Kingston News (1868), 23 Jan 1873, p. 3

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nu Mu: wuu.|_y "cat-uni, AT R. 5'. J. GARDI1\'l:Il:.`b'. ,AT 1:. 8: J.~ GARDIN_ER S. aclvvuvu wluu 51:1-nu vans, AT li. & J. UARDlNER S. "AT R.'&'J.G'A'RD1NEB s. A HOUSEMAID. Apply to . F. Gildersleeve, King Street WANT; WINES WFFE`?91- 10 LET III'W- `U C77 3'5"` ' ' ""' "F 5- -"-II- I win every other penon who wy in: board has fuund :1 wntery grave. N9 iqtcutiu-:1 was paid_l:_v the_stoamer tu thqg grunt Venn-1 gher the colliniun and she -deul on her -`their me. .the gollsion rtlneet and London. Jan. 23. -'-H1 bot noon tho: omignmt ship s Queen. A. H. R ackott, R-....lm....(- '. J. UrAl{l)I.\'l'I|i'.\'. . J. GARDINE1'.\'. J. (`.AnR1)IVNE[`.`S. uh" ucwons, R. wnms, 4- 4'1 -DQ:IIn1.Qn gs` G AR-DINER S.w " /.l II 01] l\ can ne got. up by buying Mu pnruvuu--.- ... .. . ........ .,-....-. Lundon Jan. `.33. ~.\ repgirlgitif as terrible ` mnriuia disaster lut night tho English channel has just been receirbagii London. Thu emigrant ship Nudlnds `which sailed him here seven! day: agivfg-\' ` Australia -.1 ;n ___,__,_ ,_,__ ',__;.| f'___ _g `____ Colon :' - ;__ ALL \VOUL | mlmzu . . :A.n. 1:. . .Snt:|lIu-3. . Heinickc. ..Batvlun.1n. Vvhn yon`w:u:t any at.-.11 Chains, Scarf Pius, Studs, Games, \ \-'ulking Uxules, Fan-.'y Goods or Toys, wholesale or retail, call at 5 Low l l{l(`i}S w1.\' 2 fI.A131E f `{ ' vuam call at G EN'J`LIih\I EN Cam -1' "-.1 . r11HE annual moetin of the Stock Holders of the Cataraqui ridge Company will"be held on Manda , the 27th Jan., 1873, at the lmur of two o c{9ck P.M.. at the uice of the Secretary, for the election of Directors for the current year. .TH"Nl' RFIAW Wlih 1 I .1 [incur wt;-u n w nun :1 ?! v cu no; . . ` ' . _ _ crew, Inn in culluxnnigii. nudnxght two miles oil" llllxxgep with an unknown fol-nigh :teanuhip_ `was out t.`. the want! edge. Only $ non: zu-o kndwn to have bcuu sawed _ is believed -_._-_ _.L__ __._._-.. ml... nun` An Inna:-J luau '|MUS!GAL AND LITERARYE 'l'."|'l\ I'l11:'I`l)l'!'I A 1"`fIJ'1TI n1-rn CITY?` fi4LI,, Friday, the 24th of January, IN AID OF THE House of lmlustrya Y the kind permission of Colonel Frcnch ) and the oicers of the Garrison. the` xplenditl Band of the Battery will be in at- temlance. PROGRAMNIE. PAR ` I. iguvx-an-:5... . . ... Missel G-roh,Ho1dcr and Aen. . . JJJI nu:1I|L3 I t:. ' -T.-io. .. . . . iii... . . .. .I) A]bcrt. 4--Duet . . . . . . ; . . . I Pescatori . . . . . . .G.1hussi. Tandy Bros. 7'. Qnnn \l:..A 1\':I_,_. ' S-`Si)ng (comic). 6--Sung.. 7 ~ -Song (comic). ,.r\ H; DOMINION of CANADA Notice Respecting ll'IIl| uvlv -on--u. u.._,.. Ow. -1` . .. -.-u - with 412 paueugam eg` of her , ,, ___- ;.. -..n:.:....A.. ...:.1..:..|.. 1 l 1.3 u|Lunxu:.u-1uat wucn any l'lll)llC Uiccr is required to give security for the due fullilmeut of the dutios'of any uice under the Crown, the Bond or Policy of (Dtcers already giving private sureties may `rdjeve their Bon amen and substitute the hggda of this Company immoately. The Sllellielql I[0llSl.`. There is, therefore, no longer the necessity which Ina hitherto existed for Government Olcers 0 involve their friends in serious responsibilitlni Iuretieu, u the opportunity is now Mfoliied them of being THEIR own HRl"l`ll?jl hv imvmnrzt af 2. small Annual Pm. V \Vl|eu you want. any Jewelry, Birthday, or "oddinx 1 ,rcgeuts, Tuys or Fancy Goods, 311 Tlle` Slleleltl 0llS(;. 1: nnolipea mam or nelng THEIR OWN sqawngs by payment of 2. small Annual Pre- IEDIIIIL IGANADA GUARANTEE co.| Copies ofthe Order in Council, Prospec- tuses, and all information, may be obtained on application to the Manager. JUHN Bl'lA\V, Secretary and Treasurer, Uatarului Bridge Company. Kingstori, Jan. 20, 1873. gollu ll eet : _tho unknown steamship - {I ppcnud night a panic occurred on g former ` ._| Fri... ......-......... -1..