Kingston News (1868), 28 Jan 1873, p. 1

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I%Vl\ll I'm-III] mu . . uuuunugucu uavmg made arrange- 1 main: with Montrqal and New York capitalists tn di.~<;..uc and work Iron Mines, hereby gives notice that he will be happy to receive proposals from parties who may have any. JAS. SHANNON & ('10., Kingston and Montreal. Dec. 20. 1872. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- ` dersigned, and endorsed Tender for Carillon- Canal, Dam and Slide, will be received at this office until noon of Monday, the 27th day of January next, 1873, for the construc- tion of a Dam, Timber-Slide, and Canal with two Locks, in the Carillon Rapids. Plans and specications of the works can cwo LOCKS, 1n the Carillon Rapids. specications works, can be seen at this oice,- and at the Eu 'neer s- ` Uice, Point Fortune, on and after-V educa- ; day, the 22nd day of January next, when printed forms of Tender will be furnished. l All Tender: must be fnnn on 4-1.. m.'..+.A THE under`-signed having made _> r_x_1ents Montreal,_28th Dec., 1872. ( | The time for receiving Tenders for the } above works has been extended to MONDAY, , 3rd February next. ~ 1 Depzu-uncut of Public VVorks, _ 14th January, 1873. mun nmsns wmtn. 081 Department Vof Public VVo1-ks, Ottawn,_28th Dec., 1872. time for rm-eiv1'na Tnn;]nru Umlevelopecl llesollmes Ilanmatory .-\'ectim ` weguugwn arrest, 1n me clty ox luugstou, 0nt.,_ on the 12th day of February next, at ! the hour of 12 o'cloek. noon. | 17 rv nr r\' n `l(-lhoioe Artic1s_f9r {he *'[IT'dile`t-. GREAT VARI-b:'I`Y of Lnbin s and At- kinson : FINEST PEl{FU`M]L`5. BEST ENGLISH TOOTH, NAILAND HAIR BRUSHES. I3l\`YIj n1'\t\\!r4IIth 1-1...,`-..-.-us.` ,..,. .-,._ |. FINE spozmlis, IMPORTED SOAPS, &c., &c.' For sale by E. H. PARKER, Chemist and Drugint, Market Square. ELLl0'l'l` & sc0|TELT,| 7 j : -_7 h V OULD respectfully inform their friends and customers generally, that during the holidays, they intend selling at cost their choice, Stock of Groceries, consisting of the choicest grades of Green, Black and Japan Teas. Aiso ALL GRADES or SUGARS. GROSS AND BLAUKWELUS SAUCES AND I>I('.k'I.w_sx bnuno Anu DLAUAVV 131.113 EAUUJEB AND PICKLES. RAISINS AND CURRANTS, in endless vnrietv_ BOP 1872. - LEMON, 0 GE AN D CITRON PEEL Extracts and Spices of all kinds. Our Coffee in the best in the cxty. `I `I'1'\`I'1'l\l`x`4 Where can mortals go to buy Boot: with which no Boots can vie 2 Boots excellent, neat and grand, Beats the cheapest in the land. ; Boota well wearing-worth their price- Boots in Fashion : best device ; Boots tirt class, and quite thezthiug ; Boots well worthy of a. king ; Boots for ladies, wives and belles, Boots for gentlemen and swells ; Boots surpassed by none in town ; Model boots of high renown. At Rose : Store you will find ` Boots and Shoes of every kind ; Come and buy and prove the test,~ They are the wonders of the \Vest ! Ifingston Oil Stores, Jan. 13, 1873. 29. 1372. T . __v_- We keep nothin but the t.-It quality of Brand}, Rum, Gin, amily Proof, Old Rye, in wood or bottle, Very Fine II....J. .... .3 El. .......-- IIT2.. ..... Wllll UK" UUBDIE, VUI'y IIIIU Port and Sherry Wines. Give us I. call and judge for yourself as re- gard: quality and price. Comer of Brock ad Ontario Streets. J In .I.n nvr CENTRAL CANADA. NOTICE in lurch; given to rtiei having Accounts anunt tho unicipd Cor- r_sh'on of tho County of Frontenac, Glut must be planted on or before the first of the lnoetiq pf any Section. otherwise they will not be looked into or settled [during Session. - By order of the Council. JOHN CRAIG, County 01;-k`. Kinalfnn, Jun 91. I373, nu uuur 01 1; 0 CIOGK, - F. C, CLIIN E, Secretary and Treasurer. Dated Kingston, January 4th, 1873. I -Ki-s-ton. Jun. 21, 1873. [OTICB T0 CONTRACTORS. run THE HounAv .