-er hne me fur ` ten for udsuuu-. Japmnese Silks, `.20 yards for DRY GOODS. my rhrcss Howls worth 55 cents fur 40 I I REPARAT()RY J an. 9. SHAW & M|N_NES TAKING STOCK Gret Reduction Shaw & Minnes; JUST RECEIVED AT THE ougn. GOOD s Great Bargains GLASGOW VVAREHOUSE. TASES BRANDY, ten Itock. A Large Assortment of l`n'* sm um 10 cents per yard. French (,'n|'.-Luts (30 cents, EAL Goons! uuu-J . 0. man` 8: 00} P URN! ....-o|.. ll0USE," [ i Manu- (:1 IIIIZTBCB. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender.` PIV llrlll` SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned, and endorsed Tender for Carillon Clllll, Dam and Slide," will be received at this office until noon of Monday, the 27th clay of January next, I873, for the construc- tion of a Dam, Timber-Slide, and Canal with two Locks, in the Carillon Rapids. Plans and specications of the works can be seen at this oice, and at the Eugineex- s Uice, Point Fortune, on and after VVednes- lay, the 22nd day of Jannnry next, when printed forms of Tender will be furnished. All Tenders must be maa on um ..r;..+...1 pl`lll[f1 Iorms ot `lender will be be made on the printed forms, and to each must be attached the ac- tual signatures of two responsible and solvent persons, residents of the Dominion, willing to become sureties for the due fullment of the cnntract. 'm..'. n.......l...--s J--- V - ` -- - xne tune for receiving Tenders fur the ! above works has been extended to MON DAY. I 3|-'1 February next. Department of Public VVorks, 1 14th January, lS73. . secretary. llcpnrtmeut of Public VVorks, 3 . Ottawa, 28th Dec., 1872. i The time for receiving Tenders axtendpd tn 'Mm\.' n A \ , '*-E ` Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company. VPIIE GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING , of the Shareholders of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company, for the election uf Directors for the ensuing year, and other business, will be held at the Company s Utce \Vellingtou Street, in the city of Kingston, Ont., on the 12th day of February next, at the hour of 12 o'clock. noon. F. C. CLINE, Secretary and Treasurer. Dated Kingston, January 4th, 1873. (`jhbiie .1%ic1_:s._f9r the Toilet. ` A GREAT VARIETY of Lubin s and At- _ kinson s FINEST PERFUMES. 7 BEST ENGLISH TOOTH, NAIL AND HAIR. BRUSHE3. . Y.`l\T`I'.V LV1`u\\1'r1r.I:1 v-.--...._..-_.. .. .__ - Jinan orununa`, J &c., &c. For sale by OULD respectfully inroni; their friends and customers" generally, that during that hnulnvl that in!-and nnlllnn at nan` A-L..:.. uu l.l} respecuuuy xnzonn their friends customer the holidays, they intend selling at out their 4 choice Stock of Groceries, consisting` of the choicest grades of Green, Black and Japan Teas. HE underai ed having made arrange- ments wit Montreal and New York capitalists in di-:p<-..rr~ :=.~.1(l work Iron Mines, hereby gives notice that he will be happy to receive proposal: from parties who may have any. JAS. SHANNON & CO., Kingston and Montreal 4 Dec. 20. 1872. H. "'i=ARKE j \ Chemist and Druggist, Market Square. unuaa An 11 buAu1x W 15 Lu? SA U CE-'5 A AND EICKLES. ` RAISIN5 AN D CURRANTS, in endless iariety. CROP 1872. LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON PEEL Extracts and Spices of all kinds. Our Coffee is the best in the city. - " `I'I\'I'TI\ I`(`1 ALSO ALL GRADES OF SUGARS. CROSS AN D BL.ACKWELL S SAUCFS AND PICKLIILQ, {mun DEPOSITS WANTED. TIVB :. n.- j--.- V _-,v We keep nothin but the first quality of Brandy, Rum, Gin, amily Proof, Old Rye, in wood or bottle, Very Fine II....L A...'I Q|'I_.._.--.. I'I T2--..._ V-` -v__._ -v__..__ .