Kingston News (1868), 16 Jan 1873, p. 3

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killers I1 Attend The Barrow-in-Furness Times publishes .1. report of 1! lecture on Canada, dolivercd last mouth at Miilom, Isle of Man, by Mr Szumwl Capper. The lecturer gave 3 very plain un- vnruished account of the soil, climate and re- sources of this country, `and recommended all 3011112 man who wiulua on .....:......s- A uvunuel ul mus country, `and recomnneuxlw young man who wished to emigrate to c to Canada - -,1.) I 1` o. 1 do ; 1,70 to 1.90 winter red weetern ; 1,85 to 2,00 for amber western, latter clmice ; 1,85 to 2,15 fur white west- ern, latter very choico. Rye quiet and I nominal] unchenged ; receipts uoke. Com quiet anxnnminelly unchi\ngcd;receipts l'.!,4)0() ` bush ; sales 32,000 bush ; at 6511: to (hike for old weeteru -mixed ;G3 to 64 for do HI stuns ; 65} to 6-6.}c for new w-.-. inixed. Bxrley quiet and rm; receipts 7,U00.bu.sli ; sales none ; 65 to 90 state. Oats steady and quiet ; receipts 17,000 bush; azilus 19,000 Wish: at 50:: to 505 foFild western mixed ; 49 tn 5`. c for new ; 5:3 to 54 for White`; 48 to 50:: for black do-L52c good white ; 52 pi-iiue mixed state. Pork quiet; receipts 100 at $13,709 to 13.75 new mess. Lard dull, quiet and steady; receipts 300 bu-reln ; at 8 to Sgc for steam ; S} for kettle rendered. Butter 251.0 35. Cheese I2 to Hie. Petroleum, crude, at 9 ;for rened 23. Chicago, Jan. l6.-Receipts hogs 25,947 ; shipments ,2S5-L V NEW YORK MARKE I`s .` (Spcia(_ Telegram (0 (he 1`:-UV \ ` 'r u'.-_) New York, Jan. 16, 2 p.m.--Cvo!-I H2}. ' Cotton 20}c for M. U. Flour. rm ;, ; receipts 5,000 lmrrcls ; sales :3,0()(l"3 barroll; quotations unclusngid ; at 6,85 to 6,25 superne state, western ; 6,295 to 7,715 for esmnon to extrh state ; 6,85 to 7.75 for com- mum to choice extra wwstoru. Rye our steady sales 200 bbls ; prices unclnaxngcd. 1,58 no 1,68 for No. 2 spring nliuat; 1.70 1,73 i No. 1 do 1,70 western; choice; 1.85 2.15 fur whit`. u~....o I Grand Trunk Railway. , . \ . ms LIITIVE and dennrt frmn um I? ugh liails for N ew York,;;e- Vincent . and Oswqgo, willboclouul At 12:30 lsily, Sand: 3 exoe ted. `IIDYVI! an `II `ITO _... ..-..-nuu uuuueas. H. J. Morgan, of the `I Denu-taunt. wall I.......,.. . POST OFFICE GUIDE. ` (Hap . no -0 3 uunnrmed Kleptumm | room were found law-books, er: wax candles. and a vs----`-at-r AIEKSIIII Patrick u .._ I.` r uaugnter and the assis- exnmplo of wearing high pp be in worse taste. lu I Arrive. is v u ,,-_ --_-...u - u nn -\'r I . , ;,g : r,0()(l 3 u , ate : 6.8.5 to 7 71s 6.... ..,... rencn sples were _pre- the funeral scruces nun Inzwtel , com- I men, and true ? the White house rn. Miss Grundy Year : recen.m. . T5 1-: Chulotto ilnll llldd 3 F1. . xii nun PARTIES intendin to make application tr Parliament for rivate Bills, either fo granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other pur- poses of prot, or for doing anything tending to aect the rights or property of other par- ties, are hereby notied thstthey are requir- ed by the 51st and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Canada Gazette), to give T\VO MONTHS NOTICE of the application (clear- ly and distinctly specifying its nature and ob- ject), in the Canada Gazette, and also in,a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affected, such notices to have one or more signatures attached. All Petitions for Private Rm. vnnnf 1..-. .,..., or more signatures attached. Petitions for Private Bills must be "pre- sented within the first three weeks of the Session. ~ A `I `nnnn man A1` 1:. 5!. J. GAIl.l')l;\'El{ S. )l.A(,`K Ft.I_l\TG ;1an1e|{t;1 1) for Trimming. A very choice stuck of these Goods, selected with great care, AT R. & J. GAR`D]NER S. N E never hzuflwso goo:-1 :5 stock` uf Hgmse Furnishing }oods at such low prices. ' I>._ & J, runnmwp nu,n V 1:.L.\r 1&1` ULUAK at a moderate gure material at _ A... D L T ,n 4 ______________;_ Pl-{E'l`TY SHAWL is a good thing to A buy at this season of the year. You can `get them cheap A11 13 1. 1' n:nn.n...... caaluu ALFRED TODD, Chf. Clk. Committees and Private Bills, an an nf (`Am-nn... H01 Ottun. 