` -.l...... -- Jmmary 2|, PRF.8`lDES'l`~-_SI.R ALEX. T. GALT,K.C.M.$`r. VICE-PRElI_DE`N'l'fJ0_Hl_'I RANKIN, Esq. . MANAGER nu)" A 8l:cx1runY--EDWAB.D h A Unit vivu '1 no UN L1 vunufan 1 ucensaa by uovr ernment to transact Guarantee` Business noughout Canada. '2 .a.. n s p A1,,-- n_,,,,,, . 1 w1)ll.gllUlll.a UK-[ELIE- `The Bond; of `thiy Comptny are also act ceptetl by .-. ` ` . II A - iii? ' ._f 09eb9_\ 133' the landing Baku, Railways, Board} of Trade,` md Corporations throughout the Do- mimon. Dom-s open at 7. Concert to cuxumcncc at 3 o'clock. . Tickets 15 cents. The (iraml Piano to be used is from the F:Lct(rry uf Messrs \\'eler 8L Co. IJA Aav ulvun--;.\' THE DAILY NEWS-THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY} 33' A ORDER IN COUNCIL, It d b fgecember, 1872, W C IT IS ORDERED-Tlxat when Public )icer reuuired give securitv the ' f;`i~i"i-'i~.'R*i-'l&'iN'i}1':' Juunand was oounpell ul`uI: II y---- V`-----v- v- - -v- ---v- sol. The passengers who ` ` ` uleep rush- ed from their berth: to owe. - 3 tion of the mp Iihero my thought : ' ight be safe auul utterly rofuud to obe he orders of tlu captain. That ui Ill '3. last retort to enforce obe Ice to his _v'tu tire upon the terror-stricken people, one of them was wounded. It in beliove%hnt. if the pass. longer: lnml obeyed the oral; I of the Cap- tain more of thum would I Ce been saved. may be accyptedv in lieu of private euretiea. T0 PUBLIC OFFICERS The Canada Guarantee Compahy HEAD OFFICE - Ilnnnunnv any RAWLINGS. The ONLY COMPANY Licexued by Gov-- rrnmant Guarantee Business mmon. Montreal, J unury, I873. t.zu'aqui Bridge Com- ,pany_ H3. nun-ml .......L:..... ..t u... QL....L 11,11 um) SAVE THE QUEES. 133 AL; mMI'.3u\, llouonuy S_cc:e}:ary and '1':-ea-u ror. CABLE News ......4n ..Overtu1 u:...... L -.....__, .,..,... . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ..Miss \\'ilson. ..She wore a. \`Vreath of lluses. Mr J. B. W'alkem. ~..`.. .. \./v. ISAAC Sh\ll .SUN .i.......-A...-.. .. ...1 'r. JOHN SHAW, Itn I-11 ant` "I`-noun um Surety-ships. MONTREAL. Mr McIntyre. I'\1 ; n . ..Mr Keeley. ..Mr Robb. London, Jun. 23, ll a.Ia. "Consul: 92} to 923 for both money and sec `tit. Bonds. of '55. old, 93$: '67 9'23; {Ten-forties 902. Nat Fivu 89?. Eric 50}. '3 !Sign of thei Golden Lion. iniuctn BR? l:ENUlNE cnvannmm MANILLA cuaaoms. Receiving a `am. vmjy line, at the G lF|_N.NA'!,-H4 ` ' }{,.'.17 Kmnmou GOLDEN LION. `VIRGINIA MANUFACTURED TOBAC- UUS.` - { A few mare MEERSCHAUM PIPES `left, new deizns. suitable for NEVV YEAR'S Guinness li Son : XXX Stout, bottled by Burk ; Guinness & Son : XXX Stout, bottled by J ohnaton, at the GOLDEN LION. l""' "--1 1 Cases Bass : Ale, bottled 1. machine; ICa.scs Bass Ale, bottled by ibbert; and l`:mIu.nt s Double Strong Scotch Ale, at the (:u[.DEN LION. _w. R. McB.A]E`. & c., xvi:-117 B'I`I\I3 nu '*3..'.,`. EQETEB; 5' Philadelphia, Jan. `2`.?.-I4ut c\`cning an ' engine on the North Ponusilnuia mad ox- plodod st the corner of American` and .\'urxi ntroots, Adam Rodnrliouu was instantly killed. his son was wounded, and the en- gineer: slightly scslclod. } 3,4..3.Z.._,A_LE: T.`LT.E_TBA.E: xuu barrels ury Uruxlxed sugars, 300 Can Asssorted Fruits, at the GOLDEN LION. -ru-u-----. S.UBt1MET!EFEi7 v v--._..-. cw: - uuzu Mocha, Jamsica, Old Govornment Java, Plantation, roasted andrfrouud on the premise: at the GOLDEN LIO . W. R. MGRAII & 00., ITIFIIT Q'IIl\`I'\1'.I FIFE 1.,LAE'IF4_a, - __-_ ___..v.. . -..v Very Fine Souc-bong Tea, in Caddies, put up specially for Families" ; Very Fine Congou, Very Fine Lapsing, Very Fine Knisou, Very Fine English Breakfast, Very Fine Orange Yekoe, at the GOLDEN LION. {JUST RECEIVED. FANCY coups AND mvs` REES l_lR0 SZ .' ' IN returning sincere thanks to their friend: and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to them since openjn tho BAZAAR, beg to announce t.lnt'they wil sell at cost during the noxt' two woekn all Fumv T, Old, J : 01 UL: ; _1Ill-IOTIIBS New 89}. 