In olvinced For S51- r|\HE FINLAY PROPE1? i`Y, Barriefield, . A will ha nah] nn man in"... nu! u 6.. ' 1 `n2. ruVLAx 1 U1"l!Jt{'L`I, liarnetield, will be sold on easy terms- Apply to 1 James Shannon, DAILY I\I-:ws oice. Jan. 4. _ I ,( :_...... --- -V"--. _ V `HE subscriber offers for sale the llousc ' and Lot now occupied by him on Earl I Sweet, adjoining Cl1almer's Church. The l H0038 has a Bath Room furnished with hot aml cold water, good Uellamge, and a Cisteru of Soft \Vater, and is well drained. In the roar is :1 good Wood Shed and Stable. Croquet Ground, Flower Beds and Fruit Trees. The lot contains One-Fifth of an acre. Alan in llnnr nl Hui. l..+ ....A 5.... ...- />7\ \\V.l ml: contains Une-with of Also in rear of this lot and fronting on '11- lialn Street a. 101: containing One-Fifth of an acre laid out as 3 garden. The above can be sold together or separate. Apply to G. M. Kiughorn or to James Shannon. 7 Kingston, Jan. 27th, I873. mm nexoro being placed In the vessel. The Vessel is at Kingston, below the Bridge, and Tenders will be received up to the 15th-February. Job to be completed on or before the 1st of April, 1873. Address Provincial [nlnl-nnnn V.u..n...... on or uetore Inc Is! 0! Aprll, 18735. Address Provincial Insurance Copany, 'I`urm1to, Ont. SCll00NER A LPIIA. y 1mVu1:.nr5 wAN1`1s|) tor the replacing of 1 New Decks, Deck Frame Rail, New Fm-efnast, and n. Trunk Cabin; vessels top I timber to be cut'down 10 to 20 inches; the `I timbers and planking to be subject to inspec- tion before being placed in the vessel. i Kinxtnn, hnlnw Hun FOR SALE, either before or after the above contract is given out, the SCHOUNER .`.L1 HA, 300 tons, now lying at Kingstnn ; New Bottom, Keel, Stem Past, and other repairs made last fall; Canvas and Running Gear new. uear TERMS OF SALE :-One half cash ;.libera.1 time will be given for the balance. Address Provincial Insurafnce Company of Cahzula, Toronto, Ont. 'l`,....~...o:.. 1............ou|. ICIHO - 1)UBLIC NO PICE is hereby given, that all application for Tavern and Shop Licen- ses to be held within the limits of the Muni- cipality of the City of Kingston for the year commencing the first day of March, 1873, must be made at the oice of the License In- spector for six days after this date. The proper forms for applicants, as required by law, together with such further information as may be necessary, will be 'ven upon application at the Inspecter s o co any day between the hours of 10 u clock A.M. and 3 e clock P.M., till the 'l8thi1_1stnnt. By order of the Board of Commissioners. ' '?""9` I in that I You their `na'I{-11- ]CANNEDJT'F Schooner-"`Alpha. i V VENDERS VVANTED for the replacing of 1 Decks. Rail. Neur TO TAVERNKEEPERS AND OTHERS. _.-. HE PUBLIC are Iiotied that the pro- T prietors of the BARRIEFIELD STEAM MILLS are prepared to Saw all kinds of Lumber ta order, and Custom Work under- t ken in 8aw1ng' of Lumber and Shinglu. `Feb. 7, 1873. A. J. REES & CO S., Inspector ! Oico, -Feb. 10th, 1873. ( F FICES TO LE'l`.-'l`wo large nnd plea- sant Rooms looking on Princess Street, over my store. R VVHITE, VV Oct. 17. Kiixgston, Feb. 10, 1873. lXIII$ I lhc of ~ GRPEN PEAS. One Dozen Assorted Cans for 83 at y B L"'&. I5 ??? kiln Bulk or in Tina, by the Case or Gallon, :an:um, '_1 `atomic, Unt. J`oronf o, January 24th, 1873. '])v_e1ling House for Sa_L1.' 11}-lI<` (JlII\anu:'l-In-u l>`l\C`l\ 4`... .-|- Al- ' -- QANNED FRUIT) CONSISTING OF I , FRESH PEACHES. )YSTERvS ! OYSTERS ! THE DAILY NEWS-TUESDAY EVENING.` FEBRUARY - . W n1'1'r.', \Vholesale Druggist, 43 Princess-at. ..I9&.he{ W.ante_d- I57 Princess Street. Pub1ic`N'otice. AT THE BAZAAR. `nk ma. WANTS. NOTICE. vell s STRA\VBER RIES. TOMATOES. GREEN CORN. PINEAPPLES. BLACKBERRIES. RASPBERRIES. w:I:iIOS. MOSTYN, Lincenne Inspector. _ JOHN MUDIE, Clarence Street. 