worse than 'they are described in the associated press despatches, which, coming as `they do from the Western States. are not likolv to be exaggerated. Notwithstanding the Mivice of the lamented4Sagc of Chappaqua to young men-, to go West," we would my to our en- piising young Canadians, stay at home ; you have a cuuntry bettorin every respect than any State in the neighbouring Union. f\.. A ........... -_ I` ' ' ON Am'Em'1s:nxe.-Do merchants bestow the notice that it merits upon-the quiet and unobtrusi\'e, yet tremendous latent power which lies. always within their reach and ready for theirnse in newspaper advertising ? We refer to merchants in general, not to such intelligent and active minds as have brought out fortunes from the proper use of the local paper. Fake the average merchant of coun- try town: is he apt to euiciently well con- sider the advmnta es he would derive from I little judicious zmvertising? Does it ever occur to him that he is not quick enough in gannouncing his new stock, or careful enough to keep his name before the pea 10`? Does it ever seam to him that he might first in the town instead of last, and that in neglecbing advertising, he is failing to use as ready and powerful a means to success as any other he could name? An advertised article holds its name. It is much easier to sell, and makes it easier to cause people to believe that it is as represented. For instance, 8 retailidry good merchants receives a fresh invoice of. French calicoes. How much easier is It for him to make a. lively and striking announcement of the fact in the newspapers, than to go through the troublesome operation with each customer _ of explaining that the goods are just received, and that they are imported. "Advertised articles hold their name because people "see the name in prmt. /1 1- -- -of emigrants that left ` year 1872, for America, MONTREAL MARKETS. (Special Telegram to lw;.Daily Newt.) Montreal, Jan. l4.--Flour--ma1-ket con-ll tinuos dull and unclnn ed; downvvnrd ten- dency; buyora still hol ' back except 01- the supply of pressing local wants: nuner uency; buyer: emu holding back except lot supply pressing wants ; super down, 6,15, but very few sales reported. G1-ain--ne transactions - rates purely nominal. 1 :-ovisiona-pork, mess, olfered at 15 to 16,50. Hogs quiet ; sales of ordinary mrera.gce`At 5,50 to 5,55. Butte:--no change to note ; choice in demand for the States, but ordinary and in- ferior still neglected. Anhes quiet at former mtel. V NEW YOKK`MA.R.KE'I-`S (Special Telegram to the Daily News.) Now. York, Jan. 14, 2 p.In.-Gold ll2. Cotton 20c for M. U. Flour rm ; receipts 4,000 barrel: ; Ida! 5,(XX) barrels ; quotations `unchanged ; :1: 5,85 to 6,25 superne state, western ; 43,95 to 7,75 for common to extra state ; 6,85 to 7,75 lor com- mon to choice extra western. Rye our quiet. VVheat quiet and nominally un- changed ; receipts 5,000 busholu ; at 1,57 Jto 1.67 for No. 2 opting aoat; 1.70 1,711 for No. 1 do ; 1,72 to 1,90 winter - rod western; 1,85 to 2,00 for ember weotorn, latter choice ; 1,825 to 2,15 for white wont,-.` orn, latter very choice; Rye scarce Ind rm ; at 95a for prime western; 96 to 973 for itato. Uorn quiet and steady ; receipts 38,000 bush ; ulna 87,000 bushels ; at 666. to Mic for old wooteru mixed -, 64 to 64} for do in store ; 66 to 66c forfur new weotern mixed. Barley dull and unchonged. Oat: very linu ; receipts 50,000 buih ; sales 22,000 bush; at 48h: to 50!: for old waster-n min-ul . 40 MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. (special Telegrani to the .DailykNa1u.). Moxitrul, Jan. 14. Bank of Montren.l-l82}, 182*, 100 at 18%. Merchants Buk-ll0, 113}. Bank of Commcrce-ll7,_ll8. ,_ I 00ut:rii Bank---100$, 101}, and 20 at l 1. Bank of Tnronto-l96, 199. Roynl Cnadhm Bauk-97, 97}. nnu receipts 50,000 bulb; 50; old western mixed ; 49 to 52 for new ; 52 to 54 for whitg; 46 to 49c for black do; 520 good WhitO ; 52 prime mixed ntate. Pork quiet and unchanged at 813,50 to 13,15 for new. Lard quict andllteady ; at 7} to 8c for stem; 8} to 8c for kettle rendered. Butter 25 to 32. Cheese P2 to Mic. Petroleum, crude, It 9 to 92 ; for lie- ned 23; to 2324:. * lVl.:,....-- `I..- - IA u__,:_L_ ,2 1 - - ....-.. ...., .. ....,... Chicago, J an. l4.