Lawyers. BAVVDEN, JOSEPH, King-at. :'vILDER.'SLEEVE &. VVALKEM, Clarence-st. KIRK PATRICK, A. S., County Crown At- torney, Ontario-at. V ux11nlA1nLUl\, A. -3., Uounty Crown KIRKPATRICK & SMYTHE, Ontario-st. KIRKPATRICK & ROGERS, On| MACDONALD & PATTON, Trust and Loan Building, corner of Tm-ontn and A:I..l..;.1.. In-gall 1| MEE & C0,, Gore-st. REYNER, JOSEPH, I - Painters. ROBINSON, BROS; Ularenc {usinessiiliaectgtx} .......-1, ovum, l\III5'h. Coufectiollcrs and Fruit Stories. DUMBLE, H.. Brock-st. '[`O\\'l`.", IL, Market Squaw. REES BROS, Prim-css-st. , - :- WEBER an .C0 5111.: -9 au uus, JUHN; Clarence-st. NALKEM, R. T., Clarence-st. u2u;uU1VAL]) GL PATTON, Building, Toronto and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. ' :1 U DIE, JOHN; Clarence-st. JVALKEM. R, 'l` (`lo---um -* :s TPJEch|A`L pays a oDulmg runny oollocon with dict pnvuou and the Pacic, u noctu- to tho unt pf tho Pmvimu I. ...'., INSURANCE AGENT. Pianoforte Repairers. >N. GEO..' Yvnllinm-1... 'I"_---- THE mcrlounlms; .4. , .1 nus-nu. Boots and Shoes. ]\\7 I N D: L , ,, __._._...-`nu. organ Makers. \ (Inn. ulv -.... -...~-uu. Liquor Store. I (lien In-.. A Pianofortes. 0., corner Princess and Ontario- What-nger, MES R: on Q in before Ill and ' Viki CDO Inst I-nan: Lgwn Md.-.4 -.4 AL): , ,(,.l_v. Insurance. 1-..... u...:n , .... ..., ;:nu.s:a` Druggists. urn n..;..---- - : I |Il\.\:aa'bh. Dentists. , \\'o.-llin-Orton-st. , \Vellingtun-st. , J. l.., Princess- Grocers. (-11 DA- -|r up: we qcpaurcrs. ,' Wellington Terrace. Princess-at T N dfic I_:_. DAILY NEWS-FIRDAY EVENING .FE_'BiRUARY.; Hz; lfrinceaa-st. nun/I so ` Clarence Street. II.I\7%l'-W. L, oorncr Wellington jun]. 13 unuuun` you to your lnbom-3, t -unrlut dcdtoof Inyheart in that you no to direct your mind Euntiohu to oontrihabe to these Q.b hghotwolfnnofthis rtin f that put Input of `which we nmrlno pr.i- 0 Quack pvo grant satisfaction to all ltd of the 1_1nity.-- Ottawa Free Fun. I:H5`I|a. , , corner pf King am], v-9 ) -1 St Lawrence St. Lawrence _|J umwr In >unnnuery, _.l`0I38l"y 1-gnuc, Uonveynnccr, 32 King Street, Kingston; Out. At Galmnoque, over S. McC:\mmon a Drug Store, every Tuesday and Friday. Jan. 14, I373. IBARRISTER. and Attorno Lt-Law, So- lidtor in _ChIncery, , otary Pgblic, Uonvevauccr. 32 King Street. Kimtaton: Ont. I us. no ma 177 Main Street, Brockville, N Ont.-JqnN Jsum, J:-., Proprietor. Free Omnilmstoandh-oumthe bostsmdcsrs. Caz ' eufon-~purt1es' wnlu' 'ngto vit pheea of inbenrgagt an be Iecnred 3!: the oice. A First C135 livery nlihhhed. Mnv 27. us.-, unmano atreet, nmgston, directlg size the Montreal Telogr h Company's Kingston, July 19, 13;?- - -.- __ --rvCIrn -v-, (VOUNTY CROVVN ATTORNEY and (Hell: J of the Peace for the County of Fronte- ua..:, Ontario Street, Kingston, directly uppo Telografh olliu . Kimnmn. Julv I9, IR7 Provlnclai I010], Gananogne. 1, mznpnv pnnnnnn-nu tutu-In Inna Are Inm Quebec. Noth- i it more graceful than the motion: hit chins. They cane out two by WI, `b _lNO the jar! `to view 'thoir Action It more tlitn An hour to ,iI which there wu --.... nwvvvyg 11011114.:-:c'r "AND `=:BUIf.DI-NG sun. A VEYOR. Oice-and Residence Queen Street. Oct. 24. Albion Hotel," mu-sc., sun-ung. " OHN Act_ gr, `?""L" March 30. Tho. R.:;pTl8. l.D.. F.R.C.P.S SOMETIME Auintant Snrgen U. 8. Army, Washington, and Inter, Attendant at the Muspchnsettn and City Hoapitds, and Eye and En: Boaton). vs" L'a.v1u 94`!-V I\vL.I. lZ1`[/'l`J"*In `n3 pn- nineo reoen owupid by Dr. Jarvis, and previously by Evan: and Mulem, No. 155 PRINCESS STREET, nearly opposite Tandy Bron Marble Works. Anann. '7 ---.. .., -1- ar-g [F M. CLARK, L.D.S., DENTAL` Rooms, N 0. 4 WiIaon s Block, VVe1liugton sh:-cut, Between Princess and Brock Sta. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ~ July3l. '.- From 9 t the poor. `_1_ cery Kingston. and neuaenee removed to Welli: nearly opposite the Poet Oee. or country, night or dayJ. prom V . JA \ _[J Graduate of the Ontario 60-1: lege, Toronto. Office, City Hotel, Kingston. .LV.L 1'4" N l)u1_uble`a 1...... on pics: I)! ucuncnon that the leading qua- 0II"IuIOSlCtOl'I eannoctod thenwith Ion lbw] approaching: nth nctory uttl unit. 1 cugrntulshd tho pooplo on the; payout Al obtunina nilwn oonnoction with ENTIST (successor to`Dr. Day) L D /Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. OFFICE HOURS from 9 A.M. to 1 From 9 to 10 A.M., on Fridays, devo ' ' _. V :_-.w-; `III-llIlrllIII|IIIF, CLERK OF DIVISION COURT, Notary Public, Conveynncer, Commissioner in Janeen : Bench, kc. ' Nov. 27. J uvet May 27. .