1'72 R. \VHITE, 1 A`! Y)-um:au_u Estate Bank of Upper Canada. 9 Stock. _ The following lands will be sold by Public Auction at the places and on the days herein- after named. TERMS-One-fth cash ; resldua in four equal annual instalments at 7 per _cent. inter- est, secured by mortgage on the property. ON THURSDAY, THE 13m DAY OF FEBRUARY NEXT, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Auc.ion Rooms of E. P. WATSON . . _ T0\VN SHIP OF PLYMPTON. N. of Lot No. 23, (Jon. 8, 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF MOORE. Lot No. 2, C011. 7, 200 acres. Lot No. 1, Con. 2, 200acr9s. AT THE TOWN 01*` SARNIA, IN THE COUNTY OF LAMBTON, L\JVV uullxr U1` DAWN. _ Lot No. 30, Front Con.,i 134 aci-es. No; 24, Con. 6, 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF SOMBRA. N. .1_, Lot No. 27, C09. 7, l00,acres. On TUESDAY, te 18th day of FEBRUARY next, at the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, at the rooms of Messrs. WEBSTER & MAT- THEWS. run.-.--v.~..-.. A._ ._._ .-_.__-__ SALE OF LANDS) At the Tow;)_f Brantford IN THE coumv or BRANT, n,, 7I\III1:\I\A\r . ......-.-__ 7,4 Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, side Russel street, Holmdale. :2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, North street, Holmdnle. Lots Nos. aid. I9:-asu-ant. aft-uaf 1E8, street, nolmunle. J side Crescent street. um r'ruuA!, '1'n14.` 21!; DAY OF FEB- RUARY, At the hour of 12 o clock noon, at the British American Hotel, ` ' tvurv .1-..-. H.-. .-.._--__ .:_ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, north side Chatham street. Lots 1, 2, 3, south side Sheridan street, being subdivisions of west `part Block 2, J. E. Wilkes t`ra.ct, 1-5th acre each. Lots 36 and. 37, east side of Albion street, and rear parts of Lots 36 and 37 west side of Pearl street. Part of a grant from the Crown to A. K. Smith and Margaret Kerby; also, part of a. parcel of, 2 acres and 11-100 of said grant, formerly owned by Henry L. Turner, as described in :1 mortgage from A. K. Ker-by to O. L. Mack- lem, dated 30th April, 1857, and Quit-claim deed Kerby to B. U. C. Lots 26 and 27. east side William street. Lot 30, west side Albion street. -...- --- V - -. -..v--;-4;. Parts of Lots Nos. 6 and 7, on the Niagara River, 20 acres, as described in mortgage from Dr. Jose_ph Hamilton to the Bank of Upper Canada, subsequently foreclosed. At `the Vi.llaE;-`of Ghippawa,` IN SAID COUNTY. ON FRIDAY, THE 2! DAY RUAHXV. At the hnnr nf I0)n n1nnl.y nnnn -4. AT THE fnygrgugr cLIFIon,j C0lJ'N'l`Y 0| WELLAND, ON THURSDAY, THE 20th DA`, OF FEB. NEXT. At the hnnr of IQ n`.-Im-I: nnn um '1`:-xu RSUA1 , '1`E 20th DAY NEXT, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, at the American Hotel, rnnuxrxv nn nwun.-..\-- Lot No. 2, south side of VVella.nd street. Lots Nos. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, I6, 18. 20, 22 and 28 \,Vella.nd street. nous IV on. 0, I, u), 12, I4, 16, 13, 20, 22 and Lots Nos. 13, 14, (mortgngeinterut) 17, 19, 23, 25, 27 and 29 north side Welland street. Lots Nos. 16, 11, 18, 30 and 200, south side Main street. ` All that part of 137, north side of Main street, not conveved bv Clunminu.-I tn Pmnn nu tum. part 0'. mg, norm nae ot Mam street, conveyed by Cummings to Bosea. Lots_ Nos. 56, 153, 155, 159, 169, 175, 177, 179 and 181, north side of Main street. Lots N os. 45, 47, 49, 58, 60, 62 and 78, south side of Water street. Grist Mill Lot (in rear of Bases : Lot), north side of Water Street. Lots Noe. 35, 29, 41, 45, 47 and 49, north side of VVa.ter Street. An irregular piece of land lying between Main Street and Water Street, and between Hepburn : and Lyon : Lot and the Creek. Four Leta, lying between Water Street and Chi pews River. to the northeast of Kirpetrickk Int. No. 1, East Church Street. 