Kingston News (1868), 28 Jan 1873, p. 4

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.ij_-.._. uh- TIE CROWN LANDS POLICY t)F THE GOV ERN NEXT. The Na oe Rm rrr, e akin; of the Crown Lnnde of the Girrernnent. enys :- Another euhjeot of debate of much greater in, tereet. we with a little more plea- enre. Thhn the Crown Lands policy of the Government. To the III. Mr Scott belonge the credit or diecredit ol the initiation. Upon Ir Soett aoeepting the portfolio it was said thnthohndbeenn tethat tinaoat any rate the paid t of t e lmnhermen. . 'l'he'nccue- ed denied the charge :1 tote, knowing well . th he could not enjoy public condence, if the pnhlic heiiuwd it. . The new L`ommiII~ eiener eetieed nearly all that the etatenuent vee vindictive and without foundation. So the -ntter reeted for the ti-e, but our belief in the heneety of hie declaration was very Inneh ehehen wheuit wee admitted that he had leoeived OSMJO for advocating the exten- Iion of liceneee of timber iiniits to terms of twenty-one year: in Qnel-ec. am yet received nothing for ndvooatin` the very same thing in Ontnrie, he heing a member of the Local Leg- ieleture at the tiine. Most people will Innin- tnin that the above fee was euiciontly large fofhoth eervicoe. There nuy have been some eoeret arrangement not inade patent. for the nhove transaction is strikingly euggeetive of it. In the discuseion that nrose in the House no 'I` the late sale of some 5,000 equare Iiloe of timber berths, the argnnieuts were all ngninet the Ce--ieeioner. Nu satiefactory enrvey had been Inede. lneuicient tilne had been allowed intending purchaser: to enniine the territory. lt wae shown that no pecuniary neeeeeity exieted for the sale. And the event proved that nearly all those who huughl. were nlrendy holders of large limits. lt wan stated by Mr Scott that it was the heat menus for ` ' the country. Those who nre acquu.iut~ ed with the rapid ucttlement of our back townehipe under the license system, will see the aheurdity of that _:u-gurneut. Not the Ilighteet reserve was nnade for small mill ownere cutting for local consumption ; and the verdict of the couhtry nnust be upon the lend enle that the Hon. Mr Scott, the nieeioner of Crown Lands, disposed of th'u invaluable tract of territory in order that ` hie frionde the lnlnberlnen might remain usur- o:l of his friondehip. " J olm Rilulic, Al'.lUS'l`l'JR-A'l`-LA\V, Solicitor in Chan- ucry, &c., (.3la.renoe Street, between .. .....l \V.xll....-L... v-u.....+. Dr. Muclezufs (mice EMUVED TU MAC/`LEAN 3. . (,*()'.S Drug Store, Princess Street. May 23. 1`tIE DAILY NEVVS-TUESDA FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the J Pout Oice, Wellington Street. Established in Kingston: in 1857. Aug. 22. ' _-_-, _.- _.-..-n:- R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- don. Olce, 156 Princess Street. ATE OF LONDON, England, Hummu- J Dnthic Phvsiciau. Surueon. &r-.. mH.~.= L} rrmcess an-eec, nlngston, Uut. OFFICE HOURS from 9 AJI. to 5 l`.l\I. From 9 kn In A M nu l<` .1.nm+n.l 4.. Joseph Bawdcu, 'l'1'URNEY-A'[`-LA\\', jolicitur in (,'ha.u- _ cery, Notary Public.-,, .`-3 King .\'Lrect, Luston. S MGCEIIIIRIOII, Gamailoquo, 1I .V[x|' ;\I.1 u\uuvu.....\y . .v.... nun uver Llsy 27. .. _._..,~.,. Igo, Hr Willism Lamb, of the (sting of I child tint phonon-nu]. At three lentil tho hoby I weight. In: twenty-eight goun ; his present weight. st thirteen nreet. Kingston, I iAlblon llotel, lllill-st., Stirling. v-nuxr Anvlrtnnn 11 v ccry, aux, umrenoe a ; and \VeHmgtuu `Streets. lrkpatrick & Snnythc. ___- _ v_.._._, _- _ - )ENTIST (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Princess Street, Kingston, Out. JFFICE from 9 A_M. tn 5 |`,M, Provincial llotel, Gananoque. A `RDFIDLIV Dl:Ir\unv1:-rnnn nu - James Mccammon, 1!l.l)., T DLIDDI) ,: LI, . 1: 1 .-1 n .n John Power. RCHITECT AND BUILDING SUl\'- L VEYOR. Olce and '.besidence Queen eat. Tl;(;iona|d 3: Patton. _... _._a-, RCHITECT, MARBLE BLOCK, Princes L Street. _ (:......o.... 11.... 0:41. Io-In 310 Duty! 'l`l|5 Wu twcnty-olght ; his present weight, 'I upvnrdn oi sixty pounds, measures inciu round the thick of the thigh, thirty-nix ilchol round this chat. Eye: _ ' bun. hit Eli! bnrwl. fair complexion. J. L. nwdoaili, I;Ii.$., vrrnrcurn 1 ,,,, , Dr. llcury B: Evans. rrnxrnxv 1 nuv . `q. .