Kingston News (1868), 7 Feb 1873, p. 2

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HE PUBLIC are notied that the pro- T prietors of the BARRIILFIELD STEAM MILLS are msrepared to Saw all kinds of Lumber to er, `and Custom Work under- taken in Sawin g of Lnniber and Shingles. Feb. 7, 1873. one u n. aconou nndu; the mine ud lVt`y1_o-c SCOEEI Y BROS., to whom `bl. dlwoonnhdue thelabp rmuepay . .~ V` " . J9IiN`[.L; '5, Polytechnic Entertainments CHEMISTRY AND. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. THE ORDEAL OF BOILING WATER. Musical and Literary, ` Entertainment. - 8. Feb. 7, 1873. Kira-ton. F_ab. 7.`187_.'B Feb. 7. 1873. veuu-v . V "It ehell he lawful, in any traulc. calling, , hneineee, er ellployment. fer an agreement to he entered into between the workman, ' eervewt. or other ycreon empluyeci. and the later er e-pleyor, by which agreement a ielned ehere in the annual nr other not ._ plveltl or proceeds of the trade m` business Qtried on by each mutr or employer may , he elletted and paid to such wurlnnan, aer- VIII. or person employel. in lieu of or in : addition to his enlary, wages, or nthor rc- nnleretien; and such agreement ehall mot ` aeete uy reletiun in the nature ef pnrt- ` lorehip, or any rigllte ur liabilities of co- psrtlere, eny rule of law to the contrary } letwithetnlding ; and any pen-sen in whese ` favour ench agreemente is made shall have Ine right lu examine into the sccounte, or iuterlure in any way in the nmuagemeul or concirne of the trade, calling, er bu-in:-as in which he may be employed undur ihe ` eeid egreemem. or otherwise ; and any I periedicel cur other eteteinont or return, lay ' the empln er, of the net profits or pruc.-e.-ls 3 dllle ltiltrnde, calling. business. or eIIIl- E ploynelt, on which he declare: and appro } prinhl the allure of pr'olil.:4 payable under l the mid agreement, shall be nal and I:un- ! clueive hetween the parties thereto and all ` pereeu cleining under them respectively, 4 end ehdl not be iinpeaclnble upon any ` [round whatever." ` _. . '_ . "' I illustnted by numerous, curious and startling experiment; in ._-..-.3, onin , Jon. FEBRUARY, .ifIsTc1ock, m l of gt. Andrew : Sqbhth School. An at- ctive programme ha bean .m-on--.-A LL `PERSONS indebted to the under- L_ signed are roquostod to make payment _once, to save costs rnnd 311 than h-vi-n I IE man or ELL1o'1vr- a.i sd6nELL has this day been diuolvod by mutual `gut, Elliotg rjetiring fton n bu-in... CITY On the above evenings. \Vill glve two Grand And couplutling with S. DANIELS, Pnoraln-ton. 1'3. Tho intention is to induce :i co-opcrativo systom of industry. wherein nmstors and worknon slilro shall participate in the pro- ts of their joint exertions. Tlu-. idea is not I now uno. but the nth-mpt tn give it prhcml shape in a legislativo enactment is v' worthy of commendation. It has for sumo tins hoon felt and the feeling has beon ex- plrosoodthst the rslstions snhsisting botwc-en ouplojors and onaployerl are in an nnsatis Vhctory state. The nninernns strikes which on so continuslly recurring in all dop2u't_ horns of industry where niaator and work- -on come in contact,` indicato serious dofocts in tho systom st present pursued. Lost spring when tho agitation of tho nioo hours movement began, it was snggootod, in tho cofnmns of tho Toronto Hail, if wo roniolnher rightly, that tho two old only nsl solution of that diflicnlty would ho found in a co-operative systom of lnhour, whoroin niostors and workmen would hsvo ono common interest. At pre- oont whoro the ordinary rolstion snhsists hotwoon capital ond labour, thero is an on- hiro wont of community of interest. The Inrhnron has no concorn beyond tho earn- ing of his dnily wsgos, and tho Insstors ob- jock `I to rodneo tho wsgos to s miminmn, in ouior thot tho unonnt of prot any he in largo so possiblo. Tho intorost of tho upitolist, in of fsct, is msdo ontogen- iuii to tho intorosts .t tho lahonrers. `ho roonlt of this stats of things 1., oonhinotions of oocliintorest sgsinst the othor. Wo hsvo Isstors orgnnising snd Qholling to rodnoo tlio rsto of wogos, and worhnoo imtituting Trsdos` Union, tapro- hd thonsolvos sgsinst thoil masters. This onhgonisni of tooling, whoro in reality thore odl ho o oolnnnity of intorost, is pro- Ivoof -oot injurious rosults to both os, on! to soeioty st lsrgo. What has fl! tho rooont riso in tho pricos of iron uloosl, thotilnidity of hnyors and V bs in dosling with oithor 1 It is nsinly oln to disputos shout wagos, botwcon hold thoir nsstors. And tho wholo `CH 'l fooling the oocts. It `will ho as inulonlshlo honot to society, if 1' ssnnaanl nghnsnn Ln A--I--J soon i , l . ;I I ,, . l NOTICE NOTICE. V Egcludmg DIED. "in `mu: .> IR. TQMPKINS. I OST, 3. SILVER-MOUNTED ()ANF,l Buck Horn Handle, marked E.