% It Inl'i\':lH`1l as a I` -I. I II I lIIIl\ZIl Druggint, Square. Kingston, Dog` 19, 1872. LIDIXV 3 vanety. E. ROSE, ucv su vnu use Lu vuv "LIQ,IJ"o|i'. .___ __;L:_._ .,_n_ LL- c__L _ PRINCESS STREET. F. BRAUN, Secret: u; U 1` , Secretary. SPECTACLES 2; Q*I.`d)A>. TUESDAY EVr:NIN'G. JANUARY 10 3376653. . ELLIOTT, . SCOBELL. BLACK AND COLOURED SILKS, ' JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINS, SILK VELVETS AND VELVETEEN S, FRENCH MERINOES & WOOL SERGES, BLACK LUSTRFB AND COBOURG WOOL PLAIDS, WINCEY8, ' OTTOMAN AND TARTAN SHAWLS, BLACK AND COLOURED BEAVERS, ` ' '1`VVEEDS_, FULL CLOTHS, ' ` .-P A a-1--_-_ in,` I PEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, CHEAP BLACK LUSTRES, Cheap Black and Coloured ) Sill, Scarlet Flnnnell, Grey Flannels, White Flannels and Blankets at old prices, _ Pretty Fancy Cloakinga, Striped, Ottoman and Plaid Shawls, Chen Clouds and Breakfast Shawls, Black, Brown, Blue, Purple and Grey Velvetgens. Lots of retty Goods, cheap, at A Full Assortment of Seasonable [Dry Goods AW` 'l"I:I"Ii` ! THE`but place in the city 1 Call and see our Overcoats, Pea: Jackets, Sack Goats, Trousers, and Vesizs Funnishinp: Goods In Woollen Drnwers uni Ihlnrahinlu N..- 'r:.... ....,a rv,.n..... `Dress Goods! Dress Goods , French Merinoes, Shaw and Jackets, Blacalg ilks ! mBlaok -lS`i`1ks1! clothing, TO 100,000 Cash Customers who will buy for Cash, Cooking St0V('R, Hall Stoves, Parlour Stoves, Parlour Cooking Stoves, Dumb Stoves, Iron Bedntcads, lron Rinks, Pumps, Lead Pieea Sad Irons, ']`inwm-e, Cutlery, Nickle Silver and Plated Goods, at the lowest rice: as by my house in the city, with the {miller inducement of 5 l l:11{ CENT OFF 01 CASH, T Ql`l`I L`l m lII\Tl'I ortitivvn ryu`v_...-....,.-- DRUG STORE, 47 PRINCESS STREET Wake up !;Wak6 IIP 3 GENTS WANTED, to_ loll Inn, Melodeonn uni Pianos, for_ 5' ` M the best makers in Canads and tho Uni tea. Apply `co J. REYNER, orgaatmd Meiodnn j Apply `0 1 . 51513195, I Mnnufactiu-er, next door to .l:IabIkt I H0631 Hall, I riueeu street. Oct. 23, 187 . x;.;:a.@_:;mmcmm.i Desi; makers In Uanaas and thg Unitaigates. to Orgniifnnd Melodon M auufactixrer. Hedilnl A ZEJGIIJE "P";-Stlicri` j3:t ue:i}.'3"L'`1 E. H. PARKER, Chemist. Harlot Jan. 2, 1873. ` November 18. Kingston, December 20th, 1872. Kingston D`e`pdt\ Jan and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ti` Remember the place for the Best Fitting Garments in the Dominion. HE 1181! of'J. CARRUTHERS & G0. has this day been diaoolvod by the re- rmont oi Mr Cu-rnthon. Th; L-inhm will In continued In: Alex. D`-`L7~ `7?-_ - - V- vvuuuu, J. var UUIUAUUD, IJGIUL UUaJU'U.l'b', Fumishing VVoollen Dnwers and Undershints, New Ties and Collars. Call and Stuck before place Fitting Gannmm: in Hm nm..:..:.;.. ALES um rorrni, in in and` pint,a,romthobeotB1-even eDo-. minion. AhoEl|1i.|hAlundPorte1-3. IIIBAIIIDIBS.--Junea Henneuyg, in wood nr hoI:t.le': J. at F. lh.rtall I. 1n wood or GlNS.-Iohn De Knypor & s.;.., in wood hntt1a_ on) Tom .'.x1v}-n`em;u Co s, in wood m-bottle: Betta &(}o':_ in wood or vv-._. wmg`.3_U1>1aR1on PORTS and slim: RI . ' WlISKlE.'-0ld Funy Proof, Old Bye Proof uniccnmm What the best in 4-3:` .;- aznmnnnnn Imai, November 8. FOR THE HOLIDKYS. FURTHER SUPPLY of Plwiloxfl Lung L and Chest Protector! jlut tecoiyod by PARKER. Chemist. Sauare. :t. 5, I372: may-.1, s uVuu vuu1un, ii`. A Salesmux wanted. R EA'T E-ST {BAR .A I N S [AS NOW ON RAND A LARGE s A! nuunguinn KAIIIIIIEU.