-Reoeipta of hogs for the last two days 54,147 ; Ihipminh 13,973. ` -v------ --u -U111 vv-Nauru LII Illli. `e oeneeqnenoe in tint this nilwsy has 3' edsil egpiletthe Provinciel Treasury n-mi-dthn (In... 13.3. 0-.. -...L .._ uuu.-nun , uvu-v-ucy-f-us Du. 0-Ina I: nuns. Thursday morning the beedle of the French Church Montreal discovered s can in one of the pews of the church, and upon examine- taon tound to his horror that it contained the body of a dead child. The body Ins at once conveyed to the Central Police Station, end an inquest o ened by Coroner Jones. The me- dical men w e examined the body stated thnt there were no marks of violence on it. A ver- dict was given in accordance with the evi- dence. u - Queen Victoria. has a pointed Lady Iriglis; widow of Major Genet John WilmotEa.rdley Ingli,s K. C. B., the defends: of the reuidency, Lucknbw, housekeepqrof St. June! Palace. 'l`lm.-.11.... n...-.:.... 4|... '|.....:1- .2 `.1... 1:I_._..\_ url.l.l. Doc. 18, at Maghors, Co. Londondorry, the wife of Mr Willism Morrison, of 5 dsughtexf. DIED. ' ' ' In this city on Mondny, the 13th Jsuuary, Sarah Esther, infant daughter of Mr William Dunlap, god 2 month": and % inyl. ` In Toronto, on Sunqny night, In Macken- zie, rolict of late Wilhsm Lyon Hnckcnzi, in the seventy-first you of her age. .-_- ...... uuuuuu un. nuuuurl and J2` tion of enoralbnsinesu, will the office of t e und_e,1-signed, on ` the 15th January, I873, at 2 6 clo( `ISA Ad ! my 1ALEx.Ross] nu decided to sell {he balnnceof _ wmrna s'rocK of an mum; nuun, used as tty led, with accounts. The nder V" be suit: rewarded by leaving it at this oigo; J Ln. 14. - .-- -u-vv\lllU'I 1 1- 1-) BARRISTER and Attorne -st-Law, So- licitor in Chancery, Lqtnry Public, Uonveysncer, 32 Strut, Kmguton; Ont. At Gumnoque, over S. McCa.Inmou'I Store. everv Tnamlnv ma 1r..:.x.... r. a.-Al.I members :1 fully invited to attend. |s'mcK-TAKING `SALE. I `} Tn G111 Gvzzx.z.-Ou: remark, oepied ` llouebutenponey, that e eertein mem- heel Parliament wee nick when he ought bheve moved the reply to the eddreee lleutlethone eeeme te hve been vil- hlly liendeuteed by thee peper. We Quiet! dnthejlstter he jeviel any, eque we thought: jeko might be in- hlhvitheut ` ,' any sinister ' j. '1 e alerted to an jnnndn --I-:_L 7 Greatly Reduced Pricesj Al: umnnoque, Mccung Store, every Tuesday and Friday. Jan. 14, 1873. 44 um naval Uottaggrand iii an INDEX BOOK, used. accounts, Tin --`- --3` ..v vnc-wv ur vuu II u.I:rugl.|e(l,_ W edneadny, `he J anua.ry,uI873, o'clock P.M. ISAAC smrson, ` Soc . P. S.-All momben and other: are reIpeot- ully ` _ D R Y: GO ODS 10R the election of oicera and the ,tra.t\n@: ` jinn qf genoralbnsinesu. will be hnlnl . .;. .-Iiruilln ()S'I`, this morning, Jah. l-1th, betweo; J tho Naval Cottagutnd the City Hotel, {INDEX BOOK, nottv lmlunr bums U6 arument: w5- f% $1.2. ,__ ;I .:;x.;; `.1 ;".=;-`L...,.T `UTHORIZED l UNT:m.An:n1cA g nnroxm u.ntiI`1rthui_noiim:~9 9. l . PREVIOUS TO STOCK-TAKI_N G, :;______.;____ e Annual Meeting of the Ceunty 1' F t.e Agricultural '9 `33m.. . A pprapriafion. Wlrd totals . . . $5,973 00 Bpocinh 4.230 24 R. S. M. B9U_CHE'l"1`E, 7- Commnnwmrofcutclul: A. f moss. commercial} BIRTH. met, Kingiton; onti McCIung:oa : DrIg_ 1 Friday. ' _j__ aocxenu will be hell City Hall as follows: Kin; tho Fol-sign Bibi On Tuesday, 213: Jan.,v 1873, Total. . . . ...$l0,`203 24 810.862 I3 In conclusion Mr Innis stated that the in- crulod expenditure over and above the appro- priation was occasianod by the constantly ad- vancing rate of mou s. wuges while opening Manned ltroetf ' 1 Th. nu.-0 ...:. ..A....;_: -_.1 u._.u-___-:u uuuulory, n: such quantities 1.: Jay 50 reed . Full rtxculu-I will be ' :1soplicnt`i,:n st this 1% `l,';n"//0 -_- _._.._.. .;{-wrunonu put in- sinoe guy pgrchuo of the on-ton prqporty, and lie that all my liquor: will be mind inpn ostab i by a. oonpctcn 1% , ;:ith:u:'n;t whereby I measure; - ilkeligious Amiiversaries for the an of `tho Kiignton Brewery uni Distillery, in Incl: may be agrzgd `qu. pl_tlcI1l!'l bezivexpon JI . n.--. Morton I Ink: gaun- us... nquncli ny oonpgtcnt non 1:: at mouun . ` ` r. norm -Kingston Dintilloty 0500, . an unry 14th, H873. i __j. (GREAT Momufs FAMILY PROOF. muons scntchim turf, FOR. SALE TII Ouuu Cmrrnu. RAILWAY.-A jldgnout givon by Vico-Choncollor Strong loot took in Toronto nny oppoor of small inportoloo jut now in tho `midst of Inoro ltirring ovolto, but tho oobjoct will Jo-old ` noto ottontion Iron tho Province boforo I In`. 