6th Doc., 1872. 1? *1 Ui71~:1-.101: VAIJUE _`l~`L.-NN um - - - v OVA l9KI&\J' A very Superior Colt, one year and nine months old, he is of 3 Dark Bay Colunr, and stands over 15 hands high, and is symexn- trically proportioned; he takes his pedigree from \Vild Deer and Black Bird, and was sired from the same mare as the celebrated Burke that died while leading in a 10,000 race last summer. The proprietor was awarded the first prize during the fall of 1872 in every county be exhibited him. The action temper style and pedigree of the above colt are first class, and would make either a rst class Car- riage 0%` Stallion Hurse, and will be sold cheap for can . ELGIN McI)ONOUGH, Colebrook P.U., Camden East, Unt. 4/Jan. 15. CHEAP GOODS &\J JJUIH FFICES T0 LE'l`.-'1`wo large saut l{oums_ looking on l rinc< over my store. ' l'10il i.aglies`au1L?l|ildren s \ \'c:|r, a. hand- i some assnrlzmeut of Dress Gomls showing 9 AT K. & J`. HARl!_IN[`I|{ S. [J:DI1:$7 o1~7;-mun VS(VJAl:I-:$',McF:V;i:e Goodtg, at moderate lizun.-:4. .\`--A t|u---- 1\I\AlI.\-\J1\ 11 (111.1 lJUU.u 7 \V0 Gentlemen and their wives, ur smgle gentlemen, can be ncconnuml with bmu-:1 in a private house where no t l,xo:;x-nlers are kept. Apply at this olce. . an. 7. '_<)'s1sH11N1-:`s Best l)x1aIityJ Gloves, handsome shades for ei':nil:g ear, )l`.IUES LO\V AND STOCK LARGE, `V718 ma Inc I Icluna Ith January. 'iIIioI I0 cents. \_: n-ulla noul Jail. 0. S151cNnvI D Assdltu EN'i:fW1_.a;1Ais and Geutlemen's All \Vool Umlerclothing, AT R. & J. GARDINEPUS. __ _......... ,.4u, n;n_y cucaun, AT R. & .1. uA1wiN1-ms. 1LE(:AN l.` SHADES ixr }.\lT 1:EsS 1 ULUTHS. selling chenp, J A'|` R h _l (1.\DI`|I\YI>ny:v II IMLIUULM ` A YOUNG MAN about [3, of son 1 rieuce, for the Clothing Trade. ftu_McNaughton & C0,, corner of K Princess Streets. I Jan. 15. J . way "I _ AT R. & J. GAR.DlNEF:. .>`. A [11 9E FIN E BLANKETS, all wool, suited for this wiutrv we.-Hlu.-r _ v..,_.`., .. ...uu.-...u.c u5un:.s. ace the] A1` R. & J. GARDINEPUS. .&TIl:r>si.mI: sHA1)Ias in 1-`1n:.\'u1 [ MEllN`)ES, Very chezpp`, Av]: R 1, 1 [IA[)I\i\V|\lu-.. PRIVATE B`I'LLsT. gLACK SILKS OF SUPERIOR VALUE pEAl. IRISH POPLINS aness 1 L; nortimz Dricex; FW FRAMED. _.- .... I :1` R . & J. GARDI`SER S. "luau VELVET CLOAK can be got u L l]'l()del':l.f.F_ Hun"-n l\lr I .... .:..,. LI V r.,. .....6 kn nvca, AT R. & J. GARDINER S. AI~'Ds(ME sY1ADus in Coloured Silk; [ at low prices. ' untrue: Jan. B. Y; J. Ga1'line1"s.- muuuo U1 1 UMAN SCAR] ligun,-:4. A lV n . 1 .. iluwn rut: r. tSLA1\'KJS'l'-S`, woo wintry weather, _ AT B. & J. GAllDll\'l<)l{ S. nu Va. klllkl-\I, VNE.-\'i' CAHIULE, nearly new. Price L $30. -luquireatt.biso1lice. `an. 10. 4`: u nulon. IU porting prices; A"l` L- 11` uoumn. ll. prices, A'l` D v - viva-lV\.l\.IO TANTED Board. in :1 private family by a gentleman. wife and two L-lnildren. chess I`. 0. Box 299. I,, [E Chnju IIHJ--.6 u - vvA.LIl\J\J.O 7'ANTEl) :1. good General Servant. ply to Mrs Slnafmun, George Strn :- v uuu.Lv\I\.l.I ' I 'ANTED A HUUSEMAID. Apply to Mrs C. F. Gildersleeva, King Street: _ j l I \Vholesale Druggist, I7. `E3eE&$E{FaI1&f AT R. & J. GARDINEIFS. /EB-` &S.1e}. &.._...._.'.,_ ..... n5 uvuue nu auuu 10V R. & J. GARDINER. . .4... AT 1'..'& J. GARDINEIJS. AT R. & J.*GARDINER`S. AT R. & J. GARDINEPCS FOR SALE. ' ll. &. J. GAIlDlNEl{ ..... us puc,-op, `R. at J. GARDINEIFS. {TWgmea:% Wlcf WANTS. Via-W1-# LIBRARY. 5 am: rnvate mus, House of Commons. R7-') ill] ' ; 259. .`.-Two and plea- king Princess Street, 1 four can he _-am-m.....,,.I..o...1 vuu .o, 01 some expe-1 Mzing Apply 1 King and I R. WHITE, r. 4:: p..;......... .. A be up by buying the -`X11. WOOL u. wnl.`1'L', `, 43 Princess-st. \\'m John ' _ of some e lmr 'l`r-uln A .3, cnulce See them \' r_-nu. |thauim- ant. A p- 2 Street. UIBHBS Cullections will be made to defray expenses The Chair will be take]: each Evening at half-past seven o clock. King Jan. 14. umrsuay, the 23rd January. - Addresses will be delivered by several Clergymen and Laymen in support of `the So- cietles l`..ll.mI>:....