_j Inonouvoo towlncll we still clin to __` Now, to nu a casual illnstrstion : I ohoorvod in trsvelling on board tho steam- boo the St. lnwrenco, children running one and o! tho vessel to the other, ` ' than once 1 have boon tom ted to ` 'vo n whipping. have ooi two gentlemen in con- ple on Indies` drooses, shouldor without a thought of the in- were wcaaioning, and what e. thoso littlo thoughtless not soon to attract the at- Whon I ventured to on onthio to the pooplc with when I have boon trovelliu _ p I was always w Illlividnnh gauge h'a.uL' 3'. in tin we-2' I 0'31 II so; 3 ove a, In - oggniring tooyltrictly how that mnv I... 1 [5A _._ _ - ___..-v.., u.-.--u-uvulux g `1LERK OF DIVISION CUUIRT, Nntary (J Public, Conveyancer, Uonuuissioncr in Queen's Bench. Jzc. -mun-a5. I March 30. _.. ......., ARCHITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, Princes Streat. Kingston, May 25th, 1872. "1ULlCI'l`0R LN UHANUERY. `(mice b Clarence Street, Kingxton, Ont. J. P. Gl1.uE1:.-s1.m:.v E, L.L. _ . Rlclunn '1`. \VALK1-l.\I. __ .._.....` , AR1llS I`ER-AT-LAVV, Solicitor in Ghan- cery, &c., U,1:u-ence Street, between King and \Vellingtun Streets. Aug. 9. LII May 22 . 1- r um; AN 1) RN51 DENCE oppo: U Post Office, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston in 1857. Aug. '22. Albion Hotel, I111-st. Stirling. TOHN AGKFIRS M.......... nu - LOID DUFFE ._..--- .......,. nmcsll nuwcl. IOHNSON AND UNTARIO STREETS, Kingston, Canada. ` E. MIISAP 1:. an :>......_-4--- ARRISTER5. &c., Trust and Loan Builc ing, corner of Toronto and Adelaide reeta. Dr. J. `Jan-vis. ATE b0F LONDON, England, Hummu- J pathic Physician. Sum-eon. &c, Imima Kirkpatrick & Snlythe. gARRlSTER.S and Attnnwys-:|t.-Law,V.`%m licitors in (Jlniucery, &c. A. S. KlRKP.\'l'RH`K, -,_... - vvvvny RCHITECT AND .BUILDING SUR- L VEYOR. Oice and Residence Queen eat. In-. llenry B. Evans. )R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S.,] don. Otce, 156 Princess Street. --v...v..-my nruuwnnuu )FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the K Wellington Dr. l!laclea.u s lnlice pEMOVED T0 MACLEAN & CO S Drug 1; Store, Princess Street. Maw `.23, -....`..-...`.v.., w. nu -ca-`mung pA |{RlS']`EI{S and Attomevs-at-Law, I veymcers, Notaries Public. trod by look--vmg: cations! inltitu in; unoti-no - ~-~r- ---- ---'-9 '] TURN EY-AT-LA\\', Solicitor in Chm- L oery, Notary Public, .33 King Street, ugatou. unauua A 1|: rn to, April 16, 1872. S llccammon. Gananoque, IRDII ill.` nun.-nun n..n..m -. . Gflderslcc\'c & iwzdkem, I) D I Q'lVI..\n u _ ,, J. L. Macdonald, L.l).s . NTIQ1` I ........ .. ;_ n 1; ` `V ` Anglo-American Hotel. KVQDRT A\Yl'\ ..x?n1.1-yr.` ..._-_ mm DAILY NEWS -MONDAY ~EViNING. JANUARY` 27. lllncdonald __ 1 International 'llot1-,-l__.- 175 and I7] Street, Br: |It.-Jomr ...[:`u.v, J. 1- Alex. S. liirkpairick. urnxy :1I).`\11v\v . ..unn..`vu.p L. Clemets, Dentist. \Yl\ I` .r.-.`..--.,A-_ ARCIIITECTURE. llicluu-cl T. Wulkem. xgston, Unnada. E. MILSAP & CO., Proprietors. F. Ill. Clark. nus . Daniel clntosh. l.M..1\!'rnQ1:r \7,L,,,,- vEi`E1uNAnY. Joseph Bawclen, \Y[.\\Y AVIV r Allv n 1- -. (I/DENTISTRY. John Power. nnm . .v~\ ..--_. - _ MEEEE John Mlldic, an All` 1 AI`? norms. Juan A MAt!l)0nAl.D, 'Q.U. Jnnqzs l`A1'x`uN, Q1). ~31 IA! IO"'i\ {@059-{ T Machair. ll.A .. wary, ow. A. S. K[R.KPA'l'Rl(`K. E. H. S.|l\'Tl{E, M.A. :-LyV,:);';Inpti/y`::t::1(`i.L: J. JARVIS, M. D. to visnt places of a oice A First Illf ollhinpto` Qflflllch` u-., 1' ' _ I boats K) vibzit uh... I.` First~cl.\ss Yards and }RLTKi?I7 LIN ET Fire Premiums, lean Reineurances. 32,559, Being the largest Amount ever received by the Company in 5 single year. New Life Policies issued for . . . . 