- -__`/-uv Give up a call and` judge for yourself as re- gard: quality cud pnce. Corner of Brook and Ontario Streets. J, ELLIOTT, F. SCOBELL. x::.....h... n... In urn ~ . WUUU UK" UUDIJU, VET] ILLLU `Port and She11'y Wines. Give nn :1 on." And inma. for vnnrszelf ma re. NOTICE is hereby given tonrties having , accoimtl against the nnicipal Cor- poration of the County of Fronbenac, that ihey must be presented on or before the first day of the meeting of any "Session. otherwise they will not be looked into or` settled [during Seuion. \Vhere can mortals go to buy Boot: with which no Boots can vie` `! Boot: excellent, neat and grand, ' Boot: the cheapest in the land ; Boot: well weax-ing-worth their pricc- Boots in Fashion : beet device ; Boots Airet class, and quite thething ; Boots well worthy of 8 king ; Boots for ladies, wives and belles, Boots for gentlemen and swells ; Boots surpassed by none in town ; Model boots of high renown. At Rose : Store you will find Boots and Shoes of every kind ; Come nnd buy and plove the test, They are the wonders of the VVest ! .1 4x;L- unav vuxaa. FINE SPONGES, IMPORTED -SOAPS,' kc.. bv 20. Kingston, Dec. l, 1812. ___,.L.__ -- --u I III Il\1I| V Square. Kingston, Jan. 21, 1873. T I2. 80 km... 1'()TIL?E`TO CONTRACTORS. ruiiTI+E HOL|DAY-. nu. By order of the Council. JOHN C] uuwv .a any uvsv Au Iauv LIQH9A!i~ .___ __;I.:_ . 1373. E. ROSE, PRINCESS STREET. LO UOBIICU. JOHN CRAIG, County Clerk. mm r - F. BRAUN. .\`onu-ul :cA.\*.mA). MONDAY EVENING; JANUARY 27. \ 11 U JV , Secretary. `Dress Goods! Dress Goods French Merinoes, Shawls c D]. -1- (1:11 BLACK AND COLOURED SILKS, W. JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINS, PI SILK VELVETS AND VELVETEENS, J0 FRENCH MERINOES & WOOL SERGES, LI BLACK LUSTRES AND COBOURGS, L1 WOOL PLAIDS, WINCEYS, L} OTTOMAN AND TARTAN SHAWLS, (H BLACK AND COLOURED BEAVERS, H11 TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, TI .1: A ..1.-.......... _--_A.-.-1 EGREATEST 3RGAINS -----i BEAUTIFUL_DRESS GOODS, CHEAP BLA Silks, Scarlet Flzumels, Grey Flannels, V; Pretty Fancy Clonkings, Striped, Ottoman and ,. Shawls, Black, Brown, Blue, Purple and Grey A Full Assortment of T0 100,000 Cash Cusomera who will buy for Caslz, Cookin Stoves, Parlour Stove , Parlour Cooking Stoves, Dumb Stoves, Iron Rinks, Pumps, Lead PieH;d lrona, Tinware, Cutlery, Nickle Si] 6 1 Goods, at the lowest Vrices as any house in the city, with the further 5 PER (`:I<`.N'l` mm nu nA.:m hoods, at. the lowest nces asked I PER CENT OFF OR CASH. Wake up !_Wak6 1111 3 PHING GENTS WANTED, to sell ans, Melodeons and Pianos, for six the best makers in Canada and the United Sstu. Apply to J. REYN ER, 0|_'ga.n and Meld Manufacturer, next door to Hobu't I Medic Hall, Princess Street. n. on new Overcoats, Pea. Jackets, Sack Coats, Trousrs, and Vests Fuynjnishing Good: In W'oollen Drawer: and ITnr1m-.1'.:.o. Nu... 'r:,... ..-.1 run-..- Lung and G@_Protector. Clothing, Q ana unesv rrotectorl jut received by E: H. PARKER, Chemist, lhrket Square. J an. 2, 1873. { Kingston Bottling Depot` ALE_S AND PORTER, in quarts and pmts, from the beat Brewers 1:: the Do- minion. Also English Ales sud Porters. l puns, n-om me out nreweu m me 110- Also English Ale: and Porters. BRAN])IBS.-Iames Hennessy s, in wood or bottle ; J. h F. Mnrtell s, in woodfor hnttln : Pinet Faxtillnn & Co ; in wnnd1 GlNS.-John Dekuyper .2 Son's, in wdod bottle. 0LD TOII GlN.-Bemard& Co I, in wood .m- hnlxtlng Betta & (`.4-Vs. in wood or :_I)Ae:.' 7_, 1872. WINE.:UPERIOB PORTS ~ _ Rms. Wllls'Kll=.'s.