--James nenneuyl, 1n wood or bottle`; J. 8'. F. Mal-1:a1l I, inwood hnttla: Piet. Caatillon E Co s. inwood, IDSBISV; J. C 1". M.II'ELl'I, W000 0| bottle; Piet, Castillon & Co I, inwood` , or bottle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA RUM. .I:'l'00I umucnmun VVJIIII the cit may REDUCED 1 , llllfl ' BRITISH WAREHOUSE. F; X. COUSWQEAU & 00. SELECT YOUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS Clothing, \ til-malt oi Mr Usrrnuun. The kind will be continued by Alex- ander Gun, Saluul ll:-per, and `Willianu Gudnnr C ' nods: the name ml utvlo of njnr an N A an 9.. ..|...... ..n 3.1.4.. R. Waldr0n s, Wilsoifs Buildings. Cash! Cash! Cash! , Cash! . o . Beg tostate thht gluring the n_ext gwo weeks they will give the Selling Very Cheap for` Cash. MCNAUGBFON & co. AT WALDRON S.% Ever offered in Kingat. in_t]1e following Lines :- '\l\II`JII F3193- GEO. THOMPSON. 7 where you can. get the Ciheapelst and Best Fitting (lagmcnts. KING STREET, KINGSTON, Deccuher 4. Wanted immediately at A31` THE . J. SHIEIS, KING STREET, KINGSTON. yawvn `uunu 6 ;J1us:,.T- Clouds, Clouds, .F1anne1s- m11n'l'S; UUIAARS, TIES AND SCARFS. VVHITE AND GREY BLANKEFS, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNEIB, `JOSEPHINE FRENCH KID GLOVES, LINED KID GLOVES AND MITTS, LAMB S VVOOL SHIRTS ARD DBAWERS LADIES CLOUDS, GlN ]`S WOOL SCARFS, SHIRTS; COLLARS, TIES AND S(`.AR1<`.~: |After the Holidays` ponoon BO0KS `City Book Store. ihristnyas and NewYear( unmnnr 9 uncut the an I lI"l0 ox ALEX. GU N I 00., tn chum all debts (ho to the his firm are pa_\-:-`axe. ' -JOEL !`.\LZHlf'.'llliRS. we- ru 1" Tnos. McAULEY & wsi McNAU(.`l-ITON 81. `C0, Corner of King and Princess Streets. .KingIton, Jan. 3. 1873. FOR SGHDIJL USE The balnnoe of our Stock at Selling ' Cheap F } James Moore. Clothing, Clothing. 28. I873. CARVED, GOLD,- J.` AHOULA. ` (Correspondence of the ffeuz York Herald.) Winona, M.inn., Jan. 18, 187 3. --While your Eastern world on the verge of the Gulf Stre`an.1 has been lifting tho hands of despair and voice of protest over a snow- fall which made locomotion on fooLunploa- sant and by horse can impossible for _a day or two, and while the whole country has beenthiilliuig with hon-spot tho ineronation of a few hapless workmen in o tinder box ; up here, on tho ahndeloss and sholtorloss prairies, there hath boon wrought a deed of dreadful note. Human suffering which parallels that endured bytho fatod Franklin has been of hourly occurrence, and lives have been taken as freely in in` battle; but . with attendant circumstances innitely moro` tragic than wait on the parting of the soul which is rent from tho mangled ooh by shot and steal. I was in Minnesota oftor the awful massacres of ten years ago , when tho red wave of Indian invasion swept over the smiling land and left it a waste of ashes soaked with blood ; but the scelping knife and bullet of the Si in did not do_ such havoc as the snows ve wrought this ear, nor were-all tho torture: of the rod ends productive of more agony than I halve witnessed within the past ton yeors. What . has been euored and how many have been slain has not yet been ascertained, for the settlements are far apart and communica- tiqnisdiicult; but by eve nail come particulars that chill the hloo , and we can i now fairly estimate the oxtont of the calamity, and, inasmuch so tho history of this in emorahle Polar wave last, in slat-go measure, be derived from local sourcoo and backwoods journals that never reach tho Eastern reader or editor, it may not he labor wasted on the part of the Herald`: correspondent to prepare a. succinct and in- telligible account of the sad affair, to which In`! Lddod aural: `norm-nnnl nlnnnrnnn .. _.... I..