3,002, TON Annual I.ifn`PIhrI:nIn- '--`- new we Policies issued 3,002,740 I4'fe`P1-emiums, `after deducting Reusurancaa ....... l,l(B,929 _ -_ .; '3__. ` _ - After" ent of the usual dividend and providingafzu-mull lanai, claim: and expenses, the sum of $905,905 wu pubygo. inc:-use the Funds in bands, which now amount tn-- we sum or $905 905 -` - hufds, wYu:h to.-m` Resel-wn Pnnal . - _ _ an my. ....- ..., . uuunu-I ua-nun, wmcn amount to- Reserve Fund - - $1,571,520 Capital paid lip - - - l,445.45 Life Assurance Fund - y 210 ta.kg_n for three, yea-u". Under contract with the Government of` Cnnd: for the Conveyance of canadinj and United States Mails. nreuuynu \ thePnnier hi-1" lm mu-L This Company :-Lxnes are conpoued of the undernotod First-class, _Full-powered, Clyde- built, Double-Engine Iron Steamship: : ' tr- _ nu 13,, ___,__,.,.*.,..r_ Vessel. Tonnage. Oommamden. SARDINIAN ...... ..41oo (Buding.) ` CIRCASSIAN......... . .3400 (Bnilding.) CANADIAN .. . . . . ...2600 (Building) POLYNESIAN . . . .4100 Capt. Brown. SARMATIAN . . . . . . . .3600 Capt. J. Wylie. HIBERN IAN . . . . . . . .3434 Capt.R.S.Watta CASPIAN . . . Capt. Bu-clay. SCANDINAVIAN. . Capt. Aird. PRUS$lAN . . . . . . . . . .3000 Lt Duttnn,RNR AUSTRIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt Richardson NESTORIAN . . . . . .2700 Capt. Ritchie. MOI:-AVIAN . . . . . . . .2650 Capt. Graham. PERUVIAN . . . . . .2600 Lt. Smith, RNR MANITOBAN . . . . . .3150 Lt.A.rchet, RNR NOV.A SUOTIAN Capt. Grange. NORTH` AMERICAN 1784 Capt. Miller. ARCADIAN .......... ..13:.o c.pe. Wilson. UORINTHIAN .......24oo Capt. Jns. Scott. 5'1`. DAVID ...... ..l65Q Capt. E. Scott. s'r. ANDREW .... .1432 Capt. H. wyne. S1`. PATRICK ........12o7 Capt. Stephen. THE STEAMERS ow THE .__-_.---v- a-la-J.`.lil 21;: intended to siil botwean the Clyde and Portland at intervals during the season of \Vinter Navigation ` I An gun`;-.n......l ........... --__.--1 ,,;,,1z?o1r';~as1.%. } IusunAnc_gcoMPANv. Liverpool and London. 0FFICE-CLAIENCE STREET, (Opposite the Post Oice.) Salli from Livmpu-1|eVol'yTlIlll'Bd&y, and from ortla.nd_ e\er_v Saturday, calling at Lough Foyle to receive on board and land Mails ai_nd Pauengers to and from Ireland and Scotland, _u:e intended to be_ despatched from Portluid i- SCANDINAVIAN (via Hali- fax. N.S.l _ , _ _ _ _ _ , 059}. J........... -SUAJN ULNAVIA fax, N.S.). . . .` POLYNESIAN . PRUSSIAN . . . .. HIBERNIAN . .` NESTORI AN . . .SARMA'I`lAN . G _L X`G7f55 w1J."f1I 11;] ;_IvERPco:*LTiv)|#_u`I|:LTINE vv n-vol 41 EU nsnlalun. An experienced Surgeon carried on ouch vessel. Bertha not secured until paid for. For F 'gh.t or other pi:-ticnlan gp Iy in Portlan to J. L. Farmer, or`Hug and Andrew Allm ; in Quebec to Allen: Rae 3; Co. ; in Ha.-'re`t.o John M. Currie, 21 Quasi D 0rle'aqs ; in Paris to Gustave Bouuge, Rue du 4 Septembre ; in Antwerp toi Aug- Schmitz & 00., or Richard Bome; In Rotter- Jun to S. `P. Ittmenn & _Z_oon ; in Hamburg to W. Gibson &. Hugo ; in Belfast to Charley &. Malcolm ; in London to Montgomrie & Grernmorne, 17 Grace-church Street ; in Glasgow to James end Alex. Allen, 70 Great Clyde Street; in Liverpool to Allen Bros., James Street; or to H. & A. Allan. mum..- E ALXYAYS keep on hand ORGANS and MELODEUNS of the best Caus- zlxan make, and have now in stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANOS (made by BI-oadwood, Chnpell, 8_Lc.,) towhich we invite attention. A superior STEINWAY for sale on rea- sonable terms. Also a few Pianos to rent. \Ve feel condent t-ln.I: nnr nwn Inch-...-......4. pnnyuu 1 Ihyvuntzsx nytbntthoynl claw-gin. soname terms. Also few Pianos \Ve condent that our own Instruments will continue to sustain their well-earned re utation. ' achmrv and Wnrnwnnrnn ........... At n.-'--.-~ re IJDSFIOII. actory and Warerooms corner of Princess | and Ontario Streets, Kingston ' wwnnb g. nn For Ladies and Gentlemen with Weak Lungs, they are invaluable. None should without tbI_n. ` - - .7ImcLE.a.zv 4- co.) sunsolmaf CAPITAL, $10,000,000, Q9-34$-r WITII UNLIMITIIH) LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. ` l Pianos, Orga.