'l"Iu- -..-u-- _-- _.;:_..1 _. .1 .- without I (nu-n FD` Princess Street, vttnva. Khpdn, and Stropgm ,,..H__,` _._ .,...` \a4\_(_fV1D,Q n4.lJ`...4 'l`icketI25eant_|.;nsy h.A1..a.nn.- stores, sndst u door of the Hall. ->"" =` _ -U 1?! Jan `I! Iona" " A. 3. mcpmansml & ctrs SHEFFIELD HOUSE. PLATED wucic. _ JUST nncnnmp. % ` A'BEAU`I1FUL man or BOQUET HOLDERS, TEA, Dzszm A_Np"'rABLE F ""2: spoons ma ranks (warnnhd). 9|! n.c-it 370 It 3 Q-;l0c:k_,` H 3 II ` 'l`:..I..A._ nu _ Notiqe; .t.a_,!_;5a- 5 % Late Horton : ~-- C\1!(u-uu- . unauus to acquaint the public with tic,` 1 {act that thelxqior which one F. H , advu-tings for uh II ljIIlion |" ' Proof is not the liquor hown lyy-tlnt unit an distilled hynyhb (stint, and that tho` use of it by Hanna: in Innnihariad v uo1v.R.m1>0.VDE1~"t`s. ] Anonymous communiutians can receive nu` tttention. Everything furwnnlecl for inser- I tionnult he sccom anied by the uaanc and nddnu of the r - not necessarily for publicdion. but u evinlmcoof authticitv, IUUOIIEUIEXN` nuns Horror. Kingston, Jan. 1361-, am ` `illlhlp ` WEE IMPROVED HEMP DU iro l ; nut dunbloxnow nndp. It will last ithont scrstching the limit Polinhod Furni re, % % 1' DRY GOODS :- ncou an-u -, -mu -vnvvutvvu qlfj Wit. :4 .,.. 9J0 6" uul.I-IIlli ne ICOOIII ameu by the and ' wriger gublicdion. authenticity. I in durequesced that corrmpondenta WI" only write on one side of the sheet of paper. W0 onnnot undectake to return v-ejected communication. Sheeld House, ~ pUs'rEias;` " .EETURE TENDERS. BARGAINS: % NE N apol Cofai _ stij CID-IIUII llrict. I Tho re Wis adopted, and the Council at 10:45 o'clock. Appropnauon. $550 00 DivilionII'.reot....... 10000 xingm-at 65000 nn III!!!` `won- the I L..__ 1}: ' have #4} for city,` 13...... it-old noun '73-=71 9 Remember to pay your Water Works account by the lsth, and save the dincouun. wuss! clot .-- . -_uu vv Von . ` yv UII Something Inuit be done to put an end glin gar}, nf {Hing nut} 61-. .--_-_ : rmzszu Y .'3'zvzc\-i2i1i,`T1I.\_'.-i[` M? T0 oonkmpoxnmmrs. Inn: nnvnnuunhubiz-us ..... ..... :.1......._..s, 7300 35.923 62` smuuxv (srlcuu). A .__.,__.__-4.'.... l'__-...I:4.._... . Appropriation . C ' t t . n'.`.,`u.732`r'..Z:.'.' Rtmn. l..l--..: .-_.- . `... _~._...,. 4ppropriation. . . _ _ , S550 (X) ..,....sT23F: A pproprialion. ..973 (X) :03 2% 28500 l(X)00 KHII1 l'L.r)wuIi!urr. Q70] 95 nulltllr 8791 '. 9'11 OICI IIIGCK Strut: (c lea}{i}:'.;')'.'.`.'.'l Montreal strut (new) Hontreal street (old) gluon Ihovolling . ... Hnrkot No.2 .. .. Contilgoncips `JUL 941 ROI 4 an ` 6'91 - 77 ` mm 3| Illi 95067} ______,_j,___.__ ___, - ._ . Lhgh: T Itlemnyan not at tho Buiquot. L'_[ we ` I can uy in that when the c'uairma.n cangd ` upon him to respond to a. tout, W _e Globe l roport says he had left tho room. We do i iuot Willi to any any IllOl'O. Any'umdy who ` 7 road our remarks, would never -we a wrong , K meaning in them unlou-ho wultod to. 1 3 we felt that any injury were done to that M.P.P. we should tond or an ample i apology, but we lmow him well enough to lbe certain that he can approciato a joke `even better than Iume people we could . l ......\n l : sten Assnssm=:Nr.-Tlie Globe in out on this l subject, end sddncel the Italian lawyers and ; doctors as tremendous example: of tlu: faci- lity with which the enactments zuuuinent } - are avoided. The Italiail may be very _ good at such ecenumizins: of their conscience: . when their pockets have to pey far it, but u they are not much Ahead of the same clans 5 of people in thin country. It Inny seem l atrnngo thnt . the law business in King I Iheuld pay so badly, but still i any body can satisfy themselves at ll. glancu that the ll.\VyBT8 are really a subring cmu- munity by consulting the asueuimmt rolls. 3 Nor are they. the only surorl in thin re ` spout. Sometimes we liwtnn these rolls IL`, whole lhoet of names and not at Iingli cent of income among them in any way. Par- ticulzirly in this the case in Ontario VV'au~d. l But whet a change appears when we ap- preach the precinct: of the Custom Hnusc, | Post Oicon, and Excise Olce. nu AH Ixrsnnsrlxa Smsron.