--.-.v, ARRISTER-AT-LAW, Solicitoxj in Chan- ? cery, &c., Clarence Street, between ing and Wellington Streets. I Ki_ngaton, May 25th, 1872. --- ""` `J Vyyvm Augu-t 7. LII M osore, ay 23. Urrxum Anu 1 oppos Post Office, Welhngto' 11 Street. Estublihed in Kimutaon in 1857. Aug. 29. 45 IIIIU Aug. -* ll Wlqrumsuu no pooplo the payout obtain.` nil gc ` 1, tho Dtvviloeu t::yP::'if-ic. .."...`:'.t.. 1n`a{ cdona1'a'& twn. ARRISTERS, &c., Trustmd Loa.nBnilr.- ing, come:-` of Toronto and Adelaide reeta. ___ v--.._ - -- cu u-nnvlnlp VOLICITOR IN UHANCERY. Oice Ulnreuce Street, Kingston, Ont. J, P_. GE-DIBSLIEVII, LLB. _ T. WALKEM. 3A1tRlSTERS and Attorneys-at-Law, So- licitors in,(Jha.ucery, &c. A. S. KIRKPATRICK. -_..v ._--v- noun lllllollg |"OHNSON AND UNTARIO STREETS, Kingston, Canada. E. MIISAP A no 12......--s-_- ---\-`an-U-V/Irv`: so vvunnllizlllg ARR] STERS afnd Attome s-at-Law, Con- veyance:-s, Nparies Pubc. ATE or young): T ' `H J u:'..].t"._ ." .{'.?'. i International Ilotel. 08. I75 md 177 Main Street, _On1g._-JqnN J sum, J:-.. P-mnrietm. an-5..-..w ; nu rn to, April 16, 1872. ` Store, Plinceia Street. 7 _-_., ... n1vIll8- R?HENm' B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- don. Oice, 156 Princess Street. country DIIOHI us, and in net: hveyeolonisnd this hu-oniouly togothor to and pl-sporty of tho eon- ' ' lnboura, .l._'.. .3 __ L___; :_ -L,. L. Clements, Dentis`t.`[ )FFICE AND RESIDENCE opposite the __ I_ ga__yt4Otce, Wellington Joseph iiawden, 'lTORNEY-AT-LAVV, Solicitor in Chan- cery, Notary Public, ,33 King Street, ugston. Daniel lllclntosh. )ANIEL McINTOSH, Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate of Col- e, City Hotel. Kinmatnn ` ll. Gage, I V .RCHI TEC'l`, MARBLE BLOCK, Princes L Street. Jzin/nes llccammon, ll.lD., EMBER of the Royal College of Sn V England. Residence md S lccanunon. Gananoqne, ITPDIT RI` T\`[IT1Q`l l\\`I I`t'\f1 !\rI-I I7 . (iillden-sleeve Walkem, DDICITIPDQ _'_.I A;._,, , 1115:`-(I:T.;;tTrici; & smythe. nniurnrzsnn 1 J. L. llacdonald, L.l).s., NTIRT lrinnnann-. 5,. n. n, . `V ,{ i:nglo-Anericnn llotel. \*9.n\'.r A111-\ An`I'I !I1n'I\'rr\ e----- `lio II-It Ionian of the Canadian Dairynon a Anoociation val hold in tho Town Hall, In - OJ. 6% The Proaident, Hr gl- ullod the booting to ordor "at a quar- IC afior olovon o'clock. Tho committees vuo thou nppointod an follow: :-0rdor of Ian G. E. Chadwick, E. Hamil- tu, and W. Wilkinson. On nominations. B. lqtiu, Jan. Noxton, W. S. Yatoo. H. For- , andl. Loooo; Fiaanoo, E P. Hick- on. 1). Plain. W. Allinnn : any which n... Alex. S. Kirkpatrick, urn`! l`II'IA\1IY\7 nnunnngv-.-. '.;a.::ii.x:, Richard '1'. Walkem; II7'lu\l) 1\v an:-.`v.~..-u.-- |'- 11?! B. Evans. 111.1`! (u\v 1\ vucv . --, - _ _ utcnlrncrung _.._._.._.___ Dr. unclean : ounce `|l7l7I`r\ mn 11.4-my-n.-- _ .__ _____.__T_______ F. ll. Clark, L.D.8, 111 An:-r Y1-urn - VETERINARY. pun. Residence And Oce :4 Block, Wellington Street, Kingston. gun-nap no lohitd ofuy `u ` mun nr-ya 9 Sn 1), to. (mice I06 removed to 11 Street, site the `all; in git? night 0! (`Av nIvunnf'Iuy -60.... '2' 1un_ul:w, Iinglsnd, Hammo- `$21 ;_1_>1:NT1s'r1?; John Bower. FIVI` - A\1"l\ : 1-yu-1173 D I1EDlCAL._ Jo N A MAcDoqALn, Q.C. JA ms P.u'ro.\', Q.C. a-II 1!! I97) john lludie, Aiir n . V LEGIIT leery, an. KIRKPATRICK. E. H. Saunas, M.A. e.-.(3'ail-.'l"1'1;'(`."i"tv l .8tt6llde( . JA V , M.D. nu-nun Imlon Wu very largely nttnmlod, OPS! & dnlognl ' t. The Pre. t]: address loll: K; 3:1 extumoly m- lddl by 3011, of (`or- ull ninniir. ch. nnluiuelx 1.3.... u.. ,,,,__. .l,._..._ .- - r.--. wuul I-c units` TDUIIAIINT. It this than were eight entries, the name: clbaltuttanh being line: H. Bethune, .1 Gildvur, Gauthier, Fairbairn, Glnford, gnu, Kondith Ind Preston. The last India from Quebc. Noth- halal!` non In-noafnl thnn um u-.-.94..-. ` No. 156 1. l. 150 0 l'.M. . devgted to [ALLAN L|NE.| Under contract wit.l1:tleV Government of Canada for the Conveyanfso of Canadian and l]n|e__l Stalog niam. 187.?-3.