Trimmings, Fringe and Orna ments. - A Q1\(\r|:n\l `l\......-L._,._.L _.:L ._..' ` On the 12th 1111;. the niw Act on Quakorl : i Mun-logos can. into force in G:-at Britain. i The former Act: are amended, and on notice ` as directodynrriagos in England said Ireland i u:ay_ be solennizd as prescribed botwoen [numbers of the Sociov of Friends called I 1 -uIIy_ DO solemlm {numbers . I Quskcrs. Shawls a.nd`]M[g.n1_:1eAGloth_2r..T Blankets a.nd_F1a.nne1s. A Large Stock, at Low Prices. House-Furnishing Goods. Q!-nod:-u-n 'I`:..I..'...._ 'P,.l..l.. I T'or` Gentlemen s I I3 But One Price made. Sales for Ready Money . ; Gardiner. 'I\ u | umuc, ' Jan. 29. yy,1$. Jan. 29. II 3`. Mail at I KI lu)\'B. Feb. 5. Feb, 5. .-_v.. uurvuu-\lO THE` FINLAY PROPERTY, Barrieeld,- - Win be sold On easv ts-rms. Avmlv tn Dwelling House for VHF` aunen..l...... A4 `...... 1,... ..-1.. 4.1.. [T , , IANTED a first class Carriage Maker. Steady employment guaranteed. Ad- ii VANTED two experienced salesmen, at R. V\'aldron s. n 00 French Paisley Shawls, Ottoman Stripes, Clan Tartans, Handsome Lace Shawls. A full assortmentbin all the beat makes. .I_`1.? ..`T.1.?`.%i%`?`?:..`7`7fI1*`?. Very Handsome Designs. I878. French Merinoet, Empress Cloths, \Vool Poplins, Satin Cloths, Sergcs, withalarga assortment of Dress Goods of every descljiption of wear. teal Lyons Make, sntgrior value. Slxgetiugs, Tickin , Tublev Linens, Towellings, Horroc s Cottons, Lace Curtains, Table Napkins. A Special Department with us.` ' I` .'I`.:.. am. 1s"7' ; aaagy-t.xx`zent of li::ui;rcltl`1-; ing 831.30 English, Scotch and Canadisn Tw . 1ng;usa Tweeds. y auure. ~ R. \\'H ITE, \\'holesale Druggist, 43 Princess-st. 17. __i:;;men Wanted. THE DAILY NEWS--..FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 7. Tea.cher_ _WAaI_1teTd. You SALE, WANTS. Wanted. Cleang Sale zu prescribed bctwoenl Society Friends called wu. suim, Seclya 1 -ay, P.0. The WORK|NGMEN,| The sun, Ruler ef the Planetary Sys by R. A. Proctor. ` Bromnex- s Industries of Scotland. Hugh Miller- s Leading Articles. Some : English Synon mes. ' Anatomy 0` Melainohofgt. ` ' Figuiu-'3 VVo1-ld before the Deluge. Eccentricities of the Annual Creation. &.n,. Rm in (ERICAT CLEARING SALE now going 9n, , pr:-pm-atory to moving to the New Store __-....... .. .....`,y. ..n l)r. Beale on Bi 1; Astronomy and {rec Urm.-nthwaite. 'r.,...x..n 1-.~-__.- _ Do. on _ -`sound. Bngt.-hOt'8 Physics and Politics. l).1rwin a Expression of Emotion on Men and Animals. 1 Klan! nrlau- a 'l`u-no-n-u Al 04---- | anu AIIIIIIRIS. Muunden- s Treasury of Science. Cass:-l1 s Natural History, 4 Vols. Ca.ssell's Popular Education, 6 Vols. Cassell's Technical Educator. Mill's Political Economy. - Hallam s Middle Ages, and History of Englland. Mzu:a.ulay s Works. ` Prescott s Historical Works. Fr-uude s Short Studies, 1st and 2nd Series. MzLunder s Treasury of History. ' D0 D0. Bionranhv, You can save lllohey by doing so. ' Natural History, Philosophy, History," HENDERSOWS BOOKSTORE n-ice 50 us: :24 la`nvelopes. Goods Sold at Less than Auction Prices. A - ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRSTUVWY nooxs on salmon, bl )o _ Biography. Brassey s Work and 'ages. ` \'\ onders of the Yellowstone, by Bayard Taylor. ` Livingstone : South Africa. Anstca.d s Inanimate Creation. I The Sun, Ruler of the Planetary System, muunuer 1 reasury or umtory. I The rm of A. B. MACPHEBSON &.