--A perueal of the more than unually important proceedings of the City Council, in another column, will be found interesting. The purchase of the Merryweather steamer, the appropriation: for the year, and greater than all the prospect of the location of the Grand Trunk Railway within the city limits, constitute an array of information that will be hailed with exceeding pleasure. It redounds to the crelit of the Council of 1872 to have given such a tting winding up to their transactions of the old veer. ZCUU IQVCIII -|JIf -I'M A table will be found utorbd with All the delica- cin: of tha nmnum Anal -3.... _. -,x.1 4.1....` .1 - ...... _....-..-, ...... ..-..o.. uuu.c. l It is well known thst the eicers of HM: 4 ' civil service pay 3 superannuation tax to i . by-law, and as a consequence we timl such ` , oicer, $544 to enether several at 8136, and l the Governnient. Se acclntely have our assessor: done their work that, linnwiag ex- sctly_ how much these underpaid ntticials i get for their work, they have deducted the ; superannuation tax, and the $400 exempted ` sums set down as incume as $1,142 to aim . some even go scr far as to consent to) be taxed to the exact gure of $1,462.41). ' That 40 cent taxed is a credit to tho city. Whe shall say that work is demo slevenly when we nd I nu.n s income cut down until not even forty cents can escipe. In :11 this we see abundant evidence of the fact that men of xed incomes, known end determined by lsw, are the greatest Iulferers by this tax. No? do they com- Eln, only they feel s sert of grim anger to see themselves taxed to the odd cents, and then nd men who sre gsthering in money by the hand- ful peying on one thousend or four hun- dred dllare, without sny attempt being undo to come within prehsbly an equal amount. ef the true state of the case. Cer- tsin it is that these eeers have a fair sub- ject ef eempleint, end that if even one half OLA ..-- _.._-- L-_4-._,.| - Accxnnrr AT HAnnowsuI'm.~A telegram iron `Harrow:-ith, dated 11th inst., states thet es the son of Mr Isaac Claw was cutting straw with astraw-cutter, his left hand got entangled and two ngers were completely severed at the second joint. Dr. Day was immediately celled in, and on examination he . found it necoooery-to remove 8 portion of bone from the two rst ngers. Tho child was about 10 years of age, and the _eutire operation was performed without`tho admin- istration of chloroform, and Almost without a tremble from the little one. This accident should he A -u-.4...-. 4. .......-A-, ~~- I -uvuu-no lnvnll Ia|IU LIDDIS 0 nhonldbe I warning to 1 the adage, Little childro with odgod tools. -v-u -owuuuu 1117- Inc rrounco D0101 ! long. The math: vu notieod ut the than )1: who of tho provincinl papers, and we not draw tttontion to it to nhow that tho ('4-'6.-I lug. _-A- _ ...-_.I LLB, . BAZAAR.-Wl hope our feeders will bear in Ilind that the sale ef fancy and useful needle- work in aid of the new Snndey school in course of erection for St. Paul e Church will take plece in the Victoria. Music Hall to-marrow.` The Indies, we believe, are prepared for all oenere, and heve 2. great variety of articles to eeleet from. A eh pond is one of the great ettnctiene to be presided ever by two of the hendeemeet young ladies in the congregation. _Yeung gentlemen fond of engling will have an opportunity of trying their luck under the meet fevenreble euepicee. A refreehment ILIIIQ will ha fouend nun-m-I -:u. -n L. :42 ---.- nu. ow ur-nu ciu of the Mason, ` n_.I I___.I .1 .1 .__-~ H: v- -v---- -vvnvu Wlvll All IIIIO \.|Cll.C3' and when we add that the End hand of the P. W. 0. Rie: will play during the ovoling, we luvo aid enough to ndicato to the pntladon win their duty in MAX, 1111 Ancnirzcr or ms own` Fon- TUNl:."-On this very procticsl subject the Rev. Joshua A. Johnson, M.A., of Odessa, is announced to deliver 0. lecture in the St_ George's Hall on Thursday evening in connec- tion with the Brock Street Presbyterian Church. The subject is one which in the am- bitious mind should excite curiosity, and in the hsnds of the lecturer, who is described as a. uent and eloquent speaker. will doubtless re- ceive masterly exposition. Wagon Tnlru. -A-now lodge 0! tn. 1,, Japan-hut Odor of Good Tonplau, in 5. utilised in the city. It is osllod the "Wu. an '1"unnh" -. __ --_,_..._-, ....... u... u uvvu van nun the case were bestowed on since:-Laining other people : income, we would not nd hundred: of well-to-do non in this city whose income is not found oxiltont in the city boob. LAnc1;NY.