` Browne, Hnmilton." Please return the name to H. E. Swnles, -British American Hutu], and be liberally rewarded. Fab, 7. I873. ' SC(_)BE_LL' BRos.,i Cor. Brook and ontario Streets. WINES. and LIQUoRs,| _., uuuu-e will I0 OVIIOC I" which ehell inangurete e new eye- Oen et reletione between employer: end yloyod, and terminate the conetantly nun-iegetrifee which ere widening the hu end emhittering the entegemem, Jhdy too great, between these two , IlvHoIe_el eoeiety. It in e etep which Cm require meet careful coneidoretion, and X! B0 ddeete in the hill introduced by It Oreoke, which nuet be remedied before I CI he of Inch precticel value. A very been-elt one wee pointed uut by Mr Celt!-I-there ie e provision in the clause ebvo quoted, precluding the worlneen from exlnining into the accounts of the business. fhi is likely, unleee amended, to destroy of the edvuitege which otherwise % result from the measure, end we can- Iei. lee the meeeeeity of it. There should thinly` he eone preceee by which the workmen could if they felt it Iubery, heve the booki examined, 1 eeeounte euditod, in order to be satie- led that they were being feirly treeted. It bbtlikolytheteuch I power would be` mu- :---|...1 -n ___.:_.` 1_:_, I EUU.DIbl.414, In returning mu auwcle , thanks for the liberal support slmwn the Into rm of Elliott & Scobell in tlne_1-ast vgn-, hmmn hv A gt:-int attention to business! me nu nm at mnotn a asconeu In me pass l year, hope: I: a strict attention to business that the NE FIRM will receive a share :of I -u. Ll :n .u nu.-5 nus: _mo :1 :22 w public support. [CANNED FRUIT} A. J. REES & OO*S;, I_>oIsoN1:n. " 20 `DOLLA__-S_REWARD. ' OISONED on the morning 'of the 5th inst, s valuable Newfoundland \Vatch Dog, belonging bathe SHEEFIELD HOUSE. Any person leaving any information thnt will lead to the conviction of the person or persons guiity of such I scandalous act will receive . the above reward. 13.}: R IR?`-I uuuull azout, Bass A10, Lnchinq Ale, sud` Porter, Champagnes of different Bnnda, Quart: and Pintl.- . Harback 8: 00., AYLESBUBY coxnmzsnn, 0000; AND MILK, cmnunws coqoas, _EPPS Ami FBY'S 000043,. TI..Ll:.. 01-..; 1:--- .1 - -. uu on uguo. . `J `J. - W3 who wu sentenced IOIIO two you: ago to" four earn in the niton- 3 for cube-ling pynblic money?` while in one of the ubhc depot-tnontn at Ot- U baboon to on the plea of ill Tlnisnluu its public Icandal. Idlobunnpoornnnudnotpox-anally to it Johnsnd other big wigs, 110 Q` hvorottod hforo a helping hand on_t to free him from the icrosse =;1_1;l-~Blaickwell s% AUCTION SALE] Damaged Sugar s turd ll . 1? blsch ism .?"z`:"..-cnck. ' ' -to Portland, Viz :-3- 1 V uobortgon ct Son, on see underwriter: and whom it may 4 following angst, d on V: portation in bteamer ' `exna" fr: ma no Iwcmuy Feb. 7, l_873. Tnn;4muL%;dog&:uA'11oi5F up; __ 334$? iurtnlzufngh th ' .e' :2" o clock `pTu_" - m~" 7 Kingston, 12. 7, 1873. .2`: ca. Boyal.s_car1et'| .-.l'!1-In-nfn-n -~~ Choice Groceries, -- .-- U-30 -ucu I power wanna be hlqlntly invoked, all partied being aware U it oxintonoo, but on the other hand, the `VH1 bet that the power has been npocinlly find by statute, would inako its. want 5 50 non koonly fglt. Tint the co-uporzr Jivo 3-iueaplohan be successfully applied in `II lth: of industry admit: of no doubt. It & 5001 proved by utual experiment in _ jyiudluceu. One of the most success- Id 1] nine: in Wales irworked upon this Q1. We have no doubt that a few . pandas. we niull see it more generally jtl, and if dur loginlstors can facilitate {X tutor the cnuntri will have reason to til then. One Dozen Assorted Cans for at 157 Princess Street. Feb. 7, 1373. 4` ` ne auove rowan Fob , 1873. _.-_.. _..- -2; u vuvuno, Dublin S2.out, Bus A10, Lnchinq forte:-, Chunpagnoa of dilferant Rum!- Feb. 6th. 1873. 1ANNED FRUIT, CONSISTING OF , . xing'.eon,.F._u gcn,;1873. pEADING SAUCE," `' HARVEY SAUCE`, / ESSENCE ANCHOVIFS, MUSHROOM KETCHUP, SCOBELL, in returning his sixic-ere tlnmln far tha Iiheral sntmort slmwn At Grand Trunk Depot. " RfKf'` 3") so bbla. SUGAR. up Bmekvillo R.a.}dr of one sum J... In-yup: - ~ 4 `nQ._.A__'._. ,1 . - ILL sold by order of Messrs G. . f 90 rrwrieerl lild it nnv mm.-..... 6|... |LInodintely after, u the Stone of Geb_ borbontson. unuanuly alter, bot-hon & Son, FRESH PEACHES. 244, 241, 814, 846, 706, 323, 35-2, 780. 647. 705. 765. 849. 808, 198. 240, 344, 831. 678,- 663. LO_8_T. FRED scoBE}.I., J)SEPH S SCOBELL. STRAWBERRI ES. RASPBERRIES. _I'RlD.4 Y E|'I:.\'l.\'(:',V FBI)`. PINEAPPLES. BLACKBERRIES. TOMATOES. GREEN CORN. GREEN PEAS. 19 mm. SUGAR. . 