-Co. to be changed on the 1st of March. The present proprietors will offer Special Bargains to reduce the Stock as much as possible before the change in the firm. MONOGRAM or INITIAL I I . {Note Paiper and Envelopes. [DRY GOODSJ A. B. MABPHERSON & cm] HENDERSON S BO0KSTORE etals Fab 5. an 12111 uunnnnJ.uu BALD gomg pn, pr:-pm-atory moving Store in Macnee & \Va.ddell's Buildings. I. Do. ' Do, Mctnln. J ones Annual Creation, 500 Illustrations. Rennie : Insect Architecture. lasm. Anlrnnnrnv and lnnln.-.. ...-......-...-.`l |-- V DON T FORGET THE PLACE. J an. 30, 1873. Price 30 Cent : per Bqx of 24 Shuts and I 34 la`nvelo|;es. I TIIIIIID wane. \ Tyndall on Form: of Water. Do. -`Sound. B:1mehnt n. Phv-in. anal D.~.I:;:.. Business T Changes. I and all kinds` of Confectionery always on] and. ' . , . ` Eb. 1. ble B00 l`S_ AND SIIGES -..g.-9-qu . xr-2-we-a----uu .1 ;_,x. L.` . mBu1k'3:`in.aun..;' .y1I;i.ema}eanon,' Great Clearing Sale )El`PEI{fS PLAY BOOK OF SCIENCE: )YSTf1B.S! oxswtsi. fIN 1`ER `AP1>L1:s,' Lmbons; `LETTERS IN STOCK AT? nos E S. ATTEEBAZAAB. . Foh.4.l87_3. E, ROSE S, Idtbo OI `(B0 Annual Urentlon. &c., &c. JOHN HENDERSON, Princess Street. CRANBERRIES, }eology compared, by Lord PRINCESS STREET. mans 1_mos: `Du-nnnaan H4;-ah | Auction Sale every day and Evening, com- . meucing on TUESDAY, the 28th inst. .-.. GREAT BANKRUPT SALE {Boots and Shoes,` McRae & Co s Old Stand MALAGA GRAPES, I {AT R. TOWN S BTEAMEM ENDERS, addressed to the Minister of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, and en- dorsed Tender f Rescue, will be received until the 15th ARCH next, for the pur- chase of the hitherto used ai a Gunboat, now lying at Hamilton, Ont., with her Anchors, Chains, Cable, Riggings, Sails, and other appulte-_ uances. This boat was during winter of 1871-2 rebuilt by Mr Shickluna, of St. Catharina. Full particulars maybe had from Geo. H. Wyatt, Esq, Gunboat Agent, Toronto. 1-: All new and well assorted, to be sold be- I fore the 15th of February. NO RESERVE. The premises to be let 1st March. All accounts due to be settled 1st February. The people of Kingislton and srrrounding country will nd this I: e Cheapest Sale ever thrown on the market. For the accommoda- | tion of HOUSE-KEEPERS, MECHANICS, ` 1 LABOURERS,ETC2' rp|,_ 51;--. ...:u us`! 1-2 reb AT E. s'rAcEv's| BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS,` DRAWING BOOKS very cheap \7 A Y 'I:|\`r'I'|1 \Y`I1Vo .-,,, . , - [$10,000 WORTH, 1s1V\'1:;LUr1sb', all Cqlonrs, very cheap. GRAND I tnzuua 1.:-gnvr; Luna lawn: ` Day & MItreil.. E;-stator ' Ihv Exurell for Toronto ` Market Square. \ I JlIcD0./V`ELL S'i DRY GOODS! I nxrnn ( ,`sELLmg OUT] *.A...%1 ..::-:.q......" % I` `I DD`) ---wjr-ujlvio XI The Store will be open every evening until 7 o clock. Sale to commence '|'()-MURROVV. All Goods sold for Cash only. 1.... IA Private Sale commences from to-day. F. \VERNER Auctioneer 1 . .. n F. SELECT AND XXX CY STERS, Also MINERAL WATERS, 20 Barrels JIPOP CORN BALLS. Jan. 27th, VAY. - Jan. 25. 0RAN(}"S, LEMONS, ENVELOPES, all sizes, `nlnnra vnrv Dl'IAuY\ Stationer s Hall. (2 RAN BEQR IES, IOTE, LETTER AN D I 1! FOOLSCAP VVRITING PAPERS in small Pa.cke_ts, vefy cheap. ease? Just Received, VALENTINES just received FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, ft tcamer Rescue, For Two `Weeks Only, 3.