- tolligiblo of are added such personal pusagqa u may be most worthy of preservation. ` ` UD to that fatal Tnnldnv at uhmn m.-._ mom; wortny or preservation. Up that fatal Tuesday, at whose men- tion many a heart shell ache in l[in_nesota. for years te come, there had heel; winter weather of the usual sort, cleer, oeld, with occasional storm: of elew, eene of which hsd sarieusly blocksded the reeds and in- duced considerable euering from scarcity of fuel. The epizootic had for some time lsid an enbarge en travel; Our great Northwestern ceuntry must not be consid- ered to be likecenada, a. land of hills and valleys, thickly cl:;.1 with ihe joreetl. A greet table-le.nd, of cuniidienble` altitude, lying open to the winds, tha_.t sweep down from the North Sea at intervals, icy as the breath of death, with en occasional tree, 3 semi-occasional clump of trees, or 1. still rare belt of forest along e. water course, end -en stmesphere dry and in the Northwest. It is lsrgely settled by immi- grate from Scsndisvia, peer and thrifty folk, wheee woeden heuees stand singly or in little hsnlets, vnu-king the pniirie at every few miles. The country ll` fertile, and in summer enilee u the gardei ef the Lord ; but in winter it presents a. bleak face ef snow to s cloudlese blue sky. Tuesdsv. the 7th. was s lush: and mild or snow to a cmnqiese mue Iky. Tuesdey, the 7th, was e levely and mild day. The sun was bright and the air bslmy. Every pulse of the country was uetir under tho genial inuence and the will swans thet clangerl overhead ence er twice fteu their JIIGFOI must have seen the prnrie roads alive _ with teams. The farmers were all at the nearest eettlemen. They were getting short` of f uel ; there was but a handful of eur at the bottom of the barrel, not a. scrap of meet was left. But the mews lied oeeeed, their shaggy little horses were-welhgain, so every farmer llltclletl his teem for the town. In the little cottages ef weed were women and children ; the school-houses were full of little ones. `Such wae the cenntry, thul its dwel- lers, when the blew fell. Neture weultl eeem to have an-egeted to herself ell the eavege attributes which had marked her- tiret children there, their careful and tient watch for an easy opportunity en their sudden and relentless onslaught. At Winnebago CIIIPQ were Iittv fA9 Inn THE TERRIBLE TEMPEST IN `MIN: FESDTA. /I"...-......,..,....1..`... ,1 u :7 `iv v - suuuen anu rolentlosl onalangnt. Wuanebago City there were sixty teams 5 gambled; scores were at New Ulm. All along from Albert Lee. end Blue Est-th, by Windem, Mankate, clear up to Breakin- 1-icige, Bell Prairie and Duluth, the people were scattered, delivered into the hand: of the storm. ' `D-a......._ ;...-l-... .._.`I 4...- ,J_I__L -_ In H, I339 IIZOFHI. Between twelve and two o'clock on Tues- day the sky turned livid, the can become merely a. dull brazen ring, tlu south I E chopped round rapidly and bacaue co and in a very few minute: was lndon wi _-C_...-..... -...-_..I_l. A.I._L _L._._ __ `III... .I. __.. ` uuupyuu Iuunu. nlplaly Illa DOCIIIB CO1 wif nefrozon anevdriit that stung like uhmv r" of needles. Se litterly unprepared we the people for the ehenge in the weeth , and so suddenly did it come upon the , thet one man at Wianehgo city delcri . it u if 3 man clipped hie hands--u, a d the enovr came in our fence." Knnwi o Then the werk of dentin began. For me e wner, Illl lurncsluiolol. -on Iolpdll their sleigh, end with voice and lush urg their cowering hex-us eut into the eter . thurfty hem-I, till late an Thurldey, t e freezing wind end falling mew continue . 