-Tl|e Orange Lodge Room at Glonburnio was foloniously entered on Friday night last, and its cash box robbed of some 825. The thief--poor unfortnnste said just to have entered the bonds of matri- money, to accomplish which in a hifa.luti_ng" style he had disbursed about hnlf the spoils, but nding himself suspected, and indeed ac- cused of the oence of which were he convict- od would have put a forbidding veto on his honeymoon, he disgorged the remainder of the plunder and escaped disgrace further than the evil oects of Dame Rnmour s gossip. , Ancnrrxcr o _,_n n_ ALI- H, -- , ,._- __-. `nu; -uuunuuu jig parents; renember children should not play i praiscwm-tl1_y vn . { A lvricf .~'p.'1cu has _ Alt.-but of this I-an : ]\I:I`i0d :1 vast inn] f pruficiancy. Kin cal organization; that of the HM: we now criticise honour of the cit our citizens were I '4 V--w-. Tho Calais Conbnl, odvncod oir lilo from Ottsvo to Ouloton Placo, and thou Itilisod tho Brookvillo Rnilway to M Point, and Igsin oxtondod to Ronfrow, Judo o chin upon tho Ontario Govonnont for o pro rota snout of tho lnnd grant. Thh in during tho rogino of tho Sondold Hnodouold Govornnont, old ho on ohiof of tho Oltlrio Govornuont oppoood tho chin in ovory ny. Tho motto: wan than carri- od into Court, and tho dooioion of Vioo- `L....II._ .u_..__ _L__. L! - ` present. 'l`lm clashin St. Jol1n'2i ("lIlll;('h (?on('ol't. Last evening the vocal and instrumental amateur concert in connoctiuu with St. John : ; Phurch. Portsmouth, coma o with r-(In; ` in the City Hall. The wcather injured its prospects at th nutstart, blowing and raining and storming generally, to that extent that: the streets became descrted, am}-the a.ntiI.`ipa- l tions of days seemed totally vanished, but notwithstanding this great dravy-back there Wm! an approci'1t.i\'e and respectable audience g, too, of this with the A 3 pi} ,,..<.... ...u \I(IvllIIl;;. now, \u Lana nun: uuv -, concert in the Queen Street \\"enloyan Metho- dist Church added znmther deteriorating inu. once to the entertainment, yet Withal the at- teudancc (half full of the Hall) ni1dproceed- ings were of :1 highly interesting and I:Ltisfa.c- tory v|i:ir:ict&:|'. -_,.J \ .......-.u,. . , The pro-grmnmo was lf)g,aDll possessed .\ Va` I'ict_\` of talent and featiii-es that had circum- il:IIlCt,`~4l)eCll auspiciousmvould have pleased the most fulidiolis 4-1-iliqztr. Tho concert opened with 1!. :-iclectiun by the Garrison Krtillery , Lana, which also romlorccl during the evening nnothcr uvcrture, in excellent time; and with rn-(lit tn the members thereof. has only passed since the public 1 luand but short as has bcen,tla:.t ]\L'l`i0(l iiuprovcment is observable in itn ; Kingniun can boast of two musi- .V cal urg:mization.~i uf this kind (inclusive of Nth ! .'\V. U. Ilillos) and the one criticise goes far to uphold the past city, vm refer" to the time whon were charmed with `the masterly productions of the lfoysl (`ni1atlia.11 Rie pro- fessionals. Mr llackett dcscrvcs special no- tice for the rapidity with which he has elevat. 1 ml the lmnnl to its present staiidanl. Mr i; )lschar's reading from Mark Twain, Tho {.__;__v,` (I __;_,__ _~_:_L,,2v 1,, at :1 : SALE or Pnorn1'y._-- To-dgy Mr Clurloa McMillan sold the freehold `prperty on the corner of King gud Place d'Ll-mes, to Mr Junes llcGoIn.n, for `$1,975. IJILA-`Ill Clllll IIVVVCI Miss Greenwood sang I know that my Re- deemer liveth in good taste and voice, and -very correct expression. Miss Jennie E. Tan- dy gave the aria from the Messiah, Thou didst not leave, with exquisite sweetness and clearness, and we notice with pleasure that her voice is rapidly improving in its volume, which, with its high-reached compass, will enable her to sing with eas:_tl1e most difficult sacred music. A duct and chorus sung by all the gentlemen of the choir gave pleasure to the audience, as also did the duet by the Tandy Brothers, Guide His Footsteps, which was given bythem for the rst time last evening. The proceedings, which gave the utmost satisfaction to all present, were terini- . uated at a later hour than usual by a. vote of thanks to Messrs Tandy Brothers and the eicient choir. The choir then gave tl.e Na.