- -- ,. L. Clements, Dentist. Anglo;-American otieif \'vnr\\Y n xrn . .\~rm . I\ n -nu- IARCIIITECTIJRE. F. M. clwnn-ix. L.n.; {If ADI? `I T\G I\.._._._ Taker uona1"i8iE_ VETERINARY. Daniel Mclntosh. I uniumnurr Kr-` _ 963 n, my 25th, 1872. III lllrly-In mc_|u round the ch: N110, light brown, ( L Blonds: ml ultollizolt count: `l;IT}1; lTl;l-l.g Juan A M.\u1o.~.u.u, Junzs l .\1'rox, Q1). -u in In-v.\ niEn1cA'13 k J. I . lll|..l3l'Z|lLl l{n'u.u:n l'Z, L4. '1`. WA muzsx. Mnclmr. 1Il.A., lIOTELS. nccry, am. A. H. KmKrA'r|uvx<. E. H. Szuwun, M..'\. ., Trust and Loan Built Toronto and Adelaide , ompuy attendee J. JARVIS, M.D. Undcr _<;0li I e - ` `C n"! dT4 H16 onv vinnnnn nu uuv V-.. . ..J ._.-- Canadian and linited States Mails. TM: Company : Lines are cenpoaed of the uudernoted First-class, Full-powered, Clyde- built, Double-Engine lron Steamship: :` I"snel. Tommgv. Cmgzmandrrc. u AIIHINIAN unn lBni1dina.l I"sael. 1'omm_r;e. Umnmanurra. SARDIN [AN . . . . . . . .4100 (Building) U11{CASSlAN......... . .3400 (Building) CANADIAN (Building) PHLYNESIAN . . . .4100 Capt. Brown. SARMA'.l`IAN . . . . . . . Capt. J. Wylie. HIBERNIAN . . . . . .3434 Capt. R.S.Watts UASPIAN .......3200 Capt. Bu-clay. SCAN DINAVIAN . . Cnpt. Aird. PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . . . .3000 Lt 1)utton,RNR AUSTRIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Cnpt Richardson NI*lS'1`UIlIAN . . . . . . . .2700 Capt. Ritchie. MURAVIAN . . . . . . ..2l`50 Capt. Graham. I ERUV1A1\' . . . . . .2000 Lt. Smjth, RN11 M ANITOBAN . . . . . .3150 Lt.Archer, RNR NOVA SCOTIAN . . . .2300 Capt. Grange. .\'()1{ l`I1 AMERICAN 1784 Capt. Miller. .\1{C.-XDIAN .......... ..l350 Capt. Wilson.. UORLNTHIAN. .. Capt. .133. Scott. 3'1`. DAVID . . . . . . . .1650 Capt. E. Scott. 5'1`. ANDREW . . . . ..1432 Capt. H. Wylie. S1`. PA'1`R1CK .. .1207 Capt. $t.ephen'. LIVERPOOL `MAIL LINE Sailing {rum ].v.-:-`ms! every Thursday, and from P0 tland .e\ cry Saturday, calling at Lough F yle to receive on board and land Mails and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland, are itended to be despatchod from Portland :--- SCANDINAVIAN (via Hali- fav N R \ HLAJN UILVA V LA fax, N.S.). . . .. POVLYNESIAN . PRUSSIAN. . . .. HIBERNIAN .. NESTORIAN . . SARMATIAN G .1-. i.s."<`i`f'*. are intended to sail between the Clyde and | Portland at intervals during the season of Winter Navigation. ' 1 A- --....t.:.........1 a........... ........:..'a .. -..,.:. -nc Buoncnrna or Nix: Yxms Dunn ta Cunxn IY n SnwP.-St. John, N. 3., 11%|: August, l869.--yr Jamey I. Polldwl.--Door Ii: : I consider it my duty to inhrnol of the great benet I hsve receiv- d has the lining f {:1}! Compound Syrup of Iyp0ph%Iiu. I ve been, for thi last 0 ,.g.. ngrut Inenr from Bronchitis and Adina, Atkinson so ill tint for weeks I add C lie down @- tako any nourish- nunt of oonuqnonoo, and during the time ' inhnooly. I have had, at di'erent B of twenty-two physicians. C C G O I I u v nnvvl dnuwnsbluunl. An experienced Surgeon carried on each vessel. Bertha not secured until paid for. For Freight or other particular: apply `in Portland to J. L. Farmer, or Hugh and Andrew Allan; in Quebec to Allen: Rae &. Co. ; in Hnwre to John M. Currie. 21 Quai D Urleana : in Paris to Gustave Boeenge, Rue (111 4 Septenbre ; in Antwerp to! Aug- - Sclnnitz & Co., or Richard Borne; in Rotter- dam to S. P. Ittmann &. Zoon ; in Hamburg to W7. Gibson & Hugo ; in Belfast to Charley & Malcolm ; in London to Montgomrie & Grernuorne, 17 Grace-church Street ; in Glasgow to James and Alex. Allen, 70 Great L`ly,de Street; in Liverpool to Allan Bros., James Street; or to H. & A. Allen, corner of Yeuville and Common Streetn, Montreal. Jam 22. I-9'72`-`8.- Winter Arraugemenla.--187;?-. l. Pia;nos,;Organ_;._nd Melddeons. ` E ALWAYS keep on hand ORGANS and MELDDEONS of the best Cana- -lmn make, and have now in stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANUS (made by Bruadwood, Chapell, &c.,) to which we invite attention. A lIr\nv::.II Cl'l`lI \T\`|.Y AV"! E... ..1.. Into _.... \R'8 Ill V1158 35330510. A superior S'l`EIN\VAY for sale on res.- sonable terms. Also a few Piano: to rent. `Va fan] munnlnnt final nnvl nrn 'IInI-Iun-until-Q soname t.erms._ Also tew rnnoa to rent. '45 feel condent that our own Instruments will continue to sustain their, well-earned re utation. nr-vlunvu an;` Ivnnaunnunn ........A- ,.! I)..:........ re 113851011. actary and VVaremoma corner'ofbP1-incess I and Ontario Streets, Kingston. u'|.`.nwn A. nn Rates of Passage from Portland : Cabin. . . . . . . . .........$70 ti Qhsnpqng GHEST AND LU_NG Fer Ladies and Gentlemen with Weak Lungs, they are invaluable. None should be without. them. rvlllol nu IIIIIO uni wul be at twenty iq has It we duo contemplate. The Prinoou oi Wdcn Inn dmost coniplotoly noon:-cl iron the disability which a fur yguu ago caused so much anxiety. Thanks to the chill of hot nodical advisers nml a I constitution, we nae uh bu ICII-pd tho plneo the was wont to so much (nee md spirit. in the eld ; for anon; thqitons of intelli- ' I much in {mm Suidringlnn it is tohnrn that not only huer Roynl had the enjoyment nordod by 1 with the hounds, but tint she actu- plillwd 3 ride of 36 miles, returning in: to lupoi-intend the distribution and: liftl. .211./1cLE.a.zv 4"; ca.` INsunAnt;g;_coMPAnv.0 Liverpool. `and London`; 0l"l"ICE-CLARENCE STREET, (Opposite ne Post 0509.) SUBSGRIB]-E5 CAPITAL, $10,000,000, ` un year New ' e Poiici issued for . Total Annnnl Tifn `Pmminmq N$"i'Eki3B'iaci.h . . . . 3,002,740 Total Annunl Life `P1-eminma, after deducting Repnurancal 1,103,929 After payment of the usual dividend and providing for nllloues, claim: and ex/`pauses, the sum of $905,905 was pug by to mcneue the Fnndnin bands, which now Amount to"- -4-A_u-pg '13` _ 1` -I . -44 -$117? KZIIII ' ' ' - Capital paid up . . . Life Assurance Fund - D.`-L- 5-1.-.. In- 41...... ..-__ TIZC. - ' o. 8. STRANGE, M.D. . .uazacaz1mmam I unvwu-.11. - n-gnu..- nannnlbavlili \IJ- &\Il\I Fire Premiums, lea: Reinsuranoea. 32,559,180 Rains the '|nu-maul-. gvnnnnb nun. `(Iii/nit: iakiaj {in t1} VF_-yenrI Dwelling and Conhntl on way kygurnble WITH UNLIMITED ' LIABILITY smmnnonnmns. Kingston, Sept. I9, 1872. Kingston. Nov. 28, 1872. Arvuns one nnruu nuwuuu ever ceivedbyeCom`p&nyixia linuln van UILU ZDCIIIKIIW/I7 III-IIII I Rink: taken for three year: `Q )we1linnI Content: vu-v i 42 Princess Street, Kingston. NOTHER SUPPLY OF l A'I`TISON S L Celebrated . V1]! ..lD6)l! Unpto. :4. 00015. .~1n1:Evs? 'l`Rl(.`K . . ......l207 THE STEAMERS OF THE 7.. -3.. mm sr'iLi4'Ei{ '61 THE An-coup`-ac, --- Busines;:_of'17_(n)._' )_.._:__- 1- -13.... __ A Just Received _ (Late R. White), Druggirhs, `lie but oxpolure either damp or draught was an to runltm auevere attack of mi R 0 Y./117 i feokvctlnont of onveyuce of - .. . , ::_u- Iin'nTcTons.| EVENING. JANUARY 28. VVEBER & CO. .u..-nu . .370 to 380. 3-25 25th January. lat February 8th February . 15th February . 22nd February 1st March. ' 3T,3"iCF2o 1,445,465 0.003.210 u-1 I-I p:Irn`n Acszmr The Inn expolnre go enner dump draught result In a Ievere m luau. Finding no rolicf from all the 11101.11 - dnn I have taken. I concluded in trv vmu-' :, gs nnn-Iqnu'O u. 1 ). 3-ice for Iqlnre, fol 2,559,130 with the pl-iv _ ce 3 month. g , tsqusre, for d: L5. tolatforor muss 4 V"! mama %`: 9-:- Erma MOST SUBBESSFUL And attriigtzte their success to a._] ~41" judicious use of NEW?A.PBR COLUMNS ! ` Advgfte 1 If you W0|`l1(1` drive our business, and 1 be riven, ADVERTISING, If yonhave spent money in the purchase and erection of an attractive sign for your place of business, carry such a judicious Itop 8 little further, and repest the sign 3 thousand times. Place the partnculnrs of your business before 1 the plfblic and .A Local". 1- is the best medium wherein to advertisg _ _;_ lBueineu, therefore go and Tradesmen and Merchants a nun, 1 concluded to try your Syrup of Hypophosphites, and 3'. Into: to thank God for the rault. [ ggyg, in .1], taken twelve bottles, and now 1 his strong and as well as cur I felt in ., ligand forth Int your hnvo notlud no -oi-t : uicknau, and neither does jpx or draught have the hut effect upon us. Won I to write upon _tio Iu_bject v hgnn, I could not say enough 1!: prune of innlublo Compound Sy_I-up of Hypo}:- ugg, or `in an adequate lddl of my Inf- A Into Briish Columbia paper says :-~ ` Noun Bloody, Dietz k Nulnun received by the Prince Alf:-Id 1 bar of silver cuuhtillihg '79. silver, and `(.70 gold, the yield from 270 lbs. of on taken from the Victoria lead, -icon. non Port Hope. A eonnnnv for the manufacture uf carnets ace 1.3-gt: ox uatoa, and It you do not already.f4'_' advantage of type: and ink, resolvej rg bnce to _,$ . 