7 full Lots shown on the registered plan of Chippawa, out side of Chumh Street, without numbers. At the Tow11-<)? Walkerton, II`! mun ` CIDUNTY 0F LIN COLN, 'I`{'\\I7\TQl'-IT!) n ON TUESI5AY, THE 2511! DAY OF FEB. NEXIT, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Ana;-jun Hate , ' 'I'\t\`'I7\`I'B1'I) l\1'.\ (V A`I'Yl\*laI-1:1 ;\Jvv;IIJAJLL um uvV1nI\\l'4AD. N. of No. 13, Con. 14, 100 acres. u. mu. Axnnlul luau uvvca, TOWN OF CLIFTON, Lots-Nos. 10 and 11, Block F, Brick Stores. 55 ll 6 7` Kl Q --I I VILLAGE OF` ALLANBURGH, Lots Nos. 20 and 21, on Keefer : Plan. Lot No. 6, C9n. A, 114 acres. Lot No. 12, Con. 14, 100 Acres. Toronto, J an. N, 1873. and all kind of Confectioriory alwayl on nnd.~ DDS, PUBLIC AUCTION. COUNTY or K.ENT, Bl nos. 3, 0, `I Church Street. r. N... 0 .4 4: - ' 1 TOWNSHIP OF DOVER (EAST). ' Inf Mn I2 Hm. 14 1nn..,....... uuppawa, en: numbers. tn Nnu 5 R '7 1 :sw1'~:";"2:'1:":', 8, 1o, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26, north side of Mechanic Street. kn Wan 0'7 `)0 `ll n-1` 9') ......A.l. -:.I- -: BDTCCIS. ts Nos. 27, 29, 31 and 83, north side of Mechnnic Street. ;J'V3'VVNSHIP OF BRANTFORD, fINTER APPLES`, TOWNSHIP OF NIAGARA. VILLAGE OF CHIPPAWA. TOWNSHIP OF SAUGEEN, CQUNTY 0| BRIICE, TOWN OF BRA1~:T1='oRI3_. TOWNSHIP OF DAWN, In on 121---; 11.; ` -t-A By order. LE'MoNs, .10 and 11, 1:1 6 and 7, part of 10, 66 I5) MG. GAMBLE. CRAN BE RRIES, cxummug II uxe cenn-.-n and soutnorn l'1 vinces. The Govcrmng-nt is acting on t defensive, tnwns are lvun-3 fortied zu volunteer: Armed to rcsist the :ul\':mL`u the insurgents. In 0|`- ..-....A.. .J .1... I.` Iosiery. REE BROS. pi-innnnn ` K. 8 and 9, west side of C B minus. 1 Princess Strut. . ll, 12, south Lots N08. 1, side Chesnut 3 and 4, east NVITE with condence the inspection of Cash Buyers to the above Cheap Sale, as every article throughout their Establishment has been re-nmrkcxl at a bona _/idc reduction. Great Bargains will be given. 'We believe our stock will be found equal to any in the market either for variety, style, or low rices. \Ve respectfully call your attention to t e fol- lowing LEADING DEPARTMENTS, in] which H}<`.AV\ ln`.nnr~'rn'mq 1.....- ...,, vv e respecnmuy call attention the I in HEAVY REDUCTIONS have been made:-- wmcn n 1 made 2-- Japanese Silks. vow-Iv I-l .....l........,. I 1 Greatly Reduced Prices I Entire Month of Februaryl ' R. & J._G_ARD|NER -] Paris, Fab. 1. .\I\'icu.~; fruu nourou represent that the i1|sn`.`r Spain is daily gaining aux-ugth. exists in sight nurllu-ru l`|'.n\`i:ICu extending to the central and mull vinccn. Thu l:II\'.-rnn\.-nf iq ,-uvnn Black Silks; A full assert: Fancy Silks. Irish Poplins. F`:-um Hm .....;.I- Dres G % Clealng Sale General B;'y Goods Silk Mantle _\'71vets.A Laces, Ribbons, Flowers. 'l`l.... \Y.........; n _ 1. ,1- Popular Cheap Shawls" and Ma1_11el M(A`;loth_s.` Trimmings, Fringes and Orna- men_ts. lull Inl`lIrg'.ll`5. In the event: of the King`s 3.l`(llI`.`\Vllv21 the Sennte anal t`un;_:r_.::~s will gm intn joint section and cuntinue to sit at: cm: Cll;uulM:1' ` until the throne is tilled. or :1 future furl]: ofuvornnent _8ONldllpQIl. The King'sdis- pocitiou to quit the throne is attributed tu- tho difference between His M:ijost.y and the Liinistry \\ l\l(`ll al.l`n\.:c in Novelnln-r last, when the General of the Artillery. Don Hi ddgo, was liI`0lIlI0lC(l tn the Ca_,ptain.(}eu. cmlsliip of tho `l'rurim'os. 'l`h.~ majority of the n\llCel's in nu: artillery arm of Lho lerric-: rt-signal, their 1`-".nlIIllt4lulI.