- tional Anthem, and the benediction was pro- nounced by the Rev. D. G. Sutherland. VVo heartily cpmpliment the Queen Street Church on its possession of a body of vocalists in their choir who can sustain without assistance a programme Inch as V was rendered at last night's concert, and we hope the choir will accede to the unanimous wish of the audience (and many others) for its repetition at an early date. ` Bouw or Ta.u>1~:.--The members will please bear in mind the annual meeting this evening at the Council Cha.mbr-a full atten- ' dance requested. i \ nu.-u -. u an . ..ln...u nu ...,._, ..-.......u...... Idly responded by singing :1 beautiful Irish Song, the name of which we have not ascer- tained. The duct, Take now this ring. by Miss Bates and Mr E- Doward, received jus vice from the vocalists, but lacked thaf pathos which Mr Dowanl is capable of impartiixg, in consequence of his suffering from :1. severe \: ugly- cold. The piano duet, " De L Elisera d Amara, by_ the Misses u..u.. ..|:,.:+-.2 ....u...-:....;:.. ..-...u........ l . 1 1 4 I 5 hung Jack 0' Hazcldea.u," . applamlcxl, hut rc;p;cLfu1i_v lg.-c!iuc(1~to no I ...luun..y nun: vvun.u no una cnevau. 'l..1d_v's Sewing Society," by Mr Alexander, v and Mr U. U. Dablus` recitation, The Spanish 1 Champion," were given with very good ebct and worn applzunlcd. Mr J. \\ alkem sang and was loudly .. 4.. .. . u;.... n.;..- ---.. W .. ..W. . .-.. v.......... ......q ...... ., |f a lady uf rising pnpul:u.rit__y, and one lm.\'iug rc- * ` Iuarknble compass and sweetness of voice, _c0ntributed hsmeraldi," an attractive bal- Ihd, with such fztxu-inating' execution that an EUIICOTO was raptuously demzmded. She 11:11 1 Mil" vuan:\n11n.] luv nine.-3.... ll l.-....Hf..l 1.1.1. 1 - -j-u-2 WU $105 IUVIZVICI LKXIIITJ Cepithe Orewn Innde for such an julteeney make our legieletere {tare Ihm .O.he little hill in preeenteq: We eell like to hen the Bafern jonnele yak I"0I this eehject. They were wont e beelequent in denuncintion ef this very alone, when eupported by the Arch Toi`-y Jill` Scott, ee they then nicknued_ him One el then even went ee fer u to say that he wee well paid fer hie edvececy of theneeeire, end thet he weuld not heve joined the Reform party if the Hon. J. S. -aging-IR 3.4] L..- . Hui- ....--- 1.I:_.1 ...... .... .. .-.......,, .._,_ vuu ....-.,.,. Betta, elicited enthusiastic appla.uuc.- It was played with skilfull execution. Mr Doward also gave the song, "The Temp eat of the Heart," 3. capital piece, the superior clmracter of which, however, was alightlymarred in consequence of his serious lloa rseness, which militated in no small degree against its dcliv_ ery. The \Vhite Squall," by Lieutenant F. Wilson, and The Friar of Ofderl (`vn.y," by Dr. H. Saunders, were well rendered, and re- spectively encored. Mr E. Doward acted as musical director ; he played most of the ac. compauimeuts in faultless style, and conduct and the concert in a manner to the entire satis- faction of the lurge audience in attendance. [The concert terminated at 9:45 o cleck. `Iv .1 ..~u. . .. ... ,...=w..u. Mr '31. Cunningham opened each part with skillfully executed selections on the new organ, which showed the tone and power of the beautiful instrument to very great advan- tage. The choruses included (J|1appel s Bo- hold ye shall see the Son of Man," in which Misses Clark and Cunningham sang the trob- lo ; Miss E. Tandy the alto, and Mr B. Bailey the bass solos. A Chlistmas anthem, Us`... ...... H..." 1I-..--n -_J u , .... .-_, ..... nauuuu vulva. A vullahulil zmuuem, See, see they Come, and the magnicent choruses from the Messiah, Lift up your Heads, and _The Glory of the Lord"-all renderad in well-nigh faultless time and with great offect and power. The beauful trio, D.-..4-..o ..- cl. .... ..L :1... Av......'_.. \Y.'_\-L U v........5 unu Awvvllasiltli, uvuuvruye, auu we Aria, Every Valley, from the Messiah, each of which was rendered with rmness and nish and power. MN... !!..-...._...,..l ......... `:1 L_..__ u, ,. n \Ve nearly onutted to make mention of Mrs C. (lorbettfs song, La Fills de Rcgi- ment,"whicly -she gave very sweetly. The plaudits it produced continued several seconds, organ opening and Sacrct (`on- cert. The appropriate I and impressive services with which the Queen Street Wesleyan M eth- odist Church was re-opened on Sabbath last, were followed `last evening by the formal opening of the new organ, and the execution of struly grand concert of sacred music by the choir of the church. After a sumptunus tea" in the upper part of the church why.