`&'..i" T`?-"`T `-""` APPLES, DATES, By order Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, Feb. 3rd, 1873. Cheap Book Store. us LEAVE KINGSTON u fol. VI: ` _ FOR lzl-:n(;|{ Q l`j:I)lC1`. Youncil . 1873., VAT E. STACEY S' c MUSIC AND NEWS DEPOT. GEO. FUTVOYE, Dy. of Minister of M. and D. OVER _ 5111 kinds, _ - V , , Guinnesl & Son : XXX Stout, botlod I Burk ; (iuinuent Son : XXX Stout, bottlt Int Jnhnnimtn at fjl nI.l')l!N' '10 I -v v vuvu JJWUUULID, WW0, Gun, M0. _ i stock size: of Sash (Glazed and otherwise), Door: spd Mo ' of av Q ` atantly on hand or mule to order in dierent style, on the shortest poi notice. 9'-`Gothic Frames and Sashes. Purtableichnnch Iininhingl, furnished HOD: specification. Outside Window Sash nnd Venetian Biindn made to ordernt nuohsble rstes. Prompt attention given to deliver ' ' ' T ' Adam. 1:. n. nomr, 256$` V Hun, Feb. 1, 1873. - ~~ - After a. very successful year : business, take thu ortunity of thsnki `:7 fn'unds and customers for thGJVIl'y kind and libel-.4! patronage 1:]: bus ~ ~ They now hope by the suns close attention to -uaineu, with t air land _ -` importatious, to be able to olfer extranndueementl. Inorglea-to -I -- Spriug lmportations, they have come to me co``cnm,ou to sdlthsw BBESEFM. . COST. _ This Sale will be genuine, and no hum-Jug. . , " `. THE CUSTOM DEPAR.TlJENT.noodq no com-ms, ....thopublia!:um,uow _ that the cheapest, most stylish, and-vbest utting Garlllentl, are to bshsd. G .AB " ' Feb. 3, 1873. Iur Sign of the Golden_-Li.o1|N.mM |foTHETIiff Fresh, for PUDDINGS, Pfln, cAKEis.l and DESSERTS, at Che GOLDEN LION. ' To CUMMENCE on SATURDAY, the 9:1; Febmary, nnd`i.:los`e paieelyma else :____.__- ~srv ~,-,m;.; i8%sI0AI9JJ9ovnA!~UT. 1 Cases Ban : Ale, bbttled ' Case! Ban Ale, bpttled by ibbo Tennhnt a Double Strong Scotch A19, ` GOLDEN LION. W. R. gd. Having rennveginto new 1 none in the Dominion for supp] . -u--u-.w%III-r-'" - . \ , :, 5th Grand Annual CLEARIISG SALE of 113 Goons and CLOTHING,_ % L IGINGER BRANDY. . -lnyally ho ` The ' mu-inn A Receiving a small 101*. of Ginger Brahdj, very lm, at the GOLDEN LION. ---u---n _--.: _. |FINNAN HAIJBIEMS Burk; uvuiuueul Boll L111 atom by Johnston, at the comm! no HES: JET i EEAVERS, PILOTS, WITNEYS, TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, FLANNEIS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MER.lNn'lm trramnum |II!%!%1T\I?I2%iII3~. iF!!'_'f3 ,PE`F.`F` 154% very mue Lapsmg, Very Fina I! Find English Breakfast, Vet ] Pekoe, at the LIO , _L an porno: with an BEBZI.` OLD BYE and PROOF wH1sK1ES`.nasdo in the De minon, with all thexingplnvod Inchiiery for Any uI_v. Ina nmpor-,nrur 1Arm:m_\'. nlm had Ilmh-rukeu tn pl'u|IOIlnc9 jmlgmunt. .-u arbitor. on the line of I'm- \\.u.:r rmuudary IO lung in dilpllfe under the lunns of the ` treaty of 13415. has decidcd in couf--r.m:;.' `with the contention of the Governmnnt. of ' tlu United States, [hat the Hare (`hanncl ' prtlolu the line Inns! in uccurdzmce vxuth ! the trnwiuterprtntion of that truly. I haw ` thought it a course most helittiug the .-spirit I. of Inurnzuional friendship. and the Jigluit} of this cnuntry, to gin: immediate e.