1 concern, the l voyngebf im- 33" from Liverpool ULUJSIC AIch'on'eer. we the F... I ~ . - . ` * LL persons zndebtei to then derugpq] j ( either by note or book acl::onnt,: ug} hereby notied that if the same are not by the 15th of February, they will ho in, suit for collection. , J. Mcl;ILLAN, y Ontsrio Street. Kinontnn_ Jan. 29th. 1873. Eh: gnilg -gm-,5. THE annual meetin for the election of`; eight Director: or the House of hp; duatry, (M1873, will-he hold in the Conngj.-I. Chunbor. . 91 uuury wt 7Ch`sm|;or, Citizens desirous of taking an interest the abo`vo decision and chu-it can qualify Ezyiug to dhe Secretary sud reuurer, on fore the shove dste, their nhtcviptionn, ujh specied in 3rd Section By-law. 0 -I ISAAC SIMPSON- ' Theu Bitter has gsined tn extennive repn tstion in Europe, where its hygienic`md_ agreeably bitter qualities so highly appre- L a niaix-.1! ' \ STAR. GROCERYQ War amongst thg Metals '_ PrincesIStreot;K1n' gutau, |lNTEBO0L0_|A1;RAlL -v -wyua u, , n Venn be dqviud NEW s1-lune Which are on the way from V T A . _..-a;,._ .. `s 5 UL qLAsaoW Winnnousn. ` S aailuy bioe, . January-l8tlI,' 1673. - Winter Stock WINTER A9` norm` FAIL To TRY IT. Feb. 5. Feb. 4 Feb. 5. man. as man a poor man" too, named Lee, who was sent from Broclsvjlle to the penit- untinry, lest spring for three years, beczune seriously ill, ' and it iwae stated that the Medical Superintendent of the Penitentiary had reported that unless released he would die. & would die at any rate._ His brother Mr Levi Lee, formerly of Brockville, caused al. petition to be got up, and the govern- ment of Sir John released the man. What : says the I-`ea-m-dcr to thnt I I Brconnxa 'l`m-('z:1.L:su.\Ir:.-Jl'lncre is a cer- tain class in Kingston, who, on the annual re- turn of spring,_ turn their attention to pngilim tic matters, and annoy not only the public, but the ztnthoritics. 'l`h:I.t fraternity is cum- poacd in the main of sailors, whoeo savings having become well-nigh squandered, and : who sponge upon and amuse themselves at ; There is nothing to i the expense of others. prevent mariners lacing equally as respecta- ble ns any other class of citizen, and many of then are, yet the profession is so disgraced by its connection with disorderly characters, Sunmizx I Mcblnllen, 1 of Louis Bo; I suddenly on Ymnins were father's rcsi ; ment. THE lei; , fnl commmlu 3 and storing l not so good 1 of more hrit Sir John Macdonnld has had a severe cold, In two or three inutancee during the A the intense and Wonliiesday. He was well enough to gt 1 afternoon, though sulfering severely from the malady. ' \\ e regret to lesrn of the death of Mrs Fun 5 l -- I , uI' nave been Iinguring in the position of despi- tund a meeting of the Privy Council yesterday cable rowclies, whose actions are too scanda- lous for newspaper mention. We only hupe the police will be on the alert, and give put-per and prompt attention to those disgusting 1 nunnrn `which conned him to the house on Tuesday present week the ill-bred rascals `we speak "i1lll "f d?" I ful article. i A}: Exi'n 1 relieve the 1 i ran away. I 0- -L...o I... [louse `of Industry: j X ROB SALE AT TEE [10 THOSE with REQUIRE Nickle Silver or Plated Tea. Spoons, 'I'a.ble" 5 and Dessert Spoons Forks, First [T `I: 2` ` N`; lery, 01;` ` aI"`_ uz 1mm with in Intelmediste S \I: `Vinrlnnnn I-- 20 CASES on THE cnmnmmn 0n londay. February IOII. st 3 o'clock i .M. Jo.isep_h, Donnelly, . ` H )x ml After SATURDAY, 21.": inil V 3 Pguenger gnd ail G`:-gin .m I Cold; suering [layman `Bitters. Now 060511 a Great Sacrice, to make room for In in. SPEQLIAL 1 AND -s LL LTIC'}E -cg JBJIJIU Q13 KEIIN , Hon. Secretary and Treuurcr. - Shawls}; V Natice; .. urvllllo ' LEWIS CARVEBI (lunar-I Ru .....:_4 on or ny-Jaw. ISAAC SIMPSON, acretxrv And 'I`re.unn-r STAB GROCERY. I urn. nuuclul Bllv \Ic\3l.l.l.Il.' ICTIIIIIHIJ Ill, anu ll) : 1 rnntiuued until thin morning, when death put 1 ` an and to her sutferings. Mrs Fenvick was ` E `.4 I-Ir ..a' ..:.......-n -:-o.. -_.l .i-_.. _.I.`,._`4.._ A* . 9 U11 1873. TITO. I01 Ill hi pron` ntodto with 3 new snd_ On-cry, and oighboon Poor: `II - I .m-.l- .....I In 7131 uuvun ncyu Hy Lords and cordially on you charge of your utisfmliou in relation, of frion throughout the when I last add - bun taken tb`p more nichxnllv` noun usxon up more effectually the out coast of patched an cnvo vyith such instru - adapted for the V n, HQ TEX ' oatinstion, and `cation with th My ally, the held underttkeng -iIn:4>.. .... 51.- I. mu: mmeruxenr bitor, on the li so long in dinpu trantv of 1848. h IaI'BIIay OK 10%?` II `with the canton _. M In United S Q, pl-cunts the line of International of thin country, gutionl to the aw ` ly from anypatt _ of'Sa.n J ush . 'I"L . . n - A _ ..-J:_ 3` claim zlllowedto D` I Bull duin. The prooeodin arbitration. G to prolocuta in draw.