11'. was net a steady (all ef mew, but 3 he 1- ing hurricane, the wind eemetixnee ethini g I epeed ef twenty-eight, thirty or thirty-two nilee. The snow cine in tful urriee, with a. wild ecreech and '9. etinging whiz. The thermometer fell steadily, till et Cheinplzin. `it registered fty-"(g_1],;,_d@l$.~h0hI nee. At ether places the mercury eigepirit freu eight to forty-twe degreee below zero. ' Some of the farmer: who let eut` Ieen fenni. that if they velued life they must tiara back. They were envolod ineheeteef new that e wild blinded them. came ee fairest that they were fain ttetep and I II rout till e nenen _lnll;cane. The reed-why the level pt-e` me all reed now, with: at one track of 1.`: runner he indicete the ` nnti nf nnlntv, .3 WLQPQIQP thmuhznqn - -I..1.e. W "I: man cmppoa. nu nnltu-50, 4 tbs gnaw our fun." Knowi g whnt this hurricsnpbodod. -oirhspcin their nlaiths. nnd with voicn nd lulu m-a HE Inderligno-I in pm -tired to receive Tendon for HARD GOFP \VOUl), for $50 no of Che Klilngston Brewery lutl Dhtilhry, in Inch qumtities as may he Iyood on. Full parhculmu willbegiven on appliou at this oicc. _ one was: In wlwlcr runnlr W mcncsu II! of piety. " Whatever thdiwu 5 iii 1'. son on` t_ round it nil hub out it ' . nut-.v.bi11nuu _ 1:; an Inovr-unotclrrlu ` A y::odty.bi1lowc 3212 `o?".,....;.ac" 5....` -rH'_ an $25: hm-us thot toilcl along, preon`n`g with their heaving sni-Q 010001` 80 Olch OHM! for In:-nib nnddumlgp M ' tlldlf _ gained: up orvinrdgtho `van-fat` ' lfhogonr ' less, Ahifeold link wdro gro in`:-, n thonviftconingofiuth. he turned audntnood Lia `mu Hnnnv an. X111 le3I EI'lB&OQ` A EC! onus, left plane in air frlil tdnb, through e that grew debldthdtboeano " " WP. Aemvmnh -` moment. $3 ` `bore vnu, lllI lT}-`.UWII'IIIm~,,IgQ,` the dnftp. any stcpnndeold thstboeanomore "Q7. moment. Andthero wot-oot'han' fth test. 1 mum I-air -'.i.`..T ;3v.r.'1`i1.a1..".`.': - `L... -,."-,72 .1. '.t.;;'..:..",'. '-'".3'...."+:'..'.:`:, % w o 0 can , ` `robes, won _ incl 3. slumber which know no awakening. . 8-us- tones, wort 1uu9g.nJ.tha.A_unoIhl1-geinto _no a.wskonin. ting: the horubrgnveout, 13160 driver, jaedgnd ciind, Hindu ` - `yuan-vy... ' hulk)` `V hniam audtsko to tho dnlb. Th ` 71035124. 1'7; V1271 lNG:-TlA N. 2.9. ` ._.. _}.__._..._._..: s Th; nub-gndlz ' tb Inform the pabli that he in now diatillin this far-fame: Whiukey at the Old Dilery, Ind solicih onion for tho IIIIQ. N.B.-a rcpt to`: noce Efgned James Horton I be; to adorn the public tint I have the sum Dutillar And Boctilior thnt its late James Morton Ind in his employment, coupled with the out Ilodnrn ipronmenu. put `n ninoon purchase of the orton property, and an ' ' to Ibidobythe docinionofthe b- lic an to thc excellence nu! purity ortlhe M08102! FAMILY PROOF manufactured by no,` I would further $3 to inform the pal K OI` lictlut all myliqn _ho nixgd in my utsblinluudt by 3 eonpotant person and w upen nae d0Ol`l,'Io High End tlfo " ' come. The re grow mv, enough plonilhed with the scanty succeeded to darknus, but tho_ _ night. Only they chimney of V _ petrol above-the driftm. 'lIt"pI t _ 4 know that her children 1. dudg;huun_ni hand, on the `in-sirie, and " co c `I'll somewhere 0`lU0ill`d`Il. d't. 