9 rsi;~DVERTISE. .1. Conf~#"5; md Year] A Inentl for Ad vertiao_gIr ~.kJ:s made at t e nily News Oice V _ V` Notions in columns, the ob- j ivhich in to promote the pocnninry or pr:"`_3'intorestI of individual: or Componiu, 31151;; Reports of Banks, Innnneo Compa- n` ', "ihoticea to attend Loch:-oi, Anuunenu, $121. Sarmnn-. Anlnm-1..I.-....c. .0 n. - nu: iuuwx w uuwuu uocuuruu, AIIIIKHBIIII, Mq:":?1gl, Sermonl, Acknow of (@311, &c., to be considered 4 ` ' iaexhenn, on the same scale and in the amp 391' as Buninou-Notioe`n."' :. , . ---- 1-I-"1-_=a- - _ f.B.--'I`ho square to hp conned to the or- ` Business _of_ comma-cialhoulel, Andfor house: it still not_bo tojnnlnde A tion sales, gdvertmmg of 8hipI,Ro- migums, coprmmmp Notices`, Prints Ad- v`_ "|, __ _. 4 ,_ _ -:1nssnnf1 wo1_, vertisd!l;\k.,fi .s made the Daily" 5:3,; See of Eaton, and if j slreadg.;:i;.ke type ' ' '?~=*-*-;+*;~ siagigzgd under, :1 for first threeiuaeb mnIf'ff1Cl5 cents for every suhoeqnont in- TRDVERTISING. iw nun 1-on ADVIBTXIIK si1 i` 1.5.1 nndnr :1 cm t-at thn ` square to be 22lix;es of :`e hdfsqnuo ll for one you-, for dnily pa- privilege of Altering limited ' t square, dnily pspUI;, 825 per yen, -QDw|A ...:.:`I-.... IQ I IGIII ox JOIIIIIOII I Anodyne LI- which we `Ive him, and which be M outitoly cured hill of the troublesome Innprou cough he had when hero.- If iiou wonld attract customers, [Admit the importance of Advertise '! Advertise ! I6. Advertise ! | Retiring from tpe Retail Trade; Great Clearing Salel Jnacncc 6- _W'a(7dell s [L I014! 011?!!!` tne IDOIIIII 0! UGCCIIIDGP. The remaining Stock of Dry Goods will be atlll further reduced during Jamisry, and Grost Bargain: will be given. ` 1-1-1-nun nnnnnvrnn I :1: n; I nu ruler !ro_In an the mod:-' inn I have taken, concluded to try command Syrup Hynonhoauhiea- md \.7l'Udla J.RII"nu.Il Wu: Irv slvuu. JUST RECEIVED, by Allen Steamer. vb Portland, 1. select assortment of the Newest Styles of Evening Dresses and Fancy Grena- dines. * Canada Central 6: Bromei ' & Ottawb. Railways. _ Great Broad Gage Route toj-otktnva. ASK FOR T1cKE'rs-vIA BROCKVILLE. noun, `hunts wuz. n: u`l'o'l.nows _:- On and after l;;_day. December 9,. - - I878, 'I`u;r- nu-rv-r `Dunc Aa"AIrnrn . Arrive` Ron- BROCKVILLE & Perth Curle- I-An -1 . . M, '..._ Lossm PAID not 92 YEARS... ..` Luau--J_nly I, 1871 (at market ialie). at an Inset, because 1 hope its public- : -ny In the nuns ol Isenotitting other nunu -uehuit humane. l rennin fa nspootlnlly, Hus HIPWILL, Exmouth ._Ada. Point DRY GOODS N Arrive No. 1 and 2 6. 0. connect ._:'.;Br"oekviue with the Grand Trunk Eastern `tI_i"WestErn lining: ~tIQ;IlI 7 BInk'8ook . ' I,4o,n1 ` United 8hu,` State and City Stock and other Public Sgonnhu 2,42li,0I2'-g'-,3 LIABILI'1`IE8.-Cld.n_u not due, and 242,435 < 1 Thiacompnyhubeeu ' buaineesiinonnndsforneu-ffboyeumnndduir thattimohuuenrodtahepuiiaeondmco prom nu libcnllettlunent 3` everyfairohim. Ithufullycomplied ' the locsnudnbydepotit htlio Govemncntoistockntothe extentoi _000,m!ilpI'oparedtoiSueP "clef? tennnulowuthe IdybftheAuu , ' ' :1 Anna-I-_ St. TAIJWQ R wtnncel -.-7-:--*--vr J 015047.378 Kingston, Jan. 3, 1373. night lo " 't'h dispatch, and no tran- nhipmont from ' ' 1:: on the.Gra.nd Trunk to points on the Brockville and Ottnivn Bail- WIV. - wt!- ll}A|EEA__(|?E""lTllF7`|v;.El (H] IIIF A 3:113:15; `rm: Uolnplnynuneen uu-mu-u.u.._...... _"_`I ol Govemmcnt of Stock: totho extent of _ 0!, land in bonus as low is the Infety if the Assn:-eclwill ' JAMES S , A: Kingston, July 20, 1871. \ On 0! the new Chi-cage Congregntional Ihuvhu in-nviu of in debt by rentiu out IIITIIVQI rIV~.l ight-I59, HEAD or-'rn1NcEss STREET, Kingston. \ All W0l'k done with negtnesa and 1135-` Macnee & Waddell, LARGE portion of the Stock has heen1 A gold dun-inn the month of December. Brockville, Doc._9, 1872. ' Novomber 29, 1872. CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY. s-:mau.,1s-:2" mxnuna pomon or we bmcx nu neen during the rcnninimz Drv Wolggvuinvnq luuntf IIIOOII oldfricnd cndnll, I `h--g hon Kdtlnof Johnson Mccrea. & Bengley, - -`_- c,----- - "I'XhJFAcTfuaEas, Ah nIr1>ntwn1rs.q .u'rn1:-.1:-rr v:..... . "64 PRINCESS STREET. :-----_.--. Inopnronunn 1819, Chum-n P.n.n"-ruu.. -ju-->.--- t-.