-o1d Family Proof, om Bye Proof and Common Whiskeyn, the best in the cit y, .1; REDUCED PRICES. I 11711 'l"l3l lT|lDQl'\ N Ki:.:gston, December 20th, 1872'. November 18. - - v- vpavvvw -I-IIIU U W'oo` Call and see our Stock be! Mr Remember the place I November 8. 18-ll, rnncess EV} Oct. 23, 1872. NHE best place in the city where you cm 3 _ Call and see our Q ,.i.. --_._- --vwv--v--cu FURTIYER SUPPLY of Pa.tti5on | Lung L and Chest Protector: just received by PARKER. Chemist. Market Sanare. F." .. single [AS NOW ON HAND A LARGE STOCK nf llnanr OI` DOBUO; J. E I. .M.IfB8l.l'8, 11lW00(1,0l'| bottle ; Pinet, Cantillon at 00's, in wood orxottle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA R M. - * . 1n nest p .4, A uuu uuvxxua, Li? A Salesman wanted. LDLVUW UL`. _of superior 7 _ _ F. X. COUSINg;PU & co. -T-------~-~ VA; T;x::'%v"""1V "H7 "' BRITISH W XEEHOUSE. SELECT YOUBC.1I0L1DAY PRES gs AT WAL ON S. .....,, ma. uaunuus, was Uoats, lrousers, ant ing Drawers and Undenhirta, New Ties and Collars. I before purchasing elsewhep`. member for the Best Fitting Garments in the Dmnin-inn ' Edit- the I" I'\\ I I neatly STKAI ingnton. uher` Clothing, . R. Walclrolfs, Cash! Cash! Cash! Cash! Beg to state that during the next {$7 ' wa 1'- I __:_- nu. -;jIl&f& Selling `Very Ch_'__ for Cash. McNAUG`ilEi1\T: & C0. 8'2! Ever offered in Kingst in following 'Lines:- 'vuA`AJJ L .|I.I.\.I|1Jp GEO. THOMPSON. uaxore purcnumg elsewhep`. 2 Fitting the Dominion.` _7 D KINQ STREET, KINGSTON, S`,Sv1I1;W1S f Jackets, -Black Silks. ;_nB1a1ck Si11ks1! "I'L...._J.. " Wanted immediately at uvaa. IuJ.4.x.xu gt JJLMUA 'I'weeds,,' Clouds, k( J11B:1Bc1`s, F1anne1s- ___..._ ....., ..... nu, Aur uaau, uoosmg btnves, liau lron Bedstezuls, Id Silver and Plated r, further inducement of 3 1- AND FANCY FLANNELS, W: _A AND GREY BLANKEFS, J .. : ..H1NE FRENCH KID GL()\'ES, L 2 v KID GLOVES AND M1'I"l`S, L , :s WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS j s CLOUDS, ._ S WOOL SCARFS, HH J ft}; COLLARS, ` T] Li s{Nn S(`.AI!`l`& 1 get the Cheapest and Best Fitting Garments. `After the Hplidays` scnooL BO0KS FUR EEEL USE? 9138? . SHIEIS, KING STREET, K1NGSTON. G1irist1nqs a.nd:1\TewYear Gifts ' Tnos.Mc,wLEY & wsi , - McNAUGI-[TON & C0,, `Corner of King and Princess Streets.` Kinglton, Jan. 3, 1373. its Buildings. E P Egs'i'm:s, Cheap Black and Coloured lannels and Blankets at old prices, hawls, Cheap Clouds and Breakfast Ens. Lots of Pretty Goods, cheap, at The lnhnce of our Stock of Selling Cheap unable Dry Goods is they will give the Book Store. ` Cooking Stoves, Half Stoves. lmn Beulah-min Clothing, Clothing, I873. unpwy some to rental! EIOH. ' The Right Hon. Hr Lowe feilowod Mr Bright s lead, enforced the withdrawal of the troops on the score of econeny,_, and discovered no objection to a pregramje of independence. The Right Honorable Mr Childers, an Australian colenist li e Lowe, coincided in the views of the C cellor of the Exchequer ; and the Times, taking its, . cue from the latter, constantly taunted Con- sdians with clinging to the mother-coum ~ try s skirts. Loyalty and attachment to British connection were ridiculed and scof- ed at, as inconsistent with the doctrines of the Manchester school. The shop-kee in; spirit of buying in the cheapest and seing in the clearest market, was dominant and the U.S. were cited to illustrate the truth . of the theory that commerce with a foreign , State was more lucrative than thata depen- dency. Bright, Lowe and Childers exercis-~ ed a powerful inuence in the British Cabinet, and at one time it seemed probable that the Government would eonnait them.- selves `to a. policy of `colonial `severance. They gave us Lord Monck as our Governor General. 