~ at the time. pron-stin__v agaiiist tlm prumu ion as irrt-gul:\r. nn'ustili:Lble an-l rt-fusin__- A- -......,. ....J-.. Ll..l- .... L l._ . ,.,;, Blankgts a,1d_ F1a:nng_1$. House-Furnishing Goods. > Rh.mH..m. r[`:rI1.?:urvn m..1.1- 1 Pianos, Orgwind Melodeons. V 1 and MELUDEONS of the best Cana- dian make, and have now in stock some ex- cellent ENGLISH UPRIGHT PIANOS (made by Broudwood, Chapell, &c.,) towhich we invite attention. A -nmn. i4_G1'I`IM\`rn7Avn t-.. --I- -- _-- For Gent1Ipen $ Wear: HE ANNUAL CONVOCATION of the T Kingston Royal Scarlet Chapter will take place in the Chapter Room, Onngc Buildings, on FRIDAY, 14th inst., at 7:30 o clock P.M. , By order of the \V.M. in command. RICHARD WARHAM, C.S. Feb. 5. E ALVVAYS keep on hand_ ORGANS and MELODEONS of make. and hnvn nnw in n1mn'|z nmnn av- W8 IIIVIIFB BISISODUIOII. A superior STEINWAY for sale on rea- sonable terms. Also a few Piano: to rent. We condent that mlr nwn Tnntynmnnbn sonsme terms. Also few Pianos `We feel condent that our own Instruments W111 continue to sustain their well-earned re ntation. sctory and Wm-erooms corner of Princess and Ontario Streets, Kingston. ' ' T'I3"RIi`D `J. nn GHEST AND 4 - orderly manifestations in favour of the cam I TVC HIIUCT nluugu Ul`('3lSl' HC l|2\rll(_`l- El in the llI:'|8S.'|Cl 0 at Samgil lhrmuks in : 1 Don llidalgo meeting with so much { upiiosition, nally rosi-.:I\ml, anal the nf- ` cqn withdrew lllt`l|' ruiugnzttiuns, but the Ministry recently nppuiuteil him to I new and iu_.p-.-r:.m. comm-.unl ll! Catalonia; the artillery ulliccrs l'L`llL`\\\`| ` their protest, and Eigzllll .~u.-nt in tlu-ir rt-2+ g ignstin 9. The Ministry tll$l'\?`,'.l'\lL`ll them ` and, appealing tn the L`.-rli-s, Ill)t:ll.lI4:Al ` nearly an unanimuus Vote of Clillllllclluq. , The King from the lK gllIllllI`:{ ilisaippi-on-ii 3 of the promotion of Don llltllllg, uni] ft'L'lt ; dfronted becaiise his C:I.l)lllet cnmpe-ls him. through the vote of the Cortes. to :u:, iqlliosce in, the last appuintment. _!v_ ` in given out that Zurilln. will retire to private life if the king persists in his pc- Iolve to abdicnte. A number If the Cortes. belonging to the lilluat ;|,l\'.'|l'IL'l`|l su-tinn m` 1 the Republican p`:u'ty. hclsl ;ll1lL`t`ll'H'_{ yest\-r- 4 dny to cnnsidcr \\'ll:l.l zlctiinn slnmhl bu tillxrl in the crisis. .-\bnut thirty persons wcr. present. They n-solu-I Uljn-`tllllillll :1. pm.-ilir 4 yet energetic aittitmlc. and if the King : dc termination shall be irr~.-vocahle, D(`0|ll i|;_'_`1 1 linhment. of the Republic. ' The snow interim-.--i with th. ..-...r-.ti-- ,~ I KT But One Price made. Sales for Ready Money only. R. & {T (}ardine1'. n Princess Street, Kingston, `Jan. 31st, 1873. Kingston Royl iScarlet Chapter. . tor names and Gentlemen with Weak Lungs, they are invaluabla. None should be without them. .M.acLEmv 4- C0. `(Late R. White), Drnggista, V Kingstmi, Sept. 19, 1872. POI` 'xg,.,.go., Nov. 23, 1872. 42 Princess Street, Klpmm _ ,....-...... .... . ............ ... u......,.w... M'adrid, Feb. 10, (.\Il1lnlj.;l|lE.l'-.-\t 8 o'clock this evening King Amaedans nu- nnnnced to Sennr Znrilln that lie was dell?!`- > mini-l to adhere to his res-oluiiun to abdi- cate since Saturday In-at, when his l\lajest_v doclnrol My intention of quitiug the tlirnnc. The Miuintor have utrenoully ondeavn llrrd to dissuade hill from doing ao,lnxt llicir ef- forts lnvo proved futile. Tho annuunce- `nut that the nbdicatinn is certain creutus s profound sensation, but_ trzmquility pre- vuiln. A Royal message announcing the dotorninat ion of the King will won I sill- Inittod to tho Cortes. After its presentation, the nomborn of the Cabinet will to-niler their ronignntionn. NOTHER. SUPPLY OF PATTISON'S K Celebrated ' ._ __ ...__ _._._.....--v vgvuqauu French Paisley Shawls. Ottoman Stripes, Clan Tartans, Handsome Lace Shawls. __d .