-Wi1;ter Arrangements.-187$ -3. This Company s Lines are composed of the undernoted First-class, Full-powered, Clyde- built, Double-Engine Iron Steamship: : | Ir 1 an n u Vessel. SARDIN IAN . . . . . . . . UIRCASSIAN ........ . . . CANADIAN . . . . POLYNESIAN . . .. SARMATIAN . . . . . . . . HIBERNIAN . . . . . . . . CASPIAN? . . . SCANDINAVIAN. . PRUSSIAN . . -. . . . . . .. AUS'1`RIA,N . . . . . . .. NESTOR} N .. MORAVI N PERUVIAN . . . . MANITOBAN . . . . . . NOVA SCOTIANV. . . . NORTH AMERICAN ARCADIAN .......... .. CORINTHIAN ST. DAVID . . . . . . . . ST. AN DREVV . . . . .. ST. PATRICK . . Tonnage. ...2aoo (Building) `. Commanderml 4100 (Building) 3400 (Building) 4100 Capt. Brown. 3600 Capt. J. W lie. 3434 Capt. R.S. attu .3200 Capt. Bnrclay. 3000 Capt. Aird. 3000 Lt Dntton, RNR 2700 Capt Richardson 700 Capt. Ritchie. 2650 Capt. Gmhnn. . .2600 Lt. Smith, RNR 3150 Lt.Arcl|er, RNR 2300 Capt. Grange. 1784 Capt. Miller. 1350 Capt. Wilson. 2400 Capt. Jas. Scott. 1650 Capt. E.. Scott. 1432 Capt. H. Wylie. 1207 Clpli. Stephen: THE STEAMERS OF THE LIVERPOOL MAIL_ LINE ___._- - . . . . .-_`_---_ Sailin from Liverpool every Thursdn . and from ortland every Saturday, c in at Lough Foyle to receive on board and d Mails and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland, are intended to be despstched from Portland :- PRUSSIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8th February HIBERNIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15th February NESTORIAN .. . . . . . . . . 22nd Fobrusry SARMATIAN . .. lat. Much. ! uunssgcan Ul;-10lU. Fire Premiqma, less Reinmnnnes. .,559,l80 Being the largest amount ever received by the Company in 3 tin e year. ` .` ` V . New ' e Policies issued for . . . . 3,(ll2,740 Total Annual Life Premiums, after deducting .7.'... l!_lQ3,?29 .. .. An. are intended to nil between the Clyde and Portland at intervals during the canon 9f Winter Navigation. A.; .........:.........1 a......_-_ -__A,:-s , - E ALVVAY8 -k on hand OBGANB and MEIJO S of the beat Cann- dnn nuke, and bnve now in stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANQS (mangle 1_ry Brondyood, Chspe, &c.,) tqwluch we mute Lttntlon. _ _-,~ _ A superior STBINWAY for sale on rea- sonable terms. Also a. few Piano: to rent. We feel condent that nnr nwn l...4_.........o. nqwu, um -. LAIIO; rluneo, 15. 1 . HICK- nu. Pholn, W. Allison ; after which the envcntion till hslf-put one. The luucn lngely nttundod, clout ll dnlonhu bdu protest. nuuluu U1` Jill`; GLXBEBW lm! acnmu.-z an 120., or Jucnuu bent; in .l!otI:er- dnm to S. P. Ittmann & Zoon ; in, Hamburg to W. Gibson & Hugo ; in Belfast to Clul-lei & Mdcolm ; in London to Montgomrie Grernmorne, 17 Grace-chm-ch Sh-not ; in Glasgow to J men and Alex. Allan, 70 Great Clyde Street ; in Iiverpool to Ann Bx-o|., Jamel Strut; or to H. & A. Allnn, corner of Youvillo and Common Streets, Montreal. J an. 22. `i?.11_os, 0rgans'_aEnd:Molodeons. I aonamo terms. Also few Pisnoe condent that our own Instruments will continue to sustain their -well-on-nod reputation; ' Factory and \Varerooms comer of Princess 4...! t'\..a..._.'- cu.-. in mpuusnuu; ;>f and Ontario Streets, Kingston. GTIPDDDLAA GHEST AND LUNG Liverpool v " velul. perm: not secured mm! paid for. For Freight or. other pu-ticuhn 3 y in Portland to J. L. Farmnr, or HI: _ and Andrew Allin; in ` Quebec to Allan .316 & Co. ; in Hwre to John M`. Currie, 21 Qusi D Ol-leans _: in Paris to Guntave Bouanga, Rue d1: 4 Septelnbre ; in Antworg to: Aug- Schmitz J: 00., Richard Berni; Ill Rotter- P. Ittlnnnn & Zonn E in "l.IIa1'nnva Fnr Ladies and Gentlemen with Weak Lungs, they are invaluable. None ahbuld be without them. - MHCLEHJV 6- 00.] adult by nu. 1:011, 0! Cor- aliv ' , tie Inbjoct being the Tied tion of milk and cheese, j of Iontiuclrdn. naatnruu nnitnl to [WITH UNLIMITED LIABILITY 01" l SHAREHOLDERS. Rates of Passage from Portlnnd :_ Ca.bin.............;.........$70 tc . , THE 'I"T4`AlA"l3`DQ {TD 'll: V Kingston, Sept. 19, 1375. `-Kingston, Nov. 28, 1872. (DEFICI- v --vvn ;- IHV Aecnulvu. _A:'| exporiencedsnrgeon curried on etch mu]. Berth: not secured until paid for. "or Freight or, Dsrticuhn nnnlv in sUBsoR1B1T13 (QPITAL, $10,000,000, 42 Princess Street, Kingston. RamL~7. }usunAng:g_1;oMPA3gv. NOTEER SUPPLY OF PAT'l`ISON S L Celebrated T oonolhnnn ol nut nnd checso, Tenn , curds, pnatnrngo nnitod to , stock, le., nftor which followed 3 out 5', lacuna 'on--on~ nu-koting checsem , into`! r I. Cnnwoll, followed by Mr Buns], ork Sate, I.f'n.n-in Nov.