1 He came here saturated with jargon of the Lowe school, and his militia-_v secretary, Colonel Gudley was an advanced` scholar. Lord Hench, a. poor Irish Peer with a. large fsmily, and not encumbered with principle," resolved to extract the largest personal protit from his oice, while he pre- moted the policy of his radical masters. He therefore discussed independence at his din- ner table as an unavoidable contingency; and his secretary, Col. Goley,` found `his way into private circles preaching annexation ; but the main chance was not! tton. The Governor-Genei-al s householdi was chatac-,, terized as parsimonious and aha by. EV!`j_ dollar that Lord Moncl: could screw or save was transmitted to his Irish agent. Hens- turally argued that as the system was doom- ed, and he was to be one of the last of the" Governor-Generals, he shonldmnko the most of his ennnrtu nitias. I-lndil -A (`)..+Lf hi. -41: , \ V.-. . .,..,,.....uuw u_; use AV cw JUTIC nxprsa ) Ottawa, Jan. 13, '1S73.-The role that Earl Dueris is playing cannot hi! to ex- ercise a. favorable inuenee hereafter upon the destinies of these Northern peuessions. His mission is to frsternize with the colo- nists, gain their heart: by his open-hended hospitality, demenstrete his eapecity to comprehend their material needs, end fsn into life the res of petrietism end of loyalty to the unity of the Empire, which were ' studiedly seemed by his innedieti prede- COISCTI. There were three members of the British Cabinet who were at one time either openly or covertly converts to the creed of that sect of political economists who believed that the hour hsd arrived to sever the colonial relationship between Greet Britain. John Bright, whom you naturally lend for his republican tendencies, led the nu." In public he held the language that Cansda should be denuded of troops, teught self- relisnce, and trained for independence. In private life he sought the society of prominent Csnsdiens who visited Englend, and assured them if they desire to precleim independence, or even roposed snnexetien to the United Ststes, nglsnd would not employ force to restrain then. Tho R.idht "An llu T.n-A '1-A---3 " uovornor-umnerun, nesnonldmnkothe most ofliisepaortunitics. Hedidse. Outofhisoi cial income of $50,060 per nnnuns, $30,000 went to his Irish agent ; but helewered the _ prestige of his ofce, and, when he depart- ed, few regrets were expressed. His suc- cessor, Lord Lisgnr, wns, if anything, a ' greater skin-int tlum Monck. ' The son of ` a retired East Indian Colonel who scquirad political inuenoe in nu Irish county, `evid- marriod 2. dowerless demo, his private means . taught him parsimony-. He came believing that he would be the last Governor-Gencrsl, and, full of that idea, he blurted out`in I speech in the lower provinces independence, doctrines. His lsngunge slerlned and ex- cited the Upper C-anaaia.ns,;whi'le in Eng- land the ccnsorvetive section of the Cabinet felt the necessity of intosrferenoo ; in feet, s reaction had set in. Bright secured his Ce- binet minister s pension, and retired the day after it became operative. ` Childers `was shelved, and Lowe mnzzlet ` Lord Linger wa.s one of your pon my honour, well-7 meaning nonentities. He ncvenexercised any inuence or ventured an independent opinion. Hie wife, who wasa. pet-vonu. was detcsted by the Canadian lediesfor her arm. gance and pretentious airs. She and her husband saved two-thirds of the oicinl in- come ; spenged on private families to svoid hotel bills, and left Ottawa. unnoticed even by the usual aduletory city municipality, . In a. hall-room, thebellc elws. s Appears I more beautiful when attended _ h_0I' 168! favoured companion. Bo E`s.rl"Du