-nE:nd Melodeons. . CHEST AND LUNG uyuu nurse; 1!! mverpool to Allan Bros., Street; A. Allen, corner of Youville and Common Strnatn_ Mont.-...I James Street; to H. & A. Allan, norm Streets, Hontrenl. Jan. 22. _ Kingston, Nov. 23, 1872. 13724:L`-win Rates of Passage from Portlsuci : V C:Lbin....................T.{$70 to $8 Steera.gg...._.....,. $2 TEE -S'I`EAMEl`l TH E "1'fA1it'I4-\1-rv --c- Kingston, Sept. 19, I872. 42 Princess` Street, Kingston. NOTHER SUPPLY OF .PATTISON S L Celebrated Busmegiar 1370. ?re`minmn Inna na;nnn-.-n4_ An up (Late R. White), Druggista, LIit T{EEi?6l- 7:-lWintr Arrangem.enta.-1872-3. every one win dhpuuiomtely debuted that Pi:'tisoTons. `uuuu usumnng.; ..2600 J. . Uaut.R.S.Watt.n I Du-clay. ..azuu uap . Air . `.3000 ` ..2700 ..`2650 ..2600 Smith. anon. WEBER & co. . uu-uu . 3.370 25th January. lat Februu-y 8th February 1 15th Febru . 2%! FObI;:.:" `AGENT lot, 1111].`. :. L. s. 3. ;. u w..u:- . $2, 559, 180 sagas as teacher! at the schools of ouia. C $1 & ' `Va; 50:8 to imslcllnte into W Inn 0 'toneu. of rened W. ohupuottor e old, and of rever- uoolor thdrjnrulu; Chi they will remem- Icda [not legal gnybedono by kind] advbluguuodnoomthin particular; an X I ml] take a. little trouble they will *5 5%! `O Clllldh, lot 0'. most us, nost `KI bottle of Johnson : Anodyno Li- j ioh we gave him, mad which he nqo& y cured lain of the trvubluomo $11 ugh in Ind win: here.- of ` I t _l ar.n;.l :::'2:.:a Of 3 , mrk to I"'l:ni. ime MOST succEssruL| And attribute their success to ajibernl and _ judicidul use of r-. `mu, yuuu uw ti) once 3 month, 11.14 ......-_- :-. an-u-_y uullnll OI auchhonuu it not Auctfdn Sales) movnls, Copartnenhp Nb vertisementa of Indivliltil Houses to Let for or -Salt.` ` |NEWSPA.'PER_ COLUMNS 1| If you have spent money in the pnrchue and erection of An attractive e' foryour place of business, carry such 3 ju cioul step I little further, and repeat the sign 5 thousand times. Place the particular: of your bulineu before the public and - unit per 11110, bnvrier, over 10 w uuua an uauubn, _ _ Hall square, for dail _ with M. bvev 1 2999- 825 per your. N_B_-'l`hn gnu... L- L. --_".L.,fa . .5 vu-nu -uu_U IJIIVMBEB, N.B.-The nquu-Re to to tin or- dinary business of 61- auchhonua will not-Hanna 3.`-u.o-.:- Advertise 1 If you would drive ` Inn A A Local Pa 1- is the best medium wherein to advertise a :1 Business, therefore go and M Six lines and under, $1 fox-`nt three inner: tions, and 15 cents for every Iubuquent in- nertion. - ` Subloqnant insertions no` ordered oftonor hnn once 0/ week, 4 oohh rline. in advnnqe. -...... uuuuwu m uuuaonu oonullll, the ob- ject of which is tdprouote `he pocnniu-y or 151-ivate interest: of indiid * _br Companion, Such as Report: of Bnn}n. I4.-m-um. 0.....- `,-..-.. .......e... u. uuu.v_.luIlIllA0l' uonpauu, such Report: Bulky, nnce Compa- nies, Notices to attcxid Lee ' , Amusements, M eetingn, Se:-monI, Acb1owlgdgI1uph,,7bf nations, &c., to be considered sdvqomenu; and charged on the tune scale 31141 the n.me~ .,`., mannnuBuuinnu`N_otioel;-"3 e A: The sqeue to be 22 lineeof solid bl-evict; The half Iqlure 11 lines ditto. Price for squu-e, for one year, foe` per 840. with the privi1ese oE...altor_hg to month. new pet punnanoa in than city, this Jour- nal o era the beat medium for Local And General Advertisements; therefore ndvortile in the - See Tariff of Bates, and if you do not already take advantage of types and ink, resolve at once ti) Ten linen, /81.25 for at` "thx-so inourtions, and 20 cents for every subsequent inurtion.` Above` 10 lines, 8 cent: per line fol-nt in. lertion, and 4 cent: per line for every aubu- uncut ` Pssesaing the In circulation of may Ngwspaper publish in thin city. this Jour- Contracts and Year!