'l`holittllbIby'lI0` ". agiinnt her on ty brunt; thfI]i`I1 ' fronbotween t on in a littloploui _ vapor. She lay iown nd died. 9:" letting winds gutted thnuglrthu 3 II-JV _the roonadocont duh-of cracked mm the front hko viilow Bugd frost stood on every piega of small panes of 31.13: Info no tlnck'_ ' that there In: no eha that the lnif ; the caaunent could u'n its foobloli toy`! belated stru on wih It. Hltxngin to open the ui'n,'|o ' id the come_. The grow low. Ilidunlu ii` ._,-.. ....- .. nun um In to- lentil; ,;mdu ` the hr winding shut. Thane ninth. a....n.|.' as q yap totl1oI`iigdbl"`I`of'_' per? 3'. .1: Tyuwarm ammanna jnuaic of the snow, an it nklolzr ' W 1&0 glass, a. musical and 1 cheurful no` t_hnn `thy The advance "of -suxe. unly they. Inn to be onviod :1. Iwifter fate in the rlgil` Itbfliifii '_ ' T and were spared. tho Iightof li" *- , dying before thcir ayes of hnngearuzudhcl cohi. ' _ mi`? ha :1! On the railroad: there In: no; ` ' - in faring. Of course trains ynro ;, lay: indrifta thxttowel-od'to` cg 1! 13,, wire. and psssengenh|dt4 IIIiWi"` A * ' scantily fad. But thiawaioniyi` m V , V- \Vhen Friday, the 10th cnn ` ` 1 upon 1. land of new And Iiludo. `ilidf - feet deep and may were there. Bali and Hun &_ . ,_ house stood up like 3 tonhutnbih I,Ih`d-HIP metery. The read lika, tvlljlti-r.iE.& windin about 1:11: _' , `A- n-.IaI'nnn ...._I.I.-- -_.-._ LL- 2: I parents snlforod countless baths . T on buildings cracked and rock of the storm Iih ship: at `I00. cracked with the ho "L . ovorv nieea of waun~I---Ir..I- 7` `"' . 1).]: km ml. _ ....... ---pg-mIrve$.I:' was alone with bar aucklingehilgl, lug ` -` ten miles away in one d'xret inu,` her __ two miles my; in anathur; vffheni f parents snor Thy rocked in eh.----. - mecery. LID land thnt nq casi wrinkle`: over the dc ! fsatm-es. New cunt tho giant in; uny tic giant drift! HI` ' imprisoned train, and the ing through the pt-liricrtho i Everywhere they ion {mud statue-liko in tin inv numb-nut things wer no"|utfar.`. V19 scanty supply of fuel in tho and I day : food in the larder. Night caulif- on the haul: of noon. PO|'hCr_~`h9.t 3 with 'd'xrect awav in. 1-ad.-h...~,` .Im..-a---L a MBTW3-FAM'Y mar. And shrink: or tho`;o1-uh mg ves thus daurtqd their _ some for who jurlnind nut! U I !>_e_en agonizingto hear. Anrl.n.t a..:..u. E7ei}}1I3r". TEE '53; :':;n'd' stating-like in the icy amhuct ' I ' time: the um-ohou would nllnn E to qther, tho fox-nor l ro _ with_tho whip in in halduit its to Amer, tho fox-nor l H Witi the halduil n _ 0110 home down, the other Ituiiyg in the - '1 where he was fuatonod by ` n till he llnrod his lah.` ` C 4. m was found OVl fallI'Id,A 1'ritIl*U& Then to nght or ttyo driver who had vlzuioiiglgaund a " in: circle to din. 0omni'nh`:IIG'L'd a;:;:.:.i;`;;a";:.:a;`.:2`:;;'.4"" """" iug cirololto din.` Oocaliohillitii _ H ed in than dilated Jnntrilg iidnlv thdr dilgtod .3 ' and staring eyes the And the men, V , verb ` of ice utstnu ovwyriiifg rule, death can (1 ' in these cueifrsth consciousness of 1 got: an agoniad struggle` Id? life} him with 3` ntupout and tmhuu . it is dgadly. . _: I The death roll cannot ydf Bo uy reaqonsblo dcguo of ' only now` nttinz datnilni. ma. oudcguo` ally gnaw` ` W .._ narer uttfonents, and it ' ' -rs flung; nn. .. ....`A._1."'4`.-` L4 , me in M1 and fty 4-_|.n....1. .. .0! the churclg nt_ Blahhaip, nus neen soul, and we weupy - ` V :1 orecti ug a Lu-gar, more opvo_$'p j"' " '4' ` ' iouilding nearer I|1'6`|inrc. Z _ I AfowoE'tic#miI.b; i'$LJf' c ngregatioq, er 0 ='~`p W vyifth a choquc for I2,5Q`,;; Q.s_ ` gi t. * A V The Rev. H. Birtlott. resented with 2. pane of moody Lbs parinhionern on luring-tow ` John Hanhn. n Wu`.