` awn. nnd tho _Pr&ont. The next onbjoct, ` opnnni by I J f s.1. .`;,` cum 1 r n-en, o ut, follow- :_. .15 Wobb, Rinple. Fnrrigton, and A A _ ___ _ _'Ifho convention then ndjonnp s. suntan, M.D..... .md.'oazu umu g, :33-mnnqzna: :2 H ;_ .55. W. % =* ?"v I-..!' Busines_otT187o. 3rann\invn- Ian. D...'......__.._ Qt: -- THE STEAMERS or THE L(`I`I\T?? It 11 (Late R. V-Vhite), Druggiata, Just Received (Opposite `the. a-ct;E;g: s-rum`. -. .._ ..,--..--._.r_ mmge. ` ..4~1oo 1 ` ..2600 .4100 `.3600 ..3434 , 3200 Cant. Bnrclav. I5n'dfcTons.| puuu. WEBEB&CO. 3)` U G_, lmn Webb, Rinple. Fan-rill ' The Adjourn- `ton, and Q 6 hi!-pot 5 to most main st 7:30. Irhun [ Retiring from the Retail Trade l Great Clearing Sa1e| . LARGE portion of the Stock ha: been a sold during the month of Deomber. The romnining Stock of Dry Goods will ntllf further reduced during Jnnusry, Groqt Bax-glint will be given. - ' JUST RECEIVED, by Allan Steamr. via `Portlud,,: telnet suortmcnt of the Newest `slgyles of Eveliing Dreuu and Fancy Grena- nel. ` - ' - - _v j`v-w |A'*.!*!`5i'; .IA.IL*?f_.t 'i*=" Tnuu ynu. 4g Ffoxhgws :1-- `fakliilmmnxuturi .-\: L. 1 |(.`oa.nad'a Central, & Brockviliei t\J.4_-___ 1'1 , I1 u uuuuuu, w J.u.umsu,.uU I ""3: Otta.wa____Ra.1lways. Great Broad also to nttgva`. ASK FOR TlCKE_1`_\- IA BROCKVILLEI On` and alter I10--:E :y,'Deoe-ber, ` Inn. Box A! Fotmwg :_ % ddhlt Eh X unnnrngdtuu Tho then'ndj6uru- again n 7:30. when in delinrod by Mr Nev York. I-eight loaded with dilpsteh, nnd_ no hm- shipment from point: on` the Grand Trunk to point: on the Brockvillo and 068313 Rail-` wav. ' Macnce Q W'ad_dell s.l Leave Perth Carle- Onn mum Point `No. 1 and 2 c. c. as-nnece .1: Brockvill with the Grand Trunk Eastern and \\'estaeIjn_ Exm-an trains. ` - ------a-It-Jsu I lttlhiif` ` HEAD OF PRINCESS STREET, AIIIL won-k done -with peatnegl nntc - BROCKVILLE & 0 1'FAWA RAILWAY; TIE SKATING TOURNAMENT IN IIONTB L. lathodn twang composition to K t! ind by Excellency th: Kink and luv inane cmwd. "lit ' ' cpqnoslst` u.wil.hhe ILA nu-n -unn-- . ..- .._ _ 15uINc'Ess srnmar. Kingutoh, Jan. 3, 1373. Brochvillo. nae. 9, 1372. ravens. November` 29, 1872. ' DRY Goons xiv-w w-n-g up Cuh on hand nndin .. nan` Pptqh. LOSSES mun IN 52 YEARS... ', ' Assets-July I. 187! (at market value). . rI-_I. __ L-..) __.a:_ `n__.I. _-_ __g , Real Estate .;. M Bond! Bank United Stnteg, State and City Stock and other Public Securities _ ... .4. _ saws} 4:. .' ' 29,319 14 980.0000: 145.11! 2:4ga6.m3_ no LIABILil'i"I`EuB.-Cl.umam' Ede .1..;;,'....a".......1` jultedm If __.....p....-A-a.-.r.-v-3-up-s nnvw uuu, -u-. -a--u`:-unu- _ Haste: Th` Com hubeend' buaineuinouuau neat-150 themgu lie eondence b ; pro: liheznl I everyfairehim. Ithufullycompliedwiththe wuocmndsbydqiouif` `the Government of Steaks to th extent of $50,000, `and in I-epared to tune Poog terms as low II the safety 08! the Aaanredwillvetlnit. P ' 0` exte-nt $50,000, ind pupa safety of Assured will "t. - - , _ JAMES S I]i`T, Al}llI{l',_ Kinannn .Tn1Ir'Wl IRWI ` nu- -vlu IUUKIAJIII`. o ' wvuollowodbylheboymthreo -MuIInJ. B. Bcnue. T. ./ETNA 1NsURA_;\ICE_ COMP`; & Y. Kingston, Ju1y ), 187}. Macnee & Wmldell, own; -4 Vz`:.,{{'LV` -Si-Gyfuv Lsf % GLLIEEOJ onumcnca, u.;a.- -- Alfnlbl Alain -n;uon.-- .-'_.__ Mccrea `& Benfgley, lnn"|i"ni- .1 Lin an n-uh |I|llIIl;I& I'I El` MJAMuF Ab :n I'R, _ AD or Imnrnnsn wrnnnm 1z:....... -;(.l-8TIlIl-`C of Ontario. 'kvnn'k ha... '4 n.u..m. v-nyr-u!Pn..~plDB-- ' T Elan at Rolhvillo. Ixoonrouwnn I819, Pnnrun. Gash Gapilgl, $3,000,000-00'. No. 2 No. 4 `V Ewan. FIE:-.-u . {mt I OLGEB at the v {ame-'-Bo-Io. OI we _ro_ul: -Uioo l_no1u-I of 9 `n`.x`n.} 1vL:. - finilr. Slindun T I; -1; ` l.,,,.. . Arrival nlid Iznlsn n.u'1;s`wm uni j ` -. Per m1ur.c1- mm M. ` ` ` ` -~' 7'". `L43 J1` an ounce. , V * 3 , , ".ra_ cuzwnx mu; _, every ' y;.` httqf lmlfonnm. I? 1Jr.s: B -I a I `lb `J "" an houlknravimu `.tn=I:L. dd-A HI` Post b Inh 3 DIRECT mm (v-in Monday It II. Ll. _` mu mum- - mu . mu nuuua sun as r Tut. Feb. 5tlI.