-:1 of te_h_o_ in behalf of tho` G States, have iii puff. eatsblilh cours: of time: aymmt of the nitad Ststu V knpwledgmontnj poror, lihwiu ` for the pain ..... . nu. av -u -auuI7Il-`D. LIIID KUIIWIUI W353 `~:| lady uf sincere piety and deep religious con` victiun. For many years she regularly visit` ed the hopital and gaol, ruding to and pray - In! with tlm inlnzfh-a nnd Inunu o `nan-Iv -.--I VYIIGFU II WII I In tho- rogue and oitab uhod, trnpty for the 0 h guy the K T119 Gov. ' nnavnd -um. (Inn--n-annual (Special we IMPERIAL Tlll-I DEBA1 v-jun, rilwwuc my Govornmont clud' 1` com: of 1 . , which " than 1 visit the ion nu. gnxjlnxscqnu-ul m xtu- chnrn'or_ hope to be sub Annnnn on. tn tan IIIIIIIIIICC I40 ,. ducin to tho tho two Gay, ,_ _ `identity of` *id0Iol'lbu the II! 4.-J-I-`... -3 Alnl} IICFU BC II.` I Announce to you It in bann I IIUIIIICF IJOUJIIIII Gpntlomeuof estinstos for 11 LE nmgnnnlvg I-4: --~ I wick, wife of the Rev. K` M.| Fenwick, last ; She had been in delicate health for over a year, but had been well enough to at- I tend the bedside of her father, the late Mr Huorge Ilaruly, who died a couple of weeks 1 3 ilg. The shock of that event was too great ' f.>rlu1-, and on her return to her home after ' the funeral she became aeriously ill, and n 1 ......H..u..l .....'I n.:. -.-...:-.. _|.._ _:__.u_ _.... . London,f Feb. of Parliament n 5733] IIMI. BO BIIO I'D crinomsybo W A IIIUIIUTC W , only dny fur unit; udu for its` oijiot t in that ' In} enmz: :;:::;mq Ednln W1... {ha 1- . .. -..- .. ... uu-u `cut, Aw.-tllns w an}: pray | mg with the iumes, And mnv a weary soul wzss comforted by her ninistmtions. We (under our warmest sympathy to the sorrow- iug lauslaaml and relatives in their deep amic- tiun. The fuileral will take place on Momldy l next at 10 o'clock. ` ` Mltifl F um? on'c`1.'.] Aimnn +5.. -u`I:I. ` ICTCIIII on `I diicn tic: jthl A f"..'i`.2.'3.1 totlu erlllont` A-4-in`-g g-ul glu ernuuns dociaivo Ind lit. boeannellai nuoehmantu of nuts would m -@lI Wollltl I1 --Im9V!- twonowun. unnvu-gm. In: What the 1:4} the i l~.1.(3i.\'nrnu l uIm'rIvsM:'rHonls'r (.'HL'!:('|l- ', Tine :uiuua.l tea-Ineeting of the congregation the P.-imam. Methmlist Cliurch, El3in- Ilurg, czune if on W'e1lnesday evening. at which Mr Alderman Greeneld prc-.-id- ml. The refreshments were discussed with real enjoyment, the` soeinl happiness of the festive company knowing no bounds. Vocal manic was supplied by the Collinsby clmir, the selections of which were appreciated to the i utmost. The addresses were very intereitiug, and were delivered with tellin eect by Mr $ t`. \V. Day and Rovd. Mr Livingston,` of Cat Mr Ij.-Ian...` 3|: -inni Rnv at lI,.lI:..,.I.... -..,x 1 _. .. . ..-, ..-.. -.-.... .... Luvnnsa I znuqui, Rev. Mr Lidstoxi, of Col lu:\'. R. Lewis, B.AI, of this cit pleased to learn that the liberal : and revenue of the tea-meeting liquidated the debt of the edice. Ax l:ILoQL':s'r" CAs:.--Un Monday there was a very interesting case tried before Mr Cmig, Justice of the Peace, at Portsmouth. one Roberts, who was said in Saturday's re- port to have been sent to where~the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest, for vsgrancy, was liberated on 3 friend coming to the fore" and paying his fine. Re- leased from custody he returned to the place where he had formerly been employed as ser- vant, but dismissed on exhibiting symptoms of insanity, he assaulted afemalodomestio whom he suspected of____having something tedo with his dismissal. The case was carried to court, and conviction and heavy punishment seemed to be his inevitable fste. He had little money, not enough to tempt the services of a barris- ter, and therefore he was in a quandary, for he was very anxionsto put a good shade on his defence. At length a. happy thought struck him ; he knew an Irishman in the city. an n- tiinate acquaintance, whose knowledge of lit- t_lo flare-ups" with the female sex emi- nently tted him fora ploador in such matters whish held him in the most uncomfortable fix. The examination was conducted with ability by the prosecutor ; but the vigorous cross- questioning of the counsel pro tom threatened the demolition of the complainant's fabric. In short, although not securing his acquittal, the city gentleman in his new capacity as limb of the law, succeeded by his native eloquence and cuteness in reducing the enormity of the offence to that insignicant degree that the damage was compounded by n ne of $1 and costs. Roberts and his friend were pleased with the issue ; and the latter new thinks it is not an awful thing to be a member of the bar and representative of the legal profession. - NAPANEII Anwxunnv. - Steps ax-T being taken to collect the members ei the Napenee Battery Garrison of Artillery se as to put in their annual drill at Fort Henry, Kingston, next month. The ocers of `the Battery are anxious to secure a x-st-clue company, one which will reflect credit not only upon them- selves, but also upon the town from which they are taken. ,_;. Mr York, of Toronto, in in bowl canvassing for unbscril-era for the "Siege of Derry" ; 3130 The Life, Labom-I,-Adventurera and Discov- eries of Dr. Livingstone by Stanley. He has slready received quite a number of subscribers for both works, and will rennin some days longer` to enable all who dcuirg;j_.o receive 3 copy. Tho book: are published by Maclear & 130., Toronto. ' Pnxxc: Enwum JUDGlSl!IP.