\c- I cation to the award by \\ il.hJr.u\'ing pmmpt- 1 I)` from any ;-a:'n.d occalpazienn of the Tsluxnd of San Juan. -n. . ...-..m,...l.'....,-. l...L'...,. n..- ;_:1 3 1 3 I _._I go mum vanes GOODS, ' MERINOES, LUSTRE8, unavnn 11 <`1= I Very Fine Tea, in_OnddieI, t up specially for FlIm'li_nI ; Very Fine ` Pu Very Fine Lapsing, Very Fine Kainou, cry English Breakfast. Verv Fine -Onmze . x -r w '1 I ";;**'=:Iuu:f": Rh ; 7 HEaubocriberi.I wpn 10 `ill! I all ' vithnptho Bgfrdo BYE and PR1`) WHIQWYTQ` an-Ra in GI.` `I'\.. -y`l-1111:; unaerngned is `to rooniv Tendon for lump in! son WOOD, gaghevuseiof _ allay, n " ... GREAT REDUCTION IN wiN'1'I:n DRY j Feb. 6, 1872. Jan. 28. 1313, Jan. 31. ,K,!!_I:IoI;9I8TILkI .7. ...u my-run: \II|0IIIl-- `t. Ztllllllll I Ripou. Earl Kxmloerl.-_v, the I-'. .! uf Curl. and Orrery. and Viscount Sydney. (Duly oi;-Juoen Pun won pruent, and little in- ` tcrost named to be unnifutexl in the pm coorlinzgs. Tho Lord Chanccllqr road l|rer_ Maljent_\"n speech. of wich the folluwin-:1 is : a verbatim rc-port : `II. I ....l,. ....`".I .1 ,_n,-. .. I ;PECIAL bargains will be given in the following _Gooda EAVERE pttlvpg inrnnnvvu`-.. I to clear the balance` of the - .-nth .._-.v.- vvrvvllll nu!` Irllil purpole ` -. .; > _ ` Grooved and Bevelled Glapboar , T. d G, (Various qualiliiu.) W.` i. 'CI}]A}?& co; `THE D'I\l\l)' "iiv ."R;Mc1A:*& co., uucw uri\n'o1 'JJkJ\JlHJ.lIL|J, av uuw \.l\IlJlll!l.A` l.A.I.\J.LV- W. `R. McRAE 00., 'LY11\I'IT nvnrrrr BRITISH WAREHOUSE. "'1:E1um3s. , ,__. _......... n4uIuIlvI' vvnnllnllg OF -Matche;i'i*1oox~ing, L11, 1'; and 2 inchs, (Saved elpocially for nal . nation.) - puonc or non: nsuonn. Paper: will I laid before you with relu- tiou to the awsrdn deliverod under. the trostyof 'aJhington, to thn counm-.1-cial Ile- istions with France and to th: northern ronticr Dominion: uf Afglmnixlazn. Gantlanen of thn Honsnnf (F. nlu mm... 'I'l`m -u.-;,, Bevelled Ba1`:t';;I.1s, &c.; &c., lb (Glazed and ot.hann'nn\ Thm-. ....a u.._u:__ ,. McNAUGi`?Nf::9.-Q7 __,_ 1...-:..--- A T % ,`;;;pf;ggm;n:;tmv&r'pcr:m,% -$rai..g fscilitinl __J `I11, I an -. 3. EDDY, PROPRIETOR. ...v-ununo, LAI HOSIERY, GLOVES, -.. cavvna-|.|.b _;_g, `gr, an a 1 eapocially that pnfpogg_) NEW STORE. NEW sromc. XTUIIIIUT IJCIIIIIIICIII HI .'Ilgl|I'%H1.VHl'-I. Gantlouenofthoousonf(Mxumuua. 'I'I`m estimates for the email-v year will 50 presented to you. Toy have been funn- Od with A new to the oicicnt. opcrzlliuli of 0Ill' establishment under the circumstances ` the inconvonionco entailed by the varin~ ,. ' of tn exceptional nature in the prices `of some important commodities. I In!-cl: Ann] llnnlvluu-;-,,,Al6`|.,.....l. `N1-svw sTo}.E.| _N;W 54 _ .. _---, NEW 'S'lI)RE.l gm; E533?! AT THE WOOL PLAIDS, WINCEYS ' Q PLAIN AND s'rR1PE1).sH AwI.s, LADIES CLOUDS ' ~ GENTS WOOL sc'ARFs, LAMB's wooL SHIRTS t n1u Lwzg_a, V vns, am. u.. am. ` 1 TIII} DllI5.\'I`i-I IN IIIITH II0l :~`li.' lit` I : `III .. .. I ` .c1-cate .1. a spirit wiini-t1r.1rF aar thoautlont "g `_. 22.... 41% "*.,"? , A t Ctutof . ` tocel-?;ru1d.i` is hereby looting Custom: Dutyon thy 1, Old Tamas:-, K5! H G > nzmnuxxmsyv O Clukinsi. Bnvq-u,,.. Wool snuwxu warns; a. . `aw ` 1: H xr I WHEREAH_ tho Tmnaugboiagadsvi-uu_-od m.. _ ` A , ,4; ,ajP:'1 TnEy_F1n_1_u -~J_.- ,.