- ...:'n `L- .._AJ, A I - A. J. RJ1iEs`Lz C40 S`;;1 {on Tuesday, 21st _Jan., 1373. Kingston Anxiliar to, the London Religious Tract Society on- Vednesday, 22nd January. Kingston babbath Iieformntion Society on Thursday, the 23rd January. ' delivered bv an-m--1 HAMS! HAMS! [I 1?.~1v V `HE Anniversary Meetings of the following 1 Societies will be held (D.V.) in the City Hall as follows: Kingston Auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society llel%ig'ious Anniversariesj ` JUST RECEIVED. \ 9 I Hncess Street, ' Ottawa. PLXTED WARE. , pun uuL 1LUV.lLU HEMP DUSTE J__ most durable now- `made. It ` without scratching the finest Polishe ture, FOR -SALE _ ' n ` THE IMPROVED HEMP DUSTER, `made H. -m'" J an. 13, 1873. uvuua nu on cause, and q|llI8 thelth Boots well worthy of a. king ; Boots for ladies, wives and belle, Boots for gentlemen and swells ; Boots surpassed by none in town ; Model boots of high renown. At Rose : Store you will nd [Boots and Shoes of every kind ; Come and buy And pl/ove the t, They are the wonders of the : est ! Jan. 14. live-using. `s H .\ LL. SHEFFIELD HOUSE. ' `Vb ; the nub] IUST RECEIVED CHOICE LOTVOF SUGAR-CURED HAMS. SUGAR-CURED BACON, SPICED ROLL BACON, W~ SJ `LIT PEAS, OATMEAL, CRACKED WHEAT, BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, &c.. &n Scotch REFINEVD Bags MOCHA, JAVA and MARACABO UOFFEES, together with a. complete sortment of English and Foreign Staples and ` Ilhds & Bbls. Choice PORT nruu. J an. 13, 1873. .;_:>___j_ V public [patronage bestowed upon them M. BEGG & aincer than generally C0. beg to return their 1:3 to their customers and for the very liberal during the Cheats 3 lay Bngly. Sleveman Boots with which no Boots gun Boots excellent, neat and gwam Boots the cheapest in the lmd ; Boots well weu'ing-wo;-th theii ' Boots in Fashion : best device ; Bmabz n-at .-I-.3. .....1 ..e:.. .. .3 \Vhere can mortal: go to buy 3 ' i " LIIIUUB Au 1' 51.51.1101} Boots first class, D-..A._ i'rALIAN WAREHOUSE. Kingston, Jan. 2, 1873. A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF KOQUET HOL_DEliS, TEA, QESSERI` AND TA : cENUINE'LGbVERNMENT` I % AMANILLA GHEROUTS. run nus HnLufs. Slleild House, DUSTERS. 157 Princess street. at LJKSTUHEQ IIGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBAC- cos. _ * JFQMGY GRUGERIES, 1 & Half Chests YOUNG HYSON TEA. ~ GUNPOWDER H " TWANKAY -I SOUCHONG CONGOU ~ " OOLONG ~ JAPAN H H ASSAM ~ JAVA , .sPu0Ns :1n_d maxs (war-vranted), (7:11-cl of Thanks. VE=. FINE. AT. E. 1iEis1~: -'f TABLE , Kingston, and Rideau Street, `:1 best , and quite thedi H; n: . I.:...._ ii PRINCESS STRELT. : PORT0 RICO SUGAR. DEM ARARA Scotch \ A .....`I 11:1-u.n--A IAJAIJ-I. uuollt, II the w- will dust 3 Polished Furni- IR, is the urill Aunt by me, 1 would further lie that 811 my liqliorq establishment by a. c weighed not. ganged I ment will be obtained. Kin tori Distillery OE , aw musty 14th, 1873. C8 '.I.`ne undersigned begs to inform the public that he is new distilling this far-famed VV'hiskey at the Old Distillery, and solicits orders for the same. N.B.-In reply .to :1 notice signed James Morton I beg to inform the public that I have the same Distiller and Rectitier that the llte James Merton hall in his employment, coupled with the most modern improvements put: in since my yurchase of the Morton property, and am willing to abide by the decision of the pub- lic as "to the excellence and purity of the MORTON FAMILY PROOF manufactured by I would further be to inform the pup- licthat m be mixed innit ..-L..'I..I:..L_. __L `L mo navu uowagea and the Cit H an INDEX BOOK; used as pettyy .c.i;l' with accounts. _The_ nder will be suitably. rewarded by leaving It nt_tlu's|oice. I Jan. 14. ' HE undersigned is prepared to receive Tenders for HAHU and SOFT WOOD, for the use of the Kingston Brewery and Dintillery, in such quantities as may be agreed on. Full particulars -will be given on application at this otce. MORTON S FAMILY PROOF. Everything in the store 1 great sacrice. -r . - - - Just ngrived a fine supply of CHIGNON-S --Ne Plus Ultra, Alexam-Ira, ai1dNonp:J.rci1 ` --Switch08, &c., the best in the city. Dec. 19. FOR. THE BEST AND (_'HE;1 XMAS AND NE\\' YEAH`-5' Pl`.ESF.N'I'S Stii continues at Our entire stock is now re clearbeforc stock-taking. A will be sold at and below cu our last Sale of the winter bound to give splundid I .:xr;_ `IA. B. MAGPHERSDN & cars! GREAT _. , Y , ,_- The undersigned } vht ditininn u . 