50}. Paris. Jan. '23.~-Rentes opfd at 54 frames, as. Part- n the ndcr has the A. J. REES & CO S.,1 hAm\Au, beg to announce mu may mu sell during Fnncy Goods and Toys in Stock, in order to reduce the Stock before Stock tAking,`alaa to make room for their summer trade. This is no bogus sale, we will reduce all good as we state. Come early and secure but sins. RE RE `. mm, on 1'u_ea evgnng, Jan. zaun, ynnua of the evenmg of the 2131: an ppeviouly an- nounced. 1.... on I HE first of Profeuor Dupniis Lectures on WATER will by given in Comocstion Hall, Tueadxy evdning, Jan. 28th, evoninz the` Dreviouv 1'00 Barrels Dry Crushed Sugars, 300 Cases ussorted Fruits. at GOLDEN LION, _|_ :39. 2 mg they PVRESH HADDOCK. liiii~UAL_$A!-L! Jam. FRESII CODFISH. 3, FRESH SALT WATER HERRINGS? uve x. an. 2.), u nun. -- L--tmn rm. 93:1. Or! 3 lSd. Brend- ntntfs quiet. Beef 93:. La 383 6d. Sales l'l,(X)0 bdu. Spirits of pctr _ um 13 to 135-. _ 1 Mouugouury~u Iuu quuuw in attendance. ~ By order of tho WJI. 12 ~' wnvnnt. Jan. 17, 1873. Icw more Dlla'l`a1iUl1AU.Il. 1 l1'lS3 lelt, designs, suitable for NEVV YEAR'S } RESEN'l`h. uesxgns, E RESEN'l`b. s. P.WH|TE, Jan. 20. yawn, 1911.25 A `. _ ~ Mason: id ` standin rited to ` I v-: 7 " 2 rr . ~. G1rdenLlnnd,J _2ogh . A " 1873' ` J-I--13.1872. . um MEMBERS of ELYSIAN LODGE _ No. 212, A. F.-And A; M.,jntnnd hold- :.1 their ` live 1. J1 E plandn must. Be W. E-'('}o., KTINIIY QII'If\`II ' TWIE MEREEE "63; `KYIZWIT omnn` 'w; iB;.'i[;3 1<?.A-Iii?-`-& 00., QUEEN S COLLEGE. .`.l(Jl VAN S CELEBRATE!) GREAT SALE I57 Princess Street. FIN NA N IIADDIES, BLOATERS, &c., TOBACCONIS I`, Kingston. view YORKj_ES`PATBHi{S; = n Tan ith. 1873. Menu & 00., xvnr nmnn` . 1 lot of Gin; LDEN LION ?`NDv_, ffl BLOATEBS, at the 1cRAE & 00., NEW STORE. iN15v ihn. Tinvv ibizm. -vv, (NEVV STORE. (Special Telegram (0 the Daily .\'eme. ) Now York, Jun. `.23, '2 p.m.-GoId H3}: Cotton 20c for H. U. Flour stronger ; receipt-I 4,N)0 barrels -, talus 4,000, ban-all; quotations unchanged ; nt 6.25 to 7.00 nupriuc state, westom ; 7,35 to 8,430 for common to extra state ; 7,30 tn 8,50 for unm- mon to choice nra_wus1:arn. liy uur uiot; receipts none ;` price: uuch:ung-I. hon otrong; sales 12,000 bush; 1,62; 00 L72 for Iofllpringin non and aoat; 1.7. - l,77 for No. ldo; l,75 to 1,95 winter re-l venom; 1.95 to 2,05 for number western, lntkr chaioo ; LN) 02.26 for white west- crmimido prioo inferior. Ryoquict and study. Can withontobsngo; roooipts 111% bush ; Inks 4l,NH bubs]: ; `at. 132`: to 6'2,}u far all vulnrn -ixod : 61- be Ii ) for do m --., -NEW STORE. | iv. `NEW STORE. vwv, -NEW S-TORE. - Brandy; We keep nothing but the rqtqm Brandy, Rum, Gin, Family Proof, Dld wood or bottle, Very Fine `- T- --~_v-- Give us a. call and judge for yoin-self as re- gards quality and price. ' ` Corner of Brock and Ontario Streets. ' .1 In .T.'ln'I"I` ALSO ALL GRADES OF SUGARS. CROSS AND BLACKVVELUS` SAUCES ' AND PICKLES. v.-vva. J-IJI l- LEMON, ORANGE AN D CITRON PEEL Extracts and Spices of all kinds. Our Coffee in the best in the city. `i'i4\t-vlx-~.,\. |P0rt adSlE1ry Wines. i7 `WOULD respectfully inform their friends and customers enerally, that du ' the holidays, they in selling at cost their choice Stock of Groceries, consisting of the fihoicest grade: of Green, Blackhnd Japan cu. . . I-Sp`-I`!-`ll l"';[I'Ll!Il I-I III" 1/tiny -\: Montreal, Jan. -Flour -rocoi bblx ; market 1 uiet and steady ; transactions note: being at generally I ed rates. Grain--~no tranua-rtiolm. unuoa AJNU .l$L.AUK\V.ELL S` PICKLES. RAISINS AND CURRANTS, variety. CROP 1872. I` IVIll'\\1- Aw. . `-.-..... . .-- -,__- |SELL|NG ouTl |JlIcD0.7V`ELL S| ELLIOT!