-re the diicult. programme of classical music was rendered by the choir to the entire satisfaction of all present. In. rm n......:....x...... .... _.1 ., ., 5.... mun, uuu Puvvcl. :nu ueauulul tno, Protect us through the Coming Night, was much admired. The several parts were sus- tained by the Misses T audy and Mr R. Tandy. The last named gentleman gave later in the evening tho Recftative, Comfort ye, and the Aria `F'.vm-u Vnllnu F.-.-.... L- |1....-:..1_ THE DAILY NEWS-TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 14. Cu I.lIIlllll7II3I7l unravel u_v\,u xv; - I: s-- i nuuwi um: L'U.'1lllUB, Ia Guelph, Jan. l4.-Tl1e Unmlc.-user at the 3 1 petroleum refinery of the. Wellington, Uil ' J"h 1] '"` 7 `C h .. I. _ f ` m . umpany cnug t lire tile .1 ernonn rom no e unknown cause. The re was conned to the Condenser, which was totally destroyed. For-`I Land} |IId Works. timately for the ompany their boiler and stills ` J"'" 3 Am Cum `had been under repair for some time. One still had just been started when the line took " `W ' plwe. The loan is small, and covered by in` The total number I 7 Liverpool during the surance. was 164,000. . Oil Condenser In-,st.royeal by Fire. ! a....1..1. 1.... II 'm...a'.....1.......... ..+ H... 'vu-vu Inv -uvyv--- '3-no; on out LIVE. II. II Hodouold ind boon 3 little moro blind in this qoootion. Wo hovo no doubt thot shay will now nd oxcuooo onongh to ju'oti- Iy thou in oooing tho wholo matter through I diotont lono, and will bo oblo to opploud Vhot thoy oondomnod ono ohort your ago no tho nyotory of iniquity. lloonvghilo tho Ion. Kr Scott, or hi: clionto luvo'nodo;o goodvthing out of tho Provinco, unlou tho Attornoy-Gononl should oppeol tho cue to n ght court. It night Do worth Lho hid, old yet it tho Canada Contnl can get It, tho land lay on woll In givon to it no ll for o triqo pot Inilo to othoro. B.-.-oL: . _ _ . .-L L- A-__ A- _ ,. Local Observntinns -or uepuueu on Saturday, Signor (ti; Minister of the Interior, formezly the death of N: eon. He said poaublo tofol-got um Na. :3 contributed gt-eat!y_to secure the amt of Italy. The onloglltw rah":-kn of the ' ' 1- were re. eeivod with much um]-1.. I... 41.- _.._.L V ,,,._ - __--.. _.-.-... During the union of the Italian I -of Deputies Saturday, La Interior. formarlv nu any -- u 0.66 inches. run, In LVIULTIPLYING WHITE Green years producing the white fish by articial process from the ova taken from the sh in the pounds at Detroit. He has become master of the pro- cese, making a euro thing of it every tune, and he declares that he canjn four years at a moderate coat etock Lake Erie so completely with these excellent fish that they will be in reater abundance there than ever before uown. If that Lake was situated in any single State the work of re-steckin it vrith white gh would doubtless be in: ertnken, but laying an it does adjacent to {our State: and Ganeda, it in diicult toebtain jurisdiction and a united action. vnvv nnnvlnua The Baromator is read, corrected for tem- perature, a.nd_reduce1l to Sea Level. "a v omnseer `force The House than ; ness on the paper, a Towxsmr or Kmqs'roN.-The following is the correct state of the poll :- For Rgeye. Vanluven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `.248 Clyde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 232 Majority for Vanluvau, 16. For Deputy Roevo. _` Graig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 268 Raymond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `Z01 Majolity for Craig 67. For Councillors. Spooner... . . . 369 Elected. Robinson 290 Forsyth............. 282 ' McK1In.... . . . . .. 210 ' Hoaly 141 \Valker . . . . . . . . . .. 59 i REMINDERS. Annual meeting of the Board of Trade this Jgvening. ` A........1 _....;:_:_ ,: u , nu . . ... _...-- -v `an: out yum nu unu h this Iort of thing, and tho ooonor it in loco tho bottor. -Thoro`in no uio allowing Doh I Itoto ot Alain to 00lltil.IO. Eithor tho iloouo hx nut bo dono away with on- xoly, or IOIO nounroo must bo token to diotriilto tho burdon non oqunlly. It in dpply I fuco to` look Lt our uooument rolls In thoy now otuxd. Thoro in not 1. dnglo iton of juntioo about them. lion who count thoir woolth by thousands no ouooootfin all coooo proportionally lighter tin tho middlo duo of artisans and Ioehliu, and this the burden of taxntion hllo soot unjustly not on 7qpitol, but the pohoon d oopitd. And ouch will be the goo for you: honoo unlooa s `chums in undo `gorulblonoturouto leadto 3 total 1 uviion of this -Actor of auoumont. Legislature of Ontario. Toronto. Jan. l3.