3.... A -5 witches, Greatly Reclucecl Prices Jan. H. MLExfRoss Has decided to Wl\1'I` jvntvo S 13,` 'ng, Jan. 14th, between 108$; Na`:a.lm(; ortmtages and the City Hotel, :1 BOOK; unaegl petty ledger. sTT0Ti;-ii ki]\?e: m SALE; Sect Department of Public \Vorks, Ottawa, 28th J)ec., 1872. The time for rqceiving TEnder's above works has been extended to M0 3rd February next. Department of Public \Vorks, s 14th January, 1873. --.. ;.=nu0l s must be made ( forms, and to each must be att tunl signatures of two responsib ersons, rasidents of the Domain econw sureties fo the due ful contract. ' This Depm-t.ment does not, itself to accept the lowest or an p.11 ....,L.- ` Umce, Point Fortune; day, the 22nd day 0 printed forms of Tend A11 rn, - _ ,_-_ ........= u. LCIIUCFV All Tenders must be 1 Iignatu;-es of two res run..- .. . Jan. 14. mm 1 tI O I KUABY. , DRY GOODS , C`RIJF)1FyO.R}D b`, THE RUSH ! - -u\J\.IL' mauulactured c, at myliqiuorl` ~' inny lishment competent person and |eq__1_:ot. Wherebv full m.........x ._..y or January next, 1873, formtuife non of 3 Dun, Timber-Slide,` and Cansl V :wo,I.oc'ks, in tye Cu!'lloI_1'_l_iap_idg. Plans and specications of the works Je seen at this otce, and at the Enginc -e, Point Fortune. on and after \Ved Y: dav of .1.rm........ ..-..L ~ DRY GOODS ! PREVIOUS TO S'I`0L!1-'. _. _,...,-.u.-awn; na nxxed innye unent wher b f 11 In-aaurc; ll 2 y u L vv u-m.\:11u bl] By order. S2 ] llI.`s'(,`lC.s'S .\"J`l .El'l`. Macpherson 85 Co. TENDER; KING STREET. led Sit" the balance of WINTEI: S l'OUK of /BARGAINS ,.__. -9 vvuv uv rk-taking. A11.\vm.11;n<:oo1s cost. This will be season. VVe are _,u 1-... tment however, bind b any Tender. 1 ur. Iorcune. \V of January next, f Tender will be fllriuln 3 reduced to cost to All In? .. FRIDAY. eiving Tnxleis fgr "`t1I` 1 MONDAY, or January '1 Mar furnished. ; on the print must attachcd the 2 T34 2 must be sold at n. F. HOOPER. ) printed a.c- 3 sponsible and solvent 2 Dominion, willing to fullment of the ' i . ,- u of thvc can Engineer s \Vedn(-5: IJLIZITV nnvf, u-lm~-- .-'J`AKI"NG, n :1 L14` , Sect-ctar y. I nxsrong `IA l`l,.\"I` 3 r-famed BLHIFSJ When 1:11 `ULI'1lC' I with Esign ofvthe Goidgn Lion. A G rcat Rush 5 GOLDEBE LION.) The Store will be open evry 7 o clock. Sale to commence T4 All Goods sold fnr nu]. ma.- y auevenso ' Ilillud. M December 27. M u umnlbli V 15. The premises to b 19!: 1st March. All account: due tb be sejtlegl 131: February. Therpeople of Kingston and ` surrounding country will nd this the Chen ` st Sale evur thrown on the market. For the a<:_c'n`xnnioul:i- tion of ' ' \- $10,000 W01u'H,[ All new and well fore the 15th of Fe] N () RESERVE. b All ....,.4...-L v - ; nun IJIuHh` will be} Ereceivecl 1 SA'1`URl)AY, jibe 13m erection of a Three - torey 51:01 80 x 33, for Messrs (`eorge R01 ()utario ;5't.rect. . Plilhn nun] uv .,......uu m.rcct.. ` Plans and speou'ica.1mms ma ofce. ` The lowest _ Ten r'H`31- not oepted. ` ybseonstl necessarily TI\`I'I 1v .\.__ SELLING OUT I 1 oclock. Sale don} Goo_ds sold for ( HE'S A_lo:5u.nder (2) xuve gm-(ls (V f! uanmea reels; Salad C1-un,. Chetnev Sauna, Very Old Vsherry Wine Very 01.1 Pm map, _ Very Old Taragona Sheny, - Very Old Tn-agons Port Very om Jnnnica Rm, A ry hurdle: Very Old Irinh`Wiiiikoy, ' Xery Old Scotch 110.. D ryumn-3'-h~ ' \V7:ry 01ascm1zvg:*y = Very Old Canadian? Marjschino, quarts Agad pints, `C';".5`Ia:('3-,5'57H 3$i 7a `a ng. nmauar taste, Strasbourgh Meats, Le-ibig s Meats, Poted Game, Pxtindesble, M alaan Grimm, M mags urapes, Lemons, Candied Peels; Cram. aalaa U . Chetney Sauce, \Vo1-estenhire Sauce, &c., &,c. ,_`; \.@\J `LII|aK:7- 4` '6 keep nothing but 110 first qu.-xli Brandy, Rum, (Lin, Family Proof, Old ll; f wood or bottle, Vry Fine ' ' I n - , - - - K 7 """"! `cry Ellle ]JP01't and Sl|cr1'y Wi]|gS_ Give II: 3: null .....x _-, 1 . nurse naaxsn ckle, Asparagus `in tins, Red Chillies, Pickled, Imperial Hot; VValuuts, Sardines, Lobaters, Salmon, Mackeral, I. nchovey Pate, Bloafar Paste, Sh-g.Im......I.. `uI:..