` A `manta for Ad vex-tisementn made at t o 'ly News 01509 ADVERTISING; Tradesmen and Merchants- Other N otieel in editorial vieolunlx, the ob- I ect which in ti|.n:-maul. LI. . vn..__:-.._ -_ DAILY NEWS. TARIFF 0!` RATE FOB AD R. ADVERTISE. -13-. not honest, -qnt- that k. If you would attract cultomerl, Advertise ! DAILY NEWS. |Admit the importance of ADVERTISING. was on oommegcnl noun, nncffor will wtg. .9:h_Ii9nd- ad," Aeriilqgunh of Ships, Ro- rartnanhin Nmina. n..:..-4.. A-1` me In circulation of mbliab city, ne Inca] uni` Advertise 1 rive our bu be riven, nonb tint h In IAgLBn- nu-- Advertise 2 VII I-I uucr ZOICIL ea I872, Tuna wuz. Bum u Fo:.nowl':- Ron- 6-..- | Retiying om the Retail Trade | LARGE portion of the Stock has been A told during the month of December. The remaining Stock of Dry Goods will he utlll further reduced. during January, and G1-out Bnrgaina will b given. ` ` `l"I'YDfI'! `DI'.\l'\'IlI*l?`l:I-\ u .1. .. _ _....... -.... Irv ..--cu. msr nncmvnn, by An... Steins). via - Portland, 5 eelect assortment of the Nevnst Styles of Evening Dresses and Fancy`Grena.-` dines. On and am: lo-n-day, neagber 9; mm. BBOCKVI LLE B31111 Point No. 1 |i1d2, c. c. ; ect Ls B1-oekville with the Grad '.l`mnkV tori: and Western 7 night loaded Inch dispatch, and no tran- Ihiymont from points` on the Grand Trunk to point: on the Bngjvillo and Otfaiu Rail- Iny. \ 3* ' `IJ A 'D'n:\rIvI\ i Great Clearing Sale I Maczzee Q Wul(lell s. ;--~T-~ ~ **<-=-Ia vu-.n-auw -vuuuuul. u; .l.u.UUAV.l_.l.l.Ul & Ottawa :Ra.11wa Great Irud Gaigo Route to Ottawa. AEK ronv 'r1cKE1`,_7IA Baocx VILLEQ Perth Cu-le~ fan bAqziAc: zm su-zmu III? A 3?Il3:uu 1I DTOCI ' ville PRINCESS STREET. Kingcton, Jun. 3, 1873. B'"'*"~ Dot 9.; 1872. DRY GOODS?-. Macnee & Wauldell, LOSSES mm IN 52 YnAns.{. ... j -. Auet_s-.luly 1, 1871 (1: market value). I`__I. ._ 1.-..) __j 1.. `b-_I_ Roll Etotc :.`.:m..* rtt" {E3 cue; up &nhoalumlandinBank... no. u. nuun \Uvv --u-a-w van--vn mmu&mqsuuhm&s&&uamnmbmm 3 rm. yhubeen Kimreton. Julv 20. 1871. thtmhuummd&emHemMmu lihlllitlilta every hit olnim. It 11): fully complied wi (kinda Government of Stock: to the extent of tum: II low as the nlety near! 50 "basin.-inouga. an bydepoeit. of theA.senredw.l . JAMES S `Viki 000. in prepe.redtoieeuePoliu'ee,en `I . , Aeur,_ St} wrenee Whu-!.V LIABILI'1'IE.-Clai.mu not due,` and jj:--- . CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY. xE'l`N A INSURANCE V COMPANY. IHKE I. ul party, I I Govarn n-4: unl- Kinglton,Jn1y 20, 1371. "iv'I'ifI1nt.Tr-' A'"i"uRI AD OF PRINCESS S'l"R'l?!'E'l` `Ki-m.a l0 nonmson n:os., Brunch Store at Benovino. .51. I can OTTNA RAILWAY [ Carle- ban xp in seen as the llcuill nd his word: on that occa- chcun we copy than in full. the ntudelts having been :1 Ducrin laid in reply: tlonen.-I can name you it y y presence here today, not i 1 take in tin: general but how much i-nor:- ying yin tiu visit, and of ` Cash Capital, $3,000,000.00. 810 I The Best Periodicals of thebay run GREAT nu}.-gn Qunulnuns JA.ND-- ' Blnckwoodh llliblrii `Quilt; ! ` nxnn-rm ' . BY THE LEONARD soon: rdnusnmc 1 .- oonrnnz - 1.: 111.13 ununanu 3I.XJ1'1' EUBLIBHING - COMPANY, 104 FULTON STREET, NQW YORK At about one-third the price at the originals.` THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, VVESTMINSTEB. A REVIEW, LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, ' BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, ' . Published Q artcrl --J nary, A f, Jul Octoben--a.ndu y n y Bmcxwoolfs Enntmmon Muuunz, (A fac-Iimile of j the original) gublmud` monthly. \unlu..nlIA J. .lU1V UARSIJ5 Id `IHUBCH FORMS of every. ducri ' ' ted neatly and. cheaply at the LILY nu SHAH Pn om Princess 8 mg J4M1s': s 8mNHAtt.u For I _ For a Crux-rn. T1 :nn-run. ` Luv III-IL UAIIUIU 1'6"! Ifthe weekly"31itionoftheDAt7 KIWI. bu . . .. V in . Diocese o Prion` tlgit-`nilzdieo. Ntieea'f4ndo3toruchlia - ticgn Ihollnllld be ppblinhed paper in the distant. _ coN1=-niuyrlou c4n_ns cntincn ,EZ.