-_:.-. All the Newest Shades, Very Handsome Designs. - _ -1.___~. From the must celclxratctl makcls in Irelu.nd. , ,__,___.. . '_ . Irvlvl Real Lyons Make, superior value. French Merinnes, Empress Clothe, \Vool Poplins, Satin Cloths, Serges, with a. large assortment of Dress Good: of every descri ptiun of wear`. /__.... --_.., -. .v u- VA-.4 The Newest Goods showing. A Special Department with us. , ,,_ __.-_.__C v. -.-.-.u Sheetiugs, Tickings, Table Linens, Towellings, Horrocks Cottons, Lace Curtains, Table Napkins. an-cu. yum- ugvg -uu. In the Scrub Grass Ruilrmul accident the jilt of wounded has been enlarged, but unly one additional on the list sc-i'i--usly inju)-cd_ Ilia nowponitivelylinuwn that than were but ghroo killed, one nauiexl Newsherry nd two unknown ::`.en. The ll'.'l.lll xwu running on time, and `no blzuuc is attaclncd to the uoen of the road. The dlisztster was purely accidental and nmwoidalnle. \1-_ v-_n. `l:!..L 1n - rm. , H .. _..__ -._ .._... ._ -.........v--uu A Large Stock, at Low Prices. A superio; assortment of Undercloth- ing ; also English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. `U1 l'1l.`4l`L 5 Celebrated Just Received % l assortment in all the best makes. PR'(l'fETORS.I `n vvu. WEBER it 00. Dress Goods! Dress Goods; French Merinoes, Shawls and Jackets, Black Silks! ~B1apk Silks! Tmnniln r`Il....:.I;. n1-__:., - .....-, r....... .. nm nu \zst)|::Liale, t'o rvc under Hid go bomusv llI:l8S.'|cl'0 Sam-ril inn 1 T\-.. lI:.'l..I _. .. 1 ....a:. Sign of the :o1T1IJn;n,;if |TTf+TnAnE. T0 100,000 Cash Customers {who wi]1`buy for Cash Cook` g so ~ , Stoves, Parlour Stoves, Parlour Cooking Stoves, Dumb.'Stoves:nlron 6"` ' 4 r on Rinks, Pumps, Lead Pi , Sad Irons, Tinwuge,-Cutlery, Nickle Silvci ind *3-.;a`:;; 3: 523? "``*j" "`"`{'_'_`f`ff ;"j"_0"f"' Mm---~-* For sale, 1.143 Bushels DRIED . I at the GOLDEN LION. Fresh, for PUDDINGS, PIES; CAKE): ` and DESSERTS, at the GOLDEN LION. } DESSIGATED _o_ocoAuuT, G]NGER BRANDY. Receiving a small Ilot of Gingel-I Brandy, very tine, at the GOLDEN LION. ' T And YARMOUTH BLOATEBS, at the GOLDEN LION. W. R. McRAE 6; 00;, , NEW STORE. Very_ Fine Souchqgg Tea, in Caddies, put ' zr-v:.:.r*'v1:.:,.,'.F.-m,v;,`:;rv,:'-;..,.. e B , ' Fan? English smurfs ? V": vs... =n..:2'. FINANCIAL AND COMM ERCIAL. London, Feb. 11, 2 p.-.-Cun:ols at 92.3 92 for both money and accauut. (`ml of '35, old, 92; ;'67s, 933. Ten-f-utix-.2 `J ow Five: _90a_|_.. 5'1}. `l:...._...I I'.`-L II 0.. .._ .'- AL , n n u V `Fin '1. ' ""5? I`iL'Ku.ou"""'i7{-' Engginh pl.3mroga:kfut,,y Ver Fine "bnngo -Pekoe, at the GOLDEN LIO . FINNAN HADDIES , , (V, I Guinness &. Son : XXX Stout, bottled. by Burk ; Guinness &. Son : XXX Stout,` bottled by J ohnaton_ at the GOLDEN LION. . - vanes Annual 1119, DOIIIOG D IDICIIIIIB; Cases Bus Ale, hottled by 'bbort; and Tenna.nt | Dqnble $1-ong Scotch Ale, at the GOLDEN LION. ` '.l'eI1ll8.nI'/I IJOKIDIO I LION. MALAGA annvns, onmars, LEMONS, _ _ CRANBERRIES, APPLES, nuns, ` snmwr AND xxx bvsmns, Also MINERAL WATERS, 2o Ban-els'of POP com: BALLS. "3!_!1_'?`!??TE'.?:, \BAs:J%At. FINE BLAl}_K_]"|_EALSn,i Va-my IN... G... -_ ]A'r R. Towns! IIIKIIIICXIW OK Ie [|. }3uUIlC. The snow imerfcrcs wnth the operation: ` lglilllt the zarlists. Gem-ml .\[uriom-5. Col:-ander-in-Chief of Hm Army of N: | North, in niakmg 3|. fore;-I nnm.-h in th '1 hopesof m.'ertaking__; Uclu-I`:\101l<), who. :1 l the laid of 2,000 insurg.(eut% Ins agzxiin on- tered the Province of Navnrru. The Car- liat bands under the command of Santa Cruz, Matcuzaga, and lturbide have effected I junction in me Province of Guiru/.co.-1. 'lI'...l_:4I 'I'.V_|_ IA\ /\r:1 : 1 . . 