-a.- rarnnueame, Mala.guGra , Lemons. P Btl`8WDeI'l'y J am, ~ Orange Marmalade, ' ` Lemon Marmalade, Peach Jelly, Apple Jelly, Pine Ap_ple Jelly, H one Radish Pickle, Ammramun -in +5.1. 0 Preserved Ginger, Black Currant Jelly, ; led Currant Jelly, (iuoseberry Jam,` Raspberry J am. Strawberry Jam, Orange Manhnluln ` u.Lb\.AA. .1015- LE.\I0l\', ORANGE AND, CI 1'R0f\' 1 Extracts and Spices of all kinds. Our Galilee is the best in the city. V I r\1'T'- ~-*- "- in )FFERS for sale the ` Canned Peaches, ' Canneul StrawbcI1-ies, Canned Pilxenpplcs, Canned Pears, Cmmc-:1 Uherrimz, . Canned l):nm-sous, ' " Uauueul Pie Fruit,` 4 'mmed Corn, Uanned l`mnn.t0cs, Canned Pnhn In. In uanneu lmnntocs, Canned Peasc, &c., &c. V. 1:. MTl-{:lE oz vo., . wwntrm c... an} [Ills umrxo P. : mll Kixlstolx, DEC. l, *1? "Contractor; MECHANICSSI VENDERS will _ SA'1`UHl).AV 441- I well ; ;he hm. ..c l J'..'l.... m :5 us :2. can and judge for ds quality and price. y0 Corner of Brock and Ontario .' J L` ;;u1;V D . A variety. LABOURERS_ETC, uai3 nu wen assert 1 February. IRVE. M 03d? . _1.8'z2;, JLAY, _1me inst, for Stone Storehm dessrs ( come Rnl.m-ran 9- C STOC K `OF U ,_ _-_../-V: I and yourself aire- 1d to the New Stolrt-.. OVER KDERSON. rincow Stuot. uxumence '1 U ' Cash only. 5, 1372. assorted, to be sold be- uruarv. u corny tnne Storehouse, Jen:-ge Robertson St. Sun, \_receivec1 until noon `of me inst. r...- +.:... best ever iHi;qotd JOHN POWER; - Architect. ntano Htreets. J. _ElJ.lU'l`T, F. SUOBELL. -y evening until T()-MORRO W. Iv rnecessarily ac- I vlliir JIIIIQH '0-MUR RA 1 w 1 uut.l.l `of the one Stnrahnnag ) Streets. El .l .11 VI"! ugwwe Armmes Io; _ G1tEA1:/vA:ii1m'Y'a: ~ ` A kjimon 1?uIEs'1'..P BEST` ENGLISH HAIR BBU8l~!!`.*; MY FINE smxals,-I13 &.c.,` Forsaleby ` E. H. P ts1....{. ....1 1)....-in `nial nin-_.A 2.31.; , - V "l . | ).Al{.GE rtion` of the Stoqkfjafl A gold dnpl-gag t1 le4IlO_Il9h"Df V , _ V The remaining Stock of"Dry` stlll further ndueed during Ja.mury,_,_ broat Bargdnu will be given; " "" _ I and JIYQWV Diinnlurrrx-n I --'- ' .- -/---=-1-In nun uw EIVHIL I l JUST RECEIVED, by Allan Shun! 3` ' .-VH1! 1 or:t.lnd, 3 select ansortylinlt-O1 G50 Nit 4 Styles of Evening nA?uy~G.""' . A `saw 4: runw- A ab 1: A`!!! It ;111'nuE Retiring from the ` - ;..i;:".+'"% II, Hr: William .' William BRANGES! nRANGES;i ;r HEfRE(]:}U .Ai bal(){`,ri"I'itJif"i7l" V 1:. .. . o._ 3 in pogcpmsu and 'mUiisDAY_, 16th instant, g 7m..3.g.a.` 13.11}. h _ ,.,L wznlll A W-- Am MI .4. _ _ , ..-., ~_-r---d , _, __- "I I `i I . 1! b` V . .`L__`` r HE GENERAL ANNUAL;llEE'l`INO~`'w I` ..r_u.sshmho1aa.acchs Kinguthncvcldfvrl " M Pembroke Railwaywompuny, {outta of Dlreutrvia .for the ensuing business, will be holdpt the _ ' Wellington Street, of ' 0nf7., on {he 12%}! dsy OLLF rusgtl ' the hmlrvof 12 o cloek. 1500:`. ` Inn--st n xu1l`PeI.niroke**`ABan W3 B 0 an .-y, . .=:oImm:m'; I\ ` ` _ _1 `. .A;H A4. v' u7 `Md JLQ. 13, 1873`. I` Iney also keep nl I ;-\STRY on hand, shortest notice. * -I-r .. v-- p nu -, - ggsww mg.-u - '5_n...a.. ._.a vagina, ihrket IF you Want a,.Fl{F.`.SH SODA 131801 a (;()0D OYSTER GRAUKER. at other kind of Biscuits or Coufectio the K INGS'I`QN BAKERY, where J1`: I them 23 by Steam, ALWAYS. CHE- I . - ' ` ` 'l`}..... -1..- I- -- - - * I . lllacnee , Waddifg-.3 3 A z.A.A`I`=iv try: _Af1` R. 1'Q`w1#s`. Fruit and Oybar Jan. 14, 1873. ' -; .' _:~ . ` gm m ! 1.601 I? XCELSIOR TA/P, for drawing Chain _J and j -other L`l1ll0I'l..`."h) ,lKE thhf without drawing the both, '- ` En` NW. _ :4! aftiiti . `1ELECTand xxx oisrmzs and -MAI-A, V, 3 GAGRAPES. A ~ M ` ' LEM()NS,' 2o ceqts pafdgsz UIRANGES; , 30 cent; pal-,;_1on,. U .` Ul}.ANBERRIFS, 10, goat! par. lam. ' Andalsoafrqahuupplyib`-; 1. EN bomm Prize Pack AT R HI .n tniigr E .;n rat They also I .`AS'I`R Y nn , VVr?.7" TLemons !: Lemonwh .