}!.f*..:."':: v.-5:214 `u IvIIlC_n I l7lIl'Y'I.'\l lo -V3n(II]:`Hl I his (}o\'ernm(-ut was totally any person: plan as lluch repreantution: uf tho I -'/:)/r `rod and n iunpirecl organ. u must extreme in its advo- . being 1 necesuity to our syn-z eat. Now, it is vvidont to visit: the Hounc and listens or I very shurg time to thy 0 place, that lies .1mlalnn- uently in the mouth: of hun. | the must form the stock r y. ow long is mick 3 am. 8 ! How long will the country ' to its intelligence? of in and must be nearly at who hold that our system ' volvu party as a necessity cl. We an verv aorrv that u 1'01` I-Dy W0 0! `DUO .73... _For any three of the Baviun J ,For all four of the Ravicwl .. 1 11-`or Blmkwmuv. um-an ,` nor a For 1 For I For ] 0 For 1 6 .1-ur nuwxwooa ma Reviewi.L'..J............... 5 "` P s e twoeenti gnninber, to be prepnd'v by tgxehqgnu-ter at -th 01500 of ` . , . cmin |`J `_.- can an "uni unit 0!. I.IBl.lV6l'y. . CLUBS. `till hod- routes-Rome, ate!-town an Railroad ; New York Cent:-Al ' - New 3:? Centdrail: mg Htdson hi or miimd rt 1>zi`i911'5'ic m1'r'.' s"-1-1's`-.2u PANY S THROUGH -LINE T0 `CALI- FORNIA. leaves on thomh _ son: of each month. Staan weeklyto QU LIVERPOOL - o U S PUBLISHED every .ovam.ILg' , Illper II I mun ii: ndvg.ne7 , or two edits ueluinglo e Nlwa_in the_ onlgn`ooN$1:B;vA'.I:1vI :.'i'1`."at; "`z _ _the ocizl redeipts forazncrirtionn, tions and donstmnn for `Dim-gun. ..l.;...s.. ....*n mag-.n. ' ; uuaculyli or twenty Will 50 ll- lowed to clubs of four or non ipououu Thus :-Fou.r copies bf Bhckviood or of one ` '. ' bennttoonepddnufcr` dnoon. four copxes of the font Ravioil and Blnbwno for $48, an . Tocluba _of tenor-mm-o,in sbovedisoount, sentry boltwudv t0th8lEOttGl'Iinnft Ann`- . for In meamm 9: communication betziyn thbe ' A of Ontario and the Ola-gkum Imty . W "F" Anvznnsma '1`nni3'.--Eight - for first inn-rtion ; 031: per every subsequent inurhon. Spoctil mind for monthly, half-yea;-Ly, or ` ygftrly Idvert montajnsde on model-nto . ' s` `1 won-. oneo: ...u--nun . TERMS OF S 0N. For any one ofthe 84 per`: For my two of the 7 _ OIJY tulle Rnvinwn In L IPIIIIIILI III WDCHISOIVBS. I. press the truth in 1 mild for- `hnn n for evenings ngmwhile I Wood was uldrvsning the -any of raise which he paid r of the on. John Sftlldfivlul his Government was very 'teriunl it as one of the nithfnl, economical Govern- our been formed in Uanadn. he Globe the next morning to In had been corroctly rc- thnt tint portion of the hon I) this): fl!{Il'TC\1t0 Snndrj.-Id his 1:.`-..-......... -... o..o..ll.. uuey us use ntry. 1 no not know that than `I any 'eel suggestion which it wouldhsincnn t upoune on the present ujsn to to you ; and yet there is one ohscvetios ' h I nu elmost compelled to 3&3. sndthn is, I would venture to remind ya, til ye rfntum relations with your yeuq psls ye will be careful to remember % your `one must not be conned handy to the elopnient of their intelligence Gd III in of information. but that these`: else r duty as important as dther of thuo, end that is that you should ennvonr to no, discipline, and `elevete ir yen! viour, rendering them polite, will , doferentinl. res ctful te llil, their elders, and t eir supe- ` rises. Jsrhnps ins new country. where on evwyide we surrounded b the evidences d pssqerity, V e s irit e independence hinxtul onto success, where at s ung persene ere celled u i :38 gig: a battle end to undertglte 1 Qt: ibilities, it is very natural 3 ' thou be devele en exuberant i self ence. on what I would ssh: from time to tiine to in- t youlmpils in thin, that although spa one hand there in no quelity more GLIIH then sell-respect. yet on the other i tlevery of sell'- 1: excludes ed-muiegend I say it the more readily be- at I euless