emu, fol- lowing in the stepsef Lords Monck end Lis- gar, at once, by his igrecious _ end courteous manner, his profuse hospitslities, his mem- fcst anxiety to identify himself with the po- pulatien, his obvious purpose of not only do- voting his ecisl selery, hut his privgte for- tune, to uphold the dignity of his oce, end`, his known dcvotednoss to the cense `of colon- iel connection, st-`once-snule him e power in the State. and he hnn so Izrnvn in nanulnr. IQ. ulnar; : Not D(;1;NION. ( Correspondence of the New York`) Ottawa. Jan. 13. -1972 ` _'n.. ..,.1. .1. Lu eolnocuol, Ivdnci lllde mm In State, ho boo _oo grown in ulst- ity, and so won tho re: and co donoo of all classes, that he can guido and mould public opinion, and, if nude Lo, dictate his policy to tho Porlinmont of Ca. _ . ' It is woll known that Who: Lord` Dnm-in puny to uni rlrlmmonc or US irhon Lord" bun was oired the Governor-Gcnonlliip hafni- tated to accept it until ha Wu Iutilod Hut , `I10 Bfiht. DWI (`.nlnn3nl tawa to sccepb 1|: untu In satised . Bright, Lowe ind Chilglou Colonial Sever-uco Sclume had been npndiatod ; he therefor: came here rbaolvedto made in the mischief accompliahod by Lord: Hanoi and Liagar, and uligt Canadilllil llllolidbtil the foundations of their Qationnl life, He dq- cided to go amongst the poo` lo, attend fairs, cattlo shun, oxhibitioris, h (guilic recap,- tions, in each inporhit dity, giv"n= Bill! -uni dinners. visit colleges. schools and nvntv insti- noun, 1: oacn Inponanu uty,gIvb= Iuln~1s.nd' E dinners, eollggos, gchoola and; CV tutien of mark, and, With). lil- gular taloizt for p'ub1ic`Ipeakih", Being, moreover, a porigcnhrly wall rad an and very observant, e has All-cad left his nsrk in this country. A . ' last week, the compliment an llnlla-lly nplqndial ta` caption. Mon 1, foowing Iiit, iuoiueol Qty iusti- . him to become the `unit at his eitizui`; but amidst the other claim": on This time.`-=lo'v`ndi` ' leinuro to exhibit hilnulf in the rink, and in going in for now-shoeing with the now-shoe clubi. furl Diarin nfortunto in having 3 thoroughly:-v& Indy sikil wife. She is estoennd 8 beauty, but her chin! charm I is hot unaffected oonrhn and onnuitlnpntn .;,_ I an IS esuennu beauty, but her chief ogurtql; and couidanto at- tention at public rocoptiou. Iii! uoxnethat singular that tho shbitiou _|Id nth: `selsh GOVO '0 kn Ind nanny ....._-.1 uovornnr-us-on-us Inn had. never needed l to compnhgnd that they might-in this country build up solid reputation: ._u qtbhgjpgu. , No one has I right to dist Eu-1 _ V '3 motives, `but It is quite ee ' `tht if 116 me- oood: in elininatiuz u ' nu-in 1--Ii-L moans, man: u quit: " 'th.t'if ht buo- in eliminating o from the Dominion, ad ' ' zths1I_uuI with a. pride in their service, natinnal life and British` connection, he can, when of servico 'expii-ca, claim admission into the_Bri- tinh Cibinet, or aspire to the Governor-Gama ' "' -Iulilp _--:-:`2- . 111 ONDA Y E VETV INO. gal; '1-17 3-mnotu nu nth: ullilh u hnvo "had needed It thaw might in this n.....a--- G , JAN. :37. [P1 av :-r "WE TWO Rev. Mr Stern-t, for IO N rth Hastings. Mun: Willns` wire appoi.m_. a.p;m_eion.tq I-Listings for the purpose, a-o`n.g__ stirring tlio people up to iIIl'OIle' . Mr Burton was authorisedto-_uE loge utudents llilaioury half of this con,Iista'of 5 man V three minions!-iea to the I ~ during the ensuing summer. f :1: the fresbyt-ery And` Svnndv ' -" non, '1`r0au|-er ofthe Prgdi $11: utilnato of tho snount ' nrrcaru due, and the expenses ` year, name] y umothi ova: _ HQ!` t_han llglf t hin conning` of a. debt .I..`e.