- lPe_I-tl: ` viclutvuu I viry wiuun loner OI vnanu old lrinul Ircudnll, sinco his return 1 lots Kettle of Johnson`: Anodyne Li- -I-lt which nu him. which ha [wt-I Emu Point TAWA RAILWAY` ` wn N Plnce Cash Capital, $3,000,000.00. _No. 2'No. 4 `Evan. I`l'a`.u-nu. i 154 Ann:-em will FE . |Exi)r:. l .--..---.._-....w..--...-........ ...;.. A "|forhxinggleepi.ng_2a.nis Pg he`-blo'I'|_,Et forward II the Michigan -A-on--.6 3-. OLC- .I:...-4.`.... 810 [GENERAL .Al}Elll}Y ;- ox nroc: an-ecu. ncxuu lumen` :91; points at the way lowest rates via rlcll nmtes-Rome;_ ItH .0`Wl1`I!Id Ogtlulhi B.a.i1road;NewY6rkCuItraI R.:ih'oIll`*Hi York Centdrallq mg Hgdnon River Raina Oswegosn ort ern yncIueBu l:ood. _ PACIFIC MAIL XI PANY S THROUGH LINE T0 CA1 *FORNIA leaves on thelthandhhofeu month. Steam weekly to QUEENSTOWN h 1 LIVERPOOL. aw R \LGER% BB.OS., Ontario Quif of Brock Sti-eat. Ticket:,g `mint: gt than val-v Invent rain: 9: : runlg co y. , 1`he Nzws in the on] oonsnnvuuv PAPER publinhed in M medium of communication can u "R of Ontario and the Clay and Iaity. > `the ocid for Ill " ' ` .`__ V. tionn uni dmnhou for Dioeuatobjoeta VI-" be acknowledged in thoxlvl. -- , " ~ ~ Anvnmlna TnuI.-Eghtou:in ` lino ; for first imcrtion : four oenh not ` in mt: lands an modsnh terms. .. ................,.... .... _. ..-w.. - '1`nuu.--Eight` out imcrtion; oenti every subsequent ' S > Ar,nteu"fc _., monthly, lnlfiyearly, or yearly uhettise r ll-II `JILL IJIJLIJJV ZIJIL `"7"? I the weekly edition of thoDAn.Y N:IvI.- It A i-ntlm unne weekly eamonu I'.no.uAn.Y nI;IvI.- is has n And increasing inthe Diocese. o Onhrio. Pria'o1l.50inA:dvuma. llI(1IllCfBIllll`IIIlIHOII11lIllO V $"i.c:... Prio'o3l.50in-gdvuace. Noties intendodto tion should be publinlnd in-this` |pnper'inthodisI:rint. l8lo: '.. guy`, --u u -- uuuw-, nun vu-apulxlvl, pludu ultolligunt countenance, sud me an {run my nickneu. Wins the ' nights! I-Ii! little Inni will be at twenty ` 1 contomplxto. oonlrmnulbn 3 _ ` Fomas of every danonilgtioiipdviitdxi uni cheaply at the 11.! NlWl.8rrlAK '" JAMc's 8HN&, :..' #___T u Till-1 awn I-nu?! qunrnnuasg -`~All D-- ` * ` " `-- nmkwooa-r umnrun moan. DCDDTHT-II -'r [The ohmnii and News, 1 Is the weaklv adinn nf lm `DAn.v Nuns, _ It `The Best Pergodimls at"-t11e1)a; y`h -ar$.l'l'lu r..'-".I .lBY THE LEONARD ` oommmr, - H `=- 104 FULTON snznr, mm 17031:,` f` At mm omlchira the price of the THE znmnunaa msvmw, A " BRITISH 8UAR'l'ERLY ' `l)._L`l:-I`. _.1 n._ _.L.._n__ . 1, ,_ ,, . _ ~ rQ`#-Q` ` uxunnuau Iguauxnuul IIVA_l.I`JVV,v Published Qu.:ecr1y---Jnm.ry`, April, % my _ October--a.nd . - ' (A fuvd monthly. 1 1'0!` my two or we 1KOVl'l.;. I For my threg of the Boviun 1 , For all four o'f the 1 For Blackwoocfl Mngnine . . For Blackwbod and onekeview For Blnnkwnntl nntl cat 42-. ` -.-vu-mm: c TERMS OF suascmrrxor. . For any one of the (4 per annnm. ` For my two of the Roviwnd. 7 Luv three of tho Rnviain In H Fo1;c] Postage two eent_a;_.- 7 L, h by the qtiarter at 'gq_] \ ' L, ` .._y unlu -.1-gnu -av: nu Ill _ . A discount at twenty peg cent will _AI_-_ lowed to lclubtl of four `o_r Thus :---FuroopieI pf,-Blackwoopi.-qr of , Review will be an: to on 1 fourcopiuof the {cur Eavidwlftnd too .,: for$43' Induoon.` V` H.-" ".l`oefuba oftanot-not-o,in _ ,, abovedincount, n_ yfsim, be _,, tothegettornpof nb. PDIQIITIYIIG V` 4l.Vl!I.-1'1. Msy 6. . Iv V -N S PUBLISHED every '38 pay ' mum in advance, or two OGIIBQBII znhv. " W "*;:mm'"" Unis. %. % `:4 New - subscribers for tho. you 1872 my have, without clnrp, the nun):.eniortho" last quarter of 1871 of such ' , ` mag subscribe for. 1' K1` innuglof thoabavo, Iv __ ,' sclxtwo, thh;-co 01-. but J E` r `.9 ". Gr . Ravieauyfor l87L ; tIIhIurbdIII=`1'Vl _ hair: tzooi tho four Bubwif'*N:R;$; cit to `mbusllw ` .. count to nbl $170 ` maneyil remitted directto-ti!` , ` L. , Nopreminmleanbo `tutti! - Toqecnropnniunn, wl-So , V_ make early -7 _ for that purpouillinitod. -_"' ` ' Circnhn, withflu-that parhodnl, A.m>'soo'rr1>n` 4 : zuo v.1:--1 The Daily News rq `D'lTRl.`l tI Il!'l'\ ....... -...:..- an .. Lilli rgzqnmna uuxug . an Scientic ' _ 1.313 . `f":..... is-as-....""..""s....:.-, - .4. culture in YlJe,Collgft, New HIVD. - . Two vol|.. Boyd oekvo. 1.61!) nuns: llll 1-oul |.5:*5-' '3" . UTHORIZED DISCOUNT on A`n.rcA. K Iuvolnla until fnrth-r nntim: .1n....i S PUBLISHED lsvl I six lgolhn pd: amp J VII! . Ihcfihfl by no libu-tyto nuke wlut lcttu, because I hope it: puhfic- Iseutittiuz as no noun or Agriculture, navmg rccemal the vote of Prince Edward, East Hastings, and Iauox um! Adclington Agricultural So- doGiu.