-_unnu'rnn % . h~=-i-I-vb-`tn. .0451 ' txrenent :2! Mr yhamdnlruz .'r'=_;L.i:-* . The buninnu am 4- `name. Lanion; Feb. Ii. The 1-mrngu--Ll I of Parliament rv-opened at Iumll t. The labor; nf tho "nuso of (`or were ullod to the hue` of the Ln;uu Poeru. n here the npcccln frum tho-'l`l|rm delivered by Royal C-"1lnli~=su-`l.` can} of the L-ml Chanco!` -ax ' Marq ELBOW LINEN _sA1I5 `match. -'7 , Jan. 29th, 187? , K-8-ton. am A ' ~ lrenent at lit buying: 9 v BAILES 36-inch mm? ' } cenh,-`worth I5 ;_:'1' 5!` ' ARGE E J Cheap. ;L1uN GaEYfsHEETnrGs . ' if Wllll IWICI IIISI YIICIIOIII IL! ppil -adapted fur the nltaiiltltrut 0|" view. He recently n-uclu.-.1 destination, and haul cam.-re-l` i nication with the Sultan. My Ally. Hui I-Impor-,-rut` Ili- had llndn-.rt..||u-.n in uruunnn.--a [onncxs % :~_,_ was. 72. `saw nBocxs' rm` 7 W mas, 72, 90. min ,_ ,__.._._-__.__..._._.___._____... Nnlndnn TWIE1: ` 80.120? James lnuouucl no you mo Inn lettlomuut. It in been for some years Telt by an Govcrnmontl of Russia and the United Kingdom respectively, that it would be con- ducive to the tranquility of Central Asia. if the cum Governments should arrive at an identity of View regarding the line which doocribu the northern fr--ntiur of the Du- ,ni|iou of Afghanistan. Ac(:urJingl_y_ cm`- roopondonco has passed of which this in the _ main subject. In tenure, no law than its object, will, I trust, be l.ppn)vd of by the public of both nations. Pnnnrl will In lain] hofnrn vuu u-if`: um!-.. `III XIWC I-IPCTICHK &l-l`0(l|n- Ky Lords euul GentleInen4-A|thongl: tlie harvest has been to none exlcnt dc- ticien t, the condition of the three Kingdoms with reference to trade and eemmerc, tn the etiiciuncy of revenue for meeting pub- lic charges. to tho decreuo uf pauperiem. end to the `relative amount. of ordinary crime may be pronounced generally eatis jmnn. I -. ...-nu.-- ..l;v-n . Hy Lords anfd H--nvnv--n. V gr.-ct yum ? cordially on your re-zuuguwlnl-,r for the din 3 charge of _Vu;lI` molneeutomo dunes. I hun- utislu-tiom in mmonncing maimrnanco uf ' rclltion-I of friundalaipyilh fur.-igu power; : tlnrollglnout lhu um-lcl. You M~r.: inform. d ' whon I last qnldruu-d yarn that stops In.-ul, hon taken to prepare the way for dealing more etfcctnmlly with the dawn" .tr.sdu on the can cc-not of Africu._ 1 have m-w diu- putched an envoy lo Zam7.ib:u'. fumiuln-.--I ` with such instructions appoar tn Inc 1-mi -Idlbltd the at tniunnunt nl' Hun nlnim-1 m I A muauro will lnelnbmittul to you at an early day for uttling thc question of uui~ vanity oducntion in Ireland. Ir will Inn. 40'!` its tho mlvam-1-In~.L ,1-f 1-.-:u'uing ii lb portion of lay clonxiun-.-H, and vii}! to formed with s c1I'O{ull Ogn.ui i.oLix0|'1g|:l.~: . -I nnnuinnnn CUX. ' You lild Illlplom-c..`;u:2--.1 ha .1`-.:}i:ar; I with oil: loginlntivn 1.: .....,...- tonne. of which part a-'.ro;...y lune been amdor your notice in vsri-u-. IUEIII1 ..z. .m _` feront poriodn. Among tll-..~.:, ;-.u_- mien-- ' tion will be lpeodilyukecl to Iii: |'nr7*.`.:\|iun V of a Supreme Court of Judi.-nzr H , im-lud i in; provision: forthowriub M` :-3-m..l.. 5 Among tho noannrou which mi! he hrmlshl beforo y an ptopo'~en`;I fur fu:i`.iLa- ting {HO trsnofer oflnnd, f` r 4:`... :'v:n-:|u!-' Inontofour nyutonn of lo:-:u m....:..u, of curtain provisions uf the 1-:.1u.