- AL- from _Presbytcrin.u at Shannnrillo, t conplxuu with its pnyor `8&Iq&`u recogniud in Austin: in ' church, and placed nadir tic ` the Rev. Join; Tunbnll. n _ A during t Session -..... -n unrrvil, 10873116 00 I ` I Gun no, wove :o`x::iio|-ed ind . . P. C-olton and R-,BmIgh;= r as repreuntativu from thevoolgrhb _ _ this matter. Maura D. L: McD5vdJ, apycu-od 3:! , tbs ennn--m-.L.._ -1 and 1%. F. Pogdn I1 Button, `rroaurer o ed 1.: ntimgt. .1 M. -ssh ear, - tzhan 14:! of January. The ban was very Inall, no: ister-I on `tho roll hi claim for art-can of_ I Rev. Mr Barron, (Inn-An..- _._, -- ::;,.::":*.';;.1.: :':w;`!r'::":"}..2:7"t.'E*`. derstor on the Scri tun] ygrgpihqm conferences, and 11p_$`I!0}1hn expected to foow _f`ronV_ Wishnrt on Evangehltic cggmw in the light of rdent` zppeg ' part in connection `thin t " ;. r`-` Soutt, on the religion: 39 ,t of , and around Napuoo;-hn ':SvJll`1`3 of Ottawa, on theut'ilit1.-:nf= -In-En:-I-I zmcl around Na} Ottawa. I ViCOI. as lhnmn , , -_-._.. ..,_-uuuu Ell. tery of Ottawa, The le"'xt qt ` _, of the Presbytery was appoinhtl him` Napanoe, on tho first Mania? `oi-Ap, ing,) at 7 o'clock p.n. "Mr pgo ti ' M ' .' I gdcncigilfg oxqrggeq n cup V(`. .1 "cm: .`m9`Ig "- S_TR.\N(}E 'MURDER-- .~mnvu:'r 1I%.Li6:I1')"`D` `E V_A mosh disbolicxl Ilux-doii` lnbhcrbo quiet sad orderly oikui .` ;. . wood Hoar Belfast Isabell Ker, uh he;.._n...;dg were discovered on `Mdddhy inst, to luvs been bnhllyhul` '4 "' ` ler s houu, knoirh u._I`he _ ` A DOI with which tha .-43.1 ..1--z- --:-- ~ ` ` acu-uuatration from this pain'tU'f `thigh 5 fair interference that by last` '~ powerful inuence on this co ' V unprubably, at this critical `Jeri ion life, decide tho future 01 ' 4 ' American Continent H0 in faith!!! radian Pacic` B.ailI`a. ` _ prairies of fihe Sank.-:.t'chewan 'un;pa,ss_ 1 ity and cl-illh `/a y amctkngxf` States can or ti; Ae`ni`:-_,u_:t_; M` zoneratinn n.ll:... "' ' 9- s ,t;tht'ndII h- g::|:'r;.1?i::?:'1fiio::oef ritilbel-lvi ton of the Northwut, `sad that I. j ` of repose wilulmeudne able. , _0lIlQiL10 93&=!: PREBYTERY 0F_KIN,G8TQll.A.:m This P b to tutu: ellnvjlloom-the 14th of Jl::ury.r sttondslu of W 10} on-half of thin.- bung pnlut "-06% c1aiIu__fo:_a.rroa.n of Itlpnd. -ah J-r-I-I- `that-d should accepfizhiflcall, f_ E = a_1-:_1;hc' opening axe`:-ciisea In H arrangements were made fqr hiit sf? -~ ` aha evening of Web ` -. . $7-o c] ck.` Mriiyto-f) ' I -7` -;`:{o ;n`Mr Scfattauo _ `M Mr Chambers tho poo Tho 3. Chambers, ofcia ll _-_.. `mars. On l`8t`lII'lilI`,l_l_: _ wugf ' there, and siosiin ring 0%; thpn uurx . ny nun nun pr! in tho n roun thqhauu to thmur, QTIIM V I `n t owin uvqusv " ._ ' `{ iron the parlour dor. Eh circumstance, and tho dnorwdlb ` ' nngistratuud police, when 9 fact bocuno ovilnat. lliu Knukdzii $;'..3". .fni3n7:ci`;1.%,"`. .';'a"ra?." Q with his wife told her tint Ilia ind wagon in the kitchen with it` had felt the men of nu am the urynu to 1:, Nothing more wulonof ' morningtwo woman'v_qn " g kgugg by fh `ltll. Uh $*m` Napuz` I . the utility of EVV ` vicu, as shown byjotunl Ii. _ ne'xt quark!-ly` Pr-esbvterv um. .._-:-A--'I A A ' ' ,,, -- _..... nan` vs-m1yfN [{er know : _q;algH 4 which the awful _ I ' ` being 3 usIanander, y:|od for If Ii ` `-` which was famndulying bait it _. Mia: Ker, who wudiacoVI('(Od; spent in searching, lyil in the lcI_ -` ' ` ' -am, Inc: uraggca. mu ti commission of tho awful d blankat with 3 n cgvarlot cg maid wu it-It on ' by u milk girl in tho thirjoiagh Lthe wudow. Sign L. -- Iv - ------~~' ` ' ` -.'aZ'J`a"' ernc;u1an.l taco f aria]! den: 1" lblad, but d gedinc . 