` 3; se0B1aLL,; -U--v-A??? 1-\ |s1o,ooo woB.'rH,| All new and well assorted, to be sold be- fore the 15th of February. . . _ NO RESERVE. The premises to be lot lat Mardh. All account: due to be settled lat February. The peo le of Kingston and surrounding I country nd this the Cheapest Sale ever. ---- ..............- uuv wr uw ycuuusu JJII I-`Cl-Drill!` . l peo` ' Cheapest Sale ever, | thrown on the market. For the accommoda- - country mu nnd this the Cheapest Sale evei-5 market. accommoda- tion of %HOUSE-KEEPERIS, '7 y The Store will be open every evening until 7 o clock. Sale to commence 'l'O~MORRDVV. Goods for Cu]. nnlv . S l`0CK-TAKING SALE. ALEx.RossJ Has decided to `sun the 1{;.1;nc. of his WlN'l`I.'l2 R'l`l|l"I' C RY G 0 ODS } Rmlllcecl Prices_| made afr my Establishment (not imported from Toronto, as some of the grumble:-s and croakerl wish to have it done, against the in- intent: of our good old city of Kilglhon. [ GOD SAVE THE oIrw.m.n }A wedding Cake, o clock. sale to TO` All Good: gold for Cash only. `I -.. In J... r7.1s7'3. ` pou-is nounnnl. gd rates. uram--no tr:\nna-:r.1on:. I ionI-pork shady but only taken for 1 consumptive use. Hog:-fair oerin` nus gnuonlly unchanged. BuO.ter-s poor to ordjnary at 8 to 10. Anies-pot: Where can mortdn go to buy Boot: with which no Boots can vie ' Boots excellent, neat and grind, Boot: the cheapest in the ; Boot: well wen-ing-wor-th their p ce_-- ` Boots in Fashion : best device; Boots first clue, quite thbztlf 3 'n....o. -.n ......n... ..c - u.:__ 4 `DRY GOODS! -u.......,_...v....,..uuu In wvn; ltodel boot! of high ronown_ 'A Ron : Store you will find and shoes of every km ; Conn and bdymd pnov std thovondu-uolniV:V_' ` Boots for gentldmen and swell: ; .. .. .. ......., 5... guns BllI.IllllI[ Boots wall worthy of a king ; Boot: ft! India, wives and ban 9 Bootsuu-pauedbynonoin town; 153.41.] 'I-u...6- 4.0 Link ..._-_._ WEDDING CAKES. PREVIOUS T6 STOCK-TAKING, MECHANICS, FTER. FORTY-THREE YEARS in L bulinou `there an be soon at DIunble s _ run THE HBLIDA s. H. DUMBLES nus iI,uN IIIIIII . M. 0:: w 0131: for old vnurn nixod; -33 OM10 ; C5} to .50 for ."W W`.zll`l`. t zuifcd : Lid if cents `O can -I far _\uHo\V la, Barley niot lld n: ; .- Cx_,'. 21,90.) hush; receipt: .000 bush; N1 - in _u...- mil,-n'nr to fair ut. Oat: Ihnv; r.- 33,000 lms; Isle: Zti bush; 5.. ``.I--. I-1 {id {hr new mix-ed Wooten ; 59 `-0 51h fun mm; Cu! in 36 for not?! white ; 526 Iaixc.: :L.'u4:. |'u|`k dull ; . 14,00 for new -cu. L:u~-E rm 3) barrels ;at g 8} to 81 for mm; 5; Lu 3; kottln rendered. Bntfnr III to 38. Ulltzl l2lc to 154:. Market Square. LI(9V,IJ (f)'i'{` . a. uni 5-mu mu may .u1 nuguw GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. LABOURERS, ETC., n, Dec. 19, 1872. A. Ross, ten to sell the mllant W 1 NT l-Ll`. STUC uf ROSE," jPB__1NCIiSB 81 OV ER zxmno Etreets. J. ELLIOTT, F. SCUBELL. butter ill to 33. vneuo ago to we. Potraloun, crude, 9; for runod 2H. Chimp, Jan. 23.-l;ea-ipts hop 2`. .,7`."3; nhiumnnh 1%. in endless nllity of 1 Rye, in _1_ rnbhc Auction the days hereinpzervl T`Eaus=_6;;2ia":h' `..i.`; 'i:..f.a.. ii. four equal annual instnlqneata at 7 per cent interest, secured by mortgage on the property. Estate Bank of Upper Canada. a RE" the dawn | British: Amrican note}, TOWNSHIP or BEDFORD. ' ' Lot No. 5, Coil. 12, 175 mu. TOWNSHIP or Kmasrox. Part of Front ind East`) Doc. No. 20, Isl: Con., 15 acres, as described in Deal dsted 8th Nov., 1847 ; Eleqnor Talbot,` Deizee ; Robert Tslbot to June: Morton ' ` ` " `D-.A. _z..__,1',L , . n - - - - Aunvwv IIII UIIIIJUI aillrlili Part of same Lot, cont;inin as doscrihad in Deed dated I2t David Leahy to Juan Mo gtQ|.cres31:oods, In March, 1845 ; rtpn. TOWN OF ADOLPEUSTOWN. ` Int. A .....I I o 9 A` ._._..u. l.\l vv ;1 \}.L' AUUHIIIUBJUWU. r Lots A and 1, 2, 3, 4, south tide or rear` or" '6th street. . " . 3 IO age Ior nun; n_; an mg nun renaon.-u. `BIICOI 30 38. Uhvx-.80 l2o to 150. Pall-alnnll, crack. 9: for runod 21-IL '-"IU a. el.). Lot on corner of Ban -is and William strecqq, . 