--In the House aeverel new Elle were introduced. Ir E. B. Weo-l sued for all papers nl:t- ing en the lend claim of the Canada. Central llnilvey Uenpnny. He went. at seine length . into the Iieto of this claiin which in for ` 83.1% ecren 0 lead, end arisen eutof n grant le ee long ege as N36 an an encquregement to neempeny turned to renntruct :1 railway hen Quebec to Lnke llurnn. The Cn.n.1da| Centrnl is one of the v- -mgmnies that aucuecd- I eulje the rights and u |:l`Itl0n3 uf the originel ` nndertnking. I" .c med on which it claim: the ; gnu! is the section from te Carleton hoe. Mr Seett W88 ferncrly the represen- tntive of the Inglis): cepiteliets who l'm\'c ennk e very large sum in the road, `ml cun- dueteul the negotintiexi between the company n-Ml tnelete (`uevernmcnt of Sauuliield Mac- donnld. With respect to the claim, shortly before Sendield Mwdonelcl was clofoatetl :uul f_oIeedte resign, he had agreed to test. the qneetion in n court of law,` auHn pursnuice onus t,'t lt.el't.'lb-I ~ Vl L`IIa&-.` lOrSt.rlnnn','a:-h`n 12;;-nn.|"i:4ln`uu`)u'iLf avlmrt May 6. \ 2. )0 ;'r on-101;, KINGSTON. . ` 5: - , .2-ml` Umomzxn Dlsoulm ' Ixvorou until `Initial. ebm x` '1-H`'b.,`1_ time rollod wearily on, and the Countess was left 8 whole honrynd n lulf in her.-seat. The (humor-General akatpd nbout, but curlaillly he could not enjoy hinbelf. Finally, when all new: of persuasion Ind proved nbortive, it was decided to proceed to the n-.u-u--n.n-.-....y -... __-___ :- - `P|..""!". } 8 8 333:: ` $888 HIHIDIDUIIUN VI IIHLIS. The prizobf the Indies, aboautiful locket set in turquoise and diamonds, with lid of raised gold leaf, wne won, on a tie, by Mrs. ' l H. Bethune and Lizzie (lilinour. The Gover- nor-(lencral, in awarding this prize, which was , his gift, pmrnisecl to duplicate it, so thnt each 2 lacly should have one. The `Prize of the girls, presented hy the Countess o Du'erin--a. pen- lants' with centre of tnrquoise-was won by Miss C. Fnirlmirn. The boy's prize a. gold medal, likewise given by Lady Duffcrin`, was awarded to Master J. R. Bethune. As the medal was not ready, His Excellency present- ed the young champion with n ne gold pin to he kept by him as an earliest of that recom- pense. The gentleman's or Champion prize, the gift of the Governor-General, was award- ed to Mr J. Gamble Gedrles, the only one who liadniot protested against the umpires. When: he approached to receive it, ofow young men so far forgot thoinselves as to manifest? ugly marks of disapproval, which were s eexlily ilrowned in the thundering cheers of the vast I multitude. Indeed, the people showed all I through, and more es ociully by the mariner in which they applauged the ta`-overnor's re- marks on the subject, that neither they nor thu city of Montreal had any sympathy with the action of the young men. 86,047,378 2424:: an Annnrs; wuousl Kinglt am oori5?**| 1 screens 0! hydrogen and oxygen gases, 1`v`l"nereby s degree of t est wholly nnettninsble by erdinnry means isproclneed. Mr Lewis Stevms, the inventor of she process, hes been epgod for years in on esvou ' to perfect his results, and though therupgrineiple on which the invention is founded isnot new, the practical illnstntion of the principle is. A successful test of the invention was recently made by Mr Stevens in s foundry at San Francisco, in s furnace made in keeping with the investor's t. The result wee very gratifying to lwho were present, most of them hots; interested in mining nntters, which industry the invention will nisterislly benet, as it see-s peculiarly ndspted for the -smelting of ores, us it is wsrrsnted to cause the most intense known, and st 3 cost not ex- eeeding the host producers now used. The ssne principle thnt underlies this invention operates in canning the great heat which dis- timrninhes tho hm.-......._.l .- --|--`-~ " ' ' 1am `h.'1'> Jnn.2. U `R 38'?! Wed` '0.J|,'1'.. VOLI : . `.-.v-- 41-` cuts: u1$-'o - ' arrive and depart from the Kingszon acaon as follows; :- - _ `dance Inst. ' .4.