ii there is say criticism which to psspon the youth of this new eon1n-I do not nv .r P....a. ......;:..u.. lto the getter up of _1 I-uove mnemmw I on `DB1 lithe chron7:'1B ah}: `riemj II: the weekly edition of 1:he'Dnt;-r Inn '1': _ ' ` PBBKIU New subscribers for have, without H 1311'. (Inn:-luau ..c In-n ..o ..._ Den 1 r the yes ha::ww:13::uctn chu-go. 0 1a.st`l'-V-_`tOlof.l.37l.of:I11hpIl'lIdIn'Ih8 5* -maysubscribefor. v- ~ * 'z;{,p, Orinataidoftheabovo, nqwlu to` [GENERAL I_l_0_|_(_ET uu iwo,=ulfU6` 0l'- Idllf ) (ii: calya, may lave, u A _ ` "; Review for 1871 ; subun'bqnJb-di-I'hH!",`. hue two of the four B.c'1'nII'n`.~oc2h~"- "*-"" Neither premium: to IIi>C_I.ma:&-gm count to clubs can be a_l@9d.; ~__:m:;~_ money is remitted direct to_ tho` publialun. -' -A ' No premium: can be given to clubs, , , _ - To secure premiums, _It will be _ _ '- make early spplicstiqn,_u the stocking ` , g for that -purpocoilltnnrtgd. _ _ - ,m," Circulars. witharmr n..e:....=|... _`-- 1- J. Ialso publish 1118 LBOIII I`II -.-r.. ruunnunn THE PARKE! GUIDE` T Sc` trio and H`:3nrv`g:enhan., Inn 'lAI.`|..z.I. . IN AT ll'GILL NORMAL SCHOOL. in inpnvinghis visit to Mon- ; in upon :11 the dilferent adu- of the city, and de1ivor- oqlent. sud always sensible `occasion. Among other ip has been at the McGill nd hi: --ml. All 4I..o -....-, 1 4 i1`Zn'`?.~.`Z......., r.ns., Idea P orton, Profelkorof P! P -' n in. ' culture In YdnCollego,Now._ cu `. - Two V01l., Royal octavo_ 1,600 paget, ll}. numerous engravings. 87 1 postpai-1. 88. , `A 53.`. \ any .muu evangu _l_ S`i'xUf):lll:-1 perurlynim, Jnysbllo ii Ai- 3' Vvance. Subscribes who rebate that pg: bymail no ehugedlivo -. ;~.,--. The Chronicle a.1.t_u`;.;.;;.:` 13 :.nmi._hed:thT'5:no1hn `` f , ; Adnnce. Add:-on oitddnto U .ov ' [ ndvgncf, eaits I ' ` _ . 015:9 ongn`GONEVA'.l;'I.Yl of ' uabm ch. m.s.... It..in'.l.ho ` TS Avon-n -nga.aLn QR _._ - iiunmsnnn` " . iii; Six Dollar: per":ynIln`:. mvm 2` r blIcKW00d'l Mnanno' . . r Blnckwodd and onoeviov r Blackwood and any two of the Review: . . . . . . . . . . . I r Blackwood and three of the Reviews .. I . . . . . . . . . .. _ I-.n'_-L,,, 1 - -- - ' an tour at the - Blackwoodh J ' BIA:-.I:-vndtl and vmvu psrty nccesuty very sorry that 9 Id hue ucn tit to commit. " 3 statement. If he was oulym ' orstlou for party, and in dupsrting from the |_nku our condence vary `ty an 3 high-minded, trust- ' iAnpolit.i<:ian."--Hamilton uuu J\ SVLBWI - Blbckwood and R8Vie'i. 3.4. omnn BBOS\.,---_0ntAqo' of Brock same. mm. .- Le:hor morn, ` tbfho" all). > {:1 ;,. _PmunUus; - ` . ,... 'lI'|III'l_ for 7111:. c-.;'_A!$w' o `.' ` '16-i2 1 m"... ;?.2.. M3 10` ;i_hl.:-- .. m.'m:.1..... Auiucv. muuecmu ngonr and ac- intry. I do know that ' sumution Ihich it Tu. ma , nm` 24.: L: K` VOL` .`g..riv.nea &..J" ARHOTBI viHnuasA| Kinght Drum` _; $l}HBOH08 A u an " your suaex-year, he ih of 9 ' parent establish- ubroad in all direction ;l ev hing that in necesv. In into ecttul vigour sud utry. know tlmt cAnvnp_; M0_BI.%' PRINC no nun: p Junullp :`..`.E`.3t'.: F SILVER SI nonnnt n wanna`: Iv. IJBOXITF Gosamw mum) crvvrrun 'roo'rr P TOILET}; I LUBIH S~ ATKINSO FARINA LAVEND -I-sin Aflcil l\ }E'I76u'i `AT LOWI V . _-..--....-., up. a.., unnlvnce-BIS. Liquor Store. THOMPSON, GEO., King-at. larble Cutters. TANDY arms: ...... n..-_---- -_ 1 ,,_ _, .. ....-new Painters. ROBINSON, BROS. , Glnenc ZSTDIC TANDY BROS., cor. ] ntn Notary Public, &e., McCAMMGN, 8., Gaumoque. `PIIQII X-I,-_... vrxlll makers. MEE & CO. Gore-st. REYNER, JOSEPH, Princes:-st. 1 -an pnnnpon the youth eoInty-I say of Cumin espoiauy, ht of the oannt of America-it is that 1 inn has stuck by the absence of the dc-~ `C10 Old Iupoctfor thou who are older `& Ilandvcu towhicl cling `Mt. Noy, use :' I .Planofo1-to Repairers. A BROWN, GEO., \Vel1ington *remca._ R.EYNE_ , J., Princess-It. Photographs and Picture Prunes. HENDERSON, H., Princes:-at. - Pu-lntgu -...I n-I-In--- ~ --...u uusu:vA1 , 11., IYIBCCII-I`. Printer and Publishc RHANNON, Jmm, -Princes-nt. _ _ - -.