-.N:apane Becver. TL} H-{bk-um. hY..-oL..... l'..-.'.... .. _......_ '.. V.-.-j-V-Fr`-V s PUBLISHED" ,.V. ' `<- Im;.n.-~%v L_ embraces a largo uinbunt o! nulc. fun-ni.|hedst'.l`woDol]srIp ulvnoo. \Addrouordu-Ito , two cents - )V miarter at - ---u -up anus-`cu IIVU Lljvllllit, 'i'h .. . -rd `l)I!'l)`I'!a'1-I-ucuW ..I..a*,_. wvvvwl inuu Bmcxwoos Enmnuiton ` lug.-imiln A H... ....:..:..-n ....u:.:. ;Iull'O In 1] voh., 2 numerous am J rnunxzmzu uxauuunr on AnxI.IcAI.~` Iuvolcns until further notice: -10 r nuclwooa Inn any two of the . . . . . . . . r Blackwood and three of theRavi9w:....-., . . . . . .. ' _`I')I_`-l_.__.l 1 .11.- - macxwooa and one uevmew - Blackwood and two Reviews.` . . . . unv anovovvln . . . . . . ` - Blickwood and 4.; rpm Review: R. S. M. BOUCHETTE, 4 Commissioner of Custoins. ..`.';..":-.`.';'.......n".z*.? The Nivd HAD-U ll.KIl.'.l' I'll, ' ' U0 * no Fulton-` semc_.- You nil nntt `pnlxli-Iuinn n.-u- ' o` [,2 WHULESAI CARVED, GOL In unrivalled ai Anuors A11 .'[\HE Stomach and its dtmngqnenla are the common cause ol; most of the Chronic Wasting Diseases for whichinvnlids are con- stnutl seeking specics. When tine food is in ectly digested and assimilated the hlocxl becomes impoverished, and all the organs and tissues of the body debilitated by want of nourishment. Tlaii enenl depravity of the system manifests itu f in some consti- tutiomfby dinnu of the Lungs, Heart, Liver Kidneys, and in other by Scrofuloun enlarge"- ment of the glands, eruptions of the skin, ulcers of houe and esh, spinal weakness, ir- regularities, exhsunting dmchu-gee, nervous pmstrntion, mental anxiety, neurnlgic and rheumatic pxins, all of which arise from de- praved nutrition. To invigorate the Stomach iml nerfcct digestion. and the formation of Tcnnoups sped` DRUG an mm" hath tirouuutql, , T`; nii 4 Ausz. uumu due to tlwlatol Dcexnber` 4. n.p.-;-m Mo;-up-I hogan; lathe gun _ "`JunqHutou witlnth not ninnginl IIII mo mg so an HORTON FA hu man `I wnnl Ul'.I.`U.N I by Ino,'I would Ill my $5.333` malwillhgg raven nun-mun. 1 0 mvxgonce me acomacu .uu1 rfcct. digestion, the formation of healt y Blood Dr. \Vhealer s Compound Elixir of Phosphatea~un1 Calisayn is of grc.-it vtcacy and reliability, being harmleqn to infant or adult, and prompt and permanent in its effects. Sold by all Druggista. ___-** #9; PRINCE4 (row s}>no'r4 LEONITE c.osNELL"s I'NLAI_D' VULCANITE TOOTH AN rrootra PO TOILET POV LUBIN S PE ATKINSON" zuuuxu co LAVENDER IMP: ,rf{g9?se VOL@ iiS'1I!?:D;i?9tr:l I tun unnnwvtrvaa u 1 I AGE, R()BEl{ l`, Princess-st. POVVER, JQHN, Queen-st. Auctioneers. Ill\I I'\C`l) I')I?\'I' l)_2_-..-_ _L `nu-V Ivlvllvvl ac HOLDER. BENJ., Princes:-st. uunumy, WILLIAM, Anchor Buildings, Market Square. .uu1uu\x, wu.L.1.-nu, Anchor Huxlmnga Square. WERNEIK, F`., Princess-st. Bakers. 1/`ARNOVSKY, R..r \Vil|ia1ns\'ille. (`H.U'l`lIEl{S, H. & \V. J., \Vellington-st. ` Ilnllnm Il..1.-.._g. -VIGAU I41`: I . l I'l|JD. G L ` .s"l`AU1-IY, 15., King-st. ] lh1h`_I --g. . . . `-v.. - , ..., ....usvo-:. L Boots and Shoes. ROSE, ED\VIN, l`rincess~at. Coal 011 lllerclnant. " suxms, JOHN, King-st. ` ' tourectloners and Fruit Stores; ULh\IBl:E, 11.. Brock-st. - I`U\V1`I, IL, Market Square. i m;v.- mum, Princess-st. -n__4; A III. /-Ul3UBo ULARK, F. M., \Vellington-st. L`LE.\lEN'l`, L., \VelIn;_,rton-st. .\l.-\(.YDUNALl), J. L., Princess-st. In-uggists. _ HF}.-\TH & GUNN, Princess-st. HOBART, GEO., Princess-at. KING, J. GEU., King-st. ; .\| ACLEAN & CU., Princess-`stL PARKER, E. H., Market Square. W HITB, IL, Princess-st. \'()UNH_ SIIJS &. (`.0 `Run. -iooo, rorn nopo. conpooy carpets In been organized in Elam, with .1. copital of Ol7,II- The greater portion of the stock In IIOOI hlol up, And operations will com- -oooo oyoolily. A lonilton wholesale houuc 3:8 to bio All the cnrpets'm:mufa.ctured. pleoof tho work of the masnufactory this ion boon shown are said to equal in quality the inportol Article. [Aha R A-I--...bI. In`-.. ..f \l.....L....-l. urullcl Lila .ll-`.FP|~IRS, L. W. & Sun. . u. . mug, u. -v. u. -u--n Booksellers and Stationers. * . i I EN 1) ERSON, JOHN, Princess-st. Mu.-\Ul.l'IY. THUS. & C0., King-st. .\"l`AUEY. E.. Kim:-st. - \...,-...., ..