5,890 x 2,640 feet, being` part of `block Won` Lot No. 25. Con. 1. .im1nrlv\- Iziwnnhi-n hi ' nxere are two exc Dwallin Honseqon res ecta le tenants. 0 - -. between B: containing 127} feet. Lot -, containi any-H-xn {n J-ad K6 ..:;1-mcesa street, 1-5 of amagcre. " ` " g The Wharf Paperty, onuixngof brokn front and water lots in front of waste`:-Iv hart aunlucu Au LIUUIL Ullll Elly, `U0 ' Morton _ _, .4 -1 ~ - L05 -, containing 5,980 lquare feet Deed .231-d M 11, '49, _ " Lot 2:6: B.idea4':%` ?: npra, McLean to Holmes.` Dated 131:" Fbrunry; '64 1'22: v: There are tI'vo_ hm-ltolpy Stile. Dw1iiug_ 'Hgnsos_ on this proper-ty,_`,_, IJUIIUGIIIIHS 11`, I68`. - ' '* '. 264054311 .fo ol:, an dc-b scribed in deed 3: May, - Simpson; `to M91-tgnn " - ,f .~ Inere two 8119-ltozpy Stone DI `Houses g".*P** Lot E. g 107, nnceesltmt, Mgrtga tOl'eSt `IV Aldrr, (`.AInn Ha`n um 1:4. g 1w.rr1nceu,tret assigned ls Alcxr. Ca Morton. Dated` oecmbqr 1 . Lot ll,-on 1110!: hit! out In Mormon. ustgu `uoecmbqr li, ' u ' ll,-on plot lgid out by` Vinith Bartlett, 2-5 acre. ' Dead dated 15th _$o'pt.,' "{$4,'from Hilary Dupuy. - ' 3 " ' ' Lot 5, in subdivision \of"two|vi11n`ge lots, .421-incesa street, 1-5 of an`ac're. une wnsrt rropeny, ooxnuistingof brokan gfront fnmt W te'x'Iy.pp._rt `now in the cit of the easterly half of Loli o .,,2,3",`%:)rujef!y In township of Kihgntoly` sci-oi, `pitent to James Morton. . imcaii Lots Nos. 1, 2, 1 _`,l.5,h], ,1], 13,` I9. [unnu- ing west side of L erbeck, Place, qheing parts of No. 21, lat can. `of. Toinbhnp of .King:4t.un,; . .The block hhundedgon ,I:'uiou street, north bv Hill sh-'u c.' '35: ifz` UII ` II. IiIpnunh_ 3,825. I \ Wlilots Nos. 1,'2, 1., en`KingV'st`. 5t, 3(`),'::`!l, V 32, 33, 34 in Beverley-19!-Eat, "hi illageflot laivl out on lot No. 22, con. 51,1-`I`,owhsl'IIpb%_"' Kingston. Deed lljrahmor/to Notion,` `.! I) _ `liar-ch, '54; Boulfan to M0l'0n,`93l"|} Ur :l`jr5' `-152. -- Lot ---,pal'|i,.0f, 21, con. *1, Kini;t5n;"oa??: fth an acre on; Prince: ntrest, 132 feet `mm-; the int.eruc1:ion.w.~itb- Int dtroet. `-1I%6_clI ' ' '5! :2 . 17th Apnl, 54,.B1-Iggnto ` ootom .- Lot 0, un Inbatvnian aof':__twc .~` Pmev- bandit an-oes,a.nawest. by division line be`t1ra'cn " and W. ft)! No. 2), lat c9n.,` Tpwnshixhnx _ Kingston. ' , - Lots Non. mad 8- on -4141 ma f-rum `K:;:'., stonto Waterloo, Q acre, bein of letter A. km ambh; amrs-at Deed date .. I: 'J'aI:|., 1\Lghoney_.t_o.,M1n-; ton, _ ' . . _ v 1 .. `ffhe block"{>;)unded` on H16 39 street, by ,: Jizadaeth. street. and west in division line Iatwtia-xn It ' street, nortn by um urges, asib` strut, by line `t0f N0. 2]. Isl . (mu '1' I11. '0'i..bnggaw Moowm x` .-Wu` part of A, granted Deed 1-5th Muuh,l84B,H'gu9y to 3 r.x `, a 5 ` 1' erguson Morton. donn 631605--'l.`l% '-E F4'.U tI` 73 build ' I 79-South Side J 133,5- hold property ' J Knapp: t-odroll, deed, dated 13:1.` :ai., 1855. At the ' T `comrf `p1'*"I -I'=; r'n`n`n` ' ._..._n.r__. .. .... ...n. .....=. ........ .... .. 01 'B.I'l')wA, _W3ls1" D'- .1 2" E lug. Annivu-ury muting _of Sabbath Reforma- tion Society this evening. ur-.h..._ |l:...:-...... ........a:..... .4 n.....o Public Auction. _; "l.\IIV!?IJ.l-_IIg ga_U_IlD\l., * Pnrtof Lot`No._4, Con. 12, 23 Acres,or y the Hill Site of tin " .... .-.-=- County of Fronte nae, ;l_' 9`..lI!I~ .9. Fl I4! )'-I Atukoamnoflhunwny and Ward, Anctzonun, Hnnton-_;,gpt.';g;;2,h 1ock, IIOCII. 19..-en ! h.N . 4, n... no 92 A....... la... 91' 9`.C`1:;;? ,= Tuesday, 28th January inbt. T c)wNsrVr1'1>'t')!'qE _`1Va1-`-5-I;nV'o;,;7 A;1::`_..and w.(i of nn o. 2i;j9`.*'.-,1, 1 , VILLAGL-or-1'm::N`roN. ` Lot No. 117, s. sidq md'U3l'>.-`~j'l'e. John Street--'l.`nntou 76 `um = 79-So'.ltl'| Qidn Jn`n . lngni- V , ,<' .-*1 .. .:"-- TWN5FI?&:`#91T1A9UEy.:;;-.*; LotNo. l9,7Uon.,;M . 'JVIuvi nun uvcuung. ' Wulzyu Missionary meeting: st Depot Ild Pol-tn-onth this evening. 