-;.n.... Act of 1870, gonenil Act: l`Ofgrriixg to riilways Ind cash, together with v:iri.m: otlfor bill: for tho improvement of the laws, I 0lfIIII_t|y ooinmond you deliborttionu to I3 Kmduxco sud fnvour of Almighty God. In tho Homo of Lonll. amamz the distin. `C. " N S it.-an.-a that there wzu . \';set ililfcrencel ti. 1 A _ tween whatwu contended for in 1864 am t e I absolute surrender of 1372. The ellect of the ( `.1 1'. HT 11-. `I . ` ,` j-,_;g . \-, `.,., ) l Genoudecision would be that England would ` W` " " `I ` ' Jluereaftor be liable to ds-:\*'e: in mstterni _ wherein she could m.'.kc no .:~ iaim. -- I P . lam Grgnville d. funded the course of the I II I ` (?I\`t'l`Ill!_Iol)t in bringing shout a. settlement of Full Report oflth Queen's. Speech. l um: um Icafllxxg of the Queen`: speech hulendod. the Elf] of L'|:\rcm|uu I|u,I\ 0(l the Iddnu in reply. Re congratulated their Iprdnhipn on the renova_l of the long standing dilcultiu Vilh Gifplllled Qntes. In rugard so the Button question, llr.l_oclared the Gov- cnncnt `Clinician! with It m a prompt and decisive sud st theaa-0 time dignied umn- nu-, boeauno England vitnaaaeo with regret en- croachment: at lb-n, whose further nove- -antn would tend to the diminqtion of bar- Didtwll-1 nnnihd int... 3... it paid ]o|DA`1.`1` we llduxeo and favour of Almighty hi Nit Lords, among distin- l'h`d Hutu resent at the opening of the l-_i0l`'N 0 has of \\'ales, the Duke'uf Eulnhnrth. and Prim. '1'... |_" 7" `'0 | f_ince '3 Fab-harsh. Pr-we 'I`eck. Won tbs nmulimz ..f n... -nu voila mm to no dlnunqmon of W`35`I'! pnvlilcd bctwa-ad): twopowon. -' Igd H1-toad. Anna-dad I... _....c:... 1-- POW land -the adduu Tho Eu Ho 5:. en. Intends hounded the motion for in 8 short upoech. V I of Dolby then addressad the kind that the Govcrnment could ~.it_ul( on tho hint of the Sun I Alghna c_qnt-rovenias and m n_ uuuuurll. IIIII rl-nuns Tech. . Who: re:`cling f ugtleldogl. the _l`Jrl L'l:\rem|ou Iul.|\'Q(l 1 the tribunal --f ich I wu enabled me of the with-1 ms preferred, on i of the l'uitud I .-...._ I-I. ........ 1. I ,' *7 -'r xpu-e. Ii I ll: -`I. calfsisting .\{al'qllis cl. v ..t n..-x Lomlon, Fab. 7.-liailwa_; tA1V-avrolling in _` the inrtlx of Spain, in yet interrupted by the Czu-lists. N o mails from Madrid, lmve been received in London, for nine- days, and Spanish trade in disturbed. i rm_- n...-L. I7. ,----~ ' ' II` u necessary. Considerable debste followed, snd Mr (}l.1d- stene defended the Queen : speech, replying to the criticism uuthe manner in which the disputes with Ameiica. had been settled. _lic declnred that if similar cues should arise, an arbitration would again be resorted to. ._..-. -..r...u.-u u - nu IILBLMI UUIJ. The Daily News say: public opinion sus_ tainid the verdict by which Robert Boivles was jesterday acquitted of the criminal charges against him, and the decision will be satisfactory if the persons- guilty pf fraudulently converting the Iocuritiea airs brought to justice. _;, vvun uuu-J5 on: pain. Wr`.I:'K. Live-rpm-I, Feb. 7. `Cotton dull. Up- huuls `Jrl In l0.l ; Uri.-am l0}d to l0}d. Sales 8,001) bales; mlrs during the week 63,000 `bales. ]3l'\::ula!us lull. \\'|nt:n.t 1'23 241 to I23 {H for a\'cr;|.gu: ;'C:xlifornin. white 12:: 2d to I25 3:! for red winter. Com '27: 6d to 273 9d. He:-upu of wheat for the put three days [(3,- 000 ; American 13,000. .v. ..,`-.... u. u... l :u`i:!. F`eh. 7.