-....... .u \;u., u.uu. Doctors. IIUPUIS, THOS R., Princess-at. EVANS, H.B., Princess-at. JARVIS, J ., \Vellington-st. .\IcCAMMON, JAMES, Wellington at \ Dry Goods. UOUSINEAU, F. X. & CO., Princess-st. I-JRLY, L. J., Princess-at. I.`-ARDINER R n .1 v..:........-.. awn ) Illlililio GARDINER, R. & J., l rincessat. GREENFLELD, JAMES, Princess-u,t~ MACNEE & VVADDELL, Princesast. MACPHERSON, A. B. & CO., Princess-st. McDON ELL. A. B., Market-square. MOORE, JAMIE, Princels-It. McNAUGHTON & C0., corner of King an Princess-Its. - \vr111`n, LL, Princess-st. YOUNG, SILIS & CO., Bath. ;ucnAuun1Un a UU., of King and ROSS, ALEX., Princes:-It. SHAW & MINNES, Princes:-at. \VALDRON, R., VVilson a Buildings, VVe1- lington-st. IPIA-- X-_-I.-_4 AAnn5UvI.|'BU- Flour Merchant. MORRISON, M., Princess-st. Flu-rlcr. \Vll[GH'l`, CLERK, Wellington-st. (Iona;-pg .___..._-, __..--._, vvvAJ|Il5UIlK'BU _ Grocers. * BEGG, WM. & C0., Brock-st. . DONNELLY JAMES Princess-st. ELLIOTT & SOOBELL, corner of Brock slid Ontario streets. :.u..u,ur 1 auublsnh, of Brock and Itreeta. IIARBACK & CO., Princeu-st. McRAE,& 00., W. IL, corner Wellington ' and Brock nts. PARKHILL, JOHN, Princess-st. REES & CO., Princess-st. REES BROS., Prinuu-st. SCOTT & DALTON, Princess-st. I-4-I.. -1`/`I - - .. u......un, ; nuuaua-an. Hotels. 4 - ANGLO-AMERICAN, Ontario-at. ALBION HOTEL. Stirling. ` INTERNATIONAL, Brockville. ` PROVINCIAL, Gunnoque. u-u n-rv- -vs -I uv-v.. John I. Ayulnwurth, l'.`.aq., of Newburgla, in but elected to represent No. 4 Division It tho load of Agricnlturo, having received Edward. Hastinzs. wnan. HARTFORD, J. V. Noel. ROYAL, M. W. Strange, Clare t. RELIANCE, J. V. Noel. me.- I .......I_.. __.I -1." , ... `;-.uauunuun.-4, a. V. 11151. Jewelry and Fancy Store, CRIDIFORD, JOHN, King-It. GRIGOR, C., Sheeld House, Princess-st. nunurgluoco ETNA FIRE, Jamel Swift, St. Lawrence Wharf. .. --........., .u-. 4 ., uuuvnur;-sh. Liquor Store. THOMPSON, GEO., King-st. ' llarblc Cutters. TAN DY BROS., cor. Princess and Sydenham- sts. * -, _._ - - _, v., .........\..u uuunu, L Aunucau-Illa. Lawyers. BAVVDEN. JOSEPH, King-st. HLDERSLEEVE & WALKEM, Clarence-st. KIRKPATRICK, A. S., County Crown At- torney, Ontu-io-st. . KIl'U(PA'l`Ilr-II A. uuvmuu n_.__:, Notary Public, Jae. DRCAMMCN, S., Gannnoque. ` Organ Halters. MEE & CO., Gore-It. REYNER, JOSEPH, Princes:-It. Painters. ROBINSON, BROS., Clarence Street. Pianofortes. WEBER. & CO., corner Princess And Ontario- sts. ` 1". III!l'lEp_ ` IOENSED AUCTIONEER, Commission L Merl-c:a.nt. All kind: of S-:03]-hand Goods, rnitnre, Clothing a unity bought and told. , 'l(onoyoIonn innnnllnungon util- hctory Kloeunty. Martin : Block, Princes: Street, ` n- .--.-...- .--..uuu, n. 0., Lzouncy urown At- KIRKPATRICK & SMYTHE, Ontario-st. KIRKPATRICK & ROGERS, MACDONALD & PATTON, Trust and Loan Building. corner of Toronto sud Adelaide Streets, To`!-onto. ,, ' JUDIE, JOHN, Cln.renco-at. JVALKEM, R. T.,_ Clarence-st. I .I.._-_ AVA- _, n usunuurvc -cpaurcrs. BROWN, GEO., Wellington Terrace. REYNER, J., Princes:-It. Photographs and Picture Pranmsr. HENDERSON, 11., Princeuat. II-I-64- -_.I ln_I_:n,1 4" mg-mu wnz.LnnavL1, 11., Il'l.II08II~I` Printer and rubuinr. RHANNON`, JAMES, Princess-It. --_-.~.._..,..... mun. . This Ggithneu Northern Eruigu, a piper published in Wick. Hi lands of Scotland, -cation: with pudonab pride that Hon. Oliver lawns, the Premier of Ontario, is a lotin of that district, havin ee: born in Illa rouml about " ohn O'Groat'a `Km T Ticket Agency. FOIGER. BB.0S., foot of Brock-at. Veterinary surgeon. McINTOSlI, DIANIEL, City Hotel, I It. ;-SPECV|`3"!_._ NOTICES. awnu I. RIGI- NSURANCE Ayn t, Notnry Pnbli , Ac- [ conntant, &.c. Olce over Mr P5:-her": )1-ggore. ' Jrugavore. Kingnton, Oct. Int, 1872. nfsuluncn AGENT. Planofortc Repairers. N. GEO Wn`1intrIu\n 'r-......-.. ... .. ..., Boiler Makers. `U S U._ Architects. -um h_:.. .. , John V. Noel. '1`? A ..:..n. \Y-.,,,,, Rev. J. P_. D: Moulin, of Hamilton, lately eluted Binhopof Algona, hasncceptod the ' ' and villjnter upon active duty`- IIO lot, 1874. He will retain tho-Rector- chip in Hsuillon until that time, whereat the Ianilhninu njoioe. IL` nl AL- --- l`I.:..-_. f`..-_..._L.'.._-I u n u|\.I:nn'l4. Dentists. \\Y..II._ .1. .,, .A ; and ARRISTER augl Attorney-at-Law, So-. licitor in Uhzuwery. Notary Puhiic, ' Uunveyaucer, 32 King Street, Kingston; Unt. l At Gauauoquc, over S. Ma.