-1 . TIII W'c:ky:p:runIV V ` lags hcey sold, and Mn only u orecbi ug larger. oonnnientn` vn vuu v--I vu an Auulll Haniltin n. W" rlgo_,_ . larly known ll "Lilli! Jdck ' 0.. and 79 van. W ` PRINCESS STREET, J h H 11:." W * in In-1; :2`..J.".. -`A514 .v'i`. I j '0.,agod79 yum. ` `~ Tu. Ocial Gazdti uuhils xnnnt of Alfred Patrick. llqmlb-bu} `the [loan at Common, viu.W : . uy. ~ ' ` M Pitor White, uffddbtd L` to thro Mantra! Wilma :---9 ' your Late iunas youj; ' mrvivbf of tie crow of t flilt K 7 . Cape; Breton. 1 havn I ~ " - of having seen Sunnis:-I (tho urvivobf to) when he joiud In .0: that` ` ` ` I think tint 1 an the only Ill peditionthoonu out fl` 1313 f""v" V You for urvwo an the hlzhmvff W-`Ivar - The rEnrwu..g npgu at _ ' " ` last, but it was almut -in t the dusting` ico on the I1k;""""' _. . Wcahyal` pnfU0`nI' `OI? hm; hr-n -m:I.I haul Lb. ..l..-.J_m`l . c " ' TT"'1 ~ '.."'.' - " the nfdsvitl of nun} in ' brought apiut _ , Agent ofthb Q'uoIn 09'v H ' _ has cauod ` ~"w"" trod, when it in ruud` Iht `- htinuin eolnoetionri u" ~ ll Light ' ` ` if fh an.-hiorn p $ HeraIdtorcoov_or` 7 hi peumon nu ouu out II 1513'`! Yoo service the hI'bI." 5 A `Lg..- -I ___..4..I _._al._._i ngquuu 8_ I ~ Honlohn punoeapd :ndt.|uBav.MrS ing. Thobjoct tin fund.1Iottho3iIIQd orsblouunwu ' Th . 7` ._ ,g..,4' ., , 1 Wu. . I : ttonvxththoy _ V that $30 33% airliziqhgn _ .10. 2835111. `y-%.';.*._r-';v;'_-:_;,;a gmthduvui AND ALL KINDS 01-` FRAMIALS. AIJBAAIR l|"4.ll Kinpton, 31:1 Doean}-.-r. la .'. 1 OLD SPBQJTACLES, I. _ IJIIP (IR 7`I"R, su.v1-:11 SPEL"l`ACLEs, sn-1151. spscmx Ll-15, LEONITE HAIR mwsun~;.-, UOSNELUS. -- l.\'LA_lD ` ~ vUwA.\'IrE Dzzmsstxx: (:u_\n-..-, 'r0 .-\.\'D N'..-\IL auvsm-:.<,_ 'roo'm mwnz-.-x.s AND PAs'I`1-`.~', 'ru1u~:'r 1-owmzks, T LL'BlN'S PERI-`UM!-IS, ~.u'x1xsox's PER]-`UMES, 1-'Am.\'A cououxz, ` L.-\\`E.\'DEK & rwmna WA'l`EI:.s', PEARS ULYCERINE sows, FLAVOURING nx'rnAcrs, `.(`Il -nl.- AT LOVV PJUCES, ll. llENlDEl{S0,`, PICTURE FRAMES, HEAH1 & (}UNN S V()L{T.\ll". XXII.- CHEAPEST AND BET AT KINGSTDN. (Int. EsTzDZ:1:f Nogcm. rm an pay.---.m. -JOEL '.\;:m;'.':n~;us, A.[.E}..\`.\I|I"`.lL 1-`CNN. I1-an-nlu... I:'. - line for 4'-.. PHUTOG RA l`HE|l, '\i.\' !5I.I.F;R. of the Tlsront` IN 1-`HA M ES Tlsront" and ` In- 1%. ), 90.`! :1 All uzcounu nqh paid by the III. of ! December will he p!acec1 in suit [or ilme-Iiate collections. Nov. 7 ufllei 1Am0`\\'o0l Underwear. ` Gents Merino Shirts and Drawers. Gents` Lamb \Vool Shirts and Drawers. I Gents` L-`.1.n:nlian Shilts and Pzmts, all sizes. 1 (`araligan Jackets, l`ulkn.J:wkets, Suntaga, Clnluls, So.-u-fs. &c., &o. \Inn -1 I-nu... .........-n......r ..t In! men .'It\r\I\.u tlil all glnlms, scans, .\'.c., to. l Alan :1 large xusnrtnlent ef DRESS I'lflOl).\', in all the New .\I.m-.ri;.l., in clullcss Variety. .\ full asxurtmcnt uf l.m_l)cs` zunl L'lnil-In-n's Hosiery, V , Newest .\'l_\'l:~s in Slmwls and Mnntls-s. All the .\'-w .`4t_ylu.-s in Dress and Mantle l Trimmings. V Good Value in Can:ulj.-Ln and Englisll Manu- fzwturetl ' u mm \` pecid attention is directed to our Stock of (EROS GRAIN SILKS (REAL LYUNS) in Black and Colours. - cent was man present. wumesale pnces. 50 Dozen llonp Skirts, best quality, from 20 cents eneh. Heavy \\'hituey Blank.-t~1 8} 11:3,, for $5.5(). ' unua ulAl1\ S] 10 CASES BR,-\NDY, ten years in stock. 20 Cases Assorted Bitters. 10 Cases Bourbon \Vhiskey (Kentucky). 50 Cases Ginger \Vine. 50 Cases Rhenish \Vine, finest quality. 