11:.-.4--nu nngalhmp -0 L16 lI-..I'- l"l.......L 1- =--._.--an . .- '~.e~a.-up-r`-.1= - * V mwxiorgnmmugii Part (run nod No. 6. -_ -nj-\.n1a :u:., muo Pxiblic churn lua-. cm or KINGSTON, SALE` OF LANDS` City of K i_n gs1_0j1.__ -vvv. i.;I.un Ifgllowing Lands will be sold - nbhc Auction .1: 1:1... .-.I..... ,...-1 ..,v1v I. P! OI `DIOOK W 0lI` . 25. township of IL . I two excsllgnt two-stony Stone ioqneqon this pg-ope :-ty rented to Ll8t8ll&IltI. ` I In. a.-o ;.vv. Irv, TOWNSHIP 1 w;.'vwIi"".`L .1 At 12 ofcl_ock,_ poo .............,. li1'ury muting at St. Paul's Church thin 'I'....I-.. ......3-.3 Ell o............ 1-- _.__-. , __ ._ .,.p......, `M... -..--..-w....`.....---wv~ 1 `F:";*:.`. ":'i; 2;- ... 4.3 `II.-._- T..- -_.I E: mu. " ion Brown and lots, - . JAIDCIB WI :1 at the - na.mel.. 4!: `.;:u1u1A 1 `-L in .3-lc 1oms&.l I 1 I .I v At the Town of Port ` ::'.';:,.*.,'.:;:.*.1:.';`.,1.;.$:;.`i:*;` G. Station hon?` of lliagand ; Y6; ~ by the Scugog `vet, an on . "~ y arty of the Board of Works ; 3 not-e,1Icu `a: 7-` Ina. on WEDNESDAY, rnnnnvi 5.` At the Rdonu of 11. H. BEAU, 12 o clock, noon ` 4 'N)W'NSHIP OF CAVAN. W IQCTA4 `M. R -4- I in:-n,_`.__- V vv. a II. LED +V0. D, 0011. _l, llllllcl. H . ` ' TOWN OF PORT HOPE. _ Lot No. 4, N. side of Shorlmnb I ` yawn V w. side of Bnunley meat, being E2: 61:: No. 8, con. 1, Township of Hope, vey, Lot 53, went Iide_ofQuoen 4%,, gr, : 'J`OWNSFIID nw rm Anju-1: nwuuunu nvvou-7- cu. up-ugv. coItnct- Napnnoo And Picton. n-_...3 :_ AL! .4` LL- I1....-- -1 .. , u-an uu wuw uuqul qlpdll. 4 I Tovnsmv on-_ cnAuAIm-. , Part ofN. Q of Lot No. 2L con. lg _ nu.u.r as described in deed 10th F013,, '67, from IIYXM` Dud ytoE.&G. Perry. , : ' y order. {Ar nu: TOWN or LINDSAY: >1`, .;8l`I '3.` . Lot No. 12, south as King and w.o_`gt of David street. 5* ' ` ' ' The Lot Known as the Railway Siloijo 0 . being part Lot No. 21, 6th Cum,` of 0 _ , bounded. on north by lIf%,` _ ' ` Stinn hang. of u:.n-..a IL-I, -- ` --A N . 1 (town or v1c'ronu.' , ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, l8`f8."!:`" `at the Roonuaof WM. L. RUSSELL, Es-':;. j \Vi1liam street, at 12 o clock, noon, . K | ...<..--.-._____ . <. ..-.w-nu, uuu u_nuuu'y, I916. . 4: A . ``:- -``C The Canadian Post `and Victoril `W',Il"I *" Lindsay, to cop porno: ' Q Hi " Lindsay until 3 a cone: . . `,.u Lin_d`a. nUD vwl-3` nwxnif Ligdsagnxntilcgp 813139! of. eterboro hB ' 1;.` her until .35 ooxI:::'. M "-' The Port Hon: nnsa. ...a p....`. 11......`-m`_.'*`.. ` ' . . - - " W -' ". Y`.'!I!!P`..'. ner sale oometolf. " ` _" Port Hops Guide and Pol-topo ~ '1'. hi; -1 Pox-t~Ho , to napyinlike lI;lllf_l_I,`, . 1% 0011193 0 .- . _ k ` ` Tnnton Curie-r,| 'l`unhoI, $0 in 4133*} ` manner uxlxltil Itiltglclzonuuo. ` ' Mszf :* 'I`hoD'y ` igoncej-,BeI]av o, ; dailv until dnv of ml. .n.... 21. H... mnuner unvu lug conuuotl. ' -``:~' .~ The Daily Ititelligoncer, BOHDVIHO, g; daily _u_ntilvday of sale, altar ' of sale twice a week. dronnimz anal: nil`. - uauy un:_u_uay 01 ul nle"twice week, `Milne: II nn canal 'GOII1l 03 GanI'>l_eV. f.)I)%CNl( IPl'yl'll`in (0 III ll/U"_l[ .\Iunln-a!, Bank of Monti-eal-l7`J}. 150, IS!) ] Harbae1:1.*a=;i:{w:eg;L IsAUs.ii:._iz lunini: ' I !1Aun1.31U1i. TAP, tor drsViiiVW|l'li" '" `W wiuhaucaruwing-gheggsrk ; 1 4 1-A"rEM.-cAN=K)r_znm*--` "` . r ENDEB5 for`t_he , 1 "91; . BREADoftho`bcgt _ '_'_y~fo'iP beginniiI" o1i"tIie" n! ' )3! nwst. \`!'1|>!'!i',``I|.Ii',*.5.1. J "I231: A I want of W strut. 1..c12,north`ot Dni-Iiam st. eat.` Lot 20, south of Ridout street.` _ DAISY frunn'i6% ' Onlgo loci] in Victoria 11:11 this even- ing. ' A....:......_ .....o:.... .5 n.|.}..n. I:.c......._ :.uvvnon1r Ul." UAVAJ!_. W. Q of Lot No. 6, 1, I00 Icul. - TOWN nw `Pn`D'i| `I:I n'|')n - A 0.1 Toron|ao, Jmuuy, 1313! The Canadian Paul-. -n4` 17... xlulll q3_\{; J an. 14, 1873. :-1v:`wR1,'.l 1xcEt.31o1{~'r2u*;`rz- an * ""`Ct'-$9 ` I1 and other Liquors fronrm _. .w.......u vuu. 1... 