-We were somewhat :urpriud at the newborn zeal of the Picton Time: in favour of Mr Low 3: Judge for Prince Edward. We hve nines leanied tint the nppointlunt of Mr Low voultlcrento 1 vacancy which there is` 3 Grit reaiy to ll. We lbolieva it wont work st this ting. Ounmo Comma: er Pun.Iucv.-llr E H. Parker repreented this city in the Conn: cil at their ineeting suheequent to the semi- annual examination aeecandidatea under the Pharmacy Act at Toronto. Arrangement: were male for the election of Council to be held in July next ; an! the question of divid- ing the_ PI`0\ iuco into electoral divisions, so as to secure a more widely epread representation at the Board, was diacueeed, but was thought to. be Beyond the power of the Council. It was authorized to have the views of the Coun- cil in the matter pleced before the electors in the vetiug papers sent out an a means to that end. ' Tun Faorrmuc Wnu) Scnool. Euzcnox. ---Tho Board of Public School Truuteu at their monthly meeting last evening, instruct- ed the chairman to proceed in 3 legal nmnor to till the vacancy in Frontenac Ward of trua- iouliip by the rotii-eiient of Mr Metcdfe. We , understand that there an a couple of candi- dli for tin A$nn anus. -u-nu` I-co Ia: data for the oee. BBHINDER. V W Q` gvgn. . .......5.,..v.., u. u... I 1', Collinsby, and .' city. \"\'c are subscriptions n-meeting more than .. -.m:...` 9 _ | ('AKLETO.\' ' 't' `of Temperam ` rs-nrgnnizcd. 'k9 f was one of t] :'."` ``t' through some 3-9" the society I "1 ! unannn the i~ i }'l..u'l~`..o~E.\'cL:lliur Division, Sons i Temperance, of U:u-lotun Place, has been 1 A {aw yeah; ago this Division the most popular in Ontario, but I ome niismalagelncnt the interest in was not kept up, and in none- quence the division was broken down. Several } of the ohl members, together with members of x..oI....- .Iiu`...'m.- .....o ....A -I,.,.4.,..1 }`,r\ _u: ... ...., \'|\A uA\ -uupnu, vvscvllcl vrnuu -H:-lu\'|`N H] E other Llivisioma, met and elected their oicers l x'...- the current quarter. In cs-nuection with the division it in proposed to form a literary association. The following are the oiuefs elected : \ \'.l ., Geo. Adams; \V. A., Rev. F. I". Macnab; R. 5., W. J. McKay; F. 5., R. .-\o.-Lou; Trea.s., \\'m. Bredin; L'un;, Hugh Wallace; 1. 8., Geo. l)o'ugla.s; U.S., Isaac Marvin. Pomvi: (,`oui:'i\, 1-`P.iuA\'. - (Before Mr Strange, l'_l\l -rAnn M. laid in me of tlicsc I strange clmractt-rs which even phreiiologists fail to accurately decipher the most prominent mate the slightest hint for what purpose they are useful. Ann no doubt knows a thing or two about herself, but the police bold differeiit th0ughts,aud placing the opinions iu|juxt;1-pa iitiou, we are so arliitrary_and presumptuous a; to draw the deduction that she is at respected memberiof the C oi-bett .-kssociiation, and that slut can air herselt: as gracefully and sip abuat as much skilly" at the county gaol as the I n0.`{t one. so lm: an it r-ncfu I1.....,..-:i 1.... um bump a feature of their dispositions, nor iuti-' .. .....\.. .>nun_y an um county gaol the one, so loii'g as it costs her no toil but the swallowing. She was ordered to be taken l-ucl; to theiplace from whence she came, there to remain for 60 days. Hugh "Talbot, wluise re- markable physiog is not likely to charm or captivate the hearts of the ladies, was ned $2 ur I5 (lays fgaol. John Knowlen was charged with drunkenness and cruelty to animals. He was captured about 1 u clock last night driv- ing through the streets acting very disorderlj, and whipping a horse which had a dilapidated appearance, and was totally unt for any ser- Vice. Fined $5 and costs. ~ Bnrreusns. Psxxv Rmnisus. -- These Readings are still progressing; esch night of meeting the interest seems to increase. This week the large and cemmodious school house was quite crowded with eager listeners. Mr John Ansley was placed in the chair. A large number ef readers interested the meet- ing. Uufortunntely no original compositions or speeches were forthcoming to enliven the exercises. This is the tirst and in all proba- bility will be the last tizne this will have to be said with reference to these interesting gatherings in