-pa. .x---A qjum BUM. ue explflthll ex me tern elf eice he shell re- ceive his peneien ee judge. A new invention, ene of the meet remark- able in chemistry, has just had 3 lnceossfnl trial in San Francisco, and the paper: ef tlut city, in their cemnenie Ipen it, red_ict that it will udoub mate e revoTi:'b`i in the building of net e y smelting furnaces, but of all others tLst niro a greet heat for success- ful operation. a invention consists inbun- ing screens of hydrogen and oxvmqi asun- the any ox Montreal had any young A -nru rnzu KEBUKE. Hie Excellency, having distributed the prizes thanked the lady competitors, and then pro- ceeded to say :--I cannot help iufding my regret that the gentlemen who ut down their names for the champion prize s onld not have been able to follow the excellent and spiritgl example which has been set them. (Hear, hear.) Of course In all competition: seme- hody must be beaten; and next to knowing how to win, perhaps the best evidence of a high and spirited nature is to know how to endure and to face defeat. I ;uu not aware what may have hoe the grounds which have indngjd these gentle- men who have led this large and respectable .-is-seinbly to come together to witness their performances on the ice, to have eccaeiened` such generel disappointment. 1 cannot but think that they would have show: greater consideration fer their fellow citizens and for myself if they had taken an earlier oppor tun- ity to intimate to us that they did not intend Th1oQuaboc Iosduun in_ to n dinte y to enact a neat: la obviate-the evils caused by 0 I Court Home re. T)..- n.,,, I - - - vy-u u -nun-U IIAU. Judge Care: has accepted the Lieutenant- Governoruhip of Quebec on condition that on the expiration if hi: tern of oco pension inane. and '1-a wnnna Ivu IRA-KIT. 155 Vlllo Ieeond in crder and comprised "HI! triu-|liuu Louiu Bethune, C. En, Ada Wonhun |_nd Theresa HcDuI1 3 `(HIS went W precisely the j oxzudia ll their 0 Jar sisters, uni, jig 850'! yuan, with nmuhblc skill -thy:-$1., _... ......- _...-.. ..___ V (*-r ll'0I. Sleigh, Cnpo Vincent, R Wallace 1 w-, 1 bx hcrringu, 1 av; B Ch:-plor, I bone, 1 net: hneu, l cutter, l bdlo blsnkota. ue II chon. nu V-cu. Montred has secured the urvicu of Ed- -uud Yatu. who in to lecture thorn on the 14th And l7ti inst. rlVL_ n_,L,, 7 I - nu operauun. f 1` no uvonnontlconliata inbun- ' o ydrogen an lslfereby g wPolly_ un1_:tsi_nable 1... ...a:_.... _-__.. _ noun gwmg Sheridm Povden to cowshnd 1 they yo}1_1 k4 -- - ` Farmers and stock mixers told us that the have se from giving eridsn a e'ows"nM --i have fr uently vary gwjqreaulta Qavnlry Condition 6.... _...I .r- nuyocu u may nan canon oarlier opportun- thoy did intend to collpoto. At some yo:-gong] inconvenience most of us adjourned ovorfroln vo o'clock this evoning for no uthor purpoue than that we might be lpoctators `of their performancos. In that expoctation we have boon disappoint- ul. Now, whom I originally made public my intention to prope a champion medal. to be L-mnpeted for by all the lovers of. ukating tlirnnuknnb oh- II ._:_: W _ --.. --uuultrvnnlu throughout the Dominion. I was the careful to announce that that eomtmfitinn nI1....I.I |... uuuugnoux. rue uonlniou. l compefiton should be annunl. 1 ill not myulf undertake to cnme to any inui into conclusion upon the fpc-int, became. perhaps, such 1 conclusion might be premature, but I certainly will be vary nmcl: inclined ta submit to the considoration of the committal. under whose Aunnia-on Li. ...,....... IIICIIILUU La sununn ` committeo, I ' 1.... In... |.-I. IIIIII Ijroenclt, It was lately tried bx-lure Viec~ChI|eollor Strong, whn gas`: judgmcut in tllooolgponyi favour. The point realized by Mr Wood was whether, seeing the original [rant In for agrcat national can-rpr_isc of ext:-umlinuy magnitude, it was over intend- od this n purtial full-out of the original nh- | ligation should rccoivo in pmportiou to its extent the lane largo amount of .'\ssist.1.Icc. `OI. Mr Scott hointml nut that nlmunul. uuun has been held, whuthe} it might notlbe advisable in the future to protect ourulves .u-d the public from incurring I similar disap- pointment, by plain the future competition fur the claunpion 31 upon Inch 8 foptmg u that none of than a-no_l._... ...i.- L--._ -I:-- wr sue cnunplou medal fiptmg those gentle-ten who hsvo disap- pointed us on the present occasion should have 3 second oppoltnnity of doing so. (Hur, lieu , And loud apphune. ) CUSTOMS IMPORTS. Feb. 6. G T B, Coaticook, Macneo & Woddoll, 3 bl: _Briti|h goods; WC Evans, 58 bdls hoop II'0I. an __u plululpli sun unuornea thus invention tinguishes the Drunmold or calcium light. In the mind g nnm1.....).l.. ._ ._ :.