---Reutes opened at 55f. 77. Specie in the Bank of France decl-eased 250,- 000f dnrigg the past week. [_;`._,,.nnl Ic`..l. '7 {'..;L.... .1 ..n rv ; n.n1rnAV\J|L1l4 n U UU `London, Feb. 7, ll a..m.- 92?-1 for money ; 93} to 935 f: uf `I555. old, 99} ; '67s, 93}. New Fives 905. Erie 52}. F.:...I:f.u-9 13.3. -1 n.....' V-" -.-on -V-1. uuu 0. ... Frankfort, 15.-1.. 7.---Bonds opened at 94;; for is:-ue of '62. Quswl YORK _I1gsPATcHEs. New York, Feb. 7.-The Tammany Hall general committee has adopted `resolutions cndursingtlneconduct of Mayor Havemeyer, denouncing Credit Mobilier fraudn, depre- catiug election fraud: in by-gone days, and advocating purity of the ba_llot box in future. serxous l`0ll|p|lt'8ElRlI. 4 Earls Salisbury and RipouL and Lord Cairns ` fullnwed with a discussion on tln Geneva. Ar- ` bitratinn. The latter held the rules, .-Laadopt- 4 ed. were ambiguous and liable to misinterpre- ' tatiou. l'I... I-..) tV|_...,._Il ._ I,, , - I -- IILICH. The Lord Chancellor_4l*[frocnLed the cm: ` the tlebato had taken on t 18 subject, cspcc ly nfcor a. verdict had been rendered. Mu fended the rules adupted by the (icmwa. by and .1.-I-up-ml Hut M..." -I.....I1 L. , - New York, I-`eb. 7.-Arrivced, the steam- er Triuacrin, from Gibraltar. \l ,_.,I,f,, J , 1: I - C C O . .uuc.-awn us uauu: I-0 QI- I In nlIt.Ol l- ~l;um. / : (hwurnmont : Hm Alabama claims. The condition -of the queetiuu which had arisen concerning Central .-Xiia, did not justify the aemnational telegrams _ which created alarm hero and elsowhero. It ` was not probable that tho affair would lead to ` serious t'0lI|Piil'8tiDlI. Salisburv and Rinnn gm! I...) n..:..... ........n.._, u... uccu uuncgrnpuuu LO a|ll`OpO. City of Mexico, Feb. 4.--It is stated that the forces of Lazads, the rebel qpd enm- mnnist, were defeated before Gllllslnyn :md_ M-.1z:1t1:m and are eeing bofofe the Government troops. Peaoo.pf9_v|lI in the remainder of the republic. - ~` "3..- ....---...-.v-. unvifvll ucgncca ally ull|'l-3" I sight minutes. The nnnounooment of the I Jiscovery has been telegraphed to `Europe. Citv nf Marion Fnh A __Yl> 3- n6-fr--3 4*`--` V. -.-nu-on-a, nnunn ululiuusl. Washington, Feb. 7.-UrderI have been issued to the commander of the United Hmtes forces operating against the Maine `unlians to suspend further hostile pijoceed- :n-.33 against the Indians unless alasolnfely \ ueeuary until the mini of the commis- | .ion recently appointed to investigate the 1 . zmscx-I which led Captain Jack to wage war upun the Whites and the result of their in- l i . l vesligation is made known. 5 Th. 1).: -: 111:". `Y iv `K 1\(CIIlb'IIaI\}II la ILIRIIIU .IIU`VlI. i Dr_. Pelcrs, of Clinton, New York, [discovered last evening a new planet la the tenth magnitude, imliclin:L- don mirth nine degrees sixteen minutes, right ascension ftgon degrees angl thi'rty~ .-iuht minnhm a l"l-.. on.n...............4 at n_,. ; At\J1lL I11 151111. I! Ottawa, I-`eb. 6.-Dr. `r remind yes- terday. tuul Sir Francis Hmgrto-dqy. Sir Juhn Mu-4I.m.I.I -1.- u...: |....;r......