this place. Good vocal and in- strumental music was given by several ludiee and gentlemen between the readings during the evening. On account of the W . M. mis- sionary meeting, there will not be any read- ing next week. Next night ef meeting will therefore he Menday. Feb. 17. The Battersea people weuld be glad to see any of the King- ston friends or others who could attend at their meetings, and will endeavour to illeke them as comfortable `as possible. Lord Cecil and Mr Talbot c;ntinue to preach in the Napanea court-houu, tlnir ser- vices being wcll attended. ORANGE Mzirrma. - The Grmd Orange Lodge of Ontario East, instead of meeting this year an the third Tuesday of February as usual, will moot at Ottawa during the ensuing session of the Dominion Parliament. The meeting has been called for Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1873. ,, A .- COURT or .CHAN(.`.ER\'.-TlIe followizrg ap- pointmcnts have been made for the Spring sit. tings on the Eastern Circuit of this Court, at which ths Hon. Vice-Chancellor Strong will preside : Kingston, Tuesday, March 25. Bclleville, Tuesday, April 1. Cnlmurg, Mondny, April 7. Poterborough, Monday, April 14. Limlsay, Thursday, April 17. Brockville, Wednesday, April 23. Cornwall, Tuesday, April `.29. ' Uttnwa, Tuesday, May 6. FUNERAL or run LATE Muo: Cumuxxcus. -The remains of the late Major Cummings were interred on Tueeday, 4th inst., with nil- i any honours, being-the largest funeral ever seen at Trenton. The body was received upon its being brought from the house By an escort of the 49th Battalion, under the command of Mnjor Bewell, am. presented arms, after which the escort, with their arms reversed, marched in sections to St. George s Church, followed by the Band of the Battalion, playing the Dead March in Sxiul ; following the band was the late Major's horse, then the hearse, Lt.-Col. Phillis, Lt.-Col. Brown, Lt.-Col. Campbell, Majors Raw, Gordon and Bell, act- ing as pal] bearers. The `mourners and thou. sands of people followed. Upon arriving at the church, the escort formed two deep, in. ward faced, opening out sufficiently to allow the corpse to pass through, the men resting on their arms reversed. The Rev. Mr Bleudcll read the burial service, after which three',vol- leys were red. and the fulIr1l"c0_l'3 g_`:l'f.- turned to town. VVe need scarcely odd that in the death of `Major Cummings, the "H111 Battalion In; with an irreperible lose, and the Province hind and estimable Nxw FmM.--A change has take the rm of Elliqtt md Sogboll, the tiring, and Mr Joseph S. Scohell ` place, the new rm to be known Brothors. '0 wish them abnndu - ' W0 l1I\'e- been requested to announce that all Second musical and liternry entertainment | innidofthemo flnd huboen - Pdrthunmnnt. _..- gun. I IVVIFUU 11110: --/Belleville Intelligncer. 'ecil __- L 5,, I? THE DAILY NEWS-FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY ,-___, -- ...-uvv pie tflrough, runs `e are fu11era.l"co_:'fegf: tea" uid thaf Cummiilgg` on 2 Provino L-:11. rmzz.-,....,.., ` -_.. -......u rluuw nu lio_tt fvnner :1}- r taking his ` 1501). as Scobell 5 abundant Succul- u -:---.____--:-_.-i-- L taken-place in 1: Sanhnll n.. n....-.- - I)1r.n'n. -The wife pf Mr D. Z. of the Chicago Poet. and daughter Bogart. Esq., of Adolphunutown, died i on Monday. On VVednesda.y her ro- Y mains cunvcyed via Napunee to her father : rcsiclenco at Adolphustown for inter- ment. SUl`I LY.-TlI9 dealers in this use- conmimloity are now engaged in cuting supplies for Summer use; It is `I, for packing this year as,being brittle anxlclm-kcr colour. It requires 1 heat to make (me appreciate the ` value draughts cooled by this now plenti- ful nu-`linla Exc'I'1`I.\'u Rus.uv.w.--Thia morning, to monotony of Ontario street, a. horse is not known what caused him to start, but oil` he went from near the freight station, and at such :1. rapid rate as to leave be- fore proceeding any great distance the sleigh in which he was liarneased a. broken pile on the side of the road. Dashing along past the City Buildings, the house of Mr William Fee joined in the race, and the scene thereupon became exciting. A bevy of men at the en- trance to the Police Court enxleavouted to stop them, but so desperate was the stampede that there was hasty dodging to avoid injury. One unfortunate mortal had his anlour cooled by a nuty fall on his nasal protuberance. Mr Fee's horse was caught on \Vellington street- but we cannot sa_v where the other halted, Several person; narrowly escaped a blow from a piece of shaft an-.'in'jiug by the traces. Pokwssfolxw; An` n.ttra'e'tiv_1em Sim `plea.-.,ing entertainment, musical and literary, is an- nouuceal to be held in the Town Hall at Port..