0 the uvful g (then aovn-ht. m... - mornmg we women 17970 U `1QK$3; * by tho P053353: VIC 1I &`," on of the-_: aucped..dnr`n hudd- , _ , __,-,-, mm, of Iiadis. Looking at 319.1, administration from thin if * ilgtgrfegenoo H; n-t` M on or sun . 5. a. mu, ugngnd tIoI:h.Jh'v,:: ' j nu` ha ....|. . ....n :..v._;.._.-.`.;.' a car, `and - - than a. Tiny ha ucl usual 3* .`;* facts havobocolo known, ` `Nth ` `_ en ' ,thonu1nah`d.iAuvu~tb ` -T \ ' ' tics. _ opouowdtgothg , _ tho mght tune, md itin nu`, , j"'%7 the nurdoren nut hvN`fat`i' -" 3 ' topclsqryofthohouutnllviut-liif.""" ` oI.nIaywhntwutskanby~t& -' nuupi1onis_sgIt , _ ` k been men infomz .1 rd; *- ` necsnnpoakwith eorhii `y alwnyu bones ;_-unit : ` fuel: of horlpo ' tin " than itnultho um: and `took them 102-wist . ; halos. Tho niutriulis - ' the:-It viotinnndlnd ~ -. .-.1... the ' >0 __ A_ % thought the nurdorounlli . . ` z. _ / nom,I.n V` 9:VI:.:-mw " ' . Tha.Bombay"'l7l19 dfe" ` lady, wifoofsvcdihy` ban-oftioPauu~. -= atsconoortzivnhx ' DGTOIDBIK happily - whom 31- - v her E luhjiniora, Qhilg qld Zouustu Io- preuntedb the Pu-no In ' and insulting, and vent! in displnuiu '3, very unbecoming lnnuo. * lug msmung. uuvuju I1 vgry unboooning layup. 5 . Ionurthing ova:-. tam -- . but this count: deb: -` v. ` V3531. .2 .. ...- .... nun; rout. Oai "or_arra.-n-3 of It: P _ , read. Jyal-a ..3.`,.'..`:.;. :.':.`:'::,:`:.'=.m-s..:&%*.-.2.-...e:< c _...;_.__... 15 MURDER"-I-A KILLEl`5.`` ` `Eu-`:lu_'aTQTlQtl` , . `nu adv V . .. unlgl 10- _ u's ingqnion to . Young, of ;Mpn _ : evenjng, ag, urmgn 9n 5 -u5cuID1C e, ` V3!` ' recount E? N` 1 of ; gag Lon ;f ` igious aspect OPCGYI IOI` MIG IIIIIO. N.B.--In reply to a notice signed James ' Norton I begin inform the public that I have the nine Distiller and l{.ec1.ilier that the late June: Merton lindin hipeinployment, coupled with the most modern improvements put in since my pm-chue of the Morton property, and .,,.un willing to abide by the decision of the pub- lic u to the exedlele -and path; of the MOTION FAMILY EH00? xnnfnctanred by Inc, I would further beg to inform the pulr - lic tlnt All ly be mixed in my oitnblinhuent by a competent oeraon and wei llod IIOC lgld whereby full measure, -.5: will be ozmed. I` llnt IIII.` D : yllf .Ii";en.n.-...n.um tinker: will bi- t that a den: nun r u nun; '1 : um naut- . Olnngiito CHROMOS AND PHOTOGRAPHS I I I V ['4 [is the I h us SPECTACLES E Kingston Oil .'~`lm-rs, ll ularivnlled 80 a I`: Ilalunatory A'ecti3na Chat an .cureI by I few applicationmy Xeurnlgig, Rheumatism` and 'l`oot.h:u:he are? gpeedily relieved. For sale by all Drug! gists. l`ri_n-e :5 (`cm ARNOT 3ARNI6A Aunnvuv DRUG STORE, 47 PRINCESS STREET _|_ Illlll as! Dean an tirexnent of'Mr (Arruthon. 'n.- 1....:..... ...;n L. .. CUHCC` 1: will uruncn: OI ur unrrnunon. . The business will In cnntiuuaxl by Alex- udrr Gum, Samuel Jlnrpcr, aaul William Gnrdner , nndor the mum-. -cu-l s|:"le of ALEX. GU N C CO.. tn voimm all debts \1'Il'll0l' UTII , Illllf KIN`. C0., Mm (Inc an tho Int; rm Ara 1.3--:.l.!. l\l.al:..\. UULVI! I bU., to when due to thlste rm an pa'.':;Hr. J0!-[Ii I. \'.;:.' Ir BE 1: enignovl -;:.prepu-cl to receive Ton on for HAND and SUI-'1` WOOD, pick the of the Kingstnn Brewery and ' ' , in nlnch -1-..m!iIi.:u as may be r agreed on Ft] ` pm-ticulnrs will be given on applicstio at this uicc. \ The uninnigned begs to inform the public that In in law distilling tlniI_ far-famed \\'l|inkey It the Old Distillery, anal solicits on-don for the ` \`lR_ln --..I.. 4.. - ..;.:_- _:.,,, u 1-, CARVED, GOLD, I MORTDN S FAMILY PROOF. Decgemher 4. IIDLIIIIIEOII Dy I OOEPOI weighed wherel nut 0 od. ""5"-n"-'-.`f4.'i."x s7`f"" 3 Pmncgss STREET, lw 1 OLD SPR)'l`ACLl1\', I` AND ALL KINDS 01-` FR.\.\ll-_`.\', SILVER SPECTACIJSS, .