1 . IFAMILY moon IAT PARKHILES. .u.E"Am> xxx romnn mooon CONDITION, ' PARKHlLL S'.I November 8. U V Fin Son 1: T ' ' |p sgozidly efor ::7 e3 J an. 28. I873. Jan. 27th, 1873. Just Received, FRUIT AND OYST-153 "D'nr{rr, Utica, I. Y., Feb. l0.--I{iclmrd W Hughil committeii suicide at New H-u'.`,.' ford Inn night, by cutting his thr-nit. while in I lit of temporary insanity. H. GcHe- ` man olnmittod suicide by hanging in Uo|- ` nmbin thin manning. I- 4|... Q._..l. 11..-- I)..:l....,.,I ___:,1 .._A `L r. ii. McRA"&-. oo.,T \1'uIrn air-n I3` w. RI MEIA'L7&-63,'. 4w.`n.{%ma:A1a2.f'eo,, NEW STORE. i5V."iiL' McRAE & 00.. IYIPIW QVIVTD` F. COUSINEAU & Gash! Ga ,_ vv _`\/.\. Beg tostate that dnng the next two weeks they will give, the FAMIW pnoon ruunv-J uuuu-yup-n uyu unnvvnuuuuc. New York, Feb. 10.'--The rum-mr of the death of Thurlow \V. Weed, is without foundation. U.-Clld `O Ever o'eI-ed in kingst in the followinymnes :- V W I LN EW smm-2. ivy, - - 1 NEW STORE. ` T . K1,xG STREET, 7 " 7 NEW` STORE. 1 " "'1 NEW STORE. ! NEW STORE. I APPLES. a u1ap_1L nuns 1 "tfw.?i7f,1Lc1ouds, Clouds, Flannels- w.--v_y, `vv. nv.-LIlv Hlu 1`EI`- | guson hnso in this city fell yesterday a.ftur- | noon, _cmIhing I franc house aongsidu -in which lived 3 family named ()`Donahu.e.. Mn. O'DoIuhuo and her daughter, together with I young Indy mmod Kzleley, were in- stantly killod. Anothe`; daughter hnd_,-ran ujnokon injtwo plnceq, one leg brdfen And her breast crushed in, but she til lint. ` I J. SHIELS, x1im',s,nn'r, 0penel- at * WzIdrn s. lnmszx. UUNN t (.30., ldue to the late nll are J ,Wool Shawls sud Fancy -Drt n. WAIJD ' 5.` .W"P'7"'.. m.A.mus'1`s, F v F Unfokiny, Beavers, I Jan. 29th, 1373. Boots and A Private Sdicommenuu from . (&aa:lvDaq1alds to l)u_u _`\'cu:-I.) Monti-ed, Fb. ll.-Flour. receipts 1,500 bblg ; market quiet and heavy. with littlr bunncu to note ; no sales or extra or fancv ;2 bbll ordinary super: brouglit 6. 0 ; Itrong ran ing from 6,26 to 6,40. Grain ~-vhut 2 can c nice spring sold in store at 1.44. 21-ovisionI-pork quiet ;old mess worth 55` 14.75 to 15.00 ; new 16,00 ; I: quiet as 5. so 5.65 - i' cloninx. n.....:,`!Z.?'l _ ,` *.`=- =9"! W-=9" THE;F gm of J. cugntir '4 i` f - bu udnybeonchuplncla Jho. _L an an dn. been ' 1 L- . ` ltiriflnlxenlfnof {fr Czrrnthel-u a sinus will be Alum; d G Sum 51 H , '. .,..'.:.. ...."* J...'.:";.':'!7.'.'.*..'*`".':~ d G no-per. N "vilwm argner 3: , unflar the nuno::-I , ALEX. GU N & 00., to vhqmjdl [due the rm no nnnhl-A - . " G ' x`: inyluit ioi-coloduu' . xmasrox, Jan. 1_s7s. Kingston, 3lIf DocaInhw,:1872; `I .:~r; Ur; nvw 5-Ava: U02. nrlg nu`. Live 1, Feb.11,2p.m.-Lfuth-nulull. l lands ; Orleans |0d. Br-9:1-lalllk cl What. P2: to 12! `lirfnr average l':Jifm Ihita ; 1% to I38 341 fur cluh do. (`urn 6d._ Soceipta wheat three days 233,000 I; A-erican l3.G)0. INENOSHEETINGS, 80 and 90 inches. J )B.A1 GE8 1 [6EwcKs' PLAIN WHITE snmrr. f` INGS,`72, 80a.nd90inc . ` 1_ ____.____ [ RROCKS WHITE TWILL SHEET- INGS, _72, 80 and 90 inches. ' ..; BARGAINS. new mix nesmcnts. For Two Oy,` No'rIo1`-if a uu., to wnqmju debt 11:: ysblc. J0 UARBUTHERB " Anmxmnza smut. Duuunhnr, I87`) 1', KINGS.'l.`0N. %c`Aj:_3LE nsw --~--- -`.50 to 1.3.00; 16,00 h 53 ; few in first hands, 111:? 1"l- Butt:--ulus reported at in :2: `'di`I '0 qualify. Ashes um 1.12 no. 2 spring in storeknd aoat ; 1.82 for No. I do ; L90 to2,(X) winter rod western; 1,915 to 2,05 for unber western ; 1- white western, latter fancy. a um: us-nu ; 1,30 so 5,50 for common to chniee extra western. Rye our unchanged. Wh(-at - ' 0 ltock rm; tales |`2,000 bush,; at 1,1180 1.72 No. 2 Iprilg in Lto VQCOPII; 1.; 2% for Amhap -.-6-- - _.___. nzw YORK MARK ms. fperial Telegram to the Daily .\`:~u-n. ) New York, F0`-`L l_l. 2 p.m.