- muuth on Monday evening next, the 10th inst. We are assured by those managing the affair that it will be worthy of attendance. THE Guunsos BAND. -- The Battery of Artillery marched out yestorliay headed by their band, the music of which was of courts admired. This evening'tl1ev play in the On- tario Hall. It will be crowded to rapletion it is expected, the concert and ne weather af- fording pleasu re not often \exper,ienced-that is during the present winter. ' W Tm: SLEIGIIING.--A couple of days of stoi- dy thawing end the line sleighing is nesrly a. thing of the past. In country gs well as city the roads are being laid bare, and x-unners" scratch here and there on patches of stonoy clay, dragging heavily an ladenod horses. The atmosphere indicates a continuance of pleasant weather. But on this point opinion is diver- \sitied. According to `an alleged very wiso `proverlyshould the last three days of January lbe mild and element (which they were not), there will be an early spring ; but asecond equally infallible adage` sets forth that should Cjumllsmas Day be raugh (which it was not) there will be six weeks of storms, etc. Now which is which ? j Tm: Yc-Into Mn:.-Rov. Hr Carson : spo- cial sermon to young men will be delivered on Sunday wcning in the Queen Street \Vesleyan Mthodist Church. ' D.udicmo.--As our Ioczl Jasinight dolefnl- ly heneward plodded his weary way, he dropped intethe Victoria Mulic Hall, and nel.-eld the occupants of the reom--the Unien` Qunulrille Club, dancing about in : neat whir- ligig." To be serious the scliool is progressing in the art of terpsichore iemnrhhly quick, mid shown good evidence of prociency. There has lately been 3 change of music, end it in aid to be for the better. inches. nu 1 Local Observntionn `I an . ... lnnyllv-`Ia The Barometer is read, correrrted for tem- perature, urd reduced to-Sea,Lovel. _ : ontarle Legislature. Toronto, Feb. 6.-A etidebete took place on Mr Rykert's, resolution, with reference to the Executive Council. It was urged by the Oppesitiontlnt because Mr Blake ree- igned his seat in the Legislature, his oicial functions ought to have ceased ipso facto. Minister: often hold ofoe while they were without a. seat, but that is only in cases where 3 seat is in prospect, and in no case where one is never proposed to be sought. The reply on the Dan-t of the Gnvaninianf wucre one 15 never proposed to be nought. reply ert Government was particularly fee 10. Mr Mewat basing it on that nine fact that Ministers` have held portfoliee without holding a. seat. He either failed to see, or did not choose to see,_ that that wan not whatvwu objected to but the fact that Mr Blake used th_e patron- age and performed other ilnnortant fnnn- uul. uni newt mu mr puke used the patron- age performed importahxt func- tions of a'Preuuier, while he had expressed his intention of abandoning the Ontario Legislature altogether. The debate was adjourned 'a.t nix o'clock until a future day. After uceas other matters came nn acuournea at :11 o'clock until future came _up among the most important of which was Mr Clarke : (of Wellington) motion with reference to the ballot. There was a very full Houle, end the outside public was re- presented by crowded galleries. , - _,_.. . _.._ __.___ This country has not a monoply of cold weather. One hundred people, according to a London dispatch, haverecently frozen to death in England. The Minnesota papers tell us that the fatal results of the ncont cold weather in that state were due in good part to the ab- sence of fences and other landmarks, one great purpose of which is to prevent poo le from losing their,`v/zy in storm and in col . J udg- in the English cslsmity from the same stand- g, the weather in'that country must have ` intonlely cold. - -_ e---r I Montreal, ran n;...o:n...m.1_1s2, 182}, 182. Memnmw n..k--uo, 110;, 110. Bank of CoInIneroe--ll8, I18}, I10. Outuio B.n.nk--l, 101, 100}. Bank of Toro|to-l96, 199. Royal Canadian Bank-98}, 99. _ Montreal Tologji-sph`Cdnpu|y-l86i, _...._. MONTREAL STOCK `MARKET. I.I __A.-,,I 11 I j..:e}__ ___ e-_ , Local Weather Report. connlerciul. 5 for 24 hours ending at _1:, Feb. 7,_18'_73. l Cavlvm -`(Ln u::|..l\.nl:al.. Montreal, Feb. 7. 0 Ion: Ion ii, 186;. Super No. 1 Canada wheat. 6.10 to 6.25; In No 1. Western wheat, 6,00 to 0,00; Super 0. :5 Weston-n wheat, 5,70 to 5,75 ; ha.` our 3.00 to 3.30. Whcat-Cannds Fall, 1,35 to 1,40 ; e....:..- 1 Ln 4-.1 A0 . W..+.m `N. I) I 2-)]. - I to 3.30. wnca.t-L;anuu run, 1,33 so 1,10 1 Spring, 1,40 1:01.42; Western, No. 2, 1,325; Oats per 32 lbs, 32 to 35; old 00 and 00: Harley per48 lbs, 52 to 55. Butter--DAiry 15 to 20 ; store packed 9 to I2:}c. Ashes- Pots, 6,55 to 6,65. Pearls, 8,20 to 8,25. Gold in York at 12 o'clock ---; Pork--Meu l5,00 to 15,.