-- STEEL spscraun-zs, *~ LEONITE HAIR BRUSH ax-, GOSNELL'S_ -I " INLAID " VULCAN [TE DRESSING` (.71 m 12., ` 'r001`H hm) NAIL B[{USllt`.\', `room; POWDEBS AND 1>As'r1:s, TOILET rownrms, LUBlN's PERI-`U.\u`.~.:, ATKINsON'S PERI -`UMES, l-`ARINA COLOGNE, _ 1:AvExDER a FLORIDA WA'l`I-.'lls, YEARS GLYCERINE sous, I-`LAVOURING EXTRAUTS, as rum of J. cuuiuwmtas .2 co." huthil db! bun dissolved by tho rc- rcuont of 'Mr TI./III 01% Tl"I, ll. IIAEXDERSOK, .n*]uow muons, PICTURE FRAMES, HEATH & GUNN S UII1 """'! 14. 873. ! fool in all ,..I... CHEAPEST AN D BEST AT` V()LU.\'l F. X \'II.-T{O. 89.1 ICINGSTIIN. _0III. an arm an pay.-:u.1 JOHN L'.'\'.; ALEXAN H` , 3ln1* Doccml-rr, la` NOTICE. Drugi I PHo'ru1;x:.u*11E1:, `.-\lN<.`I ! |.I.l`IR. of the 'l`I.ro.Lt and: "mm. ~.\I_1. .r ......|. I l 1)? FIIA MES F. HOOPER I THE DAILY NEWS. xi u'.";Ix~;ks, `I! I "JR? lvl 8I"lU OI debts .W|N'|;E All Fall and \Vinter Goods will belsold 50 ' par cent less than present wholesale prices. 30 Dozen lloou Skirts. best auilitv. fmm Unprecedented Bargains cent. less tnan Hoop Skirts, best qulity. '10 cents each. $5.50. present wholesale He.':u'y Whitney Blankets 8} p|'1COS. for l1.s., \ lame l.lll(*lIS1II I'Ih:lLt 1lL'Ll`(ll|t| L`I1hl1-:\L ||0Il. | i .\ lh\l{1.-\l.\ -|0.}'ie-L-e.~4 J'rint.s hum 101 ` 1-cuts per yar-l. ' \ All gnoals in stock will be Very "much reduc- | eel, consisting of Sheetings, Tnwellings, Bmmlchrtlls, Iieavers, \Vl|i:ncys, Docskins, ' \\'atcrpruo Ulaakings, Hosiery, Gloves, IAHJCH, "lies, Silk V1.-l\"ets, Velvetcens, &c. 30 Pieces Double \V:\rp Alpacas from 25 cents, worth from 10 to 20 cents per yard more than can be purchased wholesale. 1 Heavv Saliuett and Fulled Cloth. {mm 50 RIRK. .uU stock. _ '20 Cases Assorted Bitters. - I0 Cases Bourbon \\'hiske_y (Kentllcky). 50133.net Ginger \\/inc. . ,( .10 Cues Rhenish \Viuc, finest quality. 34) Hogslneada of Port VVina. 2}!) Huguhemls of Sherry \Yine. 13` The above-mentioned Liqunrs will 1 sold at Cast. in order to reduce our stock. l V `III-I ENTIRE STOCK mustbe disposed I nf, if possible, by the lat of January. I special attention Ls directed to our Stock nf ' (JKUS GRAIN SILKN (l{|=}AL LYUNS) in lilack mu] ('nluurs. LUKE -J. ERLY. i~`|.\1u. cI.{>7M; SALE? AT T]! E E Liverpool House. i ! mure man ue purcnaseu wholesale. Heavy Cloth, 50 cents per yard. la. GREENFIELD November '25. El? All accounts not paid by the lat of December will be placed in suit for immediate collection. 2' g ' Nov. 7 ' nruummgs. _ _ V Good Vafuerin Canadian mul Enghsh L ` factured BLANKETS; Nl01\"l`l{l A LI- -I" each X and E would mast respectful] call the nt- ` tentiou of the public to :'>ur beautiful collection of Parlour, Cabinet, Celeste and Re- sonant URGANS, also MELODEONS, NEW and SECOND-HAND PLANES. Parties wanting an Instrument, or wishin to pre- sent one to 5 friend, will lease and ex- amine at our Factory on (lo Shoat. Every -lnatriunent warranted for ve years. N.B.-Havinnv ennmed a rnt-clnn Tuner PRESENTS! would respectfully gt- our beautiful nnnsmtinn nf pm-lnnr nalsinnf. Cohan? and RA. .)..u. ~ Black and Coloured Silks from 75 cents per ':m1. llliufullltfll wurrauwu I0!` IIVO ylrl. N.lS.--Having engtged. a. nt-cla_n Tuner fmm the city of Boston; formerly from France, We _Vb'ill take pleasure in sttending 1.0 all Tum_ng, lfoguluting and Cupping, thaf. may be required 111 the city 01 country. , . g n Mme R! an Special attention is directed to I `GHUS SILKN lIlln`.Al. l.\'nNs'\ .'.. UH`.-5. I-`:m`c_v Dresses from Heavy .\'upcriur 1 mrg,l1 -$l per pair. (lo.-xnts'l{ibhcu1 Shin S`C0'l"l` &. l|Al1l`0N. ADIES MERINO UNDERJVEAR, J . , ( Klngltont Dec. 18, 1372, r.'.au kwoo