` .21 .::2." u `.1 . '.w _-m ` .;u`I-3 Livia m (hi ,w.L..' Kingston, B3k91'y- AM III, a , William P It uwn. He` .VeLI'n .. . ` VT` CAN` o1rENE r., 1 A'l`l5NT LEVER CHEAP, ' 4'1` 111iIi' V UI mscluts Confectionel: 5 -., ST_0N t ey-; ' AL\VAY$. FRESH gm :; . keep all kinds of CAKES` I_\ and make to order nu tux - 1:22;; BROS. Lsu xmas or UAKIE' , too:-der on , I.EVER com; scanwifx'1`.5: UKAUKER- 1... .. LEIIVI , William '.'hun-in iutcml DI l`l*IIl` L . ch. \'i.~e...:- PPIJCATION KSTURE tho] g)- Bunk ul Cannon-90-117, 1175:; and 40 at 7},. .= . Ontario Bank-100}, I01}. Bank of Torunto-l96, l98. lioynl Canadian Bsnk--971. 97. Montreal Tclegnph CoInpony--1861, 1865 MONTREAL ulnxtrs. (Special Trleymnu to the Dm'ly,Vwq_.) 7 Montreal, Jan. l6.-F1our--receipI 506' bu-rolu; nukct dull and transaction: of 1 com- puntivol retail chanctor - broken lot: of fame in extra sold at 6.6fnnd 7,10 rupJct- tivoy ; afow ulull sale: of ordinuyto Ine- diuu nupei-I at 6,10 to 6,15; chains No. 2- hken st. 5,75. Grnin-Ivheat, 3:10: of cu-ll` C. pring 1!. 1,40. Provision:--pork unchan ed ; m oering` In fully equal to denim: And an made diiculty at about]: 'DERSON. -IICCII Street. nercnanlzr num- M109} ;50 at 109}. Bunk ul (Janna: _____ -_ ---cu-v -vunv caught in tho norm and frozen to loath- A nun nnnod Christopher loft Glyndou, Minn., for bone Tuolday night, nd was found lying under the snow frozon to death. A young man named Barry, in the name naighbourluod, aharod I Iimilsr fatu. _-.._...-.._... uuvu.-.-noun, -uau uu: pfudpecll appearing favourable for realizing the dc- nign, 1 company was formed. A special steamer with three ooxmniaeioners, bearing. with them the amount of purchase money in gold to uonaummate the tnnnaction, was doepatchod. On the 15th., Doc. 2. cunven. tion was held, 10iCUlnllIiS.Ji0_llerS rapl'esent- I ing the company and President Baez, and oobinot of the Dominican Govennpent. After 3 full deliberation a satisfactory re- Inlt was carried, and a purchase etfucted. The people of San Domingo ratilied the ar- nngemont and a treaty we: concluded to go into effect on Jany. Int. 1873. . The Company is granted almost nll the rightfof. ` an Independent Govcrnnient ; will have it: own ag, police and Revenue Oicers the right to construct railroads. clnr- N 1:1` vessels, &c. Any question ariu- 1 in; between the Company and the ,Do.ninic-an Government, it is stipulat- I od will `be referred to soipo European 1 power for arbitration. The capital` of tlio ` company in twenty million dollnrs. Tho ` Pacic Mail Steamer Company intend to 1 run aeteainer between here and Soinaua ( Buy next month. The (:ompa.'.ly in formed 1 with the*following.. oicora: Preeilerrt, ; 1 Allen B. Stockwell; vice-president, Paul N .Qn4e'gnI- 0-4. .... _.- 7-I----- 4" ....... ,. .._,.....,.-um , vwc-prualuouc, ram N. Spotfard ; tmuurer, Henry Clown ; Iecrotary, R. R. Hazard; directors, Fred Schuchnrd, Goorgo Pullman, C. K. Gur- rison, Oliver Anon, Samuel G. Howe, W:in_ G. Fargo and S. H. 1!. Butler. 'IlH--uL--l`l'-_ 19 B--1 -- ` -' u. . -u -.1. u. :1. DJHIIK. llilwaukoo,!Jn. 13.-Sad new: of the grout storm continues to be rocoivod from Minnnota. Whole herd) of cattle wore GI yndou, Minn fur Ln:-g 'l`-...I-.. _:_I_; I .v 5-". uvunua. N617 York, Jan. l5.-Somo months ago noun] Business non of high standing in the nancial world conceived the ltlda. of pur- suing the Suntan Bay and peninsula, for which the Unitod States Government at- tounpbod to negotiate in 1869. A corros- pondonco took place betwoon them and the Dominican Government, and the prospects nnnaarino fnvum-ah]. cm. ......I:..:..,. `L, .1- --._-- -w-nun nan-VI l'IlUIII-\Jo :_/ Clovohnd, Inn. 16.--A deopatch from `Groonvillo, Pa., ono o'clock, this morning, my : Au oxtonoisfo tire is now raging hero. It commenced in the very heart of tho vil- lngo, and lovers! large building: one! mills are oldroady destroyed. At midnight a. gonoral Alarm was given, and Meadville oont 1 ro company by spocial train. The ro is izicroasiug. The 10:: cannot be esti- mated. A lator dolpatch frum Greenville says that about 30 buildings are burned. The ame: are still raging. It is impossible to get dotaih. \Y;_ 1Y-__L 1' -V P` MONTREAL STOCK .