+:.....: Lcruay, :uu.1 mr rrancls inch: to-dqy. ` Juhn Macdenald, who Ind beehiconhned to his residence for two d|yI_ iron of :1 severe cold, was enabled it! `uid I meeting of the Cabinet to-d . - / Hereafter it is yaid tint at ty Leads ..t the cm: Sorvice of Canada ' be punit- ted to wear the uniiorm of the Imperid Civil Service. ` II'l.A:-----A- - " ` ` ` " nervice. " Intelligence wag- eeei'ved K011 'd`Y `if the Iafdarrivnl of the Holi. Vwm.` i. London on the 4th inst. . " ' d..r'boy, am ,4. i.'u .'-?u'?E'd 'c3'?iu"". prize this quarter. You must be very {vood- en-headed. Dar boa: Yes,_pc,`I _ > Pa: 5 chip of thoold P-pa 71'-i=_ T-i3rFia n.'e';r'ru`.a;. h, 4." b:'- M: 1m.- fxifed to . u Dnze nun-tor. Yml Innnt 1.. ...... 4 Papa: I'm sorry to he. 1 tsu h, my |qar boy, Inn-hifed in a min g, -. _;..,_ , FINANCIAL AriiIbZ)i& Lma..- Uni. -.' II - ._ n l'.RCfAI.. FROM 0'I"_l`AWA. `_ L .2 n,, I83! I0!` El | jja .__ _-. ., vv.-u.4- nuovanu. `. a..m.-Con:ols at 9'2} to for account. Bonds 3} 67s, Ten-forties 91:}. E. 5'23. rch, sun-3 ` 5` ll Ullitvll ltlllnl mt. cu_;1_r:uns une-rum 01 an acre. Also in rear of this lot and {routing on '11- linm Street a lot containing Uue-Fifth of an acre laid out as a garden. The above can be told tmtether nr Renaratn _-w .-v-an I I mm-I-zs 1'0 LE'l`.-'l`wo large .-....1 plea- I sant Rooms looking on Princess Street, I m er`my store. _ I n \\'ut'rw ,,,__c :-..._., -..- .--.v- V NHE subscriber offers for sale the House and Lot now occupied by him on Earl `treet, adjoining Clm.lmer's Church. The House has-a Bath Room furnished with hot and cold water, good Cellara e, and a. Cistem oi Soft Water, and is well rained. In the I rear is a nod "Wood Shed and Stable. Croquet Ground, lower Bedsand Fruit Trees. Tim ES, rear 13 a. mm W oou bnea and Stable. Urn Beds and Int cmytxtins One-Fifth of Ala}. in rear nf 94.4. In; ...A l-,...u:.... ..... lam out garden. told together or separate. `Apply to G. M. Kinghorn or to J amcs Slmunon. Kingston, Jan. 27th, 1873. Popular Cheap Greatly Reduced Prices j._-_jv.-_v__ - y - vwnawnrvh JAMES SINCLAIR, Junr. (Miller). 1 0 late of Bushmilln, County Antrim, [re- Izm-I, by Mia :.i...;r..' Iulargaret and Lizzie `.Sim-I.-sir, Box 3'2`), P.O., lxingston, Uutariu. I Any person having any knowledge of James will confer a. favour by mldressing us ;' above. ! vm" ' ' W-"W" ,V' ANTED for School Section No. 5. ` Amherut Island, a. Male or Female '1`:-aclner, with I second class! certicate. A fair mlary will be given. Apply to ADAM V M I LLAR, Truatee, Stella P.U. Jan. `Z9. General Dry Goodsi I\"\'lTE with condence the inspection uf Cash Buyers tn the above Cheap Sale, as every article throughout their Establislnment has been re-marked at 9. bona. _/Ede reduction. (in,-at Bargains will be given. \Vc believe our stock will be found equal to any in the Innrkct either for variety, style, or low ices. We respectfully call your attention to t is fol- lowing LEADING nw:PA12.'I'M1.11wm ;. ...... nu. vlvllvl nun vonuuuq, auylc, U1` IUW Ices. lowing LEADING DEPARTMENTS, in which HEAVY REDUCTIUNS have bccnl made :- wmcn :1: Black Silks.` `Entire Month of February p& R. & annlutn Fancy Silks. All the Newest Shades, 1 Japanese Silks. Poplins. III nun- y 1n1:._ r'J.1.VLAx .t tiUl"h'l{'l`)', Barrieeld,- easy terms- Apply to James Shannon, Dans. l\'Ews oica. J an. 24. - ,, ,,._ _. _r___... " From the most celebrated makexs ix; ' Ireland. Silk _;sag.;1t1e y1vg1;s._ Dres G(_)0@. Laces; Ribbons, Flowers. `The Nwest Goods showing. natuat, I `leave