--Gol-l H33. Cotton 2lo for Mlfldling Up1gm1_ mm quiet and study; rpoexpts 7,000 barrels-,u1`g. g hurrah ; at 6,35 to 7,l5 superne data, wanton ; 7,30 to 8,60 for common`: be extra -use 7,25 to 8,50 for ` WQKPL Rva Ilgnn --nl---s-" " ` In March. uvg. ` Olttfi -m, I0], nml -`C :| Bunk ronto--I9 , 2:111. Royal Baal: 9'.i.`lCu, Montreal Telegnph Cuulln :3 - E. HONQEE :1 AR K H rs. (spacial bqaatd. .\` Il...o....I `l.`..1.. n I.`I.____ (Sprcinl Tel:`;;); vu-nu-run-. Knlnu City, Feb. 10.-The old Fer. -.-..... L.L..... :. LL:- _.:A_. 1 n _, ' . JIXVH-rt .5 , Ink -0! Hontresl-lts`2. 15.1, 183. ` 5). ' lluchntn Bank- 1 I0, I I l. 1 rt ozdonmeree--l|93'. l|:)._Y,. nu. ll . ' MONTREAL ST(N '9-I .\L\I:1 liollllercial. ICYO Smlgil go P of nangnutiuns, cemly tillery ulliccrs in linistry n Hunt, . 1 l't`Ill.\`1H<' because he pzu-tic L San il I IJIVIIICK 5, illll southern I ..o in ....o.'.... .... in limpi- l)uiI_r[ :%'rzr.s-. ) us from t`..u'1iaa:. uv nur common sol `r Ilnchnnmaul \V|~m uuu season 1'. irregular 3 unchang- 151;; _ 11'!!- the .....'l ----,o------ _ l'oLn'r*. (`ol'R'r, 'l`UI-:snA\'. -- (Before _Mr ? Strange, P.l\l.)-Elizabeth Rogers, young in yvnrs, but old in rrime, went up where the womlhine twiueth for 39 days. Bridget _-\1:un s, alias Biddy Donnelly, _w:Ls in :3 happy state of mind last evening. Her voice wa.sVin ` oxccllelxt trim, and she critertzsiued the police In duty to vocal music by the; who] n....I.....,1 -._L |: . u..>. .-u Cut-.v nu vucaa I-usxc ny the V5'Il0lI`S.lC. Uur lucal,_ pursuant to his accllstulllccl habits, ` presented hilnself at a late hour, quite in Limu to pen the conclusion of _a.Abeant.ifnl luullad \--:lu: air hein_-_; nn :1 high kv.*_\'-) the last t.-m>hiIng, couplet of which reads: . And if ever he comes back l`ll crown him with o ', Audjkhsa the sweet lips of my true Irish hay. -'lLhis morning she excused her presence as a. prisnnur in alfu-Lilng laxyguagc, and conalingly in formed tho mngistn-.1lo-tha.t the had marriage in viunv 1.. ....._..l..a.. _|.: L ,1 v 4 `lRyo quiet and nominal. (`urn steady; -receipts 34,000 bush ; Sales 40,000 bush ; at I 65 to 66 for new mixed western ; 66~%e 66 g for old do. aoat ;641 to 64c for do in stoic. Barley dull and unchanged; receipts 50,000 bn. Ogts without d-:~"lr~l change ; `nu-cipts 39.000 bushels ; sales 3`.l,O'J0 hush; at V .'n'_'}c tn .'>-Lie for new mixed western ; 53; to 5 for old do. in store; 5`! to 53 | wea- ; turn ; 54 to 56 for white state Pork rm ; 14,50 for new -lures. Lard. stczuly; at 53-16 to 3} for Shaun ; $3 fur kdttle ren- . lcrcd. Butter 3'. to 40. Cheese l3c to l(ic. l ctrulcum, crude, `Jc ; rened 20.` E hi i ssal. ' clays. informed mngisti-.1`lo-tha.t ` in view, Lu cc-iuplctc which she desired (lis- llis \\'oi-ship failed to we the farm: ` of her request,-and nutwitlzstmnliug the im- purtanw uf nmtrimony at this era of the I world": history, humlled her u' tn gaol fur 30 She h-fr. the cnurt helnuauing her unfor- tunate condition; hut sought _consuh1t.i-m on her rvturn t. the \lun;_,f.-nus hylremlcring with I 1 r lticm con- 4 I.v\I all. \{\. I'JIJIJ\I- 7 Quebec, February 8.--The Quebec Cubi- nct has adjourned, and Ministers_ left .ast evening for their liumes. It is lsllltlt-:1`- strx1 they will meet again next week for the installuliun of the new LielIt.__(1`r<)\}`el`III)l` and other important bIisiness~.- It is stated Mr ' Justice Tascliereau will be appointed 8. Judge of the Cuurt ofQueen s Bench in the place of Mr Justice Caron, ap- ]'|Ullli,t'l.l Lieut-Goveriior. Mr Justice Czisualt, of the Superior Court of Knnnouraska, will be appointed to the District of Qubl-c in place of Mr Justice Taschereau. M- w r n.A..:__.,_ ,...; -. . nyln-nu Ill Itllc \.'l'|lIlIIlHHIllII. It is rmm-nretl that the Hun. Mr Clum- veau lms In-4-n nzuucd Speaker of the Senate lll']>lln-u uf Mr Uzuxchun resiwned ' Hunt the Hun. Mr Unimct will la: I =re-Iniolr of the Qnelu-2 Cabinet and Provincial Se`retary. T . _ .