`-O; Prime Mesa, 00,00 to 00,00 ; drcsud hogs 5,55 to 5,65 ; peas 00 15000 ; rye our 0,00 to 0.00. ``l.uu- u-An;-inf: 1 (`NW LL`: - vnsu-Ital . u" nnll uour 11,00 to v,w. Flour roceips 1,000 bblu ; market dull and lower. holdersfpresaing, while buyers hold off, except. for the supply of the day : vnnts ; Ill- por offered down to 6,10. but only I for brok- en lots or single hundreds taken. Gain- \.vIm.-Lf._:.-nl nf U, (3, nnrinv in ltnrn at L40, en 1053 01' BIHSIB lI|lIl(1l'C(l. WIKOII. \)fIlIl'- whoat-snles of U. 0. spring in store at 1,40. Provisions dull, with only retail sales for pro- seut consumption. Hogs-few transactions to note; not -many new in lint lundn. and rates more of a retail character. Ashes dull at quotations.- mv YORK MARKETS. (Special Tc-Ir',1;ram to the Daily News. ) New York, Feb. 7, 2 p.m.-Gold H3}. Uottun `2lc for Middling Upland. Flour tlull ; receipts 6,000 barrels ; sales 4,000 barrels; at 13,35 to 7,15 superne state, western ; 7,30 to 8,60 for cannon to extra state ; 7,25 to 8,50 for common to choice extra western. Rye our quiet; sales 100; prices unchanged. Wheat dull and in buy- ers favour; receipts 9,000bush; at l,62to 1.73 Na. 2 spring in store and Iloat ; 1.78 to 1,82 for No. 1 do ; L90 to 2,00 winter red western; `_ ,0Oto 2,05 for amber western ; 1,90` to 2.35 for white western. Rye quiet and nominal ; prices unchanged; receipts none ; sale: none. Corn dull and without change ; receipts 15,000 bush ; sales 49,000 bush`; at 65; to 66 for new mixed western; 66 to v66c for old do. aoat ; 635;`, to Me for do in store. Barley dull ; receipts 5,000 bushels ; sales none. Oats steady and in fair demand; receipts l`2,'000_ bushels ;sales 31,000 bush ; at 53:: to 5-lac for new mixed western ; 53; to 56a for old do` in store and aoat ; 52 to 54: for new black western ; 54 to 57 fornew white lo. Pork quiet; receipts 100 at 14,37} for new mess. Lard steady ; receipts 200; at 85 to 81: steam ; S to S2 for kettle rendered. Butter 2 to 40. Cheese l3c to 16113:. - Petroleum, crude, 9c; rened 1930. avi,;,.....,. 1:..|. -.- .n--.:-._ L--- L- 1.-. u. .--av, av , -cu:-cu 19;. Chicago, Feb. 7.-4Rec:ipts hogs to-day 19,075 ; shipments 7,229. _._. J olm Wilson is a. brskemnu on a Minnesota Railway. The other day he heard of a. train snowed in seven miles distant, and, not being on oluty,_pr0cured a large quantity of crackers and cheese, envelo ed himself in a cloak with :1 hood, and with t e wind blowing a. gall sml the thermometer twenty-seven degrees below zero, started out on foot to relieve the hun~ gry passengers. Although he felt his face and ears freezing, he trudged on until he reached the train almost exhausted and unable to speak distinctly. The grateful passengers thawed him out as well as they wore sblo, and one of them, John Lawlor, Esq., of Prairie du Chien, who had some ladies under his care, took from his own neck a. massive old chain, and putting it around VVilsou s nec , remark- ed, It`s a pretty good man that has worn that chain, but l ve found A better, and he shall have it. ` wue or me Kev. K. M. Eenwick. The funeral will take place on Monday, the 10th inst., at 10 o clock a.m, Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend withuut fu rther notice. 11:14:11. In this city, on the 6th inst., Ann Hardy, wife of the Rev. K. M. Fenwick. The funny-al will talun nlnun -n Mnnanu 41.- Friday and Saturday, Feb. 14 & 15. SUBJECTS : Appzirent Contradlctionlof Science The Ancient Ordeal by Fire.` mrun A-n.-... . The Handling of Red Hot Metals. Modern Experiments with Flame and Fire. PROF. PEPPER` Fire and its Anta.gonists.J Running to Death and Saving from Fire. Tickets 25 cents. Reserved Seats 50 cents. Tickets 'for sale at the Bookstores. Seats may be reserved a't McAuley & Co's. - Feb. 7. MUSICAL AND LITERARY ENTER- TAINMENT will be 'ven in the TOVVN HALL, PORTSMOUT , on Monday Evonin FEBRUARY, 31: 8 o'clock, in aid Snbhth snhml A- -4 programme Tickets 20 cents. Feb. 7. Daniels Hotel, ENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA.-This house 0 is entirely new in every respent, having been enlu-god, retted and rofnrninhod this season. First-classvsamgle Rooms and ample accommodation. Omni uses meet all trans and boats. Q r\ A xvvn-r n - LL llgll at once. to claims against him will please use once for pnyment. are requested me those having nd them in at ,1? l`f\\ll)'I7' Y\Y:I he I Mains AND \\'oiuc.\n-.3. - Mr Crooks hp 1 iill at present before the Unhnrio HOIao"`To fncilitat-. agreement: bot:-ecii Illihtl nil wmlmcn for participation: in ptih." The, title i~ not as vary c1`e:u- indi- Qlion of tho exw-t --`-_,..-c1 of the measure, but it my be -..-.'.hered from tho following clllue :- u nu o 1- 1 - ,,, A,, 1, ,_n:,

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