-, ..-...... uv vv., uuuu. Doctors. DUPUIS, THOS R., Princess-st. EVANS, H. B., Princess-st. J.-XRVI-3`, J., \VeI.lington-at. .\[cCAMMON, JAM, Wellington st Dry Goods. `UOUSINEAU, F. X. & 00.`, Princess-at. ERLY, L. J., Princess-st.` GARDINER, R. & J., Pringag_n_t__.` GREENFIELD, JAMES, Princess-.1: MACNEE & VVADDELL,` Princess-st. MACPHERSON, A. B. & CO., Princess-st. McDON ELL. A, B., Mu-ket-square. MOORE, JAM%, Prinoela-st. ' McNAUGH.TON & C0., comer of King and Princes:-its. ROSS, ALEX., Princess-st. SHAW & MINNE, Princess-st. WALDRON, R., \Vilnon'u Buildings, \Vel- V limzton-at` - nu-.-vol so BROS, Glnence Street. Planofortes. WEBER. & 00., corner Princess and Ontario- Its. , - nan-vvDI'II. _ Ticket Agncy. FOLGER BR.OS., foot of Brock-gt. Veterinary Sun-112$. McINTOSH, DANIEL, City Ho , It. ` 1 eonntnn Drug Store. .' HE Stomach lldl derangement: are H e _ common cause of most of the Chronic Wanting Diseases for which invalid: are con- st.-sntly seeking specics.` 'hen the food is imperfectly digested and assimilated the Mood becomes impoverished. and all the organs and tissues of the body debilitated by want of nourishment. This general depravity of the system manifests itself in some consti- tutions by dieeaae of the Lungs. Heart, Liver Kidneys, and in other by Scrofulons enlarge- ment of the glands, eruptions of the skin, ulcers of bone and esh, spinal weakness, `-- regularities, exhausting discharges, nervous mostrntion, mental anxiety, neuralgic and rheumatic pmins, all of which arise from de- praved nutrition. To invi orate the Stomach -uni perfect digestion, an the formation of Lnr-althy Blood Dr. \ t'heelcr's Compound Elixir of l hosph:Ite.~4 and Calisaya is of great 1-lliczwy and reliability, being harmless to mfaut or adult, and prompt and permanent in its cccts. Sold by all Drnggiste. ....5vvnruv i Flour let-chant. MORRISON, M., Prineeu-st. _ Farrier. WR IGHT, CLARK, Wellington-st. Grocers. R1'v`.l".. wu n on n--I--- uruccrlo BEGG, WM. & C0,, Brook-st. DONNELLY J AMES Princess-it. ELLIOTI` & SCOBELL; corner md Ontario at :-eetn. -_- .. _....., vxrnala-I u, nu -an. 1'ILDELEEVE & WAigKEM, Clarence-st. KIRKPATRICK, A. S., County Crown At- torney, Ontario-st. KIRKPATRICK & SMYTHE, Ontario-at. KIRKPATRICK I ROGERS, Ont.rio-It. MACDONALD Jr PATTON, Trust and Lou: Building, corner of Toronto and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. JUDIE, JOHN, Clsrence-st. JVALKEM, R. T., Clarence-st. II__.__ 54,, nuuxul 1' a .suu1s1-11.1.,` :-ecu. IIARBACK & C0,, Princess-st. McBAE,LCO., \V. 11., cannot \ and Brock nu. PARKHILL, JOHN, Princess-st. REES &'CO., Princess-st. REES BROS., Princes:-st. SCOTT & DALTON , Princess-at. II..o-l.. ,,--.._ .. -.......\.u.v, cu-cell-li. llotels. ANGLO-AMERICAN, Ontario-st. ALBION HOTEL, Stirling. ` I N TERNATIONAL, " Brockville. ` PROVINCIAL, Ganmoque. nsurnnce. .ETNA FIRE, Jsma Swift, Wharf. HARTFORD, J. V. Noel. ROYAL, M. W. Stnnge, Clan RELIANCE, J. V. Noel. I--._I-.. __.I -I , --.........uvu, u. v. noel. Jewelry and Fancy store, CRIDIFORD, JOHN, King-st. I GRIGUR, 0., Sheffield House, Princess-st. ,,__ _,_-, v., ~ra.|Io|AlIiAl.I uuuau, In Lawyers. BAWDEN, JOSEPH, King-at. WALKEM, tnrnnv On!-_g.-in. l.I-Ial3Io ULARK F. M, \Vcllingtoun-st. a:L1-:.\1Eiu', L., \Velliugton-st. NIAUDONALI), J, L., I ' cess-at. Ilnn-nu-I- .. vs ujjlalwio HEATH & GUNN, Princess-st. HOBART, GEO., Princess-st. KING, J. King-st. MACLEAN & CO., Princeqs-st. PARKER, E. H., XArketSquare. WHITE, .R.., Princess-st. YOUNG, SILL3 & C0., Bath. II-`4-__L .\l7\l'Ke square. WERNER, I"., Princess-st. Bakers. U.\RNOVSKY:; R., VVilliamaville. k`l{UTI_{ERS. H. & \V. 1., \Vellingl:on-at. Iinllgn -(drama . ......., ....,.