30 Hogsheads of Port \Vine. ' 30 Hngsheads of Sherry \Vine. I 33` The above-mentioned Liquors will he sold at Cast, in order to reduce our stock. All Fall and \Vinter Goods will be sold so A per dent less than present. wholesale prices. Dozen lloou Skirts. uualitv. ~.').au. Black and L`oh;urm1 Silks from 75) 1 yard. ' Handsome .T:umnese Silks. `20 1 Moxwnrm. IIMTSE," the Novglnber 25. P nmu. 0iTsIMi SALE AT THE E Liverpool Hoas. 1 7 [IE ENTIRE STOCK must be dispoled of, if possible, by the lat of January. If Unprecedeted Bargains yam. _ Handsome Japanese Silks, `20 $350. '1 nnv I)!-ac: (:lu\Il-I urn:-H: ;'u:'\ up: a.uKE J. ERLY.! | vents. Fancy Dresses from 10 cents per yard. licavy Superior French Corsets 60 cents, worth $l per pair. Gents` liihhucl Shirts and l)r:1wcrs, 90 cents ` can each.- u...- I ncarn-L anu rancy rumncis Irom zu cents per yard. Jouvin Alalie Kid Gloves, double buttrmg, -"51 per pair, lll black and cnlcuruul. 5 4 'l able Linens in Bleaclicd auilllixluleachecl. .-\ BAl.l.GAIN- l00 Pieces Prints from 10 cents per yard. . _ All goods in stock will he very much l'(`,1lllC- ` etl, con:-',5 uf Sheetiugs, 'l' . Llirozltltzldntlls, licavrrs, \\'l:iLnuys, ll---'-zlcins, ; \\'.1`.eI~1runf Uluukings, llosiery, Hlnves .' ! Laces, Tics. Silk Vclvets, \ e1vet'ecns=, &c. 1 50 Piqqcs Duul)le \\'arp Alpau-:35 frmn `.5; ;cent._s,` worth from 10 tu 20 cents pct` yarn . j_ more than can be pm-clnused wlmlesalc. I Lieavv Satinett and Fulled Cloth. 1' rum 50 more ulan can no purcuaseu \\'nmcs;uc. 1 ' Heavy Cloth, from 50 1 ` cents per yard. ` Tu. GREENFIELIJ Cheat are curei by a few npplicatiuna. Neuralg-ia, Rhuulnatinm and Toothache are upeodily relicvod. For "sale by all Drug giuuf" Pride 25 Cents. ' LADI M ERINO U NDER\\'I-EAR, Ladies Lamb` \\'ool Underwear. Gents hlerinn Shir-ta nun] I}:--no...-a .\'m=. I 3, I872. ~a.;)u. Fancy Dress Goods Wnrth 55 cents for 40 cuts. ' 7 ' :xcn.- .\'carlct and . ...u- \ urn` `W E yould. moat respectfully the at- tention of the we to our beautiful collection of Parlour. Cilesto ind Re- uonant ORG`-ANS, also MEBODEONS, NEW land SECOND-HAND PIANES. Parties --nlzinn gn Inntrnmnnt, .m- winhinrr in ure- and EISUUR U-HALV U run! on. rarues Iunting an Instrument, .or wishin to p -_ sent one to 3 friend, will uninestouu-Factoryon resin-eat.` ea-y ""u n"`_'.`}`.:..'.``1....;;".'i.".i.'2;.EA:L$.iL aim IJSSET1-E; r4.u.-us gucuu 3 {mm the dit of , formeily ffbm we _will tn a pleasure in sttaudingli S11 Tnmng, lbegnlntmg Igd Cupping, that may by take ` In ylllg `*K `II 'l`mn_ng, l_1egulntmg Cnppmg, Teqvnnd In the city country, ' _ _ 0. MEE & 00. Kmorlmn D... an 19-10 . ` SCOTT & DALTON. ARNOT SARN|6A Auonvn BLANKETS. Iuu uuuuu u'un;v u - .4: ...u. - ... Unvv ranting Instrnmenf, pre: OTIC rent oneto N we unine at our Factory on to Street. ` g. . O u instrument vlrrgntoghfor ve _-. ' may 3.3.4.. ag; M. `mm formerly co, win; we will Tuning. Renulntlml and Cnnnimz. mnv ho `R- JUST RECEIVED AT THE DRY GQODS. SHAW &.MINNES PREPARATORY TAKING s'roK Great Reduction Shaw AL V Milmgs, Great Ba1;gains O_UR GOODS G LASG OVV WAREHOUSE. A Large Assortment uf For Sale. Fahcy Flmmcls from 1 V . 13, 1872. Goons? ` yards for I I 20 cents I I pnuneu tonne ot Iender will be furnished. mutt be made on the printed Jorms, and to each must be attached the ac- tual nignatures of two responsible and solvent ersons, resident: of the Dominion, willing to ecnnae sureties for the due fullment of the contract. This Department does not, however, bind ` itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. ) RV nralnr CHROMOS AND PHOTOGRAPHS

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