__ - J _ , , ,-- _._--.v-- v: uuvnull ugntc. In the mind a ponderuble or an iInpondera- ble substance, an essence. vapor, or or an in- describable something which cannot be grasp- ed, felt, or withheld. Mm think: .o,...I:-.. :.....-_.- A- ranves, and ngnin thinks. When we reect that a. power of endunnoe can be imparted tothe brain, and thit weak minds have been restored to strength by Fel- lows Compound 8 mp of Hypoghoaphitea, we cannot but con ude that the nu tle power is really 1-Able matter, from the fact that the ing iente are-dupplied`which render it sup rt and give it vitality. Persons who star; hard should reserve their balance of, power by using the yrup.---Adv. We have often. wondered whetherthere is I person in all Neg Euglnnd who does not know end appreciate the vnlue of Johnson : Anodyne Liniment as n funily medicine` It is to most all purposes, nnd"ia the heat pain-killer used.-A dv. frequently aev:-.ry good results giving: 8 erirlm-n : n...-u.... n__ .:.. en, Ielt, wunheld. " Mm thinks, studies, invents, tires . l* by overevcgfk, and loses his fall rest: his intell becomes caJ.ln,.uea re: rativos, and ngnin thinkl. _ ' ` remt thu, . M... .: -, I avwuv t I t nth:-an nl . The --u III!- M Quaboc I lntelv In and Lieutenant-Governor Bollesu has declined be neat inthe Saute vacated by Mr Cau- rlwn. Inna: no Largc of assistance. Mr pointul nut that although Olly 5 small portion cut` the arginal line was at ppoeut constructed in Ontario or Qua-lbec ow- ing to` too lilnenlity of the Government of that Province. some three hundrml miles vn-rn al- nulyfundor culltnct. and he showed that it ill dvilg to the policy of Namlelcl .\Iacdon- AM, V50 WM bitterly hnstilo to the n:u|:|p:uiy, that 1 portion of the line wnultl now traverse the north ahore of the Ottawa in Quebec in- lhadif Iona Ontario cnuntivs that were left without railway facilities. He also explained that the nilway did not tenninate at Llarluton Place. but in pusliell forwanl `to llenfruw, V tho intervening section haviuglneen aided from the railway fund. Ir Camp:-on Yllllilinfld ml... 01...... ..r :n:u..... ----- .0:-"uni run many. nu An-iv: gnu-I Ann. 2.... LL , v. LU auluun to tn: consideration of :0, whqse auspices this compe- 9 been held, not be I protect ournnlvos 1:15 1'.:. 2. A. . rd : A )4. `U WIHT. A1-rite. no A u yvwueru put give` them or the luck- IIIUIOI I0 9 Quebec UIIICII Dllllllld . unto the cue to t Egan vnru.-cl L- H. -I `H E Stomach and its derangements are the common cause of most of the Chronic Wasting lscnacs for which invalids nre con- stantly seeking specics. VVhen the food is imperfectly digested and assimilated the hlood hecomes impoverished, and all the organs and tissues of the body debilitated by want of nnurishlnent. This general depravity of the system manifests itself in some consti- Kidncys, and in other hy Scrofulous enlarge- ment of the glands, eruptions of the skin, ulcers of bone and flesh, spinal weakness, ir- regularities, exhausting discharges, nervous In-ostration, nfental anxiety, neuralgia and rheumatic pains, all of which arise {mm de- pmved nutrition. To invigomte the Stoi-much and perfect digestion, and the formation of healthy Blood Dr. \Vhce1er's Compuuml lCli.\'ir of Phosphates and Ualisaya is of great tutions by disease of the Lungs, Heart, Liver ` etlicacy and reliability, heing liarmless to infant or adult. and nromnt and nernlnnmnt in non DIMIIII sold.Lo _ V` -_7;v to ' _ CID W: : jgmq ',._ Es;-. man man- BRQGC. Kin I - . ` Werner, LICENSED AUCTIONEEB, Comnihion Merchant. All kind: -of Sooondshpnd (ioodl, Furniture, Clothing and Jorolryf borgutnndsold. ' -V` Man..- 5.. I ..-._ . :_ ___n.._`_.- .. _--'2_m emcacy and rulmlnucy, being lmrmless g adult, prompt and permanent in its effects. Sold by all Drnggists. . ` Architects. (lA(u`E, I{0BEl{'l`, 1 rincess_-st. | U\VEl{, JOHN, Queen-st. Auctioneers. |Il)l.nI-`R R1770] n..:.....`... N. ~ urul:l:I'o UEGG, WM. & C0,, Brock-at. DUNN ELLY JOSEPH Princess-st. ELLIOTT & SCOBEBL, corner o1 And Ontario streets. 