1wssE_LL, mm...`- lizun street, at clock, noon, . .,.; TOWNSHIP or VERULKM. *- . .`_,ofN9.,`22, Con. 2. loom-es. V- Twn-of Lindsy-:.f.='f uj vtfg wdwuugwavlwans MW cRA1~}BE1_z.a1.Es....w satay-uuquuuqgi And alnosiloubaupplyoiw. " o 15., -, ._,.s .,... cu-u-a--.v-f-uw -uu a nun, Conotit in id of the Home of Industry to_ honor evening. m.m;:.- ma mam any-2:319 GA.;(}R.&P.E8. mLm-g 91 I-'w=~ LEMONS,` <- I '= M ORA G.=; iuehhbwawns CRA r ;1':1z.H.1.i*.m..nn...e....'.............;` ` " GREATVAB 7* ' % " L kinaon |\`F '1 ....m-r.-near ` It mnnnu"n"`k`Rtn-3; colmnr or nunlu. ...... VI-ma In uuc, IlbIl' hull `W6 rm Lwice drop ' each lb u r', and sengiil copy 0!` _popq'g,,tQ_ :1 VI. ILIIIDLIE IFYBGI PA3.K` Lo'rs._ A on QED G. GAMBLE. I !!! ` .- n, . 12 am-*nIw,oou :c.:- GROC . . H1. 4'. iat: A 8lluox.-_'Ihin Lftomoogx gag th. you -" um wan. lniny. ud..`..e, wL. am.` xupiritod hone Along King street, the lllilllll boltad. Dashing across the In-kct Sqnu-0, L- -.._ I415 01.. nut};-n g -fngni and AL.- mgr` 1:351: 11 If L-2'1-uMIIuo`? gizgww uni '1 5-97 `M. `Niall I8} limLaI1ts' B|nk--lf?8. U9}. Bunk of L`ummer(:o- Mug. 1 |',', '|,)ntario Bank-lU0. I01. Bank of 1'umn!o~-l`J'u, 1:79. R-Iyal Crmadian B.Lu. 9:. 97;. Monlraal Tulegraiph L'ompauy- -l`6-,`. 15:}. L11-NTREAL STUCK, '1Amu~;'r. (-Spain! 'l'Iegrum to I/1'9 uily .3 :-uw Munln-al. Jan` 1 FINANCIAL ANDO0 , ERCIAL. 8lIl.A'l'lO)l.--7Thil nhornoonrgg . , Ill- 1:1... "d-h nnllg-5.. .1- h.L`..k_ , Nl|`.\V YORK MARKETS MONTREAL M A R K 1'71 .y coding h-rritorydn Jzm. '.'.'. Senor 7.0% rm his iIldi.~pusifiD'lI. Jan. `J3 ,.\ cuY isir we onngrsuu ship :3 \ l`orei;u'zu..n.. I.!&` I .1 Im night- v`.'i;-1 I ._ 0.`. _.___ _____ Colnercial. REMIX DEBS. 1 .-r.~:"m m'\.\\) :1 -rritory agd Russia. Senor 7.0 villa has re ll _:u. I; r w-ulvrn mixed . cen`-- _\oHuW In. I . i|='. c `J03 01 o ' I...- mt -,-z1'nr V; -I--. M udh ; {ii ixe.l :L.'u4:. dull ; .:u-I! rm $3 barrels : at BL) these S: tomorrow in mail Pit-hnn -Iur onenngs zmu ` BItter-sales of Aaies-pots dull ; Ejinn uccurred I o|_uluIn in Aus- 49],]! the Eng ti-I __,_ , nit'.m~ of thirty L vruposcd b A` .l.',_ ....._._AI- I " I""` `J : uf the cnnsli' ` , inn sub-com- ` l is x\I|u\\`ed to C u: hills be- V .1 -......\_} -r`c(-I119.-5 adv : the ~k`l 3 pity |IE|l`l. - |j'.).'. r "hugs and --sa.les On An`! . mniablo qualities than to her suddenmul uu` ` The funornl of Mrs Junea Ken-as took place tlrigyorniug from her residence to St. Pgul's Church, whore the service was conducted by the Rev. J. A. Mulock, nfter V\' F" I; the cor` tegc proceedicl to Cataraqui Uemqry. Vary I gt-ncml sympathy is cxpreused fa the friends of the deceased. owing not has ti) her many 1 Cindy and. V H |ItnIck oil` at 3 rapid spa;- own .0_ut:_Lri0 ' street with the shafts in tow. N-6tlll1lj.(0V\'t'|`It,l.l1T` uccurruul until tho I-uuuuy readied Hie curt ` stand, where he \'('t'I'c.'d o .`lllu centre of the street, anal coming in contact uh... :1 Ln: I of l i a carter nuunml .\lx~ Blend, actually 3t.l.\.`lIlpE(`ll { {tn leap over him. In this (-lhirt the 1irst- V I ` uzuneci junlpul \'iulcut.l_\' again.-st. the sitle of -I the latter. smashing the harness and sleigh I iaucl him down apparu-nt.l_\' lifuless. l He still lives, however, although tornhly! slum.-kud lay tho un:ilent.. I The Band of the Garrison Artillery -will ` pay to-marrow afternoon at half-past three rfvlovk _in Ontario llall. The following is the nrogrnnxnm : ' 1 AltIiI\'lD AT L s'r.