-Csxnmon`I Drug Store, every Tuesdny and Friday. - 4-` ` Jan. I4, 1873. uas, ununrm Dtruul-, r site the Muntluul Tulug Kingston, July 19, 1 A _L cery Kingston. _,_ - _ _.__--_ .,__, ..---_..-- 1LE[ .I\' 01*` DIVISION (`()UlL I`, Notary (J Public, Urm\'ey:xnccr, (`unnuissimwr in Queen's Bench, &(,'. Nov. `27. __-.. __.,V...--..-v.., .----r-g - EMBER of the Royal College of Surgeons, En and. Residence and Office :- Dumhle's lock, Wellington Street, Kingston. June 29 ' llicllanl 'l`. ::tlkcm, SuL1u1Tm: IN uIL\Nur:m'.* Clarence Street, KilIg#t()ll out. I P llllnul-4 nu.` I Alb Ur LULVUUN, Juglancl, 1:lomr1-o- pathic Physician, Surgeon, &c. Ullice .md Residence removed to Wellington Street, nearly opposite the Post Oice. 011113 in cit or country, ' ht or day. rom tl a.tten(1~ mg J.pJARpV1yS. M_D,L use or we uw umcago uongregnuonal chuvha in-paying by renting out the church, on woek dsyn. of course, for Ice- tures.-ooI|ooI'to. 43.. to that one does not pur- clnnu 0 not in Chdr No.--, but Pew No.-. Binootho I-Ipreunhticu of play: is still look- ed upon an I littln qnuonble, that bluinou '3 huinhdto thohuenent, which is not be- Iiovd to to quite an holy an the auditorium. There [Ann Kong was allowed to phy, and that her :0. the pultor was shocked stlndilx ' otldv. which wanted as 3 IUMLLLMD Assistant surgeon U. 5. b Anny, VVa.shington, and later, Attendant at the Massachusetts and City Hospitals, and Eye and Ear Iutinzmry, Boston). n|<`I`It!1.`, ANN DI.`ul1.I:~\nu.w :_ AL- __., _J-. .....u. -4-. Auuluunll, uvuvuuj. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE--in the pre- mises recently occupied by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Drs. Evans and Maclean, V... 1:: l)I)I|'1vDcvo cuntnnnrn V.-. .v..u._, u, L/la. "nuns nuu ;uac|cuu, No. I55 I !!! NUESS S'I'In _EET, nearly opposite Tandy Bros Marble \Vorks. August 7. Alex. S. Ki :-kpatrlck. `QUUNTY CRO\VN A'l"l`Hl{NEY :uu1L`h;nl.' _j nf the Peace for the County of Fl UllN.- 4:, Ontario b't,n:ut-, Kingston, directly umm in: 'l`clugI'a1nl: (.`mup;m_y's uliiu. ` \ Kingston. Julv 19. 1871. _GiidersIe-we .\{`| ~::lk-nil. B;\l{l{1S'|`l'3l{S am] .-\t.turnc{'a-at-Law, veynnuers, Notaries Pub ic. `1OME'1`IME Ansiz-stant Surgeon U. s. b Anny. VVa.shim.rton. amllater. Attendant -_-.___, ----.5 - M. CLARK, L.D.S., DENTAL Rooms, , No. 4 \Vilson a Block, \Vellingcuu Street, Between Princess and Brock Sta. Satisfaction Guaranteed. July 31. ARRISTERS. ing, corner reeta. urrujn nuunu {mm 9 A.l\1. to 5 l'.M. From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devoted to the poor. ZIIDIIIVJI l'-.`.1-I.I'I"3I.I- ANIEL MCINTOSH, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary (Sol- lege, Turonto. Oice, City Hotel, Kingston. nut nurue n, no punorwu moored stlldilg Enluy, doing-too-, decanted by all kinds of hot.- u, from those -nkeul Old Bourbon" down It Ghouwhinh had contained lager her. A nnngngibnn Inn boring .I.;...:... ..._ :.. LL ` Street. Flat .__v.-- -.vuv-g uuuuuvqulva BROPHY, PRO1 RIETOB..-'l`his First . _- Chat Hotel is centrally located in the aunnea part of the town, m View of the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence, and in close Droximitv m the Fishing and Hunting] __ _---_, .____ ....~, wvnuuuuan OI-[N AC K ERS, Manager. First-class Commercial Rooms. Good Yards and Stabliyg. _ ..____-- ._-.v_ -.._... _-vow-g JOHNSON AND UNTARIO STREETS, 9 Kingston, Canada. E. MILSAI & CO., Proprietors. ,______..-_-___ -vvv- Nos, :75 ma-1:7 Main sc.e.c,nrockvaue,1 Ont.-Jom& .- J ILLY, J r.; 1`:-op:-ietor. Free Omnibus to (ad from the boats and cars. Carriages for parties wiahingto \"isit'p1aees of interest can be secured at the oice. A First Cllu Livery sttachei Luv 27. uuuuuul. 1 11000 5088! um Ulfllll why! in attendance for Fishing Particl- hlny 23, _ Aug. 9. Inonnnd gslnnds of the I-oxunity_ to the Fishing and Hunting Ghonn . Ii Good Boat: Ind Ou-nncn :1- Inn in 4... 1a~:.|.:.m Parting. AIuus'r1:us and _At.c.,.r;, D lidturs in (`ha.nccry, Sic. KmKrA'r|uvx< rn to, April 16, 137-2. A u tor sung ueepmg can is tough t in Ian -ovelnont in this direction h oltho theory that sleeping car lines are controlled Almost exclusively by a. single coup: thathu already grown enormously rich fro : ih -onopoly. Thidn-- -`-OL- an. II- THIS-.. I -....I. -2

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