-0n the motion of H. S: Macdonalcl for all Orders in Council and offi- cial correspondence relating to. the candida- tnre of persons for the Hausa of Commons while holding appointments? under the Unta- rio Government, quite a small (lebate ensued. Tho. instances specially referred to were those of Mr Bell, Registrar, who ran for Lan- ark, the Sherill of the county of llalton, the Sheriff-of the county of Carleton, and Mr Mc- Lellau, School Inspector, who "ran for \\'est_ Toronto. ll. l.l..n.l..-..'I.l l..._..,l LL-L LI n 111 me Interest ox cue public gobd. The Premier stated, that no Orders in Cunn- cil had been made with reference tn the sub: jcct, and that the oicial correspondence was insignicant, but that, such as it was, it would be given. 8 . Mr E. B. Wood sought to prove, as Mr Lauder subsequently remarked. that two blacks made 9. white, by referring to what was alleged to be done by _ the Dominion Govern- ment on their own behalf -during the election. Mr Lauder deprecated the practice, alluding specially to the employment of land valuators by the Ontario Government. He said that the influence of Custom House ofcials and Pest- masters was insignicant as compared with that of the land vsluators in the newer coun- ties. He instanced the case of a Mr McCr-ae, who, the Commissioner of Crown Lands sub- sequently stated, hadbeen dismissed on that very account. Some amusement was crea- ted by Mr Lauder quoting from a letter, which had been written by the Commis- sioner oi Public Works to this McCrae, in which he said We have got Old J ackaon into a corner; see that you give it him." A copy of the whole letter was afterwards read by Mr Sinclair, the member for North Bruce. Quite a number of members spoke, on _the motimr," amongst whom Mr Wm. ` fiiho re- peated-his history of the K 'n election. He described the Volunteers of that city 9,: a Volunteer `force of electioneerl. then nl`ot'.At=,n cm +1.- ..u.... L...: Tm: SCHOOL Acr.-At the regular annual school meeting, in school section No. 3 tow_n- ship of "Wolfe Island on the 8th instant, the following resolution were submitted :- It Ivan u-g:u.l.n.J A-L-L _L, .1 - - -....-x Donmnox Bonn) or TAnE.-hIessra Jhn Carruthgn, \V. B. Simpson and Wm. Ha;-ty, V. P., left town to-day to_ attend the annual meeting of the Dominion Board of Trade, ` which meets at Ottawa to-morrow. _ ..u.uuu-5 ruaciuuon were submitted It was resolved that wheres: the school- house and play grounds are already in I tho- roughly commodious condition, for all neces- sary school pu oses, although not quite up to the letter of t e luv, as regards fences and some other triing matters. Resolved. that we consider the present school Act very defec- tive, and that many of ith sections are both arbitrary and oppressive, inasmuch as it aims at compelling us to goto absurd, and unnecesssry qzpense, and we wish to record our earnest remonstrance agninst it. J AMIS HORNE, Chairman. DANIEL Coons, Secretary On the foregoing resolutions being put to the meeting. thev warn o'er:-incl nu-...:........-1.. ._,........,. Annual meeting of the Eleptoral Division Society to-moi-row. Charity ball to-narrow evening. Annual meeting of the Frontenac Agricul- tural Society to-mon-ow. CHARITY BALL.-To-morrow (\Vcdnesd:ny) night the ladies of St. Mary : Cathedral give their annual ball in aid of the funds of the Hotel Dieu Hospital. The object` (Which is for the treatment of the sick of all denomina- tion) should induce rlarge attendance ; and it csmiot be otherwise than a. sucbess, if it be_ conducted on the same scale of that of a. year ainn- L 0l'0ll I50. Mr Macdnnald hoped that the Gofc1'n|1:e11t would see totheir duty to grant the petition in the interest of the public gobd. stated. no Orders in r`....m. mslgnmcai Nlr F`. F -now u--v -oocnuun w in to onow that tho } Cdtnl III -odo I good thing out of it. By an old not of Porlionut, 3 vory In-go onount of bid vu not spurt to aid in tho oontnotion of: railway vhuo torminuo would oonnoct tho Goorginn Bay with the Ottowo. '

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