-After a long and unac- countable delay Ef overs week, the Marry weather nteau `re engine has Ix-eaehed the city. It was seht, per pilot engine, from the lever station to the city depot this morning, and the feet of ite arrival having become known, several persons examined it, and gene- rally expressed their edmiretiun of its appear- ance, style of build And other qualities. The Mayor tclegrephed to Mr A. U. Gilbert, the agent, and that gentlemen, accompniiieil by the engineer, Mr Jakenen, will likely leevc at once for_ Kingston, to he present at a. public exhibitien. The city has Iutl'ei-ed little or nothing by the delay ; on the other we agree with the ce-nittee en tire, inter nml gas who purchased her, it he: geinel considera- bly. I j- A.` I Luv 3 rglpectnnle man as sexton ` for the Cmngregatiouxxl Church ; n mzsrrienl man prefeired. Apply to J. Gridi- iurd, King Street. Jan. 9]. ,, ` FIUCES TO LET.--Two large nml plea.- , szmt Rooms looking on Princess b'Ll'cet, over my stor. . R. \\'H[TE. E`? GYI-'IEAP Goons! _ , .- -__.... _ ..- .-.......... .. um programme : I. Quick Step--"l`wnac, _Brothers, Rouso"...,_ [L.iun1enberg_ `.2. (`oti|li;n -Tete du Pont . . . . . . )I.AL'|\' NILKS OF SUl I`Il- .lUl{ VALUE ) AT_1L. & J. (i:\Rl)IEl&`.\`. V Madrid. '.".'. Seu- cuvonnl from imli.~pus London. `.`J` c bOlI'1`(`II the shi tralia and a forei;u'm..n. sh Channel ungors only 85 were sau- w.... \'_...n. no '1` LL '3: 8 material at 1 rnr.11 1 Dl1t\\'\J.: 15 :1 good Lnmg 1 buy at this season of the year. Y: can get them cheap , A I` I! Xv J l`.AHl)INF-TIPS i If` LACK FRINGISS, Gimps and Omalneut-I for l`rimmiug. A very choice stock of Hoods, selected with gn_-eat care, MI` I: .5 I 1: ARnlN l`R'.Q . Pont... . .\'ale\-Lion Irish Airs . Value; -'l`he Aclicrc . . . ` .` . FaIIt..u1a~ -From Stmdella. . Halup l`upiul's Arrows...` God savn thu (Mn: [Heads of Families] GROCEBIES9 STA R GROCE O-5.-t.'l7. Paris. Jan. `..". . The x'.n.nuit bun sgreod to an ] X. Du-ado: to the n: :xi`!i;_`lu . tmiounl project. ruponu--`n Ir ) i nittoo`. Ihurb_\' the l`n~uu|...-ut i nddrou the Assembly only on \ fore i - u u _... , m ,' 1Tu.'.;.:m Tv,u.ui b PLAN N ELS I ,':;A E. FEIEH I. nurtinu uric: Lzulics and Children's \\'ear, n. hand- some assortment of Dress Goods showing AT_ 1:. '8; J. UrAB,l)INEl{'S. AIJ1'1?:$'f '1j191"0K17{ SCARFS, choie ruoods, at moderate gures. Seethem .\'l` h I. I r1AD`h1\Y'l:`D \` F1.1i:{:A;\'_19' MS !-{.`.-ISESH {xf i;1i'l;Eb:S J (YLUTHS. selling cheap, _ A'I` D 1. I nnnnlurnzvg F` POU VVANT TO SAVE HONEY BUY YOUR ' \'Ll` I 1 nun. an-nub uuuuy, AT R. & J. GAIIDI-NEIFS. TUSl;J4l;lIlNE`S Best Quality 1'rn}h mg Gloves, handsolm ah|de&.I6i'I 1e5ehIllg oar R. & J. Ga.i1li||eI"s. ~.7u:m-2 1-415: BLK;\'1;:E'f$:, allVwn:)l, I united fnr Huic nrinh-vs n-pat Imr M11-10-11 \+:u.\'1<:'1` CLUAK can be Q05 1;} int. 3 nun}.-grate gure bv lm\.im the -PhETTY- SHAWL is a g_ooI1-hh.g} L lmv At. this season of Year. .-.- . 3 Lcnlon, Jan. `.?2'-, 5 3.:-ff - The Pcrsia_ Minister in thin city uulhurinss a cgpntmdic tion of the report that hm! Iocrot treaty territory :1 J \l-~-I-1 I L... -V-' \'..u.u- V4: vi-A hum rs fANTED. Mrs C. - .x .\ L. .s`_IVIV_-{l).:;;_`AVi at low prices, up n 1. I a . . .._._-,__- WANTED a rupectgble ran Sex`-`ton the Cunmrenatinnnnl (Tlmrnh ~ :- AN [).3`(;1\1EKwSl!ADES in l"RENCI-1 MEISINOES, very cheap, A l` 1:. & J. GAl`.DINER .\`. uilir. rlnr. DL.-\L\l_\]!.lo, suited for this wintry weather, \"I` I) lv I nAnl`\l!\' nu. .....;.. lwrting prim yr Joseph ll)obn1Vz7_lly. v 172 pamoms srkzm: 1:. n 1.11 1 1:, VVholesale Druggist, 43 Princess-st. I7, Sexton Wa:nted. - mun - \ upm s Arrows. . .. God save the Queen. A H I Iillgwln V-n_v \`IJ wwlw -an V Hertferd an-I Erie gneranla" New York. Jan; 2 . .--'[`he `Ergo company in about to bring 3 unit egainshhe Boatou. Hartfurd and I-Zrie Reilmaq, null the true teen under the nmrtgagc for ficfault for 18 month} interest. The El`ie_i:l`II[o:lny also claim that ve urilliun of 1-..-.:73`. .-f Hugtgn _\' {In-In are 1 preferred lien pull !`u- Rafe! u l{:xrtford and Erie roul. and all in oxijn` cuts, taking precedence u! all other boru. I ....Jnu Jun "fl ~ A I'I|eII"| I'I` :1 O.-rrhln

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