\IARK`T. 7 (Special Tele_yv-mu lb u; Daily Hun.) Montreal, Jan. 16. Bank of Montre:l'-l8l;, 182, 7 at 182} ; 4 Lt IBM. BXBLES. YER BOOKS, EOOKS. I long. | Merchants Bank--1091;, ll), 10 at_ll0-; 22 st I09! :50 At 109).. FINACNCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LondouJna. 16,1 p.u.-ConIolu 92 to 9'2} for both -any and account. Bond: niet nd shady, '65. old, 933; '67 93]; "on-forties 90. New Pins 89}. lllrio 481` Livorpuol, Jan. 16, 1 p;m. `- Cutton dull. Uplnnds 10d. `Orleans l0}d. Sales 10,01!) bales; Ipeculstnon and export 20,000. %J".~,_EV.(...!0'3K .F7EFT0_HE8- _-..J-----nvnnlvv uuuuuuulug uuu. L110 CXPOLII-i tion with mppliu (pr Livingstone, which was sent forward by Stxnley had reached Irina, and `he had xgain started for the in- terior of Africa on the 18th of August. | v ._.. -- n nauuv. London, Jun. 16.--.-\dvicu from Zanzi- bar to the 30th df Novomblr Itate that let- torl have been received there from Unjsmtiombo announcing that the expodi-` with lnnnlinn ..'r l.iui.....o...... ...I.:-I . ......,..;.-m. In reply (0 \ tation he exclnimed, The Empero Vin 13 Frances. 1 1 u _.. .- Purim, Jan. 'l5.-L`0nIrc, I Bonnpartisl. journal. of this city. publishes I spacial English edition this evening, containing two leading .-irticlcg. `Tho tint thanks the Quoon of England for kinilnou shown to the exiled Imperial family. Tho other is a manifesto, bonded "No Siirrender." signed by Gmnier do Cnuugnac. and Dugno do La Fruncaere. It concludos as follow: : The Emperor is dead ; the ompirc live: bccaulc Franco fuel: the want of popular enurgatic aictian. In the hair. vunhlamoable as he in irrospunaiblc, in the clever mother, in the lawn :m;l rorapoet of France, the empire will he 1'0-eslalalishod. London, Jan. 16., _`, varefimeatimato ol the number of persons at Chilalhnnt yu- terday xes it at 60,000. Many stores in Landau and throughout the country were pzujly closed, while the funeral pi-occasion was moving. While the Prince lniperial was rutllrninn {mm +1.. ..i....,..i 4- u. .. :.,,,:-, ,,- __-....b. .. ....c unu 1 nuuo uuperlad returning from the clmpul to the family mansion he was ulutcd_ with the cry of Viva l`Emperour. In reply to the ualu_ tation he r-1.-Iain:-.1 t-'I`l._1.`.....-.., :,1 1 _.--.-u. n . London, Jan. l5.--lnfu:'ma.tion 11 received here that the ship Chill Cutie was wrecked wlnle on a vuyal Shields fot Malta. and twenty-six were drowned. n, - - A- -V Brussels.`J:m. 15. ~ A `lmAl1u_`S..ill the fac. tory at Glxarleroi. expluded this m'orning1' with most fearful results. Eleven persona ' were instantly killed. and a large number wounded, some of them in u. ve`ry serious nmunu-_ -llIIl Min I Mn 8 Min P CABLE%f[NEW BrunelI._ J am. ;uvn way. 3 Lu! Cannon-00-117, , _ . , - _,.__,,_......_-,_.'_;_L41r.r'.'; (I'pcn'ul Dc.<)Ith`]c lo Duffy Kc-uur.) commercial. _..__. u1vI\.a \)IIIl'I ullllllllgllillll l vuyngo from ......l A..-..-.A---~-- -~- --Info:-ma.tion has been. Chillinglmm IIIIIIA 1\In .. -v.,......._ t_..-. '4)! is -lead. inersom _ vun v1'1'LUllI UULUD. 0100:. Arrive. Eutem Mails . . 12.20 p.m. 4.15 p.m. Western Mails. . 2.45 p tn. 2:00 p.m. Eat & Western N ightTrains . 9.00 p.m. 7.30 g.m. UNITED STATES MAILS. Through Mails 9: New York, Cs ;Boaton. 0nnm:_ willhgnln... .4; man nouwu, mu Usw`?o. p.m., daily, Sun E "RRI'l! ,,,__, __... .,...&:.., -vuauvwuuou nu 1;::oU `BRIT H MXILS _r Canulinn steamers will be cloled W93 ! _z-iday at 11.30 8.1!}. Per Uunu-d line, every Monday at 11:30 34111. They are becoming gentle and rened in Arkami.-u ; for we read that the name of nne village is to be changed from Gouge Eye to Shady Grove, and of anuthsr fiom Cut Throat to Blossom City. We fnil to see the necessity of running to the extreme of brutality of gen- tility in the aelectilui of names ; but the Ar- kansas people never yet did things by halves. `.......-. `nun: 5lIllWi|]'o Trains arrive depart froin the Kingston .$utiou as follows :- .