- . ' .. . ~_ ' 7 c:'...J:Ii" toMl:l~e :Ll'(1 5'C}"lfx `3fZI.'fa. .. as Solicitor-General, and Dr. For-tier, Omn- missioner of Crown Lands, in place of Dr. Benubion, appsinted one of the thirteen delegates of the Canadu Pacic Railway. iascm;-renu. ` . Mr W. J. McA41ams, of this city, been appointed by the Government of 1 Province special Emigration Agent to British Isles. lo 1.... 1--.... .I..,.:.:-1 nu; .L _,,, -n - gonucmcn will cuxnpose the commission 2 Mussrs. C. G. Holt, Jenn Lzmglois and J. G. Bnsse. It is probable that a. sessiuu if the Prm-incial Parlizuunt will "be cullul-d, souxc-\vlm.t earlier than usual to receive the rcpurt of the Cc-nnnisnimi. lll'l>ll.I`(-. (lulu-huh I'L-itrhnli l>l...0 9|... cmmn TIHLK RAILWAY. ml-glut r..\'prcss Mixed Train for Tnronto._ 11 Day Express for Montreal . . . . Mixed Train for Nigt Express for Day Express for Turonto and west Night Express 'l` for Tnmntn !SELLlNG OUT All new and well assorted, to be sold be- fore the I5th of February. NO RESERVE. _ The premises to be let 1sl_:March. All accounts due to be settled 1st February. The people of Kingston and surrounding country will nd this the Cheapest Sale ever thrown on the market. For the ncmmmmla. DFIIIHII lSl(fS. lt has beeri decided that there will be no special sessiun of the Local Legislature, but a. Cmnmission has been appointed to make inquiry and to report on the cause of the recent Court House re. The following gentlemen will the commission :~ C. Hn)lf,_ Jo-an lmnxrlnin and I DRY E Market Square. Mo 1) 0 L L S DRY A(`;`5`g)ODS 2 $10,000 WORTH, w...,u_v wm mm mm the Ubeapost Sale market. For the accommoda- tion of HOUSE-KEEPERS, ` MECHANICS, V i LABOURERS, ,.1'c., The Store will In An... .......... ........:.._ ..-=1 ll:-m-ml annual meeting of Shareholdgrs of K.m.o..n .....l lI.....I .. L5,: T`: `I :1. 5 \Q,_.t~ In. . is I 'l`ca.-u-z-etillg :1 t l`1-artsmnuth 1 1- pr /W... -nu ue open every evemng untll (fcloclt. Sale to commence TO-MORROVV. All Goods-sold for Cash only. Jm. I0 "II=AlNS._ LEAVE KINGSTON as fol- lawn": " PAIRS. IOWII: il 1; FROM QUEBEC. , udiollrued. nml Elinviucm-a Inn .7 .<.uu:;uu-3 wuu vnur the pathctic lines of her fa- iiul. A couple of pvrsons were for allowing obstruritiuns to [-0- street. They were clismisso.-d'un l'cIu0\'c the nhjucts complained u . --f lri\'iu;.; a cal: wi`tllont. a li- \HIl.\'>LIl ; aL'|\vllIcl' \\`a.s .-uljuurnlud 1 ....._._...._.. --_ ijjggj-ti I-WTI, 2 will be open every evening until Sale commence l'0-MORROVV Catarnqui Lodge a|.\t.en a.m. to- hur g at \\'L-sleyau Methodist. church `1 this cvcning. on Church at Pittsburgh to-mor- ; in the P. l:1`V.\iiVI`1\V',DERS: OVER _ -....---n v: nun: CIIUIIICIFI Ul .-ulhru rke I{ail\v'ay to-mor- " `L13 . . )uto . . . . . . .. 6.00 a.m. C. J. BRYDGES, KI an an; n n T u-gnfnn 1;. J. 151:! uutss, Managing Director. M. chu`rch, V\'1lt.on, -..... ..... we muiug l1urunfor- `lconsulatiunu V rendering .. li...... ..t I. t- 2.10 am 4.05 [Ln 4.l5 a.I nnn .. .. .1 p. 5 1!.` 0 a.` , has this n the W BJIBBCI. V ANTED 1 Cook and a Houaemaid. Apply to Mrs Alex. S. Kirkpatrick Sydonhun Street. 1 ' Feb. i 1. ANTED for School Section No. 5, Amherst Island, a Male or Female Teacher, with 1 second class certicate. A fair salary will be given. Apply to ADAM MILLAR, Trustee, Stella P.0. ` Jan. 29. ' Sf I - V- -um-av CITY LOT, number 275, containing tvyg tiftlia of an acre, also the adjoining langi situated at the intersection of the north side of Ordnance Street, and east side of Bond Head Street, with several frame tenements i thereon. `I'l`\I'I\Y IlIYf\`II-I irnnsl