1-.1.mu1'1' a SUUBEBL, corn: streets. IIARBACK & C0,, Princess-It. McKAE & 00., W. R., corner and Brock -tn \ and Brock Its. - PARKHILL, JOHN, Princess-st. REEL`) & CO., Princess-st. SUUTT & DALTON, Princess-st. CIIIIH '0 NCO] INSURANCE Agent, Now} Public, A9` counhnt,`&c. Oice over Mr Pg-k_6r's Drug Stout _ ;. ` Kingstgn, lat, 1372. JIl.lI.ZlvIlDIIl3CI'n HOLDER, BENJ . , Princess-st. .\I UR RA Y, \VILLIAM, ,Anchnr Buildings, \larkec Square. uunn no Province Ind in the nutter. _ If R kart, without waiting aa.\IrSa:ott In for the paper: which would explain tho viola case, declared that every colnivm blolqnl louu Ihould be taken to test the chi-. He vonld gu nut only to the Court of Appl, but if their deciliuu u L:re in lavunr of BIG colpuly to the Judicial Unlnlnittee of the The nation was carried. Otbc business Ivan unimpm-tnnt. .u uu K.-\ \ , WILLI.-\J\rl, ,Anchnr Buildin Square. WEHN Eli, F., Princess-st. Booksellers and` Stationers. HENDERSON. JOHN, Princess-st. .\IcAULEY, THUS. & UO., King-st. .5"l`A(L`EY, 15., King-st. Ilnntu .....I uI...-_ III : IlIlI.IIIo l)UU.SI;\'EAU, F. X. & ($0., Princess-at. h[:L\'_ L_ J__ I rI`lu-I-anus? Luu.bu\ n'.~1U, I". A. & U0., l*.'l:L\', J., I ri1u.-ess-st. (Hl{1)lNER, R. & J., Princess st. GREEN Fl ELD, JAM ES, Princess at .\lA4.'NEE & \\'Al)Dl-JLL. Princess-st. .\lACPHEl ..SUN, A. B. & 00., Princess-st. McDUN ELL. A. B., Market-square. Mt )()R E, J AM ES, Princess-at. McNAUGH'l`()N Ar (31) n......... ..r I32..- W llotels. ANGLO-AMERICAN, 0ntario-st. ALBION HOTEL, Stirling. DANIELS HOTEL. Ottawa. `INTER-NA'l`IONAL,? Brockville. `PROVINUI`AL, Gsnnnoque. r uuuuulrus [cl BROVVN, GEO.,' Welliugtol REYNER, J., Princess-at. Printer and Publisher. SHANNON, JAMES, Pzincess-st. "Steam Saw Mills. STEAM SAWI MILLS, Ban-ieeld. E. B. EDDY, & .CO., Hull, Ottawa. . Ticket Agency. FOLGER 131103., foot of Brock-st.. Veterinary Surgeon. MoINTOSH, DANIEL, City Hotel, Prinees s- st. uuuws anu lll l{()Sl'); El)\VIN, Princess-st A\.._I 451: u. - ...... .., ._.., u .u, . - un.x-.aa-:u Coal (Di! Mercimnt, SlIlE|), JOHN, King-st. l`n-I'nni:nn.u..~ ...-.I I.1_...-!4 n` ULARK, F. M., t}LEMEN l`, L,, MACDONALD, j-- ~~-- ~.. __.. MEETING OF THE MANITOBA LEGIS- LATURE. Port Gnrry. February 6.--His Excellency, Govclor Norris, Opened the legialnture to- day. A Inge concouno of person welcome-l kin mwtdimy. The streets were decor- Ihl ' lap, I hand of music and a `and 01 hoourvoro in attondnuco. -The artillery Ind 3 uluh. I- as. .....|. c..._ `L- rm_._-__ 11:, I3 . uuculrso DUPUIS, THUS R, Princess-st. EVANS. II. 11., Princess-st. JAlt\'I.\`, J.,.\\'rllington-st. ' .\la.-(.`AM.\[UN, JAMES, VVelliugtnn 2 ~ Dry Goods. t`l|lY.\`l\'L`AIT 1'.` \' L...` n,- nuns, ALls;A., Princess-st. .3'lIA\V & MINNES, Princess-st. WALDRON, _li., \Vilson s Buildings, \\'el- lington-st. Flour Merchant. .\1o1:RI.~;0N, LL, Princess-st. nnaurullcc. .-ETNA FIRE, James Swift, \Vh:srf. :n.1:4A xruus, James St. ' HARTFORD, J. V. Noel. ROYAL, M. W.. Strange Clarence-at. RELIANCE, J. V. Nol. \VE.3"1`ERN INSURANCE COMPANY`--M. W. STRANGE, Agent. ` Jewelry and Fancy Store, CRIDIFORD, JOHN, King-st. GRIGOR, C., Sheield House, Princess-st. REES BROS., Princess-st. ulqllor store. THOMPSON, GEO., King-st.` Notary Public; &e. McC.-XMMON, S., Gananoque. II_.....- In - I wuarnngel SWIFT, JAMES & CO., \Vharf. nrr ugls lb . HEATH & GUNN, Princess-st. HOBART, GEO., Princess-st. MAULEAN & C-0., Prixxcess-st. PARKER. E H Linn-l.~..t c.-....-.. axnuhn.-xi` C L-'U., rnncess-st. PARKER, E.` 11.. Market Square. WHITE. R., Princess-st. YOUNG, SILLS 3. . C0,, Bath. Doctors. DITPITIQ Tune D 13..-_...r .11: run n, J AM 195, r r|ncess-A McNAUGHTUN & 00., cu: Princess-sts. RUSS, ALEX., Princess-st. .3'HA\V r. `ML\lN|'`_\` D.-:..,.,.- auto. In tho opooch from the Throne, Hi: Excel- lccy ooogrotolotod the Hons} on tho prosper- ity of the PI-ovinco, and on what tho Dominion Govornnont had olroody done towards throw!- ing tho country o to onigratiou. He ox- puuood tho hopo tn the inux of tho populo- tioo would ooutinue, And intimated that bills would ho htrodnood Iortho ootohliohmont of 3 -nlioipol Iyoton in tho Province, of the new diVi0O'I,.I0 on to admit tho fru- ehho oi pououo h ' tho ttl to, and to 2:1! tho :l.o`c'ti.|.>q l::f-the ptoooiuo t o lty Courto, Sch 1:, od vihl dofutico old otbor tuhjocto..Ho `ox- i his uthhcoo tht the leading and oil thonotton oonnoctod thorowith