--.u, 1.:u|ucaa`B|n Coal on Merchant. .s`l[IELS, JOHN, King-st. Confectioners and Fruit Stores. DUMBLE, H., Brock-st. ' 'l'U\VN, R., Market Square. REES BROS., } rincess-st. Dentists. l?I.ARI( I` `M \v,.n:..,..-.. _. Bsin .., -no main -my on I0 ; It all events, with- -::." " too mien hovthatma be, 1 lb tonhan tithe 0 0u:a~ ` vary `CC ilnalnnlnhx inn. ~ 3| \JCIIa?3l30 -'i_-\(`}E, 1{()BEli'l`, Princess-st. | O\\'EH., JOHN, Queen-st. Auctioneers. HULDER, BE1\'J., Princess-st. \IIYRI?A\' `\\'IllI A\A A. ... -..-..u, .4. vv. um. vun. Booksellers and Stationers. H ENDERSUN. JOHN, Princess-st. Vlc.-XULEY, THUS. & 00., King-st. \"l'AUEY, E., King-st. I)....o_ - _.J 9|. - __ nnvvlaa Illlll Bill. ROSE, ED\VIN, Princess-st. A`A_I IKII 4-, ,- Ill I uunn, nun.) . , l'r1ucean-st. \[URl`.A\', "WILLIAM, Anchor Buildings, .\l:u-ket Square. \ wrxzmmn. 1-`.. Pm.-......._ IDIIIICT [CH ll-IFFERS, L. W. & Son. llg HCOYG. Kingston, 06. Int, 1872. - mun: V. noel NSURANCE Agent, N . Pnbli , Ac- [ eonntant. to. Ofeo 233' M; P:r_ker'| )1-33 Stqre. ` " nuunon , liugton-st. __sPaIAL Nocss. INSURANCE AGENT. ..., -.u5~uu. Boots and Shoes. W\VIN' D-in..-n- -4 ' A` 1 U. , uauluoqua. Wan lgkers. ) , (inn-n_n6 Jolnn V. Noel. |'l`.`I'. A .....o \`r..a--- . u. 11. 1., ueulu Boiler Makers. w lQ,._ --s ununu Uqll. Insurance. ,`l ....... u._n 5.` .i;'1;`,B; n';Z; llruggists. YEW D..:........ - u vuuvcro '. Princess and Sydenham- was-st. ' \Vel1inglon St. Lawrence [1 Street. 4 lab 4 _ _ -.._.,.... ....w., uannnoque. BROPHY, PROPRI1<} l`OR.-Thin Fiat A, (nu. Hotel ' ` _bunnes part of the town, in view of tI_i __.- - uu-nu nau U-0|lll_d-L "Gbod Boats and On-um "7' 111 Itfandanes for Parties. / any 23. ,_.__-_.. __vuv-9 a-.un'n OHN ACK ERS, Man Commercial Rooms. Stabling. - V \A .....L on U- 8?. `ood _1_1 ut..-Jomr_l;` ' Y, Jr., Free Omnibus to __ m the b4 Can-isges hr pan -ties yishing x interest can be secured at the o Clad: Livery attached. May 27. ` , nuuurm xucuuosn. AN IEL McIN'I'0SH, Veterinary Surgeon, D Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Otce, City Hotel, Kingston. ARRISTER. and Attorney-nt--Law, So- licitor in Uhmlcery. Notary Public, Uonveyaucer, 32 King Street, Kingston; Uut. At Ganaaioque, over S. McC.unmon a Drug Store, every 'I`uead:Ly and Friday. , ' Jan. 14, 1873. V ' m 9 t. the poor. `_`[) mg \ treats. -_. ~- __--....--v_ -v_, ("1OUN TY CROWN A l"I`ORNEY and Clank J of the Peace for the Usbunty of Fronte- nus, Ontario Street, Kingston, directly uppn site the Montreal '1`elegro.*h (.`umpm1y s ulu . KingHton,'July 19, 187 . James Mccmnmon, lIl.l)._,i EMBER of the Royal College of Surgeons, L khuigand. Residepce and Uice :- l)umble'a lock, \VellingtonStreet, Kingston. J uue 29 'l`l|os. 3. Dupuis. 1n.n., r.n.:.1-..-s `"10ME'l'IME Assistant Surgeon U. S. `,3 _Army, VVasl1ington, and later, Attelldullt at the Mnasachusettiand Uity Hospitals, and Eye and Ear Innnqry, Boston). OFFICE AND RESI]JENCE-in the pre- mises recently occupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Drs. Evans and Maclean, \n 13: DD) \V1rl_'V0n nm..un,.. Bi V ..-...-. -...r--.1 F M. CLARK, L.D. S.,L DENTAL Rooms, , No. 4 Wilson : Hock, \Velliugton Street, Between Princess an Brock Sta. Satisfaction Guaranteed. July 31. ALL Ur nun nun, England, Physician, Sur eon, &c. Uice md Residence removed to ellington Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Calls in cit or country, night or day, promptly attundc JARVIS, M 1) wcuuumy u_y urs. r.v;u1s and Maclean, L No. 13.5 PRINCESS .'7'la _EE7', nearly opposite Taxidy Bros Marble \Vorks. August 7. Kingston. `V ruuuc, convey Queen's Bench, Etc. Nov. 27. - ..- .--u-vs-vnnnauilg I1-II-B-9 DENTIST (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. OFFICE HOURS from 9 A.M. to 5 RM. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to and in In`: int In-y and C aadurd. ...........:f