-nrun .w-...... Express . . . . . . Express . . . . . . Mixed Train In use success at Uttawa. Mr Blake, whose carefuless and moderation in estiniziting the party strength is well known, predicted that Sir John would not obtain more than thirty- four Ontario votes on the meeting of the Qt- tawa.House, and his hsbituslcaution in com-' mitting himself Attaches great weight to the calculation. The cuisine was unexception- able, but it must be regretted that the pro- moters of the alfair considered it necessary. in compliance with the imperious demands of custom, to furnish intexieeting beverage, in such profusion as to result in the toe plainly-mallifestod exhilaration, to use no ltronanr 6.:-... .. -- -~ ` -vuw sue yr ILIWJB. gentle and nu from Gong C Blummln (rim \II.. I.:. 1.- . , -I Lral,` and A nice surgeon's bill her liuabznul will have to pay. . The Reform banquet in the Music Hall, Toronto, on the evguing of the 8th was suc- cessful as a. provincial colebrstion, though it di.1 not come up to the more comprehunaii 9 views of its promoters, who desired it to be wider in its scope. Messrs. Holtun, Dorian, Jotto, Young, Devlin, and other Quebec and Lower Province Reformer: were invited, but did not Attend. Tho gsthoring, however, in- cluded the great majority of the pr--xninonx mun nf the pm-ty in Ontario. including t\n of the defeated candidates of the Cathohc League, whose adherence to the Reform cause is as strong as,ever, notwith.-standing their ill-success. The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity sad the best of harmony was mainfgaiiiod. The staple of the speeches consisted if allusions to the late Reform triumphs in Ontario and prognostications of like success at Ottawa. Mr moderation in ..+.'m.'-a.... n.- ... uuull yuuuuon to result in the utronger term, of a number present.- Hont-real lVitnesa. TL-.. -_- I ` ` lton Pa: Occ. mac, as In his lnwibooks, envelopes, paper: candles, and a. variety of articles of no use to him, Whlull he had taken from other people. He is a man of means, and_ha.d an extensive logalpractice. which brought him in a. large revenue. A Hartford paper refers to Miss Kate` Stan- ton as A Delaware woman put a button and a pin in her mouth the other day, and nccirlcntly swallowed them. If she had taken them in `separate doses perhaps no harm would have been done ; but the pin had passed tlir<-nigh the eye of the button, the morsel struck In her throat,` and nice l:u. w/jll pay. `this beautiful and interesting lecturer. `A ..-y -u. An ex-judge of one of the VVestchestor county (New York ) court: has ben arrested for till-tapping, having been caught in the act. He seems to be I conrmed kleptumtv niac, as in his ellvelnnno ...n.-.l ..... -_ n-- ' ' unity had no part or lot in it, for both ladies have exceptiunably beautiful hands, arms and necks. ..... ...5.. ........a man no: worn. Miss writes to the World of New Year reception: Mr: Grant and her daughter and the asuis-' -.... a nu we "nwelve ood me 1 J ,'l`ho decree comes from the ` that high waists shall be Year Grant and I..- .:....._n...., u use! I. ~ One of the person: who came from France to tthaml the funeral of Napoleon brought with him some soil dug from the garden of the Tui- leries, which ho atrowcd over the coiu after it was deposited in the nacristy of the chapel It Chiselhurst. Many French spies were_pre- sent at Chiselhurst while services ...__, .,I - aw \ muuuurst. Many Fr: were taking place. 1`)... ;...-.. I---- L ' Mr Secretary of State ! Department, well known as the author of Morgan : Parliamentary Compauiun. was called to t.heB.-er of Quebec unsaturdny last. The new suspension bridge between Lewis- ton and Queenlton in to be 1:25 feet above the water : edge, end 130 feet Ihorter than the old euspennien bridge. The/towers will be 195 feet high. There will be three passages. The iapfei one will be used for the railway, and the lover two for carriage: and fo0t-pa.a- at-ngen. n.... ..:u.- _- ' .. vununu :. A novel oyster gmper is said to have taken place in Almonte lately, at a saloon in that village, at which nine oysters` were stewed for eight men, Thu girl who served them out was 3 novice in the art. She was, however, a shrewd business woman, and had an eye to her master's interest. She charged the modest little suxnof $3 for the repast. and nobody complained. Salouwkeepiug in Almuute must be a proijablo bnuineu. Klr II T |'-- '

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